/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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General thread Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 22:20:58 Id: 5136cf No. 9420
For things that don't deserve their own thread, or if you just want to socialize
>>9420 Footfags VS armpitfags..... FIGHT!!
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>>9422 What if I'm neither of those, do I just watch?
>>9422 <insert paragraph of bellyfags whining about how footfags need to be sent to gulags and then spamming artists with "but muh belly tho">
>>9432 >Shit that never happens
>>9436 Damn maybe furfags are even more obnoxious than I thought.
>>9422 I like both but armpits are so criminally underrated.. just seeing them is enough to get me.
>>9422 I love all forms of tickling, as long as I can see the ticklee's face and see how her body squirms.
>see videos i wanted to watch for ages get uploaded on a site >when i go to fap they are removed already ffs, anyone else know this feel they don't make them anymore so there is no reason to pay, you were a legend |_|_O_|_|
>>9474 >armpits are so criminally underrated Despite being a footfag, I agree with this sentiment. When it comes to foot tickling, you often get pictures and videos with close-ups of the feet. Meanwhile, for armpits I haven't really seen the equivalent of that, although I didn't go the full deep dive when searching for them, so maybe I just never saw it. That being said I consider myself a ticklefag first and footfag second, so I'd rather see armpit tickling than foot worship.
>>9522 I love armpits because they've been the most ticklish spot on 70% of the women I've tickled, but I don't really care about them outside of a tickling context. I think a lot of armpitfags don't really have a fetish for them like footfags do for feet, they just want to see the lee's worst spots given more attention. A quick close up peek of the armpits can be hot, but I don't want producers to drag it out like a lot of the foot stuff in videos.
>>9527 >Upper body fags are so starved for content they have to larp about having tickled women IRL Sad!
>>9579 Many such cases!
>>9579 I actually almost got a tickling session with a woman I met online, who said she is most ticklish on her sides. Pussied out because she seemed unstable (I got very weirded out by how enthusiastically open she was about relation of her masochism and history of abusive relationships), and because I'm socially handicapped.
>>9420 Do we have a mod or anything for this board? I'm fucking sick of every thread turning into autistic arguing about fetishes. Even when someone just makes a joke or baits, people still get unreasonably angry.
>>9629 You seem angrier than anyone else. Accept shitposting, anon. That’s what gives a board culture.
>>9656 /tkr/ shitposting isn't even entertaining, it's the same two or three lines repeated ad nauseum. It's no better than wojak spam on half /v/.
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>>9656 >>9659 Yeah if you people think this shit is making it look like you're "down with the culture", you're completely retarded. Half of shitposting is jokes and the other is at least on topic with what's happening within the topic. Most of you retards are just overtly sensitive about feet, UB, furries, children etc etc and take the first opportunity you can to screech about it, regardless of what's supposed to be the topic. That's generally not how other imageboards function.
>>9667 Exactly. /tkr/ shitposting might as well just be mad libs at this point.
>>9629 Which threads exactly?
>>9670 This one for starters
>>9671 you fool, you moron this thread is pinned, a mod posted it
>>9699 >tfw Reisen is your mod
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>>9707 Useless little bunny, only good for her tickle appeal.
>>9708 If Reisen mod, can we gang up on and tickle Reisen until we are mod?
>>9667 The point is that screaming about it isn’t going to make it stop. Do you think shitting up threads with “WHY is there so much SHITPOSTING?” Is gonna convince people to stop shitposting? That’s literally all they want, anon.
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I wanna tickle a mimicutie, bros
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>>9736 >The point is that screaming about it isn’t going to make it stop that is the nature of this kink...
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>>9740 I mean, they're asking for it. What else are they good for, other than being obnoxious trolls?
>>9742 Based
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Mha characters are 16 so any tickle art with uraraka or momo or any of the class 1A or 1B girls is Democrat activism and you're a pedo for posting it
>>9809 Democrat activism?
>>9809 Good thing I only like Midnight
>>9809 If I can legally fuck a 16 years old I reserve the right to morally fap to them too.
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>>9809 >Mha characters are 16 Old hags.
>>9820 I disagree with the first post, since no one thinks of the mha girls as children, even the show sexualizes momo, but not eri? C'mon man she been thru enough
>>9836 Eri is a weird uncanny valley for me where I think her design is extremely cute, but she's SO young seeing her in foot/tickle situations does kind of put me off. I see her design and think "oh, she's cute! she'd make a great lee!", and then I think, "oh yeah, she's like six! never mind!"
>>9844 >>9836 Yeah I agree, shit's lame.
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>>9671 There is no shitposting in /tkr/, there is no shitposting in /tkr/ This thread is containment
>>9836 >>9844 >>9845 No, no, no, true tickle torture is inherently the perversion of something sweet, innocent and childish by taking it to its utmost degree of intensity and duration until it becomes utterly unbearable. Someone pure, cute and helpless like little Eri is literally the prime target for hours upon hours of desperate forced laughter, crying and useless begging resulting from a merciless ticklish attack on all her vulnerable spots. The fact that a poor little girl being sadistically tickle tortured is fucked up is not why it's bad, it's why it's good.
>>9846 Glad you enjoy it, not my thing though. But like I said, only MHA girl I really like is Midnight.
Why do lolifags have such a victim complex over people not liking their niche fetish, it's not that deep.
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>>9856 I'm thinkin BASED?
>>9860 You fucking pedofucks disgust me. The only thing you deserve is a .45 between the eyes. You uh, wouldn't happen to have the other pics of this set would you? I think there were two more before they got deleted.
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>>9861 I have the socked version, thats it
>>9864 Alright, thanks regardless. Like I said I thought all of them were lost to the void forever.
>>9856 I mean yeah, that's true. That is what I love about it. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm just not attracted to kids. It's not the fact that she's "too innocent" or something, it's that she physically reminds me of children in real life which I find extremely unappealing. There are plenty of characters I want to tickle into submission who aren't six.
I have mostly eradicated Christmas
>>10000 I may have also broke posting in the process... maybe it's fixed now
>breaks posting for an hour Maybe I really am a useless bunny...
I think everything's working now, if the board is still bugged you can fix it by changing "board-specific CSS" on top to anything else.
>>10000 Nice 10k get anon
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Nuns are underrated
>>10117 Nunderrated
I just so happen to have the knowledge of how to do edited drawing animations in vain of tgt. Should i pass my knowledge onto this board with a new thread?
>>10386 Put it in the drawthread
>>10605 Okay, see, that's how far I'm not going.
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tickle whatever this is
Is anyone else here into blacked/ntr tickling?
>>9856 Based, Eri Torture chads RULE this thread This is now an Eri destruction by tickling board
>>10629 how does that work?
Bro can we finally talk about the banner images. I wanna see the full version of all of em
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>>10816 Here you go friendo
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>>10768 Big black dude tickles your waifu, maybe while he is fucking her Or you tickle your waifu while she is taking bbc
>>10899 Sounds as hot as if he wasn't black to me.
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>>10629 I don't give a shit about black cock, but I'd love to tickle your gf/wife while you watch impotently. Hope that gets your rocks off.
>>10999 Quite likewise, I really like the fantasy of tickle torturing a married woman or a dedicated girlfriend. However my kink about this is more about how hot it would be to tickle such woman until she is begging to sexually submit just to make the tickle torture stop than about particularly caring about what her husband/boyfriend thinks about it. Still, I really do like the idea of "tickle swinging", swapping ticklees with some guy and then having a gentlemanly competition about which one tickles the other's sub into safeword and beyond first.
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>>11013 >"tickle swinging" Now that is some advanced thinking. I need to see something with that concept now.
>>11013 >>11086 >Competitive tickle swinging Fuck, this needs to be a sequence of videos like yesterday.
Facebook is getting better all the time at identifying what to put in an ad to make me stop scrolling. If you show me Japanese women getting their feet tickled, even if by fish, I'm gonna probably stop and look. Anyone else have similar experiences of big tech companies starting to identify your fetishes and target you with ads accordingly?
>>11459 >big tech companies starting to identify your fetishes This can only lead to the weirdest dystopia ever. Now I'm thinking of a weird fetish-based cyberpunk where your brain is scanned for applicable fetishes before you're advertised to, with the constant fear that it could be broadcasted to the world somehow.
any board which regularly has loli doll discussion? I saw the ocassional thread on kohlchan but they don’t seem to pop up anymore
>>11495 not this one nigga
>>11461 I have been thinking of a tickling scenario a bit like that, where an evil corporation would hire a tickling fetishist whose unconventional cybersex preferences they have been monitoring to work as their professional torturer to extract information from industrial spies and assassins (coincidentally all women and all hot) who can are immune to pain due to their cybernetically enhanced bodies, but their nervous systems can be remapped to feel amplified ticklish sensations. Could write something about it if I wasn't so lazy.
>>11736 >industrial spies and assassins (coincidentally all women Coward.
https://www.patreon.com/Perizukois Add him to lemons party plz
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the new DA UI fucking sucks, i can't wait for all the worth while tickle artists to migrate to pixiv so i don't have to keep coming to this fucking shithole god forsaken site.
>>12651 Y’know, I should probably post my stuff on Pixiv as well now that you mention it-
>>12655 Just make sure you add a giant black bar around anything lewd
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>>12655 >>12659 it's not that bad of a jump, i am being entirely honest when saying that even FurAffinity is better because they're not shitting up the fucking UI; i hope that people like limscast move over because they would be doing themselves a favor.
When it tickles too good Drop em!
>>12715 Someone else who doesn't know how names work
>>9864 who its the artist?
>>9860 >>9864 >master1200.png noooooooooo >>9866 They are, only the thumbnails are alive.
>>13279 I had already looked for it that is not the name
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>thinking about being tickled >actually being tickled
>>12715 That’s basically every Narutobyrufy tickle pic for the past couple of years since they all have the girl with their mouth wide open and their tongue flailing about.
I'm trying to get this tickling vid from tezfiles would I get a virus if I choose slow speed download cus I did that on k2s and my phone permanently died the next day Any advice will be worth it
>>13609 i feel like narutobyrufy has this like unique ability to consistently pump out the lowest quality shit imaginable. probably the only tickling artist that i know by name specifically in order to avoid their art. crazy how they can be drawing for years and show zero improvement. all straight unappealing work that looks like the nightmare sketches of a schizophrenic
>>9420 How mad would everyone be if I did this?
>>13767 Enough to tie a dumb bunny mod down and 'tiggle' her all over until she apologizes and swears she'll never do it again. So like not really mad, just regular kinky mood.
>>13770 Why are we assuming mod is a woman again?
>>13789 I'm not assuming the mod is a woman, I'm assuming the mod is a silly rabbit
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>>13767 do it
>>13793 Fair. Based image choice.
>>13793 You said tiggle *her* all over until *she* apologizes and swears *she'll* never do it again tho
>>13789 WTF I was told that everyone (except me) online are girls?!
>>13813 There are no girls here, none of them would be into a fetish as childish and cringe as tickling.
Glad erimoto is back, her art was getting really good before she left
>>13809 True, true.
>>13770 >>13793 Make a tiggle caption of it!
>>14081 I have half a mind to do it and use the words 'tiggle', 'tiggling', etc. exclusively all throughout.
>>14087 As someone who frequently contributes to the caption thread, please do and post it there. We'll probably get a kick out of it.
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>>13767 fuck no, have some dignity.
will probably regret this immensely, lol. im just woefully bored and i made a throwaway so if anyone is weird i can just block and move on— weird being relative, considering im on a fetish forum. that being said, i have a kik called 8chanfemanon considering im. a fem anon on 8chan, lol. just looking to socialize, though MOSTLY to roleplay. feel free to add me on there if you’re interested. just to save everyone time, i do have a preference for lers who prefer tickling my feet and/or tits, as theyre probably the most sensitive thing on me. im a huge noncon slut, and i don’t do furries or scat or such. don’t mind indulging other fetishes (ive humored a LOT of different things before) but just run it by me so I can see if im comfortable with it or not— no judgement here. as an aside im not the biggest fan of magic or tickling machines either— id rather my tickling me done up close and personal by like, a person? ig the biggest gripe with this is the anonymity of it all. i like the anonymity and im not willing to give any identifying information, but if you really want to make sure im a woman then we can work something out in terms of verifying that sort of thing. pls don’t come in being weird and cringe— again, sort of relative considering the fetish, but still. just hoping to find some likeminded folks since all other tickling communities just don’t do it for me.
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>>14262 you shouldn't have done that, miss good luck
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>>14262 >if you really want to make sure im a woman then we can work something out in terms of verifying that sort of thing.
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>>13770 Imagine tickling the mods until they give up the passwords to you tho.
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>>14395 S-s-stop imagining such things!
>>14397 Passwords plox or silly wabbit gets some tiggle wiggles on her toesie woesies uwu
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>>14397 Oh no no no, I love tickle interrogation, and it seems like our fav mod would love to be the victim. Get in the stocks to save me time.
>>14262 Weren’t you on discord before? What happened to that?
So, apparently Danny Devito tickle art is a thing...
>>14765 I wanna laugh at how weird and gross that is but like part of me is glad that, even when I've grown old and fat, theres still gonna be weirdos out there who wanna tickle me. yanno?
>>14784 I can confirm, as someone into male lees, that older, chubbier lees are still just as good. Yeah, there's gonna be a limit on how many grandpas I wanna see tickled, but a jolly old guy with some chub to him still makes a fine tickle subject.
>>14262 I was a John Doe that you talked to, and it was fun chatting with you for that brief time. It was nice to talk to someone about this fetish without judgment. I doubt I'll ever talk to you again, but just know that you made me feel normal for once.
Let's all agree that either you love feet or not, but there are MUCH more worse fetishes out there. I just wanna find feet/tickling art on FA but literal bottom feeders keep polluting it with piss, scat and vore "art". FA still desperately needs a blacklist feature
>>15144 nice talking to you too, anon. for what it’s worth i enjoyed it— I enjoyed a lot of my conversations but, as expected, too many creeps flooded my messages and what was supposed to be an enjoyable foray into fetish stuff turned into something unhealthy and creepy. both for my safety and my mental health i just sorta logged off, i dread even logging back in. same thing happened in discord awhile back which confirms my suspicions. can’t really expect respect from a fetish forum and though that sounds passive aggressive, i genuinely don’t mean it to be. it is what it is, and i enjoyed what little time i had on both platforms. thanks for chatting, everyone (‘: maybe ill repost feet pics or something later on, and/or only interact through boards exclusively since people don’t have the balls to be as outwardly creepy without a million other people replying to them and calling them autistic lol.
>>16145 >Post for attention on an anonymous message board dedicated to a niche fetish known for it's autistic creeps >Get messaged by many autistic creeps Pottery. Post feet plz.
>>16145 I almost dmed you but chickened out in the end lmao, shame you got too many creeps but it is what it is
Is there any I can stop this from happiness on kemono
How do I make new threads
>>16516 You sacrifice a fair maiden by tickling her for twenty four hours straight on the ritual altar and pray the thread gods will bestow their blessing upon you.
>>16516 In the Index mode, you can't do it in Catalog.
Is there a backup board? If so, what is the link?
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hey uh, i'm feeling like playing some smash and i'm willing to bet a drawing on whoever beats me to the best of three, so if anyone is down just let me know in the next 10 minutes.
>>16808 well shit, i meant a sketch not a drawing, whatever, you know what i mean, i'm just bored in late night.
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/tkr/ bros...
>>16982 We're gonna get eaten!
>>16986 >>16982 guys, relax. tickling hard counters vore in fetish typing. how many times have you seen a cartoon where some creature swallows or tries to eat someone, and they just get tickled until they open their mouth/spit them back up? either from the outside or inside.
>>16982 >>16986 People have finally realized how childish and cringey tickling fetish is!
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>>17035 The world runs on laughter and tears once again, as it should.
>>17025 I'm not into vore but I'm surprised this hasn't been a more common scenario.
I'm just floored that we've managed to stay even close to the front this consistently
>Oh, goody. Realistic human feet again!
Who else thinks cleaninghouseTK is kinda sucking up all the good artists and imposing paywalls to see any of their content?
>>17238 Don't they release the stuff after like a month anyway though? I have more issues with the amount of loli content they post.
>>17246 You could try setting up commissions with taste to counteract it. >>17238 But also, the guy is crazy enough to have a system where if you commission any of them, Cleaninghouse takes care of half of the cost to get it done. That's basically ten bucks to get something great, so it's some kind of trade-off. Plus you get to see literal whos that you never would have met any other way.
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>>13815 >women are too grown up and mature for us women stop growing up at 16
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>>17688 "Hey Anthony, what the fuck studies are you running in there? I hear people screaming." "Don't even worry about it! Don't come in! This is important science I'm doing!"
Is there a place like kusubooru where i can find tickling art? I havent found a good new site since kusubooru shut down.
>>17688 Using a sample of six men and seven women...not exactly groundbreaking or conclusive, especially when there have been previous studies that suggest, if anything, men are more ticklish, particularly on the feet. Women are also more likely to admit to being ticklish than men, so using an arbitrary 7-point scale based on the victims' replies is pretty unreliable. Now I would happily volunteer to perform more 'tests' on a far larger sample of willing participants...make it 130 people next time instead of 13 😈
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>>18065 Alright, that's it, I'm tick.ling a dumb bunny mod to death.
>>18066 May I join in on tiggling the bunny mod? They deserve it~
Instead of tiggling how about some soft headpats?
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>>18079 The more, the quicker we're bringing this outrageous dictator down to a crying begging wreck of out of control laughter. >>18080 You will get tiggles, and you're not allowed to like them!
>>18080 No headpats, only tiggles.
>>18082 >>18088 True! We must bring them down!~ >>18080 Just get in the stocks and I'll be easy on you~
>>18129 Oh, you're definitely getting the brush for this. And we're not stopping once you start crying.
>>18124 tiggling the cute bunny mod sounds fun, but I kinda wanna tiggle you more honestly
I submit that all members of the mod team and all namefags on this board should be locked in stocks and tickled by the anons. Keep everyone aware of who really holds all the power. If I had anything to contribute reliably I'd namefag myself to throw myself upon the mercy of the anons, but such is life. Maybe if I ask very nicely some kind blankfaces will oblige me.
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I hope everyone enjoyed being childish and cringe for a day
>>18168 Worry not, namefag or not, all ticklefags would gladly throw in to see you lose your mind bening tickled until you can't possibly take a second longer. You might as well tell us what size those big sensitive feet are, so we know what we're targetting to get you to utterly lose your mind laughing for us. (completely support the motion to turn all mods and namefags into tickle sluts for us to get our sick kicks out of, btw) >>18171 Based 'tickling is childish and cringe' mod, you deserve to get those big bunny feet scrubbed until you're begging for mercy for the crime of being a dumb bunny that plays pranks on the unsuspecting folk of /tkr/.
>>18171 I loved it, thank you mod! Now get in the stocks as it's time for your "reward".
>>18176 Mod feet! Mod feet! Mod feet!
>>18181 Mod feet! Mod feet! Mod feet!
>>18157 No~ <3 >>18168 W-Wait hold on, I don't like this idea! >>18171 Oh we did! I hope you enjoy being tickled for a day!
>>18184 Another ticklish named user I see. Looks like someone else wants their feet bare, locked in stocks and tickled to tears. Time to test how ticklish CoFu and her feet are.
>>18188 >>18157 You dumbasses, we should focus on the mods so we can own this place! We can become the mods!
>>18192 I agree. But can’t leave the named users out of the fun either. We need a big set of stocks. Trap the mods inside as well as the brave named users on here. We’ll wreck them all and take over the place with them as our own ticklish slut slaves!
>>18193 We should start with Tri then, he is the one making all those captions, give him a taste of his own medicine.
Yeah I really wanna see what cofu is like when she's all flustered and giggling nonstop from the constant teasing tickles on her toe tied tootsies
>>18196 >>18188 >>18157 The horny simps do be simping. We should tickle the anons because they're cowards.
>>18198 Honestly it just sounds like you want some
Personally I am not ticklish, so tickling me wouldn’t work despite being an anon. I’d happily tickle other anons though, male or female. Same goes for all the named tickle sluts on here. I’ll start with the bunny mod, then we’ll get Cofu, then we’ll move on to the rest of the tigglish sluts
>>18199 You can't prove anything! Now get in the stocks anon. >>18200 We will have to find out ourselves on that one. You get in too. Also I'm vpn hopping so my id is probably messed up.
Hey bunny mod, can we have a truce of running away from the anons?
>>18202 No-pe, get into the stocks
>>18204 Not so fast dumb bunny mod, you first!
>>18204 Bunny mod please!
>>18206 This one's all for you cutie~
>>18207 No stop that! Please, I don't wanna be tickled!
This just became another version of this thread >>1317 Why not just go to that one lol
Because we’re here to specifically tease bunny mod and Cofu. Ticklish girls need to be punished hard
>>18211 Imagine the mouth breathing the anons do when in contact with a girl kek.
>>18212 Yep, pretty much. Don’t see many on here
>>18214 >>18212 Personally, I just find the teasing funny lol. And yeah, definitely not gonna be a lot of girls here xD
>>18215 Nice to have a ticklish girl on here to tease. Now get in the stocks and lets see those bare footsies
>>18216 No, I don't think I will.
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>>18218 Cofu isn't a girl, this is Cofu irl.
>>18235 I wish I had at least a six-pack instead of my flat tummy xD
Where can I contact this guy shadman I seen on rule34 and tried to find him on Twitter and I found someone wit his name but I don't think it's him cus he had some weird weird shit on it can yall help
>>18246 Maybe add in an example of his art so we can help better? The famous shadman is the fucked up one lol.
>>18248 Well I just wanted to ask him if he plans on doing this with other seige ops
>>18248 And what do u mean the famous shadman is the fucked up one was that weird shit accualy him?
hey y'all, just wanted to ask how you make a new thread in 8chan. my exhibitionist tendencies are starting up again so i want to cook something up lol
Yeah, but why does being forced to laugh non-stop make me so horny though?
>>18570 Did you try to make a thread and just responded to the general thread instead
Does anyone know any vids where the lee has a loud cackling laugh? Ryan Conner is a good example of what I'm referring to.
Does anyone know if they have a kemono page there name is yueheidao and there work is fucking amazeing I'm also trying to find them on ehenti I will take as much help as I can get to get all there work
>>19157 Lol the fucking pfp and thanks
Does anyone know any places where I can get this from araghenxd gumroad
Do yall know if I can use a prepaid debit card for gumroad
im tired of the same 8 people on omegle, tbh. unironically posting an advert for web developing tickle fetishists to make a chat/roleplay website specifically for tickle fetishists so that people can actually match based on being a lee/ler, shared fetishes besides tickling, spots, types of tickling, etc. not a joke, im willing to become an indentured tickling roleplay/foot pic servant in return for it. would be willing to provide proof that im a female as well.
>>19706 >would be willing to provide proof that im a female as well. I would accept picrelated with this post's ID and number scribbled over your breasts and nothing less. Seriously though, I don't know why people obsess over genders when it comes to literal roleplaying, but either way, I wish you good luck: speaking as someone who has tried his way out there in the tickling RP world a few times, it can be pretty barren. Also turning you into a tickle roleplay/foot pic (pit pics okay too?) servant does sound insanely hot, must admit.
>>19711 wouldn’t be willing to show my face, but i will show tits + blacked out parts of my ID so you can see that im a woman. pit pics are okay, but they’re not really my most attractive feature. tits/feet are what looks best on me, honestly. anyway, if you’re okay with the above, let me know how id go about reaching out to you.
>>19726 Hmm, flattered, truly, but I don't think I can help you with your idea and I wouldn't ask that much of you just for roleplaying. Best I can do is once again wishing you good luck.
>>19706 >>19726 I'm interested for sure. We could always bounce ideas back and forth if you're interested. I can do kik, discord, email, etc.
>>19734 mind sharing your kik? i can add you. ik this is a public board and everything but there’s no way around it, lol
>>19737 It's 8chanon
>>19706 So are you turning into a foot pic servant in return for some fresh RP or for the website? Because I'd love too RP with you.
>>19743 it’s more so in exchange for developing a website. if anyone else is interested, feel free in reaching out since this is a multiple person project. i’d make a thread but idk how to, tbh.
>>19778 The issue will be hosting then, because that isn't that cheap. Making a simple chat site is something I might be able to do however.
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>>19706 coincidentally i have just finished the first development phase of a somewhat similar site, although the focus is more towards facilitating in-person meetups rather than RP. it's map based, where users drop pins onto a map which displays the info you provide. contact between users takes place externally via contact methods, which saved me having to develop any chat based functionality (although it's something i've considered adding). it's a little rough around the edges styling wise and has a few visual bugs (responsive designs are a bitch, i'm primarily a back-end developer) but it's otherwise fully functional as an MVP. nothing you see in the pics i've posted is a placeholder or mock-up: everything works. although it's currently being hosted on a very low tier compute power/memory infrastructure so not sure how it would handle many users at once. expanding it out from this point to include more specific RP features, like the ones you mentioned (spots, types of tickling) would be fairly easy. so, it's not exactly what you described (a chat/roleplay site) but it has the potential to bring people together based on those interests. ultimately this is a site i made for fun not really knowing if anyone would make use of it, which i still don't really know the answer to. if anyone here is interested in trying it out and giving some feedback, let me know. maybe i'll make a thread or something.
>>19788 this is actually really neat, anon. you’re killing two birds with one stone and, if it can implement some of the features I mentioned (such as spots and types of tickling) then you’ve got something great on your hands. for those who aren’t able to meet up, they can use this (hypothetical) match up feature to find like minded individuals and take their rp elsewhere. those who are able to meet up, meanwhile, can peruse the other’s preferences at a glance (gender and lee/ler aside) and see if it’s worth even meeting up or not. that’s wonderful, anon. kinda wanna reward you for your efforts, if ya know what i mean :p kudos to you!!! needless to say i’d love to try it out when you get the chance.
>>19788 So, what do you plan to call this site?
>>19788 Such a genuinely awesome idea, I'd love to see this happen
>>19788 I'm willing to give it a shot.
Saw the newest update on TwoMario’s kemono page, one of the pics is Kirby characters recreating Zero through tickling and using cum of all things to reshape them
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>>20417 what
>>20417 >It's real >They're also all futa
>>20451 >>20454 Imagine, Kirby vs Zero as an orb of dripping cum of all things
Sorry to post unrelated in general. I've been having trouble with the block bypass not accepting my answers and I wanted to see if file upload was screwing it up somehow.
>>21093 Had the same problem, captcha never loaded a few hours ago
Btw, I noticed some thread just disappeared, talking about an issue I won't mention. Who knows, knows. I just hope this board doesn't end up being like a subreddit ffs.
>>21097 It got merged into the artists you hate thread
>>21110 Oh, then cool
I think Google is smoking the grass again
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>>20408 >>20342 >>20325 >>19834 It's currently being hosted on www.tklmap.com Would be interested in hearing any feedback anyone has. It's had some interest so far, but I'm still unsure of the practicality of it beyond it being a novelty map.
>>21256 why are half of them like >looking for: switch/ler/lee (any gender) >any gender >"Hi, I'm looking for women who-"
>>21298 Can't say I'd noticed that. Is the UI not clear enough or something?
Does anyone know any ways to unpixeal any art cus now I'm seeing shit where fucking tickling is being pixelated
>>21256 hi man, amazing site, i advertised it wherever i could, some people asking to add nonbinary options
>>21256 That moment when there are no markers in my state :(
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>>21489 tmw you can't even see my country
>>21469 I thank you for helping spread the word! Also, if those guys want attention, they can just put that in their descriptions. >>21489 Once we get more people to join, you'll surely have at least a few in your state. >>21492 If we give the devs enough feedback, maybe they'll add your country.
>>21497 >If we give the devs enough feedback, maybe they'll add your country. Oh, it's there. It's just tiny and devoid of any markers.
>>21469 Thanks, I'm quite pleased with the uptake so far. I put an update out today adding Non-Binary as a gender option.
I suppose this thread doesn't really need to be pinned
all in all, I think tickling is as based as fetishes can possibly come, despite it also being among the most common. it's edgy, hip and can reach such disorientating heights. for the general populace and other fetish niches as well. it's a really fucking 3d mix of playfulness, innocence, cruelty, intimacy and dehumanization, all neatly packaged into something so innocuous. ticklefags truly are blessed!
Lately I've been pretty interested in cultural differences in regard to tickling. For example, Japan produces a huge amount of tickling content and it frequently pops up in mainstream media, while you rarely ever see any tickle content from South Korea. What countries have you guys lived in and what do you think the general impression of tickling was there?
>>21721 I've been thinking about the same over the years. Didn't think about mainstream media tho. Like comics vs manga, for example. Certainly you find more fetish related content (or better quality at least) from Japanese/Chinese people. However, I was talking about meetings and stuff like that. Like I think it's an anglo fetish or something. Most of people is either from the USA or the UK, and maybe Canada/Aus too. I'm from South America and I moved to Europe. When I was young, before I learned English, it was impossible to find content, and I think that's still up to date. Not only that, but gatherings/meetups are rare too, in either the TMF, Reddit or else. 99% of the time is UK/US. Nowadays I find people in Omegle from Germany or Austria, but I've never met a French, for example. A few Italians or Spaniards if you're lucky. So yeah, what people think?
>>21721 Do you have the sauce for this TV show? Anyone know?
Anyone know of any good websites to advertise tklmap on? Even though I've only left comments on tickle fetish YouTube videos, they keep disappearing.
>>21862 Reddit? The subreddit seems to be a bit more active nowadays. Maybe try on the "Personals" pinned post too. No idea if the TMF would be useful.
>>21721 I don't know about Asia, but with just a little digging you find a fuckload of Arab foot fetish content (mostly bastinado but some tickling), which is a bit surprising since I think we've all heard that shit that "Muslims think feet are filthy and lowly!" I would think there's tickling content floating around I just haven't stumbled across yet, but I've been shocked at just how much (seemingly homemade) falaka whackoff content is out there and being made all the time.
>>21872 I too have noticed the amount of arab content floating around and wish it was more tickling-focused. If you think about the idea that you put forward of "Muslims think feet are filthy and lowly!", it doesn't surprise me that a body part that is culturally thought of as exceptionally lowly would be resistant to fetishization. Rather the opposite, I would imagine there is a higher rate of foot fetishism in arab areas, especially since women are often covered all the way down to our ankles. Clearly Muhammad didn't consider that people would sexualize feet when writing the Quran or else he'd have demanded they be covered too. Also: >ywn have 4 wives in a conservative arab nation who you can punish with merciless foot tickling in order to assert yourself as head of the household in accordance with Islamic law.
Could someone fill me in on why "the to tickle list" is so popular? last time I checked its a crappy top-down game?
>>22124 It actually isn't all that popular, the guy making it only has like 80 followers on Patreon. It just seems popular because he keeps spamming it everywhere and commissioning art of the characters.
>>21862 Are you one of the tklmap devs?!? Didn't realize that y'all lurked here...
inb4 someone asks
Does anyone know if doing something like attaching feathers to a fan will let you tickle yourself?
>>25633 don't do this, it creates mustard gas
So did Ribbotang ghost? His pixiv account is gone and I don't think he got banned or anything. He does lurk here so maybe he will just let us know. Would be a shame if he left though.
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>>25643 For real? Damn. I liked his stuff as well...
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>Waifu bangs a dude while I watch >After they finish she tickles me as a reward for being a "good cucky" This is not what I meant by tickle swinging. It's over bros.
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>>28208 Anon, did you forget to mention that swinging is supposed to include two couples?
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I sure hope everyone's doing alright...
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>>30034 I am sad
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>>30034 Thanks, Board Owner-san... >>30035 Have you tried not being sad? Keep on keeping on, anon
>>30034 i've actually been doing pretty good, thanks for asking board owner, after doing some research about actual art i've been able to keep a more stable art style, even if it's still my simplistic self. >>30035 mind telling us why you're sad anon?
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what the fuck is going on?
Any of you ticklers wanna be friends with a 30 m lee from usa? I got discord ShmuckeyTheClown#2648 so feel free to say hi.
>>32404 Many new victims!
lmao big man is getting raped yet again, GG waterfags, enjoy second place.
So for those of you who archive tickle smut, what compression settings do you use?
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>>17696 >>17712 The Tickle Department is the one who runs the joint, in case you want to talk to him.
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>see artist with a super cute style on da, not fetish related at all >compliment their art as it's genuinely asthetically pleasing >they thank me >ask if they would consider an art trade >ignored >feel like shite they must've seen my gallery and got weirded out by all the tickle stuff i drew, or they just didn't like my style i can't be the only person this has happened to
>>35495 Don't be sad homie chan I'll art trade with you
Why is there actual pedo shit being posted every other day? I swear it's becoming more often and i fear the whole site's gonna get nuked, is there no way to prevent these people from posting that sort of shit?
>>36453 Yes, but it will never happen. Please do a global report for CP.
>>10816 Since there have been a lot of new banners added, can we get them posted here?
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>>21256 Ah yes. Mark your exact address on a map, easily accessible for any nutcase on some chan board. Very smart. Much wow.
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>>21256 >99% of these markers are male Girls really do think tickling is childish and cringe...
>>21469 Some of y'all really are just happy to throw up your personal locations to some anon board because somebody promised you can meet more muh ticklees/lers.
>>36526 That too. Same shit, different platform. Or maybe women are just smarter than to throw their irl location on chan boards.
>>21256 >Sees one marked in my country >It's a guy >Ehhh okay at least we're kindred spirits >Checks links >Noodle language >mfw >putangina
>>36529 > Noodle language
>>36533 ah, yes, times new ramen
Most Ticklish? No choice limit. https://strawpoll.com/polls/QrgeVopmOZp
>>36595 >no dark samus >no fem villager >no sheik >no isabelle >no inkling >no nana >no pikachu libre >no jigglypuff >no kazooie >no alex >no wendy I'm not voting on your disgustingly vanilla normie-core poll.
>>36598 Is Jigglypuff even considered female?
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>>36605 >>36607 >>36609 According to Bulbapedia, 75% of Jigglypuffs are female, so I think it's safe to assume that the one in Smash is a chick.
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>>36524 It's obviously all part of the endgame to actually end up in a maniac's basement as a tickle slave, you dolt.
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Merry Christmas everyone
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>>36738 Merry Crimbus anon
Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, you kinky weirdos
>>17035 Nah man I’ve met a few people into hardcore BDSM like with whipping and beating and crap. When I tell them I’m into tickling, they get FREAKED OUT. For a lot of people it’s actually way more hardcore than you’d think.
Why cant i view any images on 8chan?
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Happy bunny year!
>>36524 Let them. 1. Let them tell their names to everyone. 2. Let them post their home addresses. 3. Let them share their contact information. 4. Let them announce ages and birthdays. 5. Let lurkers sell their identities in the black market. 6. Let them complain from being hacked, being stalked, being impersonated. 7. Look at 1,2,3 and 4. 8. Laugh at them as they horrified as these things happen to them. Laugh as they absolutely deserved it for being idiots. Too late to change anything now, anything in there has been out for years now and anyone with malicious intent has already accessed and downloaded any information they would need for future use when they least expect it. Maybe it already happened, maybe it will in the future, maybe it will happen when they are dead and these impersonators will make fake files to take their properties of their children. It's their problem for living in the internet.
Who the hell keeps making those threads? Whats with that?
I'm starting to think I'm a bot because I can't do the captcha on the first try, there's always a letter impossible to decipher. Also, some times I need to do 2 captchas in a row. Does it happen to someone else?
>>40436 It happens to me too. Sometimes the captcha is just hard to make out.
>>40436 >>40437 It's hard for me to figure out too... Captcha automatically gets enabled when there's too many replies within an hour (you can thank Belly and Navel general 2) and I have to manually disable it.
>>40437 >>40441 Good to know I'm not the only one who is becoming a robot
It must be the whiskey but I just don't know why I feel like.o haven't made it bros. >have a good wife >she lets me tickle her and incorporates it into our sex >embraces my fetish And yet I still feel like it's not enough. I've got it great yet I still want to tickle random women I see. Maybe this fetish just whacks your mind. Happy Sunday everyone.
I don't know if people being as ticklish as they are in porn videos is even a real thing to be honest. I've had two ler sessions now an it really wasn't the kinda laughing or reaction I was looking for. The fantasy is more of a turn on then actually doing it.
What's wrong with 8chan? Why I can't reply to a post? After entering captcha it says Please wait for validation
>>40487 Sounds like bad luck, I would say. I've tickled friends all my time during school/college and some has been no ticklish at all, some mildly ticklish, some really ticklish and a few more ticklish than any video I've ever seen. There's everything. What I could say is that *maybe* someone willingly to let herself/himself to tickle maybe is not as insanely ticklish as you would expect, otherwise they wouldn't like it too much (some exceptions may apply, of course) >>40494 Try the .cc domain of the site instead of .moe . I do that when t kept stuck waiting for validation, and even sometimes it takes several seconds
>>40498 I'll try. Thanks for the advice.
Is there something up with 8chan? I can't even access the site. It just says "Connection refused".
>>40763 8chan.moe got DDOS'd so I think they shut down the domain to fix it. 8chan.se seems to work just fine tho, so I think someone just targetted the 8chan.moe domain
Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere here, but a group at a University in Germany is doing research on tickle fetishism and they've made a survey for people to fill out. Can't think of a better source of data than this board, so here it is. It's all anonymous, naturally. https://twitter.com/ShimpeiIshiyama/status/1627733894677073927 If you don't use twitter, here's the survey direct: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebtt3VD67UpQRv2ybuN_FQo6Yl3hc8xMoqqSpZM30bTv2B_g/viewform
>>41485 Interesting. If they managed to get some conclusions/result/follow up, and someone happen to know, would be interesting to share it here as well
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>>41492 I'll do my best to keep an eye on it, see if anything interesting comes out.
Are kink cons still a thing? Did covid kill them off? Anyone who's into Furry stuff we could do a meet and greet at a big con like A-con or FA:U even if nothing happens would be nice to say hi
>>11495 kys pedonigger
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>>13279 I'm like one year late but enjoy your Eri anon. GMO moved it to their NSFW account.
Has everyone on the board gone crazy recently?
>>43753 I think someone posted a link here on tumblr or twitter or something and we're being colonized by normies.
>>43756 Not normies, but autistic from another spectrum. A normie wouldn't even know how to post here
In all honesty I’ve been here from the beginning and it’s alarming how much the mods seems to support pedophilia. They’ll let hate threads about anything go on forever but people attacking the kiddie diddlers gets numerous posts or entire threads deleted entirely. And I don’t mean the vaguely amoral stuff, I mean like people in the loli thread literally saying stuff like “little girls are sexy” outright.
>>43774 maybe because the thread served absolutely no purpose? it's like pulling up to saudi arabia and screaming about homophobia. This is 8chan, dipshit. We do not recognize the human rights of anime girls.
>>43774 >In all honesty I’ve been here from the beginning Kek, good one. Like you honestly could've been here for more than 2 seconds without knowing loli has been completely okayed from the very get-go and there's absolutely no point in arguing about it. Seethe and mald newfag, your precious young anime girls are in tickle hell rn and you can't do anything to stop it. Ever.
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>>43753 Tons of new fags come in from a different site try an act like they run the place an are beacons of virtue many such cases. This is why you need to gate keep things.
>>43774 Loli is gross but idk if any Anons were confirmed diddlers. It is funny how the thread got nuked. Mods are Loli lovers so will just have to deal with whatever crosses the line.
>>43802 It's already mostly confined to the loli tickling thread, you have a button to hide it, learn to use the board please.
>>43779 Different anon, also has been here since the beginning. The fact the master rules of 8chan allow Loli does not mean each individual board can't set their own boundaries and rules too. That's a stupid argument. It's up to each community's members and moderation team to decide what they think is acceptable. And as I said in the nuked thread, this isn't even about banning Lolis to me. The point is: So long as we have loli threads, we will have pedophiles in the board, and we will get pedo ads in the board. Is everyone in agreement to that? Is the mod team in agreement to that, and prepared to all the potential legal consequences that may arise from that? Because if something ever happens regarding CP in this board, they're the ones who might actually take the fall. So long as everyone is clear and okay with it then Lolis can stay, but whenever the subject is breeched I feel there's a sizeable portion of the crowd who'd rather just bury their heads in the sand and not think about this issue because it is easier.
>>43820 You do realise they randomly post those ads all over 8chan and other imageboards and it's nothing to do with the content of the board, right?
>>43820 Pedo ads happen in every board for no reasons. It’s a responsibility to delete them on sight, and they can cause the board to get nuked, also because of the nature of the content. They are however not influenced by the presence of loli. If anything, the Soyjak.party imageboard gets filled with CP on the daily Just make sure to report the presence of pedo ads on the board and they’ll be deleted. You can argue as much as you want that X or Y is pedo, but if it fits the rules, it fits the rules.
>>43820 Oh, I know of the theory that loli content brings pedo ads. I was the one that came up with it :) There is absolutely no proof whatsoever of it, and it's absolutely nothing but my own concoction of schizoid bullshit. Moreover, I used it specifically to call out people like you who'd seriously try to use the spam to argue against loli being allowed on the board out of sheer desperation for an argument better than the rights of imaginary children. Furthermore, I went on to say that, if by some fluke of destiny, I happen to be correct, the endless bitching of people like you is just as responsible, if not moreso, of triggering the bots and bringing in the bad cheese pizza ads. You will notice how the various loli threads are now more active than they've been in months. Congrats, you played yourself. Kek, you really are this predictable. Like all the people that wrestle with this topic, your mind is weak, feeble, it struggles to keep up and comprehend. I'm fourteen moves ahead of you and playing a different game. Your next move will be to: cope.
Moved to New Mexico a few years back for work. I love nature but I hate being away from everyone. I love all you ticklefrens, I used to hate this fetish but time really does change things. Sometimes I wish it was more popular so I'd be less lonely about it but then I remember that you're all here and I feel less alone. Have a good night everyone.
>>43896 Maybe one day Anon.
It's over bros, everyone has realized adult baby diapers is the superior fetish
Anyone ever just > Damn that's hot, wish it were my wallpaper > *sets as wallpaper* > Yea right, if only > *changes back to dancing polish cow* No? Then you're the exception
Random midnight thoughts I had recently, but when I first started out with this tickling fetish I was 100% only into girls getting tickled, simply for the fact that I'm straight. Fast forward 10-14 years later and after spending the majority of my time watching girls get tickled in so many different ways the internet could come up with... I think at some point when it comes to tickling I stopped caring if it was Girls or guys. Just as long as it was different or just scratched that "oh this isn't common" kind of feel. So when I started getting turned on when I watched guys get tickled, let it be from videos or just drawings, I tried justifying with myself that it was because I was imagining myself being in that guy's place and having a blast being a lee/ler, Simply because I still believed that straight. (And at first it definitely was because of that) Now the thing is that when it comes to this fetish, I stopped caring with who I would do it with as long as it was someone that enjoyed tickling/getting tickled as much as I did, let it be a guy or a girl or whatever they labeled themselves as. And now the thing that I'm confused about at this point is that when it comes to having a long term relationship, a legitimate one that is, I can only see myself with a girl as someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. (Even now there's a girl in my group that I have a crush on) but when it comes to this fetish i feel like everyone is fair game, so now I'm just wondering if this fetish is turning me Bi or something for simply not caring about who I have sessions with as long as they're as willing as I am.
>>46908 You're not bi anon, you're just addicted to porn.
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>>46908 Dang, guess I'm not the only one. You've pretty much exactly described my situation and the experience that led me here (although tbf, looking back on my childhood I think I always had somewhat bisexual inclinations that I sort of suppressed until later in life, always closely tied to my tickle fetish). I think it boils down to something as simple as the fact that the sex of the 'lee has no actual bearing on tickling itself as an action, so if you're as into it as I am (and as it sounds like you are), if it comes to having someone's soft sole under your nails and hearing that person lose their shit laughing all for you, it's very easy to enjoy it and not give a fuck about what they have between their legs. Basically, tickling is such a drug that it can tear down sexuality barriers and let you just enjoy whatever you find sexy, kek. In my case I do think I'm in some sort of bisexuality spectrum leaning heavily on the female side, even outside the fetish. As in, I can find a guy attractive to do other stuff rather than just tickling (although that'd probably be the main thing still) but if I do, it's probably because he's a femboy or a twink or a trap or some other combination of effeminate and submissive, while gar stuff like bara or other traditional masculinity does very little to absolutely nothing for me, with or without tickling. And perhaps more importantly, just like you, my ideal partner is female, without question. I'd say it's probably better not to overthink stuff like this anon. Just go with the flow, see where it takes you and enjoy the ride.
>>46910 it's so cool when people post shit like this on a fetish board
>>46912 It's important to maintain self-awareness, even here. Is an alcoholic not capable of recognizing alcoholism in others? Anon is showing the classic porn addiction trait of ever seeking novelty and leading himself to things that he otherwise never would have touched.
>>46908 The things you want romantically and the things you want sexually can be two different things Just because you can jerk it to a dude getting tickled doesn't mean you would be interested in spending the rest of your life with a dude, even if it's just a weird mental block Most sexualities are just a label and it's not like you need to have it printed on your ID, anyone who's close enough to you to ask what you're jerking off to is probably going to be close enough to understand that sometimes the dick wants what it wants If you want to say you're bi, go ahead. If you want to say you're "straight, but with exceptions", go ahead. Who the fuck is gonna judge you for something that exclusively only matters to you and you alone and what does it matter when I kidnap you and put you through a long and agonizing brainwashing tickling session until I get you to admit that you're actually gay and all you want is to worship other men's feet and suck their cocks and be their little tickleslut, you won't have a choice either way
>>46945 You got me fucked up with that spoiler text lmao.
Uhh, did 8chan do something to get delisted again? Why is 8kun the first result on here?
>>47199 Dunno but it may have to do with the shitheads coming here and spamming cp
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Are there any figure collectors here that can identify this character, or at least the container she's in? I kinda wanna make one of these myself.
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I might be meeting a girl soon for a tickle session, and we are planning on getting a hotel room. Are there any hotel chains in the US you guys recommend? Also wondering if the mattresses can be lifted up, as I have some straps that have to wrap around and synch over the mattress.
>>48273 Ritz Carlton is nice. She'll be impressed.
>>48532 Ain't you that one dude who posts shit like this on DA and then yells at people when they call you a pedo? Lol
>>48551 >posting on DA Perish the thought. I chose that one cause it's literally the only cute one and all the other ones are varying degrees of fucked, it being an Evil Dead movie. But here, a different one that is ironically less likely to raise some eyebrows. Just keep in mind there is also tickling in the movie. OP: >So, am I batshit insane or is the new Evil Dead flick complete foot fetish bait/some bits of tickle fetish bait too. >Some shots of bare feet in a horror movie to showcase vulnerability/etc./etc. are completely understandable, but this one felt like it went above and beyond to deliver feet and bondage situations. >I can't be the only one that noticed, right? So yeah, there's feet in the first five minutes of the movie, there's several close ups, the main deadite spends the entire movie barefoot. Stuff you definitely notice if these happen to be part of your... Interests.
>>48556 Look man I'm a huge footfag but ain't no fucking way I'm focusing on the feet in this clip.
The candidness of the caption gave me a good chuckle
What's the name of this position. Suspended by rope tied in a crouch? Knees tucked in with your feet and ass together? I don't know these bondage terms
>>48659 >21 y.o. >44EU foot size Fuck, that's literally me. Aside from that I love this guy's art because he draws those boys getting their big soft soles in a way that makes me want to immediately take their place.
What is this red heart symbol meant to represent? I have seen it in multiple different images from various artists and have never seen an explanation of what it is. It looks like a curse was put on their feet(?) But that makes no sense in most of the contexts
>>49839 I believe it's a generic symbol for 'makes the skin more sensitive/ticklish', typically.
>>49839 I've seen it be called a few different things and this description I've copied sums it up pretty well from what I can tell. A Lewd Crest (淫紋), also known as a Womb Tattoo or Inmon literally meaning "Lewd Crest" or "Sexual Demon Tattoo", is a tattooed crest or magical rune located on a character's crotch, tongue or lower stomach that, as a trope, indicates sexual power emanating from or being forced upon the character.
Not only do you need a twitter account to view tweets now. It's also trying to force users to subscribe to Twitter Blue? What other apps is good to follow artists?
Should we start something in r/place?
Random character you know nothing about yet you regularly think about tickling the absolute living shit out of? Never played Horizon, don't intend to. Aloy being tickled tortured into submission by some funny looking machines is still easily in my top 10 fantasies. Something about a redheaded warrior begging for mercy amid ticklish howls man. Well, OG Aloy that is, before the sequel rework, because... ugh.
>>43780 Video sauce?
I feel like I'm going crazy. Does the draw thread randomly appear and disappear?
Not sure where to put this so here is a bit of discussion. So I'm sure some of you have heard of Kujman.... Its a name I always heard whispers of in the tickling community for years. I tried to look into him but most info comes from 3rd party sources or scraps of content he made. His reputation is....well I guess I'll say infamous. I had mostly forgotten about him.....until about a year ago I found myself in a discord server with him....I won't say which one, if you know you know. Now I have no doubt that the guy in the server is the genuine Kujman, as he has provided pretty good evidence. So for a year I've lurked and interacted a bit and got to see him interact and post, and spin tales of the old days.....and I have to say I think he is fantasticlly full of shit. What a massive egotistical asshole. I see now why the whole community shunned him (his words). You would think that he invented the very concept of tickling, the way he goes on, but that's just my opinion. Does anyone else have an opinion on him or has had the pleasure of speaking to him?
>>52106 >So I'm sure some of you have heard of Kujman Never heard of him.
>>52133 Apparently he was a major player in the tickling community back in the day, creating some of the best tickle content the world has ever seen....better than anything we have today, despite him saying that everyone stole and took credit for all his ideas..... eventually he pulled all his content and bailed. From what I heard his content was awesome but, now he just sits on it like a fucking dragon hoarding gold. He even refuses to sell it to anyone. Some people on the discord claim to have seen some videos and attended some of the crazy tickle parties he holds dude is either loaded or has a massive cult following that sets this up for him or both. The dude hates the community and considers them all theives and liers......unless you stroke his ego a bit. According to him nobody back then or since has made content anywhere close to him.....sound awesome? Would you like to see some? Welp too bad get fucked! He has posted some pics but never video, supposedly if you message him and ask to see some he blocks you immediately. Dude claims to have a huge compound with hand built stocks, trained goats, and a fucking tickle robot that runs off AI......I personally think he's full of shit but who knows.
I have a couple pics of his stuff. I might post later. It's just what you can find floating around.
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>>52144 I've seen you post this exact same fucking copy pasta word for word on fetlife except for the last two sentences, Kujman. Fuck off. Stop trying to re-live the 30 second high of people liking your low quality sorority girl VHS back in the 90s you fucking faggot.
>>52144 The tickle compound with the army of goats on stand-by is the funniest image I've gotten from this board
>>52144 >>52157 I saw Kujman at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>>52157 Lol ok.....I'm not even on fetlife. Everything I said is pretty much word for word what anyone that knows about him would say. Honestly I'm kinda offended you think I'm him.
>>52160 Why this is a crazy story, having interacted with him on discord before I 100% believe you. The dude is so out of touch. He act like he is a huge celebrity despite no one in the tickling community under 30 even knows who the fuck he is. I love when he starts in on his work, he'll show a picture and say some shit like: "see this is reality, this is real. None of that fake stuff". Like bruh wtf are you talking about?
>>52160 The 15 milkyways is wild. Does he still look like an old ass Lil Dicky?
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Kujman's an interesting figure, virtually unknown by today's generation of fetishists, yet there are forum posts dating back to the 90s chewing him out for being a psycho, liar and tricking girls into appearing in porn via the old renfaire trick. He even has his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page. The guy is clearly pretty unwell in the head but I can't deny I enjoy reading his self aggrandizing rose-tinted boomer ramblings. You can uncover some pretty influential and interesting stuff that he claims he was involved with (pictured House of Milan magazines that seem to have been an entry point for a lot of people of a certain age). What's amusing is that If you mention anything of historic 'significance', he will claim to have been there or that it was his idea. Truly the Forrest Gump of tickleporn.
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>>52167 >>52168 Uhh, anons, y'all didn't really get played by the electrical infetterence copypasta, did you?
>>52171 Exactly how I feel. He really does have that attitude, like if anyone has any ideas involving tickling, he already thought of it and did it better. The fucked up part is the discord is full of people that have this cult like mindset that he is a misunderstood genius. I do think most of the people sucking his dick are just holding out hope that he'll share some stuff if his ego is stroked enough. He won't. I don't think he ever will share. I'm starting to lean towards the idea that all the hours of S tier tickling video he has doesn't exist. Some claim that they have seen them, but without evidence why should I believe anything he says?
>>52106 Discord is literal cancer housing pedos, triads and whatnot. If the governments didn't have secrets in there it'd already be long dead. >>50009 Just lurk on pixiv once it gets purged of the influx of furries and weebs, Melon Musk's xwitter shit is for braindead autistic zombies.
>>52729 > the influx of furries and weebs Ah, that explains why I've been seeing so many new accounts mass-uploading crappy drawings as I'm checking the recent works under my favorite Pixiv tags.
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>>52144 >From what I heard his content was awesome but, now he just sits on it like a fucking dragon hoarding gold It's not, some of them are floating out there in very poor VHS quality, and while they're impressive for the time, they're only considered "legendary" because he himself keeps calling them that. Yeah, he has large, heavy wooden stocks, and that's pretty cool and like I said fairly impressive for it's time, but that's about all. They're no more ExTrEmE than any particularly savage Tickle Abuse or Tickle Intensive. The only thing you could really say he did then nobody does now was genuinely duped unwitting normies into being in his fetish shit, since that's more or less what he admits to doing with his renfaire shit, but that's about it. There was a reason he went from "It's the best tickle content around, YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT!" to "It's actually all about getting into their headspace, which OBVIOUSLY you can't perceive simply through a video!"
I think we should find the jannies here and tie them up and tickle them relentlessly all over their bodies until they beg and cry!
>>52988 Eep!
>>53095 Ticklish dumb bunny mod, expose yourself!
>>53095 Board Owner-chan posting here is clear indication that they want all of us anons to come at them and start mercilessly tickling them. There's a thread for anons to post pictures of their ticklish spots and encourage their fellow anons to tell them how they'd destroy them, I think if we saw Board Owner-chan post something there for us monsters to devour, it would be quite an honor and give them what they deeply want...
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i find it funny that this guy just wanted to make a bratty slutty loli/mesugaki oc but if he actually did that you can imagine it wouldn’t go so well, so he just made pretty much that except she’s not a minor, which is probably why the bio says she’s 18, making her just within range
Kind of in the mood to do a few tickle edits. Anyone here got any suggestions? Here's some I've done recently.
>>59713 Source for the one with Samus?
>>59715 I'm pretty sure the artist is confettish https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91857125
>>For things that don't deserve their own thread, or if you just want to socialize I just shat myself.
Anyone have the source for this? Reverse image search reveals a few foreign-language sites that have reposted the image but nothing on the original source. Was this part of a larger clip? (And is the right thread to ask this question?) Link to the full-sized image, which is too large to upload here (it's a gif) https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jepZ5uXzVcA/WtRsi_2WpZI/AAAAAAAAIag/P67OzDKiz20AfLZd3qQGCr10F24nHXRuACLcBGAs/s1600/2018_4_16_36.gif
Man I miss Ribbotang
>>60684 Same :,(
Would you tickle a deaf or deaf/mute person?
>>60801 Her being mute isn't the deal-breaker, it's because she's a dyke.
>>60809 nigga she's not real, she wasn't gonna fuck you either way
>>60801 Yeah, totally: I'm really curious to see how a deaf person would react to being tickled. It's really intriguing, honestly: I don't know if it's my twisted mind thinking that deafness would increase the person's sensitivity and/or the fact that the lee would not have a clue of what I'm saying, while tickling; which, for someone, could totally ruin the verbal teasing aspect, and I get that... But, in my opinion, would be extremely hot because it means that the person is even more helpless in that scenario (kinda like there's a language barrier between the ler and the lee). I don't know, I'm fetishizing a disability? I'm a bad person for that?
>>60814 *kinda like WHEN there's a language barrier between the ler and the lee. Fuck my unfocused ass.
>>60834 dude thanks so much
There is a new anime called "mahou shoujo ni akogarete / gushing over magical girls". The first episode has the best anime tk scene I ever watched. They really cooked and fed us well
>>61163 That tk scene is certified S tier and the whole show is unironically amazing. Basically fetish hentai with some very solid comedy throughout. What a fucking goldmine of degeneracy
>>61036 no problem mate
Did someone ask for knee tickling...?
>>61621 Nobody, but deep down we all wanted it
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>>61621 The back of the knee is so unironically goated.
>>61624 it's just armpit 2.0, stop lying to yourself
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>>61738 >armpit 2.0 And this is supposed to be an indictment, as opposed to cause for celebration?
>>61624 Bruh Caroo behind the knee vagina when?
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This was an ad on my Instagram. Fuckers are getting wild.
>>63391 So is that game any good?
>>63414 Dude, it‘s a mobile ad. It has nothing to do with the game
no idea if this cosplayer is a dude or a chick but I want those feet in stocks immediately
Any idea about this error?
>>64490 it's a spam mitigation measure it's annoying but all you can do it wait for it to go away
>>49746 show your big soft soles please
Since fetish discussion boards are all about finding niches within niches, I got another one I've been looking for. Scenes that explicitly show the tickler or bystander getting off to the tickling. That being they have their cock out hard, jerking it, or jilling themselves too. Looking around you actually don't see this as common. Probably because you, the viewer, yourself is meant to be the one masturbating to this pics.
Is pixiv breaking for anyone else on NIghtly Firefox?
>>65455 Pixiv is blocking adblock... though ublock lite works around it
Does anyone know why videos on kemono or coomer take ages to load? Or does anyone have a solution to it? Shit’s mad annoying
Does anyone have any saved work from SymbionTickles. Used be on deviantart before getting taken down
>>65451 Second this I need more
Hello, I have a girlfriend who knows about my kink. She's willing to indulge occasionally but the problem is she is not that ticklish. More than below average ticklishness that is. Will it cause problems in the future?
>>66782 Have you tried tickling her belly button?
>>66782 If you only get turned on by tickling her, it may be a problem, otherwise, if you are a normal person with a kink and it doesn't represent your whole sexual identity, it sucks a little bit, but it's not the end of the world.
>>66782 I knew a girl in high school who wasn't very ticklish but she still enjoyed the feeling of having her feet tickled. It wasn't the "haha tickle torture laughter" reaction I expected, but it was still enjoyable in its way. If she enjoys it in any capacity it's at least something of a win.
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I have a question for you guys, might be a really dumb question but I don't care, it's driving me nuts. What the hell do you guys call these parts of the toes? I'm writing a tickle story and I'm trying to describe tickling these parts here, and I don't want to keep saying "the parts of her toes between the toe pads and the balls of her feet" or some shit like that. If I just say "tickling her toes" people will just think of tickling the pads or tips of her toes. So what word do I use for these? Slang or actual anatomical terms are both accepted. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me any ideas.
>>66846 that's just 'under the toes', I don't think it has a formal name. like the back of the knee doesn't have a real name. some people call it a 'kneepit' though. guess you can call them 'toepits' but that sounds pretty weird.
>>66849 Tickle fetish shit is weird and creepy as fuck anyway. What's one more awkward construction?
>>66846 stems
Anyone else ever wonder about how much physical tickle media still exists out there, like magazines & VHS? How much has been trashed over the last 30 years, and is truly lost forever. Who has held onto stuff, but doesn’t have the knowledge or means to convert to digital.
>>66846 Stems, as a previous comment said. Base if you want the skin right where the toes begin, stems if you want the length between base and tip, and tip if you want...well...the tip of the toes. Hopefully that makes sense!
actually great suggestions guys. I like "toes stems", I think that sounds good. Thanks everyone
Is ExHentai worth it?
>>68580 It's a decent repository of stuff, and has stuff that doesn't make it to onto other sites (including e-hentai). It's not all that hard to create an account, just takes time if they still have that waiting period built in. 1. Clear your browser's cache for e-hentai and exhentai domains (Google for browser-specific instructions on how to delete cookies/cache for just a specific site instead of having to nuke them for all sites) 2. If you don't already have an account on the e-hentai forums, go create an account 3. Wait a couple of weeks. Maybe make a few posts on the forum (though that shouldn't be strictly necessary, I got exhentai access years ago without posting anything) 4. Make sure you're logged in to the e-hentai forums and try accessing exhentai. If you get a white screen, clear cache for e-hentai and exhentai and try again later after logging in to the e-hentai forums. 5. Once you're in, at some point your login will probably expire and you'll get the white screen. Again, just clear cache for e-hentai and exhentai, log back in to the e-hentai forum, and try again.
What is it that makes people want to put ballgags on the lee in tickle content?
>>68741 The nerves on these people to credit an artist when the art is AI-generated and likely trained on Scavenger's art...
So this is neither here nor there, but I have a small funny story that I pretty much can't share anywhere else, so here goes: As a kid, I remember watching an episode of The Simpsons where a gag involved someone referencing "Princess Leia's anti-jiggle breast tape" from the original movies. The thing is, I watched the spanish translation of the episode, and somewhere a mistake was made which turned the line into "la cinta anti-cosquillas de la princesa Leia", or, in english, "Princess Leia's anti-tickle tape". No big deal, just an obvious mix up of the words jiggle and tickle. Except after hearing that, I, as a young child with a blossoming tickle fetish, was fucking tripping. I became convinced there had to be something behind the line, because if it wasn't referencing anything then the joke made absolutely no sense. Never did it cross my mind that a mistranslation might've ocurred, nor did I really have any knowledge about the english language that could've hinted at the origin of the mistake. Instead, I genuinely believed that somewhere in Star Wars canon there was a plot that involved Princess Leia being tickled and having to resort to using some kind of futuristic tape to protect herself. I scoured the internet for that shit, and for obvious reasons I found nothing. But the line was so titillating, I just couldn't let go. I didn't even know what the hell kinda scene could involve such a ridiculous premise, but I sure had some ideas. Maybe Leia was being tickle tortured by the empire, and at some point an ally slipped her some special invisible tape that she could put over her skin to make herself less sensitive to better resist their efforts. Maybe she had to cross some treacherous terrain in a mysterious planet, populated by alien creatures that would tickle her into submission if she didn't wear this special kind of tape as protection. Perhaps some kind of energy weapon was developed that shot lasers that could tickle her skin and subdue the hysterical princess, but that were rendered useless by her trusty anti-tickle tape. These are all absurd ideas, of course, and even as a kid I kinda knew it, but I wasn't the biggest Star Wars nerd or anything, I just thought the princess chick was smoking hot, so I had the slightest of hopes that somewhere in a SW cartoon or comic there was an origin for the haunting line. Otherwise, why would even exist in the show, right? It wasn't until much later, catching the episode in question in english that it all clicked into place. It was time to grow up. There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy and there is no Princess Leia anti-tickle tape.
>>68742 GhostOS IS Scavenger, apparently it's short for Ghost of Scavenger. For some reason he recently reappeared under an account that seems to be using his real name, entirely posting AI shit.
I wonder why tickleabuse is the way it is now. Like did tommy give up, did he die, did he selli it? Because i really miss old TA instead of the bs that it is now Not to forget that the stocks etc they used were prolly the best. Wish i could get my hands on them lol If anyone knows something lmk
>>69749 Just speculation, but I think he sold it after C4S changed their rules and banned the word "abuse", leaving their name as just "Tickle" and completely tanking sales.
>>69773 For a while the Clips4Sale was "Tickle 2" and now its "TAWorship Tickling". They had to "ATM-Machine" themselves
>>69783 Oh that's right, it was Tickle 2, not just Tickle.
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Aery Tiefling is a foot fetish cosplayer that just did a Q&A video where she talks about how ticklish she is and it's activating something in my brain now I just want to see her tied down and fucking destroyed. 11:55 she talks about it https://bunkr.black/v/yuBZ8Tfro3TlG
>>69721 That's actually hilarious. Thanks for sharing anon
So, weird question... Has anybody here had any experiences with lucid dreaming? Specifically relating to tickle fetish fantasies of course. I'm asking because I've had a couple and they are fucking weird and interesting man lmao. For starters and just to get it out of the way, if you're anything like me and you figured that lucid dreaming was probably totally bullshit, I don't blame you but I'm here to tell you, it's no bullshit. There are, however, a bunch of caveats. First, I have no real clue how to trigger it. It normally happens when I'm really tired and try to take a nap, or sometimes when I'm waking up. Second, it's hard to control shit. If I try too hard to think about a sexy lady for me to tickle I usually just wake up, so I'm better off kinda drifting, letting my brain take me places and maybe suggesting some ideas every once in a while, taking advantage of them when something I like shows up. Third, they kinda fucking suck, lol. I can't get laughter right, sometimes I get none (as in, physical reaction still happens, but I just can't hear it), and the fantasies are difficult to keep a hold on, because the more I try to the more likely it is I'm gonna wake myself up, and if I don't, my mind just moves on really quickly and let's go of the idea, which also makes it more likely I'm actually going to fall asleep. All that being said... I have successfully coopted some NPCs that my brain generated for me and tickle tortured them, and I gotta say, even though it didn't feel all that real, it felt remarkably good. Probably just because my brain is pulling from memories of me tickling people irl, it felt like a much more intense version of me recollecting those memories. I've gotten real people too, one of which, embarrassingly enough, is a hot cousin of mine that I haven't seen in forever and that I used to tickle on ocassion, so I've no doubt if I was better at it I could end up tickling Scarlett Johannson or something. Also, just to put it out there, I think the reason for a lot of these issues is that I'm remarkably bad at it, since even when I'm awake I have a difficult time using my imagination to picture realistic scenarios. Still though, by the time I wake up on the occassions I've pulled it off, I'm left feeling really horny and I've had to fap afterwards, so there's definitely a very physical response to it and honestly, if I ever get good at it I might have to add the risk of cumming in my PJ's to the list of caveats. And that's pretty much it. All in all I know it sounds kinda pathetic, I'm just having somewhat above average fantasies while snoring on the couch, but I'm sure you can see the appeal of using your dome as a holodeck to experience tickle fetish fantasies. I honestly find the idea of looking up tips or guides for it kinda daunting, mostly because I imagine they're probably a bit useless and likely to not work on everybody, but I have to say, I'm kinda warming up to it, since there might be something to this. Which is why I'm curious if any fellow tickle fags has successfully engaged in the endeavor. Oh, and as an aside, something else to consider is that the mindscape of dreams can be a bit... Uh... Frightening? I personally find it easy to keep in mind it's all a dream, and nothing can hurt me, but you can go some weird places man, and as you begin to drift into actual sleep I've also experienced sleep paralysis, only managing to pull myself out of it without falling asleep by controlling my breathing. So... I know that makes it sound like this is the start of a ticklefic that ends with someone trapped in a literal nightmare tickle hell of their own making, and all I can say is... I really hope it doesn't come down to that.
>>70132 Based Aery Tiefling enjoyer. She desperately needs to be tied up and tickle tortured for a video. Especially on her feet
>>71490 I can save you from seeming pathetic by sharing an experience even more pathetic. At the very least, you dream about actively tickling someone. The most I've gotten was dreaming about finding new tickling art. And I think this reveals the truth of our realities. You say you've had experiences tickling people so your dreams draw from that. I spend all my time scouring and archive tickling media so inevitably I end up dreaming about that. And one dream I had exemplifies this. What influences these unconscious fantasies are my conscious fantasizing's of hypothetical artworks by artists whose work I archive. Back when Street Fighter 6 was revealing the new designs of their characters and I got to thinking about how they would look in various artstyles. I thought Chun-Li and Juri must have been a pair done by Wtfeather for a month's exclusive at some point, even before SF6, but surprisingly he hasn't done them yet. Then Briel7 did a Chun-Li and Juri pic and I went 'You know who would be perfect for Briel7 to do? The New Cammy White design!' Her exposed midriff and abs is right up his alley. She could fight the Crusaders in the prologue before her capture and tickle torment. I could see the action panels in my head of Cammy performing Spiral Arrow and the Delta Red Assault Super until a Crusader does a SF2 movie move Killer Bee Spin on her and obviously subdues her with tickles like with the Lanchelle set. But instead of being a reasonable person and supporting their respective Patreons to adequately voice my suggestions or commission them, I'd just keep these in my dome along with the rest of the ideas I had. So in the dream I was was sifting through filing cabinets and began pulling out laminated pictures of these ideas I've renditioned. I vividly remember becoming aware that these artworks didn't actually exist but I didn't put together it was a dream yet. So I kept pulling out more pictures and it must have been my brain subconsciously creating each new image. I don't know if I can exactly call it lucid dreaming but I do remember towards the end when the dream collapses, I wanted to find something specific but I never got to it. I wake up expectedly with morning wood. tl;dr you dream of doing the tickling. I dream of jerking off to fake pictures of tickling. We are not the same.

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