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Tumblr Art Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 00:47:46 Id: 62e528 No. 43524
Tumblr, am I right? Post any art you find there, here. Simple.
did someone link this place on tumblr? is that where the sudden influx of women and moralfags came from?
>>43528 As a woman and moralfag, that's not how I got here. Found the website looking for an English translation of a tickling manga
>>43533 >As a woman and moralfag aight miss we can tolerate one or the other, but both in the same person? iunno about that...
>>43528 Or it could just be the fact that people are finally sick of all the pedophiles around here. Ya know social change and progression and that.
>>43538 Bull. Shit. It is one (or maybe, a couple of) fucks. He (or maybe, they) was the same obvious dumbass samefagging as a retard obsessed with bellybuttons. He didn't get any (you)'s pretending to be an absolute autist, so he (or again, maybe them), went to the next easy source of drama: lolishit. It's such an incredibly simple pattern, I'm in pain just observing the one (or maybe a couple of) dumbasses and all the suckers that fall for it. Not to say we haven't had an influx of tumbrl/twitter newfags. That much is obvious from the amount of fools actually paying attention to that nonsense. >>43533 May I ask which one?
>>43537 As another woman/moral-combo, I fucking love this image something fierce. Mmphh, FUCK.
>>43540 right? it's fucking choice.
>>43541 You’re goddamn right it is fffffFFUCK LOOK AT HIM
>>43539 Or better yet maybe every single one of them is just one dude who is specifically trying to ruin your experience on here. And he is secretly monitoring your every movement and activity via surveillance drones.
>>43539 Sensei No Koto, Kusugutte Ageru. Lots of really good tickling. Not very hard-core if that's what you're into, but it has plot!!! friendzoned childhood friend girl hopelessly in love with MC even! It's still on going too.
>>43524 Oh hello everyone is this some kind of cringe thread?....was I invited?
>>43528 >>43539 All joking aside this is just how things go down in these places. You enjoy this little elitist circle jerk for a while, word gets out about it, then the autists and killjoys start showing up, shit gets unpleasant, it all gets shut down and we start over somewhere else…rinse and repeat. But I mean the alternate hasn’t be proven to be successful. There were one or two tickling forums back in the day who tried shutting down open membership or even access entirely to maintain their pureblood society but ended up destroying each other from the inside without the influx of new ideas, content or new targets for their inevitable spite and judgment.
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>>43528 >>43539 >>43632 The ticklefag "community" is incredibly small, and there are no genuine subcultures in it. Like when the 4chan threads were a thing, and calling everyone "DeviantArt" was the big jab? As though 95% of the people in the threads weren't DA faggots? And had been the entire time? This entire scene is basically the same like 200 people bouncing back and forth between platform. Most of you are posting on the subreddit. Most of you have DA profiles and tried to be active on TMF before the boomers became too much to deal with. >There were one or two tickling forums back in the day who tried shutting down open membership or even access entirely to maintain their pureblood society but ended up destroying each other from the inside without the influx of new ideas, content or new targets for their inevitable spite and judgment. all ticklefag communities get ruined because the ticklefag is an intensely autistic creature. You're never going to have a truly "good one" outside of some invite-only Discord server due to the fact that being unbelievably awkward seems to be built in by god.
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>>43638 Been bumping around since about 2009. This pretty much it right here, no misses.
>>43533 >>43540 >>43543 women act like this and then wonder why people rape them
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derailed in record time
>>43646 I’d act surprised but for this place it really isn’t out of the ordinary.
>>43528 The community isn't that big Anon maybe some people felt like speaking out now.
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>>43646 >women act like this and then wonder why people rape them
>>43646 Men act like this and wonder why they are single, I don't know who hurt you but maybe go ask your mum for a hug so you can feel the touch of a woman for once. That might help.
What an awful thread lol
>>43540 M/m does nothing for me but holy hell is it the hottest thing ever when women get off on that action. I'd let a guy do whatever to me if women were watching and enjoying.
>>43666 Bruh that gif is f/m not m/m, it’s Reagan and Brett from inside job. I’m projecting hard on Reagan honestly. God that lucky woman.
>>43671 There was actually a fanfic that went with the gif lol...
>>43528 We can tell because of the sudden influx of double posting. At least OP put the thread title in the correct field this time.
>>43679 Oh no, more than one post in a row. Oh the Faux pax horror!!!
I say we pull one out the playbook. Let’s find these tranny faggots on tickle tumblr and photoshop their faces on hardcore porn.
>>43695 ...I'm sure that will teach them a lesson...not likely...no...
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any other art?
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I confess that I love the art of the Tumblr community, many times I am bored with the same shit, sometimes I am turned on by adorable tickling art.
>>43695 you sound like the newest of faggots. How many of these "Tumblr Trannies" even have fucking faces to do that with? Do you wanna raid Habbo Hotel while we're at it? I have some gifs of exploding vans we can use. Get it? Like the "Internet hate Machine"! Retard.
>>43677 Link me up right now bitch. Give it to me. GIVE.
>>43727 Damn that is the GOOD good shit, he’s so fucking cute. My sadistic ass could never
>>43638 This is a very narrow minded take. You are using 200 as a small number to discredit the possibility os subcultures within the microcosm of tickling. Truth is, 200 is the amount of artists I’ve talked to over the past 3-4 years. Good pictures get upwards of 3 thousand favourites on deviantart, and the ceiling is much higher on Twitter due to more normalfags using it. We’re not as niche as you make it out to be. We’re a branch of bdsm that goes hand in hand with the most popular body part specific fetishes of the planet. (Namely feet, belly and armpits). I know for a fact this place has a shitload of overlap with the artists from the deviantart days, who have been here because of its exclusivity and because they can speak their minds freely. Nitropunk reads our shenanigans daily and makes sure to delete the smidge of patreon leaks he finds RS deleted his gallery because someone explained how to do it in a thread here QQ used to come here to act like the cool kids, only namefagging to post sketches never seen before, ZP even came here to suck his dick. Raspberry « James Lover » Jose has been bouncing between here and /co/ for years. Most people I met on the TKL discord in its first month were 8chan + deviantart users only with some /co/ users. Now sure all these people don’t necessarily have the same opinions and thought process on everything, but they are extremely far away from the new wave of tumblrism present in twitter. Tumblr tickling has always been associated with trans people and females living in their own little representation of a tickling fetish without our love for the female body, or without the hardcore torture aspect. Tumblr tickling has such a distinct identity that calling them anything else than their own community is bullshit. They have their own drama and their own ways of dealing with things. They go on unending rants about le consent and le aftercare after le wholesome giggling session. When they start calling out X or Y for being a pedo because they sent porn to a 17 year old, or when they have petty wars against who they believe is a tracer, it’s their tumblr way of doing things that is in action. In that sense, we are much closer to the East Asian community (mostly JP and CN) in what they like. But even there you can draw very clear lines at where one community ends and the other begins other than the language. They don’t use the same characters, they don’t use the same poses or scenarios, they’re much much more inclined to like loli. You won’t find them mixing with us in discord servers unless on very rare exceptions because they are a completely different community. You could even make an argument for a latino community but i need more research to be sure. >TL:DR We will never be another branch of tumblr. We are simply too different on a base level. And anyone who believes they can just flood this place with twitterspeak and moralfaggotry will be met with mockery and lengthy autistic blogposts such as mine. Oh and did you see that new Lila pic? It definitely looks tumblresque enough to be here, but I like it quite a bit.
>>43755 Wish I could draw. I’d totally do like a nature show style docuseries focused on different “species” of ticklefags in their natural habitats.
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>>43755 You're doing the old "Well actually Tumblr is for SJWs and trannies, but over here is for the based and people who haven't a fuck to give!", and you're not listening to what I'm actually saying. Do you know how there are dozens of ticklefag discord servers, and barring artist-specific ones that don't really want a lot of "fetish general" stuff? How the bulk of those servers are like 70% all the same people? That's what I'm talking about. "Tumblr trannies" are here, and "the hardcore, genuine torture!" enthusiasts are over on Tumblr. Do you know literally the one other thing Tumblr was known for outside of "SJWs"? Explicit porn that was (barring on brief disastrous period) able to be posted with nearly no limit. What you've just wall'o'texted me is more or less this old meme, where a "4chan guy" explains to "the wokie" how HIS websites are faggoy, but EDGY ones were good! Everyone always thought TMF were old and retarded, everyone thought TT was cliquey and faggy, everyone thought DA was autistic, everyone thinks Discord is full of trannies. Surprise; most of you are or have been on all of those platforms.
>>43763 It’s crazy that you find it so alien that our community can be big and varied in the ways it thinks and where it goes. People here are obviously all from dA, it’s no secret. You mix up the fact that we do know dA is filled with autism with a denial that we come from there. The fact still remains, tumblr was a different place with different people, and people of dA only went there because they wanted to check out the newest Polarbear, Staerk or Twomario pic, not to interact with any of the people there. And the people who used to interact on tumblr are now on twitter because it’s the only place where they have the perfect mix of blogging and porn a the same time. I know that nowadays, when you point at something like that you’re an edgelord memester who has SJWs living rent free in their heads, but god why you can’t make the difference when there is such a huge gaps in the way people enjoy this fetish. Im not saying 4chan is a model to follow at all cost , and you could even argue the Reddit 4chan overlap is huge, but this isn’t what it’s about here. To « be in a platform » does not equal participating to its ecosystem. How many of us have a dead TMF account that only existed to see a random studio’s preview pics? People can be cross-platform like you describe, but i really wouldn’t make it a generality.
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>>43763 i got nothing to add to this conversation, i'm just here to post a funnier version of thsi meme that isn't a wall of text
>>43755 Ahaha I drew this !!!!!! Was so confused to see it here!!!!!!! I'm sure tumblresque is more of an insult but I'm still glad you like it!!! I love Lila. She is adorable.
>>43770 Don’t worry friend, the pic is great! It just has that aesthetic you know? Please do let us know if you end up opening a gallery!
>>43771 Thank you!!! I've never posted my art online but I'm actually thinking of it now :)
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>>43768 The long and short of it is you really don't, in significant enough numbers, behave THAT differently. "Well some of us talk like retards, but other ones don't! And don't even get me STARTED on the trannies!"? Ok. Fair enough. That's really not the point. I'm not sure about how I can fully communicate this any more rudimentarily so I'm going to do a line by line and walk you through it; What do the Tumblr blogs tend to do that's generally assigned to being just something "they do"? Well, a lot of the weird baby talk, teasy shit, right? What happens immediately when people get the bright idea to post feet pics on here? That. What was one of the most notorious things about DeviantArt? It was immediate spergouts and artist feuds, over everything, at a moments notice. What's the most popular thread on here, by far, and has been for years? Artist hate threads. Don't think I didn't notice you just completely ignored the "all the Discord servers are almost all the same people in every one". aka most of the point. Let it be clear; I understand what point you're trying to communicate. What I can't seem to get across to you is that there's nowhere close to the amount of "diversity" within this shit as you think. This board isn't hard to find and most of the people you're bitching about have been here, doing that same retarded shit, for as long as I've noticed. Don't sit there and -without a hint of irony- say shit that amounts to "We will beat back their woke... with our WEAPONIZED AUTISM! XD" and then act like you're seriously actually smarter or more wise to anything than any of these people. It's faggy. That's a retarded mindset and that's probably why you're having such a hard time trying to suss out the point I'm making.
>>43773 This. This whole platform runs on hate. There used to be threads about artists and art they love which was nice to see but now it is mostly hate. Biggest example lately was the weird fucking sun and moon thread. People were literally bit hing about artists drawing stuff the artists enjoyed and not what the fags here wanted to see. Imagine being that self centered and bitchy. I get that every site has its own community, but this one has by far the most hateful, sad and unhappy one. Post about shit you enjoy, and stop bitching about artists not making the jerk off material you want without you commissioning them. It's really that simple, and also probably the reason this echo chamber existed. It's not that people didn't find this page, it's just thag mosg of us really didn't want to take part/interact with anyone on here, bc again 90% of this page is build on Hage and the same three insults, bc god forbid having good arguments when you can just insult anyone that has a different opinion bc you don't have anything else to say.
>>43786 Here's an idea how about if you hate it so much you leave an never post here again win win
>>43787 Nah dude, this is kinda like a zoo. You know when you go to the zoo and there is a monkey that scratches its own ass and then sniffs it? And then really dramatically falls over and has a fit? That's exactly what reading these threads and shit feels like. The lowest of the low having their little pitty party because no one will draw their favourite stuffand artists are bad and meanies :(( It's entertaing as fuck, so just keep going.
>>43788 That's cool but I'm not reading all that you should still leave though : )
>>43789 >Anon tells the truth >no UR the problem leave >Not reading ur posts u leave forever >Unironically thinks the thread will be better without anon Kek. Tumblr logic at its finest.
>>43773 That you think discord is servers are the same people in every server shows that you really are not in a lot of servers yourself. Or that you keep going to the ones with very similar interests. I guess you just really want to insult me for providing a counterpoint to your theory that frankly doesn’t have much of a basis to begin with. Go ahead, I’m done trying to participate in this bad faith argument that is unironically trying to say this image board has a 50+% overlap with tumblr’s people, and that every person who thinks otherwise is an assblasted 4channer who was just another TMF user to begin with. It’s sad to see someone so devoted to being a contrarian over nothing, but also a little inspiring too.
hee hee tiggles :))))
>>43792 Or just take everything as a personal insult and keep saying really faggy shit like this; >It’s sad to see someone so devoted to being a contrarian over nothing, but also a little inspiring too. I'm sorry you really thought this was the ticklefag cool kid club. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, queer.
We really need a Darksied to unite all of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwN2iXjVaI4
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>>43794 tiggles :))
>>43819 >>43794 >>43704 >>43648 >>43537 >>43525 While we're on it, almost all of the "Tumblr shit" everyone has posted so far as been some of the best and most consistent quality I've seen in a long time. So outside of the autistic "actually chanboards make you an irreverent badass!" attitude of some of you I'd actually like to see a lot more of it.
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>>43823 on it boss
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Is it just me or does all this tumblr art seem to share a particular…I don’t want to say “style” but certain aspects that make them all seem somewhat similar aesthetically like a unique art movement is present on tumblr that isn’t found in other places? I dunno maybe I’m overthinking it. Love this stuff either way.
>>43829 Because it’s drawn by girls. I can tell a gender based off of art style alone. Don’t ask how, I’m just autistic like that. That’s not a bad thing by any means, I actually enjoy tumblr esqe style art. It’s something I wish I could replicate in my own style tbh.
>>43829 >>43830 makes sense, I've noticed female ticklefags tend to get off on intimacy based tickling more, whereas guys tend to want straight up torture.
>>43830 You're right, the girls know how to draw very good things, although they are mostly */M, I still like them. In fact, I'd like to see more of that adorable art style become more popular, so we can enjoy tickling both female and male characters.
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>>43833 >>43834 "Your mother was one of tumblr's greatest TK artists and shipped Alpha Sherlock and Omega Holmes, and I was deviantart's most notorious Loli tickle shitposters. The only thing we agreed on was that Tickling was hot."
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>>43834 I used to use Tumblr mainly for tickle art before the focus shifted to soft, 100% consensual no bondage stuff, but there's still a few other artists that don't shy away from more intense pics.
>>43836 Do you happen to have any furry shit that stems from tumblr? Call me a faggot but I really enjoy the way they draw furries, it's hard to describe, like it's almost "Chunky" If I had some examples on hand I'd show.
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>>43837 I'm not in furry spaces often, but I thiiink I know what you're talking about? Hopefully these are close.
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>>43823 Quit trying to shit on the website your actively posting on moron have even a sliver of self awareness.
>>43842 the website is fine, thinking it makes you one of "the badass ticklefags" is retarded though
>>43844 I'm a badass ticklefag :( >>43830 yeah tumblr art, and tickle art drawn by women in general often has this feel to it that emphasizes the 'intimacy' aspect that I like. Even when the lee looks just absolutely agonized, there's a fluffiness to it that I can't quite place my finger on.
>>43848 I really like the style :) I guess my art also fits in this category haha, I never really noticed before! I adore the intimacy aspect of tickle art drawn by girls. Guys is more sexual and more FOOT TORTURE WITH TITS OUT WHILE THE CHICK IS SOBBING!!!!! not my thing.
>>43855 That's the thing, you can still have the FOOT TORTURE WITH TITS OUT WHILE THE CHICK IS SOBBING and still make it feel fluffy and intimate, there's an art to it.
Not actually from tumblr but is drawn by a woman so has that kinda style. I figured I should add it since my other Lila drawing got added on here :)
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Oops. Am a dumbass and fucked it up. Sorry 2 double post....... >>43859 Here's the image :'D
I'm just here to cum goddamn what's with the debates
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>>47601 I am with you, those who want to fight in this thread go to hell, long live the art of tickling in Tumblr fuck!
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>>47601 We all come here for that, but we get the debates and name calling etc for free too. Might as well enjoy it all.
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>>43666 ≥I'd let a guy do whatever to me if women were watching and enjoying Also wasted trips
>>47629 Oops, the princess seems too much like other people's fantasies. 😂
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>>43837 ok unrelated note but can y’all stop saying slurs for 5 FUCKING MINUTES? i’m kinda uncomfortable with them (lurking btw)
>>50623 hey guys it’s me April Harper Grey aka underscores and i’m here to promote my new upcoming album Wallsocket!! stream it when it comes out!!
just browsing tumblr and decided to get this thread back on track with some art I liked
>>50856 Who are the artists for the first three? I dont care about the last two they look retarded

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