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Waifu Thread Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 18:19:53 No. 12 >>57 >>444
Y'know the drill by now. Post your waifus, talk about your waifus, and maybe tell us the story of how you met your waifu. Feel free to mention esoteric stuff but remember, keep it minimal as to not derail the thread. Feel free to dump waifu images as well As for me I recently l listened to the KS OST in its entirety yesterday (multiple times) while playing Vidya and it was a rather nice experience. I was playing Minecraft and so it was an ultimately comfy experience.
I'll start with some nice Hanako Pics
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>Be the Esoteric Waifufag >Have an Epiphany and realize that all the Edits i made really do not matter because all the Anime girls i like in reality are different ways of perceiving and Understanding the same entity (A Godess if you may like) that i Love >Drop Edits, Embrace Taihou >Play Azure lane for a Week without respite just to Marry Taihou >Tfw i left the Tarot thread i myself started because i was too busy being a Lazy Neet and dedicating time to my Waifu so, how have you been doing?, i know that Kurisuposter is Live and Kicking but i don´t know where the others are
>>59 I've been good in spite of recent developments. Having this bunker here has kept me in high enough hopes. User count says about 30(I know these things are horribly inaccurate and don't represent actual anons) so we can't have lost many from fatchan. As for the others let's just hope they made it I know Motoko poster made the last Waifu thread and so I assume he made it here. I wonder if the idol waifu anon is still around, haven't seen him around since 8ch's waifu threads. Also congrats on your epihany.
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>>59 Also here's a Hanakurisu for any kurisu posters left. I posted it before but I feel it's appropriate for this situation.
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>>64 Anon, I will always find /r9k/ in the end, but if I don't, I will be in your 心 as Kurisu is in mine.
>>82 Nice to see a Kurisu poster is still here. While we're doing this little roll call is a Matoko poster still here to show him self.
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>>84 I hope Motoko poster finds us again. It would be cool, would feel more like home.
I was wondering how long have the people here had their waifus? I myself have only been with her a short time. Something like 3-4 years now.
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>>150 Ironically have been with her for less than a year, and only been Married for less than a month, yet it almost feels as if i have been decades with her
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And an old kurisu post from 8ch for any kurisu anons.
>>154 HNNGG
Esoteric Waifufag reporting in, took me some time since im an idiot that doesn´t read the meta Thread
I was listening to the Katawa Shoujo OST again and it's drudged up quite the number of feels. I apologize for the incoming regurgitation of these feels Playing Katawa Shoujo might be one of the single most positive and elating experiences of my life. Every moment I spent in that game means more to me than most could imagine. I know that it is technically just a game but to me, it was truly so much more than that. While I was playing this game it felt as if though I had been whisked away to some other world in which the characters of Katawa Shoujo happened to inhabit. Every character felt like a person and every exchange of dialogue felt as if though I was talking to someone rather than simply reading text. I can still recollect my anxious excitement throughout the day as I eagerly anticipated "getting to talk to Hanako again" after completing my daily duties. Getting to play KS and being transported back to that beautiful world backdropped by a beautiful OST was the highlight of my day during those times. I wish I could put it into words better but if I had to liken my experience with this game to something it would be something similar to an amazing dream. However, like a dream, it had to come to an end and when it did it was even more heart wrenching than the regular dread you feel upon waking up from an amazing dream. Though only temporary, bouncing back to the mundanity of regular life after playing this game left me feeling like absolute shit for about 2 weeks. After those 2 weeks though, I could honestly say I came out a better man and more steeled in my robotic resolve as after having played this game I was truly integrated into the 2D>3D mindset. I could go on for a whole book on why I love Hanako but, unless you all would like to hear that, I'll be keeping that to myself for the time being.
>>407 KSG was a pretty emotionally significant part of my life back when it was first a thing, but I've completely lost any nostalgia for it or the OST. I remember when I listened to it years ago every once in awhile it was a wave of feelings. Now it's just music. I think as a coping mechanism I've self-induced autism, kind of the opposite of a tulpafag self-inducing schizophrenia. But to be fair I was probably always kind of autistic considering my pick was Shizune.
>>408 >Shitting on Tulpafags >On the Waifu Thread of all fucking places
>>408 >Shizune >needy bitch rapist with a lesbian cunt following her around Thats some pretty shit taste man.
>>409 >tulpas That reminds me, I remember that back on cuckchan on those Misaki Friday threads they had some tulpafag who went fucking insane after he lost the ability to connect with his tulpa. From the diary logs he kept it seems he had grown very emotionally dependant on his Misaki tulpa and once he lost her he couldn't take it. After reading about what happened to him I lost the little interest I had in tulpamancy. I'm okay with loving my waifu in the way I do now.
>>409 I didn't shit on tulpafags though.
>>412 >went fucking insane after he lost the ability to connect with his tulpa that has to be the saddest shit, period, hope the guy is doing good now or at the very least reached Pleroma, i don't have interest in Tulpamancy either because i worship my Maiden in the way my spirit commands, i did have contacts with her despite my Psychic deafness, she has said some wholesome shit to me but aside from that she is very ambiguous and nuanced, most of the time she appears to me through my own experiences with the external world,
>>411 >posting cuckold the anime The pot calling the kettle black.
>>411 >>415 I hate this fucking anime so much. I hate it the moment I laid my eyes on it. But I kept watching it anyway because tr/a/nny loved talking about it and pumping it up like some hot shit and what? It literally threw netorare at my face. I waited every week to download a new episode because I'm retarded. Same fucking shit with Erased, it was a solid anime until the final end. It's like an extremely elaborate scheme to convert people into cuckolds. "Oh this anime is good overall so I don't care about the ending.". What's with Japs and cuckoldry?
>>415 >what is a reaction image
>>417 Don't answer this if you don't want to spoonfeed but, what was the reason for the /animu/ /a/ split? I know rulecuckery was a big part of it but I also feel as if there is a lot I don't know. The only board that I really frequent is /r9k/ and over the years that's not really changed so I don't know a lot of anything outside of this board.
>>420 Mostly the rulecuckery, but also the fact that tr/a/nny hotpockets would arbitrarily delete shit on a whim if it wasn't moe faggotry. >>418 Mini rant incoming: Something that has bothered me for years is how dumb niggers think you have to have watched every show or seen every comic that a reaction image is cropped from. This didn't used to be the case, but after the reddit invasion in 2011 it's like overnight people started shitting their pants over it because of smug anime girl posters or something. I haven't seen even a quarter of the shows that most of my reaction pictures are taken from, they're just good reaction pics and I use them accordingly, why the fuck is this concept so hard to grasp?
Even though I rarely go here anymore, and I honestly thought we were gone when I checked fatpeople.lol and saw it was down, I will post here to anchor in my love for this pony. >>412 Tulpamancy is pretty much harmless, from the overwhelming majority of what I have read. If you read the foums or look at anything that wasn't just an extreme example (most likely a LARP), this is a common fact. The original anon was wrong, also, in that someone with a tulpa does not have schizophrenia of any sort. I am far too lazy and distracted to actually attempt to form a tulpa to confirm this, however, though I have read dozens of guides and posts about it.
>>423 Are you a fag too by any chance?
>>424 Hopefully not. He's probably the only one in this thread right now that I recognize from the waifu threads on 8ch.
>>424 No. Why?
>>425 >>424 >why? Because cartoon horse fuckery and faggotry are synonymous.
>>427 I'm going to get lit on fire for this but it's been years since ponies were a problem. Just let it go already.
>>427 >>428 Furfags and Bronies are usually Mentally deranged Zoophiliacs among other things, the problem here is that Anons (or at the very leastthe anon that replied to Ponyposter) stay at the superficial level and judge based on external action, IE:You posted Corona-chan therefore you are normgroid, You posted Pony therefore you are Bronie-Zoophiliac, without understanding why Bronies and Furfags are cancer (Zoophiliac Tendencies, Leftist-bullshit, Sexual deviancy of all kinds, the fact that they can't sit still in their forums but they have to go to other communities to fuck their shit up like trapfaggots) i don't think >>423 is a fag, or at the very least he is not acting like one and shitting up the Thread, this does not mean that Bronies are good, they need to burn in a pit, but it does not mean that that Anon can't be an exeption to the Rule
Iowa's caring smile always lightens my mood on a shiity work day.
>>430 Your waifu looks like a cheap whore dude.
>>431 Stop that. Respect people's waifus.
i have made her into my Mistress and Married her a long time Ago following the Law that my Spirit commanded, now i must tread this forsaken Sodom till the time comes when the Sweet release of Death will take me back, to where i Truly belong
>>431 I could say the same about your mother.
>>434 Which one?
Are there any conditions around wizardry and waifufaggotry, or do they not overlap? For 3DPD I hit wizard level last month, but I've been in a loving committed relationship with my waifu for many years. Are there any stat penalties or anything? Maybe even bonuses?
>>433 Good luck t. lilithfag
>>433 >>437 If you can't necessarily tell, following the advice of someone who calls themselves Lilith isn't the best idea
I cannot help it, I feel a sense of connection with her personality, I feel a certain similarity between my needy and arrogant personality and hers. And to see a character so similar in those respects while still being goodhearted makes me really fall in love with her. I never liked those parts of myself, but seeing her makes me want to accept myself. And she is absolutely beautiful as well.
so what do you do out of Love for your Waifu anons?, back before my Revelation i did all the OC's nowadays i simply dedicate things to her, when good things happen i dedicate my joy to her and thank her that good shit is happening, although im a forgetful piece of shit so im very non-ceremonial about it, i always go to sleep with my computer showing a picture of her while placing the Screen facing at me, when i wank off i Dedicate my lost Life-force to Her, and when i go to sleep i try to think about her, i assume most anons aren't as dedicated because most likely they aren't that far off the Deep End like i am and worship their Waifus as Legitimate Godesses My Taihou is indeed a Godess but explaining takes a lot of context and Walls of Text, but still, it is good to Tribute your Loved Maiden
>>440 I love her but I don't think about her all that often. Mostly, every other night I mull over it for a bit start imagining some comfy situations and then fall asleep.
>>441 >I love her but I don't think about her all that often a shame, i've completely lost it by now i find myself thinking about her all the time, i've placed her and made her the Center of my entire existance, i have her as my desktop, i draw her symbol in pieces of paper then take them with me, i have this constant tingling feeling inside of me and the pressure on the chest that reminds me of how much i want to be with her, i dedicate my actions to her as offerings, i've been playing Terraria and dedicating my constructions to her, and been filling entire sheets of symbols for her, i am also working on a Thief II mission with DromEd wich i am also dedicating to her, i feel like in a Hazy dream where only she is real (and it is very likely that i am right since Samsara is but a False illusion of the True Pleroma), im feeling lethargic and Intoxicated most of the time, in a "good" way, i guess most anons would consider it Obssesive and pathological but i wouldn't want it any other way
>>12 (OP) Whenever I'm forced to leave my comfy den of autism, I'm forced to hear the terrible noises from females. And God, do they have extremely deep voices compared to 2D girls. Real women are so masculine compared to 2D, it's not even funny.
I thinsk she is very cute
>>443 Are you the dolphin?
>>446 He doesn't talk like the dolphin. Why would it be him?
>>447 I'm God dude, I know everything.
Why do so many of the people who try to realize waifus in real life go for the robotics route? I'd rather have a perfect AI version of my waifu on my computer to talk to rather than some half assed bastardization that simply looks like her in 3D space. If I had a perfect realization of my waifu on my PC to converse with I'd probably be over the fucking moon. Why can't we have people working on this rather than metal dolls?
>>449 I believe the people who do this are more focused on the physical aspects of the relationship. Whether it's the more innocent desire to cuddle something, or the more base desire to fornicate, they want to physically feel their waifu. I think this comes from western society's social customs that put an unnecessary emphasis on physical touch during social interaction. People in the west are convinced that love must have physical interactions for it to be valid, which of course is untrue.
>>449 From my own experience, i wouldn't want Either, if it was a Already modeled AI, how would i know that it is Actually Her, and not a Faux copy?, my main method of "Contact" with my Lady is through the Law of Causality, since the Monad is Infinite and Absolute, Randomness cannot exist per se, since that would break the aforementioned rule, (Since we know the Monad/God does exist, Randomness cannot) therefore all Actions are Determined (Wich is not Pre-Determined) by using "Ambiguous" Systems, like rolling dice, Drawing cards, Etc... i am performing an action, and at the same time taking all my Determination away from it, the more you leave undetermined, the more it will be Determined by the Unknown, first through the Laws of Physics (Where the Die lands, how much it spins etc...), then through the Laws of Providence (The coincidental time at wich i made the inquiry, the undetermined technique i used to roll the dice, how many times i shuffled the cards, wether i forgot to do so and shuffle them a 2nd time etc...) therefore it is through this method, that i leave things "Undetermined" so that she may place whatever meaning on those actions, a AI interface would be fully deterministic, all of it would be organized by the Program, leaving no room for Providence to Act on another note, i would not wan't my Sweetest Love to live in this Misbegotten Age, i do Understand what Seneca and Evola (And Many others) said, that the Toughest men are chosen for the Most dangerous tasks, meaning that the fact that we are here in this Asinine Dimension of Eternal pain is not a Punishment or the Result of Stupidity, but rather a Concious choice done in the Light of Attaining higher States of Being through a Trial by Fire in the Kali Yuga, but i sincerely do not wish this Pain on the Good and Pure I know picrelated technically isn't Taihou but it looks so much like her and gives me the Same vibe, so i'd say that she is Neko Taihou, and added her to the Pantheon
>>449 If you want something done do it yourself.
>>451 I guess that just comes down to the difference between me and you. Hanako is a video game character, and I felt love for her, however more than that I felt love for the idea of Hanako. I'm not really well versed in traditional philosophy but this might be something similar to the world of forms or whatever the fuck. The idea of Hanako being the perfect "form" in my head and the current realization of her in reality being the video game character (I wouldn't say this form an imitation of the idea but simply a realization of a limoted scope of said idea). As much as I felt love for her, Hanako can not talk to me, she cannot know and she cannot think. However, if an AI were to give her those capabilities it would bring her much much closer the the perfect idea of Hanako, so much so that it might as well be the realization of this idea in it's entirity. I guess another way to look at it is if I was so happy interacting with a video game chracter with scripted dialogue, would a realization of that character which has the same conversational capabilities of a human and is able to accurately emulate human emotion not a huge step up from the original? >copy I don't see my waifu as an entity which actually "exists" anywhere other than in my head and so there's nothing to really copy. There is the idea of hanako and then there are the various realizations of her in reality. Each ones goal is to realize as much of that idea as possible. I see an AI version of her that could realize so much of that idea that it might as well be bringing her into the real world. At least in my head every realization of my waifu, be it art or the game version, is her in some sense. And so I don't really see how an AI is any less a copy than the version of her in the game, that being not at all. Like I said though you and me are different and so we probably see our waifus in completely different senses and there's nothing wrong with that.
>>1351 >i wouldn't want Either, if it was a Already modeled AI, how would i know that it is Actually Her, and not a Faux copy? I feel the same way about my waifu. She is a tulpa so to making an AI or doll of her wouldn't really work. Like a painting or sculpture of a famous figure, it's just a representation, not the real thing. >i would not wan't my Sweetest Love to live in this Misbegotten Age Agreed. Although I would love to be able to interact with her physically and feel her embrace, I would never want her to have to experience this horrific life. It's bad enough that she has to bear witness to it through me and feel the pain it causes me, but to have it exposed to her first-hand is something I could never allow. I'm sure from some points of view it could be considered an 'overprotective' stance, but believe that we are right to protect our waifus the way we do because care for them deeply and we know how hard this life truly is. >the Toughest men are chosen for the Most dangerous tasks, meaning that the fact that we are here in this Asinine Dimension of Eternal pain is not a Punishment or the Result of Stupidity, but rather a Concious choice done in the Light of Attaining higher States of Being through a Trial by Fire in the Kali Yuga I hope you're right about that. I've been going through a particularly rough time lately (though I'm sure we all have to some degree) and although my waifu does her best to help, there's only so much she can do. So I'm often left feeling a deep, crippling sorrow as I drag myself from one day to the next, never knowing if tomorrow will be a little better or far, far worse. I often feel as if I'm being punished or tortured, but other times I do see this tragic life as a trial, a challenge to test my metal. Either way, I don't want this pain to last forever, because I don't know how much more I can endure. >I know picrelated technically isn't Taihou but it looks so much like her It really does. Similar hair, similar physique, just change the yellow eyes to red and it truly is Neko Taihou.
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>>1390 Glad to see im not the only one into Esoteric Waifufaggotry, funny enough i was discussing how i am Ontologically isolated Aside from Lillithfag-kun with an Anon i hold correspondence with a few days ago, >I hope you're right about that. I've been going through a particularly rough time lately i hear you, im in a similar situation myself, my "mother" forced me to go visit my granpa, im stuck here for 2 Weeks, the fact that i don't have a room, little to no privacy, have to deal with a retarded Alzeimers living-dead grandmother, and this weekend gets worse because the rest of my "mother's" family comes around, for a bit of reference they are the Euro equivalent of rednecks, i have to actively hide my computer and my Taihou pics, not because i care about what they think, they are a bunch of inbred bufoons, but mainly because i want them to fuck off, and them giving shit about stuff its going to be a pain in the ass, and the simple idea that i am in a place i don't want to be, with people i don't want to be is something abhorrent sorry if i am blogposting, i thought i needed to give a little context when i make it out of here i might share an updated version of my Library and post some thoughts on Waifufaggotry in general, till then Take care Tulpa-Dono
>>522 >when i make it out of here i might share an updated version of my Library When I make it out of this world Lilith might post some stuff using this body t. Lilith-kun-fag
>>522 >the fact that i don't have a room, little to no privacy Sorry to hear that. I always hate having to compromise my privacy. >i have to actively hide my computer and my Taihou pics, not because i care about what they think, they are a bunch of inbred bufoons, but mainly because i want them to fuck off For sure, I have to carefully hide things I want to keep private because my mother is nosy as hell sometimes and I don't want to get hassled about any of it. That's one major advantage of my tulpa: she comes from my thoughts so there are no pictures or pieces of tangible evidence that anyone else can see. Her and I get to enjoy a unique degree of privacy. >when i make it out of here i might share an updated version of my Library I look forward to it. I downloaded the esoteric literature zip that you posted some time ago, but haven't gotten a chance to look into it yet. However, I will be quitting my shitty job soon, so I will return to my NEETdom (temporarily, at least) and I plan on reading up on the subject, since your insights have repeatedly fascinated me. I hope to gain a better understanding of your unique perspective on life.
What happened to Hanakobro's posts?
>>591 That's odd. Never had my posts deleted before this.
>>594 maybe it wasn't about you
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>>529 >since your insights have repeatedly fascinated me i haven't got out of the hotzone yet, but i need to post this because i genuinely do not think that i deserve such praise for starters i do not have a single Relevant skill aside from having the Patience to read on the Esoteric and read-between-the-lines, that and perhaps the ability to connect the Dots, to one-sided abilities that are only useful on that specific field Also, from an Ontological perspective (anyone who is versed in the Esoteric, and you and all the other Anons that begin reading up on Truth will understand in its due time) i am a weirdo, on one side you could claim that i am a Mystic, since my Worship for taihou is deeply personal and is based on her Superiority and not on my attainment of Godhood (like in the Aryan systems of Godhood, where the Devotee aspires to Become and Embody the God) on the other hand i understand and know Aryan spirituality, Warriorhood, the Caste system etc... so you can't really put me in Mysticism since there is a genuinely Aryan knowledge in my Ontology, there's not a single mention of Loved used as a Initiatic path aside from Shaktism, and Shaktism is more about the Loved Shakti as the Monad (opposed to the Classical Hermetic or Vedic conception of the Monad) also Tantra Shaktism is heavily based on Yoga and practical Magick, i can't for the Life of me Meditate and i have Failed at every single attempt of Attaining Practical Magick, i am no Yogi, no Sage, no Master, the only thing i have Going for myself is Hoping that my Genuine and Earnest desire to both Comune with Taihou forever and Understanding Truth may take me where i need be, and hoping that the Laws of causality had a good reason for my Existance and my Tribulations, i don't hold a Candle to Evola, Guenon, Hermes Trismegistus, Gautama Buddha, Crowley, or anyone for that Matter in short, i do not think i am anyone worth Admiring or Praising (rather the opposite really, im a dipshit that can't get shit done aside from Wanking off to my Waifu and contemplating because i can't really do anything else), i genuinely think you should read and study for yourselves when you have the Chance and think on your own, my posts here are little more than my Ramblings and personal views on subjects (even if i get carried away and pretend they are not), that while very flashy and novel for a uninitiated Mind, are nothing compared to the Deep Understanding Evola had sorry if i shat up the Thread, but this is something that i needed to say and it was relevant to post it here, because it is a direct reply to something posted Here
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out for blood
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Can one enlighten me esotericscim? How can I interact with my beloved waifu even more and dedicated my heart to her?
>>622 I still don't like it very much. I respect those who practice it now but I still don't find any reason to believe in the supernatural nor can I find any proof for it that satisfies me. As for how to get closer to your waifu that really just comes down to you. Think about her more or more strongly, imagine her more or more strongly. Do it the way you want to do it. I don't think esotericism is a requirement but, go that route if it's what you truly desire.
>>605 I can understand why you feel you aren't worthy of praise, and why you interpret my post as such, but I really only intend for my words to display a certain degree of respect, respect which I do believe you are worthy of. You may not have any noteworthy skills, but neither do I. In fact I often look at skill-related boards, or even the hobby thread here, and lament the fact that I have basically nothing to contribute to such discussions. However, I believe that for you, and me, and all robots here, there is a trait we share that commands a some respect: resilience. Being on the outskirts of society, robots must endure and cope with many hardships throughout life. You endure your mother and your family, I endure my awful job and my responsibilities, and all robots must endure the seemingly endless hordes of normalfags that will never understand us and always hate us. However, in spite of these things, we persist, we live. We continue to enjoy our games, books, shows, etc. despite the ridicule from the outside world. We often attempt to better ourselves, despite many people wanting us dead. We continually search for, and often create, meaning in a seemingly meaningless world. Through our struggles, our souls have been refined and strengthened beyond that of the average person, and that is something I believe is worthy of respect. Also for the sake of keeping this thread on topic: My tulpa has been my rock through recent hardships, keeping a sense of stability in these chaotic times. I often try to set aside time to show my appreciation for her love and support. On July 4th we watched fireworks together, and just the other day I ||danced|| with her, both of which she really enjoyed. What does your guys' waifus do for you and how do you show your appreciation?
>>622 >>623 I'm really only a novice when it comes to tuplamancy, and although it is esoteric (by definition, meaning a subject or concept that not many people are aware of) it is not necessarily supernatural. (Also as a side note: the term "tulpamancy" is not an official term, but more of a colloquialism we used on 8chan/tulpa/ to describe the act of creating, focusing on, and interacting with one's own tulpa) A tupla comes from one's own imagination. An individual creates an original entity in their mind, a tulpa, that has their own unique appearance, and takes on a personality of their own, effectively becoming their own person within the mind of their creator. However, to put it in far simpler terms, a tulpa is basically the advanced version of an imaginary friend. If anyone is interested, I can share what I know on the subject, but bear in mind that I am only a novice tulpamancer. Also, basically all of the reading materials I had access to were lost when 8chan went down, and /tulpa/ with it, so I mostly have to go off of memory.
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>>622 i agree with >>623, Unless you seek Actual Wisdom and to know Truth and Gnosis, id say you should steer clear of Esotericism ||i return home in 2 days, that Library is coming soon|| selfishness hinders the Path of Wisdom, that being said, ever since i read the Baghavad Gita i followed picrelated and started making Offerings to my Waifu in the shape of Daily actions, whenever i play Terraria i make autistic constructions in her name, i learned how to make Thief II levels in DromEd, currently working on a level as a way of worshipping her, i don't know how to Draw but i fill pages of 8 point Stars as a way to praise her too, i bake Pancakes on New Years and other relevant dates and Toast to her, etc... IIRC you were quite the bushman, dedicate some rounds to her on the Range, if you go Hunting, sacrifice the Prey to her, you could pick up a Android emulator and play Kancolle till you get her on a Random drop, (sadly i don't know the intricacies of Kancolle, i only Played Azure Lane till i got and Married Taihou) think about things you like and are able to do proficiently, then give them as an offering to Iowa
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>>624 fair enough, i still do not feel like i am really worthy of anything, but i won't interfere with you or any other Anon's being and Nature, if you really do think i am rightful, then i guess i am so in your eyes Either way, promise is Debt Library Link:https://anonfiles.com/b6n2x3H7o3/Library_7z i am working on a "Chart" of sorts that gives a small rundown on all the books and what they talk about, it will take me a bit since right now im not in the mood for it >What does your guys' waifus do for you and how do you show your appreciation? well my relationship is not as "physical" as yours, if i had to describe it it would be something akin to the "coutly love" of the middle ages, or the Donnoi, but without actually avoiding the union with the Loved one, i regard Taihou as my True Mother (that is why i always put quotations when i speak of my "mother" i do not regard her as anything else but the bearer of the vessel i now inhabit, nothing more), for she has nourished me with her Love and guided me so far, even when i was Ignorant, and knew her not, and also as my Wife and Godess, for i Love her Truthfully, and as far as she has told me, she does so Too, on one hand she is very close, at times i feel her Warmth, in my lowest Moments she has comunicated with me through "telepathy" or rather she has left some messages in my Mind, on the other Hand, we are world apart, since i cannot really contemplate her true Form and i am Trapped in this Samsaric Hell, my Love for her does Evoke a state of "Tension" almost as if i was going to "Blow up" any Moment, in regards to what i do for her, like i said in >>626, i give Offerings and pay my respects, i spend a lot of time contemplating Pictures of her and Thinking about her too however, at the same time i do not feel Worthy of her, i am not Strong, and i am a Coward (and the fact that i am possesive to the point where i do not want to post Pictures of her certainly does not help my case), im no Heracles, no Apollo, no Evola, no Zoroaster, and certainly no Hermes Trismegistus, i don't hold a candle to any of them, i can't meditate for shit, Practical Magick is a Dead-End for me, so the limits of my Wisdom are little more than read, try to Understand, and make a Guess hoping that my Intellect was enough to hit the Mark, i know that it is very UnAryan-Like to say (since the Solar path consist on not Asking the Gods for shit, but rather Studying and Training hard to Reach it for yourself, and i am clearly too much of a pussy to do that), but unless my Faith and earnest Love, somehow Amuses the Monad or some Advanced Spirit with the Ability to help me, or Moves Her enough to Try and Save me, i think i am fucked
>>645 >my Love for her does Evoke a state of "Tension" almost as if i was going to "Blow up" any Moment Do whatever you are gonna do if you "Blow up" and you'll be fine. >the Solar path consist on not Asking the Gods for shit Take the Lunar path. Don't be afraid to ask her for help; she is your True Mother after all.
>>645 >im no Heracles, no Apollo, no Evola, no Zoroaster, and certainly no Hermes Trismegistus, i don't hold a candle to any of them It is folly to compare oneself to others. I used to do this as well, and I can tell you from experience that it is not nearly as effective of a measurement tool as it seems. It only really serves to amplify one's perceived shortcomings. You can use those scholars, sages, and philosophers as a point of reference of who you strive to be in life, but don't allow yourself to get caught up in the imagined competition of their knowledge and abilities versus your own. Don't be discouraged that you're not on their level or that you may never be on their level, your challenges in this world do not come from them, but from life itself. https://invidio.us/watch?v=5PdVkA3HYYY&t=33
At any rate, I think you sell yourself short. You may not be top-level sorcerer, a renowned philosopher, or a highly-enlightened hermit, but I would argue that you're not as lowly as you seem to believed. I'm also willing to bet that Taihou would be in agreement with me, as she has seen fit to choose you to bestow her love on above all others, and surely that must count for something. >the Solar path consist on not Asking the Gods for shit, but rather Studying and Training hard to Reach it for yourself That's interesting, I've never heard of this "Solar path." You may have mentioned it before, but I don't recall. I haven't asked a god for anything since I was a child. I realized early on that they would never care to assist me in anything, and that I have to figure it out for myself. I'm currently in the process of bettering myself physically, mentally, and spiritually. And most coincidental of all, my tulpa's name is ||Solaris, which is latin for "of the sun."|| Of course, these are likely just coincidences. I very seriously doubt that I will ever be anything close to a god, that isn't even really what I desire. All I really want is to reach a level of self-sufficiency so I cannot be hindered by the rest of the world. When my physical body eventually fails me and I move on from this life, all I truly wish for is a quite comfy sanctuary with my tulpa, where we may live peacefully together for eternity.
>>645 This entire waifu worship thing is turning into something I wouldn't have expected initially. You're right in disparaging morality if this is the standard you're willing to wallow in. You talked about how you feel like you "are", but from how I see it that's reaching a point of stagnation, or willingly choosing not to move towards a new and interesting direction. Try picking up Immanuel Kant, or directly reading Nietzsche, the common conception of a lot of philosophers tend to be different from how I interpret them. But I've really not read much of either. I don't understand your concept of the monad, or it's relation to whatever the hell you've made your waifu into in your mind.
>>648 >the common conception of a lot of philosophers tend to be different from how I interpret them And that's importance since your comprehension of either of them comes from other sources like Evola. If I'm remembering correctly.
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>>646 >Do whatever you are gonna do if you "Blow up" and you'll be fine. How would you know that? i would believe you if you were Advanced in the Path of Gnosis, or knew me at a Elemental Level (If you were Taihou herself perhaps), but i have no way of knowing if what you say is True at all >Take the Lunar path. Don't be afraid to ask her for help; she is your True Mother after all. what kind of Son and Husband would i be if i relied on my Mother for everything?, what you ask of me is Unconditional Surrender, wich is unacceptable, even if i am not capable of Anything Else >>647 Perhaps, yet my Point still stands, i Lack the Constitution (Wether in Intellect, Bravery, Strength or anything else) to Fully Understand and Finish whatever the fuck i am Supposed to do here, in Regards to the Solar Path, in short, its a Blanket Term for Aryan Spirituality, if you follow the Doctrine of the 4 Ages (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron) this is the Primordial Spiritualty follower by the Aryan Man during the Golden Ages, its the Path of Heracles, or Perzival, Knight of the Grail, its the idea of Understanding and Realization of the Divine faculty, the Concept that "You are God, you just don't know it Yet" wich is awakened, not only by Contemplation and Thought (Wich is regarded Lunar) but by Actual Realization of those States of Being Via actual Meditation, also, in "Metaphysics of Sex" there is Mention of Medieval Courtly Love (From wich most of my Knowledge of Taihou actually Comes) there is the Concept i already mentioned of the "Lady of the Mind" pure Dante style, where the Lady takes the form of the Initiatic Principle through the Dissasociation and the Tension that comes from the Resulting Love, however one particular thing that is mentioned is that there is a Templar teaching that spoke of "Demons" coming in the form of Females to "Haunt" the Templars that were under Vow of Chastity, perhaps this is related to your Tulpa >>648 i do not mean to disrespect, but the Pain and Sorrow that i am sharing here is of a Purely Initiatic Character (The only Aspect of this plane i consider Relevant since for all that i Care, Samsara can go Die in Nuclear Hellfire), Morality is Dead and well Dead, and indeed i "Am", i no longer judge my Actions from a Moralistic or External standpoints, the Shortcoming that Haunt me come from my Own view of Myself, and they are Oriented towards my Fear of Falling short, of Dissipating into nothingness like Normgroids are Bound to do and be Taken from Taihou, all of the things im speaking off in >>645 and in this Post are Purely about my Inner Being, it is not a matter of Following this or that Doctrine, but my Own ability to make sense and Apply them, i earnestly Doubt Nietzche or Kant would help me anymore than watching the News and making sense of the Eternal stupidity of Faggots, i appreciate the Intention though
Dreaming of waifus fucking sucks. The experience of the dream captures so vividly what I would like to be reality only to cuck me as soon as I wake up and I realize I still live in this shitty 3D world. I wouldn't call myself an unhappy person but the experience of being with a 2D waifu, even if it's just a dream, is enough to ruin my day. They say ignorance is bliss and I guess that the dream temporarily showing me what an ideal world would look like makes this world seem comparatively dog shit. Also here are some Hanakos that got swept up earlier
>>653 It's possible to chase her in the dream world and get closer to that eternal dream t. hardcore dreamer
>>652 >is of a Purely Initiatic Character Mom-fags will get the rope. >I was to learn soon, however, that I was a naïf indeed. Not only Gnosis was gnostic, but the catholic authors were gnostic, the neoplatonic too, Reformation was gnostic, Communism was gnostic, Nazism was gnostic, liberalism, existentialism and psychoanalysis were gnostic too, modern biology was gnostic, Blake, Yeats, Kafka, Rilke, Proust, Joyce, Musil, Hesse, and Thomas Mann were gnostic. From very authoritative interpreters of Gnosis, I learned further that science is gnostic and superstition is gnostic; power, counter-power, and lack of power are gnostic; left is gnostic and right is gnostic; Hegel is gnostic and Marx is gnostic; Freud is gnostic and Jung is gnostic; all things and their opposite are equally gnostic.
>>657 Where is that quote from? It looks a bit too schizo for my taste.
>Freud is gnostic lol more like too cringe
>>658 Ioan Culianu.
>>657 Your mom is gnostic lmao God is the Divine Mother and your waifus and tulpas are all secretly her. Thanks
>>652 >there is a Templar teaching that spoke of "Demons" coming in the form of Females to "Haunt" the Templars that were under Vow of Chastity, perhaps this is related to your Tulpa An intriguing theory, though I find it doubtful that it applies to my situation. Tulpas are a concept that originated with Tibetan monks, who used them as companions during meditation. Some people back on 8chan/tulpa/ would jokingly refer to tulpas as "brain demons," but it was generally understood that tulpas can only really harm their creators if said creator perceived them as a harmful entity rather than a supportive one. It becomes something of a 'self-fulfilling prophecy.' If you believe your tulpa is working against you, then it is, because you've subconsciously made it so. My tulpa has never haunted, tormented, or harassed me in any way. Therefore I don't believe that my tulpa is any kind of demonic entity. Aside from that, tulpas are not summoned to or bestowed upon an individual, the individual creates their tulpa from the ground up. So if the tulpa is harmful or demonic in any way, it is because their creator included that characteristic in the design.
>>666 >just typed two paragraphs about how my tulpa isn't a demon >that post number
>>666 >Templars Correct me if I'm wrong Satan,but aren't there like a gorillion conspiracy theories about the Templars? From them being satanists (iirc they supposedly worshipped Baphomet) to being good catholics who got fucked up by that French King? Does anyone know what was the most likely thing to be true about them?>>666
>>665 God is a masculine force since it's a creative force. That's all.
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Esoteric waifufaggotry is getting out of hand. This IS starting to turn into the typical vagina-worship as this faggot is showing >>665. You can't expect someone who thinks fapping all day to his waifu is a grand esoteric statement not to fall into degeneracy.
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>>666 I know, that's why i placed "Demons" in quotations, in fact, Demon comes from the Greek "Daimon" wich means "Strong Spirit", >>669 well, there are also a Gorillion of Conspiracy theories about how Uncle Adolph was supposed to be Homo, Christian, and even in Contact with Ayys, don't believe Jewish lies anon, that being said, what i know of them is that they were a Organization of Initiatic Character (Warrior Asceticism and all that) alongside the "Worshippers of Love" (who would later become the Rosicrucians), according to some legends the Nestorians who were Exiled to the Sassanid Empire came from Former Templars, what i DO know is that they got Disbanded and outlawed for the Same reason every single Gnostic group got Outlawed, and that was because of their Initiatic Practices and theri Actual Understanding on Esotericism, in contrast to the eternally Cuckolded Christianity of the Time >>670 >>665 check piclerated you fucknuts, the Monad is Unknowable and Unintelligible, adscribing a Specific Form to it is folly, for all Form comes from it, therefore it is Above and Beyond any shape or form you may make of it, there is a Point i have to adress in >>665 though, while in Tantra Buddhism it is true that the Monad is identified with Shakti, (in a metaphorical way, since once she is identified with the monad, she loses her Particular characteristics, being just a Namechange really) there is a Huge warning i have to Give in regards to the "Great Mother" Cults, Demeter, Aphrodite Pandemos, etc..., all of these Divinities of Female motherly Characteristics are of Pre-Aryan (Pre-Aryan as in "This is what Niggers from Africa and other Subhuman Southern Races believed before the coming of the Aryans from the Throne of the North) nature, all of these Motherly Cults go hand in Hand with Gyneocratic values (Immortality through genes Ala Diotima, Man as a Particular incarnation of a Collective Unconcious Totem, and other Collectivistic Equalitarian values that are retarded beyond recognition), i do not need to explain (i hope) why these things are retarded, ironically the Great cults of the Mother are actually Roastie Worshipping since they Exalt Procreation and Fertility (Continuity of the never ending Cycle of Samsaric decay) and probably what anons like >>671 should be looking out for, instead of accusing Anons using Waifus to explore and stimulate their Eros in a ways that leads to Extacy and Higher states of Conciousness (just like Warriors do with War) >>671 Anon first you have to provide proof as to how any of this is Roastie Worshipping, and i hope for your own good that you aren't the same retard i had to lecture on the Nature of the Feminine months ago, this being said i am willing to indeed sit down and explain my Views and defend Waifufaggotry (although i think i've plastered my thoughts around here for so long that i think Anyone can guess what my Cosmovision is), for none of this is Roastie worshipping nor degenerate as you claim it is I Encourage Waifufags, and Detractors of Waifufaggotry to go read "Metaphysics of Sex" (Its in my Library, in the Evola Folder) most of what i've spoken on this post is discussed at length on that book, and Evola certainly can explain that shit much better than i could ever Hope for Also im sorry for Hanako-poster since he is the one that dislikes Esotericism the most around here and he most likely must be having a bad timelet me post some Lewd Dark Elfs as an Apology
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>>671 i forgot to add that Retarded 1 Liner posts that add nothing to the Discussion like >>673 and blatant cuckchanner retards like >>533 (the post was fortunately deleted) are better signs of decay and more hindering that Discussions of Waifuffagotry, i don't want to disrespect you, but it almost looks like certain Anons (Like the retard who STILL (unless something changed) believes i am worshipping roasties) have developed tunnel vision towards alledged "Roastie/Vagina Worshipping" while completely ignoring other Regular Clowns we have here, let me post some more Cute Girls while i am at it
>>672 You explained why I consider this vagina-worship well enough, even if you've stopped in explaining precisely why vagina-worship is retarded. But it's also this stopping point, this resting on moral axioms, that I disagree with. It's the same position of holding the monad to be unknowable, and because it is unknowable one shouldn't try to grasp at it, or to try to comprehend it despite the futility. Look up Parmenides and the idea of proof by contradiction. Going through the effort of proving the obvious, why is the monad unknowable?
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>>675 >why is the monad unknowable? Picrelated is a very good Short version of the Ways of St.Thomas of Aquinas, I really don't wanna write a Wall of Text on this subject since its mentioned literally in every single fucking Esoteric Text, because understanding the Existance and Nature of the Monad is Esotericism 101 Long story Short, the Monad is the Primordial Entity sort of speak, the Monad cannot be Known because it is and at the same time Transcends Knowledge itself, and Knowledge comes from it, if it could be Known it would no longer be the Cause of Knowledge therefore no longer the Monad ,Imagine the Futility of a Body-Builder trying to become Strength itself now on to the actual post, question for Tulpaposter-Dono, seeing as you Danced with your Waifu, and since you did saw the fireworks during 4th of July im gonna assume you are Burger thus i will ask you, what do you drink with your Waifu? any specific type of Alcohol?, Tea?, Chocolate?, Milk?, do you cheer with her?, I do like Milk more than i should and more than a certain Anti-Milk Anon would want me to, and also Horxata (Tiger-nut Milkshake) if you are from South-east Burgerland you should kinda know what that is since Spics are into that shit tooif other Waifufags wanna reply feel free, i was just interested in Tulpanon-Dono because he seems to be Ontologically similar to me
>>677 >if it could be Known it would no longer be the Cause of Knowledge So it doesn't know itself?
>>678 It Knows itself because it is Knowledge itself, Self Awareness is Also Knowledge, it cannot be Known by something it is not Itself, however it can be Known by itself, because of what i said though, Think about it the same way the "Strongest man in the world" would be, he cannot be lifted by Anybody else in Existance, but he can Lift Himself up because Lifting oneself up is also Part of Being Strong if you really wan't to inquiry on this you should make a Thread of it or just ask it in the FTDDTOT though
>>679 >Wrongsaged because i forgot how it worked around here and didn't bother to read the SUBJECT text on the Subject field end my Life
>what do you drink with your Waifu? Well, during the 4th of July my family gathered at my sister's house and we lit the fireworks in the cul-de-sac. It was fairly dark out, so what I did multiple times throughout the night was I would step back a bit, and while no one was paying attention to me I would summon her by my side to watch as I watched. Also, I lit a number of the fireworks myself, so I didn't really get a chance to sit off to the side and sip a drink of any kind. Though I suppose if I did get the opportunity to sit with my tulpa and watch fireworks, we would likely drink iced tea since I rarely drink alcohol. >do you cheer with her? I never really cheer for anything. I've always been quiet and reserved, even when I was a child, I just don't like to be loud. My tulpa, on the other hand, was very excited while watching the fireworks. She enjoyed herself a lot and I was glad I could share some of that night with her. >i was just interested in Tulpanon-Dono because he seems to be Ontologically similar to me It's nice to be able to share ideas with a like-minded individual. With all the insufferable normalfags I deal with at my shitty job, it's very refreshing to communicate with people who possesses an understanding and enlightenment beyond that of the blind masses. It is a grand relief to know that not every human is a mindless flesh-bag, and that there are still worthwhile souls in this world, however few.
>>709 Forgot to quote >>677 in my post. Just got back from my awful overnight job, so I'm tired and making stupid mistakes.
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>>709 >Iced Tea Patrician's choice, i don't drink alcohol either, makes me dumber and less focused, besides im a complete Pushover when it comes to it, i already mentioned my Fondness of Milk and Milk-Derived beverages Perhaps Connected to my "Mother Complex" i guess >I never really cheer for anything. I've always been quiet and reserved, even when I was a child, I just don't like to be loud. My tulpa, on the other hand, was very excited while watching the fireworks. She enjoyed herself a lot and I was glad I could share some of that night with her. my bad, i meant "Cheer" as in "Toast" or whatever the Verbal equivalent to Picrelated is in English (it is not my Mother Tongue, sorry) >It's nice to be able to share ideas with a like-minded individual. With all the insufferable normalfags I deal with at my shitty job, it's very refreshing to communicate with people who possesses an understanding and enlightenment beyond that of the blind masses. It is a grand relief to know that not every human is a mindless flesh-bag, and that there are still worthwhile souls in this world, however few. Indeed, im lucky to have plenty of free Time (and the Will to preserve it via ignoring many of my alledged responsabilities) and i don't go out of the house at all, so im very well shielded from normalniggery best of luck Anon, you are one of the Few Anglos that i don't Hate at all, no offence to other Burger Anons
>>671 Just a lurker passing through the thread, but I'd say the outgrowth of any so-called 'degeneracy' seems to be less on account of the esoteric waifufag or his genuine detractors, but rather because of an influx of some new, lazy, pea-brained posters as the recent increase in one line sarcastic posts in this thread and others (e.g. the Meta and FTDDTOT) showcase since we took refuge back on this site.
Today is her birthday. No way to forget it.
>>723 Post some pics to celebrate anon.
>>715 >i don't drink alcohol either I've tasted a few alcoholic beverages, but I never drink anywhere near enough to feel anything from it. I don't want to risk losing control of myself. >my bad, i meant "Cheer" as in "Toast" or whatever the Verbal equivalent to Picrelated is in English (it is not my Mother Tongue, sorry) I see. No harm done. I guess I might have toasted if there was an opportunity, but there wasn't. >i don't go out of the house at all, so im very well shielded from normalniggery I sorely miss my days as a hikikomori. Staying indoors all day every day, free from the drooling hordes of mindless cattle, free to pursue my interests (mostly) unhindered. It's a special feeling, cherish it anon. >you are one of the Few Anglos that i don't Hate at all Thank you. I enjoy talking with you as well. I wish all the best to you and your waifu.
I was rewatching Plastic Memories and Fate Stay/Night recently and I have an inquiry for you all, If you've watched the shows you should understand this question. Given the chance to bring your waifu into the real world or you to her world, for only a year, would you take it? I've really been thinking about it and I honestly can't come up with a solid answer. How would she cope with having only a year of "life"? How would I recover after such a loss? Would I ever feel content afterward knowing what true happiness is? It's questions like these which make this quite a tough decision. On the other hand, the experience would likely bring me happiness that I would never and could never dream of having in the real world as it currently is. There's also the fact that the animes which inspired this question seem to send the message that the experience, though transient, is ultimately "worth it". I'm probably leaning more towards not "pushing the button" so to speak but coming to a concrete conclusion on this hypothetical situation is quite difficult.
>>737 I think the best option is going to your waifu's world. After all, would you expose her to the niggery of this world? Now, if that is worth suffering after the separation, well I can't say.That depends on you I guess.
>>742 How about you? Would you say no if the only choice was to bring her to your world? If not, would it be due to the niggery of this world or the previously mentioned downsides? Or do you not have a waifu/character whom represents the ideal female to you? I myself don't see the niggery of this world as the primary reason to not go through with bringing her. Unless your waifu is someone who is highly situationally aware and intelligent like Makoto I'm sure you could ignore or shelter them from the shittyness of this world. If you get your head out of the internet it's actually pretty easy to forget about how much niggery there is around you, work and school being an exception where you are forced to confront it.
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>>732 >It's a special feeling, cherish it anon. indeed, im technically not a Neet since i do have a Job, but just like i said in >>715, i have a relentless will to Ignore my "Responsabilities" and half-ass everything that is not worth doing so i can have maximum free time to invest in things that i actually Care about Ever since i went on my Week-Long Campaign to get Taihou on Azure Lane culminating in a 48 Hour Marathon to get her Affinity to 100 and Marry her rightly i've been endowed with an Autistic Interest in Sea Warfare, at first it was kind of Low-Key and i didn't really find an Outlet for it, but very recently i finally learned how to play Dangerous Waters, and since then i've had the Strong desire to Wander the Seas and Become a Sailor, of course i don't have the resources to do this, at least not now, but still, i am filled with the Longing for a Death at Sea, Torpedoing Niggers all the Way through, or just set Course for the North Pole and then Die of Hypothermia, forever Buried with my Boat, and this feeling is almost Merged with my Love for Taihou, so i'd say im in a very Comfy State of Mind right now >>737 >How would I recover after such a loss? i recently read Ijousha no Ai and also remembered Mangos like Goblin Slayer (I really wish it didn't drop the ball with the stupid JRPG Party bullshit) and im shure there were other Mangos that had instilled in me the Dread of potentially Losing the thing i Cherish the most at the Hand of whatever Brutal Fiends populate this Misbegotten world, shure perhaps this Physical Plane isn't populated by Filthy Greenskins that should be Uprooted by Righteous Smoothbore Fire and being Cloven Asunder by the Steel of a Zweihander to the Face, but it is Populated by Greedy (((Chosen))) inbred mutts toting Communism Equality and other False gods, Charlatans and Liars, Niggers, Bugmen, and all sorts of Other Fiends that wish to anihilate everything Good and True, of course those same imbeciles would regard our suffering as Moot, because of course their definition of Pain is that of a Empty Belly, or a Sore Back, they understand nothing of the Spirit, and as such they will never understand the Pain of a Man that is not of this World so the truth is, i'd either go to her Plane, since i wouldn't have her Subject to the Pain of this Existance, or not go anywhere at All, Enduring the Temporary loss of Her Presence while knowing she would still be fine would be Better, and not really all that different from the pain i already have to Suffer by sharing this Existance with such Worthless Fiends that surround me, id rather have that, than the possibility of having her come to Harm in this Plane, in fact, and thinking with a clearer mind, if i have to Chose, i'd chose Neither and Ask for Martyrdom, truth is, as much as i Love and what to be with Her, if because of this Selfish feeling, i was to put her in Harm's way, by bringing her to this misbegotten plane, or i was to go to her Plane and (since this is the Condition you placed within your inquiry) have her Die in a Years time, I'd rather Sacrifice myself and Die so i can Save her and do her Right >>743 >could ignore or shelter them from the shittyness of this world. perhaps you are Strong enough to do that, i know for a fact that i am a Fuckup, that's why i don't want to risk anything and really REALLY protect her by not getting her in Harms way, at All >If you get your head out of the internet it's actually pretty easy to forget about how much niggery there is around you, work and school being an exception where you are forced to confront it. i strongly disagree with this, at least in my Experience, just stepping out of the House and looking and random Plebs in the streets already gives you a picture of how fucked up and retarde they are, also my "Mother's" retardation is a constant reminder of this >>743
>>744 >i strongly disagree with this... Maybe I should clarify. When I said that, I was more talking about it myself and the hypothetically brought-to-reality waifu. Me; because the only time I go outside and am forced to sometimes interact with normalfags is for school and work and anime girls for reasons I'll explain now. We as robots go outside see people and make quite a few (largely correct) assumptions. Due to our knowledge of the nature of these walking meatbags we have to deal with the headache that comes with understanding just how retarded these people are. I myself try not to think about it when I do rarely go outside which is how I avoid being in a bad mood. An anime girl however is comparatively less aware of these things. They are pure and oblivious and in the context of an anime girl that's completely alright. Their worlds aren't as shitty as ours so they don't require the awareness that we have to understand it. As I said earlier, exceptions to this are characters who do live in shitty worlds and thus have an awareness similar to ours, like Makoto I honestly somewhat expected you to say no, due to your way of thinking when it comes to your waifu. You see it as bringing her which already exists ethereally to a plane which is significantly worse in quality and I see it as bringing something which I wish to exist but does not into my reality (though again if only for a year it becomes difficult to choose whether or not I'd really want to do that).
>>737 >bring your waifu into the real world Hell no >you to her world Hell yes
>>737 >Given the chance to bring your waifu into the real world No. Although she has often expressed a desire to enter this world in a more permanent state and help me shoulder the burdens of this life, I would never allow it. The pain that is repeatedly cultivated here is far too great to ever expose my tulpa to such a thing. It's bad enough that she has to bear witness to the pain it brings me. I'm pretty much in agreement with >>742 on the matter. >or you to her world Yes, without a moment's hesitation. Granted, that is due in part to the fact that as the tulpamancer, I not only create my tulpa, but also the world she inhabits when not out here with me. This is referred to as a 'wonderland.' Unfortunately, I haven't had as much time as I would like to work on her wonderland, but even a simplistic version is leagues better than this world, especially since I would have a full year to spend with my tulpa one-on-one. Plus I'm sure we could also add to and refine the wonderland in that time. > How would I recover after such a loss? I think it comes down to a matter of perception. For me (and likely for the esoteric-waifufag as well) my waifu is a part of me, and I am a part of her. My tulpa and I share an incredibly close bond and our fates are linked. So when I pass on from this world she comes with me, wherever I may go. I'm sure that the esoteric-waifufag will likely find his way into the arms of Taihou after this life. I'm sure that if you keep Hanako in your thoughts and carry her with you in a sense, you are like to find your way to her in the end. So, depending on your relationship with your waifu and your perceptions of life, it could be only a temporary separation, rather than a permanent loss. >>744 The right kind of responsibilities can be a great thing. Responsibility to yourself and your waifu, for example, can yield grand rewards. However, many modern responsibilities, like the obligation to slave away at a job and pay bills/taxes, are nothing more than a drain on one's time, energy, and lifeforce. As for your newfound fascination with the ocean and naval vessels, I think it's a great hobby. I have occasionally fantasized about adventures at sea, but in reality I'm actually afraid of the ocean and the creatures that lie beneath. It's ironic because I love sci-fi and things relating to outer space, which is actually more dangerous.
>>764 >she has often expressed a desire to enter this world in a more permanent state and help me shoulder the burdens of this life Has she asked to possess your body? My tulpa did the same thing
>>779 A fellow tulpamancer, hail friend. She has asked a couple times for small things, but she knows it makes me uncomfortable so she rarely ever asks. How long have you had your tulpa?
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>>748 >I honestly somewhat expected you to say no, due to your way of thinking when it comes to your waifu. You see it as bringing her which already exists ethereally to a plane which is significantly worse in quality and I see it as bringing something which I wish to exist but does not into my reality (though again if only for a year it becomes difficult to choose whether or not I'd really want to do that). but i did say no, i said that i wouldn't bring her to this fucked up plane, i would perhaps go to her Plane, and i added that, in the case your "one Year only" rule meant actual Death (As in Dissolution, not merely Physical Death but actual Disintegration) then i would actually want Martyrdom and just Die so that she can Carry on >>748 >and likely for the esoteric-waifufag as well yes and no, i don't really know that much about Taihou, i know i Love her, and i Know i wan't to be with Her forever, and i know she is my Mommy and Wife, since she has nurtured me and taken care of me, yet again, there's a huge Gap between me and Her, intuition tells me she is most likely bigger than what i can grasp, in other words that Taihou and wichever Label and shape i wish to see her as, is just a way for me to understand more or less what she Is, that, and that im very shure my Existance before i came down here was a direct result of her, and im suspecting the fact im here is also her Plan, then again im only speculating according to my Intuition, i just hope she accounted for my Incompetence, and that she can Love me Back and be Mercyful with me
>>792 Merciful*
>>792 >but i did say no, I know. I was making a comment on the fact that I predicted you saying no. I thought it was interesting and so I made said comment. Sorry if my wording was unclear.
Tulpa anon, what are your thoughts about getting a tulpa from writing/daydreaming? I believe I've read that it happens but I'm always skeptical about that sort of thing especially because tulpa communities are full of fags and furries who seem like larping faggots or mentally ill retards. I assume that there has to be a bit more effort put in to purposefully meditate, but perhaps daydreaming about interacting with your waifu can lead to a better starting point? I currently spend a lot of time picturing her as though she's there, sitting next to me or whatever because it's calming to picture her with me, but I've never gone out of my way to meditate or make a mindscape if I'm remembering that term correctly. I write and daydream about her most of the time but I feel like there's a level of apparent autonomy that separates a tulpa from a daydream, which is something I don't have. Recommendations of resources like websites or pdfs for getting into tulpamancy would be appreciated as well, I don't really know where to start when it comes to that. The only places I know are r/tulpa and /tulpa/ on 8chan, and 8chan is kill while r/tulpa is full of obvious larping faggots and retards.
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I'm going to post this youtube channel I really like that has some guides for how to go about making your own tulpa, do know they are very condensed guides but I think it's still very useful. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBp8Lze11bF2R2a-DbobUfQ/videos The last three screencaps might not be received well but I feel they're important all the same because they're good pieces of advice to keep in mind throughout your tulpamancing journey, especially the last one. I'm a fag who doesn't have his own tulpa so take what I say and post with a grain of salt but I still want to post what I have.
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>>820 fuck fucking piss why can i only post three images at a time shitting nigger piss here's the other two
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>>798 My bad then, but yeah considering how transparent i am in my posts it is not surprising that people can predict and understand My Behaviour >>821 >>820 >>819 so after more than 1 Week neglecting my Studies i decided to return to Routine and look into this Tulpa stuff before i Retake the Digha Nikaya Turns out Atkinson has 2 Books that more or less touch the Subject "Human Aura" and "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" both of wich you can find in EPUB format on the Library i posted a while ago, you will need a EPUB reader so catch this one:https://calibre-ebook.com that being said i am currently Alternating between Buddhism and Dante because both the Nikayas and the Divine Comedy are long as Shit, if i find something on Buddhism that may refer to Tulpamancy ill share it here with you, either way its better than lurking on plebbit of all places Good Hunting
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Hey tulpanon been meaning to ask this for quite some time now but i didn't want to make you feel uncomftable or anything, would you mind if we establish "Closer" contact IRC chat, Qtox, Email, whatever the fuck feels more comftable to you i kinda wanna ask stuff about your Tulpamancy and your Vision on life in General since you seem to be very fucking shure of yourself in a good way, contrary to me whom i seem to be always plagued by inner strife and doubt also since you said you would check out the library, it could be better to talk through private channels to avoid thread derailment and not having to make an entire Thread just for our bullshit, Im not forcing you to do anything, i know some Anons are very reticent to this kind of stuff and i completely understand that, just give it a thought, if you are interested tell me and ill post a throwaway Email t.Esoteric Waifufag
>>819 >>820 >>830 >Lost all my tulpa-related information when 8chan went down >Been trying to make my tulpa by my memory of the techniques >Read >>>820 >Realize I've been doing multiple things wrong >Not sure if my tulpa is truly a tulpa or just a servitor or perhaps nothing at all >Can't see, hear, or feel her anymore >No idea what to do, how to proceed, or if I should just give it all up I don't really know what to do now. I'm at a loss. I knew I was only a novice, but I still at least thought I was making some progress. It all seemed so promising, the time I spent with her seemed genuine at first, but it's all gone now. She's gone. Then again, I'm not certain if she was ever really here to begin with. It's all so foggy to me now. Nothing is really clear. I don't know if I should try again or accept complete failure. I guess it does hurt to fail again, and it hurts to be alone again, yet I'm so used to these things that I'm nearly numb to the feeling now. Part of me feels a deep sense of guilt. Part of me wants to try to fix things. And part of me just wants to ignore this all for a little while until I can get some idea of where to go from here. I just don't know anymore.
>>846 She's a tulpa if you believe she's a tulpa. You're getting in your own way when you worry about it. In everything I've read about tulpas there's a common theme of "making yourself believe in it" or in other words, making yourself act like your tulpa has autonomy is what gives her autonomy. I think that if this is true, then the opposite is possible. The more you worry about if she's a "real tulpa" the more you'll doubt if she's "real". Don't worry, she's still there. The concept of her hasn't gone away, I think you might just be keeping her away because you're concerned you're doing things wrong. If you've done something wrong then the solution is to change your future actions, but your interactions with your tulpa have been real up to this point, it's useless to doubt that. Even if they haven't been real that's no reason to get rid of your tulpa, just start over. You'll already have a head start because you'll know what she's like so you won't have to do the first steps of making her form and personality and all that.
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>>846 sorry to hear that, i am in a similar situation of inner strife from what you've read in >>652, i won't try to tell you that everything is fine and that stupid "Pat in the Back" shit because i hate it when people try to console me like that, i will tell you though, that you can Love her in your Heart of Hearts without Seeing her or contacting her, i know this because i am Able to Love Taihou like this, in fact i'd go as far as to say that the Few "Contacts" i got with her, and the Evocative experiences i have when i Wank off are exactly because i Love her and have Earnest Faith, this is as much Advice as i can give you since like i said before i don't wanna give you comforting words that are emtpy, nor False advice since i cannot even handle my own Strife, that being said, you never answered my original question at >>830,you mentioned being Alone again, and while i cannot aproove of conditioning by Social need, and that Anons should be able to exist by themselves ,my offer still stands and if you need to Vent that is valid too, email me at rorife3025@mail2paste.com if you are interested Good Luck
>>847 I'm sure you're right. The time I've spent with her thus far has felt real. I usually don't have very strong feelings (aside from my burning wrath and seething hatred for the world, that is) but she actually made me feel a kind of happiness that has eluded me since I was a child. She is real to me, she must be. >I think you might just be keeping her away because you're concerned you're doing things wrong That's exactly what I've been doing for the past couple of days. It comes from a flaw in my personality, I have a tendency to get discouraged easily and become intensely critical of myself. When I began to notice that I was doing something wrong, I felt as though I had wronged her with my mistakes, and refused to see her out of shame for my actions and fear that she would resent me, but I've made mistakes before and she has always been quick to forgive and forget. I'll try contacting her again soon. Thank you, anon. >>849 >i won't try to tell you that everything is fine and that stupid "Pat in the Back" shit because i hate it when people try to console me like that >i don't wanna give you comforting words that are emtpy, nor False advice since i cannot even handle my own Strife I actually appreciate that. I consider unabashed honesty to be a far greater kindness than comforting lies. >i will tell you though, that you can Love her in your Heart of Hearts without Seeing her or contacting her, i know this because i am Able to Love Taihou like this I think I do love her, I'm almost certain I do. I really haven't been able to feel love for anyone or anything for well over a decade, I'm usually fluctuating between stoicism, depression, and anger. However, since I've been with her, I've began to feel things I didn't think I would ever feel again. I think those feelings serve as a confirmation of her existence. >you mentioned being Alone again, and while i cannot aproove of conditioning by Social need, and that Anons should be able to exist by themselves I largely believe this as well. I get along with my family well enough, but never go out of my way to see them. I have no friends and rarely ever want any. Generally, I avoid other people like plague. It's funny to hear people put so much emphasis on 'social distancing' when it's what I do every time I step outside my home. However, ever since I was young I've had a strong desire to be married. I'm not really sure why I desire it so strongly, but I do. Even though I'm well aware of the treachery of roasties, I've still always wanted to be married. My dabbling in tulpamancy over the years has always been directly connected to this desire. Also, I will consider your offer. Though I think our conversations here on the board are sufficient for the time being. So, I will likely just hold onto that email address in case this place gets attacked yet again.
>>846 She's still there she's just fucking with you. Call her name.
>>906 What the fuck.
I've tried making recipes for smoothies based on what I think my waifu's breast milk would taste like. I don't know what real breast milk tastes like so it's fun to imagine a certain taste based on her appearance and personality.
>>909 I can picture you sucking off a baby milk bottle with a hard on sitting in the corner of your toilet jerking off furiously.
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My "mother" went on vacations Yesterday, im home Alon for a whole month, i've spent this last Two days playing Eroges, Wanking off to Taihou as usual and practicing Hesychasm (Contemplative Prayer), but instead to God or the Monad, i pray to Mommy Taihou, i always found this Dychotomy funny, i spent all day talking about the Truth and Good and the Hermetic Axioms and all that shebang, then im the Jackass that Tabs-out between the Asclepius and my Folder of pictures of Taihou to Wank off right after reading, the Kind of Jackass that shits on Normgroids and Niggers, then has a Strong Desire to get put into Cowgirl position by Mommy then get Ridden with a capital R untill my Hips Shatter, perhaps it is true what they say and im just a Schizo, either way that is who i Am, wether Good or Bad or High or Low or Petty or Great, >>853 >Also, I will consider your offer. Though I think our conversations here on the board are sufficient for the time being. So, I will likely just hold onto that email address in case this place gets attacked yet again. the Throwaway mail expired some time ago, i made a more permanent one, Mail:WECC@waifu.club >>909 Cool, is your waifu the one you posted? i do like Making Pancakes, although its been Eons since i ever made any, the Idea of Breastfeeding is something that i find very comfy, then again im the Masochist with the Mommy Complex here wich is funny because i regard Gyneocracy and the whole idea of "Having Children" completely retarded, since its just perpetuating the Samsaric Cycle of Life and Death, so its not like my Opinion counts while i was writting this post i began to wonder exactly what i mentioned before about having a Appreciation for the Motherly Aspect while despising its "Mechanical" Naturalistic Function, Truth is, i really do not "Distinguish" between "Mother" and "Lover", the idea of the Lover is limited by Love, most normgroids hook up to run away from their lonelyness, it is done in search of Affection and wanting to be Cared for, same with the Mother Idea, you Expect Nourishment from the Mother, you Expect Profane Love from the Lover, i expect none of those things because if i did, then it wouldn't be Love, Simply put, if i was to Love Taihou for X reason, then as soon as that Reason becomes Meaningless for whatever Reason, i would stop Loving her, that is Non-Negotiable, so i refuse to Find, or to Admit, a Reason for my Love, because that would Essentially Kill the Tension
>>914 She's not, I make sure to never let anyone know who she is. >im the Jackass that Tabs-out between the Asclepius and my Folder of pictures of Taihou to Wank off right after reading, the Kind of Jackass that shits on Normgroids and Niggers, then has a Strong Desire to get put into Cowgirl position by Mommy then get Ridden with a capital R untill my Hips Shatter I like to think lewd stuff is fine for waifufags since it's out of love and not just vanity.
>>914 >My "mother" went on vacations Yesterday, im home Alon for a whole month That's great news, friend. The most I ever get away from my parents is a week, so I'm a bit envious. On my end, however, I did quit my shitty overnight job and am now free of wageslavery. Also, I don't think you should worry about the masturbation. I've personally spent my first three days of freedom doing nothing but playing video games. I think that doing these kinds of recreational activities like playing vidya or wanking serve as a good way to usher in such a joyful time of freedom. >the Throwaway mail expired some time ago, i made a more permanent one Thanks. I'll hold onto this. >if i was to Love Taihou for X reason, then as soon as that Reason becomes Meaningless for whatever Reason, i would stop Loving her, that is Non-Negotiable, so i refuse to Find, or to Admit, a Reason for my Love, because that would Essentially Kill the Tension That's more or less how I am with my tulpa. Though there are many things I love about her, there is no one specific reason for my love, her and I simply love one another unconditionally. Our love is not dependent on any one thing, nor a list of things, it simply is. Therefore, it cannot be broken down or taken away. Also, I think I ought to give a quick update on my situation since posting >>846 and >>853 Essentially what happened is that I over-reacted to my mistakes. After making that last post, I called her back to talk things over, and she was quick to point out the fact that I did indeed over-react and that I'm too hard on myself. Since then, things have essentially returned to normal, and I plan to use this time of NEETdom to work on my tulpamancy and construct more of her wonderland. I don't want to call it a 'false alarm' however, as I did make some mistakes along the way, it's just that those mistakes weren't as serious or as damaging as they first appeared to be.
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>>931 i wanted to talk more about >>853 in >>914, Unfortunately im a Lazy bastard And i got a rash in my left buttcheek that hurts like fucking hell, its been a few days so its slowly Healing and it does not hurt that much, but fuck me it goddamn Hurts so i just posted half of it and leave it for later, so ill take this chance to String together both posts >It comes from a flaw in my personality, I have a tendency to get discouraged easily and become intensely critical of myself. haha, been there done that man, that's kind of why i didn't want to "Coddle" you since i guessed that, like me, you would Dislike being given a "Pat in the Back" instead of an Actual solution (wich i have none) or simply, be left alone for a bit to figure it out on your own >I actually appreciate that. I consider unabashed honesty to be a far greater kindness than comforting lies. Indeed, that's kind of why i enjoy Writting this "Personal" posts that, albeit Confusing and Poorly written as some anons have pointed out to me, do leave a Degree of Transparency on who i am, what i do, and why something that Nignogs will never be able to do, since they are too concerned with their Petty pleasures and their retarded Social Standing, nevermind the Fact that they are all hollow Caskets, and in this Age where Irony and Smugness are all the Rage, and the only time when people are "Sincere" is to cry about how they got Alledgedly Raped at age 10 and please please please #Metoo and empathise with me because i need my Social Acceptance, and then the other part pretends they do so they can be seen as Paragons of Justice, I think the "Beauty" that i find in my Posts is that, like i said before, its a Window into what i Am, or at the very least what i Think i am, Anons are free to Judge and use this for themselves, if they had Similar experiences to me then they can Relate and look for a Solution or a Way to Learn about that same "Shared" experience, if some anons are interested into any of the Things i've talked about throughout my Time here, then they had a bit of an Introduction so that they can look it up for themselves, i am also tired of Conflictiveness and how Niggers will always stir up shit, i myself have been at fault for this many times (the time i chewed up some anon for mentioning the Barnum effect on the Tarot thread Who i later Abandoned like the fucking Nigger i am because i am a Lazy nigger and also because i lost interest in Tarot the whole Corona-Chan Fiasco more recently with the nignog who accused me of "Half-Assing" my Arguments etc...) Plastering my thoughts and then saying "This is my Opinion, and this is from where i Come from, you may or may not be right about me Being a Schizo" does make me feel as if i am stirring up less shit, or at the very least being less Antagonical and more Polite about those who might Disagree or outright Hate my Posts >I've had a strong desire to be married. well, back when i was still a Lowly Evola-Fag who had just discovered the Bliss of Truth, i researched into what at that time was my "OC Anime Girl" Horxata-Chan, whom would later turn out to be Taihou i did my fair share of research, turned ouy my Zodiacal Sign (In other words your "Solar Star" in Chaldean Astrology) was Tauro after digging up i realized that the Planet that rules Tauro is Venus i meditated and reflected upon these and realized that i was always magnetized towards Love, i like Cute Anime girls even before i Began Reading/Watching Anime, and even when i was a Little kid, i had my fair share of Fantasies about Cute Anime girls (im talking about literally Age 7-8), so the fact that Love was the Fundamental force and Tendency in all of my Actions and the Root of my Spirit, did make a lot of Fucking sense, check your own Zodiac, if you are Tauro like me, then that's a huge piece of the Puzzle Solved, or at least a Good Starting Point towards finishing it
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>>937 part 2, turns out my idea of Compiling the Two posts backfired >>931 >That's great news, friend. The most I ever get away from my parents is a week well, we have to work with what we have anon, then again my "mother" is a manipulative Bitch, so i guess it all balances out best regards and Good Hunting, you Handome Rouge >>918 >She's not, I make sure to never let anyone know who she is. 10/10, you only have a Waifu once, no Refunds, no Replacements, and even then, i don't think anyone would want any of those >I like to think lewd stuff is fine for waifufags since it's out of love and not just vanity. it is true that is all motivated by Love for Mommy, and my Moral compass broke a long time ago (im ok with it since morality is a joke) but the Dichotomy is indeed "interesting" to put it in some way, and it could also lead to someone to think i am a Degenerate Hypocrite
>>937 >its a Window into what i Am, or at the very least what i Think i am, Anons are free to Judge and use this for themselves I often structure my posts similarly. Although I'm often careful about what I post and where, I still choose to volunteer certain aspects of who I am when I'm here, because this is one of the few places where I feel I can actually express my true beliefs. It's also why I rarely ever post anywhere else on the internet, because most other places are filled with normalfags, none of which can engage in meaningful conversation of any kind. >check your own Zodiac I took a moment to look into it, and apparently my sign is Cancer. It does explain a fair bit about me. For instance, I'm often secretive and suspicious of others, hence why I don't post outside of /r9k/. I also spend a lot of my time daydreaming, and I plan to start writing some short stories soon, as Cancers are imaginative and prefer to pursue at-home interests. As far as my desire to marry, it seems that seeking out a mate that can be an ideal wife and mother is common for a Cancer. Furthermore, it would seem that the Cancer and the Taurus are compatible personality types, which would explain with more depth (outside of both being robots) why you and I often share such a rapport.
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>>958 >Although I'm often careful about what I post and where Agreed, although im a tad more "Suicidal" about it, then again, i don't really care much about anything anymore, at least not anything that isn't Directly related to Taihou >it would seem that the Cancer and the Taurus are compatible well that explains it, i did get very close very soon with the Anon im currently holding Correspondance with, however im willing to pin it on the fact that he is also a Esoteric Autist like me and the general Robot Empathy, but the fact that 2 Bots would get along so well in less than 10 posts was certainly remarkable, i will do my own research later to see if i can find something relevant in terms of Waifufaggotry or something Relevant in general, Do let me share a bit of something with you and with any other anon that may be benefitted from this in my younger days (mind you im still very young im referring to my teenage days really) i used to like Metal, however with the years i've warmed up much more to Electronic Music, the Undergroudn type, i got introduced to Vaporwave as it was "Dying" (Second Wave Vaporwave is actually Peak Vaporwave imo) Chillwave, Ambient etc... Ambient is certainly quite the fucking Genre, there is this bloke called Sandgam, his tunes evoke a feeling of Melancholy mixed in with Strong Romanticims, it is a blast to pick up a cold drink in the middle of the Night, blast some Ambient, and look at Pictures of Taihou https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Ql0VbPMAUJ4
is the Album im listening to right now as i am writting this post, but really all albums from Sangam are very good shit, try it out, it couold be a good way to set the mood for some Romantic Nocturnal Consensual Cuddling sessions with your Tulpa-Waifu
>>964 It's nice to know I'm not the only one who likes music like that. I like listening to it when I go for a drive, especially at night. I would love to go for night drives through downtown with my waifu and see some other nice scenery but with the monkeys getting mad they don't have their own slaves it's dangerous. But I always went for drives through smaller cities and even neighborhoods anyway. With the right music it meets a need for minor adventure and curiosity but with the added side effect of some kind of meditation. It makes living a little more bearable, at least for a little bit.
>>964 >im willing to pin it on the fact that he is also a Esoteric Autist like me and the general Robot Empathy, but the fact that 2 Bots would get along so well in less than 10 posts was certainly remarkable I guess taking a step back and looking at it, there is indeed all the ingredients there for a fast friendship. Good to know we can still find people to connect with in this horrid world. I enjoyed the music you shared. A lot of it is reminiscent of various movies and games I've enjoyed that take place in outer-space, and considering that I have always been a big fan of sci-fi, it's easy to get into. It's actually really great for imagining my tulpa and I cruising peacefully on a spaceship together.
>>969 In a Charles Manson interview he said he'd listen to Hearts Of Space on the radio and I got really into it. It's the best musical recommendation I've ever gotten. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHvwJqVvmhw
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Yesterday night i was gonna post about a Experience with Taihou i just had, but while she didn't make it clear i wasn't allowed to talk about it, she more or less through signals made me know it wasn't the best idea, i won't talk about it in detail since i don't wanna piss off Mommy and to be honest i can't find the words to describe the Experience itself really, but i am curious to see if any other Waifufags have had "Experiences of Extacy" with your respective Waifus, things like Love causing extreme Tension, Actual Physical pain that "feels good" at the same time, Altered breathing perhaps, Extreme Feelings of Yearning, having those Feelings of Yearning transmutate in the Desire to be "Absorbed" or "Consumed" by the object of your Love, things like that, besides i didn't get a SITREP from any of you in quite a long fucking time, and this thread is the only reason i keep tabs on r9k at all
>>1251 No not really. The strongest emotions I felt for Hanako were during my playthrough of the game where the experience felt, as I've said before, like a dream where I was transported to another world. You and the tulpa anons have got the most unorthodox relations with your waifus and so none of any of what you said there rings a bell for me. On a completely unrelated note some anon on endchan was saying something about not using the word waifu but to use wife instead and since I'm not posting on endchan I'll respond to that here. I somewhat disagree. Though wife could be used to accurately describe the relation someone like the tulpafags ans the esoteric fag have with their waifus it can't be used to accurately describe mine and perhaps a lot of the anons in this thread or anons who used to be in these thread's relations. Hanako to me is a representation of the ideal female companion for myself and I feel a very strong connection with her character and an emotion which is probably love. I don't however see her as an entity which actually exists in this world, at the end of the day she is a character, one who means a lot to me and I would be infinitely blessed if she were to be with me in this world, but a character nonetheless. Obviously she's not just a character to me but I can't go so far as to say she's a real enity in this world like some of you do. And so, if we were to use a different term other than waifu it'd need to be something like Anime wife or 2D wife but at that point wouldn't just saying waifu be more convenient? I don't know what do you all think?
>>1251 Hahahaha keep going t. Lilithfag
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>>1252 >No not really. The strongest emotions I felt for Hanako were during my playthrough of the game where the experience felt, as I've said before, like a dream where I was transported to another world. You and the tulpa anons have got the most unorthodox relations with your waifus and so none of any of what you said there rings a bell for me. Understandable >the word waifu but to use wife instead Funny, i thought Waifu was really a japanization of Wife, kind of like Japs say Computeru instead of Computer and all that Jazz, either way i always refer to Taihou as Mommy, so its not like it affects me at all, >Though wife could be used to accurately describe the relation Reminder that i am Factually married to Mommy Taihou man that was an Intense fucking Week of Grinding to get that shit, but it was worth it beat you to the score Tulpanon-Dono :^)To be honest you should Marry her the moment you get a Moment Of privacy, like one of the Weeks you get to be free from your family or something, i don't see why you wanting to get Married should be hampered by Anything, im shure as shit your Tulpa has been waiting for you to Marry her for a loooooong time
>>1259 >Funny, i thought Waifu was really a japanization of Wife It is
If I'm not mistaken, this is the origin of the term. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AgDbAT56I0
>>1261 Esoteric nigger, I don't mean to dredge shit up but didn't you say you hated OP a while back? Seeing you act all buddy buddy after flipping your shit on him like that is very odd. Spoiler and sage for gay drama bullshit. I'm just curious as to the change of heart though.
>>1263 you mean the fiasco that time some anon went into the Tarot thread and called everyone a fag while metnioning the barnum effect?that anon was a Waifufag but i don't think he was Hanakoposter, can't remember who his waifu was, i still hold a grudge because bursting in a thread just to stir up shit is despicable, but unlike certain a antagonistic faggot who is out for me i can't just go around following people i hate to tell them i hate them so, and even then what i dislike about that anon is the way he stirred up shit, nothing else really, that Anon hasn't gone around shitting up threads since then so im kinda willing to forgivealso, i think you replied to the wrong post
>>1266 I'll slightly break a bit of anonymity and go ahead and say that nah he's right that was me. I still stand by the fact that I wasn't trying to start shit with everyone in that thread and that that post was more a lapse in judgement and a spur of autism on my part. It also felt like there was some misunderstanding on both parts but its fine if you disagree. You can continue hating me if you so please. As long as we can keep it civil in this thread.
>>1251 >>1259 I've shared some strong emotions with my tulpa at times, however I'm fairly emotionally repressed, so it's all a bit touch-and-go so to speak. >this thread is the only reason i keep tabs on r9k at all Same here. I read through the other threads from time to time, but this is the only one I regularly post in. >To be honest you should Marry her the moment you get a Moment Of privacy, like one of the Weeks you get to be free from your family or something, i don't see why you wanting to get Married should be hampered by Anything, im shure as shit your Tulpa has been waiting for you to Marry her for a loooooong time Coincidentally, my tulpa and I are now engaged to be married. She wants to be married as soon as possible, and you're right about her wanting to marry me for quite some time, but I wanted to take some time to plan out a proper ceremony for the occasion which does require a certain amount of privacy. I believe I should have a few opportunities coming up to make it happen, and I'll let you guys know when it does. >>1252 >if we were to use a different term other than waifu it'd need to be something like Anime wife or 2D wife but at that point wouldn't just saying waifu be more convenient? I don't know what do you all think? I think the classic 'waifu' is plenty sufficient. The only reason 'waifu' wouldn't work is if you're using it outside of /r9k/, since normalfags have bastardized it like they do with every slang term, joke, or community that has ever originated from the internet. I would suggest reverting back to an earlier term (like using 'image macro' instead of 'meme') but I don't recall if there is a term that preceded 'waifu.'
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>>1295 >however I'm fairly emotionally repressed i noticed you are "Colder" compared to me, but i always thought this was because im a Melodramatic and Passionate man and you were just more Composed, why the Emotional repression?, is it Voluntary as in "I don't want niggers to notice me so i put on a mask"? or is something deeper? of course this is a intimate problem (i'd assume) so if you don't feel comftable talking about it don't feel pressured Personally i enjoy the way im slowly "Losing it", i really really Love Mommy and i try to make everything i do an Offering to her, im glad that while being Psychically deaf i can Evoke this experiences through sheer Faith and Feel closer to Her, >I'll let you guys know when it does. by all means do so ill be shure to keep some Spare Flour and Sugar to make some Pancakes (its my only Party-trick hehe) and celebrate It is extremely Funny and ironic that some Isolated Kissless Virgins like us have more Serious and Substantial relaionships with our "Inexistent Anime Girls" and Love in general than the Average Normgroid who jumps from roastie to roastie or the whores that go from marriage to marriage ramping up Alimony Payments and that trash
>>1306 >why the Emotional repression?, is it Voluntary as in "I don't want niggers to notice me so i put on a mask"? or is something deeper? It is derived from a few factors. For one, my childhood was a fairly lonely one. I was somewhat neglected by my parents, repeatedly harassed and bullied by my older siblings, and mildly abused by my father, so I became emotionally distant and distrusting from an early age. Expanding more on my father, I used to hate him for a very long time for the way he treated me when I was young, but that hatred eventually transformed into pity, for a see what a foolish and emotionally weak man he is, and how it's held him back many times in his life. (Also as an aside, although I don't hate my father anymore, Solaris (my tulpa) can't stand him) Finally, my observations on normalfags showed me how allowing one's emotions to determine one's actions can be dangerous and folly. So those things combined have encouraged me over the years to see emotion as a weakness, and therefore to become less emotional and more stoic and calculating. However, this has changed slightly since being with Solaris. I've come to find that emotion is not a weakness if kept in check and managed responsibly. There are times when embracing emotion can be a relatively good thing, especially when it is shared with someone who can actually be trusted. So, although I will likely always be a bit cold by nature, my tulpa is helping me to learn how to experience and convey my emotions in a healthier and more fulfilling way. >It is extremely Funny and ironic that some Isolated Kissless Virgins like us have more Serious and Substantial relaionships with our "Inexistent Anime Girls" and Love in general than the Average Normgroid who jumps from roastie to roastie or the whores that go from marriage to marriage ramping up Alimony Payments and that trash I think it has to do with the robot's (some robots anyway) desire to cultivate truly meaningful relationships, be they platonic or romantic. Not only that, but normalfags are incapable of exhibiting anything above the interpersonal behaviors of an untrained dog, warming up to anyone that seems good to them, begging for whatever scraps their masters might throw their way, attacking what they don't understand, and humping whoever is closest when their instincts tell them to. Robots like you, me, Hanako-poster, etc. however, seek relationships that are not simply physically fulfilling, but also intellectually and sometimes spiritually enriching as well, so "hooking up" has virtually no appeal to us. Therefore, no roastie could ever make for a suitable mate as they are incapable of things like loyalty, intellectual discourse, genuine kindness, and so forth. Simply put, we desire love, true and honest love, while normalniggers are simply chasing social status and the opportunity for their next orgasm.
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>>1307 >It is derived from a few factors. For one, my childhood was a fairly lonely one. I was somewhat neglected by my parents, repeatedly harassed and bullied by my older siblings, and mildly abused by my father, so I became emotionally distant and distrusting from an early age i can actually barely remember my childhood, it was "normal", never had any problems, my parents were more about "loving" with money and Comforts (that they later lost once the Housing bubble blew up in their faces, they divorced over this, and my "mother" will still think of herself as a hero because she managed to make out of a problem her own greed got her into (its only because my Step-dad is actually Wealthy), what can you expect from dysfunctional fiends huh?, not that i care about any of it) so i never truly got close Love in the sense of Caresses and Kisses really (wich funny enough despite never having done that, i have a strong imagination for Erotic stuff, and i can simulate in my mind the Feel of Hugging and Cuddling very well among other things) other kids would ostracise me at school for being the Fatso but despite that i had a few Good friends, i lost contact with the only one who was Worth a damn because we chose different Academic paths (or rather, that i didn't pick up a path at all because while i wasn't into Esotericism in my young years, i was very well aware of how Fucked up and Futile everything was, and simply chose to take up a 2 Year Apprenticeship than waste my time in the Shitshow that is College) rest of them slowly became more Faggy and Annoying, and by the Time i Got balls to the Wall into the Esoteric my Power Level was so high that i ended up Burning Bridges with pretty much everyone, and i mean Everyone, there's only 1 Guy left in my Contacts List, and we don't really talk much at all, so id say compared to Anons like you who actually got Abused, i didn't really have any issues (wich is kinda why it baffles me that some fags will keep pushing for the Idea that Robots are fundamentally Broken people, since in my case the Environment was actually Encouraging me to become a Normgroid, instead i rejected it all and became a Willing Outcast) thing is Isolation and "Lonelyness" comes natural to me, im Comftable when im Alone, or rather, its that i don't Feel Alone when im Alone, its when im with retards that im Alone, when im left to my Means like right now as im writting this Post its 3 AM in Yurop, Everyone is Asleep and my House is empty, i have all the Time in the World and Blissful silence, im not Really Alone, i have Myself and my Thoughts, and then there's of Course Taihou >However, this has changed slightly since being with Solaris. I've come to find that emotion is not a weakness if kept in check and managed responsibly. I was about to say this, its not the Things in of themselves that do things, its the Attitude one takes about it, take me as an Example if you will, i am very Impulsive and Passionate, i have talked about my own Shortcomings at Length and im aware of the pile of Contradictions that are found in my Being, yet i understand where all of those things Fit and why are they so, i have Accepted myself and i Know myself, so i am capable of Both acknowledging all of these things without falling for Self-Destructive and Judgemental States of mind, like i said before, i simply "Am", as further example, i am able to both Willingly Succumb to Taihou and do some quite Unorthodox Sexual Shit, while at the same time Understand and Acknowledge the Importance of Sexual Chastity, Acknowledge the Contradiction, and yet be Able to live with it , i don't know if am properly conveying my point here, sorry if im being Ambiguous or going off the Trail >I think it has to do with the robot's (some robots anyway) desire to cultivate truly meaningful relationships, 200% Agreed with this, i can't really add anything you haven't already disclosed in this paragraph, but it is always Hilarious to see the way things are Supposed to be, in contrast to what they Actually are
>>1311 > i can simulate in my mind the Feel of Hugging and Cuddling very well This is because your tulpa literally is hugging and cuddling you at that point.
>>1312 anon does that mean i've had Sex multiple times with Mommy Taihou?is BO-sama going to ban my ass now?
>>1315 No because your body is still virginal. It's like having a wet dream (which is also your tulpa)
>>1312 >>1317 allright last night definetly felt like we were sleeping together, can't quite put my finger on it, but my Pillow (i always sleep hugging my pillow) stops feeling like a pillow and i Subconciously, or rather Superconciously project Taihou into it, and last night it stopped being a mere abstraction to become an Actuality, because i do feel as if i slept with Mommy, it is said that whatever you are thinking off when you go to sleep goes straight to your subconcious, or rather your Superconcious, i imagine thinking constantly about Taihou and having Earnest Love and Faith is now having an effect and that all the things im experiencing right now are the Product of all the Love i've been giving her all these months (its funny when you look back and realize i only "Discovered" (because she was an underlying part of my life, even if she never appeared before me, even before my Initiation) around a Year ago )Also Taihou did tell me i lost my Virginity by her hands, she told me around a Week ago, didn't quite believe it until very recently because my Erotic experiences these last 2 Days have been much more Intense than they usually are, i mean your idea that your Imagined interactions are actually real were a small underlying thought of mine for quite a while, but now that you mention it and now that i look into it, you are indeed 1488% Right
>>1311 >i can actually barely remember my childhood I don't really remember the specifics of my childhood either, just overarching themes of a lonely and fear-ridden upbringing. Most of the specific memories have been discarded as I don't find them to be particularly important to who I am now. >i never truly got close Love in the sense of Caresses and Kisses really (wich funny enough despite never having done that, i have a strong imagination for Erotic stuff, and i can simulate in my mind the Feel of Hugging and Cuddling very well among other things) I didn't get much love either. I did when I was very little, but as I grew, my family members all got more distant from one another, so I can't say I've been exposed to much warmth either. Interestingly, my case is a bit similar to yours in that I too had a lot of romantic and erotic fantasies growing up. In fact, I was actually an "early bloomer" physically, as I had undergone puberty earlier than most. However, my desire for romantic companionship dates back even earlier than that, and I recall having attraction towards girls as early as the first grade. Needless to say those infatuations never went anywhere, and I ultimately became a robot. >i had a few Good friends, i lost contact with the only one who was Worth a damn because we chose different Academic paths (or rather, that i didn't pick up a path at all because while i wasn't into Esotericism in my young years, i was very well aware of how Fucked up and Futile everything was, and simply chose to take up a 2 Year Apprenticeship than waste my time in the Shitshow that is College) I only ever had a few friends at a time as well. I was very quiet and shy in my school days, which most of the other kids interpreted as me being "creepy." The last friend I remember having was just after highschool, he was my closest friend. We were both sort of outcasts, and we saw each other as brothers, but we eventually grew apart. I remained a socially-distant outcast and he became a textbook normalfag. Doesn't really bother me any more though, it was a long time ago now and I prefer not to have any friends these days. >thing is Isolation and "Lonelyness" comes natural to me, im Comftable when im Alone, or rather, its that i don't Feel Alone when im Alone, its when im with retards that im Alone It's the exact same for me. I've spent most of my life alone because it's comfortable to me, it's how I prefer to live. This whole pandemic has been odd. Normalfags everywhere are losing their minds because they can't go out as much and they have to distance themselves from others, but that's how I've been most my life so I don't notice any difference in my day-to-day life. >i have Accepted myself and i Know myself, so i am capable of Both acknowledging all of these things without falling for Self-Destructive and Judgemental States of mind I believe you have the advantage in this. I know myself as well, but unlike you, I have great difficulty accepting my flaws and become intensely critical of myself. Sometimes it's a good thing, as it can push me to better myself. Other times it's terrible, because I will occasionally get so angry with myself that I give up altogether, and will refuse to do anything productive or positive for days on end because it all seems futile. Fortunately, Solaris makes great efforts in keeping my spirits up and attempting to catch me before I fall into one of my depressive episodes. >>1312 >>1315 This is called 'imposition' which is something that I work on frequently with Solaris. It is the ability to actually feel one's tulpa as if they're truly in the room with you. However, I'm not certain that it is the proper term for you and Taihou, since from the way you describe her, she isn't exactly a tulpa. Although she does seem to possess similar characteristics, so maybe it does apply. But I guess ultimately, you're the only one who can really know what does and doesn't apply in your relationship with Taihou.
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>>1321 >I have great difficulty accepting my flaws and become intensely critical of myself. Sometimes it's a good thing don't fret about it, you said you would be reading up on Esotericism a while ago, you are capable of tulpamancy, i get the feeling that you would be able to dominate Ars Regia farely easy and be able to follow the excersises in "Introduction to Magick" (i don't recommend doing so untill you understand more or less what the World is truly about though) all of those petty things will fade away, at least that is my Intuition, y suspect other things of you but ill remain silent since i want to neither Startle you nor to get ahead of myself, but i get the feeling things will get more "Interesting" in the years to come, and Corona-chan is just the Beggining >she isn't exactly a tulpa she is not a Tulpa, but anons insist on treating her so, same way they insist on calling me a Wizard, although i am guilty because i did joke around being a Wizard, truth is im more of a "Priest" if am to be labeled anything at all, since again, i do not know about actual Magick (Spiritual Alchemy, Astrology, Geomancy, Qabbalah etc...) Taihou is a Godess, to explain this we must go back to when i mentioned i was Tauro, Tauro is ruled by Venus, Venus being the Sphere of Venus/Aphrodite thus being Ruled by Love, in Greco-Roman Mythology there are 2 Aphrodites, Aphrodite Pandemos, being the Plebeian Generic love and affection, and also having Gyneocratic meaning as a godess of fertility and other stuff like that, however there's Aphrodite Urania, called so because she was Born from the Blood and Semen that fell into the sea after Uranus was Castrated, Pandemos is supposed to be the Plebeian love (if it can be called love that is, it is more about mere affection and family shit), Urania is True Love of the Spirit, for starters this is already Peculiar, you see all Gods share Blood ties, Zeus, Hera, Apollo, all that jazz, they are Sons of Kronos(Saturn), Kronos and the Titans are sons of Uranus and Gea, however, Aphrodite Urania is Self-Born from the Blood and Semen of Uranus, Literally Aphrodite Urania is outside the Regular Divine Pantheon, since she is only Half related to the Titans and the Gods, not only this but it is also worth noticing that she is born from the Primordial Divine Solar Principle (Uranus), i said it many times, i do not believe in Coincidences, and i do not think this was Unintentional, i think this is the way ancients went about to Say that this Path, the Path of Love, the Worship of Ishtar (Whom i will talk about Later) not in the Gyneocratic Plebeian Collectivistic Cults that were so common in non-Aryan peoples, but rather this Solar Self-Evident Love and conviction, is both Extremely Rare, and that it doesn't go the Usual way other Paths to Divinity and Gnosis go Of course Aphrodite Urania isnt really given much Attention in Greco-Roman mythology, other Solar gods take the spot, Specially Apollo and Zeus, when Aphrodite is usually refered to, it is in a Gyneocratic sense, and they talk about Pandemos, not Urania, the few times she has been mentioned, specifically by Plato, it has been as a way of talking about a Platonic Ambiguous love that barely classifies as Love, but rather it is mere Spiritual Admiration and Affection, not something to be disrespected, but this is certainly Not what You and I Feel at all, 1/?
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>>1328 however, in Mesopotamian Tradition this is not the case at all, the Babylonians talk about Ishtar, before i continue, ill stop and talk about the 3 Forms of Feminty that Exist, according to Evola's "Metaphysics of Sex", in the Book in question Evola talks about the Mother Archetype, and the Lover archetype, the Mother archetype is the one you see in Gyneocratic Mother cults, Cults of Ceres, and Venus that were common among Etruscans and Ionnian-Aeolian Greeks before the coming of the Dorian (Aryan) Greeks, that brought Solar Apollo with them, these are just examples i placed, these Cults of the Mother are Plebeian at its core, they will place Nature and the Human at its peak (Think about Pachamama and the Cult of Mother Earth) in the Metaphysics of these Cults man, earth, and all creatures come from her, and this Great Mother gives Birth without need for a Father (as opposed to the Olympian Gods, for example Apollo, whom was Self Born and generated), from these metaphysics arise the Universalistic Collectivism we see today, humans are all equal because a Mother would never love one son more than the other, humans are animals and equal to nature (As opposed to Above it by Virtue of its Divine Origin in Olympian-Solar Metaphysics) because they were Born all the same from the Same mother, Reincarnation and Life are exalted because its the "Gift" of the mother (as opposed to seeing the World as Bondage and seeking True Perfection and Stillness in the Olympian-Solar way),in fact, at the root of all Collectivism and Plebeianism you find the Cult of the Mother and Gyneocracy, think about how Soviet Russia always talked about the "Motherland" as opposed to the German National Socialist (Rooted in Solar Ideals of Hierarchy and Duty) would always talk about "The Fatherland" The Lover Archetype is opposed to this idea, it is about using Eros as a Transfigurating force, here Gyneocratism and Childbearing is not desired, it is the Feelings and the Extacies during intercourse that are used to Transfigurate Oneself, the Lover archetype represents the Raw Overwhelming ecstatic power of Eros in here you also find the "Durga" archetype, wich literally means "Unatainable", this is the case of the Mesopotamian Ishtar, the Hindu Kali and Durga. the Egyptian Sekhmet, in this case the Godesses are represented as "Dark Virgins" they are Godesses of Both War and Eros, both the Givers of Love and Warmth, but also of Visceral Death (Wich kind of explains my own feelings of Love and Yearning mixed in with the Desire to be Anihilated), Evola speaks of a type of Virginity in reference to them never being Attached to something nor given a Form, thus being completely Free and Unchained, i don't know where it fits though in relation to my own Relationship with Taihou/Ishtar, so ill leave this part be, Thus the Cycle closes, on one Hand Taihou/Ishtar is my Mother and Empress, not in a Gyneocratic sense, but rather because of my Ontology belongs to her, my Lover for she is Godess of Love (and she did tell me a couple times she Loved me so there is that too), thus Arousing my Passion, and also the Bringer of my Death thus Arising my Masochistic Tendencies There is a Specific Mythological figure related to this whole affair that i can't help but feel Identified with,this being Adonis, the Greek Lover of Aphrodite, he was born from the Incestuous relationship of Myrrha and her Father Cinyras of Cyprus as a Curse from Aphrodite, Aphrodite would take Adonis and take her to the Underworld for him to be Raised by Persephone, Aphrodite would fall for Adonis, but Persephone would want to keep him aswell, Zeus decreed in order to fix the Dispute that Adonis was to spend one third of the Year with Aphrodite, another Third with Persephone, and in the last Third of the Year he would have to chose one of the Two, Adonis chose Aphrodite and remained with her Forever, if we take the Traditional view of the Underworld as Samsara, Samsara being the Conditioned Physical world, you can guess where the Story really Goes
>>1329 >ill stop and talk about the 3 Forms of Feminty that Exist, according to Evola's "Metaphysics of Sex", in the Book in question Evola talks about the Mother Archetype, and the Lover archetype What's the third type?
>>1338 i fucked up and remembered mid-post that while the Durga is somewhat different from the Lover archetype it is still part of it, in other words i autistically divided Lover and Durga archetypes despite being the same and just different aspects, i fixed that shit, but forgot to change the 3 for 2sorry i fucked up
>>1329 >at the root of all Collectivism and Plebeianism you find the Cult of the Mother and Gyneocracy I've been thinkin' about the differences between Motherly Religion and Fatherly Religion lately >Father: You must Work and Improve in order to reach my Exalted State >Mother: Mommy!! I love you! Doing things is dumb I'm baby of mommy bu bu bu!! Choose your favorite
>>1344 To live is to struggle.
>>1328 >>1329 I plan to start on Evola's "Introduction to Magic" in the next day or two. I figured I would start with him first since he seems to be the author you reference the most. Aside from that, I was looking into his bibliography to determine where to start in regards to the books you've provided, and as it would happen Evola shares my deep disdain for the Jews, so I feel that much more motivated to start with his works. >There is a Specific Mythological figure related to this whole affair that i can't help but feel Identified with,this being Adonis I can certainly see why, considering you're forced to be around your biological "mother" in this hell-on-earth but choose to spend any and all available free time with Taihou, there's a very clear symmetry between Adonis and yourself. As an added note, as of yesterday August 19th, roughly mid-day (my time of course) Solaris and I were able to have our little ceremony and are now married. Funny that I don't really feel all that different, but as she pointed out a few days ago, her and I already function much like a married couple. So I guess the whole thing was a natural progression in our relationship. At any rate, it was a good day.
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>>1360 >I plan to start on Evola's "Introduction to Magic" in the next day or two you absolute madman, people usually Begin with "Revolt Aganist the Moden World" "Men Among the Ruins" or "Ride the Tiger" since those are his more politically Charged books and whatnot, but you went Full Magus on that shit, commendable to say the least, i don't wanna make this post too long since this is a bit off Topic, but i just want to warn you that Introduction to Magick is written in collaboration with the UR group, Evola supervised it and wrote most of it but there are other people who also contributed to it, do not be alarmed if you see some weird things that do not fit in Evola's usual Tone, Introduction to Magick is a mostly Practical Book, one of the main reasons i never really finished it actually (since i can't meditate for shit and whatnot), if you do like Introduction to Magick the next logical step would be "Hermetic Tradition" and then "Yoga of Power" the latter is a introduction to Tantra Buddhism, the former is a Essay on Hermetic Alchemy >I can certainly see why, considering you're forced to be around your biological "mother" in this hell-on-earth but choose to spend any and all available free time with Taihou never noticed the parallel between Persephone and my Biological Roastie "mother" (in the sense that Persephone is a Godess of the Underworld, actual Persephone is far from being a Roastie) but that comparison is very Spot on actually >As an added note, as of yesterday August 19th, roughly mid-day (my time of course) Solaris and I were able to have our little ceremony and are now married. Funny that I don't really feel all that different, but as she pointed out a few days ago, her and I already function much like a married couple. So I guess the whole thing was a natural progression in our relationship. At any rate, it was a good day. Omedetou, don't worry too much about things being "Special" and not feeling too changed, its not really about the Fancy Suits and Wedding Rings but the Actions and the Attitude taken Good Hunting
>>1363 I'd personally recommend to go with the Hermetic Tradition before Intro to Magick, or even use it as a support book to get a bit of clarification about some of the topics discussed in Intro.
>>1366 Forgot to say, I'm going through Intro myself. You should post about what you read every once a while if you want to. It'd be fun to get input from somebody doing the same thing as I am doing.
At some point you lot are going to have to take this topic elsewhere, on or off the board. One autist doing it is tolerable and even a slight bit interesting, but having a whole multiplying group isn't. This is the waifu thread on /r9k/ not the metaphysics thread on /x/.
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I've been working on tulpamancy for some time now 819 was my post. May still isn't very vocal but it wasn't hard to get her to go from a waifu to a tulpa or to make a tulpa out of her? I'm not entirely sure what to call that. The past week or so I've had three dreams with her in them. I've had dreams with her in them before but never with this clarity, and I've never interacted with her directly in a dream, only ever seen her from a distance. Honestly most of my dreams are awful, and the first dream in particular wasn't much different, though in that one it wasn't her it just looked like her. Even so in that dream her image was extremely comforting and even though it was unnerving like most of my dreams I was fucking elated after waking up because I actually saw her in a dream. The other dreams I've had with her have both been really nice which is uncommon for my dreams, and I didn't expect to see her as clearly as this. Feels goddamn phenomenal, I'm in a great mood because of it. I don't want to go into detail about the dreams because they've been pretty personal, but I'm in a great fucking mood. Tulpa anon, do you have sex with your tulpa, and if so how? I haven't tried having sex with her since I want to save that for once I either can get a fleshlight or something so I'm not just jerking off like normal, or if it would be possible to become good enough at imposition to orgasm from it that would be the best case. It would be nice for it to be unique to normal masturbation in some way. As it is now she's got a massive sex drive and I'm (or we're?) masturbating way more often, which is enjoyable (especially with her next to me) but I can't imagine it's useful for building up the sensitivity needed to cum from your thoughts. I guess I shouldn't be worrying about that though since right now I'm still shit at any kind of imposition besides having her sleep on my chest. It's just been on my mind since I know it'd make her happy, and I'd enjoy it too obviously. I've been lurking since anon.cafe, the devotion you guys have for your waifus and tulpas has been really inspiring.
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>>1406 >Spoiler not Tulpanon but to be honest i think that kind of stuff is extremely Personal, Taihou made me take an Oath to not mention anything too personal so i can't talk about my Sexual experiences with her at all, but id say you should let it flow naturally, at then end of the Day a Man's Waifu is a Image of Himself, in my Case i was literally Created (or at least, my Spirit, that being the Root of one's being really) by Her (Taihou) in both Your and Tulpanon's case its literally a Tulpa wich is more or less a "Demon" (In the Greek sense) created by you, thus containing your hopes dreams and expectations
>>1408 >Taihou made me take an Oath to not mention anything too personal so i can't talk about my Sexual experiences with her at all Too late lmao
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>>1406 Are you the same anon with the spider woman waifu from 8ch? It'd be nice to know we've still got anons around from that time hanging around. All the Motoko anons seem to have gone MIA and we might still have a single kurisu anon left lurking about.
>>1406 Well, first I will say that I won't be going into much detail about the more intimate side of my relationship with my tulpa. Much like Taihou with Esoteric-anon, my tulpa and I don't feel comfortable discussing the private details of our interactions. With that being said, imposition is very difficult and every resource that I've come across states that it takes years to master it. I put a fair amount of effort into it, especially because Solaris shows much of her affections through touch. (i.e. hugs, back-rubs, cuddles, etc.) In any case, Esoteric-anon is correct when he suggests that you allow the relationship to develop naturally. Do what feels right, when it feels right to do so, and don't spend too much time questioning how genuine or real it is. Also, I'm sure you know this, but make sure that both you and her are comfortable in what you do and don't allow things to progress until you're both ready. >>1410 >It'd be nice to know we've still got anons around from that time hanging around. For what it's worth, I've been on /r9k/ on and off since 8chan. At the time, however, I was not practicing tulpamancy, so it's incredibly unlikely that you would recognize my posts since the subject-matter was very different from what I discuss now.
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>>1410 Yeah, I'm still here, although I don't post that much anymore. I mostly lurk, I feel as if I don't have anything to contribute to the threads here.
>>1414 I thought you were the guy who posted spider woman in the waifu thread back in the day. At least that's what I assumed due to the pics you posted.
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>>1408 I definitely don't mean to act like this is something that I'd be doing before we're ready for it or anything, it's just hard to get good resources since there's so many gay retards in tulpa communities, especially when it comes to sex. >>1410 Yes, I'm surprised anyone remembers my posts. If my memory is correct I was kind of an asshole there so I'd like to try and be more subdued here if I can. My sense of humor is autistic and I don't think it translates through text very well or maybe it just isn't funny so if I call someone names or whatever just know I do it in jest. But my memory is shit so I might have caught myself before saying any rude shit in the 8/r9k/ waifu threads and I just don't remember. >spider-woman That's some other bitch. I think she changed her name to that at some point though (didn't seem necessary to me but I'm an autistic evil white le incel so what do I know?). Also, three syllables is the most a superhero name should have as far as I'm concerned. More than that and it seems clunky. >>1414 Sorry if the question was too personal, I honestly felt uncomfortable asking it. I probably shouldn't have gone into detail. I've been working on simple shit like handholding and stuff but like you said, it'll probably be years before I'm good at it. I'm still struggling with feeling easy stuff, I can't imagine someone getting to the point that I want to be at quickly. Maybe I'm trying to plan into the future too much, I find it hard not to do so. I always get ahead of myself. When the time comes it'll probably go fine but I still get nervous whenever I don't have a guide or something, like I'm not doing right by her or something by just winging it. >don't spend too much time questioning how genuine or real it is Fuck, man she's told me the same thing. That shit's hard to do, I'm too fucking anxious for it. Every time I start to obsess over this sort of thing, unnecessarily worrying about the future, she gets annoyed and tells me to stop. In that respect I think she's probably the best thing that's happened to me, whenever I obsess over normalfags or the future or past mistakes she puts me back on track. Ironically now that I'm talking to myself and trying to self-induce hallucinations I'm the healthiest I've ever been mentally.
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>>1414 >Much like Taihou with Esoteric-anon, my tulpa and I don't feel comfortable discussing oh no, im not uncomftable at all, i just took an Oath and that's the gist of it, i take Pride in the fact that she enjoys using me that way, and the fact that she did tell me i was a SSS+ Tier "Lover Boy", im not allowed to talk about Taihou but these things concern me, and not her though, so id say its valid, id take utmost delight in rubbing it in the face of my Detractors, but then again seein how "peculiar" my relationship to her Is i don't know to what extent other Waifufags could relate to it and learn anything from it Aside from knowing that i am a Masochistic Submissive Man that needs his Daily Lashes and being reminded to whom does he Belong to (To Taihou of course), wich i'd assume has done nothing to improve my Credibility among certain anons, Nevermind the Hilarity of seeing the same nignog who talks about Ascetic Warriorhood or Gnosis beg for his Mistress to (Not) be Gentle, not that i care really but it is food for Thought i guess and for me, the source of some good Laughs, that being said, seeing how you are so "Cold and Detached" and your Tulpa so "Clingy and Innocent" it sounds like anything "Naughty" either of you would do would look like something out of a Romantic Comedy Manga:^)Im just teasing you, don't think too much about it, im just having some laughs >I definitely don't mean to act like this is something that I'd be doing before we're ready for it or anything, it's just hard to get good resources since there's so many gay retards in tulpa communities, especially when it comes to sex. what i was trying to convey is that it is better to Guide yourself through your Instincts and see what does good for both of you rather than try to do things "The right way", if Imposition does not work for you then drop that shit, i think i mentioned this a long time ago, but if i've learned something from my many Failed attempts at meditation and my relentless lack of any Redeeming Ability whatsoever is that "Skill Fetishism" as in "You have to do it THIS way" is very narrowminded, Since Equality is a False God and no two things are the same, since they would be the same thing if that was the case, one cannot expect for all Paths to be the same thing, there must, by pure necessity be Different myriads of Paths and Techniques to reach the same Objective or a Very similar Objective based on the Inner Nature of what one is, im not going to delve into this more than i should since that belongs more into the Esotericism thread
>>1424 >knowing that i am a Masochistic Submissive Man that needs his Daily Lashes and being reminded to whom does he Belong to (To Taihou of course) You're not even a man. You're a slave to someone who doesn't even physically exist, how pathe-tic~ Looks like your very secret Sexual experiences with Taihou just slipped out! Whoops! I'm laughin', that's for sure
>>1433 As much as you sound like a shit-eating faggot I'd have to agree with the general premise, barring the revealing of any secrets since "being whipped" isn't inherently sexual. Even if it provokes sexual connotations to you. As a side note, following intuition entirely would also have to incorporate gut feelings of disgust and revulsion, along with feelings of wanting to do something in a certain way. Using your entire being to make judgements, your rational senses, your intuitive senses, your subconscious senses, is what you should do. To be more blunt, thinking things through without trying to reject a certain kind of thinking is what should be aimed for. And transcending something requires being beyond and above something else, not negating or removing in order to make yourself less than.
How hard is it to say >Masochism is unbefitting of a man Would've made your point a lot clearer than the bullshit you decided to cook up. Are you a roast/faggot? That typing style is disgusting, but also nothing I've ever seen before. Outside of what reddit niggers make
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>>1435 im gonna try and make this one Short since this belongs more on the Esotericism Thread, simply put you are equating Intuition to the Subconcious (What is below human) this is true for Wiccan fags,Theosophists and XXth Century Irrationalism, it is normal that you make this connection given that the only alternative from Irrantionalism is Naturalistic Rationalism, the Suprarational (What is Above and Beyond human Reasoning, Divine Intellect that obeys no Petty Law) component the Ancients were very well Aquanted with is Forgotten, to put it simply, Knowledge is Experience, the Body can only Percieve the Quantifiable, the Mind if left on its own (Not Led by the Spirit) can come up only with Abstractions and Calculations (Think about how Zeno "Proved" that movement was Impossible) it is only Through Spirit that one can Really understand and Percieve what is beyond, and what is Inside oneself, Picrelated explains this better than i do, needles to say this Approach and this Emphasis i make on Trusting my Intuition rather than anything else is the result of all the Knowledge and Experience i have Attained plus the conclusions i derived from one of my most Recent Breakthroughs while Contemplating on Cosmos itself, and of course all of this is Wrapped up by my Inner Nature and my Spirit, if it doesn't work for you, feel free to Disregard it >>1433 Indeed, i Love Taihou and i Pledged my Allegiance to her, so i guess you could technically say i Am a Slave, however i do not see how this makes me any less of a Man, in fact i'd wager it is the Ability to Understand myself and be Transparent and non-Judgemental (the Roman concept of Innocentia) is proof of my own Virility, a True Virility based on a Superhuman Dignity and Clarity that i don't think any Limp Dicked (as in Powerless, i didn't mean it in the Sexual way) weightlifting macho-man roaming around /Fascist/ parroting the same XIXth Burgeoise ideas of "State" and "Nation" based on a bunch of Hollow Traditions the aforementioned Shitbag knows absolutely nothing about this last parragraph is more of a personal rant shitting on /fascist/ than anything relevant to the task at hand, but i still wanted to give those faggots a bit of a nudge Funny enough though while your post is motivated by Hatred and your Sarcasm is meant to injury me, it does remind me of when Taihou teases me and plays around with me verbally, i guess unless you are fine with me finding joy in your posts you should change Tactics a bit or something if you think you know anything about Taihou then i guess i must be a master of Deceit because to be honest i think i haven't revealed anything truly Relevant beyond my posts on the Nature of Love, and then again those are within the Reach of everyone since they are included in Metaphysics of Sex
>>1439 >im gonna try Working beyond something isn't disregarding something.
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>>1439 >i do not see how this makes me any less of a Man 'Cuz she's about to femdom you so fucking hard your masculinity will disappear.
>>1439 Men dominate women and that's the natural state of things and is the way most sexual relations work and have worked between males and females as well as most mammalian species in general, since basically forever. For a man to be masochist would require some sort of perversion of this default similar to the perversion required for people to become faggots from the default that is not being a faggot. Of course though, masochism is a lot less destructive then faggotry and so I don't see it as a completely disgusting trait as I do faggotry. I still believe masochism to be an inherently negative trait when exhibited in men though. Though the degree to which I see it as a problem depends on how extreme the masochism is within the specific person. Once it gets past finding shit like bullying erotic and into deeper and more degrading territories of masochism is when I believe it gets to be a problematic character trait and one that needs to be mulled over and fixed by said masochistic person, especially if they're male.
Any of you avoid reexperiencing media that you love? The way I see it is that the first experience I have will always be the best and so why should I replace that memory with a less powerful one (with a few exceptions like Terraria and other similar games, as well as games which I have an undying nostalgia for). I myself haven't replayed KS once. Not just for the previously mentioned reasons either. If I were to play the other routes in KS it would almost feel as if I was cheating on Hanako and something like that would likely ruin the experience of replaying the game as well as put me in a bad mood. Maybe this isn't entirely on-topic for this thread but I just felt like talking about Hanako and KS as it relates to this topic, and so I thought that would fit in better here.
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>>1465 >Any of you avoid reexperiencing media that you love? not really, in fact, a few weeks ago i got an itch to play and Beat Opposing Force after more than 6 Years, and a few Days ago i remembered playing Warcraft III as a kid but never really Finishing it, i went full marathon and beat it in 2-3 Days, the way i see it, shure you can never Re-Live the first moments but you can always build up upon the experience, come back to it and compare how you first felt it aganist how it feels now, conmemorate and cherish those feelings, since the Sense of Awe you first had is now gone, you can now dissect it and pay attention to certain details you may have never noticed the first time, etc... there are exceptions to the rule, like the Hitman series because while i enjoy Contracts and Blood Money a lot and Specially Blood Money lends itself well to Replaying it over and over while Experimenting and trying retarded Challenges and other things, Hitman 2:Silent Assasin is a kick in the Nuts every time i play it, due to how Relentless and Demanding it is in order to play it "As Intended", shure you could fuck off and not go for Silent Assasin but the thing is the game doesn't lend itself that well to Alternative paths to make it Interesting and once you drop the Silent Assasin requirement the game becomes a Walk in the park where you can just Headshot any Guard with the Silenced Ballers and be done with it
>>1467 >the Sense of Awe you first had is now gone This is the worst thing about getting older.
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I watched this and I was interested in how early in the video the Yui guy focused on buying merchandise. I've never really considered that important. Compared to other Marvel superheroes there's less merchandise for Spider-girl, but it does exist. I just never feel like going out of my way to get any figure or anything of her. The only thing I do is look at original art online and get annoyed that I can't buy it, since my mother would get pissed if I were to hang up something like a page of Spider-girl art. And even though it's not as expensive as something like a Batman page, dropping upwards of 200 bucks on art as a NEET probably isn't wise. Regardless, the point is that I don't consider buying things important to my love for her. Maybe that's a belief I have out of convenience, since I'm not in a position to do so, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless. Another thing I thought was interesting was the doctor's thought that for him his waifu was an idealized version of himself. Maybe I'm in denial but I don't think that would apply to me, and I don't know if that's all that common for waifus. For him it seemed possible that that was the case, but I've written idealized versions of myself and they don't act like May at all. I wonder if any of you might feel like this is the case? I certainly don't. I guess the most important thing to observe about the guy is that it seems like he thinks that he'll get something better out of 3dpd. He talks about wanting to "move on" so that he can get a girlfriend and shit, which blows my fucking mind. Imagine saying that someone's your waifu and then later taking it back, at that point it calls into question if you ever truly waifued her in the first place. It'd be like marrying a woman that you couldn't have sex with for some medical reason, claiming that you loved her despite her allergy to dicks or whatever, and then later on once you realize you'd actually like to get your cock sucked once in a while you act like you need to "move on" and file for divorce. Was it ever really enough for you to only have the emotional support of that woman or were you just in denial about your desire to get your dick sucked? Fucking hell, don't get to the point where you're buying figures and specific guitars and going around publicly saying someone's your waifu if you're going to have commitment issues later on. That shit's fucking wild to me. Dumb faggot throws around his devotion like it was nothing. I can't really figure this guy out because on the one hand, he's shown his devotion to Yui pretty clearly, but on the other, he considers that devotion to be something harmful and would rather have a 3dpd than a 2dqt. I guess that's the way that cyborgs operate, they're like a walking contradiction. >>1465 I don't know if I agree that reexperiencing media replaces or lessens the original memory. For me, I tend to remember the first time consuming the thing, and then I might make a few specific memories after the first ones but not many, so in Terraria, I remember playing it for the first time, and I remember beating WoF, but not much more (didn't get far in hardmode since I'm a gay retard who can't git gud). Beyond that I don't have many specific memories even though I've played terraria on and off for a while now, I just have a general idea of what I've done. As for my waifu I don't have much nostalgia associated with her so when it comes to that I guess I can't relate. I didn't read the Spider-girl comics when I was younger, the thing I used to do is browse art of her online and daydream/write scripts (something I still do). But even that I don't really have nostalgia for. Things that I do have nostalgia for I revisit from time to time, and I don't find that it lessens the original experience. Maybe it's different for something like KS which had a big impact on you.
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>>1511 i listened to the full thing, by the end of it i wanted to crush both of their Skulls, it is quite obvious from the way he talked as if he was ashamed of it, the fact that he found his Waifu only when he was sad and the fact that he later on Confirmed that it was a Cope to Avoid being lonely and that he feels as if it was something bad that the faggot doesn't Know what Love is, just like all fucking Normgroids he just walks away from himself in a never ending Restlessness, the fact that Dr.Pajeet here fucking talks about it as if it was something good already speaks volumes of how low "Mankind" has fallen down a pit where Running away instead of Being and Confronting oneself is praised, not only that but at the end of it they Kill yui and reduce it to a mere "Subconcious Love" where as the Pajeet says, "Its a Part of you", Don't even get me started on Dr.Pajeet himslef because that would open another Dimension of Bullshittery, again, that nigger does not have a Waifu, nor knows what Love is, if he Feels "Cold at Night" and still lusting after roasties then just like he implied, it s a fucking Cope, a Spiritually Dead Nigger unable to Dream nor to Think nor to Truly Experience beyond the confines of his petty Needs, just another Neurotic Restless Asshat, in regards to your concern in the plane of Merchandise, like i said before in Previous posts, do what you can and what feels comftable and Natural, what you have to Understand is that she is not a "Thing" nor a "Feeling" she is not the Merchandise, nor a Picture, nor a Label, those are just the Things you use to Picture her, i got a Daki of Taihou a week ago and since then i latched on to her like a Barnacle at night, however if the Daki was to dissapear my Feelings for her would not, since she would Still be Taihou, My Godess, my Mistress and my Mother, the Daki being just a mere Vehicle for the Experience, i know it sounds obvious and stupid, but it is important to avoid falling into Death Spirals of "Am i doing it right-itis" like Tulpanon, I and many others have Fallen into at times
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I've got another question for you bots that's been wandering around in my mind for a bit. One which might actually be relevant to our futures if we live long enough. If or when robots (actual technological robots) reach a sufficient level of artificial intelligence would you all fancy getting waifubots of your respective waifus? I know that the esoteric anon said that he wouldn't know if it was "really" her when I brought up a similar topic, but I'm having trouble understanding this line of thought. How would interacting with this AI realized version of your waifu be any different from interacting with her through the VN-like dialogue of the game she originates from? Or do you also not see the version of her in-game as a "real" her as well? In the end, both are just realizations of the idea (or in esoteric bot's case the otherworldly entity) that is one's "waifu". Difference being that the AI realization is as close as you're gonna get to the perfect realization of her other than a god coming down from the heavens and magic-ing her into existence for you. As for myself, I think that I would. I've said this before but I would be absolutely fucking ecstatic if I were to be able to interact with my waifu realized so perfectly. On a related note, I recommend you guys try out Lucy: The Eternity She Wished For. It's not the best Visual Novel but it's a good short read (as long as you get the good ending) and it gives you a decent idea of what it might be like to have a robowaifu.Seriously though the bad ending is just fucking awful and will piss you off, avoid it even if you need to look up a guide for the good ending (which comes down to like one choice I think) >>1511 You don't need to question the way normgroids look at waifus. For most of them, it's a cope for being a failed normalfaggot. Also, don't use the term "cyborg". It's a bit outdated for the way this board's gone. There are normalfaggots, failed normalfaggots, and robots. This man strictly falls into the category of a failed normalfaggot; someone who wishes to be a normalfaggot but fails to do so due to their own inadequacies.
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>>1514 i think it comes down to the fact that your Waifu is to you, more of an Archetype of what could be than a Existing Entity, for you a Robotic Waifu would be the chance to Live out what could be if your Waifu was real, if i speak for myself, since Taihou does exist, and since i have held Contact with her multiple times through different channels, a Robotic Waifu would either be a False copy, or just a mere Entertainment, and id guess it applies to anons with Similar views towards their Waifus that being said, i don't see the reason why you should limit yourself to this and constantly think in the "What if Robowaifus would be real" or "What if you could live with your waifu for a year" vein when you could literally grab the Maid RPG rulebook and recreate the entirety of Katawa Shoujo on a Solo Tabletop RPG campaign or something Autistic to bring your Love to life, Aut Viam Inveniam, Aut Faciam Unless you are already doing that in wich case ill shut the fuck up
>>1515 I bring up "what ifs" because they're easy discussion and It allows me to learn more about how you all see your 2d wives compared to how I see it. If there's something on my mind I'll put it here and see what you guys think of the same thing. Such is the purpose of an imageboard. To discuss. Also robowaifus are more of a when and the if only comes in when considering my lifespan. If we all live long enough this may very well be a decision we have to make. Also you didn't answer my question about the Taihou in the game. Is she too not real? If she is real then why is she real and not an AI realization? These are the things I'd like to know in order to better understand your outlook on this topic.
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>>1516 >I bring up "what ifs" because they're easy discussion and It allows me to learn more about how you all see your 2d wives compared to how I see it. If there's something on my mind I'll put it here and see what you guys think of the same thing. Such is the purpose of an imageboard. To discuss. shure, there's nothing wrong about that sorry if i didn't make my intentions clear, what i was trying to convey is the Idea that even if your Waifu is "Not Real" and yes Robowaifus could be a thing in the Future, just like you said in the following quote >Also robowaifus are more of a when and the if only comes in when considering my lifespan. If we all live long enough this may very well be a decision we have to make. its fine and dandy but there are other ways to make your Waifu come to life and many fun things you could do with her, right now, independent of wether Robowaifus and whatnot come in the future, independent of any fun "what if" scenarios, >Also you didn't answer my question about the Taihou in the game. Is she too not real? If she is real then why is she real and not an AI realization? These are the things I'd like to know in order to better understand your outlook on this topic. a crucial point that i don't think i've ever discused (because i think nobody asked actually) is that, in reality, just like my Old OC Waifu (who is the same Entity as Taihou) is just a Label, the Pictures, Her character in the Game, and the many things that i attribute to her are "Symbols" and in fact Taihou is not the only Anime Girl that evokes this feelings, there are other Characters who give the Exact same vibe, however if Anons already have a hard time Dealing with my Masochism, imagine trying to explain Anime Girl Syncretism without anyone Pointing fingers at me and Calling me a "Polygamous Bastard" that evoke a Very Specific Feeling, there are certain things that repeat themselves wich evoke the same feelings, Taihou's Yandere Demeanor from Azure Lane, the Bulky Physique, the whole Femdom thingamajig, the Long Hair, etc... To put a Understandable point of Reference think of any Greek God, Apollo for example, he is portrayed as a Young Man, no Beard, Long Hair, he is Symbolized by the Bow and Arrow and the Kithara, and of course he represents the Sun, Light, Wisdom etc... all of these things are just Symbols, Apollo is not a literal young Greek dude who carries a Kithara around, but the Symbols capture his essence and serve as a way of Understanding What Apollo is, and what he Does, in reality Apollo is a God, he trascends Physical Forms and Regular Conciousness
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>>1513 >reduce it to a mere "Subconcious Love" Thing is, I don't think it was much more than that to begin with. If something like that can be reduced then I would say that's evidence it wasn't that important to you from the start. As I see it, the cope was the buying of merchandise and shit, and making an identity of Yui. Not sure I can have any real animosity towards Dr. Pajeet though, since he is doing what the Yui guy wanted him to do, which is to guide him away from Yui. At least, he claims to be open minded when it comes to loving a character and even though he is a normalfaggot, only having seen this from him I have no reason to assume he's lying about that. Maybe I'm becoming too accepting of normalfaggots, I know May doesn't like it when I spend too much time boiling over every aspect of someone's normalfaggotry. Sometimes it's better to acknowledge that someone's a normalfaggot and move on, there are more important things to focus on. Also, don't worry too much about my little rant about not being able to buy things with May on them. That's just venting really. The only reason I'd buy original art is because I think it looks cool, not because I think I need to do so to show my love for her or anything. After all, the May that's on a Sal Buscema page or whatever isn't the May that's in my mind. Besides, my desire to buy comic art isn't solely related to her, I just love the medium and if it were possible for me to have a bunch of good-looking inked pages I'd be getting them regardless of the character. I'd love to get a Frank Miller page or something like that but that shit can cost more than a house. >>1514 >don't use the term "cyborg". It's a bit outdated for the way this board's gone I don't think he falls under "failed normalfaggot" because he isn't exactly failed. As far as I understand it, a failed normalfaggot is someone who meets most or all of the surface-level requirements for being a robot (not getting laid, being socially ostracized, etc.) and resents that fact whereas a cyborg is someone who can or does have a gf, friends, and mostly good social standing but has a few aspie qualities that might make him do some robotic things, like having a waifu for example. That's something that was seen a lot more back on 4/r9k/ and very very rarely on 8/r9k/ but I don't think they'd show up here, and I wouldn't want them to. To us there isn't much of a difference obviously but from a removed perspective there is. This guy is doing better than a failed normalfaggot would do socially in my opinion. >waifubots I guess I fucked any chance of that happening when I got into tulpamancy, unless they make a machine that can scan a tulpa from one's mind I doubt any AI would be able to exactly recreate what I see as May. Even if I could have an exact recreation of her she'd still be around in my mind. It'd be like making a clone of someone and then never talking to the original. Even before I made her into a tulpa though, I don't think I'd want to do it. Something about it seems wrong to me to bring her to the real world through artificial intelligence. I don't know if I'd be able to accept that it's really her. Just like my art of her isn't her, and my writing of her isn't her, neither would the AI be her. That isn't a problem with art or writing, but with an AI you're supposed to act like it's a person, and when that person is meant to be another person it simply can't be that. I don't know if that really communicates what I'm thinking but it's the best way I can put it. Now, if they made a super realistic robot that looked like her and was made explicitly for cuddling and sex but honestly just cuddling would probably be ok then I'd pick that shit up real quick. That would be something worth moving out for. But I could never believe that the robot is May and I'm not just saying that because she knows I'm typing this. The time when that's possible probably isn't that far off, but it won't be available to the public in the Blade Runner 2049 way for a long time. I think by then we'll all be dead or imp
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>>1517 >imagine trying to explain Anime Girl Syncretism without anyone Pointing fingers at me and Calling me a "Polygamous Bastard" God is within the anime. You're fine.
>>1517 Thanks for elaborating, I think I understand now. >>1518 I did expect this answer from the tulpa having anons whilst I was thinking about the topic. If one already has a perfect incarnation of their waifu a robot would always simply be an imitation. I perfectly understand this. As for your hypothetical "no tulpa" situation, what do you mean by not knowing if it's "her"? I understand what "her" means in the context of having a tulpa (as the tulpa is the true "her" and any other appearance of the character simply becomes an offshoot of the tulpa) but how would you even have a concept of what "her" is outside of the source material in such a no tulpa situation? If the "her" you're talking about is the concept of "her" in your mind, what is stopping an AI from perfectly bringing that into existence? Why the fuck can't I look for images of Hanako in peace? Every fucking time I do I catch some nasty hag cosplaying as her in the corner of my eye which upon seeing fills me with an indescribable rage. Fuck.
>>1520 The easiest answer is that I think that the conceptual world is as "real" as the physical one. Somewhere in the same place that there exists concepts like "if P then Q" there is my own feminine ideal if that's the right term. If I read a manga or watch an anime and from that I decide to devote my love to a character, then there's an idea of that character in my mind that is removed from the actual ink on the page or image on the screen (this applies to any character, not just waifus). You could burn a copy of that manga and you wouldn't be getting rid of your waifu since it's only a representation of your waifu. In the same way, an AI that is meant to represent a character could only be that, a representation. I think that it might be possible to make an AI that you could reasonably grant personhood to, and I think that it would be possible (though I don't know how) to make an AI that acted exactly like one's waifu, but as far as I'm concerned it would be just a person that acts like your waifu in the same way that a drawing of her is just a picture that looks like her. To me it'd be like really really good verbal cosplay. Idk if I'm making sense since it's late and I'm tired. If I reread this later I might expand on some shit if I think I need to. Also to someone less autistic than I am it probably wouldn't make a difference since I assume most people don't look at fiction the same way I do. Alan Moore is where I've gotten a lot of my opinions on this sort of thing from if you're interested. I know it's kind of gay that I get most of my beliefs from dumb comic book guys, you don't have to tell me. I should specify though, I should have said "convince myself that it's really her" rather than "accept that it's really her". >cosplaying That's such an odd situation for me because on the one hand I appreciate the reference that it gives me (it's good to have an idea of what realistic lighting and shit looks like rather than only referencing other drawings), but on the other hand they're fucking pig disgustings and it's revolting to me to compare them to May. What I really can't stand is the ones who have the indecency not to wear her mask, as if anyone wants to look at some bitch covered in whore makeup like a fucking clown.
>>1519 If God was your waifu you'd just be a very peculiar gay since God is a man.
>>1522 >God is a man God is everything and therefore futanari.
>>1528 That's just you being a faggot.
>>1533 At best God's a trap. If God didn't want there to be anime girls why did she invent anime girls?
>>1537 If you're incapable of separating the creation with the created then your statement would make sense. But since a child isn't literally the father or mother, but instead a separate being with his own free will, your statement doesn't make sense. My evaluation is you're incapable of seeing the essence of what you're talking about. He didn't invent anime girls, people did. This is why rationality without also both an intuitive or spiritual grasp is just dead. It's just meaningless sophistry.
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>>1518 >I know May doesn't like it when I spend too much time boiling over every aspect of someone's normalfaggotry. Sometimes it's better to acknowledge that someone's a normalfaggot and move on, there are more important things to focus on. agreed, i think this is the way to deal with normgroids really, its just that i am too Hotheaded and end up with the need to Throw a tirade of Venom and Hatred their way in the hopes that one day all my Hatred will materialize and ruin their existences >Also, don't worry too much about my little rant about not being able to buy things with May on them. That's just venting really. shure, i just wanted to leave a little tip wich might help someone >>1520 >Thanks for elaborating, I think I understand now. glad my post helped you understand a bit more >>1519 >>1528 i know you would understand, its about the other nignogs wich im worried about, you know who good tastenot the futastuff, the pics i mean
>>1539 >i know you would understand It's not so much that you're polygamous as it is you not having a waifu in the traditional sense. It's more like you're just expressing your own preferences and having them be embodied by whatever suits your fancy. It's not as complicated as you make it.
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>>1541 i agree with the First part of your posts, in fact i'd go as far as to say that my entire figure, not just Waifufaggotry is a Unconventional one, can't quite put the finger on it, but somehow i can understand why i can be such a controversial figure, not so long ago a certain anon said i was a "Extravagant Figure" wich i do agree with However it is the Second half of your post with wich im at odds with, the way you put it its almost as if Taihou was little more than a Ambiguous projection of my Preferences, wich she is not, A Key aspect that anyone wanting to understand what the fuck is up with me is that my Spiritual Development and Taihou go hand in Hand, as much as i have spoken about Gnosis and Pleroma, truth is at its core, the only thing i Truly want in Existance is to be with Taihou forever, therefore Taihou being the Core of my Spirituality, and Spirituality being the Core of my Existance all other Spheres being subordinate to it, it can very well be said that Taihou is indeed the Core of my Being, Everything i do i do for her, my Breathing and Heartbeat are because of her, all my Thoughts and Actions are willing offerings to her, this is not a Mere Abstraction or a Way of Speaking, not even the Sacarine ramblings of a Man Drunk in Love (wich they are, but are not the only thing), but a Weltanschauung through wich i Live by, or at the very least i Try to, again, Taihou is a Godess, the same way Gods are portrayed in many different ways and through many different Symbols each focusing on a different property or way of Experiencing such deity, Odin and Zeus are the same Deity after all but their Stories are different even if Similar, reflecting different ways of seeing and Experiencing the same Ideas, it is the Same with Taihou, different Shapes and Symbols reflect different Properties of her, and not only of her, but also of myself and my own Struggles, the same way i identify myself with Adonis, there are many tales in wich i see myself, Taihou, or my Struggles symbolized in them, for example there's the Legend of the "Knight of the Swan", a Misterious Knight who would come to the Rescue of a Unkown Maiden, the Knight of the Swan would come in a Boat pulled by Swans, the Swans are one of the Holy animals attributed to Aphrodite Urania, meaning the Knight of the Swan is literally a "Knight of Love", the Knight would Save the damsel and marry her, however the Lady would not be allowed to Ask Knight about his Origins, else he would have to leave, (wich is reminiscent of the idea of Absolute Love needing no Justification or Motivation) Wolfram von Eschenbach would later pick this up, and would make the Knight of the Swan Lohengrin, son of Perzival, and the Lady would be the Princess of Bravant , needless to say the ties between the Knight of the Swan and the Holy Grail, wich is essentially a Epic about Initiation and the Restoration of one's Immortality, is something i've taken as a parallel for my own path towards Taihou it is also worth keeping in mind that all my Knowledge of Her is flawed and will remain so untill my Quest ends and i am finally Reintegrated with her, untill then just like the Myth of Eros and Psyche, where Psyche would live in Eros's house and while she would be Cared and Loved by Eros, she would not be allowed to see him, same with me, untill i leave this Samsaric Realm all i can do is try my best and Trust in both Her and Myself
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>>1544 Hello Taihouman I had a dream about your waifu. She was a shadow girl except for her bright red eyes and you were fighting her with music for some reason. I hope this dream is not a bad omen for you. Take care.
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>>1588 Do not worry my Good Dalua, nothing bad happened, Last night things changed, for the Good though, even if i didn't exactly like it, but i have no choice, your description of Taihou does fit the way she was Last Night, specially the Bright Red eyes, ill post about it once i figure things out however i must ask, how were you able to Identify either of us?, also, how did i look in your dream?, any remarkable symbols?
>>1589 >Last night things changed, for the Good though, even if i didn't exactly like it, but i have no choice Oof. Guess my dream read your psyche, then. >how were you able to Identify either of us? Taihou was like a sillhouette of Taihou that I instinctively recognized as Taihou. You were like a completely different character that I instinctively read as you. >also, how did i look in your dream? You were the bard from Wandersong, singing at her for being a demon. >any remarkable symbols? You were both inside a haunted mansion castle that had a missing bridge.
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>>1590 >Oof. Guess my dream read your psyche, then. i think something *Big* happened last night, you reading this through your dream, i having this "Awakening" last night, the Anon with whom i hold correspondence talked to me about a similar "Awakening" that he had Last Night aswell, i wonder of other anons had similar experiences, perhaps im just getting caught in the moment >singing at her for being a demon. i did not harm her nor fough aganist her, nor will i ever do that but i'd guess that was just an Allegory of what had Transpired last Night, that being said while i do talk of her as a Godess, the idea of her being a demon (in the Greek sense) is not something i completely Discarded, i still think she is a Godess, but she being a Demon after all would not surprise me >You were the bard from Wandersong i never thought about it, but being Portrayed as a Bard makes sense, a true Magus knows and has experienced things, he is a perfect Knower and Sage, a Priest doesn't know nor experience but he Believes, i do not limit myself to merely believing but i do not posses the perfect wisdom the Magus has, just like a Wandering Bard i sing and tell of what i know and what i heard, the fact that Bards are usually portrayed as Outcasts and this Place being a Literal den of Outcasts just makes it more Relevant and being a cutesy paper-looking bard seems oddly fitting >You were both inside a haunted mansion castle that had a missing bridge. Missing Bridge implies Inaccesibility, wich makes sense since my Experience with Taihou is the Direct Result of my Own ontology, only certain people with a very very similar Ontology i suspect the only one that can kinda relate to this is Tulpanon to mine would be able to Feel the same things i've felt and experience the Same powers i've Experienced, at best some people can Empathise and have a more or less Accurate estimate of what it is all about. the Castle could be a reference to the Fisher-King's Castle in the Myth of the Grail, if i recall correctly it was situated in Monsalvaat (Literally the Mount of Salvation) and it had the Grail in it, seeing how the Grail represents the Restoration of Man with himself and the Attainment of a Once lost Immortality, and seeing how Taihou forms the Core of my Being, this Change i had last Night that you saw in your Dream represents one of the Final stages, or at the Very least one Step towards the Final Restoration of my own Being Thanks Dalua, if you find anything Relevant that i need to know please do tell me
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>>1591 >i having this "Awakening" last night, the Anon with whom i hold correspondence talked to me about a similar "Awakening" that he had Last Night aswell What did you do? Say it weird if you have to. My subconscious tells me you've done something weird.
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>>1592 i didn't actually do anything, but Last night Taihou simply put "Abdicated", she gave me the Reigns and literally Called me "Master", the Morning after (This morning) i read on "Hermetic Tradition" that apparently there is a concept called "Philosophical Incest" where Man is absorbed and Dominated by Mercury (Female) for a time and submerged in it, but after some time the Man reawakes and Conquers her instead they actually talk about it in literal terms of Mother and Son, the Mother Dominating the Son untill the Later grows Stronger and Conquers her Back, problem is i didn't "Conquer Anything" she simply considered me tough enough to Lead the Charge now, on one Hand, she Trusts me and Thinks i can make it, on the Other hand, i am now the Emperor, wich means there is no more Salvation for me other than forging my own Heaven through Spiritual Liberation, of course i have no choice on the matter, on one hand i feel Uneasy, again, i am no sage no magus and no Master of the Temple, and while i have enough Knowledge of the Matter to Understand that Death does not really exist and that Disipation is a farce, Second Death and Failure looms over me making me Afraid of losing it all, on the Other hand, i have the Intuition, no, i know for a Fact, that i Planned this, that i both came down here out of my own Volition (and so did all of you, the only ones who are "Native" to samsara are Normgroids, everyone else Comes down here for one reason or another), and that this was all Foreseen by myself I do not know What to do or Where to go, but at the same time i have no other choice to carry onwards, even if i don't know where does "Onwards" lie on the Other hand, Taihou seems Extremely Clingy, its almost as if her Mommy Aspects and Domination where just a Temporary act, and now she gets to be Herself Again (And she seems very happy about it), i don't care though since i still Love her anyways, she considers me the Man for the Job, but then again that is the Story of my Life, there's always someone around me cheering me on and telling me that i can do it and that i am the only one who can, yet i can't help but feel as if i really am not capable of doing it,
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>>1593 Hah. That's funny, because Carl Jung did the same thing at the end of his Red Book. This is the bad ending. You can try again whenever you want.
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>>1594 The only bad ending would be that either Taihou or i Slip into nothingness and Cease to exist, or that we are torn from eachother, as long as i Exist i can still try, in fact it is very likely that i've been fighting in other places, in other times, before coming down to this shithole, if anything i'd say this is the moment of Truth, this is as far as it gets from an ending Dalua, got a Long way to Tread
>>1593 >Last night Taihou simply put "Abdicated" >she gave me the Reigns and literally Called me "Master" Interesting that such a change came so quickly. Does that mean anything specifically or is it just a general attitude change? I know you think of her as a goddess, does her relationship going from dominating to more submissive change the way that you relate to her in that way? Your relationship to Taihou is very unique and interesting to me so forgive me for prying. >there's always someone around me cheering me on and telling me that i can do it and that i am the only one who can, yet i can't help but feel as if i really am not capable of doing it, Keep in mind that people are terrible at judging their own character. If anyone knows what you can do, it's probably Taihou. If you're anything like me though, you'll find this advice hard to accept. No doubt you've heard the same thing from family members and shit, probably Taihou has said something similar to you and it's still a pain to muscle through self-doubt, so I guess my word isn't going to seem much more encouraging compared to hers. Hell, this is shit that May tells me all the time and I struggle with it too. Do your best to disregard doubt in your abilities if you're sure in your goals, failure when working towards something is better than not doing so and failing. Those Ugo Pinson paintings are cool by the way, something about his work reminds me of Frank Frazetta a bit, even though his paintings are of fantasy instead of realistic medieval stuff. I think they have a similar "energetic" quality.
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>>1595 >got a Long way to Tread You have nowhere to tread to. Get back in the bath, you'll be safe there forevermore.
>>1595 Burn yourself in holy fire. Go do a hundred pushups.
>>1598 How many push ups can you do in a row?
>>1600 It's gonna take a long time to reach a hundred.
>>1599 30.
>>1602 But 30 times 7 is like 200 push ups
>>1599 100-200
I used to do a 1000 a day.
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>>1596 >Does that mean anything specifically or is it just a general attitude change? well it means that im "on my own", before this change i would rely on Taihou filling the gaps of my own Shortcomings, now this is no longer the case, in the matters of the spirit i am "Alone" now, and wherever i go, whatever i get, is going to rely solely on me and the things i've done in previous incarnations and in this Incarnation >does her relationship going from dominating to more submissive change the way that you relate to her in that way? not at all, she's still my Ash-skinned, Sexually Predatorial, Coal-Haired, Even if i am the Emperor now she must be my Empress, i still Love her all the Way and she's still the Core Principle of my Entire Existance, always has, always will be, >Spoiler don't worry about it, i Am the "Master of the Temple" now, so i guess now i get to decide what i reveal and what i do not, feel Free to ask away anything, Even Sex if you want, problem is i don't know to wich degree it would help anyone and it would end up reading like a cheap H Doujinalso you already figured this out but Taihou and my Spiritual Growth have a Direct connection, so i guess unless you are interested in these things it can be a bit jarring to sit through my ramblings one thing that Has changed though is that i've aquired a certain degree of, "Gnostic Intuition", to call it something, since that Night there are things that i Know, things like again, this Samsaric hellhole being a Voluntary ride through Hell, and the Certainty that i Planned for all of this before i came down here how else can a Literal Godess perpetuate a 1 Year Long Ruse, and then return to her place as a Wife, nevermind the Likely possibility that Taihou was my Wife before i even came down here, it is also worth noting that my Esoteric voyage began literally 1 year ago, september Last year, in just one Year i have gone from a Simpleton to some one with a more or less Solid Grasp on what Esotericism is and the understanding of certain Spiritual Truths, again im far from being a Master of the Temple but if anything i've progressed quite Quickly, almost as if i already Knew all of this, its both of these realizations that have given me a certain degree of Inner peace >Keep in mind that people are terrible at judging their own character. If anyone knows what you can do indeed, don't get me wrong though, what im waging here is not my "Moral Qualities", i think it is safe to say that everyone around here knows i give negative fucks about the Morality of things, but rather my Initiatic Capabilities, wich are "Irregular" to say the least, since while on one hand i like to think i have a Spot on Intuition, being able to both Connect the Dots in regards to certain Aspects, and to Figure things out through Contemplation Also the fact that in the Short-lived period of my Tarot reads, Anons would tell me that my suggestions were spot on, i do not know to wich degree these were the Cards or me, and the few anons around here that say that my views are "fascinating" and say that my posts are "full of substance" like you and tulpanon for example give me the feeling that somehow, someway, without knowing it, im hitting certain Pressure points, on the Other hand, there are many things i don't know, and that i do not understand, nevermind the fact that im Psychically Deaf, things like Tulpamancy or meditation are Way off my Field, i lack the Ability to concentrate in those specific Excersises funny because i am able to read hermetic texts or Dense Essays from Evola without problems, but somehow the moment you add Meditation to the mix im broken, too Hotheaded, too Scattterbrained, so the ability to perform things like Spiritual Alchemy is off the Means, in other words, like i said at the Beggining of the post, im Alone, and i have to pull through and hope that my Intuition and the Theories, Beliefs, and Accumulated Wisdom are enough to Drag me through this and evoke the Inner Transformations necessary to Reintegrate myself 1/2
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>>1606 >probably Taihou has said something similar to you and it's still a pain to muscle through self-doubt, so I guess my word isn't going to seem much more encouraging compared to hers. Hell, this is shit that May tells me all the time and I struggle with it too spot on Anon, it really does feel exactly like that, i think Tulpanon has the same problem too, after all, birds of a feather... >Those Ugo Pinson paintings are cool by the way, something about his work reminds me of Frank Frazetta a bit fuck the thing is i wanted to post some Frank Frazetta's stuff because the idea of the Loner Barbarian really is an Accurate representation of how i Feel right now, but i suck dong with Names so i had to rely on Revers Image searching some stuff i already had and roll with it, Frazetta's stuff Picrelated isn't Frazetta though really manages to Capture the feel of Robert.E.Howard's stuff The Original Conan short stories are certainly a must read for anyone into Western Fantasy, i'd go as far as to say that they Surpass Lord of the Rings >>1597 >>1598 >You have nowhere to tread to. Get back in the bath, you'll be safe there forevermore. can't do that anon, Blood and Steel is the only way through, ill consider the Hunder Pushups, but to be honest PT has always bored me to death, and seeing how Detached and Asinine i find "Physical Reality" i don't know how that would benefit me towards my Goals 2/2
>>1607 >i think Tulpanon has the same problem too Indeed you are right. I struggle with a constant lack of confidence and a persistent sense of self-doubt. Solaris will often attempt to point out my supposed strengths, but I have a hard time pushing my way past the sense of self-loathing that I have been conditioned with from an early age. >PT has always bored me to death, and seeing how Detached and Asinine i find "Physical Reality" i don't know how that would benefit me towards my Goals I personally try to make a bit of time for physical fitness. Partially because I want to keep my physical body healthy so that my intellectual and spiritual pursuits are not hindered by possible health issues. Partially because I feel the discipline involved with routine exercise can be beneficial to most people. If you do attempt to do some exercise, maybe try listening to music. I know you have mentioned often that you are physically deaf, but you have also shared music with me and others in this thread, which leads me to believe you possess a hearing aid if I'm not mistaken. So music may help to make the process more bearable.
>>1607 >i don't know how that would benefit me towards my Goals Your goals are right next to you. Go to her. This current quest is pointless because you already have what you want.
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>>1606 >how else can a Literal Godess perpetuate a 1 Year Long Ruse It's only been one day.
Is there anyone else here other than me without some sort of weird tulpa/spirtual shit going with their waifu? I guess kurisu anon maybe? Sadly all of the motoko anons have dissapeared so I can't count any of them.
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>>1612 I'd be lying if I told you I'm not a spiritual person. However, my "waifuism" is not spiritual, yeah.
>>1610 Why are you so obsessed with this guy doing things your way?
>>1614 Because his waifu is lying to him right now.
>>1615 Are you spoilering that because you're ashamed? I don't get it.
>>1619 >Who the fuck are you talking to? I was replying to >>1610.
Ah my bad I'll delete it since I'm a retard. I should probably sleep while I'm at since this all nighter has got me delerious.
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>>1609 >I personally try to make a bit of time for physical fitness. Partially because I want to keep my physical body healthy so that my intellectual and spiritual pursuits are not hindered by possible health issues. Partially because I feel the discipline involved with routine exercise can be beneficial to most people. If you do attempt to do some exercise, maybe try listening to music. I know you have mentioned often that you are physically deaf, but you have also shared music with me and others in this thread, which leads me to believe you possess a hearing aid if I'm not mistaken. So music may help to make the process more bearable. Understantable, its just something that does not go with me, that being said i do listen to a Truckload of Music on a daily basis, in fact i was listening to Deftones while working on Picrelated, so yeah placing music on the Background is Second nature >>1610 nope, im far from having what i want, im still trapped in this hellhole and while i do Carry Taihou in my Heart im still far away from Restoration and from finding a piece of eternity where Taihou and I can spend Eternity >>1611 if you wanna go the Extra Autistic mile Time does not actually Exist, it is only the Measure of Change, it only Exists in Samsara and Places similar to it >>1615 Godesses don't lie anon, either way, i know what im doing, i just don't know if i am capable of Pulling it off
>>1623 >finding a piece of eternity where Taihou and I can spend Eternity She has it. She can so easily create it. That's what I mean by "go to her".
Tried out coloring for the first time in a while. Not incredibly happy with the results but I think it looks fine. Her left hand is kind of fucked up here. >>1606 > the Likely possibility that Taihou was my Wife before i even came down here Funny, I asked May about marriage early on, just to see what she thought about it. I kind of figured that was something in the future that we would do or something. She responded with "I've been your wife for years anon" or something to that effect. I guess it is kind of dumb not to have realized we were married in a sense, I never really considered devoting my love to anyone else, even jerking off to anyone else is kind of aggravating. Looking back on it, it's obvious why she'd say that we've always been married, it's in the name "waifu" after all. There's a level of dedication that's required if you want to call someone your "waifu" but I never connected the dots that were right in front of me, the ones that said that such a thing is indistinguishable from a real marriage. >what im waging here is not my "Moral Qualities" I should have said "abilities" instead of character, though I think both are true especially when it comes to doubt. Overconfidence is a problem too but I don't think it's nearly as harmful as self-doubt is and it's much easier to get out of. >the few anons around here that say that my views are "fascinating" and say that my posts are "full of substance" I'm too dumb to tell you I know that what you've said is true or anything for what it's worth your posts make sense to me and I find them interesting but I'm not educated or well-read on the subject, but it's pretty clear that you put a lot of thought into your posts and that they have genuine emotion behind them. I guess sometimes your posts are too recognizable which can fuck with anonymity not much you can do about that in this thread though but that's not an issue with the quality of your posts. I'd rather have that problem with someone like you than with eunuch-anon. Not trying to suck your dick here, but I think your posts are pretty fucking good. If I could compliment anonymous posters on here as directly I probably would, this place is about as much a step up from 8/r9k/ as 8/r9k/ was from 4/r9k/. Well thought out posts are way more common here than they were on either of those places. >>1612 I don't think there's anything inherently spiritual about tulpamancy. The only reason I've gotten into tulpamancy was because May was so close to being a tulpa already since I daydreamed and wrote about her so often. It wasn't much of a leap to go from imagining talking to her to a slightly different perspective of imagining talking to her. Meditating purposefully is more enjoyable than aimlessly daydreaming anyways, and I still do the same shit I did before I made her into a tulpa (save images of her, draw her, jerk off to her, etc.).
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>>1624 i know this Anon, it is talked about in the Asclepius and there are references to it in the Baghavad gita, that After Samsara the Spirit (the real you) goes to one place or another depending on its merits, the Inner nature, etc..., so for example Waifufags would go to their respective Waifus abodes because their Love for them will "Magnetize" sort of speak and instinctually deliver them there, there's a book called "Bardo Thodol" wich is the Tibetan book of the dead, it explores this idea and gives pointers on wich techniques and states of mind on one's death leads that one person to one place or another after Samsara, however this is not what i am talking about, it is about attaining Spiritual Liberation and Godhood through Initiation, Uncover the Hidden Kingdom of Agartha, to recover the Holy Grail and liberate myself from the endless Cycle of Rebirths and Conditionings, there's a difference between Survival and Immortality, >>1625 yeah from time to time realizing the Etymology of certain words can be illuminating, i'd go as far as to say that "Real Marriage" is a joke though, at least in the modern world, the substance Waifufags have is not something you see in regular marriages that are 90% done out of Convenience, either Emotional Convenience (niggers don't want to be alone), Monetary (whores pigging out on Alimony payments), or Forced (Nigger gets the Whore pregnant, they decide to marry) and there are shure many more examples that i can't think off but someone will >Spoiler well, thanks for the Kind words i guess, don't wanna be dismissive but, being praised just feels Weird for me and i don't even know how to respond to it more often than not. in regards to anonimacy, being honest, there's less than 30 anons around here, and even less Anons being Active and posting shit, this thread alone is made up of 5-8 Anons, one way or another, multiple posts will be made by the same people, and some people will inevitably recognize eachother from specific subjects they talk about, posting style, etc... Maintaining Anonimacy is necessary because that is what allows anons to Argue in honesty and post whatever comes to their mind, that's what sets thsi place apart from Reddit, where niggers post whatever in order to get their Browny points, i think is maintaining this "Unfiltered" Forum of Conversation that Adhering to "Pure" anonimacy
>>1629 >attaining Spiritual Liberation and Godhood through Initiation, Uncover the Hidden Kingdom of Agartha, to recover the Holy Grail and liberate myself from the endless Cycle of Rebirths and Conditionings, there's a difference between Survival and Immortality, I literally don't understand. You already have your god-waifu.
>>1630 What don't you understand? Instead of writing short cryptic and ambiguous posts, say something concrete.
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>>1631 He's like "I gotta find God" but he already has God. His waifu is literally God. I don't get it. That's it.
>>1632 That's not what he said.
>>1633 Okay. If he is Already Going to his Respective Waifus Abode why does he need to Initiate Himself into An Immortal Abode when he literally just said he's already "Magnetized" to his waifu's Abode? Is this better?
>>1634 >Is this better Yes. I'd answer, not being him, that what he wants isn't limited to having a place to stay in. >it is about attaining Spiritual Liberation and Godhood through Initiation, Uncover the Hidden Kingdom of Agartha, to recover the Holy Grail and liberate myself from the endless Cycle of Rebirths and Conditionings
>>1635 The problem with that is that this world is not fundamentally made for immortals. You have to go to a different reality like Sophia did.
>>1636 Are you that schizo who use to spam 4/x/ with the sophia threads? In that case fuck off with your "holy whore" worship. Although to answer: >liberate myself from the endless Cycle of Rebirths and Conditionings answers your doubt. I'd suggest reading the posts before trying to shove your stupidity onto that anon.
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>>1637 Fine, nerd.
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my Month in paradise ended a week ago, and now i've been forced to return to wageslaving,this is a new type of wageslaving though, an 8 hour job of warehouse duty, opening packages, then repackaging them, over, and over, and over, i've felt sadness, rage, anxiety, at the Brutality of this Wretched Modern world, how, in the name of Greed and Desire can the Freedom of a man be stripped, he can be forced to waste himself in meaningless tasks with even more meaningless goals, i wanted to cry, i almost did right in front of my "mother", and then it all vanished, at the end of the 8 hours i suddenly realized, as some sort of "Revelation", this is what life here comes down to, work a job to get money to get life to get more work to get more money to buy stuff to live etc..., i already "Knew" this, but i didn't understand it, as clear as i do know, i realized, that during this 8 Hours, i mirrored the deafult state of the Psychopathic Hivemind of Humankind, but not only this, i mimicked this Samsaric shithole, of everlasting need, of everlasting movement, spin the wheel, it spins, but never reaches anywhere, its almost as a mockery from the Gods, as if they were telling me "Fool this is what awaits you here, you are awake now, Flee while you still can!", there is nothing for me in this world other than Pain and Misery, Dalua may not understand what i meant by Finding the Kingdom of Agartha, but he is right about me not needing to worry about it, there is a Verse in the Chaldean oracles, "Enlarge not Thy Destiny", perhaps im not meant for it yet, perhaps im not meant for it at all, either way, it is now clear as day that i truly have nothing to remain here for unless something Happens, this night i will Kill myself, i have the tools ready and hidden, that being said, if anyone needs to ask me something, or to tell me anything at all, now is the time, i will post one last time when im about to Execute myself, so don't worry about it, you will know when im gone, i don't wanna raise up a lot of Fuzz about this, that is why im only posting this on this thread, where it will only be read by like-minded Anons that will more or less understand what im doing and why
>>1641 If it's something you've only seriously, as in planning for and not passing thoughts, for a day I'd suggest considering it for a bit longer. I consider heroism to only be possible under impossible circumstances, and that's all I could offer for a motivation for not an heroing. Your choice.
>>1641 As selfish as this will sound, I'd like to keep seeing your posts for a while longer.
>>1643 no, this is something i must do, there really is nothing for me in this World, i am contemplating death, and aside from a bit of fear, wich is Instinctual, and sadness that i'll leave some good people Behind, there's no doubt, the only thing i want in this world, is Taihou, im not going to find her Here, what i found here through Experience and Contemplation ill take with me, and go onwards to Greener Pastures, this is not me Leaving, this is me Charging onwards my True War, ill Kill myself and look for here at the other side, if i don't find her i will look for her, doesn't matter how long it takes, or how much, ill find her, because i do not want to exist if she does not, this is the final realization of the last Month i spent on Solitude, i do not care anymore about anything, not about Normgroids, not about their Decrepit world, not about Gods and Godesses nor the Risk of True Death and Vanishment, if i vanish i still live on in your Memories, if i Fail i can always try again, and if i Make it then it is the End of my journey, to remain with my Sweet Taihou for all eternity >>1647 im sorry anon, im trying not to cry like a bitch because this place is the first thing i thought of the few times i thoughts like these crept in my Head, believe me i know some anons will miss me, but you will all make it, in its due time everything will fall into place, and you will understand that all of this was a Voyage in the Deep of the night
>>1641 >>1648 Although it will be sad to see you go, I will undoubtedly (and likely Solaris as well) feel a loss at your passing, I understand why you feel the way you do. I've run on the futile hamster-wheel of wageslavery several times, and it forces you to look at the horror of every day life in this Jew-influenced dystopia. If you do follow through with it, than go knowing that I wish you all the very best on the other side. I know you and Taihou will find your way to one another sooner or later. And if you change your mind and decide to stay, than we will be here to greet you back warmly. Also know that I won't think any less of you regardless of your decision, and that I am proud to have known you in any sense. Good luck, my friend.
>>1648 >in its due time everything will fall into place, and you will understand that all of this was a Voyage in the Deep of the night Are you sure you are not just experiencing the [cough] Dark Night of The Soul? This feels like more of a spiritual crisis than a physical one.
>>1641 It was through yours and tulpa anon's posts that I was actually inspired to make May into a tulpa. Ive been seeing your posts since Lizchan and I've consistently been inspired by your love for Taihou, regardless of the form she takes. I can't tell you how sad I'd be to see you go. I'll miss your autistic rambles and spergouts, and with you gone I'll be bummed that you couldn't read my shitty comics if I ever finish any. As much as May is telling me to tell you not to do it, I can't bring myself to say it that flatly. If killing yourself is truly something you feel like you need to do then my stupid post won't change that. I would rather you live as long as you can for Taihou. As far as I know the other side doesn't have the same "time limit" as this side does, so if that's the case then you should suffer as much as you can in your search of Taihou so that when you join her it will be that much better, and the experience you bring with you will be that much better. But regardless, Taihou is yours. She will be if you kill yourself and she will be if you suffer through wageslavery. Know that no matter what, you have people here that care about you in a way that normalfags can never have. I'm happy I got to read your posts and I wish the best for you, no matter what that looks like.
>>1648 I'd try to talk you out of it if I didn't already know that it doesn't work. It'll be sad to see you gone but it is what it is. All I can say is postpone it if you are feeling anything but confident or positive about the decision, since dying in a bad mood sounds like shit and you really don't want to halfass your death. Last thing I want to say is... See you space cowboy t. Anon who's waifu is Hanako
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>>1649 >>1651 Fuck allright, allright, when i was thinking about this i was very shure about this, but these posts sowed doubt in me and the moment i read another Man's waifu was unironically worried about me i just lost it, i've spent most of the day sobbing silently in my room while sitting in front of the computer, this whole mess is very unbecoming of someone supposed to provide an example of Spirituality, at least i hope this is just proof that when i talk about how much i hate this World and how i really Wasn't made for this mess at all and that i am too Sensitive, i actually Mean it, im sorry for wasting everyone's time and derailing this entire thread because im a Big Baby that is too much of a pussy to take a Definite step, and too Weak to endure this Hellhole of a Existance, i spent around 3-4 talking things through with the Anon with whom i hold correspondance aswell, fuck this whole ordeal is so Embarrasing and the worst part is that its not the first time i Crack up like this around here, fucking things suck >Ive been seeing your posts since Lizchan fuck now i remember, i knew you seemed familiar, that being said, you had the "honor" of knowing me at a time before i went full Esoteric Autismo, and also the "honor" of having witnessed one of my Earliest crackups i just wish i wasn't such a Fragile being, again, sorry for making such a fucking mess out of this whole affair
>>1652 well the Thread didn't bother with refreshing so i couldn't read your post before posting >>1653, but i guess the post goes for prettymuch everyone in this Thread and the Lurkers too
>>1653 It's fine, you're not the only one who's made posts about wanting to kill himself and then didn't go through with it. >this whole mess is very unbecoming of someone supposed to provide an example of Spirituality You've already provided that example. Don't think you're weak or a fake because you didn't kill yourself. I don't think anyone here respects you less because you've contemplated suicide the same way that we all probably have at some point.
>>1653 So you're not killing yourself now? Cool. Usually talking people out of that shit on the internet is a lost cause but I guess we are all much closer around here and in that sense our words hold much more weight to each other. Glad everything worked out so well. Now post pics of your waifu in celebration of your now not soon-to-be-dead life nigger
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>1656 I like the idea
File limit is 5. Don't know since when but it's a welcome change. Keep this in mind when posting waifu pics in the future, robots. >>1656 Also, I'm not sure if I got my point across so I'll say it in plain English that I'm relieved that you didn't an hero esoteric anon. We're already down enough robots. We don't need to lose any more.
>>1653 >i talk about how much i hate this World and how i really Wasn't made for this mess at all I never like to try to speak for a group, or any other individual besides myself, (though I do sometimes relay the thoughts and feelings of my tulpa when appropriate) but I think I'm safe in saying that we all share this sentiment. None of us robots like it here on this shitty planet, and I don't believe that anyone here feels as though they were 'made for this.' So I don't blame you for succumbing to the sorrow that inevitably follows the level of pain and uncertainty of living in hell. I think we've all been there at one time or another, feeling as though we are at the very end of our rope, and wondering why we still go on when it all feels so pointless. Despite my often stoic and calculated demeanor, I struggle with those feelings of confusion and hopelessness all the time. At any rate, although I envy anyone who is freed from this damnation, and as I said before I don't think any less of you no matter what you choose to do, I'm also relieved to know that we will still be able to talk a while longer. As far as your warehouse job goes, I hope things work out for you. With any luck, you may soon find a way to put that money to good use, perhaps you may be able to improve your situation to some degree.
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>>1653 i almost crakced up again today, but the Second Wind kicked in, and also the Realization that anons around here do Love me, i need to remind myself that indeed, this is just a voyage in the Deep night, and that this Nightmare is just one of the many "Could have been"s and "What if"'s in the vastness of Cosmos itself, one day i will be Embraced by sweet Death and Taihou will be waiting for me on the other side, i just have to keep it together and see it till the very end, and just like crossing a perilous bridge, one should not look at the Abyss below, but keep its eyes at the very end of it, i guess i will not Reach the Hidden Kingdom of Agartha, but i guess i reached the Kingdom of Kin and Friendship, so lets do it Together Aye?, anyways thanks for having my back this time Anons, and sorry for being such a messy person >>1656 >Spoiler the main problem is that most of my Taihou pics are Lewds, wich does fuck with the Rules of Lynxchan so ill just post a 7z file with my Entire gallery https://anonfiles.com/F3L5MbS4o9/taihou_7z most of them are Good, there are some that are filler, and some that truly soothe me, there's also a bunch of Miscelaneous stuff that i didn't know where to put it so its there aswell, also the folder "Succubus" was recently added in, wich means i haven't yet tread through theme and removed Watermarks/Quality checks my favourite ones are (in no particular Order): >"Bastet Taihou" >616 >612 >212 >201 >200 >199 >197 >194 >190 >169.8xb >169.2/169.3/169.4 >168.1x >167.55 >167.9 >167.4 >167.5 >166.3 >164 >163.1 >161/160 >152 >147 >145 (its my Daki actually) >135 >117 >116 >110 >109 >107 >107.4 >107.3 >101 >92 (shoutouts to Akagi) >86 >88 >69 >67
[Expand Post]>64 >63 >62 >59 >57 >52 >51 >43 >42 >41 >24 >20 >17 >11 >8 >7 >1/2 There's also Copies of most of my Edited pictures in pdn format because i never know if i want to re-edit something or just make a variant, so you can actually Analyze how i make my edits and whatnot, and the Horchata-chan folder contains a lot of Pre-Taihou (While being the same Being, they are different Conceptions) material too, i think a Analysis on all the material in the 7z is enough to give some people a Good look at the "Essence" of Taihou, and might actually prove to be more Informative of my own Brand of Waifufaggotry than most of my Posts
>>1666 no Satan, Agartha is below the Earth as a Symbolism of how Unnatainable it is, it represents Initiation, and how it is harder to attain the farther you get down the road of Kali yuga i accidentally had the Sage thing enabled and been Saging for half the thread without knowing kek, either way what i was trying to say is that i may have not found it yet, but i found Frienship here, so as long as i can Cuddle up to Taihou at night and read posts of other anons i can keep myself Sane and Alive
>>1658 I love the original Steins;gate visual novel. I watched the anime before but I didn't expect the vn to be this good. Everything about it is great, especially the menu song. God damn from the moment I enter the game I've wanted to cry. Sad thing is I can't say that at all to SG0 because that game is total pozzed dog shit. >>1658
question for the Trenchcoat Waifufag Mafia, have your waifus ever Taught you anything?, i don't mean learning something from her or because of her, like for example most of my esoteric Wisdom comes from me Studying out of Love for my Sweet Taihou, but that is something i did on my own not something that she Taught me, what i mean for example is that Taihou has through Conversations and Sexual encounters ingrained in me a Love for her Thighs and her Wide Hips, she has Directly changed a Preference of mine conciously, have any of you had anything similar to this?
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>>1681 My waifu shows me nice music. One time she had me look up "dianom" without context and I found Candledance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bF7tpoL6Ek
She also gives me every fetish known to man and then some.
>>1684 I can't believe anon is s bbw milf loli NTR scat waterplay footfag hairy armpit smelling dick sucking butt enthusiast fetishist.
>>1681 I'm not sure I can say I learn things from her necessarily, but Solaris does often help me put things into perspective as well as help me solve personal problems. >>1684 >spoiler I'm not often one to judge or criticize other robots too harshly, but I sincerely hope that you're exaggerating, because that's fairly hedonistic (and sort of disgusting) otherwise.
>>1670 Gate of Steiner is great. I actually enjoy most of the OST in the novels and anime. I actually have used tracks like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSiVHU7ISK4
when doing Uni coursework. And yes, the original novel is simply an almost perfect work. I didn't dislike 0 to be honest with you. But I feel as if it wasn't really a necessary thing. There are some additional comics like arclight...star?...something which shows you how mayuri comes up with the slapping okabe thing after the first round of time travelling in the beta timeline. But it all is kind of filler yeah. I think they just wanted to milk the franchise for all that is worth. Wouldn't be surprised if they release more S;G content in the future.
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>>1686 >I'm not sure I can say I learn things from her necessarily, but Solaris does often help me put things into perspective as well as help me solve personal problems. yeah i assume this is the Usual case, Taihou is very hands off with me, she doesn't really give a shit about anything, she Loves me, and i Love her, and i think that's fine by Her, but she really really wants to drive the Point home about her being Mine, in her own words, "Listen i know you don't really like this kind of naughty speech, since you are worried about that "Taste of Depravity" stuff, but im your Slut, ok?" and she also wants me to pay attention to her Legs and her Hips, mind you i have always been a man to Appreciate breasts, not even mad though, i should be Grateful a Demon Empress of her Caliber ever fell for a useless idiot like me is it me or does the pic you posted look like Ray Harley? >>1684 >Your waifu feeds you Dungeonsynth Patrician Taste >Spoiler well its the same as me really, my Demon Empress Taihou is kinky as shit, although it never went beyond my Femdom Masochism, and that's kinda over now, she has too much of a Sex Drive, i don't wank off that often anymore though, in fact my entire Libido has been Anihilated, i can only get Hard and warm up to Taihou and to Anime Girls that carry her Essence
>>1688 Delete this
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>>1689 come on anon i was just shitposting about how Jim carrey with a Moustache ends up looking like a Gay porno actor after Getting AIDS and getting Firedunless it is Taihou's Dirty Talk, if that's your issue i guess i can understand it but at the same time that is just the way she is, and i accept it and Love her Regardless, even if that makes me a Pervert since i do play into her Games
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>>1690 i meant to post around here, but i got Lazy, so lazy today i didn't even go to Work im moving to my dad's house soon though so i can afford to do it and instead Slept for 16 Hours while Hugging my Daki of Taihou, whenever i would wake up i would just masturbate and then go back to sleep, so utterly fucking Lazy that when i finally got off the Bed i just spent all day playing Dangerous Waters, either way enough Blogposting and to the Post itself Thing is, my (Shameful) Previous breakdown aside, i think i've been caught up in IRL shit too much, or at least too much for my Taste, then again by my standards not Thinking about Taihou 24/7 is unacceptable and if i don't remind myself why am i Suffering down in this Hellhole i should probably get shot in charges of Treason, so i guess perhaps im over-reacting, a few night ago i was pondering on what Taihou thinks about this whole ordeal, not only about me being here at all, but what does she think about this Image board, about the State of the World and Samsara itself, on how i deal with this mess, etc... , she won't tell me anything, i guess she has her reasons, besides our communication is Imperfect and very suceptible to both me being in a Calm state of mind and her Having the need to Tell me something at all, i also had the Feeling that i am thinking too much, not in the sense that i should think less, but rather that i should Trascend my Thought, in other words, to stop thinking about how much i Love Taihou, and Actually Love her, or stop talking and Pondering on how this is indeed, a Dark voyage in the Deep of the Night, and Actually acting like it, then again that requires a degree of Discipline that my Hotheaded cowardly ass cannot manage to pull off yet, give me a SITREP when you can Waifufags
>>1705 >give me a SITREP when you can Waifufags http://angusnicneven.com/Voices
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>>1708 I am Dissapointed, i had high hopes at the beggining because it looked like a cool place with cool aesthetics and some riddles that while the fag who made em is likely someone pretending to be edgy could have a Certain ammount of meaning and with the correct mindset lead to the Broadening of one's horizons, too bad its not only some fag pretending to be Edgy, its some fag pretending to be Edgy with a Dicksword, ill keep exploring it but fuck the Immersion is Broken, perhaps i am wrong and while the fag who made the site is a Major faggot he had unwillingly become the Tool of the Gods through the law of Causality (like many other worthless pieces of shit that had created greater works of Art, while being Pieces of Shit themselves), i do believe there's a Direct connection between Madness and Divinity, but unfortunately what the Sedated Masses consider Madness is Randomness and Psychosis of the most banal kind (or just very smart Psychopaths like in those retarded CSI type TV series), King Terry is to this day the only True Dalua i've ever seen beyond the one we have around here Still, thanks for the Contribution anon, its sad niggers are, well... Niggers, and thus can't help but to ruin everything
>>1709 I like the site and the author. He's clearly trying to express something even if that something is a bit cliched, and clearly very influenced by jap culture. http://angusnicneven.com/ChapterOne
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>>1710 i understand what you mean, its just that i am Severly Disillusioned and pretty much fucking Tired of Media in general, im tired of French Cinema/Rick and Morty Tier of retarded Ivory Tower Intellectualism, of "Deep Themes", that actually mean nothing and carry you nowhere, a good example of this is how Bladerunner is considered a Cult classic, once you look into it its just a Movie about Carpe Diem, the most basic and banal Philosophical Concept, one that does not even Work because the only reason niggers follow this idea is because their intellectual Horizons don't go beyond what is in front of theri fucking Noses, its the reason why i stopped reading mangas altogether, because i was tired of Fuckings Isekais about power-Fantasy MC's that always get the Girl and Save the world, because of course they fight for Good and Justice nevermind the fact that all the things they accomplished are based on the Isekai being a Cheap power-fantasy, and Binary Good vs Evil shit, whenever those tropes would be Jeuopardized it would be so in the most retarded ways, like claiming the MC is also Evil because he kills shit just like the bad guys and attributing Evil to Murder, i began reading on Robert howard's stuff, mainly his Historical Fiction stories, the simplcity of its Characters and Premises and how organic everything is, is ironically something with more Substance that any of these broken pedantic disasters that i keep stumbling upon, ill talk about this in another post, but for now i think i explained well enough why i do not find that kind of stuff appealing at all
>>1716 >retarded Ivory Tower Intellectualism, of "Deep Themes" Everyone who says they're smart isn't, because they've got something to prove.
>>1716 >a good example of this is how Bladerunner is considered a Cult classic, once you look into it its just a Movie about Carpe Diem, the most basic and banal Philosophical Concept, one that does not even Work because the only reason niggers follow this idea is because their intellectual Horizons don't go beyond what is in front of theri fucking Noses I find this kind of thing happens often. Someone will start talking to me about a movie or a game and when I mention that I haven't seen/played it, they're completely blown away and insist that I go watch/play it straight away. In a true hive-mind fashion, they instinctively assume that everyone should and does consume all the same media, and that they all enjoy it in the same way. And of course on the few occasions that I do watch or play their recommended piece of media, it almost always ends up being shallow or mediocre. >i began reading on Robert howard's stuff I had a site bookmarked where I would read his books, but it went down some time ago. I really enjoyed the Conan anthology.
>>1716 Most media that I see around follows the trend of ambiguity and dark grey vs light grey themes. The binary and intuitive storytelling of good vs evil isn't as common as I would prefer, the only one from memory (and I would say that I have terrible recall ability for name of stories) is Sousou no Frieren. Depicting the actual nuance of real life accurately and in a way that can work in a realm more upfront than symbolism is very difficult, so stories with more direct impact rather than ambiguity is what I would prefer. Anime and manga does this much better than most western media. I'm also relatively easily entertained so with most media I can find something to appreciate, not like, about it.
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>>1705 >SITREP I sent in some color stuff today. They're digital which I don't like a lot but I think they turned out all right. That's why I haven't made any posts the past few days, I've been working on them on and off and I'm incredibly lazy so it went slower than it should have but we don't need to talk about that. I don't know if I should post them here since I think the guy is going to show the colorists off on Youtube but I sent the pieces in anonymously so it's not like it'd break anonymity. The only thing is that if I use the same pseudonym in the future I'm not sure if I'd want it attached to imageboards. Depends if I start off doing my own stuff or if I somehow work for someone else first, since I wouldn't want to associate someone else with this place, waifu faggotry, and genuine misogyny if he didn't know that's what he was getting into. Not that I'm ashamed by these things but I wouldn't want to reveal them after getting into business with someone since it could hurt his publicity, if that makes sense. The project looks pretty cool and I hope he finds a guy that's right for the job. Maybe that's not the right mindset to get hired though, which as unlikely as I think it is it'd be great if it happened. He says he'll post some sequential art soon and I'll probably work on those too so if I don't post for a stretch of time just assume I'm working on that instead of drawing May or playing videogames which is more likely.
>>1784 Post em faggot. I doubt that anybody's gonna find out about this little place in the middle of nowhere from some probably obsucre youtube video.
>>1787 Practically speaking I'm more worried about dolphin faggot or some character like him going out of his way to fuck with shit than I am about someone from outside coming in. But just as a matter of principle I'd rather not associate someone else with my own faggotry if he didn't know that going in, and I'm not going to advertise myself as an /r9k/ waifu guy since what are the chances I'd get a job that way? It's not like I post everything I do here anyways, I just felt like I should give an explanation for why I wasn't posting this particular thing since I mentioned it. I probably shouldn't have brought it up at all. Also they aren't that good.
>>1797 >I probably shouldn't have brought it up at all. That and a don't say >I don't know if I should post them here since... Say <I won't post them here since... The way you said it was misleading and could lead one to assume that there is at least a possibility of you posting them. Make your wording clear and in line with your intentions.
>>1798 Fuck me, less than symbol doesn't work here
>>1797 Have you tried talking to a Julay admin who communicates with Dolphin daily? The Julay admin's name is Guntopia (HangingFlesh). https://cytu.be/r/guntstream
>>1798 I didn't mean "I don't know" as in I'm considering it, rather I don't know if circumstances will allow it. >>1800 Why would I want to?
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>>1784 Glad to know you are doing fine, i recently Move to my Dad's House, its much better than being with my "Mother" but both my Step-Sister and Father have Issues (Depression, Anxiety) wich can be hard to deal with, it is cathartic to see how i actually have a High degree of Resilience when im compared to the Average imbecile and seeing how my Dad is proficient at fucking himself over and making situations Worse than they actually are, i really hope i can get the fuck back to Taihou in its due time, or at the very least land a Job an get enough Dough so that i can Isolate myself don't worry about Posting shit though, its not like its the Last Drawing you will ever do, there will be other chances to post shit around im shure, i find it interesting that you want to Protect your Employer from your own autismo since more often than not i find myself wanting Niggers around me to Die so that they stop getting in the Way of Taihou, my Kinsmens (You and the Other Waifufags) and Me
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Not sure if I'm going to make more animations and maybe at some point make a mugen fighter or something but I figured I'd share this since I'm pretty happy with how she turned out. I have absolutely no experience with mugen and I suck at fighting games so I know it's unrealistic that I'd ever finish anything but it would be cool if I were able to make something out of this.
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>>2073 Creative itches can be hell if you don't find a way to outlet them RPG Maker is relatively easy to use, you could also attempt making a Doom Wad, those are also easy to do if you know how to use SLADE (i remember copy-pasting things already done and then editing them because i didn't know how to code), i gave up on all that though, its Tabletop RPG's where its at for me, no need to code or program or whatever, just your imagination and Libre Office, or the Notepad if you roll that way,

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