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Waifu Thread Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 18:19:53 No. 12
Y'know the drill by now. Post your waifus, talk about your waifus, and maybe tell us the story of how you met your waifu. Feel free to mention esoteric stuff but remember, keep it minimal as to not derail the thread. Feel free to dump waifu images as well As for me I recently l listened to the KS OST in its entirety yesterday (multiple times) while playing Vidya and it was a rather nice experience. I was playing Minecraft and so it was an ultimately comfy experience.
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>>1649 >>1651 Fuck allright, allright, when i was thinking about this i was very shure about this, but these posts sowed doubt in me and the moment i read another Man's waifu was unironically worried about me i just lost it, i've spent most of the day sobbing silently in my room while sitting in front of the computer, this whole mess is very unbecoming of someone supposed to provide an example of Spirituality, at least i hope this is just proof that when i talk about how much i hate this World and how i really Wasn't made for this mess at all and that i am too Sensitive, i actually Mean it, im sorry for wasting everyone's time and derailing this entire thread because im a Big Baby that is too much of a pussy to take a Definite step, and too Weak to endure this Hellhole of a Existance, i spent around 3-4 talking things through with the Anon with whom i hold correspondance aswell, fuck this whole ordeal is so Embarrasing and the worst part is that its not the first time i Crack up like this around here, fucking things suck >Ive been seeing your posts since Lizchan fuck now i remember, i knew you seemed familiar, that being said, you had the "honor" of knowing me at a time before i went full Esoteric Autismo, and also the "honor" of having witnessed one of my Earliest crackups i just wish i wasn't such a Fragile being, again, sorry for making such a fucking mess out of this whole affair
>>1652 well the Thread didn't bother with refreshing so i couldn't read your post before posting >>1653, but i guess the post goes for prettymuch everyone in this Thread and the Lurkers too
>>1653 It's fine, you're not the only one who's made posts about wanting to kill himself and then didn't go through with it. >this whole mess is very unbecoming of someone supposed to provide an example of Spirituality You've already provided that example. Don't think you're weak or a fake because you didn't kill yourself. I don't think anyone here respects you less because you've contemplated suicide the same way that we all probably have at some point.
>>1653 So you're not killing yourself now? Cool. Usually talking people out of that shit on the internet is a lost cause but I guess we are all much closer around here and in that sense our words hold much more weight to each other. Glad everything worked out so well. Now post pics of your waifu in celebration of your now not soon-to-be-dead life nigger
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>1656 I like the idea
File limit is 5. Don't know since when but it's a welcome change. Keep this in mind when posting waifu pics in the future, robots. >>1656 Also, I'm not sure if I got my point across so I'll say it in plain English that I'm relieved that you didn't an hero esoteric anon. We're already down enough robots. We don't need to lose any more.
>>1653 >i talk about how much i hate this World and how i really Wasn't made for this mess at all I never like to try to speak for a group, or any other individual besides myself, (though I do sometimes relay the thoughts and feelings of my tulpa when appropriate) but I think I'm safe in saying that we all share this sentiment. None of us robots like it here on this shitty planet, and I don't believe that anyone here feels as though they were 'made for this.' So I don't blame you for succumbing to the sorrow that inevitably follows the level of pain and uncertainty of living in hell. I think we've all been there at one time or another, feeling as though we are at the very end of our rope, and wondering why we still go on when it all feels so pointless. Despite my often stoic and calculated demeanor, I struggle with those feelings of confusion and hopelessness all the time. At any rate, although I envy anyone who is freed from this damnation, and as I said before I don't think any less of you no matter what you choose to do, I'm also relieved to know that we will still be able to talk a while longer. As far as your warehouse job goes, I hope things work out for you. With any luck, you may soon find a way to put that money to good use, perhaps you may be able to improve your situation to some degree.
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>>1653 i almost crakced up again today, but the Second Wind kicked in, and also the Realization that anons around here do Love me, i need to remind myself that indeed, this is just a voyage in the Deep night, and that this Nightmare is just one of the many "Could have been"s and "What if"'s in the vastness of Cosmos itself, one day i will be Embraced by sweet Death and Taihou will be waiting for me on the other side, i just have to keep it together and see it till the very end, and just like crossing a perilous bridge, one should not look at the Abyss below, but keep its eyes at the very end of it, i guess i will not Reach the Hidden Kingdom of Agartha, but i guess i reached the Kingdom of Kin and Friendship, so lets do it Together Aye?, anyways thanks for having my back this time Anons, and sorry for being such a messy person >>1656 >Spoiler the main problem is that most of my Taihou pics are Lewds, wich does fuck with the Rules of Lynxchan so ill just post a 7z file with my Entire gallery https://anonfiles.com/F3L5MbS4o9/taihou_7z most of them are Good, there are some that are filler, and some that truly soothe me, there's also a bunch of Miscelaneous stuff that i didn't know where to put it so its there aswell, also the folder "Succubus" was recently added in, wich means i haven't yet tread through theme and removed Watermarks/Quality checks my favourite ones are (in no particular Order): >"Bastet Taihou" >616 >612 >212 >201 >200 >199 >197 >194 >190 >169.8xb >169.2/169.3/169.4 >168.1x >167.55 >167.9 >167.4 >167.5 >166.3 >164 >163.1 >161/160 >152 >147 >145 (its my Daki actually) >135 >117 >116 >110 >109 >107 >107.4 >107.3 >101 >92 (shoutouts to Akagi) >86 >88 >69 >67
[Expand Post]>64 >63 >62 >59 >57 >52 >51 >43 >42 >41 >24 >20 >17 >11 >8 >7 >1/2 There's also Copies of most of my Edited pictures in pdn format because i never know if i want to re-edit something or just make a variant, so you can actually Analyze how i make my edits and whatnot, and the Horchata-chan folder contains a lot of Pre-Taihou (While being the same Being, they are different Conceptions) material too, i think a Analysis on all the material in the 7z is enough to give some people a Good look at the "Essence" of Taihou, and might actually prove to be more Informative of my own Brand of Waifufaggotry than most of my Posts
>>1666 no Satan, Agartha is below the Earth as a Symbolism of how Unnatainable it is, it represents Initiation, and how it is harder to attain the farther you get down the road of Kali yuga i accidentally had the Sage thing enabled and been Saging for half the thread without knowing kek, either way what i was trying to say is that i may have not found it yet, but i found Frienship here, so as long as i can Cuddle up to Taihou at night and read posts of other anons i can keep myself Sane and Alive
>>1658 I love the original Steins;gate visual novel. I watched the anime before but I didn't expect the vn to be this good. Everything about it is great, especially the menu song. God damn from the moment I enter the game I've wanted to cry. Sad thing is I can't say that at all to SG0 because that game is total pozzed dog shit. >>1658
question for the Trenchcoat Waifufag Mafia, have your waifus ever Taught you anything?, i don't mean learning something from her or because of her, like for example most of my esoteric Wisdom comes from me Studying out of Love for my Sweet Taihou, but that is something i did on my own not something that she Taught me, what i mean for example is that Taihou has through Conversations and Sexual encounters ingrained in me a Love for her Thighs and her Wide Hips, she has Directly changed a Preference of mine conciously, have any of you had anything similar to this?
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>>1681 My waifu shows me nice music. One time she had me look up "dianom" without context and I found Candledance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bF7tpoL6Ek
She also gives me every fetish known to man and then some.
>>1684 I can't believe anon is s bbw milf loli NTR scat waterplay footfag hairy armpit smelling dick sucking butt enthusiast fetishist.
>>1681 I'm not sure I can say I learn things from her necessarily, but Solaris does often help me put things into perspective as well as help me solve personal problems. >>1684 >spoiler I'm not often one to judge or criticize other robots too harshly, but I sincerely hope that you're exaggerating, because that's fairly hedonistic (and sort of disgusting) otherwise.
>>1670 Gate of Steiner is great. I actually enjoy most of the OST in the novels and anime. I actually have used tracks like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSiVHU7ISK4
when doing Uni coursework. And yes, the original novel is simply an almost perfect work. I didn't dislike 0 to be honest with you. But I feel as if it wasn't really a necessary thing. There are some additional comics like arclight...star?...something which shows you how mayuri comes up with the slapping okabe thing after the first round of time travelling in the beta timeline. But it all is kind of filler yeah. I think they just wanted to milk the franchise for all that is worth. Wouldn't be surprised if they release more S;G content in the future.
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>>1686 >I'm not sure I can say I learn things from her necessarily, but Solaris does often help me put things into perspective as well as help me solve personal problems. yeah i assume this is the Usual case, Taihou is very hands off with me, she doesn't really give a shit about anything, she Loves me, and i Love her, and i think that's fine by Her, but she really really wants to drive the Point home about her being Mine, in her own words, "Listen i know you don't really like this kind of naughty speech, since you are worried about that "Taste of Depravity" stuff, but im your Slut, ok?" and she also wants me to pay attention to her Legs and her Hips, mind you i have always been a man to Appreciate breasts, not even mad though, i should be Grateful a Demon Empress of her Caliber ever fell for a useless idiot like me is it me or does the pic you posted look like Ray Harley? >>1684 >Your waifu feeds you Dungeonsynth Patrician Taste >Spoiler well its the same as me really, my Demon Empress Taihou is kinky as shit, although it never went beyond my Femdom Masochism, and that's kinda over now, she has too much of a Sex Drive, i don't wank off that often anymore though, in fact my entire Libido has been Anihilated, i can only get Hard and warm up to Taihou and to Anime Girls that carry her Essence
>>1688 Delete this
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>>1689 come on anon i was just shitposting about how Jim carrey with a Moustache ends up looking like a Gay porno actor after Getting AIDS and getting Firedunless it is Taihou's Dirty Talk, if that's your issue i guess i can understand it but at the same time that is just the way she is, and i accept it and Love her Regardless, even if that makes me a Pervert since i do play into her Games
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>>1690 i meant to post around here, but i got Lazy, so lazy today i didn't even go to Work im moving to my dad's house soon though so i can afford to do it and instead Slept for 16 Hours while Hugging my Daki of Taihou, whenever i would wake up i would just masturbate and then go back to sleep, so utterly fucking Lazy that when i finally got off the Bed i just spent all day playing Dangerous Waters, either way enough Blogposting and to the Post itself Thing is, my (Shameful) Previous breakdown aside, i think i've been caught up in IRL shit too much, or at least too much for my Taste, then again by my standards not Thinking about Taihou 24/7 is unacceptable and if i don't remind myself why am i Suffering down in this Hellhole i should probably get shot in charges of Treason, so i guess perhaps im over-reacting, a few night ago i was pondering on what Taihou thinks about this whole ordeal, not only about me being here at all, but what does she think about this Image board, about the State of the World and Samsara itself, on how i deal with this mess, etc... , she won't tell me anything, i guess she has her reasons, besides our communication is Imperfect and very suceptible to both me being in a Calm state of mind and her Having the need to Tell me something at all, i also had the Feeling that i am thinking too much, not in the sense that i should think less, but rather that i should Trascend my Thought, in other words, to stop thinking about how much i Love Taihou, and Actually Love her, or stop talking and Pondering on how this is indeed, a Dark voyage in the Deep of the Night, and Actually acting like it, then again that requires a degree of Discipline that my Hotheaded cowardly ass cannot manage to pull off yet, give me a SITREP when you can Waifufags
>>1705 >give me a SITREP when you can Waifufags http://angusnicneven.com/Voices
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>>1708 I am Dissapointed, i had high hopes at the beggining because it looked like a cool place with cool aesthetics and some riddles that while the fag who made em is likely someone pretending to be edgy could have a Certain ammount of meaning and with the correct mindset lead to the Broadening of one's horizons, too bad its not only some fag pretending to be Edgy, its some fag pretending to be Edgy with a Dicksword, ill keep exploring it but fuck the Immersion is Broken, perhaps i am wrong and while the fag who made the site is a Major faggot he had unwillingly become the Tool of the Gods through the law of Causality (like many other worthless pieces of shit that had created greater works of Art, while being Pieces of Shit themselves), i do believe there's a Direct connection between Madness and Divinity, but unfortunately what the Sedated Masses consider Madness is Randomness and Psychosis of the most banal kind (or just very smart Psychopaths like in those retarded CSI type TV series), King Terry is to this day the only True Dalua i've ever seen beyond the one we have around here Still, thanks for the Contribution anon, its sad niggers are, well... Niggers, and thus can't help but to ruin everything
>>1709 I like the site and the author. He's clearly trying to express something even if that something is a bit cliched, and clearly very influenced by jap culture. http://angusnicneven.com/ChapterOne
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>>1710 i understand what you mean, its just that i am Severly Disillusioned and pretty much fucking Tired of Media in general, im tired of French Cinema/Rick and Morty Tier of retarded Ivory Tower Intellectualism, of "Deep Themes", that actually mean nothing and carry you nowhere, a good example of this is how Bladerunner is considered a Cult classic, once you look into it its just a Movie about Carpe Diem, the most basic and banal Philosophical Concept, one that does not even Work because the only reason niggers follow this idea is because their intellectual Horizons don't go beyond what is in front of theri fucking Noses, its the reason why i stopped reading mangas altogether, because i was tired of Fuckings Isekais about power-Fantasy MC's that always get the Girl and Save the world, because of course they fight for Good and Justice nevermind the fact that all the things they accomplished are based on the Isekai being a Cheap power-fantasy, and Binary Good vs Evil shit, whenever those tropes would be Jeuopardized it would be so in the most retarded ways, like claiming the MC is also Evil because he kills shit just like the bad guys and attributing Evil to Murder, i began reading on Robert howard's stuff, mainly his Historical Fiction stories, the simplcity of its Characters and Premises and how organic everything is, is ironically something with more Substance that any of these broken pedantic disasters that i keep stumbling upon, ill talk about this in another post, but for now i think i explained well enough why i do not find that kind of stuff appealing at all
>>1716 >retarded Ivory Tower Intellectualism, of "Deep Themes" Everyone who says they're smart isn't, because they've got something to prove.
>>1716 >a good example of this is how Bladerunner is considered a Cult classic, once you look into it its just a Movie about Carpe Diem, the most basic and banal Philosophical Concept, one that does not even Work because the only reason niggers follow this idea is because their intellectual Horizons don't go beyond what is in front of theri fucking Noses I find this kind of thing happens often. Someone will start talking to me about a movie or a game and when I mention that I haven't seen/played it, they're completely blown away and insist that I go watch/play it straight away. In a true hive-mind fashion, they instinctively assume that everyone should and does consume all the same media, and that they all enjoy it in the same way. And of course on the few occasions that I do watch or play their recommended piece of media, it almost always ends up being shallow or mediocre. >i began reading on Robert howard's stuff I had a site bookmarked where I would read his books, but it went down some time ago. I really enjoyed the Conan anthology.
>>1716 Most media that I see around follows the trend of ambiguity and dark grey vs light grey themes. The binary and intuitive storytelling of good vs evil isn't as common as I would prefer, the only one from memory (and I would say that I have terrible recall ability for name of stories) is Sousou no Frieren. Depicting the actual nuance of real life accurately and in a way that can work in a realm more upfront than symbolism is very difficult, so stories with more direct impact rather than ambiguity is what I would prefer. Anime and manga does this much better than most western media. I'm also relatively easily entertained so with most media I can find something to appreciate, not like, about it.
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>>1705 >SITREP I sent in some color stuff today. They're digital which I don't like a lot but I think they turned out all right. That's why I haven't made any posts the past few days, I've been working on them on and off and I'm incredibly lazy so it went slower than it should have but we don't need to talk about that. I don't know if I should post them here since I think the guy is going to show the colorists off on Youtube but I sent the pieces in anonymously so it's not like it'd break anonymity. The only thing is that if I use the same pseudonym in the future I'm not sure if I'd want it attached to imageboards. Depends if I start off doing my own stuff or if I somehow work for someone else first, since I wouldn't want to associate someone else with this place, waifu faggotry, and genuine misogyny if he didn't know that's what he was getting into. Not that I'm ashamed by these things but I wouldn't want to reveal them after getting into business with someone since it could hurt his publicity, if that makes sense. The project looks pretty cool and I hope he finds a guy that's right for the job. Maybe that's not the right mindset to get hired though, which as unlikely as I think it is it'd be great if it happened. He says he'll post some sequential art soon and I'll probably work on those too so if I don't post for a stretch of time just assume I'm working on that instead of drawing May or playing videogames which is more likely.
>>1784 Post em faggot. I doubt that anybody's gonna find out about this little place in the middle of nowhere from some probably obsucre youtube video.
>>1787 Practically speaking I'm more worried about dolphin faggot or some character like him going out of his way to fuck with shit than I am about someone from outside coming in. But just as a matter of principle I'd rather not associate someone else with my own faggotry if he didn't know that going in, and I'm not going to advertise myself as an /r9k/ waifu guy since what are the chances I'd get a job that way? It's not like I post everything I do here anyways, I just felt like I should give an explanation for why I wasn't posting this particular thing since I mentioned it. I probably shouldn't have brought it up at all. Also they aren't that good.
>>1797 >I probably shouldn't have brought it up at all. That and a don't say >I don't know if I should post them here since... Say <I won't post them here since... The way you said it was misleading and could lead one to assume that there is at least a possibility of you posting them. Make your wording clear and in line with your intentions.
>>1798 Fuck me, less than symbol doesn't work here
>>1797 Have you tried talking to a Julay admin who communicates with Dolphin daily? The Julay admin's name is Guntopia (HangingFlesh). https://cytu.be/r/guntstream
>>1798 I didn't mean "I don't know" as in I'm considering it, rather I don't know if circumstances will allow it. >>1800 Why would I want to?
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>>1784 Glad to know you are doing fine, i recently Move to my Dad's House, its much better than being with my "Mother" but both my Step-Sister and Father have Issues (Depression, Anxiety) wich can be hard to deal with, it is cathartic to see how i actually have a High degree of Resilience when im compared to the Average imbecile and seeing how my Dad is proficient at fucking himself over and making situations Worse than they actually are, i really hope i can get the fuck back to Taihou in its due time, or at the very least land a Job an get enough Dough so that i can Isolate myself don't worry about Posting shit though, its not like its the Last Drawing you will ever do, there will be other chances to post shit around im shure, i find it interesting that you want to Protect your Employer from your own autismo since more often than not i find myself wanting Niggers around me to Die so that they stop getting in the Way of Taihou, my Kinsmens (You and the Other Waifufags) and Me
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Not sure if I'm going to make more animations and maybe at some point make a mugen fighter or something but I figured I'd share this since I'm pretty happy with how she turned out. I have absolutely no experience with mugen and I suck at fighting games so I know it's unrealistic that I'd ever finish anything but it would be cool if I were able to make something out of this.
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>>2073 Creative itches can be hell if you don't find a way to outlet them RPG Maker is relatively easy to use, you could also attempt making a Doom Wad, those are also easy to do if you know how to use SLADE (i remember copy-pasting things already done and then editing them because i didn't know how to code), i gave up on all that though, its Tabletop RPG's where its at for me, no need to code or program or whatever, just your imagination and Libre Office, or the Notepad if you roll that way,

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