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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Christmas Chocolate & A Happy New Year! Edition Anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 04:02:54 Id: 3cea76 No. 262736
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc.
[Expand Post]Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
Festive benis.
Video games are bullshit.
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>>262738 Life is a videogame made by God. Complain to the dev if you don't like it.
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Merry Christmas! What gifts did Santa bring anons this year?
>>262742 Clothes. Not bad, since I need them. A nice mug and a thermos, too.
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>>262736 Merry Christmas. Even if you're alone, like I am, it's good to have an autistic little community we have here.
>>262742 A Booster Box of Wixoss cards from the WXDi-P001 Glowing Diva set, some card sleeves, and a card binder. That's coming soon in two days in regards to the first two things listed and likely tomorrow if the quality service is anything to go by.
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Lost to the zone >>758109
New Sseth video for those who havent seen it yet, its always good shit and he talked about a game I only found out about from here, /v/ must have some sublime fucking taste if he also talks about the games anon mentioned. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CFzjBka-jB4 >>262741 Why do I enjoy struggling, making money, conflict, studying, getting stronger and essentially dominating in videogames but not in real life? What does reality have that videogames don't that makes it so whack and not worth the effort? >>262742 I caught santa fucking my mom. The gift he brought me was PTSD.
Edited last time by suds on 12/26/2022 (Mon) 10:27:18.
>>262742 A small synthesizer, a nice planner, a fuckton of chocolates.
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>>262748 >New Sseth video
>>262748 Vidya spans a great many genres. The particular genre God has chosen may be one you're completely unfamiliar with.
>>262742 Whiskey, T-Shirts, and a Steam Gift Card. And not to be trite or saccharine, the best gift I could have asked for - a big family get together with lots of great food, good times, Christmas music, video games, board games, etc. I'm at that age where presents don't really mean much, but a close family is invaluable. Reposted from the Christmas Thread
>>262748 >What does reality have that videogames don't Excessive taxation and legal troubles :^)
>>262745 Thanks for the support anon. Even if I don't have much of any friends IRL I'll always have you guys, no homo though.
>>262748 Sseth is a /v/rign and there were rumours he was lurking on 8/v/.
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Seeing as I asked other anons, Santa bought me a pair of boots, a model train, a model dinosaur, and a gift voucher for the hardware store. They sell plants too, so I'd like to get a holly shrub. How are burgers holding up? Has the Big Chill passed yet?
It's a bit late but i want to wish you lads a belated merry christmas. I naturally got nothing, but that's fine. i just hope i can gift myself a better life and an escape from NEETdom. it's been a while, take care people.
>>262757 >gift myself a better life and an escape from NEETdom But why escape something that gifts you everything to receive only loss? not that any American business will hire any rando with a pulse anyway.
>>262758 Sometimes it is that easy.
>>262759 I should know, I got my first job on my second attempt. But it's a retail job so it's a given.
>>262755 Sounds like bullshit, his humor is typically from halfchan.
>>262758 >not that any American business will hire any rando with a pulse anyway. Just being willing to come in to work is starting to get to be a more valuable asset than a collage diploma these days, anon. Tons of people now expect to be able to work from home as the "new normal", and collage grads who do come in to work are usually just there to get some experience before moving on to a better paying job where they can work from home. Seriously, just show up for work, get your work done, and don't burn the place down... and a lot of places will probably give you a wide berth to train on the job without the standard prerequisite qualifications.
>>262762 The luke smith "make your own platform" (for others, for money) and mental outlaw's "just get some IT certs" are also pretty sought after pretty much anywhere, especially if you apply what most anons here already know about zero-trust security.
>>262761 I can believe he lurked.
>>262758 Don't laugh at me but I want a more normal life and I'd rather be doing something than nothing at all.
>>262758 Being a NEET is only good if you have an enabler who isn't a miserable person, and that's probably rare since most NEETs were raised by retards, evident by the fact they became NEETs.
I was a NEET at one point but getting a job got me more of what I want despite having less time.
>>262767 The assuredness of being able to prepare things to not leave your ass uncovered is also a very comfortable feeling.
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>>262768 That and I can travel outside of the country for my mandatory two week vacation which is paid for.
>>262768 Like women or what?
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>>262770 Mark is disgusting kike.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate”
Merry Christmas Anons, I hoped everyone had a rad time and at least a hot meal.
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Merry christmas, ya absolute legends
>>262770 Like having material and tools to make sonething you decide is useful without going "oh how I wish I had x and y" about different things every week. I'll be getting a vacuum sander and shellac to make some nice, smooth wood finishes that dry before the wood leaves your hands, very soon.
>>262775 Ah yeah, I can relate. It took me like 3 xbox 360'a before I was able to successfully JTAH one of them
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>>262736 >Spoiler The hell did they do to Scheherazade?
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Archive of previous bread: https://archive.md/E8gT6
>>758014 >Even the UK says merry Christmas. I thought they said "Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year" Wonder why it got swapped.
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s for the purposes of ending Goolag's control Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
while I can't say I love Musk I can't hate him either. https://archive.vn/Ys7cQ
This is a satire article you dumb fuck
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Remember to spread around this image recommending actually good games to the Nips! The point of this chart is to inform the Japanese on what the good games that the West has actually produced over the past few decades are rather than let companies tell them that Westerners "like" Ass Creed, Life is Tumblr, and CoD, and to make their games "like that". If you don't know who to send it to, post it on Japanese vidya discussion boards you know of, tag it to Nip e-celebs your enjoy, and/or inform Japanese creators who you think listen to their fans.
>>262781 Holy shit.
>>262781 >He is expected to be released on bail Gay.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/
[Expand Post]>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 11/16/22: https://archive.ph/QLgWL
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>>262785 The only good gg related copypasta
>>262779 Ignore him he tried shilling some retarded narrative that only America has a war on Christmas but when shown that it's not much better in the UK he tried saying only in the Anglo Sphere but when shown even more proof that it's pretty widespread in Europe he screeched we were Niggerpill.
>>262781 I can't even imagine the context in which a tech CEO would leave a paper trail to tip someone off to having CP. The sniff test tells me it's probably just more retarded Musk bullshittery, but he's also a pajeet so it's entirely possible he's just that retarded.
>>262742 Boots, vidya, books, and a full series of a TV show. >>262748 >Direct linking For shame! >What does reality have that videogames don't that makes it so whack and not worth the effort? Games are made to be fun, meanwhile reality isn't always fun. >>262781 Reset the FUCKING clock. >>262784 Bail just means that he doesn't have to stay in jail until the day of his trial. >>262788 >I can't even imagine the context in which a tech CEO would leave a paper trail to tip someone off to having CP. Anon, you do remember the Hillary email leaks, the Biden laptop, and numerous other fuck-ups in the tech-sphere, right? These people just don't care about covering everything up because they unironically believe that they're "untouchable".
>>262788 Do you really think leftist and a leftist Pajeet at that would be smart enough? Plus Musk is rich enough to find dirt on people.
>>262789 >Bail just means that he doesn't have to stay in jail until the day of his trial. Which also means, being that he has assloads of money, he could feasibly flee the country.
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>>262781 I knew the dude was likely to be a shitstain considering how he ran the site but damn. Guess that explains why twitter had an overlooked CP problem that even though they said they would've tackled but hardly did shit on outside the risk of legal issues. At least something good happened before this year concluded.
>>262792 I want to be surprised but I'm really not at this point.
>>262789 >>262790 Just seems very odd. My best guess is that maybe there are logs on the server of him downloading illegal content before having it removed. But even that seems pretty far fetched. But an arrest has been made so clearly Musk might have something credible. Unless that article is supreme benis and I'm just a retard.
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>>262742 A few games, a few gift cards, some books I wanted, a nendoroid, Godhand nippers for my Gunpla kits, and also some really good wine. I haven't felt the Christmas spirit in a long time, doesn't help that it very rarely snows where I live. I plan by next year to get my shit together, so hopefully by then I'll feel it again. >>262781 Why am I not surprised.
>>262794 Yeah this is a completely fake article. Here are some other epic headlines from the same author >Bill Gates Arrested By German Military, Faces Death Penalty >Arrest Warrants Issued For Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab >>262781 Kill yourself retard. <Vancouver Times is the most trusted source for satire on the West Coast. We write satirical stories about issues that affect conservatives.
>>262778 Oh fuck that looks awful. It does not like the custom css. Wasn't there an archive board here? A different way to archive the breads? I remember seeing that a while back.
>>262781 It's satire.
>>262781 REAL Democrat activism not the constantly banned loli art shit has been running rampant in Twatter for years, now we know why.
>>262799 >I knew it <literal fake news article by a satire website Looks like it's Qnigger hours tonight.
>>262742 My family gifted me some plastic slippers (Chinese not-Crocs, mum got actual Crocs), cheese balls and two gift cards, one to the Wally's and another to an Asian grocer. Gift cards aren't too uncommon from relatives.
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>>262800 I should've figured as much considering it sounded way too good to be true.
>>262798 >It's Satire Anon, we've lived through over a decade of satire and parody becoming reality. It's basically just tomorrow's headlines, today.
>>262803 No, it's literally made up as shown in the link I posted. The news is from a satire site akin to babylonbee but in Canada as I pointed on my post directly above yours.
>>262782 You said to recommend good games so why would I spread that chart?
>>262804 It's not really actual satire. It's just fake articles evading defamation by claiming to be satire.
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>>262804 >No, it's literally made up as shown in the link I posted. And so was the Organ Donation skit in Monty Python's Meaning of Life, and yet here we are with Canada's healthcare system pressuring people into killing themselves over minor inconveniences in order to lessen the burden on the health system, depopulate their country, and harvest their organs.
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>>262807 Out of all the things I could have fucking cum to, why did it have to be that!? I lasted all through november, went into the middle of december and the last couple of days became difficult to bear and that guys ass sent me into a lustful frenzy
>>262802 >It was really benis the whole time Well, damn. That would have been a great Christmas present.
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>>262808 >All those Christmas lewds being posted >He cums to man ass Seek help.
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i've seen that over on /av/ they have multiple spoiler thumbnails, how is it that we don't?, are we just that gay?
>>262813 How does that work?
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>>262808 You fuck up anon. reconsider for next year #NoNutNovember
>>262808 Once again nofap proves to be a perilous practice.
>>262816 Why wait when No Fap February is just around the corner?
>>262819 That Miku looks unnerving. It's just that stare...
When do I get the sex? I have waited very long time. How much more wait do I must do?
>>262821 If you are in a hurry, go to a prostitute. It's surprisingly and demoralizingly disappointing though.
>>262821 When you lower your standards enough to fuck a dude.
>>262822 I would argue than dumping a meaningless nut in some whore, be she paid for or simply slept with to sleep with, won't help you grow as a person at all. Hell, it might make your condition worse as you feel a sense of "that's it?" when the supposed life changing event of fucking someone happens. If you don't care about the person, in the end it doesn't mean much.
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>>262815 don't know but pic name check for yourself that those are indeed spoilered pics >>>/av/15528
>>262820 She wants your gamerfluids. >>262824 Anon, sex with a whore is obviusly not at all like the real thing with a girl you care about, youre just paying for a living onahole.
>>262825 huh, through the mouse-over post view i only see one spoiler pic, but if i go there i do see different spoiler pics, weird
>>262826 >youre just paying for a living onahole That was exactly my point, yes.
>>262825 It's custom javascript.
So has anyone played nfs unbound or heard of it. I hope not.
I’m almost just as shocked kiwi farms still have a community as I am with 8kun still has users. That site tranny code monkeys make 8kun look confidently run at times
>>262781 I bet India might be worse than the Middle East and Eastern European when it comes to grooming and illegal porn. Mind you India has a higher rape rate than most of Africa.
>>262821 Just dream about it
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>>262820 I want that Miku to crawl across my ceiling one night, descend slowly onto my bed, hump me methodically, and the slowly ascend to the ceiling and crawl backwards into the shadows... all while never blinking or breaking eye contact.
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>>262808 No, this is not okay.
>>262742 I got a new teapot from my mom and some money. 110$ in total. 22$ from my mom and 88$ from my dad.
>>262742 Cold cash that I will use to pay future debts. Or buy a new computer.
>>262837 >future debts >future >willingly getting financially enslaved by usury kikes
>>262838 He might need to in order to afford future investments or if stuff goes badly for him economically, you would understand if you lived on your own.
>>262839 Admittedly I don't, and I can't imagine doing so given the horror stories of living in pod-tier apartments to make ends meet.
>>262840 >thinking you can make ends meet living in a pod-tier apartment Apartments without utilities can cost more than if you flat out purchased one of those "tiny homes" that is basically a shed converted into a house. Those "tiny homes" are also a big fucking meme that cost more than a double wide mobile home. Everything is expensive as shit, and the only way people affording anything now is by having multiple jobs that pay shit, or they have good enough connections to get a cushy high paying job with air conditioning. Better option is living with your parents as long as you can and saving up as much as you can because you will otherwise end up poor.
>>262839 >>262838 More like family finances that I won't get in much detail because I don't know how lawful it is. In the end I'll be paid with unemployment payments and I can save a little more money in case everything goes to shit and will worth fuck because the inflation in this shithole keeps going up.
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>>262742 I got a dashcam for my jeep that I've been wanting and my grandparents got me a Gaymer® Chair. I bought my grandad Ace Combat 7 because we used to play AC4 when I was a wee lad.
>>758003 From what I remember Animal Crossing has been doing this since the earlier entries, maybe even from the very first entry. It's basically still done for tradition at this point.
R.I.P Yuuji Nunokawa >Yuuji Nunokawa, the founder of Studio Pierrot, has passed away >He was involved in producing many of Pierrot's anime, including Naruto and BLEACH https://archive.vn/DKtJT
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>>262781 >satire I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So, as I terrorize Gamergate, I will feed its gamergays hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe karma is real and you can watch them Trust The Plan™ and tell themselves "We're winning!" You can watch me torture an entire community. And when they have truly understood the depth of their failure, we will fulfill feminism's destiny... we will cuckold western man. And then, when it is done and the yearning to just play vidya is...ashes... then you have my permission to close the gate.
>>262846 >that fembane Not big enough 4 me
>>262847 To be fair Dark Knight's Bane is a manlet compared to original Bane.
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>>262841 Those musk-pods would be cheap if installation and delivery weren't 5x the price of the prebuilt home, plus the parcel of land. A fixer-upper just has more value as long as the foundation isn't caving in or the location always flooding. If anything I might eventually succumb to being a moleman, digging tunnels and running hydroponics along one side.
>>262849 >TFW you are pumping so much steroids in your body even your eyes are getting muscular.
>>262850 For that you could just live in the sewers or in a metro station.
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>>262852 Until they adopt african logic to save taxpayer dollars.
>>262852 Are you implying anon is a ninja turtle? Although living in a bunker does sound comfy.
>>262853 >Synchronized toilet flush When that happened in New York, they overloaded and blew the sewer plants.
WIZARDS OF THE COAST CEO Thinks D&D Hobby Is 'Under Monetized' Compared To Video Games >During an investor meeting, Wizards of the Coast claimed Dungeons and Dragons is currently “under-monetized.” In the near future, it seems like Wizards of the Coast wants to capitalize on the brand to create a “recurrent spending environment” within Dungeons and Dragons. Wizards of the Coast believes Dungeons and Dragons is 'under-monetized,' and seeks to create a 'recurrent spending environment' with the game. >During an investor meeting, Wizards of the Coast claimed Dungeons and Dragons is currently “under-monetized.” In the near future, it seems like Wizards of the Coast wants to capitalize on the brand to create a “recurrent spending environment” within Dungeons and Dragons. >Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks and Wizards of the Coast CEO Cynthia Williams recently participated in a fireside chat with their investors. During the presentation, Williams stated that while Dungeons and Dragons has never been more popular, and that engagement is at an all-time high, market data showed the platform itself was built to under-sell its products to the audience. This is largely because most Dungeons and Dragons books are marketed towards Dungeon Masters, who only make up about 20% of the population. >Wizards of the Coast seems intent on changing that. D&D Beyond already features individualized monetization, with purchasable cosmetic dice, avatars, and content, and Dungeons and Dragons’ in-development virtual tabletop will undoubtedly continue this. >With the Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie and Baldur’s Gate 3 coming out in 2023, it is clear Wizards of the Coast is seeking to transform Dungeons and Dragons into a multimedia franchise, with more options for profit as it seeks to create a "recurrent spending environment" that reaches more fans. >Dungeons and Dragons is also currently developing One D&D, a new evergreen version of 5th Edition. This rules expansion claims to be backwards compatible with its predecessor while evolving the game in ways that safeguard it for future use. >However, rumors of One D&D discontinuing the Open Game License has many Dungeons and Dragons homebrew content creators concerned, despite Wizards of the Coasts’ promise to “continue to support the thousands of creators making third-party D&D content.” >4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons was largely unsuccessful because Wizards of the Coast abolished the OGL and inundated its market with too many products. The possibility that Wizards of the Coast may be repeating both of these >Dungeons and Dragons is also currently developing One D&D, a new evergreen version of 5th Edition. This rules expansion claims to be backwards compatible with its predecessor while evolving the game in ways that safeguard it for future use. >However, rumors of One D&D discontinuing the Open Game License has many Dungeons and Dragons homebrew content creators concerned, despite Wizards of the Coasts’ promise to “continue to support the thousands of creators making third-party D&D content.” >We understand ‘race’ is a problematic term that has had prejudiced links between real world people and the fantasy peoples of D&D worlds,” the studio wrote on D&D Beyond, the online portal and storefront for Dungeons & Dragons players. “The usage of the term across D&D and other popular IP has evolved over time. Now it’s time for the next evolution.” >The change comes three months after Wizards of the Coast apologized to players of Spelljammer: Adventures in Space for its rules’ depiction of an alien species that many found to be a racist caricature. >Then, in November, Wizards announced it would work with “multiple outside cultural consultants” to vet new material before its publication. More broadly, D&D players and fans of fantasy films and novels have been reckoning with their favorite franchises’ problematic history of associating certain nonhuman species — usually evildoers or their minions — with racist stereotypes. >The writer and game designer James Mendez Hodes noted, in 2019, that “D&D, like [J.R.R.] Tolkien, makes race literally real in-game by applying immutable modifiers to character ability scores.” https://archive.vn/CaXT4
>>262781 >>262796 >>262798 >>262803 >>262804 >>262800 >>262846 It's a little more complicated than people just being stupid and believing a satire article. Sure, if you click the "details" button, Vancouver Times claims to be a satire site, and if you click the "World" section there's a bunch of articles that are clear satire, almost entirely about big name lefties getting in legal trouble. However, unlike satire sites such as the Babylon Bee that are actually trying to be funny, there's thousands of articles that are mundane and legitimate with sources included and everything. Such as an article about a news anchor dying, and an article about a mundane Netflix release. You see, Vancouver Times isn't a really a satire site, as those are made to be funny, it's a psyop. It's a bait site made to make right wing people go tell their friends "X big name lefty committed a terrible crime!" which is plausible, and then look like retards when it turns out to be fake. That's why it claims to be a satire site about issues affecting conservatives. It's a site that tries very hard to look like its real by padding itself with hundreds of real articles so that people believe it's fake articles which seem to specifically be about powerful left wing people being arrested. The Parag story was posted under the America section, which is almost entirely real news at a glance, not the World section, which is almost entirely "satire" at a glance. It was then moved to the Satire section after their story got a little too popular. However, unlike the other sections which have hundreds or thousands of pages of articles, the Satire section only has 2 pages of articles, and is inaccessible unless you type it into the url.
>>262856 Should have made it tcg-based for enemies, items, and npcs. >>262854 I'd hope so from all the effort involved.
>>758317 Well, maybe if right-wingers shouldn't be such trigger-happy tards
>Id: 76bc6f (1) >Well, maybe if right-wingers shouldn't be such trigger-happy tards hi nigger pill. I see you can’t cope with kiwi farms still being down.
>>262859 I this case, it's not really trigger happy as not being extra cautious. The article looked legitimate, there was no satire disclaimer on the page, and all the articles on the side bars were mundane and real. Trust but verify.
https://archive.ph/QeiRg Maybe living underground won't be such a bad idea soon enough.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Remove Long-Standing Female Empowerment Feature for No Reason >For the most part, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduce great new features or further improve on the foundations laid by others in the past, which makes Gen 9 one of the best mainline games released so far even considering performance issues. >There is arguably a much higher level of attention to detail in Gen 9 than other game in the franchise, to the point that Game Freak added specific animations for how some Pokemon disappear from the overworld, for example. >Character customization in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has made significant leaps forward compared to Gen 8 alone, but it's not always a bed of roses. >A great example is that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players can never take their school uniform off, nor change the way it looks outside of four predetermined outfits - one for every season. >As such, players' freedom is quite limited because school uniforms are such an overbearing part of the whole outfit that it's hard to make anything else pop, especially considering that their colors cannot be changed. >However, this is far from the worst issue that character customization entails in Gen 9, as Pokemon Scarlet and Violet completely remove the ability to wear skirts in Paldea. >Often considered a symbol of female empowerment, skirts and dresses have been part of Pokemon games for almost a decade now, as they were introduced with Pokemon X and Y. >As such, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet removing both skirts and dresses entirely not only makes no sense, but it breaks a major tradition that had only helped the franchise grow thanks to trainers across the world being able to choose what their in-game avatars looked like. >School uniforms always come with shorts and pants regardless of the character gender that players pick at the beginning of the game, which doesn't make much sense. >Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's gendered language is already a big issue within the game when Gen 9 seemingly promotes a more open approach to LGBTQIA+ representation both via its NPCs and the character customization menu, and the lack of clothing options doesn't help. >Allowing players to wear skirts and dresses would have continued a 10-year trend that had no reason to be stopped in its tracks, to begin with. >This makes even less sense when one considers how Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl ended up including more clothing customization than Gen 9 does, accessories >Often considered a symbol of female empowerment, skirts and dresses have been part of Pokemon games for almost a decade now, as they were introduced with Pokemon X and Y. >As such, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet removing both skirts and dresses entirely not only makes no sense, but it breaks a major tradition that had only helped the franchise grow thanks to trainers across the world being able to choose what their in-game avatars looked like. >School uniforms always come with shorts and pants regardless of the character gender that players pick at the beginning of the game, which doesn't make much sense. >Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's gendered language is already a big issue within the game when Gen 9 seemingly promotes a more open approach to LGBTQIA+ representation both via its NPCs and the character customization menu, and the lack of clothing options doesn't help. Allowing players to wear skirts and dresses would have continued a 10-year trend that had no reason to be stopped in its tracks, to begin with. This makes even less sense when one considers how Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl ended up including more clothing customization than Gen 9 does, accessories aside. Still, LGBTQIA+ representation in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is better than it's ever been. >For instance, Rika from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Elite Four seems to be introduced as a non-binary character, and allowing all characters to wear skirts would have taken this further. Why Pokemon Violet is Likely to Outsell Pokemon Scarlet elden ring melina https://archive.vn/HDs5H
>>262863 The female trainers are an afterthought thanks to the new shota-centric fanbase. It also doesn't make much sense to have different uniform colors when the game literally has a school you attend.
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>>262864 >School What the fuck? I thought school ends at age 10 and then you go off to be a pokeventurer? Is the MC younger in this one? Is the journey at age 10 being dropped, or being retconned as just a regional tradition?
>>262865 I didn't pay much attention, but yeah you have a large campus which is tied to the team bad-guys plot. Maybe they called it a university, dunno.
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>>262867 No you don't, unless your brain is fucked that way to begin with, and you just didn't know because you were never that desperate.
>>262865 It's an all-ages academy. Some of the NPC student trainers are adults, too.
>>262807 >>262808 I swear, If I make the next thread I'm gonna make it a lustful frenzy edition. If I remember.
>>262845 oh shit, how'd he die?
>>262871 >Not New Year
>>262872 We'll see anon. We'll see.
>New Dora the explorer reboot has been leaked >Nickelodeon already rebooting Dora the explorer again after the edgy live-action movie and CGI show >Anime influences art style >Dora will be a teenager >Dora will now be Brazilian instead of Mexican >Dora is now skinny and has a similar body type to nagatoro >Backpack now a girl and have a lesbian haircut >Boots now look like a sonic the hedgehog character Nickelodeon rebooting Dora the explorer more than TMNT. https://archive.vn/JiECu
>>262867 It just takes around a minute or two to browse some milf hentai, can't people control themselves, even under maximum frustration?
>>262871 >>oh shit, how'd he die? Not confirm yet but rumor is Covid 19.
>>262874 >Linking to Cuckchan
>>262874 >brazilian instead of mexican So Dora's a crossdressing boy now?
>>262761 He used to be pro-GG at least, dunno about 8chan lurking though
>>262777 Either the artist assumed she was a niggeress or the guy that commissioned it had an oil drilling fetish. Either way the the guy who made the image is a western artist with a pixiv.
>>262845 Well fuck.
>>262874 >>Dora will now be Brazilian instead of Mexican. Nick can’t be stupid can they? Dora is almost as much of a beloved Mexican icon as Goku from dragon ball Z. >>262877 To be fair. /co/ the best place for leaks when it comes to western animation and American comics /co/. CW live action powerpuff girls reboot was leaked on /co/ years before CW announced it.
>>262879 >>262750 >He used to be pro-GG at least, dunno about 8chan lurking though He sell out faggot that pretends to be edgy by making jew references.
The Last of Us TV show is scaling back the violence, says Naughty Dog’s (((Neil Druckmann))) >The Last of Us video games may be lauded for its intimate storytelling in a world gone very, very wrong, but it’s the moment-to-moment violence that stands out. >Heads are caved in, brains are splattered over walls, and the PlayStation series' grisly death animations have become notorious for the vivid detail in which it shows protagonists Joel and Ellie meeting their end before hitting game over. >The Last of Us TV show, which is hitting HBO, NOW TV, and Sky Atlantic this January, is scaling back on that violence – and for good reason. >We need a certain amount of action, or violence, that we could use for mechanics so you could connect with Joel and get into a flow state,” show co-creator and Naughty Dog co-president Neil Druckmann says of the video game in the upcoming issue of SFX magazine, which features Teen Wolf on the cover. >Then you would really feel like you’re connected with this on-screen avatar and you’re seeing the world through his eyes." Druckmann continues, "But that doesn’t exist in a passive medium. >One of the things that I loved hearing from [co-creator Craig Mazin] and HBO very early on was, ‘Let’s take out all the violence except for the very essential.’ >That allowed the violence to have even more impact than in the game, because when you hold on showing the threat and you’re seeing people’s reaction to a threat, that makes it scarier. >And when we do reveal the infected and the Clickers, you get to see what brought down humanity and why everyone is so scared." >The Last of Us is coming to Sky Atlantic and NOW TV from January 16 and on HBO in the US. You can read more on The Last of Us in the Teen Wolf issue of SFX Magazine, on newsstands from December 28. For even more from SFX, sign up for the newsletter, sending all the latest exclusives straight to your inbox. https://archive.ph/MRuYH
>>262877 does it matter at this point?
>>262884 Who the fuck cares?
>>262884 Well that is pretty gay. Not that I was ever going to watch it anyway.
(760.89 KB 776x1200 7789542_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>262884 The entirety of TLOU was a one hit wonder and Neil Cuckmann couldn't hope to salvage it anyway since Amy Hennig got the boot since the first game's development according to rumors.
>>262874 >>Anime influences art style Thats not "anime influenced",thats tumblr furry shit
>>262888 Im still buttmad that cuckman kicked amy hennig out of her job to get all his pozz in.
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>>262789 >you must join my personal autistic crusade against youtube and ONLY youtube This shit again from the same fag. >>262808 Meh. People have wanked to worse things ITT I can't find the cap
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Nofap has genuine victims. I try to warn people every November, but they keep falling for the OP. It's all fun and games until you fap to Chris-chan.
>>758390 Forgot the quote: >>262874
>>758390 I miss woman using dresses too anon,also long hair
>>262892 I did nofap when I moved into a new place for lels, I got incredibly horny after 3 weeks & ended up jacking it to Amelia & Miranda from Wakfu. I dunno how these faggots find men attractive to do this shit but I bet it's a troll no one could be that retarded.
>>262895 Probably, its not like it is any hard to find porn around.
>>262896 At that point imagining a woman was sufficient enough, I mean, I can imagine a woman after not wanking it for a few days and still enjoy myself. Pretty sure most of these anons are ruse cruising honestly.
>>758390 >[words words words words] like any leftist when caught defending the indefensible TL;DR then: It's not a satire site like it claims. It's an anti-right psyop, and anons shouldn't feel too bad about getting tricked. Trust but verify.
>>262890 I believe Amy Hennig was the one behind the TLOU1 story, and Cuckman just stole it.
>>262897 heheheh funny nigger make me laugh
>>262857 The simple fact is that life has gotten so completely fucked that you can't even look at the site's headlines and say "That's ridiculous. This has to be satire" anymore. A year ago, if I read a story about police sitting on their ass while a shooter rampaged inside a school until a concerned parent went full doomguy, I would have thought the article was satire. I looked at the articles on the sidebar and didn't see anything that looked even remotely farfetched considering the real news we see every day. Hell, even when it's ridiculous and obvious satire, it just becomes true within a year, like the Babylon Bee's article about how BLM was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Passing off perfectly plausible fake news as real is something I really can't stand about the right these days. At least when leftists pull shit out of their ass and try to pass it as real news, they contain it to well known fake news sites like CNN or BBC.
>>262899 Indeed. That's why I don't believe that women can't write nice videogame stories, is just that the ones being examples of female writing are done by women never interested in videogames or men. And not only talking about trannies.
>>262902 Anon fuck TLOU, she wrote legacy of kain.
>>262902 The fact there is women that are capable writing a nice story just make the retards doing culltural war more annoying,they pushed away all that had some capability and there is only retards pushing agendas,and possible women that could create nice stories get brainwashed in the middle of this too
>>262901 >The simple fact is that life has gotten so completely fucked that you can't even look at the site's headlines and say "That's ridiculous. This has to be satire" anymore. But in this case it would be considered slightly ridiculous by old standards. >I looked at the articles on the sidebar and didn't see anything that looked even remotely farfetched That's because the articles in the sidebar are all real articles the site stole from elsewhere to make its not-really-satirical lies seem real.
>>262903 Well, that's already well known on /v/. Do I need to repeat it over?
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>>262907 Gamer Data
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>>262813 >>262815 >>262825 They have custom judescript enabled: https://8chan.moe/av/custom.js This is the part of the code that lets them have multiple spoilers. /* Spoilers (Gracias negro de /ac/) */ const spoilers = ["https://8chan.moe/.media/8f6c3c01a527fb8e3e7aca44836a3b0829a145527ec9320bcb97dc116738d4894.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/80c70a7e741fdd66debabc194be4521d2d3c55399f0f16bc3b04671f7441ed4e4.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/81d89641d0127a46e654c9b5595310046b67894b032dfd04624904dac50916327.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/803794aa4b9d244fa88e459ec6403c293d69c511b980d6e68d7ba784f33a7e81b.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/8b102a443e082cb9259f354723aaa1604f441366bc56ed403daea25188a279261.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/883429116d3c8943ce87dafccb9abf679db7d2f3cb0eb4b52b1591915b2a2b213.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/8c2ad3661e1b2dfbd97ca9227a8a2720c597fea88f12d34d8dc327a8b6b3d8c16.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/83603c4bec11b4ce6a2b7881183eb170ca4d7923959d4a29ea88dac39e0817124.png", "https://8chan.moe/.media/8c8e6954d67b78e9f2bccc81e0478492fc699bd153aada7ae4b7b0d66941cffe5.png"]; pictures = document.getElementsByTagName("img") var l = pictures.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (pictures[i].src == 'https://8chan.moe/av/custom.spoiler'){ pictures[i].src=spoilers[Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)]; } } >>262844 Correct. Since the first games, holidays with religious backgrounds (like Easter and Christmas) have had different names in non-Japanese translations. >>262864 I, for one, welcome our new shotacon overlords. Shitposts aside, it's obvious that GF made a single male model that was later tweaked and given small curves to create the female character in order to hide the fact that [shota] and [trap shota] are the real choices.
>>262909 I'm really not touching this game until they add more outfits or someone mods a schoolgirl outfit, those shorts are ugly as shit.
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>>262865 >>262866 As >>262869 said, this time you attend an academy that welcomes students of all ages (probably as an excuse to remove trainer classes). There are children younger than the protagonist, teens older than him/her, old men, and even grandpas. Last pic are the leaders of the "villainous" team. They are a bunch of children that decided to cause mayhem after being bullied for being autistic.
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>>262909 The only good shota is the stock shota, you're just making it worse by trying to "enhance" it.
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>>262913 Wait a tick. Is that mask? Is she a Big Girl?
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>>262912 Agreed. Florian (the boy's default name) reached peak shotabait levels from day 1, and any attempt to change his appearance only makes it worse. >>262913 >>262914 She's Eri, a captain of Team Star specialized in fighting-type Pokemon that joined the "evil" team because she was being bullied for being too pretty (seriously). >Is that mask? It's pant. >Is she a Big Girl? Yes, specially for you.
>>262915 >she was being bullied for being too pretty Women actually do that.
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>>262911 Ortega should be bullied.
>>262915 >>262917 Unless you post tits with timestamp, stop the gay shit already you faggots.
(326.85 KB 2048x1733 meroV___.FiUeeF7UAAwWfhU.jpg)

>>262917 DELETE THIS
>>262919 Oops! >>262918 Where do you think we are?
(1.23 MB 256x189 The Gay Community.gif)

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>literal whos
>>262742 A new lunchbox, a rollable art kit, an ornament, socks, tons of candy, a gift card, a wireless speaker and more candy. All in all a good Christmas haul.
>>262923 Who are >we not allowed to talk about again?
>>262742 I got 2 new shirts and a wallet. >>262777 I wonder if Jap artists that like to draw dark skinned girls have a thing for nigresses.
>>262926 Anon, dark-skinned girls, according to the Nips, refer to SEA people, not niggers.
(1.52 MB 640x424 eureka-seven-gekkostate.gif)

>>262927 Niggers in anime usually have the same monkey jaw/big lips they do in real life. Brown anime girls are usually either SEA/TannedAF. Egyptian girls is about as close to Africa as delicious brown gets.
>>262920 Shotas are for getting ara'd, not homosex.
>>262929 Shotas are for other shotas.
>>262929 Boys for boys.
>>262930 Shotas are for lolis or for you
>>262926 >>262927 >suntans don't exist Motherfucking again.
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>spearchucker fetish in OP >colostomy bag enthusiasts in replies
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>>262934 The tastes represented in the GG thread truly are a collection of everything our cultural marxist enemies promote.
>>262932 Shotas are for shotas. Lolis are for everyone.
What with trannies and Suntan Denialism? Is it from being both highly autistic with helicopter/bulldozer parents who never let their little autistic pieces of shit outside long enough to have one? It doesn't seem to be "pretending" to be retarded. This is like getting into arguments with someone who has never seen someone faint from locking their knees in parade-formation because they've never seen it first-hand, but worse. I don't care how autistic you are, but you HAD TO have seen someone else with a suntan at some point, even in pictures. It's like flat-eartherism for HRT victims.
>>262937 Anon both cases are things that happen in nip media, stop being autistic.
>>262938 >no really, suntans aren't a thing Okay.
>>262937 Because some poor anons got mind broken by a horrific mixture of /pol/ and blacked psyops and think that tans and dark skin aren't hot as fuck.
>>262939 That not what i said, at all.
>>262941 Then what did you say? Are you seriously claiming the fictional people depicted with suntans in Japanese media are niggers as some sort of plot? Explain so I understand.
>>262942 No you autistic faggot, im claiming that both tanned people and actually dark skinned people show up in their media, this image for example >>262933 is just retarded and made to make "muh black representation" faggots in twitter butthurt.
>>262742 I got a rock.
>>262937 The difference being that tans are usually represented by tanlines or whiter skin in contrast with the supposedly tanned skin. You dont see these tanlines on males usually, despite the bad excuse that dark skinned males in anime are "just tanned". Why would they tan their dicks if that were the case? I think its just that nips are secretly BLACKED cucks
>>262937 Why is Natsu such a common tomboy hentai name? It's right up there with Alice, and Erica for lolis. What other common hentai archetypes have common names associated with them?
>>262945 >Why would they tan their dicks if that were the case? Because having everything except your groin being darker in color looks off. Also, some people do tan in the nude.
>>262946 Shouta-kun or Ta-kun for shotas, usually the ones engaging in /ssl
>>262940 Tans and dark skin are hot. It's male niggers that are the issue.
>>262940 Tans were always shit, they're associated with garbage whores like gyarus.
>>262950 Speaking if which, what was the story behind that animation where all the Nips look like tan Gokus?
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>>262945 >Why would they tan their dicks if that were the case? Japs tend to draw the dick darker because "muh clumps of skin cells" just like the anus, even when it looks like shite. The dick will never be pale if the rest of the body isn't because that would just look weird, unless there's also male tanlines involved. The porn is usually made for men though, and the demographic doesn't get off to male tanlines, so they never come up and dark males are almost always dark down to the tip of their dicks as a matter of efficiency. It's not even "just a tan/okinawan tan" or niggershit. Sometimes a male character is clearly light skinned up until they get involved with the female and then they're suddenly two shades darker. This is done to enhance the contrast and make the girl stand out more because the audience isn't really looking at the male much. However, since most anons live in countries full of negros and negro male x white female racial genocide propaganda, it's often difficult not to see niggerdicks everywhere when the Japs take this common practice a little too dark.
>>262940 >Because some poor anons got mind broken by a horrific mixture of /pol/ and blacked psyops and think that tans and dark skin aren't hot as fuck. B-But... Mr. Shekelstein told me that people only hate negroids because of their SKIN color... so obviously any shade of brown must be universally reviled by those horrible racists... right?
>>262952 And this all complicated even more by the minority of Japs that do fetishize niggerdick.
>>262943 >>262945 >This person with a suntan is clearly a nigger So, there's something wrong with you and this is the actual problem. This is a sufficient explanation for me. I'm satisfied. Thank you. >>262946 Natsu means "Summer."
(2.01 MB 1680x1200 999.png)

>>262950 No, Gyarus have fake spray on tans. Tans are associated with tomboys, and are peak taste. Pic related is double tanlines loli. Don't click if your dick can't handle it.
>>262955 >I'm satisfied. Thank you. No, please keep baiting them.
>>262955 >>This person with a suntan is clearly a nigger So, there's something wrong with you and this is the actual problem. This is a sufficient explanation for me. I'm satisfied. Thank you. See how autistic you are?
>>262952 As someone who jerks off a lot and doesn't shower very often, my junk is several shades darker than the rest of my skin, with some darkened blotches along my leg where my junk would rest. I'm mildly sure dark jap dongs are just from people who either whack it a bunch or possibly even have sex a lot, considering the nip pixel cocks in JAVs looks a bit on the darkened side, too.
>>262935 I don't remember the marxists promoting huge breasted MILFs.
>>262958 ...or instead it's a 4chan /pol/ joke that stopped being funny sometime around 2012 and deserves to be made fun of every time the same unfunny bullshit is brought up again, again, and again. Like what I'm doing.
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>>262959 >As someone who jerks off a lot and doesn't shower very often, my junk is several shades darker than the rest of my skin, with some darkened blotches along my leg where my junk would rest. What the fuck? I thought it was just because the skin cells are denser and this is common among Japs and other asians. Just how little do you bathe that it's spread to your legs!?
>>262962 No thats actually quite common for most of mankind, japs too, specially the dark skinned ones.
>>262962 Depends on the season. Maybe two or three times a week in summer when the heat is killing me and i can feel the dirt clinging to me, all the way down to maybe once every two weeks in winter when i barely feel it. I do shower on days when i go outside and pretend to be a human being, but that's fairly rare.
>>262963 Dark penis, yes, but blotches on your leg? And not bathing? >>262964 >Maybe two or three times a week That's not that bad. I shower every other day and every day that I get dirty. I notice my body getting greasy if I don't, and it feels disgusting. That's 3-5 times a week, depending on work. >In summer Oh. >once every two weeks in winter Jesus fucking Christ. I once, when I was a snotty little brat, went a week without bathing, and stopped noticing the stank after a few days. But I imagine if I went longer it might come back worse.
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>>262962 >>262965 I haven’t showered in 8 years.
>Bored and want something to watch >Throw on the fowl-mouthed muppet's review of 2020 >Forgot about how much fear the media was pushing I forgot about how much this was pushed to the extreme, and the rest comes across that it almost seems like people almost universally agreed to "forget" the entirety of 2020.
>>262966 Explains a lot.
>>262966 >mfw the "black pill" was an analogy for Brazilian estrogen >mfw niggerpill's psychotic meltdowns were the result of hormonal imbalance on top of existing tranny delusions >mfw every time he talked about committing suicide he was adding himself to the 41% of attempted an heroes >mfw the retards making porn of female niggerpill were unknowingly complimenting "her" >mfw said retards are gay for niggertroon >mfw niggerpill's account was properly archived this time https://archive.is/Rs3Pf - main page https://archive.is/UA2Rk -same but on Nitter https://archive.is/lIe9m - with replies https://archive.is/pSTb8 - same but on Nitter >inb4 merely pretending
>>262909 thank you ACID!!! can we have this as an option for boards by default? MARK!!! can you put that custom js on /v/ with our own spoiler pics to be selected? >>262966 >niggpill is a FtM fujo troon my god...
>>262968 It's honestly as though the last three entire years never happened for me, which is terrible because it's true of everyone else as well and humanity hasn't progressed in any fashion.
>>262960 >I don't remember the marxists promoting huge breasted MILFs. For real? It's not much of a stretch to say the overwhelming majority of representations of MILFs in media is either cheating or incest, both of which push dysfunction/destruction of the family; a central goal of cultural marxism. I recall the owner of pornhub (or some other site) claiming that criticism of incest porn is antisemitic. Really hits the nail on the kippah in regards to who makes this shit, don't it?
>>262971 I'll ask >>262966 This explains a lot.
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>>262930 >>262932 Shotas are also for cuntboys and for hot 1980s HS babysitters. >>262931 >Boys for boys
>>262966 Unprivated because he is trying to show some guts but his mental breakdowns got worse, not enough pills
>>262975 >cuntboy Go to the fucking gas chamber you little shit.
>Thread devolves into faggot shit once again The real niggerpill is you faggots
>>262977 But anon, aren't boys without peepees just girls?
>>262978 >faggot shit Anon, shota is the straightest shit around.
>>262981 Only if the shota is fucking a loli, an ara or a milf, anon.
>>758524 Come on. You know why.
>>758519 >Mr Metokur shares... WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?
(341.81 KB 1280x720 you know why.mp4)

>>758524 > But why?
>>262874 Has the big, red cock always been a Dora character?
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>tfw not going on a adventure with a party of milfs
>>262874 Stop bringing cuckchan threads here and just post the links/media of whatever they are discussing, you colossal nigger: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xYXrY1 >Nickelodeon already rebooting Dora the explorer again after the edgy live-action movie and CGI show The CGI show is the reboot, you fucktard. That fact is even pointed out in the thread you just archived. >Anime influences art style >Dora will be a teenager >Dora is now skinny and has a similar body type to nagatoro >Backpack now a girl and have a lesbian haircut >Boots now look like a sonic the hedgehog character All concept art that doesn't reflect the final show with shit 3D models. The post on ArtStation clarifies it. >Dora will now be Brazilian instead of Mexican Dora isn't from any specific part of Latin America.
>>758537 Wow, someone who consumes product for a living is telling you to consume a product that primes you psychologically for consuming product. I'm convinced.
>>262987 >Adventure with a party of milfs. What are their classes? Do we have a balanced party comp? Does having children offer them a buff to physical resistance for enduring the pain of childbirth?
>>262987 I just saw this, the quality of anime is really deteriorating isn't? just shit out some shitty story isekai with the same MC archetype and make it boderline softcore porn and bam, it get's everyone excited.
>>758524 >I swear. Nick intentionally tries to sexualize Dora the explorer at this point. But why? Nickelodeon might be worse than Cartoon Network and Disney when it comes to creepy shit on children cartoons and hiring grooming creators. The loud house creator that got fired for being an admitted sex weirdo at work was infamous for making an incestuous furry web comic. Lincoln's house is just Eddie Puss from his comic without cat ears. >>262985 >>262983 I recommend looking up the live action loud house screenshots. The fandom and the show got even more creepy in live action. The sets, costumes and lighting look like a porno parody, but it's a kids' show. It is like they are intentionally doing it. There isn't a live action nickelodeon show without shady behind the stuff or fetish shit inserted into the shows.
>>262992 Between Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider and the guy who made that Bella and the Bulldogs show that was putting unironic cuckold symbolism into the show, Nick is pretty fucked.
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>>758524 >But why? It's a mystery.
>>262836 >I got a new teapot Okay then. Are you a bong? >>262924 >an ornament What's the ornament anon? >>262944 >I got a rock. ?
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Gamingcirclejerk Subreddit bans all discussion on Hogwarts Legacy and supposedly bans anyone attempting to talk about it https://archive.vn/LI4FI https://archive.vn/znZ4d '''>>262911 >probably as an excuse to remove trainer classes More like an excuse to reuse their generic NPCs so save development time.
>>262996 *Oh wait >>262836 you got some $ so I guess you're a burger. Post teapot pics, anon.
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>>262996 I WANT TO ROCK
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>>262994 I'll post my old "infographic" I guess. Made during those old threads. >>262992 >loud house Wasn't the creator known to be an incest porn aficionado?
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>>262997 Hasn't that subreddit always been a bot subbed sjw parody one? No surprise they fall right in line with that.
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To the resident glowniggers in the thread (You know who you are), I just wanted to let you know, *I love you, faggot.
>>263000 >Wasn't the creator known to be an incest porn aficionado? He had a comic called "The Complex Adventures of Eddie Puss", what do you think?
>>263004 Ah, yeah, that was him. Thanks for confirming.
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>>263003 Federal Agents are niggers!
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>>262999 [doom]ROCK[/doom}
>>263000 We also have this which the staff tried going full shut it down mode.
(109.61 KB 598x396 猫16.jpg)

>>263007 >last ] fail
>>263008 >he shoved his matzoh balls into the cunny
Jackbox night is on with junktopia up next to anyone interested: cytu.be/r/jackbox1
Hogwarts Legacy banned from reddit amid JK Rowling controversy >Hogwarts Legacy is once more in hot water owing to the political leanings of those who have contributed to its creation, and one Reddit post led to the bans of countless Harry Potter fans who seemingly support author J. K. Rowling's opinions. >As aforementioned, this isn't the first time this has happened. In 2021, lead designer Troy Leavitt departed the developer Avalanche Software after controversial "anti-fem" and "pro [Gamergate]" posts arose. Moreover, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has had to repeatedly counter concerns over how much Rowling will profit off the sales of Hogwarts Legacy as she espouses trans-exclusionary radical feminism (or TERF as a noun). >Most recently, Rowling took to Twitter to insult YouTuber Jessie Earl, who had said that there's no need to burn the books that offered fans escapism all that time ago, but buying Hogwarts Legacy is an active show of support for Rowling's transphobic rhetoric. >Yesterday, a post on the subreddit GamingCircleJerk gained a lot of traction for saying the same thing: "A friendly reminder from your modteam that this woman is a TERF and anyone who pledges to support her monetarily is also a transphobe." The response was expectedly polemic and the subreddit >ended up banning Harry Potter fans who didn't agree with the original poster. Seriously the amount of hate speech that's been thrown away in this very thread and in our modmail, the fact that you people who insist you need to consume this latest WB product have thrown in with these kinds of people says a lot about your integrity, or rather the lack [thereof]," replied the mod. >Enjoy wasting $70 on your likely very buggy toy, I hope it's worth it. All us normal people will all be playing games that don't directly fund a prolific transphobe." >I can't see a reality where Hogwarts Legacy isn't shackled with the weight of the author's controversies. And as Rowling posts on social media often, it's only a matter of time before chaos is wrought again. https://archive.vn/RQpW0 Being a racial feminist is now a right-wing thing?
>>262997 Fuck I already posted a news link to the Harry Potter Reddit ban thing. I should’ve read the thread ahead of time. My bad.
Cock.li is down for maintenance supposedly. It looks like it has been down for a while and I can't find anyone talking about it. Anyone know anything? >>263012 She is a terf so that makes her a Nazi
>>263000 >Wasn't the creator known to be an incest porn aficionado? Yes. The Complex Adventures of Eddie Puss was a popular furry incest webcomic at one point. It was hard to find all the comics online without digging. Even furry sites scrubbed a lot of the comics Eddie Puss comics when nickelodeon started to make the loud house. Here a link to some of the surviving comics. https://archive.vn/vji6D
>>263014 >Cock.li is down for maintenance supposedly. It looks like it has been down for a while and I can't find anyone talking about it. Anyone know anything? It's just been down for today. This happens every now and then.
>>262781 If a platform has a sincere problem with something it's always the CEO that's the enabler. Monarchy is real and it lives in corporations.
>>262911 >last pic I can't get over how fucking awful these designs all are. They're overdesigned, they're garish, they don't convey any sort of character or archetype, they don't look realistic, they don't match each other, there's no consistency or cohesive element that pulls them all together, they just look like shit.
>>263012 All reddit or just that one reddit?
>>263017 >Salaryman gets isekai'd and becomes a literal motherfucker. Great stuff, hopefully it ends with the twist being the demon lord is a lonely woman in her thirties too.
rance 1 and 2 are on gog and it says that it's only for windows 10/11 only but it runs on windows 7 fine.
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>>263022 Did the translators finally finished Rance X? I stopped paying attention after a while.
>>263022 It's because they only 'tested the game on Windows 10.
There are actually a lot of rance games on gog.
>>263020 Bans are often site-wide on Reddit thanks homo mods working together despite not officially being site-wide.
>>262997 >>263012 I have no desire to ever buy a Harry Potter anything, but what if these screeching hyper-emotional pretend-women claim is true: "IF YOU BUY THIS GAME IT WILL LITERALLY KILL A TRANS CHILD!!!!" presumably via meme magic and not the usual suicide I would seriously consider buying 10. This may be the finest unintentional targeted-advertising of all time.
>>263028 Just keep your money for good games. Unless there's an actual live event where they kill a trans-child each time you buy the game, then do whatever you want.
>>263029 I know. I know. Magic isn't real. I can dream. They will just kill themselves eventually. It's just a matter of patience.
>>263028 Please don't, just because she hates trannies doesn't mean Rowling isn't a feminist bitch who supports more mudslimes coming into the UK as long as they don't live near her mansion.
>>262997 >all of us normal people The ones for whom the biggest achievement is banning imaginary "transphobes"?
>>263012 >Jessie Earl, who had said that there's no need to burn the books that offered fans escapism all that time ago Why the hell would anyone want to escape to the British school system as their fantasy world? Not to mention the fucking magical bureaucracy.
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>>263023 >Did the translators finally finished Rance X? Anon I..
I've been gone from these threads since yesterday, anons. What's happened in my absence?
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>>263035 Autism. Niggerpilling. The usual.
>>263036 Disappointing, as always.
>>263035 the faggot no-ai artist gofundme join the copyright alliance to push for copyrighting styles/processes that will only hurt normal artists and do nothing against ai and big corporations willing to profit.
>>263003 >tired of not doing anything radical A-am I not rad?
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>>262997 >>263012 >>263028 This right here is a prime example of why you should never pander to these fucks. Legacy, on paper, is the Harry Potter game fans have been wanting for a long time: the game where your OC goes to Hogwarts. But they spent so much time trying to appease the trannies they've lost just about everyone: >Look, you get to pick your dorm. Even if you a make bearded obvious man with a super deep voice you can put the abomination in the girls dorm and everyone will say "she!" >Look at how photo realistic the game is! Look at how ugly the girls are! And look, the most attractive one is both a lesbian and a teacher so she's completely unattainable! Don't you forgive us now? >What? You're still boycotting? W-well, what about you other fan- oh, no one's there. They all left because we took out all the things they wanted. They're back to playing hacked versions of that shitty phone game because at least there are cute girls in that one even it's barely a video game...
>>263038 What you've posted is less intelligible than ebonics, However, I'm against both AI and copykike. I don't quite know how that figures into what you've posted, though.
>>263040 and when you point that out to other normalfags, they either wrongthink it or say "that's only because they aren't true feminist a true feminist is one for all equality" who is she and why is she in a spitting booth smirking?
>>263041 In copyright law there is specifications saying you can't copyright a stylization. So like toei animation style, anyone wanting to learn or willing to replicate the artstyle is allowed to so. However one of the biggest reasons people are against ai-art is it's ability to replicate styles. So their solution is to work with big corporations like disney to change the laws around copyright and styles. If they succeed it won't do anything to ai as the ais will still exist but will only be useable by corportations with large backlogs of copyrighted works. It will only effect normal artists and anyone running AI models on their own time. Your average artists will become barred from using existing inspirations/styles/poses/characters And ai (will still exist because people will just share torrents of models and horde data like they've always done, piracy has never gone away no matter how hard they have tried.) tl;dr: big corporations are using panic and fear mongering to incite a law change that will only favor themselfs and hillariously works against the intrests of the people their using to inact these changes.
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>>263027 >Doesn't have her canonical upvote/downvote panties. A shame.
>>263042 She's a character from some other harry potter game, she was literally the only thing good about it I think, she's an edgy slytherin tomboy.
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>>263045 >edgy slytherin tomboy
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>>263042 >who is she and why is she in a spitting booth smirking One of the girls from that aforementioned shitty phone game. >>263045 >>263046 I'd say she's more of bully-bait tsundere than a straight up tomboy. She's basically your bully at the beginning, but you can end up dating her.
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>>263040 I mean, they all deserve it for being losers that like harry potter in the first place, i remember when i was a kid i thought harry poter was lame as a wizard compared to gandalf the white kicking ass and riding a horse with a sword while casting shit.
>>263040 My problem with the game, is that they spend too much time making it open world. I don't care that I can explore the entire island, it barely has anything worthwhile to see, and it was probably just a huge waste of resources for what will be a generic deserted island. The only thing they needed to make it open world is the school(even the second game on PC had that) and the town(you teleport there from the castle) for "nostalgia" and to allow you to buy items, upgrades, some spells and so on, maybe even a tavern to spend time with your party members. The only other thing of note, is the forest near the castle but I think that's better left as a series of dungeons and set-pieces, maybe even some randomly generated parts for some extra quests. That's really all they needed to do no reason to waste resources on an open world when the school will always be the central focus.
>>263049 Yeah I agree. It should have just been the castle, the ground around the castle, the village next to the castle and the forest but probably as segmented dungeons like you said. And the focus should have been on social sim stuff. It's clear this is basically going to be an ubisoft open world game that pretends to be a school game.
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>>263012 > All us normal people
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>>262997 >Grow the fuck up[...] >Praise Marx Believing in tranny delusions and commiekike fairy tales, did not see that coming.
>>263040 >>Look, you get to pick your dorm. Even if you a make bearded obvious man with a super deep voice you can put the abomination in the girls dorm and everyone will say "she!" Can you be the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown? What am I saying, of course you can't.
>>263053 They don't even bother putting in moderately attractive female faces anymore, let alone big titty's.
>>263053 Here is you character creator, now with extra detailed dreadlocks. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wK0yK_AUwOk This is one of the most recent gameplay showcases, and from what I see I think the game will be wide as a ocean, but deep as a puddle, even worse than the generic Ubisoft open world game. It will get decent to mixed reviews, but "fans" will love it since "this is exaclty what I wanted from a HP game, visit some random hamlet, and give tips to some nigger magic musician"" https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WS4qPq20aVo
>>263055 Hold on, bo body sliders? What's the point?
>>263056 No* body sliders
>>263056 I guess they thought only the face really mattered, plus f everyone is wearing the same uniform and girls have long dresses, it doesn't matter if she has thick thighs or is skinny bones. In a way I kind of understand it, it wouldn't make sense for the character to go in a bikini during classes, when everyone else wears a uniform.
>>263056 >>263057 Because if you put body and face sliders you could actually make attractive characters. I was having hopes for an actual generation of games with great character creators but no, they must shovel their shitty 2 options on you.
>>263058 >>263059 You can always bully them into adding those, claiming it's "body shaming" otherwise since you can't apparently create "plus-size characters". :^)
>>263030 >They will just kill themselves eventually. It's just a matter of patience. They'll just groom more anon. Remember, traumatizing a posting on /leftypol/ually via molestation is how trannies (and gays) "reproduce".
>>263061 *traumatizing a youngun sexually Fucking hate Acid's shitty wordfilters.
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Does anyone else think the explosive rise in step/incest porn is directly correlated to the declining birthrates, i.e. single child households? * If you fetish siblings, it's because you never grew up with one and realized how horrible they are. * If you fetish lolis, it's because you never grew up with one and realized how horrible they are. * If you fetish schoolgirls, it's because you never dated one growing up and realized how horrible they are. * etc, etc... The eradication of the nuclear family has resulted in the mainstreaming of increasingly degenerate porn because people want what the fantasy, not the horrible reality.
>>263063 Teppu will never get a sequel, will it?
>>263063 i don't wanna fuck my sister how about if I fuck yours?
>>263065 Only if we get to ara ara your son.
>>263066 Touch my kids I grind you into paste for pigs across the street.
>>263065 I'm going to backpack cuck you before you could fuck anybody, both you and your sister.
>>263068 I had sex like 12 years ago, have no intention of doing it again. Go cuck yaself faggot.
>>263063 I think it's that plus a desire for interpersonal comfort but also familiarity, i.e. talking to girls is scary so you'd rather talk to your mother/sibling/family member/childhood friend
>>756618 As always, she is projecting. SHE is the one confused by the current state of society. Men aren't confused: men decided to simply not date and not have sex anymore, because the consequences are not worth the "rewards" (there are no rewards, really).. Women are not a reward. Women are a punishment. And men now know that the female nature is evil and parasitic, so nothing is worth keeping a woman around. She is confused by that, as her inferior brain can't process the idea that there are things in life better than sex and procreation. And both sex and procreation already have artificial replacements that are better than real women, in sex dolls and artificial wombs: https://www.bizsiziz.com/ectolife-concept-unveiled-for-the-worlds-first-artificial-womb-facility/
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>>263071 >this faggot thinks that a sexdoll is better than an actual female for sex Nigger, please, this is sour grapes.
>>263033 >Why the hell would anyone want to escape to the British school system as their fantasy world? Not to mention the fucking magical bureaucracy. Harry Potter world building retarded. Especially if you look up the magical schools on the world map. In Europe, the UK gets its own magic school. While all of Western Europe shares a magic school. All of Eastern Europe shares a school. All of Asia shares a school. All of Africa shares a magic school. All of South America shares a magic school. Yet the North American magic school Llvermorny, Australian and New Zealand students have to share a magic school with Mexicans, Americans and Canadians students. How does that make sense? Also, the Middle East doesn't have a magic school in Harry Potter. I assume this means Muslims canonically genocides all the wizards and witches in the Harry Potter universe.
>>263043 >In copyright law there is specifications saying you can't copyright a stylization. It's the first time I'm hearing of this and I'm surprised because I know there are provisions with the opposite intent, such as those protecting look and feel.
>>263063 Nah,if there is so much step/incest because its taboo, naturally there will be people that will be into it but the fact its a taboo make it a stronger spice for others >Lolis They are not real,how i'm supposed to grow up with one? >Fetish school girls Had a gf and still find it hot, some things are hot and there is not much depth on why people like it
>>758717 New generation can't even use a computer anymore,they will grow up being too retarded to understand what a loli is
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Just reached the last Berserk chapter that Miura drew and authored, and the drop in quality from those to the three new chapters is unbearable. It's like a generic Isekai with a pretty boy antagonist now. I can't describe it in words, but I FEEL the difference in what's been drawn. Other than that, I felt that Berserk is a hugely overrated story. I guess the community was formed more in solidarity between people fucking around waiting 30 years for each new chapter drop rather than for the quality of the story. Art is fucking fantastic though. >>758524 >Why can’t Tomoko lesbian harem be this fun and cute? No wonder why Watamote ended being overshadow by Nagatoro. Because the female artist of Watamote can't write an interesting story at all and her male author was too interested in the unfunny clone loli manga to work on both projects at once.
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>>262755 >>262879 >>262748 Do we have any proof that Sseth lurks? I am sure that 99% of his videos and memes are taken by the discucks guys who in turn are mostly cuckchanners or ironic dweebs/teens/redditors. >>262883 >He sell out faggot that pretends to be edgy by making jew references. I'll say this, at the very least all the edgy shit that he used to make and had to remove due to demonetization is all archived on his own Bitchute channel, unlike most jewtubers who go clean when they're too popular.
>>262742 Bought myself a Czur scanner to upload books and comics. Sadly I have yet to use it cause I've been way too busy and distracted lately. Also lots of clothes. Speaking of, does anyone know how to remove all of your fingerprinting data / EXIF / whatever from a custom made PDF/EPUB file? >>262773 What font did you use on the first speech bubble? I really liked that comic.
>>262782 If you've tossed this picture around Jap websites, do you have any saved webpages with the replies? Otherwise just use Twitter. >>262807 By the way, has anyone been able to confirm the claims that the sixth leading cause of death in Canada is euthanasia? >>262880 What's his id? >>262907 Did you use StarUML for that? Looks extremely weird.
>>263049 >>263050 It really cannot be emphasized enough that "everything" this new game is doing was already accomplished with the original eight games, and even the two Lego games.
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>>263082 Theres a caviat here though, unlike the UN, the roman empire actually improved the world.
>>263063 >Does anyone else think the explosive rise in step/incest porn is directly correlated to the declining birthrates, i.e. single child households? The Hell are you talking about? Incest hentai has existed for years. Last night, I just finished reading a multiple part series from 2014 where a twin sister and brother wear underwear that switches their sex, and they find out that their parent are twins too. >>263074 >such as those protecting look and feel. Even that can be played with fast and loose if you look at copyright infringment lawsuits against Pac-Man and Street Fighter II. >>263082 >>263083 That's because the Romans practiced colonization, not globalization.
>>263083 Didn't improve the celts.
>>263085 They had it coming, vae victis.
>>263086 I mean the romans didn't exactly win in the end there.
>>263087 No empire lasts forever anon, but they are the basis of western civilization, to this day we still speak latin-based lenguages, use their code of law and many more things. The celts? a historical footnote that some want to larp as.
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Reminder to dig into the Twitter files. In order of discoveries: https://anonfiles.com/J6p653Ley5/gg_zip https://nitter.catalyst.sx/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600 https://nitter.poast.org/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604908670063906817 https://archive.vn/MWux4#selection-15285.0-15285.254 https://nitter.poast.org/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464 Expose them. Send emails to everyone about them. -The jewish communist group responsible for the censorship is the Strategic Response Team - Global Escalation Team ((( SRT-GET ))). -This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust &Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others. -It's detailing special treatment for U.S. government propaganda. Twitter lying to congress (again) this time about shutting down sate propaganda. Pentagon running psyops on Twitter. Evidence of things people knew or suspected. > FBI ordered and paid off Twitter to censor the Biden corruption story > FBI intentionally did it to sway the election for Biden > FBI knowingly lied when they told Twitter that the info was hacked by the Russians > FBI had learned about the laptop by spying on Rudy Giuliani's emails > that's the prosecutor who took down the Mafia, New York's mayor during 9/11, and the President's personal lawyer > because the FBI was spying on all of the President's staff > with the intention of finding dirt to justify kicking him out of office > so the FBI was trying to overthrow the government for all four years of his presidency > because It Was Her Turn > they couldn't believe that Hillary could have lost the election without Russian interference > so FBI justified all the spying by claiming that Trump was working for the Russians because he had business dealings with the Russian mob in the past > they could have read Trump's file and seen that he was the FBI informant spying on the Russians for them > they found no evidence of Trump working for Russia, but kept trying to overthrow him > Hillary was working for Alfa Group and Sberbank the whole time
>>263082 Should have replaced UN with US helmets. US and Rome are practically indistinguishable from each other save for the coups and America being a nation that breeds innovation rather than just copying anyone else's designs. >>263084 >That's because the Romans practiced colonization, not globalization. That's only partly true. The Romans forced their society and belief system to all conquered regions, but at the same time regions neighboring Rome tried to adopt Roman customs because they were just THAT efficient (despite Roman society being really corrupt, it was still a far cry from the desolation of other empires). Also, the Romans took from the invaded countries a lot in terms of military and culture, as well as deeming anyone who pledged allegiance to Rome as a citizen, regardless of race or creed. >>263086 The fun part about the second painting is that it was drawn by Frenchman glorifying Vercingetorix. Instead of pleading with kneeling as it's customary, he's throwing his weapons defiantly and on horseback.
Apparently some nip dude sued the tokyo government or at least some member that has ties to communist party,can't really understand nipponese so i don't know all details and shit https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VDiiqQt4kHs
>>263089 Why don't you post all of this info into a neat dedicated thread on /pol/?
>>263078 I'm sure a lot of Internet people lurk here from time to time (or do so by proxy of other people) but regardless it'd be unwise to make it publicly known that they do.
>>263080 66043871
>>263088 I suppose from that perspective it's true.
>>263093 >it'd be unwise to make it publicly known that they do There's a word for those kinds of people: wimps.
>>263078 I don't know about here, but back on 8ch.net we had a God Hand thread where people lamented the lack of Olivia porn, and a short while later he made a video on God Hand where he commissioned a bunch of artists to make porn of her.
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>>263096 >guy makes it known they browse here >it gets overun by normalfags and redditors who want to go to the epic forbidden website
>>263098 This place desperately needs users
>>263096 Okay. My point is if explicitly mentioning you browse this place would destroy your income you're not going to do it. It's bad PR.
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>>263075 >They are not real,how i'm supposed to grow up with one? Neither are your genki tomboy childhood friend anime girls. As for the "comfortable and familiar" feeling of incest and childhood friends in combination with loli, that's usually filled in the loli genre by either father/daughter incest porn, which people may not be able to connect with as a plausible situation due to the burdens of fatherhood, or more commonly by uncle/niece incest porn, where you've known this kid since they were an infant and your brother/sister has often entrusted you with babysitting, so you're quite comfortable around them as with any other family. The latter is a much easier plausible imagination scenario since it requires little investment from the MC in order to be comfortable with the girl. I personally want more consensual father daughter stuff where the daughter is the aggressor and the father is conflicted about it, loli or not, preferably without cheating, unless the mom gets involved later and there's a happy ending.
>>263082 The body of Christ
>>263093 Back in old 8chan /a/, when Little Witch Academia was still being aired, people from the studio would come and shitpost the threads after the weekly episode ended, despite the language barrier while also posting proof of their identities on twatter. Good times. Nowadays, after so many glowie ops and kikenings its hard to talk openly about visiting this place, but here we are nonetheless.
>>263084 >I just finished reading a multiple part series from 2014 where a twin sister and brother wear underwear that switches their sex, and they find out that their parent are twins too. Hentai Futago? >>263077 >the drop in quality from those to the three new chapters is unbearable The drop in quality when he went digital wasn't?
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>>263103 Yeah, I miss those times. Plus Yoko Taro and the THQN threads. More work-safe boards (like /ck/, /lit/, /mu/) and activity on them I think would help rebuild that reputation as a center for discussion of many subjects, not just a few.
>>263106 I'm still mad how the day 8chan died was the day I was starting to write down the huge oblivion modlist on /tes/ to try another playthrough of Oblivion.
>>263104 >Hentai Futago? Yes. But I also remember there being several other older hentai about siblings fucking, only for the parents to reveal they were siblings too.
>>263092 /v/ is /pol/.
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>>263082 I want stonetoss to become dirt fucking poor so the lazy nigger could actually put effort into his webcomic again. He's recognized as a brand now, otherwise his comics are irrelevant.
>>263111 Yes. It's not enough to succeed and be well off. Entertainers much continuously give the masses high quality bread and circus, and be punished severely if they ever stop. They are slaves to society and they should know it.
>>263063 No, it's directly correlated to jews running the porn industry and explicitly making things that are contrary to Christian (and otherwise white) moral sensibilities, because their holy book explicitly tells them to destroy everything that exists simply because it exists and to rebuild everything in their own hideous image. It's literally no more complicated than that. They fucking admit to it publicly. Read the writings of Sabbati Zevi and Jacob Frank. Then read, oh… just Sanhedrin in the Talmud. Or the Shulchan Aruch. And you'll see exactly why jews behave the way they do.
>>263113 Yes. It's the Jews fault Japan keeps making incest hentai! The Jews control all porn, even the Jap porn by seemingly independent artists. It's that simple. Open your eyes.
>>263086 Not really. Brennus did nothing wrong, except burning Rome to the ground before >>263088 The Gauls, yes, but the Celts in the form of the Britannic Celts, are still around, and their blood still flows through many people throughout the world.
>>263114 I need you to read these articles, please. You're embarrassing yourself. https://archive.vn/FANyz https://archive.ph/CQmM8 https://archive.ph/9qjXU
>>263113 >>263114 Hey, jack ass, explain to me how the Kikes managed to infiltrate Japan as far back as 798 AD (Which was over 600 years before the FIRST Europeans even stepped for in Japan) to present genderbender classics like Torikaebaya Monogatari: https://infogalactic.com/info/Torikaebaya_Monogatari
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>>263117 You misunderstand. That's fine. Just humiliate yourself on your own time, please. The rise of incest porn isn't a response to declining birthrates, any more than any other porn is a response to it. That's all I'm saying.
>>263089 >a genuine grassroots right-wing revolt happens, made up of millennials fermenting in online webzines and message boards circa 2008/Obama >This explodes in Gamergate >We cause Trump >Liberal run intelligence agencies start doing censorship after 11/8/2016 to try and slow us >it has mixed results >they panic and shutdown the entire internet Don't ever think that what we did was even remotely marginal.
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>>263116 I'm agreeing with you. It's just like you say. Jewish American Imperialism lets the Jews control all porn everywhere, even little ching chong drawing nip toons in his basement. I'm just skipping all the boring details of how they achieved this that you linked. All porn is Jewish porn.
>>263121 >All porn is Jewish porn. Where's the Jewish influence in Fanny Hill? Where's the Jewish influence in the Kama Sutra? Where's the Jewish influence in The Tale of Genji?
>>263121 >All porn is Jewish porn. Just call jews gods of manipulation or something already,because thats how high of a pedestal you put them on
>>263082 the body of christ is looking awful sus
>>263121 You're giving the jews too much credit, they are not omniscient. > I'm just skipping all the boring details of how they achieved this that you linked. So you don't actually have an argument, all you have is "dude trust me, I'm just too tired to explain". I think you''ve been mind broken to the point that anything that isn't squeky clean prudishness must be caused by jews. Even that image you posted reminds me of moral panics from the 80's - 2000's claiming that video games cause violence.
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>>263123 If feel like /pol/fags in general are just grasping at straws at this point since 2016 to reach the same height they did. Even though jews have a lot of influence in many places including the sex industry this shit feels like overreaching at and at worst just another attempt at morality preaching among "right-winged" groups now. Long lost are the days where politically incorrect humor was used to drop clever insights in a matter akin to George Carlin and the Boondocks.
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>>263126 /pol/ has been dead for years due to the influx of reddit garbage and the efforts of (((Imkikefy))).
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Also, quick question, have you actually READ some of the hentai prior to this decade? Classics like Urotsukidouji, Mai-chan's Daily Life, Bondage Fairies, Alice in Sexland, and Spunky Knight?
>>263118 She's lived a long life.
>>263127 (Checked) Shitty normalnigger meme aside, I miss old /pol/ or at least what remains of it in /v/.
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>>263122 Let me rephrase with more specificity for your disingenuous intentional misinterpretation of my statement, you fucking Jew. All porn fictional or real since the porn boom in the 70s/80s that Jews caused is either directly controlled by Jews or heavily influenced by them and ultimately serving their agenda. Nobody these days reads anything you listed to get off. >>263123 They're fallible demi-gods of manipulation at best. I didn't put them on this pedestal. They got their themselves. You're not seriously denying the massive influence the Jews wield, are you? >>263125 Omniscient means all knowing, not all powerful, you tard. Get your strawman right. >So you don't actually have an argument Another anon is already spoonfeeding you for me, so why should I? My argument is in these links right here >>263116 You can read them if you lack any common sense and need the very basics spelled out for you. >>263125 Sexual pleasure and violence are inherently different. You're not destroying your pair bonding ability by playing a violent shooter.
>Kiwi farms are down again >Rumors that Josh code trannies that trying to IP ban people are probably true >Code trannies fucking around most likely crashed the site regardless I don’t then even 8Kun runs as badly as tranny farms.
>>263120 >it has mixed results >they panic and shut down the entire internet Whoopi Goldberg said the Holocaust wasn't that bad and Jews too afraid to punish her. Jews lost their status in the oppression Olympics. American Jews don’t know what to do while Israeli Jews are plotting against ESGs and WEF for turning on Israel. Multicultural slowly destroying Zionism and western progressivism.
>>263131 >All porn fictional or real since the porn boom in the 70s/80s that Jews caused is either directly controlled by Jews or heavily influenced by them and ultimately serving their agenda. <All porn if Jewish because of this completely arbitrary rule that I made that doesn't trace how one product influences another, nor shows who's financing what material, NOR manages to explain how stories that are centuries old stories manage to become "infected" with Jewish influence just because of an arbitrary date You have ZERO arguments. You're entire basis is "The Kikes are behind it", yet cannot actually explain your reasoning and conclusion.
>>263134 >arbitrary >doesn't trace >nor shows >nor manages to explain Anon, there were links above.
>>263131 >My argument is in these links right here Two of the links are about economics and don't mention anything about porn, much more specifically hentai. The last article is about how people think TV is real life, which applies to more than just sexual activity.
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>>263131 >Everyone who disagrees with me is a jew! >It's not my job to educate you >They [the jews] are fallible demigods
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>>263134 ><All porn if Jewish because of this completely arbitrary rule It's called reality. Get your head out of the sand. >that doesn't trace how one product influences another, Direct tracing for influence in creative works became mostly irrelevant with the rise of the internet because everything started influencing everything and Jewish porn influenced all other porn which wasn't nearly as big until Jewish porn got big. Also, read the fucking archives. The vectors of Jewish influence are the most basic bitch babby's first day on /pol/ info you could come across. >NOR manages to explain how stories that are centuries old stories manage to become "infected" with Jewish influence just because of an arbitrary date Playing dumb, mr. rabbi? I already addressed this in very first reply of the post you're responding to which was a reply directly to you. I'm done with you. You're obviously not arguing in good faith. Begone, Jew.
>>263138 >It's called reality. Get your head out of the sand. Based jews with their power to literally bend reality to their whims
>>263138 >Direct tracing for influence in creative works became mostly irrelevant with the rise of the internet So, you're telling me you CANNOT pull up interviews given by creators where they talk about the content that directly influenced the direction their work went? Nor, be social aware enough to actually trace which media influenced people just from a quick glance (But, you're SOMEHOW so damn certain that the Kikes are behind it to the point that you don't even need to "prove" it)? >Jewish porn influenced all other porn which wasn't nearly as big until Jewish porn got big Oh, yes, degenerate sexual activity was NEVER a "thing" in the Ancient World, despite relationship advice from the Roaring 20's tell people to read some sex manuals, the Victorian era being notorious for it's sexual debauchery which even the Queen engaged in, Ben Franklin being a known studd in France, the European explorers absolutely horrified about sexual practices of the American natives when they arrived, the European pagans shagging animals in the woods, the Romans having known boy-toys around the estate,...do I need to go on?
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>>263137 >Everyone who disagrees with me is a jew! I only called one person a Jew, and that anon was downplaying the Jewish influence on porn at large and ignoring the answers given to his questions before asking the same questions like a slimy little Jew. It's only apt that insult him as such. >>It's not my job to educate you When sources that already contain all the information one needs have been posted, no, it is not my job to type them out or copypaste them into the thread. >They [the jews] are fallible demigods You're not seriously denying the massive influence the Jews wield, are you? >>263139 Shitpost harder, friendo.
>>263136 >Two of the links are about economics Yes, you don't have any critical thinking skills. This is readily apparent. Did you know that whomever controls a country's economy gets to control its culture? Of course you didn't. That's because you didn't read the links and are too stupid to understand the interconnectivity of schools of thought. Did you know that there's a link between, for example, international child trafficking and the video game industry, specifically the financiers of the various studios? Of course you didn't! That's why gamergate was created. To make those connections visible FOR you. It's entirely on you whether you decide you're worth the knowledge.
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>these niggers that should just use our /pol/ so it has activity have summoned (((niggerpill)))
>>263142 >Yes, you don't have any critical thinking skills. He can think just fine, he's just a liar. He's outright ignoring statements and then asking for those same answers again. I'd advise not engaging with his pilpul.
>>263141 >that anon was downplaying the Jewish influence on porn How about you POST, IN DETAIL, ABOUT THE INFLUENCE, you fucking retard? >When sources that already contain all the information one needs No, they don't. >>263142 >Did you know that whomever controls a country's economy gets to control its culture? Is that the reason why Japan took over the animation, comic and video game industry? OH WAIT!
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>>263143 >Every time there's routine bot spam, it's the fault of people posting opinions and facts I don't like
>>263146 Be real, there's no way he's evolved enough to write a bot.
>>263142 >Did you know that there's a link between, for example, international child trafficking and the video game industry, specifically the financiers of the various studios? Could you link to that, so that the rest of us can read up on it? >That's why gamergate was created. No, GG happened because a lot of people noticed that there was a lot of collaboration and narrative framing being pushed by the game media at large. Where did child trafficking come into play during the initial Five guy period?
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>>263145 Just filter them and stop this madness you fucking faggot.
>if you disagree you're a jew strawman again I don't know who's jewing who anymore, but I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that I think ac41b1, 429bfa and db33ac and putting on a one man shill show to derail another thread into endless kikery schizophrenia.
>>263147 You're right. Unlike other spam that people mistakenly claim is manual, niggerpill is clearly actually doing it manually all the time. I can't fathom the level of autism he has unless niggerpill is actually niggerpills, a weak ass psyop performed by paying pajeets and other turd worlders to spam this shit all over the net.
>>263143 The site not being down summons niggerpill, anon. There's no trigger. It's paid to post here every single day.
>>263150 >>if you disagree you're a jew strawman again I'm the only one calling anyone a Jew as an insult, and I must point out again, I only called one person disagreeing with me a Jew out of the various responses I've gotten. See >>263141 >This is totally just someone samefagging to derail <(1) He cries out in pain as he strikes you.
>>263104 I mean, it's 16 years apart. Araki's style is unrecognizable from its earlier parts. >>263099 >This place desperately needs users You don't want users to come that way, you want people to come here because they feel like it rather than because they're hoping to meet some e-celeb.
>>263128 I read it like twenty years ago when it was new, yeah. Hell, i had Spunky Knight saved, read it regularly, wish i had a big titty slutty warrior girl being mocked by a skeleton in a military general's outfit, and feel bad for that one girl that got fucked to death by animated cocks because the dickelves forgot they tied her up. Also the bondage fairy page where the younger lesbian dominatrix drank wine and then kissed it into Phil's mouth, that was p hot.
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>>263154 >I mean, it's 16 years apart. No, it isn't. The picture of Guts on the left is after the Ganishka fight, just before he gets on the boat. The one on the right is the style used just after the boat. That was 8 or so years, most of it on hiatus, and coinciding with his switch from traditional to digital art. The drop in quality from this arc is so massive, I'd consider zombie Berserk to be closer in style to the original than dying Miura's art.
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>>263154 >I mean, it's 16 years apart. Pictures related. He also went through and literally redrew every panel of every one of the original comics when he did the supplementary stuff.
I think the jews are behind the decline in quality of Berserk's art. They're probably responsible for Miura's death as well. Someone has to stop those fallible demigods.
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>>263159 >(1) again mid-thread reviving the Jew discussion after everyone moved on to manga and incest discussion So first you accuse me of samefaggotry to disagree with myself while quite possibly samefagging, then you continue to samefag to diagree with me more blatantly? This is last reply I'm going you (1) and dones in this thread. The projection is palpable.
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>>263153 <<(1) >anons aren't allowed to just lurk for updates or happenings >>263160 >literally chasing at shadows Try harder, my fellow /v/ friend.
>>263163 You sound like a jew.
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>>263118 She's just like me...
>>263158 This is pretty damn common. A lot of mangaka enter the industry when they're younger when their art is less refined, as you can see with Kiyohiko's art his style gets way simpler and cleaner because it's more conducive to drawing under strict deadlines.
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>>263166 >it's more conducive to drawing under strict deadlines. Yeah... deadlines...
>>263089 more, just what I've seen this morning: THE TWITTER FILES: HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE https://twitter.com/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867 https://archive.ph/S1rN2 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607383214452080647.html Former FBI General Counsel James Baker, who helped grease the wheels to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump, tried to get the sitting POTUS censored while working at Twitter for saying “don’t be afraid of COVID” https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1607434394590904323 https://archive.ph/o6E7V Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Ex-CIA agents are Heads of Trust & Safety at Google & Facebook. https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247/status/1607539875712217089 https://archive.ph/7TxVJ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607539875712217089.html
>>262992 > The sets, costumes and lighting look like a porno parody, but it's a kids' show. It is like they are intentionally doing it. Yeah, no kidding.
>>263169 Do we get to see them fuck?
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>>263169 >>263170 >>263171 Read the comments on the nickelodeon loud house Instagram. If you want to see the audience's nickelodeon pandering too. It’s not kids.
>>263169 Sounds like it's just low effort set work, because porn set work is also low effort.
>>263169 When the blond kind grows up he's gonna realize he got played really hard.
Mark can we just ban the guy who keeps going on and on in every thread about how all porn is, regardless of context, a jewish plot. He's even starting to veer into niggerpill-esque talking points. See: >>263131 >They're fallible demi-gods of manipulation
>>263176 >not being able to recognize no-argument faggot by this point
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>>263175 >When the blond kind grows up he's gonna realize he got played really hard. Or possibly played with.
>>263175 I think he's gonna realize sooner considering he lost his hair after feeling the first movie since the chemicals that dyed his hair caused it to fall off. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=A9nCOsbMjy8 Timestamp 4:00
>>263178 That's on par with every kid that's gone through the Nickelodeon machine
>>263180 Have any of them actually talked about being molested while working on nickelodeon though? The blonde girl made a book about it but it mostly was complaining about weird fetichistic stuff and her mom forcing her to work as an actress even though she didnt like it, not any diddling.
>>263181 *the blonde girl from icarly
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>>263170 >Do we get to see them fuck? Already done.
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>>263118 Where are you Florida Man? You're our only hope.
>>263183 Over the years ive seen anons post plenty of incest porn with those 2 characters, but not the normal incest porn but the weird shit with abuse and the girl looking crazy, how come?
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>>262927 I never said anything about sea people, learn2read. >>263082 This comic makes no sense because globalists "despise" colonization and imperialism. And the UN are a bunch of faggots that do zero shit to stop conflicts around the world. >>263000 >>262994 The only good thing that I can remember from Nick is Spongebob and the Fairly Odd Parents. It's a good thing that I grew up with Cartoon Network where they aired good shows before Adventure Time and Steven Universe.
>>263177 Not him. I've never been able to recognize this one either. >>263186 >globalists "despise" colonization and imperialism. But they like enforcing their culture on the rest of the world. They just use softer and more insidious methods.
>>262937 How much the meaning of "California Girls" has changed, what a shame.
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>>263183 >>263169 >>263170 I guess that's why they call it Loud House.
>>263186 >This comic makes no sense because globalists "despise" colonization and imperialism. That's not quite true. They "despise" anything that doesn't further the Socialist agenda. Meaning that colonization and imperialism is "okay" if it's for pushing Socialism, but nothing else. >The only good thing that I can remember from Nick is Spongebob and the Fairly Odd Parents. It's a good thing that I grew up with Cartoon Network where they aired good shows before Adventure Time and Steven Universe. Much of my childhood was on Disney Channel, Kid's WB, Boomerang, and Fox Kids. Nothing really interested me on CN nor Nick until years later.
>>263186 >>263191 They despise physical colonialism, but love and revel in intellectual colonialism (not that they'd use the word, much like how only white people can be racist colonialism to them can only be physical and done by white people).
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>>263186 >sea people When people say "Sea People" do they mean South East Asian, or is it a generic term for any swarthy historically sea-faring folk? I never quite figured that one out, and always assumed the term applied broadly to both Polynesians and Mediterraneans, among other costal populations.
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>>263193 SEA = South East Asian Pretending to be retarded is the same as being retarded.
>>263082 :DDDDDDD
>>263186 >The only good thing that I can remember from Nick is Spongebob and the Fairly Odd Parents Jimmy Neutron wasn't too bad, and later on you had Avatar and Randy Stair's waifu's show Danny Phantom, but yeah, CN had them beat in terms of cartoons (at least until the CN Real shit in 2009, but by that point both channels were pretty much devoid of their classic shows)
>>263182 >>263180 Considering what happened with Drake Bell and how much overtly sexualized Victorious is compared to iCarly. I don't think Jennette Mccurdy is the Dan Schneider type. People who investigate Dan Schneider for some reason focus on, icarly but over look victorious. Girls of Victorious tend to end up more screwed up than Icarly girls. Even MTV and CW tend to sexualize girls as young as Nickelodeon did with Victorious. Look up the dance of victorious Christmas special. It's like the fan service you see on Riverdale, but the show is supposed to be marketed to middle ageds. https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=ZV6b0cAEWTU https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=45syGa6F_D4 https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=tIRzUKyJtMg Look at the thumbnails. All the videos I posted are officially Nick but one.
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>>263195 >Removing sus >Adding gondola Noice.
>>263197 I thought most people looking into Dan Schneider focused on Amanda Bynes going absolutely bonkers and the rumor he might have impregnated Jaime Lynn Spears during Zoey 101
>>262736 FUCKING GAYMERGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS I hope you're all having a good afternoon
>>263195 benis
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Last Christmas, I made ugly sweater art. But the very next day, I made it again.
>>263202 I want to cuddle with Viv on a couch while she begrudgingly tolerates me because she's busy playing on her new steam deck that Santa got her.
>>263169 Fuck that's hot.
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>>263202 Forget the tired muh jewish influence in hentai argument. Lets find out anons influence on vivians bush What a cute viv in a sweater, thank you eltonel!
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>>263185 >Over the years ive seen anons post plenty of incest porn with those 2 characters, but not the normal incest porn but the weird shit with abuse and the girl looking crazy, how come? Partially I assume it's because considering she's the older sibling it's likely just aggressive femdom. But in general incest shipping in the loud house fandom tends to be rather grim & dark for obvious reasons. As such the subject of incest and it's darker implications tend to make easy fuel for erotic forbidden fruit type of stories especially abusive ones involving older siblings. >>263202 Nice.
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>>263202 Adorable.
>>263202 Bretty good
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>>263188 >But they like enforcing their culture on the rest of the world. I don't know what culture you're talking about, all they enforce is woke and Marxist agendas onto other places like >>263191 >>263192 have stated. >>263202 pic related
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>>262748 Yo my boy Sseth if you're actually lurking here please put a Kato Hayabusa picture in your next video as a joke haha
>in the world of a dating sim >(You) can only pick (1) of these girls to spend Christmas with Which one, /v/?
>>262748 >I caught santa fucking my mom. GARBAGE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>>263202 But we made it with love!
>>263208 >for obvious reasons Why? I know nothing about the characters or the show other than "1 son and 9 daughters."
>>263214 Obviously Viv, even if Gilda is rising up in the ranks as a lovable retard, Viv is a certified classic. now if Vita-tan were in the mix it'd be harder for me to decide
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>>263169 All it needs is a pornjoo logo.
>>263214 I cant choose so ill let the dice gods decide, 1, 3, and 5 viv, 2,4 and 6 gilda. 1d6 = 1
>>262742 I got some camera accessories for taking night photos and a book with star maps in it. And a trail cam. >>263202 I love it Elt.
>>263214 >Too degenerate for Polina and Christ-chan >Not enough of a hardcore pro gamer for Viv >Gilda is a non-entity Welp, guess I'm tan-less then though Vivian and Polina would be my picks
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>>263214 Obviously Viv, the one most down to fuck. Followed, in order, by potato, polina, and jesusqueen.
>>263224 Fucking retards is against the law.
>>263225 Its ok, shes a redditor.
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>>263225 shes not quite so stupid as to be legally retarded though, ill be fine; at worst itll be like adrian from rocky, and balboa never went to jail
>>263225 Name the specific law(s) that say so.
>>263225 Breaking the law is in good taste.
>>263225 >Fucking retards is against the law. Drooling institutionalized retards maybe (Those only get raped by orderlies in mental hospitals) But functional retards are okay, my uncle was married to one because he was a lazy bastard who just wanted to live off retard bux. >>263229 >That pic Is that from the unauthorized biography of Jimmy Savile?
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>>263169 That's fucking Zone-Tan, there is no way this is coincidence.
>>263230 >Is that from the unauthorized biography of Jimmy Savile? No, it's nip toons.
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>>263232 >zone tan >with no absolute territory Inferior version in all regards then.
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>>263214 Viv probably, seems the comfiest option for the comfiest season despite being grumpy. Although I get the urges to take advantage of Gilda's mental impairment to groom her into the whole onahole gf stuff, but this is not a very christmas-like thing to do Imagine imposing le ebin upboat system on her, where she get imaginary internet points for learning and practicing the most debaucherous acts with joy I'm not proud of myself.
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>>263237 It's okay anon. I'm proud of you.
>>263214 Christ-chan would be the comfiest non-sexual experience. A lot of good, wholesome, Christian fun, maybe capped off with a kiss on the cheek. Polina might be fun if she goes full "Actual National Socialists goofing around on Christmas" like those pictures of Hitler from Christmas at the Adlerhorst, but not if her dad is in another LARPagan mood and wants to ruin the experience by neurotically bitching about "muh kike on stick" Gilda would be alright, she's retarded but very sweet besides, you could probably paint red stripes on your dick and tell her it's a candy cane and she'd believe it Viv would be the best, even if it would mostly consist of playing vidya, eating Chinese takeout, and having angry, sweaty, ball-busting sex.
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>>263240 You still need to change which one to which ones.
>>263202 sex with daughterfu
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i cant remember why this is labeled as emergency but i dont see it in the ourobooru so may as well repost it here
>>263217 Anon. >"1 son and 9 daughters." >Incest shipping. Should I spell it out for you?
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>>263140 Muh Idiot goy claims that Jews do not control the porn industry. http://www.henrymakow.com/jews_and_porn.html Jews in Porn http://www.heretical.com/miscellx/jewporn.html The Jewish Masters of Porn https://archive.vn/OWaVi Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography used as a Weapon Against Gentiles https://archive.vn/20210222180124/http://www.jewishquarterly.org/issuearchive/articled325.html?articleid=38
I'm back from shopping all day and I see the stormfag is still bein autistic. >>263245 So how many of these work in hentai? one thing to notice is that Jew porn was the kinds that focused on the man's ass and the guy grunting while pumping a silicone filled woman, JAV had none of that stuff.
>>263246 Nobody is saying that Jews control the Japanese porn industry, but they control the American porn industry.
>>263247 Noone except boomers and genX care about American porn.
>>263247 >Nobody is saying that Jews control the Japanese porn industry, but they control the American porn industry. What's your fucking point then? If that was the your entire argument then why did you start in the first place? I'm suspecting you're one of those anti-porn moral faggots that propping up not unlike the current left that bitches about anything 2D related that isn't ugly as sin.
>>263249 I did not initiate the debate that was different anon.
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>>758975 >first link makes no mention of the japanese except in the comment section along with the Sami. >other two links is boring economics >also complaining about jews somehow controlling Hentai while posting an ecchi image.
>>263250 My bad, I guess I mix you up with the other anon try to resuscitate this shitty porn debate.
>>263251 >first link makes no mention of the japanese >>other two links is boring economics Try rubbing your brain cells together some time within the next year. >complaining about jews somehow controlling Hentai while posting an ecchi image. In practical terms, hentai is not as bad as 3DPD pornography, since it lacks the human trafficking and abuse aspects. But it still has negative effects. I can recognize something is bad for me and still engage in it, just like anyone who smokes. If I had known of the negative effects on my ability to pair bond, I might not have ever engaged in porn, just like I was well informed of the negative effects of smoking and I plan on never taking a puff so long as I live.
>>263253 >Try rubbing your brain cells together some time within the next year. Hey, jackass, if you want us on your side, then you should have understood by now that you're going to have to explain your argument to us like we're a bunch of retards because we're not seeing nor making the connections that you are.
>>263244 I mean the "grim and dark" part.
>>263251 >STILL going on about how his IQ is confirmed to be sub-90 Holy shit, just drop it. You don't know enough about the topic to continue commenting.
>>263253 >since it lacks the human trafficking Oh, speaking of which, YOU STILL HAVEN'T EXPLAINED HOW VIDEO GAMES ARE INVOLVED!!!
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>>263254 >us Lmao. >you're going to have to explain your argument to us like we're a bunch of retards Step 1. How common do you think porn was all over the world before the porn boom of the 70s when Jews made it legal in the USA? Step 2. Who pushed for change to Post-war Japan's constitution to allow for smut to be legal? Follow the trail. It's the Jews pushing for porn. And they succeeded almost the world over. The hentai boom is a product of the Jewish agenda to push porn on gentiles. It might be the least harmful, but it still is. And it's worth it too. >>263257 I don't think I was asked to, and you might be thinking of someone else. But if I had to involve vidya, then obviously, eroge. If you're whinging about off-topic, then follow the discussion, because I didn't start it.
>>263258 >The hentai boom is a product of the Jewish agenda to push porn on gentiles. Goddamn you're stupid.
I miss the 2000s, back when gamers were completely rational and mature people with good tastes and intelligent insights.
>>263258 >How common do you think porn was all over the world before the porn boom of the 70s Outside of Socialist nations, I'd reasonable say this it easily available to acquire due to how people weren't as moralistic about it until the 50's and 60's when trash like Seduction of the Innocent was published and ruined TV and media in America for the next couple decades. Although, Europe and the rest of the world never went through those kinds of issues. Also, there's quite the humorous situation when looking at Japan and their "porn boom of the 70s". In that, during the 50's and 60's a lot of mangaka creators like Osamu Tezuka actually did want to write extremely risque content in their stories. However, they refrained themselves from doing so do to the naive and altruistic belief that they should be "above" making that kind of content, only for creators like Go Nagai to crash those ideals against a rock, to which some creators finally relaxed themselves and released the content they had always wanted to release. >Who pushed for change to Post-war Japan's constitution to allow for smut to be legal? "Smut" was illegal in Japan since the 1907 Penal Code, which the Japanese government created because they wanted to be more "inline" with the more technologically advanced Western governments. It was actually BECAUSE of the U.S. occupation of Japan that the censors finally came to end. >I don't think I was asked to See: >>263148 <Could you link to that, so that the rest of us can read up on it?
>>263225 But what if they happen to enjoy the ejaculation of semen?
>>263251 why the fuck is that jpg moving? >>263262 remember that one autistic chick who rubbed peanut butter on herself? I saw a leaked video from /wx/ from 8ch back when it was still up of her rubbing lotion on her tits and saying how much she loved cum to some fag named "Ray". Fuck Ray. I'm jealous of him I hope he died in a fire. If I can't have an autistic cum loving gf then nobody can.
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>>263261 >Porn was common and easily available it was today before the Jews <Which is why everyone only talks about a handful of surviving pieces of pornography like Fanny Hill, the Kama Sutra, and the first Jap tentacle porn over and over >It was actually BECAUSE of the U.S. occupation of Japan that the censors finally came to end. That's exactly what I said. You're agreeing with me. (((U.S.))) imperialists forced Japan to legalize smut during the occupation. >See: >>263148 Yes. That question is not aimed at me and it is about a claim I did not make. Can you not into IDs?
>>263264 > (((U.S.))) imperialists forced Japan to legalize smut during the occupation. And I should add, it's very telling that they tried to do this while smut wasn't even legal in the U.S. yet.
>>263265 >>263264 >You're agreeing with me. (((U.S.))) imperialists forced Japan to legalize smut during the occupation. No, they just told the Japanese to "Freedom of speech" is the law (Unless it directly calls for revolution against the occupation), and left them to figure out the rest. >smut wasn't even legal in the U.S. yet Smut was ALWAYS legal because of the 1A.
>>263255 An entire fandom famous for incest shipping would try to take it to it's most morbid implications in various fan media and so on especially in it's early days when the cast was small as hell doubtful that aspect entirely went way as it expanded.
>>263264 >>263266 Also, it should be mentioned that while the 1907 Penal Code did give Japanese censors the ability to prevent the publication of content, they still allowed people to publish it if they paid a bribe.
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>>263266 >Smut was ALWAYS legal because of the 1A. <I am going to grossly misinterpret the intent of the 1A so that porn is legal No anon. The first amendment was so that you can express ideas freely in public. To say smut was always something protected by the first amendment is to say the founding fathers thought public sex was free speech, which is patently retarded.
>>263269 >is to say the founding fathers thought public sex was free speech We're talking about porn and you're jumping to prostitution.
>>263270 Actually, wait, you're double wrong. Since porn being legal does make prostitution relevant since it makes prostitution legal so long as you record and sell it. Absolutely silly.
What's the point of this conversation?
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>>263272 To further our understanding of eachother and the Jewish porn agenda.
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>>263214 The pose and positions makes it look like Gilda is larping as a reindeer while Christina rides on her back. Does Gilda have the tard strength to run around carrying people? Obviously, most /v/irgins will pick Vivian because she has a common interest thus is most relatable. On Jesus Christ's birthday Christina would be hyped and probably plan a long itinerary of wholesome Christmas activities. Gilda would be hyped as a kid on Christmas; would probably want to hang out with Christina doing Christmas activities. Vivian would lounge around eating and playing vidya like usual, but with some Christmas sweets. Polina would maybe do ice skating, mulled wine and bake Christstollen and Lebkuchen with Christina. Christina should be the top pick for Christmas specifically as she's the one who'd want to do a lot of Christmas stuff and might even get Viv off her lazy ass to do Christmas things. Christina would have the Christmas spirit more than anyone else. Personally, I'd go ice skating with Polina and we'd get thrown out for derisively mocking mixed race couples. But that's just my preference.
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>Another anti-porn derail >Anons fall for it again It's like they learned nothing from lcp at all. It's probably the same guy trying a different tactic.
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>>759011 I'm sorry. You win. The founding fathers had public obscenity in mind when they made the 1st amendment, and it is my constitutional right masturbate in public. There is literally nothing wrong with sex or the human body. Anyone who thinks otherwise a /pol/tarded prude. I thank the porn Jews every day for helping uphold the first amendment by making porn legal again. >>263275 >Another anti-porn derail I didn't start it, and 3DPD can eat shit, but I'm glad the porn jews gave the world hentai. I am pro-hentai, regardless of the consequences. Just think about the retarded American firewall that might exist to stop the Jap toon porn industry from illegally being posted on the American internet if the Jews never succeeded in making porn legal in the US. It would be fucking gay.
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>>263261 Wait a tick, >Outside of Socialist nations, I'd reasonable say this it easily available to acquire due to how people weren't as moralistic about it until the 50's and 60's >"Smut" was illegal in Japan since the 1907 Penal Code, which the Japanese government created because they wanted to be more "inline" with the more technologically advanced Western governments. You're saying in the same post that porn was freely available until the 50s when everyone suddenly became moral prudes, but also Japan banned porn at the beginning of the 20th century to imitate western nations that you say wouldn't even have started that behavior for Japan to imitate until 50 years later.
>>263277 >You're saying in the same post that porn was freely available until the 50s when everyone suddenly became moral prudes, but also Japan banned porn at the beginning of the 20th century to imitate western nations During the late 1800's, there was a lot of of attempts at pushing back against the "moral degenerates" of society. One of the most infamous attempts here in the states was the Comstock laws. However, all the people pushing for this were the "elites" and "intellectuals" of society (Not the layman, unless you consider the YMCA), which were the same groups of people that Japan had sent out students to document and learn from in order to apply those same practices in their own society (Which was the same process by which their society had already catapulted itself from a Feudal island to an industrial empire in about 30 years). In fact, because of this style of analysis and application, it's one of the reason why Japan was the second earliest attempt at modern day welfare, which they learned from Austria and Otto Von Bismarck.
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>>263278 Hey. I learned something today. I knew pretending to be retarded long enough would lead to something good.
>>263051 >>263047 >>263014 >She is a terf so that makes her a Nazi If rumors are true. David Zaslav just replaced the original cast that threw JK Rowling under the bus in the name of trannies. The original cast of Harry Potter Careers are dead but Daniel Radcliffe. If that. Rumor: Warner Bros. Discovery To Reboot Harry Potter Film Franchise >This new rumor comes on the heels of Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav indicating he wanted to pursue the Harry Potter franchise during the company’s 2022 Q3 earnings call. >Back in November, Zaslav responded to a question from Wells Fargo analyst Steven Cahall telling him, “One, we’re going to have a real focus on franchises. We haven’t had a Superman movie in 13 years. >We haven’t done a Harry Potter movie in 15 years. One of — the DC movies and the Harry Potter movies provided a lot of the profits of Warner Bros. Motion Pictures over the last 25 years. So focused on the — one of the big advantages that we have, House of the Dragon is an example of that, Game of Thrones, taking advantage of Sex and the City. Lord of the Rings, we still have the right to do Lord of the Rings movies.” >He later added, “And so when you have a franchise movie, you can often make 2 to 3x the amount of money you make in the U.S. because you get a slot. And a focus on the big movies that are loved, that are tentpole, that people are going to leave home, leave early from dinner to go to see and we have a lot of them, Batman, Superman, Aquaman, if we can do something with J.K. on Harry Potter going forward, Lord of the Rings. >What are we doing with Game of Thrones? What are we doing with a lot of the big franchises that we have? We’re focused on franchises.” >Nearly two months after these comments, this new rumor about the Harry Potter film franchise getting rebooted comes from known scooper and leaker WDW Pro. >He posted to Twitter, “WBD is reportedly looking to reboot the Harry Potter film franchise, including recasting, in the next 3-5 years.” >We will release some details of how I became aware of this information, presented by a source, on the Valliant Renegade channel tomorrow morning,” he concluded. >On Valliant Renegade’s channel, WDW Pro reiterated the rumor, “It now seems extremely likely that the Harry Potter universe, which I think internally is called The Wizarding division, it is receiving a reboot in the future in terms of the movies.” >And that may also include recasting some of the roles that have become iconic inside the Harry Potter universe with the major actors and characters,” he added. >WDW Pro then clarified this would be a new adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s first seven Harry Potter novels, “We’re not talking about Fantastical Beasts. We’re not talking about some of these ancillary Harry Potter things. We’re talking about what is referred to inside the industry as core Harry Potter.” >Valliant Renegade then made it even clearer, “You’re looking at that original cast: Harry, Hermione, Ron. New cast. Starting over.” >However, later in the video, WDW Pro indicated it might not be a straight reboot, “The way that they reboot this franchise does not have to be your standard fare reboot, where we go back to the origin of the character we’ve already had an adventure with. There are many different ways they could do that and we’re not here to tell you that we know what is yet.” >They’re not even close, I would think, to being at that point,” he continued, “In fact, according to the source they don’t have sort of the James Gunn individual yet in charge of this. THat’s part of what they’re aiming for.” >As for why they would be completely rebooting, Valliant Renegade posited, “They feel like perhaps the original Harry Potter fandom is kind of aging out and they want to revitalize or refresh this, or make something new to drive new audiences theaters.” >WDW Pro further added, “From the standpoint of the OG stuff, the core Harry Potter stuff, I mean it’s a dormant franchise, and that’s particularly why we are being told that in the next three to five years they are looking to reboot this thing.” >Because all the other stuff inside this Potter universe, inside of this Wizarding division at Warner Bros. Discovery, it’s not taking off the way that they need to in order to sustain the franchise,” he elaborated. >And they have far too much invested in the franchise for it to become dormant or secondary. They want it to be a very strong evergreen property. And by that we mean it’s selling all the time, that it’s always the top of mind of consumers.” >And because they have not been able to get the other stuff, these sort of secondary things off the ground and gain that momentum that they had with the originals, the thinking that they have is that it’s time for Hollywood to get over this fear of recasting and so they’re ready to do that,” he asserted. https://archive.vn/8ggrq
>>263278 >all the people pushing for this were the "elites" and "intellectuals" of society Depends on what you're talking about, since temperance societies (which were against the sale and consumption of alcohol) existed across multiple economic strata (other than the very poor). But if even immigrant communities are setting up temperance unions (which the Lutheran Finns did in the 1880s) the it's extended beyond just "the elites"
>>263280 Get ready for black Hermione.
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>>759021 Porn bad.
>>263283 That is not an argument, that is a statement. Nice try though~
>>263014 >>263282 >Get ready for black Hermione. David Zaslav want movies to be profitable overseas and Emma Watson such a cunt. I am okay with this. I rather have black Hermione over dyke man hating Hermione.
>>263276 >The founding fathers had public obscenity in mind when they made the 1st amendment They did, though. It was forbidden by law. Porn was illegal for more than a century until kikes got it legalized in the 1900s. There is also no law against "fire" in a theater, etc. like the hoax is repeatedly said, though. >>263282 Tranny Peter & the Sorcerer's Dildo Fanny Swatter & the Chamber of Semen Moishe Ahrenberg & the Prisoner of Twitter Anita Sarkeesian & the Gamer of Gate Dindy Dunuffin & the Fucking Nazis Rey Mixer & the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter & the Apology for Being a Straight White Man (with special guest star Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter)
>>263202 looks like a fucking poncho
>>263286 Hairy Pozhole and the Prisoner of the Ass Cabin.
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>>759021 guffaw
>>263078 his videos nowadays are mostly this weird blend of cuckchan and reddit memes with a few old universal memes like gachimuchi, when before they used to be largely universal imageboard/degenerate and /pol/ humor.
>>263275 Makes you wonder if there is something of interest going on that they want to keep the discussion away from.
>>263292 Yes. Every time someone discusses something you don't want to talk about, it's COINTELPRO to drive discussion away from some pressing issue. But I'm the one over-exaggerating the influence of the Jews. Lmao.
>>759038 Select your Jewcy Ranger
>>263294 >Carranger >not Jewranger You had ONE FUCKING JOB anon!
Reminder to check out >>>/a/ if ya want some anime/manga and Japan-related media discussions I've been posting regularly and will continue to do so, and there's been some activity otherwise. >>>/a/863 >>>/a/1236 >>>/a/1436 Make whatever threads ya want and have fun. Feel free to suggest banners, board improvements, etc here >>>/a/804
>>263295 They couldn't get a female stunt double for the pink ranger?
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>>263285 >overseas That means China. China hates niggers.
>>263282 >>263286 Zaslav hates woke shit though. That's why he's literally a boogieman to leftyfags and they're doing all they can to smear him. This is specifically saying he's going to start from scratch with his business model. Though honestly, I don't see the point of adapting the Harry Potter books as movies again. Maybe a series if you wanted to have a more faithful adaptation with less stuff cut out, but if you're just doing movies against you're going to run into the exact same problems the first one did.
>>263202 That ugly sweater better stay on during baby making sex. Love tour work.
>>263301 >your*
>>263300 >Zaslav hates woke shit though. That's why he's literally a boogieman to leftyfags and they're doing all they can to smear him It rumor he hates capeshit and wants WB to make action movies and lord of the rings style epic movies again. Apart from me hope this is true.
>>263214 None of these.
>>263304 you must either be a homo or you want more deepfreeze twin representation
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>>263301 It really doesn't.
>>263305 He wants that Occulass ass.
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>>263306 Clicked reply too early and didn't spoiler, sorry.
>>263308 Unkempt. Perfect.
>>263306 >>263308 You spoil us with this amazing stuff.
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>>759038 wow he really let himself go
>>263305 Too bad.
>>263306 >>263308 Amazing work.
>>263291 I feel that a lot of his older reviews were just more genuine. Like I still have fun with the opaque references and some quotes are really memorable, but nothing beats the camcorder quality recordings mixed in with edgy humor from yesteryear. Like the time he and a friend stumbled upon an esoteric nazi website and made an entire video out of it.
Happy Day of the Holy Innocents!
>>263306 >>263308 Great work as always elt, can we get a potato version?
>>263316 Hell i just noticed something, we have never seen erin and gilda interact, this crossover needs to happen for the 8chan cinematic universe.
>>263316 Why would you even want that. Yes
>>263318 >Why would you even want that. Completionist autism. >pic
I'm thinking about buying Dead Rising on steam because it's at 5€, but don't want to give Crapcom any money.
>>263063 >people want what the fantasy, not the horrible reality And they are correct in wanting that. Reality must be shaped to men's will. Anyone that bows to reality as immutable has a slave's mindset. Men evolved by changing the whole world around themselves, to make reality be what men want it to be.
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>>263319 Alright that's all from me, these are the ones I enjoy more drawing and I'm supposed to be on a small christmas break from drawing naked ladies. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone, hope the next year everything starts to get better and videogames stop being mainstream. Love ya faggots, keep it up.
>>263320 Then don't. God, what is it about steam that constantly tempts anons to spend money they don't have to for games they don't even own?
>>263322 >Pubes shaven into a shape Absolute peak taste. I can't handle this.
>>263297 Female stunt doubles only showed up as late as 2004. Any show before that (Zyuranger is from 1992) has an all male stunt team. If you ever looked at one of the "girls" ass when they were transformed, on any show before 2004, you looked at some old Japanese man's ass.
>>263322 I'm lusting heavily after this retarded girl and you sure as fuck aint helping it. Superb pics, merry christmas nig
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>>263322 >that downvote bush Good touch, I like it.
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>>263322 Amazing work!
>>263324 >what is it about steam that constantly tempts anons to spend money they don't have to for games they don't even own? Part of it has to do with how you don't physically have the games and the cheap price for them. However, it isn't just an exclusive act with Steam. I regularly drop by thrift stores for vintage games, and regularly tempted to buy whatever random stuff looks interesting for $3 a piece. Most recent game I saw was the Windows version of EA's Andretti Racing from '96.
>>263328 from her perspective it would look like an upvote. maybe that's what she thought she was making. what a potato.
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>>263306 >>263308 >>263322 God bless you, Eltonel.
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>>263322 Thank you, elt. >gatherbelt Oh you sweet innocent retard, youre pushing buttons you didnt even knew existed.
>>263322 I want to upvote her downvote.
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>>263322 >garter belts. Patrician taste. However, it's hard to tell because it's B&W, but it looks like you did the thing male illustrators tend to screw up with garter belts: the panties go OVER the garters so the panties can be taken off to go to the bathroom (or for sex) without having to unsnap the garters.
Also, a garters-with-no-panties version would be super hot.
>>263336 Anon, its gilda, shes a dummy and could just have put them on wrong.
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>>263338 Fair point.
Where the big tiddie lolis at?
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>>263340 Got 'em right here.
>>263341 Are you sure those are real honkers?
>>263342 >America >Real honkers
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>>263343 >being this insecure about big american tiddies in your face
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>>263345 It's not about the size, it's if these are real or implants.
>>263128 the alice one was one of my firsts, still remember some things all those years ago, man, alice had it rough
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>>263347 They're anime girls, you doofus.
>>263347 If you're talking about clown girl, those are clearly balloons she stuffed under her shirt.
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NEW COMIC Man, this year feels like it started a year ago!
>>263349 We're talking about the "real" American titties here, not the anime ones.
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>>263353 >We're talking about the "real" American titties here, >>263342 Are you sure those are real honkers? >>263343 >>America >Real honkers Clownpiece's honkers are the honkers in question, anon.
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>>263354 Well that's a given, they're as real as american titties.
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>>263336 You learn something new every day eh? >>263337 You want it? It's yours my friend.
>>263352 You're better than stonetoss, never forget that. Always keep improving.
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>>263295 >Not Sepharanger
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HARRY POTTER And The Inevitable Reboot >With the Fantastic Beasts series dying on its arse and failing to capture the fans’ imagination and more importantly, their money, it would appear that Warner Bros. Discovery is going to attempt an unforgivable curse and try and milk the Potter cash cow who thought it was enjoying retirement at Hagrid’s Hut. >Warner Bros. Discovery feels the original Harry Potter fandom is aging and they want to revitalize a new generation in order to drive new audiences to theaters. When I say revitalize, I actually mean exploit and fleece them of their money by rehashing a franchise that only finished 11 years ago because Hollywood is all out of new ideas and lacks the courage to try anything new. >Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows book was released back in 2007, and part 2 of the movie was back in 2011. This means that even if the target audience were 18 at the time of the release of the book, they would now be 33 years old. The average age to start a family is between 26 and 30. So for the sake of argument, let’s say the original fans who grew up with the books have a 5-year-old. If this reboot happens in the next 5 years, that’ll make them 10 by the time new Harry is 11, which is once again perfect timing. This cynical planning would give Warner Bros. Discovery at least another 10+ years of money-making as they hope history repeats itself. >Harry will be mixed race, Ron will be gay, and Hermione will be trans. This is a no-win situation for Warner Bros. Discovery because if they do intend to milk the Potter cow, then they would need to stay true to the source material which is something modern Hollywood is reluctant to do regardless of the financial suicide it results in. >Personally, I would love to see Warner Bros. Discovery leave the original Harry Potter stories alone and offer the original cast such an eye-watering amount of money to come back for Cursed Child that they can’t say no. Then launch a whole new series of capers starring the next generation of Potters and Weasleys after that. https://archive.ph/IzdYX
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>>263364 I've been wondering, did the Disney reebots of their classic movies made lots of money?
>>263364 Anon, do you not know who David Zaslav is? >>263300
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>>263359 Thanks, anon! you're a rad dude!
>>263365 Most of them did. I think the only one that bombed was the mulan one. Blame general audiences.
>>263368 I always do. Jews can't jew without niggercattle to lap it up and ask for seconds, dragging anyone with actual taste down with them.
Battlefield 4 Producer Returns to DICE to Lead Franchise >Former Battlefield 4 producer David Sirland is heading back to DICE to head up Battlefield. Announcing his return on Twitter, the former Battlefield producer revealed that he’s leading the franchise following the turbulent launch of Battlefield 2042. >Well, hello again Battlefield community — I’m back!” he said. “This time around, things really are very different (in a good way) — and I’m super eager to make the future of Battlefield brighter and better than ever!” >Sirland is best known for producing Battlefield 4 but has a long history with the franchise already. He began with Battlefield 2 back in 2005 and went on to work on Battlefield: Bad Company. >After exiting the company to pursue other projects, he returns with Battlefield 4, then went on to produce Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V. >What will his new role entail as head of the franchise? We’ll find out… eventually. Information on what actually means in more detail will spill as time goes on,” he added. >But rest assured I am going to listen to your feedback, your woes, your ideas and champion a game that you would love to play! See you on the Battlefield!” >While EA has been working to improve Battlefield 2042, it has still been one of Steam’s worst-reviewed games, with many players noting the lack of features that were promised before the game’s launch. >Earlier this year, the game became less popular on Steam than Battlefield 1, 4, and V. Nevertheless, Sirland praises the 2042 team for improving the game since its launch. “>The 2042 team should have lots and lots of kudos for the state of the game today!” he said. “There was many things coaxing me back, and I am very eager to get going!” >Clearly, the return of Sirland marks a turning point for DICE and sends a clear message – the studio wants to win back the trust of Battlefield fans. What’s next for the franchise, and Sirland, remains to be seen. >Want to read more about Battlefield? Check out what we know about Battlefield 2042 Season 4 as well as Sony’s claims that Battlefield can’t keep up with Call of Duty. https://archive.ph/4zRhS
>>263364 >>263366 Hollywood must hate David Zaslav. Because glowniggers on Reddit and /co/umblr been trying to fed post restore the Synderverse into doing something violent. Don't go to SDCC in 2023 https://archive.ph/jU3nV
>>263368 Mulan bombed, the live action Lion King got panned, and I think the live action Beauty and the Beast didn't make much money either. Maleficent was really the only big money maker.
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>>759293 >Ministry bans sale of ‘Huggy Wuggy’ toys
>>263368 >>263372 Nu-Disney's Nu-lan tanked because it was filmed in East Turkistan/Xinjiang in Mainland China. You know the place with huge surveillance state apparatus and labor camps where the Chinks rape you and then forcefully chemically sterilize you for the LoLz. But of course (((Nu-Disney))) still feels the need to lecture us on how we're evil for not wanting to see their shitty re-boots.
>>263371 >Hollywood must hate David Zaslav. /tv/ and other liberal personalities have been trying to tear him down since he took over and shitcanned Batwoman before it even released.
>>263374 But even the chinks hated it because it essentially bastardized their story. It would be like making a movie about Tomoe Gozen and having her constantly belittle her husband and be a better warrior and strategist than Yoshitsune then try to sell it to the Japanese as "authentic"
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>>263374 Didn't they also leave a special thanks to the CCP in the credits?
>>263376 Does that ultimately even matter though? The Chicoms still made money renting out the land. >>263377 Dunno, maybe I'll torrent it later and find out myself.
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>>263374 >Nu-Disney's Nu-lan tanked because it was filmed in East Turkistan/Xinjiang in Mainland China. I doubt the general public has the conscience or self control to boycott a Disney movie for moral reasons. That even assumes they are aware of the situation. I think it mostly failed because of the timing with the lockdowns and that it deviated too much from the original Disney movie.
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>>263376 >It would be like making a movie about Tomoe Gozen and having her constantly belittle her husband and be a better warrior and strategist than Yoshitsune then try to sell it to the Japanese as "authentic" That sounds like something they would do ironically. Remember Raya the last dragon? It was supposed to appeal to all Asians but ended up losing to the demon slayer movie at the box office.
>>263381 I had to look it up and I don't even remember this. I remember more those 3 spic movies that are popular for some reason with Disney adults and Americanized spics.
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>>263381 It might be a bit more for south east Asians. Looking into it is a bit hard to gauge how successful it was because of the release on their streaming service. I'm curious how much it is worth it to release on a streaming service for executives. Is loosing ~30% of potential profit to pad their streaming library worth it? How much do they loose for doing dual releases? How much is 1 watch for a movie on their service valued as internally?
>>263383 Sometimes it's about being a loss leader rather than profit. If you become the must-have streaming service for kids one day, it's worth making less money just to steal talents from other companies.
>>263374 Yeah, what >>263379 said. Normalfags are much too ignorant and apathetic. If that shitty chink Mulan flopped, it was for other reasons; and I'd more easily buy being forced not to watch by Corona-chan hysteria than them actually growing a brain and recognizing it for the garbage it is.
>>263382 >I remember more those 3 spic movies that are popular for some reason with Disney adults and Americanized spics Coco and Encanto. But what’s the third one? It can’t be strange world. It’s one of Disney biggest flops.
>>263386 I could have sworn there was a third one. All these movies have to involve the dead and grandmas. literally pic related.
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>>263386 >>263387 There was Soul which is about a nigger, Turning Red that's about bugs, Luca that's about Italians, Strange World that's about something, and Moana that's about Samoans. Those are all of the recent "ethically diverse" films Yisdney has put out, that I know of, over the past several years.
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>>263388 >Moana that's about Samoans Well it's about Polynesians in general. >Luca I remember the usual crowd pissed about the fact that the two boys in this were just normal friends and weren't queer for each other. >Strange World that's about something It's about Gayniggers from outer space.
>>263389 >>263388 I’m still blown away by how good Moana and Zootopia look compared to recent Pixar movies after Onward.( No one remembers Onward beyond the blue mom in yoga pants) Moana has creativity. Frozen 2 looks ugly compared to the original. Not just because they made Elsa and Anna's tits and butts smaller in frozen 2.
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where are the Gamers™?
>>263388 >>263392 I can see the Proud boys being founded by a literal gay nigger still fucks with white liberals and they still mad that rich people can like Big Macs like the working class.
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Also shilling Linux merch because I hate the anti Christ. Now go buy the Manjaro themed couch pillow.
>>263358 Not everyone can make a potato look so sexy, Elto, keep it up.
>>263388 All of those look like Direct to DVD movies that Disney proper wouldn't have even known existed except as a footnote on the balance sheet at the end of the quarter 30 years ago. Now they're all the company fucking produces. It's weird.... when I was younger, most food was generic industrial produced slop, but you had craft entertainment. Now you can buy exotic craft foods at the fucking Dollar Store, but all the entertainment is just industrially produced generic slop. What a fucking shame. I'd rather have craft entertainment back. At least I can grow and cook my own food.
>>263398 >Senpai canon still can’t get Nagatoro naked ass off his mind >Nagatoro getting cock block from getting alone time with Senpai by her friends There is no way this wasn't a sex setup chapter, the sexual tension between Senpai and Nagatoro is through the roof.
Forbes Dismisses Kotaku’s Outrage Over “Constable Tracer” Skin In ‘Overwatch 2’ As “More Finger-Wagging Than Case-Making” >Forbes has hit back at Kotaku’s disgust over Overwatch 2 adding a British police uniform “Constable Tracer” hero skin. >In late November, Kotaku’s Alyssa Mercante reported on Blizzard Entertainment adding the Constable Tracer skin to Overwatch 2. The skin evokes the stereotypical image of a “British bobby,” a classic UK police uniform with a small mustache. At this time of writing, the accompanying bundle on Battle. net appears unavailable. >Mercante argues that the skin is egregious, as were the prior police uniform-inspired skins when they were added. This included 2017’s “certainly tone deaf” Officer D.Va skin, and 2019’s Riot Police Brigitte skin. >The latter is of note, due to that occurring the year of George Floyd’s death during his arrest, and ensuing Black Lives Matter-motivated protests and riots. >The event resulted in pro-Black Lives Matter content in entertainment industries, including video games. Some notable examples are Apex Legends and Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Ubisoft apologizing after the villains of Tom Clancy’s Elite Squad utilized a raised black fist in their iconography, and IGN including links to several supporting charities on their front page, to name a few. >Long after the inciting incident, major entertainment industry companies continue to offer some form of support, or cut ties with those who didn’t, and celebrities keep offering their two cents. >References to the police have also been censored in some video games. Epic Games removed police cars from Fortnite, and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment changed Velma’s police-summoning attack in MultiVersus. The move now calls on the Mystery Machine to drag away imposters. >As such, police-themed content in video games (and media in general) is still a sore subject for some, including Mercante; arguably treating 2017’s Officer D.Va skin with outrage in hindsight. >Yes, in May of 2019, while America was reckoning with clear and consistent proof that police brutality overwhelmingly affects communities of color and witnessing how protests against that brutality were often met with increasingly militarized police forces,” Mercante prefaces, “Blizzard thought it was a good idea to give a character with a shield a Riot Police skin. Oof.” >The in-game cop skins feel like Blizzard is saying the quiet part very, very loud,” she argues. The Kotaku writer explains Overwatch lore as the heroes essentially being “cops who were forced to become vigilantes after their organization is disbanded following investigations into some of their ethically questionable and legally shaky tactics.” >While the Overwatch organization helped solve the Omnic Crisis — where decommissioned automated robot factories started to produce armed machines — a group of Omnics called Null Sector would later attempt a revolt in the UK due to inhumane treatment. >Tracer was sent to help after begging her superiors, against the express wishes of the UK Prime Minister for Overwatch to not get involved. >Mercante describes Null Sector as “an omnic revolutionary group often referred to as terrorists,” possible suggesting their methods weren’t purely violent. >This is despite their methods being exactly that — the “Kings Row Uprising” started with terrorist action by them, and their continued “war” across major cities around the world in Overwatch 2 (with players fighting them in PvE game modes in 2023). >She even admits new hero Rammatra is “the leader of that very same terrorist organization Tracer was sent to stop. I wonder how he’d feel about seeing Tracer in a cop skin?” Continuing, Mercante summarizes that the Overwatch organization was “a global police force with virtually unfettered reign. That’s why this Tracer skin is so incredibly frustrating,” she emphasizes: “Blizzard could choose to keep the ‘cop’ bit quiet, but seems determined to shout it from the rooftops of King’s Row—ya know, the place where the cops were sent to violently quell an uprising.” >And while it’s cute to see Constable Tracer (canonically a lesbian) doing a little gender-bending, Blizzard could achieve the same effect by giving her a Freddie Mercury-inspired skin,” Mercante suggests. “It would go quite nicely with Moira’s Bowie look, and it wouldn’t have any of the problematic implications that come with adding yet another police-themed cosmetic into the game.” >Interestingly, Overwatch has yet to drop a cop skin for the most appropriate character: Roadhog.” As said character has a pig motif in his design, Mercante’s sneering conclusion is obvious. She also noted in the article that “Kotaku reached out to Blizzard for a comment regarding the ideology behind this latest cop skin.” >Kain questions why soldiers in Call of Duty “illegally travel to third-world countries to stop terrorists” didn’t garner outrage from Mercante. “A Constable Tracer skin somehow ranks higher on the outrage totem pole? (Franky, neither of these things is outrageous, I just find the ranking a bit confusing).” He then denies her argument that Blizzard should “Keep the ‘cop’ bit quiet” as she failed to explain why. >Her assumption is apparently that police are not just bad but uniquely bad—to the point that police should never be included in video games for any reason (unless they’re included as a critique of police, I suspect).” https://archive.vn/rulZP
>>263399 There's been high sexual tension ever since she began bullying him though. Like the nipple poking game, straddling him and trying to bit his neck, et cetera.
Five Nights at Freddy's Movie Reveals Matthew Lillard and Josh Hutcherson's Roles >Last week it was revealed that Matthew Lillard and Josh Hutcherson will appear in the Five Nights at Freddy's live-action film. >At the time, it was unclear who the two would be playing, but both actor's roles were recently revealed by streamer Dawko. Dawko held a charity stream for St. Jude, where he revealed that Hutcherson will be playing protagonist Mike Schmidt, while Lillard will take on the role of William Afton. >Mike was the security guard that players controlled in the original Five Nights at Freddy's game, while William is the co-founder of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. >As most fans of Five Nights at Freddy's already know, William is the central antagonist of the series, as well as Mike's father. Lillard has a history of playing memorable villains, as he portrayed Stu Macher in the original Scream. >William is a very different type of villain from Stu, but they're both unrepentant murderers with a flair for the dramatic! It will be interesting to see how Lillard's take on William differs from his take on Stu, and any similarities the two portrayals might have. >Five Nights at Freddy's is one of several video game movies currently in development. While films based on games have a bad history, there are a lot of signs that things are changing in Hollywood. >There has been a greater push to involve developers and creators in these types of adaptations, as well as a heavier focus on faithfulness to the source material. FNAF creator Scott Cawthon has been closely involved with the creation of this movie, and has "final cut" on what does and doesn't make it into the finished product. While faithfulness does not always translate to quality, that should be a good sign for the film. Now that the leads are cast, it certainly seems like production on Blumhouse Productions' Five Nights at Freddy's is starting to progress nicely! Hopefully fans will get a lot more information about the movie in 2023. https://archive.vn/bW89X
>>263401 >There's been high sexual tension ever since she began bullying him though True but both Naoto and Nagatoro are being teased for being virgins and at the same time being encouraged to have sex in the new chapter is new.
>>263403 The question is whether they can even go that far from the meta perspective. Nanasi774 originally made hentai and didn't even drop his pen name to make Nagatoro, but Nagatoro was also originally a non-h character of his that hasn't fucked Senpai even in her original run. The story is an ecchi slice of life, and it's very rare for those even include actual sex, on top of the fact that it's got an anime adaptation. How many ecchi slice of life stories have gotten adapted where they have sex in the manga. Given how lewd it is already, it would be a huge cop out to "fades to black" skip over the naughty bits entirely. Can Nanasi walk the line between ecchi and hentai when depicting actual sex when he normally just goes right over it?
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>>263358 Amazing how someone can just "fix" art because of this funky "layer" technology. In my day, we had erasers. Or we just scrapped the whole thing and started again.
>>263322 >>263325 >Downvote pubes >For when you go "down" Can't believe I never thought of this.
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>>263404 >How many ecchi slice of life stories have gotten adapted where they have sex in the manga. Prison School had an uncensored yuri sex scene between the two female presidents of the school, complete with uncensored nipple biting. Then there is Kaguya Love is War, which while not ecchi in the slightest did involve the two protagonists having a sex scene though it was a "fade to black" one.
>>263374 They also filmed Mulan in China because the CCP has hard limits on how many "foreign" films can be shown in China. Which is why many US hollywood studios create "partnerships" with Chinese studios so at the end the movie is part (i.e. "technically") made in China and not subject to the cap.
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>>263392 >Horsey I'm getting anti-semitic vibes from this.
>>263365 >I've been wondering, did the Disney reebots of their classic movies made lots of money? The CGI/Live Action ones performed either fantastically for how little shit and effort they put in them (Lion King, Alladin) or bombed spectacularly because people weren't falling for their shit or had too many niggers in them. Also it has to do with the fact that the numbers are hugely inflated by Chinese and Indian viewers, who have no taste at all and mostly just watch whatever isn't just WuShu/Bollywood/Chink Military Propaganda movie #2368736197. >>263394 Can I just make an Odysee account and upload shit over there or do I have to keep it on my computer and seed it like a torrent? I am using Archive.org to backup old movies my deceased gramps had saved on VHS but I don't trust the cally fuckers.
>>263400 I'm outraged because it's a woman with a mustache. That's disgusting. Good for them for removing tranny shit. This is how we should frame it.
>>263364 Nigger Potter and the Prisioners of The Hood Nigger Potter and the Looter Stone
>>263339 >>759415 I know it's you Lucianopill but fuck it. It's a little related to the thread theme I have in mind to cap off the year that should have been made in August. Ought to be reach 700 when I get back. Also F for Ted K The Unabomber.
>>263404 >The question is whether they can even go that far from the meta perspective. Naoto, getting to draw Nagatoro naked and nonstop thinking of her naked ass alone, is fucking with romance mangas where nothing happens. Watamote appears to be trying to reformat after the naked drawing scene to Nagatoro. Watamote doesn't even feel like the milk toast lesbian harem in the manga it has been in the last few years in the recent chapters. If Nagatoro is willing to show that much nudity now, the manga won't end with Senpai and Nagatoro being virgins. >Prison School had an uncensored yuri sex scene between the two female presidents of the school, complete with uncensored nipple biting. Which Watamote should give us at least. How can a manga that has lesbians overtly talking about girl on girl rape during a high school all-girls baseball game be so boring? Watamote even somehow made a chapter about Tomoko farting boring. >Then there is Kaguya Love is War, which while not ecchi in the slightest did involve the two protagonists having a sex scene though it was a "fade to black" one. Did the manga imply the nerdy office worker girl with glasses lost her virginity before he dated the dude who sniffed her? All I remember is the girl reminded me of Retsuko from Aggretsuko, but human but more realistically written.
>>263414 And then Takagi-san seemed like it would be yet another "goes on forever and nothing happens." But after the relatively early "teaser" chapter of them as adults and being married… the author decided to start a concurrent manga of their life married and with a gang of niggers. And the original is actually seeing slow progress with the relationship, too. That, on top of Hitomi-chan and Nagatoro, makes me glad to see authors willing to violate the "lol keep buying the manga for no progress to the story for a decade" that was the modus operandi for so long with other authors.
>>263416 What was it supposed to be?
>>263417 Chi ldren
>>263418 Yeah, It hit me before you posted. These wordfilters can really make things worse depending on the context.
>the word child-ren is censored now This is getting fucking ridiculous.
Can board owners set word filters or its global ? Haven't outside of /v/ in a few days
You're telling me "Children" is the word that's censored? So, I can't talk about the Robert Miles trance song?
>>263420 >>759462 >>263422 Oh look, it's the (1)s right on schedule, with Lower Case Pedo as well. Saged and reported.
>abloo bloo bloo pretty please let me post my kids prons already guys
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>>263422 Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make.
>>263423 What are you talking about, the word was used normally.
Take a break from your year long stint for the holidays dude. Even the janitors that clean up your shit aren't big enough losers to be hanging around here for the holidays. Don't be more pathetic than the faggots that moderate your pedonigger shit for free. Have at least a sliver of self respect.
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>>263428 Ah the memories Tricky Dick dindu nuffin
>>262778 Archive of previous bread(without theme): https://archive.vn/JZJmn
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>>263411 Mustache girl you say?

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