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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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/meta/ मित्र Board owner 01/19/2023 (Thu) 14:30:58 Id: fd528d No. 213 [Reply] [Last]
all board related queries, complaints and suggestions go here. posts that don't deserve their own thread also go here.
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>>6204 happy holi yaara

welcome to /indiachan/ anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 17:11:38 Id: e7dcb6 No. 3 [Reply]
This board was primarily made for indian imageboard users, since the admin of indiachan.io is a fucking faggot and that website is an absolute glowhole. The aim of this board is to encourage high quality discussion with minimal censorship. Enjoy!
Edited last time by xmat on 05/16/2024 (Thu) 03:13:16.

kino /greentext/s मित्र 10/24/2023 (Tue) 17:19:24 Id: 6ec6f0 No. 3531 [Reply]
post funny and not-very-popular greentexts. bonus points for creating your own PS: please do not fill this thread with r/greentext and r/4chan top->alltime screencaps
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>>6672 >>6674 Wait till they find out that out of shape, sludgebrained zoomers make terrible soldiers.
>>6676 They need them to die and catch bullets Even then, I cannot imagine zoomers as elite soldiers. But that's why first worlders need AI and robotics.
>>6677 AI is still a long way from replacing soldiers imo. The West needs manpower. USA recruits millions of illegals into the armed forces, Europe has no real alternative. Dumping billions into ineffective and undermanned militaries just delays the inevitable. Important to remember that numbers have always been the number 1 factor in assessing a militaries chances of victory. The trend was bucked during colonization but the last few conflicts in the 20th century have reinforced that fact.

/pol/ 2.0 मित्र 12/03/2023 (Sun) 06:33:27 Id: 138543 No. 4031 [Reply] [Last]
This is the containment thread for all /pol/ related stuff. Use it as a dumping ground for your news, views and opinions. the previous thread ( >>582 ) hit the bump limit
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/Insider Trading/ CFA Anon 03/17/2023 (Fri) 09:55:12 Id: 641611 No. 983 [Reply]
A thread by me for the idiots who don't know the art of investing. i will be posting stocks that are rare and have unrealized potential with the help of disclosed insider trades on regulatory websites. All of this is being done under, Disclosures under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 ([Regulation 7 (2) read with Regulation 6(2)] THIS IS LEGAL
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>>6667 Price of gold and gold reserves are pretty useful for determining the onset of war, at least recently. Russia pumped up it's reserves in the lead up to Ukraine, China is pumping them up before Taiwan, which I think will kick off in the next 5 years just before the Chinese economy completely implodes.
>>6668 tl:dr gold is a good investment.
>>6587 Government also openly inside trades aswell. Everything is set up to screw the average mom and pop investor and pump up the elite classes. Normies woke up with the gamestop bullshit, if only briefly.

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Audio and Music मित्र 01/30/2023 (Mon) 21:56:53 Id: 0d0aa3 No. 498 [Reply] [Last]
General thread to discuss audio and audio related media, from music to podcasts to audio dramas etc. Don't shit on each others tastes, instead share what excites you and why. Sadly mp3 uploads not allowed. So will have to share youtube/spotify links or webm's
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPCLFtxpadE [Yes - Roundabout] With a blistering bass intro at the start, this is progressive rock and this band at it's peak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejmfa7WuU_0 [Mukesh - Awaara Hoon] Possibly Hindi cinema's most famous song, it was a hit through the then Soviet Union, China and Turkey and continus to resonate even today.
>>6655 You might enjoy this https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bY0VzXKRQRyDi1DLRwweDQVM_Gg7nC39 Roundabout is such a classic. Jojo got me into it and then I was obsessed with it. > Awara hoon Those tracks have amazing instrumentation. Now songs are all about vocals, instrumentation has taken a backseat.

/tech/ and /internet/ general - 2.0 मित्र 02/08/2024 (Thu) 16:03:35 Id: 333e36 No. 5540 [Reply] [Last]
This is version 2.0 of the previous thread (>>380). Share new technology, websites, internet resources, guides, opsec techniques, your own tech problems etc etc etc.
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>>6620 > >You are in Uni man. You are not busy. Trust me, life will get much more hardcore, requiring much higher level of time management. ik, I'm still starting the ratrace early with a goal of excelling at academia and making a good network of associates >Xiaomi can make good phones, they just chose to ship the worst hardware to Bangladesh. Hardware isn't the issue tbh, the build quality so far has been solid, and afaik they have manufacturing plants in BD now. >Same with Linux Not at all tbh, say I goto the market to buy a GPU, or a soundcard, a NIC, a nice camera with fancy face tracking etc features, or any other peripheral, and turns out they have botched support (e.g. RGB doesn't work, noise/echo cancellation doesn't work, I can't use the mobo and the frontpanel mic/speaker jacks as separate devices like I can on Windows with realtek audio, patches aren't mainlined so I need a custom kernel etc) I can curate my hardware choices when building a PC or buying a laptop, but I can't fucking give up a good deal on perfectly fine peripheral just because linux doesn't work with it. As for my last linux experience, the hardware of my laptop worked flawlessly, literally zero issues, and my printer COULD print, but the QoL shit like Head Cleaning etc require some janky OEM software that has a separate systemd service running a daemon that doesn't work properly outside of Ubuntu, they provide sources for it, but so far it fails to compile in both Arch and Fedora. Now sure, I could Head Clean or Powerwash via hardware buttons, but I much prefer the software approach.

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>>6657 >fails to compile kek I had this happen when I was 14 trying to haxx my neighbour wifi using Ubuntu but the driver wouldn't compile. Still made it work somehow and I have the handshake packet capture to this day
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Winamp is going open source

Funny/Jokes/Laughter general मित्र 07/03/2023 (Mon) 14:53:28 Id: 142384 No. 2216 [Reply] [Last]
post funny stuff in here. can be anything that makes you laugh
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Once this guy wakes up and comes down to the dining room and his wife looks at him and says "OMG! What happened to you" He says. "why? I feel absolutely fine" She says "You look awful, better sit, don't go to work today" He gets annoyed, because he feels fantastic. Leaves for office, as soon as he enters, his secretary says "What happened sir? You look terrible!!!" He says "but i feel fine, what is going on, what is everyone talking about" Looks in the mirror. "I do look bad today" thought he. Toh, he went to the doctor. Doctor saw him, one look and he said "OMG!! You'd better ie down you look AWFUL!!" "But i feel fine doctor!! In fact i feel great! What's wrong?" "I don't know myself, let me refer to this book here " (reading) "Look good, feel fine, no Look good, feels terrible, no no no

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>>6659 I am copypasting this and sending this to the office feminazi

Replacement for the old random thread Winter /b/log thread 12/21/2023 (Thu) 10:25:01 Id: 7d73c0 No. 4349 [Reply] [Last]
The initial happiness of snow and the winter quiet is replaced with headaches due to cold. It went to -10°C , I was dressed for -5°C. Ended up with severe frostbite. Hot chocolate in hand right now. Just one more day of work to go through. Then just a long list of reading books and hobbies. Its just one week off, but I am really looking forward to it. This year has just been non stop relentless surprises, I haven't had any time at all to just quiet down and rest.
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>>6640 That's the JNUigger right? Kek
>>6644 YEP. I will never understand why lefties flock like sheep, at the mention of their new messiah each time media invents one. All of them are losers, Kanhaiya, Rahul, etc.

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/lit/ general मित्र 01/13/2023 (Fri) 07:31:25 Id: 9b48fc No. 180 [Reply] [Last]
What are you currently reading, मित्र? everything related to literature, books and philosophy goes here. please stay on topic
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https://www.felixstocker.com/blog/talent I have competed against talent. It is frustrating and a pointless pursuit. It is better to recognize and harness ones own talents.
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Dump your fitness related stories and progress here /Fit/ness and health general 05/24/2023 (Wed) 13:24:11 Id: d78b31 No. 1771 [Reply] [Last]
Exercise Diet General physical fitness encouraged General mental fitness advice welcome
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>>6615 Rice used in Biryani before used to have this sweet intoxicating smell, that is where the name Basmati comes from. MP has maintained the Indian variant and Bangladesh has maintained the Bengal variant (also tastes nice). Similar for rice species. Outside Assam and Kerala, other places the variants are gone.
>>1771 any boxers/wrestlers/MMA fighters etc. here? I am a former boxer, and I made it to the CBSE nationals during my time. Couldn't go further as I broke my nose during a sparring session and started focusing on my education I'm trying to get back, now that I have free time and am looking for more people who are interested in combat sports. It's been a long time though I'd love to share my old experiences/nutrition/training regiments and learn from others
>>6653 I watch combat sports regularly and practice casually. Share away, I'll start posting fights etc.

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blog#4 मित्र 01/29/2024 (Mon) 05:50:17 Id: 240f87 No. 5352 [Reply] [Last]
no version of indiachan were enthusiastic about automotive. Whys that? because average anon is home dwelling autist? Anyway really feel sad about the situation of automotive in india. We have absolutely nothing. Sure we have few things like new scorpioN but its not m340i which by the way attracts 40+20% tax because boomer thinks protectionism is the way to grow home market. The 2w home market thrived despite having so tiny amount of protectionism. So, boomer retards should think about how less protectionism would effect the 4w market than just being NPCs. I just want to drive a miata man. Mahindra has an engine that feels alive and responsive. The 2.0L petrol mStallion. They just need to develop a chassis. Put some seats in it and sell it for <20 lkhs. Having driven the new scorpioN, i say mahindra is capable of developing good chassis. It would be indias first true enthusiast car Thank you for reading my blog. You patience was appreciated.
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>>6636 >Back in India, it is impossible to drive in flow state or high speeds I do 60-80 on highways, very comfy speed. From what I understand, flow state is driving subconsciously. Tbh I drive like that all the time. It's very comfortable and calm. I do rev matching and engine braking all the time. Sure I don't leave overtaking and lane changing decisions to the subconscious but it's easy enough
>>6641 Well, not my idea. My boss is desperate for a win. I went along just to see her fave and rub it in that I was right. But it was worst than expected. I suspect that we were followed right from the airport itself and the hotel we had booked was somehow involved. I had made some alternate arrangements, just in case and we ended up using that exactly. The country is not in a good place right now at all. > Highway driving is boring as shit so id go off onto the highway and then look for interesting, smaller roads to turn onto, rinse and repeat till I ended up in the middle of nowhere. Fun Yeah. It has to challenging enough to keep brain engaged at a base level. I used to do the same, but on a motorcycle it is more engaging. > Tbh I drive like that all the time Most of what I did was city driving, which means gear 1, brake, gear 2, back to gear 1 etc. Wait for mess of scooties to sort itself. Drive again etc. Brake hard to prevent aunty on scooter from dying, get abused from her etc. I know eventually you de sensitize from all this and just react, like an animal running in the jungle, but I am not desensitized right now. I feel it all.
>>6647 >city driving This just means driving from one speed breaker to the next one 100m away. i encounter like a dozen of them every day. They are not made because people overspeed, but to appease people coming from adjoining roads who do not have the common sense of stopping and looking before going joining the road. They would rather die than stop for one second. Don't mind their deaths, but problematically, when they do die they leave speed breakers in their wake and sometimes they die under your wheels which is not amusing.

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Stock Pick CFA Anon 03/15/2023 (Wed) 14:33:33 Id: 1a1621 No. 959 [Reply]
BUY GEO GROUP LLC. Description GEO Group is one of two for-profit prison operators in the US. I think the stock has a base case outcome of $12/share by 2024 assuming flat EBITDA and multiple, with an upside case of $18/share and a downside case of $6.50/share. The setup is highly skewed due to the significant cash generation at the business even post debt restructuring. Since this stock was last written up here, the company has a) shut down its "construction & design" segment; b) completed a debt exchange that averted a possible bankruptcy and committed to paying down $200-250M debt/year (20-25% equity FCF yield); c) achieved record EBITDA despite continued federal contract cancelations from the growth in electronic monitoring and prudent cost management. Investors may be missing the fact that electronic monitoring business ($200M revenue and $93M operating income YTD) is now more than half of the contribution of the prison business ($705M revenue and $147M operating income YTD). Growth in electronic monitoring has more than offset the decline in the prison segment. The recent conversion to C-Corp from a REIT and the shut down of the construction business segment highlights what I believe is a transformational change in the business - a transition from a growth oriented company to a cash cow. In the past the company received significant negative press for actively supporting policies that would increase incarceration. The new GEO faces an entirely different set of incentives. Shunned by most investors and narrowly avoiding a debt maturity wall, the new GEO is going to be focused on managing its existing facilities, exiting non-core businesses, and focusing on debt paydown. The cleansing presentation filed by the management team in Jan 2022 showed EBITDA remaining flat at $411M through 2024 and debt reduction of $200 to 250M/year. Just two quarters later, the company has continued to post strong numbers, and the company is now guiding to $523M of EBITDA in 2022 (note that the previous forecast was arguably sandbagged as it was prepared for debt holders in a debt restructuring context, but I think the general assumption of flat revenue/EBITDA is still a reasonable base case). The recent debt restructuring also highlights a perverse benefit of being a "anti-ESG" name - debt investors are unwilling to play hardball in a restructuring when they feel uncomfortable owning and operating prisons in the US. The completion of the debt restructuring commits the company into funneling all available FCF into debt reduction, which I view as a "feature" for equity investors. There is no risk of dilutive M&A or growth investments - this company will just focus on cost management and paying down debt. This focus also reduces the risk of the company get caught in more negative press events and is attractive for lenders, who are collecting 10% coupons with 10%/year forced amortization. GEO is trading at 6x EBITDA, same as its nearest competitor, on what I consider to be trough political EBITDA. The Biden administration has been actively canceling contracts as they come up for renewal - although a number of those contracts were still renewed, as the government often does not have sufficient space in its own facilities. Although there is currently a desire to reduce the prison population in the US, half of the prison revenue is coming from states and not the federal government. Some republican states strongly believe in outsourcing prison management, and even some democratic states like California are suffering from severe prison overcrowding and may in the future utilize spare capacity in GEO prisons. In the downside case that the management produces $200M of FCF and EBITDA decreases from $523M to $411M by 2024, the company would have an EV of $2.5B (at 6x) and net debt of $1.6B. This would still leave a market cap of $864M or $7.00/share, a very attractive downside setup. The book value of land + buildings + improvements is $2.4B (plus $270M for idled facilities), so the downside case assumes liquidation at a fraction of the depreciated book value of the real estate, with no value ascribed to the go forward enterprise value or the electronic monitoring business. There are some notable asset divestitures in the works, and we note that the international business appears to be cash flow neutral. If it wasn't for extremely low cost non-recourse debt in Australia, GEO would have exited the business by now. But even the base case of keeping EBITDA flat at $500M and paying down $250M/year of debt would leave the stock at $12/share, a 25% IRR. Notably the stock would continue to be attractively valued as the company is currently generating AFFO of $2.53/share. Although debt to market cap ratio is 2:1, the company is actually only levered 4.0x and is expected to be <3.0x leverage by 2024. No other company levered 4x would be called "distressed" but in this case the equity attach point is so low that investors are still benefiting from a high gearing ratio.

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>>3056 can you tell me where can i get started as a 2nd year btechcel? rn i wanna learn if i get an internship i might invest some pennies,
>>6633 start with saving a sizable amount and keep a portion as saving even while investing(as per your risk tolerance) the other part is Investing, now i don't actually have a goodhand when it comes to indian market as i work night shifts in the western markets as of now but if you want good resources for coherent retail investing then consider these shitbag free ones, https://www.dataroma.com/m/home.php http://finviz.com/ https://www.zacks.com/?icid=quote-stock_overview-nav_tracking-zcom-main_menu_wrapper-home https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.com/ https://www.bamsec.com/ https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcurrent http://v3.godelnum.com/ https://www.aaii.com/sentimentsurvey
>>6633 are you retarded? why would you trust people off fucking 8chan to give you sound advice about investing/money management? you sound like one of those people who lose all their money after investing it into stocks that were suggested by 1 rando online. It's natural selection at that point a better option would be to ask a relative/acquaintance who is an experienced investor, or conduct research on your own, pickup the fundamentals and read good books on the topic(all of this is easily google-able)

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/tv/ मित्र 02/09/2024 (Fri) 03:51:26 Id: eba664 No. 5553 [Reply]
post comfy, kino movies or even good that you can watch repeatedly. Any film industry, any language
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Sheitan was a shit movie. Old "pagan bad" troupe. Problem is, people who are used to eating poop, think that dog biscuits are gold. All this "entertainment" has rotted peoples brains
https://youtu.be/czBL7JQl248 Not sure if it belongs here. But it is /ent and I do find his stories comforting. This is one of my fav interviews.

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Far Right Realpolitik मित्र 09/23/2023 (Sat) 14:48:05 Id: b4e658 No. 3166 [Reply] [Last]
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How A Sailboat Exposed a Dutch Cell of the White Supremacist Active Club Movement February 7, 2024 Far-Right Netherlands Bellingcat partnered with magazines De Groene Amsterdammer, Knack and Le Vif to investigate Active Clubs and related far-right movements in the Netherlands and Belgium, and worked with volunteers from the Netherlands-based Capitol Terrorist Exposers collective. Read additional stores from this collaboration at De Groene Amsterdammer, Knack and Le Vif. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/02/07/how-a-sailboat-exposed-a-dutch-cell-of-the-white-supremacist-active-club-movement/ https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/02/07/how-a-sailboat-exposed-a-dutch-cell-of-the-white-supremacist-active-club-movement/ https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/02/07/how-a-sailboat-exposed-a-dutch-cell-of-the-white-supremacist-active-club-movement/
>>5506 >As well as many many other countries. What's the least British thing in UK? The British Museum.
>>6629 Cannot wait for londonistan to crash and burn so we can buy our idols and leave that hellhole forever.

मित्र 01/14/2024 (Sun) 11:15:42 Id: 1836f7 No. 5057 [Reply] [Last]
Do you guys have gf???
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>>6608 I did not luck out on the parents front either, for reasons similar to yours. Best part is, now my parents pretend all the negative stuff never happened and they take all credit for my choices, which I made going against their wishes. But what differences does it make ? Your parents and mine will die and we will have to live with the consequences of choices , so the only sane thing to do is to take your own choices very seriously.
>>6377 This debian image is so underrated.
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