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Artists you hate 5: e-beggar boogaloo Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 03:12:45 Id: a6271a No. 37980
Last thread hit bump limit. You know what to do. (And no, it isn't to beg for money on DeviantArt journals)
That last thread sure ended with a bang huh?
Who are we laughing at today tkchuds?
>>37981 Just 8chan being 8chan
>>37982 oops, forgot the text lol. was gonna say, great job on those expressions! are you anothertkranon?
>>37981 that was honestly amazing, glad to be on this board TBH. >>37982 i don't think i should be the one to say it, but at this point i feel that Caroo's gone off the deep-end with his latest art, he's flanderizing aspects of what he finds great in art and seems to be gimping his other skills as a result, he's been drawing gags and faceless foot trophy walls that it genuinelly feels like he's forgotten on how to compose a face. i don't really have anything against the guy, but i just felt like i wanted to air out my thoughts. oh, also, pawfeather not drawing enough dickles...which also makes me wonder, who the fuck buys pawf's merch? i follow him on twitter out of courtesy but hot damned his content takes forever to arrive for no real reason other than self flajulating with his OCs without doing anything meaningful with them.
He won, he fucking won
>>37988 Really? I think Caroo's been doing a good job with faces (judging by his gallery on Furaffinity). Also, have some dickle pics.
>>37988 >>37990 it's sad to see artists that 'revert' to a more generic style that's more readily consumable. he used to have such stylized faces and an unique style for feet; now his faces look like generic anime faces and the feet look like they were traced off some photograph.
>>37989 FUCKING KEK >>37990 >>37991 well, i wouldn't even say it's revertion, again, i feel like it's an exageration of things they find appealing, or the lack of controll in the way they make the face, like second pic related, it feels like the head is too tiny and the face is too big, unlike the third one where he seemed to get a grip on how to make the character's proportions adequate for his style while also mantaining some of the original design's "edge". same kinda happens to Pawf too, now that i think about it, his new "femboy" charcter has a huge fucking forehead and instead of using the hair to try and help with the distribution, it's instead a tuff at the very top making the forehead feel even bigger. i really don't know any other term that could be used to describe it, but you can tell there is something off.
>>37993 sidenote, ironically, the third pic is taken from an older piece he made and that he never colored, and you can tell that comparing the two of them, it feels like they came from entirely different artists.
>>37993 i say reversion because it seems that their style has become more generic, but maybe that's what they want--a more generic style. as an artist, i personally want to keep an unique style and gradually improve it rather than swapping for an entirely new style. I agree with your analysis of the 2nd pic as the face being too large, and even though it's still very off-putting to me i do think it's a lot better than the 3rd picture. however the 4th pic from pawfeather is a fucking disgrace because 1. the head is FUCKING MIRRORED, that's lazy as fuck as not even irl heads are exactly bilaterally symmetrical and 2, the fucking feet are just duplicated, it's the same foot just flipped and rotated. even the wrinkles are the same. I don't understand how some artists think it's okay to just draw one foot, flip it, and call it a day.
Benjay. What went wrong? All his characters look disgustingly fat and like they're about to fart
>>37991 After looking at some of Caroo's older pics, I see what you mean. >>37993 >>37994 There's a reason I mentioned Caroo's Furaffinity but not his DeviantArt, because fucking hell his Miko faces are off-putting. With his usual furry stuff, the man tends to do a solid job. Human characters, on the other hand, are rather hit or miss (In Miko's case, it's mostly the latter).
It's crazy how many notable artists can get called out for blatant pedophilia and still come out with a strong reputation in the community. Like Caroo, TwoMario, and now Skoufidios. I honestly expected so much worse with the last one, but he's still holding strong somehow
>>37998 well, that's the thing, every time Caroo is faced with any sort of styalization it feels like he has a hard time adapting it into his style, for example whenever he tries to draw Loona from Hazbin, it's either him trying to replicate the style but not being able to commit, or taking out everything that makes the character stand out and makes her look generic, it's not even adapted into his own style, it feels like there is constant extremes, he can't seem to meet in the middle, and IMO, the 4th pic feels like he hit the nail in the coffin, it's sad that it's also like the third time he drew her or so. >>37996 man, this OC deserved better in all honesty; and sincerely, if i wasn't so autistic about OCs, i'd take a swing or two at a re-design, at least from the shoulders up. >>38000 slightly misguided but based trips; i'd personally say that you can tell whenever an artist is out for children, but i can personally see someone using an underage character because they're cute and simple in style and design, however the real worry is whenever some gigafaggot pedofuck actually tries to mingle with children, that's where the line is broken, more so if they draw art of them.
>>38001 hit the nail in the head fuck i'm retarded it's 3 AM leave me alone
>>38000 the simple answer, anon, is that drawings aren't people and thought crimes are bullshit. not with Skoufidios though that was an actual young girl.
>>38004 oh on that subject does anyone have those tweets from that kid saying kimberco groomed her?
>>38006 >join tickle roleplay servers as a 16 year old even though it is explicitly not allowed >do cringe roleplays with low functioning autists >4 years later look back and cringe >complain about being groomed online I also roleplayed as an underage retard but at least I wasn't a faggot about it. Not to mention that sexual relationships at that age are legal in most countries.
>>38014 Seconding, I think I started roleplaying in forums at about 16 years old. Literally almost everyone in our community has done this, I guess we're all pedos now huh?
>>38032 Nah, we are the "victims" apparently. We were actually being groomed all along.
>>38006 You just have to click on this guy's twitter's ONCE to see what's up >troon >begging for money >RP autist
>>38038 “Son, we love you so much, and we don’t want you to go down this path of self destruction. It’s going to be so hard for you to progress in life if you go through with this, and we don’t want to see you suffer, so we’ve decided to turn off the Internet because we know it’s the primary source of what’s going on, next we’re going to have some counseling, and also your mother and I can talk about things, because I know there’s something in your life that’s deeply affecting you and-“ “YOU TWO ARE MONSTERS, ABUSIVE, IM FUCKING LEAVING WITH MY BOYFRIEND. YOU’RE LITERALLY LIKE HITLER. EVIL TRANSPHOBES, FIRST YOU TAKE AWAY THE HRT I WORKED SO HARD TO GET, DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I WAITED FOR THAT, NOW I CANT SEE MY INTERNET FAMILY ANYMORE-“
>>38038 >get groomed >become troon many such cases!
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>>38038 >>38044 >>38039 follow this guide
>>38048 >awesome face >"SO MUCH WIN" Damn, this is a vintage. what is this, 2008? 2009?
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>>38048 The fact you saved this pic says a lot about your state of mind, have you trying applying what you preach yet?
>>38048 Seething tranny spotted.
>>38048 What Trannies should be doing to themselves for falling for this Mental Illness
>>38059 I don’t think they should kill themselves but they really need to get out into the world, like make friends. I could’ve gone tranny because I was an incel but I picked myself up, now I have a gf and I moved out of my parents house.
>>38038 >>38039 >>38044 It is not a tranny thing, it is a "I am a dumb retard" thing. I have seen a few cases of this and this is the first tranny one.
>>38085 Agreed. It doesn’t matter what sexuality, gender, ethnicity, religion or nationality you are, being a dumbshit is a universal concept.
>>37997 Lol, not the first time some loser complain about that. Go bore other artists then, you tragic piece of shit. It's not wrong to draw fat people.
>>38089 Exactly, complain something that they can avoid easily, smh, don't you ever argue with idiots, that's the key to happiness.
>>37997 Yo man, it doesn't matter they're about to fart. The difference is you fart from the crack between your brains. And you stink.
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Now you know the size of Moekaki's penis. It can fit between the big toe and the other toe.
>>38089 I’d like to add on to this logic and say that it’s not bad to draw “ugly” girls either
>>38101 Of course not. Artists draw everything they want after all. It's only us to either stay or leave.
>>38000 TwoMario, there's a name I haven't heard in a while. Didn't he just kinda stop posting anywhere?
>>38123 i believe he became a patreon cuck and won't post anything that doesn't make him money.
>>38124 Spoken like someone who's never had to work for anything in his life.
>>38124 He sometimes post a paid post and a free post at the same time
>>38124 >making people pay to see yuor art makes you a cuck ?? Señor I dislike patreon too but I don't think you understand cuckoldry as a concept
Wondering why this person has over 1K watchers when she(?) hasn't really improved over the last 5 years. https://www.deviantart.com/wrenchoftheteam
>>38126 sneed >>38131 well, i mean, what would you call it? >>38127 it's been a while since he's updated any of his pages outside of patreon or scattered comms in DA, it's been like...what? a good four to six months?
>>38000 >Twomario I know a lot his OC's are muscle shotas and he loves drawing Tails/Kid designs of characters but was he ever actually caught messing with kids?
>>38139 >she There it is. In a community as thirsty as this, females will always get way more attention.
>>38140 >well, i mean, what would you call it? it's called commerce, you simpleton
>>38089 >>38093 Hmm these posts....very defensive, very angry when the style change is bought up...and it's almost as if the original writer of these...doesn't speak natively speak English... ...How's it going, Benjay?
>>38152 >it's called commerce, you simpleton he's literally handicapping himself from getting a new audience if it wasn't for people reposting the commissions they've gotten from him by sticking himself in a bubble where nobody can reach him, has nobody learned from WTFeather?
>>38157 Oh wow senior detective. So do you happen to be that brain fart ? No wonder you're that smart, good for you ! It's not about the artist you idiot. Do you really think all the people are happy to see the prejudice against any kind of body type ? Geez, just go finish your kindergarten.
>>38086 Yeah but it's a chan board so of course it's all the transgenders fault
>>38163 >Muh fat acceptance movement Hey, Ben, you ever considered all the health problems that come from being that morbidly obese? Or you just cuz someone doesn't want to fap to fat people like you?
>>38172 Yeah ? you said that and you had to stalk around him from 2018 to 2022 ? Are like super masochistic or what ? lol If you think i'm Ben so you think no one will speak for him then go ahead. And btw man, i'm from south america, english isn't my mother language, so you totally put the wrong pic. lol
>>38158 This. To someone who doesn't know about his patreon or doesn't give enough of a shit to pay/pirate, it just looks like all of his pages went dead. Furthermore, who would want to pledge to a patreon for an artist that hasn't posted anything in months?
>>38173 Bruh wtf are you even talking about? Lmao you schizo ass motherfucker aight Ben you're turning into Shinnjacob
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>>38173 Okay... Speak for fat folks = Ben Speak for the artist = Ben Don't speak natively english = Ben Okay i don't know if this is artists you hate, or artists you love now, i'm confused. xD
>>38208 Bruh this dude's surpassed autistic, take your fucking meds schizo Benjay
>>38148 And people don't really pay attention on style itself, i agree.
>>38173 >>38208 so that king koopa from 2022, where can i see it ? I don't see that one in his gallery. :o
>>38232 Thought he never posted anything in his gallery now.
>>38235 The reason I didn't watch him, but nah, he's cool now. >>38232 Here. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49939088/ It's pretty recent though, unless you didn't enable adult artwork in your account settings.
I just can't stand artists who haven't posted anything in a year retweeting reddit tier memes and gay reaction images instead of posting their work. I'd respect someone much more if they were just inactive for months at a time and periodically dropping a banger, then sinking into the night again only to drop another banger months later, rinse repeat. It's even worse when they start making self deprecating jokes like "omg I don't do art anymore even tho i should xdddd". No patience for that anymore.
>>38283 I totally agree. How dare artists be anything other than art dispensers? They should realize that they are not human anymore. I demand my cummies!
>>38284 Stop slacking and get back to work.
>FNFag >Clear tracer >Only "artistic talent" is absolutely fucking terrible The TK community's lack of standards sometimes shocks me. When I think they can't go even lower...
>>38290 What do you think top-tier art should look like? I want to hear your opinion. Other people can reply to this too.
>>38291 this isn't just for fetish art but art in general, but my take on it is that: 1. doesn't use a 'base' or isn't traced 2. facial expressions are cute enough to be considered aesthetically pleasing, i.e. appealing in more ways than just from a niche fetish perspective 3. dynamic posing regardless of scenario. just because you're drawing bondage/stocks doesn't mean you have to make the character as straight as a board with no apparent or implied movement. personally as an artist, i believe that the highest form of praise (at least for me) is 'oh that's a cute character but feet/tickling isn't my thing.' I've gotten that quite often and to me it means that art ought to have an appeal from more than just a fetish perspective.
>>38291 As far away from this as possible. >>38313 Better answer that I agree with.
>>38316 How bout this
oh gawd.. i can feel that this thread turns out to be a love letter from a certain autistic. Cringe.
>>38355 Any other female options ?
>>38366 Female and human please ? I don't care about furries.
>>38290 It's not just the TK community. Plenty of other fetish art is incredibly lazy. Take inflation for example: Circle tool central.
>>38380 Reminds me what most toes are made from most artists. XD
>>38290 I honestly don't mind how lazy they are, as long as they don't run patreon with this standard.
>>38383 Well if they want, they just do, it's none of your fucking business, dude.
>>38389 Found the artist
>>38290 They do lack of standards, but somehow i think they're still better than ai art, anyone ?
>>38475 Imo anything hand drawn is better than ai art. I refuse to even classify it as "art" given how fundamentally broken the practice is
God damn no one gives a shit about how much you hate Loli, go back to your circle jerk massive fucking faggot.
>>38496 >>38497 they seem to have a thing for amy rose, too. who's gonna tell them Amy is like 12-14 at the oldest?
>>38496 Check his posts, he gives mental gymnastics about how liking any or tails is okay because they’re “childhood hero’s” of his, or some shit.
>>38496 >>38497 Nine times out of ten people who are vocal about "Muh underage characters" are people who have actually touched or felt sexual attraction to real kids. I feel like he's possibly projecting, whether out of guilt or something else. Like go look at his twitter, he's actually really unhealthily vocal about loli shit. Literally rent free.
Jesus he’s literally still going
>>38501 Think you read it wrong or I’m reading it wrong. He does justify other characters though
>>38505 Ahhh yeah, regardless though, he’s in the wrong field if he thinks the majority of us really give a shit about this. It’s pretty funny watching him burn bridges with other artists though just because they don’t care about the shit he speeds about.
>>38496 >>38497 >>38504 >>38505 This screams skeletons in the closet.
>>38517 My point exactly. I don't have it on hand, but I remember there being this journalist who sperged against loli, (and also the Pizzagate thing, but that's neither here nor there), and he legit was arrested for I think taking advantage of an 8 year old. I could be wrong on what he got arrested for but he definitely did something with a minor. If any fag here has the story/screenshot of it, you know what I'm talking about, and feel free to post.
>>38517 He’s doubling down for sure on this one, even when called out on his BS
>>38283 i think i know who this is about but i can't tell them i feel the same way... >>38284 no dude, people follow artists because they like their art. not because of their little random quips on replies and copied-from-tumblr-screenshot jokes they do. The artists who make the mistake of thinking their followers like THEM and not their art are the epitome of egotistical and i hate people like that. The people who like you are the 10~ people in your DMs who you talk to, the people who like your art are the 1.5k~ people who follow you, sitting with their dick in their hand watching you post your 53rd "funny" reply of the week, hoping your next post will finally be the art they started following you for. you need to remember that people moved from DA to twitter because you can post and see uncensored fetish art on there, not because they're really interested in your random musings about your favorite obscure movie from the 90s or whatever inane bs is on your mind that day.
>>38543 >Tinkaton That's a shortstack, there's a difference.
>>38548 >shortstack Look anon. I know the 2020s are the years of internet misinformation. But let me correct you here. A shorttack is by definition, stacked. Tinkaton literally has baby doll muppet porportions. There is nothing shortstack about it. Especially hat you look at the shit he came up with. He changed the muppet proportions with toddler ones. TL;DR Cant believe people like this guy aren't already outed as pedos, this is one of the most blatant case of skeleton in the closet in recent times.
>>38552 To be fair the shortstack community comes under scrutiny pretty often by people saying it’s just oppai loli just focused more on thighs/ass and everyone is in denial but yeah there is a difference. That being said there needs to be more shortstack tickling content out there.
>>38552 >>38517 yeah, it's one thing to dislike loli bullshit but to go on repeated rants about how much you hate it and how wrong it is it over and over just screams projection.
>>38546 It's not any just one individual, it's enough of a pattern to be used for several different people. But yes, if anything, if you wanted to make a separate account for your "blog" that people could follow you if they liked that kind of thing, that would be better. I don't follow you for your political takes or how much your shitty min-wage job sucks and that you hate capitalism. If I wanted to hear clown-tier garbage I'd click the trending hashtags and read the comments. I'm here for the tickle art bitch.
>>38546 >make a twitter account to post twitter things >only natural to also post your work there >nooooooooo how dare you post your opinions grrrr >you need to remember that people moved from DA to twitter Because the artists moved there.
>>38569 i AM talking about the artists. artists didn't move there because they all thought at once "oh i should make a twitter blog now, i bet people are really interested in my hot takes!! :)" they went because they could post their uncensored art, and their followers followed them there to see said uncensored art, not to see their opinions on current politics or social topics. the issue comes from artists migrating to what is literally a social media site that was literally not designed for that purpose, instead of any other actual art website with more lax rules. i don't think half the people who complain about this would care if twitter had a gallery tab, but because it doesn't we have to end up scrolling through artist's media tab and scroll past 20 reaction images, 18 memes, and 10 image replies on other people's meme images just to find a single one of their drawings now. twitter was not made for artists and it never will change to fit artists needs because they are not their main target. the sooner people can accept that the sooner we can all leave that shit hole onto pixiv or literally anything else that has something as basic as a gallery feature
>>38583 >i AM talking about the artists. >>you need to remember that people moved from DA to twitter because you can post and see uncensored fetish art on there, not because they're really interested in your random musings about your favorite obscure movie from the 90s or whatever inane bs is on your mind that day No, you are not. >artists didn't move there because they all thought at once "oh i should make a twitter blog now, i bet people are really interested in my hot takes!! :)" It does not matter what they thought.
>>38595 Shut the fuck up retard.
>>38601 Awww, you got enraged and became unable to form coherent arguments so you have resorted to mindless insults? How utterly pathetic, almost cute if you will. It's okay, I am sure you will keep getting your artsies to make cummies with. No evil artist will get in your way!
>>38605 You're not an anime villain. You're a guy who regulars a message board, doesn't go outside and probably eats his own toenail clippings.
>>38543 He’s getting kicked out of his house.
>>38608 What in the autism
>>38608 did his mom find out he jacks off to underage hedgehog toes
>>38612 His mom couldn’t handle him being an actual sperg. Like sounds like from his twitter he would just loose his shit on the poor woman,
>>38608 MAN WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED If the guy gets in trouble with the cops maybe his face will show up online who knows, really curious what he looks like.
>>38616 I heard he’s black, but I could be wrong. He does vaguely claim to be under the tranny umbrella. Self proclaimed mentally Ill “muh mom misgendering me!” ADMITS that he flings shit at his mom. Won’t shut tf up about “muh Loli” which deep down he’s secretly probably lusted after real kids before.
>>38608 I'll never understand what compels a motherfucker to volunteer all this information about their home life and personal problems to the world like this. I mean I know the answer is autism, but you know what I mean.
>>38620 Autism is unstoppable
>>38608 Just in case autism-kun is here. You mom needs to give you an eviction notice, which you can contest (or ignore, I think she has to sue you if you don't comply, anyway, go ask a lawyer). Said notices generally give you at least a month to find another home.
>>38623 unless he's paying rent I don't think thats how that works, anon
>>38625 https://fatherresource.org/can-parents-kick-me-out-without-notice/ Apparently you do not need a notice but his mother will have to go to the court anyway if she wants him to leave. But again IANAL.
>>38627 He’s already left his home, so his mother doesn’t have to legally let him back in.
>>38629 He could probably ask the police to escort him in. But I fear that he will go to them and start talking about his mental issues or something dumb like that.
>>38608 he kept complaining about an imaginary problem so much, God gave him a real problem
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>>38608 I may be a socially retarded pervert, but at least I don't turn my shit into other people's problems. Happy for his mom.
>>38735 >>38707 >>38708 He’s in a homeless shelter now.
>>38736 >dunks on everyone he disagrees with >calls them pedos publically and blocks all sympathizers >now begging for a cru ln for an RT Lmao GET FUCKED
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>Raspberry-Joe >Has never drawn anything raspberry related
https://www.deviantart.com/springtrap1977/gallery/all This guy throws a whole fit about a few of his drawings getting deleted and says that he is going to sue Deviantart even though he complained about being homeless non stop for a few months
>>38898 >Sonic >In court This guy screams Chris Chan vibes bruh
>>38900 He also started posting Nsfw drawings as a rebellion as if Deviantart couldn't just wipe his account from Existance
>>38496 >>38497 didn't he draw Acerola before? was his old handle "TheYeppersPeppers" or was that somebody else? I might be mistaken.
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>>38912 >>38781 what is it with (what i assume to be the same) autist sperging out about raspberry-joe on here? starting to think this might just be joe himself to get some attention or something. would be the kinda thing he'd do despite having been run off the internet twice before and having to change usernames
>>38913 From the ones you quoted, it doesn't seem like actual sperging but more like an ongoing joke. Although I do want to know where it started from.
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>>38736 >Homeless shelter. Fucking kek. imagine being surrounded by random people and drawing shit he usually draws. How is it even possible? I regret visiting his Twitter tbh.
>>38914 >>38913 Raspberry-Joe is an actual schizo who believes in gnomes, I've learned that much
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>>38930 That is incredibly reductive >>38914 Your guess is as good as mine. >>38913 1. is not 2. That's not what happened 3. There are like 3 people who know this and I will find you This will be my last post in this thread. I am taking no questions nor suggestions and I will not elaborate further
>>38934 >Name is Raspberry-Joe >hates berries
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>>38934 >his name is Raspberry-Joe >he isn't a Raspberry
>>38934 >name is Raspberry-Joe >his name isn't Joe
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>>38934 >His name's Raspberry-Joe >In real life his name isn't hyphenated
man is simping so hard he literally made a comic series and multiple drawings and now an animation of some foot model who barely says thanks lol. someone please save him from the simp spiral... im starting to think the reason TTT doesn't actually even have any tickling in it is because this chick isnt into tickling, just feet, and he wanted to try to appeal to her specifically.
>>39089 >im starting to think the reason TTT doesn't actually even have any tickling in it is because this chick isnt into tickling, just feet, and he wanted to try to appeal to her specifically. My pet theory is he's realized his laughter expressions suck balls and is too lazy and/or inept to figure out a way to fix them. Like, look at this, if you can remove the tickling element from a picture completely and have the expression remain the same while making sense in context, that girl does not look sufficiently like they're experiencing ticklish laughter. Same reason most of his art has shifted towards foot fetish, anticipation pics, aftermath pics, gags etc. Anything not to have to draw an appropriate expression of unwanted hilarity.
>>39092 THIS,Absolutely this !
When does this retard stops complaining about every sngle little petty thing all the time and try to pass it as an unfunny Ben Garrison shitty comic
My massive foot fagginess enjoys Kusujinn's feet focused stuff, that said even I hate TTT. I don't get the appeal of the chick he's simping for either. fucking weird.
>>39290 >#57! >Give it up for #57!
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>>39297 Lmao. Here I'll give you orders 58 and 59
>>39298 >#59... >Wait... Why are they all the same...? Woah... Woah...! It couldn't be drawn better, but nothing has happened in this series. From what it looks like, it's just entered another arc of nothing. Someone please prove me wrong.
>>39297 I feel like the only one who likes this series sometimes lol. That said, it is pretty slow. I think it's Kusujinn going for one of those "panel a day" comics with a caption, except the time it takes to draw means it's only a "panel every other week" comic, and the format limits how much story can be done at a time. The images are god tier, and always enough to get me going, being a footfag, but I see why people don't like it. I just think it's comfy, and people trying to judge it as something they want it to be instead of what it's trying to be is always going to leave you disappointed.
>>39300 I hadn't thought of it that way. Compared to the other comics he's made, about break-ins and secret societies, I've come to expect this to turn into an event-packed story all at once. Not to mention that it's phenomenal how the feet contrast with the monochrome. I think I needed to hear this perspective. >>39298 I didn't thank you for dropping these, anon. You're the best,
>>39300 This is a based take here.
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>>39300 You are of course, free to enjoy it. But I too, as a massive footfag would like to offer some counter argument. After enough time looking at porn online, you understand that behind every piece, the artist has an intention. A framework that the guy uses to get you somewhere, in a sense, it's what makes fetish art ART, and not just feet shaken likes keys in front of you like baby sensory videos. What is Kidetic/Kusujinn showing us through that comic? 1) He is OBSESSED with Japan. Wether it is through his art style, his """humor"" or the way he keeps drawing asian girls as walking caricatures (even discounting the one he's simping for), the way he's trying so hard to copy his japanese inspirations artists (tawawa of the week lives rent free in his head, he wont shut up about it on his discord) makes him look like a stupid Gaijin, back when people used to hate weaboos for their overall disrespect and unhealthy obsession over japan, he was exactly the kind people talked about. 2) He is extremely pedantic. You'd only know for sure if you saw how he talked in his mother tongue on his SFW page, but there are a few clues for that in TTT. The format has completely abandonned the idea of comics, and a diverse cast of characters for an ARTISTIC (lazy) one pannel pics with partial coloring of just the skin with more effort put into the props than the feet. The "fetish" parts of his work are exactly what a 17 year old art thot who posts random sole shots hiding half of her face on instagram would do to garner attention. >Haha wow look i'm in THE POSE >Much fetish, look at my SATSUKI COSPLAY....as in the DOMMY MOMMY from ANIME??! REMEMBER ANIME?! 3) The guy in his comic is the same as all his previous ones. an introverted emo kid who somehow ends up in fetish situations. After seeing his actual face, I can assure you this is 100% a self insert, except now his intentions have drastically changed >pre-fetish palace, Kid was still in art school. his self insert was edgy and a blank slate for the victims to fear >During fetish palace, Kid is out of art school and out of work, he is a miserable man. An introverted coward who has internalised his real life failures into his character. >During TTT, aka after the succes of his patreon, his self insert now knows about how to make money, and he DESPERATELY wants to tell you all about it every 3 pages >"You need a NICHE bro" >"You need to ADAPT" >"THIS is how you make MONEY on the INTERNET with FEET" Of course, he is free to insert himelf, but once you see through it, it becomes ironic to see an unemployed guy who keeps failing at making his SFW comic known and gets 7$on his public patreon tell you about how he is so very wise about it. >TL;DR I have the same feeling towards him as I do with popular streamers who are often uneducated and in the street if they didn't have 8 year olds throwing money at them, yet they'll go out of their way to explain to you how so very inteligent they are. TTT is soulless. It is a stalking/simping operation worshiping a random asian thot that he tries to sell people as a high art, when in reality he's just stalling the best he can to only do two pics a month so that he can rake that money and tell you how good he is at it. Fuck you kid, your characters are all the same, you're a one trick pony, you are creatively bankrupt, your SFW account will never ever get traction, your expressions are shit, and you should be more humble when people tell you they dislike your shit. Shout out to that one guy you had a mental breakdown over because he was putting thumb down emojis on your pics.
>logic and reason in a /tkr/ hate thread Dude I’m scared
>>39251 This is not petty at all. She is actually right.
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>>39312 Listen, I know you have a hate boner for Kusujinn but really? It seems to me you've spent a questionable amount of time digging into him and his work, almost to an autistic level. What gives? Are you simply frustrated that he's not going in the direction YOU want him to? Tough shit. Last time I checked he's the one who can actually draw worth a damn - enough to stay rent free in your head. Don't like what he's pushing out? Fine. Go elsewhere. He won't care. And he shouldn't. This all sounds like jealousy on your end tbh. Personally I don't give a shit what direction he goes in. A professional level artist/animator making stuff for my kink? Sign me up. Whether that be dark haired Japanese schoolgirls, miscellaneous anime characters or other girls he may 'simp' for it's all good when the production quality is high.
>>39360 >Personally I don't give a shit *Paragraph dumps*
>>39360 It's probably the guy who samefags about leaving thumbs down emojis on his Patreon because he hates his guts. It was based at first but he's clearly mentally ill which now makes it cringe.
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>>39360 >>39362 This is the artist hate thread, and I will hate any artist I want as I please with varying degrees of justifications or dumb hate. I will add that sadly, I am not the thumbs down emoji guy, but his move was hilarious. Theres a reason so many people here shit on TTT, I'm just putting words as to why, so that people don't go "Ermm you just hate him because he doesn't draw what YOU want". He's technically good, artistically I can't stand him, can I at least have that on the artist hate thread?
>>39360 >someone makes a short statement that they don't like x because y >"OMG YOU JUST A HATER BC THEY HAVE TALENT, YOU CANT EVEN THINK OF A REASON WHY" >someone makes an actual fully fledged explanation about their criticisms towards an artist to make a valid argument >"OMG IT MUST BE A HATE BONER BC YOURE OBSESSIVE" If anything, anon raises a way better stance on the deserved criticism of Kusujinn than others have been able to accomplish with artists like Caroo, wtfeather and RedScript. Your only counterargument seems to boil down to "he has talent and you don't" If I'm given a burnt steak, I don't need to be a chef to see that it is burnt. Same case here, you don't need to be an artist to see bad quality art. If anything the argument of quality is anything but an objective observation, meaning a stance calling someone else wrong for arguing the quality of their work is bad isn't a well-rooted argument in the first place. I originally didn't care about Kusujinn, but seeing the so-called "rebuttals" of his simps left him much less desirable in my mind.
>>39362 I've only ever made one post about when I thumbs downed TTT. Take your meds schizo.
>>39360 >Don't like what he's pushing out? Fine. Go elsewhere. I would imagine "going elsewhere" is why they're on an anonymous imageboard thread about artists that annoy you. I don't know where you expect anon to "go" if not here.
give it a rest
>>39312 amazing take, actually straight up amazing. it's always important to not separate the artist from the art when it comes to analyzing the art piece itself, and you've done that very well. >>39360 >a questionable amount of time maybe for some autist like you who's shit at reading other people's intentions and emotions
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>>39451 >amazing take, actually straight up amazing.
>>39092 > he's realized his laughter expressions suck balls Now see that’s the strange part. He actually can draw some really appealing laughing faces; I’ve seen them. But for whatever reason over time he seems to have become averse to applying said expressions in lieu of pained or angry reactions to tickling which is just odd to me.
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>>39449 >In the future there will be robots enslaving and tickle torturing cute anthro girls Man gaho is doing a good job selling AI to me
>>39461 Same tbh. I want a T-800 that does that please bring on Skynet.
>>39135 >THIS,Absolutely this ! Please don't be onions.
>>39458 going off of what >>39312 said about real life influence, i have a theory about that if i had to guess, he changed the expressions to those sorts of reactions because those are the reactions he gets when he tries to do it irl
>calls himself a good artist >refuses to draw james the cat i hate raspberry-joe so much
>>39652 >>refuses to draw james the cat Oh fuck the james the cat guy is here now. Did you finally get IP banned from everything else?
>>39312 Everything you said here is everything I've thought, and more of Kusujinn, more being that Kid's self-insert showed how he was evolving. One thing I'm very curious about is his SFW page. I remember seeing someone mention it in another thread, and I haven't been able to find a lead. I'd appreciate it if you could say where I could find this account. I understand if not, lest his sfw account get bombed. Thanks in advance
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>>39745 >check his twitter to send it over >his tweets are now protected >he deleted his SFW patreon Welp, as terribly hilarious as it is, I think he has someone snitching on me in this thread. I'll abstain from posting it to not completely break him. Just know that if you do find his SFW account, it's terribly easy to trace it back to previous projects because his artstyle is terribly consistent. Have a dark skinned Cleo
>>39754 Speaking of deleting SFW accounts... Do you the vice versa is possible. Do you guys think artists in our fetish, at least some of them, specially those with good talent also have alternate artist accounts? Maybe some sort of SFWs account, or even an all together different fetish with an all new different art style and everything. And that these account have greater value/following. It could be more profitable, have less/more autistic community, or something that makes them more appealing when compared to us seeing the state of tickle "community" if you can call it that. And when followers of that account ever find or did found out about the ones in this fetish, that they'd delete/deleted them and we were be left wondering if they just died or something? There could be former tickle artist out there doing far better with an all new Identy or something. Make you wonder huh.
>>39754 Damn, that's a shame. I'll be on the lookout for it in the meantime, as I'm still pretty curious as to what's on it. Again, thanks for the info, I appreciate it. >>39758 It's possible, but the major tickling artists have a very distinct style, so they'd be easy to recognize, making it not worth it if it could all be over with one follower recognizing them. I'd also say it's tougher, given that I think that being a fetish artist and a sfw artist require different skills. Kid nails female anatomy, bondage, and shading, but I don't think he could do much with it as a sfw artist, seeing as how he is geared nsfw content for his comics. Even TFP didn't have a lot of story outside of being nsfw, and that's fine, you don't want to make the story more interesting than the fetish aspect. I don't know how to explain it, but it'd be hard to excel in both. Then again, anyone can learn the skills needed for both being a NSFW and SFW artist, which is no doubt the case for a lot of artists already.
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WTFeather and Rin Satsu or whatever they go by. I could go on on the redundant style and YCH-like commissions but that's enough autismo right there below. --WARNING BIG BAWTISM-- this shit isn't even worthy of being pasta material lmao Ever felt like someone was so chill and inspiring you almost simped and worshipped the heck out of them just for existing, only to find out they are absolute assholes the moment you stop paying even once? On one hand you have those guys commissioning tons of unreasonable shit and probably going shut up take my money and draw my shit already and I were them I'd just tell them to calm their tits (the irony of autistic rants) and go find another artist if they need their specific shit done because I don't need to be bossed aroud by some richfag. But nope, like, you pay because you love what they do. You don't fucking care if they even do something at all. And yet it comes back to bite you full circle because lo and behold all you do is pay and leech. Like what the hell man, leech?! How is paying for nothing and not even complaining leeching? Even my own turbautism fails to understand itself here! Basically just that, assholes being assholes once they grow industrial and get fueled by commissioners so hard the regular patrons can go suck a big juicy dick if they ever decide to pause. It's not like they're in need either, one's a former favela dweller and the other's a brit tranny. Both are making so much money you could throw in a tickle bath party with banknotes. Fuck them for abusing the shit out of people who just wanted to help them draw the stuff they wanted to draw themselves.
>>39312 It's a bit of a shame because Kidetic/Kusujiin was my all-time favorite fetish artist. Like, his art-style is my favorite. Even if the facial expressions he draws are not the best, like I sometimes get more from pawfeather or even smaller artists like CyrusiaAdventures/rodrigotfa lol. But imo better than, idk, Bad-Pierrot/Umojar. But like, some good-skilled artists tend to end up doing more or less the same expressions over time. Like sometimes I feel a bit bland the expressions from KandemRen (and ofc wtfeather). Maybe artists like Codricor or Pirate3 a bit less, but still. No idea if when they "hone" their drawing skills in general, they have less time/energy to focus on better expressions, idk. But yeah, back to Kusujjin, I also find his recent work to be boring (and I'm a food fag as well), I can't care less about Tied To Twins (only a bit the side story) and his other works aren't that surprising either. I used to consider his work king-tier, but well, things don't last forever Btw, off-topic, does anybody know what happened to Azamuku-chan? Like, I've not seen her works (or simps) recently
>>39842 >Btw, off-topic, does anybody know what happened to Azamuku-chan? Like, I've not seen her works (or simps) recently Nvm, I didn't find anything in her Twitter, but in her Subscribestar she wrote a message on Dec 31st saying she was going to take a break.
>>39837 this is the artist hate thread, just drop some names or leave
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Small selfish rant here but are there any half decent tickle artists that AREN'T on Patreon nowadays? It seems to me every artist that has even a moderate following have become shills. Some of their stuff isn't even high tier stuff and yet they can open a Patreon. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find artists that primarily make tickle content open for commissions that don't suck.
>>39837 Learn grammar and drop the names pussy this is literally an anonymous board get on with it
>>39849 Jimbobabob doesn't have a Patreon. >ibn4 I said half decent He's good.
>>39837 >trans Brit it's daisy, the guy who pretends to be trans so he can fuck a lesbian chick. (unless anyone knows other artists that are both trannies and Brits)
>>39870 if you're speaking of HL, she's not a tranny, she's just a fat chick who decided she's 'nonbinary' in order to feel genderspecial. different kind of alphabet animal. I feel these distinctions are important to make for the sake of clarity.
>>39870 Rin goes by Daisy too? Cute lmao
>>39849 Tons, fortunately. Plenty of skilled Asian artists who won't touch Fanbox, Fantia or Enty. And of course not Patreon since Patreon is cancer and anyone can literally open a Patreon for anything and have idiots burn money for a worthy cause. By skilled I mean they have variety in their tickling stuff, they have ideas and the art is great. And textless so everyone can enjoy it. Many of them are following the money trail and bait. Some don't and the good news are that amount of some is plenty to keep your hands busy for decades.
>>39837 Drop twitter or subscribestar links faggot, you mean this? https://twitter.com/screampunkarts https://twitter.com/Nitropunk_Arts
>>39875 >Mentions NitroPunk in HAG >Everytime NitroPunk is mentioned in previous HAG threads, they get locked
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>>39887 It's like how mentioning gardener james make him appear
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>>39887 >make HAG in the older board >Thought it was a funny acronym >ultimately someone else starts baking new threads, the HAG acronym is lost to the sands of time >One anon out of nowhere digs it out again This is how you know an oldfag is amongus
here's one for the WH audiobook fans in the thread
>>39918 Incredible Do you have the samples for the voice?
>>39919 just download any audiobook narrated by Jonathan keeble and you'll have 6-12 hours worth of studio quality samples of the guy just reading. you do have to cut it up into multiple sub-10mb files with audacity though. i used the audiobook "praetorian of dorn"
>>39918 What's the best AI program for that?
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>>39870 what is 8chans problem with Daisy, is it cause she’s trans or cause she kisses a girl and you don’t? seriously I wanna know. she’s pretty new to art afaik, and I think their art has improved loads. unless you find the art offensive, why the hate? >>39872 >>39837 Yh HL isn’t actually trans. She uses the ‘they’ tag because when she used ‘she’, she got too much harassment from horny men (probably you lot). It’s just to scare people off. source: i actually asked her like a normal person
No artist in particular it's just me complaining about something I noticed lately, the amount of "artist" on Deviantart that consists of uploading like 2 free pics and the rest are previews to paywall content, like dude you're not even trying to hide it you're just there for money not to be part of the community
>>39970 Who the fuck is Daisy? >i actually asked her like a normal person >normal Sure, bud >>39971 Nah, every business is about the money. That would like saying studios should give videos for free from time to time if they want to "be part of the community". Both are doing business, just that a video costs more money to produce, and even if some artists doing for hobby, is not the same for everyone. But the artist can't pretend I'll go give them my money if I don't know if they work is worth it lmao, like your point about 1-2 free pics vs only previews is still fair because I wouldn't give money if I don't know if I would like *most* of the work they produce
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>>39971 >be part of the community No thanks. I'm into the fetish yeah but I don't pretend to be part of the 'community'. I'd rather milk them for their coomer cash thank you.
>>39971 The funny thing here is when these "artists" only have 300-500 followers and they already want to get paid for the low-tier doodles they draw.
>>39971 This, idk if many tickling artists do it though. Nothing wrong with making money from your hard work but at least don't pollute your portfolio and the service you're using with rest on insertsite or mosaic intensifies unless it's the same 2KB picture everywhere. Sure man, you got a patreon, we'll pay you there but don't put this shit all over the place when deviantart is like for actual pictures lol
>>39975 I'm starting to think people just don't care about what it is and have too much money anyway so they pay to follow the "artist" for the lulz
That moment when you're virtue signaling so hard you forget that the example you brought up sexualizes the class 1-A girls multiple times and the creator himself stated that mineta was a self insert character.
>>39995 These faggots don't just have skeletons in their closet, they have a whole fucking graveyard.
There are more times during the show that these characters are presented in a sexual way but you get my point. Also I'm not saying that MHA is bad because of this, Japan just has a very different culture where it's normal to show characters like mineta reacting to the girls of the same age as him the way a normal 16 year old boy would. I just think it's funny that the "example" the artist brought up is literally guilty of the exact thing they're freaking out about
>>39997 Back in the olden days, like old art and images from the mentioned above and any other ancient anime. These anime passed onto US are often censored and edited taking out the lewd scenes, or by adding more clothes, or shrinking breast into nothingness, coloring blood and vomit as pink or rainbows, or outright cutting out the scenes or full episodes like that one time James had breast in Pokémon. Just like how Crunchyroll, Game translators, Manga import translators and etc.. alters the subtitles and dubs, and text to fit the "American Audience" and their own agenda. No matter what the is fetish or any kind of sexualization, Most and majority of these images are are originally made by Japanese Artist inside Japan where the media is fully raw and uncensored, most of these coming from Pixiv and Japanese forums. Forums where sometimes an American anons would visit and copy paste images in their American websites, or the rare special cases of a Japanese anon capable of speaking English sharing images from their homeland. Images from Japan where the culture is different and some pervy action is more tolerated. Most westerners confuse these illustrations as something made recently when it could be far out from the early ancient 2005, a time they have yet to be born. And they think that these images are made by the same people as them, Other Americans. Artist, young artist, aspiring and learning artist viewing different images believe that these lewd arts as the norm of digital illustration, some grow up and drawing similar lewd images, some mimmick these styles, some watch other media and make art for those media, etc... And normies who are just viewing, think everything on the internet is made by their fellow US think the everyone they meet online live near them, have the same morals, and are under the same law. So they believe them degenerates because when they are in fact biased and uneducated.
>>39997 I wanna tickle Mina's feet so much bros.
>>40071 It's not even just the internet at this point. The UN is constantly butting heads with Japan because Japan refuses to take the steps they keep asking for to stop abuse against fictional children.
>>39995 >fictional kid soles matter turbautism Twitter autists and furries are serious business. Projection and denial, it's hilarious. >>39996 LMAO good one.
>>40094 tldr ignorant projecting burgers who just turned 18 or still are underage themselves >>40071 >>40073 This. Good read, made me chuckle.
>>40092 This is sad, western cancel culture at its finest. Tickling isn't even all that concerning too compared to many other paraphilias, even when it's taken to torture levels. >>40075 I just want to see her tickle or get tickled and enjoy a good girls party time but I get you man.
>>39995 >>39997 Alright I should definitely add this: Don't go attacking this artist or any other artists for that matter. Just because their take is a little silly doesn't mean we should be invading their DMS and being toxic. That's just fuckin mean and non constructive at all. This Garbo site has a bad enough reputation as is, let's not contribute to making it worse.
What the fuck is this. I mean their whole gallery is like that.
>>38736 Upgraded to a Airbnb apparently
>>40480 >no money, no job, no home >apply to a bunch of part time jobs why wouldn't you just apply to a full-time job? i don't get it. does he think getting pity donations from twitter is a job in itself? why would he apply to a "bunch of part time jobs" instead of just apply to one full time job? it's just an 8 hour shift, you can still draw for the next 7 hours you're home before you go to bed.
>>40482 Usually when someone says "put in for a bunch of jobs", they mean they've applied for everything available in hopes on calls back, not literally "attempted to get half a dozen different jobs". Gonna take a shot in the dark and assume he's what we called "unskilled". Generally no education or specialized skills puts you into either retail or day labor, and I'm gonna take another guess and assume the furry fetish roleplay account isn't a particularly physical specimen, leaving his options limited to restaurants and stores. Most of which start everyone off on a part time basis with few exceptions. tl;dr he'll be wagecucking from the ground floor, which is almost never a 9 to 5 office gig.
>>40484 Kicked my ass and got two degrees with a masters on the way. I sit on my ass at home all day and occasionally fix something on the computer. It’s the good life.
>>40482 I think it's more like he doesn't want to get a real job and want to rely more on drawing fetish commissions but with the attitude he got you can expect a new post about how he got fired "unfairly" or how his manager suck
>>39875 hate how annoying it is trying to get their shit from kemono
I don't see the appeal to YCHs that go up, more specifically HL's, going for $45 and charging for tweaks such as dialog and expressions. That being said, the list shows that there are a decent bunch of people who buy them, what I see as a single posed figure, cookie cutter pics. Do people buy them to support the artist, or because they like the YCH, because I'd like to understand a that a bit better? Not talking about commissions that are customized as part of the package. Is there something I'm missing?
Bruh I feel like I got a fed on me just posting this shit https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ticklysoul/ bruh look at those tags
>>40695 Meh. Not my thing, and don't get what the fuss is about..
>be me >sees a picture on DA of some decently modeled feet in stocks with imminent tickling implied >has shading and wrinkles and everything >"wow this actually looks nice" >sees artists gallery >these feet belong to roblox characters >blocky characters with REALISTIC FEET >wtf, how do people get off to this >boner absolutely killed
>>40773 same dude
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>>40531 YCHs? Five-minute templates that crazy shippers would kill their family for to have their OTP or best girl/boi in there. Some are hilariously obvious copy and paste but the shippers are too busy busting a huge nut and bleeding to care. More money for the artist with zero or next to no effort all while giving people what they paid for. What's not to like?
>>40793 Our OCs aren't your average IP character you moron. They are unique in that the OWNER (us) made them. THIS is what makes them so valuable. We end up with something UNIQUE that will go up in value because WELL YEAH IT'S UNIQUE. LIMITED SUPPLY.
>>40773 speak for yourself, i want to fuck the Roblox skater girl so bad
I am genuinely sick and tired of getting this guy's art in my feed.
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A friendly reminder that this person screams how bad and toxic the tickling community is. Motherfucker attacked the poor harmless furfag for nothing. Don't drink alcohol, drink more water instead.
>>40914 Moekaki the kind of guy who goes down in one punch.
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>>40914 >starts a fight >begins to lose by looking like an unreasonable person >run away >"@EVERYONE I'M THE VICTIM SEE ALL MY PROBLEMS IT'S NOT ME" fucking fag, it really boils my blood, if i was there i would have put him in his place.
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>>40914 HOLY FUCK He drew a !!!minor!!!, tickling an !!!ADULT!!! in a !!!FETISH PICTURE!!! EVERYONE!!!!! EVERYONE!!!!! EVERYOOOOOONE DID YOU HEAR THIS???!!! HE DREW A MINOR TICKLING AN ADULT!!! Judging by his logic, these stock images can be considered as a pedo stuff?
>>40920 He had that Dragon Maid gif in his chat. He's a pedo by his own logic. Not to mention literally every parent who's ever tickled their own child which is as commonplace as hugging them.
>>40919 If you tried to say something wrong in his direction, he would have banned you immediately. That's why only two bootlickers remained active in his Discord chat, who always agree with everything he says.
>>40920 He even drew Mandy and Clover from Totally Spies once (16 in the show) >>2679
>>40920 How many times this schizo drawn Pokemon girls?
>>40928 Nooooo it doesn't count because they don't have canon ages noooooooo
>>40920 Is Moekaki an evil brit? Those shitfits remind me of a certain other schizo from the UK with severe mental issues who takes down posts and threads talking about them here on tkr. >>40914 I know some discords are toxic but holy shit this individual is legit unhinged. All I see here is literal grave desecration threats in public. Way to project.
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>>40923 i don't give a fuck, i would gain nothing from being around this gigafaggot, and i don't know what kind of low life orbiter simp you'd have to be to hang around with someone like this, probably some shmucks who think they'll get free art if they fawn over him hard enough.
>>40920 lmfao what the fuck even set off this tantrum?
>>40944 His own autism
>>40944 He's a former marine, they're well-known for being unhinged.
>>40888 This girl looks like a rip-off of EverydayComix’s Karen. The art is trash too, but that’s obvious.
>>40964 It's the same character.
>>40970 Okay. I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be a knock-off based on the character (which is something I have seen before for other OCs on DA) or not because of how ass it looked.
>>40941 Even as an art simp there's nothing to be gained, you'd have to be a gonna die for muh artist simp indeed. Those guys think like they're the michelangelos of tickling when their skills are ass just because they've got an audience. This is why its hilarious when even the audience goes man what the hell im outta here!! >>40888 >"art" MY EYES
>>40920 Wait I’m confused. Did he actually attack Chesh for a 20 year old piece of art?
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>>40990 Compared it to literal CP, even. And this is AFTER Chesh walked it back due to discomfort with underage content.
>>40996 He's very confidently wrong about that. Drawn content is explicitly not illegal, every time they've tried to ban it challenges have been successful because it's against the first amendment.
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>>40944 >>40990 I still wonder why this furfag still hasn't left the chat, after all that Moekaki said to him. A real self-respecting man would have left this server by now.
>>40996 >>40998 Damn. I always thought him and Chesh were friends too. Ah well let the crazy be crazy.
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>>40999 Like I said before - he's a fucking moron, he doesn't like wtfeather, kusujinn, KandenRem, Briel7 and I think a lot of others. Does he really think that he's better than these artists? Oh yes, the only 'normal' artist is, of course, Nuci. Fucking simp.
>>41001 >ThE TiCkLiNg CoMmUnItY Is sO ToXiC, nO OnE LoVeS mE
>>41001 Nuci is an interesting choice. She took several hundred dollars from me many years ago for a commission and never communicated again. I know I'm not the only one either, but because her public persona is 24x7 crisis mode there are a few of us who didn't think it was worth asking for refunds because it will result in drama.
>>40997 I don't know if I'm retconning it, but I remember a post from the police (or equivalent) from UK not so long ago asking people to STOP calling them for drawings being CP because they were so flooded that they couldn't properly work for the real cases of CP
>>40998 >A real self-respecting man would have left this server by now. Agreed. And I don't even read the 2nd pic, I don't know why I've been reading all that shit tbh. If that guy is reading this, stop.
>>41003 >several hundred dollars >not worth asking refund because drama My negro, how much do you make that you would let several hundred dollars go away because of a drama?
>>41006 It's not going to get the money back so it isn't worth it. She already did a big drama post on Deviantart a while back saying people agreed to no refunds and she wouldn't give them after a few people asked. With the amount of time that has passed doing a chargeback or a Paypal dispute or whatever wouldn't do anything.
>>41001 >the only person free of petiness is Nuci lol. lmao even. Nuci has had her fair share of breakdowns and spergouts in her discord server. if you've ever been on it you'd know. the reason you don't see a lot of screenshots of it is because her server is constantly full of people hard simping for her (despite her being taken?), and her power mod BF gets rid of anyone who's "toxic" or mean AKA disagrees with her. obviously their most common spergout is people drawing art of 17.9 year olds even if they've been aged up. i remember one guy posted a link to some of her drawings on DA that were very obviously loli, the guy got instantly dog piled and kicked or banned i think, and later Nuci said they didn't count because those were commissions and not her own ideas- with everyone on the server giving her backpats and telling her to ignore the troll or something like that, and then proceeded to immediately delete them off their DA page. wish i had saved em so I could post em here but eh. i left shortly after because no way am i supporting that kind of person, but man nuci and their fans are just as filled with autism, spergouts and drama as moekaki, except tripled because her simps will attack you relentlessly wether she asks them to or not (I'll choose to give the benefit of the doubt and say she doesn't ask them to, and they just choose to do it themselves thinking they'll get a crumb of affection from their mama nuci)
>>40914 >>40998 >>41005 I know that pfp anywhere, that is Alphazion
>>41011 What?? Really?
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>>40092 They fear the samurai
>>40964 Which in itself is just a rip off of Juri. EDC has no originality, every character he makes is just new name slapped on someone else.
>>40998 I think he might just be recording all of it while replying. That shit's always useful when you don't give a fuck about someone's art and just want them to cross the line multiple times in public. That's how Shad got a new home (unrelated but you get the idea). Dunno why he keeps engaging tho, not even needed. Just look at the guy agreeing with himself when nobody even said shit. Madness. >>41001 >we are better than all those petty artists, we are awesome Artistic comparison and insulting them too? LOL narcissism overdose much
>>41013 Yes. that is his fursona.
"johnny, johnny" "yes papa?" "Schizo posting?" "no, papa"
>>40998 >>41001 lmfao goddamn this is great
>>41035 Can we stage a time to mass follow him and then immediately unfollow the next day or something. Would love to see hos reaction
>>41035 LOL SCHIZOFURS If unfollowing a random artist is backstabbing then many of us are Jack The Ripper. Johnny "it's all about ME!" is so special his owners probably think they should really put him down. >>41039 Massive epileptic seizure.
>>41015 EDC mid anyway, LMAO
>>41039 how about tomorrow, the 16th, 3:00 PM Eastern Time everyone follow and immediately unfollow him. FA will show him when someone does this.
>>41039 You need more organizational effort to pull this off, I’m willing to help organize, https://discord.gg/ktWcCAM5
>>41056 I don't think thats necessary
>>41035 >>41054 Alright, maggots. For those of you unwilling to give up your anonymity by clicking the Discord link in question, here's a breakdown of the plan and a little background. "To knowy enemy, I must become my enemy" Sun Tzu said that, and he was a man who lay unbested in the ring of honor! Masterartsjohnny is the third incarnation of Onlysexyartworks, then johnnyarts and now Masteraetsjohnny. From what I tell could gather, he's the red menace. A Russian user who got his start drawing amputation, necrophilia and tickle porn of Krystal from Star Fox, amongst other things. He has long since gone off the deep end and has attacked numerous people via rage and schizo posting. He's particularly gone to war with /tk/ several times during all of its incarnations. Things have been calm with him for over a year as he faded into obscurity. You can access his war journal here, maggots https://www.furaffinity.net/journals/masterartsjohnny/ The plan is very simple, make an account if you do not have one already on the degenerate site of Furaffinity. At 15:00 Eastern Standard time (that's American, maggots), on the 16th (that's today,maggots) of February in the year of our Lord 2023, you will storm the gates and watch him. Watch with all your might! Watch as if your life depended on it, maggots! Then, you will unwatch him, unwatch him hard maggots! Unwatch him with the strength of a screaming eagle! And introduce the red white and blue to the red menace, to teach him the sacred words: Stars and stripes beat hammer and sickle LOOK IT UP. Afterwords, johnny will more than likely rage hard at this, knowing now that he is under attack by the sacred American legion of /TK/. This will provide great lulz (yes, I said it lulz, maggots!) and possibly further action from the red menace in retaliation for his schizophrenic feelings. Feel free to post your messages you receive from johnny himself, last one alive monitor his page for any activity. Maggots, if you pull this off then you just may be able to call yourselves men and graduate a soldier yourself from my beloved corp! God speed and God bless America!
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>>41094 3 PM (EST). I'm in But I think we need to unwatch him one hour later - at 4 PM (EST)
>>41035 >>41094 LMAO THIS FAGGOT HAS ONLY 203 watchers? It's just pathetic
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>>41097 Maggot, who is your squad leader? They're fired! Because you just got promoted! That is what I want to see!
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>OY VEYYY! I'm Michael C̶o̶h̶e̶n̶ Cannon and I've been kicked out of over 109 tickle chats! >Obviously it's all of YOU who are the problem!
>>41101 >Michael Cannon Fodder
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>>41101 >>41105 I almost forgot about Private "Cannon Fodder" Scott. Selfies everywhere.
>>41111 If memory serves he never actually deployed which is why he's the Navy Seal copypasta in human form Real vets don't bother with that shit because they have nothing to prove
>>41126 I’m doing my part!
>>41097 it doesn't matter when we unwatch him, the way FA works, his notifications will be filled with "this watch has been removed by the user" no matter how fast we do it.
>>41132 Oh I see. Done
>>41127 Damn what is with those notifications
>>41136 >>41132 It use to be like this, but I think they changed it in the last site update, sadly. Mass following him and then unfollowing him a few days later might be the better move.
>>41140 fuck, really? damn. old plan then.
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>>41104 >>41111 >20 y/o artist doodles fully clothed cartoon of a 17 y/o touching the feet of a 21 y/o >"THIS IS LITERAL CP" >meanwhile Twitter and Discord actively groom minors including trading (actual) CP >"who cares lmao I like making money" Vile despicable fucking excuse for a man. I can only hope a real combat vet gets sick of his stolen valour act and gives him what he deserves.
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>>40914 >You fucking moron. I would shit on your fucking grave. >I am expecting either an apology, or a bill. I hope Fur has some self-respect.
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>>41195 >>41196 who tf sees a fully clothed 17 y.o. and thinks "sexualized minor"
>>41205 An overcompensating pedophile.
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>>41205 >>41208 I can draw a parallel with this quote
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My man Fur. Turned out he's not a pussy and won't apologize to this fucktard.
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>>41210 Lmao based
>>41218 Do you really support this or is it just a post-irony?
>>41218 Z for zorro?
>>41212 Forgot to charge interest and fursonal damages.
>>41223 Z for Zalupa (top part of a dick). Retards usually use this symbol to identify other retards.
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>ThE TiCkLiNg CoMmUnItY iS sO ToXiC >You fucking moron. I would shit on your fucking grave. >Fucking clown Is it okay to call a random dude who hasn't said anything wrong a fucking clown? This is fucking pathetic... Moekaki's true face
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>>41360 The only person who's whining in Discord chat is you, lmao
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>>41360 >>41366 >be a total fucking cunt to anyone at the drop of a hat >nobody wants to be supportive
>>41360 The only person who says something that remotely makes sense and doesn't go 100% simp silence and nodding gets insulted (probably went wtf too). That wannabe discord tyrant is the one who gave the furfag a deadline for the bill. You don't threaten someone you still owe $1k to (after this long) and act like a god when your authority literally is limited to a discord server you own and you still manage to abuse what little power you have. Not even a kid would do that lmao. Projection, asshattery, yeah, I think furfag's should've immediately gone silent, recorded everything, and casually said "I dm'd you that $1000 bill I've been waiting for for nearly ten years, feel free to honor it or don't, I'm out, peace mate". Those people belong in an insane people asylum, a high-security prison, or both. >>41366 Of course everyone can. When his home ends up being raided and it turns out one of his most loyal supporters was involved -- all just because of some powertripping dude acting like a manchild on a social app. Happened before. More stupid shit in the news but good riddance?
>>41366 can confirm, I'm in multiple discords with the 'furry' in question, he doesn't say shit about this.
>>41360 Mentally ill faggots like this will torch their entire existence eventually. Even boot lickers will eventually get tired of being treated like this and you'll have nobody left.
>>41360 It's impressive how this individual is so despicable, and it's sad because I really enjoy his art. If Exproject or any other person in that discord is reading this: run, you deserve better.
>>41382 is it really alphazion? or just someone using his pfp >>41384 hes actually fucking unhinged its scary
>>41386 I believe it is. has the same friends on discord as FA.
>tfw all of the OG tickle artists ended up becoming insane
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>>41388 That's what happens when drawing fetish smut becomes a significant part of your life and you fail to develop other avenues for life. I say good riddance. They are all being replaced by much better zoomer artists anyway. The 'OG' artists should have drawn their smut, made their money and moved on. Instead they linger way past their sell by date.
>>41388 >>41389 >ended up None of ya were Tickle Theater posters, were you? They were considered the "weirdo art kids club" for a reason.
>>41390 >Tickle Theater Go to bed gramps. The only people that remember that trash site are nostalgia driven boomers.
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>>41366 >>41382 >he's a bigger drama whore than a literal furry >>41389 >>41396 You guys do know your favorite mangaka are well over 30 right?
Moekaki makes me want to get into his Patreon/Discord just to fuck with him. Leak his stuff, disrupt conversation, etc. Good lord what a cunt. Best part is I bet he'll be paranoid for months about everyone that joins if he sees his message lmao. Extra sad because as >>41384 said, he's a good artist, he just needs to shut the fuck up and stop being a cunt.
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>>41415 Gaslighting and psychologically torturing a nobody e-celeb wannabe? I'm all for it
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>>41235 >cockhole's pain
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>>41695 >cockhole's pain
ukraine lost
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>>41706 >ukraine lost
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>>41706 >ukraine lost
>start with ticking artists that you hate >finish with a discussion about Ukraine War Thread Meanwhile, /hispol/, /tkr/ ally, are celebrating Russia Special Military Operation in Ukraine. <Lila, please tick the wagner hispol girls
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>>41714 newfags don't know to avoid 1pbtid bait <also tickle Buhanka-chan pls
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>>41717 Not tickling, but still a great piece
>>41720 brother, if it doesnt have tickling then why the fuck are you here
>>41721 In order to troll Russian vatniggers a little in this thread, but ok I'll stop now.
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>>41720 What the shit is wrong with you NAFO troons
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>>41724 >What the shit is wrong with you NAFO troons
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>non ticklefags using ticklefag territories to fight reenact the russian ukrain war why is this happening
>>41731 Idk /pol/tards being /pol/tards
>>41714 >>41717 HAG invasion is a crime Tickle the prisoners Torture the tards RESTRAIN AND TICKLE
>>41737 who's work is this shit xd
>>41738 Nitropunk/screampunk
>>41741 ah. that checks out
>>41731 Maybe we should have a dedicated visitor/off-topic thread if these interactions become more common. It's honestly funny but needs its own place.
>>41737 Oh Lila! these russian girls are breaking the rules. They need to be tickled as a punishment
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>>41731 Hohol just being hohol, don't pay attention to this animal :-)
>>39089 never even knew his whole TTT series was based off an actual twitter model until i heard from here... christ that's just absurd...
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>>39092 agreed. honestly, there are a number of tickling artists who can't really draw good tickling expressions. They usually just draw a standard smile and either closed eyes or just normal eyes. The expressions don't even really convey the person being tickled sometimes too. I can say kandemren is an example of this. His anatomy and the way he draws the tickling is great, but his expressions always leaves much to be desired (in my poinion at least). Sometimes the expressions are alright, but it still isn't much.
>>41755 I didn't either. 62 chapters of pure TTT crap to get some tickling and Kusojinn is obsessed with a twatter model who either looks like shit or he can't even draw her right and goes with "insert generic pseudorealistic Asian YCH here" and haa haa pant wheeze much tribute such wow I feel zero sympathy for Kusojinn, his own simps pay him for this nonsense. I hope they at least enjoy it or something but simps gonna simp so... >>41756 At least they aren't YCH or industrial byproducts. When the sameface and samebody meet and simps still be like "ooo so original moar pls *throws banana dollars*" lmao
>>41695 >>41706 >>41751 Maybe you should stop using VPN and pretending that you're a random anon?
Man, I love DA :)))
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>>41767 DeviantArt is a game, you just gotta play with it.
>>41767 Terminally online teens are like that literally everywhere.
>>41773 Sometimes you just don't want another DickCheese to spawn, the kind of shit that should immediately get flushed down the toilet - if the pregnancy test says "abortion = highly recommended" you do not take chances, if you must, then see >>38048 on how to have them solve an problem >>41767 The fact that GUROchan's admin was 11 when he created the site terrifies me but so does the fact than 25-30 year old manchildren are even more mentally challenged than the average DA special kid
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>>41762 >samefag card Dude, come on...
>>41759 Those simps are very... specific. My brain literally hurts after reading all those comments.
>>41788 >boy full of creativity and surprises
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>>41772 >ywn have hot steamy tickle belt rp with raspberry-jose while he schizorambles about McRibs Why live
>>41788 >feels like some ai generated simping shit in comments ngl how I wish I could unleash the Yorigami sisters at those simps and soulless artists then watch it all unfold pestilence so based you want more of it every second >[[PERFECT POSSESSION]] >Good Puppy! >Donate To Me! >SUCH A [[GOOD PUPPY]]
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>>41880 I just really hate MichaelScottCannon man
>>41894 i really like his art, but he's insufferable and his comic (which has the word ticklish IN THE FUCKING NAME) has had like two tickling scenes tops in its like 150 pages of running
>>41909 I have never been more lost reading a comic. I didn't know which character was which, or what the plot of the whole thing was beyond the initial strips, or what I was supposed to feel reading it, and at some point there is another side involving the maids, I think, that involves its own set of characters. And no tickling. The one side comic made of the series was way better than the comic as a whole, if you want to check the comic out, I recommend you read that. I could at least distinguish a sliver of story from what I remember as endearing characters, and better content. I genuinely thank you for resurfacing this.
>>41909 Not just that, many years ago he scrapped a lot of it and went on a massive schizo rant about how he never wanted that comic to be about tickling and he put more in than he wanted because people pressured him into it.
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>>41922 I'm pretty sure he wanted to make some kind of comic featuring his characters doing your typical low key fantasy lesbian stuff, you know the kind that's a dime a dozen on the Internet, but knew he didn't have the writing chops to pull off a decent story. So what did he do? He tried to make his large watcher base be interested in it and shill it for him - even though pretty much all of them just wanted to see the fetish content he was known for. I remember him desperately trying to get it known on webcomic sites but nobody cared, they just wanted to see feet and tickles (rightfully so). I think that pissed him off and he got more irritable when interacting with his watchers, outright having shizo rants to people wanting to see fetish content to the point he would not accept any constructive criticism at all. Lessons to be learned here.
>>41923 Yeah, but also if he was going to freak out when asked to include tickling content he probably shouldn't have had "My life as a ticklish sub" or whatever be part of the title of the comic.
>>41909 >>41922 What comic are you talking about?
>>41925 'How I Paid for College', the title of which implies the character paid for college by doing fetish shit and, though I haven't kept up with it in years, apparently never actually comes. Opting more for some run of the mill "le wacky Japanese slice of life" shit with some foot shots here and there.
>>41909 >>41922 >>41923 >>41924 >>41927 To be fair, having tickling being a pay off for following a more involved story does sort of make it more satisfying and at times a bit more believable. And at least for me, learning more about the characters themselves, their personalities and relationships all that does make them more appealing then two dimensional fap fodder. Comics where tickling happens on every other page is a bit less believable and can be kind of ridiculous at times. Like “Oh dear this is the fifth time I’ve been tickle tortured today for seemingly no good reason! What are the odds?” I kinda like that the setting is an otherwise “normal” story that just happens to have one influential character who’s a total tickle freak and has in turn influenced the lives of all those around her. Stories/settings where tickling is prevalent everywhere and happens all the time (without a decent explanation as to why) can come off as rather silly.
Kidnapinc on deviantart. Says he's into tickling yet in six chapters that span probably close to a thousand pages of his detective comic, not once has she done anything but frown and growl. I understand not everyone laughs right away when tickled, and some people just scream but you'd think she'd EVENTUALLY at least fucking smile ONCE.
>>41927 Was he drunk when he made this? Cause those are some nasty ass feet. The toes look like misshapen fingers (standard for anime) the faces are emoji tier, the limbs are spindly and awkward, and the proportions are all over the place.
>>41931 Are there any good examples of a well built story/comic revolving around a character that is a tickle freak? Genuinely curious as they seem rarer than hens teeth.
Anyone else tired of people doing 3D art when they should be drawing?
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>>41959 my bad haha sorry
>>41939 >>41931 Overbuilding around the fetish itself definitely ruins it all. Not much a writefag but that's an interesting idea, especially since the concept is rather simple. I guess writers either tend to let their fantasies take control or get bored with how unique the story was supposed to be, leading to that kind of stuff...
>>41959 yes. its not even 3d modelling, like that guy who makes goth toy chica, or when ZP posts something with a custom model of his OC he commissioned , or even tickling animations in blender or SFM, if it was i don't think anyone would even have an issue. it's just a final fantasy 14 posing program. people realized they can get the same dopamine (and Patreon money!) from retweets and likes from their dedicated fanbase from using a ff14 posing program, as when then post a drawing- for less than half the effort. Artists used to laugh at people who would pose characters in SFM, now they all do ff14 posing, which is essentially the same thing except the models are nicer and not as cartoony. that being said, i don't mind when it's someone who started doing that or primarily does 3d model posing, but i shed a tear every time i see an artist i looked up to pumping out yet another generic looking final fantasy 14 character and acting like they're the best thing in the world since sliced bread. pic unrelated
>>41969 There is only like, 2 or 3 FF14 3D artists that make decent stuff anyway.
>>41931 Agreed in theory, but there's a delicate balance between worldbuilding and "When are they going to get to the fireworks factory?". In fairness, I haven't read all of it, but the reason for that was specifically because of long stretches of almost nothing happening. I don't need constant fetish scenes to hold my interest, but after a certain point it seems like, as pointed out already, he just really wanted to make a comics about the adventures of these silly people I made, and then cram the minimum amount of fetish content in out of obligation. >>41966 MTJ's Lexi comics come very, very close to the perfect mix, provided you're fine with it still being a relatively cartoonlike vibe throughout. The handful of YourHardNerdCollector strips he's done have hit a pretty good balance too.
>>41922 Okay good to know I'm not fucking insane, because I distictively remember a scene in which one character was watching tickling porn, locks themselves in a vault, and then a robber enters and starts interrogating her, but it seems to have been completely scrubbed off the canon in a jarring way that made me wonder if I made it all up. >>41931 I agree, and I very much work like that (am a writer in the community). I'm a very big believer that anything between a third and half of the content should not be tickling at all - and even when the tickling starts, I find myself being drawn more and more to describing the feelings of desperation, overwhelmingness, overstimulation and exhaustion of the character than the physical contact of hands/tools to ticklish spots, as there are so many ways to describe fingers skittering on skin but infinite ways to describe anguish. And truth be told, the distribution of tickling-to-non-tickling in HIPFC does not bother me. It could have used some pacing revisions (The beginning of a story is usually where you make a promise to the reader, giving them a sample of what you will be delivering throughout - and I don't think tickling starts at all until, what, chapter 50 of 130?), but overall is not that bad. Just wish he was more consistent with it lol
>>41927 >>41931 worth noting is that the subtitle heavily implies it, which adds onto the expectation that it'd be a tickling-focused comic "How I Paid for College: Life as a Ticklish Submissive"
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>>41923 >>41927 >>41983 >>41996 It's clear he's abandoned the community that he made his name in the first place, he wants to pretend he's an Asian lesbian (he's even full into the "I prefer Asian women" meme)
>>41969 Relevant to my interests, wouldn't be able to focus on anything else than dem feet if I played on this LOL
>>41927 that dialogue is cringe and ESL as fuck cannon fodder should just draw pics and stop posting his ugly mugshots and trying to tell coherent stories
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Nobody NEEDS your content. We just laugh at your hypocritical messages here and observe "how toxic the tickling community is" by reading posts written by the most toxic and agressive artist in the community.
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>>42010 Even artists leave your server of their own free will, because they understand how retarded you are. This happened a couple of minutes ago.
>>42010 >>42011 Moe"literallywho"keki just desperately wants the attention, let that psychotic, alcoholic mess rot in his own delusions of grandeur about him and his art being supreme when he can neither draw or write for shit, terminal e-celeb syndrome That fuck needs to be severely humbled by restraining him and sending him face first into a big pile of dogshit while all of his simps and whatever family he has (feel bad for them, what a waste of semen) watch him with zero fucks to give until he cries and says he'll just stop talking unless that's his fetish
>>42011 I didn't understand shit about what they were arguing about, tl;dr?
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>>42022 Moekaki made a post on Twitter. Phyllis didn't understand the meaning of the sentence
>>42024 As much as I think Moe is a dick and a waste of space, at least he has the right idea about trannies.
>>42025 At least (s)he didn't throw a temper tantrum but certainly fucked up by discussing literally anything with a deranged pseudomonarch rofl I mean, when an individual like this says trannies are bullies, white people are racist, loli is for pedos, furries are gay, or whatever the fuck makes or doesn't make sense in your opinion, you don't even *try* to say something to him. You facepalm and move on or just laugh and push him into ridiculing himself in front of anyone in his discord who isn't a completely brainwashed simp yet, just not with some kind of counter-argument because that promotes his attention whoring.
>>42027 I see your point and agree,
>>42024 Oh, I see, thanks >>42027 Yeah. Even tho I agree people complaining about Hogwarts Legacy is just plain stupid, I don't get why people keep wasting energy in arguing with this guy. Not worth it
>constantly looking for fights >attacks whoever he's "debating with" instead of usin actual proof >whenever backed into a corner he chimps out >likes to throw pity parties for sympathy garnering >in the end always looks like the asshole >thinks whatever they make is god's gift to mankind >lives in a delusion land where they're the abused victims hold on, i've seen this one before...
I often have this introspective thought process where I think of myself in the worst timeline, where I became completely bereft of any self awareness, self inserting into a Sonichu OC in my mid-40s. A depressing "what-if" scenario where I'm old enough to spring white hairs on my scalp and still use the XD emoticon unironically. Truly fucked up.
>>42011 i absolutely love how every single time he gets into an argument he does @everyone so his little drones back him up! remember when he was shilling Phillis a week ago saying how s(he) was the only drama free artist? but then he turned around and managed to start drama even with her
>>42035 Leave him alone; he's living in America's Chernobyl and needs to prep for his family by playing hot wheels 12 hours a day
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>>42050 >every single time he gets into an argument he does @everyone >he was shilling Phillis a week ago saying how s(he) was the only drama free artist He was talking about Nuci, not Phyllis.
Uh oh someone's about to get canceled
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>>42072 >oy veying intensifies
>>42072 your right, sorry, i must've gotten confused. on a second note, how the fuck does NO ONE at all call him out on his behavior on his discord? you'd think someone would end up getting annoyed by the @everyone every time there's a little argument aka basically every single day. hopefully someone who's in there reads this post and calls him out on it, just to see what he'll do or say. not even in a mean way but like a simple "sorry but you don't have to ping everyone every time you have an argument with someone. we don't want to get involved with drama over something as insignificant as this" would cripple him and make him flip out i think. and the audacity to then turn around and act pissed when no one wanted to dog pile on Phillis lmao.
>>42086 Because you'll be immediately banned (freedom of speech). Discord also has an option to mute @everyone tag (which everyone on this server seems to have enabled). I'm just watching this circus.
>>42050 I noticed that too, the @everyone simp call lmao I hope the sane ones (if any) have notifications off so they don't have to bother >>42073 I would love seeing him getting banned from twitter and discord (why not patreon too, fuck his art if you have to deal with his shitsona) just to see what he blames it on and goes full turboautism in his own Moekakiverse seriously even if the guy was a legendary painter he's just not worth the time and semen. Moekeki and DickCheese are two of the worst abominations (unfortunately there are so many others getting there). At least one of them got expelled by his own mother LMAO.
>>42089 >freedom of speech assuming he is in the USA tho >FBI agent checking twitter account for porn >Moekaki "Hey motherfucker what the hell" >FBI agent "We appreciate your cooperation in the matter, please do not make this any worse." >Moekaki "THIS IS MY DOMAIN APPRECIATE THIS BITCH" *headbutts fed* >other fed: *seizes the madman and gives a Miranda warning* >Moekaki "GET FUCKED YOU ASSHOLES! USC FUCKING FIRST!" >other fed: *just neutralizes him* >FBI agent: "We should have a check for drugs and alcohol in here. I don't think we even need a warrant."
>>42099 OOTL which one is dickcheese
>>42103 >>38543 My bad not the one who got kicked tho, not really good with dem names >>38608
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>>42210 this man is so mentally unstable, it's actually scary
>>42210 The individual's enjoying its special VIP privileges, apparently. The amount of I, me and my is astounding but not surprising when you know exactly what kind of terminal mental illness is involved. Hope his wife can't breed or I feel really sorry for what those children will have to go through... I'd rather provide therapy to kids taken away from a couple of hard junkies, at least they have some stable moments and some empathy.
>>42221 Let's be real, he doesn't have a wife.
>>42222 I seriously hope you're right anon. I'd rather be subject to the worst imaginable torture in China than get anywhere close to something like that.
>>42222 >>42223 He doesn't strike me as the type of person who would lie about something like that. Probably just found some naïve Taiwanese (he seems fixated with Taiwan) immigrant woman who needed a greencard and barely speaks english.
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>>42222 >>42223 >>42229 As far as I remember, he posted a selfie with her on Twitter. Average looking Taiwanese woman, a little overweight. This is her voice btw (*playing TWD on Twitch). Imagine hearing it every day... It sounds like a bunch of random sounds to me.
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>>42222 >>42223 >>42229 >>42230 *this picture was posted on Twitter (a public web page accessible to everyone), so posting it here is completely legit.
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>>42210 Something tells me that he reads this thread
>>42232 Of course he does. As a raving narcissist he's literally incapable of avoiding any venue or website where people voice an opinion of him good or bad.
>>42222 He does. >>42229 Correct. >>42230 >>42231 >"I prefer asian women"
>>39652 What the fuck is with the james the cat nigga? I keep hearing about him. also, is this legit? Is there any reason to waste my time to try and get a free commission, or is he just shitposting?
>>42301 Gardner James? ...also fuck that guy too.
>>42301 Just a really bad autistic tbh. I'm glad Raspberry's taking the piss out of him. I think we all should, I'm tired of autists acting like that and getting away with it
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I think we need to talk about this shit Shall I give a rundown, or are we all familiar with the phenomenon?
>>42399 i don't know about you anon, but i'm pretty happy with my purchase~
>>42399 i’m confused, give me the rundown.
>>42403 Sweet, QRD >nigga named Bobbylikes34 on dA, has many discord accounts like demonman#0714, Tosh#0714, the moon of sins#8955 >obsessed, OBSESSED with James the cat, a character from an old british kids show of the same name >constantly harasses and begs artists to draw fetish content of the character >rages out when he doesn't get his way >threatens to have porn drawn of their characters, threatens to doxx and blackmail them, etc >a few artists like RaspberryJoe and Monokron have taken to taunting him with nonexistant or unavailable james the cat pics, making him lose his shit >>42301 >>42391 >>42398 >multiple ticklefag artists have had run ins with im at this point, he keeps making new accounts, getting his single friend to beg for him I thought it was just a dedicated troll at first but he's been on artists asses for years now, apparently, he boasts that he's blackmailed multiple artists into drawing for him but I'm not sure if he's fulla shit or now.
>>42405 I wouldn't call it autism really, this is more in line with shit serial killers do, like aspd or something. Also, how has this guy not just gotten arrested or something yet? This guys been harrassing multiple people for multiple years, threatening violence, doxxing, etc. This would be the easiest conviction ever. Only way i could see him getting out of it would be by reason of insanity.
>>42399 There is already a dedicated thread for this topic: >>37980 Please migrate and delete the thread.
>>42407 he is not an artist, anon and I feel he';s become notorious enough to warrant a thread
>>42406 I am curious, pretty sure in terms of UK law especially, what he's doing is very much illegal. can't you get fined for uttering so much as a 'nigger' online there? he does that a lot.
>>42408 Based on this >>42405 he seems notorious among artists and people who follow artist-related drama, hence it belongs in the artist thread.
did codricor seriously like run out of characters to draw, so they just decided to draw literal fetish art of a real life va…?
>>42421 I’m aware that this isn’t the first time tickle fetish art of real ppl were drawn, but like still do these artists just not find that a bit questionable???
>>42422 ...name someone who hasn't fantasized about a celeb and I'd call you a liar of the highest caliber. It's just more tickle fodder honestly.
>>42425 I mean fantasizing about a real person isn't anything shocking. Drawing fetish art of said real person, without their knowledge, or even consent on it is a bit different. Thing is I remembered drawing foot fetish art of someones wife as a commission and the person who commissioned me thanked me for it, and even their wife emailed me thanking me so... thing is to me if it's what the person wants then it's fine to me.
>>42430 It was Prince Charles wasn't it.
>>42433 lol yea.
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>>42421 I dont have a problem with it, he's not simping hard over her as far as i know like a certain asian obsessed guy
>>42421 Oh no. How dare he draw art based on a real person. The horror of horrors. Get the lynch mob. Grrrr.
>>42430 >Drawing fetish art of said real person, without their knowledge, or even consent on it is a bit different. Now imagine when deepfake and AI will be more accurate and accessible. Teenagers will be making literal porn of their classmates
>>42440 kids don't know how good they had it. when I was in school I had to DRAW porn of my classmates,.
>>42421 what a non issue... here i was hoping that the thread got bumped with someone actually doing something stupid or that we got more moekaki sperg outs, but nope. just some faggot looking for problems that aren't there. wait til he finds out most people's OCs are based off of real people
>>42444 I will now draw a real person to spite the poster.
>>42405 >taunting him with nonexistant or unavailable james the cat pics Oh no the pic is very real anon, I can assure you that~
>>42446 >>42405 >>42401 its kinda sad how kron is trying so hard to insert himself into the James the cat situation. that guy only cares about RBJ it seems, despite kron trying his hardest to provoke him i haven't seen a single reply from the guy to kron. it's a little weird how much kron wants to be a part of the drama to the point where he actually draws a James the cat picture and gets his online friends to pretend to buy it for $1000. once a drama whore, always a drama whore it seems. i guess some people never change...
>>42451 >"I'm not leaving you alone until I get my picture" >"Fuck off you cunt" fucking kekw
Someone paid money for this.
>>42438 that’s true, but doesn’t that chick know about kusujinn making a whole series of her? >>42444 I just think making fetish art or just porn of real people without their prior knowledge is just a bit questionable. Maybe you don’t really care about it since you probably don’t have much of a conscience but whatever, you do you, I just wanted to address it.
>>42445 oh please don’t…
>>42484 Are you saying we should ask every person including celebrities permission first? What about the creators of certain cartoon or comic characters? Dude give it a rest it’s the definition of fair use.
>>42490 Some of us just want to see that cute girl we have a crush on or whatever in the wild tickled. Granted I wouldn’t want to post it publicly, but others are braver than most.
>>42490 Thing is real people and fictional characters are two different things, and personally I just wouldn't draw fetish art of a rl person unless commissioned to, and said person knows, like I explained earlier. Also, say in some totally likely scenario that you saw like vore or whatever of you or a friend or family member of yours, that wouldn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything? That's why I just think it's weird to make fetish art of real people without their knowledge, regardless if their famous or not... but I mean ik it's not like that's gonna stop anyone from doing that but I just wanted to state how I feel about that. >>42492 I can get this. I can get crushes and all, but if you're gonna make fetish art of someone irl then I'd say it'd be best to just keep it within your circle or to yourself really.
>>42489 on my knees begging you not to draw danny devito in stocks being tickled
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>>42496 I mean I guess I can respect that as long as you aren’t trying to force your position on others. That’s the biggest mistake a lot of people around here make. There’s a difference between having an opinion but still agreeing to live and let live and ranting at people claiming everyone has to stop what they’re doing and adhere to your beliefs. I mean you’re right, no one is ever going to stop doing what they want on the internet; that’s just how things are.
>>42496 That being said, I respect your opinion on not caring for it, the same things goes for Loli shit too, I respect people who don’t care for it and don’t want to draw it, But if people wanna virtual signal and get involved with an argument that’s when I have a problem.
>>42439 I mean is it any different than doing a "Black Widow" tickle pic that's clearly ScarJo's face?
>>42501 should have listened to that spoiler. boner killed
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>>42530 >$1k - A STEAL Literally last fucking night we were joking about this. I fucking can't
>>42532 Agreed, snitches get stitches Rules 1 and 2
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Nobody asks you, bro. You were publicly humiliated on the Discord server. He called you a fucking clown for nothing. Man, have some self-respect.
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I don't need your forgiveness. I'll stop when you, in turn, stop publicly harassing people for nothing and calling them fucking retards and clowns.
>>42538 Lmao now he's crying about his feelings what a cuck. Never thought I'd side with a furry but here we are.
>>42538 obligatory insecure @everyone is obligatory
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>>42557 Thank you I hate it.
>>42560 You're welcome!
>>42557 Bump for the sole purpose of knocking that cursed image off of the front page. The fewer the people that see it, the better. Also I was looking for an image to go with this so people don't say 'dOnt bUMp w/OuT a pIc!!' and came across an old Highway Hermit pic, one of my favourite artists. Highway Hermit, if you're still around please put your art back up, your art is genuinely good and unique, and I know I'm not the only one who would appreciate you putting it back up.
>>42564 i miss highway so fucking much, has someone archived his stuff? also, i'm pretty sure he's back as an alt with a clown girl OC called bubblegum, i don't remember the name of his page but i'm pretty sure that's him.
1) "If you draw what I don't like then I will brand you as one of the worst things a person can be, but good people don't do that I'm a good person no really you guys look at me" 2) Translation: "I'm going on a tirade about fictional characters with fictional birthdays but don't look into my past drawings of those same characters you won't find anything to judge me with like I'm doing to other artists it's all in the past no really you guys look at me" Moekaki you are subhuman and the sooner you snap and off yourself the happier we'll all be.
does moekaki just think we all forgot that he used to draw the lolis getting tickled?
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These are not "random people", these are two bootlickers who live in your Discord chat. Don't fool yourself, Moekaki
>>42589 Do you have any other examples where he drew loli?
>>42591 unfortunately no. this gif was from back when sun and moon first came out and you could still use gift cards for patreon, and i forgot to save anything else before the gift card ran dry. i skimmed through his kemono, but i can’t find anything else overtly loli, though its possible i’ve missed something. his patreon might have some squirreled away, but i don’t feel like giving money to this retard atm
>>42592 He drew Rosario + Vampire girls who were 16-17 at the time, and Korra who is 17. There wouldn't be anything wrong with that if he wasn't virtue-signalling like the delusional hypocrite cunt he is.
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>>42591 Not 'loli' except by his own retarded standards but, Totally Spies Mandy, Clover, Sam and Alex are all 16 in the show
>>42594 In the context of Korra, at least, she's 17 at the beginning of the show but by the end she's 21.
>>42589 >>42594 >>42598 just go on his tweet and just comment these pics he drew and see if he’ll respond
>>42600 Her hairstyle in that pic is from season 1 to 3 before the timeskip, so it's very likely she's still 17 at that point.
>>42501 god is dead and we fucking killed him
>>42625 I am half tempted to call him out on twitter for his BS, I have a decent sized following and my word would carry weight if I said such. I don't think I will because I try to avoid drama BS, and I've also expressed before that twitter callout culture is BS and retarded. I wouldn't want to make myself a hypocrite and incite more BS. I'm pretty damn close though.
>>42639 Imma play Devil's Advocate: why is SorcererLance here?
>>42646 more like sorcerernonce lmao lmao
>>42646 >>42649 What'd he do
>>42646 correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't he the guy who was obsessed with Anita sarkesian and Laci Green? he made some mid tier tickling rpg maker game and then paid Anita sarkesian like $800 for her to play it and review it, but she gave it to some random no name intern instead and he was still ecstatic. idk if it's bad per se, but autistic and cringe? definetly. though now >>42649 is saying he's a nonce so I'm wondering if there's more to this guy than just cringe obsessions.
>>42707 Why would anyone be obsessed with the literal whos of Gamergate (it was 10 years ago anyway)
>you guys want tickling? like what was promised? like the main reason people follow my account for? fine. but it's gonna be mostly off screen fuck this guy honestly
Mucho disdain for tracers.
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Excuse me, what is this? One of my favorite artists, Scavenger, just started "drawing" AI-generated pictures and selling them for $16 in the MTJpub comic store? ok
>>42751 This is it everyone. The end of everything. It was fun while it lasted. Whoever leaves last be sure to turn off the lights on your way out.
>>42751 MTJPub have always been scumbags, it isn't surprising they would jump on the latest controversial bandwagon.
>$45 USD I never understood why people pay for this. You can throw shit together in Photoshop by yourself to make it look like this anatomically lazy setup with google images.
>>42751 By "the ghost of Scavenger"? Did Scavenger actually fucking die? It would be depressingly in character for MTJPub to use AI art to try to sell art of a famed artist that passed away and I haven't heard shit about him in years.
>>42774 Maybe an unpopular opinion but YCHs fucking suck. No matter what artist it is. Fuck them as a concept, just commission what you want instead. 90% of the time the artist that does them doesn't fucking draw anything beyond the most boring, basic, low effort pose imaginable. more often than not, it's the same head/feet (maybe hands) pose in any sort of stock variation. that, or the commissioners request the most out-there-nobody-gives-a-fuck-about characters for the art and the artist happily obliges. over. and over. and over and over and over. imo it's kind of uninspired. they get one pose down pat, and just change up the head/hands/feet depending on who it is. even so, the feet are often never changed and just a different color. Cyborg-Steve is notorious for this. I can't stand his art for this very reason. it probably doesn't need to be said, but HL also has this problem, along with shoving their fucking OC into their YCH art whether the commissioner wants them or not. >45 USD and, not to mention, the price for some of this shit I get why artists might use them over regular requests/commissions to make money, and that's simplicity. It's easier to use a base than make a whole new piece, and one that is way more complex than the absolute dead horse of tickle art, feet being feathered in stocks. Fuck em. Get rid of them.
>>42790 I could understand if these were budget options, but once it starts hitting 45-50 I think I can just get real commissions at that price from artists I really like, and that lets me customize the scenario to exactly what I want. The value just isn't there.
>>42788 >>42751 yeah this shit is NOT by scavenger. what the fuck MTJ pub? way to drag one of your best artist's names through the mud for a quick buck.
>>42790 >Maybe an unpopular opinion but YCHs fucking suck. I like them, but I also get the distinct impression that people who do YCH art are also the same people who lobby hard against "AI-generated images putting artists out of work," and if AI can replace them doing YCH art, then I'd be perfectly happy with that. In my mind, these are also the same people who do commissions depicting copyrighted characters. I'm not a huge fan of copyright, so I don't begrudge them for doing that, but it gives them no leg to stand on when they claim that AI is "stealing their art."
Not sure if anyone has posted about GahoWolf yet, but, despite me slightly liking some of their work a while back lately they've done nothing but hop on the "hurdurr a.i art bad" train and barely, if at all, post any artwork anymore. This is mostly me saying I've come to hate most artists that have started doing this, as if protesting A.I art is going to stop it. Gaho is just the most notable example that came to mind for the context of this board.
>>42823 Im pre sure Gaho was brought up in a previous artist hate thread, but iirc it was for his dogshit English and insistence to do all the dialogue himself with no one to proofread his work
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>>42564 Hey anon, can confirm that HH is me, I just had a good chuckle that you posted this in the artist hate thread (to be fair I probably deserve a bit of hate, I could be a bit of a dick sometimes) but I'm really glad you like my stuff. Also props on noticing my art style. I'm sorry to say most of my old stuff is gone. I have been incredibly sick this last few years. I have an autoimmune disease that causes my cells to over replicate and attack my immune system. It fucked me up pretty bad and I had a bit of a break down, wanted to retire from fetish art, which I did for a time. I'm living semi normally at the moment, actually managed to publish a couple of books, but I started doodling again to get me through the bad days and as a result you have the clown twins Peppermint and Bubblegum. Sorry again that I don't have an archive of my old stuff to share, I totally would have done if I kept any of it. But hopefully the newer stuff will appeal to you. Thanks for showing such love to my work, it really does mean something.
>>42564 I do still have this piece come to think of it, I improved it a bit over time. Have this as my way of an apology for not having an archive to offer.
>>42564 someone post the bunny princess one, that was my favorite he did!
Right. Twitter people will know wtf I’m talking about. Why the fuck do artists take pictures of their feet. I’m not talking about the ones who actually put effort into it, make a new account to separate it and are consistent with it - I’m talking about the people who literally take some lazy ass picture of their foot with a shitty camera, and post it to their main ass account. Why? Who gives a fuck? What, do you want people to go “I want to tickle your feet” cause fuck off, you can type that into chat GPT and jack off. I don’t give a shit. I understand I’m in the minority around here cause I don’t find feet sexually arousing, but fuck. It pissed me off so much. Random men who have some decent understanding of art posting terrible low effort ugly feet pics on twitter. Stop it. Get help. You aren’t pretty.
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>>42848 ...your hyena dick girl was hot, ngl.
>>42860 Couldn’t agree more, even if you’re into feet it’s so jarring and out of place to see…they see other artists being successful at it but they forget that it takes some effort, and also a whole new account…I honestly only saw like 2 or 3 artists being good at it.
>>42860 Foot fag here. Can confirm. A few of my favourite artists done this. Like bruh, I didn't follow/sub/watch to see YOUR grisly-ass feet.
>>42860 Because they probably have childhood trauma/attention deficit or they're autistic. I'm an artist myself and I understand how disgusting it is. I'd never do that, because I respect my followers and I always will.
>>42868 >>42860 yeah I wouldn't mind it so much if any of them had actually nice feet, can't think of a single artist who's posted feet pics that were actually nice, they're always calloused as hell, have gross toenails, etc
>>42774 Fuck it, I'm gonna start using my Photoshop skills exclusively to fuck with YCHs for free.
>>42873 >>42868 >>42864 The female artists who do it usually do it pretty well, but they actually take care of their feet. I can’t think of any examples right now but I remember… cutiechu? or something? She was selling the most amateur awful tickle video foot pic thing and I thought it just looked heinous. So she’s obviously excluded.
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>>42860 >>42864 >>42868 >>42888 Name them. This is an artist hate thread. Name the artists. I want to judge them myself, for sceintific reasons
>>42882 tell me when you start, i got a handful of contacts who'd be interested. or, the alternative, people drawing in shitty mspain to fill in the characters and flooding the artist's notifs, there is no rule about drawing it yourself.
>>42774 You can probably just use AI now to fill whatever character you want
>>42848 I'm not really good at what to say about that sort of thing beyond "I'm sorry, that sounds awful" but I am glad to hear you're at least still around. Hope to see a permanent return someday, and a turnaround for that condition. Love your stuff.
>>43004 Thank you Anon, that means a lot! I never did finish that Toriel picture. This is what I'm currently working on! Hopefully I'll actually finish this one.
>>43009 Hey man, I always loved these pictures of Spider-Gwen. Just wanted to let you know you've got another fan ITT. I hope things get better on your end somewhat.
>>43032 Holy shit, more?
>>43032 dude i fucking forgot how good this piece was, honestly Highway did so much fucking great armpit and breast stuff it was insane, i think there are some more of his works floating in the pitties thread with fem shovel knight. >sidenote PB, i'm so glad that you're doing great, or at least better, i hope that you don't end up like metokur, if anything, even if you don't plan on fully returning i hope you live your best life!
>>42860 they confuse people liking them as an artist for people liking them as a person. common for actual autists sometimes who have trouble seeing a different perspective than their own. either way, if they're good enough artists, people will be praising them for the chance to get some free art or befriend their favorite artist by sucking up to them, so it encourages them to do it more.
thoughts on this as artists? I've been seeing a few people i follow retweet this post or quote tweet it with their opinion and I'm curious what artists that browse this site feel about it. i personally feel like if you paid for the art you should be able to do what you want with it. ai linework and color it, hand linework and color it in, Photoshop it, trace it, use it as reference etc. if you don't want this to happen because you believe it's taking profit away from you, then you can just stop offering sketch comms. though I'd rather do 3-5 sketch comms for the same price instead of 1 full lined, colored, and shaded commission honestly.
>>43053 That's all I got, sorry.
>>43119 Wow I never considered that in all honesty. That’s actually really insightful and is pretty on par with the autism spectrum; confusion between validation of actions/behavior versus validation of self.
This guy is so obsessed with character ages
>>43215 ??? That's just everyone on Twitter now, what makes him so special?
>>43121 You paid for the sketch You're entitled to it It's your pic, not the artist's. If he's ass mad about it then let him be assmad about it. If I was this retard I'd be chill about it, i'd just ask for credit as the sketcher. Also most people here are cool with AI art, just not when it's made at a profit in a scummy way like MTJ
>>43328 >two legs, three feet That image hurts my brain!!
>>43328 This is getting out of foot. Now there are three of them!
>>43328 They have two right feet. Looks like some kind of novelty gag attached to the cuff.
>>43328 Did you use a sketch to prompt this? if so, can you post it? it would be interesting to compare them
This is more of a hate on the institution rather than any one individual, but I really wish Twitter would stop being the go-to place for art sharing, especially with Japanese artists who have all but completely jumped on board on the platform. The limit of 4 pictures per post coupled with the awful cropping algorithm should have scared artists away in the first place.
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>>43872 Well. Thank goodness an anon already made a big backup.
>>43872 >nothing brings me joy anymore yeah having your head as far up your own ass as nitro does would make anything unenjoyable i imagine also, have they considered NOT making a billion fucking alts for every image they make? maybe they'd be a bit less burnt out if they were actually drawing instead of making 500 alts for one picture
>>43872 Anon, where's your backup? Need them hot Renamon pics from ages ago
>>43887 As an artist myself (although not very well known at all, and relatively new) I can't imagine being this entitled to people's adoration. Times are tough for everyone. People aren't paying for a pic with 120 variants anymore. I'm all for starting fresh if he is gonna change it up, but if he continues the same shit......he can't complain when he gets the same result.
Speaking of hating artists, is nobody going to call out how Lululewd turned out to be Luludude? Watch any of that lying faggot's cringe "I'll play whatever's popular for views" streams. He thinks by whispering he can hide his masculine voice, but his simps are so desperate to believe that's a girl that they keep sucking up to him. He's not even a tranny, he tries to pass himself off as a cisgirl and has been catfishing these desperate retards for years.
>>43872 Now this is the story all about how my commission got Scream Punked upside down, so I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there. I'll tell you how I became the commissioner of a cesspool named Scream Punk >Be me >Faggot autistic with a DA account >See Scream punk's commission sheet >Expensive...but nice art >Learn I have to be a subscriber to their stream to even get access to commissions >Fucking new age artists and their cults.pdf >Subscribe >Show up on stream >Inquire >"Sure, what do you want?".French >Tell them in exact detail. I'm not one of those faggots who names a character and a subject and throws my hands in the air. >Get laughed at by everyone in chat for being specific. Even Nitro is laughing for knowing what I want >Don't give a shit about your cult...I just want porn.BillClinton >Accepts >Pay them like 200 dollars or something, I forget the exact change, this was like 2 years ago >Wait...keep getting emails from Twitch every time Nitro breaths >Spam.JamesTheCat >Occasionally get messages for progress; between Nitro ranting unhinged about how deeply they hate themselves and how their art is horrible, I should commission someone better, blah blah blah >Crymeariverbitch.Greta >Finally get the pic a few months later >Fuck it's a Zip file >Unzip >Computer fucking explodes as literally hundreds of variants spam my screen! >Hard drive overload, fans a spinning, motherboard glowing like an ember >WHAT THE FLIPPETY FLIM JIM JAM IS THIS??? >500. FIVE. HUNDRED. FUCKING VARIANTS. >Knees weak >Knees heavy >Mom's spaghetti >Computer implodes. MFW I had to get a new PC because Nutter Butter Punk crashed my PC with their variant fetish
>>43904 >literallywho.gov >>43906 Did they all try to open at once? what the fuck kinda toaster did you have
>>43904 Did people not know this?
>>43875 got a link anon?
Welp, looks like Moekaki is done with that.
>>44012 I'm starting to think he doesn't care about his "fans" at all
>>44030 Or like most artists who took on a big project like this he just lost interest when the irrefutable praise stopped pouring in
Been genuinely curious… Which artists are actually on this hell site? Other than the ones that don’t hide it like jimbob, and sammy, and probably HL, I know SOME of them are around, big or small. I just wonder how many criticisms, constructive or otherwise, they see from here?
>>44012 >>44030 >>44072 no word of it on his twitter, maybe he just forgot to renew it? wouldn't surprise me, i think he'd make a big deal of it if he was really shutting it down because of his dramatic tendencies
>>44081 It‘s the ‚hate‘ thread. So I don‘t think anyone would claim there‘s really any constructive criticism here.
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>>44081 On the /tkr/ board in general? Probably a lot, since there quite a bit of artists scattered throughout the various threads that don't even put their name in their posts. On the hate thread specifically? Can't say because there tend to also be so much impersonation, that it is hard to tell
>>44081 I saw bebob post here once, but that was a long time ago. I don't think it's for any dislike of the place, more that he's kind of MIA from the internet in general. It was like a bigfoot sighting. Ticklespots drew a picture and posted it here based on a greentext I wrote once. And I think HomunculusLover posted once or twice on one of the old boards on old 8chan. I don't think it was a pleasant interaction. The only ones that I know of that namefag regularly are DQ and Unikran,
>>44081 In addition to the ones already mentioned there are a lot who lurk without posting. Nitropunk specifically comes to mind because they lurk and DMCA everything of theirs that gets posted. There are also a few IRL "content creators" who lurk and occasionally pop up to complain about piracy. Fettish is probably the most annoying one.
>>44117 tf happened now
>>44117 Okay that’s weird. Closing up shop without so much as a peep on social media. Shit just got real.
>>44089 It's the blessing and curse both that this place carries over from the 00s internet. >>44107 RJ too, no? >>44117 Weird. Where's the anon who's in his discord chat? Any news?
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>>44126 >Where's the anon who's in his discord chat? The chat is silent. Here's his latest message
>>44081 A lot of them are apparently familiar with who Lila is
>>44107 Shit, I just remembered. GardenerJames was a regular poster on the old board some time ago, but he's since either stopped or just lurks now. I don't know if he's even doing tickling content anymore either. >>44129 I'm really curious to see other artists draw or write about her, but doing so would announce an association with /tkr/ which I think a lot of people wouldn't care for.
>>44081 If there are more like me, I come here just to observe. Once you realize that getting upset over what 8chan has to say about you is basically a gateway to embarrassment and other unnecessary emotions, there isn’t much that’s scary about these threads.
>>44138 >Shit, I just remembered. GardenerJames was a regular poster on the old board some time ago, but he's since either stopped or just lurks now. I don't know if he's even doing tickling content anymore either. SOMEONE MENTIONED ME?! No I don't lurk, though I've asked people who do to let me know when I'm mentioned, specifically because it enrages regulars when I do and I like fucking with them (particularly over Anita shit because that will never not be the greatest investment of all time). That specific fact brings me more specifically to days visit though; >>44081 >>44107 Everyone knows about this place. Everybody. All of them. I'm not sure if people here just assumed it was like hidden, or people were too afraid of you to specifically namedrop you, but this is by no means some secret forum. I'd actually go so far as to say at least half of the seething in Artist Hate threads are other artists taking "consequence free" shots at their rivals.
>>44141 >Everybody knows about this place Oh there's no doubt here, we're more discussing which artists come here to regularly engage or rage. >at least half of the seething in Artist Hate threads are other artists taking "consequence free" shots at their rivals That makes this thread a whole lot funnier and a whole lot more sense.
>>44144 I'm not sure how many people here are from back when DA was at its peak though I'm sure other people can vouch for it; in it's heyday, you'd get these tiny little civil wars between artists and their fanbases who felt like they'd have to actively pick sides between them whenever they'd get into random spats. I can imagine a high traffic platform where anonymity was the norm is highly appealing.
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>>44141 >>44145 >I-I don't lurk here guys, I just show up whenever mentioned because.. b-because I have a network of people who tell me when I'm brought up! yeah! and I like to piss you off! James. Come on, James.
>>44127 intriguing
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>>44146 I mean if there was literally anything besides said DA sperging, furry shit, and "loli shit is COOL"/"No it's not fuck you" threads I'd freely admit to looking at it all the time, but the fact of the matter is unless I know for sure I'm getting a slapfight what else is there to do here? "Network of people"? Retard, I just said "every ticklefucker there is comes here". Don't act like I tried to play it off as a network of spies.
While I'm here, though... which one of you keeps trying to post YourHardNerdCollectors clown character on /co/ and playing it off as though you have no idea it's fetish shit? That's been happening a lot off and on and there's no way it's not one of you.
>>44148 >every tigglefucker there is comes here except you, apparently, you're so very above the rest of the footfucker dredges, yes? so much so you want to know when you're mentioned here so you can show up and sperg whenver you are. Come on, man, occams razor,
>>44148 I honestly am relieved at some point he'll be dead and no one will remember this sap. That gives me peace.
>>44138 Also fuck you for bringing up the piece of shit. The perpetual fucking infest boil on the backside of this place.
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>>44151 this retard gave it away; >>44152 >>44153 Yeah, it's worth popping in every few months to make retards go "Reeeee! I hope he dies! I HOPE HE FUCKING DIES! >:c". Pretty much the gimmick. Don't understand how bizarre you think it is, though that fruity little "oh yeah you're so much BETTER than all of us..." is suspect, like you're upset you think I'm looking down on you. That post ID that hasn't refreshed in like 4 months is odd, too. You know what causes an ID like that to never change for months and months, right...
>>44165 Nice to see ya man. Hasn’t been the same without you.
lol lmao
>>44183 ….okay? Context? Or are we just lolling at random shit with no explanation now?
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>>44165 That i'm consistent?
>>44193 Not you, stupid.
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>>44117 I don't understand, did he really delete his profile? What's the point? He had about 10k followers
>>44408 I’d say maybe he got banned but then he’s be publicly bitching and moaning about it on Twitter.
>>44434 It's 3 am and for some fucking reason I keep picturing his borderline incoherent ESL ass sounding as Roberto Benigni freaking out in the Oscars, except bitter and pathetic instead of happy and insane. I think my brainrot has started to set in.
>>44141 >specifically because it enrages regulars when I do funny you say that, because I've heard multiple times from multiple people who know you that you would literally throw a fit in their DMs every time someone mentioned you on the old 8chan and would try to get the posts deleted
>>44434 This is hilarious because he recently made a post saying he'll shut up about AI Sidenote: Gaho REALLY needs to learn English. Like fuck me, why do Frenchfags fail so hard with English?
>>44439 he's brazilian.... idk where you got that hes French
>>44457 Bruh, it‘s literally on his front page ya moron.
>>44418 is that anon that was in his discord still here? maybe that's where we can figure out what's going on
>>44458 you're right, my bad. i realized I was thinking of a similar weird ESL artist guy, it's nerovous who's Brazilian.
I don't is this is the correct board to ask, but I need to know: Is there a chance that TKGEEK was the artist named 'missbellytickler'? I ask because their art style looks the same for me
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>I want to >I need to >I would like >I wish I could >I am going to Can he actually MAKE something first without announcing it and then post it on Twitter? Because it looks like a fucking endless loop. He has already deleted all his tweets about the game by the way
>>44694 Rest in pisss you won’t be missed
>>44698 That guy has left the ticklesphere and entered his schizo arc This is going to be fun
>>44698 Hope not, I love his stuff. >>44694 Shame he's such an insufferable cunt that first pic is legitimately good >>44696 Cute pawbs, got more?
>>44696 holy FUCK is... is that a CATGIRL??!?!!!? I FUCKING LOVE CATGIRLS!!! >>44702 >pawbs >peets grow up
>>44725 I have nothing to add to the discussion, I just wanted to say that I fucking love that reaction image.
>>44725 >pawbs >Peets >Grow up >ZOMG11!!1! CAT GIRLS Mfw
What I want to know is if Moecuck has defamed enough people as pEdOpHiLeS because muh lines on paper if we have a class action suit against him for malicious slander

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