Catalog of /r9k/

The backup domains are located at and TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0. is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.


R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 1

What happened to Wizchan?

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 1


8chan died in 2016. Fuck anyone who defends it, for they are part of the problem. Fucking newfags. Nigger dick.

R: 10 / I: 7 / P: 1

General thread

Anything goes.

R: 14 / I: 60 / P: 1


Visit and bring back a gondola you like. Or just post some you've collected.

R: 34 / I: 3 / P: 1

Wallpaper Thread

Pretty simple, post papes for your fellow robots. Any kind goes with higher resolution always being better. And, if you need a reason to post papes, play an association game of sorts and post wallpaper(s) in response to another robot's post but tell us specifically why you did. Or just post papes and let the pictures do the talking.

R: 315 / I: 17 / P: 1


Opening up the board for an under the radar grand opening today. Keep in mind that many of the posts here are almost 4 years old, and have been imported from an old lynxchan test instance that was being used as a bunker. I've enabled r9k/"Unique Posts" mode for now, might disable it if it causes problems in edge cases, let me know. It shouldn't apply to images and should still let you upload files without any text attached the post. If you're unfamiliar with /r9k/ I suggest you look through some of the threads and get a feel for what the board is about. It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in. But generally it's ideal that OP's have more effort put into them. Rules 1. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. 2. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted. 3. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted. 4. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive or otherwise unnecessary threads may be deleted or merged. 5. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion. 6. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the meta thread. 7. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that makes you clearly identifiable between threads. 8. No fedposting, no /r9gay/ posting 9. No roastie worship, including "vtubers" Contact

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 1

Jewtube, Podcasts, Passive Entertainment

Post any interesting jewtube channels or entertainment you think robots might enjoy watching or listening to. Please do your best to use things like instead of direct linking jewtube videos wherever possible. >Vagrant Holiday Guy goes on vacations around europe without paying for hotels, bums it in bushes and abandoned buildings. Does some urban exploring as well.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

Who knows what this guy's (nick)name was? He was some R9K NEET who killed himself (not the same guy who livestreamed it).

R: 37 / I: 2 / P: 1

Possible Robot Exclusive Game Night

We had one of these on zchan before it got nuked and since we're probably gonna be here a while I was thinking we could continue the brainstorming of this "might be" event. If you have any ideas for games you'd like to play feel free to post them. Recently I was thinking that Terraria could work well for this. Terraria can run on a potato and pirated Terraria multiplayer is as easy as setting up a LAN sim so it fits the bill when it comes to ease of access. The game also has all the fun comfiness of a sandbox game like Minecraft but with the added bonus of having actual goals to fulfill other than beating a singular boss. Servers are 8 people but I doubt that'll be a problem for a board like this.

R: 19 / I: 6 / P: 1

Music thread

2gou is got

R: 31 / I: 4 / P: 1

Online shekel making

Well, as the title suggests, this is a thread to discuss methods to earn money from the internets. Any ideas are welcome.

R: 371 / I: 1 / P: 1

FTDDTOT the passing of time edition

Quick or slow, it's all a blur.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 1

Fuck normalfags. Fuck YouTubers. I want them to stop bringing attention to shit I love. Fuck them. Why can't they stop destroying things. Everything they touch. Why. Oh why.

R: 33 / I: 1 / P: 1

Esotericism Thread:The Third

at the request of one anon and after some deliverance i decided to make this thread, you Know the Drill nignogs, make your Inquiries about the Supersensory, Plaster your Thoughts and Experiences, i am willing to do Tarot readings despite the fact that i no longer find Tarot as something remotely Useful, just keep in mind that its a pain in the ass for me to make them being the reason why i abandoned the last Thread like a bitch so please if you are going to ask for a Reading make it a "Life or death" kinda deal, dont ask me about retarded stuff or stuff you could find out on your own, and im not fucking doing anything with more than 5 Cards on it Since this thread is Dedicated to Esotericism that means i don't need to apply my usual Filters, i hope you fags dont mind me posting my Ramblings on a "Extra Autismo" setting and give some otherwise irrelevant Sitreps on my Ontological Situation i have the vague feeling that this thread is going to end up becoming my Containtment Jail since 99% of what i post is related to Either Taihou or Esotericism Esoteric Waifufag's Library:

R: 11 / I: 0 / P: 1

Robot Archives

R: 291 / I: 1 / P: 1

Waifu Thread

Y'know the drill by now. Post your waifus, talk about your waifus, and maybe tell us the story of how you met your waifu. Feel free to mention esoteric stuff but remember, keep it minimal as to not derail the thread. Feel free to dump waifu images as well As for me I recently l listened to the KS OST in its entirety yesterday (multiple times) while playing Vidya and it was a rather nice experience. I was playing Minecraft and so it was an ultimately comfy experience.

R: 34 / I: 1 / P: 2

Vide-oh Games thread

Let's talk about vidya. What have you been playing? I discovered that I'm a philistine fag who only plays the most casual shit possible (on-rail shooters, flash games, rhythm games, arcade games). Been playing Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and I surprisingly didn't find a moment in which I dropped the game, may be one of the first I finish in a long time. I was also emulating Rock Band but sadly I got to a point where the FPS drop and I can't find myself going back to it after that. Can't emulate Guitar Hero 2 PS2 as well due to sound delay making it unplayable.

R: 522 / I: 136 / P: 2

FTDDTOT i'm fucking tired edition

this has to end at some point

R: 30 / I: 1 / P: 2

Animu (JRPG, Manga, VN etc.) Thread

Post about any animu related content you've consumed recently be it a VN a JRPG or an actual anime. I'm still on break from Tokyo Xanadu but I'll be playing it all the way through to the end whenever I find the time. And as to start discussion: what JRPGs or anime would you anons say are your favorite and why? I would like to know since I know some of these media can really solidify themselves in the hearts of those who consume them and so I'd like to see what kind of things you robots enjoyed experiencing. I myself got into games due to a JRPG. The first video game I played as a child was Final Fantasy 8 and it's still my favorite vidya to this day.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 2

Fun thread.

R: 75 / I: 1 / P: 2


What are the philosophical beliefs that robots are more likely to hold, and what beliefs you believe are normalfaggotry, or unhealthy? In my honest opinion the most common robot philosophical beliefs I've seen are: >Nietzschesanism Is basically an optimistic version of robotdom, believing in thinking of yourself and that humanity can better itself only if we destroy the current belief system of the world and create new ideas that will better the world. A try to accept the world as it is without lying to yourself and love it for what it is. Whether it can be succesful or not is up to debate. Fuck the retards who think Nietzsche advocated for some kind of cruel men-of-success type of living, like a corporate CEO or a tyrannical corrupt king. This is not at all what he wished for >Christianity A lot of robots fall into Christian way of thought seeking hope of betterment after their deaths. Personally believe that it is a trap used to lure robots into more self-hatred, thought control as well as making them develop psychological illness by playing off of their weakness. >Nihilism It seems that robotdom is pretty nihilistic when it doesn't take a more optimistic approach. Robots who have fallen deep into depression are usually pessimistic existentialist nihilists with much self-hatred issues. >Hedonism Which is often a way of coping with nihilism for many robots. >Misanthropy Seen especially with the threads about school shooters, some robots hate humans. It's not always just narcissistic hatred either, it's often a hatred of "I hate humans, but I am also a human and hate myself because of it" >Antinatalism I think that many robots fall into the philosophical area of antinatalism and often don't want to have children because: A) They hate women and believe that men should be happy living by their own B) They believe that they would hurt their own children if they had to C) They don't want to birth anyone into this god-forsaken world. Any philosophical beliefs you consider normalfag? Any that you consider particularly robot?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

Cute thread

Cute cute cute.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

Sad thread

Post sad things.

R: 36 / I: 1 / P: 2

Comfy fantasies thread

A thread for posting about any of the comfy fantasies you have.

R: 72 / I: 2 / P: 2


Any robots here partake in/ used to partake in some sort of hobby? I myself used to be big into origami and photorealistic art when I was younger, but since then I've stopped doing both altogether. It got to a point where it wasn't very challenging and it was more a question of how many dozens of hours I wanted to spend on a drawing rather than if I could do it or not. As for origami paper simply got too expensive once I got into the higher skill territory. I recently tried drawing something again and half-assed it after about a third the way through due to boredom. If you robots would like to see any of these feel free to ask. As of right now, it seems like games and anime are where it's at. As for gaming, I'm planning on getting back into Majora's Mask after recovering my save files from a dead PC.

R: 11 / I: 1 / P: 2

Corona-chan appreciation thread

Corona-chan is the biggest weapon we have against normalfaggotry currently. We should all be thankful for those times where it is completely acceptable to be a NEET and calmly sit at home while all of the normalfags are going fucking insane. It's just pleasant to see how the faggots are getting completely assblasted over their empty fucking relationships, and how stupid party-faggots are contracting the disease by their own stupidity. How is the quarantine treating you robots? Are you feeling alright?

R: 0 / I: 1 / P: 2

Suicide information resources