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/monarchy/ icup thread Peasant 08/20/2022 (Sat) 16:49:59 No. 4488
/monarchy/ vs /2hu/ game starts at 21:00 UTC https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup Who will carry the team? Charles II of Spain? Henry VIII? Louis XIV? Leopold II? The Queen's Corgi? Nicholas II? K. James VI & I? Caligula? Charles V or alpha-chan? Grace-chan? /icup/ should begin in less than an hour.
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>>4899 Gracefag owns a chinkpad?
>>4899 Also >Pizza hat Kek, illiterate russkies can't spell 'hut'. Gracefag is a slav(e) or a brit?
>>4899 Why would grace have an ugly commiecat plushie?
>>4902 Yeah Alunya is asshole ugly. Why would she have a plushy of that hideous deformity.
>>4903 Its name is commiecat, and it is the ideal rapeslave.
>>4904 wrong and double wrong.
i lost the cumshooting tournament after work today i fucking trained all week ....that was my mistake i dont even wanna talk abbout it
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>>4922 Where did this cum-ridden peasant come from?
>>4923 Hey lads I was wondering, who is the artist that makes all the Grace-chans? I like their style.
>>4924 I don't normally tell for reasons.
>>4923 do you not cumshoot ? skeet skeet loser
>>4907 Commiecat's name being commiecat is objective and therefore not wrong. But how is commiecat supposed to be ugly?
>>4953 Because Alunya is hideously deformed.
>>4955 In what way is commiecat hideously deformed?
>>4956 We have had this conversation before. We have had this exact conversation more than 10 times. Anon act like a bot get treated like one.
>>4960 No, we finally finished the conversation about what kind of commiecat OC to get, but we never had the discussion about why commiecat is the ideal rapeslave and therefore not hideous at all.
>>4963 We have not only had this conversation on more than ten seperate occasions. We have had THAT conversation around 50. Goddamn how can you have nothing to talk about ever. How does a man lead no life worth mentioning. Have no hobbies of interest to any save themself? Christ dude wtf.
>>4967 I have plenty of hobbies, but when someone suggests that commiecat is not the ideal rapeslave I must correct them.
>>4968 Your waifu is as shit as you. kys jackass.
>>4970 >commiecat >waifu Commiecat is basically the exact opposite of a waifu. Waifus are for loving. Commiecats are for rape, which is basically the opposite of loving.
The draw has been pulled, and for your first match of the knockouts you'll go against /yuri/. No times yet.
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>>4976 There's the potential we'll face /fascist/.
>>4976 Why is graceposter so obsessed with commiecats?
bitch at work wont shut up about her pedicure it pissed me off i went to a parlor to get one done to see for myself and you have to fucking make a reservation! like what the fuck bitch u is cleaning my toes how many people are lining up for this shit it cant be that fucking great anyway i got my date for friday gonna settle this stupid bitch and her stupid fucking pedicure once and for all there is no way getting your toes cleaned can be that good
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>>4976 The schedule is here. Second pic is from their cytube. My condolences for your loss, Long Live the King
Knockouts starting in 30 minutes https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup
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>>5011 Will watch now
/monarchy/ vs /yuri/ now happening
We lost.
the pedicure was shit btw waste of money now im double angry
>>5017 It happens to all of us friend Better luck next cup, it's still amazing that /monarchy/ came through the group stage, most teams never even get to play a knockout match.
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Infinity Cup 7 is now complete! Congratulations to /eris/ who joins the ranks of champions as they defeated /japan/ 3-1 in the Final! Stay tuned for the award winners over at our /icup/ board. Thank you to every anon who chipped in throughout the Cup, and thank you especially to all the anons who took the time to tune in. We'll see you in the next one!
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>>6075 Very happy for you, Saudi anon.

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