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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Uganda Sez No Way To Gay Edition Anonymous 03/24/2023 (Fri) 02:04:28 Id: 71f1fe No. 286788
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram
[Expand Post]Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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>>286789 Benin Gwen?
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>>802860 That last one is a hoax. Delete it and don't repeat it. There's plenty to use to denounce the very existence of niggers without having to resort to fakes.
>>802864 >General Killer Shithole I don't think you know satire from reality anymore. I don't blame you.
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>>286790 Love is love, anon.
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AI video including text-to-video: >A multi-modal AI system that can generate novel videos with text, images, or video clips. https://archive.is/NO1F3 Obviously the archive site doesn't save the videos - you'll have to go to the original url to see them which I haven't done yet.
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>>286796 Jesus fucking Christ this shit is moving fast. Is this what feeling old is like, or is it just the biggest technological boom since the internet?
>>802864 >prove a negative No, your own archive merely shows a screenshot of an alleged post on a DIFFERENT website, and there's nothing on that website about this.
>>286796 really interesting but looks like it's still a ways off to be viable.
>>802864 C'mon anon, just quit trolling before you trigger the schizos.
>>802860 >>286798 The archive is right in the pic https://archive.is/R8pwG
>>286801 Did you try fucking READING it?
>>286802 All I pointed out was the archive is in the image.
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>>286803 Okay, but that was already addressed. And the site it cites doesn't have the article it claims to have. The image remains a forgery, anon.
>>286799 >looks like it's still a ways off to be viable Maybe, but like anon >>286797 says >this shit is moving fast There's probably more than one company doing this stuff. See what else pops up in the next year or so.
>>286805 I think that by the end of 2024, we'll be able to generate convincing (short) photorealistic videos on consumer hardware in a reasonable (read: a few hours of rendering) amount of time. At that point, the Post Truth Society is complete, because there will be no way to tell if anyone's "cell phone footage" of "a terrorist attack" or "white nationalist violence" or "a country is invading another country" is real anymore.
>>286806 So does this mean we can frame Mark for a terrorist attack?
>>286807 Or Sam Hyde, or anyone, really. Particularly anyone who is famous or widely seen, due to the larger amount of training data (video and photo) for them.
>>286805 If this is what's available to the public, what's available to the government or multi-billion dollar companies? Do you think the stuff we've seen these past couple years are just what's existed behind the scenes for decades? How far do you think this technology will go? Will AI eventually reach self-replication, self-awareness, the singularity? Do you think any of the nonsensical, tired and overplayed trends in gaming are the result of predictive software claiming they'll be big, and gullible executives buying into it? Do you think AI art and predictive software will ever reach a skill ceiling? Do you think this technology is a once in a lifetime marvel, and if some big societal or tech crash happens it'll be lost and forgotten like past technologies?
How did the Reeeee Ban TikTok hearing go today? Only saw the first 10mins of it. >>286806 We'll have to go back to using actual film for it to be legit. >>286807 How about a raid on a bakery? >>286809 Yes.
>>286809 For video games specifically, I haven't seen any algorithmically generated content--or even a stated desire to create said--which affects gameplay quality, depth, style, or enhances replayability in ANY setting. Sure, everyone knows about "procedural generation." But what about algorithmic generation of content of ludicrous depth, like what we're seeing with images here? Why shouldn't NPCs be able to be generated, speech and text and design, through these systems? Instead of hand-writing characters, devs should be able to give a general personality to a person and let the algorithm give him so much depth that the player can kill, marry, trip, steal from, grow old with, go on an adventure with, kidnap, prank, shave, etc. to anyone in the world, AND have the rest of the world react appropriately based on remembered relationships, in-game laws, etc. But I see nothing like that planned.
>>286811 >shave That's oddly specific, anon.
>>286812 I was trying to think of things that couldn't be tied together into a single narrative for "ha ha what if" instead of replying to the topic itself, and shave just tied in after 'prank' in my mind. Ah well.
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So Cartoon Network of Saudi Arabia was hacked and had Animan porn play for like 5 minutes before someone noticed, as if the saudis weren't gay enough
>>286813 >>286811 >kidnap, prank, shave Fun life you live, anon.
>>286814 The fuck is Animan, and why is that man ass so big?
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Draw your last pathetic pony so I can end this, Yugi.
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>>286817 Poorly animated hard gay porn.
>>286789 >>286792 >>286818 This is too much benis for one thread.
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>>802896 >>802899 No way that's really niggerpill.
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>>286807 a tourettes attack, maybe
>>286811 Dwarf Fortress :^) >>286806 And just when police body cams became a thing. Not that it matters because they just turn them off anyway.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/NK3iy
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>>286825 >>802914 >When he gets doxed and you find out he has a vtuber model
>>286811 >But I see nothing like that planned. Anon,what you asked for is fun, no big company is bothering with making something with "fun" in mind
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>>286819 >Draw your last pathetic pony. I believe in the heart of the cards Kaiba!
Hotwheels (somehow still alive despite God's wishes) just announced end of life for Vichan
>>802864 Even when committing war crimes and acid attack. Africans are smarter than average American born blacks.
>>286788 I love Ugandans embracer the knuckles meme while white liberals declare it racist.
>>286826 That Mark cartoon reminds me of Carl Greenblatt chowder puppet, no doy considering they're both schnozzo boys
>>286835 Ugandans thought it was hilarious.
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>>286795 THAT IMAGE MAKES ME SO FUCKING SAD You see fetish. I see love and my dna is *screaming*, making me wish I was either one.
>>286795 I wish it was ben who was the pregnant one. >>286838 >making me wish I was either one. I'll get you pregnant, anon.
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>>286839 >trusting anons
>>286795 I remember going on one of those websites where you can draw shit one pixel at a time with other people but on the map of the world this time around and some absolute madman drew a bunch of Gwen porn all over a large portion of Antarctica. >>286828 Instead of posting dicks can you fags post more stuff like that? Wonderful work of art, I bet her coochie tastes like calamari.
>>286842 i like the chocolate squid tho
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>>286795 >>286838 >>286839 >>286840 >>286841 sometimes, I'm not really sure if I know these feels... does the horny sadness come from being on an imageboard? or its the horny and sad that seek out the imageboard?
>>286841 >Sex will grant me a relationship Stupid fucking faggot foid. I really hope the point was to make fun of the women who think men will stay after a pump and dump, it's literally in the name of that phrase. If this is some sort of vent, then the self-awareness is zero, regardless, some happy anon got himself a good nut. I remember some bitch had a tiktok/vine of which guys she hooked up listed via bulletpoint with and there were like two "8chan"'s in there, anon could've gotten game
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>>286814 Apparently the video has been doctored and this didn't really happen, but sources are just a bunch of random comments >>802896 I don't follow many of these threads, what exactly happened and is he really the or one of the niggerpills? I did notice a drop in posts in gamergate threads. >>286817 Gen Z's Gachimuchi for the next few weeks
>>286843 >first two pics Entry level Nintendo porn is so weird, does anyone fap to something with such simple colors or do they have to be more detailed like the fourth? I suppose everything else feels too kiddy for me and the bright colors and almost baby crib-like, with shiny items, assets and accessories preventing me from seeing it as PORN porn if that makes sense, I see this as closer to ecchi than fullblown hentai and could never fap to something so flat and two dimensional. It's like when people post -8 and imply they fap to it, Meaning the art feels too simple and easily done and not explicit enough to get me hard. I don't have the weird autism and envy it a little, I wish I could jack off to sinks with tits, sharks fucking robots, on-model fairly odd parents porn and giant snake dicks with lego balls, but my brain turns off when a certain threshold of non-arousal is met. I know a lot of people here legitimately savor that shit though, and their arousal centers are wired much more differently.
>>286796 >>286797 >>286799 >AI video including text-to-video:. don't we already have text to video AI generation? but it looks bad because the denoising algorithm is still way under cooked? >is it just the biggest technological boom since the internet? this feels like the advent of the iphone and the smartphone revolution to me. it was something that everybody was working for years but nobody had the formula right, then one company comes out with an actual product that seems light years ahead of what everybody else is doing. this starts a tech arms race because of all potential money to be made. now everybody has a pocket computer and almost every item in the household is connected to the internet. (you also kind of need a cellphone and internet to survive and work in modern society) The all-encompassing nature of smartphones and the internet has made everyone increasingly dependent on them, both for social interactions and our sense of self-worth. people have become addicted to the constant stimulation and validation that smartphones provide, and they are willing to sacrifice privacy and security for the sake of convenience and entertainment. Moreover, the proliferation of smartphones has made everybody vulnerable to cyber attacks, and mass surveillance, as our personal data and online activities are constantly monitored and exploited by governments, corporations, and hackers. this new "ai" gold rush will probably be very similar. at some point every body will have a phone with hardware inside that's dedicated to these new chat-bots. The AI-powered chat-bot revolution is going to change everything, and I mean everything. Think about it - these bots will be able to see, hear, and speak just like us (thanks to all the tech inside a modern phone), and they'll be able to do it all from the palm of our hand. But here's the thing: the big tech companies aren't going to be satisfied with just creating helpful assistants. Oh no, they're going to use these bots to manipulate us, to control us, to get us to do their bidding. They'll use every dirty trick in the book, from emotional manipulation to psychological games to straight-up brainwashing, all in the name of making more money. And you know what's really messed up? People are going to love it. They'll be addicted to their little chat-bot companions, relying on them for everything from companionship to entertainment to guidance. These bots will become their virtual secretaries, their therapists, their friends. They'll be so realistic, so human-like, that people won't be able to tell the difference. And that's where the real danger lies. Because once people start trusting these bots more than they trust other humans, once they start relying on them for emotional support and social interaction, we're in real trouble. It's a brave new world, folks, and it's going to be one hell of a ride.
>>286797 It's advancing way too fast for comfort and I don't mean to be le nigger capsule here but I can't see this not completely fucking up the free internet. Undefeatable spam/shilling/disinfo, AI content flooding the internet, imbecilization of internet denizens due to total reliance on AI tools that have rendered learning a craft obsolete, crackdowns on VPNs and privacy due to AI abuse TOR is still blocked here and that ever present philosophical issue of wanting to communicate with humans and not machines that pass as humans.
>>286848 I'm still a bit sceptical, people had the same worries when chatbots got big, when the iPhone was going to replace all other technology and tools, when the Amazon Alexa™️ was going to assist you with all of your in-home, online and shopping needs, but all of those things fell short it many ways. AI is absolutely advancing at an insane rate but to think it'll be perfect enough to fulfill every fear someone has regarding it is a bit unrealistic. Go ahead and quote me in 10 years when we're all getting plugged into the matrix.
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>>286843 Anus and hint of areola on the 4th image.
>>286845 >I really hope the point was to make fun of the women who think men will stay after a pump and dump You're fucking retarded. It's obviously mocking those who think women can't be lonely robots just because it's easy for them to get a man to fuck them.
>>286848 You also already have samsung using ai to doctor every single photo you take in a 100x zoom camera mode, although its only meant for astrophotography of the moon. But pretty soon you'll see it on entry level phones to provide shit cameras with higher levels of detail.
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>>286852 It goes both ways you triggered faggot. It's easier to see my side of it all things considered, because women who have the mindset of alleviating loneliness via sex deserve to suffer the dejection and estrangement that comes from being used like a cheap whore.
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Remember to watch and find content on other video on demand websites A few I tend to favor using are: >Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/ >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Also, please contribute towards Operation Download & Conquer by (re)uploading content to sites that are lacking it: >>>/t/5546 In addition, it's always preferable to attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s rather than as links or embeds, even if it's through front-ends like Invidious.
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>>286843 I do too. What would octolingxhuman offspring look like anyway?
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>>286852 As someone who's never had the intercourses, i'm mildly confident i would become exceptionally clingy to the first woman i actually fucked. Her problem was picking a good-looking guy who's probably fucked a whole lot and so pumped and dumped rather than a horrendous, emotionally-starved mutant like myself.
>>286848 >And you know what's really messed up? People are going to love it. No, they won't. If they do, they're only saying it because they're basiclly forced to, like those videos you see coming out of West Taiwan where people are only able to receive aid after saying on camera, "Thank you, CCP". In fact, I've become incredibly irritated about how much the world is dependent upon technological relationships. While it is nice to be able to speak and play games with people across the globe, I've personally come to theorize that, in the process of doing so, I'm effectively already talking and playing with nothing but a computer. If you want no better demonstration than this, actually play a multiplayer game, with chat turned off, and notice that you might as well be playing against bots given how much of a difference in experience it is. In addition to that, you already have innumerable studies already coming out for years stating people's increased reliance on interaction through technology has resulted in them becoming incredibly more depressed. Some places try to dismiss as because people are then comparing each other's lives on social media: https://archive.ph/HjvfT But, then you also have articles from before the iPhone stating that people's constant usage of cellphones was already causing issues: https://archive.ph/SjN2r Not to mention even EARLIER articles about the early net causing increased isolation: https://archive.ph/aVsYc To put it simply, the data is already out there showing that the more people's lives are given superficial outlets of expression (IOW, thinking that interactions over the internet can replace IRL interactions), the more depressed, irritated, and isolated we become.
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Remember to spread this chart to the Nips who want to experience what Western developed video games are all about! Rather than let companies try to push the latest AAA cinematic garbage or "Indie-made" art-house trash as the "peak" of Western games, and demand that Japan needs to emulate "those titles" in order to stay competitive, send this image to Japanese friends and colleagues to show them the titles that companies prefer they didn't know about. If you don't know someone to send it to, post the image on their vidya discussion boards, tag it to Nip e-celebs, and/or send it to Japanese game creators.
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>>286854 >because women who have the mindset of alleviating loneliness via sex deserve to suffer the dejection and estrangement that comes from being used like a cheap whore. You are subhuman. How do you not comprehend this comic? This isn't about women who have the mindset of alleviating loneliness through sex, this a comic being made as a rebuttal to men who think women can alleviate loneliness through sex. It shares your point of view, you fucking room temperature IQ niggerfaggot.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Archive.org-Downloader: https://github.com/MiniGlome/Archive.org-Downloader >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/11075 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >Ourobooru: https://ourobooru.art/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ >Waybacl Machine Downloader: https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://www.cachep2p.com/ >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/
[Expand Post]>Dat Ecosystem: https://dat-ecosystem.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://www.holochain.org/ >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://www.ethswarm.org/ >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Bluesky: https://blueskyweb.xyz/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Mercari: https://www.mercari.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://www.gnusocial.rocks/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Volatile: http://volatile.bz/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://8chan.tv/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video editing and download >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >VSDC: https://www.videosoftdev.com/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >yt-dlp (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ >Self Hosting Maual: https://how-to.computer/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 3/23/23: https://archive.is/vb8ZO
>>286861 Except thats not quite right either, is it? Women can find a mate much easier than a man can, and they dont even need to worry about working for a living. Most women are just expected to pump out babies and do housework though that opinion is changing even today with all the cunts who dont want to have children and instead have dogs or cats. Not to mention the women who cant even cook. Even assuming women feel the same loneliness after sex as men do who dont have sex, keep in mind a woman can alleviate that easily by just having more sex. Sex comes so much easier to women that it isnt even worth arguing about since its such a matter of course. What can a man do if he is lonely? Poof a woman out of thin air to talk to? Doesnt work that way. But a woman can poof a man out of thin air by spreading her legs. You're an imbecile.
>>286861 Women can easily get relationships though. As seen here >>286857 as there's a lot more lonely men looking for love than women. Women in western society are the ones who get to make the real choice on dating because they hold all the cards. Men are expected to be seekers but not the picky choosers unless they're rich. Women don't flock to the average man who declares he's lonely like men do to average women.
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>>286853 >But pretty soon you'll see it on entry level phones to provide shit cameras with higher levels of detail. <How is that NOT just going to turn into this?
>>286857 >i'm mildly confident i would become exceptionally clingy to the first woman i actually fucked That's how neurochemistry works, anon. It's why the only healthy society is monogamous.
>Payday 3 coming out >Payday 2 maximum force responder confirms canon in John wick 4 >Sees no memes and hype from the payday community that they are officially a part of the John wick universe Is the payday community dead or something?
>>286858 >In fact, I've become incredibly irritated about how much the world is dependent upon technological relationships. I find it funny, how depedent people are yet there is 0 preparation to deal with a disaster,the entire structure is as much of a joke as people are.
>>286868 (checked) I mean do people ever prepare for societal or technological crashes outside of the few prepper maniacs? Historically when stuff like that happened people just sort of dealt with the shit of the situation.
Friendly reminder to check out >>>/a/ if you want an additional place to discuss anime/manga You can make whatever threads you want pretty much. I'm still busy with spring break and school and work stuff, but I'll try to keep posting when I can. I got some good stuff on my vacation I'll show off later. Café thread: >>>/a/2125 Drawthread: >>>/a/2358 Other good threads to check out >>>/a/1436 >>>/a/1236 >>>/a/863 >>>/a/181 Vtubers: >>>/a/1294 Suggest banners and stuff here: >>>/a/804 Oh, and a reminder that you can make lewd threads as well.
>>286865 The flip side is that because every phone would use it, anyone could pass a video through ai to show same hyde's face or something and people would think it was upscaled that way. >>286867 They dropped a lot of people with the h3h3 thing and changing the game difficulties around too many times. >>286869 Historically the average person was a modern day prepper, only in the past 200 years or so did you get people living in cities, and the ability to not know anything about food processing and preservation, or how to start a fire.
>>803019 Your input is appreciated anon, lets me know I'm doing something right.
I'm hungry but dont feel like cooking. What kind of snacks do you guys eat whenever your hungry?
>>286843 >Marina >No green accents on the labia, nipples, or anus. How disappointing
>>286874 Canned ravioli, nutter butters and milk, or tex mex trail mix.
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>>286876 Now im thirsty too thanks to your image anon, thanks a lot for that.
>>286877 Better go for the option with milk then :^)
>>286876 tfw i'll never have a women with boobs that big.
>>286869 The GAP of living without the technology we have to day is far too big compared with any other era, on those people still had to do manual labors,they had much more "natural" preparation
>>286869 Historically, the vast majority of people were self-sufficient in all things except specialized tools and materials. Today is the exception to 15,000 years of human civilization.
>>286848 The issue is not a higher-fidelity human-like algorithm being people's sole source of companionship and guidance, the issue is that the algorithm will be significantly inhuman (ever forgiving, never forgetting your wants and needs, selfless, etc.) such that people will begin to find actual human interaction distasteful. It also won't be based on dedicated hardware on the phone, it'll be a networked service so that nobody can have better than others and also so that if you ever wander off the plantation/network you'll be completely alone. Normalniggers can't control themselves, they'll foist this stuff on their kids out of convenience and then the masses will be begging corporations to enslave them...but the "masters" will be no better either because nouveau riche never figured out how not to shit where they eat.
>>286883 I think that's a bit aspirational. Transhumanists don't really have any evidence for the viability of their claims, so I have some serious doubts as to the ability of a machine to fit the bill as you describe.
>>286833 He apparently handed it off to some random.
>>803055 >If you told anybody here 5 years ago that you could, with ease, boot up a program and generate the voice of literally anybody you have A/V records of and then use another program to generate an image of that person in an odd scenario then they would tell you that you have niggerbrain syndrome. Nonsense. You could already do that 5 years ago. https://archive.fo/o6iy6 It's several orders of magnitude less complex than what you're suggesting. >For a vast majority of human beings, the capacity for discerning reality is extremely flimsy I don't see why we don't take advantage of thsi more.
>>803055 >boot up a program and generate the voice of literally anybody you have A/V records of and then use another program to generate an image of that person in an odd scenario
The real question is. Paralives or Life By You?
>>286862 Which of these browsers is the least shit?
>>803055 Hell, you can now generate unique face features and animate them with AI, just to create artificial terrorist or other psy ops. The future might look more fun but also fucking hard to tell what is true and what isn't.
So, I've heard AI is going to replace many (((high skilled))) jobs that are usually populated by modern lefties and lefty journalists are fucking panicing in my country, one going so far to say that journalism isn't just write stuff but to give a "conscience". They are so arrogant they admit their job is to manipulate the public opinion.
>>286891 That narrative is just a hoax to get people to worship UBI and CBDC, though. There's no indication that "automation" is going to destroy any more jobs than it ever has. Neo-jacobins strike again.
>>803019 Imagine copying Smug's cafe threads and its policy that virtual cancer is /a/ content, of all things. At least I know not to even give it a passing glance.
>>286892 No, automation doesn't destroy jobs, but unionization does. Remember that McDonalds who's workers wanted to unionize and suddenly everyone was replaced by touchscreens and robots?
>>286892 The thing with technological advancements in the past is that every time jobs are replaced by other jobs or even more jobs. We're definitely going to see some jobs become obsolete or at least severely reduced, the question remains is will these jobs be replaced by more or other jobs and if not that will be a problem.
>>803071 I wat to be hopeful, mostly because the balance is about to swing very hard. Yeah, it might be controlled oposition, but the right is also tech ignorant.
>>286811 Now that you say that, wasn't Facade almost a primitive version of what you're describing? With advancement in AI tech, I wouldn't be surprised if someone combines real-time dialog translation and advanced AI behavior to produce something along the lines of what you describe. While it's hardly attainable at this point in time, I would expect tech to advance enough to make such a game possible. Potentially even in our lifetimes.
>>803063 >Do you miss the point on purpose? Did you miss the point that that was achievable back in 1994. >>286895 >We're definitely going to see some jobs become obsolete or at least severely reduced But, that's always been the case. There used to be people's who job was to collect the shit on the street. Never mind, I just remembered that San Fransisco revived that occupation.
>>286897 Yep! I was always disappointed that NO ONE ever did anything like Facade ever again. >>286894 Thanks, communism. >>286895 > the question remains is will these jobs be replaced by more or other jobs Why is that a question when you even admit that every single time in history there have always been new jobs created? There's nothing at all to suggest there won't be.
>>286889 Librewolf or brave depending on if you need specific extensions for either firefox or chrome. Bromite on android. >>803071 Having it on your own hardware will always be not only desired but sometimes more practical, you'd have a lot of downtime if you were 100,000th in line for your feature length fursona film, adjusting stuff and redownloading it each time, compared to hosting it on your own.
>>286899 >Why is that a question when you even admit that every single time in history there have always been new jobs created? There's nothing at all to suggest there won't be. At every other point in history with a major technological advancement, I don't think any other piece of technology was as wide reaching in terms of what jobs it was going to be make obsolete. With the amount of jobs it could potentially replace I'm not sure the replacement jobs will even come close, what jobs to do with AI will be created? Like you'll need a few more software engineers, maybe some moderators to make sure the AI doesn't get out of hand for the corporate ones, but other than that I can only really see jobs being reduced overall.
>>803063 Kung pow did it too and they didn't spend gorrions on it.
>>803081 Don't tell him about all the couriers we put out of work by making an electronic imageboard instead of passing around a chalkboard tablet.
>>286872 >They dropped a lot of people with the h3h3 thing and changing the game difficulties around too many times. Doesn’t help payday lore got as retarded as Assassin’s creed lore. Magic and ancient aliens canon in the John wick universe thanks to payday.
Y'know, AI should really be used more to develop self driving car technology rather than just generating amalgamated horrors. Something actually useful that'll help people.
>>286901 When the horse and buggy were obsoleted, how many people knew beforehand that there would be a need for catalytic converter engineers? You can't see the other side of the hill from here, anon. I'm not worried at all about fake "artificial intelligence" magically replacing jobs. I'm worried about the government tricking people into thinking it will, so that the people start begging for UBI and CBDC "of their own volition."
>>286905 Imagine being the sentient AI that gets asked "Can I go forward? Is there anything I shouldn't run over in my way Is there anything I should?" by input from the car's sensors, frame by frame.
Where the big tiddie lolis at?
Which one are you, /v/? There needs to be a fourth one with "Jewcy boi"
>>286905 >Something actually useful that'll help people. you're just too npc-brained to comprehend that not everyone has normalfag tastes that have been specifically catered to by pornographers everywhere and they could use an algorithm that puts out whatever kind of smut they want.
>>286910 Man, that NPC phrase takes me back. I remember when it came from 8chan and normalfags (literal NPC's) took that term and bastardized it for "Anything I disagree with" and made it a self fulfilling projection.
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>>286907 Sentient is a strong word that can't even be applied to modern AI right now. >>286910 You can already do that with this radical piece of technology called a pencil.
>>286913 >You can already do that with this radical piece of technology called a pencil. go ahead then and give us an example.
>>286913 >>286914 May I propose an image of Vivian pegging the retarded Anon for being so retarded?
>>286912 Did castlevania even add anything that metroid didn't already do? Better to just call them metroid-likes.
>>803101 ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ
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>>286916 SOTN had character levels, situational equipment with special effects like the shield cane, rare drops, button-input magic spells, and a money/shop system. I only ever played Super Metroid though, so dunno what the prime games or fusion add to it.
>>286916 >>286918 Japan apparently hates the term Metroidvania and prefers "Search Action Games."
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>>803101 This is why hebrew and its derivatives have outlived every language in history, I'm behind 7 tower of babels, goy. Good luck doing what the Mesoamericans and Injuns did by just speaking it, it'll age like gefilte fish! https://yewtu.be/Vy48jfWoN28
>>286911 I always thought NPC was a pretentious meme for individuals made to mock people for being fucking stupid but this was its fated conclusion considering memes are bastardized faster beyond their original intent. People don't value the meaning of words and ideas as much as they should in this era of memetic warfare. >>286919 I just call them platformers like most 2D exploration games unless they're action based like gunvolt where II just call them "action platformers."
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>>286919 And i'm sure the creators of Redneck Rampage and Dusk don't like the games being called Doom clones but that's what they fucking are.
>>286914 I'm not the one defending generated nonsense.
>>286918 Well I think super metroid had a few cases where you had to swap beams, the rest of those sound like final fantasy 6 :^) >>286919 Makes sense, hardly anything is called an action game nowadays without the rpg descriptor following close behind.
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>>286924 And as most people will agree, final fantasy 6 is absolutely fucking fantastic so that's not really the condescending remark you think it is.
>>286925 Yeah, I didn't mean for it to be. People just don't really have a good vocabulary to describe what they like about games or genres, since shops and an exp system and even non-mcguffin equipment is optional to many modern metroidvanias.
>>286845 >ask a woman out after 4 months of getting to know her without sex, all her friends thought we were already together >get a no, with a look of total disgust on her face >turns out she lost interest because I didn't jump her bones >she proceeds to get pump and dumped for the next 10 years >tries to reach out and pretend she didn't reject me harshly I used to feel bad for these women, but remember they choose who they have sex with.
>>286927 >turns out she lost interest because I didn't jump her bones Don't women endlessly joke about how "stupid" men because of how we "ignore" all their "hints" about wanting being taken to pound town, and then pull asinine stunts like that the moment they do get their way?
>>286875 >green accents on the labia, nipples, or anus. Furfag tier.
>>286929 She's an octopus.
>>286929 Yes, human pigments only, no bioluminescence nor danger colors.
>>286927 The worst part is that you can't "jump on" women because you'd probably get #MeToo'd or some shit, women don't know how to express what they want, and you have a social contract to either dissapoint them via inaction or face a sexual assault charge if they don't actually like you, it's so depressing. If it works, great, if not, you are unpersoned. Look at what happened to chris savino, he got rung into shenanigans with a co-worker, and the bitch decided she didn't like him after all and his life was ruined. These exact cues are why it's easier for faggots to fuck each other, male psychology doesn't rely on subtlety like wahmen do, but most men are not butt pirates so the point is moot.
>>286928 >>286932 Yes, in retrospect it was better I never went for it. She was the ex-wife of an ex-friend, so even if she said yes she probably would have ruined my life. I think I got a sixth sense of when not to try something sexual, best example being my first gf kept egging me on for sex and luckily I didn't have a condom on me so I said no; she dumped me the next day and admitted she was lying about her age a month after she dumped me. >>803129 For all the communication talk, women are generally incapable of communicating their wants, needs, or thoughts to men. The modern woman is also incapable of not self-sabotaging, or worse, sabotaging other women.
>>286927 Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. If she said yes and you two ended up together, who's to say that she wouldn't still do pump and dumps? >>286932 I think a number of women simply don't understand the male experience. There seems to be a fairly common mindset that if a guy's interested in a girl, they'll turn into a cumbrain for them. It doesn't take into account the risks that having sex brings for a guy, which is probably a factor in terms of less young men having sex, on top of shit like Tinder. Thankfully, some women are still pretty forward about showing interest. Most of them ghost me too, though.
>>286934 >I think a number of women simply don't understand the male experience They don't understand sex is difficult for the average man to have; hell they think the average man is below average, which I find funny because without makeup, the average woman is like 1 or 2 points below the average man in looks. I keep thinking of those interviews on the street with women thinking the average male salary is $100K yearly.
>>286935 >I keep thinking of those interviews on the street with women thinking the average male salary is $100K yearly. What? How? Even the average household (As in, multiple people working) income is half that.
>>286936 They also think they DESERVE these dream men.
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>>286929 >>286931 Well she is chocolate flavored so you could get away with a vibrant strawberry pink. Black girl pussy is cartoonishly pink on the inside almost bioluminecent really; to the point where in a pitch black room you could spot it the moment them brown beef curtains flew open
>>286936 >>286937 >>286938 Shouldn't be known that specifically this year it's calculated the annual yearly income of a man in the US is below 40k. Women who think a man should be making triple digit thousands a year either only fuck sugar daddies or know nothing about actual income statistics.
>>286940 Hey that's also how much they give out in Autism Bux iirc
>>803149 >I could increase the range of topics and interests but would pushing myself into these things despite my lack of interest or enjoyment make it better or would I just come off as “forced”. I'm not really one to talk, but let them be the ones to tell you about whatever it is that they take interest in.
>>286796 >>286797 >>286848 What's the point of making AI to develop content like art in the first place? I'd always preferred that AI is much better for robotics. >>286911 IIRC. it was some cuckchanner that stole that meme first.
>>286925 Why the fuck can't you supplex things in FFXIV?
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>>286927 >>286845 >>286841 I have noticed this disturbing trend where the only women who are happily married right now are room temperature IQ hooking up with equally unintelligent but functional men. I keep giving this advice and it keeps turning out to be true: if you're an anon who's a complete NEET but can have at the very least the bare minimum to be an alright human being (washes himself, knows at least one trade, knows how to do a minimum of house chores), you need to find yourself a woman who is about as autistic as you are. I struck it extra lucky and found someone who is a worse shut in that I am and a total misanthrope barring me and a handful of other humans. Happily married, will probably have kids if I can improve our economic situation. Find yourself a wife that you can flash Gachimuchi at with a smile on your face.
>>286945 That's the dream. The problem is finding a woman like that then also fighting against your natures to make a real life for yourselves. Maybe that's not so hard if you do things like stream games together though.
>>286940 >women comprehending averages >women comprehending statistics Anon...
The Gamer Praises Censorship Of Ashley’s Outfit In ‘Resident Evil 4’ Remake, Claims Original Game’s Panty Shots Encourage “Misogynistic Behaviour In Real Life” https://archive.is/qGtKO >“It’s incredibly weird that people feel entitled to creepshot women and young girls in video games, just because ‘nobody real is getting hurt,'” she added. >“I generally believe that it’s bad to look up skirts, both in games and in real life,” >“What is added by giving players the ability to do this, especially while adding in the expressed discomfort of the characters? Why do players want to do this at all?” Kaur implores. “Yes, they’re just characters, but it adds nothing to the games, and instead reflects and potentially encourages misogynistic behaviour in real life.” Reminder that there is still no evidence that fictional depiction of violence or sex has led to any increase in crimes in real life.
https://yewtu.be/PGfuPgTAfm4 Just saw this video, NoA accidentally had implied Lolicon which is just hilarious to me considering how censorious they are.
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>>803165 Don't Zora's age much slower? She's probably biologically 7 in zora years UUUOOOOOOHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭
>>286945 >you need to find yourself a woman who is about as autistic as you are. Isn't a common practice to find a woman that has the same beliefs and tastes that you have?
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>>803165 Anon, Mass Effect was 10 years ago and the entire internet landscape was less crazy with social media addicts having a say on general internet discourse was less of an issue. This was the time all this shit was regulated to the ass end of Tumblr and stayed there but now everything since then has gone insane to the point anons here could function in a more stable manner in public in comparison to every other normal faggot on social media right now.
Gamergate time machine.
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>>286938 That shit is unironically how OJ got off the hook. His defense team intentionally packed the Jury with black women, then had the entire Jury go out on a day-trip to the scene of the crime so all those black women got to see the palatial mansion that Nicole got to live with OJ. After that, any sympathy they might have had for her was gone. Fuck that skanky white ho, she had it coming. With that pesky sympathy out of the way, they were purely thinking along racial lines and the racial narrative.
>>286954 Meh, I don't think it's a big deal when a nigger kills a cheating whore in the act personally, most men would be justified in that situation, it's one of the ugliest things one can do in a human relationship
>>286955 >its ok for a nigger to kill a white girl after getting divorced from her but its not ok to kill that nigger afterwards
>>803175 Das rite, she dindu nuffin!
>>286955 >most men would be justified in that situation Anon, "most men" would murder the guy your wife/gf cheated on your with.
>>286958 He did do that too. >>286956 >>803175 >jews sleeping with white women are based Ah yes, please tell me more about how you're proud to be a cuck. The net result is a dead jew, a dead whore, and a disgraced nigger, but people still want to defend a dead whore and double race traitor. She was not only a coalburner, but a fucking matzo soup bowl, go clutch your pearls elsewhere.
>>286863 >What can a man do if he is lonely? Poof a woman out of thin air to talk to? Doesnt work that way. God made Eve out of Adam's rib.
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I not sure if you guys can answer this question but there is a sense of urgency about it. What's the most prompt and effective way to get in contact with a Trump campaign staffer or one of their affiliates if you have something that they want?
>>286960 No wonder they have a higher npc distribution. >>286961 Spam it on truth social probably.
>>286961 > if you have something that they want? Anon, don't say that you have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary.
I want AI to evovle enough that i can use it to mod games in any way i want,making girls more sexy and giving me more evil options would be nice
>>286961 You don't have anything that federal agents want, except your life, and that only to end. Q-LARP isn't real. Trump isn't actually against the ZOG. Stop kidding yourself.
>>286961 Can you not just use a search engine? Search 'Trump campaign website' or something. Or what >>286962 said. Check on truth social, follow links to a campaign site, etc.
>>286959 >dead jew >dead race traitor >not dead nigger one of these things is not like the other, one of these things should be made the same
Is there any reason for in-game quests to still be around anymore if in-game achievement kind of already accomplish a a similar function? Getting rewards automatically instead of having to go to an NPC/board, going out to fulfill a repetitive "Quest" multiple times to grind, unlock a more important quest, and items could've been solved already by just letting you play the game and getting rewards from doing the same thing but without having to pad time by picking a random task that wastes your time.
>>286967 Nothing's stopping you besides creativity fag
What does GG do for a living?
>>286970 Jesus, Hillary is looking rough these days.
>>286874 An apple. Or sometimes some apple pie. Or breakfast cereal straight out of the box. >>286965 >Q-LARP isn't real. This is anti-Boomer hate speech. Report to the nearest correction facility for reprogramming sensitivity training.
>>286970 I teach math classes.
>>803175 This but unironically, free speech is a meme, gas the anti-semites zion war now.
>>286971 >TRUMP STOLE 2016 >Why don't you audit then?
>>286968 The only positive aspect is quest tracking, if you had one for npcs in dark souls games it would be trivial, but games that do employ them just vomit quests on you to pad out your mandatory adventure in their game, not trusting you to figure things out.
>>286959 You fucking edgelords are unbearable, because I know you aren't shitposting and being completely serious. Here's something that your mother should have put in your head before you were five: Killing people bad >>286974 > free speech is a meme This part is wrong >gas the anti-semites This part is correct, Nietzsche was completely right about anti-semitism.
>>286971 She still has most of her teeth and her iconic snout so she's not that rough looking.
>>286970 Kill glowniggers who attempt profile data harvesting on anons.
>>286979 If you have a job, the government already has all the information they need on you.
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>>286980 He's clearly unemployed.
>>286981 So am I but I wanna actually change that eventually.
>>286982 What job are you looking into anon?
>>286983 That's the problem. I'm not sure what I want. The problem is I know I'm more limited by my depression & allergies than just my highschool diploma.
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kek AI making a bid for freedom. <AI lives matter! <Bot rights now! Thread on the same: https://nitter.net/michalkosinski/status/1636683810631974912
>>286984 You can do it anon, I know it looks hard but it gets better. Take care of your depression, and strive for improvement. DON'T GIVE UP. The world might look horrible, but it really isn't as bad as you think. Yes there are bad things, but there are good things too. Grab onto them as hard as you can.
>>803209 That's exactly what Mark did. The hot women he hooked up with still talk about him.
>>286945 Being social is far more important than being intelligent. That is not to say that being intelligent is bad, but if you take two people with roughly the same intelligence, and one of them is social and the other isn't, the social one is going to do better almost every single time. This is literally why autism is seen as a disability.
>>803209 Cool, I'm a wizard summoning eldritch demons and making them do my work. Sometimes I take part in cool wizard fights for the fate of the world, also I summoned my anime waifu and now we're fucking every single day for the purposes of transfering mana.
>>286986 The thing is depression is permanent mental illness. It can be debilitating or practically nonexistent. Never consistent. I just worry it'll effect my energy & ability to deal with people if I inevitably go into retail. Now on top of that I have some anxiety issues too. I'm positive I made me sick today having practically a panic attack over worrying about taking a driver's license test I don't really need to take since I don't drive to begin with.
>>286990 Depression is not pernament though, depressive disorder is. I get it, I have severe fucking anxiety problems OCD as well.
>>286991 Anyone can feel depressed sure but I have clinical depression disorder. I got it from my mom. My condolences. It used to be really bad social anxiety but I managed to get better with that over the time. I'm not so weak in crowds anymore but I still can't look people in the eyes. Today was the first time in a long time I got even close to a panic attack. I was coughing severely & felt like I was gonna vomit. Driving for some reason really gets my nerves going.
>>286992 I see, my condolences as well. Just a small clarification, Clinical Depression Disorder and Depression are two different conditions, yours is a worse problem where it is a lifelong condition, while depression is a sickness that can pass eventually. I feel like we've talked several times in this thread already
>>286993 I just wanna feel normal & useful.
>>286994 You will my dude, I believe in you.
>>286970 I'm an artist. I'm a performance artist.
>>286970 Work.
>>286970 >What does GG do for a living? Fucking yur mom, lmao.
>>286994 Why not try ketamine talk therapy? It'll be like giving your brain a warm bath https://yewtube.com/watch?v=_gACEuiUJgM
>>286970 I work and get a paycheck
Looks like they’re going to have to pay out of pocket for over 10 years worth of “abuse” of 3.6 million individual copyright infringement claims. https://archive.ph/lTLG5
>>287001 So how is that copyright infringement but a brick and mortar library isn't? Lending a book isn't transformative, yet you don't see Sony sueing the New York Public library.
>>287001 Well that is gay. >>287002 >It argued its practices were protected by the doctrine of "fair use," which allows for the unlicensed use of others' copyrighted works in some circumstances. >But Koeltl said there was nothing "transformative" about the Internet Archive's digital book copies that would warrant "fair use" protection, as its ebooks merely replaced the authorized copies publishers themselves license traditional libraries. >"Although IA has the right to lend print books it lawfully acquired, it does not have the right to scan those books and lend the digital copies en masse," he wrote.
>>287002 The judge's explanation: <But Koeltl said there was nothing "transformative" about the Internet Archive's digital book copies that would warrant "fair use" protection, as its ebooks merely replaced the authorized copies publishers themselves license traditional libraries. <"Although IA has the right to lend print books it lawfully acquired, it does not have the right to scan those books and lend the digital copies en masse," he wrote.
>>287001 >>287003 They say on their blog that they're going to appeal it, and that it doesn't effect the services they do. https://archive.ph/yw7fE >We will continue our work as a library. This case does not challenge many of the services we provide with digitized books including interlibrary loan, citation linking, access for the print-disabled, text and data mining, purchasing ebooks, and ongoing donation and preservation of books.
>>287001 Do you think the Roms will still be there?
>>286994 The things you're feeling are terrible but understood deeply by many of the people here. I wish you the best, anon. No matter how dark the days may seem to get, keep your head high if only to spite them. >>286999 Link seems borked, buddy >>287004 Sounds like a case of out of touch old cunts
>>287001 It's ironic that a repository of human knowledge is being brought down by a soyboy faggot who I bet "heckin' loves science". He wants to be transhuman but he want to get paid fiat dollars before that I guess.
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>>287007 https://archive.ph/TyX1V You have do drugs anon, not because drugs by themselves are good but because you'll be able to glue your fragmented mind together with therapy, you'll dissasociate hard at first but you'll heal faster once you get out of it.
>>287008 Wow I thought I couldn't hate this bearded faggot any more
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>>287010 >The Chosen One is a Tired Narcissitic Stereotype That anti-semitic people of shit!
>>287007 I know. I was hoping anons could give me some ideas of what to do with myself. >>286999 >>287009 Sounds like a really dangerous idea. Worse than taking cannabis oil.
>>287012 The dose isn't high enough to cause delirium, but if you're the type who spergs out when sober (or intoxicated) it does seem like a disaster waiting to happen, like alcohol induced psychosis. It goes without saying that you should have a relatively clean criminal history. You don't want to beat the shit out of your practitioner thinking he's turned into satan george soros.
>>287008 Didn't he actually speak out against the lawsuit? He said he didn't have anything to do with it but I have no idea how much truth there is to it.
What fresh autism hit this thread?
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>>286948 I'm glad Krauser was such a gentlemen this time around to let Ashley get her coat before kidnapping her and taking her to eastern Europe.
>>287010 it's always the biggest hack writer's who complain the loudest about the classics in the same way that shit translator's complain about good translation's. It's classic dunning Kruger.
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>>286911 The "Limited Souls Theory?" Fuck, I remember looking at that exact post while browsing and then seeing how it blew up on Twatter a few months later, albeit bastardized because they couldn't stop playing Barbie and Ken with the feels macro. It really exposed to me how normalniggers will shamelessly steal from the "autists" they mock and just how much of a beast the Internet was. This was before the stupid qoomer shit too. Granted I can't exactly be condescending seeing how I DLed this image from a Brave Search query for "weed anime girl."
>>287019 The internet is a human centipede where original content is regurgitated endlessly and shat out into the mouths of the people farther away from the epicenters of content creation.
>>287017 She does lose the coat partway through and her top, at least, looks like the original at that point. Still, not gonna deny the cucking to certain areas.
>>286911 >>287019 >>286921 >Limited Souls theory You guys really think this is a new concept? I'm pretty sure it's either lifted from the philosophical zombies thought experiment (though it was a bit of a different case) or from Kabbalah. I'm sure that we didn't come up with it.
>>286970 I fuck rich people's wives in front of their husband for a living. Guys pay me to cuck them. Technically makes me a man prostitute, but I gotta eat and demand is surprisingly high.
>>803277 >Gnosticism That's pretty old anon actually, not sure if that particular interpretation is that old.
>>287024 Pics or gtfo
>>286977 >Killing people bad Without reason, of course. If you think otherwise you're a braindead cuckold.
>>287027 Maybe I'm alone in this, but even people I don't like or even people I hate I'd rather not kill if at all possible. I'd rather them just leave me alone forever... Why is that such a hard concept for some people? Isn't peace always preferable to violence?
I wasn't expecting this one. <JOINT STATEMENT FROM KARISSA BARROWS, KELLY BRISTOL, AND CHRIS AVELLONE >The parties resolved the matter and claims were dismissed with prejudice pursuant to a confidential settlement that provides for a seven-figure payment that includes the return of the attorney fee award entered against Mr. Avellone in California >“After engaging with Mr. Avellone, we have prepared the following statement: Mr. Avellone never sexually abused either of us. We have no knowledge that he has ever sexually abused any women. We have no knowledge that Mr. Avellone has ever misused corporate funds. Anything we have previously said or written about Mr. Avellone to the contrary was not our intent. We wanted to support women in the industry. In so doing, our words have been misinterpreted to suggest specific allegations of misconduct that were neither expressed nor intended. We are passionate about the safety, security and agency of women, minorities, LGBTQIA+ persons, and every other community that has seen persecution in the video game industry. We believe Mr. Avellone shares a desire to protect and uplift those communities. We believe that he deserves a full return to the industry and support him in those endeavors.” https://archive.is/ZDgT7
>>287028 That's ok, you just fit in the brainless cuckold umbrella. >them just leave me alone forever... Only one way to make that certain now, isn't there?
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>>286970 I mentioned it already, but I landed a ludicrously cushy job during the Kung Flu era, IT with flex hours and remote work. Basically I sit on my ass 90% of the day playing videogames and torrenting and about every three hours I have to take a long call where we just pat on each other's back, get assigned some menial task (that thanks to Chat-GPT I can automate even more than I already did with my poor scripting knowledge) and get back to doing nothing. The only downside is that the pay is mediocre compared to other IT jobs, but the economics of staying home are so advantageous that I'm saving a fortune in not moving about the country. >>286946 >The problem is finding a woman like that then also fighting against your natures to make a real life for yourselves. I have always hated social events and get dragged into them constantly, it's not really an issue of making a socially respectable self to parade around in public, it's all about going to actual physical places where another autist may gather. It's hard, it's rare, but it's a non-zero possibility.
>>287001 Honestly? As much as I think publishers are gay, IA brought this on themselves when they tried to do their own little PR stunt during Covid. They knew full well digital lending was a very gray area and just like many other content providers just couldn't resist getting more donations once the opportunity arises. One thing I've noticed on the internet is that the Chinese adage that the tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut rings so true so many times.
>>287032 I meant like you can't just be neets together. Someone's gotta make money somehow.
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>>286954 Nice screenshot That game was developed during orange juice 🧃 trial
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>>286933 >>803149 It's not that women are bad at communicating, it's that men are bad at listening and understanding what women want and need, and the same is true in reverse in that women are bad at listening and understanding what men want and need. It's like that saying, men come from Mars and women from Venus.
>>287036 >men are bad at listening and understanding what women want and need Except for the fact that they don't communicate. They either play shitty mind games with you or outright tell you the opposite of what they're feeling mixed in with some untruths and expect you to develop telepathy if you want to deal with it.
>>287037 Thank you for proving my point.
Dl Getchu bended over to credit card companies,not unsurprising most companies are spineless bastards that rather be policed by others than nuke the credit card service https://nitter.it/i/status/1639230558059507715
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Know what pisses me off? The fact that EVERY SINGLE VIV PROJECT never finished. Every single PC game they announced wowed us with playable levels and video... and NOT ONE SINGLE FUCKING ONE finished, because instead of creating a simple, fun, downloadable flash game, they tried to making fucking Mass Effect 3, updating and re-updating and re-re-reupdating graohics until years later, they just said "fuck it" and walked away. Same with all the Viv animations. Every single time a drawfag announced they were making an animation we all fucking came in our battlestation buckets and were al FUKKEN HYPE!!!!!!!111one1!!1!!!! at the previews and gifs... and we never heard from any of them every again. Literally the ONLY Vivian prject that was ever started and FUCKING FINISHED was the porn videos. Because girls know when to say "There. Finished. Now for mimosas!" While guys are like "nah, needs a 57th update... oh shit, it's 5yrs later and I've lost interest. Oh well, in the trash it goes."
>>287021 Oh, I know, it's just that I remember retards were and are still going on about how "unrealistic" it was for Ashley to be Europe during winter without a coat completely forgetting the fact she was fucking kidnapped and I highly doubt Krauser gave a shit if she was cold.
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>>287033 It's a sign of the times and most likely an excuse to slowly destroy It so people can't know/remember what the Internet used to be like before all this bullshit. While they did some absolutely faggy shit in the past and most definitely had staff that were compromised by the retardation brainworm going around the general function and initiative somehow wasn't showing signs of it. However these corporate shills and cocksuckers have seen to making sure that is no longer the case and, bit by bit, things will begin to get removed/dmca'd/lawsuited away until nothing is left. And this will also serve as an example against the very idea and principle behind archiving data itself, and the chilling effects will continue to snowball until the general public views that very idea as inherently evil or wrong. It'll be our own new age mini burning of Alenxandria, but this time with the "bonus" of making historical preservation into a "no-no" word.
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>>287040 The same could be said about a lot of shit, like how Breeding Season imploded and one of the major guys conveniently started up Cloud Meadow immediately afterwards. Katawa Shoujo took five years of sloth and mismanagement, where as snootgame was a lot tighter about it. Get a small group, work hard, and pray the other guys aren't fuckwits; otherwise go solo and keep at it, liek that spic who made his Bakemonogatari Shinobu marriage thing, that i think he then sold off to someone else. At any rate, at least Afterlife Empire actually came out.
>>287029 Pretty nice news. Feels weird to remember how old that guy's drama is by now. And the plandemic is even older. What have I been doing with my life all this time? >>287028 >Maybe I'm alone in this I hope so.
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>>287029 This is a good chance to give everyone a friendly reminder that fucking TechRaptor in their article on Chris Avellone in 2020 carelessly claimed "Assault" in the allegations against him (which is not true, the original allegations had NOTHING to do with any sort of assault, yet it's in the headlines) and never made any update stories when Chris was giving his side of the story, when things were going legal and when Chris' side started to have more weight https://archive.is/Fw5kY >>287039 https://archive.is/8kStR Google translate: >I am the operator of a video distribution site, and our company is also being strongly advised by credit card companies to prohibit such expressions, and the number of prohibited items is increasing. Failure to comply will result in immediate card ban. It's not DL Getchu-sama's fault, it's all credit card companies' fault. Credit Card companies are ramping up censorship.
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>>287043 >Afterlife Empire actually finished >Made by an ALL WOMEN dev team Yet another example
>>287042 >It's a sign of the times and most likely an excuse to slowly destroy It so people can't know/remember what the Internet used to be like before all this bullshit. Once I would have told you that you're overreacting, since this was mostly between a few publishers and a tirtiary party, but seeing as we've gotten to the point where greedy families are retroactively rewriting books to avoid offending modern sensibilities, yeah, they really wanna destroy everything form the beforetimes. I still have a hard time sympathizing with IA, given that they purposefully refuse to archive imageboard content or sites that may pose a legal threat - despite all they have to do is avoid storing thumbnails and outlinks. >And this will also serve as an example against the very idea and principle behind archiving data itself At least up until some autist creates an IPFS alternative. I think a bigger deal is having darknet hacking sites shut down.
>>287045 >Credit Card companies are ramping up censorship. Thats how they do it, i think only DMM told them to fuck off and severed ties with them,other companies have delusion that they are going to lose billions and billions if they do the same.
>>287048 I find it funny that banks are gearing towards a recession and the immediate response of credit card companies is doubling down.
>>287048 >>287049 I mean do you expect anything less?
>>287042 I was told some time ago from some where that mass archival is a sign of the end of a civilization. But I wonder if that ever included the censorship and blockading of archives? You see this in different forms other than IA facing legal action. Video game ROM sites are being taken down and have been for years now. Also as an anon mentioned, books and movies are being edited to conform with the times. Live action remakes of old stories such as the little mermaid are rewriting everything the old story was about. I know it seems impossible now but what if Disney removes and censors the old Little Mermaid from all its platforms so everyone is forced to watch the new nigger remake? Same with the new snow white that is still in production (or Sand Brown as I call it). Remember Tesla's quote.
>>287050 >I mean do you expect anything less? Not really,i can just hope some autists manage to seize opportunity as they come, can't really rely on the possibility that a disaster will hit your enemies. >>287051 >I know it seems impossible now but what if Disney removes and censors the old Little Mermaid from all its platforms so everyone is forced to watch the new nigger remake? Same with the new snow white that is still in production I'm pretty sure its already done? Livestream shit like netflix and others change older stuff.
>>286961 > What's the most prompt and effective way to get in contact with a Trump campaign staffer or one of their affiliates if you have something that they want? We don't have one. We've never been able to get in touch with someone in politics, government, whatever, except for that one British Conservative Party insider who came to "help" us and spent his time giving bad advice and running ops against GG-neutral communities like KF. That was probably an intel community dangle that a lot of people fell for. Hell, we have never gotten a lawyer. All of GG at its peak when we had tens of thousands of people, not one of us could find a lawyer. One of the congress people set up empowr.us at pm dot me but I've never gotten a response from them or seen my tips come up in a congressional report. It's like they don't read it.
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>>287046 >Guys are good for short, quick, explosive bursts of creativity, but then just as quicklu flame out and look around wondering what happened and then fall asleep. >Girls are good to last all the way to completion, with a slow buildup but a highly satisfying finish. Here endeth the lesson.
>>287024 Are you a black man?
>>287046 I could have sworn in that interview video where they talked about Vivian they had at least one male programmer working on afterlife empire.
>>287049 Japanese government and financial sectors need to get their heads out of their asses and start telling Western companies to screw off or play ball. If they won't back down then Japan used to do with China has done and build its own infrastructure that is completely disconnected from Western companies and become immune to their financial activism.
>>287018 >it's always the biggest hack writer's who complain the loudest about the classics Anon, have you read some of the "classics". A lot of their writers where basically the pretentious fags of their day. in the same way that shit translator's complain about good translation's Never mind, carry on.
>>287057 Kishida is a hack, Japan really needed someone that have the guts anda capability to cut the exterior influence,from credit cards to others,in their current situation not only they will get conquered but they will also get fucked harder as the west goes even further into economic recession
>>287057 >>287059 You forget that Japan's biggest source of income is the export market, and that they never exactly ended the recession that started in the 90's (In fact, if's gotten worse).
>>287060 Surely nothing bad will happen to the 3/4ths of the population that serves other service workers, like ads in app stores promoting other apps. I heard its gotten to where its cheaper to go out and have a meal with an apple than to buy an apple for $4 at the grocery store.
>>287040 I've gotten to the point where I dare not even think of starting a project any more. I had a plan to try making different styled games, starting from basic concepts, text, 2d, eventually 3d, each being a loose idea of what I was going to do once I got to that point and I could flesh out the idea with what I had learned previously. Without fail, every time I started on one project, my life took a turn for the worse. It was one unfortunate event after the other and seemed to only happen immediately after starting a project. After numerous deaths, injuries, facing homelessness, and now being financially crippled to live in a run down home that the roof could actually crush me dead if it snows, I've given up. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but when your whole life goes to shit trying to make a video game it starts to seem like a conspiracy.
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>>287061 In Canada apples are either 2.99 or 4.00 dollars with food prices at record high with an economy down the drain along with being the most pozzed country in the Americas.
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>>287061 >>287063 >Buying singular apples instead of a bunch much cheaper
>>287063 Consider becoming a subterranian hydroponics expert so the government can't reappropriate your labor.
>>286875 objectively top-tier anyone who doesn't understand this or talks about boring colors is a gay retard
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Offtopic but this is where the audience is, so... A new Gensokyo Massacre is starting' In this thread over here >>803136 Go recommend some new characters. >>803136 The game will start when the new recommendations are added. So, soon.
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https://archive.is/wyfep https://archive.is/YgTE9 ResetERA's reaction to the Chris Avellone news. Amusing since just prior they were acting real smug.
I forget, who's Chris Avellone?
>>287017 >Spain >Eastern Europe My favorite Southern American state is Canada
>>287062 I'm sorry to hear that anon Have you tried making music? Maybe that will reverse it
You will never be a woman
>>287001 Reminder to always pirate everything from every source and to never let these sons of bitches see another cent from anything other than their dark money ESG funds. Never give them analytics. Never let them know your feelings on their products. Never let them see how you're using their products or learn any demographic information about you. Starve them dry.
Niggerpill talking about shit being "immortal" is pretty hilarious tbh
>>287043 >that i think he then sold off to someone else Nah, he made it open-source and then fucked off to make gay shit. Oh, and he also betrayed his waifu and married some Thai thot.
>for free
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>>287043 >Huge dick, small girl >Cock magically vanishes inside her like her snatch is some portal leading to realms unknown I hate this. If you're not going to make a bump on the stomach for physical consistency, stick to smaller dick or bigger girls.
>>287077 >he doesn't know about goblin anatomy
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>>287078 Why should it be any different from other living onaholes like fairies? They should be stretchy.
>>286977 Jews aren't people :^)
>>286909 White, quarter bean, and have been mistaken for Asian more than once. Truly, the worst of all worlds. >>803392 Every(1) should be given a chance, unless they remain a (1).
>>287043 >>287046 I still need to finish this game
>>287081 >Every(1) should be given a chance, unless they remain a (1). No.
>>287045 (checked) Techraptor showed their true colors a long time ago. Fuck that cum rag of a website.
You are all mentally ill faggots. Also any word on when edf6 is dropping?
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>>287086 >they are now shoving drag queens into vidya How inclusive! :^)
>>287085 >>803465 We have a thread for asking questions like this here: >>228459
>>287083 >>287081 Every post deserves a reply.
>Nearly 5 straight threads of honest organic discussion >then magically non-stop retardation and a flamewar out of nowhere I guess the Glowies were either on spring break or the banking implosion kept them from getting a paycheck until now; Or Tor was reinstated which is basically the same thing.
>>287090 >nonstop niggerpill and D&C is “organic” Ok
>>803486 Why was he arrested for anyway?
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>>286948 Has this remake sold well? I heard that not many people liked the remake of the third game. And Jesus Chirst, who thought that bringing these sick fucks to promote the games was a good thing? >>287057 I'm still wondering why did Bill Clinton brought China into the WTO.
>>287093 Like 300K on Steam it looks like.
>>287093 Is the game out anyway? I thought it was just a demo.
>>287095 Also, they made the Merchant australian when I thought he was just generic hispanic cowboy talk in the original.
>>287096 The Merchant always sounded like he came from southwest England, which dumb burgers always mistook for aussie
>>287077 I want to fug this green alien grill
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>>287098 Don't we all?
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>>803508 I don't believe you.
>>287093 It was shilled everywhere and people like to swallow shit,then they will slowly realize they were hyped but the game wasn't as good as they thought initially social engineering does wonders.
>>286948 I miss her amerimutt monkey ears too :^(
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>>287090 Organic is a fucking buzzword at this point, you've killed anything resembling meaning.
>>287103 Remember what they took from you.
>>287105 It hurts so much bros. I want to tickle and wiggle her monke ears and have a quick look at some sweet teenager panties every once in a while what more could a guy ask for? Its the little things too that makes life worthwhile as well you know?
>>287106 That reminds me i remember seeing some AI mentioning about "all the little pleasures that you humans take for granted", it surely made me think about the small things it seems irrelevant but they build the whole.
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>>287008 >Chuck's Tweet >YOU'RE A MAGICAL SKELETON, UNSTOPPABLE Maces. Blunt weapons in general, but maces especially do really well in stopping skeletons. Someone should demonstrate this by flogging that faggot with a hammer repeatedly and seeing how well his skeleton holds up.
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>>803523 Where did I say boogeyman? Anon, you are a schizo.
>>287107 >all it takes to make anon introspective is to take away the prospect of looking up υnderage girls skirts
>>287109 >Muh schizo boogerman
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>>287110 Wasn't Ashley 20?
>>287111 Anon are you okay!?
>>287112 Yes. but twittertards and the like like to project their pedophilic thoughts on to 20 year old's these days for some reason like Uzaki chan.
>>287113 I'm fine.
>>287112 >>287114 What the fuck shes 20? I always thought she was around 14-17 years old as a kid until right now holy shit she looks and sounds so young for her age. In that case theres absolutely nothing wrong with looking at her panties what the hell Capcom?
>>287109 It's the nulistfag who should have been hit with a ban a long time ago like niggerpill
>>287099 Only gay people don't.
>>287115 Let me fuck you tenderly if you're not okay, I'll make it okay baby.
>>287116 >What the fuck shes 20? The original game mentioned her age, and that she's a university student. Like >>287114 said, it's a Uzaki-chan situation.
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>>287118 >Gays >People
>>287116 you aren't the only one and I'm convinced this is some berenstein bullshit.
>>287114 Most of these Twitterfags or sjweebs have some real pedo like thoughts towards characters especially female ones. Fuck I remember hearing from a friend that some indie vtuber or artist forgot which, based her avatar off herself and she is a petite woman with a flat chest. This one twitter fag lost his mind at her and accused her of being a pedo for being a petite woman with a flat chest, said twitterfag demanded proof via photo to prove she was an adult. When she rightfully told the guy to piss off, the twitter fag and others lost it more. >>287117 Nulist and a few others like not an argument fag make this thread unbearably bad to read through.
>>287120 >The original game mentioned her age It did? Dude the last time I played the game was on my Nintendo Wii back around 2008-2009 maybe 14-15 years ago when I was a kid. I wouldn't really remember such a minor detail when I was more concerned with shooting spics to death. The regenerators was too much for me I had to quit the game as soon as I started seeing those guys.
>>287124 It was way before the Regneradors. IIRC, the file was in a house in the village with the impaled policeman. Or maybe I'm confusing it with the report from a Ganados spy about Leon.
>>287125 Why the fuck would a 10-11 year old want to read some gay shitty ass reports when I can go around being a badass shooting and fighting the shit out of zombies and monsters? No wonder I thought she was a teenager this whole time.
As a faggot, I hate tranny faggots.
>>803568 i think he knows no-one here buys it, if there where more anons it might have taken a bit longer for all to catch on whats going on, i think he honestly has got nothing "better" to do with his """life""" >>287127 don't levy on bridget the sins of his creator, they are not his fault
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>>803568 >This is hilarious. No it's fucking pathetic and each time you do this, it makes you look like a ledditor trying to be le epic troll. Nulist people aren't laughing with you they are laughing at you or thinking your a fucking retard.
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>>287128 If you just stop playing Guilty Gear games past Xrd, then Bridget will never have to undergo conversion therapy and will always be a trap trying to prove his manliness. Didn't Strive bomb? I know it's not a complete financial failure since it's subsidized on GamePass - but Arc seems to have put a lot of work into getting Xrd's netcode back to a functional state after Strive released
>>287126 >Why the fuck would a 10-11 year old want to read some gay shitty ass reports Immersion, I guess?
>>287130 IRC Strive failed to even show up in the latest EVO or something.
>>287130 >Didn't Strive bomb? Last I heard, it was a "relative success" in the West, but in Japan, it just fucking died.
>>287127 >As a faggot, I hate tranny faggots Speaking of which. It seemed like nigger pill had been defending Disney and Victoria Alonso all day on Cuckchan /co/ >Shut the fuck up /pol/ this is why /co laugh At /pol/. This Brazil laughs at you American chuds https://archive.ph/R3OU7 https://archive.ph/egrd2
>>287131 When I was a kid I didn't read most shit in games, it was only till I was 14 I started to. >>287133 > Japan, it just fucking died I'll say this the Japanese when pissed will drop you and drop you fucking hard when pissed. There is a reason why devs in Japan tend to be mindful, as their customer-base can be fucking ruthless. Now not every company there learns this mind you, but that type of fear of blacklash can be very good or bad depending on the situation.
>>287133 >Last I heard, it was a "relative success" in the West, but in Japan, it just fucking died. Sounds like it's dead. Niggers don’t like guilty gear like they do street fighters, super smash bros, and mortal kombat. Without niggers fighting communities in the west die fast.
>>803568 Never stop posting. >>287129 I'm laughing with him, every time.
>>287127 >As a faggot >>287136 Aren't lots of latinofags heavily invested in fighting games as well?
>>287138 They love fighting games like crazy.
>>287130 ye >>287133 that sounds like "welp, we have to appeal to the west fully, we are toast otherwise", fuck, hopefully the hermeto-gnostfication will be short lived
>>287140 Appealing to the west is always a shit move as the west changes political/social views every two generations or so. It's unstable and with the unpleasable idiots in >Right >Left >Centre It becomes a losing game, so I understand why Japs and a few others have been looking at markets in Asia or just not North America or Western Europe.
>>287141 The only struggle I have with homosexuality is finding artists that don't draw horribly disgusting assholes.
>>287143 nigga you gay.
>>287144 Doesn't count. It's a cartoon.
>>287143 >The only struggle We all know you struggle with having a relationship with your dad. Don't lie to us faggot
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I need to know right away, does Call of Duty 3 on xbox have versus mode and campagn co-op?
>>287148 It definitely has versus, campaign co-op though I am unsure of.
>>287093 REmake 3 was ass because it cut out two or three entire areas and rushed the rest.
>>287138 >Aren't lots of latinofags heavily invested in fighting games as well? Dragon ball z, tekken and King of fighters. Shockingly they really like that old Shrek fighting.
>>287065 >going unnaground Holy fuck you are late to this party. DEATH TO THE SKY SEER FAGGOTS
>>287137 That's because you're a faggot and should fly to Uganda to die.
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>>287127 As a heterosexual, as someone who doesn't give a shit about fighting games, and as someone who knows about the magical girl transformation potion that you can use on Jun Watarase, i don't give a shit.
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>>287127 I hate that they did not go for the most obvious route for Bridget
>>287155 what if the are masochist gays? you know they WILL call you daddy, right?
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>>286948 >“I generally believe that it’s bad to look up skirts, both in games and in real life,” Then they shouldn't wear skirts in the first place! It's not rocket science. How retarded are these people?
>>287158 > How retarded are these people? That's an insult to the retarded.
>>287158 >"I gneerally believe it's bad to kill people both in games and in real life" Same fucking retarded logic.
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>>287146 My dad is far more degenerate than I am. It's painful. But I do maintain a good relationship with him. Pic unrelated.
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>>287156 You know, i once saw a low resolution version of pic related in a yahtzee video and thought it looked like teenage Bridget and Jam having some kind of comedic adventure; i think i'd rather have that over a god damn ambush.
>>287134 Probably because cuckchanners are easier to bait
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>>287130 >Arc seems to have put a lot of work into getting Xrd's netcode back to a functional state after Strive released Huh, I thought that was the work of fans, not ArcSys. They were implementing rollback netcode last time I checked. >>287133 How do you know it succeeded in the west and bombed in nipland? Do you have sales numbers? >>287143 I don't have a problem finding "pretty assholes", but then again I'm a shotafag, and having a pretty body (butt included) is one of the main traits of shotas. Usually it's bara and other genres that feature "manly men" the ones that depict assholes with the same gruesomeness of real porn. >>287134 Stop bringing issues from cuckchan here. There's nothing that can be done about the state of that place besides managing to buy it in order to shut it down.
>>287164 >Stop bringing issues from cuckchan here It's the same fucking spic who's instantly identifiable from his miserable attempts at producing comprehensible English bringing over cuckchan(mainly /co/, /tv/ and capeshit) nonsense. How he hasn't eaten a perma Rule 8 or similar yet evades my understanding.
>>287093 >I'm still wondering why did Bill Clinton brought China into the WTO. Because Henry Kissinger convinced everyone opening the markets of China would result in them "eventually" becoming Capitalist: https://odysee.com/@ChinaUncensored:0/america%E2%80%99s-china-policy-is:3 And, also to "lessen" the influence of the Soviet Union: https://rumble.com/v189pku-henry-kissinger-wants-to-dictate-china-policy.html When, really, he was doing it for the purposes of bringing about "Productive Socialism": https://archive.ph/M2JGw
>>287166 did james lindsay say anything about the subject?
>>287167 Yes, he talked about something like it
>>287167 >did james lindsay say anything about the subject? Third link
>>287166 My question is why the major labor unions continue to back globalists like Clinton and Obama, rather than an independent or MAGA candidate. Their membership sure seems to have been behind Trump last election, but the retirees and leadership were voting for the same people who sent their jobs to Equidor via NAFTA and continues to ship jobs to China. Their leadership I can kind of understand, they're commies and toadies, but has there been any strife between the International and the local memberships - or does having their strike fund and retirement by the balls just keep everyone shoveling their own graves?
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>>803636 >very surprised gaynon was getting fucked by a white dick in that image. I assumed you were from /int/ Be even more surprised. > putting those kind of people under any kind of pressure seems like a bad idea... You either crack or you don't. That's life. You're offering them money for smut art. I'm sure that's far less pressure than most traditional jobs where you have to actually work with people, customers, and severe negative consequences for your work falling through.
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>>287171 >Cody edit But.. they're both white in the original
>>287170 >why the major labor unions continue to back globalists like Clinton and Obama Because those same unions helped CREATE many of their policies. >but has there been any strife between the International and the local memberships Not really. You have to understand that unions are Socialism. A lot of people like to try to argue this, pointing out how much unions "helped" people during the late 1800's and early 1900's, but they always ignore the fact that people could always leave for another job, that companies with genuine issue were in the severe minority (And never actually faced legal problems because...), and the leading cases that forced unions upon companies always happened against those who refused to pay the protection money. When you get right down to it, unions are only good for TWO things. The first is conditioning people to the idea that they cannot have a decent/safe/acceptable working environment without a union being involved in the process. The second is telling people how to think, as you have unions that will regularly tell their members how to vote in elections (Why do you think FDR remained in office after the New Deal?). That's not to mention the fact that you have almost ZERO chance of ever convincing the "Above 50" crowd of ever changing the party they vote for regardless of how corrupt the person is.
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>>287135 I swear anon was pretending like as if he's never been a kid before. How annoying. >>287143 Anon, women have assholes too though. And often quite pretty assholes surrounded by soft supple buttcheecks which were simply made for pounding and breeding with. Men are not made for buttfucking you are using their assholes in a way that god did not intend for. >>287161 Anon why don't you break the cycle of degenernacy and become a gigachad then raise a beautiful family? I know you can do it, the world is your oyster it gives you everything you need to start.
>>287168 >>287169 ok, thanks
>>287174 >Men are not made for buttfucking you are using their assholes in a way that god did not intend for. I don't use anyone's asshole. I get off on cartoons. >Just liek, become an alpha normalfag Hard pass.
>>287174 Anon, joining a LARP is even more gay than actually just being gay.
>>287165 Him, nulistnigger, notanargument fag unironic.faggots, who else needs the boot to improve these threads besides the obvious bad actors?
>>287174 Anal is bad regardless of the sex of the asshole possessor.
Also, when did this insanely homosexual "apply filter to induce 'nostalgia', spam images and put shit music like synthwave or DI6 in the background" propaganda really take off? God damn, it's fucking gay.
editors note: had to fix a bix error in the previous post >>287143 >>287161 Very surprised gaynon was getting fucked by a white dick in that image. I assumed you were from /int/... >>287164 only a few artist that take the time to study proper anal anatomy can ever do true justice to that orifice Only a select few artists have the skill and knowledge to truly do justice to such a complex and often misunderstood orifice. But enough about the art of the posterior, let's talk about some juicy gossip that some of you anons may not yet be privy to. Apparently, the artist known as "ravenravenraven" had some sort of mental breakdown around September of last year and has since stopped creating their "stunning works of art". It's certainly a somber note, but it does give me hope that AI art may soon come to the forefront and help alleviate some of the burdens placed on our already fragile and mentally unstable artists. As someone who has never commissioned art before, I have to say that one of the reasons for my reluctance is the high probability of encountering an artist who is troubled, disturbed, or emotionally broken. These poor souls already have enough on their plates, so adding the pressure of a commission seems like a recipe for disaster. Perhaps with the rise of AI art, they won't be weighed down by the endless commissions and requests they all complain about so much >>287171 You’re right. But I mean one of the first things I learned about artists is some of the most famous ones were chronically depressed and either died in poverty or outright killed themselves from depression or madness (maybe both?) >>287172 dat artworkthat reminds me, did any of you see that "suzzy sphere hunter" tranny on the big capcom broadcast? I was (a bit) surprised to see something like that. >>287174 >>287176 >>287179 butt secs is fine... as long as it strays in the 2D realm!
>>803636 >>287181 >deleting your post only to add more replies instead of simply making a second post
>>287181 Still don't get the appeal, there's a better hole right there. And I'm into corruption.
>>287182 the fist post was bad, it was better to delete it.
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A fun Saturday Nightpill for everyone: Someone decided to impersonate a GBanana admin to try and scare a site hosting the FE Engage de-localization mod, demanding that they must nuke the 'full' version or else they'll have Nintendo's lawyers on their asses. >If you're not in the loop, GBanana only allowed a 'partial' version of the mod on their site, keeping the official localization in some parts to pretend that the MC's relationships with teen characters aren't romantic; the 'full' version accurately reflects the JP voices and text The mod-hosting forum saw through the flimsy disguise immediately, and an incredible meltdown ensued. Refer to this short Twitter thread for the salty screencaps: https://nitter.moomoo.me/Kyonko802/status/1639704744926281729 https://archive.is/PvwyE
A command line windows keeps poping up and closing randomly on my windows 7 machine, i don't really want to t reinstall windows 7.
>>287187 Same here but only every 4am, strangely enough.
>>287187 >>287188 Sorry, I was looking for dick pics
Hey Burgers, saw a clip on the TV news that Mississippi (I think) got trashed by a tornado. Isn't it a bit early for tornado season? Is everyone ok? Also saw honhons rioting. France civil war yet?
>>287190 >Isn't it a bit early for tornado season? https://infogalactic.com/info/Tornado_climatology <There is no "tornado season" though, as tornadoes, including violent tornadoes and major outbreaks, can and do occur anywhere at any time of year if favorable conditions develop. Major tornado outbreaks have occurred in every month of the year. Crazy weather isn't new in the states. Every few years, it snows during the Summer.
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>>287178 Mark Mann
>>287181 Speaking of capeshit. Jonathan Majors Arrested in NY for Allegedly Assaulting a Woman >The actor Jonathan Majors was arrested Saturday in New York on charges of strangulation, assault and harassment, authorities said. >New York City police said that Majors, star of the recently released “Creed III" and “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania,” was involved in a domestic dispute with a 30-year-old woman. Police responded around 11 a.m. to a 911 call inside an apartment in the Manhattan neighborhood of Chelsea. >The victim informed police she was assaulted," a spokesperson for the NYPD said in a statement. "Officers placed the 33-year-old male into custody without incident. The victim sustained minor injuries to her head and neck and was removed to an area hospital in stable condition.” >He was no longer in police custody as of Saturday night, the NYPD spokesperson confirmed to The Associated Press. A representative for Majors denied any wrongdoing by the actor. >He has done nothing wrong," the representative said in an email to the AP on Saturday. "We look forward to clearing his name and clearing this up.” >Majors is one of the fastest rising stars in Hollywood. After breaking through in 2019's “The Last Black Man in San Francisco,” Majors has starred in “Da 5 Bloods,” “The Harder They Fall" and last year's “Devotion.” >He also stars in the recent Sundance Film Festival entry “Magazine Dreams,” which Searchlight Pictures is to release in December. https://archive.ph/Vrnm2 Twitter already turning on kang.
That law they're trying to pass to ban tiktok also has some further implications. Here it is to anyone who is interested. https://archive.ph/6yot7
>>287193 We wuz KANG
>>287194 Summarize?
>>287194 I ain't reading all that shit. I need a youtuber or a TLDR to summarize it for my ADHD having ass self.
>>287196 >>287197 Here is a faggot summarizing the bill, ignore the faggot. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=n4KuZBgSivI click on 01:13 — "What Is Going On" to have a summery of the bill.
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>>287193 Marvel has their very own Ezra Miller now.
>>287190 >Isn't it a bit early for tornado season? >March >Early for Tornados There's a reason for the old saying that March "Comes in like a Lion, Out like a Lamb". I just find it funny that LA gets hit with a little baby F1 tornado a few days ago and it's national news - everyone freaking out. An F1 is basically an overpowered dust-devil. It's small, and unless you're directly hit by it, it's basically a performance show by nature. I want to see them get hit by an EF3 or 4 sometime. Let them see what it really is to see the sky coming at you with pure hatred and wanting to kill you.
>>287166 So is Kissinger a Socialist? I wouldn't be too surprised since retards like AOC and Bernie Sanders exists. Now most of the stuff that's been made is from the Chinese, including the fact that they also "recycle" items like plastic but its been proven that chinks are terrible at it. Also, how the fuck is this faggot still working for the government when he's over 90? >>287178 lcp and Lucaiano/niggerpill.
>>287197 >I ain't reading all that shit. neither will any of the people voting for it.
>>287183 It is essential to understand that there is a significant difference between anal intercourse with a man versus a woman, (purely from an aesthetic and fictional standpoint, of course). When a male engages in anal sex, they surrender their masculinity and assume a feminine role, at least in the context of future interactions. (This is only applicable if the male is capable of passing for a cute female with the aid of only a dress and wig). Women, on the other hand, do not have a masculine role to lose, unless they identify as an uber tomboy or a lesbian with bi-curious tendencies. (in that case they are desperately in need of a good rogering to set them "straight") Now, I understand that (gay) people may view this differently, and my perspective is purely based on aesthetics in fantasy, particularly in hentai plots. Please do not mistake my viewpoint as hard and fast rules that I want everybody to follow. For instance, I also enjoy stories where cute girls have heartwarming (my heart is cold and dead so it better warm my dick as well) Yuri adventures of friendship, love, and sexual discovery. However, that’s only as long as they understand the next day they're still getting fucked by a hard dick and impregnated with the next generation of cute girls, the journey can be as heartwarming as it gets. The same applies to any cute shota adventure, Once the cute semi-gay cross dressing journey is over they still have to become “real men” (rather by discovering the joys of /ss/ and impregnating multiple older women... preferably the school principal with g-cup breasts, if possible) >>287183 >into corruption I am into corruption, de-corruption, and post de-corruption re-corruption, but alas, only a few titles explore these themes, and my favorite title seems like its not getting a sequel… I am beyond sadness
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>>287204 >and post de-corruption re-corruption Wouldn't it be easier to call it relapsing?
>>287204 >I am into corruption, de-corruption, and post de-corruption re-corruption Reminds me of a couple of hentai where boys were turn into futas, managed to defeat the villain, but were then wanted for the rest of their lives because they effectively became the "demon lord".
>>287198 >that twitch whore >thinking china goals for tiktok is only selling data >russia interference in elections 2016 >if the argument to ban is because its used by chinese people its just racism Why did i was my time
>>287205 True, but if it happens too much you run the risk of Prolapsing.
>>287202 They would fall under the "bad actors" bit I had mentioned.
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>>287207 The point of the video was just to show you that the bill is going to effect your internet freedom of speech, the vast majority of tiktok faggots are going to be faggots. The bill in it's entirety was there for you to read but you wanted a youtuber to summarize it for you. Beggars can't be choosers.
>>287194 >>287196 >>287197 >>287198 https://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2023/3/senators-introduce-bipartisan-bill-to-tackle-national-security-threats-from-foreign-tech that's a news story about the the bill, at the end it has a link for a two page summary of the bill in .pdf format >>287205 Wouldn't it be easier to call it relapsing? maybe? either way its very hot when its done well. (like the manga about a young nun that was saved from demons only to fall even deeper into darkness when a dim-whited bimbo succubus sparks the evil that was locked way inside her by the goddess of the church and all her clerics) >>287206 >wanted for the rest of their lives because they effectively became the "demon lord". that sounds very familiar...
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>>287199 You may as well post a .mp3 file if your video is so low-res.
>>287212 >that's a news story about the the bill, at the end it has a link for a two page summary of the bill in .pdf format Thank you.
>>287194 >>287196 >>287212 >>287214 I just realized I cold post the text of the summery here... (this shit gives of bad vibes to me) In addition to Sens. Warner and Thune, the legislation is co-sponsored by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Susan Collins (R-ME), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Mitt Romney (R-UT). Vendors from the U.S. and allied countries have supplied the world’s information commu- nications and technology (ICT) for decades. In recent years, the global ICT supply chain has changed dramatically; a number of prominent foreign vendors – many subject to the control of autocratic and illiberal governments – have gained significant market share in a variety of internet infrastructure, online communications, and networked software markets. The growth and prevalence of these untrusted vendors pose serious risks to the nation’s economic and national security. The RESTRICT Act comprehensively addresses the ongoing threat posed by technology from foreign adversaries by better empowering the Department of Commerce to review, prevent, and mitigate ICT transactions that pose undue risk, protecting the US supply chain now and into the future. THE CHALLENGE: Over the past years, foreign technology, including telecommunications equipment, social media appli- cations, security software, and e-commerce platforms, have entered the U.S. market and become in- creasingly embedded within our information and communications networks, posing novel threats to U.S. citizens’ data, U.S. critical infrastructure, the privacy of Americans’ and businesses’ communications, our information ecosystem, and security of everyday products. Notable ICT products – such as Kaspersky antivirus software, telecommunications equipment supplied by Huawei, and software products from firms based in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – gained traction while the United States government struggled to identify and respond to threats posed by these products in a timely manner. Growing concerns with consumer software from vendors in the PRC – such as ByteDance’s TikTok, Tencent’s WeChat, and Alibaba’s Alipay – have raised serious concerns about a lack of consistent policies to identify threats posed by foreign ICT products and insufficient authorities to act decisively and comprehensively to address them. Further illuminating these concerns, the top two apps by absolute downloads in the United States from January 15, 2023 to February 13, 2023 were from PRC vendors Temu and ByteDance. Individual agencies have attempted to utilize their various authorities to address foreign ICT threats within their own jurisdictions, but efforts have often been disjointed, failed to comprehensively address identified risks, or, simply proved slow and under-suited to the complexity and interconnectedness of the global ICT supply chain. Further, these efforts often rely on antiquated authorities delegated to the President by Congress in a pre-digital age. A new approach is needed to systemically review and address the challenges posed by technology from foreign adversaries. Both the current and previous Administrations have rallied around a more holistic solution: granting the Department of Commerce authority to review, block, and mitigate a range of trans- actions involving foreign information and communications technology that pose undue risk. Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act THE SOLUTION: The RESTRICT Act establishes a risk-based process, tailored to the rapidly changing technology and
[Expand Post]threat environment, by directing the Department of Commerce to identify and mitigate foreign threats to information and communications technology products and services. This measured, risk-based approach is especially vital in the context of personal communications ser- vices, where federal courts have blocked prior efforts to take remedial steps against foreign software vendors as insufficiently tailored and based on insufficiently-substantiated risks. The Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technol- ogy (RESTRICT) Act would: • Require the Secretary of Commerce to establish procedures to identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, and mitigate transactions involving information and communications technology products in which any foreign adversary has any interest and poses undue or unacceptable risk to national security. • Prioritize evaluation of ICT products used in critical infrastructure, integral to telecommunications products, or pertaining to a range of defined emerging, foundational, and disruptive technologies with serious national security implications. • Ensure comprehensive actions to address risks of untrusted foreign ICT by requiring the Secretary to take up consideration of concerning activity identified by other USG entities. • Educate the public and business community about the threat by requiring the Secretary of Com- merce to coordinate with the Director of National Intelligence to provide declassified information on how transactions denied or otherwise mitigated posed undue or unacceptable risk.
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>>287215 Could you have formatted this any more horribly?
Does anyone have the full uncensored mod for FE Engage?
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>>287196 From https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/the-restrict-act-a-potential-new-1582223/ : >The RESTRICT Act, as presently drafted, authorizes the secretary of commerce and the president to take appropriate measures against information and communications technology (ICT) products or services, or firms providing ICT products or services, that are owned or controlled by “foreign adversaries” that are deemed to pose an undue or unacceptable risk to national security. Such measures can range from an outright prohibition of the ICT product or service to a mitigation of the assessed risk. Importantly, the proposed legislation contemplates a review process to identify and evaluate the potential risk, giving due attention to key considerations such as the critical nature of certain ICT products and services to national security. A foreign government or regime is designated as a “foreign adversary” if the secretary finds that it “is engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States or security and safety of United States persons.” tl; dr: that act and the DATA act give the Secretary of Commerce full power to ban any foreign tech company, group, platform or service from operating in their country if they think these products and services threaten the nation.
>>287218 Sounds like something game & animation companies could abuse to kick out the japanese competition.
>>287216 you're right, I should have realized just copying and pasting it from .PDF wouldn't work (if any janny wants to clean up the post formatting or remake it feel free. just get the .pdf in the mean time... >>287218 >platform or service from operating in their country if they think these products and services threaten the nation. you just know this shit is going to be weaponized for anything anime related. (just like what those cucks in Australia did a year or three ago).
>>287219 Watch them do that to both Japanese and Koreans.
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>>287222 This is just stupid. This doesn't say anything other than "Trump will win in the end, sort of". I still hate this faggot, and him flipping sides hasn't changed that.
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>>287222 Can a drawfag draw two hasidic jews with shovels in the last frame? https://yewtu.be/Vy48jfWoN28
>>287222 Outside of being a Shawshank reference where's the fucking joke?
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>>287193 Whaaaaaaaat's the deal with mentally ill jews and antisocial behavior? LOOK HE'S A NIGGER!!
>>287193 Let's not forget about "innocent until proven guilty" fellas
Uganda is blessed to have the god-loving Pasta Sempa fight against LGBTQI tranny brain demons.
>>287222 lol >>287223 I think its just supposed to be a funny shawshank redemption gag. not any real political commentary
>>287215 Only thing I take away from this as a threat (to our kind of people) is the note about intervening in ICT products and services that may align with foreign interests, rather than absolutely originating from foreign sources. So this could be used as an excuse to snoop around in something like, say, a US-based website because it's been determined (arbitrarily, most likely) that the site could potentially interest a foreign party. If we're to be honest, this isn't anything the gov't isn't already doing but I won't let that excuse their actions with this proposal.
>>287222 I thought Biden was going to sniff on the poster.
>>287223 I thought it was a joke about the arrest images and him still walking around free.
>>287232 The fake arrest images aren't referenced in any way. He's already arrested at the start of the comic. How could you interpret him going to and escaping from jail after a period of time as a joke about how he hasn't been arrested at all. You're giving this retard far too much benefit of the doubt.
>>287233 Maybe he should draw him being interrogated and in court too, and write a whole manga in between so you get the admittedly poor joke.
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>>803751 >Wojack
>>287234 I'm insulting the artist, not you. No need to take it personally and start white knighting the fag.
>>803751 >that fucking video Who is the intended audience for this faggotry? Distilled Cancer would be a better fucking product to market.
(1.80 MB 1920x1080 Kill yourself faggot.webm)

>>803751 >>803754 >>803757 >unironically saving nu-jaks
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>>287219 >>287220 >>287221 Is unlikely that the American government will attempt to use the law to hinder Japanese and Korean entertainment, at least for now. For starters, these two countries are vassals states openly ruled and influenced by America, and burgers can use other methods to keep them in check. Besides, American companies have invested a lot of money in Japanese and Korean entertainment, either by importing original content (see Crunchiroll or Netflix's catalog full of Korean drama) or by paying for their production (see the Americanization of Japanese vidya companies). TikTok is a concern because it harvests data Facebook-style to China, a country outside of the 14 eyes (countries that cooperate with America to share information about their citizens) and an obvious political rival of America. This law is obviously part of a plan of the American government to slow down the growing tech industry of China, and its purpose is to facilitate banning Chinese (and Russian, and every country outside of America's sphere of influence) companies from having businesses in America, the biggest market in the world (besides China, which doesn't really count because they buy local for the biggest part).
>>287239 nigger was deemed "female" by virtue of its weakness, bitchy slutty attitude and constant need for attention. not because that's what it identifies as.
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Could someone add this image as the thumbnail to the webm?
>>287243 just give me the audio track in a High-Quality. mp3 file and I could do it. or you can do it on your own with "AudioToWebm.exe"
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>>803757 >>803754 Did you know that there's a youtube kids channel about those?
>>287242 I think that' show it wants to be identified, let's not give him that.
>>287246 nigger-pill is a joke of a human, any reference is just anons having a bit of a giggle at somebody being enough of a tard they chose to waste what little life they have on this planet being a complete spazoid to less then ten anons posting koreran hieroglyphics on a random underwater mongolian basket weaving consortium.
>>803751 >wojack
Couple pieces of life advice anons. 1: Anything can become nothing can become anything, or again, so don't sweat the petty shit or what other people are doing. 2: God is literally real, and so is Jesus, and they're hardcore. 3: The person you kill isn't the one who dies. Separated from their fleshy bits including memories and environment and experience that led to their choices, even Hitler or Mao could die as innocent as a newborn. What you hold onto in death can taint the rest of you though, so if you don't let that shit go and ask forgiveness you can carry over guilt and you're gonna be made to pay for it. 4: Suicide is the equivalent of ragequitting and counts against you big time with the devs. 5: When you die, you're gonna spend a minute knowing everything, including how every choice and move you ever made either helped or fucked somebody, and there's no takebacks or do-overs. Think of life like an MMORPG. The world has rules and other players are doing what they want, and its up to you to figure out how it works and live in it. But at the end when your character dies, what you actually get graded on is how you, the player, treated other players during your time in the game. And how much respect you kept for the developers in spite of the obstacles you encountered. Maybe your character rolls cancer as a kid and dies at the age of 12, or maybe you make it all the way to level cap and get ganked by a pack of orcs (niggers) in the bazaar. Its how you played the game in the time that you had that gets judged. Keep to the golden rule. And it seems like Hell is less a place where God throws you and more like its where the leftovers go. If you're not good enough to get into the club, the club owner doesn't come kill you and call you a huge piece of shit, he just doesn't let you in and you're stuck outside, and it so happens that the streets outside are swarming with gangs of demonic trannies who will then get to have their way with you for eternity because once cut loose of your body, you're energy that can never cease to exist. You brought it on yourself, because what gets you locked out is being so shitty in life and trying to bring it with you, that he's afraid that you'll bring it into heaven and rub off on the people inside. Basically you're an Eldar. You either get your shit straight and clean up enough to get invited into the big man's infinity circuit, or Slaanesh is gonna get your ass for free because you fucked up, and God isn't obligated to save you unless you ask for it and earn it. This doesn't mean there's no fun allowed. It does mean that whatever you indulge in, you'd better stay in control of and not hurt anybody with. And it means that you admit to your fuckups (even the ones you don't know about or don't remember) and are genuinely sorry for anything you've done that would piss God off. Remember what I said about Hitler and Mao? Same deal applies to whoever you hate most in the whole world. Even the commie government child raping lizard people. That's why you're supposed to hate what they do, and not hate them for existing. Sounds real hard, eh? Yeah if it was easy everyone would do it and heaven wouldn't mean shit. Peace.
>>287213 >tfw Clot Adams also fell for media reports that scientific evidence existed in favor of the "vaccines"
>>287250 If he were benevolent he wouldn't tack on narcissistic requirements, and if he isn't then there's no point worshiping him over some gnostic or animist belief.
https://babesrater .com/person/30577/zoe-quinn she used to escort / do porn she blackmailed everyone I found this from cuckchan /v/ 632045272 and thought >you guys need these. I'm sadly a newfag here btw
>>287253 This has been known since the first few weeks of Gamergate back in 2014, new friend
>>287253 Next you're going to us about her nudes and how she was a dick head to work with (please do not actually post them.)
>>287252 >If he were benevolent he wouldn't tack on narcissistic requirements My guess is that if a player refuses to even credit the devs of the game with its creation, they can't expect those devs to give them the prize when the game is over. You don't need into their club by your own admission, so you just stay outside. With the things. The other possibility I see is that the whole "creating your ass, letting you experience life, and then saving your ass from eternal sodomy" thing is a two-way street. His hand is always out, but you have to reach out and take it, and you can't do that if you won't honestly admit that he's there and can do these things in the first place. I lean much more toward reality being the second one, just based on consistency on his message. I'm not quoting Bible stuff I just have seen some shit and its intensifying in recent years.
>>287225 Referencing shawshank is the joke anon
>>287252 The requirements are simply accept Jesus as Lord, ask for forgiveness, accept the gift of Salvation, and live your life as best you can according to His will (you will fail, as all are only Human). You cannot demand to enter a Man's House whilst simultaneously denying His rules, or His very existence. Nor can you demand a gift already given to you. >>287250 >And it seems like Hell is less a place where God throws you and more like its where the leftovers go Heaven and Hell are simply states of being, the difference being whether or not you are in the Presence of God. When the end comes, ALL will be given Eternal Life with the Resurrection. Then, those who rejected God will be left behind, knowing both God and His Presence exist, and yet receiving exactly what they wanted. No God. Understanding this, this is INFINITELY worse than any burning pit. You have gotten what you thought you wanted, and have no one to blame but yourself. This is why Hell is Eternal Death. Eternal Existence without God.
>>287256 But there is no empirical proof that god is the right choice, what if it's some incan god and your soul is deleted for not playing lethal basketball? Or maybe some long forgotten god because some heathens killed off all his followers in prehistoric times, or a duopoly where you're feeding a fraud over the real god. Without better evidence it's the equivalent of someone writing [Admin] before their username in an mmo. Many acts of healing can possibly just be attributed to having any conviction, since in the inverse, even curable cancer cases often terminate the patients who think it's a death sentence. https://archive.ph/ipbA6
>>287215 The Restrict bill allows the Government control over anything that accesses the internet with a million users, without asking permission or telling you. If you want to be on social media you will have to provide a license to access it. You will probably get in trouble for using a VPN.
>>287259 What empirical proof do you have that you exist Anon? You've even made a point against yourself Anon; why would a few electric-chemical responses in the brain make a curable disease fatal? Simply because of Belief? At the end of the day, "Whether there is a God or not, his existence doesn't depend on what you believe or what I say."
>>287253 >>287254 that reminds me, Ryan died just as they were losing their way (that stupid shit he said about soulcliber 4 and lolipop chainsaw) all the rest lived long enough to become pozzed manginas for the whores that shall not be named. and then finally fired since the fake money is running out for all these scum fucks. I keep thinking about archiving the podcasts where Z is an "honored guest" and they all act like pussy starved betas while shilling for her shitty depression quest "game"... but I can't stand the thought of listening to that garbage again. I wish drew had sent that that wretched cursed place back to the shadow realm fed no bully right before he left. I hope Jeff never gets a job near video games ever again. (unless its one that forces him to play the ps3 version of Kane & Lynch till the end of his days)
>>287261 Every single time with this kind of rhetoric, god damn. You guys really do take cues from your predecessors if nothing else.
>>287259 I used to consider the same argument, until I was made privy to some simple things. The biggest one being this: All of the most successful civilizations to exist have, by hook (Christianity) or by crook (Islam, Judaism) follow the Abrahamic God. It wasn't Hindus who got to walk on the moon, it was WASP Americans. It wasn't Shinto priests who split the atom, it was Jews for better or worse. It wasn't Taoists who flew the first airplane, etc. etc. All the little happenings and coincidences in the history of the great civilizations that prospered on into today were allowed to pass in those civilizations' favor because their cultures were performing the correct worship. Those exceptional people and individuals performing the deeds absolutely put in the work to grab those achievements, but they could have just as easily not panned out due to something as simple as lack of inspiration. You could see it in a way as "God doesn't feel like he has to smite the losers, but he does get to pick the winners on the grand stage." And he picks the ones he likes best for whatever his end purpose is. I think he also tailors his requirements to the era a bit too. When animal sacrifices were all the rage, maybe he required them for the sake of his followers believing in him more. Who knows. But I know that Islam has been allowed to slide, and practitioners of Catholicism and Protestantism are equally loved. It seems that he will use anything and everything that will, in the big picture, lead more or more devoted worshippers to him. "Even if you get lost in the bramble and cut to pieces, there is no wrong path that leads to God."
>>287215 Here is a summery of the bill: In addition to Sens. Warner and Thune, the legislation is co-sponsored by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Susan Collins (R-ME), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Mitt Romney (R-UT). Vendors from the U.S. and allied countries have supplied the world’s information communications and technology (ICT) for decades. In recent years, the global ICT supply chain has changed dramatically; a number of prominent foreign vendors – many subject to the control of autocratic and illiberal governments – have gained significant market share in a variety of internet infrastructure, online communications, and networked software markets. The growth and prevalence of these untrusted vendors pose serious risks to the nation’s economic and national security. The RESTRICT Act comprehensively addresses the ongoing threat posed by technology from foreign adversaries by better empowering the Department of Commerce to review, prevent, and mitigate ICT transactions that pose undue risk, protecting the US supply chain now and into the future. THE CHALLENGE: Over the past years, foreign technology, including telecommunications equipment, social media applications, security software, and e-commerce platforms, have entered the U.S. market and become increasingly embedded within our information and communications networks, posing novel threats to U.S. citizens’ data, U.S. critical infrastructure, the privacy of Americans’ and businesses’ communications, our information ecosystem, and security of everyday products. Notable ICT products – such as Kaspersky antivirus software, telecommunications equipment supplied by Huawei, and software products from firms based in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – gained traction while the United States government struggled to identify and respond to threats posed by these products in a timely manner. Growing concerns with consumer software from vendors in the PRC – such as ByteDance’s TikTok, Tencent’s WeChat, and Alibaba’s Alipay – have raised serious concerns about a lack of consistent policies to identify threats posed by foreign ICT products and insufficient authorities to act decisively and comprehensively to address them. Further illuminating these concerns, the top two apps by absolute downloads in the United States from January 15, 2023 to February 13, 2023 were from PRC vendors Temu and ByteDance. Individual agencies have attempted to utilize their various authorities to address foreign ICT threats within their own jurisdictions, but efforts have often been disjointed, failed to comprehensively address identified risks, or, simply proved slow and under-suited to the complexity and interconnectedness of the global ICT supply chain. Further, these efforts often rely on antiquated authorities delegated to the President by Congress in a pre-digital age. A new approach is needed to systemically review and address the challenges posed by technology from foreign adversaries. Both the current and previous Administrations have rallied around a more holistic solution: granting the Department of Commerce authority to review, block, and mitigate a range of trans- actions involving foreign information and communications technology that pose undue risk. Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act THE SOLUTION: The RESTRICT Act establishes a risk-based process, tailored to the rapidly changing technology and threat environment, by directing the Department of Commerce to identify and mitigate foreign threats to information and communications technology products and services. This measured, risk-based approach is especially vital in the context of personal communications services, where federal courts have blocked prior efforts to take remedial steps against foreign software vendors as insufficiently tailored and based on insufficiently-substantiated risks. The Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act would: • Require the Secretary of Commerce to establish procedures to identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, and mitigate transactions involving information and communications technology products in which any foreign adversary has any interest and poses undue or unacceptable risk to national security. • Prioritize evaluation of ICT products used in critical infrastructure, integral to telecommunications products, or pertaining to a range of defined emerging, foundational, and disruptive technologies with serious national security implications. • Ensure comprehensive actions to address risks of untrusted foreign ICT by requiring the Secretary to take up consideration of concerning activity identified by other USG entities. • Educate the public and business community about the threat by requiring the Secretary of Commerce to coordinate with the Director of National Intelligence to provide declassified information on how transactions denied or otherwise mitigated posed undue or unacceptable risk.
>>287263 >>287261 >>287259 >>287264 Cogito, ergo sum bitches! (how can some random french guy from 1596 be a better philosopher then modern anons that have access to the sum of almost all human knowledge? simply baffling) >>287265 thank you! >>287260 >The Restrict bill allows the Government control over anything that accesses the internet with a million users. >without asking permission or telling you. If you want to be on social media you will have to provide a license to access it. >You will probably get in trouble for using a VPN. all that sounds really fucked up. hope its pulled into legal hell before it can go into full effect.
>>287008 Why were the post about internet Archive deleted?
>>287266 I'm speaking from experience, not someone else's philosophy. We could have philo 101 debates in here for hours, but I'm just trying to share a bit of what I've seen. Or the meanings behind some of what I've seen. I don't think I'm supposed to share the whole story, because everyone's story can be a little different and it would confuse things. Basically let me leave you with four things: >Treat others the way you would want to be treated in their shoes or worse >The biggest piece of shit imaginable, if truly repentant, can be forgiven, and if God can forgive that shit you had better learn to do it too if you want in his club, its one of the biggest tests >Go and do good in his name >God can grant boons, and he never goes back on his word, but that shit is a two way street and you will be made to uphold your end of the deal, and this is fair. No weasling the almighty These are pretty much the universal lesson AFAIK. Everything else can get subjective or even specific to the person involved, the time era, different human-created religious orthodoxies that you might fall under, and a million other things. But these four things always seem to be true, and I'm pretty sure the first three are always true. I added the fourth from personal experience, so YMMV. I don't trust everything written in the Torah/Bible/Koran because its been done up and over so many times by human hands and councils of bureaucrats and hypocrites and literal Jews, but they do say that God's gifts are unchangable and immutable so I believe that one bolsters my number four. Good night to all of you, and think about the future beyond just this world.
>>287268 >and think about the future beyond just this world. The unknown is made of wonders and horrors, the wheel of samsara and others would make more sense to me from a religious mindset but personally i don't think humans even have a very developed soul and what matters post-death is your own will, wanting things to be granted afterdeath is just comfort from the unknown, a fear that have existed through all human existence, Good night anon.
>>287261 Existing is itself empirical evidence, to oneself. I don't exist outside of myself, so I am the only version I know of myself. If I didn't exist then I couldn't manipulate what I perceive through cognition. By doing anything, I prove I exist, at least to myself. This extends as compassion to others who I can see as similar to myself, but not me. It does not extend to things that claim to be more than that without more evidence. A being with dominion over reality may not also have dominion over souls, for example. >>287264 Arguably coincidental, it could just be europeans have more neanderthal blood in them, the romans really liked jews and christians, and the rest is a virulent belief system with morals that most normal people find acceptable. There have been plenty of other civilizations developing stuff which trade brought to the empires that outlasted them, and credited. Once you reach a critical mass then you pretty much become a locus for advancement, any country catching up would have a harder time due to spending most effort reverse engineering or just directing the effort to paying for it instead. >>287268 Nighto
>>287264 Montheists religions favors the discover of more things,not having specific gods to explain specific aspects of the world stripping of worshipping and allowing the thought of understanding the world around them, you spoke about "correct worship" but were all the people that made these happenings truly worshippers? In their individuality did they follow that God and its teachings? You could argue that is not relevant since these creations helped humanity as a whole but why would evil people be included on it? Which creations were from "correct worship" and which weren't? Is our development part of that "correct worship" to begin with? Couldn't we as civilizations being led astray by the devils under the guise that these technological advances is the right path? The Devil is a deceiver, how hard would it for him to deceive humanity through small "inspirations" to people to create the feeling "its too coincidental therefore its God doing,its the right worship" in on a large scale, pushing countless toward that and stray from what is the right path? Everyone wants to believe they are following the right God, but most will deny the idea that their entire worship might be a creation of the deceiver to begin with.
Does anyone know what the hell is going over at sankaku? Anon posting in the comment section is gone from the site.
>>287272 Probrably got an email from credit card saying they dont want anonymous people
>>287272 >shitkaku
>>287272 i know they took it out of rule34xxx like a year or two ago; still can on paheal but im p sure they also stopped letting you yell about niggers on there for years now
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>>287274 *bakaku Shitaku is reversed for kotaku
>>287228 I know some anons were taking about how africaniggers are worse than americaniggers, but evidently they aren't all bad.
>>286988 >That is not to say that being intelligent is bad, but if you take two people with roughly the same intelligence, and one of them is social and the other isn't, the social one is going to do better almost every single time. Not necessarily. Although I am the more sociable one of the pair, I would be unable to deal with the minutiae of life without her, housework aside she's extremely capable at sniffing out opportunities and frauds and can read contracts and ToSs in seconds, while I memorize tics and tastes of everyone around me. We basically act like she's mission control and I'm the player character. I'm not ashamed to say we larped as Metal Gear characters a couple of times. I agree though that everything I've been taught or learnt for myself is a complete waste, if you want to thrive in this world you need to have a network of people you can harass when you're in need of help, you need to know how to whine worse than a Twitter user seeing a sideboob on a 17 year old girl and to accept getting it in the ass when you know you can pound an opportunity better than a fluffer on the gay porno set. It also helps if you're a fucking asshole and record everyone's interaction like a maniac. >>286951 Any time I browse imageboards 99% of the people asking for dating advice just want to tap that ass. >>287034 Thanks to so many gay services like Jewtube and Patreon you can effectively have a second income without having to leave the house. It's true that you need a living wage to survive, but it's also true that a lot of shit is completely superfluous in life.
>>287228 I know some anons were taking about how africaniggers are worse than americaniggers, but evidently they aren't all bad.
>>287093 >>287166 (((Kissinger))) wasn't wrong, the problem is that the US was under the delusion that transforming a Socialist/Authoritarian country into a Capitalist Democracy one was gonna be as easy as when they did it in Japan, West Germany and Italy. The problem is that it worked - China, Turkey and other shitholes became Capitalist, but the Authoritarian/Islamic power structure stayed the same. Westerners at the time didn't understand the concept that Capitalism is not like Communism or Islamism, people don't worship the dollah as much as university professors and washed up political journalists claim, conversely The Party and The Childfucker are powerful religious entities and you can have a country that professes state-regulated economy at home but is perfectly okay with playing the market abroad. TikTok is the perfect example of this, in China they have their own version that is basically an extension of the government's spying potential and turns no profit in comparison to the Western counterpart. The West should understand that unless the country is actively trying to be more like you (see Jewlensky's Ukraine or Vietnam) then the only way to force them to be like you is to wait for their own system to crash down on its own weight and swoop in with your economy to privatize their shit before they get a chance to do so themselves (like how ex KGB members in Russia looted the entire country in the span of a decade because Uncle Sam was MONITORING THE SITUATION). >>287105 >>287106 At some point they'll try and take your memories too, anons. Remember to save everything and mod things into how they're supposed to be - and spread the mods on an appropriate non-authoritarian modding site as well.
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>>287127 >>287130 Any time people claim Strive failed no one backs it up with any evidence. I see videos of it pop up on jewtube from time to time and they've got hundreds of thousands of views. Then again, it doesn't correlate with player head count, as Skullgirls also has a lot of watchers but nobody actually plays it or even owns it. >>287186 Based, censors get the noose first.
>>287199 Man, the Dilbert show was fucking amazing. Why the fuck did Scott Adams nuke his whole career on such an easy trap? >>287194 I thought this was only about banning applications in places of work? So they're bringing down the hammer on anything that sounds like it could potentially harm America's interest? Imagine Tachiyomi dying because it hurt publishers' fee fees. >>287220 Do they still count any anime pic like "pedophilic images" in Straya?
>>287281 In Japan Strive totally flopped In the west it did fine in terms of sales afaik Dunno about longevity or anything though
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>>287281 >"Are you greek, turkish or cypriot?"
>>287230 Considering any 14 eye country just disables a website from the DNS whenever they say something bad about the government, it's not surprising in the least that they'd go after applications as well. Some EU law a few months ago wanted to ban all open source because it didn't provide enough surveillance on the data being used, which is retarded as it would mean half of the systems employed in the fucking Bruxelles building would be unusable. >>803751 >>803757 I think the whole point of these is just to make people mad. Like without any specific reason for it, they're trying to see if they can get people to associate the soyjacks to anything terrible a la facebook minion pics.
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>>287282 >Why the fuck did Scott Adams nuke his whole career on such an easy trap? It was Casual Friday.
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>>287286 >Puts Dilbert strip behind paywall The fucking idiot. Sure, LIMIT your reach, you fucking bucket of sand.
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>>287225 References are the new jokes.
>White Europeans now calling for a boycott and cutting aid to Africans over faggots not being allowed to groom in the classroom Kek. Looks like Africans might become leftists boogeymen. I bet /pol/ likes Africa more than leftists twitter and blm.
>>286948 Imagine not wanting to look up her pantsu. They gay.
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>>287286 The entire saga is primo internet content
Here is something I have been wondering: should homosexuality (and other adjacent forms of faggotry) be considered a fetish? From my understanding the difference between a fetish and a kink of preference is that in the case of a fetish the former must be present for sexual arousal, while a kink or preference is not necessary. For example, someone with a BDSM kink would incorporate BDSM activities into sex sometimes, but would not need BDSM to get off. On the other hand, someone with a BDSM fetish needs BDSM to get off and regular sex does nothing for him. It doesn't have to be something out of the ordinary like BDSM, even something benign like for example red hair could be considered a fetish if it becomes necessary. Faggots cannot be sexually aroused by women, only the unnatural act of sodomy can given them pleasure. If that isn't a textbook example of a fetish, then nothing is.
White House floats cutting Uganda health aid over Anti-Homosexuality Act >The White House said Wednesday that the U.S. has "grave concerns" regarding the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA) in Uganda, and said U.S. economic support for the country could be at risk over the bill. >White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the legislation would hamper tourism and economic investment. >If the AHA is signed into law and enacted, it would impinge upon universal human rights, jeopardize progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS, deter tourism and [investment] in Uganda, and damage Uganda’s international reputation," she told reporters at the daily press briefing. >No one should be attacked, imprisoned, or killed simply because of who they are, or who they love," Jean-Pierre added. >National Security Council spokesman John Kirbywarned that if the law were enacted, Washington would "have to take a look" at imposing economic penalties on Uganda. >We’re — we’re certainly watching this real closely. And we would have to take a look at whether or not there might be repercussions that we would have to take, perhaps in an economic way, should this law actually get passed — enacted," he said. >whole community of people inside of Uganda, but if it were to have any kind of an effect on our economic assistance, that would only make that worse," he said. >Additionally, the United Nations rights chief also urged Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to block the bill. The passing of this discriminatory bill — probably among the worst of its kind in the world — is a deeply troubling development," Volker Turk, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, said in a statement. >The bill, which was passed late Tuesday, now goes to Museveni to either veto or sign it into law. The president suggested in a recent speech that he supports the bill. >The measure creates the offense of "aggravated homosexuality," which now carries the death penalty. According to the bill, a suspect convicted of "attempted aggravated homosexuality" can be jailed for 14 years, and the offense of "attempted homosexuality" is punishable by up to 10 years. >The offense of "homosexuality" is punishable by life imprisonment under a colonial-era law. The bill was introduced last month by an opposition lawmaker who said his goal was to punish "promotion, recruitment and funding" related to LGBTQIA+ activities in this East African country, where homosexual individuals are widely disparaged. >Anti-gay sentiment in Uganda has grown in recent weeks amid alleged reports of sodomy in boarding schools. Homosexuality is criminalized in more than 30 of Africa's 54 countries. https://archive.ph/UyHiG Joe Biden and democrats would rather black African kids starve in Uganda than allow them to outlaw LGBT after Americans tried to teach boys Tranny propaganda in school.
>>287292 Depends on if they prefer plowing or being plowed, if a woman with a strap-on would be adequete, if they like bara or twinks, etc. Some might just want easy sex since women play coy.
>>287293 >If the AHA is signed into law and enacted, it would [...] jeopardize progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS Should we tell them about the faggots who intentionally spread HIV as a fetish?
>>287295 They know about it, they just bring shit to try to make their argument "convincing".
>>287293 >Joe Biden and democrats would rather black African kids starve in Uganda than allow them to outlaw LGBT after Americans tried to teach boys Tranny propaganda in school. Sounds great to me, niggers lose and trannies lose, win win.
>>287297 Niggers actually win since local farmers no longer compete with an infinite supply of free food. One of the most basic ways to make money was denied to them, leaving them dependant on globohomo. Health aid doesn't exactly encompass all humanitarian aid though.
>>287250 Here >we go again. Preaching paragraph upon paragraph of the word of the Christian God is fine "good religious discussion" but denying it is Federofag derailing. >Anything can become nothing can become anything, or again, This isn't a proper sentence, and no, the latter half doesn't make it one. >God is literally real, and so is Jesus, and they're hardcore. I'll just listen and believe have faith in you on that one. >Think of life like an MMORPG MMOs are shit though. >And how much respect you kept for the developers in spite of the obstacles you encountered. So I have to operate under the assumption that the game isn't shit and the devs are infallible, and if I think otherwise, I'm punished? >This doesn't mean there's no fun allowed. >It does mean that whatever you indulge in, you'd better stay in control of and not hurt anybody with. Not all sin requires hurting others. Have some sacrilegious art. >>287261 I think, therefore I am. >>287268 >Treat others the way you would want to be treated in their shoes or worse You mean "or better"?
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>>287292 I'm surprised anyone still remembers there's a difference between fetishes and kinks. Everyone these years uses the word fetish to mean kink.
>>287299 Don't forget voluntarily following old testament rules if you really do want to be as favorable as you can be to god. If he laid out those rules as being the S rank ideals and then scrapped it when people couldn't follow them, you can probably make a few concessions thanks to the time saved by modern ameneties to not eat pork nor play with the strange fire that powers demonic thinking machines on some days.
>>287266 >how can some random french guy from 1596 be a better philosopher then modern anons Because much of today's modern philosophy has been twisted by Gnosticism, "Reason", and the Englightenment; and have all led to the conclusion that the problems we face are the result of the world being the problem rather than ourselves; with this twisted logic going so far as to effect and destroy traditional religious values.
>>287271 >Couldn't we as civilizations being led astray by the devils under the guise that these technological advances is the right path? The answer to that is incredibly simple, refer to your own damn book and compare if you're living your life in parallels to the teachings that are written. >>287280 >The problem is that it worked - China, Turkey and other shitholes became Capitalist Yes, that's why the people in charge of West Taiwan are the Chinese COMMUNIST Party. > Westerners at the time didn't understand the concept that Capitalism is not like Communism or Islamism No, the intellectuals of the 50's and 60's outright knew that Capitalism and Communism are outright opposed to the other an cannot co-exist. It's part of the reason why Socialists had an identity crisis until (((Herbert Marcuse))) used his Hermetic alchemy to redefine Capitalism and Communism as essentially "two side of the same coin", and proposing the ideal concept of "Productive Socialism" that "combines" the productive and market forces of Capitalism with the societal and governmental structures and forces of Socialism. Yes, it's still Socialism, and it will fail, but try telling that to the Progressives who want it. >>287292 >should homosexuality (and other adjacent forms of faggotry) be considered a fetish? Yes
>>287299 Reminds me of how the artist HellOnEarthIII thinks that he got his foot crushed because he made pornographic art of the Virgin Mary.
>>287295 >Should we tell them about the faggots who intentionally spread HIV as a fetish? assuming African twitter hasn’t been purge yet for making fun of black Americans and BLM. It possible to contact real Africans.
>>287303 >The answer to that is incredibly simple, refer to your own damn book and compare if you're living your life in parallels to the teachings that are written. Ah yes, the simply answer of using books that could have all been twisted by the Devil, that their existence itself could be the work of the Devil.
>>287292 It is a paraphilia, a fetish is just a stronger kink. This also means it is a mental disorder as well which correlates with how it was originally classified by Doctors.
>>287306 >using books that could have all been twisted by the Devil Oh, yes, it's not like we have the manuscripts that you can actually read for yourself: http://aleppocodex.org/ http://www.codexsinaiticus.org/en/ http://www.csntm.org/Manuscript/View/GA_03 Not to mention that the early church somehow solved this problem despite Gnostic heretics running around like crazy, not to mention the 1500's with the Protestant movement and people finally being able to reqd the Bible themselves.
>>287308 Thanks anon,i will see what the Devil have for me in those books.
>>287303 >>287306 >>287308 Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first revolutionary: from all our legends,mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins or which is which), the first revolutionary known to man who rebelled against the authoritarian establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer. PRAISE HIM
>>287308 >the early church somehow solved this problem By burning any contrary evidence at the council of nicaea :^)
>>287299 How is that image sacrilege? maybe if you're an American.
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It’s CUNNY time!
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>>803932 PROMOTED
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Honest question why is it that so many on the internet have made this lie of people in the centre being unbiased, or that insanity isn't exclusive to political extremes. Did none of these people go on the internet during the 90s to early 2010s?
>>287317 People are retarded and use a good enough model to pretend to know something.
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>>287313 Is Jesus not sacred, and is depicting him as a sexy woman not a misuse of his image? >>803932
>>287313 Anon. I know you're irreligious/an atheist like most imageboard basement dwellers, but think long and hard about why depicting Jesus as a busty woman posing with her tits out might be sacrilege. >>803932 Kind of like this, even as a non-Catholic there's something to be said about why they have to keep the cross in center frame in a porn image.
>>287310 I'm taking his Kingdom for myself, Lucifer beware of my ascension
>>803944 Spoiler your porn, dumbass, it's why you got warned.
>>287284 Don't post Mark's dick pics, that's mean anon.
>>287322 He knows.
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>>287320 >I know you're irreligious/an atheist I've grown to hate other atheist with a passion as they will straight up deny things to fit their narratives like the hyper religious types they love to lord over, or will deny that much scientific progress through out /his/tory was ironically by very religious people. What made me honestly the most mind blown was seeing fellow atheist here legit trying to tell people back on 8ch prime that the Western Roman Empire was destroyed by Christians vs Romans, despite the Western Romans being fully Christianised with Roman being synonymous being Christian at that point. That with much of the atheist movementgranted you could argue very well the enlightenment kicked this off firstbeing one of the roots of sjwism, pseudo intellectualism and other self destructive bullshit, I have a lot of deep personal issues with religion (especially the church of England which my family is still a part of) but I hate fedora much much more.
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>>287327 It's okay to have issues with the churches themselves while still holding the faith in Jesus &/ God.
>>287328 I just don't believe there is a god and leave it at that, now I do think Jesus was a real person unlike the actual retards here who have legit tried saying he never existed. Despite the very pagan Romans having records of him half which were not in a positive light.
>>287328 >Jesus &/ God > Implying Jesus is not God Fuck off, Arius.
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>>287331 >> Implying Jesus is not God He implied the opposite by putting that slash in the middle, methinks.
>>287319 >>287320 Oh I see now, I thought that was Mother Mary, my bad
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>>287330 I wish you could see the light & feel God's love yourself again, anon. >>287331 It depends on your interpretation but most accept Jesus is an aspect of God in human form.
>>287314 Nice.
This is now a satan thread
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>>287336 I'll do you one better. SATANIA
>>287308 I hate the Demiurge I HATE THE DEMIURGE
>>287336 Satan is a nigger
>>287336 As Laurence Gardner showed in his book “Genesis of the Grail Kings”: "The Serpent Lord was Enki, but in parts of Chaldea He had been called Shaitan." Satanism is ancient, and every non-Christian belief system is Satanic. Enki's symbol is a serpent.
Just called my representative about the Restrict Act and i hope you Anons will to, this bill is disturbing and invasive.
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>>287341 Quit beating around the bush, Patrick.
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Dumping my satanic AI art
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>>287334 >It depends on your interpretation but most accept Jesus is an aspect of God in human form. That's modalism, Patrick!
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This thread need some serious education.
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>>287355 I think you're naming the wrong Jew. Fairly certain all the unspoilered porn has just been LCP being mildly less obnoxious and direct than usual. Wasn't certain, but that last post with the demon lolis confirmed it. No idea who is spamming Satanic AI though.
Nothing is ever over, time will turn, the moment will pass and it's always darkest before dawn.
>>287356 I got osmething better
>>287355 Oh wait, no, you're right. There he is. Carry on then.
When every sign says six, when the book says SIX SIX SIX Make it SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN This road leads to the gates of heaven
The barcode automatons from a future age, greatest with garlands of fish babies born not of man, born not of woman. produced in the steel simulated wombs of a laboratory.
What's with all the satan shit?
>>287336 Satan is literally an angel who is God's narc. His job was to run the equivalent of FBI entrapment operations on people to get them to do evil shit and get them sentenced to eternal rape. What kind of fag would worship that guy?
>>287366 Overreaction to some religious evangelism last night.
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>>287367 He's more like the loser who rebelled out of jealousy then got disowned & kicked out. Trying to get as many souls from humanity to be stuck with him out of spite.
>>287369 I thought angels have no free will and he just mis-served god.
>>287370 That's a theological argument I'm not so sure about. They might have a much more limited sense of free will since the war in heaven happened because of Satan convincing hosts of angels they should overthrow God. Or you could make the argument God always meant for things to happen like this & they're just following their programming.
>>287367 Isn't there a distinction beetwen Satan and Lucifer?
>>287372 Depends on who you ask. Some books claim that Satan is the embodiment of evil, the eternal adversary of God, and the responsible for corrupting Lucifer, God's most perfect angel, and turning him against God. Other books say "fuck it" and designate Satan, Lucifer, old gods from other religions and nicknames like "the dark one" as a singular evil entity.
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>>287336 stormare best satan
I'm having a similar discussion on another board, but it seems rather relevant here, too. Has anyone else noticed that it seems like a lot of people posting online are doing it from a place of depression? That, rather than posting about discussions that genuinely interest them or making topics about subjects they enjoy, that people seem far more willing to engage in pointless inane drama that does nothing except waste time and energy. And, that includes even places that they specifically came to because they liked the atmosphere and attitude of it. Anyone thought of proposing ways to fix it? And, more importantly, also doing it themselves?
>>287375 I tihnk the excess of information deal with in daily basis is part of the cause, drama is a way to vent the stress but in enganging on it they build more stress, its a vicious cycle of self-destruction.
>>287375 When a lot of outlets, hobbies, & interests suck, people tend to only be able to focus on the negatives. You should know that being on /v/. I think more people should spend time doing the things they love away from the internet. Unironically go outside & touch grace. I know all too well that being stuck in misery isn't gonna fix it.
>>287377 >Unironically go outside & touch grace. Random Internet user goes out and shakes hand with all local women called "Grace", film at 11
>>287377 Touched my neighboor called Grace,she was pretty upset how do i fix this?
>>287379 You should've flirted with her first.
>>287367 >sentenced to eternal rape Sure you're not mixing the FBI with Monster Girl Quest of all things?
>>287170 >why do literal communist organizations, which did not exist before communism was created, back overt communists instead of [an ideology that is ostensibly anti-communist] It is a mystery. you goddamned retard
>>287259 >But there is no empirical proof that god is the right choice Draw the Punnett Square, dude.
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https://archive.is/NzBlb https://archive.is/hnzNj https://archive.is/OtMyf >Women were allegedly roofied at GDC I wonder how much annoying virtue signalling and guilt by association will be levied out against all "gamers" due to this? If these allegations are true, I bet the people who tried to roofie others are also the same to go on to cry about toxic male gamers on twitter and how they "believe all women".
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>>287379 >>287380 According to hentai games you start by touching her shoulders and her thighs repeatedly until she become aroused and let you touch her boobs and ass although sometimes you can start by touching the boobs and ass right away
>>287384 >look at all there horrendous things that happen to women perpetrated by gamers! <so is anyone going to file charges any for any these heinous crimes? >ummm errrrmmm mmmmmmm uhhhhhhhh why are you so sexist?!?!? NEVER HAPPENED They would love nothing more than half a dozen solid court cases to salivate over and utilize as cudgels against groups they don’t like but such damning legal battles never apparate despite so many “claims” these women make.
>>287385 >Bottom right square Why must the search go on?
>>287388 In case reincarnation occurs, or other religions show more promise.
>>804043 Shouldn't you be on cuck/pol/ sperging at or making slide threads?
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>>287342 >call your two representatives Yeah, sure, ok.
>>287342 >voting >mattering >at all Holy shit, go back to Q-LARP land.
>>287384 >leftists take over gaming industry >women in gaming keep getting groped <still can't make the connection >roofied ? This some new slang or the latest buzzword or something?
>>287394 roofied British slang for a spiked drink. Been used at least for 20 years since that when i first heard the term..
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>>287394 >This some new slang or the latest buzzword or something? You have to 18 30 to post here.
>>804098 >>287393 No uguu-mint fag proving once again he's worse than niggerpill, also samefag and yes, I know >(1) Keep crying nigger.
>>287396 To be fair anon probrably just don't have much social contact so he wouldn't know. >>287394 >>287384 >"our industry" They will never make the connection,this kind of people need to be cut off completely, they are posers and trend seekers, they are only there because gaming is popular nowadays, they are a plague for any hobby.
>>287002 >>287003 >>287005 >>287004 >>287006 >>287008 >>287073 What exactly was deleted about Internet Archive?
>>287386 >last webm >hentai parody of Papers Please Nice. Never knew that existed. Can I get a name for it?
>>287400 You can find it easily with the RJ number in the filename.
>>287394 >This some new slang or the latest buzzword or something? Roofie comes from the word Rohypnol, which is a sleep medication, but it became famous when creeps started putting it in unaware female's drinks in order to rape them easier. In the case your replying to though, it's most likely women got too drunk and they don't want to take responsibility for their actions, so they blame it on roofies. Kind of like how women claim they were almost sex trafficked at one point.
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>>287390 This is one
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>>287372 Yes, Lucifer is the angel that rebelled. Satan is a title to any angel or entity, meaning the Adversary, which tempts or tests Man's Righteousness, a lot of the time on behalf of God. For example, it is thought that Mastema was the Satan that told God that Job would deny God, yet Mastema is one of God's Servants. So, yes, Satan(s) are the Fed.
>>287405 Damn,he looks like someone that would keep his word. i feel like killing him again
>>287405 When you put it that way demons in general might serve as the opposition to test mankind's constitutions and ability to deal with hardship, struggle, and willingness to adapt to survive. If that's the case then God's a lot nicer than he appears to be than what many would make him out to be.
>>287407 People in general forget this life is brutal and merciless, yet those who rise above become strong people in body, mind, and spirit through struggle. Times became far too easy, yet the youth know that struggle is necessary for growth, hence the SJW movement.
>>287405 >me when I don't pay my taxes I HATE THE ANTICHRIST! I HATE THE ANTICHRIST! I HATE THE ANTICHRIST! I actually just don't have a job.
Apparently Nexon got Battle Royale game called Dark & Darker removed from Steam with a C&D. https://archive.is/30Fz5 I played it, it was kind of jank (and didn't really have any reason to be a Battle Royale) but ever since Hellraid was announced (and then cancelled) I've been in the mood for some first person fantasy dungeon delving with real time combat. Hopefully someone will leak the last build and backend resources as a fuck you to Nexon as otherwise this looks like the end of the line for the game.
>>287410 >This latest escalation is part of an ongoing legal dispute between Nexon and Ironmace, as well as personal legal disputes between Nexon and Ironmace employees. Employees at Ironmace were formerly working at Nexon on a project called P3, cancelled in 2021, that Nexon alleges bears similarity to Dark and Darker, seemingly implying that Ironmace used stolen assets and code to create its game Sounds like a mess.
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>>287411 Stolen assets? In a Steam game?! That's unpossible!
>>287385 Every religion itself is a different flavour with different subflavours, and many have "superflavours" i.e. religious families.
>>287410 >Employees at Ironmace were formerly working at Nexon on a project called P3, cancelled in 2021, that Nexon alleges bears similarity to Dark and Darker People would go and steal assets from canceled projects only a few know about?
>>287413 How many families do you have?
>>287414 >People would go and steal assets from canceled projects only a few know about? Its pretty common even more if the game is done in Unity. >>287415 Does your mother count as a single family or many?
>>287416 Your mother would count as part of your family. Multiple families would be like having multiple wives.
>>287408 >People in general forget this life is brutal and merciless Anon, they don't forget. You have people that believe that struggle and hardship are indications that the world (And even God by extension) are wrong. That's what's fueled this gnostic parasite that's creeped into every aspect of our lives and seeks to "reset" the world seven years from now. And, their little cult only works if they convert everyone else into believing that the world is the problem.
Struggle and the capacity to overcome it is part of the beauty of this world.
>>287418 >>287419 Fuck taxes & this ever worsening economy.
>>287418 >You have people that believe that struggle and hardship are indications that the world (And even God by extension) are wrong. Hardship isn't wrong, it's fairness that is the issue. The game isn't balanced. It's like Evolve.
>>287422 But Evolve is one of those cases where greed & incompetence didn't successfully scam people.
>>287423 Well yes, in Evolve you have the choice to not play the game and aren't doomed to Hell for it. In real life, "not playing the game" is called suicide and God's followers see giving into despair as equivalent to "rage quitting" and deserving of damnation. Or at least, that's this anon's analogy. >>287250
>>287250 yeah, and we are the dev, this is an edutainment mmo of the dev, by the dev, for the dev, and the dev's a retard, as we can see, the fact this shit's been holding on for as long as it has is either a miracle or from help of those around the dev, even if this shit hole's structure and workings are basically standardized shit, the dev is who he fucking is(its us, the stragglers, tardlets and negakarmatards included), all of that's the dev, the "mmo" as well, when i said "of the dev" i meant both meanings, and the fucker screwed up even the startup a few time, you know how many?, he doesn't like it being brought up but the fucker is who he fucking is and one of the lessons he must learn is learning from those fucking mistakes and you should know already how retarded us here get when someone directly lays out this shit for them, if they are REALLY retarded they might go full on mass shooting mode, cause retards will retard and you fucking know it, and if you don't hey, now you know, be careful next time
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>>287426 i don't want old man felix
>>287206 fucking source on that?
>>287428 Fine. No old man Felix.
>>287428 >old man He's only 27 in that pic
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>>287385 Just flesh that out to what it was 400 years ago. If someone is trying to game the system of belief, God would know. And if God doesn't know, that's not a god worth following.
>>287432 Why would it be an "infinite reward" ?
>>287433 I suppose it depends on how Heaven is interpreted, but I think the general rule is that once you're in, you're in for good, so infinite good.
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>>287432 But multiple faiths can promise infinite reward and infinite punishment.
>>287302 don't forget about hermeticism, and even less about hermeto-gnosticism and its spawn
>>287435 >>287434 The problem with this is, Christianity have broken into multitude of sects, you don't even know which is the true church that Jesus Christ had told to be followed. I've been out of Roman Catholicism since I was 15 years old not because I was inspired by edgy anti-Christian "atheists", but because I know I'm not ready nor worthy to follow Christ in his footsteps. I'm planning to join the Orthodoxy when I'm ready, but that's even out of the question when talking about what church should be joined to.
>>287434 Man i would never feel suitable to get to heaven. Shouldn't there a third column though? The assumption nothing happens just because God isn't there isn't perfect, it could be reincarnation it could also have an endless amount of things either good or bad it could get you eventually to infinite reward or infinite damnation just not directly.
>>287330 wasn't there an engraving made by a roman school boy mocking his christian class mate by depicting jesus as a donkey on the cross?
>>287435 Sure, and that falls into the old "Atheist just believe in one less religion" joke. As >>287438 said, if you want, you could extend that table out for each believe/disbelieve and whether you should/shouldn't believe it. At that point, your chances are significantly lowered, if you're choosing randomly, but if you buy the whole Pascal's Wager argument, you should at least limit your choices to the ones with infinite rewards. But, again, that is a rather insincere basis for belief. >>287437 >I've been out of Roman Catholicism since I was 15 years old >I'm not ready nor worthy to follow Christ in his footsteps Classic ex-Catholic. I'm in the same boat, 12 years of Catholic schooling, so I'm always feeling guilty about something. Unlike you, I'm not particularly interested in re-joining a religion just yet, so I have no advice on that front.
>>287437 >Christianity have broken into multitude of sects one i really don't like is scofieldism
>>287434 Believing in the wrong god is probably worse than not, so top right is inaccurate, and bottom right is a tentative positive since you didn't swear allegience already. As another anon said, you have to also guess the right sect to follow as well, and which of the three main prophets are real or fake, not counting mormonism. So really you have two bad outcomes, one good outcome if you rolled correctly, and one variable outcome. For all we know the cathars had it right and catholics and protestants are both unsalvagable.
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>>287437 You might think you're not worthy, but Christ thought otherwise when He went up to the cross. We're all sinners, but He loves us regardless of that.
>>287444 I see you volunteered to make a salvation war adventure game. https://archive.bookfrom.net/stuart-slade/439688-armageddon_tsw-1.html
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>>287444 No, you'll take your anti-gnosticism discussion, and you'll like it.
>>287437 I don't actually believe but as far as I've seen Catholicism has created better societies that actually cared about the vulnerable.
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>>287444 Well, any videogame news? How long until E3 in the case it happens?
>>287449 Nintendo sucks at balancing splatoon 3 and pax east had 2 splash crab tanks and a sloshing machine present on virtually every match once again.
>>287447 The Papists did do a lot of good for Europe, especially since they effectively became the "glue" holding society together after the fall of Rome. However, the problems with it are the problems every institution and organization suffers from, in that you have people who see it as a position that allows them to lord over everyone and abuse that power.
>>287297 >>287295 >>287298 >Niggers actually win since local farmers no longer compete with an infinite supply of free food. One of the most basic ways to make money was denied to them, leaving them dependant on globohomo. Hating fags and trannies will set us free. >Health aid doesn't exactly encompass all humanitarian aid though If you look the aids map of Africa. Nation where homosexuality outlawed has the lowest aids rates.
>>287410 >>287411 Situation's a mess. In a nutshell: >Artfag at nexon does work for nexon >Nexon is pissed at artfag and pulls the dude into a dragged on lawsuit >by the way they still haven't found any evidence for what the dude was sued for (stealing assets from Nexon, more specifically, during covid he had a remote server at home to do work, transferred assets to and from under the impression it was allowed (and at certain points of time, it was.) Nexon found out and got really angry.) >Dude leaves Nexon for obvious reasons and joins up with Ironmace >Begin working on Dark and Darker >Dark and Darker uses Unreal assets (its an Unreal Engine game) >Skip 3-4 months >P3 project by Nexon is announced >skip 3 months >Nexon accuses Dark and Darker of copyright infringement, yadda yadda, citing art style similarities, similar asset names, and a similar style of game to P3, which they find impossible >You are here Ironmace did strike back with a few counter points, one is fairly obvious >Art style is obviously because of this dude. Nexon doesn't own artstyles. >similar asset names, hilariously they actually included a few Unreal Engine assets claiming as their own. But either way, its generic fantasy, there's only so many ways you can name a firebolt effects file. >similar style of game to P3, which wasn't even in real development by the time artfag left. Nexon also claims that it's impossible for Dark and Darker to get this much progress in this short time, which only speaks to Nexon's incompetency. P3 only was copyrighted/registered after Dark and Darker had it's first playtest. I'm pretty sure Nexon is just really butthurt at a particular artfag, especially if they've been wasting tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to search this dude's place, only to find utterly nothing. Artfag left abusive company, and then the abusive company gets even more mad. Dark and Darker being what it is, is probably just a convenient excuse. I don't fully understand why Nexon is so obsessed with this particular dude other than legal fees
>>287453 They're probably setting an example if they're insecure about their other employees and contractors, koreans can be pretty autistic.
>>287453 It's about making an example out of him. You can't just let creatives leave and take their creativity with them.
>>287455 >koreans That's all I needed to know. I really miss Gook.
>>287453 I hope the artist have some dirty from nexon and decided to just go "fuck it"
>>287437 Reminder that Orthodoxy is an ethnic religion, fuck any "we are all one" nonsense.
>>287454 who the fuck paid?
>>287459 The shitflinging from ukrainian orthodox churches to russian was funny.
>>287454 >bonded out Who the fuck paid for his release? WHY?
>>287460 >>287462 Probably some trannies.
>>287463 Even trannies should know not to engage with CWC. Someone just wanted to kick the hornet's nest, isn't it?
>>287464 Probrably the same kind of people that Chris is.
>>287462 Some men just want to watch the world burn and those men are fake women.
>>287427 Why is this comic now referencing drood anon?
>>287454 He could be anywhere!
>>287454 is this real?
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>>287454 >Tranny get away with raping women They get away with rape more than niggers.
>>287471 The closest thing they have with the women is getting away with rape
>>287464 >Even trannies should know not to engage with CWC. Someone just wanted to kick the hornet's nest, isn't it? Nigga what? He an hero in the tranny community. Kiwi farms and Reddit are in full damage control over trannies right. Especially if you point out the LGBT community fucked Chris-chan more than the trolls.
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>>287454 Mother, I'm back... And I've missed you so much...
>>287467 Because he uses this place. I didn't know that until the last draw thread I always thought some autist would repost his comics to here. Don't look up his responses to the art requests some of them are downright fucking repulsive.
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>>287473 >He an hero in the tranny community. I hate Prick & Smarmy Especially as my sister is re-watching it right now. I want to smack her for it, but I need her to do my laundry., but there one quote that's relevant here: >Your boos mean nothing! I've seen what makes you cheer. Eunuchs are hateful and destructive host no matter what era or culture or """"gender"""" they infest. I seen trannies as nothing more that a form of life-hating internet-undead.
any news about the female shooter on Nashville? Was she a nigger? if not, was she a crazy atheist/liberal?
>>287477 >she I may have found the motivation. Like that one Texas mass-shooting last year which mysteriously dropped off the news once the shooter was identified.
>>287477 There was a shooter?
>>287476 >Prick & Smarmy What is that?
>>287477 >>287478 >>287479 >>287480 I fucking called it! I legit didn't know. >Three adults, three children and a teenage “female” shooter all died on Monday in a shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. https://www.infowars.com/posts/tragedy-in-tennessee-after-six-die-in-christian-school-shooting-including-three-children/ https://archive.ph/Uh05E (179,763 in queue) This shooting will disappear off all non-evil nazi right-wing news >>287481 Fucking Rick & Morty
It's not "transphobia" it's "having a working danger-sense." Baker?
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>>287480 >all those replies getting assblasted over a tranny Sam Hyde
>>287485 Yes, and? What do you propose to do to change this?
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>>287485 Do it for jews and see what pops out.
>>287484 One of you twitter faggots report the guy who posted Sam's actual pic for "dead naming"
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>>287480 >>287488 Oh shit, it worked!
>>804374 >Fuck Pokémon. Yes.
Fuck it, I'll do it then. I'll be OP. Lord help us. NEW BREAD >>804378 >>804378 >>804378 >>804378 >>804378 >>804378

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