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Philosophy Robot 08/04/2020 (Tue) 16:32:24 No. 915 >>1066
What are the philosophical beliefs that robots are more likely to hold, and what beliefs you believe are normalfaggotry, or unhealthy? In my honest opinion the most common robot philosophical beliefs I've seen are: >Nietzschesanism Is basically an optimistic version of robotdom, believing in thinking of yourself and that humanity can better itself only if we destroy the current belief system of the world and create new ideas that will better the world. A try to accept the world as it is without lying to yourself and love it for what it is. Whether it can be succesful or not is up to debate. Fuck the retards who think Nietzsche advocated for some kind of cruel men-of-success type of living, like a corporate CEO or a tyrannical corrupt king. This is not at all what he wished for >Christianity A lot of robots fall into Christian way of thought seeking hope of betterment after their deaths. Personally believe that it is a trap used to lure robots into more self-hatred, thought control as well as making them develop psychological illness by playing off of their weakness. >Nihilism It seems that robotdom is pretty nihilistic when it doesn't take a more optimistic approach. Robots who have fallen deep into depression are usually pessimistic existentialist nihilists with much self-hatred issues. >Hedonism Which is often a way of coping with nihilism for many robots. >Misanthropy Seen especially with the threads about school shooters, some robots hate humans. It's not always just narcissistic hatred either, it's often a hatred of "I hate humans, but I am also a human and hate myself because of it" >Antinatalism I think that many robots fall into the philosophical area of antinatalism and often don't want to have children because: A) They hate women and believe that men should be happy living by their own B) They believe that they would hurt their own children if they had to C) They don't want to birth anyone into this god-forsaken world. Any philosophical beliefs you consider normalfag? Any that you consider particularly robot?
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>>1054 >all of these things are characterized by their lack Flat chests are characterized by their lack but they are a good thing because of it. Even lack of thing itself is a thing.
>>1056 No, it's the lack of big oppai. A flat chest isn't the negative of a titty monster, it's just a flat chest.
>>1057 Since removing the chest from the titty monster will leave disembodied titties. It's the actual object in question being measured.
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>>1058 Or really, the actual analogy would be >Flat girls lack large breasts, it's the fact that they don't have large breasts that makes them good It's >I like girls with flat breasts Although the first one is still technically true. But it's not the empty fucking space that people jack off to. Sorry for repeating myself.
>>915 (OP) I think it's important to separate young/immature robotics from more mature/mellowed out robotics. I feel like there's a point where a robot cares less about expressing his discontent (ie, woman hate threads) and focuses more on himself. Weather its talking about his feels or his escapism hobbies. Some things just become an assumption or a fact thats unnecessary to bring up. Maybe theres a sense of validation an community to things like women hate threads or something thats important to younger robots but less important as they find themselves
>>1054 >I don't know what you mean by absent if not non-existent. I understand the concept of there still being something, but the fact that there are things that aren't purely the absolute points to the fact that there's something that isn't the absolute. >You can call it negative karma, avidya, sin, retardation, imperfection, all of these things are characterized by their lack, not in their precise existence. Anon i do not know if you have noticed this, then assumed this Tacitly, or if what i am going to say now has flown through your head, either way ill try to explain it to the best of my ability so that you understand why i am being so Nitpicky about it But essentially the big problem that comes from accepting that Sin is Separation (As in something External to God, Outside his Plans, something God does not Will) as i said before generates a Inconsistency in wich while the Monad is Infinite and Absolute there is something that Limits its Absoluteness thus the Monad stops being the Monad, but beyond this you have another Huge problem, and that is that if you take this Dualistic Conception Sin suddenly you realize that all sorts of retarded Excuses and Thoughts can be derived from it, for example since Sin and Godlessness is something External from God and that he does not Dwell nor wishes for it, then Suddenly Normgroids are blameless because its not them being Evil, its Evil infecting them, that's just to place an Example, but im shure you can figure out on your own why this Dualistic conception is nonsensical, on the contrary, if we do not fall for the Meme of Dualism, and take Sin, conditioning, and Samsara as things that the Monad brought upon and are "Part of the Plan" coupled with the Hermetic Principle of Polarit and Vibration, you realize that Sin and Godlessness are Tests, and that in a way, everyone gets what he deserves, in essence the Difference Between Good and Evil is a matter of Vibration, a matter of Aquiring Wisdom and Acting in a Specific way according to your own Spirit (Your connection to the Monad and your fundamental Self), if you become Conditioned and Retarded, its your fault because you do not wish to Attain Good, since there is literally nothing Holding you Back beyond your own Nature (As opposed to a Dualistic View of Sin, where *Insert Entity* is always tempting you to fuck up), Normgroids are only driven away from Gnosis because they do not want to take place in Gnosis (Because even if it is true that Normgroids are Totemic Beings, the World is deterministic, in the sense that if the Apropiate operations are performed, even a Normgroid can Develop a Spirit, but is ironically because of this Determinism, that a Normgroid CAN develop a Spirit (Because it would only take Knowledge of how the World works, an Executing based on that), but at the same time he will never do so (Because it is his nature to never Want to do so) ) in the First place because they Enjoy being Samsaric Fiends and feasting on Ephemeral Pleasures more
>>1069 >As in something External to God, Outside his Plans, something God does not Will I'm trying to make it clear that it doesn't exist. Like this anon >>1056 stated, removing something from an object, without removing the entire object, leaves a remainder. That remainder is what's left and what is taken out is no more. >Limits its Absoluteness thus the Monad stops being the Monad Man does have an ability to generate, be creative and make choices, and man's ability to do this doesn't have an effect on any absolute being. I'm not convinced by the deterministic argument. >Godlessness is something External It's the lack.
>>1070 >>1069 My stance is also not dualistic. I can see how it can appear to be, but in reality it's only affirming that a negative is negative only relative to a positive. To continue to use the flat chest and big chest dichotomy, a flat chest is only lesser than a bigger chest when it's compared to each other in terms of breast size. A chest is a chest when compared itself and only itself. Likewise, a normalfag is what a nomalfag is, and relative to himself he can't be more than he is. When compared to Logos, he is lacking, but what he lacks doesn't come from any addition. And what he truly gains in terms of knowledge isn't necessarily the addition of anything new to Logos. similar to how any organism has the genes needed to reproduce, maintain, or construct from a plan, the knowledge person gains is only the full realization of things that are already innate within. The statement really comes down to, someone can't maintain true ignorance with absolute knowledge simultaneously. The monad is not a normalfag, and a normalfag is not the monad, even if the monad is the cause of existence (I don't really know how you define the moand, from previous posts you attribute everything to the monad while also having some exclusions to it), what follows the cause isn't the literal cause itself. There CAN be a separation between what the monad is, perfection, and what is imperfect. The author of a book doesn't die or change when the book is burnt. The creator of anything isn't the creation.
Esoteric Hitlerism. Rosenberg, Devi, and Serrano.
>>1069 Why do you say that evolution is a sham or has holes in it? Is it because you believe in old scriptures which say that we live on a young earth and that evolution is fake? Or is it because it contradicts one of your beliefs? Or maybe it's something else entirely? Didn't want to ask you in the FTDDTOTT as to not derail but this place seems like a fine place to ask. I myself find evolutionary knowledge to be almost essential in a lot of robotic concepts, things like awareness of female nature and such.
>>1074 >The monad is not a normalfag The monad would CREATE a normalfag and technically has normalfaggery inside of it, but the monad also created every robot and is the biggest nerd ever. Normalniggers are intentionally bad as a joke and monad is havin' a god-giggle.
>>1084 You'd have to ignore my entire post to say that.
>>1085 I'm disagreeing with you. The monad is also all of the things that disagree with you because it's a sublimation of every opposite. Ain't nothin' outside of the Pleroma because the Pleroma is everything, get it? You'd better get it.
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>>1091 It's just a contradiction and no better than saying no u. Emptiness isn't pleroma, really what you're saying is that -∞ = ∞, which is false. ∞-∞ = 0, meaning it's literally nothing. Your claim is nonsense.
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>>1082 i know my reasons will seem Iffy and retarded from your point of view, mainly because i haven't researched myself into most Positivistic/Naturalistic Myths, so, apologies in advance, my Main reason for disregarding Modern Science in general is my Knowledge of the Esoteric and not an actual Research into Modern Science itself (To illustrate an example, Communism is a joke, however i know Communism is a joke not because i researched into it, but rather because i know of things that are True, and Communism contradicts those things that are True (Races Exist, Communism is universalistic and denies the existence of race, for exampel, so while you can't do an indepth explanation as to why Communism is retarded, when a Communist comes at you and spews bullshit you are able to disprove that bitch in a case to case basis,) so for example while i can't exactly disprove Evolution (Because i don't know all that much about it) if you come at me and throw the grand old "You are your genes and your environment" i am able to disprove that bitch through the explanation of the Different Hermetic Axioms and what i know on the Spiritual Nature of the World, i don't know if i conveyed that point correctly) but my own Knowledge on the actual Nature of the World, Evolution is a Joke, aside from the inner Contradictions and Holes it has according to other anons who have disproved that stuff in the past (wich isn't really an argument since i do not have screencaps and whatnot) so if you do your own research you should be able to figure out how Evolution is a Joke on your own, aside from that, the Existance of the Monad (Proven by Aristotle/St.Thomas of Aquinas and i suppose before them others came and proved it) Disproves the Idea that Existane could have a Beggining or a End (Since the Monad is Absolute), aside from that, the entire idea of "From Nothing cameth Everythin", or rather the Idea that "Humanity Evolves" when a simple glance at History actually tells you otherwise, that rather than "Evolving" "Humanity" has Devolved, becoming more Retarded, Materialistic, Greedy and Sentimental as time passes, in fact in Traditional Aryan Spirituality there is a Recurrent theme with "The 4 Ages", that being Golden Age (Primordial Aryan Mankind, Man is in contact with the Gods and Lives Life) Silver Age (Man loses contact with the Gods, Olympian Spirituality is replaced by Lunar Spirituality and Humanism (Christianity)) Bronze Age (Man Loses Spirituality in all his shapes, what is left is Sentimental Pietism and Social Conventions, the Burghers take over, everything is seen from Positivism and Economical perspectives) and the Iron Age (Kali Yuga, the Age of Mass man and Slave, Secularism is the Rule, everything is measured in Labour and Pleasure, literally the world we live in) 1/?
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>>1094 there is the idea of Modern Knowledge, pitted aganist Wisdom (Evola has a chapter literally called this in his "Heather Imperialism", it explains it in a Very precise way, if you have the time you should look it up since Evola is way better at explaining things than i am) for starters Modern science leaves anything that is not Quantitative (For example Instincts are a non-variable in scientific research) and worse of all Modern Science is aimed at purely "Mechanical" Aims, wether it is for the sake of creating Drugs to keep the mass of Psychopaths alive for 30 more years, better instruments to wage a Mechanized Godless war (As opposed to the Traditonal view of Holy War), or simply more Tech to make life even Lazyer (Im not a Luddite, but fuck me i find things like "Automatic Doors" and all the Electronic shit they fit in cars Retarded, i have hands, legs and a functioning Mind, fucking let me use them) when it is not for those Lowly mechanical Aims, it is for the sake of Smugly abstracting and Explaining things, for example we know the Earth Orbits the Sun, and that "Thinking is done in the Brain" yet the Perception of the World of these retards never changes, there is an Analogy Evola made, and one that i have reiterated around here a few times, but think about it this way, the Modern Human Has Nukes, and Space rockets, yet his perception of the Environment remains the same, wether he knows if the Sun orbits the Earth or the Earth the Sun, it is irrelevant, they never act any different because it is abstract knowledge that does not Transform anything Opposed to this you find Traditional Wisdom, the idea that Knowledge is Experience, you don't know something untill you Experience it, wether it is through Contemplation, Action etc..., this Wisdom is untransferable, it is something one earns, and it is the Accumulation of Ones Senses (Soul) and what one Is (Spirit), if you want a example of this, pick me, im not saying this because i think i am special or anything, but rather because i think i am very easy to Read (in the sense of Identifying what im thinking and what i am feeling), i have stated a few times that despite being Balls Deep in esotericism, there are Clear cut Hard Limits to my Understanding, i cannot Meditate, Practical Magick is beyond my Limits, i tried reading into Buddhism and the Vedas, Failed to understand anything, yet the Few things that i know, that i grasped, and Understood, have Evolved and Latched on to me, read some of the posts i wrote back in the days of Anon.cafe, then come back here, read the few posts i made back on Zchan, or in the Waifufag Thread, or on this Thread, notice the "Change" (Its not really change, but mote like an "Evolution" of character, where i am slowly becoming more like my True Self (even if that True self is a Grumpy Schizo) ), even Taihou serves as an Example of this, since the little i Know about her and the Little things i find out about her have such an Accute and Lethal impact in my life that she has become the very root of my Being, all the Things that i know, that i have Experienced, and that i have Done have contributed and Built up who i am, this is not something you can say about Modern Science, nor something you can say about those Smug ass White Labcoat wearing Faggot Pencilpushers I don't know if i appropiately conveyed my point, nor if this was the Answer you were looking for, but it is what it is
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>>1092 There is not even such thing as nothing. It's no thing. Imagine nothingness. You probably think of "black screen" or "complete silence" but both of those are still Things. You can't even possibly comprehend True Nothing since it can never possibly exist or be imagined.
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>>1098 It's negation of an already existing object. Space is empty only relative to something that's filled, in itself it has no existence. Space is something only because it's been given a name, it's something known through language.
>>1100 Objects still exist idiot they didn't get negated. "Lack of apples" just means there aren't any things defined as "apples" near wherever you're talking about; there is still "the air" or "some pear" or "your lair" or whatever the fuck. "Space (Lack of objects)" is the same way. We don't have Objects there but it's still A Thing because we still have a universal framework declaring there to be An Area in that area like a fuckin' empty array in programming.
>>1101 Listen fuckface, if you want to talk about air then talk about air. When you're talking about air, you're not talking about "that area of space that is not inhabited by apples, wood, flesh, dirt, leaves, rock, literally anything that isn't air", you talk about air. If you remove something, that thing is fucking removed and doesn't magically remain. What DOES remain isn't the object. It's whatever (may have) permeated the space before the object was present.
>>1103 What I'M saying is that you never remove it you just move it. The apple is somewhere else.
>somewhat autistic debate about the nature of flat chested anime tits Reminds me of why I love this place.
>>1105 Limit the reference frame to a room. If an apple is taken out of a room, it might exist somewhere else but is no longer in the room. Likewise, if you remove something from a person, it might remain in someone else, but within that person it's not longer there. If you take the apple back into the room, then air is displaced or compressed. When we're talking about pleroma, we're talking about the filling in of empty space, after catharsis (purification) and contemplation. >But what existed before the purification has substance! Maybe, it could be disorder, or it could've been the empty space after being left without. It could be something that still exists but is moved away, since it hasn't been removed. Even with entropy, energy is converted into heat, and although it still exists in one form as heat, it no longer exists as mechanical or potential energy.
>>1108 >it no longer exists as mechanical or potential energy In which case, it's a conversion.
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>>1108 >Limit the reference frame to a room. See, that's your trouble. You're imposing limits on Pleroma, which by its nature cannot ever be limited.
>>1110 No. It's for ease of understanding. You're trying to define pleroma as emptiness, when it's not.
>>1096 Without any reliance on any scientific notions to build your worldview how do you stop yourself from falling into retarded rabbit holes like "the earth is flat" or "gravity isn't real"? As for evolution itself, I understand how it conflicts with your current worldview and so I'm not surprised by your answer. I still doubt anybody could reasonably disprove evolution without having to dive into the supernatural though so I don't think it could be described as having plot holes (unless said holes are their contradictions with esoteric concepts). The amount of evidence is too overwhelming. These are just my thoughts though.
>>1110 And respond to the whole post instead of cherry picking the part that you can smugly declare something incoherent. That specific comment was already addressed by >Even with entropy, energy is converted into heat, and although it still exists in one form as heat, it no longer exists as mechanical or potential energy. >In which case, it's a conversion.
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>>1112 >Without any reliance on any scientific notions to build your worldview how do you stop yourself from falling into retarded rabbit holes like "the earth is flat" or "gravity isn't real"? Logic and the Ability to Reason + Intuition =/= Modern Science and Academia I'd go as far as to say that Modern Science its not concerned with Wisdom but rather is more interested in pushing for Proggresive Delusions and publishing thesis and think-tanks that will help their Overlords maintain the Status-Quo, that and the smugness that Ivory Tower intellectuals have with their retarded "Skeptical" debates and how they pretend to be Crusaders of Truth by Strawmanning their way to victory and exposing the most Infantile Worldviews as something to be Worshipped, fucking Retards... Im not saying nor implying you belong to any of the aforementioned groups, i get the feeling that by Scientific Notions you mean XIXth Century Scientific Thought in the vein of Newtown, Carl Gustav Jung or Schrödinger would have used it in fact i'd go as far as to say that it is my Ability to Reason and connect the Dots + Intuition what got me where i am right now, since like i said many times, i cannot meditate nor do any Practical Magick, that means my Knowledge of the Cosmos, the Monad, my Sweet Taihou, is limited to me connecting the Dots in the best way i possibly can and working with the Implications that are derived from the things that Are, in regards to Taihou i did have some "Practical" connections but it was most certainly because of the Absolute Love and Faith that i have For her, and not any Ability on my Part, as a sidenote, wich may or may not be interesting to you, it is known that some of the most prominent figures of "Science" were into Esotericism, or later got into it, Schrödinger got into Physics and developed Quantum Theory was because he wanted to explain the Vedas, Isaac newtown got balls deep into Hermetic Alchemy right after Writting "De Matematica" (i think that was the name of the Book), and throughout the years i've heard Anons in other Boards and places talk about how Maths and Physics can get you into Esotericism if you go deep into it (as opposed to modern smug academism where Science is only usefull as long as you can build Funny machines and feel smug about "those Supersticious wretches", i mean just go into r/Atheism if you really wanna see the Extent of cheap Smugness when it comes to Science Vs Religion (Wich mind you its a pretty retarded confrontation since Esotericism does not contradict Physics, and Religion is for Plebs) ) Again, i really am not Experienced in Science at all, so i can't go in depth and explain you where Secular Science goes wrong and wich Theories and Calculations actually overlap with Traditional teachings, so you'll have to Trust my Honesty, and if you really wanna look into it, then i guess you'll have to look for yourself
>>1112 The Earth IS flat compared to 4-dimensional and higher spaces and gravity ISN'T real because reality as we know it is an illusion
>>1115 So you'd admit that the earth is round as a 3D object, which it is. Gravity is real, I don't know how you'd go about disproving the action of mass moving towards the equilibrium point between another (or more) mass(es), although denying your very existence would do it.
>>1114 >exposing the most Infantile Worldviews as something to be Worshipped, fucking Retards... It's funny because your tulpa literally mommydoms you and mine does too. I think we have the same being
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>>1119 oh you shithead, you know what i mean well meme'd tho, i mean shit like "Hurr durr if god exist why does evul exist :^(((((( besides if god exists why doesn't he tell me so and comes down here and makes pigs fly" besides im a big boy for Mommy so its technically not infantileare you Tulpanonthough?if so are you the same anon with whom i spent half the thread arguing about the nature of Sin and whatnot?because that would be hilarious
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>>1120 >Hurr durr if god exist why does evul exist I consider it substantial. Since it's either everything that happens to you is your own fault, both good and bad, or everything that happens to you is ochrestrated ot the whims of being(s) you don't comprehend, so this >>1031, or everything that happens to you has no meaning. Although I personally consider the first option and consider the last option to be the most cruel. the first one for reasons I outlined, free will and stuff.
>>1121 >personally consider the first option Consider the first option to be true. The second one is meh, and illustrated by how you just turn off your brain and nod to everything that happens like a lobotomized sheep shown by the Kanna avatarfag.
OP here and the anon who put forward the idea of robots being broken people as well. I feel kind of bad about it after rethinking it a bit, and I see I was projecting quite a lot due to the shit state that I was in. Couldn't find happiness in anything that I've been doing so I considered everything to be worthless and fell into depressive way of thought which overly influenced my philosophy and worldview so please do not treat my arguments too seriously.

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