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Ports that are completely different games Anonymous 03/25/2025 (Tue) 16:29:20 Id: 150ba4 No. 1082590 [Reply]
A really interesting phenomenon prominent during the 2000s, but existed outside of it. It wasn't uncommon for a game to launch on 5-7 different platforms with each version being a completely different game, this was especially common for tie-in games. Though I'm less interested in that, and more interested in the games that were something else entirely. Be it a different campaign like Quake 2 N64, or just an entirely original game like the GBA Daikatana Zelda-like. I'd like to hear about more of these I'm unaware of.
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A lot of games that get ported to a handheld. Sonic Colors, Age of Empires, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
>>1082709 > Extremely impressive to hear voice acting of that quality in a Super Nintendo game. That's Mega Drive anon, and there's no voice acting in it.
>>1082685 Speaking of Lego games, Lego Rock Raiders had a PC port, which was an RTS, and a Playstation port, which was an action game.

webm thread: Return of AV1 Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 04:28:38 Id: b5bf3a No. 1072700 [Reply] [Last]
SVT-AV1-PSY has a brand new spankin' update with --psy-rd, --enable-tf 2 and --spy-rd parameters to catch up with x265. Do they do anything? Who knows? Get to postan'. https://github.com/gianni-rosato/aviator (Linux only) https://github.com/Nj0be/HandBrake-SVT-AV1-PSY (All desktop OSes) https://github.com/staxrip/staxrip (Wangblows) To start out, here is my rushed attempt at remastering Prisma Sympathy/Illya Popcorn Funk in higher resolution and fidelity, since a lot of JewTube reposts noticeably degrade the quality. It's missing a transition and the timing is off but I'd thought I'd post it. does anybody have that "uoogh" MV webm so I can remake it, a theme I want is to remake or remaster old vids leveraging modern codecs
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>>1082760 I adore how Ghost is still doing his shtick after all these years.

MONSTER HUNTER THREAD: (Breath of the) Wilds Edition. Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 06:51:04 Id: 6c0959 No. 1032729 [Reply] [Last]
So the beta for MonHun Wilds is out and I've played it. It's OK. I'm not a hardcore Monster Hunter fan, I only played World and Rise up to the end of the story and didn't go for any post-game content, but this is way more casual-friendly than the previous entries. The camera now locks on to the monster instead of just centering on them for a split second. I could spam attacks with dual blades and interrupt at a moment's notice with the dodge roll, so I didn't have to pace my button presses. The wound feature is pretty cool. Basically you just attack one body part over and over until it glows red, then enter focus mode with L2 and press R1, and you do a super move on it. Focus mode lets you basically strafe and finely aim your attacks like it's a third-person shooter. The new support creature, the seikret, is cool. It automatically follows the monster's scent once you're on it so tracking the monster is now piss-easy. I only did the first hunt against the giant toad, I turned it off after that. There is another hunt you can do afterwards but I wanted to get back to the Romancing Saga 2 remake. Overall, I think I would play it. I expect hardcore MonHun fans will be pissed at how baby-mode it is now though. I'm nowhere near a seasoned veteran and I played it just like Dark Souls and that worked fine for me. YMMV.
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>>1082704 They did one didn't they?
>>1082707 Doubt it. Look forward to Mizu and Lagi being chainstunned to death. >>1082721 Nope. Showcase today didn't mention anything either. The most we got was lip service about reading the surveys. I'm gonna just go indie dev a classic mh-like. Tired of the battered wife syndrome
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>>1082756 I should have refunded this trashfire, I don't even want to bother with any new monsters.

InZoi (Korean Sims) Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 02:34:25 Id: 867f58 No. 1080725 [Reply] [Last]
InZoi thread since it's somehow the only game I'm currently excited about. Basically it's The Sims, but Korean. Looks to be much better than anything EA has done with The Sims in years. >City builder >Life sim >Mod support >Non-ugly character creator >Can drive around city >3 cities so far: USA, Indonesia and Korea (no grorious nippon) <Optional Jewvidia powered 'Smart Zoi' AI Character creator and construction demo releasing on the March 20th. Game releasing on March 28th. Steam page https://store.steampowered.com/app/2456740/inZOI/ Website https://krafton.com/en/games/inzoi/

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>>1082747 God, what an ugly language
>>1082644 I think there'll be plenty to talk about with InZOI for a while, but there's no reason not to make this a Sims-like thread in general, sure. Still no release date for Paralives except "2025." and Life By You still hasn't been leaked from Paradox, so I guess the only other thing we have to look forward to is the Games As A Service, Always-Online Sims 5 where every single in-game action is a microtransaction.
>>1082749 Southeast Asian is as close as I can place it. I can tell the languages apart written better than heard. But yes.

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Warframe & Pandering Anonymous 03/25/2025 (Tue) 22:47:49 Id: e93472 No. 1082692 [Reply]
I just need a way to vent about this frustration. Warframe's 1999 update takes you back to the year 1999 in a timeline where Albrecht Entrati introduced warframes early by injecting the Helminth strains into people at this time. Main group is The Hex. Now we get to the most recent addition to this update. Adding more of these protoframes. And the issue with one in particular. The warframe Temple & his protoframe, Flare. DE decided they should both be officially "nonbinary". Why? Hell if I know. There's no lore reason & Flare is even referred to as they before he became infected. What further muddies this is his strain created a sentient guitar called Lizzie that is literally part of the Helminth. She refers to herself in plural form because the Helminth is part of the Infested hivemind. So you'd assume Flare is like this because he's part of the hivemind now but as I said already that can't be the case. If you're going to do this kind of thing then at least implement it in the story to have some amount of excuse. Not just shoving it in like Dragon Age Veilguard did recently. Look how it turned out for them. And just as a bonus annoyance, you still get banned if you refer to Nezha as a trap.
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>>1082751 The grind can be mitigated if you have someone carrying you but that requires socializing with a clan if you don't already have a friend who plays.
>>1082753 Extremely old video.

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Minor News Thread Anonymous 08/23/2021 (Mon) 22:32:02 Id: 9cb4c9 No. 396559 [Reply] [Last]
Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.
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>>1082748 I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people thought the 3DS was literally just a DS with 3D capabilities. I know people who thought that in real life. And how many kids got burned buying a DSi thinking it was a new thing with new games, only to find that there were only a couple download only minigames that were actually exclusive? Those kids would then be worried about getting burned with a 3DS. As for Vita, a lot of people didn't even know it existed. But either way, in both cases, it's the software that usually sells the hardware. I like a bunch of Vita games, but casuals have never heard of Gravity Rush. They have no reason to buy it because they weren't even aware of the games that might make them want to buy it. Same goes for 3DS early in its lifespan. But over time more games came out, so more people bought it.
>>1082750 I think a small but worth mentioning factor to the Vita not doing was the Memory Card pricing. Maybe it might not have been a huge difference, but tons of people hacked their PSP's, Sony tried to combat this by jacking up the prices of the Vita Memory cards to make up the difference for how rampant piracy was, and that resulted in many who would have been interested in the hacking/piracy scene for a Vita seeing clear though Sony's efforts, and giving them the finger and not buying the thing in the first place. I know that was a factor as to why I never bothered getting a Vita, despite the fact I probably would have enjoyed it at the time. It was just a bad look from what I saw at the time.
>>1082754 That was a real pain in the ass for people who were already interested, but casuals weren't buying based on stuff like that. The types of nerds like those on this website, who would base their purchases on piracy, are not a significant enough segment of the market to make the difference. But yes, that memory card bullshit was very annoying.

Digimon Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 17:12:21 Id: 6e1c97 No. 1071532 [Reply] [Last]
With Digimon Story Time Stranger announced I thought it would be fun to have a Digimon thread. What Digimon games have you played? Will you be playing Time Stranger? Who is your favorite Digimon?
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>>1082475 >If Appmon or Ghost Game are actually good, let me know, but I doubt it. I watched a handful of episodes of Ghost Game and they were fine. The only reason I didn't continue watching is that I don't really like monster of the week shows unless there's something more to it. It's the sort of show you'd watch with your kid and I don't have one. >>1082486 Pic related is my response to you. Digimon is a yuri franchise now. Deal with it.
>>1082475 the FeMC for the Appmon game is cute. No idea if the game is any good or if there's any yuri in it.
>>1082475 I liked ghost game quite a bit but it didn't really stick the landing. That also doesn't really matter though because for the most part its completely episodic. Its interesting to see digimon killing people though. I didn't like appmon. Would not recommend unless you've watched everything else.

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Stream Thread 15: The REAL One. Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 21:55:37 Id: c06794 No. 1081753 [Reply]
Link your streams here. >What do I stream with? Stream with OBS Studiohttps://obsproject.com Run the Auto-Configuration Wizardhttps://obsproject.com/media/pages/kb/quick-start-guide/0a7db409d3-1674187038/auto-config-wizard-1.png Add Sources to your Scenes ∙ When you start OBS Studio, you start with a blank scene by default. You can add all kinds of Sources — to show images, text, video, your webcam, game play, desktop, etc. At the bottom of the main window is the Sources Dock. Click on the + symbol to add a source of your choice. Here are a few basic Sources to get you started: ∙ https://obsproject.com/kb/display-capture-sourceshttps://obsproject.com/kb/window-capture-sourceshttps://obsproject.com/kb/video-capture-sources ∙ For more information on the various sources, check the Sources Guide https://obsproject.com/kb/sources-guide Set up your Audio

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I have some stuff on my plate this week so no short stack adventures this week.
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Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1082389 Using an Ipad in lieu of actual knowledge doesn't sound sustainable at all.
>>1082424 Average wage here is about 20k, wages are also heavily distorted to the south east because it was decided about 40 years ago that we'd just go all in on the banking sector for any sort of inward pull of investment or foreign cash.
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>>1082696 This is foxdicks tier, anon

Asscreed Shadows delayed AGAIN Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 19:25:58 Id: 8de81b No. 1059141 [Reply] [Last]
This just in, Assassin's Creed: Shadows has been delayed another two months from January 9th to March 20th. This comes directly after the report from "People Make Games" who I'm not going to link to since they're massive faggots, where one of their support studios "Brandoville" is charged with abusing Indonesia developers to make assets for the upcoming game. Not to mention the outright fuckery going on with Sweet Baby Inc and general disrespect towards Japanese culture, and you have a game that's set to crash and burn when it releases this March. This is on top of the Guillemot brothers desperately trying to retain control of the company and is trying to go private as the Tencent buyout has currently haulted according to Insider-Gaming. This is ON TOP of the failures of Star Wars, Avatar, Skull and Bones, and XDefiant with some of their failing projects far exceeding 100 million. Finally Ubisoft is likely to go private in 2025 with people within Ubisoft themselves believing that nothing will actually change if an acquisition would take place. Ubisoft is FUCKED https://archive.ph/wip/ZhFH8 https://archive.ph/wip/luh03
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>>1082655 They just get jobs at other companies. It's all cycled around, anon.
>>1082693 So you haven't been paying attention then. Being addicted to being blackpilled must be a miserable existence.
>A Ubisoft shareholder is ready to sue the company for concealing information from investors https://archive.vn/yYfmS

Valve has just released the source code for Team Fortress 2 Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 00:11:55 Id: 52877f No. 1072658 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure if anyone here still actively played TF2, but this news is HUGE. Basically Valve has just released the source code for Team Fortress 2, making mods that much more interesting. They also updated the game with a bunch of fixes and features. Personally, I hope this leads to having servers that can go over 64 playable characters for maximum chaos, although I'm not a game developer/modder, so I don't really know how these things work. articles in question: https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=238809 https://steamcommunity.com/games/TF2/announcements/detail/511824321138655315
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>>1082540 >filename embarrassing
>>1073000 >Icefrog can't depend on a dedicated fanbase like those who played Dota Allstars to migrate over and keep it at a healthy level of players. Why don't they just copy popular warcraft 3 maps and make new games there is plenty,hell they could make Uther Party into it's own game
>>1082552 IceFrog wants something substantial he can call his own. Valve is giving him the budget and the team for it, clearly. He already tried making Dota Auto Chess into a standalone game. That's old hat now.

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NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Forward Relentlessly Edition Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 02:48:20 Id: 3d9289 No. 908347 [Reply] [Last]
I was hoping to make it to the shareholders meeting before the old thread got bumped off but it looks like we'll miss it by a couple of weeks. >Latest News -Falcom's 2024 title is all but confirmed to be Kuro No Kiseki 3. We don't have a title or any details yet, though, and likely won't until the shareholder's meeting in December. -Ys X released on Playstation systems and Switch. As of now, no PC announcement has been made. CLE likely will make one going by their track record, but who's to say when. Durante and his team will eventually make one too, as the norm is now for them to release the Japanese PC version and patch in the localization later. Either way, we likely won't see fan translation efforts until a PC version materializes. Thankfully, the Switch version will at least mean easy access to the Japanese script, which was a major problem when trying to translate Kuro 2. Speaking of... -Kuro no Kiseki 2 has had it's main and sub scenarios translated. That is to say, main quest, side quests, events noted on the map and connect events. Most NPCs are still machine translated. This is following Kuro no Kiseki 1 which was completely translated down to the last NPC. This was all done before NISA even officially announced their Kuro localization. As long as they remain three years behind, this should stay the norm. >Fan-translations Kuro no Kiseki 1 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nN-39bcBkES4Wg-3-rGlRqTARuQhGybB?usp=sharing Kuro no Kiseki 2 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/120XMXZinIOWUvzyFZj4bZRYBSoZGMChO?usp=drive_link Hajimari no Kiseki Translation (NPCs incomplete. You might also have to use the CLE PC version and not Durante's. Not sure.): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WpcNwWXIAdrEitf7z0nIM6sZF7t3pQmw Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana English patch: https://files.catbox.moe/f9gv0g.zip >Undubs Mega of every undub: https://mega.nz/#F!k5ZjwTCD!A4Uyb67OpQQ_qCoB-zvx0g Merge the JP voices and Dummy files into one folder and dump that folder into the voice folder.

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My Renne is alight.

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QTDDTOT Anonymous 02/04/2021 (Thu) 22:52:46 Id: 700bb9 No. 228459 [Reply] [Last]
you know the script, niggers for any 8/16bit and certain ps1 games, i've been using the 6 btn megadrive/genesis controller, love the d-pad and clicky buttons, so my question is, should i re-order another 6btn megadrive, or is there a better alternative?
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Does the Quake remastered version the one that runs under Kex Engine supports loading multiple mods?
>>1082538 As far as I can tell, it's an update to an existing law expanding it to cover AI generated shit.
>>1082538 A wonderfully vague bill that explicitly added illustrations (etc.) to obscenity definition while adding AI to it. https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=89R&Bill=SB20 Passed Texas senate overly swiftly (seemingly in violation of State Senate rules of procedure). Seems to have stalled in Texas House. I've heard a claim there was actual public debate in State House over it, so likely the non-AI stuff will be stripped (or it crashes and burns entirely). State Congresscritters aren't used to getting a fire lit under their ass on what the party told them was a non-controversial bill, so I doubt it will be simply rammed through.

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日本語学習スレッド (Japanese Learning Thread) Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 20:30:44 Id: 939691 No. 1080622 [Reply]
Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: http://ankisrs.net/ Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187 Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287 Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646 Other Resources RealKana: http://realkana.com/ (alternate version) https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear Kana Invaders: https://learnjapanesepod.com/kana-invaders/ Space Invaders/Galaga style clone. Type the romaji to shoot the kana alien

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>>1082423 Benchmark shiaa
>>1082423 Benchmark tour.
>>1082423 ベンチマーク ツアー as >>1082460 said

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EDF Thread : No Epic Account needed edition Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 08:20:41 Id: 6dcbc8 No. 1031472 [Reply] [Last]
EDF 6 no longer requires epic gays store account to play multiplayer. We did it by passively sending ill will towards them. Im getting my ass kicked in later missions on hard and have switched to hardest to get some better weapons, only to get obliterated in early missions. Grinding is hard and Im tempted to get a mod to cheese through missions. Anon who's making edf mods, also has gdrive links in previous thread https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/xdiesp/mods Previous thread - >>895955
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>>1078801 Oh, well I hope you enjoy it.
>>1072150 I've been swamped for over a month trying to make the mod work online. Simply put, running complex code within the mission just begs for desyncs. Anyway I'm done now, I just want to run a brief check on all missions and the new classes will be out.
>>1082672 Thank you for your hard work anon.

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Games where you play as a Merchant Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 20:35:26 Id: 07e6fa No. 1080891 [Reply] >>1082576
Games where you engage in mercantile activities, preferably fantasy/historical rather than modern businessman shit. Not the same type of fantasy. Recettear is a pretty classic example and involves you running a shop in a fantasy JRPG world. Port Royale 2 is a great game set in the Carribean where you play as a merchant/Privateer going around the Carribean selling shit to different towns and nations, engaging in wars, hunting pirates etc. Unfortunately, it does not really allow you to be a pirate. The economy is pretty complex from what I've seen and many games do not get to the same level as this one.
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>>1080891 Kamidori Alchemy Meister is the best
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Philistines can't play this
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How old are you willing to go?

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