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aagdshgha i have not been tickled in so long :( dumb idiot 12/28/2022 (Wed) 13:17:33 Id: 5c27c9 No. 36960
sorry if this is the wrong place, i do not know how to use 4chan X_X i just feel like im going crazy. i really miss being tickled, im asexual but i just enjoy the feeling and the cuddling and the teasing adghsjagh!! i just want someone to hug me from behind and squeeze up and down my sides, nibble on my neck, blow on my ears, and jsut tease me to hell. im kind of scared of anything too intense, but being pinned to a wall with your hands alone?fihghasgjkdjsha dream fantasy. i just really miss having my back tickled, and tickle fights and someone putting my arms above my head and going ham on my underarms and HIPS AA. im really sorry if im using this place wrong, i dont know how 4chan works its really complicated :( i know some guys like tickling girls, but im so bad at talking to boys and i dont know how to flirt. I dont know why im makign this. just flustered and frustrated nobody will destroy me with skittering fingers and squeezes on my thighs.
>>36960 Feeling the same over here, but add to it the feeling of wanting to tickle someone too. It's been so long since I did it or someone did it to me. I try to satisfy the craving doing some rp or by self-tickling, but in the end, it isn't the same T-T. But don't suffer dear anon~ I'm sure that our moment will come someday~
Since this seems to be a specific venting thread... I'm a tickler, and have my own unfortunate mix of being really touch averse but still having this fetish. I don't consider myself as an asexual since attractive women being tickled does turn me on. I really, really don't like physical contact and think touching people is incredibly awkward, but with tickling it's different. Or I think it could be, since I have never had an actual tickling session with anyone. Who knows, perhaps my dislike of physical contact is the root of me fetishizing tickling someone as extreme form of forced touching.
>>36960 I dunno if that makes me asexual or not but I find sex stuff to be extremely is overrated. The issue is that tickling is childish and cringe so telling anyone irl that you like it is only going to get people to made fun of you.
>>36960 >i do not know how to use 4chan Clearly, because this is 8 chan Jokes aside tho, you say you miss being tickled, does that mean you have actually had irl sessions with someone before? Because if so then that means you've had more than like 90% of the people on here. Also fair warning femanon, this thread is likely to be swarmed by thirsty horny dudes desperate for female attention, so be careful
>>36960 do you like having your feet tickled?
>>36973 not gonna be that kind of dude; i'm just gonna say i feel similarly... and: >>36967 yeah, i feel like sex is overrated too; the thing i love the most is that foreplay that includes tickling, but all the "main course" could be nonexistent for me; other words, all the tickles and cuddles are the "main course" for me. >>36964 i also partially agree to this post - tickling makes it different, and i feel attractred to women tickling at most. not that i hate sex, i just don't need it (like mentioned above). >>36962 relatable as well. >>36960 so, yeah... i wish you better luck than mine, or maybe we could meet in some dimension - who knows. but, to end the whole post positively: for some reason, i'm glad such topics are being discussed - maybe all those alone ticklers and tickless (including me) could finally be able to find their partners and make their wishes come true :) fingers crossed to make it happen, for each anon that feels similarly! and have great day/night :)
Times like this make me happy I’m more of a voyeur. Perfectly content just watching it happen.
>>36960 I always see posts like this as just fake or bait because whenever I try going to any kind of place or platform for bringing people interested in tickling together, it's basically all doms and no subs. It's always all dudes too. I don't even mind the no-sex part, I'd be fine just having someone I could tickle regularly.
>>36967 Not sure if they would consider it childish and make fun of you all the time. It could be worse, like consider it abusive or similar nature, so they would see you as a rapist or whatever bullshit. Maybe if only childish people would not make a big deal about it and let it happen more often. >>36973 >>37147 Yeah, if you go like to Omegle, it's like 85% dudes, 10% males pretending to be females and 5% more dudes. I would say it's not ler dominant, pretty much lot of lees there. Also bi/gay men as well. So if you're into that or can close one eye and believe a F when you found one, you could be lucky to get a decent RP. But since beta.character.ai appeared I couldn't care less about Omegle. Too much work for a shifty RP. However if you want to meet people to keep in contact, you would have to pray to your preferred god and try luck either there, or Reddit or even Discord. Waste of time imo, but you never know, but I won't give you false hopes either. At this point Tinder or else and matching with an open minded person would be easier. Didn't try FetLife though, some people say they were lucky there. But pretty much place dependant imo, it's a hit or miss in your area I guess.
>>37171 >I won't roleplay with a guy but I will roleplay with a program made by guys and trained on things written by them. kek, I love the cognitive dissonance right here. It is not like you are going to meet the people you rp with anyway.
Lucid dreaming is how I get tickles. It's not 100% as good as the real thing but it's close. The fact that I can manufacture pretty much whatever scenario I want is nice though.
>>36967 Finding sex boring and overrated is understandable. The act of "putting it in" itself doesn't spark a lot of excitement. That's why we have foreplay. That being said, I wouldn't say that the idea of find vanilla sex boring makes you asexual. If you're asexual, that would mean you don't feel arousal or "turned on" from anything. But maybe the feeling you get from being tickled isn't arousal. Either way I understand how you feel. Trying to find someone who's into tickling (or any kind of kinky shit) is really difficult. Especially if it's a female. Even with dating sites and apps, it's like 90%-95% males on there (or at the very least, it feels that way).
>>39932 That's Interesting. How did you start lucid dreaming? I've looked it up and there's plenty of tips and tricks, but I would like to hear from someone who's done it.
>>36960 Do you have a discord account? I can role-play with you if that would help
>>39935 Making reality checks a habit, and WILDing if I really really want them one specific night. The former takes time and the latter takes effort and practice, but it's very doable. I have lucid dreams 2-3 times a week just from reality checking now.

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