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Tickling Tropes/Cliches Anonymous 02/26/2023 (Sun) 17:58:38 Id: 3c79f2 No. 41790
Tickling fiction and art is full of recurring concepts, ideas and scenarios that have become staples of the medium. Some are cornerstones of the scene that are always welcome and trigger that kinky little node in our brains…others not so much. A lot of them are just tired and gimmicky but of course it’s all relative and we all have our own opinions and preferences regarding this. This is a discussion thread about tropes and cliches in the medium that you either just don’t get or annoy the hell out of you. I guess we can also discuss tropes you love as well so this doesn’t turn into another rage fueled hate thread (which is unavoidable at times regardless). And no, focusing on a body part or area of the body you aren’t interested in is NOT a tired cliche so let’s not have this devolve into feet vs belly vs underarm shenanigans. For me, as much as a lot of you like it, I cannot stand these “endless tickling” scenarios where a victim is trapped in a tickle torture scenario that lasts days, weeks, months, years, centuries, etc. It’s a level of suspension of disbelief I just can’t wrap my head around especially since a big part of my preferences is tickling someone to the point of total exhaustion or even passing out. It’s their definable limits with how much they can physically handle that adds to the appeal. If a person is so insanely ticklish that they pass out after only like 10 minutes, that’s unbelievably hot to me especially when they wake back up and realize it’s about to start all over again. Having someone basically being immortal with infinite stamina, not needing to eat, sleep, etc and consistently having the exact same level of reaction throughout the entire ridiculous span of time is just boring to me. At the other end of the spectrum, my favorite trope is the “found stuck/trapped tickling” scenario where the person ends up accidentally trapped under a bed or through a hole in a wall or something similar where they can’t see anything, the identity of the tickler or ticklers is unknown to them and they have no idea what’s going to happen next. Having someone just randomly finding them like that and tickling them without mercy, the level of panic involved, it’s all just so marvelous. Plenty of my own fantasies involve stumbling across a scenario like this myself.
I like stories where the lee is being “punished” for no particular reason, just bad luck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time On the other hand, I dislike victims described as perfect (like blonde with blue eyes, size 7 feet and indescribably ticklish all over). That’s a boring character in my opinion
>>41793 >dislike victims described as perfect (like blonde with blue eyes, size 7 feet and indescribably ticklish all over) The Barbie doll complex…yeah definitely not top tier for me either.
I'm not picky at all unless it seems to encourage laziness or "just imagine". I guess what >>41790 said on levels of realism though - highly improbable scenarios even in fantasy tend to be boring. >>41340 for example. I'm not gonna shit on either Kacique or the commissioner of course, there's work, but without the context you'd be like "feetbox, okay, body where? imagine?" And I'm saying this as a footfag. Even with the context, you have to imagine the rest. If you don't know what each Misaka looks like, the brain generates a generic version of what's being described (even the portraits don't help much). Compare with Yaneko Uta's Skeb commission (first pic) - still quite improbable but more realistic and less lazy, the viewer's brain can also process the entire scene (as either the lee or lers) by looking at both panels. (what's with the Aty is a shotacon meme lol, dead obvious ero trap)
>>41809 > what's with the Aty is a shotacon meme lol, dead obvious ero trap
I've seen this thread come and go before, so I'm gonna try to be a little more distinct than I've been in the past, but that might not be that easy since my opinions are kinda tepid on the topic; I like most tropes, even some of the ones that seem to trigger people sometimes (ridiculous stuff like 'and now you'll be 1000x more ticklish and you'll be tickled for 1000000 years nonstop!!!' like OP says, etc.) and most my active dislikes are reasonable and common enough (floating feathers bad, amirite?) that they don't really bear talking about. But anyways, here goes. I really like this one, even if there's not really a name for it, that I know of, but I think you'll know what I'm talking about if you follow along. I'm gonna ironically call it true tickle magic and I'm gonna add true sci-fi tickle technology in the same boat. And as a short description I'll say 'concepts in tickle smut that aren't realistic or even possible within our world, that result in tickling that is different and more intense than common tickle experiences'. Or as another possible way of looking at it, tickling that comes from magic or scifi tech, that isn't just trying to emulate the way humans tickle each other already, ie., tickle spells that just summon magic feathers, tickle machines that simply have spinning brushes pressed agains the 'lee's tickle spots, or truly the most basic of all, magic hands/white-gloved robot hands that just tickle with regular fingers, and that's that. Nothing really against any of these, but they don't bring a lot to the table that a human or a bunch of them couldn't in a regular, non-magic, non-scifi setting, and thus they're not what I'm talking about. What I am talking about, is rictusempra (or spells along that line), that enchant your very nerves so they feel disarmingly ticklish. Or tickle prods, machines that send powerful electric shocks that don't feel painful, just ticklish, when used on a victim's body. Or tickle slimes, monsters that trigger any skin they come in contact with to make it feel like every inch of it is being tickle tortured. Or tickle hacking, to remotely trigger ticklish sensations on an android or a cybernetically enhanced person from within the very programming of their tickle spots. Or an eldritch deity of tickle torture that can burrow it's influence into your very being to skewer you with searing tickle magnitudes that would break your feeble mortal mind in fractions of a second. Or the Spongebob tickle belt. As far as why I like it, I think it's partly because of the alien nature of it (which I imagine probably makes some people dislike it), that just makes it more exciting and easy to let your imagination run wild with, and also, and this is the big one, because it sells me on how intense it could be in a way that realistic, easily understandable tickle stuff can't, and I love intensity. Like, just think about it: a single hand using five fingers on a tickle spot, the most baseline simplistic tickle tool, compared to an electric current specifically designed to target your nerve endings directly and deliver an overwhelming ticklish sensation straight to the source of it. It's like comparing the effect of a punch to that of a stun gun. Same for a tickle spell. Maybe if you hit a certain cutie from Slytherin with rictusempra from afar you can bring them to their knees convulsing with laughter, but maybe if you tie them down, forcefully press your wand against her exposed armpit and cast it, it'll break her brain with ticklish sensations for the next couple of minutes. The sky is the limit, when we're not being tied down by floating tickle feathers and brushes. Another aspect I dig is the idea of remote tickling that could come from it, specially of the unrestrained variety. Like a slime getting in the back your shirt or your boot, and you ending up spreading it all over you in an attempt to wipe it away, or a poor robot that's never experienced the sensation having it's receptors forced to receive it non-stop while it writhes in ticklish agony, or a more elegant version of the tickle belt that can be attached to the base of the neck of a cute prisoner to make her easy to subdue at the press of a button, and that won't stop tickling her until she's been deemed adequately submissive. Tickling you can't get away from even if you're not tied down is goated. TL;DR: unrealistic and impossible but extremely intense and effective tickling the way that can only exist in fiction.
>>41790 I also hate the "tickled for eternity" trope, feels totally psychopathic. Like bruh, it's tickling, it's supposed to be cute, not a drawn snuff movie. Idk, maybe I'm too sensitive but the thought of a Lee basically begging for death is a total boner killer (redscript doesn't do it fortunately but I swear that when I read certain captions, I have doubts about the writer's mental health) I like seeing cute girls getting tickled, even being punished with tickling, begging for it to stop but it's still dominance play, something in the realm of BDSM but there's something that doesn't feel right about a lee suffering a fate worse than death. Like I wouldn't want to read a story about spanking where the spankee ends up with a broken pelvis
Maybe it's the battle shounen weeb in me but I really love those old tickle fight tournament stories that used to be popular in the 2000s and 2010s. Even better if the characters get to use their moves and powers from their source material since it shows the writer/artist is actually a fan of the characters.
>>41862 Yes, you can meme foreverially ticklicized content, but making it about mental health and whatever bullshit is a pretty bad take considering how many people are into it. The whole eternity thing is an expansion of non-con. People who are into it don’t actually care about what the victim is like a billion years later because after the first few hours of tickling, there isn’t much novelty, it’s not very exciting. What people like about it is the fear in the victim’s eyes. When they realize that they’re fucked. Variants of these include « the overconfident victim who says she isn’t even ticklish » and the « i interacted with something i shouldn’t have and now i only have myself to blame ». It’s hyperbole, it’s all theatrics to make the buildup more intense and raise its stakes. At the complete opposite I really dislike the « cute » couple stuff. Like you have a brain and imagination to make the most over the top gundam bullshit scenarios possible and you use it to make the same boring scenarios that you can already enjoy in real life. Similarly, the « victim loves it and begs for more while laughing » trope is the lowest stakes most bottom of the barrel garbage. Because you’re making up an impossible premise WHILE removing all the drama. >inb4 « bro thinks tickleporn is a Netflix show » Compare the perfection that was Jimbob’s game to the utter snoozefest that is GardnerJames’ game.
Hm, the trope (or one of) I enjoy is one that I haven't seen too much but would love to see more of. And that is the "Tough Chick/Brawler/Tom Boy" but they are obscenely sensitive. Like, a poke gets them squealing, or a finger down their side causes them to make some adorable noise that the others notice and they sense a chink in the armor and use it against her. Pics related. They secretly take care of themselves to look good, and they have that tough aura around them but squeeze their thighs, or run a finger down their foot and it's very apparent how sensitive they truly are. As for one I don't like, it's probably the "Footbox" sort of thing. Don't get me wrong I'm a footfag but like, seeing a pair of feet in a box just is odd to me. Looks like someone chopped them off and stuffed them into a box. Alternatively I don't like the navel stuff either, like the tentacle navel stuff I've seen from like Klaudsaun or something. Tummy tickles is fine but like shoving a melting Popsicle or something there I feel wouldn't feel comfy.
Personally whenever I'm reading tickle smut, I need the lee to have some sort of goal that is obstructed by tickling. Whether that be the lee is on a mission, going on a hike in a secluded mountain top and become trapped, or trying to escape a zombie apocalypse, I want the tickling to come as a curve ball to their situation and have them forced to resist it. Alternatively, I also like interrogation tickling when done right and in the right setting. When it's just: lee wakes up underground, tied spread eagle, then starts laughing, I don't really care for it. idontwanna99 has a really good Mikasa interrogation series that really sells how good the trope can be when done just right. tl;dr I like peril tickling in both art and writing, and don't usually care otherwise unless the story is really well done or the art is amazing/character is a favourite As for shit I don't want to see, if I have to read another TMF m/f i tied a woman up and tickled her until she said HAHAHA story I'm going to blow my brains out. I pretty much don't search TMF anymore, nor do I read m/f, because the stories you get are usually so simple and bland and repetitive. Basically, if I'm going to read a tickle story, I at least want the scenario to be interesting. I also really don't like the whole "it's a fantasy world where tickling is the main form of combat". It's a little too on the nose for me, and while sometimes the content can be good, the idea of tickling being the one option for the ler and something the lee is already expecting, rather than an unexpected element brought in the surprise the lee. >>41860 I feel like everything you mentioned would be right up my alley, and would love if you'd drop a few story recc's/writers that do this well. >>41862 while I agree that the "tickled for eternity" trope is not always the best and even sometimes a cop out, the cutesy type tickling also isn't a favorite of mine. Mostly because it's fairly boring and straightforward, especially when it comes to stories. It's all about balance, and somewhere between "tickling is fun haha!" and "i would genuinely rather be burned alive" is where all the good stuff is. >>41864 love the idea but most anime tickling I see, and the older stories in general, are really short and undersold. But I agree that the idea in general is great. >>41867 coupled with the stuff I already mentioned liking, including a strong warrior-type lee gets me diamonds. It's the fact that, no matter how physically strong they are, they still can't fight the urge to laugh, and ultimately have to submit to such a childish tactic, utterly humiliated. A trope I also don't see enough of, but would love a story recc if you have one.
>>41865 >Similarly, the « victim loves it and begs for more while laughing » trope is the lowest stakes most bottom of the barrel garbage. Because you’re making up an impossible premise WHILE removing all the drama. ?? Are you implying willing lees who love to suffer don't exist? Lol.
Kidnapped and tickled. It may not be as prevalent anymore, to be honest, I haven't done story dives in a long time. But as someone that is an avid writer and RPer, it also immediately took me out the moment it was clear the story was just going to be another "kidnapped and tickled" story. Particularly when it's so...I don't know. Boring? They're not terrified or crying to anything someone would actually be doing if kidnapped. They just giggle and say "Come on stop" and shit. That's boring. Also, and this seems to be a lot more specific to Japanese studios, but: I HATE a tickling scene that doesn't include fucking laughter. Laughter is one of the most IMPORTANT aspects of tickling in the first place, to me. The corner stone of showing when someone is completely broken and can't fight anymore. As a footfag, they could have the most beautiful gorgeous grippers across every fucking multiverse, but if all she can do is go "EEYAH" and groan/moan, it's an absolute waste. As for "tickled for eternity", I'm actually a big fan. IF it is done right, which it only sometimes is. It seems like often just an easy phrase to throw in to say "ooo this is real torture, spooky and intenese" instead of what it should be. Tickled "for eternity" is not something where the victim says "Goodness please stop I'm quite ticklish on my feet" after having been thoroughly tormented for 10 years or whatever. I want to see the madness of it, mindless babbling of words they don't even hear anymore, long broken and rendered without identity that a wriggling mass of ticklish skin and endless laughter. Something like that. But hey, that's just my 2 cents. Like what you like, no judgements.
I really hate the fact tickling machines are almost invariably spinning brushes now. It's so lazy and boring. I blame Caroo.
>>41891 Several based and entirely correct takes in a row, bravo.
>>41891 Agree so much on the point about laughter. Nothing worse than videos where the ticklee basically looks like someone is telling them a mildly amusing joke. Not that this stops studios titling the video "GIRL IS CRAZY TICKLISH"
>>41892 Asanoya / Kittsu were the first I saw with spinning brushes and those kicked ass.
Tiny ticklers within footwear is a criminally underused concept.
>>41890 I'm implying retards like you do not have the brain capacity to compute that tickling is inherently suffering and you'll never see a single person scream "MORE!! MORE IM CUMMING FROM TICKLES ALONE!!" while in the act, much like for any other BDSM related fetish where the whole thing is a non-con roleplay and becomes a bonner killer if you break the immersion. I'm sorry you think people act like in Caroo pictures
>>41926 Well the legendary “ticklegasm” is pretty damn rare I’ll give you that but I’ve met quite a few people (a few in person) in my years online who love to be tickled to the point that they genuinely ask for it and will in fact beg for more if they haven’t had their fill. “Tickle sluts” do exist but understandably they’re in a minority and probably don’t advertise this fact due to the type of unwanted and obsessive attention they’d get from socially retarded spergs. This fatalistic attitude a lot of you people seem to have that no one is capable of truly enjoying themselves while being tickled is kinda sad honestly. Tickling is not necessarily inherently suffering for everyone but if feels like a lot of people seem to have convinced themselves otherwise as some weird coping mechanism to deal with the fact that they may be forever alone and don’t want to hope for something like that. Either that or they don’t want to believe that they, with the social graces of a child molester are the problem so they just convince themselves that no one could possibly enjoy it and that’s why they can’t find a playmate to protect their fragile egos.
>>41930 Then you are one of the very rare people to have experience here. Congratulations, as a perma incel I truly am envious but please let me have my sadistic fantasies of tickle torture without making me feel bad about it.
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>>41930 >Tickling is not necessarily inherently suffering for everyone but if feels like a lot of people seem to have convinced themselves otherwise as some weird coping mechanism to deal with the fact that they may be forever alone and don’t want to hope for something like that. The issue here is you can't make the difference between "loving being tickled" and the reaction to tickling itself. It has nothing to do with a societal fatalism or outlook on the world. Theres a reason bondage is heavily associated to tickling, it's because it's suffering. But suffering for some people feels good. On the moment they suffer, but they love it in retrospect. The subtlety is huge and it is non-negociable unless the lee really isn't very ticklish in the first place and just goes "teehee :)" To pretend tickling doesn't inherently have a huge non-con component is acting in bad faith. Foreverially-Ticklicizing GODS understand this, they are on the right side of the bell curve
>>41933 >>41934 Sorry needed to edit my post and didn’t realize you’d be replying so quickly this early in the morning. My bad.
>>41934 Maybe it’s just semantics but I can’t get past the use of the word “suffering” to describe it as that has way more of an unpleasant connotation to it. By that logic one could describe intense sexual arousal to be a form of suffering. The two do have a lot more in common regarding loss of control and being overwhelmed by physical stimuli.
for me, i'm a big fan of situational tickling. tickling that serves the story, like (as one anon said), a deterrent to somebody's goal or an interaction between friends/rivals/etc. i'm not a huge fan of tickling just for the sake of tickling -- "she wakes up, tied down, and is tickled." that's too boring. though there are exceptions if the art/face/tickling is drawn well also hate the "loves being tickled" thing that others have mentioned what i do like (there may be contradictions here): -discarded footwear, especially if it implies no socks (sorry, footfag here) -hysterical laughing expressions/panic. general dignity and composure breaking down -dialogue, it just helps set the scene. bonus if it seems like something that'd happen in-universe -somebody who dislikes tickling but has to deal with it due to an external factor like money or pride -lickling -milfs, especially if tickled by someone younger -a HUD, or something that shows the tickling happening in-universe or being filmed or something -a couple getting tickled. doesnt even necessarily have to be an actual couple but */mf tickling is great -similarly, f/m tickling. love to self-insert here so i'm into it being sexual too (so milking is always nice) even though i dont usually like tickling art to be overtly sexual. -fully clothing ticklees except where they're being tickled. not a fan of bikinis or nudity and i'm starting to like masked characters keeping their masks while being tickled
I despise stocks. That shit is more overdone than a deflated souffle. Even more so when the lee's feet are so heavily restrained, you see absolutely no movement going on as they are tickled. What really makes it awful is that it is by far the worst possible angle for any scene. You've seen one pair of soles, you've seen them all.
Oh and another thing. I fucking hate hate HATE that techno science crap Caroo shits out. There's nothing the grinds my gears than seeing a display that shows that one fucking message: "Time remaining: Error" Machines don't just go on endlessly because of errors, THEY MAL-FUNCTION AND STOP! How fucking stupid do you think your audience is if you need to point out a "and they were tickled forever" trope?
>>41892 I don't see myself as a luddite (lol) but I dislike the use of machines in general. More hygenic but way less interactive and gives birth to technotropes and memes (when the real reason is laziness) Human (insert alt species) interaction and direct touch just feels better, especially when it's about giving and receiving.
>>41980 I don't hate stocks but I despise toe ties because seeing toes wiggle and thrash is based as fuck.
>>41980 >>41992 Funny thing is, I absolutely love stocks and toeties. Just something about trapping ticklish feet in bondage that makes it impossible for them to wriggle out of what they are being tickled by is absolutely a turn on. With toeties especially, you're removing any possible catharsis from foot wriggling to relieve any of the ticklish sensation being inflicted. But I absolutely hate tickling in stocks that seem avoidable with any basic foot wriggling or, for specifically animation, feet that are way too still in non-toetied stocks. It just makes the tickling seem dull.
>>41974 Torn footwear (especially thicker stuff like boots, implying that the feet are extra sensitive and need to be protected) is one of my favorite scenarios and I wish it was used more.
I love scenarios where the lee loves it. I know it's an unpopular opinion but girls who like tickling are fuckin based. In all seriousness tho if I had to think of a reason why I like it, I think it's because I'm at that point in my life where I'm looking for a partner and obviously it would be cool if we were both into the same stuff. So the idea of a girl actively asking for tickles is just inherently more desirable for me than just keeping a girl as a tickle slave. Also hearing horror stories about girls who cheat because the guy they're dating didn't satisfy them sexually makes the idea of a girl who clearly loves it a lot more appealing to me. Pic semi related, it's just a random comment section on an R34 post I screenshotted because I thought it was funny
>>41926 >I'm implying retards like you do not have the brain capacity to compute that tickling is inherently suffering Yes. And some people actively like suffering and will beg for more. I've seen it with my eyes lol. >where the whole thing is a non-con roleplay and becomes a bonner killer if you break the immersion. For you, retard. Some people enjoy it. You trying to run the world by your own metric is the stupidest thing.
Wait until this virgin learns about the concept of BDSM
>>41993 Exacftly. Seeing someone not being able to struggle and being even more helplessly tickled than prior is very hot. Wiggling and moving is great and all, but toe tieing is also arousing because the lee is unable to move their feet, which can possibly make them more ticklish. >But I absolutely hate tickling in stocks that seem avoidable with any basic foot wriggling or, for specifically animation, feet that are way too still in non-toetied stocks. It just makes the tickling seem dull. Thing is there should be a balance in that regard.
>>41974 sauce on the teacher pic?
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>>41790 One of my problems is that I have absolutely zero interest in feet, and most tickling content is centered around it. I'm more into the midriff, upperbody, etc. Also, when it comes to most tickling-porn; I can tell when a woman is faking it. I can't remember her name, but one infamous model from TickleAbuse if I recall correctly blatantly admitted to not being ticklish at all. I despise the fakeness, the disingenuous performances. I prefer more real, raw, intimate displays of it. Maybe I'm just getting older. The dirty, filthy porn just doesn't do it for me. That's why I just use AI, but then I'm forced to recognize just what kind of degenerate seeks comfort in algorithms rather than real women. t. existential crisis anon
>>42047 First law of /tkr/, every thread inevitably degenerates into someone bitching about how feet killed their family.
Think the hottest thing about tickling is how it creates such a strong, visceral reaction in a sensitive lee with little to no actual effort. Which is why interrogation/peril scenarios are so based, because the lee's nerves are exploited better than normal forms of torture and their body fights against their mind to escape. It's a unique sensation in that the mind wants you to get away from it, yet you're not danger or feeling pain. Great stuff really.
>>42047 As a HUGE footfag, I understand and you are valid. No biggie to me, I completely get that seeing an area you don't give a shit about focused on, when it's great are AND a character you really care about, is a huge frustration. I get the same thing when I see feet avoided completely, so I get it. My sympathies to you. Fakeness IS also a huge problem. I'd so much rather have much less content, but all real, than a plethora of models that just pretend to be for the buck. Not even a dig at them, just trying to make money, do your thing girl. But fuck the studios that actively seek out any model, regardless.
>>42084 Would love to fully agree with you on the fakeness thing, but Leya from RF is one of the hottest if not the hottest girl in the scene, and she is barely ticklish. Outside of that, totally agree. Give me more Brittany from those 2 legendary videos.
>>42087 Hey man, power to ya. Leya is a hottie, but the moment I can tell she's forcing it, it doesn't do it for me. But if it does it for you, then no harm done! We can at least agree that a blatantly fake reaction and fake laughter, especially when it's SO obvious, can take you our of it.
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UB vs Feet is a necessary conflict for content.
>>42112 I don't agree but I do love watching retards argue
>>42071 Forgive me, anon. I didn't mean to suggest I have a problem with footfags. Unironically, my best irl friend has that inclination. I don't hate it or judge it. It's just not my thing. >>42084 I very much appreciate your understanding. God bless, fren.
>>42084 When did Brittany from RF do tickle content? I only ever saw her do footdom clips. Any chance you have a link?
>>42228 Sorry I made that confusing by mentioning Brittany from Tickle Abuse after just talking about Leya from RF. Couldn't help but mention the Brittany videos as the gold standard for extremely (rare) ticklish lees from TA

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