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Rant Thread Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 12:05:45 Id: 60b2ea No. 45642
This is probably just me and my autistic tastes in tickle vids, but I fucking HATE when videos fake having the lee's hands tied. I am pretty picky when it comes to bondage and don't consider a lee truly helpless unless her hands are tied and she is unable to free herself on her own. The worst thing is when they film lees being tickled with them holding their hands behind their back like they are tied, but she moves them in frame for just a second to show she was just holding them behind her back. STOP FUCKING DOING THAT.
If the ankle bondage isn't tight around the ankles, my dick goes limp.
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>>45642 Time to rant about probably the most pointless, yet irritating pet peeve I have with most art i find online. If you're going to use hands for tickling in your art, that is perfectly fine. But when I find it irritating is when they don't make it look like the hands are actually touching the skin. Like seriously, is it that hard to add a couple of lines to make it look like it's not just floating and scratching at the air? Like even looking at the third image, all that's needed is one fucking shadowed line for each finger to make it actually look like the hands are doing work. Tldr wiggle lines and hands that look like they're not even touching the person are cringe
>>45650 absolutely, fuck yes to this. i genuinely cannot stand hovering hands in art, it's fucking infuriating.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I can't stand videos with "too ticklish" lees. The ones that go apeshit after the slightest touch. Those videos tend to be one part actual tickling, ten parts the ler waiting for the lee to get their shit together.
It's been said a million times, but TheTickleRoom clips are just not it bro. Terrible camera framing, mediocre bondage (literally shoe strings and a chair), light overexposure, and a ler that genuinely doesn't know how to just be quiet for a sec. For a guy who constantly pushes for customs and sponsors, he doesn't seem to improve at all.
Also, sorry for the double posting, this is my autism coming out, but to the TickleRoom guy, if you're gonna take up have the frame, please have the decency to wear a plain t shirt. Please stop with the fuckin chibi justice league or whatever other nerd shit you got off of redubble. Jfc
Also also, please for fuck sake, put the vibrator away. Not every tickle video has to also have an orgasm component, you fucking freak.
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>>45669 bro had a lot on his mind (also i agree)
>>45670 Hahaha, rent free lmao my bad
>>45666 Caveat, if the ler just ignored them losing their shit and kept going, that'd be cash money.
>>45650 I'm right there with you, it totally kills the scene. Some poor bastard paid $180 for the air to be tickled.
>>45679 The hands literally looking like they’re doing a dance while the guy schizos out and sees people tickling him
Tickle videos that go "lightly tickle someone for 1 second, pause 10 seconds, repeat"
>>45642 Been needing to get this off my chest for a while, but nothing pisses me off more than some autist commissioning their basic fucking OC from an artist. They could be spending their time putting out solid work from whatever, but no, Billy the Autist has to have his "blonde with black shirt and jeans" taking up time and effort that could have been used for something to actually get my rocks off. Like I get it, autists like that are the main source of income for artists, but holy shit get a better OC than whatever IRL crush you're reimagining as your OC.
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>>45666 Well, I'm with you so far as you're talking about video producers not willing to push models on their hot spots for more than five seconds because 'it tickles too much' as if that wasn't the fucking point, but if you're literally advocating for 'lees to be less ticklish overall then I'm just confused.
>>45647 I feel that. I think the best ankle bondage are tight but comfy fuzzy openings in stocks. Get the fuck outta here with those ghetto ass medieval wood stocks
>>45650 i have this exact same complaint with a lot of tickling art. there are so many that just don’t make the hands (or other methods of tickling ) look like they’re touching which just really takes me out of it. even just adding mere shadows would indicate that the hands are touching but these artists don’t bother to do that.
>>45669 THIS. THIS. FUCKING THIS. I fucking Hate HATE H A T E fucking people who think ticklish is sexual! I bloody hate them, they're worse than Nazi Trumpers. You filthy freaks thinking everything is sexual IT FUCKING ISN'T it's NOT sexual we just enjoy tickling! It's people like you who give us Aces a horrible name! I wish we could just get everyone in this fetish who thinks tickling is sexual and make them fucking ace! I'd say castrate them but I think straights need to be castrated more Us Aces are the only people with the strength to deal with this vile bloody community and you sex freaks, and trust me if you think this is sexual YOU'RE A FREAK AND PART OF THE PROBLEM YOU need to stop! I post feet and paws all the time, tickling too but none of it is sexual. Because I'm just an enjoyer! Even you freaks calling this a fetish are too much! Everything has to be sexual with you nonces, people don't THINK like that in the real world! If you think for one bloody second that you can call yourself Ace and even think about sex or masturbating then you're not ace. You're part of the problem, we're OPPRESSED because of people like you and it needs to stop! Tickling is art! It's a way of fucking life! Sometimes I just really really REALLY want to get tied up and mercilessly tickled for hours, days, weeks even! Just nonstop....mercilessly....but then I get reminded of freaks who thinks tickling is sexual and it kills my mood! Fuck all of you sex freaks YOU should be banned you fuckers! Ace pride worldwide! 🖤🩶🤍💜🪶
>>45709 buy something better?
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>>45719 In a perfect world, men like you would not exist. But this is not a perfect world.
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>>45719 In a perfect world, only men like you would exist. But this is not a perfect world.
>Bad Pierrot does a month of doing commissions >It's 90% boring pictures of characters in stocks getting their feet tickled My problem with this community is that most ticklefags are absolute morons with zero creativity or drive to do anything interesting. Everyone else has already moved on to making images with AI but the thread here is still ERPing with chatbots.
>>45725 >he doesn't like cute girl tickled in stocks #25436
>>45723 You mad, coomer? Go back to your porn you filthy sexually charged bastard! Also Chaos99 ftw please draw my fursona sometime
Here's a rant >if you're all that particular with your fetishes, turn off the screen and touch grass while your dopaminergic system still has some life in it
>>45723 >>45724 You’re both barred from my potion shop
>artist makes decent tickle porn >forces you to play a game
>>45735 >artist makes shitty tickle porn >forces you to buy his game
>>45735 Noircastle is probably one of the best fetish game devs though. Their games are at least a decent attempt at a playable game, unlike countless others. Also their latest game had the option to unlock the recollection room without playing through the whole thing and unlocking the scenes one by one, hopefully their future games will to.
>>45738 >decent gameplay >you have to intentionally lose to get tickle tortured
>>45735 Play or be banished to the land of the Yi (our word for barbarians) forever
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>>45735 >>forces you to play a game
>>45719 >>45724 >>45728 This is such obvious vpnfagging bait that I can't believe people actually still fall for stuff like this But on the off-chance that it's real I have two different ways of saying the same thing: The nice way and the not-so-nice way The nice way: There are multiple ways to derive enjoyment from something, if you don't want tickling to be sexual that's totally fine, but that also means other people have a right to enjoy it however they want even if that means sexually. No one owns the concept of a fetish. It's literally just a sizable amount of people who all find a specific thing enjoyable that most other people don't even think about. If some people find tickling hot then there's nothing wrong with that, they're just enjoying it in their own subjective way just like you are. There's no need to antagonize other people over it, we all enjoy the same thing just in different ways, we can coexist. The not-so-nice way: You're not the center of the universe and your subjective way of experiencing/enjoying things is not and should not be the mandatory way that everyone else should be forced to. Get your head out of your goddamn ass. The main character syndrome is unreal here.
>>45735 i just really wish he provided an option to toggle piss scenes on/off it feels like his characters have unlimited supplies of pee on tap since every fucking scene has a piss portion
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>>45747 And the correct way >YWNBAW 41%
Though I agree sex havers are mega cringe
>>45719 >but then I get reminded of freaks who thinks tickling is sexual and it kills my mood So literally just thinking about other people having their own preferences that aren't exactly the same as yours is enough to completely ruin the mood for you. Either your skin is planck length or there wasn't much of a mood to kill in the first place
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>>45752 >consume and draw both tickle fetish content and (relatively)regular porn >vanillafags offput by the tickle shit >ticklefags offput by the vanilla shit Is this what being a mixed baby feels like? where you never feel like you fully 'belong' with either side of your heritage?
>>45755 Yet another coomer! Who lets you people exist??? I swear you people should be given hormone blockers at birth! You don't know how to enjoy tickling or being tickled mercilessly by a guys big strong hands completely at their mercy with insane laughter being tickled nonstop so so SOOOO mercilessly being forced to laugh and squirm helplessly it's heaven you guys ruin everything with sex and having sexual urges. Aces need to be recognized as the clearly superior sexuality because we're repulsed by your filthy urges the only thing worse than being a filthy sex addict is being straight! And you know it now stop ruining tickling for the rest of us you insane primates!
The fuck is happening in here?
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>>45769 Some obnoxious fuck keeps trying to chum the water with low-quality bait and is throwing out tl;dr walls of text at the slightest nibbles to try to keep the unfunny train rolling.
Agreed wholeheartedly with the fake bondage. It takes me right out of a video when I see someone quickly breaking character to itch themself or fix their hair and still see it in the final video. >uploads only one part of a multi-part shoot and doesn't plan to upload any of the others on their channel >uploads a video and renames it "tickle" >any videos where the producer is "checklisting" everything off and forgets about the quality aspect of the video, usually leading to a very drawn out and boring video. A lot of chinese producers are guilty of this
oh, here’s something i hate in tickling art- when it’s fucking snuff or execution- complete turn-off. i’ve seen some artists do that with tickling art where they make the context that the ticklee is being executed in the form of tickle torture, which just upsets me and ruins the whole thing, like fucking why. i mean you could probably just ignore that fact and still go for it but it’s just still fucked. Why the fuck would you want or make the ticklee die from being tickled, that’s just snuff at that point
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I hope this gets back around to him, but this guy really needs to quit his bitching about cub shit. He draws fucking bluey porn, and there's nothing inheritably wrong with that, but when you draw porn from a show with LITERAL toddlers as the main characters there's going to be people who draw the characters that you deem "unacceptable" to touch. If it hurts you so bad, then stop fucking drawing them. It's infintely more likely that a minor is going to see your artworks and question their parents about "Why is bandit playing with Chili's feet mommy! What's that white stuff!" Draw what you fucking want, but stay in your own lane. I really do think this guy is a great artist, but I can speak for myself, and others that his bitching is really getting on my nerves. he bitches about this stuff almost as if he's projecting or hiding something. If you look at his account you will see that a large chunk of the content is him bitching over stupid non-issues like this and the like.
>>45879 Dogeosi? Lol all he does is bitch, fam he was like 19 when he joined and went from free art to charging over 100 bucks per piece real quick he all decided he was gonna do art as his job forever n shit a year or so back he went on a blocking spree because people "had the wrong opinion" political bullshit dudes another zoomer who thinks he can make it his entire life by only doing furry porn so he's clearly not mentally stable That aside while I do understand where he's coming from myself finding cub art pedo AF I do understand the black hole that is whining about it online just look at how nearly every thread turns into a loli v antiloli argument on here, always ends in the threads just getting buried by admins who are sick of it or legit pedos and feds posting cp and admins trying to get it deleted before we all get party vanned
>>45889 Kind of a weird thing. I can't think of any time a male tickler was any good at tickle talk. And yet it's hugely disappointing when a female tickler stays silent the whole time.
>>45891 Honestly, I'd rather have a female ler say nothing than a male ler say a single goddamn word. Unhinged opinion, but I stand by it.
Like this idiot ... Dude can't stop himself from chirping about nonsensical shit for more than 2 seconds.
>>45894 It's weird how there are so many content creators who can't help stop themselves saying stupid shit on their business accounts. It isn't even confined to ticklefags, we just seem to have an abundance of middle aged men who think people care about their opinions because they can afford to hire models.
yeah I got one. what's with all these retarded boomers trying to become "artists" in their 30s (40s?) with literal Chris-chan tier content. >but it's never too late to follow your dreeeeeeeams no. stfu. you need to be realistic about this shit. you haven't made it by 25 it's not happening end of >anon that's mean dgaf. mean would be giving them false hope then mocking them as they fail. nobody ever force fed them the harsh blackpill they need and it's why they're such insufferable soy faggots today.
>>45901 >nobody ever force fed them the harsh blackpill they need and it's why they're such insufferable soy faggots today I was on board until you started this "We are legion!" faggotry. Calm down, fag.
>>45902 Nigger it's the truth and if nobody tells them they're just going to be intolerable manchildren forever. Somehow we aged out of our teenage years while they're still lingering as they approach retirement age. Explain that shit.
>>45903 ...you got nothing better to do eh?
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>>45914 >someone posted a rant in the rant thread
why is almost every ler in M/F (videos and art) ugly/bland as shit? I get that the guy isn't what we're here for, but does he have to look like the king of sad, sweaty virgins every time?
>>45980 theyre the ones with the money to hire the models
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>>45980 Did you think most of us look like picrel?
>>45981 >>45982 What about it being a common occurrence in art too?
>>45983 Know your audience ig >inb4 the new meta is a neckbeard Moviebob looking ticklesona
You know what grinds my gears? Whenever a ticklee has a certain skin color and the tickler has to ALWAYS comment about it tasting like some similar food thing. It's so infuriating uncreative every time it happens. Not as bad as those abominations that want all feet to smell like literal garbage but still...
>>45983 Bland male characters are easier to self-insert to for most masturbators of the target audience, and the straight men who draw porn probably just don't really care about drawing attractive men. Also, it's likely part of same phenomenon why most elf rape hentai has ugly/plain orcs doing the deed, it adds to the humiliating and degrading atmosphere of the non-consensual scenario. That abusive aspect is there in most of /f tickle torture art too, it is usually made clear that the woman is absolutely not consenting to her predicament or enjoying it at all.
Floating hands are so lazy and overdone...how much time would it cost to connect them to a machine or something, it would be so easy. They kill a pic for me. I get it when you're a beginner artist, but when you start having skills you find out how fun it is to design a proper Ler or machine in your pic.
Genuinely can't stand this guy. He's so annoying. Can't keep himself from talking about fan sites, customs, or sponsorships for more than 2 seconds.
>>46004 ok but have you considered they could be levetating by magic or sci-fi tech maybe? Also attatching arms to them might cover up a lot of the body depending of the perspective, so that could be another reason for floating hands. Not to say I'm opposed to putting arms on floating hands, I'm just giving my view and assumptions for them being like that
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>Tickling is childish and cringe.
>>46059 ...and?
The 'milf' meme is forced and a psyop to convince impressionable young men that vidrel is somehow desirable
>>46095 Also a horrible double standard. If a 40 year old guy hooks up with an 18 year old woman he's a weirdo, probably even get people calling him a pedo. If a 40 year old woman hooks up with an 18 year old guy she's got a toyboy or whatever and he's a weirdo who's into milfs.
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>>46095 >The 'milf' meme is forced and a psyop to convince impressionable young men that vidrel is somehow desirable
>>46096 Wait ... People think it's weird to be into milfs? Damn, got me.
>>46096 Correct. Another (((feminist))) talking point where men are in the wrong no matter what. >18 America's obsession with this magic number is considered very strange in the rest of the world where the age of majority is much lower >>46098 I don't follow >>46100 Women past peak fertility are undesirable by definition
>>46104 I definitely don't agree with the whole "peak fertility" thing, but yeah 18 is a weird number, and I only put it there because I know most of the users of this site are American, the age of consent in my country is way lower. If you think some magic switch flips when you reach 18 that makes you want sex you're dillusional, but Americans get really fucking weird about it if you don't pander to their dillusions.
>>46123 it is kinda funny how people clown on the US for getting so many things ass-backwards, but they seem to universally agree the age of consent is EXACTLY where it should be ESPECIALLY in the context of fictional characters.
>>46124 In my country you can go to jail and be put on the sex offenders register for life for having hentai featuring characters who could be interpreted to be under 18, but you could have sex with someone a lot younger and be fine. Also you could have sex with somebody way younger than 18 then text them asking if they want to have sex again and go to jail.
>>46125 well as we've observed, lawmakers and politicians the world over prefer the real thing, so it makes sense.
>>46104 >>46124 It feels like that is getting conflated (and therefore made worse) online in the sentiment some terminally online and loud fandom zoomers believe in, which is that it is somehow inherently creepy predatory if any male over ~20 expresses sexual attraction into any real or fictional female younger than he is. Add in the fandom puriteens who think that drawing smut without a sea of content warnings and without making the fictional characters shout out how much they are explicitly consenting to every touch makes you a literal rapist IRL, and obnoxious social media takes will follow.
>>46142 It does seem like neo-puritanism is back on the rise. Tumblr banned porn, Imgur is doing the same and there's a push to do likewise on Reddit and even Twitter. "Let people enjoy things" seems to be falling out of fashion and more randos are coming out of the woodwork to be fun police. If it's really cRiNgE not to be uptight and miserable all the time I don't think I want to be based (on what exactly?)
>>46155 There's an American fundamentalist Christian organisation called Exodus Cry or something that has managed to stealthily equate porn with sex trafficking very successfully while obfuscating their actual beliefs. They've spread across the Western world like a virus and are one of the major reasons this is happening. The "journalist" who wrote the article that got Pornhub shitcanned is associated with them, and they have their tentacles deeply buried in most anti-porn organisations, as well as both Visa and Mastercard, which is why payment processors are fighting against adult content.
I don't think this is the thread for it but, as an artist, how does one make friends with other artists? some people in the community seem like really cool people besides just their art, but i can't figure out a non cringe way to kind of reach out. I'm sure you can hit them with the "hey big fan of your art and i just wanted to say hi..." but in my head i imagine they probably get 20 of those messages a week and all of them are from autists who try to RP or fanboy or whatever and they'll think I'm just another one of them someone once told me to make gift art for them first but that seems a little two faced to me right? like you're expecting something in return for it (in this case friendship). I've tried being like "oh hey you like X thing too? that's cool! what's your favorite Y?" but the conversation dies down too fast i guess... Am i overthinking it? Most of these are people that are way better than me so im worried they might think I'm after free art or want to RP in DMs or something...
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>>46188 I can't speak for every artist but generally DMing them showing your interest in art, asking for advice and your opinion of their art usually gets some decent responses. As long as you are not obviously annoying and demanding of requests I have found that most artists will gladly interact with you. You can't force people to be interested in you but you know what they say - you miss 100% of the chances you don't take. What's the worst that could happen?
>>46048 he gets the hottest girls too. And I hate how he pretends he doesn’t have a foot/tickle fetish when he obviously does. The way he bosses the girls around and tries to make small talk with them is cringe and annoying. Not to mention the distracting graphic t shirts he wears. What an autistic fat fuck.
>>46190 >And I hate how he pretends he doesn’t have a foot/tickle fetish when he obviously does Where'd you pull this one from?
>>46188 Anon "trying to be friends" doesn't work. You either are compatible or you aren't, and if you're not it's not a big deal. Do you "want to be friends" with artists who genuinely seem like cool and interesting people or are you doing it for clout and potential advancement? Because the latter is dishonest and they'll be able to sense that. If it's the former I wonder what you're stressing over. Remember artists are human and they don't want to be put on a pedestal (unless they really are insufferable cunts like some people). If you really respect their work and want to someday be the kind of artist whose work inspires others the way theirs did to you, that's genuine and people can sense that. If you have a portfolio of your own work then that speaks for itself and you can't really go wrong with a comment on a pic like "wow this is great, I love this character, can I try doing fanart of them sometime?" Again, if you're genuine, it'll work out fine. Either way I wouldn't put this kind of stress and pressure on yourself. This community isn't about "networking."
>>46192 he didn't read my post...
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>>46188 I'll be your friend homie-chan
Is "tickling" and any variant (tickle, tickles, tickled, ticklish) banned as a tag on Omegle now? Was working just fine yesterday, but not it seems you don't get paired anymore under those tags
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This entire fetish is fake every single tickle model you've seen in a video is putting on an exaggerated hammed up laugh for the camera. No one is as ticklish as this fantasy the fetish has created would lead you to believe. The sooner you get out of this internet pornography developed fetish shit an go back to normal sex the better cause the longer your in the quick-sand the more it's going to suck you down with it.
>>46226 my gf tickled me last night and I'd like to disagree with the sentiment that it's "exaggerated"
>>46226 Alright... who forgot to give grandpa his meds today...
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I'm here to rant about how omegle seemingly disabled any tickle-related keyword you can use as a common interest. Fuck those guys, I've had some fun rps on there.
>>46226 Jokes on you, I dug the hole for that sand.
>>46235 Why do we exist just to suffer
>>46225 >>46235 So it seems I'm not the only one. Fuck them indeed. Most of the time it sucks balls, but it was still something to do to kill the time. I also managed to find there long-term rp partners from time to time, and any other alternative to Omegle has been hilarious in comparison. Suspiciously enough, I used it yesterday just fine, and a girl told me that she also had a BDSM fetish and they banned it too, so people need to come up with stuff like "ropes" or "tied up" or "tie" as a workaround without much success. Fuck them.
>>46235 >>46243 Forgot to say that words like "cosquillas" or "solletico" (Spanish and Italian for "tickling" respectively) are unbanned, but nobody used them much before anyway. I don't think nobody would care in the shithole r/tickling is, so I came here as the only place I could think of to complain.
>>46244 >>46235 >>46225 bummer lol If anything though, I take some satisfaction in knowing that those insufferable cunts who were ALWAYS FUCKING THERE now have nothing to do. "boy, into ticklish daddies, are you a ticklish daddy? :3c" "looking for a girl who has been tied up in a yoga saddle pose" some other guys i'm probably forgetting I've gone months or years in between using omegle and somehow I still bumped into these dudes every single time. Get a job.
>>46246 Lmao, I agree with you. If someone makes a RIP Omegle thread or something, we should list them. There is always this guy "do you like to see girls in bikini?", like holy fuck. Or the one saying "girl looking for another girl who has had a toothbrush in her bellybutton" or some crap like that. Also recently there was someone saying "F ler looking for a mom who is a tickle toy" or something similar. And I'm sure there are way more I don't remember now. It's not like I went there often anyway, but they are ALWAYS there. There was also a bot of a girl promoting her kik, I can't remember how the message was, I only remember the last part that was something like "my username is <her username> (delete the spaces)"
>>46247 >>46246 Kinda fuckin trippy to hear other people talking about what until now has been such a singular experience to me lmao. I have seen everyone you both describe, too many times. You may know me from such hits as: "Hi, m" "Hi there, 24/25/26m" (I used that shithole for too long) And occasionally a cheeky "Hi"
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>>46226 Unironically fucking based. Way too many cumbrain burnouts with fried dopamine systems in this fetish though ticklefags are major autists anyhow >source just look at all the Sonicshit, ponyshit, FNAFshit
>>46241 All existence is suffering anon, you can either deny this simple fact or find meaning in overcoming the hardships. You only truly suffer if you don't learn anything from the inevitable adversity you'll face.
>artist use to draw perfectly good feet >they start getting more and more detailed exaggerated until you have weird gnarled wrinkly talons Why does this happen so often
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>>46246 >>46247 >>46250 Surreal, holy shit. I know exactly what you mean. Over the years I've seen so many of these guys just lurking all the time! There was this guy who started with "who's the most ticklish person you know IRL?" Another with "who's your favourite tickle model?" Possibly the same person. There was also a dude who introduced himself with a desire for "rp with ageplay". Both as m and f. Called him out for being a pedo a few times for shits and giggles. There was an ambitious dude who pretended to have a ler girl in a chatzy room and was "looking for another f ler to join us". There was this girl who alternated between calling herself Julia, Angelina and a few other names. She was always VERY eager to send pics of herself on imgur or unsee. And it was always the same sets of pictures. Blonde girl in a timber-clad room, or bright-eyed brunette. Obviously a dude or larball in disguise, but I'll admit "she" was fun to rp with. >>46244 >>46243 I've started to experiment with misspells like "ticle" and "tikle" alongside stuff like "lee" and "ler". It's kinda fucking wild that things like "tied up", "gagged", "bound and gagged" are allowed but fucking tickling gets the axe of all things.
>>46311 >There was an ambitious dude who pretended to have a ler girl in a chatzy room and was "looking for another f ler to join us". Lol, how could I forget him? So common lol >I've started to experiment with misspells like "ticle" and "tikle" alongside stuff like "lee" and "ler". Well, feel free to report your success rate. I considered too "tickler" or "tickle", or even "tk" or "tkr", with no luck. I get the normies wouldn't think of it
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I remember reading an article on ER after the shooting happened saying the only time he acted like a normal person was when someone would tickle him and he laughed.
i got a rant for ya >check twitter >"[artist you look up to and admire] liked 5 of your tweets >omg it's finally happening they like my artwork!! >all the liked posts are retweets of other artists fuck twitter for having that stupid ass notification system. why can't it just say "liked X retweets" instead of tweets?
>>46916 whats your account ill give you a follow T. artist
>>46917 thanks, i genuinely appreciate the thought, and i hope this doesn't come off as rude but i don't really want a pity follow, i gotta earn it by getting better at art. i feel like I've been stagnant for a while improvement wise, but it's hard to practice when 80% of my day is work and i get home tired as hell. I'll have to make time though
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>>46926 You know friend, unless you are a gifted artist already working as a pro, its hard to get others to notice you right off the bat. Go talk to the artists you like, they're always hungry for trades, I'm sure you'll make a good impression
I have one. Why are anime girls so sweaty in most pics? Do they not have adequate ACs or fans?
>>46933 Because it's hot anon.
been seeing this post on twitter being QRT'd by a few tickling artists and while yes the commissioner here comes off as rude, the artists i see QRT this are using it to act like how privileged you are to even have the CHANCE to commission them. idk, as an artist who does commissions and as a frequent commissioner myself, luckily all of my transactions have been pretty positive for the most part, but i feel like, for example, if i know i have a delay coming up like an exam or a lot of work or something, I'll usually let the person commissioning know before they pay that It'll take longer for me to start on it due to X reason. that sounds reasonable right? but some fetish artists that have been qrting or commenting on this are writing paragraphs and posting them as pictures being like "yeah if you DARE ever even ASK where your commission is at ANY point in time, i WILL refund you and you WILL be added to me and my friends blacklist forever <3 I'll send it to you when it's done." obviously exaggerated for comedic effect, but it really did put it into perspective how many artists i liked are so high up on their horses, but this seems to be the norm? I've got friends who have seemingly been waiting upwards of 3 months for a commission (with no queue) that they've paid anywhere from $60 to $140 and when i tell them to ask the artist for an update they immediately say they won't because they're afraid the artist will think they're rushing them and cancel the comm. is this truly how some tickle artists act? personally i feel honored when i get a commission, i see it as someone liking my art enough to pay me to draw shit for them, and i try to communicate whenever there might be delays or something might take longer or im in the middle of working on another drawing first, etc. but it just seems like plenty of artists are very eager for the "take your money" part but despise the "do the drawing you were paid for" part. >TLDR; few tickling artists on twitter using a post about a bad commissioner to complain about commissioners they get asking for updates at any point in time, and acting like people should be honored for the chance to pay them $100+ just to get radio silence and maybe they'll get their drawing a week from now, maybe they'll get it 3 months from now but if you dare to ask for an update you're being incredibly rude and rushing them and WILL be put on blast
>>46951 It goes both ways. Some artists are definitely entitled assholes, but also some clients are. I know one guy who frequently commissions art who constantly manages to push their way to the front of the queue by hounding the artist working on their commission until they do theirs first just to get rid of them. Maybe this guy had similar experiences and saw red and overreacted.
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>>46951 I see both sides, but tbh the furfag completely lost his shit too hard over one negative interaction. If he really expected "something" after three days, yeah that's not long enough. As someone who buys art from artists outside of tickle kink, yeah, shit's gonna take longer than three days. A normal, presumably adult aged man should just know that from the get-go. That not even one week past and this little faggot went full "I HOPE AI PUTS YOU IN THE FUCKING STREETS REEEEEEEEEE" isn't a good look. That said, that the guy wouldn't just tell him "Yeah man, it's gonna be a little longer, sorry if that wasn't made clear earlier" and immediately flying into "take your money and fuck off!"? Pure autism. And autism is what you're gonna see a lot of in any artistic adjacent community, fetish or not. As with my commissions, unless they've explicitly stated it "could be awhile"- as they probably should, yeah after a week or so I'll pop in with a "everything good? just curious about the status" and if they haven't started, oh well. They're communicating and that's really all I need, to make sure they didn't just fuck off with my money. tl;dr the furfag was initially right, the artist was the retard. That said, his immediate reaction being almost like 2 days of "Fuck you, fuck ALL of you! None of you ever deserve anything! EVER AGAIN!" completely gutted his case and made him look unreasonable, and like someone who definitely would have demanded constant status updates at unreasonable intervals. Even though we can see he didn't, at least in that situation, he went too far off the rails to sympathize with.
>>46957 >three days more than enough for a very rough sketch of the poses at least honestly, especially if there's no queue like the dude claims. again, the guy was busy so i can see why he wasn't able to do it but i think if he had told the furfag that he was busy that week he would've avoided this confrontation from the get go. >>46956 i know a semi-popular artist in the community that when he gets commissions he isn't thrilled about doing but wants the money, he'll tell them the ETA is 3 months due to a backlog/queue, money up front, and then just hopes they either forget about it or they're too nice to say anything. if they do say something after the 3 months he'll do a half assed drawing in like 2-3 hours and sends it out.
>>46964 That's just straight up fraud.
>>46191 he says stupid shit to the models and tries to be all stern and serious about it most of the time, keeping a straight face like he doesn’t enjoy it. you’re probably him so why not just let loose we already know what you look like you fat shit. And stop trying to make small talk, just fucking tickle or woship their feet it’s not that hard.
>>47015 calm down faggot I just asked a question, had I know the answer was "my headcanon!" I would have dismissed you as a retard outright.
>>47007 you'd be amazed by how many artists pull this shit. not even suspicion, I've spoken to more than a few in the tickling art scene who pull shit like this, and they're not no-names
>>47026 >Asks question >Gets answer >"CALM DOWN FAGGOT I JUST ASKED A QUESTION" Peak retardation, Exhibit A Get a life lol
Oh great another shit slinging contest between two niggers needing the last word
>>47034 >answer question like a spastic mongoloid >there's no need to be such a mongoloid" >F-FUCK YOU RETARD, DON'T YOU KNOW YOU'RE ON THA CHANZ?! Calm. Down. Lol.
>>47034 My brother in christ. When they said "calm down" they were referring to the schizo accusation of being the producer they were talking about. You can't possibly be this braindead.
>>47057 I really, really hope the silly faggot legitimately just forgot that's what he did, and honestly thought I was upset that he gave a response I didn't like.
>>47026 Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be busy working bombarding people's Loyal Fans DM's with empty promises and sub begging?: "Uwu So sorry I haven't posted fuck all but I PROMISE I've got SO MUCH CONTENT I just HAVEN'T POSTED, so be sure to SUBSCRIBE and BUY CUSTOMS". You're a clown.
>>47074 seethe fatty!
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>be me >early 20s >never had any sort of action w this >trying to set up my first tk session, never had one before >explore on fetlife, tklmap and tmf >post a little bit about myself in groups and communities in my area to try and get the ball rolling >try not to come off too strong or desperate >week passes >only dm so far is two states over, single 57 year old man with no followers and 1 profile pic and all he says is "Hi I want to tickle u" >why live please. for those who have had a tk session before with no previous action, how'd y'all do it? offer your guidance, i implore you. what are some of the hotspot places to find people looking for meetups and shit like that in this kink. i'm starving bros, help a dawg get tickled ffs
There's never really any good tickle mods for games. Ton's of porn ones for free but heaven forbid one of the autistic here use that mental damage for the greater good.
To the few people that actually care, I believe omegle has removed their idiotic filter. Happy chatting!

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