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King of Shitposting

8chan cup Boliever 06/14/2018 (Thu) 18:48:20 Id: 5953f2 No. 119218
8chan cup is back on track again, and we have been nominated, and we need the following things: >Roster of 20 characters >Team uniform >Team emblem >>>/8cup/
Chadblade gotta be on the team, right nippas?
fuck off i was coming here to make this thread
I did the uniforms, pitches, and banners for /b/ during 8cup II. i can contribute.
>>119219 Edgyman Switchblade is in, we need to get the roster done before July 17 >>119221 We need an emblem first and foremost
>>119222 I'm on it. open to suggestions for content. also we need to pick the roster and Goal horn music. maybe a poal.me after we've had some suggestions on what to use.

(447.87 KB 300x100 Bolieve Banner.gif)

>>119221 Neat. thats some experience at least >>119222 >Edgyman Switchblade is in N e a t . My guess is the team emblem is gonna be Bo-related or maybe AJ related.
(328.08 KB 300x100 AJ Banner.gif)

>>119224 Ah shoot forgot the AJ Banner nominating AJ Styles by teh way if that wasn't implied >>119223 I got the perfect Goal horn right here https://youtu.be/gVj5BXF5ZUo?t=20 jk but mayb srs
my nomination for goal horn
>>119225 "Destroyer of faggots" AJ Styles is in
Here's the real goalhorn. t. notgedo
>>119226 >>119228 Are you guys also nominating Gedo's golden boi and the Hulkster for the team ?
>>119229 it ain't a /wooo/ team without Hulkamania brother hh
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>>119229 Might as well
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ROSTER SO FAR 1) "Switchblade" Jay White 2) "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles 3) "The immortal" Hulk Hogan 4) "Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada
i nominate the A-Lister The Miz, and the greatest undefeated tag team champion in WWE history, Nicholas "Get These Hands" Cone
>>119232 Don't forget the captain of the 8cup B-Team Bobean Dallas. The Bomeme is still a thing I guess Oh, and my last nomination (for now) is the 7 Star Cleaner. Its time. I'll let the rest of wooo do some noms
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Can you even do females ? If so I nominate Baylеy and Toni Storm
ROSTER SO FAR 1) "Switchblade" Jay White 2) "The Phenomena Onel" AJ Styles 3) "The immortal" Hulk Hogan 4) "Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada 5) "A-lister" The Miz 6) Nicholas Cone 7) "The Cleaner" Kenny Omega 8) /ourguy/ Bo Dallas Btw, I'm stealing a spot for: 9) "Based" Desperado
>>119235 BOOLEY IS NOT ALLOWED, This is Saudi rules, take your foot fetish somewhere else Booleyfag
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>>119237 AKA Faggot rules
>>119238 tell it to your body pillow w@ifufag
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>>119238 Working on the team emblem now. Anyone have any suggestions for what it should entail other than AJ Styles or Bo Dallas? I'm going to do a traditional shield style logo with banner, then I was going to do an alternative logo with more of a wrestling theme, like a modified old Raw is War logo
>>119241 > then I was going to do an alternative logo with more of a wrestling theme, like a modified old Raw is War logo I had the same idea, but it was with the New Generation logo since it's the one that looks more "sport-ish"
(53.79 KB 640x640 Zack Labour Jr and Suzuki.jpg)

Team needs more Suzukigoon, nominating these two
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>>119233 Nicolas is following phil brooks to the ufc.
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logo rough draft #1
ROSTER SO FAR 1) "Switchblade" Jay White 2) "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles 3) "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan 4) "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada 5) "A-lister" The Miz 6) Youngest WWE tag-team champion, Nicholas Cole 7) "The Cleaner" Kenny Omega 8) /ourguy/ Bo Dallas 9) El Desperado 10) "The Man with the Worst Personality in the World" Minoru Suzuki 11) Zack Sabre Jr. 9 more to go, and please only 1 nominee per anon >>119245 Lookin' good anon
(110.36 KB 1024x456 woootitlebelt.jpg)

>>119245 logo rough draft #2 also working on touching up the first logo
>>119236 FUCKIGN BASED El Despy was gonna be another on my nomination list >>119245 Its nice but I'd find a different shield. i see that shield everywhere and we should be different
Since nominations are at an almost standstill, I would like to nominate "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. I mean we are /wooo/ after all.
>>119248 I checked the other 8cup teams and no one used that shape. I'm going to come up with another one and we can vote on the 3 unless anyone else is gonna come up with a design
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>>119247 logo rough draft #3 this one is a much simpler design
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This hasn't come up yet, but along with choosing a goal horn, we have to pick a team national anthem for beginning of the match.
>>119249 8 more to go boys
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>>119254 I thought it was only 11? Let's get some freakish tall guy in like Khali or Giant Gonzalez in
>>119257 11 for the main team, the others are for reserve
>>119257 >not nominating BEEG
I nominate Scott Steiner because You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Samoa Joe and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another wrestler, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Kurt Angle to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try! So Samoa Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. See Joe, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice.
>>119260 >Big Poppa >Big Show 7 more to go and we are set
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Hows this for an emblem? Didn't come up quite the way I envisioned but oh well
>>119263 That's decent work there anon. hopefully someone other than you and I will make more designs so we'll have more than 4 to vote on
(664.47 KB 514x564 bo_smiles.png)

>>119263 Holy shit, that's really good
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>All these nominations and still no ace in sight For shame /wooo/, Tana is our forward star.
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>Building a socer team for /wooo/ >No Taguchi Japan Seriously?
>>119246 >One nominee per anone These guys: >>119233 >>119243 >>119234 got two of their nominees in, pick one.
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Team uniform template
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>>119269 Ill nominate 30 more if ya gonna have that attitude
>>119268 Nominating either Taguchi, or a generic Young Boy (I'll let /wooo/ decide who it should be, but I think Oka would literally be one of us if he knew we existed).
Nominating Eddie Guerrero
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Updating again, and remember, only 1 nom per post 1) "Switchblade" Jay White 2) "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles 3) "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan 4) "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada 5) "A-lister" The Miz 6) /ourguy/ Bo Dallas 7) El Desperado 8) "The Man with the Worst Personality in the World" Minoru Suzuki 9) Big Show 10) "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner 11) "Ace of the Universe" Hiroshi Tanahashi 12) "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero 13) Ryusuke Taguchi Those who got DELETED, another anon can nominate them if you want, we still have 7 more to go before we have a full roster of main team and reserves
(277.30 KB 640x315 410.png)

>>119281 Updating again, again because I forgot one, and remember, only 1 nom per post 1) "Switchblade" Jay White 2) "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles 3) "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan 4) "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada 5) "A-lister" The Miz 6) /ourguy/ Bo Dallas 7) El Desperado 8) "The Man with the Worst Personality in the World" Minoru Suzuki 9) Big Show 10) "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner 11) "Ace of the Universe" Hiroshi Tanahashi 12) "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero 13) Ryusuke Taguchi 14) "Nature Boy" Ric Flair Those who got DELETED, another anon can nominate them if you want, we still have 7 more to go before we have a full roster of main team and reserves
>>119283 i see Kennett O'Megan has missed the team so far somehow so i would like to use my 1 nominee on Ken "The blow up doll killer" Ome thanks
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>not including /ourguy/ in the team Shame on you
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>>119285 /yourguy/ can be the waterboy
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Goalkeeper Defenders Midfielders Forwards It's not a good team, it's not a bad team, it's THE Team. #ThisIsMyYard
I nominate BROKEN Matt Hardy
>>119287 >[Sound of reality being BOOED apart]
>>119285 >>119287 >>119288 (checked) Chase Owens, [LOUD BOOING] and The BROKEN Brilliance are in, 4 more to go boys
(155.05 KB 650x366 ELI.jpg)

Eli Drake, dummy.
I nominate [redacted]
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>>119284 I'll do it you fag, nominating Kenny Omega
(60.84 KB 800x450 c9e85-1516569038-800.jpg)

You know what happens when you nominate a team and leave off Chris Jericho? You know what happens? >PIC RELATED nominating Y2J for the last spot
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Updated Roster 1) "Switchblade" Jay White 2) "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles 3) "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan 4) "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada 5) "A-lister" The Miz 6) /ourguy/ Bo Dallas 7) "Rogue Luchador" El Desperado 8) "The Man with the Worst Personality in the World" Minoru Suzuki 9) "World's largest athlete" Big Show 10) "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner 11) "Ace of the Universe" Hiroshi Tanahashi 12) "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero 13) "Master of Dropkicks" Ryusuke Taguchi 14) "Nature Boy" Ric Flair 15) "Crown Jewel" Chase Owens 16) [LOUD BOOING] Roman Reigns 17)BROKEN Matt Hardy 18) "The Defiant One" Eli Drake 19) "Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit 20) "The Cleaner" Kenny Omega 21) "Y2J" Chris Jericho ONE MORE NOMINATION AND WE ARE DONE WITH THE ROSTER FELLAS
>>119298 James Ellsworth
>>119299 Aaaand we are done, nice dubs btw
This would make one hell of a roster for a battle royale if two of the competitors weren't fucking dead
(1020.38 KB 500x373 wooo.gif)

FINAL ROSTER 1) "Switchblade" Jay White 2) "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles 3) "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan 4) "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada 5) "A-lister" The Miz 6) /ourguy/ Bo Dallas 7) "Rogue Luchador" El Desperado 8) "Worst Personality in the World" Minoru Suzuki 9) "World's largest athlete" Big Show 10) "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner 11) "Ace of the Universe" Hiroshi Tanahashi 12) "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero 13) "Master of Dropkicks" Ryusuke Taguchi 14) "Nature Boy" Ric Flair 15) "The Crown Jewel" Chase Owens 16) '[LOUD BOOING] Roman Reigns 17) BROKEN Matt Hardy 18) "The Defiant One" Eli Drake 19) "Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit 20) "The Cleaner" Kenny Omega 21) "Y2J" Chris Jericho 22) "No Chin Music" James Ellsworth We are set guys, roster is done, now we need to decide the positions of each player, and who are going to be on the main team
(184.53 KB 371x535 wooo F.C 1.png)

Now that the roster is done, and while we decide on the emblem and uniforms, it's time to decide the positions of each character and who's gonna be on the main team and who waits in the bench for their opportunity to go over For obvious reasons, Big Show will be the main goal-keeper, and we could run a 4-3-2-1 alignment unless someone has a better proposal
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Now wait just one goddamn minute. which of these templates are we using for uniforms, I need to know before I start coming up with designs. Also, what kinda uniforms do we want? nWo shirts, Bullet Club merch, DX, give me some ideas or I'll choose.
POLL OPEN Pick an emblem design http://poal.me/ttn853
>>119304 I was thinking DX, Hart Foundation, Suzuki-gun or n.W.o Wolfpac for colour schemes
(2.94 MB 380x214 joshi.gif)

>>119308 I mean, it's a total sausage fest. it makes sense.
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(146.47 KB 1500x1085 61Gjc4YTW+L._UL1500_.jpg)

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>>119304 Some options
>>119309 >total sausage fest >>119238 >AKA Faggot rules Booleyfag you make yourself so obvious. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
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>>119304 Taguchi japan uniform here >>119303 Ace in in the forward position
(182.71 KB 363x529 wooo F.C 2.png)

>>119313 Tanahashi on Forward Center Big Show as Goal-Keeper
(289.18 KB 300x226 nod.gif)

>>119247 To me this is perfect as the logo
>>119263 we could just use these colours on our uniforms to match our emblem >>119304
>>119314 Here's my formation FC - Tanahashi AL - AJ Styles AC - Hulk Hogan AR - Okada DM - Bo Dallas DM - BROKEN Matt Hardy DL - Eddie Guerroro DC - Scott Steiner DC - Minoru Suzuki DR - Chris Benoit GK - Big Show
(35.03 KB 421x452 AJ and Kenny.jpg)

>>119302 We should have all the dime drawers and recognizable to normies in the main event and all the B-Team indy darlings in the reserves. my suggest no bully pls i also know nothing about handegg formations but I suggest we make AJ Styles an attacker or whatever they are called and have Kenny ''behind' him. AL and DM Main Bo Dallas AJ Styles Big Show Chris Benoit Chris Jericho Eddie Guerrero Hiroshi Tanahashi Hulk Hogan Kazuchika Okada Kenny Omega Ric Flair Sub Ryusuke Taguchi Chase Owens El Desperado Eli Drake James Ellsworth Jay White Matt Hardy Minoru Suzuki Roman Reigns Scott Steiner The Miz
(173.65 KB 363x465 wooo F.C Final A.png)

(182.33 KB 377x527 WOOO F.C Final B.png)

>>119319 >>119320 Here are 2 options made after your suggestions
>>119316 i posted a poll earlier in the thread, please vote
>>119318 we haven't picked an emblem yet, vote on it in the poll. also we would be laughed at by using default colors, every other team will have custom uniforms. we would end up looking like the team whose mom picked out the uniform.
Just a reminder friends. post your emblem in a thread for /woo/ on >>>/8cup/ before wednesday. Doesn't have to be your final emblem, just one that represents your board
>>119327 I'll make the thread just to save our spot, we still have to pick the emblem
(57.94 KB 286x286 kingofnsoccor.jpg)

(407.78 KB 468x460 ringlogo.png)

(379.38 KB 800x1000 woologo1.jpg)

(110.36 KB 1024x456 woootitlebelt.jpg)

>>119305 VOTE IN THE POLL We don't need it to be a tie and have to do it again.
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(224.43 KB 2048x2048 nwouniform.png)

Here's 3 outfit ideas. Feel free to make suggestions or contribute more
(638.03 KB 680x680 BOLIEVE.png)

>>119324 Nice lineup on Final B but all you have to do… is switch Bo and Okada around
>>119324 A is fine but… >B Christmas tree formation tends to be easily exploited by pacy wingers, I'd be tempted to back up formation A with a flat 4-4-2 or 5-3-2 for when we nick a goal and need to see games out.
Things left to accomplish: Picking an emblem: Poll is here. >>119305 It's only been 2 days but we should probably decide when the poll ends. Picking uniforms: I came up with some designs here.>>119423 I might do some more, feel free to suggest ideas, or make your own. Picking an anthem: I nominate embed related Picking a goalhorn if we even do goalhorns this year. Picking a formation. I do not like the christmas tree formation. Also we can design a custom field/pitch with logos or some adboards for the side of the field/pitch. Some asshole on >>>/8cup/ said we have too many players so we might have to cut some idk maybe Ellsworth and Flair
(1.28 MB 1136x639 Taguchi Ball.png)

(64.03 KB 423x408 end my rife.png)

>>119421 i was making an emblem of the iwgp hebequeue with 'wooo' instead of iwgp but due to work I dont have the time to and have given up. i like the njpw soccer one tho since it looks like an actual emblem of a unknown Japanese high-school soccer club >>119491 how bout roman and ellsworth
>>119491 >>120034 Yeah remove Roman, I made that post as a joke, didn't think you woule actually select him. I'm the same guy who voted for Tanahashi so the vote for roman is invalid anyway. Ellsworth out is ok too.
(43.90 KB 532x380 wooo emblem.jpg)

>>119421 It's close but looks like the soccer ball design wins. Looks like outfits need to be finalized. For now I'll pic the nWo one from here >>119423 We also need a goal horn. I say a loop of Matt Hardy saying 'DELETE DELETE' should work.
(954.05 KB 480x360 videoplayback.webm)

>>120350 <Goal horn Just convert it into an mp3
>>119423 since we have the emblem could we get an updated njpw uniform? >>120351 that would be nice if the 8chan cup was held back in 2016
>>120354 I'll work on the uniforms some more today
>>120355 Also while youre all actually fucking posting now can we get some ideas on what you would like the uniforms to look like as far as colors?
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>>120373 like the jpwjersey >>119423 could they have red shoes? or only socks?
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This NJPW dicksucking is going too far
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>>120396 Maybe you should book better shows
(832.34 KB 1278x720 Cody Buries NJPW.webm)

>>120396 this is nujap territory, nippa
>>120396 if you wanted a different theme guess you shoulda voted
(260.05 KB 2048x2048 uniform4.png)

NJPW uniform featuring new emblem. thoughts?
(555.77 KB 480x360 Face The Facts.webm)

>>120409 maybe slap an attitude era logo somewhere to make the >>120396 happy
>>120412 we could just use the DX uniforms i made as the GK uniform or the away uniform as a compromise
>>120413 I guess, not not sure if that will make the edrones happy though. and based aj playing REAL football
>>120425 How about Suzuki-gun for main players and DX for goal-keepers ?
(6.00 MB 1280x720 Suzuki Gun Entrance VTR..webm)

>>120426 Do we have a Suzuki outfit?
>>120427 I didn't make one someone else can try that
>>120425 >AJ Styles Is a Collingwood fan I was going to be angry then I realized their rivals are Sydney, the most Pro gay team in the AFL then it made sense Seriously though AJ, Magpies are gay
>>120445 Indeed, Collingwood are amongst the worst teams he could support (off the top of my head, Colliwobbles, Port Adelaide, Hawthorn, North and Swans are just about unforgivable). Hopefully he is in their corner in opposition to Sydney yes I know it is just a press event shut up
>>120446 >Port Adelaide Crows fag detected
>>120448 Nah m8, don't support either SA team, just find the Crows fanbase to be less scum than the Port Adelaide fan. For out of Melbourne fans, Port Adelaide is the Collingwood of our world, even if you don't mind some of the team you can't get past the fanbase. Crows are lower mid tier, they're somewhere with St.Kilda and the Sheedy's.
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Hulkamania jersey. I realize it seems mostly like a recolour of >>120409
>>120595 the logo you used for the captain's arm band is to long, the last A would get cut off
>>120595 I'm not 141 2/3 perchance % sure but I think the player name goes where the HULKAMANIA logo is on the back panel.
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>>120595 >>120605 >>120662 Alright, I moved it to the shorts area.
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>>120687 I always thought the outside edge was the bottom of the garment.
>>120692 Ahh, I don't really know about all that. Your edit is pretty good.
>>120698 I wish there was an easy way to model what the character would look like with these textures. I think the back logo is going to have to be removed because of name/number. Maybe to the sleeves?
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>>120704 Yeah the back logo might obstruct the name and number. Best to place it somewhere in the front but if that is filled, it might work on the side, or shorts.
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>>120710 >>120710 So I checked a few things and the outside of the edge should be the bottom of the short. I took the logo from the back and put it on the pant (and I put a small logo that shouldnt get in the way on the back corner for funsies). Hope you didn't mind me mucking about with this. But here's the last result if you like it.
Since "christmas tree" formation is a no-go, I'm looking out for better positions for the team members, here are 3 more options
>>120737 The fuck is Big Show doing in goal? Put Hogan in there so he can Big Boot the goal kick brother HH.
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>>120734 Looks neat, good job
As of our current status: >Reigns and Ellsworth are future endeavored to keep the team member number limit of just 20 >NJPW Soccer ball "King of soccer" logo won the poll If you guys are set on Hulkamania uniforms, then all is left is decide is line-up and positions I made a poll to vote for any of the 3 formations posted here >>120737, unless of course you have another suggestion VOTE HERE http://poal.me/fkpuow
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(15.63 MB 1280x720 Cenahashi.webm)

>>121334 I voted for the middle one because it looks coolest with people who look cool togethe rin theory. I know nothing about line and tactics and all that shit. Also if Tannerhoshi scores we can have GO ACE as the horn
>>121334 For the record, when you list a formation, you go defenders first, not attackers, so the formations are actually: 4-2-3-1 4-2-1-3 2-4-4 (or 2-3-1-4, either way, it's insane)
>>121346 Noted, I'll give the poll up until tomorrow
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Time is up according to 8chan cup's manager, we need to get things finished ASAP, and by that I mean 4 hours before the deadline ARE WE SET ON HULKAMANIA UNIFORMS !?
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>>121483 You know it
>>121483 yes to Hulk uniforms, use Real American as the anthem and the nWo theme for goalhorn
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Update: TNA-anon is requesting commentator characters for the cup, 1 for each board team, one guy in the thread suggested the Iron Sheik but it would be better to decide it together, the options I can think of are: >The Iron Sheik >Jim Ross >Brian Pillman >McMahon >Jerry Lawler Other suggestions are welcome Thread is here >>>/8cup/892
(303.12 KB 542x420 10987056.jpg)

Update: TNA-anon is requesting commentator characters for the cup, 1 for each board team, one guy in the thread suggested the Iron Sheik but it would be better to decide it together, the options I can think of are: >The Iron Sheik >Jim Ross >Brian Pillman >McMahon >Jerry Lawler Other suggestions are welcome Thread is here >>>/8cup/892
>>121740 Don Callis
Booker T
does anyone care to attempt to get everything ready for the cup and import it to PES or did someone already do that?
>>122059 I won't be surprised if this gets cancelled because of whatever reason
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>>122059 >>122456 According to the thread on /8cup/, the /wooo/ team is in the game, so we're good to go.
>>122460 Team /wooo/ is a go, we just need to provide TNA with a /wooo/-related character for commentary
>>122461 I nominated Booker T in the commentary thread
https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania GET IN HERE FAGGOTS
>>122774 when is wooo on
>>122850 /wooo/ 2 - 2 /liberty/, it ended in a tie
>>122859 Rematch? Both teams advance to the next round?
I noticed that the team has the same hulkamania Yellow&red jersey for both the team and the goalkeeper, you should have given the GK a different one, maybe the NWO or DX one.
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https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania IN LESS THAN 45 AND WE ARE READY TO GO GET IN HERE FAGGOTS
We are currently in the halftime of /tg/ vs /ita/, afterwards its /wooo/ vs /bmn/
WE ARE NEXT, GET IN HERE FAGGOTS https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania
>>123538 Who won?
>>1236192 3-1 in favour of /bmn/, we have to win our last game against /test/ or else we are fucked
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>>123626 >tfw wrestling is so dead we can't even win a fake soccer game run by AI
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>>123626 Test died from a Pizza overdose 9 years ago, I wouldn't worry about it.
I made a thread and a post to demand the 8cup streamer to give all boards time to check over the formations in the first and second half of every game and to give us a method to directly contact streamer so we can have coaches make exact precise changes to formation throughout the game - please demand the streamer let us see the formations from now on at the first and second half so no more games end up with bad formations from start to finish: >>>/8cup/2132 >>>/v/15224573 17 to avoid flood detection
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I demand a grudge match with /test/
>>123657 Did we lose again?
>>123744 Yes, we are out of the tournament
>>123750 but should we give a fuck? i read there were accusations of rigging but not sure if true or just the ravings of assmad losers
>>123750 we did the job
We are going to be playing in about 15 minutes. https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania
Next tournament is in January, apparently
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Does /wooo/ already have its own board-tan by any chance? I need it for research purposes.
>>124795 Either >Bo Dallas or >AJ Styles
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Quick Reply