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Jinrui wo Metsubou sasete wa Ikemasen Anonymous 10/04/2022 (Tue) 04:42:45 No. 1114
Why haven't you read this manga yet? an underrated gem
What's its selling point?
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>>1118 the manga was cancelled bc it failed to sell good number of copies. but i assure you, its one of my favourite manga out there. its comedic, wholesome and also got great art.
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>>1120 Tough shit. Not everyone gets to survive in the unforgiving dog-eat-dog environment of Japanese media markets. However, you still haven't given a single reason to care, "comedic, wholesome and great art" describes about more than half of SoL shovelware out there.
Not bad, that was some quality moe. Tldr alien rabbit loli princess invades Earth, gets stranded, learns to love people, the end. Thankfully no fetishizing either.
>>1123 exactly. this is what i meant. tbh this manga has almost everything i need in a manga. thats why i recommended. glad you liked it
>>1146 Ok I guess minimal fetishizing, thanks to our resident pedo here
This series was alright but got axed real fast I was hoping for more romance between the MC and the female rabbit bodyguard but that didn't happen Overall I started losing interest when they introduced the little sister and that's when the quality for me started to drop
>>1174 If you want proper moe with a full conclusion I rec Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru And NG Life Mizuho Kusanagi is a true pro, Akatsuki no Yona is also really good, if I ever get money I'll be buying the full series.
>>1114 I dropped it because the whole “she’s an alien that wants to destroy earth” angle got left behind within the first five chapters, and it just became a standard bumbling-single-dad series. She should’ve been the equivalent of an adult for her species, and merely has to pretend to be a child to not be discovered.

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