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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Really Bad Fur Day Edition Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 06:59:09 Id: 32f700 No. 148732
Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js Alternative domains: https://8chan.se/boards.js https://redchannit.com/boards.js http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546
[Expand Post]B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: ~• Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP~ Wiki is currently offline, save the txt file here: https://8chan.se/.media/8f17947dce5495320a173f70b2279c730b2663c426763e3cea02b11421c807d27.txt >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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Hey everyone I've been in a coma since 2019, has anything interesting happened in the past 3 years? Are the libs still being owned? Have we finally achieved world peace and libertarian utopia?
>>148734 Look ma\am, I'm going to have to be real with you, there's no way to sugar coat this things are epic, America is on a path to self destruction and I am benefitting from it greatly by making the best use of my time and abusing the debt system. Wait >libertarian utopia Oh boy, how unfortunate.
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Wasn't there supposed to be an American Trucker Convoy in DC last week? What happened with that?
>>148736 Get with the times old timer, coronavirus is over, the vaccinated are going to die from heart attacks but who cares, they'll die being shot by Russians and Chinese in ww3 first. No more marks, no more vaccines, no infection rate reporting, it's over, they can't mandate a vaccine anymore otherwise people will have an excuse to not be drafted.
>>148736 There is a new flavor of the month, people stopped caring.
>>148734 No anon, The Happening approaches.
>>148737 I thought the Russian shit was exactly why the burgers were doing a ripoff. They saw how the canadians could make their illegitimate government lose its mind (before getting arrested because they were too polite to seriously blockade ordinary civilian goods) and wanted to try their own hand at it. Regardless, 1000 trucks go to their capital and they just turn around and leave? Why even go in the first place then and lose time on your deliveries?
>>148736 It's actually still on the way.
Has anybody made a list of companies so far that refuse to support the Russians? It would useful once another country contributes to the forthcoming WWIII, and companies repeat this for the umpteenth time because hurting countries bad.
>>148742 From what I have seen so far >microshit >applel >netflix >spotify >EA (If you count removing the Russian teams in their sport games as refusal of support)
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Japanese westaboos are pretty cool
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Actually here's a more fairly up to date list. There may be more names dropped later. https://archive.ph/ovfI2 >Fossil Fuels >BP >Equinor >Exxon >Shell >Cars and planes >Boeing and Airbus >Daimler Truck >Ford Motor Company >Harley-Davidson >Mercedes-Benz >Renault >Toyota >Volkswagen >Volvo >Consumer goods >Airbnb >Budvar >Carlsberg >Yidsney >H&M >Ikea >Nike >TJX Cos >Visa, Mastercard and American Express >Tech >netflix >applel >dell >google >fagbook >tiktok Microshit isn't on there, but they did suspend their services for Office &, iirc, their accounts, so there may be greater difficulty in using w9/11. If you know any vidya companies pulling the same stunts, list them. It's funny to see Toyota on there when the taliban used their trucks
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>>148734 – A global pandemic originated in China that may or may not be really serious paralyzed the global economy for almost two years, caused massive hysteria, increased the inflation and unemployment of almost every country, and contributed to a lot of other happenings. – The cure of the virus that caused the pandemic may or may not be safe to take or even real, causing even more hysteria and a social division without precedents, with people arguing for and against taking it and punishing those who don't. – Americans showed just how cucked and corrupted is every level of their electoral system, pulling a hack that not even a shonen manga author could imagine in order to elect Joe Biden as president over Donald Trump – After losing the presidency, Donald Trump and a lot of his followers were banned from every social platform in record time, causing some of them to build their alternatives, alternatives that crumbled in mere weeks because of many factors. – Due to Trump losing the presidency, thousands of his supporters congregated in the capitol hill to protest about it, culminating with them entering by force in the building and wandering like tourists before leaving like nothing. The media called this the worst act of terrorism since 9/11 and some of the protesters were arrested while Trump said "not my problem". – Leafs found their balls and truckers made a real protest over being forced to certify that they are vaccinated against COVID-19 (the virus that caused the pandemic), congregating thousands of truckers and even more protesters in Toronto, to the point where the prime minister had to hide in a secret location, declare martial law on the country and use the police to disband the protest and arrest everyone involved. He went so far that even ordered the freezing the bank accounts of people involved. Companies like Gofundme also froze funds on their own. – Russia just went to war with Ukraine in a rather desperate attempt to keep NATO/USA away from their territory. Western governments and companies reacted by pulling the plug on a lot of services in Russia, including the SWIFT network and VISA/MasterCard. European countries like Germany aren't so sure about the block because they need Russian oil to produce electricity. The sanctions not only crashed the Russian Ruble, but rose the prices of oil and are predicted to bring shortages and price increases in multiple industries around the world. China is offering their financial services to Russia as a way to alleviate their situation, while the west is sending aid and guns to Ukrainians. Nobody really knows who is "winning". – Thanks to these and other ridiculous fuck ups made by America and Europe, China is on its way to become the top dog in the world economy, or at least to form its own economic block that offers a viable alternative to the countries that have been sanctioned by USA in the latest decades.
>>148743 >>148745 There's also >AMD >Epic >ActiBlizz (although they're also owned by Microshit now) I should emphasize that I am looking for companies that deplatform Russia (and Belarus), and not just supporting Ukraine.
>>148747 Are they trying to erase Russians from history 1984 style or something? What kind of pointless virtue signaling is this?
>>148747 What the fuck? Are faggots now angry with Tsarist Russia as well? >>148748 It's fucking weird is what it is.
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>>148746 How the fuck is the (((Steam))) Dick relevant to any of your post
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>>148747 In that case, Paypal can be added to the list of companies deplatforming Russia (it should not be a surprise to see them cucked since, iirc, they were partnering with the ADL & also had a had of deplatforming people's sales) >PayPal ditches Russia over its unprovoked war with Ukraine https://archive.ph/TLkAK
>>148748 >>148749 Anastasia was actually moved to STARZ due to some film contract expiration, although that could still be unavailable in Russia regardless.
>>148750 Does that mean that Counter Strike will lose half its userbase?
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>>148734 >>148746 And on vidya-related news: – The Nintendo Switch became the 5th best-selling console in history, surpassing the Wii, the PSX and all of the 3DS combined, and on its way to surpass the PS4. – The Last of Us became the definitive proof that Sony Computer Entertainment as a company has become a commiefornian pozzed hole. The game has Jews, trannies, lesbians, a completely retarded plot and sex scenes involving the former. – Microsoft is going full EEE. It bought Bethesda and Activision-Blizzard, and opened a service similar to Netflix but for games. – A massive sex scandal happened (and continues) at Blizzard, with employees harassing female ones while every higher up ignored them. Things got so bad that various gov agencies are investigating the company and a couple of class-action lawsuits were made against ActiBlizzard. – Valve released its own "console, the Steam Deck. It's a hybrid between PC and handheld console with a custom APU, runs a custom Linux distro with Proton/WINE enabled to be compatible with many games OoB. – Elden Ring was released. It's a surprisingly good game with a surprisingly horrible PC port that is bad even for FromSoft's standards. – GameFreak announced a new Pokemon game, which has the most uninspired starter Pokemon and the most adorable male protagonist :3. Mentioning this since you seem to be an ara. >>148751 It was for the second part of my post. I won't post more pics to avoid fucking things up again.
>>148750 It sounds more like credit card fuckery than Steam itself.
Russia Recruiting Syrians for Urban Combat in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say >Moscow is recruiting Syrians skilled in urban combat to fight in Ukraine as Russia’s invasion is poised to expand deeper into cities, according to U.S. officials. >An American assessment indicates that Russia, which has been operating inside Syria since 2015, has in recent days been recruiting fighters from there, hoping their expertise in urban combat can help take Kyiv and deal a devastating blow to the Ukraine government, according to four American officials. >The move points to a potential escalation of fighting in Ukraine, experts said. >It is unclear how many fighters have been identified, but some are already in Russia preparing to enter the conflict, according to one official. >Officials declined to elaborate on what else is known about the deployment of Syrian fighters to Ukraine, the status or precise scale of the effort. >According to a publication based in Deir Ezzor, Syria, Russia has offered volunteers from the country between $200 and $300 “to go to Ukraine and operate as guards” for six months at a time. >Syrians aren’t the only foreigners said to be involved in the invasion of Ukraine. Chechen forces have also been deployed to Ukraine, according to a Reuters report citing Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of the Chechen Republic and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. >Fighters are also pouring into the country to fight on the side of the Kyiv-based government. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said last week that 16,000 foreigners have volunteered to fight for Ukraine, part of what he described as an “international legion.” >With volunteers from other countries flowing into Ukraine, the conflict there could become a new center of gravity for foreign fighters, said Jennifer Cafarella, national security fellow at the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, D.C. >The Russia deployment of foreign fighters from Syria into Ukraine internationalizes the Ukraine war, and therefore could link the war in Ukraine to broader cross regional dynamics, particularly in the Middle East,” she said. >Syrian fighters have spent nearly a decade fighting urban warfare, while Russia’s largely conscripted force lacks this skill set. Ms. Cafarella said Syrian forces deployed to Ukraine could also be asked to work a support role, based on how they worked in Syria with the Wagner Group, a mercenary force that some see as a proxy for the Russian government. https://archive.ph/vYrSE Russian banks switch to Chinese UnionPay >The step, which came shortly after Mastercard and Visa pledged to cease operations in Russia and disconnect all the country’s banks from their payment systems, will enable the holders of new cards to use them for paying and withdrawing cash abroad. >On Saturday, international financial service providers Visa and Mastercard said they would suspend operations in Russia within the next several days due to the latest Western sanctions related to Moscow’s ongoing war in Ukraine. >The drastic step makes the use of cards issued in Russia outside the country implausible. >Likewise, cards that were issued outside of Russia will stop working in Russia. Visa and Mastercard are the latest international brands taking harsh moves towards Russia over the Ukrainian conflict. >Earlier, companies such as PayPal, Netflix, Intel, Inditex, Airbnb and Rolls Royce announced they were leaving the country’s market. >Russian banks, including Sberbank, Russia’s biggest lender, as well as Alfa Bank and Tinkoff issued announcements regarding the switch to UnionPay due to the latest developments. >Some of Russia’s banks, like Pochta Bank, Gazprombank, Promsvyazbank, Sovcombank and several other minor banks had been previously working with the UnionPay card operator’s system. >UnionPay, an international payment system founded in 2002, received international status in 2005. Headquartered in Shanghai, the company reportedly operates in more than 180 countries across the globe, including Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, Mexico, Cyprus, Thailand, India, Israel, Portugal, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Hungary and Austria. https://archive.ph/s3zHB True goal of the invasion of Ukraine is to a make the real world Arma 3 CSAT happen sooner than later.
>>148747 What the fuck are these niggers doing
>>148759 >$200 to commit genocide absolutely subhuman
>>148750 >>148758 Looks like it. There's no news outlet mentioning Valve's stance or actions done in regards of the war. Nintendo is in a very similar situation, stating in its Russian website that the Russian e-Shop is in "maintenance mode" because the payment processor they use stopped accepting Rubles: https://archive.is/rNGSA >IMPORTANT INFORMATION >Nintendo eShop >Due to the fact that the payment service used by Nintendo eShop has stopped processing payments in rubles, Nintendo eShop in Russia temporarily switched to maintenance mode. >We apologize for the inconvenience. We will share news as the situation develops.
>>148759 Russia relying on Syria and China for support and Ukraine relying on Niger for support tells me that Hitler was right about the slavs.
>>148761 >spam only alphabet agencies have ever said Fuck off.
>>148764 ?????
>>148765 Astroblow is over rated and Fate is a shit series.
>>148734 Trump got BTFO in the election but it's ok because as long you trust the plan he's coming back into office this year! :^)
Shunned by Others, Russia Finds Friends in Africa >Africa’s largest arms dealer, Russia has ties to the continent that stretch back to the Cold War and helped Mr. Putin win rare support over the invasion of Ukraine. >Since the days of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s leaders have rejected American criticism of their friendships with autocrats like Fidel Castro of Cuba and Muammar al-Qaddafi of Libya, whose countries backed them during the most desperate moments of the anti-apartheid struggle. >Now South Africans are defending their loyalty to another autocrat — Vladimir V. Putin — and sitting out the global outcry over his invasion of Ukraine. >At the United Nations on Wednesday, South Africa was among 24 African countries that declined to join the resounding vote denouncing Russian aggression: 16 African countries abstained, seven didn’t vote at all and one — Eritrea — voted against it, keeping company only with Russia, Belarus, Syria and North Korea. >The striking tally reflected the ambiguous attitude across much of the continent where, with a handful of exceptions, the Ukraine war has been greeted with conspicuous silence — a sharp contrast with Western countries that are expanding sanctions, seizing oligarchs’ yachts, pressing for war crimes investigations, and even openly threatening to collapse the Russian economy. >Russia is our friend through and through,” Lindiwe Zulu, South Africa’s minister of social development, who studied in Moscow during the apartheid years, said in an interview. “We are not about to denounce that relationship that we have always had.” >Many African countries have a longstanding affinity with Russia stretching back to the Cold War: some political and military leaders studied there, and trade links have grown. And in recent years a growing number of countries have contracted with Russian mercenaries and bought ever-greater quantities of Russian weapons. >A few African countries have condemned Russian aggression as an attack on the international order, notably Kenya and Ghana. Some 25 African nations voted for the U.N. resolution that denounced Mr. Putin’s actions on Wednesday. But deep divisions in the continent’s response were apparent from the start. >The deputy leader of Sudan flew into Moscow on the first day of the conflict, exchanging warm handshakes with Russia’s foreign minister as warplanes bombed Ukrainian cities. Morocco, a longtime American ally, offered a watery statement, annoying American officials who nonetheless kept quiet. >In Ethiopia, Russian flags flew at a ceremony on Wednesday to commemorate a famous 19th century battle against Italian invaders, recalling the involvement of Russian volunteers who sided with Ethiopian fighters. >African sympathies for Ukraine were also diluted by reports of Ukrainian border guards forcing African students to the back of lines as they attempted to leave the country, raising a furor over racism and discrimination. President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, which has 4,000 students in Ukraine, decried the reports. >Mr. Putin has partly sidestepped opprobrium in Africa by calling in chits that date back to the Cold War, when Moscow backed African liberation movements and presented itself as a bulwark against Western neocolonialism. >On Sunday, Russia’s foreign ministry paused its focus on Ukraine to remind South Africa, in a Tweet, of its support for the fight against apartheid. https://archive.ph/iPtVq Why America's Middle Eastern allies haven't condemned Russia's war in Ukraine >It comes as no surprise that the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, which Russia backs, has expressed support for Moscow's recognition of the two breakaway "republics" in eastern Ukraine, and that the Iranian foreign minister described the conflict in Ukraine as "rooted in NATO provocations." >But for the most part, America's Middle Eastern allies also have made it clear that they are not about to support the U.S. and its European allies in imposing sanctions on Russia, or even to openly criticize Russia's invasion of Ukraine. >Saudi Arabia has indicated that it will not increase oil production to bring down oil prices that have spiked because of the crisis; it intends to stick with the output agreement it made with Russia in the OPEC+ format. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), along with China and India, abstained on a U.S.-backed UN Security Council resolution deploring Russia's actions. >The emir of Qatar has called for "all parties to exercise restraint" without casting blame on Russia. Qatar also pointed out that it simply cannot increase its liquefied natural gas (LNG) output or significantly redirect its LNG exports to Europe, either. Egypt's main concern is that conflict in Ukraine might interrupt its supplies of Russian and Ukrainian wheat through the Black Sea and Turkish Straits; to the extent that Egypt cannot import grain from Ukraine, its dependence on Russian wheat may actually increase. >The Israeli foreign minister did condemn Russia's actions in Ukraine. But Israel wishes to continue its deconfliction agreement with Russia over Syria, whereby Moscow tolerates Israeli strikes on Iranian and Hezbollah targets there - especially since the Russian foreign ministry spokesperson brought this into doubt when she called upon Israel to halt these attacks. Turkey is the one U.S. ally in the Middle East that has not only condemned the Russian invasion but also has actively supported Ukraine. >Also a Black Sea littoral country, like Russia and Ukraine, Turkish security interests are most affected by this conflict. >These moves reflect that America's many allies sometimes prioritize threats differently from the U.S. - and from each other. >While the Russian invasion of Ukraine is seen as highly threatening to the U.S. and its NATO allies, many of America's Middle Eastern allies see Iran as far more of a threat to them than Russia. In addition, they fear that cooperating with the U.S. could lead Russia either to support or not act to restrain Iran. >And if, as they fear, the U.S. is less committed now to defending its Middle Eastern allies because of its increased focus on China, and now Russia, they believe the risks of condemning Russia far outweigh any benefits of doing so. >America's Middle Eastern allies may also calculate that their actions accommodating Russia will not hurt their ties to America - either out of the conviction that America needs them more than they need America, or because of their belief that there is strong American domestic support for them despite any cooperation with Russia. And indeed, there are voices in Washington who call for >understanding" the position of its Middle Eastern allies, and urging the U.S. to do more for them vis-à-vis Iran. >But if America's Middle Eastern allies do not cooperate with the U.S. in sanctioning Russia for its actions in Ukraine, the question that inevitably will arise is: If our Middle Eastern allies won't support America and the West in dealing with Russian aggression, just how much should the U.S. help them vis-à-vis Iran? >The U.S. obviously is not about to help Iran against any of them. But at some point, America's European allies are going to point out that if Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar cannot or will not increase petroleum exports to Europe to replace the Russian exports Washington wants them to cut back on, then buying oil and gas from Iran will look increasingly attractive to them. Just as America's Middle Eastern allies do not consider Russia to be much of a threat to them, America's European - and Asian - allies do not consider Iran to be a threat to them, either. >If nothing else, America's European and Asian allies may well call on the U.S. to show the same tolerance for their dealing with Iran as Washington is showing to its Middle Eastern allies in their dealing with Russia. https://archive.ph/KTxdV Washington right now freaking out over Saudi Arabia might join Ch
>>148765 !!!!!
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>>148766 >Fate is a shit series It's good for h-doujins and memes.
Battlefield 2042 is Currently Less Popular than Battlefield 1, 4, and 5 on Steam >Battlefield 2042 currently has fewer concurrent players on Steam than Battlefield 1, 4, or 5. >Per SteamDB data, Battlefield 2042 has seen a maximum of just 2,090 players online in the last 24 hours, compared to 2,195 in Battlefield 4, 7,498 in Battlefield 1, and 21,709 in Battlefield 5. Battlefield 4 arrived in 2013, and it's a marker of how troubled the latest game in the series has been that a much older version is seeing more activity. >The popularity of Battlefield 2042 on Steam has gradually declined since it was released in November last year and currently sits at less than 2% of its original peak player-base of 105,397, even seeing decline through a free weekend in December. >The game has had a fairly turbulent development period both before and after its launch, first realised in September when its release date was pushed back a month. Several issues still materialised in Battlefield 2042's early launch however and continued when the game officially released. >It quickly became one of Steam's worst-reviewed games despite being fairly popular, with players noting that several promised features were missing and voicing their grievances on the subreddit that moderators threatened to shut down. >Battlefield's 2042's Season One (essentially its Battle Pass) was delayed in February to Summer 2022 as developer DICE instead chose to focus on more pressing issues like adding a scoreboard to online matches, but this update was also delayed a few days later. >Publisher EA admitted around the same time that Battlefield 2042 did not meet expectations, and soon after a petition asking for refunds started online that more than 220,000 players have now signed. >DICE announced at the beginning of March that it was aware of several issues within its map design and said it understood why players were calling the game a "walking simulator". The maps will be fixed one by one starting with Kaleidoscope but not until summer at the earliest. https://archive.ph/VHBl4 Incredibly Rare Pokémon Card Auctioned off for Record-Breaking $1.2 Million!!! >The market around children’s cardboard continues rocketing into uncharted territory. Earlier this week, auction outfit Goldin announced a holographic “Illustrator” Pikachu Pokémon card from 1998 sold for $US900,000 (over $1.2 million in Aussie money). >No one knows who bought it for that much, or why, but the winning bid shattered the previous record of$US375,000 (roughly $520,500) that a similar card went for exactly a year ago. >With a condition of “Near Mint 7,” the Illustrator Pikachu that sold on February 23 was one of only 40 copies currently known to exist, according to grading firm PSA. Only one other copy has been graded at the same near-mint condition. >Offers started as low as $US75,000 ($104,000-ish) on February 10, but an apparent bidding war drove up the price in the following weeks. >To put the $US900,000 price tag in perspective, a slightly better “Mint 9″ condition Illustrator Pikachu sold in 2019 for $US195,000 (just over $270,000). Then a “Near Mint 7″ copy sold for $US375,000 in February 2021. Prior to that, the most valuable Pokémon Card was a first-edition shadowless holographic Charizard. >The last few years have seen prices for all sorts of collectibles explode, but the speculation around Pokémon cards has been extreme. As new people flocked to the scene, prices for the rarest cards skyrocketed and packs for new sets flew off store shelves. >The hype was reignited in part by influencers like Logan Paul making content out of opening up packs and bidding on some of the most expensive cards (and occasionally getting scammed). >Within the community, collectors on YouTube like Gary Haase have helped drive more attention to the financial aspect of the hobby. Others are just having fun setting their own collecting goals and indulging in a nostalgic part of their childhood. >But this three-fold increase in just one year is truly bonkers. The Illustrator Pikachu is indeed something unique even in the world of Pokémon cards. >It was draw by Pikachu’s creator, Atsuko Nishida, and only a few dozen copies were produced as prizes for promo contests in a Japanese magazine. >Still, that type of exponential growth recalls the shockingly inflated prices that have recently turned the vintage game collecting world upside down. >Auction houses, card graders, and collectors all have a vested interest in trying to drive up the hype and speculative value around Pokémon cards. >That alone isn’t proof of anything untoward going on here, but without knowing the individuals directly involved in the latest bidding war it’s hard not to be sceptical of just what’s going on at the high-end of the market. >For those who just want to have fun with Pokémon cards, the latest expansion, Sword & Shield — Brilliant Stars, just came out on February 25. https://archive.ph/t0Wi0
>>148769 >inb4 all the minorities in the world join in support of Russia and all the Western normalfags are completely incapable of coping with that
Digimon World' Remakes Being "Positively" Considered By Games Producer <Those working in the game industry have gone all in on pre-millennium nostalgia of late. >Taito just released the Egret Mini II, which is your luxury Bubble Bobble cabinet. Then, out of nowhere, we found out the House Of The Dead Remake is stealth dropping next month. >Now the word on the street is Digimon World could be making a comeback, and apparently a lot of people have been asking for it. >At Digimon Con 2022 (via Gematsu), Digimon producer Kazumasu Habu was asked during a Q&A session where he saw future Digimon World games going. The first game released in way back 1999 and played more like a Tamagochi game than the kind of JRPG titles Digimon is now known for. >The most recent entry, 2015's Digimon World: Next Order earned mixed reviews, but was generally enjoyed by fans. In the interview, Habu expressed interest in doing something with the series, but wasn't sure which the best path forward would be. >We have received many requests for a port or remake of the original Digimon World, - I’m positively considering it. But at the same time, I’m also thinking about which choice; port, remaster, or remake, is better. If I choose port or remaster, then I think it will be highly feasible," he reasoned. >If you want a remake, we need to think about how many additional elements you’d need to incorporate into the game. Digimon World has a very good balance between the stage and the Digimon that appear. If we add new Digimon, then I think we should treat it as a new product rather than a remake." >Habu and the team are still looking out for more feedback from fans on what types of Digimon World games they would want in the future, but 90's kids should keep their fingers crossed. https://archive.ph/BAwY7 A new tool claims to run PS Vita software natively on Nintendo Switch >A Spanish developer has created a tool they claim allows PlayStation Vita software to run natively on the Nintendo Switch. >Sergi Granell, who goes by the username Xerpi, has created ‘vita2hos’, which he describes as “a PlayStation Vita to Horizon OS (Nintendo Switch OS) translation layer”. Using this layer, PlayStation Vita executables can theoretically be run on modded or development Nintendo Switch consoles. >Granell stresses that his creation is not an emulator. When a Vita executable is run, vita2hos redirects its instructions to jump to routines on Horizon OS – the Switch’s operating system – that perform the same behaviour. >By doing this, the Vita executable can be run on the Switch’s operating system natively, instead of via emulation. >A new video by Modern Vintage Gamer shows the tool in action. The channel was able to successfully boot simple PS Vita tech demos on a modded Nintendo Switch. >According to MVG, no commercial PlayStation Vita games currently run on Nintendo Switch and it may be a while before that happens. >The channel notes that because the Switch and Vita both have ARM CPUs, Switch is able to natively read the Vita code when Xerpi’s tool provides workarounds for Sony’s proprietary callouts. <This is an early proof of concept and there’s a lot of work to be done,” it said. >It’s possible that we may see some commercial games start to boot. I’m not wanting to get too ahead of myself – this is still very much a proof of concept – but it is exciting stuff for both Switch homebrew fans and Vita fans.” >In March last year, Sony announced plans to close the PlayStation Store on PS3, Vita and PSP. >However, following a backlash from players, the company made a partial U-turn in April, saying that it would no longer close the PS3 or Vita stores but was still planning to shut the PSP store, which it did in July. https://archive.ph/vLLMW
Is the Japanese Samurai ambassador still alive in Ukraine?
>>148779 He died kamikazeing that pilot who was bombing civilians.
>>148780 Really? Source?
>>148781 I think that the british newspaper "News of the World" reported on it
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>https://grapee.jp/en/196113 The demon is unleashed.
>>148779 When was the last time random Japanese guys going into war zones and didn’t get slaughtered? I still remember the anti-isis samurai ended up in an isis beheading video.
/gg/ anons, I don't usually post in these threads but since you guys are big on digital preservation I think this warrants some notice: Unconfirmed reports suggest Russia might be unplugging their own side of the net from the world system There are some great websites hosted on Russian soil that benefit all of mankind, regardless of politics attached to it. If you know of any of them, please do share them with me and start backing up whatever you can, just in case this turns out to be the real deal. These are the ones I use the most. http://libgen.rs/ - provides links to tons of ebooks and ebook sites https://sci-hub.se/ - provides scientific papers that would otherwise be locked under paywalls, particularly important during Covid fuckeries https://cs.rin.ru/ - repository of abandonware, shareware and other less "reputable" ways to play vidya
>>148785 Oh fuck, I use all three of those websites on a semi-regular basis so this is a problem. As far as I know however, libgen has alternate domains and z-library as far as I know isn't a russian domain and has both books and scientific articles available and so does sci-hub. No idea on cs.rin.ru however.
>>148785 Do I have to download these books one at a time?
>>148785 I can't believe that I watched the internet be born and now I'm going to watch it die.
>>148786 >As far as I know however, libgen has alternate domains and z-library as far as I know isn't a russian domain and has both books and scientific articles available and so does sci-hub. No idea on cs.rin.ru however. Can you link these fallback domains here? >>148787 Yeah, usually yes Z-lib has a 5 pdf limit per day but you can easily circumvent it by using proxies
>>148788 It's all according to the great reset (tm) So now all you will have is Meta's highly monitored corporate safespace with your digital house while Blackrock buys all the real houses. Or something like that.
>>148788 Localized and made an even bigger surveillance tool you mean.
>>148785 So libgen has .is and .st as other domains. No idea if .is is Iceland or Israel, I'm fairly sure it's Iceland. I'm unsure on the other domain for Sci-hub though. Also unblocked.app can act as a proxy for those sites, but still not cs.rin.ru.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War"
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I'm glad I'm with you lads while seeing the Internet of olde be destroyed by corporations and normalniggers. Couldn't ask for better company
>>148783 That demon's about to start WW3, isn't it?
>>148795 Is Baidu any good (on the western side I mean)? I used QQ for a while and it was rather nice as a MSN alternative for a while until I knew of Tox.
>>148797 Well at least it's not Otakemaru or we'd be fucked.=
>>148799 How fucked would we be if it was Shuten Doji, with or without his wife Ibaraki?
>>148778 Why would this be a exciting thing for Vita fans? This software dev is retarded, Vita games should be played on the Vita.
>>148797 Probably, though she likes possessing females, specifically concubines of powerful men to influence chaos and destruction going by what little I've read so far. Though modern times opens a lot more possibilities for her to troll.
>>148802 Can't get quite as bloody as her days as Daji, cutting open women's wombs to find out how babby is formed and strapping people to copper cylinders to get cooked to death.
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Which would win? Poutine or Natto?
>>148768 >My Opinion©™ is 100% compliant to whatever the billionaire fatcats say it should be Wow, you're such a rebel
>>148802 So, shit's fucked the moment a leader listens to a woman now?
>>148804 natto smells awful but is pretty good
>>148747 I head Anastasia wasn't banned, it's license just ran out.
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>>148778 >>148801 Software dev probably thinks that way because there is a bigger number of people who have a switch as opposed to a vita & the switch has a bigger modding scene, therefore devs like that fag would want to have their e-peens stroked before Nintendo announces something that will succeed the switch. It's like how the Wii & 3DS used to have a thriving homebrew scene, but most of the devs migrated over to the switch because there wasn't anything left to do on them.
>>148770 she's hot but what happened to her eyes
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>>148805 It's funny and sad to see how many people took the "God Emperor" memes too seriously. He was always a lesser evil option but faggots like Imkampfy tried to do the unforgivable by attempting to turn /pol/ into a hugbox around the guy and Jim Watkins basically played and monetarily exploited boomers by pandering to their Trump mania at the cost of neglecting the old site. If you ask me, they all should be hanged along with the whatever fatcats, commies, and Jews are actively making the world worse.
>>148812 >should be hanged along with the whatever fatcats, commies, and Jews are actively making the world worse. So, you're going to hang yourself then?
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>>148810 im gonna be totes honest i wasnt even looking at her face
>>148810 Aneurysm from ego lifting. >>148814 Actual shit taste moment, enjoy your butterfaces.
>>148813 You're proving his point you nigger. People like you and the Qboomer fucks accusing any anon of being a kike shill for not liking Trump because the Lugenpresse hates him too, and that means anyone who doesn't have a positive opinion of him has to be in league. Imagine if you weren't allowed to call out Valve for being kikes just because they're the only game company that gives half a shit about Linux. It's faggots like you who obfuscate the ACTUAL Cointelpro-style shills, and your ilk are the reason 8ch never recovered.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/foY3A
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>>148747 >>148750 The more I see shit like this the more I think that Russia is in the right.
>It's faggots like you who obfuscate the ACTUAL Cointelpro-style shills, and your ilk are the reason 8ch never recovered. Exactly. I miss when the boards had some semblance of populated and educated discourse after the exodus, where there was a sense of camaraderie despite their differences. The future migrations ala /pol/ harbor turning halfchan's /pol/ into a literal cuck flavored /b/ for weeks and other places really did a number on old 8chan. Like when a swarm of faggots rolling in from banned subreddits such as fatpeoplehate, coontown that didn't lurk enough and brought their shitty mentalities with them, like not having the concept of no sacred cows.
>>148820 But isn't the constant race to the bottom of "I'm more irreverent than you" eventually what sank Something Awful and made goons into the insufferable faggots they're known today as?
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>>148744 >meido jenny Cute!
>>148820 Their downfall began when they raided some feminist sites and they counter raided and infiltrated back, iirc. In any case there are extremes and being caustic and hostile for the sake of it or being overly defensive and sensitive or pet causes/people aren't good for their own reasons. Just don't go overboard.
>>148823 Meant for >>148821 It's late here.
>>148821 One of the 'dossier' or 'premier' on goons screencap I think explains the difference between anon & goon. Might be able to shed light on the downfall of goon haven SA
>>148798 >Tox Jami for communication Telegram for information
>>148826 >Telegram for information They keep frisking people who join Telegram groups all the time
>>148820 >shitty mentalities, like not having the concept of no sacred cows. That's a good thing. /pol/ having its sacred cows attacked, and then being forced to defend them strengthed /pol/, it did not weaken /pol/. As a politics board is strengthened by struggle. A tree that grows in an area with no wind will eventually collapse under it's own weight; so too would /pol/-based political discourse collapse once it would leave its "perfect garden". Death to hugboxes. Hail to hurtboxes!
>>148828 >and then being forced to defend them Sure, so long as the defending is actual defence and not just screeching "badthink!" like a moronic boomer.
>>148747 Nice archive, queer.
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>>148785 don't forget about the most important one http://zumki.ru/
>>148832 Why do I get the feeling I'm going to regret clicking that link
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if you want a laff, look at the comments of this article where redditors are apparently defending niggerwashing a korean game and sperging out about NG merely covering this nichegamer.com/lost-ark-is-censored-in-the-western-release/ https://archive.ph/qj0je oh and Amazon's cancerous forcing of their ToS or else you get banned/suspended, third pic related being the splash screen you're met with before you can do anything.
>>148833 almost all gadget and all work safe as far as i can see
>>148833 I clicked it UUUU Its a booru dedicated to that rescue ranger mousegirl
>>148768 >>148812 You don't need to be a Trump worshipper to shit on your post. Middle of the road as Trump was, the reason he didn't stay president is because election fraud was orchestrated on a massive scale to push him out, not people voting him out.
actually no i take that back, the normal post listing defaults to safe and i think you need an account to click through to the actual smut pictures; tried making one but the capcha isnt working or some shit
>>148837 I still dont know why (((the powers that be))) even bothered to cheat so blatantly on the 2020 election and just let the orange man finish his 2nd term.
>>148839 Trump was there for peace, Biden is here to fuck the country so hard it never recovers.
>>148840 Well, Trump was there to defend US interests to bolster the US's global standing and peace is a side effect of that. Certainly I believe Trump was in favor of peace, but that wasn't his primary goal. He would have fought a war if he had to, but he would have first done everything necessary to avoid having to fight in the first place, because fighting harms everyone.
>>148834 im just glad this game wasnt shilled to hell here like it was every where else.
>>148842 >He would have fought a war if he had to, but he would have first done everything necessary to avoid having to fight in the first place, because fighting harms everyone. With how he reacted during the Qboomers entering the Capitol in his name and him denouncing them despite clear vote rigging and perversion of the electoral process because the alternative was crossing the rubicon, I wouldn't consider him that resolute. Most normalfags certainly value stability and status quo over uncertain chaos --and a boomer-aged man like Trump moreso, as we all know how much old faggots value their comfort.
>>148840 Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin, would have lead to the same conclusion except cuckservatives would be supporting the decision
>>148845 Then why did one get cheated out of presidency?
>media has unanimously decided that ukraine = good guys and russia = bad guys >all the "western countries" have put sanctions onto the bad guys >all the bigtech have joined and denying service to russia >Several "organic news" of how russia wants to annex ukraine, wants to become ussr again, and frequent compares to Stalin Hitler (why never Stalin? even in the same sentence as ussr) <Absolutely no mention of NATO expansions <no mention of lead up to this moment, just "putin wants to be hitler again" <zero nuance or explanation of how situations were getting worse, how nato/the west kept pushing for ukraine to be part of them They're just repeating the same thing. People are already distrustful of news and aren't falling for the same lies twice. Except normalfags of course
reposting from previous thread https://exhentai.org/g/1466862/8fee7fec9f/
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>>148850 now that's a stretch bigger than your mom's pants
hey, any rusanon here? do your cyrillic numbers have a way to write zero? i know the greeks have this 𐆊(U+1018A in case it's filtered for some reason), but they seldom use it.
>>148852 There are Cyrillic numbers?
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>>148847 No thinking, only believing.
>>148856 but i believe a must think...
>>148854 That does sound like something a country controlled by glowniggers would do. Even if such a plan is preemptively exposed, glownigger media would back the false flag regardless.
>>148854 Where's the archive, faggot?
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Ah there it is, the magic number.
>>148860 oyest of veys
>>148850 >t. Shota
>>148847 >>148856 Yeah sure, NATO invaded those countries, none of those countries joined because they were afraid russia would do to them what they are doing to ukraine right now, support russia if youre redpill am i right?
>>148785 If sci-hub goes out then half the world's graduate level research goes blank, no joke
>>148860 Place your bets. How long until every single person who died to corona posthumously becomes one of (((them)))?
>>148819 Russia IS right. Just look at (((who))) is against Russia. Don't forget: Russia outlawed faggotry and feminism. They straight up told globohomo to go to hell.
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>>148765 There is no genocide, tranny. Fuck off. It’s not happening. Your NATO propaganda is meaningless here. >>148785 Good. >>148828 >whites don’t deserve to have their own nation where only whites can be and only white thoughts are practiced >you have to allow everyone in >also it’s totally fine if you’re banned from everywhere else, too Fuck yourself with a rake. >>148846 Because you are literally watching a Hollywood production where people read from scripts and pretend to fill roles. Holy shit, wake up. You’ll be dead in five years if you don’t. >>148863 Tell me you’re a paid shill without telling me you’re a paid shill. Nothing you said is legitimate.
>>148806 What about the countries with FEMALE leaders?
>>148877 Unless they look like Elexis Sinclair or something I doubt anyone would care what they have to say.
>>148877 Remember South Korea?
>>148877 I think those were always fucked.
>>148847 >no mention of lead up to this moment You mean the part about Biden axing the Keystone Pipeline and similar projects oil drilling projects in the states, lifting ALL of the sanctions Trump imposed, and then forcing everyone to rely upon oil exports from Russia? >>148847 >how nato/the west kept pushing for ukraine to be part of them Ukraine was asking for NATO membership as far back as 2008. >>148869 >Don't forget: Russia outlawed faggotry and feminism. That's a myth, jackass. https://archive.ph/nVSpF
>>148877 In Flipland, we got 2 female presidents in our young history as a country: One was incompetent and the other is even more corrupted than the president she "succeeded".
>>148885 Oh yeah, Gloria Arroyo. I remember reading how every time there was some motion to impeach her, a conveniently timed "terrorist attack" would occur every single time.
>>148828 >/pol/ >politics Thats where you're wrong, it's never been about actual politics.
>>148876 You already got banned for this shit before, are you really trying to get benend again? Go to /b/ where you can sperg homever you want.
>>148886 Don't forget the dreaded "Hello, Garci?" leaks. My fucking goodness, that's why my ears got really irritated when the leftists in the USA says that the 2020 Presidential Elections was the "most secure" in their history when the numbers don't even match up and ghost ballots coming in droves as soon as the polling precincts went to close for the night. I live in a banana republic and I know almost every gay tricks these scumbags have in the book when it comes to election time.
>>148884 Yeah, what was the oil drills that was getting shut down and the oil workers were gonna be laid off. Reminds me of the coal miners that lost their jobs. >Ukraine was asking for NATO membership since 2008 So it was on plate for a long tie. What does being part of nato benefits the country? Aside from protection from enemies, what exact benefits they provide that regular normal country couldn't do themselves?
>>148890 >What does being part of nato benefits the country? <Aside from protection from enemies Gee, one can fucking wonder!
>>148890 Access to better gear, training and joint excercises with better armies, also the sheer effect of fuck off im in the cool kids club.
>now niggerpills awake Say anons, about those musclegirls.
>>148892 So militaristic advantage. Is this why russia is so keen to do their own anti-nato thing, since they're the 2nd best equipped military? I know ukraine was brewing for a long time now but why didn't russia go straight after crimea shit in 2014, why wait 6 years? And say hypothetically, if there was another "cool kids club" that maybe not offer same level of militaristic advantage but some amount, would ukraine (or any similar country) would join too?
>>148896 >why wait 6 years? Russian militery has been trying really hard to modernize after the whooping they got in the chechen wars, now they feel more confident but as it shows the process still isnt complete and they havent adjusted their doctrine to it, hell, the vehicles dont even have GPS so they had to rely on printed maps. > would ukraine (or any similar country) would join too? Ukraine wants to join nato to stop russia's glow ups constantly fucking with them, but in the russian cool kids club, you probably would get countries like venezuela, syria and such that are barredfrom getting western equipment.
>>148847 >They're just repeating the same thing. That’s what looks suspicious. If Ukraine doing as good as the media said they would’ve pushed Russia out by now but Russia continues to capture major cities. Russia not having an easy time yet they are still having momentum. It’s beginning to sound like America won Vietnam after the Tet offensive or Iraqis will love America after Saddam death.
>>148847 >why never Stalin? Because the people they're marketing this to, have an IQ of 65 and have never heard of Stalin and don't know who he is. Or they don't want to step on the toes of commies who think Stalin dindu nuffin
>>148898 >If Ukraine doing as good as the media said they would’ve pushed Russia out by now but Russia continues to capture major cities. It's also important for public perception. The reason why the U.S. lost in Vietnam is because Walter Cronkite and the rest of the media started blasting across the airwaves about how American soldiers were being slaughtered everywhere, when none of that was happening, which caused the public to demand that the Feds pull out. And, you know the rest: Saigon, missing POWs, bastard children hunting down and killing their American parent...
>>148898 It looks like they're doing good because urban fighting is notoriously dragged out and grueling. It took Berlin two weeks to fall while being spitroasted by the rest of the planet in WW2, and everyone knows what Sarajevo looked like. If you look at the maps, you'll see that the Russians basically have free reign in the open, only really getting stopped at the large cities because the Ukrainians are fighting smart. They'll probably hold out for a month or two at most, but unless someone comes in to help, or some major shakeup happens in Russia itself, they don't have a snowball's chance in hell.
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I want cuckchan newfags to leave.
Haven't read the thread, has there been a sudden argument about race yet?
>>148828 >No sacred cows approach Very based. The compass is also surprisingly on point.
>>148828 >No sacred cows approach Very based. The compass is also surprisingly on point.
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>>148747 >>Epic They're owned by Tencent though which surprises me, I guess China's hoping sell Russia a ton of tanks and missiles in exchange for whatever the fuck they have that's valuable at the time. >>148745 >all these companies still continuing to do business with the Saudi's and Mainland China of whom are way worse when it comes to human rights violations and aren't exactly peacefully co-existing with their neighbors either The double standards still pisses me off, they don't care about Putin's tyranny of which he is a tyrant but rather they hate him for not bowing down to the Global Homo Agenda and is instead opting to make his own little self sustaining world. So in other words they hate him because they can't control him. >>148746 I'm gonna buy one of those Decks. >>148903 >I want cuckchan newfags to leave. What happened? Did Hiro crash the site again or is Cloud Flare being Cloud Flare?
>>148901 So currently ukrainians are in a battle of attrition in kyeiv. If russians rush in (heh) they'll lose lot of men in urban fighting, so they'd be wiser to wait and approach slowly. And this is without external fuuckery, which could happen anytime now. But say in case ukrainians "lose" either through treaty or force, what would happen next? >>148898 I think media is currently saving the pants of US and allies, making it appear that they doing everything in the face of the great evil. How successful or else, only time will tell >>148897 Were the russians keen to make their own club before this? With syria and all. They wouldn't have stood a chance, but they're suspicious of west anyways. But now after this war, they have to build their own allies or get real isolated. No matter how self sufficient you are being isolated is never healthy. Why is it that when you get a "cool kids club" you need to have your own club to beat them, why is international politics just like middle school? >stop russia's glow ups oh yes, nato also provides their intelligence too. To be fair I don't know how ukraine joining nato would have saved them from this, it would seem that russia would've doubled their efforts.
Is the site working very slow for anyone else right now?
>>148912 Captcha's are loading kind of slow
>>148847 >and frequent compares to Stalin Hitler (why never Stalin? Because American Neo Marxist "Education" makes it very difficult for them to imagine any other dictator other than Hitler. Same reason (((Trump))) is literally Hitler too even though that's fucking retarded. This is why the Democrats and Republicans should have never been allowed to nationalize the Education System. All it's bureaucracy, special interests, and corruption have made it a waste of tax payer dollars. The Federal Government needs to keep it's hands off the schools else those schools will keep pumping out useless dipshits, or better yet just home school the kids and send them off to summer camp to get socialized instead.
>>148910 >But say in case ukrainians "lose" either through treaty or force, what would happen next? The separatist regions and Crimea officially get sucked up into Russia, and Putin replaces the NATO puppet government with his own puppet government, some people go to fun happytime camps in Siberia possibly.
Is the site working very slow for anyone else right now? It's so slow it's barely functional for me right now.
>>148917 It's working like crap on my end.
>>148910 From what we've seen Russia isn't sending in their best men or equipment yet. They're also not going all out on the cities. Their current goal is trying to encircle the cities and get the local authorities to surrender. The media wants to make this conflict look like a disaster for Russia, but when you consider it took the US 3 weeks to reach Baghdad in 2003 using shock and awe tactics, it seems like they're on schedule.
>>148736 >in DC They're driving around the surrounding interstate loop before going back to a staging ground every night.
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So has there been any explanation yet as to why rimworld was banned in australia? >>148904 No. >>148917 Remember our servers are in eastern europe, so probably the provider is getting hit by a glownigger ciber attack. >>148919 Anon the distance from kuwait to bagdag was way off compered to the rusian border to kiev.
>>148902 Thurderf00t really has fallen far.
>>148902 Does he still thirst for Anita's Jew Flaps?
>>148921 Refused to be classified
>>148924 So basically "fuck you youre banned" with no reason?
>>148925 Yes. Once prison, always prison.
>>148899 Didn't Stalin kill more commies than anyone? except maybe Mao
https://odysee.com/@LOUDLABS:e/Gabe-Newell-Delivering-Steam-Decks---Official-Behind-the-Scenes:8 >be Adolf Hitler >die in 1945 which was several centuries ago >everything bad in the world is somehow still your fault according to the Eurasian Union and N.A.T.O. Why's everything gotta be fake, gay, and retarded GG? >>148921 >So has there been any explanation yet as to why rimworld was banned in australia? It's literally a prison state, don't act surprised the Anglo's and Aboo's there are treated like convicts there.
>>148927 I thought pol-pot was world champ.
>>148915 is the current zelensky gov a puppet, or just highly willing to join nato? Was the previous govs too? I know its a loaded question, one cannot say if a gov is puppet unless some fuckery is happened, but what do you think?
>>148884 If you take away fag and vag propaganda you have effectively killed them, as their ideas stop propagating. >>148921 Drug production, allegedly.
>>148925 No, everything they classify is allowed to some people, "refused classification" is what they do to ban things entirely. https://archive.ph/ziyBQ >According to the Board, it came to this decision because RimWorld deals with “matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults.” >>148898 Everyone thought Russia had a huge advantage going in but they keep fucking up and showing the dysfunction of their military. Ukraine isn't "winning" in that Russia still has a big advantage in the size of their military, but Russia is doing a lot worse than expected. For instance everyone thought Russia would achieve complete air supremacy day 1, it's still contested. Info keeps coming out about them lacking in fundamentals, like how it looks like their tires are shit because of no maintenance and due to buying $200 Chinese tires to put on their $13 million anti-aircraft vehicles, making it a lot riskier to leave the road. Or poor training, like soldiers failing to screen vehicles and just staying inside waiting to get blown up. Or of course the logistics problems. They're taking huge losses - just based on publicly available photos they've lost 877 vehicles: https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html >Iraqis will love America after Saddam death That's the thing, in this case Russia seemed to believe something equivalent. This contributed to an initial military strategy based on thinking Ukraine's military would crumple and they could decapitate the government in a matter of days, and now they're having to pivot to a more conventional strategy. People sometimes compare it to the time-frame of the conventional part of the Iraq war, but that was slow and methodical with few losses, this is them throwing away massive amounts of material and troops. And this is just the conventional war, assuming they win that they'll probably still have an insurgency to deal with.
>>148902 Do Reddit atheists take the saying cleanliness is next to godliness seriously? It blows my mind how atheist e-celebs during the skeptic community days have such poor personal hygiene yet were still taken seriously. Amazing atheists, thunderfoot, Mundanematt, and Vaush looked as greasy as deep fried bacon.
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>>148931 >>148932 Well fuck australia then, forcing animals to get high in rimworld leads to hilarius results.
>>148901 >unless someone comes in to help Isn't the most conservative estimate that a total of 250 THOUSAND troops would have to be committed to the fight, either entirely from the U.S. or a conglomerate of all the NATO nations? >>148910 >Were the russians keen to make their own club before this? Yes, with China, Syria, and the all of the usual suspects. >why is international politics just like middle school? Because we're all five years-olds at heart. And, because, powerful men, including country leaders, all have some ego about themselves. >To be fair I don't know how ukraine joining nato would have saved them from this, it would seem that russia would've doubled their efforts. It probably wouldn't because the other factors in play, but Ukraine would be far better armed. >>148919 >Their current goal is trying to encircle the cities and get the local authorities to surrender. Aren't the locals protesting by rejecting the gibs that the Russian forces are handing out? >>148929 I just know that the USSR still has the high score of 60 million. >>148930 Ukraine has been wanting to join NATO since 2008, however their relationship with Russia has been back and forth since then regardless (Kind of like how some of Taiwan's previous presidents tried to reconnect with West Taiwan). >>148932 >Everyone thought Russia had a huge advantage going in but they keep fucking up and showing the dysfunction of their military. Why does this remind me of Spics shitposting about how the Spanish Civil War was just a giant field test for all the weapons Europe proceeded to use in WWII? >>148934 Australia has always been retarded about vidya restrictions.
>>148935 >Why does this remind me of Spics shitposting about how the Spanish Civil War was just a giant field test for all the weapons Europe proceeded to use in WWII? I mean, not about it, but it was used for it, you had panzers 1 and 2 facing off against T-26 and french tanks while italians bombed shit.
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>>148935 >Because we're all five years-olds at heart. And, because, powerful men, including country leaders, all have some ego about themselves. Does that mean embracing our inner child is the path to political and military power?
>>148937 https://www.bible.com/bible/114/MAT.18.NKJV <...and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
>>148937 why do you think they make planes and tanks and shit look so cool
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>>148759 >Russian banks switch to Chinese UnionPay Dugin was right, multipolarity starts now
>>148939 Because A E S T H E T I C S is one of the main reasons to have an army.
Notorious hapa supremacist Linus Sebastian doesn't know what an oligarch is. https://nitter.net/linusgsebastian/status/1500236511479877632 https://archive.ph/WlPbD
>>148940 Plastic seems easier than metal unless you have a fuckton of it hanging out in your garage.
>>148944 Metal is easier to aquire and shape around, anon. You can go to a home depo, get a couple of tubings, flats and such and start cutting and welding to your heart's content.
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>>148944 I can hit up a Bauhaus store and get some piping and steel easier than I can get a fucking 3D printer.
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>>148744 Too bad a lot of them have shit taste and like modern cartoons and capeshit movies. >>148837 >replying to niggerpill ishiggydiggy.
>>148942 Last time the United States military wasn’t a joke was during desert storm. Than it all went down hell when they ditch 80s to late 90s aesthetic. Bad aesthetics led to weak woke militaries.
4chan is supporting Russia. 8chan is supporting Ukraine. Whats going on..
>>148951 Why do you know what happens on cuckchan?
>>148951 Cuckchan is controlled opposition who appeases whoever the highest bidder is (Which is Russia and China because they pay better). 8chan, however, doesn't exist.
>>148951 I wouldnt say supporting, just that id rather ukraine win because russia's casus belli is retarded and their warmongering ways is what causes eastern europe to join nato in the first place. 4chan is filled with bots and whenever some pro-russian shill comes around he uses cuckchan lingo or tires REALLY hard to fit in, so that makes me disdain more supporting russia.
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>>148950 Desert Storm had a cool A E S T H E T I C too.
>>148950 >Bad aesthetics led to weak woke militaries. You have a point here, aesthetics do some work in making the enemy think your army is superior and your own men think so too.
>>148952 Because I got bored so I wanted to check the /pol/ catalog. >>148954 I see..
>>148942 >>148946 >>148948 >>148955 Could you show me what "Desert storm" looks like in comparison to modern military aesthetic because both look the same. In the same way that I can't tell the difference between Korean War aesthetic, but know the difference between Vietnam and WWII.
>>148957 >I wanted to check the /pol/ catalog. You do know that Cuckchan installs spyware on your browser, even with a scriptblocker, right?
>>148959 I didn't know that
>>148960 If you want to remove it, you have you purge your entire browser from your system, then reinstall it.
>>148959 Sounds like bullshit anon, a gaping security hole like that would be patched. Do you just mean tracking cookies or something?
>>148951 >>148953 >4chan is supporting Russia. >8chan is supporting Ukraine. What have you been smoking? Any recent screenshots of Cuckchan /k. And /pol/ is nothing but pro Ukrainian propaganda being upvoted by the mods. Questioning if ukraine doing as good as the media said will you ban on Cuckchan.
>>148963 /k/ might be different, I only checked /pol/.
>>148962 >Sounds like bullshit anon, a gaping security hole like that would be patched. No, it wouldn't, because Hiro then uses said spyware to turn people's computers into crypto mining rigs.
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>>148958 Modern
>>148965 Yeah okay retard
>>148966 What low-budget college film production did you take those images from?
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>>148958 >Could you show me what "Desert storm" looks like in comparison to modern military aesthetic Well, this is how the modern USA army looks like, the difference should be obvius. Everything is tacticool and modular nowadays.
>>148968 One is from the USA army in Qatar and the other one is Russian I think
>>148965 Patched by the browser. If there was a security hole like that which didn't get patched immediately it would be news and it would be more widely abused.
>>148944 Defense Distributed now sells a 3D printer that can take a raw block of weapons grade aluminum and turn it into a completed AR-15 lower. >>148951 >i will lie >now what I said is the narrative and you can't question it or you're a traitor or a shill Go away.
>>148935 >Aren't the locals protesting by rejecting the gibs that the Russian forces are handing out? Not that I've seen, but it really depends on the city. Some cities are more pro-Russian than others or actively have Ukrainian troops station within the civilian centers. >>148921 >Anon the distance from kuwait to bagdag was way off compered to the rusian border to kiev. True, but American tactics didn't at all consider civilan casualties. If the Americans so much as suspected Iraqi troops in an area, they would just air strike it. The Russians don't seem to be doing that at all. Their tactics are much slower and cost more troops.
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>>148943 His best take was when he suggested that his yellow fever was some noble stance against racism. That faggot lives in a so-cal bubble and it shows. I think he even had that multi-millionaire commie Hassan (or whoever) on his channel, didn't he? That's really the final nail in the coffin proving that he's in that fucking bubble and he's never stepping out of it. Faggot even bought a new house in the worst housing market in years. He can't get any more out of touch if he tried. I seriously hope you guys don't watch his channel. Speaking of yellow fever, I was reminded of this old meme.
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>>148975 >spoiler I would ask for context, but it wouldn’t help.
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>>148977 Basically this.
>>148976 I'm sorry, I don't understand the post's purpose. People have to stop falling for false dichotomies, anon. Both "sides" are puppets. All "information" coming out of the region is hoaxes and propaganda. It's all a scripted show. What really matters to actual human beings is the fact that the world's currencies are hyperinflating into worthlessness soon, and food shortages will cause mass starvation in the West.
>>148979 I know, I'm just looking at what the sentiments are on different websites.
>>148975 I don't know. His take on calling black people niggers is a good contender.
>>148785 Didn't this turn out to be a nothingburger about government websites being ordered to start using only Russian DNS (as opposite of Jewgle or Cuckflare's), Javascript, captchas, servers and similar shit so Americans and Euros don't cripple them anymore? >>148835 >>148838 In the search box on the left change rating=s for rating=e in order to see the lewd pics.
>>148978 Hi Doorknob, I'm anon.
>>148975 > I think he even had that multi-millionaire commie Hassan (or whoever) on his channel, didn't he? No, but he did build a commie computer for leaving-the-stream-man that forced you to listen to the Soviet anthem at startup, and if you tried to cancel it restarted. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=coVxNAYPzWo
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>>148922 Youtube atheists were always shit.
>>148785 VK.com is more of a site I usually find hidden gems I can download if they can't be found on other places or they're paywalled.
>>148847 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=yQqthbvYE8M Guess who has an opinion on this matter! :^)
>>148984 He should make a natsoc PC that plays Erika on boot.
And a little bit of chicken fried
>>148989 >And a little bit of chicken fried Cold beer on a Friday night A pair of jeans that fit just right And the radio on Very fitting song for the Ukraine actually. The original song it self written to be pro Iraq and Afghanistan war propaganda to begin with.
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>>148990 >The original song it self written to be pro Iraq and Afghanistan war propaganda to begin with. The irony
>>148990 I mean, it has one verse for generic veteran/KIA remembrance. It's not even remotely propaganda like Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue.
>>148992 >I mean, it has one verse for generic veteran/KIA remembrance One verse doesn’t even fit with the tone of a light-hearted BBQ. The whole song slows for that shoehorn to support my troops shit.
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Japan is absolutely fucked bros. The rock broke. It's over.
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>>148994 Niggerpill this isnt over, ace combat and metal gear rising are becoming real, so now we either get fate or SMT in japan, clownworld is becoming RAD.
>>148995 I am not niggerpill, I am someone filled with respect for forces larger than me and one of the worst demons in Eastern mythology walks the earth once again.
>>148975 Feeling a bit of Asian Persuasion today, Anon?
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>>148996 No bitch ass foxgirl demon scares me.
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>the rock broke
>>148999 was this when he was giving a speech to athletes?
>>148996 >Not wanting to touch fluffy tail. What are you gay?
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>>149000 I'm not sure
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>>148804 One is deep-fried potatoes covered in fresh cheese curds and hot gravy. The other is rotting estrogen beans so laden with bacteria that it forms a thick, stringy slime.
>>148804 poutine ofc, hell i'd take plain fries over natto.
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>>149007 Let's just pray that it's just a cute kitsune with fluffy tails that doesn't do mortal mischief anymore. I mean, can life cut us some slack for once, shit keeps hitting the fan, we don't need a murderhobo god to resurrect on top of it.
>>149005 >estrogen beans estrogen found on soybeans is not watter bottle xenoestrogen and it won't give you tits, it's a minuscule amount. fucking retard, otherwise all japs would be trannies.
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>>148932 >‘RimWorld’ has been removed from Steam in Australia >it came to this decision because RimWorld deals with matters of "sex, drug misuse or addiction, taking the piss, crime, cruelty, violence or daring to have any form of recognizable fun in general Man, Australia really needs to burn off some steam.
>>149009 water*
>>149010 >Man, Australia really needs to burn Fixed that for you.
>>149010 I dont even get why they mention sex, theres no sex in rimworld unless you mod it in.
>>148945 I'd say its more about repeatability, you could weld an orkz gun but can you bother to do it 10 times? A printed gun just requires you to get a few steel tubings to rifle, the rest is sitting around waiting on prints. >>148973 You can modify the ender 3 to be a cnc machine or laser engraver too, nerd. Creality even sells a kit to expand the build volume to match some of the higher end printers, I think around 18" on all sides of a cube. I just happen to use my 3d printer extensively for non-funs and have it very well tuned and upgraded, so printing justwerks. You'll still probably want a steel barrel regardless of aluminium or plastic. >>149009 Fermenting soy also removes estrogen, I know for a fact soy sauce doesn't have the gay juice in it, not sure about natto as its less processed.
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Government disruption coming to you soon.
>>149014 >you could weld an orkz gun but can you bother to do it 10 times? Fuck yeah, and i would get better each time. A 3D printer would get it right the first time though.
>>149010 >Australia's a fucking Monster Hunter map >Somehow a fucking game is more dangerous "I come from the land down under" sounds like a curse.
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>>149009 >otherwise all japs would be trannies.
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>>149020 You know, thinking about it, the demon would probably seclude herself back to safety after knowing from the Internet that a fuckton of people worldwide would fuck her.
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>>149016 I mean yeah, I, too desire to be a welding god, but I live in a chiraq apartment, so my options are limited. I just like plastic more than metal, but if I had a garage or shop you could be sure I'd be making wood trim on metal rifles. Lower receivers and a rifle parts kit, custom printing the whole rifle, or just a single use lead flare gun are all my options are for now, but at least it's never on paper. The local gun laws here are extremely cucked, even if you buy it out of state in cash like my dad did a few years ago, you now have to register it. Soon you will have to do gun sales in-state at an FFL licensed shop. Building your own, of course, is exempt, and every 3d printed or ghost gun ban has failed, from what I've seen, besides requiring an FOID card and optionally CC permit.
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>>149013 There's "Lovin'." Your married (or otherwise, if you're a fucking degenerate and set the wrong flag in your ideoligion) colonists will get a mood boost every so often when they fuck in their beds at night. There are no children (without mods), and there's animal sex, too (with children). Maybe that's it.
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>>149021 the point is that she seduces those in power and then throws places into political turmoil for teh lulz
>>149026 Why would it be bad for those in power to simply all be killed in that way?
>>149026 >and then throws places into political turmoil for teh lulz But, that's already happening WITHOUT her involvement. She'd pretty much be out of a job, and resort to shitposting on the internet.
>>149028 >A demon >shitposting among us on the internet LOL
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>>149024 >That image >mfw I don't really believe in the supernatural anymore, mostly because I haven't seen much proof of it in recent times. Especially not around me. But hey, if she's out there, I'm more than happy with her destroying shit. But yeah, as >>149028 so aptly puts it, she's kinda out of a job due to the colossal fuckups all over the world. At most, if she's real, I imagine she could try to get into the CCP. Now, if she were to aim for the high council of the learned elders of Zion, on the other hand... actually no, scratch that, Tamamo or whatshername was exceedingly cruel according to legends, if there's even a modicum of truth to them, she'd probably join the kikes and start literal slaughter factories for the human population at large.

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Valve Looking to Make Steam Deck Available in More Countries by the End of the Year https://archive.ph/AR6bu#selection-938.0-938.1 Gabe's going to the land of the Land Of The Rising Sun anons, Nippon's will finally know what Linux is and perhaps the Indonesians next. https://odysee.com/@Bullets4Bucks:9/sako-s20-precision-hybrid-rifle-review:5 Hey /k/ I mean r/GG I'm thinking about saving up for a Sako/Tikka, I've always wanted an old fashioned bolt action and a piece of Fingolian steel. Thoughts? I'm thinking either a Bavarian carbine, Finnfire, or T3x varmint hunter. >>148966 >"Universal" camo pattern >>148902 >virtual signal about how you care about the plight of Ukraine online >do disputable nothing of value to actually make a fucking difference Why are atheists so fucking useless? >>148994 Well at least they're getting Steam Decks.... eventually.
>>149033 I really like the look of the bavarian. What's the caliber difference between the three?
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>>149033 >Gabe's going to the land of the Land Of The Rising Sun anons, Nippon's will finally know what Linux is and perhaps the Indonesians next. You don't think they'll just make some Japan-only versions of the deck like making it smaller or splash of colours?
>>149035 The Nips seem to have gone crazy for the special edition 3DS, WiiU, and Switch with various characters engraved into them in different colors, didn't they? I don't know how Valve would be able to swing crossover deals with the Steam Deck to do that, but they might try.
>>149036 Just make a deal with valorant or apex legends, nips probably love those pc games the most right now.
>>149035 They will take the twink/femboy Deck-tan design and use it to advertise the device in Nipland.
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>>149035 >japan will learn of linux Jesus.
>>149035 If they're chasing the nip audience then how much gachashit does Steam have?
>>149040 It has the second most popular mahjong gacha, mahjong hime.
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>>148982 >In the search box on the left change rating=s for rating=e in order to see the lewd pics. When I click any explicit rated image, it redirects to search results from rating=s. I saw some tasteful pics. Give me my fucking Gadget porn.
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>>148985 All these years I thought this was a joke where he said eleven.
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>>149031 >among us
>>149044 >no cameltoe or nipple outline One job, niggertaro. one fucking job.
>>149013 Apparently it's a quote from the National Classification Code. So it's not specifying which of those it violates, just that falls under 1(a). >1(a). depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified >(b). describe or depict in a way that is likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult, a person who is, or appears to be, a child under 18 (whether the person is engaged in sexual activity or not); or >(c). promote, incite or instruct in matters of crime or violence
>>149042 Ok, I found a way to bypass the retarded block. 1.- Use rating=e to display the NSFW pics. 2.- Hover on any pic to see its post number. 3.- Go to http://zumki.ru/index.php?q=/image/XXXXX, where XXXXX is the post number of the pic you want to see. 4.- Enjoy your rat porn.
>>149032 >if there's even a modicum of truth to them, she'd probably join the kikes and start literal slaughter factories for the human population at large Or, she gets sidetracked and somehow ends up on gurochan, >>149033 >Nippon's will finally know what Linux Anon, Japan is more technologically aware than much of the U.S. as they also had Sharp computers, NEC's computers, the MSX, on top of Western systems like Amiga. That being said, Windows runs the world every there because M$ Japan was smart enough to create OS mascots. Also, the Steamdeck will be competing with the likes of smartphones over there as Nips still by physical copies of PC games.
>>148966 Forgot image... >>149035 >Japan exclusive model I highly doubt it, even if Valve wanted to designing an entire separate Deck for a specific region areas it would take years of engineering, testing, and logistics to make that smaller Deck and they're struggling just to churn out the basic model within reasonable time because Valve logistics have always been terrible and the world being fucked trade wise doesn't help either. Custom paint jobs is probably the only thing Valve will consider doing. I hope they make one with Nitori on the back. Valve isn't autistic enough to redraw the entire thing and throw out their current production like Germany is when designing Panzers just for that slight improvement. >>149039 >be after installing Manjaro It's for their own good anon, there's a reason it's so easy for Best Korea to hack them on a regular basis. >>149034 >What's the caliber difference between the three? The Bavarian comes in just about every large hunting caliber you could want but I'll stick with 270 or 380 because I like being able to actually find ammo for my guns so I avoid odd calibers The Finnfire is just a fancy Twenty Two, and the T3X is more of their general gun and has even more options caliber wise though I wish Tikka had a model T3X with iron sights. I don't have any particular intended use for one but rather just want it as a general purpose and fun gun.
>>149049 Netori, you say?
>>149048 >gurochan That still exists? Don't answer, I don't wanna know. >>149049 Go for the bavarian, pick the biggest fucking caliber you can find, and go shoot a nigger. Or, just stick to the .308. Yeah, do that. Have fun, dude.
>>149049 Get the 380 bavarian, specially if you can get an extended mag, having easy access to ammo is more important that fancyness.
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>>148832 >>148982 >>149047 <when I opened that link
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>>149008 According to lore, youkai are powered and shaped by the beliefs of those that believe in their existence. So technically whatever escaped is this motherfucker because most people that know about the escapee fox knows her by this motherfucker
>>149024 there must be porn of this already, right?
>>149055 >Fluffy tailed housewife who wants children Good lord. Welp, here's hopin'. I could use a woman's touch in my apartment.
>>149033 imagine being this fucking delusional Japan won't touch an abomination like the dick
>>149054 How is there even enough calories to produce that much creature mass in things that can move that much? I feel like swarms of mice like that defy physics.
>>149054 I really want to see someone use some fire power on that swarm, although Autralia so lol no guns.
>>149059 it's can't really. Mice swarms inevitably crash hard after a while.
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>>149060 >>149059 You know who to call.
>>149059 mice are less physically dense than they look.
>>148954 >russia's casus belli is retarded and their warmongering ways is what causes eastern europe to join nato in the first place >Georgia almost joins NATO after western gayop >Russia intervenes to protect their backyard >Ukraine gets gayopped by NATO/CIA and has a jew president installed to lead the puppet government >puppet government keeps getting shipments of arms, has illegal US biolabs installed, and the Ukrainian-jewish oligarch funded Azov battalion is used alongside mercs to terrorize and kill ethnic Russians in the Donbas region for EIGHT (8) YEARS >They wanna join NATO >Russia intervenes Russia's foreign strategy atm is to secure buffer zones against NATO and to have more oceanic access. They wouldn't need buffer zones against NATO if NATO did not continuously expand beyond the core countries that originally constituted the NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION to the point that it's not really the NORTH ATLANTIC anymore. And this expansion happened after the Soviet Union fell. Western ZOG will sit there impotently whining trying to use sanctions that harm itself while Eastern ZOG is forced to harden its ties to Brazil, Iran, India, China, South Africa, and North Korea. They already adopted CIPS after being banned from SWIFT. If NATO hadn't gayopped Ukraine in 2013/2014 and installed a pro-West government, this war could have been avoided entirely. But no, they had to keep poking the bear with gay glownigger color revolutions and gay (((Western))) anti-"culture". Now more Whites are dying and the economic impact will be felt more keenly by the West. However! Putin is not anyone here's friend. His continued presidency is courtesy of jewish oligarchs, especially Roman Abramovich. In his own country, he harshly suppresses, jails, even kills, genuine National Socialists and Russian nationalists. His embrace of Russian Orthodox Christianity is partially a meme, too. Eastern Europe must learn that what is coming for them from the (((West))) is a poison the likes of which they have yet to truly know. A disease that will destroy them more thoroughly than the worst years under the Soviet Union, atomizing and deracinating them, erasing their culture.
>>149059 Well, according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Same with mice.
>>149065 They figured out that the bee's wings rotate to create extra lift.
>>149047 This is far too cumbersome.
>>149064 Once again, NATO didnt invade those countries, they all joined NATO because they didnt want to get invaded by russia, ukraine wanted to do the same and now they are getting fucked.
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>>149025 Even so it's really only ever implied that there is any fucking, without actual animation, just the floating hearts, making as if the concept of just love itself is what really offends them. Then again they'd even make up some retarded reason to get triggered over heart symbols too I guess. They're, after all, reminiscent of acts of indecency that "offend against the standards of morality".
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>>149055 (Mao) Zordon needs to summon a team of young comrades with attitude, it'll be a little confusing since they'll only have red rangers though
>>148943 >Why don't we call western billionaires with out sized political influence "oligarchs"? Missed opportunity to call him an anti-semitic jew hater
>>149071 But, he's right. Even Ford, despite devoting several years of his paper to criticize the Kikes, spent much of his wealthy supporting whatever political candidate he favored, which included people like Wilson.
>>149072 Oh boy I sure do hate Kikes, I think I'll donate to the Republican party this year and consider buying an IWI Tavor instead of a Sako too.
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Give up immediately, your life and future are now forfeit!!! This rock in Japan is broken, you’re already dead!! Stop improving yourself and give up because of this a rock!!! This is a world ending phenomena, just two more weeks!! Just kill yourself RIGHT FUCKING NOW so you won’t suffer!!!
>>149075 But i want to strap a computer to my face and swordfight demons.
>>149075 shut up fag, we are gonna get Fox waifus now
>>149075 I'll humor you, self-improvement for the sake of you want to be perceived by others is bullshit, never be kind or nice for social points. It should be done out of your sheer unconditional love for mankind and most importantly yourself. Now, self destruction...
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>>149075 >>149075 ==H O L Y F U C K= = A R O C K==
>>149076 >swordfighting >not using nerve bullets It isn't breaking the Geneva Convention if you're fighting demons.
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>>149024 This is the sickest Pokemon ad I've seen. >>149067 Yes, but it seems to be the only option available.
>>149080 I lack the dakka for that.
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>>149075 >>149077 No tears, only fluffy tails now. >>149079 Broke rock = hard cock At least on /monster/ they're fucking jacking themselves thinking about kitsune pussy
>>149024 Tamamo's gonna have a weird time this century especially if she encounter's a certain funny animal enthusiast demographic.
>>149079 >F U C K= >= A You done it!
>>149084 Let's just hope she realizes that particular fanbase is just a band of degenerates and doesn't adequately reflect the fans of fluffy tail. >bad timeline, Tamamo no Mae finds the furry fandom first and becomes so disgusted that she and her daughters kidnap less degenerate men and spirit them away to serve as unwilling semen donors >(mostly) normal timeline, Tamamo stays in Japan and thanks to the locals and the power of the internet discovers and avoids them >ideal scenario, that lucky bastard anon ended up summoning Tamamo and practically ensures that all of /monster/ will become part of the Fox Clan
>>149084 Rolling die to see where Tamamo will shitpost 0 = /b/ 1 = /pol/ 2 = /a/ 3 = /monster/ 4 = /k/ 5 = /v/ 6 = /x/ 7 = /t/ 8 = /co/ 9 = /fur/ 1d1000000000 = 153404384
>>149087 >/k/ Could be worse. Maybe Tamamo knows the value of having men who know how to fight. Maybe she'd be interested in getting a training organization together in service to her.
>>149024 How is that a fox though? Much less a nine tailed one.
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>>149088 >tactical foxgirl demon
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>>149087 Watch out cheeki breekis
>>148994 What's so special about this dumb rock? >>149012 But it already does, from yearly bush fires.
>>149087 >Die landed on 4 >But posted ended in a 9 <Tamamo will develop tactical fursuits Is that the best or worst timeline?
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>>149089 it certainly only looks like it has one tail, but it's huge
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>>149064 I wonder if Russia can survive this war alone, or will China butt in and pledge allegiance?
>>149090 Considering her skills with illusion magic, that could be a fucking game changer. >glowniggers start scouting around the fluffy tail /k/ompound, all hail Tamamo >every single time they try to get close, they quickly and silently get overwhelmed >nobody asks any questions and the only thing the locals know is that there's a bunch of foxes in the area >>149092 It's the rock that supposedly possessed the spirit of Tamamo no Mae, the nine-tailed fox.
>>149092 >What's so special about this dumb rock? https://infogalactic.com/info/Tamamo-no-Mae <In the story told by Hokusai, formed in the Edo period, the nine-tail fox first appeared in China and possessed Daji, concubine of Shang dynasty's last ruler King Zhou. She enchanted the king and brought upon a reign of terror that led to a rebellion that ended the Shang dynasty. The fox spirit fled to Magadha of Tianzhu (ancient India) and became Lady Kayō (華陽夫人), concubine of the crown prince Banzoku (班足太子; based on Indian tales of Kalmasapada the man-eater), causing him to cut off the heads of 1000 men. It was then defeated again, and fled the country. Around 780 BC, the same fox returned to China was said to have possessed Baosi, concubine of the Zhou dynasty King You. It was again chased away by human military forces. <The fox stayed quiet for some period. Then she appeared in Japan as Tamamo-no-Mae, the most favoured courtesan of Emperor Toba. She was said to be a most beautiful and intelligent woman, being able to answer any question asked. She caused the Emperor to be extremely ill and was eventually exposed as a fox spirit by Abe no Yasuchika, who had been called to diagnose the cause of the Emperor's poor health. A few years later, the emperor sent Kazusa-no-suke (上総介) and Miura-no-suke (三浦介) to kill the fox in the plains of Nasu.
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Yes, I want cunny Tamamo
>>149093 The die shall answer that one Odd = Good times Even = Bad times 1d000000000 = 0
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>>149093 depends on what the suits look like
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>>149093 /k/'s already done most of the legwork for that, actually. Pic related.
>>149099 Whoops, trying again Odd = Good times Even = Bad times 1d1000000000 = 573560730
>>149097 >In the 1653 Tamamo no sōshi (玉藻の草紙), an addendum was added to the story describing that the spirit of Tamamo-no-mae embedded itself into a stone called the sesshoseki. The stone continually released poisonous gas, killing everything that touched it. The stone was said to have been destroyed in the Nanboku-chō period by the Buddhist monk Gennō Shinshō (源翁心昭), who exorcised the now-repentant fox spirit. He held a Buddhist memorial service after the deed, allowing the spirit to finally rest in peace. Looks like there hasn't been anything inside the stone in centuries. Better luck next time, foxfags.
>>149094 What a stretch. That's not a fox. It's a ferret.
>>149103 Then, who broke the rock?
>>149105 Old stone pot. Probably very fragile.
>>149095 >Muh nazis Both sides can get fucked. the JewSA can sink and it can pull the lovely Soviet liberators Defenders of Communism Russian people down to the depths with it.
>>149104 yeah well you tell her that when she comes after you.
>>149103 >Believing Buddhist propaganda.
>>149108 Nice try, anon. No woman has ever come for me. One's not gonna start now.
>>149083 Well, time to shill this dude that made most of his career about thick blonde fox toho https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/6127074 Seems he is not making her neither as often nor as thick as he used to.
>>149095 Fuck commies, Russia is raising the red flag, showing their commie colors.
>>149109 >>149106 And, does that change a single thing about the fact that the fox is free?
>>149115 The fox was put to rest for good a long long long time ago. There is no fox in there.
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>>149115 What da fox doin'?
>>149116 >Citing the Buddhist addition to the story I bet you think Beowulf is a christian story too.
>>149118 By your logic, the fox wouldn't have left china then.
>>149116 >The fox was put to rest for good a long long long time ago. Allegedly >>149119 How does that relate?
>>149120 Because the buddhist addition is part of the japanese addition to the legend. If you don't count it then only the chinese version remains. So she never left china.
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>>149121 >she never left china <tamamo becomes the source of Winnie the Pooh's problems
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https://odysee.com/@Shadiversity:d/can-the-shovel-be-a-good-weapon:7 >>149064 Yeah they'll either end up N.A.T.O.'s bitch or the Eurasian Union's bitch unfortunately especially since Holol's make pretty good artisan chocolates. Funny enough all of this could have been avoided if they didn't dismantle their nuclear arsenal for gibs, modern day Ukraine would basically be a nicer version of France but with more Comm Blocks and less Algerians and there would be no need to bend the knee to either much like how China is forced to respect the sovereignty of North Korea and treat them as an equal rather than a subject. Before the corrupt and inept Holol government disarmed themselves they had one of the biggest arsenals of nukes in the world, no one be it Russia, Poland, or Belarus would have fucked with them, sure they were India tier quality nukes but nukes don't exactly need accuracy to be effective anyway. >>149058 You know what anon your right, Nippons using a giant game pad console is incomprehensible, it will be a giant flop for sure. >>149050 Take it to >>>/h/ anon >>149051 >>149052 Guess I'm getting the Bavarian carbine then. Gonna take me a while to save up for it though. >>149087 >>149088 I for one welcome our new 2A friendly fox overlord, hell of time too.
>>149119 Or you just divorce Daji from Tamamo like Nasu did
>>149124 Then it'd be a much less scary yokai & would still have been exorcised for good.
>>149124 He also separated Elizabeth Bathory from the whole "she gave birth to a peasant's child when she was 13 years old" bit, I bet.
Irish Man Arrested After Driving Truck Through Gate of Russian Embassy >Police in Dublin, Ireland have arrested a man who drove a truck through the gate of the Russian embassy in protest against the invasion of Ukraine. The incident occurred earlier today and the video quickly went viral on Twitter. >After he’d reversed through the gates, the driver exited the vehicle and handed out anti-Russian leaflets before stating, “I’ve done my bit lads. It’s about time the rest of Ireland done their bit.” >The attacker then demanded that Yury Filatov, the Russian ambassador, “leave this country.” After arresting the culprit, police said they were investigating the incident as “criminal damage.” >The embassy has been targeted numerous times with anti-Russian sentiment since the invasion began last month, including messages such as “fuck Russia” being daubed in graffiti outside as well as red paint being thrown onto the building’s entrance. >Filatov previously claimed that Ireland has become hostile toward “Russia and everything Russian” as a result of skewed coverage by the Irish media. >The conflict prompted the Irish government to reconsider its traditionally neutral stance, with Prime Minister Michael Martin asserting, “We are not neutral in respect of what’s happening in Ukraine.” >An angry crowd of protesters previously harassed Filatov as he tried to enter the embassy in his vehicle as demonstrators carrying Ukraine flags threw objects at the car. https://archive.ph/mpG65 India sticks with Russia after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine >An increasingly isolated Vladimir Putin left Russia for only the second time during the pandemic last December. His destination was New Delhi and his focus was on preparing for future conflicts. >Moscow works with New Delhi in the “military and technical sphere like with no other country”, the Russian president told Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, calling India “a time-tested friend” as the leaders signed a new 10-year defence co-operation agreement. >The friendship would be challenged just eight weeks later when Russian troops stormed Ukraine, sending India rushing to rescue more than 15,000 nationals, mostly students studying in the country. <While western nations condemned Russia’s aggression, New Delhi’s loyalty to its longstanding partner held firm. >India, as a temporary UN Security Council member, abstained from voting on a resolution to condemn Russia’s invasion last week, along with China and the United Arab Emirates. >Analysts say India believes there is little benefit in alienating Russia, on which it depends for crucial commodities such as energy and fertiliser, with neighbouring China as a much greater strategic threat. >Russia’s support is seen as vital to managing India’s unresolved confrontation with China on its northern Himalayan border after deadly fighting in 2020. >Here in Delhi, Russia has always been [seen as] a dangerous tactical distraction for the west,” said Constantino Xavier, a fellow at the Centre for Social and Economic Progress think-tank in New Delhi. “From India’s perspective, the only actor that will come out stronger [from the war in Ukraine] is China.” >Although Modi appealed to Putin “for an immediate cessation of violence” in a phone call on the first day of the war, Indian officials have steered clear of blaming the Russian president. >Instead, New Delhi has stayed in touch with both Moscow and Kyiv as it prioritised evacuation operations for its citizens on Ukraine’s western borders. India’s partnership with Russia goes back to the early days of independence after 1947, when Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru drew inspiration for parts of his socialist economy from the Soviet Union. >Though India was “non-aligned” during the cold war, the country grew close to the Soviets as the US drifted towards its nemesis Pakistan. Crucially, the Soviet Union is credited as having helped India win its 1971 war with Pakistan over Bangladesh. >India’s ties with the US and Europe have strengthened since the cold war ended. New Delhi — a member of the Quad security partnership with the US, Japan and Australia — is seen as an indispensable western ally and counterweight to China in Asia. >Yet hemmed in by foes on its northern borders, India’s geographical position means it is loath to rely on distant western support. >China on one side and Pakistan on the other, both nuclear enabled,” Uday Kotak, managing director of Kotak Mahindra Bank and one of India’s richest men, said in a tweet. He added that given “our dependence on Russian military equipment, and [that the] US is far away, we have challenges”. >India watches the Russia-China relationship very closely,” said Tanvi Madan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think-tank. “What they’ve seen for years is the relationship getting closer and closer. >They haven’t wanted to push Putin further into Chinese arms.”She argued that Modi’s unwillingness to criticise Putin is well understood domestically. <Any other Indian government would likely have done the same thing,” she said. >Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi has also refrained from condemning Russia.Moscow has remained India’s most important military supplier. >Russian tanks, aircraft and other heavy weaponry are deployed at India’s Himalayan border, and the countries are collaborating to produce arms in India, too. >About 65 per cent of arms transferred to India between 1950 and 2020 were from the Soviet Union or Russia, an estimated $83.4bn of a total $126.7bn, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. >As Putin arrived in India in December, so did deliveries of S-400 Russian-built missile defence systems, part of a $5.4bn deal signed two years earlier in defiance of Washington. >Observers say Moscow needs its allies, such as India and China, to help alleviate the crushing pressure of western financial sanctions. >Although bilateral trade was worth only about $8bn last financial year, Indian businesses with Russian links have been lobbying the government to let them keep trading with their counterparts, a person familiar with the matter said. >The finance ministry declined to comment. While India trades with Russia in dollars, “there’s a talk of going back to rupee-rouble trade which used to be the norm”, said Biswajit Dhar, a Jawaharlal Nehru University professor specialising in trade, referring to the period from the 1970s to the 1990s. >Two Indian government-linked finance companies in Russia — Commercial Indo Bank, 60 per cent owned by the State Bank of India, and reinsurer GIC Perestrakhovanie LLC, fully owned by India’s General Insurance Corporation — are working to strengthen bilateral banking. >India’s government has not told Indian lenders what to do about Russian banks that have been targeted by western sanctions. But India has previously been willing to ignore western sanctions, creating a payment mechanism for Iranian imports. >Dhar said India would prioritise its trading relationship with Russia. “All these avenues will be explored, anything that can help continuation of trade ties. Everything is going to be used,” he said. https://archive.ph/efo9K
Parents Sue Call Of Duty Maker, Alleging Sexual Harassment Led To Daughter’s Suicide >Parents of an Activision Blizzard employee who died by suicide on a 2017 work retreat at Disneyland are now suing the Call of Duty publisher alleging workplace sexual harassment contributed to their daughter’s wrongful death. Activision Blizzard had previously dismissed the tragedy as having “no bearing whatsoever” on allegations of misconduct at the company. >Janet and Paul Moynihan filed the lawsuit on March 3 in Los Angeles County Superior Court, claiming sexual harassment faced by Kerri Moynihan during her time at the company was “a substantial factor in causing her death by suicide.” Moynihan, who was 32 and a finance manager at Activision at the time, was found dead in her hotel room at the Grand Californian Hotel & Spa in Disneyland in April 2017. >According to the lawsuit, which was first reported by The Washington Post, the Moynihans were not aware of allegations of widespread sexual harassment and discrimination at Activision Blizzard until the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing filed a lawsuit last summer. >Thought at first extremely dismissive of many of the allegations, Activision has since entered into a pending $18 million settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission over similar claims. >We will address the complaint through the legal process as appropriate, and out of respect for the family we have no further comment at this time,” a spokesperson for Activision Blizzard told The Washington Post. >Without directly naming her at the time, the July 2021 DFEH lawsuit referenced Moynihan’s suicide and the alleged sexual harassment that preceeded it: >In a tragic example of the harassment that Defendants allowed to fester in their offices, a female employee committed suicide while on a company trip due to a sexual relationship that she had been having with her male supervisor. ... >Another employee confirmed that the deceased female employee may have been suffering from other sexual harassment at work prior to her death. Specifically, at a holiday party before her death, male co-workers passed around a picture of the deceased’s vagina. >The Moynihans’ lawsuit now names Greg Restituito as the supervisor Kerri Moynihan was in a sexual relationship with. It also alleges that he originally lied to investigators about the relationship and removed items from Moynihan’s apartment after her death. According to the lawsuit, Activision Blizzard did not fully cooperate with the police investigation either, refusing to turn over Moynihan and Restituito’s work-issued laptops as well as Restituito’s cell phone, which the company claimed had been “wiped.” >At the time, Activision called it “reprehensible” for DFEH to “drag into the complaint the tragic suicide of an employee whose passing has no bearing whatsoever on this case and with no regard for her grieving family.” The Moynihans’ lawsuit now argues the opposite. >It describes a pattern by Activision of going to “ extraordinary efforts” to “suppress and cover up evidence” of alleged misconduct at the company. >According to a November 2021 investigation by The Wall Street Journal, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick intervened to prevent Treyarch studio co-head Dan Bunting from being terminated for sexual harassment. >Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer said he was “deeply troubled” by the allegations in The Wall Street Journal report, and over 1,000 Activision Blizzard employees called on Kotick to resign. Instead, Microsoft entered talks to purchase the embattled publisher for $68.7 billion, and after the deal was announced in January praised Kotick’s leadership and “commitment to real change.” >Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Los Angeles Police Department had been subpoenaed for any police records related to Kotick and other senior people at Activision. https://archive.ph/EICYu EA Sports to pull Russian teams from FIFA video games >BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) - Just days after FIFA and the UEFA announced that Russian soccer teams would not be able to compete in future competitions, video game developer EA Sports plans to do the same. >The Electronic Arts division dedicated to publishing sports games across multiple gaming platforms announced they would be pulling the Russian National Team and all Russian soccer clubs from its FIFA games on Twitter Wednesday. >The decision comes in support of the Ukrainian people and is calling for peace between Russia and Ukraine, according to the statement. >The company said the process of removing the Russian teams from the games has started. >In line with our partners at FIFA and UEFA, EA Sports has initiated processes to remove the Russian National Team and all Russian clubs from EA Sports FIFA products including: FIFA 2022, FIFA Mobile, and FIFA Online. We’re also actively evaluating related changes to other areas of our games,” EA Sports said in the tweet. >Ahead of the changes, EA Sports thanked players for their patience as changes to across all platforms and would keep the gaming community updated. https://archive.ph/VHWdW
>>149128 > EA Sports to pull Russian teams from FIFA video games Is this psychological warfare? Ostracizing Russians from everything to make them feel isolated? I don' think it will work
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>>149129 Yep, I think they're trying to put Prince Albert back in the can over here. The internet opened up the world to the peaceful mentality and now people only want peace. War is looking impossible to start outside of sandland and even that's fading, they straight up gave up in Afghanistan.
>>149125 Anon, what's the source of her being exercised?
>>149129 It shows a fundamental western misunderstanding of the Russian mindset. Isolation doesn't work with Russia because Russia was isolated from the rest of Europe already, it developed an entire culture being separate from western Europe (Spain, France, Britain), Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Poland), and Southern Europe (Italy, Greece)
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>>149133 >2012 >University of Colorado Already worthless.
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>>149131 Her fitness trainer, Genno Shinso.
>>149134 At Boulder, no less.
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900 Missouri residents who ‘snitched’ on lockdown rule-breakers fear retaliation after details leaked online https://archive.ph/yEzU9 “When there is something that happens next time, I’m not going to feel safe or protected enough to call the local authorities.” Snitches...
>>148994 >>149024 Honestly upon looking of the history of the legend as best I could and other stuff related to it. It brought up a few questions. The first mention of it is with King Zhou the last ruler of the Chinese Shang dynasty, date is around 1046 BC. And what Daji did who was supposedly the fox demon was only written about/down during the Tang dynasty which ruled from 618 to 907 AD. If I'm right and this is the same dynasty that had the "decisive tang victory" with them literally eating everyone in entire city, then it wouldn't be past them to make stuff up or add details that weren't there. Example; they could've moved the torture crimes from the 'king" to daji. Then supposedly appears in India as Lady Kayō, couldn't find much there related to time frames or much of anything, so uncertain as to any details there. Then appears back in China around 780 BC so about 220 years later. supposedly possessing Bao Si which seems unlikely because of Bao Si's legend itself. China being China the king did retarded stuff and ended up causing complete lost of trust of the nobles by abusing signal beacons to make Bao Si laugh according to Bao Si's legend, died because no nobles came to help when being attacked because of lose of trust. And finally Emperor Toba of Japan ruled from 1107 through 1123, most likely AD so there's a gap of roughly 1887 to 1903 years of the fox demon doing nothing. Also possibility that Emperor Toba's illness was due to one of his close aids poisoning him and Tamamo-no-Mae taking the flack, most likely stopped poisoning him for a period of time so the blame falls on Tamamo-no-Mae. Now If Tamamo-no-Mae was/is as bad as the legends say she is then there's a inconsistency with that and the long stretches of time of her doing nothing.
>>149137 I can't believe they have to worry about their privacy and bodily autonomy after attacking peoples privacy and bodily autonomy.
>>149137 That article looks like it's from 2020 bro.
>>148932 >logistics problems >a literal stone's throw from the Russian heartland in Europe. Sad.
>>149068 >Once again, NATO didnt invade those countries, they all joined NATO because they didnt want to get invaded by russia And the gay ops to install puppet governments did nothing, it was entirely organic movement. I mean, what even is regime change? Russia ain't in the right but you'd have to be ideologically blinded or outright retarded to think NATO is blameless for this state of affairs. A hostile Ukraine is, to Russia, as big a strategic weakness as Cuba hosting missiles was to the US. Yes, NATO is hostile to Russia, and no, it isn't a purely defensive alliance - it was the groundwork for the "Coalition of the Willing" that has been occupying Iraq for about two decades.
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>>149137 I looked up that article name and its from 2020.
>>149138 You're telling me the fox demon was looking for a good spouse, and, each time she found someone, they turned her into a scapegoat for whatever the current predicament was?
>>149144 Sounds like the old "I was possessed by a fox!" excuse people used back in ancient japan.
>>148925 >So basically "fuck you youre banned" with no reason? >>148932 >No, but yes ???
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>>149135 >no fit ara exercise session
>>149132 >>149129 If anything Russia, China, and the Middle East will grow closer. Russia finally switch over to Chinese banking. So will half of the Middle East and Africa. The only matter of time we will have a real-world CSAT from Arma 3 or a red star alliance from frontline fuel of war. Depending on if North Korea and South American nations join the alliance or not.
>>149148 The one saving grace is that for hundreds of years, the mongols and later the japanese made Russia very wary of "orientals". Now we get to see what happens when the shield of Europe allies with the Eastern Hordes.
>>149149 >Now we get to see what happens when the shield of Europe allies with the Eastern Hordes. ironically Russia Allie’s are more racially diverse than US and NATO. I like to see how SJWs and BLM handle the fact Russia has more black friends than them. Nation in Africa sanctioning Russia are all French puppet states.
>>149146 "Refused classification" is what it's called when they ban things regardless of whether or not they provide a reason. All media sold with retail display is required to be classified, so if they refuse to classify it that means it's banned. And apparently this also applies to Steam now even though if you only sell on Steam my understanding is you don't need classification. So the console version was refused classification and then the Steam version they were already selling in Australia got banned too. In this case they didn't provide much of a reason, just quoting 1(a) from the regulation, but the lack of explanation is unrelated to the "refused classifcation" term.
>>149138 >>149144 >>149145 IP hop all you want, you are not fooling anyone, you dumb fox.
>Cover Corp announced on Friday that it has opened auditions for the first wave of male Virtual YouTubers under the hololive English group. https://archive.is/SzBD0
>>149153 Alright, who's going to apply?
>>149154 Can my thingy look like Andrew Jackson?
>>148736 Speaking of trucks don't know if this was posted Up in Leafland, even though the trucks have gone, residents in Ottawa are experiencing PHANTOM HONKING where they think they hear honking when there isn't any. https://archive.ph/hk7NM Beware the Phantom Honkers.
>>149156 It was posted. It's the only lasting effect that any of these trucker retards have had, which shows you just how effective nonviolent protest is. They will never learn from it, of course. Nor will anyone else.
>>149155 Probably not. Still worth a shot though.
>>149156 >PHANTOM HONKING They're traumatized like the gut in that pineapple story.
>>149156 >phantom honking >the concept that someone could rally against whatever bullshit is being forced into people's throats has broken them so thoroughly that their ability to function normally has been hindered That's fucking hilarious.
>>149154 Tried that last year when Nijisanji asked. Didn't get in, and while I would apply to this, too, I already started working on something starting last month.
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>>149161 There's already a burger youtuber
>>149161 Mark, if that's you, I'm going to apply for Hololive.
>>149162 That's a first, being accused of being the Kike.
>>149166 Kayako is best spookiest J Horror grill grudge > ring
>>149166 How can they even see what's in front of them when the hair is covered
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<Disney CEO Bob Chapek Claims Company Is “A Force For Inclusion” But Doesn’t Want It Become A “Political Football” https://archive.ph/b1UQD
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>>149168 By peeking.
Did we all forget about the ESA Winter marathon?
>>149166 I have a fetish for long haired girls, particularly onryo. Also an excuse for sadako lewds, I don't know why but there's so much of it.
>>149165 Pardon. I just remember something from last year about Mark trying to become a v-tuber or something.
>>148808 Nigger, no body knows that Anastasia wasn't a Disney movie, and shouldn't have been on Disney+ to begin with. That would take research.
>>149166 Cool, now someone who speaks Nippponese should go convince her to mirror her videos on Odysee so I don't have to use "You"Tube.
>>149175 just use an invidious instance
>>149172 I don’t have that much of Sadako, so I’ll have to substitute some fo the onryo girl from Dead by Daylight. Even though Sadako is supposed to be the next character in that game. >>149167 >Kayako Imagine her doing that clicking while deepthroating you and having it vibrate your cock.
>>149166 Call me when there's a Sadako porn series.
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>>149153 For me, it's Seto Kazuya, probably the only VTuber with a model with more than 3 animations and 1 expression and who does something other than play random games (in his case he records himself making cool illustrations). https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jSDvZucqmco But seriously, am I really the only one who finds uncanny the way most models move in an extremely stiff way and have the same expression for everything? Just compare the animations of this indie vtuber with the average Hololive star (to put a popular example). The later look like if somebody put a 3D effect on a static 2D image rather than the fully modeled avatars they are.
>>149178 >Sadako porn series Wasn't there some h-manga that had the premise where an AV actress fell into a well filming a Ringu parody porno and now is essentially the Ero-Sadako?
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>>149177 And would you look at that, digging just a lil' deeper reveals this exists
>>149179 The problem is that a rule of thumb for v-tubers is that the more sophisticated the model, the lesser the talent behind it. Just look at that moth bitch who spent multiple streams showing off how she rigged her own model and gave it multiple different forms, but at the end of the day just acts like your average skank.
>>149182 >ust look at that moth bitch who spent multiple streams showing off how she rigged her own model and gave it multiple different forms, but at the end of the day just acts like your average skank. Name? I'm interested to see her model in action.
>>149183 Sure there's plenty of doujins but some professionally made horror porn would be nice.
>>149184 Juniper Actias is the name.
>>149123 The Wii U was indeed the biggest flop Nintendo ever had in Japan, in case you were being sarcastic.
>>149186 Thanks. I just watched a couple of videos. The model isn't bad, it has a lot of parts that react to movement, but the expressions and animations are just as limited and stiff as everyone else's. Almost nobody puts an effort in giving more expressions to their models, preferring to be stuck in the default "smiling face" regardless of the tone of voice and supposed reaction of the voice behind the model. Also >her design is inspired by the doujins about the horny mothgirl wew
>>149179 I just watch Pipkin Pippa, because seeing Alex Jones as an anime rabbit girl is pretty interesting.
>>149184 >>149186 >>149189 Didn't the moth bitch say some shit about loli recently? I feel like I remember her saying something dumb but I don't know the details.
>>149189 Kson's model is the most advanced model I've seen, but I don't know how good it is compared to other stuff.
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>>149189 Is a faggot voicing this character?
>>149194 It's obviously a woman.
>>149195 Oh that's good, i've seen shota male vtuba being played by dudes who sound either like Solid Snake or a flamboyant homo, no inbetween. I haven't seen any that look and sound like say, Okabe Rintaro. Also here's airman
>>149196 Japanese or American Snake?
>>149197 American, mostly the indie kind who self-promote on twitter
>>149198 Indie v-tubers are a dime a dozen. Most of them don't even have any professional standards & treat their twitters as a personal blog rather than a business tool.
>>149199 Many such cases, also extremely insufferable, overly political and downright rude to viewers. The only indie vtuber I enjoyed vanished without prior notice (I think it was harrassment from some retard called Hero Hei though)
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>>149192 (checked) Now this is what I'm looking for. The physics of individual parts of the model, multiple facial expressions (although not as many as Kazuya it seems) that can change on the fly to better reflect the current context of the stream, these specific proportions, angles and cell shading that high tier 3D anime games (like Naruto Ninja storm or Guilty Gear) use to make the characters look natural. This is what most vtubers (or at least the "bigger ones") should have, yet this level of technical quality seems to be pretty rare in this industry. >>149194 Probably a woman. It's very common to have women voicing young boys because they can imitate the voices of children better than men.
>>149169 >Disney CEO Bob Chapek Claims Company Is “A Force For Inclusion” But Doesn’t Want It Become A “Political Football” >Disney not leftists political propaganda Yes and San Francisco known for heterosexuality and pro funding police.
>>149203 why is the detail on the anatomy so gross?
>>149200 What did Hero Hei do?
>>149205 If I had to make a guess, spammed out 500 clickbait videos with Genshin Impact B-roll in five days about the girl.
>>149205 Kani made a joke-ish tweet about some Hololive vtuber and he took it at face value, made a whiteknight video and sent his braindead army after her.
>>149207 >e-celeb drama about e-celeb dramafag creating e-celeb drama But I knew there was a reason why I never liked that fag.
>>149094 >>149024 Thought it was just a giant skull.
>>149209 i can see that
>>149209 Why not both?
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>>149024 >>149094 I saw a fella more like this.
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>>149204 I dont know
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>>149212 I see something else
>>149214 I want the gun-friendly fox demon girl to threaten me at gun point to force me to impregnate her while I stroke her fluffy tails.
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>>149102 >>149099 >odd good >even bad <roll a zero twice shits' gonna be double bad bros holy fuck
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>>149215 it turns out these are supposed to be cat ears but i already labeled it as fox so close enough
>>149216 It could also be a double negative which makes it good :^)
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>>149122 <tamamo becomes the source of Winnie the Pooh's problems It doesn't take a fox to scare Winnie, all it takes is a single fucking bird. >>149137 Fucking GOOD Let the DOOM MUSIC kick in. >>149218 >It could also be a double negative which makes it good :^) <meme magic kill miura <meme magic turns evil demon fox into housewife we might not die alone anons
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>>149203 But she has 3 loli helpers, and it pretty good at pitching.
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Wait a minute, this thread is specifically titled A Really Bad Fur Day, but that was more towards the 21st birthday of Conker. I don't know what to make of this confusion
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>>149222 It's funny how just a few years ago using emojis on 8chan would have gotten you all kinds of shit.
>>149156 few threads ago there was a pic comparing trucker protest to some indian protest of how India was better. What was that about and has trudeu pulled some shady shit yet?
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>>148785 >russia will be free of this jidf cia mossad cancelcuck hell I'm jellious. But i'm also going to miss them.
>>149223 I dont see anyone use any non pedo related emojis. Maybe you should think about that.
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>>149221 >A Really Bad Fur Day jesus the meme magic keeps casting
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It gets worse! Conker's Bad Fur Day was released on March 5th, the killing stone was split into two on March 5th
>>148910 >To be fair I don't know how ukraine joining nato would have saved them from this NATO is a military alliance: If a NATO member is attacked, all members are legally obliged to fight on the nation's behalf. Russia invading a NATO state would guarantee world war.
>>149229 Did we get any super hot chick suddenly gaining power in Japan's political sphere yet?
>>148991 It was? Damn, without context, when I was really young that song would play on the radio on Friday's after I had gone out to play and go to McDonalds and made me feel like the happiest person in the world. I guess you just can't enjoy anything, jewish subversion goes back all the way to 1300 ad. It truly is over.
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>>149223 They get a pass when it's established that they're only being used ironically.
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>>149234 It seems the "Uoooh" face is the modern-day Pedobear equivalent, or something close to that.
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>>149235 There's good reason why the terms loli, pedobear and now UUOOOH have risen to the popularity they have and had.
>>149234 Using stuff ironically is how you end up using it seriously. At minimum, it will attract people who don't realize it's being mocked.
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>>149237 >muh elite internet club purity Only use /gg/ approved language, ideas and opinions, please.
>>149236 And what reason is that?
>>149237 Poe's law is an iq problem.
>>149240 To be fair you need to have a very high IQ to use emojis.
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>>149239 Talking about that here will get you banned/deleted.
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>>149242 I had genuinely forgot about that. Thanks a lot asshole.
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>>149242 shit like this is why i can't unblackpill myself
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>>149238 If we had the anons to bully newcomers then it might be fine and work itself out. But you risk Eternal September when you post normalfag bait. You can wrap it in a dozen layers of irony but they won't get the joke.
>>149243 So it's about doxxing government officials? Cheese pizza?
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>>149250 Not really.
The Batman's Riddler Is An Incel And That Should Be A Grim Message To Us All >Dano, 37, who appeared in 12 Years a Slave and There Will be Blood, said he wanted the character to have a “sense of purpose” and went online for research forums linked to the incel subculture, which promotes violent misogyny. >He said I found what people were saying on Reddit and Twitter the scariest part of the film, even more frightening than the violence, because it is the most real... There are people who feel unheard, unseen and angry. It’s horrible and I don’t know what we do about it.” >The Dark Knight Rises, Joker, and The Batman play on these insecurities, asking a mixture of criminals and the common people to join together for a cause that will make the world a better place. It’s a bitter victory, one that results in further crime and the death of innocents caught up in the ideological crossfire. >This thematic exploration has always been relevant, but in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidency and the emergence of 21st century fascism, it takes on a new identity that this latest film is more than happy to lean into. >Revolution is now viewed as an eventuality by a collection of far-right internet dwellers who believe the world is leaving them behind. Games are becoming more diverse, women have no interest in them, and woke politics are infiltrating every piece of media imaginable because the world is changing for the better. >For them, it’s a sign of being ignored. They feel as if they’ve been labelled villains purely because they were born as white men, unable to separate criticisms of patriarchy and institutionalized racism from criticism of them, personally. >The Dark Knight Rises, Joker, and The Batman play on these insecurities, asking a mixture of criminals and the common people to join together for a cause that will make the world a better place. >It’s a bitter victory, one that results in further crime and the death of innocents caught up in the ideological crossfire. This thematic exploration has always been relevant, but in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidency and the emergence of 21st century fascism, it takes on a new identity that this latest film is more than happy to lean into. >Revolution is now viewed as an eventuality by a collection of far-right internet dwellers who believe the world is leaving them behind. Games are becoming more diverse, women have no interest in them, and woke politics are infiltrating every piece of media imaginable because the world is changing for the better. >For them, it’s a sign of being ignored. They feel as if they’ve been labelled villains purely because they were born as white men, unable to separate criticisms of patriarchy and institutionalized racism from criticism of them, personally. >The Riddler has legitimate grievances with the Wayne Family after being raised in an orphanage that was left behind to rot in the face of empty promises and failed donations, but the expression of his character occupies a place that is pulled straight from reality. Paul Dano’s performance is unsettlingly reminiscent of young white men we’ve seen on the news in the wake of tragic mass shootings, depicted by the media as someone with mental health issues (terrorists of other skin colours rarely have news outlets make excuses for them). >It’s a warped perspective we’ve seen time and time again, and the vitriol The Riddler spews out comes from a similar place. Misplaced grievances and internalised resentment that paint all those who differ from you as the enemy, and the only way to cement progress is to wipe them from the face of the Earth entirely. >Before the film’s final act we see him take to his dark web message board, posting a video to fellow incels as he plans his final assault. In the comments we see people talk about piecing together masks, firearms, and ammunition - prepared to kill as the revolution they’ve waited so long for is finally upon them. >This excitement is short-lived as they are brought to justice by the very spectre of vengeance they sought to imitate. A lingering symbol of fear who once lurked into the shadows is now a public figure who hopes to make Gotham a better place, accepting that bloodshed isn’t the answer and that he now has a public responsibility to fight back against those who take his ideology and hope to express it in a way that is fundamentally misunderstood. >The light that splinters the night sky was meant to be an insignia of fear, but for The Riddler and so many others like him, it became one of inspiration. It is easy to see where this leap in logic was made, and how The Riddler saw Batman as one of his own, someone who hoped to bring Gotham to its knees in order to rebuild it. It’s a fascinating dynamic we’ve never seen the genre tackle before, and it feels all too real. >The Batman isn’t going to inspire incels to rise up and take a stand. If anything, it feels like a profound warning about our current political landscape and the grievances fostered amongst the far-right in the last decade or so. >The Riddler will be relatable to certain groups of people in a way that unsettles me, because they will see themselves in a villain who by the end of the film is labelled a pathetic example of revolution who, despite all his obvious flaws and egotistical intelligence, does manage to uproot society in a way his moral opposites never thought possible. >When left alone long enough, people like this can translate their beliefs into action. It’s such circumstances that we need to be aware of, lest they result in unfathomable and deeply irreversible consequences. https://archive.ph/ATzAn
>>149229 What’s the odds the rock was destroyed by ether South Korean immigrants or American Tourists bitching about Ukraine?
>>149251 Is not having to beat the loli = pedi dead horse really such a bad thing? Neither side is willing to concede their point, both sides despise each other, and there’s no compromise because one side wants to post patently illegal content. It’s a pointless exercise, something none of the other sites on the webring have to deal with, and really is just tiresome. The worst part is that it’s not even actual pedophiles pushing this dead horse, it’s shitposters baiting for easy (you)s. Like brain dead easy (you)’s. So I fully understand why they keep doing it, it’s not because they think cp is free speech, it’s because they have the /intl/ mindset of shitposting is free speech.
>>149253 >The Batman's Riddler Is An Incel At some point this shit ceases to be amusing.
>>149254 Low. Cracks were emerging and widening on it for years.
>>149229 >>148902 I forgot this faggot even existed and why does he look worse? How much of a faggot you have to be when thunderfoot rejected by the bread tubers? He YouTube career died when he started doing anti-Brexit hissy fit.
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>>149256 Caring about the homeless, mental illness and orphans like the Riddler apparently far right and racist now. Can’t wait for the V for Vendetta reboot where V hunts down anyone questioning the government and authority. Considering HBO watchmen liberal dystopian setting was accidental. That a real possibility.
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>>149255 >it’s not even actual pedophiles pushing this dead horse It is. Even though it's mostly posted for baiting purposes, at the end of the day it's still done by people who post CP they have saved on their computer and want to "convert" people into becoming pedophiles.
>>149261 You realize you’re basically the stereotypical drug dealer right out of the D.A.R.E PSAs trying to get pot smokers hooked on heroin, right?
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>Vtuber derail >Pedo derail
>>149267 Oh, so it’s a different pedo shitposter who’s going around calling people cowards for sticking to loli?
>>149253 GAME ON GCPD
Why do pedos show up here to make mental gymnastics?
>>149271 Because they want to turn this place into a CP dump.
>>149274 This but unironically.
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>>149253 >>149256 >Going from The ~Jackie Chan~Batman's Riddler being a scorned boyfriend who got his research and life's work stolen to The Batman's Riddler being a neckbeard incel MFW
>>149272 So is killing someone in a game in real life murder or alt is me drawing a pic of your wife getting fucked by a pack of arabs mean you've been NTR'd? >>149274 Yes talking about actual CP and the Vtuber shit which is purely made to cause derailment is in fact derailment.
>>149191 >>149186 >>149189 >Juniper Actias She used to be an tumblr SJW, then an "anti-SJW", then back to SJW. has talked shit about loli and shota but started to walk that back a little/not addresses it. (the original mangakai also watches her and has designed a body for another v-tuber) she’s made a bunch of (bad) hot takes on anime. Such as anyone enjoying goblin slayer must also be a rapist. her entire v-tuber thing is based on "layers of white" a moth monster-girl hentai manga (full of loli, shota, and non-consensual sex) she stole most of her ideas from that. She has nice art skills, but she is a typical female whose actions are not consistent with her claimed beliefs. just another liar and hypocrite. her army of simps will defend any positions she takes even when she obviously contradicts herself. her fan-base wants a dommy mommy. but shes too low energy to keep a mom dom act up most of the time (she's also said that she'd rather be a bullying older sister type rather than a mommy. basically a tomboy in denial). she's also a switch and just works better as a bottom bitch due to her many neurotic personality traits. her entire juniper moth persona is from of copium based on feelings of inadequacy and the inability to control or entice the men/boys around her. It all lines up with why she went to law school. (so she could power trip). Thank god she was too lazy for that and just spends her days as a typical e-whore puppeteering a big titty anime moth girl for doomer simp shekels.
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>>149064 so it would seem that regardless of anything, before or after this war, ukraine is fucked from both sides. Before it was nato wanting to get ukraine's oil and position against russia, and russia wanted crimea sea ports and russian speaking parts. After this war, if ukraine survives, they either become a husk of russian shell country or if nato does swoop in, they go full balls deep nato. Things will be tense again in eastern europe. >>149148 Russia will be sticking with China only for economic stance (something they already do in minor scale). They are aware of the oriental jew. They however will be pushed towards them if the west continues to push against them >>149277 stop replying you asshat
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>>149276 >Jackie Chan Did you mean Jim Carrey? >>149265 when's the musclegirl derail?
>>149242 ah, truly the work of a localizer
>>149283 Well image boards in general are certainly not left wing. They used to be but they havent been in a long time.
>>149253 Batman is also an autistic sigma incel who breaks up with Catwoman at the end of the movie and she becomes a femcel cat lady too. The plot summary can be found by me on /co/. >>>/co/23613 >>>/co/23614 Riddler despite being a weaponized autist and imageboard user in canon now, not being the only incel makes me think it was less about him being an incel and more about everyone in the modern age feeling lost and without purpose.
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>>149287 I would. But the past 10 or more gamergay threads have been derailed repeatedly with the same tired pattern of posts about loli = pedo with anons who should know better than not to bother arguing with multiple replies to the pedonigger
>>149290 Hey, I jack it to bara, too!
>>149253 everything I've heard about this nu-batman seems like its just a decent mediocre movie that feels like its from an alternate 1990's where batman movies took inspiration from The Crow and Se7en. catwoman is in the movie just to be the voice of self-hating white liberal Guilt (just like she was in the last noloan movie). the only surprising thing is cape shit movies are still around. and making money.
>>149292 If Joker was a poor man's Scorsese film then The Batman is a poor man's David Fincher film
>>149290 sorry, I've been out of the loop for a bit (no internet access for moths). I thought we had an instant ban rule for anything that was obvious/bad faith derailing bullshit?
>>149294 Most of the time, but you cant expect mods and jannies to be constantly active.
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>>149285 >when's the musclegirl derail? When they get back from the gym.
>>149279 all that crap, and I know she's just a normal woman. All she needed is father figure to make her not batshit .
>>149293 >>149289 Hollywood emulating older movies styles... is this a good thing or a bad thing? cat-bitch makes a stink about "white privilege" in Gotham City of all fucking places... so I'll call it a net-negative. >>149296 true. but also GG as whole only has so much to talk about right? at this point it kinda feels like anyone with a brain should just ignore most mainstream gaming and focus on indies or places like DL-site. the only way of fighting back now is stoping the cultural marxism/new age puritans in politics, education, business. or finding a way of leveraging that stuff like our enemies have done for years by forcing them to fight each-other then finish off the "winner" while they are weak from the battle. (feminist vs tranny is a good example of this).
>random schizo is talking with himself
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>>149285 >Did you mean Jim Carrey? No, Jackie Chan. I was referencing this show, not the Batman movie with Val Kilmer and Carrey. >when's the musclegirl derail? Whenever you want it to be 8^)
>>149303 Just a regular Tuesday.
>>149305 Didn't noticed I posted so little this thread. Well, the next thread then.
>>149302 Emulating older movies is tasteful art (like anything else) you have to understand the meaning and reason why the previous guys used these techniques and how, and if you want to use in your currentyear production, is it suitable, does it enhance anything. Otherwise is just "le retro reference, am i hipster enough?" kind of charade, doing stuff for the sake of being seen doing stuff. >>149304 for a literal hollywood cashgrab production, jackie chan adventures had real quality behind them
>>149300 even with a good dad lots of girls end up crazy/monsters. something like going full Cyber-Amish might be the only answer to keep females from going nuts.
>>149185 >some professionally made horror porn That's all professional porn because 3DPD is disgusting.
>>149281 What's disturbing about this hentai is I swear it came out shortly before the stone broke.
>>149304 (check) Damn, Miss the girls from the dcau. ( power girl, galatea, smug wonder loli) if only Bruce Tim didn't have a fart fetish
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>>149290 >But the past 10 or more gamergay threads have been derailed repeatedly with the same tired pattern of posts about loli = pedo I'm pretty sure that's died down as of late with only a few occasional posts by pedoniggers being ignored. Unless you think cunny posting counts, in which case, fuck off. It's a shared meme, but it's mostly been co-opted by the lolicons. Uohing was a lolicon meme to begin with.
>>149294 How do you prove it's bad faith? I my case when I discussed, it was just autism. There's no where else on this site worth debating this topic. /b/ is just an echochamber of pedoniggers with no arguments.
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>>149312 >Spoiler Wait, WHAT? Are you talking about the car scene in Batman and Harley? Or does he have an actual fetish? At least we got Ed Benes teaching youngsters what is good about comics. If only Alex Ross and Cho also started teaching youngsters about good art instead of the shit we get nowadays.
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>>149315 >bitches love spiderman
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>>149317 >Marvel still doesn't want Spidey to be either a cool harem MC with MJ and Felicia pining for his dick or if he's to be a responsible Spider-dad with MJ and their daughter <Instead they want him to a shitty virgin britboy with no charisma that pines for the pussy of an unattractive half-niggress instead It hurts.
>>149310 this^ 100 percent. all 3D is PD. its bad for your mind/body. never simp for any meat skank. don't even waste jizz on them, it just makes you a slave (to the small hat folk)
>>149324 >Spoiler Which one of the two 8^D
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>>149242 >>149286 Reminds me of this gem, courtesy of NISA. (The NPCs say "ウエイ ウエイ" in the Japanese version.)
>>149319 As cool as spidey getting a harem with black cat and MJ would be, it would shit on his morals and message and i rather he and MJ stay together as a good christian couple. >>149324 Oh shit, reiq is still around?
>>149327 Media that refrences outdated memes and treats them as something shameful is outdated and shameful itself and they need to stop doing it.
>>149329 That shit will totally stand the test of time, tripsman.
>>149332 My "opinion" is objectively right. Beauty is not entirely subjective. Post-modernism was a mistake.
>>149253 Adam West's Batman remains the only good live action take.
>>149334 Wait are we shitting on the dark knight now?
>>149279 It's sad. She wants to exert power over men but can't even commit to it or her own dogshit takes.
>>149336 I never stopped.
>>149311 eh, november first of last year... a gap of roughly 127 days or a 3rd of a year and 6-ish days, but i still get your point though https://www.dlsite.com/books/work/=/product_id/BJ402085.html
>>149304 >first pic man, i loved that talisman shit
So, how is the new batman movie? I heard they niggerfied everything.
>>148746 You forgot one major event between the election and the Ukraine war, anon; – America's Afghanistan pullout ended in disaster because of them not pulling out in the original May 2021 date as they originally promised to the Taliban all because of Joe Biden wanted to do a photo-op by leaving on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. This made the Taliban angry and go to the offensive to conquer all of Afghanistan again. For about 3 months, the Taliban was seizing territory after territory with little to no resistance and then they stubble across US military weapons, vehicles, and aircrafts up for grabs. All of this end with the fall of Kabul aka fall of Saigon 2.0 which made America's war on terror/Afghanistan war becoming Vietnam war 2.0: Electric Boogaloo. And on top of all this, Afghanistan is known to be a big meme of being "the graveyard of Empires/Superpowers" and America is following in the same footsteps as the British Empire and the USSR did with their Afghanistan invasions.
>>149313 I dont see any derailing whenever uohh posting besides just a couple of anons rightfully calling it a forced cuckchan maymay
>>149319 Sony pictures spider movies division is run by Amy Pascal (Ghostbusters 2016) and a bunch of literal trannys. the only ones allowed to have harems are self inserts like spider-gwen, gwen pool or "diversity-man" miles morales the half black, half latino wonder that nobody asked for.
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>>149327 NISA is a giant cancer, even among localizer which is akin to saying >Wow, canceraids sure is worse than cancer and aids And those faggots now want to rebrand with a new logo. >>149328 Of course, I even had a few backs and forths with either a specific anon or various anons across a variety of threads these past few months and my stance has been the same : >either make Pete Spider-dad like Renew your Vows or just have threesomes with MJ and Felicia and never talk about marriage so we don't end up with >Misery >Dead babies >Annulled marriages by the devil >Spider-ock >Gangbanged prison Black Cat >Spidey dating Joe Quesadilla's daughter's self-insert I'm sorry but I can only take so much. One or the other preferably the one that doesn't end in child abduction. >Oh shit, reiq is still around? Yeah and the other Inkgirls guys like Cyberunique. There was a big active community on /h/ and /hentaiporn/ in old h8chan that found their new drawings. >>149345 I was refering to the comics and hopefully vidya but I get your point, I gave up hope after Spider-man 4 got cancelled because Sony excecutives crammed Raimi's style. > that nobody asked for. Donald Glover asked for him and Bendis happilly obliged his nigger overlords.
>>149343 Alright, it's poo poo.
>>149336 >>149293 >>149270 The most entertaining thing about the Batman is the mental breakdown the Zack Synder faggots are having. Even people who hate the film still thought it was better than DCEU shit. Especially the restore the Synderverse Indians that hang out on Twitter. They are right now trying to get Christopher Nolan canceled for casting white people in the dark knight trilogy. Nolan had nothing to do with Robert Patterson Batman.
>>149325 unironically the oriental (but only if he's not a commie).
>>149348 It's because Catnigger says she audition for Dark Knight Rises back in the day but was turned down for being too "urban". If only the rest of the series casting wasn't dogshit anyway.
>>149349 Why does she have two dicks?
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>>149343 >Bordon >Riddler is literaly the Chanology retard >Batpattinson is an actual retard yet he doesn't browse /x/ or some shit despite his autism Holy shit. Reminds me of all the jokes and memes anon made for the latest Watchmen, Supergirl and Batwoman series, all rolled up into one autistic package for Hollyjew viewers. I think I'm gonna piss my pants in laughter.
>>149349 The only good oriental is the japanese, for they are not severely deranged or gigacucked like the Gooks or the Chinks. God knows why they even tolerate them at this point.
>>149346 >Donald Glover some day I hope to enjoy anything as much as that guy loves dongs.
>>149352 The new riddler is the least offensive thing about the new Batman movie. If anything he comes off as a better autistic superhero than Batman. But in the punisher kind of way.
>>149351 a dick and an enlarged clit would be my guess >>149350 that's hilarious. Christopher Nolan's catwoman was also complete garbage.
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>>149352 Like even if Riddler is a fucking retarded dramatic retool when he could've easily just been Anarky instead, what gets me is writing Batman as so incompetent of a detective that he can't figure out the villain's plan. No he needs to watch a fucking video. One PUBLICLY FUCKING POSTED ON NOT 8CHAN! Nevermind the fact alphabet agencies monitor these taiwanese flower arrangement chatrooms on a 24/7 basis. Somehow nobody could figure out Riddler's plan. Not even a single anon just being a shit decided to out him to the police for the hell of it. Ugh. Then there's just everything with Catwoman being made a bisexual biracial mouthpiece for the woes of white privilege.
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>>149354 >some day I hope to enjoy anything as much as that guy loves dongs. Impossible anon. Unless you give in to the faggotry and become part of the gay community like half of the people on these threads >>149355 I can believe it, especially since it's probably the least self-aware part of the whole movie. >>149356 How dare you anon. Nolan's Cathaway gave enough boners to the nips in order for them to create some of the best art and get them interested in the Arkham games that gave us some of the best doujins at the time and the best Bat-autist of all >>149357 Reminder that Batwoman is (((chosen))) as well, both the "original" lesbian one and the new negress replacement. It had me laughing so hard I nearly coughed my lungs.
>>149357 >>149352 I actually had some hope because I was told this batman was taking Venom and because the commies were raging against this movie. Well, that's on me.
>>149359 He takes a dose of adrenaline once.
>>149360 *a dose of unidentified green liquid that made him angry and strong but yeah, maybe it was just adrenaline.
>>149352 What's the deal with Batwoman anyways, how do you make Batman but Lesbian sound so terrible?
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>>149360 Everyone want to do Batman but nobody want to do the crazy stuff properly and not in a retarded Batman Forever nor Batman and Robin way. I just want a story about Killer Croc being just a overpowered man with a genetic disease, Poison Ivy using poisons instead of being the encarnation of fucking nature and Solomon Grundy.
>>149362 Because it was made by actual commie lesbians. The real thing always loses to the anime version.
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>>149361 Can't say how it looks in the movie but this is what adrenaline in a vial looks like. >>149363 That's the problem with hollywood. They're embarrassed to be making capeshit. It's the same with Marvel. Oh they'll happily use the IPs but actually trying to be inspired by & respect the comics people like? Fuck that! That's not serious enough! Needs race swapping, first year pretentious philosophy writing, grit, no color, & gotta make all the heroes kill without any qualms about the moral good.
>>149361 >*a dose of unidentified green liquid that made him angry and strong Oh fuck, they're setting up Bane aren't they? It'll always fail, he's a big guy. >>149362 You really have to try and God willing, they tried their damnest and made it (not) work. So you have an anorexic lesbian jew as femBatman that dates some of the worst looking females in history instead of lezzing out with super hot not-Catwoman, not-Ivy and not-Harley in a foursome where she fucks them until they turn good. Not only that, she's worst than the original Batwoman.
>>149366 I just hope this time they get an actual big guy for Bane and maybe do some camera tricks. Batista could be the closest they could get as an actual Because he is cuban and a former wrestler.
>>149367 Bautista is too old already. Plus he's covered in tattoos. It shouldn't be hard to just get a hispanic bodybuilder in a luchador mask. But that's too silly I guess. Better get a white guy wearing a metal thong on his head speak with a 1930s villainous accent into a cup.
>>149366 > So you have an anorexic lesbian jew as femBatman that dates some of the worst looking females in history instead of lezzing out with super hot not-Catwoman, not-Ivy and not-Harley in a foursome where she fucks them until they turn good. But why? Surely some a+ tier artist has a fetish for lesbians would want to make a super hero story where it's just an excuse to get fit girls to get frisky with each other.
>>149368 The most disgusting thing about all these movies is that every big guy on the series, who should be easily over 2 meters tall, always become just a slightly buffed manlet with heels.

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>>149367 >I just hope this time they get an actual big guy for Bane and maybe do some camera tricks. We have so many right now on tv, from the guy who did that Game of Thrones mountain dude or a few strongmen that became wrestlers, like Braun Strowman. You could shave his beard, put a mask, dub the guy and you got real-life Bane. He even has a moveset similar to fucking Bane's. >>149367 >Bautista He's born in Cuba but he's phillipino-greek-mexican. According to himself at least. But the real reason is tattoos + too old to be doing the stuff that Bane demands. >>149369 >But why? Surely some a+ tier artist has a fetish for lesbians would want to make a super hero story where it's just an excuse to get fit girls to get frisky with each other. All fired from DC and Marvel for making sexy content. Why do you think Ed Benes made "Benes Studio" and his classes are all about female anatomy and stuff?
>>149371 True, or some fucking anonymous big guy with a mask and a cool central american accent. Don't know what's in the middle of America besides Mexico and Cuba, but just in case. Bane is supposed to be just an anonymous guy building himself as he was raised in a prison.
>>149372 The thing about Bane is he's specifically from some south american island nation under a dictatorship. He got his fame from leading a revolution from the Santa Prisca prison then overthrowing the regime controlling the island. Take that away & he's just some guy with a drug problem.
>>149373 Well, now I'm retardedly hopeful, but they could also do Bane's crew. But of course they would do nothing of that because it would require some talent and care about the fucking spirit of the story.
>>149372 Pretty much. The thing is they can't go back to "Realistic Bane" since Nolan did it and pulled it off much like in the comics, in the prologue of Knightfall. As for Bane we just know he was borne of a pregnant, maybe cuban lady, from an unknown dad so he could be half-white for all anybody cares, he's definitely depicted with light brown hair in some instance. His crew is all-white though, from Bird to the freaks sent in to create commotion in Santa Prisca. I also miss Jim Aparo, that guy had some amazing art and I like how he did the "dark faces" thing that McFarland later copied
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>>149365 Not to mention QUIPS!
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>>149371 I don't know but I assume it was to please his Benes As for big guys there was this guy who was going to be an Aquaman in some cancelled project. He was alright as Reacher but I figure the most of his "bigness" was through camera trickery and casting people far shorter than he was. >>149376 >that webm Is this a parody?
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>>149377 Well, now he can do since he isn't under strict rules by DC, like Jim Mooney was when he pencilled for Supergirl back in the 70s. Can't find his famous piece where Supergirl is sleeping in the couch and Krypto runs away with her cape and suit, leaving her all commando for the viewers
>>149377 >>that webm Is this a parody? no unfortunately. that's consider good writing for western television shows these days... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdMQfQB2eWY
>>149379 Where's the archive, nigger?
>>149380 Nah that has to be a fucking parody. >This shit got at least four seasons Bullshit.
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>>149383 >Bullshit. Unfortunately not, Jack. It is very clearly the work of jews CHAOS and it must be quelled.
>>149233 Most of the song is fine, it's just when you pay attention to this particular set of lyrics I thank god for my life And for the stars and stripes May freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died The ones that give their lives so we don't have to sacrifice Majority of people won't notice it, but yeah.
>>149379 >>149382 It's almost like japan has more trouble with russia than china because of those disputed islands, and is willing to fuck over russia sooner than any other country for no reason.
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>Joe Biden banned fracking and commanded the energy department to not renew the licenses of nuclear power plants across the USA to enact his "zero emissions" policy in transitioning to "green energy" >His administration have been buying oil from USA's enemies, basically funding their anti-USA agendas, while their troon press secretary and his other appointees are mocking Americans, talking down to them to change their lifestyles by demanding they should "eat less" and "have some margaritas and do some kickboxing" <"Seize the means of production." I think I've figured out the answer on what they're doing and people can call me a faggot for this, but I'll call spade a spade: It's communism under the vector of "climate change".
>>149387 The government wants people to be poor & dependent on them.
>>149379 >>149386 Japan is just as owned by china as the west is right now. >>149387 >deranged old fuck and his cabal destroying the country and everyone's livelihoods. lowering the standard of living across the board. things haven't even reached rock bottom yet. but no more orange man making the mean tweets! so its all worth it.
>>149387 >not renew the licenses of nuclear power plants across the USA to enact his "zero emissions" policy Nuclear power is zero emissions though wtf. >in transitioning to "green energy". Did they not learn anything from Germany?
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>>149390 Green energy as in muslim energy, anon.
>>149390 its not about being green. they are burning the same amount of fuel (if not more) they just have to import it now. they don't care about the environment, they just want to make sure the west never has energy Independence. the "people" in charge of running things are all bought and paid for by billionaires and foreign interest groups with an idiotic agenda (maintain control)
>>149387 >It's communism under the vector of "climate change". It took you this long to figure that out?!
>>149390 Thats the point they dont care about climate change, theyve already admitted it can't be used to address "systematic racism" or some other bullcrap
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So is this going to be a new flag for the florida state guard or something? I'm a longtime floridian yet I've never seen it, and it's clearly inspired by gadsden. I hope so 'cause I kinda love it.
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>>149358 Braveman and Black General are better, anyway.
>>149387 Yeah, no shit. Figured that out after 40 years of them openly saying it, did you?
>>149396 Is Black General still going? Does Braveman lewd her eventually or?
>>149376 I'm so glad I stopped watching TV over a decade ago.
>>149396 Oh, we're going for official non-lewds then?
>>149400 It looks like it's still going. It certainly hasn't ended, from what's up on the site where I read it. He suffers from the mangaka's curse where it's perpetual teasing and "will they won't they" to keep readership, but at least it stays funny and I like the artwork. He's the "elf and orc" guy, right? I like his style.
>>149358 >You're under arrest for rape Rapeman begins.
>>149404 The Dick Knight. The Dick Knight Rises. Rapeman: Under the Red Skirt Rapeman: Mask of Orgasm I wish they'd make more Rapeman Ovas.
>>149405 Rapeman: The Thrilling Choke Rapeman C.U.M. Rapeman The Dick Knight Returns
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Gold prices just spiked
The Raped Crusader Wait a minute, that one doesn't work. Rapeman: Shadow of the Cock There seems to be no "penis shadow" fan art using Batman characters... Rapeman: G-spot Knights Rapeman: Estrus Unhinged Rapeman: Eternal Priapism Rapeman: Bane of the Virgin Rapeman: The Womb that Came to Gotham Rapeman: 80 Centimeter Giant Rapeman: Family tugs collar Rapeman: The Dick Knight Fucks Again Rapeman: Fortunate Cum literally just pulling titles from kikepedia and altering them childishly >>149407 To one cent below all time highs, because the Fed can't allow it to correct to real prices estimated at $75,000 per ounce right now.
https://archive.is/HWIsR >Megumi Ogata Comments on Seiyū Awards Win: Voice Acting World Needs To Be More "Gender-free" >Veteran voice actor of Shinji Ikari questioned the need for separating award categories by gender
I wish I was her bf
>>149408 Rapeman and Son Ironically titled since Bruce was actually raped by Talia Al Ghul to conceive Damian. Rapeman & Throbbin Throbbin: Son of Rapeman Rapeman: The Court of Bowels Rapeman & Leatherman World's Finest
>>149411 >Rapeman & Leatherman World's Finest FUCK YOU=
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>>149412 Yes that is the logical conclusion.
>>149207 >Kani Got any source on that? HeroHei has always seemed like a pretty reasonable guy imo, disregarding the genshin impact gameplay. Also, no offense to you, but it sounds unlikely that she would leave based on that - and if it was that obvious to tell it was a joke, he's had a history of apologizing and taking down videos if he's in the wrong.
>>149410 Someone lock that femcel up!
>>149415 Also a florida woman.
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Gold acting like bitcoin
>>149405 >>149406 >>149408 >>149411 Beware of the Rapeman The Rapeman VS. BBCula Rapeman Beyond Rape Rapeman: Return of the Hookers Rapeman: Dick Tomorrow Rapeman: Rise of Fuck You The Rapeman/Leatherman Hour Rapeman: Return of the Condom Crusaders
>>149417 It's just bearbulling
>>148874 You have no power.
>>148902 A deformed abomination, as all leftards are. What they hate is irrelevant. They are ugly for life, and that makes them subhumans.
>>148884 >That's a myth You don't control anyone. Especially Putin.
>>148951 t. desperate Ukrainian shill lying again.
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>>149424 Oh boy we are in for a wild ride.
>>149424 First Tamamo and now this. Hoping for a devil waifu.
>>149424 The timing of this kind of shit is making me smile more and more.
>>149424 These sensationalist new articles look like distractions to me. I wonder how bad the Dems are going to lose midterms later this year after the botched pullout and now these rising gas prices?
>>149417 No, it's not. They always throttle it hard to keep their fake monetary system afloat. The same thing happened quite recently when Buffet and retail buyers went bullish on gold in 2020. They just sell a lot of gold among themselves, headlines say bearish gold, Peter Schiff rants about how fed is "incompetent" and normalfags don't even notice or pretend this is how market works.
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>>149431 I just snitched you to the mods, what are you gonna do about it?
>>149432 >They always throttle it hard to keep their fake monetary system afloat. Isn't that achieved mostly by them shorting gold by several times, even to the point where no one even knows who owns the original gold deposit that was being shorted? Also, what about the recent reports of gold-painted tungsten bars being found everywhere over the past decade: >MORE FAKE GOLD BARS: At Least 10 More Tungsten-Filled Gold Bars Discovered In Manhattan https://archive.ph/QzGZc >"This Could Be Huge": Gold Bar Certified By Royal Canadian Mint Exposed As Fake https://archive.ph/Ww7qO >New Skin For An Old Ceremony as fake gold scandal emerges in China https://archive.ph/8BFfl
>>149435 >I HATE THE ANTI-CHRIST. what if the antichrist was a Q T Pie? (kinda the goth emo type, with very unfortunate daddy issues) but she needed your help or dick to set her on the path of righteousness! somebody should make a raising sim out of this....
>>149435 Maybe we actually need an apocalypse and have demons punish the wicked.
>>149253 >Incel So, women are still powerless to bring Men back to the plantation, and are resorting to shaming again, because there is nothing that they can do about Men going free.
>>149397 I find it odd stone toss picks glamrock Chica over the new more popular wolf girl Roxy. Kind of sus to be honest.
>>149418 Rapeman the Bare & the Old Rapeman: Soul of the Dragon Dildo Rapeman V Leatherman: Dawn of Just Ass >>149436 Anon we're all lonely but don't simp for the spawn of evil.
>>149440 I'd assume it's because Chica is just a regularly-drawn Stonetoss toon with the mouth coloured yellow and a bow added.
>>149438 Nigger religious faggots are just retards that didn't realize demons and angels were different species of extraterrestrials who communicated with them through the universal consciousness field.
>>149436 I fucking hate goths.
>>149409 >Fat blob that is always cast as numales or dykes is spiteful Nothing new.
>>149434 >shorting Yes, they trade it on paper, short it and more. The fake bars news would be huge if lives and fortunes of the ruling class crooks weren't dependent on gold and silver being undervalued. Dollars in a bank should entitle you to a withdrawal of set amount of gold but banksters fraudulently pretend it's just a proof of debt they owe you in a paper/digital currency.
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>>149424 Every single fucking demon is gonna get released this week, isn't it?
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>>149443 >Time to nuke Japan again then Japan has had issues with Russia even before their Soviet days: https://infogalactic.com/info/Russo-Japanese_War And, still retains their grudges: https://infogalactic.com/info/Japan%E2%80%93Russia_relations <In fact, there was an entire game and OVA, called Virgin Fleet about a "what if" scenario where the Russo-Japanese war ended on ceasefire agreement due to the discovery of "virgin energy", where both countries agree to work together for scientific reasons, but are actually plotting to stab the other in the back at the first chance they get. >>149444 >It's preposterous to believe in metaphysical fictions like angels and demons. <You need to realize is that logic already has the answer, they're aliens.
>>149436 anon, there's a limit to meming
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Japan just need to release/revive more semen demons
>>149439 the left is obsessed with its boogeymen. behind every corner is a Nazi incel alt-right capitalist trump supporting cis white hetro-normative sexist male presenting gender binary humanoid rapist alex jones fan hitler-kin flag waving nationalist from the middle class that didn’t go to collage, and listens to joe rogan, (or tim pool), while reading jodan peterson then snorting ben shapiro. (all this and they still haven't listed preferred pronouns in any social media bio!) >>149441 >>149451 not so much simping, but if the evil one is a hot submissive bitch why not turn her to righteousness with your holly rod? (I'm sure that's what Jesus would have done if Satan hadn't been such an ugly hag). its the ultimate way to humiliate evil incarnate.
>>149453 Life sadly isn't a doujin, anon.
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>>149449 dont forget fenrir nidhogg and jormungandr
>>149453 evil bitches are rarely hot, or submissive their goal is to draw you in, all you'll get is a dirty dick for your troubles better just to purge them and stick with the good girls, or dick the girls who have a chance of actually becoming good
>>149456 Or just rape evil bitches until they cant do evil no more.
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>>149456 >evil bitches are rarely hot, or submissive So if the demons are eventually hot, they could make for good wives?
>>149289 >>149409 Reminds me that Zoe Kravitz got butthurt over Robert Pattinson gushing over Tifa and Aerith: https://archive.ph/t79yu Never thought I'd see the day that "Edward Cullen" reveals that he likes the FFVII girls.
>>149453 >not so much simping, but if the evil one is a hot submissive bitch why not turn her to righteousness with your holly rod? Never stick your dick into crazy >(I'm sure that's what Jesus would have done if Satan hadn't been such an ugly hag). its the ultimate way to humiliate evil incarnate. Demons are immortal and cannot change the decision they have made. God would forgive demons if they asked for it, but they would not be demons in the first place if they were capable of repentance. Besides, demons are incorporeal, so they have no carnal desires in the first place.
>>149460 >Besides, demons are incorporeal, so they have no carnal desires in the first place. Then why did they fuck women and create the nephilim?
>>149460 >demons are incorporeal, so they have no carnal desires in the first place. What the fuck is a succubus?
>>149443 Fuck you Ivan, you touch my anime source and I will fucking allahu akbar your hometown
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>>149461 The nephilim are on a weird place in canon. They're kind of mentioned in the canonical bible text but only explained in the book of Enoch (I think) while only mentioned briefly in canon. >>149459 Here have the video. Fucking hate women.
>>149464 Look at the guy enjoying himself with his childhood memories and having a good time and then the woman just has to "hmmm that is whats wrong with the world hmmm look at me hmmmm", what an unbearable cunt.
>>149464 >>149459 >Never thought I'd see the day that "Edward Cullen" reveals that he likes the FFVII girls. Not only that, but turning into a /v/irgin in the process as he explains his autistic love for 2D; meanwhile his co-star, that suppose to be his love interest in the film, is fuming that "Batman" would rather choose between a skimpy muscle girl or an innocent flowershop seller over the VERY FUCKING REAL ape that she is. Also, does no one else see the irony that former celebs that were for immature girls, like PewDiePie, Biber, and Patterson have almost turned into absolute chads?
>>149465 She's not even trying to connect with her fellow human. She's not thinking nor feeling in that clip, she's being purely contentious. She is trying to dominate the men in the room.
>>149448 >silver being undervalued With the way they're going full speed ahead with this green deal & green energy, electronics like phones being made at a stupidly faster rate instead of making use of them while also getting civvies in china & india to own smarties, on top of all the shilling & pushing for the smart agenda from the likes of schwab, I have a feeling it won't be that way.
>>149454 true, but we're talking in extreme hypotheticals here. you have to take a big leap when assuming demons exists at all. most sources of demonology are kinda bunk and usually just repurposed pagan mythology to spook literate populations that had no frame of reference for things like pan the satyr or hel goddess of death. so dealing with anything that resembles a demon would likely need several approaches (some traditional, some discovered with modern tools and science) >>149460 true, according to some traditions demons can't walk the earth without a mortal body (like legion)
>>149466 >biber You mean Beiber? How's that douche nozzle a Chad?!
>>149467 And then gets butthurt because the frenchie and patterson ignore her to have a laugh at autistic memories. It reminds me of those interviews on the witcher with the female celebs trying to act all high and mighty when henry cavill starts sperging out over his hobbies, they start throwing sneers at him but he just ignores them, keeps talking about autistic shit and gets celebrated because of it.
>>149419 Literally not. >>149459 Why do I not believe this is a real interview.
>>149469 If we go by purely Christian text on demons, they're just pathetic losers who know they're destined to be punished in the end of days. So pathetic the only thing the devil himself can do is try to tempt Jesus with words.
>>149473 Well anon, obviusly they are going to be pathetic losers when compared to jesus, but men are not jesus.
>>149474 We are far from it yes. Point is the demons don't display much special about them. Not even physical forms. Only possessing other people. Though jewish myth tends to go more into the physical aspect in their stories
>>149466 Does that mean we're going to see BTS ride a nuke during our lifetimes?
>>149476 Did they get drafted in the end?
>>149470 Some bitch tried to #MeToo him, and he fired back with, not only testimony that it never happened, and all the ways that it couldn't have happened, but also pictures and footage exposing just how much of a lair she was.
>>149478 >Some bitch tried to #MeToo Speaking of that, in my country, they're trying to outkike the ultra-right kike by having 8 women accuse him of sexual harrassment, just before the elections. What a (((coincidence))).
>>149478 Well good for him.
>>149458 Only if they have a flat chest, otherwise you'll get NTR'd.
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>>149246 Take the Black+Yellow pill and fight for more decentralized government and independent self sustaining communities free of moral busybodies and unnecessary bureaucracy.
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>>149481 >this shit again
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>>149253 >the (forced) gang weed/gamers rise up meme featuring the Joker was created to mock "edgy incels" in the vidya world (spoilers related) >now Batman is an "edgy incel" I can't even
>>149489 The memes, Jack. Have you checked the Internet, lately?
>>149490 Not really.
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>>149489 incel is just a codeword for 'person i dont like', kinda like nigger
>>149492 But niggers are a real people. Incel is just the bitches insult towards any man who doesn't agree with everything they say ever.
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>>149492 >incel
>>149492 I hate this retard's art, he isn't funny.
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>>149495 Why the hate? the art is good and even memeable.
>>149496 Because it all feels forced and I don't like the way he draws faces.
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>>149495 >>149497 Thats your opinion, man.
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>>149497 It's the only artist who do orcs properly instead of porcs or hyper bara faggotry.
>>149499 >futa >baal double shit doesn't negate the shit factor
>>149462 Demons will use every trick in the book to corrupt you. It is the ends they go for, the means don't do anything for them.
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>>149501 No, you shit.
>>149499 >futa Why would you try to defend the artist with this of all things?
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>>149504 Man I love these ones he did. I wonder how many will heed this faget's warnings instead of acting like the dwarf in them?: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6R5G7pUXIXs
>>149503 You shit, I will post Shadman if you don't stop
>>149499 Is there more?
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>>149506 Go ahead, faggot.
>>149504 >implying im not just doing what strikes me as the most funny >>149507 not of that specific one no but hes done a few others
>>149510 You're a faggot, anon.
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Did you ever take note of how sex education is being (((pushed))) in schools but healthy relationship education is nowhere to be seen?
>>149511 naw; the guy who wants to fuck boys is a faggot, i like titties (with a little extra)
>>149512 The government is your wife, other citizens are just cock-sleeves.
>>149513 Futa is always faggotry.
>>149509 How about something worse?
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>>149513 Why not both at the same time?
>>149516 The retarded proportions in that were fucking awful. Why do artists put out such retarded shit?
>>149515 If you watch normal porn, man x woman, you are looking at a sweaty naked dude as he fucks. Futa x female is far less gay than normal and futa x futa is still below the average since you get to see four sets of tiddies flopping around. Next you're gonna tell me fucking a man with a pussy is less gay and a woman with a dick.
>>149519 If you werent a faggot with that logic you would want the girls to be scissoring or atleast using a strap-on, but you lust for huge fucking cocks so thats what you masturbate to, faggot.
>>149519 gee anon, your mom lets you have TWO cocks?
>>149520 Lesbian porn/yuri is boring as fuck tho.
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>>149520 again if all i wanted is cocks theres mountains of faggot bara porn to jerk it too as well as shit like Toriko; its like if you have a minigirl fetish you dont want MALE ones you want the female ones, its not JUST about size its also about girls
>you're a faggot >no YOU'RE a faggot It's like mid 2000s middle school all over again.
>>149523 But you want cocks
>>149523 Nigger all you posted have been hypercocks, then theres this faggot >>149522 getting off to emasculating boys, youre all closeted faggots, if you atleast admited it and stopped rying to pass your shit as straight people wouldnt constantly tell you t ofuck off with your gay shit.
>>149512 >but healthy relationship education is nowhere to be seen? Can you name a single instructor at school who has a healthy relationship with their spouse?
>>149498 >>149496 >>149498 >>149500 >>149503 >>149505 >>149510 he's a bit of a cuck (like shad man) last time I saw a post from him he said he was switching to lewd meme art only and killing his porn as he believes its not possible to make money as porn artist anymore. (maybe he's right but I don't like cowards)
>>149520 But, that's wraps around to being gay by default.
>>149528 >he believes its not possible to make money as porn artist anymore He should be pandering to furries then.
>>149529 Thats the advantage of not following mental gymnastics to attach penises to women, you dont have to worry about straight sex being gay.
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>>149528 >he believes its not possible to make money as porn artist hes just not doing the right kinds of porn
>>149528 I hate this artist since he started becoming politicized and relying on memes. Just like those degenerate GreenTeaNeko art. Blacklist them from /v/.
>>149531 I'm glad I don't fall into those games because it's all fiction at the end of the day. After all, the only real way to tell if you're a fag is if you have 3DPD pictures of men saved to you computer.
For example, this Anon right here is a certified faggot: >>149533
>>149493 >niggers are a real people [citation needed]
>>149513 Futa is gayer than any femboy or trap. You're attracted to the dick. Not to the woman. Otherwise you'd just fap to women.
>>149537 Naturally, being attracted to phallic symbols and imagery if you are male makes you explicitly homosexual.
>>149538 Exactly.
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Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter The: NEW THREAD: >>550238 >>550238 >>550238 >>550238 >>550238 >>550238
>>149539 Does that mean owning a sword with a hand guard makes you gay?
>>149541 If you see a sword handle & think it's phallic then you're definitely gay.
>>149494 Are incels even a thing in places where prostitution is legal? last time I checked celibacy was the lack of a marriage relationship so why do tweet tards keep talking about sex as if that's the only point of contention?
>>149542 You don't "think" something is phallic. Something is either phallic or it isn't.
>>149537 so youre telling me a sexy big tiddy woman with a surprise is somehow more gay than a slender male with a surprise?
>>149543 >Are incels even a thing They aren't.
>>149545 Don't post this, it's fucking gross. Not everyone is that far down the slippery slope so as to want to suck dick
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>>149526 >emasculating boys Hell no. To damage the jewels of a boy is to commit a sin bigger than murder and a crime against nature itself, as the willy was made to be enjoyed and appreciated by the world in its complete form. Only a creature of pure evil would think of doing such wrongdoing.
>>149548 >all this gay shit you just said Imagine writing down this faggotry and pressing Send.

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