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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Freeposting Edition Anonymous 04/11/2022 (Mon) 19:23:10 Id: ff7dc1 No. 166570
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition for political neutrality https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
Never trust anyone online, everyone's lying and putting a facade. You are just talking to a bunch of Tyler Durdens, not real people as they are.
>>166571 this anon is lying
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>>166571 Can you trust yourself online?
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>>576181 Reminder that 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
>>166573 >>576181 I can't be nice to this. Actually wait, a backhand to correct bad behavior is the nice thing to do here.
>>166577 It's fine, It was deleted.
What's wrong with you fucking people ITT who unironically use twitter? Just because Mark and Acid are niggers doesn't mean that you need to be too.
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>>166570 Benis.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/9r5AG
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>>166579 You realize why that's a stupid comeback right? We don't get arrested when we type that stuff.
>>166585 I might even feel bad for the chink. Just wanting to take a break from his dictatorial government and suddenly a geilo post something to alert the chinese internet police and fuck your only hour of the week to play games.
>>166580 My only interaction with twitter is ironically this place. I have never had the urge to visit nor sign up to the cesspool and the numerous screen caps used in these threads have done nothing but solidify that stance as the correct one more and more as time goes on.
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German seems like a clever language, but I can't vouch for it's difficulty for an english anon.
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>>166580 I use it to follow Japanese porn artists I like, since sadly many of them don't post on art sites anymore. But it's not like I actually make posts or anything.
I think I've mentioned this on previous threads, but SJWeebs have been creeping up on Loli related game forums on Steam like Nobeta. Particularly regarding the swimsuit DLC.
>>166590 >SJWeebs have been creeping up on Loli related game forums on Steam like Nobeta. Don't they always bitch at loli? wasn't there also a lolcalizer who got busted with pizza?
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>>576076 >Just going to see a movie, one that you can take your kids to, and when a new character shows up you can say 'Hey Tails, I know him!" The Nerd Crew, except reality has made it impossible for them to make new episodes because it's already worse than their worst possible nightmares or predictions.
>>166590 >but SJWeebs have been creeping up on Loli related game forums on Steam like Nobeta. Well, the left is literally filled with pedos, so them creeping up on children, fake or otherwise is not unusual for them.
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>>166590 I hope the devs respond with lewder DLCs.
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>>166589 I was fooled into joining almost all social media because of school friends when social media was starting to be popular even if I wasn't even using it. In the end I just deleted it all and even deleted my old email account.
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>>166576 >>166579 I have a better American repellent :^)
On the topic of screencaps & the SJWeeb menance, does anyone have one that discusses the differences between Anons & Goons, & another that talks of their eternal battle together?
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>>166590 The devs regularly post cheesecake fanservice of Nobeta to twitter. They do not give a shit. https://archive.ph/W9z7q
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>>575991 She's 38, is a single mom, and possibly widowed. Also she's down on her luck in life often and her son's the only joy she has in life.
>>166601 Amazing
>>166601 >breasts meh
>>166601 Child Erotic!
i hate these niggers
>>166610 >Touch Some Grass Wow! I sure do love normalniggers saying this over and over like the hive mind faggots they are.
>>166611 That faggot doesn't even own the game, that's the funniest part.
>>166610 Can we choose what we're attracted to now? Looks like we've finally come full circle.
>>166612 What game is it?
>>166614 Nobeta
>>166613 Only people who are attracted to socially unacceptable things have a choice. That's why gays went from having a choice to not having one.
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>>166610 >>Touch Some Grass The world would be a much happier place if whoever says this would instead eat some glass.
>>166617 How can we turn touch grass into a racist dog whistle
>>166618 Implying that its racist towards mexican gardeners? Oh but that wouldnt work because now they are white supremacists.
>>166619 Well there's that one video of the retarded nogs running out of a building and instantly starting to eat the grass. Could make it about how niggers can't touch good quality grass because they come from an arid shithole.
>>166588 (checked) I'm learning german at the moment. The most difficult parts of it so far are how to use the grammatical cases correctly which are far more important in german, since english basically never differentiates between nominative, accusative, dative (etc.) cases. The other thing is the fact that gendered language in german seems especially arbitrary, since it has words that are male, female or neutral and they very infrequently refer to things that are actually masculine or feminine in nature, e.g. woman is feminine, girl is neutral and skirt is masculine
>>166618 Could make it a DUDE WEED LMAO reference.
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>>166621 Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out ways for you to go back to Facebook. Go back
>>166618 You could say it's racist for white people to use ebonics.
>>166620 Its racist because USA nogs live in urban shitholes so they dont have rural areas to go touch grass?
>>166601 The thighs... The thighs...... It's a... Leroleroperopupus. Jujuju Papopkopkopu Bussshsuzzrutu (Furious ejaculation Feeling) DubjububuLoo (ejaculation)(ejaculation)(ejaculation)(ejaculation)(ejaculation)(ejaculation)(cumshots)
>>166591 >>166590 Not surprising if so, it's always the ones who preach the hardest that are most guilty of that which they publicly condemn. Leftists have become modern day Televangelists yet fail to see the irony of this. >b-b-b-b-but won't someone think about those poor drawings!!!! >sorry what? Saudi Arabia has a huge thriving slave market? WTF is a Saudi Arabia, also who cares lol That's how these retards "think" basically. >>166601 Nice, some day I wanna get a bunch of Steam gift cards (at least a hundred dollars worth) and just buy copies of those games for a bunch of anons. If money talks then I think those French/Nippon devs should be rewarded for not being pressured into self censorship much to the anger of SJW's and their male "allies".
In a little unrelated topic, did any of the SCP alternatives get any popularity? or everything just died out?
>>166627 Nobeta is a Taiwanese game
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>>166618 Make it have the same connotation as being a cotton picker.
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>>166576 I raise you a list. >sample JUNE 4 天安门 坦克 liu四 六四 学潮 ⅥⅣ IIXVIIIIX Jun 4th 陆肆 天安門 五月三十五 瓶反鹿死 six四 six four TAM 王维林 春夏之交 Winnie the Pooh 小熊维尼 Baozi 包子 Dalai Lama 达赖喇嘛 Tibet Independence 西藏独立 苏联笑话 Go, Hong Kong 香港加油 709 709律师 Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波 Great Firewall of China 伟大的防火墙 Dictatorship 专政 Tiananmen 天安门 June 4 六四 Zhao Ziyang 赵紫阳 Tank man 坦克人 boarding a plane life-long rule long live the emperor Animal Farm Doing it twice is not enough falun sex tianwang bignews chinesenewsnet dajiyuan falundafa freechina freenet hypermart falun:法轮 sex:性 tianwang:天王 cdjp av bignews boxun chinaliberal:中国自由 chinamz chinesenewsnet:中国新闻网 cnd creaders dafa:大法 dajiyuan:大纪元 dfdz dpp falu falun:法轮 falundafa:法轮大法 flg:法轮功 freechina:自由中国 freedom:自由 freenet:自由网 fuck:操 GCD:共产党 gcd:共产党
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>>166632 >boarding a plane <Baneposting kills the chinks
>>166624 Redditors, RetardERA and BlueChecls typing out ebonics always makes them sound like knuckle-dragging low IQ retards, but they keep doing it and I doubt they'll stop as it's a crucial tool in signaling to fellow degenerates: "Hey, I also worship niggers and their shitty culture!" >>166629 For all the alternatives it's really hard to recapture the feel of Containment Breach. SCP Unity was kind of meh. SCP Labrat is kind of neat if you have VR, but it's just a Containment Breach port. I don't think the alternatives will ever be as well known as Containment Breach.
>>166634 I mean the alternative universes trying to redo the SCP experience but without the faggotry, but your argument could be used the same.
>>166629 It looks like they died out pretty quick. The people who came up with the good SCPs were long gone by the time SJWs had it on lockdown and probably moved on to other things already. Hell, the last SCP related news I heard was that 173 had to be completely redesigned due to some legal issues with the sculptor who made the original statue.
>>166635 >I mean the alternative universes trying to redo the SCP experience I'm out of the loop on that. I have heard of leftoids shitting up the lore like it's Wikipedia.
>>166636 Well, the Backrooms shit looks like the new SCP. Funny enouth, I came up with my one SCP-like lore before I knew what SCP was about, but of course the concept isn't new even before SCP. >>166637 Yeah, and after that I didn't want to search anything about SCP out of principle, besides the constant powercreep among entities. It's like Lovecraft and his friends making horror stories but in a retarded way.
>>166610 100% guaranteed that it was posted by a fat, old and ugly landwhale. Their desperation is a sign of their side being destroyed. Keep pressuring.
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>>166628 >this retarded cat must be dead by now
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>>166638 >the backrooms It doesn't have anywhere near the creativity of SCP, the LOLSORANDUM humor is a massive turn off, and it lacks the autistic detail that made SCP good. Whereas an SCP article about a single object can be several pages long, a typical backrooms article is a paragraph or two with bland, vague writing like "this area is an infinite office with beige walls. It has dangerous entities in it." Out of the few backrooms things I read, not one ever described said entities.
Here's some more interesting recent tweets from MegaTen novelist Aya Nishitani. The New York comment made me laugh.
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>>166640 Yes, several years ago in fact. Gabe also died and so did Longcat.
>>166644 >longcat is dead I mean i suspected it but...fuck man.
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>>166631 Those aren't slaves in that image, anon. At least research what you're looking up.
>>166646 >dolljoint loli witch oh no
>>166621 >The most difficult parts of it so far are how to use the grammatical cases correctly which are far more important in german, since english basically never differentiates between nominative, accusative, dative (etc.) cases. Just wait until you find out that other European languages have even more cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_case#Indo-European_languages
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>>166649 >dolljoint loli witch That would be the other girl though? Reminder that this design is official and is modeled ingame. The artist surely thought of the implication of what would happen if she were to bend over while wearing such panties.. https://archive.ph/m6mqF
>>166652 I actually fapped to the ingame model for Nobeta by looking down her skirt, haven't done that with a game since I was a horny kid playing DOA4, that's how good their level of detail is.
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>>166629 They are all completely dead (aka site offline and non-existing communities) except for the RPC Authority, which gets a couple of entries per week and hasn't reached 1000 entries since it's creation. Every other split (even "canon" ones like the Chaos Insurgency) died or merged into other ones (that then died) weeks after the drama over the rainbow logos in the official site and questionable editions of old articles began. One of the most interesting alternatives (IMO) was the Wayward Society because it was about /k/ommandos hunting anomalous creatures on their own and sharing tips online for dealing with them. The site is still up, but nobody has posted on it in years. I had my own idea for a SCP-like community that was different from the main thing, but I never gathered the courage to share it with others. >>166634 >>166635 >For all the alternatives it's really hard to recapture the feel of Containment Breach. SCP Unity was kind of meh. SCP Labrat is kind of neat if you have VR, but it's just a Containment Breach port. I don't think the alternatives will ever be as well known as Containment Breach. The "SCP alternatives" had the same problem most "alt-chans" have: they try to be just like the original "but better", without being too clear on what makes them better or having something that differentiates them from the original. Almost all of the alternatives followed the exact same "standard" of the foundation, from the 3 letter agency with infinite budget to the way anomalies are categorized, without bringing new ideas. Because of this lack of originality, the splinters that didn't die in the first days were relegated as the "trashbins" for users and stories that were rejected from the original wiki (just like the "4chan but better" imageboard always end hosting the trolls that get banned from 4chan for various reasons), making these alternatives even less attractive. Ironically, Lobotomy Corp became a better spiritual successor of the SCP Foundation than any of the alternatives made, because unlike them LobCorp had people writing stories and mechanics for fun and not out of spite for others. >>166637 >>166638 tl; dr: your typical liberal faggots became mods of the wiki, changed the article of the Dr Plague (049) for something less ambiguous, approved a tranny's blatant OC that posts on Tumblr (this isn't a joke) put LGBT and BLM logos everywhere during a pride month (clashing with the entirely of the foundation's lore), and banned users complaining about it (including a couple of old writers). 4chan's /x/ (with some /pol/ tourists) and other communities attempted to create "unpozzed" SCP alternatives, but since most of the people taking part in the projects were the usual reactionaries that care more about the political aspect than the creative one, almost all of the alternatives crumbled in weeks. Pic related shows most of the splits made and the fate of some of them. >>166638 >the Backrooms shit looks like the new SCP I like the idea of traveling through (apparently) endless alternative worlds, but the concept is much less attractive than the idea of shadow organizations acting like the MiB and hiding dangerous things from the rest of the world. The concept of weird creatures that do unknown things to the people they capture is dumb and makes the stories worse in my opinion, however. >>166646 The chest is better than before, but these hips are too wide.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics
>>166652 Thought this was Ranni for a moment.
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>>166628 >Have a dose of the past.
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>>166661 >>166659 >>166657 ok that's enough of that
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>>166588 Chinese has those kinds of words, too.
>>166663 I guess Orange being named after its colour is like cat being named after its onomatopoeia. Also didn't know eastern languages called Germany something different too (Like how all westerns counties do.)
>>166665 The Japanese go figure are probably the one eastern language that tries to call Germany something close to what Germans call themselves (ドイツ = Doitsu = Deutsch)
>>166665 It was actually the name of the fruit first. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=orange >Not used as a color word in English until 1510s (orange color), "a reddish-yellow color like that of a ripe orange." Colors similar to modern orange in Middle English might be called citrine or saffron.
>>166605 I would >>166610 >>166618 Touch Nigger Ass
>>166666 The Chinese word for Germany, 德国, literally means "moral country" like in the picture, but 德 is an abbreviation for 德意志, which was based off the word Deutsch and is pronounced Déyìzhì.
>>166665 >>166667 And pink is named after the flower. Also turkeys are named after the country.
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>>166601 Best $10 ever spent.
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>>166611 Jokes on them. I have (garden) grass growing in a pot on the window sill.
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>>166580 Man, fuck that guy. He can't even appreciate a banger of an edit.
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Who's that nigger that draws hentai in like a 80s anime style.
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>>166679 Thanks.
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Scrolling through all this footage and the replies: https://nitter.hu/realLizUSA/status/1513585569779040262 Reminds me of the Yuri Bezmenov quote. "They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their minds even if you expose them to authentic information"
>>166681 The NPC meme is real. Or everyone has an 'awareness switch' in their head and in NPCs it's turned off.
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https://archive.ph/uOXzb https://archive.ph/5MVVr https://archive.ph/pUecY Westerners butthurt about the phrase "お嫁さんに行けない" might be shared among the profession, since it was removed in Fire Emblem Fates
>>166683 Holy shit, i do wonder just how many kilometers of black cock she has had inside her, or is it a troon?
>>166683 The whore fears the purity of 2D women so much.
>>166683 ><cat vomit noise> A noise I'm sure she's gotten quite used to hearing.
>>166683 I hate to use normalfag lingo but "hoes mad" seems extremely appropriate in this case.
>>166681 bystander effect, the aversion to confrontation, fear of accusations of racism in the case of the nigger, minding one's own business racism is a spook, but what can be done about the rest? it seems like just human nature more or less.
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>>166682 Seriously, show them footage of ballot stuffing and they come back with "DIDN'T HAPPEN" "MUH RUSSIA" and "COURTS THREW IT OUT SO DIDN'T HAPPEN" Civil War II fucking when?
>>166618 Say that most poor black african american persons of color in the ghetto don't have an opportunity to touch grass in their urban cityscape and the idea that one could simply go out and touch grass whenever you want is extremely privileged and white centric.
>>166683 >human translator (has to reassure itself that unbiased machine translation won't replace it) >cat vomit noises (because women past their 30s and single) >having a mental breakdown over marriage and projecting itself onto someone else's work Of course.
>>166668 touch cotton
>>166692 Niggers would get the cotton dirty and cost more than a cotton gin.
>>166688 >but what can be done about the rest? Nothing more than take care you you and yours and when shit hits the fan don't let the NPC lemmings into your bunker.
>>166693 yeah but its fun to watch them die of heat stroke
>>166690 That's a bit long-winded. Just respond with 'OK gardener' or ask if they're trying to sell you some turf.
>>166693 I've never tasted cotton gin. What's it like?
>>166630 >>166601 >Nobeta is a Taiwanese game Taiwan #Wan!
>>166683 Petition to ban twitter users from writing anything ever again.
>>166689 Never. Whites didn't revolt in the 1960s when it became legal for coons to fuck their daughters and their daughters to become whores, and their sons to become fags. They're certainly not going to lift a finger now.
>>166697 Like cotton seed and nigger sweat.
>>166700 You mean in the 60's when people still had a degree of trust in the government and people in power were giving assurances over and over that what you said would never happen? Yeah, things are a lot different in 2022 than they were in 1964.
>>166683 Why do burgers have this weird puritanism and "I know what's best for everyone" attitude? I'm sure this isn't a millennial SJW only behavior since this same shit happened in the 80's and 90's.
>>166702 Right, like whites having even fewer numbers, a large elder population, fewer young, more liberals/traitors, and dramatically less power institutionally. You don't revolt when you're fucked, you revolt before that when you still have control.
>>166703 Well, the country was founded by England's rejects. The Puritanism never goes away, it just finds new justifications. In the 80's: think of the children. In the 20's: think of the trannies.
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>>166703 telling other people what to do is a tale as old as time its just none of the europoors have the headstrong confidence anymore to do it themselves also that woman is a stupid cunt which exists in all nations of the world, you just cant understand what theyre saying when gook cunts yell about specifically aborting boys
>>166683 These people should be bullied out of their translator influence.
>>166703 >Why do burgers have this weird puritanism and "I know what's best for everyone" attitude? That's not just Americans that's Europeans especially the English and Germans.
>>166708 there is also the group of people who literally call themselves 'god's chosen' and see everyone else as cattle put on earth to do their bidding.
>>166593 >The Nerd Crew, except reality has made it impossible for them to make new episodes because it's already worse than their worst possible nightmares or predictions. Which makes WB even more pathetic. They somehow fuck up building up a cinematic universe with characters that are the most historically iconic superhero characters. They ended be getting so woke and broke Discovery is purging anyone who isn’t making money and ordering CNN to stop being politically biased. Even adult swim twitter account pissy and moaning about the discovery purge. We live in a world where Sonic the hedgehog movies are more successful than the non-Batman DC movies.
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>>166703 That's arrogance in general, stem especially from power hungry individuals. Do you think Euroes are holy enlightened individuals or something? I get the impression the Euroniggers like you are the closest thing to elves in reality. High up your own asses but backwards and full of shit in your own way stemming from unwarranted arrogance of being different from everyone else.
>>166680 Hes a blessing in these trying times.
>>166703 It's Yankees. They've been that way since the 1820s. Yankees forced themselves on the South, and then Europe, and then they destroyed themselves in a final moral panic that we're still suffering.
>>166703 I know a Useful Idiot who posted this to (((that place))). Here's my problem with this: < It tacitly acknowledges that what is wanted is indoctrination. That's the comparison: both of these things are indoctrination. < Thus, it implies that the poster agrees in the morality of indoctrinating other people's children to values different than their parents. < Therefore, the poster believes that the other side is behaving morally. So, what's the point of contention? The set of religious values that children are brainwashed into? Stated that way, one doesn't have a high horse to sit on, do they?
>>166712 I remember when this sort of 90s artstyle was universally despised around 2008.
>>166683 I haven't heard of this one. What was the context she was saying it in 3H?
>>166712 She's a girl.
>>166717 Ovary owner, even?
>>166703 >Why do burgers have this weird puritanism and "I know what's best for everyone" attitude? I don't know. Why do Euroslaves all sound the exact fucking same way when trying and failing to point it out?
>>166588 This sounds like a caveman language
>>166703 Can you name a country that isn't obsessed with puritanism?
>>166703 Though the way they arrived at this mentality may differ, every society is ruled by these types of people through simple survivor bias, people who aren't like this are less willing to win by definition.
Battlefield 2042 is losing players to an indie game that looks like Roblox >Battlefield 2042’s bug-riddled release has not gone down well with fans. As Dice’s multiplayer FPS continues to hemorrhage players and rollback content, many disappointed fans are looking for alternative games to fill their multiplayer FPS craving, and have struck upon one little-known, upcoming indie game to do just that. >Battlebit Remastered is as close to a Battlefield clone as you can get – if a little blockier. It transfers the series’ core, squad-based shooting loop into a world of blocky, low-poly visuals. <It’s essentially Battlefield in the skin of Roblox – and players seem to love it. >The upcoming FPS hasn’t even launched yet but managed to attract 30,000 players to its latest public playtest (that’s according to the devs (opens in new tab), although SteamDB (opens in new tab) estimates a, still impressive, figure of 27,000). >Originally scheduled to run for over 48 hours from April 8 to April 10, the playtest ended early after servers became unstable when the number of concurrent players skyrocketed. >Battlefield 2042, meanwhile, continues to attract a fraction of that player count. On PC, it drew a peak of only 2,000 active players (opens in new tab) during the same time period and hasn’t been able to reach 30,000 players since last December. >It even dropped below 1,000 players on April 11. That’s not a great look for a blockbuster, triple-A game. It’s easy to see why Battlebit would be such a draw for players who are disappointed with Battlefield 2042. >Even in its current beta state, it includes all the hallmarks of the series: massive multiplayer matches that pit up to 250 players against each other; land, air, and sea vehicles to control; and fully destructible environments that let you topple huge buildings. >The game gives you five classes to play – Assault, Medic, Engineer, Support, or Recon (a selection that’s been directly ripped from past Battlefield games) – which all come with particular gadgets and class-specific abilities. >That’s particularly enticing for those who weren’t taken by BF 2042’s specialists system. Several Battlebit soldiers running through a desert >It also places a huge focus on squad communication, encouraging you to talk with your teammates over voice chat to coordinate assaults. Voice chat is also something that’s yet to be added to BF 2042. >Throw in the option to customize your weapons with specific scopes, magazines, and camouflages, as well as make tweaks to your individual soldier, and you’ve got a game that is as close to a mainline Battlefield entry as you could hope for. >In light of the persistent glitches that continue to plague Battlefield 2042, as well as the slow rollout of content, it’s not surprising that players are now holding out for a small indie game to deliver the kind of multiplayer experience they want. >As players on Reddit (opens in new tab) suggest, Battlebit is ticking all the right boxes, and its player count keeps growing with each playtest (opens in new tab) – a January playtest attracted 7,000 players, a February build drew 17,000, and the latest has added another 10,000 on top. >They might be waiting a while, though. Battlebit is due to release in early access sometime this year, but developer MrOkiDoki’s Studio hasn’t announced a specific date. Although you can play the current playtests for free, BattleBit’s developer says (opens in new tab) the game will launch in early access for $15. https://archive.ph/d7Ss8 Battlefield 2042’s Steam player count ‘falls below 1,000’ for the first time on Monday >It shows that earlier today, just 979 people were playing the game at one point. It’s worth noting that SteamDB data for April 11 shows today’s concurrent player count low as 1,021. >Is battlefield 2042 the biggest failure in recent gaming? I don’t think Fallout 76 and call of duty vanguard got this bad. >Battlefield 2042, which was released in November 2021, had an average concurrent player count of 1,963 over the past 30 days, according to SteamCharts. >That’s significantly lower than its predecessor, 2018’s Battlefield V, which had an average concurrent player count of 11,585 during the same period. >Fellow November 2021 release Halo Infinite had an average concurrent player count of 5,767 over the past 30 days. >In February, publisher Electronic Arts reportedly attributed some of Battlefield 2042’s struggles to the surprise early launch of Halo Infinite’s comparatively polished multiplayer experience. >Battlefield 2042 hasn’t gone down well with many fans, with over 200,000 people even signing a petition asking for EA to offer players unconditional refunds. >Acknowledging the game’s disappointing launch in February, EA CEO Andrew Wilson blamed factors such as “our teams working from home for nearly two years” and “unanticipated performance issues” that only became evident once the game was played at scale. >Battlefield 2042’s next update, which is scheduled to arrive in early April, is set to include voice chat, a feature that was surprisingly absent from the game at launch. In a recent blog post, DICE also outlined how it’s changing its approach to Battlefield 2042 map design following the game’s disappointing launch. >Based on player feedback, it said it has identified five main issues with the design of the game’s existing maps, which it intends to improve over the coming months. >It also said new Battlefield 2042 maps being developed for future release will be smaller in scale than the game’s existing ones. https://archive.ph/VNa8D Is battlefield 2042 the highest-profile failure in recent gaming history? I don’t think Fallout 76 or call of duty vanguard got this bad.
>>166721 You know what's funny about the word "puritan"? It was originally a derogatory term made by the opponents of the original puritans, but said puritans decided to wear it as a badge of honor.
>>166703 The plain fact is that the majority of people are suggestible, and will listen to whatever someone tells them. The people who are belligerent do not actually do much of anything, because they can't get along with others. In other words, because it works.
>>166723 Pitiful. Can't wait for Daddy EA to kill DICE once they can't deliver anymore. Respawn Entertainment is the new favored child, for now.
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>>166717 Really? Then thats another female porn artist that draws shit i like after flick.
>>166726 >Respawn Entertainment is the new favored child, for now. ironic really. Considering EA intentionally killed titanfall 2 to help battlefield 1.
>>166714 They just settle everything with "you're irrationally hateful".
>>166723 They managed to ruin the series again. How many hits can a franchise take and still get games? The last time I played BF was BF3 and it was clearly a downgrade from Bad Company.
>>166683 >It's just a screencap of some nobody random bitch in TW Stop giving them the attention their parents won't give em
>>166729 Yeah. To paraphrase Sowel, it's like ketchup: you can put it on anything. > Don't you deflect criticism that trannies are mentally ill the same way Israel deflects criticism? < Hate speech.
>>166728 >ironic really. Considering EA intentionally killed titanfall 2 to help battlefield 1. Which made them go on the bandwagon with Battle Royale shit with Ape Seks Legend. And DICE fucked up with Battlefield V and Nu-Battlefront 2. Those Swedes can get fucked.
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>>166729 I pull it back on them, turns out their own words when thrown back at them even for reasons that don't make sense actually works. Call them racist and sexist after explaining why they're shit, it makes them unable to respond. See, since they created a whole culture where people on their side BELIEVE it when you tell them that, it confuses them and makes them think you're on "their side" and therefore their shit falls flat. You can take advantage of it, don't be afraid to go lower then them, because THEY set the level. Not us, we don't currently have the power to set the bar, it's too low.
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Pokémon Stickers Are Back for Koreans Nostalgic for Childhood >Customers grab Pokémon bread at a Seoul supermarket. Small pastries include a surprise sticker, and the goal is to find all 159 varieties—just like a trend more than 20 years ago. >SEOUL—Jeong Bo-ram’s new fascination has him chasing mass-produced pastries, delivery trucks—and his childhood memories. >His targets are $1.20 bakery items sold with random Pokémon stickers that fly off store shelves in South Korea. Just a few short of a full 159-sticker collection, 29-year-old Mr. Jeong has gone to more than 10 convenience stores and supermarkets a day, often leaving empty-handed. He has shelled out hundreds of dollars. >He has learned the evening restock times throughout his neighborhood to know when fresh drop-offs occur. As kids we really couldn’t afford enough pastries to have a shot at getting a full sticker set,” said Mr. Jeong, a clothing store owner who lives in the central South Korean city of Chungju. <I will continue on until I finish.” >More than two decades ago, the Pokémon sticker-and-treat duo caught on with a generation of South Korean children, before the craze passed after a few years and the products were discontinued. Now the goodies are back just in time for the country’s broader retro boom, fed by tech-savvy adults nostalgic for simpler times. >South Koreans are going to great lengths to live out the Pokémon tagline of “Gotta catch ’em all,” with some collecting the stickers in display booklets. Pokémon, originally a Japanese game for the Nintendo Game Boy that features hundreds of monster characters, has expanded into globally popular animated series, toys and videogames, including the recent hit Pokémon Go for smartphones. >Retailers have posted signs on their entrances that read, “We have no Pokémon bread,” while some store owners stand accused of bundling the in-demand pastries with unpopular items. >Hunters camp outside supermarkets early in the morning. The rarest of stickers, such as that of the legendary characters Mew and Mewtwo, fetch $40 online. >Full collections command more than $700, the listings show. Actual children also try to find the stickers, but adults are using their greater resources for the hunt. >Ko Hyo-jin shrieked when she ripped open a package of “Diglett Strawberry Custard Bread” recently and discovered inside a sticker of Mewtwo—a two-legged monster shown extending its paw. >She immediately dialed up her husband. “It felt like winning the lottery,” said the 39-year-old homemaker in the Seoul suburbs. >For months, Ms. Ko had been cooped up indoors studying for a veterinary-technician license exam. She planned to blow off post-exam steam by binge-watching Netflix shows. Instead, she went on a Pokémon hunt that forced her outdoors, walking around to different stores near her home. >Collecting the stickers felt almost as if I were actually catching Pokémon monsters,” she said. Son Mi-sun, who owns and manages a 7-Eleven convenience store in Seoul, receives just a handful of Pokémon pastries daily at around 9 p.m.—sometimes just one. >But most nights three to five customers are waiting as the delivery truck pulls in. “I don’t know why the quantity is so limited,” Ms. Son said. >“It could be a marketing ploy orchestrated by the manufacturer.” Absolutely not, said the South Korean maker of the pastries, SPC Samlip Co. , >which says its three factories are running 24 hours a day since the Pokémon treats were re-released several weeks ago. “There is simply too much demand,” said a spokesman for SPC Group. >which makes a variety of brands and runs restaurant and bakery chains. Last week, SPC introduced four new types of Pokémon bread and said new variations are coming in the future. https://archive.ph/BtR7h Move over Pokémon cards and NFTs. 90s Pokémon stickers are selling for thousands euros in South Korea. Thank god You Can See Master Chief’s Face in Halo the TV Show >The post Thank God You Can See Master Chief’s Face in Halo the TV Show appeared first on Consequence. The genre-defining video game Halo has been in development for a potential screen adaptation for nearly a decade now, and over that time one question has loomed large: Would we ever see the face of the franchise’s main character, a taciturn super-solider named Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, who has never been unmasked over the course of 16 video games made over 21 years? >It’s a question that the Paramount+ series, which debuted this spring, answered towards the end of its first episode, as Master Chief (brought to life here by Pablo Schreiber) removed his helmet while being held at gunpoint by the terrified Kwan (Yerin Ha), in an effort to connect with her. >Up until that point, Master Chief had been a man of action but always held at a distance by the show because of the full suit of body armor that protects him from the world, but then he revealed the man beneath. >It’s a trend that continues to some degree over the first three episodes, with Master Chief in full armor when the occasion calls for it, but more often than not John-117’s face can be seen — he even wears non-uniform clothing from time to time, as human beings are wont to do. >And seeing Schreiber’s face as often as Halo ends up exposing it on screen brings with it a charged thrill, similar to how we often imagine Victorian era gentleman swooning at the sight of a lady’s exposed ankle. What luxury, what indulgence, to be able to see the face of a TV show’s main character! >face is that Schreiber’s filmography has included a number of notable roles for which he’s received well-deserved acclaim, but one of the first that might come to mind is that of George “Pornstache” Mendez from Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black. >Pornstache was a corrupt and sexually abusive prison guard on the Netflix drama, and while Schreiber’s performance was very memorable, none of those memories are ones you want to associate with an earnest space adventure. > Fortunately for the Halo team, the crossover between the OITNB and Halo audiences probably isn’t that big.) As the show has progressed, more and more of Master Chief’s humanity has been uncovered — and that’s not even necessarily meant as a joke about the bathroom sequence in Episode 3, “Emergence,” in which the camera is a razor’s edge away from exposing Schreiber’s pistol (well, okay, maybe his magnum). >At one point, the delightfully mad scientist Dr. Halsey (Natascha McElhone) says that Master Chief and his fellow Spartan super-soldiers “aren’t human — they’re stronger, faster, smarter.” >But the nature of what it means to be human is perhaps one of the more compelling angles Halo is exploring at the moment, which is good, because when it comes to a live-action television show, intended to sustain a story that goes beyond intergalactic gunfights with terrifying aliens, the viewer needs something to connect with. >And sometimes, there’s no deeper and truer connection than just being able to look into another person’s eyes. Without a mask in the way. https://archive.ph/766w8
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>>166683 lolcalizers never cease to amuse me with their shitfits. Who knew something benign as a wedding bride would cause them to autistically screech?
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>>166709 >there is also the group of people who literally call themselves 'god's chosen After meeting Mark it's more like God's unchosen.
>>166735 Steins;Gate was butthurt Japanese propaganda.
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>>166683 So does this troon actually translate games or are they a "translator" like that Connor guy who made up shit about P5 who didn't actually have any credits and just called himself that.
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>>166735 >>166703 It's what wins. Even in regards to delicate matters. In fact, it should be your perogative to bash delicate matters in the head, because even if it makes the situation worse, it will get you more control. And frankly other people don't matter. Other people are the PROBLEM in a society, and it's because they're willing to be pushed around. So you should push them the fuck around to test their actual will to exert freedom. You should make it tough for people, challenge them constantly, because if you let it sit, if you let people have "peace", they'll become easily convinced to be degenerates. Suffering, strife, conflict and effort are the backbone of a strong human being. Suffering to teach to avoid causing it (through proactive, not inactive non participatory means), strife to teach someone to deal with pressure and stand up to others, conflict to prevent any sort of monopoly of control, and effort to instill skill and infrastructures, both industrial and social, into a society. Life is war and effort. The Japanese have lost their warrior spirit. RISE UP, LIKE THE FUCKING SUN! YOU SOFT HEARTED DEGENERATES! FIGHT BACK OR BE CRUSHED!
>>166703 We're gonna need a montage for this
>>166715 As it turns out we were all retarded back in 2008 and we didn't know what good times were until they had passed.
They aren't puritans, they hate anything pure. They're pervitans,
>>166644 I didn't need this feel.
>>166743 >As it turns out we were all retarded back in 2008 We were just naive enough to think that better days were ahead of us. Lots of social upheaval already, and tons of new and exciting technologies just around the corner or in their infancy that had the potential to completely tear down the old order. Both of which got co-opted by the old order to further cement their power. We ignorantly thought that the establishment would just sit back and let their power wane. The promise will still manifest, and their control over emerging technology is slipping by the day, but it's going to take a lot of pain and suffering to get to an end-goal which won't look anything like people envisioned. That's the way of all revolutions - technological, social, or military. Nobody could have predicted where the printing press would eventually lead, and if they had - the powers of the time would have gathered up everybody involved in it's production and operation and burned them alive on a pile of printing presses.
>>166744 Most "puritan" nations also happen to be massive hypocrites. Like the US, largest porn producer in the world but still likes to tut tut and finger wag when it comes to the morality of other countries.
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>>166747 And the other anglo nations? For as much shit as we get you sure don't seem to bother talking about your shit when it's the subject of your countries funny enough that are even more regressive in some cases more so than America's.
>>166747 >largest porn producer in the world Jews
>>166749 There's only one jew that I genuinely hate and that is Mark.
>>166681 Benzemenov was right about a lot of it, but not about religion being a saving grace, if anything I'd say the only saving grace for humanity in the face of such things is to believe in and love yourself above all else; that means before family, society, religion or whatever else. I don't have any qualms against someone having religious beliefs, and in their absence people will just try and find something to replace it, but I can tell you right now that having to give control of yourself over to something or someone else is never going to solve the problems in society created by deliberate manipulation and abuse done the insane and mentally ill. The main problem at that point is knowing where the lines must then be drawn because it's only a short hop between loving yourself and narcissism/conceitedness as well as believing in yourself and egotism/arrogance
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>>166750 all that means is you dont know the others well enough
>>166751 > but I can tell you right now that having to give control of yourself over to something or someone else is never going to solve the problems in society created by deliberate manipulation and abuse done the insane and mentally ill. What if you give control to something spiritual that fights against the debauchery of society as well as saving you from narcissism/conceitedness?
>>166753 Then you get pedophile priests. Anon, the only way to fix this shit is by making it so monopoly of power is not guaranteed and people can be put in their place. Why would changing the flavor of rule change the broken infrastructure of rule?
>>166754 funny story: in the 1960s a lot of catholic priests came out as gay, and rather than kicking them out the church just shuffled them around; it was only afterwards that tales of pederasty started up
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>>166700 >Whites didn't revolt in the 1960s when it became legal for coons to fuck their daughters The white fight ended in 1945. The demoralization started with the non stop Jewish propaganda and consumerist driven society built from the ashes of millions of European men. People loved Hollywood subversion stories, people couldn't get enough of things to own, things to have, things to buy. Boomers couldn't be bothered with anything other than themselves and their circlejerk mentality. They allowed the government to take the rails of society and their lives.
>>166754 >Then you get pedophile priests. That doesn't mean the bible teaches pedophilia or that God is in favor of that, of course priests are only human and can will do evil as well as other Christians. Religious institutions are infiltrated by Freemasons, but Biblical Christianity will always be against that. I hear a lot of gay men became priests, so that could be where that comes from. >Why would changing the flavor of rule change the broken infrastructure of rule? of course i don't think putting more Christians in charge would be any different than putting more women in charge or putting more whites in charge. Maybe some kind of Anarchism that isn't cucked to feminism or leftism.
>>166747 Perhaps that's because a nation isn't a monolith?
>>166757 Pedophilia, sexual degeneracy in general all come from places of unchecked power. It's human for power to corrupt, it's not something that has changed or will change. Religions throughout history have pulled EXACTLY the same shit behind the scenes. Those that profess morality tend to be immoral, because morality is for the plebs, a population control mechanism, in the eyes of people in power. Those with power must automatically be assumed to not be moral and must be judged more harshly. Religion itself is flawed because it relies on a powerful group to mete out rules to a smaller group. This means it's a master/slave arrangement. Anarchism also isn't "destruction of society" or "end of authority". It's end to stagnant authority via revolving leaders with no lasting power. In essence the 4 year president rule is an anarchic law. But the Senate not having term limits is authoritarian.
>>166753 It will inevitably be subverted/coopted/infiltrated because it will become a monopoly, as >>166754's post stated, and a great source of power that is both viewed as a common good and as such can do no wrong which attracts manipulators and abusers because it gives them both protection and defense in their actions. The problem is inherent in people and as a result it will never be completely solved because new people are being created all the time so by the time you've solved the problem for one or 2 generations now you've got 3 more to contend with (and in most cases the solution to people wanting to control things is to expose the true intention/end result of allowing them to influence others which hopefully leads to their subsequent destruction and exile) Its the reason why freedom is important, not because it is the absolute best end all/be all solution to humanities problems; but because it gives people a fighting chance to do something at the very least. And you cannot have freedom with out personal responsibility and you can't really have personal responsibility without believing in and loving yourself. If you don't have freedom then you are 100% reliant on some estranged form of bureaucracy or some out of touch and easily mislead/influenced parts of society to save you, and unfortunately in most cases they will just laugh in your face and hand-wave your concerns until they can't.
>>166740 >Connor guy who made up shit about P5 He even showed up on 8/v/ trying to shill wayback.
>>166761 This was a really great webm summing up that whole shill job but I don't have it anymore and the video that it was made from was taken down.
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>>166762 This?
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>>166763 Yes! Thanks.
>>166764 They've been trying similar shit for FF14 and Elden Ring, now regardless of how one might feel about those two games the tactics being used are similar to 5 years ago.
>>166765 >similar shit for FF14 I heard about the Elden Ring shit, but nothing on that. What happened? Isn't the game infested with trannies? Did they complain about the breasts being too big or the potatos or some dumb shit?
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>>166765 Oh. I made that post. Glad people thought it was worth capping.
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>>166683 >All that bitching about a term to the point the troon would rather brainwash the Japanese to erase the term
>>166629 RPC Auhority is still there...jsut very low on contributors, but they sometimes make videos and stuff
>>166765 I'm surprised my screencap's still going around being posted. I ain't the guy in the picture BTW but I knew his post was important.
>>166770 Can I get an autograph
>>166766 FF14 is due to how salty western Devs are at a Jap MMO doing better then WoW, even if Blizzard is sex pest HQ many are deeply worried how a Jap MMO is stomping out any potential WoW replacement by a western Dev. >>166770 It's an excellent post that needed to be capped as years later it's still relevant. >>166629 >>166769 RPC needs people so start helping seriously please help us we fucking need it yes quite a few of us go on the webring and cuckchan.
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>>166761 >>166763 >the one time mainstream media cared about localization was just a targeted attack against a normal translation whose only real flaw was some stilted lines >P5R comes out, outright changing a scene to appease them, and none of them draw attention to it Is there anyway anyone here could use their prior campaign against P5 against them? Maybe when the next Purse Owner game comes out and it has a change akin to the one in P5R, we can make a site akin to the one RetardEra made so that it would look like it came from the same people and the resulting asshurt draws attention to their hypocrisy.
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>>166771 Here you go. >>166769 I like Kabushiki Kawaii considering there aren't too many notable groups that sex traffic SCPs to weird guys/gals, even though individual SCPs are based on that. Though Martial Carter & Dark could do this since they sell SCP based objects and entities they're closer to being anomalous Jews than outright sex trafficker's.
>>166759 >Religions throughout history have pulled EXACTLY the same shit behind the scenes. Those that profess morality tend to be immoral It's not the healthy that need a doctor, it's the sick, Christianity is made up of mass murdered and evil people who try to repent, Christianity acknowledges that humanity is beyond saving, that includes Christians. Of course even the religious elite are evil "worldly" people. To have love you must have freewill so evil is a side effect of choice for love. >Religion itself is flawed because it relies on a powerful group to mete out rules to a smaller group. This means it's a master/slave arrangement. Not all versions of Christianity bow to a religious elite, there are certain versions of Christianity that believe in horizontal hierarchy/power structure with God being the only valid authority. >>166760 >post stated, and a great source of power that is both viewed as a common good and as such can do no wrong which attracts manipulators and abusers because it gives them both protection and defense in their actions. I was talking about a spiritual power 23141f thought i was talking about Hierarchical religious power, of course human priests fall, they're human. If there is a spiritual being who is either completely good or not worth following or invoking. >you can't really have personal responsibility without believing in and loving yourself True, but humanity can justify evil through what they believe is self love.
>>166775 >Not all versions of Christianity bow to a religious elite Enough did. And the ones that didn't do that faded into obscurity in times where religion was actually in power.
>>166776 or they were tried for heresy like the cathars :^)
>>166776 Even if the whole world is deceived, what matters is that there is a path to God.
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>>166778 >what matters is that there is a path to God. And that path is crusading.
>>166576 >>166579 I hope both of you retarded chinks and fat fuck burgers nuke yourselves in WWIII
>>166778 I believe that too, but the church is a thing made by man initially to honor god, and it has clearly not. It became a temple of weak men that sullied his name day after day. But the ways are not gone, they must, however, alter in worship. So that it may be about Him, not about men.
>>166780 I mean given how communists fucked up Chernobyl because no one gave a shit because they were treated like trash China's more likely to nuke themselves.
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>>166780 >Euros think they won't be nuked
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>>166783 >chinese think they won't be nuked
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>anons think nukes are real
>anons think think drawings are but also aren't real
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>anon still doesn't realize he's in a padded cell
>Anons think think Who let the Skaven in?
>anons think
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>anons >think >implying
>>166788 have some restitution, for pointing it out
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>think >thank >thunk get ratioed you sussy baka pogchamp shitlord
huge dark-skinned ass
>>166683 Talk about sour eggs.
>>166795 Reminds me of the woman who tried shutting down other artists who drew creepers as a girl with a textured hoodie because she believed it was a concept that belonged to her.
Controversial Sonic Writer Ken Penders Claims Sonic 2 Used His Characters, Is Seeking Legal Advice >Ken Penders, best known in the Sonic community for his comic book run and Sega lawsuit, is threatening further legal action after the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Penders is considering a third Sonic-related lawsuit. >The comic book artist and writer has taken to Twitter following the film's premiere, claiming that it uses two of his characters from the Archie Comics Sonic series. As a result, he says he wants his attorneys to "discuss" the matter with Paramount producers, and hasn't ruled out another lawsuit. >Penders, who admits he hasn't seen the film, takes issue with Knuckles having a father in the film's version of his backstory. He goes unnamed, and all we learn about him is that he was the leader of the echidna tribe, and died trying to reclaim the Master Emerald. >Penders says that this character is actually his - referring to Knuckles' dad in the comics, Locke. He also says the producers used his character Enerjak as an inspiration for the Master Emerald's ability to grant the user powers, even though the film never mentions the emerald containing the spirit of a living being. >Penders says that he was told by fans that the film uses his characters, and is using that as the basis for his complaint to his attorneys. His first claim was that the film's producers used his comic book character Enerjak, a demigod who possesses echidna, acting as their evil alter ego. >This does not actually appear in the film, but anyone who uses the master emerald can be granted the power to defeat armies, which Penders believes is close enough. >On top of this, he takes issue with the depiction of Knuckles' father. He doesn't appear to have elaborated on why he believes Locke and the unnamed father in the movie are similar enough to warrant legal action. >He says he would have been fine with this content being in the film, as long as he "[saw] a paycheck". While Paramount would be a much bigger opponent than his previous targets, Sega and Archie Comics, Penders remains confident. " >If you think I’m worried about Paramount’s lawyers, you’re kidding yourself", he says in a reply. "They have to go before the same Judge I do and they have to submit to the Discovery process as do I Bet I know where a lot more bodies are buried." >Penders worked on the Archie Sonic comic book series until 2006. Famously, in 2010 he was sued by Archie for copyrighting characters he created for the series, in a case that was eventually settled and dismissed by the judge. >As a result, numerous characters had to be retconned out of the story. He then went on to sue EA and Sega, although not over characters he actually created. >He claimed that an echidna-like race created by BioWare for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, resembled his own Knuckles look-alike characters. The case was dismissed. >IT IS MY CHARACTER! According to the fans: the "enerjak" part of the film isnt super in depth. tails describes the origin of the master emerald, and describes that anyone who wields the power of the master emerald is able to take out entire armies and we see (Cont.): Ken Penders https://archive.ph/4X6Bj Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Teaser Trailer Coming Later This Month According to Insider >Teasers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to 2019’s Modern Warfare, are coming on April 30, according to a Call of Duty leaker. Twitter user @RalphsValve posted a timer counting down to the date. In a thread, Ralph confirmed the “reveal” of Modern Warf12are 2 is still set for May. Activision will be hoping to drum up hype for Modern Warfare 2 with teasers before the big reveal. >When is the Modern Warfare 2 teaser trailer release date? It is not the first claim around this Modern Warfare sequel coming out of RalphsValve. In October last year, the leaker claimed Modern Warfare 2 would see the return of Captain Price, Soap, Ghost, General Shepard, and Roach. >It was also claimed the sequel would take gore to the next level, described as “gritty and unrelenting.” Activision officially announced that 2022’s game would be a sequel to Modern Warfare in February — the earliest the publisher has acknowledged the fall title. >In that announcement, Activision confirmed a new Warzone map was launching alongside the new game, designed together from the “ground-up.” The new map is an “evolution of battle royale,” according to developers, with a new playspace and sandbox mode also included. >Finally, it was confirmed the development of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and the new Warzone experience is being led by Infinity Ward — the original creators of the Modern Warfare trilogy and 2019’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. >It is expected that 2022’s Call of Duty will be the last one to follow the annualized release known with the franchise. According to Bloomberg, Activision will delay next year’s Call of Duty from Treyarch into 2024. >Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) was a huge commercial success for Activision, so it came as no surprise the publisher announced a sequel was on the way. It broke sales records for the franchise, earning well over $1 billion in revenue from sales and in-game microtransactions. >Last year’s Call of Duty: Vanguard sold less than the previous game Black Ops Cold War, so Activision will be hoping for a home run later this year. >In other news, this year’s Need for Speed is reportedly current-gen only. CI Games has announced Lords of the Fallen 2 has been pushed to a 2023 release date. Meanwhile, the Shadowrun Trilogy from Paradox Interactive is seemingly heading to PS4 and PS5. https://archive.ph/9ZoUX
>>166788 All it takes is one anon wanting to fuck them and it is over for everyone.
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>>166799 mea culpa
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>>166801 I don't get why he's trying to "end gamergate" when the purpose was fulfilled and the only reason the thread is up is really just out of spite to distract people and make them angry that "we still exist". We'll always exist if it's funny.
>>166802 twitter clout, probably
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>>166800 You fell for skaven propaganda. Here is your rat milf in reality. >>166803 How pathetic.
>>166803 Worth little and all the more pointless. It just doesn't make sense. Now, some FBI shill running half-baked attacks just so he gets a paycheck that week makes sense. I just don't get how this works for this guy.
>>166805 >it doesn't make sense It means he gets discord invites and tranny pussy. If everyone around him doesn't give a shit then he settles for the groups that do.
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>>166801 >gmebro is a revoltard >he brought friends
>>166775 >there are certain versions of Christianity that believe in horizontal hierarchy/power structure with God being the only valid authority. Could you explain more? In the sense of how that differs from regular Christianity? t. not religious but considering it
>>166801 What's even funnier is how Tengu trolled them so easily and how they tried acting tough after the fact
>>166808 I'll probably misword this, but catholics believe the "church" matters as much as the "book," which eventually had protestants becoming a major sect that said the "book" has all that matters, and the "church" should not add its own traditions.
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>>166801 >>576623 >Acid genuinely believes that the babyfucker and the herdniggers are part of /ggrevolt/ I can't even. You know what, I'm going to sleep, and I hope things cease to be this ridiculous.
>>166811 Doesn't sound out of sorts, leftists do vote Dems.
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>>166811 >(3) >two posts being 'anons think'
>>166812 The gme/toddler spammer and the other fags backing him up are way too stupid to be part of any organized group. They all spend their days in the pedo cyclical and the "Brandon" thread being clinically retarded and posting pics of children, but they have never organized against the site itself in any notorious way. I legitimately have no idea how Acid managed to associate these pedotards that came from 9chan's /b/ after "trolling Josh too much" with /ggrevolt/. >>166813 I have made more posts, but my internet connection is beyond shit and my IP changes at random times.
>>166814 Herdniggers co-opt every group that happens to annoy anons so it's a fair assumption. /cow/ literally metamorphized into a bizarro cuckchan leftypol schizo spinoff forum just to spite Mark. Let's not forget when a gvol let CP stay up on julay to spite tengu for refusing to delete loli. These people are the living embodiment of self-harm in the name of spite. They're fucking retarded.
>>166814 I don't actually believe you. Eventually herd groups move on to shit, but someone behind a discord group usually never stops doing this.
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>>166621 Why learn the language of an already dead people? I'd go for latin. Learning that at least has some academic advantages.
>>166815 Yes, but what most people fail to get is that the niggers mocking Acid and posting photos of children here aren't the same ones who turned Julay into a cesspit and haven't shown a connection with them or with former revoltards. These faggots are /b2/ rejects mixed with homegrown Discord faggotry and pedophile forums. >>166816 The only reason they haven't left the site is because nobody in the upper management of the site has tried to kick them out. Kazu (both as /b/'s vol and as a global) and one of /b/'s BO were close to doing it, but they only focused on the "pedo" part of their faggotry while ignoring the rest, and the pedo autism didn't even cease because the admins let them create and post in /hebe/. It took Josh handing over 9chan to Endchan's staff to get rid of the herd because a) they refused to leave just to spite Josh, and b) Josh was a fucking retard who refused to hire more mods for his /b/, being alone with the herdniggers and pedos until they managed to "break" him.
>>166781 I agree, however the church is not only an official institution, i can be a small group of Christians. God is greater than the church.
>>166654 Well, feel free to make your own and push it. I had an idea for a game or setting for mine, being mostly a dead organization keeping and nurturing mythological creatures since the black plague. Called the Order of the Royal Rose or some shit in their medieval times and when the US was stablished the name might have changed into the Federal Office of Wildlife Preservation or some empty guvernamental name trying to hide the fact they are hiding monsters and not even most of the government knows about it.
>>576676 But English is a Germanic language?
>>166796 Sounds like it had as much effect as commanding people to not draw porn of your character by claiming she's like your daughter or something.
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>>166804 One could argue you could get a skaven female out before being turned into a barely sentient ball of flesh, but it would still be a giant rat, with multiple breasts and all instead of the "ratgirls" anons like to post, not to mention she would still be corrupted by chaos and a filthy fucking rat. Seriusly, dont fuck the god damn skaven you gross fucks.
>>>/b/382232 >>25719 What is happening?
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>>166824 herdnigger shitstiring drama, not big surprise
>>166801 So if I see someone under this name spamming CP on my board do I range ban him or ASN ban him?
>>166826 Neither. Range bans and ASN bans would only hurt other users of his VPN node.
>>576716 I think we should probably ban someone who rapes toddlers.
Anybody has a TLDR of the WB purge that has the tumblr faggots that took over cartoon network and rooster teeth screeching? Will this affect vidya?
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>>166804 >Burmecian woman after hitting the wall.png If anon wants to bone a furry chick at least pick a better, and snoutless, species and not the fucking rat.
>>166830 Yeah.
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>>166831 Can't help being attracted to some premium rat tail.
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>>166831 i need to blyat the rat
>>166828 >we should I remember when you kept calling out sjws for that kind of language.
>>166835 stop raping toddlers or fuck off forever.
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Great, I can always count on /v/ to cheer me up.
>>166801 the posters ITT and the admin have cuckchan tier intelligence LMAOING AT YOUR FACES
>>166706 >>166708 >>166711 >>166719 You've never been to an European country >>166721 France
>>166839 >France >not into puritanism with the way the mussies are taking over I give it five years before they're covering art in the Louvre to prevent ragheads raping statues. >Trash Nice. Classic horror movie boobies right there!
>>166840 >Nice Anon she was a necrophiliac.
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>>166588 Into-the-groundening is my favorite
>>166845 And a 台湾是第一 to you too, little lady.
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>>166727 >80s Megumin So it's just Slayers then.
>>166847 Slayers was 90s
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>>166848 Despite that it still looks like Slayers. Was the style of Slayers more "80s" despite releasing in the 90s or is the style of that image not really "80s"?
>>166850 Every period in history is a transitional period that borrows from the previous and lends to the next. Slayers had the "classic feel" to it.
>>166850 90s as fuck, the anime is more evident as manga usually have a more unique artstyle.
>>166849 This kind of incompetence makes me absolutely livid. It's ridiculous.
>>166851 >"classic feel" What you're referring to is the use of hand drawn cells and proper use of shading.
>>166849 I am honestly not surprised in the slightest, this shit has been going on for a long long time.
>>166854 I miss how people used to actually put effort into things.
>>166804 I can barely tell what the female skaven even looks like in the image.
>>166856 Digital shit is getting better, I'll give them that much.
>>166858 The image says enough. A female skaven is a blob with holes. If you work hard you might get to fuck it and then new meat comes out. >>166858 Maybe, but the art style has definitely degraded.
>>166859 I thought they were supposed to be huge tho? Seems more like a rat ogre with some clan skryre iron lung shit on it.
>>166860 They're big, but not huge. Don't forget they're still the same species.
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>>166861 If you say so, I just imagined something bigger and more disgusting. But then again since, I'm thinking about it now, makes sense since a huge female is likely to just kill and eat any clan rat daring to claim his reward. I think I remember reading the females are basically retarded killing and eating pretty much anything they see including a big part of their own offspring.
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>>166864 Damn.
>>166711 Europeans are immortal?
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>>166849 You might not like it, but learning japanese is the best option, it always was, anon. It might take you 10 years to be proficient enough to play long rpg's but its still miles better than having to settle up for sub-par to mediocre (((adaptations))) by western scum goo gobblers faggot fuck fucks.
>>166867 You didn't know?
>>166801 >sowing D&C across 8moe Always wondered if the not-an-argument fag, Luciano and niggerpill were also involved with the revolttards in some way, if not they've definitely contributed to this chronic shit-stirring campaign.
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>>166711 >but backwards and full of shit Yes >being different from everyone else Also yes
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https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/reports-shooting-explosion-brooklyn-subway-station Lol, literally the only negative that comes from new yorkers killing each other is that it means too many of them are fleeing down here to Florida.
>>166872 hopefully some of the crabs will figure out that they can keep all the other crabs in the bucket by shutting down airports, train stations and bus depots.
>>166872 > Shit up a place beyond recognition > Go to next place > Vote and do the same things that shat up the first place > Shit up the new place
>>166874 Already happened to Texas and most of the midwest.
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>>166875 It's sad to see the democrat infection spread all over the US like a plague of locus.
>>166872 >NBC News reports the suspect is a Black male, 5-foot-5 Someone got tired of learning, know, he will let others learn.
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>>166877 Republicans are only marginally better and will inevitably push the same cancer. You need to stop this bipartisan bullshit line of thinking, it's sinking your whole country down and taking Europe with it.
>>166809 What happened with Robi after Julay?
>>166880 He was assimilated into the gunt
>>166878 >Capitalized b in black
>>166882 In my defense, I copy pasted it from zero hedge. black, there you go, and a nigger for good measure.
>>166878 >5 foot 5 Sad.
>>166627 >some day I wanna get a bunch of Steam gift cards (at least a hundred dollars worth) and just buy copies of those games for a bunch of anons. If money talks then I think those French/Nippon devs should be rewarded for not being pressured into self censorship much to the anger of SJW's and their male "allies". Make sure that you're actually giving money to the developers prior to. Some of these international games are handled through publishing houses that buy the license to the game, handle the translation, and keep all the funds because they already paid the developer for the license.
>>166703 >Why do burgers have this weird puritanism and "I know what's best for everyone" attitude? Because, unlike other countries, we're built upon the idea of people thinking for themselves, rather than relying upon the government to think FOR them. So, the result is that America have a bunch of moral busybodies who'd normally be shut down in other countries.
>>166886 It's actually the other way around. America "exports" social issues that their busybodies complain into being to other countries via medial dominance, but since most non US cultures aren't built up on independent thought - especially Western European ones - they usually get pushed through there while here they fizzle out eventually due to people actually speaking out.
>>166763 Who made the original video?
>>166872 Wow what timing. Biden said yesterday or the day before he wanted to push more unpopular gun control too. What a coincidence.
>>166802 >I don't get why he's trying to "end gamergate" Because Revoltards wanted to use GG as their own personal army, and have waged a war against the threads, h8chan, and all their successors due to the fact that they never gained power over it. Literally look at it as a government operation, as that's where the most prolific revoltards ironically come from. What does the government do when it creates a group for one specific purpose and is the subsequently kicked out of said group by the group's members?
>>166818 >the same ones who turned Julay into a cesspit Julay was the problem from the beginning as it's own administration was composed of revoltards right from the start.
>>166818 >9chan to Endchan's staff to get rid of the herd Wasn't Endchan founded by the revoltards/leftypol/intl/trianglefags/julay/cow bunch of assholes? I sincerely doubt giving it to the commies got rid of the commies. I remember them going to Endchan, but they may not have founded it. I'm unclear on that bit.
>>166887 >America "exports" social issues that their busybodies complain into being to other countries via medial dominance Oh yes we're the country that pushed sexual freedom nation wide (Nope, that was the USSR), welfare (Nope, that was Austria), Socialism (Nope, that was Germany), racial riots (Nope, that was Russia, again), the stock market (Nope, that was Scotland and France), nonconsensual medical experiments (Nope, that was Germany, again, and Japan), pandemic lockdowns (Nope, that was West Taiwan). Wait, what social ills ate the U.S. actually responsible for, with the sole exception of deep fried Twinkies wrapped in bacon?
>>166891 At least in the early days they seemed to keep their retardation under gontroll.
>>166894 Julay is literally a CWC phrase, the biggest LOLcow on the internet. That place was compromised from the start.
>>166893 >Wait, what social ills ate the U.S. actually responsible for, with the sole exception of deep fried Twinkies wrapped in bacon? Constant, unending military adventurism. They may not have invented it but damn if they didn't take that flag up and run with it. The US also uses its hegemony to enforce and export it's legal perspective world wide. Once again it didn't invent doing this but it has been the most onerous in doing so in the history of the world.
>>166895 That's what I mean though. At one point /cow/ focused its energy on fucking with outsiders but at some point it turned inward and began attacking 8chan itself and then, after the diaspora, the various 8chan derived communities.
>>166858 I watched Inuyasha last month and the switch to digital animation at some point during the series was rather jarring, especially when they did flashbacks. When you could see two scenes with the same character in the flashback scene using traditional animation while the newer scene uses digital it made the differences very clear. >>166859 >Maybe, but the art style has definitely degraded Even when the style is trying to be identical digital is far too clean and loses minor details. Often with digital animation they make the lines too thin with no variation to line thickness. They should try to mimic the roughness of traditional hand drawn lines when making digital animation. I know it's possible, but it's mostly avoided. There's also a lot less minor details. Before, they'd use some hatching on a character to indicate dirt or damage whereas now they either avoid such minor details or keep them to an absolute minimum. I don't know if that's laziness or they're just less confident doing that with digital.
>>166897 That's what happens to losers when they feel powerless. Once their spirits are broken, they attack their own just for the chance to feel like they're influencing something. Apparently for some people feeling powerless is worse than being a traitor. >>166898 I don't know what it is either - I just know that it feels like they aren't trying any more.
>>166898 > I don't know if that's laziness or they're just less confident doing that with digital. >>166899 >I just know that it feels like they aren't trying any more. It's the same with environmental destruction in digital animation. Even though technology has advanced, much of the time environmental destruction in digital animation looks lazier and less impressive than it did in traditional animation. Video games are having a similar problem where most objects are no longer destructible or the destruction is not impressive to look at. Explosions have less impact on their surroundings than in games of the past. Technology advances while competency retreats. It's disappointing to witness it.
>>166893 >sexual freedom nation wide pushed mainly by the US right now >Socialism the modern kind is embodied by the US, good old Communism was mainly successfully pushed by Jews, Poles, the Baltics and other minorities in Russia making up the revolutionaries >the stock market it becoming mainly predatory is purely a US doing >medical experiments what is MKUltra some further ills the US is exporting to the world are hyperindividualism, globalism, purely profit oriented capitalism, homosexuality, trannyism and other degeneracies, multi culturalism and race mixing and much more
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>>166849 Jesus Fucking Christ. If we lived in a slightly better world this would result in a massive retranslation project by dedicated fans.
>>166896 >>166901 Except you guys agree with the notion that the U.S. isn't RESPONSIBLE for those ideas, the CREATION of those ideas, which was the statement made. Are we responsible for continuing them, yes, and thus lies out responsibility to put those ideas to bed, however that is a completely separate discussion.
>>166903 >this would result in a massive retranslation project by dedicated fans Not necessarily. Anything made after the SNES, unless there's blatant censorship, no one ever bothers to patch or retranslate because "A translation already exists". Trying asking around for a retranslation project to be started on Metal Gear Solid, Dragon Quest 8, or Xenoblade Chronicles X.
>>166904 It's one thing to create those ideas, it's a completely different one to actually apply them in your country. The USA, in it's current state, is the perfect example of that.
>>166904 it doesn't matter who created the idea, Communism was made up by a neet that refused to work so hard he starved his family to death, the ones mainly at fault for the ills it brought upon the world are the ones perpetuating and spreading it. The US has not thought up every bad idea it spreads but it has been the number 1 and often sole spreader of basically everything bad in the west since 1945, so they are by far the most responsible for any spread of these ideas and thus caused decay since then in their sphere of influence. Especially considering most of those ideas, while they did technically exist, were either unpopular with the masses or they downright despised them prior to US meddling, making them responsible for those ideas gaining any power in the first place.
>>166904 US isn't responsible for anything. They just took things from others, good and bad, and then called those things their own.
Ey americans, just seeing it on the news. What happened in New York? A nigger tried to gas the jews in the subway?
>>166909 >A nigger tried to gas the jews in the subway? DAS RITE!
>>166909 If it really was a nigger then it will be off the news in t-minus a day.
Also, it's the DDoS still going on? It's getting boring.
>>166912 Yup, i cant even upload an image.
Reminder to send your post only once even if there's a connection error. The post will be up eventually.
>>166849 If you liked that, look into Working Designs. It was infamous for pioneering all the things we hate about localizations, like pop culture jokes that'll be cringe inducing in 5 or so years and ruining characters' personalities. This kind of shit always feels like a child came and drew all over a beautiful painting with crayons and said, "I fixed it!"
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>>166914 >The post will be up eventually. That's not always true for me. Some times I don't even get as far as the connection error.
>>166914 >>166916 >connection error 80% of the time, nothing happens for me. The other 20% post it about 5-10 mins later.
>>166917 Fuck sometimes my 25 hour captcha gets swallowed and I lose complete connection after I fill it out.
Disney stock down 30% https://archive.ph/eRKVP Id post dancing gifs if i could.
(4.57 MB 622x720 OutOfTouch.webm)

>>166915 >Working Designs >It was infamous for pioneering all the things we hate about localizations People always mention WD. It might be true, if the topic is limited to video games. But rewriting TV series happened at least a decade earlier, so WD might have been doing something like that, as much as their software dev expertise allowed.
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>this is what passes for good subs according to funimation Either moderation is doing an upstanding job or this is the most normal thread in quite a while
>>166919 For you anon. If it goes through.
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>>166919 >Disney stock down 30% Always worthy of laughing & dancing.
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>>166923 OK how the fuck did that go through for me of all posters when other anons still can't post?
>>166927 Because it looks like the DDoS pc is taking a break.
>>166919 This is a good sign, but does it really matter?
>>166929 If both Warner and Disney die at the same time it would matter, if not it's just having one eating the other.
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>>166920 >>166923 >>166924 >>166925 >>166926 Its not fair! Why doesnt mine go through? >>166929 WB recently got merged with discovery.
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>>166919 Nice, may more misfortune come until the mouse is smacked.
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How can you shoot people in a closed subway and not injure anyone with life threatening wounds? How the fuck can't you kill a single person? I know killing people isn't hard
>>166933 >that webm Why is cao cao partying it up in kamurocho? >>166934 He was using and underleveled weapon.
>>166933 Best OP this season. >>166935 >Why is cao cao partying it up in kamurocho? Wrong chink.
>>166936 >Wrong chink. arr rook same
>>166936 Hey atleast i got the time period right.
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>>166849 Fucking hell. If I speak they will ban me for fedposting. >>166933 This was the first seasonal anime I've watched in like a year and a half. Bretty gud.
>>166934 Nigger shooting. And I thought he just gassed the place.
>>166933 >>166936 >>166939 This looks gay as shit, what the fuck happened to your standards?
>>166934 Assuming >>166909 is right: Well the usual joke is that niggers can't hit anything they are aiming at besides bystanders. So I imagine if they went in to shoot the bystanders this time then I guess they won't be able to hit shit. >>166940 News I read said he smoke bombed then shot up the place.
>>166934 Is he OK?
>>166941 The premise is neat and its fun.
>>166941 It's dumb fun, if you can't appreciate the silliness of Zhuge Liang clubbing in Tokyo then of course it wouldn't be for you.
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>>166941 Well, it does take place in Shibuya. Also it's fun.
So, a college nigger who though he was smarter than an ape was humilliated in public by the Fox news' jew. How can universities get the money to bring ignorant nig nogs to study hard sciences when they can't even argue like human beings?
>>166849 Can some nip confirm?
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Sorry, I can't get archive.is to work. I'm actually kind of scared of that. I'm worried it's being attacked. https:// twitter. com/RealGilbert/ status/1513960910217486342
>>166930 >>166931 fair enough
>>166951 The furthest whoosh of breath.
>>166952 Jesus, thats too sneaky.
>>166949 NO NO
>>166949 Gonna miss that nigga.
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>>166683 >>166849 At this point, it makes me want to rapidly learn Japanese because these faggot localizers have no respect to the source material. Speaking on the Fire Emblem issue, I've seen these kind of people that are pissed off on characters trying to have a good romance or getting a family are people who probably have shitty families. >>166739 What do you mean, tornegro? >>166717 Too bad that she's one of those retards who have pronouns in bio.
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I like seeing Redditors get their just deserts.
>>166949 All the good comedians are leaving us and we're stuck with Amy Schumer. Truly this is some kind of hell.
>>166949 First Norm, then Bob and now Gilbert
>>166958 Im still hurting over trevor moore. >>166957 Friendly fire? And why are you saying its reddit?
>>166957 Artillery or the tank firing on them?
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>>166949 And disgusting pedophilic politicians and hollywood faggots are still alive. There is trully no god in this world, or at least he is not good.
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>>166963 You're gonna carry that weight.
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Alirght but is it just me, can you guys get archive.is to work? What's going on?
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>>166963 I have comedians to
>>166909 Jew York Lieutenant Governor arrested on bribery charges and they needed a distraction
>>166967 Alright but are you a grill?
>>166957 > Maybe if we don't move the tank won't notice us or think we are friendly
>>166949 R.I.P Gilbert Gottfried His final role was playing god in smiling friends, Now he joining god https://youtu.be/rhPG40ACd_I Funny really. He the only celebrity death that made me cry. I am pretty /pol/ myself yet I am crying over the death of a Jewish comedian. In a way. It's a final joke on me. He gave one last laugh at self.
>>166973 >jewish >joining God Yeah no.
>>166960 Only Reddit volunteers would stare at an enemy tank like a deer in headlights to get blown to smithereens. It's surreal.
>>166973 >crying over celebrities >>166974 >Implying Jews don't have a place in heaven like everyone else
>>166967 archive.ph seems to be working, but it's a bit slow.
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>>166976 Nobody is crying, he just was one of the most benign media figures out there. Like a Bob Ross or Tim Allen
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>>166976 Jews literally denounce Jesus as the son of God to the point of believing he's in hell boiling in excrement. Plus their own beliefs hold that they're the descendants of hebrews who continuously disobeyed God. So no I don't think they get to heaven.
>>166975 Anon, i believe it might have been friendly fire or they must have mistaken it for a friendly. First, ukranians and russians share a lot of the equipment. Second, that tank getting that close was obviusly a fail at perimeter security, those soldiers in the checkpoint were too relaxed to be near the frontlines.
>>166976 They rejected the messiah and eternal life anon. No, unrepentant jews burn in eternal agony.
>>166977 Yeah I just got it to load finally. But it's taking a long time to archive anything.
>>166978 >nobody is crying <He the only celebrity death that made me cry
>>166949 Fuck. >>166967 Works for me at the moment.
>>166949 $50 says he got the clot shot
>>166978 Oh absolutely, a damn shame and a huge loss for comedy. >>166980 >Jews literally denounce Jesus as the son of God to the point of believing he's in hell boiling in excrement No, they just see him as a con man, I know from personal experience. Jews don't even believe in the concept of hell but rather spiritual cleansing. >>166982 Who wants to live forever?
>>166973 Gay. He was whiny high pitched asshole. Fuck him.
>>166987 Uh no anon. Read more.
>>166973 >Funny really. He the only celebrity death that made me cry. I am pretty /pol/ myself yet I am crying over the death of a Jewish comedian. Gilbert Gottfried one of the few Jews /pol/ likes. Even /pol/ Would be sad when Mel Brooks dies. Unless they admit Hitler and Nazi party leadership full of Jewish ancestry. Heck most of /v/ would be sad when (((Mark))) dies.
>>166987 Anon no. Jews even have their own pantheon of demons.
>>166989 Uh no anon. Read more.
>>166973 >>166963 Is everyone on that table dead?
>>166994 I'm not sure about the guy in the green shirt on the right (I"m drawing a blank on him) but the other three (Gotfried, Saget and McDonald) are.
>>166992 >>166996 >in the Talmud Everything past moses is bullshit
>>166997 Everything past Moses is judaism. So yes judaism is bullshit. But that's what the jews follow.
>>166987 >>166995 Is Hollywood intentionally killing the last remaining non pozzed comedians? Bob Saget refused to stop telling gay jokes by the very end. Cause his name rhymes with faggot.
>>166997 Anon there are aprox 30k Karaites in the entire world. I seriously doubt you are one of them. I am not having a religious conversation if your just gonna lie your ass off.
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>>166994 Not sure, but all these guys are dead. RIP faux-angry funny voiced man. I was going to shit on you a bit for talking crap about Sam Kinison, but then I remembered it was Bobcat Goldthwait who was being a salty little twat. Tell Bob I said Hi.
>>166998 I personally don't care that much about religion, but from what I was taught in Jew school, Jacob was NOT renamed, Judah and his brothers left him to die in a hole, a human trafficker found Joseph, Joseph also didn't become the pharaoh but would rather would just be respected by him.

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>>167002 >don't care about religion >jew school You don't even know your own lore or the bible. So shut the hell up when people who actually know what they're talking about tell you better.
>>167002 >jew school Christ I was talking to Mark. I need a shower now.
>>167001 >>166963 >Unfunny cunts like Amy Schumer, Hannah Gadsby, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert get to live >Norm Macdonald, Bob Saget, and Gilbert Gottfried don’t >Mel brooks and Dave Chapelle probably going to be next to die No wonder why alec Baldwin went crazy onset of that cowboy movie.
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>>166944 I don't want fun, I hate fun. Fun died in 2007. The older I get, the more I value time and the kind of passive media I consume, nothing short of amazing will do.
>>167001 I can hear this photo, and it is glorious.
>>167004 >>167005 Like I said, I'm just repeating what I learned from Jew school. The honest truth I'd rather get my foreskin back and convert to Christianity, however I don't exactly want to break ties with family since I feel it's important to have.
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>>167009 Okay first of all. Jews lie. Even to other jews. That school? Worthless. And conversion is always possible and the only means of salvation.
(15.28 MB 640x360 videoplayback.mp4)

>>167005 Sorry anon, there are a few jews here
>>167012 Notice he didn't deny it.
>>167012 There was a time were i had to check all the musicians before going to a classic concert. If i found out there was a lot of jews i simply wouldn't go. It was time consuming so i stopped going altogether.
>>167011 Even though you are correct, I do not desire salvation. I just want a decent cash flow so I can live a peaceful life. Everything else is secondary. >>167014 That's retarded
>>167014 You missed on some Klezmer hits
>>167014 There's some really good sephardic music
Jews have contributed and will continue to contribute more to society than you ever will.
>>167018 I invented color, yes I am THE John Color.
>>167018 Does that include Mark?
(95.14 KB 720x720 mark finds this funny.webm)

>>167018 IWWCTB!
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>>167018 Running 97% of the media is not a positive contribution though.
>>166703 One, this isn't exclusive to Americans and two, it stems from a simple want to make the rest of the world act civilised and stop doing degenerate shit. Which is understandable but leftists have a skewed opinion of want should be considered degenerate behaviour. >>166949 >>166958 Well shit, how many good comedians are left? Because when they're gone we're going to be stuck with unfunny soyboys and women.
>>166905 >Trying asking around for a retranslation project to be started on Metal Gear Solid That already exists. It's called The Twin Snakes because Kojima got supremely buttmad when he learned about the changes to his script (the one time his ego came in handy).
>>166957 >those news media stories about the russians giving us their tanks for food absolutely must be true, here comes one now! >BOOM The only way this could possibly be better is if I watched it happen and I was given preferential treatment when it comes to looting dead bodies by both sides.
>>167018 You aren't wrong. Jews have contributed to the downfall of society more than just about anyone.
>>167015 There is more to this life than the physical. Thats 1 And 2 christians also make money. Do not be so hasty to reject the truth and the light. At least attend a bible study sometime first. We have snacks
>>167007 Sounds like a you problem.
>>167030 You are posting moeshit I will now proceed to disregard your opinion.
>>167024 Sometimes I think this is necessary. Like a farmer who has to let his fields fallow so that the next harvest will be gold. Shock comedians of the last 40 years have pushed the bounds of comedy to the breaking point. They have torn down all of the totems, slaughtered all the sacred calves, and shit in the eye of the emperor. Each age will have it's own standards to shock the rubes when transgressed, but the song and dance gets old and predictable. It loses it's ability to shock. Maybe we need a period of unfunny establishment shill cunts to rise up - a pause between laughter - to collect our wits. Rebuild the totems, raise the next generation of fatted calves - so that the next generation of comedians to come after will have fresh and fertile material from which to harvest. And then we can laugh again.
(1.06 MB 1280x720 nyogo.mp4)

>>167033 >Acchi Kocchi Legitimately snooze inducing.
>>167034 for you
(21.95 MB 1280x720 SkeleknightOP.webm)

>>166936 >Best OP this season. Come again?
>>166968 >>166960 >trevor moore Did we ever find out how he died?
>>167037 Conjecture solely. And never any physical evidence to support the suppositions.
>>167037 He was attempting to suck his own dick. He asphyxiated with his own jizz.
(2.68 MB 1920x2808 ai_stitch.png)

>>167031 >He fears the moe
>>167037 Gallon of PCP
>>167039 That's a gag his friends promised to spread after his death. The youtube show was called self suck saturday. Because they just talked about themselves the entire show. So autofellatio jokes became par the course. And then they had a joke agreement that if any of then died the others would tell everyone they died sucking their own dicks.
>>167042 Thank you for explaining the joke, yes. Maybe Trevor was shooting with black people on set instead of using the green screen to add them later on from a safe work environment.
>>167037 Apparently he was messing around in his balcony, tripped and fell straight on his head, he died instantly and his wife found him around 20 minutes after the fact.
>>167045 In the coroner report his leg is listed as having been discovered amputated at the scene. And a fair amount of arterial blood spray. Logically he must have lived for some period following any "impact" which appears to have been localized in cutting off his head and leaving no cranial damage.
>>167018 And, what have Kikes contributed to society with, specifically?
>>167047 Leg not head. Mark edit my post.
>>167047 He was pushed because he was saying uncomfortable things. Everybody knows it.
>>167036 >that 3DCG >The random lowered gamma Ok, what the fuck is with the gamma just suddenly turning down in certain scenes of anime ops? Why do they do that? Also, this was popular enough to get an anime? That's kinda weird. I know the Sword isekai got an anime too, and having read both of them, I honestly can't justify either of them getting an anime. Whatever, I'm not the one in charge of these decisions. I barely watch anime anyway, I'm a manga guy after all. >>167040 Moe is shit. When is Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu getting an anime? At least then we get some good shit. Fuck it, I'll take an anime adaptation of the new Ultraman manga, that one has been a damn lot of fun.
>>167051 The gamma thing I notice gets left out in the blue ray releases. As for the anime it's so far pretty mediocre but it might get better. I'm more into spyman and retarded esper loli, and sentai leader and pure sex secret society captain love blooms on the battlefield shenanigans.
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>>167036 > The smoke from a 0,5 sec cut is cg'ed oh wow this is some shit
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>and sentai leader and pure sex secret society captain love blooms on the battlefield shenanigans. what
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>>167054 Love after World Domination. Leader of a sentai group secretly dates sexy secret society "villainess".
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>>167051 >moe is bad where is muh shonen shit LMAO
>>167055 Ooooh. I think I started reading that one at some point years ago. Can't remember why I stopped. >>167057 >that girl Cuckolding international still going strong I see. Disgusting.
>>167058 Oops, looks like you didn't use proper grammar. Sorry but that's a ban worthy offence, my fellow moe enthusiast.
>>167031 >8chan dot MOE What else did you expect anonymous?
>>166949 all those back episodes of his podcast are gonna rise in value from nothing to double nothing now
>>167061 I wish it was called 8chan dot HOMER instead but you can't always get what you want
>>166618 Instead, confront them for what it is: a bunch of ugly and aging girls that uses it to complain about men staying home instead of going out to validate them through socialization. All the while, those girls are aging and seeing their time going up. Counter with the simple: "you mad, old whore?"
>>167063 Why not 8Chan dot Milhouse?
>>167055 I looked into it, yeah, I have read this one. I think I stopped because the scanlation is shit as fuck. There's twenty chapters of it NOW, but last chapter was four months ago. I most likely read the few chapters that came out on 2019 and then didn't touch it again because there was such a long pause between chapters. The most likely explanation. Guess I'll reread it.
>>167057 >>167059 How can it be cuckolding when his brother dumped her long ago due to not wanting to die from sex
>>167065 8cun.ny
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>>167067 >dumped her I guess I didn't get that far. I had to stop after, what, chapter 4, 5? Either way, I don't like her or her personality, so I refuse to continue reading it. Also, didn't want to die from sex? The fuck does that mean? Are you telling me the brother married a woman and then DIDN'T FUCK HER??
>>167060 Hey now I don't defend their idiocy. I've only ever posted in like 2 threads there and one of them was my own.
>>167025 Beginning to think the whole Russia is losing narrative is bullshit. Mainstream media just refusing to cover Ukrainian casualties until recently. Also they are not reporting that Ukrainian oil fields and shipping ports all in the East which Russia controls.
>>167065 Van Houten is a cool nickname, not gonna lie.
>>167065 Perhaps we should rebrand to Milchan
>>166957 >>167025 >>167072 >Redditors get their just deserts. They're STILL getting involved in that fire zone? I thought they realized Ukraine was a deathtrap when fucking 35 of them got bombed in an instant with their gay "Foreign Legion" bullshit.
>>167075 They respawned, its a ranked match so they can't drop out early.
>>166965 >Last performance With how fedora tipping and anti-Christianity American television is. surprisingly nice to see the Bible god depicted in a positive light. As a Frenchman it weird ass how christian hating America is. At the same time shilling islam and tranny bullshit. France suppose to be socialistic and atheistic. Yet I never seen this level of hate outside of Muslims even Paris. Also pretty KEK a Jew like Gilbert Gottfried last acting role was an episode that ends with a character saying Christianity right.
>>167077 >episode that ends with a character saying Christianity right. And the voice actor who says it is a jew too.
>>167051 >>167052 The dimming in certain scenes of broadcast anime is an epilepsy thing, to avoid bright flashing lights that might cause seizures. They're presumably pretty paranoid about it after the Pokemon episode in 1997 that caused seizures in hundreds of children. I'm not sure whether there's a specific standard and whether it's a government regulation, a broadcaster regulation, or from the studio or producer of the anime itself. But it seems to be added to the broadcast version and removed for the blu-ray.
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>>167079 That makes sense, actually.
>>167062 Oh, it wasn't until watching this clip that it clicked. The voice guy for Iago and other cartoons like Cyberchase and Fairly Oddparents. I did not know this person did such raunchy comedy skits. May he rest in peace.
>>167077 For starting up as a bunch of edgy newground teens, zach, oney & pals ended up being right-leaning. You should give smiling friends a watch. >>167075 Not only redditors, thats just a meme, over 20k foreign volunteers are fighting in ukraine right now, it ranges from people with no formal training to military veterans from the USA, canada, brits and even fucking japan of all places.
>>167082 >canada Leafs volunteer in conflicts?
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>>167070 She is omega nympho to the point she broke his dick so he went ok this is too much and now has to physically exhaust herself daily through exercise so she doesn't rape his little brother to death during their hyper edging regimen.
>>167083 >he doesnt know Anon, canadians only gained that pansy attitude lately, throughout the 19th and 20th century they were some of the most reliable troops the UK could get, and they were famous for commiting war crimes in WW1.
>>167085 >used goods No further comments, but thanks for the explanation.
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They weren't reddit. They were whores.
Pokemon Bread sales to reach 10 million >South Korean confectionery SPC Samlip said Wednesday that it has nearly sold 10 million rolls of Pokemon Bread, less than two months after its release in February. >As of Tuesday, it had sold 9.5 million rolls, and surpassing 10 million appears to be only a matter of time, as it continues to sell out. >Pokemon Bread, which debuted in 1999, made its comeback two months ago, appealing to young adults who grew up watching the animation series. >Amid explosive demand for the nostalgia-provoking product, retail stores have begun limiting the number of pastries customers can buy. >The craze stems from the included character stickers, according to market observers. Prices for the stickers alone are being quoted between 1,500 and 50,000 won ($1.20-$41) on platforms selling secondhand goods. >Piggybacking on the rolls’ popularity, the company plans to launch other Pokemon-themed products: Jigglypuff’s Peach-Peach-shoo, Pika-Pika Sweet Ang Butter Sandwich and Pikachu Mango Cupcake. https://archive.ph/Qu5EF Why so many stupid trends start in South Korea?
>>167088 >someone on cuck/pol/ said it citing a Telegram post so it must be true
>>167090 >>167091 What's the issue? Either way it's less morons in the world.
>>166965 >>167082 >even fucking japan of all places. Japanese volunteering to fight in a war zone tend to end with a Japanese guy being beheaded in camera. That already happened in the Middle East a few times. The Frenchmen tend to get sodomozied before being shoot for some reason. Especially when niggers in Africa are involved.
>>167084 If you enjoy G. Gotfried you are probably a potato brain, no offense. Maybe I'm just being ignorant, but isn't his entire schtick "funny voice border-line transgressive jew?". Its like if I went up on stage and made shitty anti-humour jokes with a fucked up voice like tourettes guy or krusty the clown and turned it into a career. Still respect the hustle though.
>>167092 You cant just claim that with no source whatsoever. >>167093 Well the ivans said very clearly they would treat foreign volunteers as mercenaries, so anyone going there is either a moron or a bad enough dude to not give a fuck.
>>167082 >>167088 If this is the true. Georgian women have big fat heads. She almost look like An American Down syndrome pornstar.
>>167094 No, I was just trying to make it more about videogames.
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>>167088 >>167090 >>167091 I don't see a single woman in the video. I assume this is the same event. Don't care to look further into it.
>>167092 Anons must seek the truth.
>>167096 The one in the right doesnt even look like a model, she looks like a tumblr lesbo. >>167098 I still think it must be the soldiers mistaking it for a friendly.
>>166722 Having society decay to the point that the so called "winners" can't even do anything due to nothing working properly can't be called winning.
>>166723 Get woke, go broke.
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>>167089 >Why so many stupid trends start in South Korea? The talmud is the best seller in worst korea Hasn't gookanon said there are foriegn ties to worst korea while he was talking about the seven goddesses thing that the crazy lady president was in? Would certainly explain why Gangam Style, K-Pop, & Squid Game blew up.
>>577228 If you do it indiscriminately you'll still have 90% of people be retards, though.
>>166995 Green shirt guy better watch his fucking back because it looks like someone's glowniggering comedians.
>>577234 >caring about what other people do with their own money
>>166725 >>577228 >>167105 >>577232 Does no one else see the irony that you're talking about wiping out 90% of the population because their more easily suggestible at the suggestion of someone else?
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Question: Has Steve Bannon ever done anything jewish? Pic unrelated.
>>167107 Yeah, normalniggers pay megacorps to buy the rights to oldies and give us great remasters to suit the current times. It's great that we can support rising actors and directors with easy stuff that is guaranteed to sell!
>>167104 South Korea is one huge experiment. The south was industrialized and uplifted into a modern economy by the USA. The Koreans had at this point been ruled by radically different foreigners for a long time and now had to culturally differentiate themselves from their Northern brethren. The USA over time took the opportunity and didn't just simply westernize them but rewrote almost their entire culture down to aspects of their language and pushed them into cranking every western value to overdrive, presumably just to see what happens, so now they have long managed to overtake the west in degeneracy but with less foreigners willing to go to Korea and destroy their demographics. The crazy feminism cults you see in Korea and their other delusions were the future of Europe and America, of course now that might change as the west might just fall under the rule of different cultures before theirs can reach the same level as Korea.
>>166741 Nah. People are not worth the effort. Better to live by yourself, being self-sufficient, and never helping anyone. They don 't deserve your contribution.
>>167110 Yeah, better set up some state regulated civilian expenditure bureau, right???
>>167111 >The USA over time took the opportunity and didn't just simply westernize them but rewrote almost their entire culture down to aspects of their language and pushed them into cranking every western value to overdrive, presumably just to see what happens, so now they have long managed to overtake the west in degeneracy but with less foreigners willing to go to Korea and destroy their demographics. How come Japan is unaffected by this since they didn't get completely pozzed to hell like Worst Korea? >>167088 >trusting cuckchan for reliable information
>>167109 Hes a typical conservitard that uses muh chillunz to rile his base up, but Jewish stuff? Not to my knowledge.
>>167113 We already have that, its called taxation and subsidies. I think ubisoft in canada gets millions for being a fine arts company.
>>166757 >Anarchism that isn't cucked to feminism or leftism. Again, for that, you would need to eliminate 90% of the world's population, because most men are simps and would literally throw everything under the bus for validation from women .
>>167088 Is this the new planking? >>167104 Gook's posts and articles named japanese fifth column. Megalians were a result of media and government encouraging korean women to stop pretending they're not psychopaths. K-pop, drama or recently the Squid Game popularity are all about social media algorithm manipulation. They're very good at it. K-pop specifically is also autistically curated to appeal to western children and npcs as much as possible.
>>167114 Japan and Germany both still got pozzed harder than other western countries for obvious reasons but they weren't as receptive to propaganda as Korea, not even close. Korean culture was in a complete crisis and had to redefine itself fully, which was abused. Neither Japan nor Germany really reinvented themselves post-WW2. Germany for example mostly just promised to be less Nazi and that didn't even work out fully, for 15 years or so after the end of the war significant parts of the population would still meet up in their cellars on the weekend and talk about the good old times. Japan equally still had a lot of affection for the old times and the entire population didn't simply reverse all of their values instantly, you also couldn't push them too hard too fast for fear of a relapse and large scale civil unrest which was unaffordable in the middle of the cold war. So Japan and Germany mostly got in line with the rest of the countries with western values, meanwhile Korea steamed ahead
>>167114 >How come Japan is unaffected by this since they didn't get completely pozzed to hell like Worst Korea? Don't know what the other Anon is talking about, but the American occupation of Japan started with their goal to rebound the country and have it be without U.S. dependence within 15 years, which they were.
>>167118 >K-pop specifically is also autistically curated to appeal to western children and npcs as much as possible. Elaborate? I have seen gifs posted from k-pop & I can only guess it's the use of pastel colors which squid game also used.
>>166775 Nobody that is proactive wants to obey rules or be punished in any way. If the argument "but they must for (insert reason)" is made, the proactive will simply move away from society, abandoning it to collapse.
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>>167113 >Yeah, better set up some state regulated civilian expenditure bureau, right??? I think what's needed is to really clearly and narrowly definite in an objective manner, blatant cultural vandalism such as >>167110. Once you have the definition clearly narrowed down to the targeted scope without collateral damage, i.e. fanfiction and derivative works that are still made in good faith and not part of an agenda, you can then more easily start making moves towards the point where you can get more and more people on board for further demonizing said cultural vandalism, possibly to the point where you can even criminalize it. But you would need to be able to narrowly define this well enough to avoid harming creative freedom in a dangerous manner. >>167119 >>167120 I vaguely recall gook mentioning something along the lines of the assorted globalists treating Japan and Worst Korea as separate experiments where they would try to make Japan a paraside and Worst Korea a dystopian hellhole.
>>167123 >make Japan a paraside Paradise or Parasite? I'm guessing the former as an opposite to worst korea's dystopia.
>>>/gg/165134 >Using Steam forums >Not knowing they've been there since the beginning when they made the usertags say "cute" and "funny" >>>/gg/165138 At least two. :^)
>>166783 Jews will be nuked first.
>>167124 Yeah I meant paradise, my mistake.
>>166797 Kill Ken Penders.
>>166601 Incredible.
>>167123 >I vaguely recall gook mentioning something along the lines of the assorted globalists treating Japan and Worst Korea as separate experiments where they would try to make Japan a paraside and Worst Korea a dystopian hellhole. I remember him bringing Worst Korea as a petri dish, but not for Japan. In fact, Gook talked about how even Japan is engaged with the conditions in Worst Korea, mostly thanks to the yakuza operating there.
>>166801 Always remind them that Gamergate always wins.
>>166630 >I can buy a lewd loli game to spite China >>166652 I cannot contain my amazement.
>>166611 Play Elden Ring. Touch grace.
>>166819 >God is greater than the church. And greater than the stat e in any country. Always remind the cancer about that fact.
>>166835 It is ok when we do it.
>>166703 >>166747 >puritan nations >why do burgers You don't care. You only wanted to duplicitously frame the discussion. Fuck off. >>166797 >Knuckles has a dad at all, conceptually >therefore it's the character i created for him so you have to pay me >no i haven't seen the movie I love this guy. He's clinically insane, he can't draw worth a fuck, he obviously needs to be institutionalized, and he can't stop sabotaging himself over the course of decades. >>166849 Reminder that: * The world wasn't called Arcadia. It had no name. * Gilder wasn't a womanizer. His entire life's motto was changed. * Aika traded a fear of cockroaches for a fear of "dirty old men" because feminism. * All references to rum were swapped with grape juice. * All uses of "salaam" were removed. * The localizer named the strongest sword in the game after himself.
>>167135 Hence why they want to get rid of him: If you take the guy in the highest seat, no one is gonna be higher than you. (((Their))) endgame is to phase themselves out of god's reach and live in a permanent present, controlling the past (because turns out, the omnipotent can't change history) and denying the future because the future implies change, and they don't want their position to change.
>>166976 >oy vey goyim we're saved! we're not damned for all eternity! >ignore what that filthy moser Jesus said about us, oy vey, we're totally fine lol
>>166949 He was Jewish, guys
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>>166811 At this point, even if Acid was right, I wouldn't believe him. The guy thinks feeding trolls makes them go away.
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>>166957 Now that's what I call a stealth tank! Worse than easy AI
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>>166801 >Their go-to-memes are blacked.moe, et cetera Everyone mocks your negro fetish, Acid. You can't pin that on "bad actors" just because people shitting up the site with actual nigger porn and cheese pizza make fun of you like everyone else does.
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>>166801 >>167143 Fuck, even chodexx does it.
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https://archive.ph/qcQZ1 https://archive.ph/KEJ6j Some alleged Chrono Cross dialogue changes. Can't remember if the 1st image was posted here or not but both West and Japanese changed this line to be more political correct. Take the 2nd and 3rd images with a grain of salt
>>167121 Obligatory English buzzwords for familiarity. Rap and various EDM and rock genres used for a bridge to cast a wider net fishing for a new audience. Boyband/idol group members conform to strict stereotypes to attract as many fangirls as possible or to make them identify with one or more of the female singers so you have the cheerleader, edgy cunt, wannabe nerd, borderline dyke etc. to again cover the most stereotypical listeners. Parasiting on every trend currently popular with western kids and targetting them with ads and other promotional schemes. Dressing the adult stars like rich teenagers while pushing the boundaries of how slutty and at the same time as tween/teen as possible can the women look like. Encouraging the insane stan mob culture - something like a hooligans for fags on twitter. European features via plastic surgery are almost mandatory. They have talent farms, invest insane amounts of money in analytics and shilling and the government is bankrolling it. None of it is organic. It's a borg product in its entirety on a different level than we know from the most extreme bubblegum US media. It's as predatory and manipulative as Korean vidya. Even jews are taking notes.
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>>166973 >His final role was playing god in smiling friends I saw it just yesterday.
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>>166973 He died as he lived eating ass
>>167140 Even classic /pol/ liked him. The thread told me so.
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>>166949 RIP, the best always go away first.
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>>167146 Thanks for the rundown, that seems to explain the shilling of BTS & their ilk. >European features via plastic surgery are almost mandatory. Reminded of the tower of jawbones >Dressing the adult stars like rich teenagers while pushing the boundaries of how slutty and at the same time as tween/teen as possible can the women look like. >a borg product in its entirety on a different level than we know from the most extreme bubblegum US media sounds like they learned from disney & their stars
>>167145 Yeah it was posted already, but thanks anyway for posting relevant news. Next baker should put it in Ongoing Discussions: >Chrono Cross remaster censors dialogue and some new models https://archive.ph/G7UtK https://i.imgur.com/CP0bIpE.jpg
>>166933 >That blatant urbanite/leftard propaganda From soyfreaks for soyfreaks.
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>>167150 Gilbert was always a good lad.
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>>166919 >Disney stock down 30% dance party! >>166949 >Saget >Norm >now Gottfried Fucking hell, clown world is now killing off the funny clowns >>167026 >That already exists. It's called The Twin Snakes It's a worse translation (albeit more accurate but being more accurate to Kojima's shitty writing isn't always a bonus) and it has worse VA.
>>167156 >Fucking hell, clown world is now killing off the funny clowns The time for laughter is over.
>>166933 It is laughable how the Japanese media is so desperate to make young Jap anese (especially men) leave home to go to a cosmopolitan (waste of) life. You can see the desperation of the government watching their economy implode due to men not caring about socializing anymore.
>>167158 >You can see the desperation of the government watching their economy implode due to men not caring about socializing anymore. I wish this would happen in the West too.
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>>167088 AND plebbitors.
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For a while, everytime it was posted. I noticed one or more anons complaining about the lack of privacy, and the tracking by necessitating cookies, and I myself have experience the site randomly kicking me while trying to browse privately. I am glad to announce, the panda has fucking finally entered the 21st century. Exhentai has an onion address. No cookies, no plugins, just a login and a captcha. http://exhentai55ld2wyap5juskbm67czulomrouspdacjamjeloj7ugjbsad.onion/
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>>167162 It does not yet support continuous scrolling. I didn't waste a couple weeks of my life as a penniless NEET playing the brony's shitting text game to not use continuous scrolling on galleries. It's also lacking various other features available on the clearnet panda. Hopefully they add them instead of being lazy fucks.
>luciano posts stay up for 3+ hours Dead board, dead moderation.
>>166987 >No The Talmud explicitly says it. Get the fuck out of here, yid. You know nothing. >Jews don't even believe in the concept of hell You think that if you don't believe in it, you won't go to it when you die. Because you're shitting your pants in fear of getting your just reward. >>167164 Better than 8kun.
>>167165 A slimy turd is better than 8kunt.
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>>167164 Why can't admin just run a bot that auto-deletes his shit? I mean the dude posts like he's a god damned spam bot.
>>167167 >27MB gif
>>167168 Converted from a webm, I have no idea how to compress it without losing visual quality.
>>167107 Yes. When they invest money in things that are detrimental to my life in the long run, they must not be allowed to do so. What they do with their money is of MY concern, yes.
>>167169 Why would you convert it from that in the first place?
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>>167169 >converting a webm Fucking why?
>>167108 So? The masses lean to the suggestions that are harmful to themselves and to rational people, just because it makes them feel better. That alone is reason to wipe them out.
>>167169 It's a webm, it was already compressed. Now post the original file.
>>167113 Yes. The dumb retards must never have the freedom to make corporations more influential.
>>167171 >>167172 Not the same anon, but if I'm going through my images I have saved on my computer with whatever image viewing software I'm using webms will obviously be skipped, but gifs won't. (Also animated pngs won't animate either, for that matter.)
>>167176 Have a folder for webms, dummy.
>>166949 Is it bad I have no idea who this is? >>167012 The beginning sounded like the GLA theme from C&C.
>>167123 Tyranny is better than what you are proposing. The people must be forced t o obey your will, or someone else will do it. Awareness doesn't work. Tyranny does.
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>>167176 convert your webms into MP4s then asshole that works with the default microsoft viewer
>>167138 And that is mainly fought by always reminding them: God is superior to all. The state is bellow God. The laws of God are above the laws of the state. And the laws of the church are NOT the laws of God.
>>167151 >sounds like they learned from disney & their stars More precisely, from jews. The same procedure as abominations such as N-Sync and Spice Girls. The jews calls the m asses "cattle", and t hey are right in this particular instance. Everything crafted to give the masses a dopamine rush is promptly adopt ed by the masses EVEN when it destroys them, and they still adopt it. Although this is diminishing, it is still prevalent. The problem aren't just the parasites, but the hosts that allows the parasite in j st because 'it feels good in the beginning".
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>>167177 I do, but for quick and simple silent animations clicking on them one by one isn't as practical as scrolling a set, particularly when they're intermingled with still images. >>167180 What's a good choice for Linsux that isn't autistic? I've been a Wangblows refugee for about 6 years now.
>>167159 It is happening in literally all countries. Validation from women is not a desirable thing anymore for the majority of men all over the world. The quarantines for the fake virus made men realize that their lives are better, healthier and way less expensive when they don't go out to socialize with women.
>>167176 I don't know what image viewing software you use but I use Irfanview, which will display webms when going through a folder. It's very barebones as a video player, I don't think it even has a fullscreen option for videos (unlike images), but it works..
>>167184 Switch to Mint or Manjaro. Manjaro if you're not afraid to have a half-working system for a couple of weeks, Mint if you want a working system but some real retardation in configuration and install down the line. If you go with Mint, get ready to switch to Manjaro in about a year. Mint gets worse with time, but I cannot argue against the fact that it's the easiest distro to learn linux with. Not the "best" or "retard-friendly' (thats Ubuntu), but the easiest. Manjaro is a better distro to 'settle' with but its learning curve might be too steep. Linux is a pain in the ass. Sometimes it isn't, and usually daily activities are fine, but if you ever try anything new it's going to suck.

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>>167187 Sorry, I was speaking in terms of Linux specific programs and not distros. I've tried a number of them and I honestly only really like Mint. Although I haven't tried Manjaro, but I'm not in a good position to be experimenting right now. >Linux is a pain in the ass. Sometimes it isn't, and usually daily activities are fine, but if you ever try anything new it's going to suck. No fucking kidding. My own personal list of grievances I have off of the top of my head: >Command line autism out the wazoo. >No proper .exe format or any equipment, making software installation an exercise in autism in many cases. >Package system is absolutely retarded and is a security exploit waiting to happen. >No simple way to configure your network card to spoof your machine name or prevent your real MAC address from being exposed. >Unlike Windows a sudden peripheral disconnection can cause data loss and/or render the medium unreadable. (The latter has caused me to lose important USB data I had in one instance.) >Apparently systemd/dbus/Network Manager/PulseAudio are all NSAware and nearly all distros have at least one of them >Most projects have at least some degree of pozz in their ranks. All have a significant number of the most insufferable autists imaginable. With "freedom" like this, who needs tyranny? >>167186 Alright, I'll give that a try and see how well it works in Wine.
>>167188 No proper .exe format or any *equivalent. I need sleep.
>>167188 >No proper .exe format or any equipment, making software installation an exercise in autism in many cases. >Package system is absolutely retarded and is a security exploit waiting to happen. Both of these are kind of retarded thoughts. There are universal packaging standards, it's called appimage or flatpaks. And the packaging system in most distros is not a security issue. The only thing that is a real security issue that people ignorantly recommend is the AUR for arch systems.

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Just found another one eye symbolism in video games to add to my collection, it appears as though valve was part of the elite.
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>>167191 >muh checkered floors
>>166601 System requirements are low, Little Witch Nobeta is even Steam Deck verified. No reason not to get it. There's even a demo. You'd think Valve would also label it as Linux+Plus proton compatible too but that's just Valve HQ's typically asinine laziness for ya.
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>>167192 Implying it's not an freemasonic regional symbol in our media, which has a lot of freemasons in it.
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>>167193 >No reason not to get it. It's still in early access, that's a reason.
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>>167191 do you have brain damage?
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>>577446 >>577454 >large swathes of people are retarded What an astounding new discovery anon. Sarcasm aside, it doesn't really matter if people want to partake and enable this retardation anymore because at the end of the day they're just digging their own graves and it's not our job to save them. We don't need the general public's approval/support and we never will because we will always find a way to dodge between the shit and survive intact no matter how bad things realistically get.
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>>167196 I used to have a more impressive collage of video game screen shots but i lost it, it's on consoles and logos as well.
>>167198 There's something impressive here and it isn't the collage.
We real schizo posting hours now!
>>167199 https://vimeo.com/288539617 What Lies In Plain Sight (introduction) https://vimeo.com/288545087 Early Disney part 1. https://vimeo.com/288546818 Early Disney part 2. https://vimeo.com/288526674 An analysis of pedophile themes in another Disney movie for kids. There is a whole subliminal side out there, disturbing messages in the media you consume to relax.
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>Direct Vimeo links
>>167202 They're too long to be webms and youtube flags them for copyright.
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>>167191 >>167198 Now this is some Qanon tier reaching here.
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>be tomboy who likes girls >consoom globohomo propaganda >decides to be a guy >get ignored by actual women cause they don't have dicks lmao
>>166933 >>167153 >>167158 It looks like it is from the same studio that did the Muteking remake. The whole remake tried to hammer the leftard propaganda hard, with a cast of characters that all fill a quota of the worst diversity cast that you can imagine (ugly and fat woman, old woman, tranny faggots, shitskins, and so on) with the so called "villain" just wanting to bring society back to normal, and having the so called "hero" scold him for it, literally saying in the end that "you are just jealous of everyone having fun". The whole anime felt like it was written by landwhales from plebbit. This one with Zhuge Liang looks like it will be the same cancer.
Figured I'd cross link this post given the sudden theme the thread took. >>>/k/666 >>>/k/453 Mason stuff... >>5774530 >early access One of the few times I'm willing to break that rule given what pupuya games has already put out. Besides you'll be feeding a hungry Taiwanese South Eastern Chinese game dev rather than a Westoid soy dev. Asia will be the final death nail of the triple gAAAy industry or at least render it a hollow zombie operating with skeleton crews of game developers. >>167191 >11640×14810 >most of it is a blank white backdrop Why? >Work in progress 2.jpg Oh never mind, I'm retarded... >>167198 >I used to have a more impressive collage of video game screen shots but i lost it Always back up on external drives and micro SD cards and store the backups for the backup in fire proof safes. >>167200 I just wanted to discuss cute witches but this is amusing too. >>167192 To be fair checkered floors are unironically very Masonic. There's all sorts of autistic rants on "You"Tube about how Mario64 is a Masonic inspired game because of checkered floors and some other stuff.
>>167205 >dickself
>>167198 Here's some more eyebal covers
>>167207 >To be fair checkered floors are unironically very Masonic. There's all sorts of autistic rants on "You"Tube about how Mario64 is a Masonic inspired game because of checkered floors and some other stuff. The thing is that checkered floors, like the eye of horus and the grove owl, have penetrated so deep in to cultural consciousness that you can't draw any meaningful conclusion to them being used anymore. Furthermore checkered floors are so generic that it's doubtful that most of their appearances have anything to do with Masonry. Humans just like contrasting colors. So there's not much to really consider, not unless you believe that the symbols themselves really have power instead of just being merely symbols and cute inside jokes form one Tubal-cane aficionado to another.
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>>167209 Other cover didn't post
>>167211 >not unless you believe that the symbols themselves really have power instead of just being merely symbols I believe that they do, psychologically. putting a phallus symbol next to a certain situation gives you the psychological message that that situation is part of being masculinity. If there was no power in symbols why would they keep putting the same symbols in modern media today? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kXj5iIrC5q8
>>167205 What a waste, imagine if instead of getting monstrous surgeries she just dieted well and hit the gym every other day? It's one thing I'll be it still unfortunate to lose an already effeminate faggot troon propaganda BUT even one tomboy with so much potential being corrupted by pink pills blue pills I guess. Granted I support peoples right to make bad decisions I'll be it reluctantly and besides future generations can always learn from their mistakes plus if she's a dyke then she's already not breeding so it doesn't matter if she becomes an abomination or not though as a result of reading all that she "he" gives off the impression that it's all just huge amounts of copium and not wanting to admit to being wrong. i just wanna be cis
>>167162 This has nothing to do with privacy and everything to do with transitioning socially unacceptable porn onto the darknet its legality around the world wavers.
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>>167213 Because "they" aren't. People are just reusing without context them because they like them aesthetically. Or because are intentionally putting them as a reference to be kitschy or to mock people who are obsessed about them. All these symbols ever were were dog whistles from one mason to another anyway. And if by some chance you are right and they do have some sort of power they you're fucked anyway because they're so pervasive. Seriously what power is a checkerboard pattern suppose to have on people anyway?
>>167217 >Because "they" aren't. But there is media where the symbols clearly tell another story. >Seriously what power is a checkerboard pattern suppose to have on people anyway? The Checkerboard floor isn't like the phallus, it doesn't suggest masculinity, instead it just there to mock you by showing you who is in control of the tv show you're watching and you're too fucked to do something about, like when the CIA killed JFK and then we had nightmare on Elm Street according to people who study occult symbolism in media.
>>167217 well if its red like the jelly jar id say it makes me think of picnics and paper towels; if its black and white it makes me think of mods or maybe cruella deville
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>>167220 How about all those ERROR textures in Gmod?
>>167217 OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!!!! The school I used to go to when I was a kid had checkered floors all over the place. Was a a chess piece the whole time, WTF did they do to me? Are they responsible for turning me into a retarded faggot who posts on obscure image boards?
>>167221 either a really shiny ballroom floor or like im drowning in grape jam and i got black spots in my vision
Hmmmm.... Also fuck Google and their shitty webp's
>>167167 >Nopan Looks like skin colored leggings to me, but underneath is probably nopan.
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https://www.weforum.org/partners/#S Yet another reason to boycott Azari Turks and Sony Group for that matter.
Any news about the fat black man shooter?
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>>167205 Well, she was a dyke anyway so good riddance. >>167209 In all fairness, eyes have been a part of the resident evil series since the prototype of RE1 in 1995 since it was meant to represent someone's eyes while getting scared. >>577427 But is it more cat or more shark?
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>Thumbnails broken in Firefox >Click Refresh >Get THIS >Open in Chrome >Everything works fine >10mins later >Refresh Firefox >Still this I don't want to use Chrome, Acid. Firefox 56 is the only one that still works with all my old addons that were banned
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>>167153 >>167206 >Those lyrics Indeed, the soy and pozz flow in this garbage. Written directly for those with their brain rotten by soy.
>>167231 It's not browser-based and you should be able to continue after a brief cooldown. There's a limit on requests right now due to the DDoS.
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>>167221 >How about all those ERROR textures in Gmod?
>>167188 Oh, you're on Linux? Trying to use Wine just for an image viewer seems unnecessary, isn't there a native solution? I did a search and this page mentions gThumb image viewer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/714136/image-viewer-webm-compatible This page mentions Gwenview: https://linuxreviews.org/Comparison_of_Image_Viewers
>>167214 You're a Toranny?
>>167236 >implying trannies are persecuted and have to hide behind Tor TorPedo makes more sense, and also rolls off the tongue better
>>167237 The point is anon implied he's an effeminate male & possibly a tranny.
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>>167238 >The point Point taken, my point was I think we should start calling them TorPedos becase it's a more clever pun than "Toranny"
>>167239 >literal 1000's of hours of young girls being sexulised in anime >plays a clip of a a loving embrace with 0 sexual undertone
>>167240 That's been the go to for a long while anyway.
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>>167239 How did this retard came to that conclusion?
>>167243 because he got a boner while watching it
>>167241 Tiktok w*men are dumb.
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>>167245 >w*men
Site's broken But, it seems to be less broken on Tor than it is on the clearnet. >>167201 >There is a whole subliminal side out there, disturbing messages in the media you consume to relax. The funny thing about so-called "subliminal messages" is that you can take two people, from two different areas, and have them interpret a symbol completely differently. For example, the faggot axe and the swastika. >>167207 >To be fair checkered floors are unironically very Masonic. [Citation needed] >>167213 >putting a phallus symbol next to a certain situation gives you the psychological message that that situation is part of being masculinity <Another FEMINIST created argument about how the sword is designed to look like a penis Didn't someone make an entire argument about the insistence on looking for symbolism in everything is, itself, a type of subversion. That you end up looking for a enemy that does not exist, or creating your own at the lack of plausible deniability? >>167232 Hey, jackass, the Nips have been using pentagrams for decades in their media. I take it you weren't around when 4ids was dubbing Yu-Gi-Oh!.
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>>167245 >w*men
>>167248 Looking at that screenshot made me want to kill myself. There really is no hope for zoomers is there?
>>167248 Fatherless behavior.
>>167249 Many of the people still using social media are middle aged, actually.
>>167248 >he's black That really explains the lack of a father figure.
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>>167245 >w*men <censoring words on an anonymous imageboard
It's too early for niggerbitch's horny posting.
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>>166672 It's like an entire universe of Takagi-sans. >>167192 >>167196 >>167204 >federal agents instantly reply and tries to associate mental illness with legitimate informational signaling You failed. You've reenforced the legitimacy of this content. Tell your bosses to give you a raise, because we need more incompetence like this on your side.
he does it for free.
>>167247 >But, it seems to be less broken on Tor than it is on the clearnet. That's fucking dreadful considering how broken posting on tor is.
>>577603 >>577604 >some bitch got likes on twatter, were doomed! its literally over guys! brb about to kms imagine being this weak lmao
>>167164 And yet, here you are. >>167253 He's the local twatter rapefugee who unironically censors his own words. >>167260 HAS
>>167205 Can't "he" just date a MtF tranny? Seems hypocritical to insist on only dating AFAB women, huh...
So who's gonna start the new bread?
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New Bread New Bread New Bread >>577669 >>577669 >>577669 >>577669 >>577669 New Bread New Bread New Bread

Quick Reply