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The Sun and Moon Circlejerk Cult Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 14:01:10 Id: 042a6f No. 39068
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticed. It’s not just homunculuslover, but some others in our community too. There’s this niche obsession of these characters as well as “OC’s” and it’s so bad to the point where I think it warrants it’s own thread. If you dive deeper into it, you’ll see how much of a cult like mentality it is, where members of the group are “ousted” if they support certain “ships” and other various mannerisms. This thread will serve to document the circlejerk/cringe fest that is the “Sun and Moon” community.
it's a subconscious projection/fixation for people without father figures. they have a void of a male figure in their life who is kind and caring and stern and serious when they need to be. they lacked someone who would be there for them as a kid and protect them from the harsh world, so they fixate on these "caretaker" role characters without consciously knowing why and their confused or maybe even unironically autistic brain immediately associates any kind of attraction as a sexual one. t. armchair psychologist
I can't speak on HL who's been around for ages, but a large amount of these people aren't really on our scene. They're obsessed with tickling, but came of age in a corner of the internet that encourages not putting any one label on feelings, thoughts, desires, sexualities etc. These communities tend to end up being more oppressive than the outside world as their members are forced to achieve a certain level of queerness in order to fit in. For a lot of them they say it's not a fetish. It likely is, but they'll either never admit to it, or perhaps don't fully understand it. They'll say they're different from nasty, vulgar fetishists who think tying people up and tickling them is BDSM. The way they like it is 'different' - it's innocent, supposedly. But they reblog tickling gifs, made from porn videos. They enjoy looking at tickling art and reading tickling stories. And then their dogmatic, copy-pasted beliefs start to spill over. They start mobilising each other against fetish artists, telling them who and what to draw and how to draw it. They're knocking on our door, they're in the next room, but they're not like us. Or so they think.
>>39074 I think you hit the hammer on the nail here honestly, I’ve observed this as well and it seems to be prevalent more with Tumblr, obviously a lot of that culture has seeped into Twitter. These girls (because it mostly is girls) often treat these characters as if they were real people with real thoughts and emotions. Just recently I saw one of these sun and moon tk artist types make a call out post on some irrelevant popular artist just because they shipped Sans and Papyrus. They were tagging all of their other Sun and Moon affliates letting them know “you follow this person” Obviously this is where the cult like mentality comes in, to which you’re EXPECTED to now denounce and cease following the artist. It’s just so backwards to me.
Dis gun be gud.
I've no idea what all of this is about. Can someone explain it to me and give some context, please?
>>39083 Tumblr Exodus, herd mentality autists that have been flooding twitter, including the tickling art community, with these characters and apparently hating on anyone who draws tickling or shipping they don't like according to the anon up there. basically, imagine the lumiere (beauty and the beast candle guy) obsessed guy on DA years ago, except it's a ton of people into tickling the same weird character, and if you call it a tickle fetish they get angry and send their buddies after you.
>>39084 Even candlegirl didn’t care about the characters that others were into and just kinda coasted in her own lane which I respect. These guys on the other hand have beef if you so look at a “short stack” character in the wrong way.
>>39086 these are probably the same people who see a character with a short stack body type, massive tits and ass and very clearly an adult and will call you a pedophile for drawing them... and people will still bend the knee for these actually developmentally stunted teens lol
>>39090 Essentially. Walking back a bit so this doesn’t devolve into the Loli debate again, I just ultimately find it disappointing that this is the thing that, actually really talented artists keep drawing over and over again. Now I’m a pretty advocate defender of people being allowed to draw what they want. I have obsessions over certain characters myself but I kinda keep it to myself, or I’ll indulge in it a few times then move on. It just kinda seems like a spit in the face to the people who watch you I guess, like I recently had to unfollow a bunch of people because I just had it. My feed was devolving and a large chunk was becoming sun and moon garbage. I didn’t want to have to unfollow, but it just left me no choice. Not to mention I think they kinda play charades and pretend that more people are into this stuff than they actually are.
>>39091 It's a cycle, because the supposedly big talented artist being into it means all of their gushing, fawning fans, who reply to every single thing they tweet, will unconditionally shower absolutely anything they post with love, adoration and approval, I guess hoping for a glimmer of acknowledgment in response. Human beings are desperate to belong and feel like they're a part of something. Some people become neo nazis, some people chop their dicks off, some people compulsively draw tickleporn of Sun & Moon.
...I give this whole subject a resounding, meh... I'm sure you guys have better things to do.
Post some of these people. I was not aware of said "cult".
>>39109 >don't you guys have anything better to do? asks the guy in the same thread browsing the same tickle fetish board as the rest of us... to answer your question seriously, no not really. for a lot of us on here, drawing fetish art is our hobby. some people get home from work or class and play games, others watch movies or shows, paint miniatures, browse their favorite website, etc. and some of us get home from work and draw tickle porn. I don't think discussing things that are happening in the same sphere as our interests is a waste of time, such as say, going to /vg/ or reddit or what have you and talking about the community or events happening in your favorite MMO game during your free time isn't a waste of time either. that being said: pls go homunculuslover, and stop drawing sun and moon bullshit.
>>39110 Here are some of the players
Threads like this give me hope that there are actually girls who are into tickling lurking on this board. There's no way any dudes would genuinely care about this shit. I'm sure 70% of the people posting in this thread must be women.
>>39126 I know that this is bait. But I'll reply anyway. I actually agree with a lot of points made in this thread so yeah, I care. Sun and Moon stuff at this point is just an annoyance. Although not quite a 'cult' per say it is a little weird to have such an obsession with such specific characters consistently paraded in spaces where I go to just enjoy tickle fetish stuff.
>>39126 I wouldn’t latch onto that idea so quickly anon; I think the whole character obsession thing annoys people of both genders. It reminds me of Chaz’s obsession with his stupid Animal Crossing OCs, just constantly pumping out art of them and only them. At least these Sun and Moon people still draw a decent amount of tickling. Man now I just miss pre-mamabito chaz. His artstyle was so nice :(
>>39127 >>39128 I was being tongue in cheek to make the point that I find it weird to parse how people on this board seem both hyper-argumentative autists and drama-seeking gossip girls at the same time when those two seem a bit mutually exclusive. Might be a bit of projection on my part since I definitely fall into the first category.
>>39124 tfw no crazy they/them gf to berate you for being a moid and hate-tickle you before castrating you
>>39068 I've never heard of this. Any example images, or is this just deviantart drama between like 3 people that we're trying to make into a whole discussion.
>>39129 it's because you can talk about anything else relating to the tickling scene literally anywhere else. go to twitter, go to your artists favorite discord, go anywhere and you can talk about almost anything else. but if you want to talk drama or complain, then 8kun is the only place you can realistically go and complain and gossip about those things
>>39149 Okay, that's a fair point.
>>39074 Is this why most idiots in this community who claim to be Ace just, y'know, aren't? Nah legit, asking. Just look at how hard they focus on tickling while condemning the rest of us. Like Chaos99 or Artemis Wishfoot. Bitch, moan and scraggly when they see genitals or someone getting horny but then post bullshit like this https://youtu.be/dzziqHuqaq4
>>39153 He sounds like an actual chad.
>>39154 Found the lgbt guys
>>39156 I mean his voice, I did not really listen to what he is saying. He gives me schizo vibes.
>>39074 That kind of people are plentiful in social media these days. They have liberal and superficially very tolerant values, but they also have that weird "Portrayal = Endorsement" mindset about fiction, and they get way, way too invested in fiction and fictional characters. They are quite literally like hysterical church moms of 90s, but instead of raving about Jesus and the bible disapproving of sexy women in comics and Mortal Kombat, they rave about cartoons and OCs and people's "treatment" of them like it has concrete real life ramifications. They also generally make little if any distinctions between online personals and real life, to them, everything you do online and fiction you enjoy directly correlates to what kind of a person you are. It's not directly tickling related, but "if you enjoy fictional damsels in distress you are contributing to women getting assaulted and raped in reality" was discourse some Tumblrites seriously pushed years back.
I’m so tired of seeing these fucking characters on my timeline. HL should just make a separate account instead of shoving this content into everyone’s throat. Starting to draw only sun and moon garbage when you’ve been doing tickle art for years it’s literally biting the hand that feeds you. I can’t believe that people are enjoying this content. This said, I still love cringing over people lusting over these ugly ass designs lol.
>>39074 This guy I say falls into this category really well. Dude literally blocked everyone that wasn’t part of the “innocence community” or whatever were calling it.
>>39193 These ones who have to go out of their way to pretend "it's not a fetish I swear" are the last ones I'd ever trust around kids.
>>39193 This guy used to have a significant following of actual kids, with whom he regularly talked about tickling. They drew art of his character for him and everything. But it's totally SFW and not a fetish. No way. Based his entire online personality around tickling, but it doesn't cause even a single erotic pang in his mind. That's what he says, so it must be okay.
>>39126 lol lmao
>>39183 Oh god looking at this close up, I never realized how damn repulsive it looks. How tf do girls find this attractive. >>39204 Absolutely screams groomer trying the “turn a new leaf” trope, and evidently calling out others over things that are tame but reflect the stuff he did but worse.
Bottom line, the people who don't have autism and like this fetish (very few) usually keep quiet and reserved. The mentally ill retards like HL will forever be paramountly vocal about their fixations. She's been around forever and she's only gotten worse on how she conducts herself. Crazy how someone who is knocking on 40 acts like a spastic child, but that's just the world we live in now.
>>39221 I’m not even 30 yet and I feel like leaving this community. I’m likely getting married in the next year or two, I’ve already completed my education. Idk man, it just feels like I don’t need the TK community as a crutch anymore, and it feels like I’m “growing out of it”
>>39223 Good for you. This doesn't need to be your whole life, it can just be a part of it that you quietly enjoy.
>>39183 Absolutely agree with you there. Does anybody remember that Jellybean chick on Youtube that got into a "controversy" by calling the moon a pedo on her stream? When the character is so clearly a nonce with the endless "naughty boy" dialogue it spews out.
>>39223 You can either drop it completely since you have someone, or you can just keep it to yourself and enjoy it from a distance, that's the nice thing about not being an autistic fuck that's a slave to your coomer desires, you can just turn it off whenever you want, unlike the vast majority of these clowns on Twitter who have to make hourly update blog posts about their mental health or what cartoon they are watching at the age of 30+.
>>39287 >>39260 I dunno how related it is but I do often see a fandoms attitude towards villains is pretty weird and silly. They accept the villain being evil, but being PROBLEMATIC in is a no-no. How dare you insinuate this creepy evil villain who hunts a child calling him a 'naughty boy' who needs to be 'punished' has pedo vibes! he may be evil but not gross! like that post floating around arguing about whether or not jack horner from the pussy boobs would be transphobic.
>>39292 Why if I didn't know better I would swear internet fandoms for fictional characters were filled with autistic people or something...
sun and moon fags seething rn >one guy having a tantrum >multiple unique IDs in this thread >i-its just one guy though!!
>>39193 I remember that guy His toddler fans started a #RespectWigglyTickly campain to keep people from throwing his OCs into porn. The bait was too strong to not take
>>39316 based
>>39314 They’re all talking about us guys! We’ve been had! Imo the conversation chain is hilarious af imo
>>39318 >>39314 >"blahblahblah incel mother's basement" >repeat 10 times to hope to make it true >reads the thread often to make sure they're not being talked about >Somehow THEY live rent free in our heads Explain
amazing seeing the sfw fetish people are reading this board and seething. why do people check tkr like it's twitter or deviantart? this is 8chan, do these people not realise they're not welcome here? are they in such comfortable little bubbles of ignorance that they think liking tickling means this is their place to come?
>>39327 Are you seriously gatekeeping a fucking imageboard lmao Yet they're the autistic ones
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>>39314 i just don't get this type of mentality, it's just like trying to block the sun (ha) with one finger, this thread is here because a noticeable chunk of the tickle comunity got infected by the tumblr exodus and they're the ones trying to push us out, instead of accepting there are various things to like about tickling, SFW or not. what they're doing is fine, but then they go on holy crusades like >>39316 and going after the people who enjoy this fetish in other ways. sidenote, in regards to the pic in >>39316 it's pretty obvious that it was mde with love, there isn't anything too provocatory out of left field, it's just a nice cute tickling pic, and the fact this asshole is having an entire meltdown over a gift, a seemingly lovingly made gift, and sending his audience to white knight them from this "Horrid bersmirchment on his OC" makes it feel even worse, i honestly feel pity for the guy who drew it. >>39330 i have a different hypotesis and personal belief that coming to this board is not like going to a normal anonymous board, it's honestly more mellowed out than most other boards i tend to visit, and in a way it feels like you're in contact with a piece of the comunity that is usually quiet, so you get some value of what they may say about your artwork, or the artwork of others that you could take into account to better your own, plus the entire discussion is pretty fun in general. so yeah, this entire cult can absolutely go eat shit, i haven't seen a single one of these fags being able to hold a normal conversation, much less deal with a real problem that isn't "Muh s-safespace bubble"; i don't wish any real problems to fall uppon them, but at the rate they're going they'll get into some hot water IRL, most likely of their own creation.
>>39330 >Are you seriously gatekeeping a fucking imageboard lmao Yes, you dumb nigger. Imageboards are meant to be as unwelcoming as possible to clowns like them in order to avoid as much of their gay shit as possible. End yourself
>>39332 And how IS middle school going for you?
>>39333 Case in point, back to twitter with you
>>39333 He was fired :(
>>39314 this is so fucking funny, I can’t believe they are taking this to Twitter lol I’m sorry but when you put your cringe art on display like that you have to accept you will get some hate
What kind of sucks is that there actually is a significant percentage of the tickling community who genuinely are into tickling for non sexual reasons; likening it more to the adrenaline rush you get from riding a rollercoaster. I’ve met a few over the years and they’re usually pretty chill and in no way begrudge the majority that get off on it. But then freaks like these came along and have completely corrupted the social concept of this so that now if you claim you’re into it but not sexually, you always draw a suspicious glance like “and why is that exactly?” because people immediately think you have an ulterior motive I.E. excusing a fondness for tickling children, being a crazy SJW or being into whatever the fuck this madness is all about.
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>>39337 >people who are into tickling for non sexual reasons >a significant percentage Literally what? That sounds like tumblr exodus bs to me
>>39337 >not into tickling but still enjoy tickling literally how, if you don’t enjoy it sexually it’s just an uncomfortable feeling.
>>39339 That's 90% of the girls into this fetish.
>>39342 When will you FINALLY understand the girls who tell you that are just accommodating to your fetish or their partner’s?
>>39339 You’re saying there’s no conceivable way anyone could enjoy tickling unless it involves sexual arousal?
>>39338 Nah it’s pretty common actually it’s just usually the only people who announce it are usually using it as a defense against something else. I mean Angelina from UK Tickling has said in interviews that she absolutely loves being tickled but it’s not arousing for her at all, it’s just an intense rush. I’ve heard numerous other popular models say something similar actually and among active community members yeah it’s a thing. >>39342 Honestly kinda? I’ve noticed most females in the community actually do claim to be into it for non sexual reasons unless they just don’t want to admit it’s arousing for them to draw unwanted attention.
On a side note I find it really troubling how many people here think it has to be sexual arousal or nothing at all. The pedos really fucked with you guys royally didn’t they?
>>39351 Damn, my parents tickled me because they are pedos. I hate my parents now wtf.
>>39354 I myself actually do enjoy being tickled but don’t get aroused by it at all. I’m technically a switch, I get turned on when I’m doing the tickling but being tickled is the tots opposite; I can be at full mast and as fun as it is it’s still instant boner killer for me. And yes I have been tied down and tickled before and it really is an intense rush and tons of fun. I mean the argument could be made that in our community the act of tickling is way more likely to be a sexual fetish while the enjoyment of being tickled is not. I’m sure plenty of switches here would probably agree to that. I don’t hear many “I orgasmed from being tickled” stories being flung around here. And you’re a fucking retard if you genuinely believe you have to be turned on by it to enjoy it otherwise it’s just unpleasant in every way.
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>>39356 >you have to be a fucking retard >I have been tied down and tickled, it is tons of fun! You are partaking in a sexual activity with someone who is doing it sexually. Jesus christ you're going left and right and up and down to explain how it is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT when you're just a ticklefag like all of us. Find me a single actual existing person who's not into the fetish and willingly goes to see other people without the fetish to get tied down and tickle tortured in a fun and innocent setting. If you do I'll accept being your little retard
>>39068 Wow, it's fucking nothing,
Some of you deserve to be on a watchlist with the shit you say.
>>39358 ……..Oooooooooooh I get it! You’ve never had a consensual tickling experience before. Now it all makes sense. It’s like some middle schooler trying to describe sex after looking up a vagina in a medical journal. Man the internet community really fucked up your perspective on things big time. And we both know any evidence or even “proof” I present you with you will deny and dispute to the bitter end since how could all the equally as miserable anonymous basement dwellers you learned all this from ever steer you wrong? Let me know when you pop that cherry bro, I’m genuinely hoping for the best for you.
>>39356 I really hate these closeted tickle-homo's Just come out and admit it already you fucking spunk to tickling, you pussy.
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>>39365 >ask for proof >"blahblahblah incel have sex etc etcetc" >"B-b-BASEMENT DWELLER!" Welcome to TKR, tumblrbro, you're here forever.
>>39366 How about you learn to fucking read? >>39367 >cue bad sitcom intro music
so did some faggot end up linking the thread on twitter or what? i genuinely feel bad for some of these people. they've been taught that anything sexual is evil and bad bad bad! by the communities they've been part of for years, and they feel so ashamed by being turned on by tickling, they violently oppose even the mere notion of tickling being sexual in any way, despite drawing tickling art nonstop. I've met gay people with the same issue but were able to overcome it. born in a super religeous household and being told for years that being gay is bad and evil, and when they realize they like guys they try their hardest to push those thoughts down and rationalize them as being literally anything else in order to not feel that they are part of those "bad and evil" people they've been taught to hate and reject.
>>39365 >it's not sexual guys!! >immediately resorts to basically saying "you wouldn't know since you're a virgin!!" to people who disagree with him uh huh
>>39370 Do you all just selectively read only the bits and pieces that pertain to your argument? I said it can be either and for me doing the tickling is sexual but being tickled is not and I’m sure for most people the subtle nuances and variations between them are innumerable. Stop acting like there’s this one absolute truth about everything because it doesn’t exist.
>>39369 took me a long time to accept that I liked tickling in a sexual way, the moment I did my life got so much better. I still struggle a bit with it after years of being shamed by the wrong partners, so I get why these people feel that way. Still, they should stay in their 'sfw' space and not shame people who knows it's a kink for them.
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>>39371 >Stop acting like there’s this one absolute truth about everything because it doesn’t exist. According to Plato, it is philosophy's purpose to bring us closer to the absolute truth. Those who say truth is relative are sophists. Are you a sophist anon?
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There are people who enjoy being tickled for non-sexual reasons, because they just find it fun but these people don't create whole-ass blogs around tickling.
>>39373 Okay you got me. That was good.
>>39376 You missed the first post referencing this whole thing. But yes you are correct; the idea is that these other people are full of shit.
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>>39377 >>39379 >>39381 >>39382 look, dude, i don't know who you are but you're clearly heated up about the topic, it's nothing against ya but i think you should just leave and cool off with your friends, it's clear that people here just enjoy tickling in a different way, there is no reason for you to come and get hyper deffensive to then make an ass out of yourself.
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>>39389 >last pic
>>39389 Sauce for the third and fourth image?
>>39389 > people here just enjoy tickling in a different way More like just two or three random anons are speaking on behalf of everyone else, disagree with an observation and aren’t having any of it. I find it really hard to believe that this is how everyone here thinks; that you can only enjoy tickling if it involves sexual arousal and that’s it. Im not even defending the people this thread is about. I think they’re full of shit like the rest of you. Same for pedos who use it as an excuse. But there are people in this community into non sexual tickling with consenting adults and there always have been. And no, I don’t mean the ones who identify as asexual or whatever that shit is about. But yeah arguing on the internet is a lost cause either way; no one ever wins, everyone just gets heated.
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>>39391 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86748829 https://twitter.com/Andreyka_1941/status/1438964435863937032 >>39393 ??? >>arguing on the internet is a lost cause either way >10 posts what kind of response is that anon? you're clearly invested in this conversation, to the point you made the same post twice just to change a few words, yet you didn't think of doing the same in your first post where you came out swinging calling people incels and basement dwellers, that's literally the oposite of diplomacy. it's clear you're not from here, and you'd be doing yourself a favor if you just take a step back and come another time when you've cooled off, alright- i'm actually seeing you post the same thing over and over again in real time, come on dude, you're better than that.
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There, there. It's like kissing, you know? A mother may lovingly kiss her child and the act is completely disconnected from the way she might kiss her partner. The context, connotation and physical components are all different, even though the act -kissing- may be the same in principle. Similarly, a ticklefag with children (as if anyone in this silly bunch could manage, huh?) could playfully tickle their baby, and none but the most deranged of us would claim it to be the same act they might engage in with a partner. The problem is someone engaged in an act where the context, connotations and physical components all suggest a make out session, insisting that it really is nothing but the most chaste and pure of kisses.
>>39292 Tumblr-refugees ruined Twitter with their fandom cult shit after the mass exodus from their containment pool.
Also a good autism litmus test is to ask someone's views on "shipping". If they give you a large diatribe about it then steer clear.
>>39597 >>39473 any time someone has some 'DNI' qualifiers that extend beyond minors, nother red flag if they have a long, exhaustive 'dni' list or some post thats like "please read carrd before interacting' thats multiple red flags and alarms blaring
>>39656 DNI for under 18 is just a cover your ass staple in general. Once they get specific about shit like that it's a definite red flag yes, they are most certainly fucked in the head.
guys wtf is this shit, why do y’all hate sun and moon so much? like can y’all not judge what people kin?
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>>39718 >y'all >kin please go back to twitter.
So is "What you get out of Tickling?" The new UB vs Feet debate?
>>39718 I don't really mind it personally. It's just gossip, don't pay too much attention.
>>39718 I can only speak for myself, but I don't feel any hate towards them I'm just confused and find the fixation odd.
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>>39740 You're not understanding the gravity of the situation. UB vs Feet is and will always be a fake conflict like console wars where people pretend to get mad over benign differences no one ACTUALLY cares about. This, people pretending to not get anything out of it, pretending its just good fun and you're a creep if you think otherwise... It's brain rot, there's no other way to put it. They will be right here on twitter, spreading their message of "love and innocence" through tickling to 12 year olds like groomers spread their *hugs* to kids. They are groomers, and they are retards. They're ticking timebombs waiting to cause some huge drama. And once they get caught, we'll be dragged down with them as "the tickling community". We cannot associate with them, we have to set the record straight. Tickling is our sex or our foreplay. Its our guilty pleasure saturday morning fap or what we beg artists to draw. It's not a virtual hug, and it's not something these "ace" attention whores can project onto because they never had sex.
>>39757 >They will be right here on twitter, spreading their message of "love and innocence" through tickling to 12 year olds like groomers spread their *hugs* to kids. >They are groomers, and they are retards. They're ticking timebombs waiting to cause some huge drama. And once they get caught, we'll be dragged down with them as "the tickling community". This. The word gets thrown around a lot lately, but these guys are textbook groomers, and if you look up articles on the phrase fetish mining, you'd realize most people are well aware what those "silly youtube challenges where you tickle each others little feet with toothbrushes and stuff haha bet you can't take it" are immediately recognized as. Any of you guys know what "Eddsworld" is? See vid related. https://youtu.be/YHCyk7H1vLI?t=245
>>39760 If he is here, or anyone connected to him is watching. I want him to know that I’m going to tickle rape his OC, I’m drawing the most extreme of tickle fetish porn of it now. And there is NOTHING he can do about it.
>>39764 Do his clown girl
>>39765 So it will be done, I might add insult to injury and draw Lolis getting tickled with her with just as much intensity lmao
>>39767 Post it or link it here when you’re done. Would love to see it
>>39764 Based beyond belief.
>>39757 I'm starting to get it now Anon. Stuff like this on the surface can actually be a slippery slope into something more... insidious or a hidden meaning. Idk if we can do anything about the Tumblr girls but with the big names we could knock them down a peg or two.
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>>39757 fucking this, in all honesty. i'd also like to add to it that it's something that though won't be specifically happening to just us like >>39760 said, but it's something that seems to happen to the more overt fetish comunities, like foot fetishist and the whole dan schnider stuff, or the ABDL comunity with what's currently happening to the loud house and what happened to its creator, it's something that happens when your fetish goes "mainstream", or someone decides to play with fire, there is a reason why we keep ourselves secluded, it's to avoid something like that from happening and then everythign we have could be taken away from us by a massive internet purge. so, yeah, personally i know people who do enjoy tickling as ace people, but i don't like the idea of these faggots starting an elsagate.
How to kill your "It's not sexual argument!" in 2 seconds.
>>39777 Saying preferably not instead of an outright no seems weird.
>>39777 >preferably lol lmao
>>39718 It’s autistic as fuck, cringey as fuck and creepy as fuck.
>>39373 >Those who say truth is relative are sophists. I came here in search of copper and I found gold, damn. I was bored and was reading the drama here, and end up reading about sophists, didn't know about them, and that way of thinking is one of the thing I despise the most. Thank you, anon
>>39765 >>39767 Dude just cut out the middleman and draw the clown as a loli Work smarter, not harder
>>39789 >>39767 Draw his tickle monster thing lick her feet, more impact.
and then everybody clapped.
>>39795 And then the cartoon characters clapped.
>>39795 what I love about this is the qualifier of 'nsfw tickle lovers'. given that this person is one of the people who think you can be into tickling for non-sexual reasons. (which, sure, you can, but these people don't join the 'community' and draw art of it) so 'SFW' tickle art of minor characters is totally A-Okay in their book cause its DEFINITELY not sexual right guize??
>>39799 It's just another way to gatekeep and feel superior over fiction, which is all this has ever been about.
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>>39803 Lol if it really is you, hope you’re ready to watch the things you’ve created twisted and corrupted. You’ve dug this hole yourself. Maybe next time don’t be such a massive faggot.
>>39804 thats not him you stooge, look at the filename. they saved it from his twitter. why would you even assume it is him?
>>39805 by the looks of things, it may be because this artist is honestly flipping out that a group of people like a thing he doesn't.
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>>39777 >>39757 >>39760 You mean....like this?
Since I don't follow Homonucleuslover, can I get a genuine QRT on this? I thought when I saw this thread it was some bait with the thumbnail but that it was about the Pokemon games or someshit, but it clearly isn't the case. Also what the fuck is that thing in the thumbnail?
>>39825 Seconding. No idea what any of this is or who anyone is, besides HomunculusLover.
you guys aren't even ready for the fetish = sexuality narrative yet...
The end of the times is among us. HL finally uploads something that is not sun/moon related
>>39913 i hate that every single YCH this wannabe tranny does has this stupid self insert character in it. The ego you must have to charge people serious money to put their characters alongside what is basically yourself must be more inflated than the Zimbabwean dollar. On top of that, the absolute audacity to charge 45$ for a head and feet YCH. if anyone here is an actual fan of HL (and i hope to God you aren't), please don't waste your money on this. there are a ton of significantly better artists who'll do an actual full body non-ych commission for 45$. hell, if you want a YCH, there are LEAGUES better artists that'll do some for 45-50$
>>39917 >>39913 Eh, I actually don't have that much issue with this, believe it or not there are fans of this character, and I'd say there is a demand for people to wanna pay for this sort of thing. That being said, ultimately my philosophy is that if there is any sort of demand for something in which people will buy, it's not a bad idea, (Think NFTs) I think NFTs are retarded but I blame the buyers not the sellers. It's at least a breath of fresh air from the Sun and Moon faggotry.
>>39913 They really haven't improved on their art for over like 15 years.
>>39913 This is so enraging, the way she expects people to pay her to draw basically only the hair of your character is insane. I can't believe people are paying for this. This is like paying her for a 2 minute edit...the people that are getting this are total idiots. At least we got spared from Sun and Moon shit but still.
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ummmm guys……
>>40002 Kek, he’s awfully defensive
>>40002 People like this are the ones you should NEVER allow around kids. "No officer really I was just tickling those kids for FUN, it's not a FETISH or anything WEIRD I SWEAR I'm not one of those INCELS."
>>40002 Sammy is an unironic tranny who was on TKL for some time before getting all upity about people drawing nagatoro. Sammy LOVES to spread shit about other members of "the tumblr tickling community" despite being a raging tumblerfaggot as well. This is Sammy's persona from back on deviantArt! Say hi! >I love being tied up >I love being tortured NOT A FETISH BTW
Oh also! Before you say "that doesn't mean anything" Let's hear Sammy talk about it instead! Next time you try to talk shit you dumbass, maybe delete your completely contradicting discord posts in TKL
>>40003 Sammy is not one of those weirdos who draw minors in kinks
>>40008 Hi Sammy
plus y’all are raging and slandering the wrong person here, y’all should do the same thing to LazzyLad, because lazzy has been drawing minors in kinks for years…. and yet y’all still defending and worship Lazzy because “hE mAkES oUr cOcKS hARd” let me show y’all an example.
idfc if they are fictional or not.
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>>40013 care to explain what you're doing in this image? idfc if its not real or not.
>>40014 Literal depiction of a literal crime. Literal FBI should be literally knocking on your literal door any literal minute.
>>40014 I’m not defending lazzy, I’m saying that idc if they are fictional or not, it’s still wrong to draw minors in sexual kinks. (just what lazzy is doing)
>>40016 Minor is a legal term. A fictional character is not a minor, you fucking retarded schizo. It's an imaginary construct that will never exist no matter how much you sperg over your waifu.
>>40016 can you explain why you robbed a bank to fund your pedophilia? The picture is right there. >>40014 idc if its real or not, thats a picture of you committing a crime to commit a more heinous crime
>>40005 Can someone explain to me why there are so many guys in the United States who want to change their gender? What's their problem? I live in a decent European country and this is surreal for me to understand because I've never met a transgender in my life. Just... why do they do that? It looks cringe af
>>40021 ego and identity being the strongest forces motivating the modern western man, throw microplastics and environmental xenoestrogens on top of this and, well, not sure what else you'd expect.
>>40021 For some it’s a fetish, others they think it’s a chance to get laid. For most it’s trying to belong in a special crowd. It’s a very serious epidemic in the country, honestly western nations as a whole. The country is started to fight back though, normies are starting to resent trannies. I pray that I live to see the day that they are beat back into the closet. They are some of the most toxic people I’ve ever interacted with.
>>39976 Played the shit out of that one in my more impressionable years.
>>40021 I too am confused by this "Gender Thing" the US is obsessed with. As an Asian living in Asia, we do not announce our genders out in the open telling each and everyone what we are, we only do this with our love ones, family members, close friends, and personal partners inside the bedroom where "sex" and other gender related things happen. We do not tell this to strangers unless we want to have sex with someone. They are announcing everything outside in the open as if they want everyone to fuck them. They would then react emotionally when everyone "Gives a Fuck" by saying that it is "Fucking" bullshit and that these people are "Fucking Up" their life by inquiring about their identity. Of course random people would be confused and offended. If I was alone minding my own business, and then some man/woman tells me that they are the other gender. I would be confused on what they want with me, do they want to have to sex with me or something? I am not there to have sex with them, why are they telling me this and why do I have to respect this person's sexual preference when I am not going to have sex with them? Why are you telling this to everyone you meet? We don't even know who you are!
found more of this artist talking about 8chan, y’all are really insecure.
>>40021 Mental illness caused by oversocialization and imasculation
y’all are really insecure .
>>40165 Hey sammy
>>40148 Lmao, if it's reading this or if some simp is going to tell it, let it know that it can die and not even its mom would care
>>40021 Mix of American individualism and overexposure to different identities. Europe puts more emphasis on the collective, with a lot of countries having their own negative views on standing out, whereas the United States pushes for being noteworthy and exceptional, positively or negatively. Also constantly being barraged by different things you can be and hordes of people online who almost want to see anything as an indicator that you belong to their group quickly ushering you in and keeping you there.
>>40188 y’all literally had a whole fucking tantrum about a person liking sun and moon because y’all are depressed and lonely people that hates on others for no reason, plus y’all can just commission the artist for something that you like.
>>40235 >y'all Kill yourself you stupid troon Your birth name will be written on your gravestone, and your parents only see you as the result of mental illness. End it, now
>>40243 no you kys, I’m being dead serious y’all literally had a whole fucking tantrum about a person liking sun and moon because y’all are depressed and lonely people that hates on others for no reason, plus y’all can just commission the artist for something that you like. i will repeat it once again.
>>40243 *oH sHiVeR mE tiMbERs yOu mADe mE piSS mY pANts iM sO sCarEd* bro just stfu
>>40248 once you finish crying, kill yourself
oh just stfu, your pathetic death threats mean nothing to me, sounds like you need a pacifier and a milk bottle.
>>40248 >>40261 You are a failure. You will always be a failure. No amount of fake smiles and pity retweets will change that fact. There is no one here to save you. Everyone knows you're just crying here so that you can complain on twitter about "the sad 8chan incels". and look so strong and quirky in front of your fifteen (15) followers, who also happen to be deranged trannies. We live rent free in your head. You love us so much that you feel the need to come here and see what we say about you. Find the nearest window and jump to your much needed death. Kill yourself
*blushes* no u
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by the influx of IDs and the lack of proper casing methinks the twitter people have invaded. Hi, Twitter people!
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8channers! they don't have sun and moon circle jerk threads on mmmmyyyy planet, errrr, rumble.
>>40273 You are a failure. You will always be a failure. No amount of death threats and tantrums will change that fact. There is no one here to save you. Everyone knows you're just crying here so that you can complain on 8chan about "the cringe Twitter simps". and look so strong and heroic in front of random anons from their mom’s, who also happen to be deranged sickos. We live rent free in your head. You love us so much that you feel the need to come here and see what we say about you. Find the nearest window and jump to your much needed death. Kill yourself.
>>40282 Not creative at all. 4 points from Gryffindor
>>40282 People use "the left can't meme" for anything nowadays. But this has to be the most clear example of it I've ever seen on the internet so far.
>>40284 That's nearly word for word a bait pasta from /pol/ and /tv/
i cant believe someone was is sad and pathetic that some literal anonymous nobodies shit talking a fictional character on an obscure mirror of a mirror of an image board was enough to have them have a complete mental breakdown and had to post the link to get backup from their fellow troons. we live in your head rent free and we're here to stay. now shut the fuck up and go back to BAAWWWW 'ing on your little set-to-private twitter account and your discord server. we do not want you here. you are not welcome and you never will be. if you stay here, know that you and people that are just as sad and pathetic as you will get endless hate, because we despise people like you. if you stay here and keep getting hate and then crying about it on twitter, it will be nobodys fault but your own. but then again, i bet you havent taken responsibility for anything in your life before anyways so it probably doesnt mean anything to you. tl;dr: fuck trannies, fuck sun and moon, and fuck the pedos and groomers who pretend having a tickle fetish isnt sexual at all.
>>40290 You have to hit them where it hurts. Find their OCs. tickle torture them in the worst pay possible. Add Loli. Make them Lolis. Make them seethe in pain that gives us a net benefit in the end.
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>>40328 Should have made that one of Lila's powers. Succubus magic allows temporary 'lolification' of characters. Lolis are smaller and easier to overpower. Become more sensitive to tickling naturally due to more youthful skin. Stamina decreased making them tire faster and make the more intense sessions literal torture. Bonus of causing hurt feelings of artists in question, especially troon types.

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>>40336 As a person that came up with a good chunk of her final characteristics, I retroactively declare this a canon part of Lila lore. Viva La Lila.
>>40338 This Lila shit is just as autistic as this. Like that thread I muted because I don't care about her but bringing her out of her containment shithole I don't want to see.
>>40393 My dear friend, autism is unstoppable
>>40393 well anon thats unfortunate because she is sovereign here, and so long as you walk inthese lands, you will abide by her laws
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>>40393 There is no need to be upset... >>40338 >>40336 When we first drew Lila with the boys, she was made with her being over the top in mind, enough for people to project any kind of power or bullshit on her, that way anyone is free to draw or write whatever they want with her without being told it's out of character for her to be able to do X or Y. I'm not very into the idea of making her a full-on loli specific tickler with innate lolifying powers if she's got to represent our entire board, since we know how cleaving that topic is. However, having her use whatever spell she found to make tweeterfag seethe and lolify their OCs before tickling them, this isn't out of the question. It would be pretty funny even Go ahead, she's your mascot as much as she is mine, I lost full ownership when posting her here in the first place - all I ask is for you to be wise, and not make her a character just for you, but for TKR VLL
>>40235 If you're not from the south and using it as a colloquial expression in actual speech, then don't say "y'all," nigger. Same goes for "ain't" and "yonder"
>>40407 I mostly agree with this interpretation. Lila's a character that represents the whole board. There's an argument that loli shit could be a part of that, but not her one and only thing. I brought up Tiffany Lee in that original thread and gave some ideas about what a better mascot would look like, then did a little character bible on her once the design was revealed, specifying it was only one person's interpretation and a way to give ideas for people who wanted to try writing for her. (Did a revised, less-shit version, ought to post that sometime later). I can't lay claim to giving any more characterization than that, but from conception the idea I got was that she represents the whole of tkr, warts and all. Being a mischievous little shit who riles up twitter users is completely in-character imo.
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>>40407 >>40410 Yes, yes, let's not go crazy over this or anything. Anon did describe it as just "one of Lila's powers". No one's advocating for her to be exclusively a loli tickler now. It's meant to be just another tool in her arsenal to annoy spergs and wreak havoc among her 'lees. I do agree with the general sentiment though. Lila's for the people, by the people. Any characterization of her only sticks after pictures/stories etc. featuring it start popping up. I, personally, look forward to any potential trolling of schizos and twitterfags by way of lolification of OC's. VLL.
>>40416 We need spergs to do some digging to find said OCs There’s gotta be some tranny fag characters they’ve made.
All of this reads like a colossal waste of time for all parts. Very entertaining though, please continue.
just be sure to add extra obvious sexual things to their OCs so they can't crop out dialogue or a caption and pretend it's not sexual. make sure to add vibrators or dildos, ahegao faces if you're that one guy, make them say stuff about them secretly being turned on by it or outright saying it (but please not ala badcrab...)
Damage control has begun.
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>>40456 >"N-no! you're the incels and basement dwellers, i'm rent free in your heads!" >proceeds to run for the hills lmao, no sympathy what so ever, i warned you sammy!
>>40456 look what y’all did to my favorite creator, are y’all happy now?
>>40461 "Look at what yall did to me, are yall happy now?" There, fixed your reply since it contained some false information. No need to thank me
>>40462 istg i will fucking kill you, you fucking idiot. THIS IS EVERYONE’S FAULT, YALL DID THIS.
>>40463 U mad, bro?
>>40463 keep crying
>>40463 Trying too hard. Obvious bait is obvious.
The sad part is that this could’ve been avoided. This in my opinion is less about the sun and moon faggorty and more about these faggots telling us what not to enjoy. When you make these PSAs about “underage characters” or “proshipping” it gives us ammo to fucking gun for you. You want it to stop? Stay in your own lane. Draw your faggotry and shut the fuck up. Let the big boys enjoy what we want, and we won’t have to keep coming back to this situation,
I’m pretty sure that Sammy privated the account for different reasons. (it’s not because of 8chan)
Y’all ever just update TKGeek?
>>40470 >sammy posts link to this thread >sammy cries IN this thread >sammy pretends to be someone else in this thread to defend himself >its not 8chan im sure it isnt, sammy.
bro im not sammy
>>40515 Yeah ur right, because im actually Sammy. Y'all, im sorry for being retarded. I realized the error of my ways and wish to ask how I can improve. I will stop drawing sun/moon pics and stop making meaningless posts on Twitter. I hope y'all can forgive me.
so did anything even come of this thread? or is it dead in the water?
>>40547 What did you expect to "come out of" a thread like this exactly?
>>39824 A'ight, now that all the Sammy drama's dead imma ost some more unhinged shit of Artemis Wishfoot in the olkd days he used to ost pictures of his feet all over the internet and got b& from many places lol He also sent an underaged girl pictures of his feet and more allegedly (next post)
>>40601 Now allegedly the chick is from somewhere else in Europe so her English is trash; many years ago a friend got in contact with her asking what happened (i used to be good friends with Artemis, so i'm hyper autistic about this). Apparently, he sent her friend nudes and foot pics and wanted the same in return, when she said no he spammed her until she straight up deleted her account. Even so the person in question has such a small account, if he wasnt guilty why would he feel the need to make a journal defending himself? lmao
>>40605 Other than that, he schizo posts on Twitter and YouTube about his fetish, being A-Sexual and intense lefty shit, as you'd expect from a Britbonger with a smidgen of internet clout. oh and has a Patreon, talking to him is a perk btw https://www.patreon.com/ArtemisWishfoot https://twitter.com/ArtemisWishfoot I know for a fact that ace shit is shit with him specifically, i was his sexual awakening, not to feet but for cock and pussy. Think I'm bullshitting? Then explain to me why a "gay ace doggo" has alotta women in his favs https://www.deviantart.com/sadisticklee/favourites (yes btw he rebranded his original account after "killing it" to distance who he really is from his persona). When he first got fame he cut everybody off and went on about how all of us werent good enough to speak to someone on his level.
>>40601 >the deflection tactic. It won’t work here sadly.
>>40609 not sure it's deflection, looks like they just wanna capitalize on the "people who act like their fetish isn't sexual" hate. which I get but this aint the thread for that.
>>40619 OP here, this. Legit.
well i am not following this thread because i don't care about HL or FNAF but i wanted to take a look to see what was going on here, Since there's so much shit i just went looking over Without paying too much attention, but then i saw something about lila tickling a Loli Clown to submission in a hardcore scenario,and I'm like,whaaaaa This is something interesting, really interesting.
This thread got buried lmao
>>41351 There's not a lot to work with that really warrants its own thread, other than a handful of A-logs who really really REALLY hate the bitch. She mouths off on Twitter every so often, and draws not particularly great artwork. How much mileage do you expect to get out of that?
>>40456 they’re back.
>>42545 They’ve been back, but made this spiel about saying how they can’t control what people draw, so they’re staying in their own lane, which is acceptable to me at this point and thus there is no further drive for me to keep talking about them.
finally, a sane 8chan user.
anyways are there any problematic people we can talk about to revive this thread?
>>42551 Dorain1/jhericho a pedo but those are a dime a dozen on DA https://www.deviantart.com/jhericho1 Maybe we can check on the regular problematics and see if anything new happened
>>42551 We could convert this thread into a puritan thread, Where we talk about the people who consider fictional characters as real people, basically people who find, "proshipping" or "loli's" problematic and actively will do callouts against those who happen to have interests in such. I saw a post recently, didn't remember the names, but basically it was some faggot calling out someone on twitter for liking and writing cub tickling content. (The dude being called out stuck to his own lane, wasn't a groomer, was simply called out for liking art that wasn't "acceptable")
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>>42559 Christ, this guy loves to project.
>>42562 it's kinda insane how much people will clutch pearls over 'proshippers' and loli bullshit when people like this exist >>42563 These are comments on photos of real children. hardly anyone ever acknowledges or brings these types of people up and theres a shockingly high number of them. They always default to the same excuse too, "there's nothing sexual about this and if you think there is, then YOU'RE the sick fuck, not me!!!"
>>42575 It's amazing how Deviantart will take down drawings of underaged fictional characters tickling/being tickled, while also allowing actual pedophiles to run rampant on the site.
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>>42577 It's easier to deal with drawings than actual creeps posting pics of their son/nephew/cousin/underage kid feet. Like if it was just them reposting stock images it still be creepy but at least the person wouldn't be exploited as much.
>>42559 Posting the link/screenshot of the website was a bad idea my mistake everyone.

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