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Far Right Realpolitik मित्र 09/23/2023 (Sat) 14:48:05 Id: b4e658 No. 3166
Leaked Messages from Far-Right Platform “Poast” Reveal a Cesspool of Hate June 6, 2023 Warning: This analysis contains highly offensive and potentially triggering language. Where possible, slur words are marked with asterisks, but in cases where that may make the content unclear, offensive language is cited. An analysis by the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE) of the recent leak exposing the Direct Messages (DMs) and email addresses of the far-right social media network Poast reveals a cesspool of hate. The site’s 30,000 users traffic in graphic racism, anti-LGBTQ+ hatred, and neo-Nazism. Violent language, along with discussions about doxxing both anti-fascist activists and other Poast users, were also prominent within the leaked messages. The leak provides illuminating evidence of how people with extremist beliefs talk to, and attack, others in private messages, and use unregulated forums to radicalize users. Poast is part of the Fediverse, short for “federated universe,” which is a “collection of community owned, ad-free, decentralized, and privacy-centric social networks.” Poast advertises itself as the “Fediverse for shitposters” who platform massive amounts of hate speech, not as they often claim, harmless “memes.” The Fediverse itself is not necessarily predisposed to far-right ideology, as it lets each community govern its own servers. A more mainstream example of a network existing within the Fediverse is Mastodon, which was once touted as one of Twitter’s successors following Elon Musk’s takeover. The darker side of the Fediverse exists on platforms like Poast and the now-defunct Kiwifarms.net, which are known to welcome neo-Nazis. https://globalextremism.org/post/poast/ https://globalextremism.org/post/poast/ https://globalextremism.org/post/poast/
>>3171 Data leak from far-right forum Poast reveals daycare owner with Nazi avatar Current and former employees from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Tesla are present. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/poast-hack-leaked-emails-dms/ https://www.dailydot.com/debug/poast-hack-leaked-emails-dms/ https://www.dailydot.com/debug/poast-hack-leaked-emails-dms/
>>3172 what a fucking joke of an analysis. Should've stopped reading when the criteria for far right was supposed to be the total count of the hecking N word >Current and former employees from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Tesla are present. >The HTML file appears to show employees from leading tech giants, academia, police, and the military, although the Daily Dot was unable to independently confirm the research
>>3166 >>3185 You know there are actual real right wing millitia, some of them actually dangerous. But the left uses this to avoid responsibility of being in power and absolutely failing on most of their promises. What it does is actually take attention away from the real right wing, which western governments use as hired guns. Make no mistake, as soon as Ukraine ends, most of these actual nazi's will end up in western countries.
> take attention away from the real right wing, which western governments use as hired guns. I can see this. Atleast the defleciton part. But in what unfulfilled usecase do they serve as 'hired guns'? > Make no mistake, as soon as Ukraine ends, most of these actual nazi's will end up in western countries. And do what? - - Elaborate if you would, on what the picture in general will look say in 2026-2030 as far as the far-right / far-left after the 2024 general election has settled in 25.
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>>3190 None of what I am saying is anything new. The American empire has done this since 1947 so many times. Extreme right or left does not matter. They are both tools of the American technological empire. Extremists are used to silence dissidents that can bring actual change. Assad is bringing independence to Syria, invest ISIS.Indians acting uppity ? Let Islamists attack them. Some left wing group is actually demanding real change ? Create a right wing enemy and let them fight each other instead of the government. > And do what? You will have more immigrants in the west, you keep them in control via the boogeyman of the white supremacist. Create an enemy for the public to not ask big questions or demand accountability. > Elaborate if you would, on what the picture in general will look say in 2026-2030 as far as the far-right / far-left after the 2024 general election has settled in 25. The far right left is just theatre. The theatre will go on as always. Fall of USA after 2025, will lead to lot of chaos in the North American continent. Your question needs to be specific about the region too.
>>3191 Interesting. The only thing that comes to mind now is that these predictions - whether good-newsy or bad-newsy - always over-shoot their projections / predictions. Things always end up being less dramatic than they were initially predicted ( especially if the prediction was widely followed meaning it was familiar to a large section of society. ( take it fwiw; just off the top of my head; will add more at a later date )
>>3196 I generally mistrust predictions from experts, since they get things as right or wrong as a layman does. But I disagree with your conclusion, you cannot judge accuracy from media reporting.Media reporting has little connection to what actually goes on and its scale. For example, the war in Yemen, is literally hell on earth, exceeding the worst descriptions you can find in biblical texts, or the actual extent of deaths in Ukraine, most people don't have access to what is going on or the horrific scale of it. On a related note, see how many FBI informants were present in Jan 6 Washington protests or how many budeswehr volunteers in the far right arrests.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGUOeyQUWi8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGUOeyQUWi8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGUOeyQUWi8 What is a fair argument in the issue of white flight in the case of London / UK ? "London has changed. Not just in the organic way that history usually demands but drastically, irrevocably and in the space of a generation. It is not really a British city, much less an English one. Unprecedented demographic change has seen to that. And its character, its very essence, once based on centuries of shared history and experience, is now defined by what are called its "values", a set of modern beliefs to which the modern Londoner should sign up. In this very personal documentary, Peter explains why, like hundreds of thousands of other Londoners, he has left London, a city which he no longer regards as home. He asks whether we are saying goodbye to London."
>>3474 >Import black people >blame Indians >leave Classic
>>3477 Kek. This. > Import trash and criminals of the world > use them as bargaining chip against other nations > They chimp out > Blame Indians and Eastern Europeans
>>3477 Cuckservatives are such cowards everywhere, they don't ask why their governments import these people or what their economy is based on.
>>3489 They depend on cheap labour like the left as well. Right and left in Western countries are the same party now.
>>3186 The difference too is that left wing militias are ignored or placated whereas right wing ones are dealt with. Most orgs now are controlled opposition or have been infiltrated and will become controlled opposition. Whats funny is that the left and right convinced everyone Trump is actually a conservative, I have even some people call him a paleoconservative. Institutional decay is one of the worst things than can happen to a nation, and the US has been experiencing in since the 30s at least. >institutions increase their influence >simultaneously decline in quality >feedback loop makes each of these progressively worse I think corruption is also going to get far worse in the US. I suspect local politics are already pretty dirty but on the federal level its going to get bad.
>>3506 This is true in West. Though I would argue western governments forment both left and right wing extremists, to keep the circus of politics alive. By focusing on left and right, it distracts from the core of the issue and the common points, such as obvious corruption and misuse of power. More importantly, left and right are both products of Industrial society. Capitalism and Communism are both two sides of the same evil and a reaction to each other.
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>>3504 They cannot even conserve their own values, but judge others.
>>3522 abe ye gaand kese dhoti hogi
>>3984 Toilet paper. घृणास्पद
>>3166 Is there a serious source on the modern far right that is not tranny worship and 4chan cuckoldery ?
>>4006 >faction that is actively persecuted >in 2023, when glowniggers can identify you with sattelite imagery alone >serious source so they get busted ?
>>4006 >>4009 Far-right is either entirely controlled opposition and presents no threat to the status quo (Geert, AfD, Le Pen, etc.) or is filled with glowies and so closely monitored it doesn't matter. They act up every once in a while to justify further crackdowns and curb any grassroots support. The US is the best example at how the right wing has essentially just become the left wing of 20 years ago. >gay rights >racial integration >cucking out over illegal immigration >no real free market proposed by Trump And various other left wing initiatives that have stayed around. The West effectively has no far-right, and Asia doesn't abide by the right wing/ left wing dichotomy as neatly. Actual far right groups are so mismanaged and given entirely over to the leaders narcissism, which is why they have constant infighting and splits. Even 4chan is 90% astroturfed by Muslims, Russians and glowies. I'm convinced the actual user base is tiny, a lot of the thread are the same 5 people responding to each other. In a thread that reaches bump limit 100 posts might be by the same 5 or 6 people, and another 100 by 10 - 20. I am interested to run more data analysis on this. I've noticed the anti-India threads almost always get posted around the same time, so I think it is largely just one discord group.
>>4021 >Even 4chan is 90% astroturfed by Some faggot trained an AI LLM on /pol/ posts and let it run on 4chan for some time people couldn't tell if he was fake, only thing that gave it away was it is physically impossible for a human to repeatedly post in so many places at once
>>4023 India has seriously lagged behind on online capabilities, literally just relying on it's diaspora and urban Indians to churn out info. >>3166 Something interesting - stats usually group South Asians into one category without delineating origin or religion. Crime and welfare stats in the UK show Asians roughly equivalent to whites, sometimes slightly worse. When separated for origin, Indians are always superior to British Whites while Bangladeshis are slightly worse and Pakistanis are far worse. Might be interesting to further separate based on Indian religion. Used by the right as justification for Indian inferiority and East Asian superiority, despite correct metrics showing Indians (and I suspect Hindus) outperforming White British and in some cases East Asians, especially when it comes to wealth and land ownership stats. Also indicates that the hemorrhaging of the UK budget on immigrants is almost exclusively caused by blacks, with Pakistanis a distant second, and Indians and Chinese contributing a surplus to growth. Similarly, used by lefties to downplay Pakistani crime rates and the general failure of Pakistani immigration to the UK. More broadly shows the variance in success rates of immigrant populations, and that "racism" cannot be the cause of low success rates (as even in govt. documents there is no distinction between various South Asians, they are all the same.) >sources I am too lazy to track these down but they are failure easy to find. I rest on my track record of honesty. Academic agent, Podcast of the Lotus Eaters and various articles I have read. No, I did not save them except this: https://youtu.be/a4lYsmYdhF8?si=-yXml-LSQK5KI3Wi&t=865
>>4028 Also indicates the inability of the conservative kneejerk right to distinguish between populations so a lowering of the quota, and even a country based immigration restriction (which would never pass) would be completely flawed. Similar talk in Canada about diversification of our immigrant population likely just means more unskilled immigrants from groups prone to failure, and this is a talking point on both the right and the left. Essentially, immigration reform in the UK and Canada is doomed by the reliance on flawed statistics reflecting bias from both sides of aisle. Most importantly the reduction proposed on the right just means, in the best case, a slightly smaller drain on public resources, and worst case a much larger drain. This also doesn't account for gang formation and participation as different population groups controls larger areas, Islamification, "brown flight" as high skilled Indians leave, and the gradual decline of all levels of education as either standards lower or the percentage succeeding drops.
>>4029 Also ignores the inevitable death spiral as the unassimilable immigrant population votes for further immigration liberalization, gibs etc. as well as the compartmentalization of politics based on ethnic origin and religion, and the inevitable march of corruption as trust between groups lowers and community ties strengthen, especially among groups with no understanding of legalism or constituitionalism.
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>>4028 >>4029 >>4030 Cross reference surnames (including spelling variations) and gang associations will easily telling you most of the criminals are Pakistani. The Bangladeshi section is mostly escapees from 71 and their followers. Their toxicity is famous and even the BD population seems to be aware of this. > immigration reform in the UK and Canada The governments did this. Including conservatives. They made a bet on Islamists. They deserve this and the Islamist population is their cross to bear now. Let them enjoy it. > Picrel Enjoy this book
>>4036 They didn't bet on Islamists, they bet on their allies against the commies.
>>4045 Nope. Read the history of WW1. Germany literally supported and took support of Ottomans, Hitler continued this. Since the general taking over NATO command was a Nazi, he continued the same policies. But overall, Anglo's are just Christians and prefer their own brethren to commies and Kafirs.
>>4045 Secondly, look at who funded Wahabi's, to Khilafat to other movements such as Al Qaeda, ISIS etc. Global American Empire is just a continuation of the British empire, old alliances have not been forgotten, just evolved.
>>4048 >Germany literally supported and took support of Ottomans i am aware >>4049 >Secondly, look at who funded Wahabi's, to Khilafat to other movements such as Al Qaeda, ISIS etc. i am aware the thing is, westerners don't give a shit about which sandnigger of the day they support as long as they have their goals accomplished.
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>>4050 > westerners don't give a shit about which sandnigger of the day they support don't believe the illusion of ignorance. They know exactly what they are doing. They do it with deep precision. Sowing and enhancing divisions is an art they have mastered. Which is why the American and British empires have been so powerful. They accomplish their goals , because their research and plans are meticulous. They know our histories and state better than we do. USA has far better data on India than Indians will in the next 10 years. We are nowhere close to their level of malevolence or capability for chaos and destruction.
>>4050 >i am aware I know you know your sub continental history and its origins decently well. But no one wins so consistently , unless - God is on their side (only fools believe this) or - There is inhuman levels of effort and advantage involved. Americans and Europeans have more accurate demographic data on us than we have on ourselves. They also run simulations of our societies, so they know what they can/cannot do.
>>4071 Their statistical data is systemically flawed and interpreted through value systems that are worthless. The West is completely incapable of evaluating other societies without relying on their own bias, they have repeatedly predicted the rise and fall of Asian countries incorrectly and pursued braindead foreign policy, especially in South Asia. >>3166 Far right in Canada is now becoming pro-Black as a reaction to Indians. I've also seen them unironically inviting more Ukrainians in. The memes write themselves. The right wing has become so gentrified. Like I posted previously, they are now just the left wing 20 years ago.
>>4070 >They know our histories and state better than we do. USA has far better data on India than Indians will in the next 10 years. American policy has shown the exact opposite of this though. They routinely back losing sides and alternate policy every administration. The US gets by on superior economic power, no other reason. Their political system is inefficient and outdated, their population is stupid and divided relative to the level of development of the country overall, and their military is successful despite itself. It's solution to all problems is to just outspend other countries. It works because it has the longest tradition of capitalism in the world, a decentralized government minimizing the effects of government intervention in the economy, it's isolated from any conflict in the world, and it has a massive population and plentiful resources. It will maintain it's position as global hegemon for years. The only country that could have competed with it was the Russian Empire/ Soviets. If the Soviets had implemented basic reforms across the Warsaw pact I don't think it would have collapsed the same way. Now there is no real hope for a competitor - China is on the decline with a broken economy and no more people to fix it with cheap labour, Russia has wasted massive resources on capturing an impoverished shit hole, Europe is retarded, and Iran is nowhere near being able to compete with Israel, let alone the US (although these are largely the same)
>>4194 As further proof you can look at declassified/leaked CIA documents and Rand corporation stats. These people are the blind leading the blind and mentally retarded.
>>4194 Reading lot of things on both sides. Both successful operations and horrible fuckups. Don't have an opinion yet. American capabilities are scary. Their failures are spectacular too. The Mountain Climber had served the agency all over the world. After the Berlin Wall fell, files retrieved from the KGB and the East German secret police revealed that they had taught a course on the Mountain Climber to their agents. His tradecraft was impeccable. Once, Soviet intelligence officers tried to recruit him: they literally placed bags of money in front of him. He waved them off, mocked them. The Mountain Climber was incorruptible. He spoke Spanish like a Cuban. He was Aspillaga’s role model. Aspillaga wanted to meet him face-to-face. “I was on an assignment in another country when I got a message to rush to Frankfurt,” the Mountain Climber remembers. (Though long retired from the CIA, he still prefers to be identified only by his nickname.) “Frankfurt is where we had our defector processing center. They told me a fellow had walked into an embassy in Vienna. He had driven out of Czechoslovakia with his girlfriend in the trunk of his car, walked in, and insisted on speaking to me. I thought it was kind of crazy.” El Alpinista went straight to the debriefing center. “I found four case officers sitting in the living room,” he remembers. “They told me Aspillaga was back in the bedroom making love with his girlfriend, as he had constantly since he arrived at the safe house. Then I went in and spoke to him. He was lanky, poorly dressed, as Eastern Europeans and Cubans tended to be back then. A little sloppy. But it was immediately evident that he was a very smart guy.” When he walked in, the Mountain Climber didn’t tell Aspillaga who he was. He was trying to be cagey; Aspillaga was an unknown quantity. But it was only a matter of minutes before Aspillaga figured it out. There was a moment of shock, laughter. The two men hugged, Cuban style. “We talked for five minutes before we started into the details. Whenever you are debriefing one of those guys, you need someone that proves their bona fides,” the Mountain Climber said. “So I just basically asked him what he could tell me about the [Cuban intelligence] operation.” It was then that Aspillaga revealed his bombshell, the news that had brought him It was then that Aspillaga revealed his bombshell, the news that had brought him from behind the Iron Curtain to the gates of the Vienna embassy. The CIA had a network of spies inside Cuba, whose dutiful reports to their case officers helped shape America’s understanding of its adversary. Aspillaga named one of them and said, “He’s a double agent. He works for us.” The room was stunned. They had no idea. But Aspillaga kept going. He named another spy. “He’s a double too.” Then another, and another. He had names, details, chapter and verse. That guy you recruited on the ship in Antwerp. The little fat guy with the mustache? He’s a double. That other guy, with a limp, who works in the defense ministry? He’s a double. He continued on like that until he had listed dozens of names—practically the entire U.S. roster of secret agents inside Cuba. They were all working for Havana, spoon-feeding the CIA information cooked up by the Cubans themselves.
>>4195 RAND and their type get a lot of things wrong. But they also get many things right. They may not do a mission right, but when it comes to destroying countries, they are experts.
>>4206 >American capabilities are scary. Their failures are spectacular too. >>4071 >But no one wins so consistently , unless ... There is inhuman levels of effort and advantage involved. >>4194 >American policy has shown the exact opposite of this though. They routinely back losing sides >The US gets by on superior economic power, no other reason. Their political system is inefficient and outdated, their population is stupid and divided relative to the level of development of the country overall, and their military is successful despite itself. >It's solution to all problems is to just outspend other countries >>4195 >These people are the blind leading the blind and mentally retarded. >>4207 >when it comes to destroying countries, they are experts. All of these are true. The American system is furthered by greatly talented individuals, and hampered by command structures of equally great incompetence. The bureaucracy is so vast that talent will inevitably arise somewhere in most operations, but also so inept, so completely clueless at its decision-making levels that if these talented few are unable to ram through their successes blitzkrieg style against a broader organization that is constantly fighting to defeat itself, any effort it undertakes will fail by default. Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. - the entire post-WWII administration of America's global empire depends on unlimited funding for their unending foreign fuckups until they finally get tired of their constant failures and call it quits.
>>4214 >The American system is furthered by greatly talented individuals, and hampered by command structures of equally great incompetence. This is less and less the case. It has been in steady decline as the wealth of the United States increases. American Cold War policy was embarrassingly bad everywhere save Latam and Europe. The British and other colonial powers invested heavily in institutions to analyze and understand the colonized, and were able to very accurately exploit differences between groups, create flexible power structures, etc. This was, I think, largely in part to the forced economization of the British. Proportionally they were nowhere near as rich as the United States, had an even more dysfunctional political system, and were (whether they admit it or not) permanently entangled with continental Europe. Financially efficient geopolitics were highly relevant to the British. The Americans don't have this problem. As you said they can brute force every geopolitical issue, until they can't. The only circumstance now where I see the US losing it's dominant status is the US dollar no longer being the reserve currency of the world. BRICS is helping that somewhat, but I don't see this happening for awhile.
>>4214 The loss's in those war's were all wins. That transferred the wealth of the richest nation in the world from its people, to contractors chosen by governments
>>4214 >>4230 Have you noticed how google hires very talented people, then pays them to sit on their ass and deal with stupid shit ? Its not a mistake at all. They drain talent from other countries.
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>>4243 A googler, used to be a batchmate. Earns 100,000+ a year. Life is set etc. But is frustrated. Deals with petty politics, has a good mind but forced to use it for petty office politics and meaningless work. This is the true evil of the Americans. Take the best and doom them to oblivion with the promise of money.
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>>4310 He gets to have sex with women who are attracted to his wealth and social status. But the sex is meaningless. His company is boring too. He talks only about himself and his moods swing. Balding, slim fat, noodle arms. The SF IT culture is wild, it kills discipline, takes the best minds and makes them animals, slaves to their dicks, incapable of pursuit of anything higher.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M&t=938s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M&t=938s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M&t=938s watch how they really feel haha when the veneer of british polite society is gone 44,581 views Premiered Jan 26, 2024 The first episode of our new documentary series, Britain's Obituary, about the decline of the UK. Ed travels to the English seaside town of Clacton, where he meets the locals, talks to them about their lives, their hopes, their fears, their ailments and their bereavements. For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/, where you can find the uncut pub discussion, in its entirety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M
>>5368 UK is completely dead and there is no hope in sight. The choice is between crony capitalism and corruption or socialism and corruption. They can't stop the flood of migrants and the spread of Islam, and then blame Indians. They're incompetent and spiritually dead. That's what happens when greed rules a country for hundreds of years.
>>5415 Deep state lived in UK, part of it still does. The country itself maybe a rotting hellhole , but they will continue to have some relevance for a while. Don't forget, they have in possession a lot of India's gold reserves. As well as many many other countries.
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How A Sailboat Exposed a Dutch Cell of the White Supremacist Active Club Movement February 7, 2024 Far-Right Netherlands Bellingcat partnered with magazines De Groene Amsterdammer, Knack and Le Vif to investigate Active Clubs and related far-right movements in the Netherlands and Belgium, and worked with volunteers from the Netherlands-based Capitol Terrorist Exposers collective. Read additional stores from this collaboration at De Groene Amsterdammer, Knack and Le Vif. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/02/07/how-a-sailboat-exposed-a-dutch-cell-of-the-white-supremacist-active-club-movement/ https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/02/07/how-a-sailboat-exposed-a-dutch-cell-of-the-white-supremacist-active-club-movement/ https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/02/07/how-a-sailboat-exposed-a-dutch-cell-of-the-white-supremacist-active-club-movement/
>>5506 >As well as many many other countries. What's the least British thing in UK? The British Museum.
>>6629 Cannot wait for londonistan to crash and burn so we can buy our idols and leave that hellhole forever.
Far right on the rise in Germany in coordinated ways. It would be taken seriously, but without foreign workers, German systems will break down fully especially medical system. The hate is directed against Islam, but when whites lose their cool, they are genocidal like no one else.

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