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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Slimey Edition Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 17:31:17 Id: 320661 No. 31133
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
[Expand Post]•STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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I was replaying MSX earlier today and I saw this little bus (。•́︿•̀。)
>>31134 I guet that reference and I don't even like loli. Daily reminder that slimes are acidic and can melt your dick.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/Ptx3j
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Post more cute slimes.
>>31135 Sadly mombot doesn't have an update on him either
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>>31139 Mombot is still around? Haven't heard from them since their twitter got nuked. They doing okay?
>>31141 >fe fi fo fum get ye gone, trannyscum
>>31139 >>31141 as long as shes fine
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>Prison Architect: Cardboard County Penitentiary, a board game adaptation of Introversion Software’s videogame of the same name, which launched for crowdfunding on Kickstarter last week, has today been cancelled by its designers following criticism of the game’s theme and handling of the incarceration system. The announcement was made in a statement by co-designer Dávid Turczi, who has asked to cut all ties with the game going forward >In the statement posted to Board Game Geek, Turczi acknowledges several points of criticism made about the game, and says he, his co-designer Noralie Lubbers, and the game’s publisher PSC Games failed to adequately address the concerns, or appreciate how the game’s theme was problematic, and made many uncomfortable >Turczi highlights that following the game’s announcement, some people were vocally critical of its prison theme, criticising the game for glorifying the systemic oppression perpetuated by contemporary prisons, and the racist structures of incarceration systems, in a gamified form. Turczi says many “imperfect answers” were given in response to these concerns by the creators of the game, but they ultimately “failed to look at the underlying issue” >“We shouldn’t make games of underdressed female warriors with giant cleavages, not because ‘it’s wrong’, but because it makes enough gamers (women and men alike) uncomfortable, that by making and playing those games we declare them excluded,” he adds https://archive.is/rYnvP https://archive.ph/2LSGM
>>31144 Not even surprised they are massive cuckolds, they gave their game to (((Paradox))).
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>>31141 I'M SO UNCOMFORTABLE RIGHT NOW. Ma'am put some clothes on, less I end up objectifying you with my male gaze! The penis is evil!
>>31144 I'm starting to regret buying this game in its time. I know, I know. >Buying games Please, don't tell me the creator of Rimworld cucked too. It's my favourite game of all time.
>>31147 Nah. The only bad thing he did is being Canadian.
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>>317379 People would need to cease existing to meet their standards. >>31147 He actually commented on GG/KiA back in the day. http://archive.is/k5Vfw http://archive.is/Dy6nE https://archive.is/2MmN0
>>31146 Why does such a cute girl have to belong to such a shit series?
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>>31144 >>31145 >>317379 >>31147 That wasn't Introversion, that was the tabletop faggots themselves. Fucking pathetic
>>31141 Yeah, she's fine, she's focusing on IRL shit.
>>31148 >being Canadian Why would he want to fuck a dog?
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>>31152 Crap, now I miss the times where we were lewding her.
>>31149 Now I like Rimworld more. >>31151 Well, the creators sold the game to faggots after all. Who would make a tabletop game about prison if you believe prison is racist?
>>31155 >Who would make a tabletop game about prison if you believe prison is racist? Most likely out of a fantasy of creating a humane prison. But then again that is under the assumption that their worldview is in any way consistent.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura)
>>31152 Holy cow even after all these years she manages to set off the SJW's with just the mention of her existence
>>317404 >the crackhead simp is back
>>31158 I want to go back from when the SJW's would assume M*m*ot just can't be a japanese mom and blame her for existing, but I don't think she misses those days.
>>31160 dont censor her name, that self censorship kills the soul. > just can't be a japanese mom and blame her for existing I still remember all those retards who pretended they knew japanese getting into a fight with her. Fuckers couldn't even translate shogi pieces right and though they had the skills necessary to translate a game I wonder where people get the balls for that shit.
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>>31133 Small girls? Small girls are nice I wish I knew what's written Also, can I get the "Jews are not the chosen people" webm?
>>317407 >Still being butthurt about one board full of fags with shit taste on globally enforced 1D. LOL
>>31163 This one?
>>31163 >posts chicken scratches
>>31163 Is that Uru?
>>31161 >dont censor her name, that self censorship kills the soul. You do realize that the twatter retards did it all the time, and I was just merely referencing and joking about it, right?
>>31168 Thought crossed my mind, but considering those twatter people are here shitting up this thread with the mention of her name I wanted to piss em off even more.
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>>31163 Stop the bait and switch, anon.
>>31165 Thanks >>31167 > Uru? No www.pixiv.net/en/users/10211041
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>>31170 Smt iii nocturne is out The only question is it worthy of a pirate
>>31172 <Dub is complete shit and some soundtrack sound wrong. >Fitgirl has repack, which only needs 5GB. <PS2 emulator works fine enough for this game. In the end: If you still have spare bandwidth, feel free to get it.
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>>31173 >Dub is complete shit and some soundtrack sound wrong. Fucking hell, soundtrack is half the damnpoint Anyway i checked the store page as soon as i read your post and found a soundtrack dlc for $8 That explains alot
>>31174 Yeah. It makes me worried, what shitshow could happen if they bothered to remaster DDS.
>>31175 I had mediocre hopes for atlus games, so its really disappointing that they couldnt even pass this hurdle A part of me knows they're not even going to bother fixing this mess.
>>31173 >>31172 Can you switch around demon skills while fusing them? That was my biggest problem with nocturne and no one in the steam reviews is talking about that shit yet it got implemented in the switch version. Also I can't believe the entire game is only 5gb. Thats old gen vidya for you. Maybe it will be worth it once you can customize skills on fusion and its on sale for around $15-$20, but for now I am sure as hell not paying $50 for an 18 year old game.
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>>316781 Because of my lists of loli hentai.
>>31177 >Can you switch around demon skills while fusing them? Yes, you can. Most recent review mentions that. That being said "Merciful Difficulty" DLC just makes me laugh.
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>>31162 Ormo Aheiam kaz richtum. Zandomat eacta kaz plurum arobamvom est. Euchnum fortitudo westrusm kaz ecta fortitudo orichal. En kaz oritago eacta est Horivonum. Delina kaz est acta plurum? Retardost. Idiotist retardost.
>>31172 >>31174 Wasn't the remaster Denuvo'd too?
>>31177 Best modern feature of the SMT series to be honest. The idea that it's restricting or more challenging to have random skills is retarded, it's just more grind time. What should actually happen to make it more challenging is for the game to save over your current file each time you fuse a demon so there's no takebacks and having fusions require limited resources. THAT is difficulty in that it forces you to work with what you have and to weigh chance. The random skill bit didn't commit hard enough, so it's good they made that decision to shorten the unfun part of the grind.
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>>316843 >Hasn't seen the magic school bus >>317074 If 2hu Kart became real. Bloodborne Kart could too.
>>317329 already did at >>316943
>>31184 Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest: >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/bane/ - Baneposting >>>/c/ - Cute, comfy and blog posting >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/co/ - Comics and cartoons of western origin >>>/comfy/ - Even more comfyposting >>>/cyoa/ - Choose Your own Adventures @ RolePlay >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/from/ - Talk about games made by From Software >>>/g/ - Everything about Gondola >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement >>>/liberty/ - Discussion of private property norms, Austrian-school economics, and natural rights >>>/monarchy/ - Discussion about the past, present and future of monarchism >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/pol/ - Politics & Political Incorrectness >>>/polarchive/ - Redpill Archive & Dumping Ground >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/vapour/ - Aesthetic Appeal & Nostalgia >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/vr/ - Retro Video Gaming >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy Visit the following boards to discuss lewds: >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/rule34/ - Self-explanatory at this point >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/ss/ - 2D Ara/Boy love >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/ero/ - Real life 3D Porn
[Expand Post]Visit non-English boards to talk about their cultures and hobbies: >>>/de/ - German board for topics of general interest to Germany >>>/hisparol/ - Spanish board for "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories >>>/ita/ - Italian board for topics of general interest to Italy
>>31180 red text negates your curse
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>>31146 Promotions. >>31163 Wow, she's fairy big.
>>31177 >Also I can't believe the entire game is only 5gb The original is less than 3gb iirc and this one looks even worse while also having shittier voice acting. I honestly believe that SMT2 was the pinnacle of the series and if you disagree you need to get good.
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>>31181 (trips So it does >>31188 Is the japanese dub bad as well?
>>31189 It's also worse than the original japanese voicework somehow but def an improvement over the english one.
>>31188 >I honestly believe that SMT2 was the pinnacle of the series and if you disagree you need to get good. It's interesting opinion, but actually why?
>It's also worse than the original japanese voicework somehow The original was silent, though. Unless you mean the demon voice clips, in which case I agree (look at how they mangled Titania's "Are you ready?") but the funny thing is, most of those voice clips were sampled from Eternal Punishment's dub
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>>31186 Ah shit curse negated. Fuck homie bro I was just tryin to touch some sweet ass titty that was uncalled for.
>>31191 An overall improvement on everything that the first game did right. Great characters and story too. Even the graphics are better. What did you not like about it? >>31192 That is precisely what i'm talking about, listen to Matador's new voice. Jesus christ.
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>>31165 >Jacob was renamed to Israel fake news, throw it into the trash.
>>315878 >Freezing I remember that series. It started out interesting about supers soldier women that have the ability to destroy giant alien robots, but then it went to shit when Freezing: Vibration came in. IIFC, the author put the series on a long hiatus and started a new manga. >>31158 It reminds me of some dude called John Halo that started to piss off leftists on Twitter, he had a huge following but the guy got suspended because of some whining faggots.
>>317466 I did not see it. Not everyone's autoupdate works quite so well.
>8kun is dead >all site admins betrayed the users >8chan surfaces >barely 300 users /v/ros...what happened to site quality and content discussion?where are all the thousands of users? don't tell me they all migrated back to cuckchan since that site is unusuable
>>31199 Many of them did, in fact. ROBfag killed himself. The webring is constantly on life support.
>>31200 >ROBfag killed himself Wait, he necked himself? Really?
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>>31190 fuck me, they got master asia for this, how the hell did they fuck that up
>>31200 >be mark >documentary surfaces >can advertise for a new site to attract new and old blood >don't do it because of reasons >slowly but surely site will bleed more users ??????
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After SMT3 HD being a DLC shitshow with Denuvo I'm worried about SMT5 now. Is there any hope? More importantly, how easy is it to mod a Unity game like this? I know there's hd music mods already but I would like there to be graphics mods to fix the lighting and ridiculous bloom as well. Furthermore, how easy is it to reverse engineer a Unity game? SMT3's one of my favourites of all time so I'm legitimately considering learning how to reverse engineer all of the C# code to fix this shit. Also is it even in the realm of possibility to port a decompiled Unity game to something like Godot?>>31196
>>31201 Hopefully, never saw him again after his massive spergout. >>31203 Even if he did, it would have probably been cut off.
>>31199 >>31201 >>31203 what about the site josh made, is that still up?
>>31205 maybe, maybe not worth it? yes >>31206 9chan? became a wasteland after he left it
>>31199 Webring.
>>31206 Last I heard it was (((Esther's))) next target after Fatchan died. The foxdickers tried to hunt down Esther and dox them but they couldn't find shit.
>>31208 where are the users??? only smug barely scratches 100 kek
>>31210 Scattered across the webring boards.
>>31194 >What did you not like about it? I considered gameplay in SMT I and SMT II be too clunky for my taste. Then again I started on DDS, so I could be biased. >>31199 Well, userbase got shattered into several imageboards which hate/dislike each other. >>31206 It looks like it got spammed to death by commies.
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>>31211 Wrong.
>>31213 The only thing I can tell you left is that those that didn't scatter to the webring just went back to cuckchan.
>>31212 >I considered gameplay in SMT I and SMT II be too clunky for my taste. I can totally see that when you are coming from more modern and refined experiences. But if you can ever give them another chance please do so. There's quite nothing like the first two SMT games (maybe If... and MTII) Would be cool to have a /gameclub/ thread for SMT1 and introduce more anons to it.
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>>31196 >Jacob was renamed to Israel I distinctively remembered that as true in my bible studies
>>31199 They all became trannies and killed themselves.
>>31214 but you can't discuss anything on cuckchan it's all bots and frogs and wojaks
>>31211 >>31210 also a lot smaller alt-boards poped up and some older ones came back to life. (like shepchan)
>>31218 Your point? Faggots will still go there if there's no other option they're aware of.
>>31219 That's still only a small fraction of the original 2014 8chan userbase. It wouldn't surprise me at all if many of those anons abandoned imageboards altogether, it's been like 7 years since the good old days, people get old and move on with their lives.
>>31220 >Faggots will still go there if there's no other option they're aware of. that or they left the internet all-together
>>31221 >>31222 >It wouldn't surprise me at all if many of those anons abandoned imageboards altogether, it's been like 7 years since the good old days, people get old and move on with their lives. Who picks up after us when we get old, anon?
>>31218 and not to mention all the ResetEra grooming gangs that patrol the boards (with no push back from mods) and a healthy dose of ageing goons.
>>31223 >Who picks up after us when we get old, anon? i fear this fading into obscurity
>>31215 Alright, will do. >>31224 Some of them are surely mods there as well. That wouldn't surprise me at all.
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>>31223 We need to build a place where people like us can live when we are gone. A home for unbas
>>31227 unabashed shitposters. Sorry
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>>31228 shitposters without borders?
These days I look at the world with confusion and sadness. I can barely find anything to look forward to anymore.
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>>31229 How would you say that in French?
>>31231 des merdeurs sans frontières (MTL)
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>>31188 How does it look worse? The game is no longer slightly blurry and the models and textures got a tune up. Also the original didn't even have voice acting, just demon noises. Are you confusing Nocturne for a different game? >>31230 The world may suck but at least you have us anons to talk to and support you whenever shit gets hairy. It's not like im going anywhere, if I could I would have went there already. >>31221 >>31222 We need to make it on the news again, maybe that way they will come running back home. And then we will promply get shut down just like last time lel
>>31233 I was talking about the demons.
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I feel bad for /co/
>>31232 >>31231 Le shitposters sans frontières? >>31235 comic book movies are better animated most of time anyway. live action was always a meme.
>>31234 Holy shit you're fast. Wish I could enjoy SMT2. The only dungeon crawler SMT games I managed to beat were Strange Journey and Soul Hackers. >>31235 /r9k/ and /v9k/ most certainly killed themselves irl. I know its a dead meme but F.
>>31235 8/co/ hates the industry for good reason. Cuck/co/ on the other hand is nothing but shitposters & actual autistic shills.
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>>31235 >nigger is literally called Kirby what da fuggg
>>31235 >listing pronouns No idea what this is but I am going to assume they blacked quite a few of those roles. Is that a safe assumption?
>>31241 Spot on actually Good on you
>>31239 Speaking of /co/ related subjects, Viacom was infamous for deleting almost every clip that they could get their hands on from their old animated shows, abusing the ever-loving crap of the copyright system. That is up until recently when they announced a new Beavis and Butthead movie, and all of a sudden, totally "organic" Beavis and Butthead funny clip accounts started surfacing on Youtube and getting reccomeneded to everyone without getting their shit deleted. Corporate shilling is always amusing even if I have seen fake hype for dying properties like this a million times before.
>>31199 300 users isn't so bad, you can make decent LAN parties with that amount of people.
>>31235 why do all these pronoun lists always write "she/her" or "they/them"?? Isn't it enough to just write she and they? Or are there people who want to be called "he/her" or "they/him" or any other weird combination??>>31235
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>>31241 Death. It's Domino all over again.
>>31245 Because there are also batshit insane options like "xe/xir", and it would be a big no-no to not allow for that option in any way. Ergo, consistent "this/that" pronoun listings across the board.
>>31246 Hopefully they wont get a black person killed this time like Domino did
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>>31248 I guarantee she'll have a fuck off huge afro. Because every BLACKED female comic character has one.
>>31249 Wasn't there like a screenshot from one of these chucklefucks character designers where they admittted to giving all their nigger characters huge afros on purpose for whatever fucking reason?
>>31235 >Johanna Constantine take that, men.
>>31251 She's a tribute retconned into an ancestor of John Constantine.
>>31249 I don't know if any of 3 can pull that off. But knowing modern media theyll find a way >>31251 nah she was created for the comic because neil wanted to pay homage to hellblazer Shes Johns ancestor
Is cockmail not working for anybody else?
>>31254 i heard they closed registrations not long ago
>>31255 Yeah, heard that. I wonder how many of the registered accounts are 1-time-use discard ones.
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>>31221 >>31222 >It wouldn't surprise me at all if many of those anons abandoned imageboards altogether, it's been like 7 years since the good old days, people get old and move on with their lives. I really can't imagine my life without image boards (I've been on them for so long). its still one of the only places left where anybody can have unfiltered lively discussions or discover new things from like minded people. if or when the last free image board goes offline that will be the last day the internet is useful for anything other then propaganda, shilling and consumption.
>>31221 it's possible that the majority of the userbase moved to small discord communities.
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>>31257 No need to worry, there'll still be imageboards on the darknet for a good long while. Just start collecting links now and update them regularly because chances are you'll need them suddenly. >>31258 I highly doubt anyone autistic enough to follow the exodus from cuckchan would later submit to discuck of all things.
>>31260 What are some good ones?
>>31139 Didn't she kill dogs for fun?
>>31246 How often do they black goth looking characters? I'm wondering if this is similar to what they do to gingers.
>>31264 seems like the first time in recent memory
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>>31264 >image didn't load Never get what causes this. >>31260 >would later submit to discuck of all things I sadly found some who went there and now have no interest in leaving until they get banned.
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>>31260 >I highly doubt anyone autistic enough to follow the exodus from cuckchan would later submit to discuck of all things. Some of them did, I tried getting in touch with some of the anons from the old plug.dj days, the ones that didn't move to Discord either died or faded away, oh and one apparently went to jail. Fucking crazy. LET ME POST
>>31266 >pic should have gone and made dream black too
>>31240 Anon I... The name being used for black guys predates pink puff ball's existence.
None of the "endless" are important to the universe. They're all embodiment of things that apply exclusively to animals on a tiny spec in the universe. But they're depicted as being somehow fundamental to the universe as a whole. Ridiculous.
>>31270 Death, dreams, & desire alone are incredibly important concepts.
>>31270 All things die, the question is when.
>>31271 >Death, dreams, & desire alone are incredibly important concepts To cell colonies on one planet, yes. >All things die No, only living things die. I guess you could make the argument that death is entropy, but in that case her name should have been entropy. Non-living things get eroded, or lose energy, but that's not literal death.
>>31273 Reddit is that way.
>>31154 >Crap, now I miss the times where we were lewding her. that reaction image just reminded me how much I miss Dr. steel (he was right about everything).
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>>31249 >2nd pic Honestly, that character looks fine. The costume looks like something a Power Rangers villain would wear, but this is cape shit so it's next to impossible to not make them look retarded in 3D. If she were trying to be a first pass as an original black character, I'd say it's a decent enough start, and a lot of the retardation of the costume could be forgiven with a decent origin story and personality. The costume could always be fixed a bit later on to make it more elegant and sleeker, while still keeping the coloration and theme. So why the FUCK don't they just make an original character with the idea? Why bastardize Starfire? I don't even like DC or comics shit in general and this still pisses me off.
>>31274 Actually this has nothing to do with nihilism or anything autistic like that. The endless, from my understanding of the comic, are depicted as fundamental aspects of the entire universe. However the concepts that they are, such as Death, dreams, & desire, are not fundamental to the universe. They're concepts that apply to humans and maybe some other animals depending on the specific concept. Death applies to all animals, desire only to some.
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>>31276 It's always about pushing an agenda. Not accuracy. No passion behind the writing or the casting. Because they'd rather be making anything else other than capeshit adaptations but that's what sells so they're forced to. But they do it on their terms. That means niggers, mutts, forced drama, terrible acting, & worse CGI.
>>31278 > Because they'd rather be making anything else other than capeshit adaptations but that's what sells so they're forced to. It's a kind of irony, isn't it? They making movies they hate, about subjects they disagree with, in order to appeal to an audience they despise, and then are surprised when people refuse to give them the time of day.
>>31279 Pretty spot on.
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>>31281 But everyone knew this
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r8 my oc
>>31283 A game screenshot isn't OC.
>>31178 Reminds me of how the Aussie "study" that was used to justify the ban of child-like sex dolls literally was "we couldn't find a correlation between buying one of these dolls and engaging in child molestation or downloading CP, but we say the gov should ban them and everything related just to be sure. Here's the document if you want to save it for later, and the link of the publication:https://www.aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi570 ( https://archive.is/hogHw ) >>31235 >the embodiment of death is a nigger Is this a subtle /pol/ joke made by whoever picked the characters?
>>31285 break .gov links please anon
>>31283 10/10 Would ravish Tails' boipucci.
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>>31288 Do you think this is a joke? The internet is very serious biz
>>31163 >master1200 stop that shit, either save the images properly or use https://github.com/Nandaka/PixivUtil2
>>31286 Use a browser that doesn't track you then
>>31216 Maybe it's a kike thing then
>>317726 I'm only here because like-minded anons seem to hang around here as well. I took a hiatus off imageboards when 8chan went down and wasn't around for all the fatchan drama and whatever namefaggotry happened inbetween. Honestly, it feels like I don't know anyone around here anymore. The spirit is gone.
>>317731 >Personally speaking, I'm just here because I was autistically insistant on reuniting on 8kun and kept giving Codemonkey the benefit of the doubt until Mark's whisteblowing (and Codemonkey's attempt at damage control, see pic related) for me to finally acknowledge the site I loved is dead. I found myself in the exact same boat. It's easy to think the community could have weathered it in hindsight, but realistically for every one of us there is another ten that never got the memo, or saw the news articles about 8kun and were likewise disgusted with the way the site's corpse was paraded around. Some of them were less desperate or had already moved on, and a half-assed relaunch a year later was never going to work, even if they did everything right. >>317737 Technical issues are easy to fix. Management issues can be talked out, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. The rest is a matter of community issues, which nobody can really "solve". What do you think should be done differently?
>>317737 In your opinion what would a return to form entail. Assuming you had the power how would you change this place.
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Oh boy more autistic /meta/ shitting around with "MARKMARKMARK" abound. Is nothing going on? any news?
>>317742 I'm all for that. But you also need rules that mean spergs don't autistically spam loli and borderline CP in every fucking thread.
>>31297 Yeah and that requires an active staff that can enforce rules more efficiently but i'll be damned if you can find any.
>>31296 Is nothing going on? any news? Well apparently Dragon Quest is moving to ATB in DQ XII. I expect angry Nips soon.
>>31299 >DQXII is there a trailer out yet? I'm out of the loop. Is it for Switch?
>>31300 Didn't meant to greentext and too autistic to delete my post.
>>317742 Please go and make your own fucking site and leave the rest of us be that want nothing to do with you.
>>317735 >I can't even figure out what it is you're taking issue with It's a butthurt /hebe/ nigger that comes over only to post about /hebe/ being limited despite being a community and site threat initially made by a faggot eceleb and constantly inviting bad-actors who shit up other boards. Most of the discussion there is on the meta thread and its people bitching about /v/ and throwing sperg-fits about it like it's /cow/.
Take it to the meta thread or /site/
>>31303 >initially made by a faggot eceleb Who? What did I miss?
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>>31296 >Blizzard Cancels BlizzCon 2021 in Favor of Digital Event >BlizzCon typically takes place in Anaheim, California, and due to much of the fluctuating numbers of COVID and California state guidelines, the company decided to yet again not hold it this year https://archive.is/IL3i8 Also Amazon bought MGM so they now own Robocop, Stargate, Rocky, James Bond, and everything else MGM had. https://archive.is/ygMoY https://archive.is/ygMoY
>>31300 >trailer No just a teaser releasing the name Dragon Quest XII: Flames of Fate. It seems like they're trying for a higher Cero rating this time too.
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>>31296 There's a stream tomorrow where Sega will be showing off the stuff for Sonic's 30th anniversary. >>317742 You're mixing and twisting facts to push your narrative and you can go eat a bag of dicks.
>>31307 > It seems like they're trying for a higher Cero rating this time too About damn time. Toriyama can draw some nice gals.
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>>317737 >Its like I'm the only one still coming here that actually wants the free platform that embraces infamy back whereas everyone else is content to just stew in their little hugbox so long as it permits the narrow range of things they're interested in. Its like nobody left even cares about what 8chan used to stand for. The Age of Infamy is over. It is now the Age of Comfy.
>>31305 Eceleb just means "person i don't like" like "racist"
>>31311 I figured.
I'm quite comfy watching the Dragon Quest 35th anniversary stream and the announcement of DQ12 is just icing on the cake.
>>31313 I was about to watch it when a tiny moth got into my laptop through a slot in the ventilation grill. I don't know how to get it out and I'm afraid it will damage my laptop. Help.
>>31314 Try sticking a small rod like object to push it away.
>>31315 I can't. The moth entered through a slot near the screen.
>>31316 Do you have a vacuum?
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>>31314 Shut it off and bait it out with a bright flashlight or something if you can't poke it out.
>>31316 You could try a vacuum cleaner
>>31278 Is that second pic an Asian girl?
>>31317 >>31319 Yes, but it's too big for the laptop. The vent holes are near the hinge.
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it is happening again
>>31322 Stupid moth clashed against my window and fell straight to the vent hole, and since the insides of my laptop are warm it will probably stay there. I turned off my laptop (I'm on my phone, hence why my ID changed) in hopes it gets to cool for the moth. I just hope the fucker doesn't eat anything or cause a shortcircuit, I have an important online meetup tomorrow (it's 2am here).
>>31323 There isn't anything in a laptop that it could eat, it's not like they have teeth that can penetrate wires or anything. Nothing will short as long as the laptop is turned off.
>>31324 Ok, but how do I get it out of my laptop?
>>31325 That's its new home, anon. Don't kick it out of its home.
>>31325 I don't know. Hope it leaves on its own I guess, maybe bait it with a flash light. If you blow into it with your mouth or compressed air it might make it fly out, or it might just push it in further. Moths are retarded and will sometimes freak the fuck out flying everywhere and other times will just sit in the same spot for hours.
>>31325 Try to coax it out with the promise of bug hugs.
>>31328 I wouldn't worry about it too much. Better than having an ant crawl inside your monitor and die, leaving a permanent ant on your screen that's impossible to get out. It's unlikely a moth will cause any damage, I think.
>>31314 >worrying about your material possessions and not a literal life of your new moff fren Found the americant
>>31322 My apartment got infested by moths one time. Fuck them all.
>>31332 Whose fault is that?
>>31332 Do you live in a swampy shithole?
>>31325 Take your laptop apart. >>31327 or >>31329 will not work id the moth is stuck and cannot move.
>>31335 And remember not to hurt the moth.
>>31335 Depending on the laptop and the competency of anon he could be more likely to break it taking it apart than it would be likely to for the moth to cause issues. And if he's coming here asking for help about a moth going into his laptop he's probably not the kind of anon that is comfortable ripping apart his laptop piece by piece. Even people who are comfortable doing that can easily fuck shit up because they don't have the proper tools and accidentally fuck up some paper thing ribbon cable.
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>>31338 >the telepathic ability to make someone assault you when you feel threatened by them An interesting power.
>>31328 Put the moth out of its misery if its wings are too damaged to placate >>31336 >>31337 The anon has to learn sometime how to pull shit apart properly. If he does it slowly and has a basic understanding of components he should be fine. >>31338 >>31339 Scientology Tier stupidity.
>>31330 Does anyone have the cap of the of that one anon who had a Mudwasp nest full of living brown-recluse spiders that was inside a used (I think) WiiU he bought?
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>>31340 Modern laptops are not made to be repaired. They're filled with clips and glue and other retarded shit that makes it so unless you have a video guide for your exact model it might be virtually impossible to take apart. Assuming that a retarded anon just so happens to have a model of laptop that can be realistically disassembled is irresponsible considering this. As I said, even someone who has taken apart hundreds of computers can easily fuck up when taking apart a laptop they aren't familiar with because of how they're assembled and how fragile ribbon cables are. It might be feasible or it might not, but you shouldn't assume or give someone the impression that all laptops are easily disassembled when the reality is 90% of anything bought in the last 5 or even 10 years will be an unbelievable headache to take apart.
>>31338 I just went to archive it and the post isn't the link provided. This is why nobody trusts torniggerfaggots.
>>31342 Yeah, that.
>>31343 Moth-chan did slip through a cooling vent, so anon should be able to get it out easily enough if he can just open the bottom plastic. Anon, search for "disassemble [laptop model]" and see if there's any videos of people doing it. If so and it doesn't have any tricks to prevent you from opening the case then enjoy your new, grateful, mothwife.
>>31314 The moth won't damage your laptop. Most breeds of moth don't have enough liquid in them to last a day, let alone bust your shit. That's why they turn to dust when you smash them. Please do not kill moths or other bugs without good reason. They aren't bad creatures and quite interesting >The resident entomologist
>>317852 Moths are trying to get us naked? What a bunch of perverts.
>>31348 Don't you see? It's all part of the hustle. Mulberry spinners produce silk for the textile industry and the clothes moths break into your home and destroy your property to keep you dependent on them. It's a conspiracy and no one is talking about it. Who do you think is paying for all that moth porn, huh?
>>31349 >Sluggy Freelance holy shit that's nostalgic.
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Cover you all in pitch and burn you alive.
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>>31350 dubs won't save you're cock el oh el
Anons, good morning. I want to ask something serious: How impactful the Dragon Quest series was/is to Japanese culture and what would be the phenomenon that would explain on why there are people who file leaves when a new DQ game was released? Does any other franchise had or have the same impact as Dragon Quest in other countries?
>>31354 pokemon, probably
>>31354 Not sure, but DQ is bigger than Final Fantasy in Japan I believe.
>>31354 >file leaves are you using google translate? I've never played a DQ game, but from what little I've seen of the series, it appears to have had a pretty substantial impact on anime/manga/LNs. The prevalence of slimes, for example.
Ban check.
>>31356 I don't think FF has really been BIG big in Japan since it went off the rails with FF7.
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>>31353 >green anon
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>>31323 open up the laptop and see if the moth can get out. And get those bug zappers and get moths to kill itself next time You can even try putting it next to the laptop and hope the moth gets attracted to the light and leave by itstelf
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>>31360 While I'm at it.
>>31354 >How impactful the Dragon Quest series was/is to Japanese culture See: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sglKS-HfZMw
>>31364 >Clan of the Gray Wolf My goodness, I remember watching videos from that channel religiously in the past. It's sad that they're not making content anymore since Commodore moved on and Roo have to deal with the divorce to his wife.
Thanks for your suggestions, but opening the laptop is not an option, not only I'm too retarded for it, but I need a special screwdriver to open it. So for now I'm running the fan at max power in an attempt to dry the moth until it turns to dust that is easier to remove with compressed air. Is not the best plan, but it's the only thing I can do without compromising my laptop with strange objects fueled by (my) stupidity.
>>31354 >How impactful the Dragon Quest series was/is to Japanese culture and what would be the phenomenon that would explain on why there are people who file leaves when a new DQ game was released? Does any other franchise had or have the same impact as Dragon Quest in other countries? Japan loves JRPGs. Dragon Quest is the original JRPG. It was created by some japs who wanted to make something like Wizardry and Ultima for the Famicom, and it has art done by one of the greatest mangaka (Akira Toriyama) to ever live. Dragon Quest became a staple of Japanese culture, not just gaming culture. Parents play it with their children, since it's family friendly, and everybody for the last 35 years has grown up knowing about it. It's JRPG comfort food, to some extent, because it has changed so little. You know exactly what you're getting with DQ, whereas other franchises have changed drastically from sequel to sequel.
>>31366 >but I need a special screwdriver to open Yeah that seems about right. Fucking screws get smaller and smaller lately. Best of luck
>>31366 use your phone flashlight or any flash light and flash it down the vent. Hope it gets attracted to it and then leaves
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>>31369 I did that before going to sleep. The fucker never came out, so now I'm going tornado on it before something bad happens.
>>31367 >Dragon Quest is the original JRPG Technically I think Hydlide is.
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>>31370 Better version, I'm working with Vegas 14, so it is difficult as hell to make these memes.
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>>31373 How is that better? It's still an oversized h264 video. >Vegas 14 Try Kdenlive.
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>>31374 I forgot to move the render here bar.
>>31375 Better image placement.
>>31376 Sauce?
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>>31377 Use kdenlive. It works with ffmpeg. A billion times better than all this proprietary crap. See this? It's one MiB and in perfect quality.
>>31378 Nvm, I found it myself. "Harry Potter Special Ed".
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Well blizzcon is canceled. Not even surprised. Feels like the last few years wowrefugees that have been moving into other mmo's in droves have been steadily increasing. https://archive.is/wip/4PBF0 Apparently the next con will start at early 2022
>>31381 Is there even anything left to do in WoW? Only played it in a private RP server.
>>31382 don't give blizzard any money, it's owned by the ccp.
>>31382 Farming some tower for better gear apparently that and gathering energy is destroying my WoW friends morale. They tell me how much of a chore it is everytime i ask
>>31383 Never did and never will. I'm more interested in sandboxy mmos anyway. Any news about Mortal Online II? >>31384 The game could have done a lot of things, but they are just pushing more crap.
>>31383 >it's owned by the ccp. How is it going to work out for all these Western companies that are owned by the CCP once the US/China cold war warms up in a few years to months? Just how fucked will they be? Pretty fucked I'm guessing.
>>31386 They're going to come back to america. It happens sometimes in europe. China buys a european company, european country says company is a pillar of the state and refuses the sale, and gives china back its money. Both get into a legal battle. >>31385 >The game could have done a lot of things, but they are just pushing more crap. So i hear. What i don't understand is if they find it a chore why play it.
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Post your racism field
>>31388 Thanks to wifi and 3-5g my racism field covers the whole world. You faggots need to get on my level
>>31388 >>31389 >field That's kiddy shit, come back when your racism has manifested as a stand. Even then I bet yours can never defeat my powerful stand WHIP IT GOODO
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>>31382 Pet battles were still okey last time I played, and every now and then someone uses the new goblin models for porn.Those are the only uses for the game now.
>>31383 I thought ccp owned EvE. :^)
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>>31391 Also panda loli fanart.
>>31390 what abilities does it have
>>31366 >lonely moth suicides trying to get local anon's attention, more at 11
>>31386 yeah, well. may the best man win. hopefully the chinese communists will kill all the american communists and vice versa so that both problems are solved.
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>>31379 Nice, saved. Now I know that vegas is shit and kdenlive is the way to go. >>31388 >>31390 Why have a racism field or a racism stand when you can have RACISM GAINS?
>>31338 >Do not enter their racism field I forgot my racism only has a limited range much like how shotguns in games only shoot about 10 feet before the pellets disappear.
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>I just found out that one of my favorite wrestlers from New Japan, Kazuchika Okada suffered from the Kung Flu while recovering from his 2 broken disc in his spine, and he appeared in one of the house shows, announcing to others that he is fine and have completely recovered There's still hope in this world, seems like it.
>>31400 that's not technically correct>>31400
>>31399 Apparently racism is a short range stand.
>>31402 Anon that is the end result of him releasing his power level.
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>anons' hatred is so weak that they have to claim to hate entire groups because they don't have the power to selectively focus their rage on individuals and cause damage to them with only their sheer willpower
>>31405 > I did managed to make someone's computer explode once before.
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Hey anons, do you think I could co-opt this whole "accessibility culture" thing into actually making positive changes in gaming? I get motion sickness a lot, and it's happening more frequently because games are using pointless cinematic bullshit, like dynamically altering FOV, shaky cam, that weird fish-eye zoom lensing effect, camera sway and view-bob, all that retarded shit. It's especially egregious on Sony consoles but it's present other places too. If journos can complain about difficulty settings (or lack thereof in Souls games) making games inaccessible to their retarded baby hands, would it be possible to use that to piggyback into getting devs to at least have the option to set a constant user-desired FOV that disables "cinematic" effects? If so, what's the best route to take? Some kind of petition followed by a twitter hashtag? I have no idea how social media works, all I know is modern gaming is literally making me sick.
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>>31398 >tfw when you're both a racist and a pedophile You cannot stop progress.
>>31407 Try it, what do you have to lose? >>31408 >PROTEIN-BLASTED How about, no.
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>>31388 >>31407 I was thinking of something like this before but FoV sliders and other comfy PC options generally set off a few flags to the woke types because it signals good taste and an actual interest in vidya getting better. Could work, though.
>>31409 enjoy your protein deficiency you flakey skinned ridge nailed baldlet
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>>31411 Enjoy your boiled plastic.
>>31405 Reimu pls don't kill best protagonist.
>>31412 >cans >receipts >dental fillings they really are a bunch of fucking ghouls, aren't they? prolific, comprehensive ghouls.
>>31412 >all those sources of BoiPussy Accelerant No wonder the western world is running out of sperm cells.
>>31412 I do have a plastic water bottle that I've been meaning to replace. I also usually wrap steak in cling wrap, but I can easily swap that out with parchment and aluminium. I'm also a clerk and have two dental fillings from a few years back, but besides this nothing seems to be of concern. I don't drink sodas or anything really. About the most concerning thing I can think of are that most of my foods come in plastic containers. I try to rinse everything before I eat it though.
>>31414 It also applies to plastic bottles and drink cartons. It's also in surgical masks. >>31415 It's also done through promoting birth control, which results in it being in the water supply. Recycled plastic also contains more BPA than regular plastic. And finally one notable thing is that glasses with plastic frames have the same type of effect since you are putting plastic in contact with your head for many hours a day. >>31416 Plastic is not water-soluble, Anon. It is however soluble in fats and oils.
>>31415 >BoiPussy Accelerant the fuck is that
>>31418 xenoestrogens. poison that shrinks male's testicles. being leached into the food and water supply via plastics.
>>31418 It's the chemicals that they put in the water to turn the frickin frogs gay.
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>>31414 Also stop using hand sanitizer, not only is it leading to more resistant bacteria spreading as it had done in hospitals, but it increases the absorbtion of BPA through skin contact because it's removing the protective micro-biome on your skin, making it possible to absorb BPA even by picking up a plastic bottle (like the one hand sanitizer comes in), or if you spend a lot of time typing on a keyboard, touching a mouse, or holding a game controller, you get the idea. Also avoid any kind of boxed macaroni and cheese where the cheese comes powdered in a small bag, because that powder is full of pthalates that act as a testosterone inhibitor. May as well just avoid anything processed because many products are processed or packaged in facilities with cross-contamination to other products, you can't even buy a bag of cashews without seeing a warning about it potentially or intentionally containing canola oil (aka chemically bleached, deoderized, hydrogenated rapeseed oil), soy flour, soy bean oil, or other soy products, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Also throw out all aluminum cookware, if you have anodized aluminum pots and pans, ditch them because that anodized is just electrically oxidized aluminum and that oxidation layer eventually starts to break off, exposing your food to aluminum particles, if you have an electric percolator it may very well have an aluminum contact inside of the pot, so that every time you make coffee it leeches aluminum into the water. Practically every modern convenience is a detriment to your health, and the companies producing it all should be charged with crimes against humanity.
>>31422 So return to monke?
>>31423 No, returning to 1920 is good enough.
>>31424 So children's cigarettes, boiled meat, & mafia ruled cities?
>>31422 >Also throw out all aluminum cookware, if you have anodized aluminum pots and pans, ditch them because that anodized is just electrically oxidized aluminum and that oxidation layer eventually starts to break off, exposing your food to aluminum particles I don't think you can really hope to avoid aluminum oxide if you live on planet earth.
>>31425 I figured on 1920 because they you have Adolf Hitler coming to power to have something to look forward to. >>31426 Doesn't hurt to try.
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>>31427 Hitler is a meme. He may have tried to save Germany from itself but he was not willing to actually wipe out the jews despite what (((they))) memed into history.
>>31372 Hydelide was real-time combat whereas traditional JRPGs are turn-based.
>>31424 >returning to 1920 But there's no vidya.
>>31429 >from itself From the kikes, just in an overly nice way that wasn't going to work. Hindsight, he was a bit naive due to his good nature. Just look at how he tried to avoid war with Britain, assuming the British were Aryan and not the eternal willing fleshsleeves of the jew, but obviously that has been proven to be a wrong assumption. Also the nips fucked him by plotting against the U.S and letting American leadership turn Pearl Harbor into the original 9/11 and just whoopsie we weren't watching that :^) but now that it got attacked because we didn't try to protect it at all, let's go enter this politically unpopular war with (((our greatest allies))) the brits.
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>>31429 see pic related >>31431 well if you can survive until 1960 you'll get to see the start of arcades and experience the wonders of pong and tetris all over again
>>31346 >anon-kun saved a cute moth and now she wants to be his bride! the OVA.
>>31407 Make a wiki with pages about disabillities and possible solutions you can implement to to address them? then endorse it in a way that people pass it around.
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I understand why anons are so in love with moths.
>>31436 How would you even fuck something as small as that? I'd barely be able to fit the tip.
Fuck you. You're making me feel bad for killing a moth in a horrible way because it went inside of my laptop and was too retarded to escape.
>>31436 My property is being swarmed by butterflies *fuck the swamp
>>31438 You have forever missed the chance of qt moth waifu, enjoy your sad existence now.
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>>31434 >be me >get invited to a "board game night" >bunch of weirdos, as expected >one guy decided to joke about "Big Tiddy Moth GF" >Nobody laughs, maybe gets a couple wry smiles >Three seconds later, says it again >Nobody moves, we all just stare at him >Undeterred, repeats the joke a few more times >Finally tell him we all heard him the first time and to shut the fuck up Thanks for reminding me of this terrible, terrible memory.
>>31161 >dont censor her name, that self censorship kills the soul. Wrong, the opposite is true. C*nsoring shit seals away the evil power of those words and prevents them from damaging the soul.
>>31440 Moths are bad girlfriends. They eat your clothes, they spread poisonous dust all over the place and they live for just one day.
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>>31441 That guy was an awkward moth pretending to be a human!
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>>31437 Unrelated but I had a fucked up dream for the first time in months, where there was a mad scientist and a bunch of squirrels, and he noticed one squirrel was fucking itself with a regular dildo, and I'm talking realistic squirrels here, it had a huge fleshy pussy and was taking this dildo like it was a living fleshlight, and the mad scientist wtf'd at this and tried poking it's giant throbbing labia with clitoris sticking out my fucking face when I woke up >>31443 >live for just one day that doesn't give them a lot of time to get some dick
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>>31433 >well if you can survive until 1960 you'll get to see the start of arcades and experience the wonders of pong and tetris all over again Just realized that WW2 would be around the corner.
>>31162 Is this some sort of incantation to banish kikes?
>>31443 They will live longer if you love them and hold hands! And the dust is prove of affection. >>31444 Creepy. >>31445 Anon what the fuck.
>>31443 At you could pesticide the moths however the butterflies we'll always appear no matter what I throw at them, these butterflies have destroyed my mother's flowes and they don't won't leave you alone. Whenever I go outside I have so much around my face and can't see straight
>>31445 I'm more curious about what made you dream that than about the dream itself.
>>31449 Insects are generally bad girlfriends.
>>31429 Pretty much, the Haavara agreement is what it is about. Transfering jews to Anglo-Palestine, the number transfered? 60,000 german jews. Interesting how it became 6 million dead. And from those that got there, started shitting everywhere against Palestinian, UN decided to partition Palestine and England fucked off a short time after. Also fun stuff: in the 30s, muslim, christians, and jews were chill (enough) back then, since jews already said it was their land and were in smaller number until they all migrated to Palestine.
>>31452 >60,000 german jews. Interesting how it became 6 million dead It's called usury, AKA interest, and the kikes invented it, and every respectable kingdom banned it, for obvious reasons.
>>31426 >I don't think you can really hope to avoid aluminum oxide if you live on planet earth. Unless you are snorting incredibly fine dried clay, it's not that hard cut down on how much you take in. That being said, planes are spreading aluminium oxide nanoparticles through spray pyrolysis, so it's not entirely avoidable. >>31422 Also if we are on the topic of oil, you should always go for cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil, instead of vegetable and seed oils. Just make sure you aren't buying a blend of olive oils, since that is one way they mix shit oils together with the one you actually want. Unless there is an incredibly massive markup for whatever reason, it is definitely worth paying extra for. And always go for butter, margarine is complete fucking trash.
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>>31412 >BPA FREE! >Switches to near identical bisphenol compound It's ALL plastic that's bad. Plastic should be in tools, equipment, and so on but never on food items. In 2180 some 6 year old is gonna read the wikipedia page about microplastics and say "food touching plastic? Collapsers were fucking retarded holy shit"
>>31447 It's half non-sense half protection spell, look up barbarous names. http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Barbarous_Names I don't know if anyone would take this stuff seriously.
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JJ Abram is filming a Portal and Half life movie? When the fuck was this? Hasn't he ruined enough franchises yet https://archive.is/wip/05QHb
>>31458 The portal "film" has been in and out of production for like 10 years at this point. It's not getting made.
>>31458 He is the franchise rescuer! every franchise he touched turned it better than ever! People believing that unironically makes me sick. I don't even know how he got popular to begin with.
>>31458 Abrams has been involved with Valve since way before Portal 2 was even a thing.
>>31459 >>31458 Wasn't there some connection between Portal and Super 8?
>>31462 Yeah, there was a playbale teaser for Super 8 in the console oversion of Portal 2
>>31459 >>31461 First time i ever heard about it >It's not getting made. Friend just texted me and the news is only 2 days old. I still hope it dies >I don't even know how he got popular to begin with. He rides the coat tails of those franchises thats how
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>>31452 > in the 30s, muslim, christians, and jews were chill (enough) back then Not quite. This article's about a civil war with the Arabs who wanted to kill all the Jews knocking out all of the other Arab leaders so that no one could disagree with this agenda. The British had put Mufti Husseini in power around 1920 after watching him start a riot against the Jews. Jewish-Muslim relationships weren't that great outside of Palestine either. https://myrightword.blogspot.com/2008/02/jewess-heroine-sol-hachuel.html https://web.archive.org/web/20150604221442/http://www.isracast.com/article.aspx?ID=1347&t=Jews-in-Morocco-The-Fez-Pogrom-of-1912
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>>31450 >>31448 I don't even know, I went to bed early and didn't even look up any porn before bed. I guess I should be glad it wasn't one of the dreams where I hang out with a bunch of friends having a good time and wake up and realize I've been alone for over 10 years and want to kill myself but jesus christ it's not a great alternative. I've had even more fucked up dreams than the one with the squirrel slut.
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>>31465 >>31458 This was still being publicly talked about as far back as 2013. This thing is about as likely to get made as the halo movie. https://archive.ph/n6eHo
>>31468 >This thing is about as likely to get made as the halo movie. Good last thing i need is to be blinded by another lens flare
I'm not american, so the more I hear about the ATF the more disgusted I feel. Has been any momment in time where those disgusting traitors have been dealt with in any way?
>>31470 Not the most precise thing, but there was the time an ATF agent spooked someone who called 911, then the local cops tased and arrested the ATF guy despite the fact that the ATF guy was being cooperative with them. It'll have to do until the real blowback starts to happen. The lobbying organizations and the ATF itself both seem to be oblivious to the fact that, after George Floyd the covid lockdowns, every political stripe in the country wants access to guns because they see rampaging mobs, unaccountable police, or tyrannical governments around every corner. Huge slices of the populace are broke, desperate, fearing for their lives, and have zero trust in the institutions that are tasked with protecting them, and the institutions have chosen now as a time to push for disarming them. Something ugly is going to happen sooner or later, and my money's on sooner. https://invidious.domain.glass/watch?v=gb1MVFDy_tw
What the fuck happened to Sam Hyde? He looks like shit and rambles about blackpilled non-sense. This is pretty sad. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XwRxrklhsWE
>>31470 >Has been any momment in time where those disgusting traitors have been dealt with in any way? Once. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_Bombing
>>31473 >Glownigger pushing OK City >totally justified >carried out by Timothy McVeigh >totally not a fucking op by the alphabets >you should do it too anon!
>>31472 Terry Davis Syndrome hit him hard
>>31468 >JewJew Abrams Must be one hell of a talented director to get to work on so many famous intellectual properties. Must be in his blood or something. >>31474 What makes it glow exactly beyond the fact that it is a "terrorist" attack?
>>31471 >My wife's pregnant Don't see how that will help you in this situation glowie. I guess the ATF stands for Alcohol, Tobacco and Fats now. Because of all those ailments he started spewing when the officers restrained him.
>>31471 >I have a medical condition >I'm hyperventilating >My wife is pregnant Do they teach them to spew cliche bullshit and argue with the cops to piss them off, at the glowacademy?
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>>31476 Just like with some uncomfortable tidbits on 9/11, things that don't match are filed away never to be brought up again. If you bring them up, then you're just a crazed tinfoil hatter.
>>31474 >>31477 >>31478 The fuck are You talking about this time? It's schizo time?
>>31480 What's schizo about the OK City bombing? It stinks. And even if it did, torposter holding it up as an example of 'retribution' vs. the ATF also smells. The only citizen led examples of retribution are killdozer and that guy in the 2010's who flew his ultralight plane into an IRS office when he was about to be made penniless (which is why plane guy was quickly buried by lack of media coverage).
>>31479 Much appreciated.
>>31480 All I'm saying is the ATF guy in the video behaved more like an actor playing a glownig rather than anything else. Just how retarded must someone be to think that spewing unrelated nonsense and basically getting into a shouting match with the cops who have you on gunpoint for about 4 minutes, is a good idea?
>>31475 I dunno, saying everything is turning into Brazil is fucking appropriate.
>>31412 >pic He kind of overdid it. >muh breastfeeding leaks stuff contained in the mother Guess what. The same is true for animals and they may get all kinds of vaccines and drugs. >glass steel porcelain There's plenty of other materials that can be considered safe. For example ceramic. A lot of pots and pans are coated with ceramic. >thermal paper Why do they even make this shit? So you can't use receipts anymore after some time to proof that you bought something there? Paper receipts were fine.
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>Good news or bad news first? Good News: An update for Borderlands 3 has been prepared for release that includes full crossplay support across all platforms. Bad News: For certification, we have been required by the publisher to remove crossplay support for PlayStation consoles >The publisher here would be 2K, but this appears is a shot at Sony, albeit the phrasing is a bit weird. The implication is that perhaps Sony is refusing to allow this, or demanding a similar deal to Epic for some extra cash that 2K simply won’t agree to. Hence no crossplay on PlayStation for Borderlands >Privately, as revealed through the Epic V Apple case, Sony was much more blunt. Here’s Sony’s Gio Corsi talking to Epic: "As you know, many companies are exploring this idea and not a single one can explain how cross-console play improves the PlayStation business." https://archive.is/be7Vb Made me chuckle. >I haven’t stopped screaming this for the last seven years because the scarlet letter on me hasn’t come off, the harassment hasn’t stopped, and people still refuse to learn a god damned thing about what happened to me (and others). Ignoring history enables the repetition of it >Other folks who’ve been targeted by the same racist, sexist, bigoted internet mobs dealing in group harassment, disinformation, doxing and brigading often haven’t stopped screaming about it either. GG wasn’t the first. Look at #YourSlipIsShowing. Look at Kathy Sierra. *LISTEN* >You might be sick of hearing about it, but I promise I’m more sick of having to say it. It is nothing short of a waking nightmare to be constantly impacted by it for the better part of 10 years despite all attempts to move the fuck on, only to have people say it never happened >I’m losing my mind dude, there’s honestly Discourse saying gg never even happened and wasn’t that bad anyway like 2014 never stopped https://archive.is/En82e
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>>31485 >The same is true for animals and they may get all kinds of vaccines and drugs. That does not instantly make it a good thing. >Why do they even make this shit? So they can print more complex patterns in a shorter time, while ensuring the receipt is less sensitive to moisture and doesn't smudge by the time the person takes it in their hand. But mostly it's just so some fag store can have their logo and some random QR code on top of it take up half the receipt.
>>31486 >"As you know, many companies are exploring this idea and not a single one can explain how cross-console play improves the PlayStation business." I mean, they're right. Providing cross-console play is best for the game, not the platform. He's just admitting nobody would want to play on Playstation, given the choice. >pics rent free
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>>31487 >doesn't smudge by the time the person takes it I wish it didn't but it does. It also said you should make a copy if you need to preserve it. Okay, mine (Germany) are ecofriendly and it says they can be thrown in the paper trash and allowed for direct contact with food, so maybe it's not the same as American thermo paper.
I looked it up and it seems to be BPA and BPS free. Sucks to be American I guess.
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>>31490 It doesn't prevent smudging, it just makes it so that it is harder to smudge. I'm pretty sure it's the same paper. >and it says they can be thrown in the paper trash You can also throw magazines in the paper trash, even though the paper is lined with plastic. Doesn't mean a thing. If the facility near you doesn't have the capability of recycling it, they will just burn it like any other trash. Even if they burn it, they will keep the same sorting system. >and allowed for direct contact with food Direct contact with food being approved doesn't mean much considering the fact that Germans still allow food to be inside plastic packaging.with direct contact. >>31491 Don't state what it doesn't have, state what it does.
>>31486 >>You might be sick of hearing about it, but I promise I’m more sick of having to say it. And yet she can't help but talk about it whenever she needs some pity replies on twitter. It's almost as if she's an attention seeking whore.
>>31492 >state what it does. It's Blue4est. It works physically instead of chemically. >minerals, adhesives, wax, black pigment and the opaque top layer Well, what's the opaque top layer? I don't know but it's not plastic because it also says it's 100 % free of plastic. https://www.oekobon.de/alle-rollen/blue4est-80/80m/12
Oh wait. That plastic-free thing is a separate product.
>>31468 How the fuck would you make a movie based off Portal? >the protag from the game is silent >the main story is extremely simplistic >the backstory is told entirely through the environment >there are very few characters in the setting >the current state of the world outside of the facility is left a complete mystery There's just so little material to work with, how do they expect to turn it into a movie? >>31486 Oh look, it's the faggot who made God of Soy simping for Quinn in the replies, why am I not surprised?
>>31496 Isntthe outside world of portal just half life 2?
>>31496 >How the fuck would you make a movie based off Portal? Make it a silent film
>>31497 It's implied.
>>31494 After looking it up, it seems you have bought into marketing. It probably is better but "chemical-free" and "100% free of plastic" is just false. The positive side is that a protective coating can be added on the top layer and bottom layer. What the protective coating is made of, I do not know. May be plastic or may not, but the protective coating is only optional. The concern for Koehler is the colour-forming chemicals being displaced, which is what they solve with this. But the problem in terms of health isn't the colour itself, you can absorb shit through your skin without taking up the colour. And the thing is that other shit about it states it is a polymer. Doesn't say what type, but I think you can already guess that the type of polymer I am thinking of isn't siloxane or cellulose.
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>>31498 Just think about it: >each test chamber a different scene >slapstick comedy in everything, from solving the puzzles to the final fight >GLaDOS comments as snarky dialogue cards >follow story of game; solve puzzles, avoid death, kill GLaDOS
>>31501 Oh, and >don't treat portals like a cheap CGI effect, treat them like a novel filmmaking technique
>>31501 >>31502 >silent movies in CURRENT YEAR+6 >hollyjew not cheaping out with CGI What a grand and intoxicating innocence.
>>31501 >>31502 I would prefer a Stanley Parable movie.
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>>31503 >silent movies in CURRENT YEAR+6
>>31500 I didn't buy into it. And also read my follow up post >>31495 I just said it doesn't contain BPA and BPS. See >>31491
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>>31479 Who makes these?
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>Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes announced <Remember when I first got Diamond <Was a few years after their launch, but before Platinum <Immediately knew the game was shit but still played it because I liked the concept (Especially when it was heads and shoulders above Gen 3) <Still played that off and on for the past decade <Still consider it a "modern" game <Look up the original date of release >April 22, 2007 <14 years <Meanwhile, not even old enough for wizardom I always understand and empathized, but now I really sympathize with some of you olderfags who have been shitposting for more than a decade and seeing where things are going.
>>31508 I'm almost a wizard and I played freaking Roblo when I was 12 back in 2006. Time really just fucking flies.
>>31509 missed an x there.
>>31509 >>31508 I loved Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. It was during a time I got bullied hard in school and had less friends than I do fingers on one hand. Even though the three were practically the same game, I bought Diamond on release, won Pearl in a sweepstakes, and eventually got Platinum when that came out. I think the ice gym leader was my first fap, can't remember very well. I also played Roblox but that was a year prior. I still remember the account credentials and can login to it
>>31508 My first pokemon game was yellow. Got that christmas 99. Then gold and silver in fall 2000. Diamond and pearl were the first pokemon games I played in 7 years. Then the gold and silver remakes in 2010. The last pokemon game I played was the first new one for the 3ds in 2013. Even that will be 8 years ago. Time really does fly.
>>31415 >>31416 >>31417 >>31419 >>31422 What about the chemicals from antibacterial hand soap?
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>Dying Light 2 gameplay trailer >FarCry 6 gameplay trailer >Horizon Zero Dawn Journey to the West trailer <All pozzed looking garbage <Reused assets everywhere <Lighting is completely borked The absolute fucking state of AAA
>>31513 Yes.
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>>31508 I got Platinum and regret every single moment. Last decent Gen was 3rd Gen
>>31516 I remember getting Pokemon XD because of a Nintendo Power ad thinking that it would be a full-fledged 3D Pokemon adventure and instead I got a shitty linear cut down mess.
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>>31516 >3rd Gen >good Last decent Gen was Gen 5. >>31514 Sonyggers are defending the 30FPS lock like crazy right now. Console war faggots are so retarded that it's hilarious.
>>31515 But they're even in the water supply. How can you avoid that?
Kotaku’s next editor in chief will be Patricia Hernandez https://archive.is/hy3GR In case anyone has forgotten: http://deepfreeze.it/journo.php?j=patricia_hernandez
>>31518 I fail to understand why 60FP isn't even the norm for many new games outside of laziness and incompetency. I can understand older games but justifying games being locked to 30fps in this day and age is bullshit.
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>>31517 Well, not mainline so at least it had that excuse. >>31518 >Sonyggers want photorealism Their games look like over saturated cartoons regardless of the framerate what a bunch of absolute clown retards. Then again these are the people who watch Hollywood flicks and want videogames to be more like it. >3rd Gen wasn't good Wrong, it was gimmicky but added a decent amount of content and technological improvements. >Black & White No, fuckoff
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>>31521 Weren't soyny niggers boasting how ps5 would get 4k 60fps or some shit? What the fuck happened to that.
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>>31520 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA >>31521 Because these fucking things are made for literal retards. >I want THE BESTEST GRAPHIX EVER <Screen gets completely filled with 10000 HUD elements at the same time to handholds these literal mouthbreating retards <Tell them that not only covers the pretty graphix which are garbage cartoonish consoleshit they jerk off but that it also completely kills immersion <OH WELL IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME JUST LIKE TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF
>>31525 whats the joke
>>31526 Uncharted 4.
>>31525 Oh look it's that guy that accused anyone who criticized The Last Jedi of being a nazi, we should definitely care what he thinks about video games.
>>31528 Rich isn't AIDSMOBY and one can enjoy the clip without context
>>31344 I apologize for that nigger.
>>31520 Holy shit, are you kidding me? She's still unironically the worst Kotaku journalist.
>>31530 You have to own it all anon https://www.carvel.com/cakes
>>31366 >He doesn't have a technician's screwdriver God I love working a trade.
>>31514 ><Lighting is completely borked What's the bet devs are now getting so lazy with their lighting they just assume people are going to take the 30fps frame cap to have raytracing on. >>31524 Marketing told them to be excited for 4k60fps. But then marketing told them that 30fps is more cinematic. Normalfags believe the most recent lie they've been told and don't question it.
>>31526 >Playing >Uncharted
>>31528 >Oh look it's that guy that accused anyone who criticized The Last Jedi of being a nazi Link? I can't believe someone on RLM said that with a straight face without it being a bit. They might be retards but they're not faggots (that I know of).
>>31518 Don't forget the other side: >Visuals suck <Proceed to talk about how "programming games is hard" and "there's more to a good game than just the visuals"
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>>318269 Wow anon you posted porn once again you fucking faggot, do you want me to share a pic of my cock and cum to this or something? what do you expect to achieve by posting this?
>>31519 Don't live in the city, and don't drink municiple water. >>31538 He said it's terrifying to see "linking the alt-right's culture war to star wars hate as a gateway drug." the way I read it, with the article he links being what actually accuses anyone who dislikes the last jedi of being a white supremacist sexist bigot nazi shitlord.
>>31531 That's probably why she was chosen to be the EIC, she won the race to be the worst blogger on the site. Reminder Gorilla Hernandez wrote an article about how Fallout 2 brought out her inner faggotry because you could be a spear chucking homosexual Lysol enthusiast https://archive.ph/Hn3ib
>>31513 Some are bad, I know triclosan was a common antibacterial agent that was an endorcine disruptor. Triclosan got banned from hand soap and toothpaste in the U.S., I'm not sure if the ones still used also have problems. In general you don't need antibacterial soap though, normal soap kills bacteria fine already. >>31519 Filters are pretty cheap and effective, you can get a reverse-osmosis filter to go under your sink or for your whole home. (Note that if you get a reverse osmosis filter you probably want one of the kinds that has a filter layer that adds back in trace minerals at the end, otherwise you might not get enough of those minerals.)
>>31538 They're definitely faggots, Rich and Jack constantly revealed that on their gaming show, Josh seems pretty cucked as well.
>>31543 They have a strong left lean for sure and Rich definitely had a case of TDS. Mike I'm not so sure since I'm sure he would prefer to be a political.
>>31538 I made a comment about this on their 100th Best of the Worst episode. They erased the comment or youtube bots did.
>>31544 > I'm sure he would prefer to be a political I'm sure he would.
>>31514 I really miss games with good art direction. It seems to be a relatively rare thing outside of the indie space now in favour of "realism" and more grafics. Most of this new AAA stuff just tires my eyes out. I don't even understand why you waould want visual realism. Reality sucks.
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>>31547 Outside DICE EA, AAA gwaphix aren't realistic in the slightest. Nothing but poorly textured poorly lighted poorly modeled console garbage made by complete amateur to save up on costs.
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>>31547 6th gen was the pinnacle of art direction in vidya and no one can change my mind on that >Killer7 >MGS2&3 >FFXII >Magic Pengel >Graffiti Kingdom >Jet Set Radio >Crazy Taxi >Pikmin >Chibi Robo >Doshin the Giant >Halo 1 So many aesthetically pleasing games
>>31548 Hence the quotation marks. They get called realistic but I dunno. Like I said, they just tire my eyes out. I'd rather play a mid-2000s game. Prey, FEAR, Unreal Tournament 2004. They don't bother my eyes and I like how they look. More fun too. >>31549 Never really played any of those except a little Halo, but it was nice looking yeah. I do have fond memories of Custom Robo, Skies of Arcadia, .hack, etc though.
>>31548 It's amazing just how much modern graphics rely on lighting conditions and lens effects to make up for shitty textures.
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>>>31547 What really bothers me is the complete lack of any good SFX/Particle systems or even good physics/interaction. Shit like the newest Resident Evil games don't even have breakable bottles. >>31550 >but I dunno Shit and low res textures, some of which are replaced by shitty low poly 3D models, half of it because modern console CPUs are fucking shit. >>31551 It really is nothing but post processing garbage filling up the screen.
>>31552 >What really bothers me is the complete lack of any good SFX/Particle systems or even good physics/interaction Half Life Alyx has that and lots of other interesting tech, too bad it's all tied to a lackluster tech demo.
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>>31552 >Shit like the newest Resident Evil games don't even have breakable bottles. I remember the promo videos for MGS2 and people used to practically blow a load in their pants over all the environmental interactivity. It was a massive promotional boon... and then nobody really followed suit. You can still get more "realistic" environments out of 20+ year old Build Engine games than you can from modern titles that are little more than 3D still-life paintings.
>>31552 I honestly don't look too closely at new AAA games to see this stuff because I don't play them. I mostly just replay stuff I already know I like or carefully pick out indie stuff I'm interested in like Rimworld, some of the retro-inspired shooters coming out, or things like that. >>31554 Big thing I remember was how bad Bioshock Infinite's lighting was. This is a new enough machine I don't have the webm handy but there was one comparing the lighting in it to the lighting in FEAR. I need to get around to playing FEAR again.
>>31554 I do know a few people who always gush about the interactivity some games have, like HL2's physics, MGS2's interactive elements or FEAR's enemy AI, but it's a goddamn shame most people don't pay that kind of stuff a passing thought when they play something.
>>31398 Vegas 14 is very user friendly, but it's old as hell and has horrible file encrypting. The newer versions have been overhauled to include AI assisting features, better encrypting, faster encrypting, etc. The newer versions is just not cheap and I do not use it enough to justify the expense.
>>31552 >half of it because modern console CPUs are fucking shit Would going from PowerPC to x86 really make that much if a difference?
>>31556 >but it's a goddamn shame most people don't pay that kind of stuff a passing thought when they play something. Social media, imagebords, and GameStop represent a minority of customers. Talk to some of the people at used game stores, and you'd be surprised how popular older games are.
>>31558 Yeah, it let all the soydevs in and truly emphasized ease and speed of programming over the performance of the actual program.
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>>31540 If I recall correctly, he complains about the alt right in the replies and some other bs, but he also did say that disliking the movie doesn't make you alt-right. >>31543 (checked) Yup. >>31545 >They erased the comment or youtube bots did Hard to tell with these damn websites. Getting shit deleted is a daily occurrence with zero or incredibly vague explanation on jewtubes part.
>>31560 But, one of the most popular games on the PS3 (A PowerPC system) was Hotline Miami, which was made in GameMaker (A visual programming application). Not to mention RPG Maker getting console releases as far back as the PS1.
>>31551 I thank this game for spawning a lot of of /ss/ SFM porn.
>>31563 Just think of all the porn once the Made in Abyss game comes out & people rip Reg's model.
>>31563 >SFM shadman tier, neck yourself.
>>31564 And Riko. And Nnnnnaaanachai's.
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>>31542 Personally I don't trust modern soap, soap was originally made from animal fat and potash, modern soaps are (probably) responsible for a number of skin issues people suffer from today because it's all harsh chemicals. >>31561 I figured he was left leaning or at least a fence shitter, which is why I doubted he would make such a bold stance like that.
>>31568 >modern soaps are (probably) responsible for a number of skin issues people suffer from today because it's all harsh chemicals. You're thinking of phthalates, which some skin care products do use.
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>>31342 I had something to that effect in one of the Wiis I bought. Whole unit smelled like insect droppings, had shitstains on the disc reader and NAND, and there were torn off bug legs scattered. I don't know what insect(s) it was but if it made the unit smell like shit it must have been some cockroach.
Good job. Now delete the other flavors of porn and off-topic shitposting, kuckzu.
>>31390 I remember that screencap >I, Dio, have already lynched Kakyoin and Joseph and you're next, Nigger. >Dio, you cracker. >>31395 Obviously the ability to make negros humble and subservient. It's how Anon plans to have his own Uncle Tom/Pucci to subvert the Black community towards his own ends
>>31571 Found the conservative
>>31573 Found the volunteer fired from /b/ of all places.
Real A+ moderation here.
What fresh hell are you guys complaining about now?
>>31518 >Last decent Gen was Gen 5. Probably the peak of Pokemon, in fact.
>>31576 Glancing at it before I go to bed, conversation about porn and a furry website having DDoS attacks got axed. >>31577 (digits) I played Red and stopped at Silver. Never got how people kept playing that shit after a few games.
>>31576 People mad at Kazu for not letting the thread devolve into pornposting.
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>>31388 >>31390 >Racism field >Racism stand What about a Racism quirk, Waito Powah!
>>31547 I don't understand why everything has to be hyper-realist i.e. ugly as fuck. I guess they just have so much hate for anime? Also, locking to 30 frames per second. Do they believe games are movies? I know they do, but still they should be called out for encouraging retards to do a retard job.
>>31581 I'd be fine with 30 FPS if the game was actually good. There were a ton of golden-era classics that ran at 20fps even, like Perfect Dark in multiplayer. I'm just sick of everything being a same fucking looking walking sim/third person shooter. I thought AAA was garbage 10 years ago but somehow it managed to slide downhill and off a cliff anyway. >all that mothposting again You guys are weird.
Goodbye, money. https://archive.is/MfPaD
>>31583 Explain.
>>31582 Moths are cute, CUTE!
>>31583 I don't get it.
>>31583 >>31584 >>31586 I'm a retard as well and would like an elaboration.
>>31587 Hyperinflation, not the fetish
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>>31566 Dont forget Marulk, if * he*'s in the game.
>>31590 >Fucked up the spoiler I should go to bed
>>31570 Well why the hell did you buy it? Second hand, I'm guessing?
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>>31507 I once found the channel on youtube but I lost it again. It's very hard to find since these videos are buried so fucking deep thanks to youtube's algorithm. From what I recall the channel did mostly news-related videos, these were exceptions.
>>31593 >From what I recall the channel did mostly news-related videos, these were exceptions. The Corbett Report was the name of the channel. However, his channel was shoahed over a month ago: https://archive.ph/GsvDw
>>31594 Oh shit, they took down his youtube channel. I remember him saying something like YT wanted him to delete a video or face a purge, and he says no. Anyway, here's his secondary channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM6EbmEFrTbrQ_31bUx5h3w
>>31479 I'd been wondering about how a truck bomb is supposed to cause the damage depicted. Damn.
>>31597 It wouldn't be hard with military grade explosives, though in that case it's claimed to be a fertilizer bomb which is just fucking ludicrous.
>>31592 It was cheap and in a uncommon color that normally goes for more.
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>>318482 > racism continent does this count?
>>31602 "white" The two top looks more tanned to me, and I don't mind those one bit.
>>31602 They forgot to make a stamp for white people.
>>31604 It would be too valuable for minorities to afford using, only (((some))) white people send high value parcels, containing things like legal papers and medical documents, that would justify the purchase.
>>31604 >>31605 Regressive socialists think pink is the color all white people are, ignoring that there is a shitton of shades for "white" just as there are "black" europeans are no more a monolith than africans or asians, despite what european union would say otherwise.
>>31606 Reminds me that albino people exist too.
>>31602 These stamps are probably cheap to make and probably pure profit, especially the black one. I smell money laundering.
>>31602 And I forgot to mention with global inflation on the horizon get rich quick shit like money laundering is gonna become rampant.
Italy has decided, for the rest of us, that they'll represent the planet by being the first to distribute fanfiction into space! https://archive.ph/quOLc Well, how soon will it be until the Earth is invaded to rid the galaxy of Sonic OC porn?
>>31603 >>31602 The one in the upper left matches my skin but I am little darker because of the sun
>>31602 Is anyone's skin really that black?
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>>31612 Coal miners, for starters.
>>31612 ATF and FBI victims.
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>>31612 Yeah, actual East Africans are, the American niggers are from West Africa plus they are mixed.
>>31615 Nubians, and they are more blue than black.
>>31612 This post is the property of Gippo Dudee. Please kindly fuck off. Thank you.
>>31602 liberal media is just blatant Black Supremacism now.
>>31618 You dpnt say. Mark my words, if white people go extinct, or heck even endangered minority, all other groups will war over who made them this way and infantilize the whites minority or dead. They want absolute control, and having a reason to enslave/ kill the other groups would be a boon to them.
>>31619 >if white people go extinct, or heck even endangered minority This will never happen, because the "survivors" will just repeatedly extend the definition of what is white to include themselves. If things keep going as they are, eventually hapas, light-skinned mulattoes, and many others will all be considered white. In all honesty, the notion of "white" stopped having any meaning as soon as people with brown eyes were included.
>>31617 This dude so black he looks monochrome.
>>31619 They won't. We're exactly retracing the fall of Rome and what you got with that is the definition of what was considered Roman widened. The Goths were "Roman" after they conquered Rome. The Greeks called themselves "Roman" even after the Ottomans had conquered the entirety of the Greek Empire. Hell, even the idea of giving citizenship to everyone in the provinces was the first step in that LARP. They want control, sure, but don't discount the prestige that comes with being white. Talk to the upper class of mexican, they consider themselves white. Even various nigger admixtures consider themselves white if you talk to them, as long as they can remotely get away with it. Everyone wants to be white and the ones that are angry at whitey are just salty they can't get away with calling themselves white. >>31617 I wonder if anyone's ever considered trying to train negroid niggers as night-attack special forces. Blacken the teeth, shade the eyes, and they're invisible.
>>31622 The optimal colour for night operations is dark blue, not black. If it's so dark that you only see pitch black rather than dark blue, it really doesn't matter what colour it is, you still can't see shit.
>>31617 >>31615 Imagine intersectionality between them "You are more black blue than black black or black red, therefore you get less brownie points"
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People are only just now realizing CA is fucking shit. >Creative Assembly discounted Total War Three Kingdoms so people would buy it. And then dropped the news a week later they were no longer going to support it and cancelled all planned DLC. It was released less than two years ago. People. Are. PISSED >Punchline: They announced a second Three Kingdoms game. It isn't going to be a sequel, it's just going to be another game based around the Three Kingdoms period of history https://archive.ph/WNblV
>>31625 Heh. They did an Empire: Total War again. Where's my fucking fort patch, CA?
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Looking forward to seeing the bs bans roll out for this, and I hope people abuse the shit out of it: >Dead by Daylight: Wear it with pride (rainbow flag cosmetic item) <Fag: I'm ready to be hatecrimed in a game as well as irl now >Quick PSA: Specifically targeting people for using this charm falls under targeted harassment. Anyone who chooses to do so will be punished https://archive.is/DeUn7
>>31627 Then the killers cant kill the homos now?
>>31627 >People you CAN slaughter in the game <Men <Women <Niggers >People you CANNOT slaughter in the game <Trannies
>>31625 It amazes me how it took these people at least two years to realize that the game was shit and lacking content. Can't wait for them to forget all about this and then go back to loving the game and dismissing legitimate criticism of the game.
>>31626 Makes me wonder how people seem to forget how terrible they are and have been. >>31628 In a game where strategies involve singling out a specific player, you are now expected to check their rainbow status or they could potentially report you and get you banned for targeting them.
>>31631 Survivors will report you if they think you're specifically targeting them. It's called tunneling. Like there's an unspoken rule you have to give everyone a chance instead of focusing on easy targets.
>>31627 This is the dumbest shit i've ever seen. School Shooter Simulator on GMod was a better Dead by Daylight than the actual game.
>>31632 >Like there's an unspoken rule you have to give everyone a chance instead of focusing on easy targets. I'm sorry, what? Even in grade school, hide-&-seek and tag were all about picking in the easy targets.
>318568 Too be fair. Dead by daylight already LGBT friendly. It has a playable Freddy Krueger
>>31634 The game's community is just reddit.
>>31615 >I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa
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>>318589 I assume Mark deleted this.
>>31640 Your grammar in the last paragraph was also pretty shit.
>>31640 Go to /pol/ to discuss politics that aren't related to videogames.
>>31642 >politics that aren't related to videogames. You mean like this post >>31602 and all of its replies?
>>31244 Which would be great but we can't even manage to get so much as a Terraria or Minecraft server going.
>>31644 I have multiple but I cant be assed to do proper opsec before posting it here.
>>31627 >Quick PSA: Specifically targeting people for using this charm falls under targeted harassment. Anyone who chooses to do so will be punished <killer strategically or unintentionally tunnels a bad player wearing a faggot badge <"Waaah! This killer was clearly targeting me because I'm gay, pls ban him!" <innocent killer player is now banned from playing the game he bought because of false accusations I see no way this can end badly. >>31631 >Makes me wonder how people seem to forget how terrible they are and have been Normalfags have even worse memory than a goldfish. >>31633 >School Shooter Simulator on GMod was a better Dead by Daylight than the actual game You don't know the half of it. The DBD devs are some of the most incompetent retards in the industry. Their game is a buggy, unstable mess and every update always breaks something and causes new bugs to appear, the game is ludicrously balanced in the survivor's favour and devs refuse to do anything about, the devs constantly cuck out to the whiney redditors who play survivor while ignoring everyone else with better ideas on how to improve their game, the devs themselves are absolutely shit at their own game which is one of the reasons why it's so horribly imbalanced, they keep adding new stuff into their game while old stuff that needs fixing is left unfixed, etc. the list goes but them being virtue signalling leftists is just sprinkles on the shit sundae.
>>31645 >>31644 I guess it's partially a question of trust about connecting to random IP. It's perfectly possible to make some private VPN/LAN where general internet data don't go through it (kind of like hamachi). I did it once with my friends when we played some PPSSPP, and I think the remaining point would be "is the VPN owner is to be trusted" Then you could connect different game server, self-hosted or dedicated, and just play. I don't know if there's other pitfall with larger userbase and possibly glowies and/or people just wanting to shit the place up.
>>31610 Well, it could be worse. It could bring even more degenerate aliens thinking they are in good company.
Why the fuck is this site loading so slowly? It's almost unusable.
>>31649 Works for me -t. Posting from iOS(TM)
>>31641 >>31642 I wasn't the one who posted it.
>>31620 The concept of "white" people didn't exist until ameriburgers came into existence. Hopefully the concept will die out just as fast so people can go back to being identified by meaningful racial traits. Equating races like potato niggers and slavs under the same racial identity is like equating a nigger to a pajeet because they're both brown. The notion of "white" people never had any meaning. It was always just a way for retarded subhumans to latch onto groups they weren't apart of.
By the way, did you know that May is AAPI Heritage month?! <What is AAPI? You remember those savages that turned Captain Cook into mince meat and returned said remains to his crew as a sign of "respect" (Literally a month after celebrating his arrival)? Yeah, AAPIs are the descendants of those people.
>>31652 Please go away.
how do you do fellow (1)s
BAN /INTERRACIAL/ I should be able to go SOMEWHERE on the Internet where there are no niggers. But what do I see when I come here? FUCKING NIGGERS.
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King Shitcoin is down, so every other coin is dipping. Better avoid staring at charts for a while.
>>31657 None of you fags should be buying any digital currency anyway.
>>31656 Just increase the brightness of your screen if you are tired of seeing your reflection on it. >>31657 Here we go again. How many pumps and dumps until it stabilizes?
>>31657 >so every other coin is dipping It's been bouncing around consistently for the past couple weeks, what are you talking about?
Crypto is faggot shit, buy gme.
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>>31622 >The Greeks called themselves "Roman" even after the Ottomans had conquered the entirety of the Greek Empire Eastern Rome was a Roman Empire as it was the continuation of it out East.
>>31660 >>31659 >>31658 I still maintain that it will dip below 25000 and then stabilize in the 20-28000 range for several months. We dont know where the bottom is but anyone who bought stocks during the 2008 recession made out like bandits. After that crash there was over TEN YEARS of consistent gains. I think that its following the same trend and the downside risk of missing out is lower than the potential upside over the next five years. Seriously if youre in a stable position and can park $50, $200, $1000 for 5 years, lose half your money in the short term, and sit tight,youll be rewarded for your patience.
>>31661 As someone who has a few shares of GME, it's basically too late to jump on the train, now that it's above $200.
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TechRaptor is still trying to distance themselves from GG and now deleting old articles. >As of today, we’ve removed a large number of articles from the time period of 2013 to 2016 >This is a hard subject for a lot of people, myself included. Ultimately, it’s simple—much of TechRaptor’s coverage of GamerGate and surrounding events had and has the potential to hurt or impact a number of people negatively, and our lack of editorial policies provided poor content that doesn’t meet the standards we hold ourselves to today. We failed in the key tenet of “do no harm,” and it took us until mid-2016 to really realize that we hadn’t been the outlet we wanted to be >I’m not going to hash out every article we published about or surrounding GamerGate. As of today, a large number of articles from that period have been removed from the site due to the fact that they just don’t meet good standards for high quality journalism >In 2017, we felt it was hypocritical for us to delete a large part of our site’s history, which is why we added an editor’s note to the many articles we published during (and before/after) the time of GamerGate >After a few (more) years of discussion, we feel that is no longer the right decision. While many of these articles weren’t inherently violent or inciting negativity, we feel that they no longer represent the quality we hold ourselves as a site today https://archive.ph/RtUxh
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>>31627 Wait so playing the game and attacking them is a hate crime when the point is to kill people? So if someone is killer and focuses on someone who has the pride emblem wouldn't that mean they get shoah'd? This will break the game.
>>31663 >decides to just stay poor and regret saying this forever okay retard see you fomoing in at 5k >>31665 Nah not at all.
>>31668 What do you expect it to climb to? When is even the time to sell? I have no idea when the short squeeze is supposed to happen, considering the hedge funds are pushing it back over and over again.
>>31667 Just ask if they have pronouns and if they don't all say attack helicopter, disconnect.
>>31669 Look at it in terms of risk vs reward. What are the odds of it losing 20, 50, 80% of its value?
>>31670 It's just so fucking retarded that I'm unsure of what to say.
>>31666 So, did they cuck out or they were sold of? Wasn't Angry Gamer also sold? Not sure if they also cucked out.
>>31669 And how do they push it back over and over? By naked shorting even more. The time to sell is never. >>31671 This only impacts you if you are a bitch and sell, that's when you buy even more.
>>31673 Billy was driven out. I'd a feel lot more bad if he didn't poison the well with his retardation.
>>31675 What did he do?
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>>31676 He went full on sperg and lost focus on what was important
>>31656 Needs more colonization, is all. >>31676 >What did he do? Be fair and accurate.
>>31667 Worst part is if some random fag FEELS like you were singling them out then you could be potentially banned depending on how much of niggers the devs feel like being. Which is also why I really hope this gets abused like crazy. >>31673 They cucked out ages ago. They want to sit with the other big vidya "journalism" websites and advertisers, but GG is not something those crowds will abide. Which is why the fag keeps saying shit like: >Going forward, all I can ask is to judge us on our actions and coverage these past few years, which are the result of learning from our mistakes. We will continue to strive to be a source of support for those that need and deserve it, not a source to tear down any one individual or group. That does not discount our past in any way, but I would hope it shows just how far we've come and how much we've changed into what we truly want to be: a positive force that highlights and celebrates what we all love—games >billy I have no proof but I still feel like he was forced out. Wish he didn't drop off the face of the earth so I could contact him.
>>31640 >I assume Mark deleted this. It pointing blm, IGN and Vox not only against Israel but they are calling Jews in America openly now. Of course mark deleted this. >>31642 >Go to /pol/ to discuss politics that aren't related to videogames. >game journalists turning on Israel isn’t video game related Go back twitter or 8kun faggot >>31666 >TechRaptor is still trying to distance themselves from GG and now deleting old articles. What the fuck do you expect from (((Tim pool))) fans and (((libertarians)))?
>>31678 >Be fair and accurate. Anon Billy lost his shit a while back. >>31679 >Worst part is if some random fag FEELS like you were singling them out then you could be potentially banned depending on how much of niggers the devs feel like being. Which is also why I really hope this gets abused like crazy. This is gonna be hilarious if it plays out like you think it will. My IRL mates play this game a lot so I wonder if they will get banned through just playing normally.
>>31677 Speaking of homo farms. They are working with mundane Matt in trying dox razorfag because he against Hollywood using far use by pointing all the shit we got from wizard of oz and Sherlock Holmes becoming fair use.
>>31682 >They are working with mundane Matt in trying dox razorfag because he against Hollywood Eh, what?
>>31682 I have my issues with Razorcuck but I hate Foxdicks farms with a passion. They are these odd self righteous centrist moralfags who dox people yet try to shill the moral high ground, I feel in the next few years they'll become NiggerERA bad or worse.
>>31682 Why is Jewsh such an hypocritical kike? I literally got a Kiwifarms stream reupload on my YT feed and he rambled about pedos for like an hour while acting like he isn't one. Is he trying to memory hole his past? Dude thinks he is untouchable because of the cult of personality that he built around himself. And I thought that britbong was pathetic.
Is it a good idea to buy a prebuilt PC now?
>>31686 sure satan, if you dont mind everything but the gpu being cheap so it doesnt cost $1k extra
>>31686 No as you'll spend a premium and subpar parts to boot. I'd wait till GPU shit chills out and then buy parts.
>>31684 Plenty of actual goons and ERA troons post on KF.
>>31681 Losing his shit doesn't actually make him unfair or inaccurate. The "Traitors of America" list may have been hyperbolic to the extreme, but it was nice having a place to check which companies were bitch-made and why. Also, the list of vidya companies were owned, in whole or in part, was very helpful. Don't give money to people who hate you, especially if they're so brazen as to make their disdain public. All that said, I was being a bit hyperbolic myself. You brought up plenty of legitimate fuck ups by Billy, but calling out commies and THE GAY COMMUNITY-- I mean, agenda, wasn't a mark against him in my book. I read this shit for entertainment value, not just raw information.
>>31686 No, Satan. Prebuilts are terrible, unless it's a laptop (Then it depends).
Ok I bought 20 Ethereum, 80 Monero, 115 Litecoin, and 33333 Dogecoin. When will I be rich?
>>31691 It's a shame you can't build your own laptop.
>>31692 Buy a loli sexdoll and record yourself fucking it with a shitty 2009 webcam and upload it to Pornhub using your actual name.
>>31690 >Also, the list of vidya companies were owned, in whole or in part, was very helpful. Mangled that, sorry. "Also, the list of vidya companies that were owned, in whole or in part, by the chicoms, was very helpful."
>>31685 Jewsh only even runs tranny farms to trollshield himself via misdirection.
>>31686 Buy an Apple™ iMac™ with the new™ M1™ chip™.
>>31686 Depends on who you're buying it from and how much it costs. You should do extensive research on the company selling the prebuilt, watch jewtube reviews from reputable people going over the faults with the prebuilt system. Some are fine, some come with proprietary motherboard standards that make them hell to work on after the fact. You'll have to find one of those prebuilt sites that are basically just "build a custom PC for you" service. And then even among those you need to figure out which ones are cancer. NZXT for example I believe have had many issues as of late, such as shipping components that may potentially catch fire.
>>31688 That's what I thought as well and I'm glad to know I was just being impatient. I'll just wait for everything to get dirt cheap again.
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>>31690 I appreciate the work Billy has done and I really mean it but I really wish he'd had been able to not spill the pasta and listen to people who genuinely tried giving him advice. >>31689 >Plenty of actual goons and ERA troons post on KF. I knew a guy named GethN7 who I used to troll Biodrones with back in the days of the BNS when ME3's dumpster fire, then years later I find out he went full Loli is pedo and Sad panda must be shut down moralfag GG burnout all while he post on a site full of actual sex pest who dox other sex pest.
>>31697 Buy a shotgun with buckshot place it in your mouth then pull the trigger. >>31699 I recommend a ryzen 5 build when you do get parts.
Never ever buy a prebuilt.
>>31701 OR I could buy the new Apple Macbook™ Pro™ that also has the new Apple™ M1™ chip and a gorgeous Retina™ display.
>>31683 You might know him better as matt Jarbo >>31684 >I feel in the next few years they'll become NiggerERA bad or worse. Look up any e-celebs or lulzcow that somewhat right learning or hate a communist. They show their true colors. They are ResetERA that loves to say faggot and post blacks eating water melon memes out of irony
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>>31690 >>31700 It just goes to show you can't just randomly rave about kikes like an autist if you aren't the only one working on your blog, otherwise you risk a Judas scenario where your """""buddies""""" sell you out. There's a reason all media outlets are forced to toe the line.
>>31687 >>31688 >>31698 There's also the fact that nearly all of the pre-built systems are just wasted space. For example, more most recent one I had, the case (14" X 14" X 6") was nearly empty because everything in it was so tiny. Putting it in the most optimized case possible, it could have been the same size as just about any Nintendo console. Even the ones that are, on paper, more "powerful" than a laptop released half a decade prior cannot play nearly half of the same games as said half-decade old laptop.
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>>31678 Colonization is why there are so many niggers in the first place.
>>31707 That isn't really a prebuilt specific issue. Anything small form factor is going to cost a lot more while having less part compatibility. mATX is the most logical form factor yet has essentially no logical case designs for it and often limited motherboard selection. The only logical case designs I've ever seen for mATX have long since stopped being produced and are hundreds of dollars used. ITX is more common and has more options but in my opinion is too limiting since there are many instances where I personally could find needing more than just a single pcie slot.
>>31682 >mundane matt Still genuinely amazed he hasn't killed himself yet. That fag can't do anything right, and can only succeed in embarrassing himself. >>31681 Just tell them to wear the rainbow flag for protection and call everything harassment.
>>31704 >You might know him better as matt Jarbo No, the questions is why were they attacking Razorfag for criticizing Hollywood.
>>31707 >>31709 Unless you're putting it on top of your desk, I refuse to believe you can go wrong with a tower. Even when I had to get a new case for a 360mm radiator, the old case has 10 3.5" bays that I've slowly been filling for a NAS. Even if you don't believe in airflow and temperatures, having a larger case is easier to clean, upgrade, and repair.
>>31704 Foxdicks farms has become this bizarre mix of /cow/ards, NiggerERA, Goons, twittertards, enlightened centrists and /leftycuck/. >>31712 What specs you running anon?
>>31713 gtx 960 and ryzen 2600 but the cooling was in preparation before the new gpus and cpus came out last year.
>>31714 I'm running an 9900k and rtx 2060
>>31710 Mundane Fatt does have one redeeming value: he has generated such an overwhelming quantity of trash that it has resulted in the creation of MC Jarbo.
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>>31682 >They are working with mundane Matt in trying dox razorfag because he against Hollywood using far use by pointing all the shit we got from wizard of oz and Sherlock Holmes becoming fair use Are they seriously going to bat for pedowood commies and corporate kikes who leech off public domain?
>>31718 It seems so.
>>31682 >They are working with mundane Matt in trying dox razorfag because he against Hollywood using far use by pointing all the shit we got from wizard of oz and Sherlock Holmes becoming fair use. For fuck sake why?
>>31717 Too bad about Sam going full Varg on retardation >>31472
>>31720 They'll make a number of BS reasons why they are doing it.
What the fuck with is with my ID changing so much?
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>Foxdick What it is as a whole and what it'll be in the future is hard to say, like nearly any site seperate parts of the forum attract seperate people. The central lolcow forums they used to have seems to have a bit of /cow/ and remained relatively unchanged, some high profile ones still have people posting from other forums, if only due to aligning interest. There are more than a few familiar faces when talking about news or media. I know a couple of faces from SB and I know there's an ex-/v/ mod in there. Hell, I'd say even a lot of non-/cow/ anons went there after shit got shut down and sometimes the vidya/anime discussion is decent. It's a lot tamer than before, though I'd just attribute it to the rest of the internet becoming unbearable, the KickVic shit and GG bringing in newfags and the actually lol-worthy lolcows being hard to find these days. Lots of the old cows slowed down and quite a few seem to be running off hate more than anything(see ecelebs). They can still do digs unlike /cow/ without relying on outsiders to do the work for them. Pigfood is a disingenuous faggot, but I'd say quite a few of their users are decent. Wouldn't make the worst anons even with the high amount of trannies, the Loli=CP niggers seem to be a minority and a small amount of them seem to be crossposters of /cow/ considering how they find old 8chan history posts actually informative.For example look at how active the Mark thread actually is in comparison to other threads and how much of it is actually about Mark/Acid rather than the /cow/loon and Gahoole starting shit rather than lamenting 8chan and old GG history. >>31704 You can say the opposite about "left-leaning" eceleb/cow threads, most of them like gossip congregate around people they don't like and those attract different types of users. I know a that most hold GG on a relatively positive light or as a nuisance and its detractors as massive hypocritical parasites. Quite a few of the non-cow forum goers and those that complain about SJW shit saw GG as the wake-up moment that it was for a lot of people. I won't forgive them for the Sad-panda thing however, fucking philistines. >>31625 Does anyone still play that shit-game anymore? It seems desperate for attention with all the crossover pandering and lorefaggotry. >>31711 >Analfist Because he's a disingenuous sperg who has house and ego made of glass to stand on with a fake personality? I don't mind this /baph/ type shit as long as the people doing it don't pretend to be anything but what they actually are. >>31720 More info and giggles, Analfist isn't really held on a high regard by anyone besides his braindead sheep. Guy recently shut down his twitter because of his GF or some shit. Guy outlived his expiration date and wouldn't be missed if he died some day, unlike TB. >>31723 Blame IPv6.
>>31724 I don't give a fuck about Razorfist but why would anyone be a Hollywood sycophant or anti fair use?
>>31724 Get a load of this guy.
>>31680 >TechRaptor is still trying to distance themselves from GG and now deleting old articles. What the fuck do you expect from (((Tim pool))) fans and (((libertarians)))? Whats the co-relation?
>>31602 Wouldn't people still buy less expensive stamps? 0.70 cents for a fucking stamp seems way too much. >>31625 There's some scottish jewtuber guy who makes hours long dissertations on WHY they're so shit and I've never realized how much detail went into Rome I, Medieval II and Shogun II (and how they casualized it all in later games). https://yewtu.be/watch?v=88PlONLpUlo >>31724 How can these creatures make fun of "yt fragility" and then feel obliterated when someone doesn't use the right language near them
>>31728 >How can these creatures make fun of "yt fragility" and then feel obliterated when someone doesn't use the right language near them They are the same kind of soft-skinned retards that can't hear latin for black without chimping out in random violence, they're stupid hypocritical animals.
>>31711 > the questions is why were they attacking Razorfag for criticizing Hollywood. Because that’s what communists larpers do. breadtube became Disney internet defense force for a reason.
>>31724 >Guy recently shut down his twitter because of his GF or some shit No he didn't, his account was temporarily hacked before he got back.
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>>31726 I have a lot to say in regards to them. I lurked around there every once in a while for various threads when 8chan went down.Kill me >>31725 Because when you rule a kingdom of stones to leave for your son you need to worship something else.Granted I never really gave a shit about Matt even during GG's peak. Dealing with the vermin infesting the hobby and later having fun back in the first exodus was a bigger priority. >>31728 Last I checked you could still mock niggers there without much issue. However I never checked that thread myself so I don't really know what you're talking about, just making some assumptions based on my personal experience watching that faggot whenever people dropped his vids on old 8/v/, vch and here. I look at the the Jim Sterling, Dan Olson, Breadtube and hbomber threads more since those faggots have an unfortunate amount of influence on places I used to visit along with various connections keeping them relevant. >>31731 Sauce? The "I got hacked" excuse is hard to buy considering the history of its use by massive retards and journalists.
>>31727 >Whats the co-relation? In the 90s libertarians were considered too far left for the democrats. Libertarians were the ones who pushed for drug use normalization, LGBT normalization including tranny shit and origins what become edgy Reddit atheism/skeptic community. >>31710 If trolls were truly going after Matt Jarbo like he said they are. They would’ve gotten them fried from Uber years ago after admitting he attempted to rape a girl on YouTube is why he an atheist. No bullshit. He said a 12 year girl tried to rape him at 15. So he beat up her brother for it. No one buys anyone would want to rape Jarbo the Hutt. https://yewtu.be/-hUxbloT0xg https://yewtu.be/-hUxbloT0xg
Edited last time by kazu on 05/28/2021 (Fri) 23:35:08.
>>31733 >In the 90s libertarians were considered too far left for the democrats. Libertarians were the ones who pushed for drug use normalization, LGBT normalization including tranny shit and origins what become edgy Reddit atheism/skeptic community. I thought that was due to left leaning socialist loving retards like George Carlin and Cuck Maher.
>>31729 Which is doubly dumb AND racist of THEM, since negro is the term used to describe the more generalized ethnic group while actual blacks range extremely wildly in ethnicity. BLM just stands for Upper Middle Class African American Lives Matter.
>>31713 >Foxdicks farms has become this bizarre mix of /cow/ards, NiggerERA, Goons, twittertards, enlightened centrists and /leftycuck/. Only parts of homo farms I noticed there any remotely rightwing or anti-SJW are the threads making fun of channel awesome/TGWG people. Go figure.
>>31673 They cucked out in 2017, a couple weeks after this happened: >Steam replaces a screenshot of the Techraptor curator in a Steam Curator Update with the IGN curator after Nathan Grayson (Kotaku) and Dominic Tarason (RPS/Kotaku/PCGamesN) complain reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/78yjis/censorship_steam_replaces_a_screenshot_of_the/ A quick search of KIA finds these discussions from the time: reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/7axf4d/drama_techraptor_article_by_tabitha_dickerson_has/ reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/7ayonf/journalism_ethics_a_tinfoil_hat_theory_about/ reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/7b558t/opinion_mundane_matt_techraptor_shuns_gamergate/ This is a continuation of that with them deleting the articles outright.
>>31736 >he doesn't know Doug "Curb Stomper" Walker is a full on natsoc
>>31734 >I thought that was due to left leaning socialist loving retards like George Carlin and Cuck Maher. Go look up some old John Stossel and Ron Paul videos. The guys outright say that they're all for drug legalization and gay rights. However, I still hold Stossel head and shoulders over RP because Stossel, at least, investigates and comes off as open to being incorrect.
Hello, fellow gamers.
>>318749 good job
>>31726 >Aogami Nice.
>>318482 >not a racism planet pleb
>>31602 feels good to be able to buy black so cheap t.spaniard
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Don't reply to niggerpill.
>>31656 >FUCKING NIGGERS yeah, that is what the girls at blacked do, good to see you finally get it.
>>31743 His transformation shit is fucking weird.
>>31746 you should find another name to call him, i think he finds the name niggerpill to be cool, i call him chucklepill
>>31743 Who? I don't even know where I got that pic from.
>>31743 did you know that ao means blue?
>>31750 furry artist that draws loli, his style is fairly good looking
>>31752 >furry artist No thanks.
>>31747 BAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>31751 Yes, we've all watched Ghost in The Shell by now.
>>318779 i hope that nigger was there to get a tumor removed and then eventually died for her chimp-like non-compliance.
Anons, why do I fucking have two new added steam friends that I have never added myself? what in the goddamn, I have phone verification enabled so how is this even possible?
>>31756 With those symptoms? Obvious case of boogie-woogie fever.
>>31736 Don't they have a general thread of sorts where they make fun of SJWs? Also, where did the foxdick moniker come from?
>>31758 as long as she died from it.
>>31760 I'm sure she'll date a drug dealer that will do her in if it doesn't.
>>318779 >>318784 >>318786 "Totally 100% Organic Posting"
>>31762 >Legal, fictional 2D or 3DCG artwork is not prohibited and is not to be conflated with pedophilia or any content banned under this rule. Those posts go against the global rules i'm afraid.
>>31757 Someone got pwned.
If you want to talk about anything with animal characteristics, take it to >>>/fur/ Does that satisfy the vols?
>>31765 Sorry anon. We were discussing the law as it pertains to the videogame, Degrees of Lewdity.
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>>31765 nothing satisfies them (mostly kazu) because theyre hilariously arbitrary about what they delete
>>31766 Speaking if which, I haven't seen, well, any lewd furfag games. I've seen straight-up porn, but not lewd games like they have with anime. Almost surprised no one has tried to counter all the lewd and mature Japanese games with stuffing more mature Western titles with furries.
>>31768 They're here and there, and they're usually Gaytreon blackholes that never get out of alpha, because furfags apparently have deep wallets.
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>>31767 I'm just enforcing rule 15.
>>31769 So, why don't they pay for a AAA studio to make their desires (Like that one furfag who commissioned a Japanese animation studio to make the Vaporeon expansion video)? Or, does that show that even furfags are disgusted with AAA games?
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>>31770 Yeah, arbitrarily. Looking down the thread i see a fairy post, some jewposts, a Sandman post that goes into a fairly long comic discussion, and then the moth saga. If you really felt that earnestly about the video game content of this thread and also board you'd slash and burn a lot harder with it.
>>31772 I can't be on 24/7 so some shit slips me sometimes and discussion is too far gone for me to do anything without completely swiss cheesing the thread.
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>Too hot of a weather to think straight >Too hot of a weather to fap >Too hot of a weather to even sleep at night
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>>318849 chortle >>31774 It's like 65F here and raining, sucks to be you.
>>318858 >i used to make Marble Hornets and THAC videos but now i don't <Entire popularity originated from a Cuckchan meme <Proceeds to throw Cuckchan under the bus
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>>318858 >4chan is still le internet boogieman. I really hate how out of touch people on the internet can be with old e-culture often, especially since I dealt with a former friend that thinks the imageboards are conspiracy theory zones and I was a conspiracy nut for using it On top of doubting the covid-19 vaccines. People like this faggot are beyond salvaging.
>>31774 Why do you choose to live where it's unbearably hot in the summer?
>>31778 I didn't chose to be in Flipland, I was born here.
>>31777 >I really hate how out of touch people on the internet can be with old e-culture The fag isn't out of touch, he wants to use his popularity to shun those less popular and not belonging to his ideology. And, his popularity COMES from Cuckchan. Marble Hornets was a Jewtube video series centered around Slenderman.
>>31779 Condolences then. I guess I know why so many flips go work on cruise ships.
>>31770 If only you were able to enforce rule 8 consistently for longer than 24 hours.
>>31774 Get some AC, faggot.
>>31774 Stop living in a third world anon
>>31157 >☑ Planet-range racism field
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Not getting the jab. Do we have a baker?
>>319022 >There's some porn spam on our /a/ board I think these are the lads from >>>/voxxe/ being weird as usual. >Does it not have an active BO? Yes, but I doubt s/he's here. >>31786 Anything in particular?
>>31787 How about something for Memorial Day weekend since it's coming up? Anything goes.
>>31787 >I doubt s/he's here. >implying there are girls on the internet
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>>31789 >he doesn't know Thanks for reminding me that it's mother's day in my country tomorrow.
>>31786 Uh nope, sorry. You are gonna have to wait.
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>>31788 Do something murrica themed like USA edition or some shit.
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>>31793 Nice archive.
>>31793 More like the Rugrats were always Pro-Israeli.
>>31793 >no archive What are you doing? Here: https://archive.is/neq8X
>>31793 They are babies. What the fuck is wrong with these degenerates?
>>31797 GAYbies, bigot :^)
>>31785 The original link did not substantiate any such theory existed. Please provide a link demonstrating the existence of the racism field theory post.
>>31797 > What the fuck is wrong with these degenerates? Everything.
>>31785 Approved. I will include it because I think it's funny and The List is a "Fun Allowed"-zone.
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>>31796 >>31793 >phil and lil's mom is gay because she's voiced by a queer their mom is fucking married, granted she was the one who wore the pants because she was a fitness nut >angelica is not gay, but she is an ally to the alphabet soup >lists hypothetical scenarios of angelica being a straight girl at a pride parade, same as the nigger baby >what is headcannon? >but you know who IS gay? Angelica's doll, Cynthia is this a fucking april fools day prank? >Tommy Pickles’ staple diaper look is straight out of a southern queer summer, posted up by a waterfall in muddy cutoffs wondering if you’re more of a racoon or a possum kind of gay.
>>31802 >Tommy Pickles’ staple diaper look is straight out of a southern queer summer, posted up by a waterfall in muddy cutoffs wondering if you’re more of a racoon or a possum kind of gay What the fuck am I reading
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>>31793 >>31796 tl; dr: >Betty (Phil and Lil’s mom) will be a dike in the reboot and that's a good thing because she always looked like one >in an hypothetical LGBT scenario Angelica would be the ally who goes to parades for attention >Cynthia (Angelica's doll) would be a lesbian because Angelica dresses her like shit (seriously) >Phil and Lil’s "crossdressing" (aka Phil wearing Lil's bow) and Tommy wearing diapers reminded the author of queer parades >Chuckie's entire family also reminded her(?) of queers because reasons >author literally admits in the last paragraph to be projecting everything written above
>>31803 At first I thought it was saying the diaper itself was gay, not that re-reading it made it any less baffling.
>>31805 It seems to be implying some sort of fetishistic connotation to diapers, clearly showcasing how much of a deranged sexual deviant the writer is. Marxism does this to people.
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>>31793 >>31802 >>31803 Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
>>31797 >They are babies. That's probably why they went for the rugrats.It's awright.
>>31807 >>31806 >>31805 >>31804 >>31803 >>31802 >>31797 >>31795 Shall I remind you guys that some fags consider The Poseidon Adventure to be a story about coming out and revealing that you're gay: https://archive.ph/rQ6BV <2006 > This splashiness probably explains one of the movie's most unusual aspects, its appeal for gay viewers. "Poseidon" is suffused with outrageous 70's fashions, among them Pamela Sue Martin's red hot pants, Ms. Lynley's orange turtleneck and go-go boots, and Mr. Borgnine's pink tuxedo shirt. There is also plenty of campy yelling and dialogue. At one point, 12-year-old Eric Shea nearly drowns while trying to find a restroom. Ms. Martin, playing his sister, screams, "What a dumb stupid way to die, going to the john!" >Earlier, Mr. Borgnine objects when Ms. Stevens prepares to shuck her long evening gown to ease her escape. He protests, "She's got nothing under it!" Ms. Stevens responds with perhaps the most cherished line in the movie, "Just panties — what else do I need?" >Mr. Castro, who is gay, suggested that another reason "Poseidon" has a sizable following among men like himself is that many first saw the movie during puberty, when they were grappling with conflicting issues of sexual awareness. "It was finding out that there were a lot of struggles at that age — about who we were and trying to live with this identity," he said. "It kind of made us realize that if they could survive, we could survive."
Could you guys quickly explain something to me? Why do people keep referring to 2007 as the year everything "went down the drain"? Especially when you can refer to early event like how Apple and Pepsi teamed up for a Super Bowl campaign to give out 100 million "free" iTune song downloads back in 2004: https://archive.vn/XHV1q
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FUCKING GAMERGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE https://archive.is/mPNM4 Join the trending anti-GamerGate movement with the hashtag #WipeHardDrive on twitter!
>>31812 They are signing a petition to get a Onion style site removed? Do they even know what the Streissand effect is?
>>31812 Btw please add this to the new OP.
>>31815 Who's Zachary Ryan
>>31135 Do you ever think about the fact that we probably have anons among us who are too new to even know who he was?
>>31765 >If you want to talk about anything with animal characteristics When you think about it, humans have animal characteristics
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>>31818 IGN video kike offended about being accurately portrayed
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>>31816 >>31817 >satire is harassment These faggots are worse than professional wrestling journalists.
>>31822 It could only be harassment if it was accurate.
>>31810 See pic >>31811. Things were bad even before 2007, but 2007 is generally considered the breaking point. Before that there was hope of bouncing back, but after 2007 there was no return.
>>31824 It was America On-Line's fault and Star Trek TNG clearly.
>>31825 Speaking of AOL: >>>/t/4235
dead bread
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>>31811 see pic >>31816 >>31817 A lot of blue check marks there.
>>31828 i am a blue checkmark
>>31827 make a new one then
>>31829 So, you're an e-celeb with shit opinions.
>>31829 a jew checkmark more like
>>31831 you should be honored that i am gracing you with my presence
>>31802 >>31793 Reminder that the main characters of Rugrats are LITERALLY jews whose family fled Soviet Russia as it collapsed in 1991 (hundreds of thousands of communist party member jews did this--and were granted visa-free travel to the United States--because they were terrified of retribution at the hands of the Russians they'd been exterminating for decades). Their grandparents have the stereotypical pseudo-Russian accent and eat borscht; there was an entire episode dedicated to hanukkah, etc.
>>31703 The problem with this is that their ARM chips are obliterating x86 chip performance (and in performance per watt). In five years, their lowest-end laptop will outpace an i9 or Threadripper and PC manufacturers are going to have to make some hard choices. I'm neither joking nor trolling; we're on the cusp of an architecture shift across the whole industry, folks. x86 is a dead end. Intel's incompetence isn't just what killed it. Pretty soon you'll have to go ARM or be left out. Good news is that emulated x86 software is running better than native chips on ARM computers already. Graphics will be the big sticking point, especially if we're pretending that system-on-a-chip implementations are going to be remotely competitive. We'll have to see.
>>31836 AMD and Apple of all people started a massive change, I 've heard rumours that AMD is going to switch to arm soon.
>>31837 >>31836 I thought ARM was extremely limited in capabilities, and that's why nothing uses it outside of portable systems and phones.
>>31836 Imagine writing all this shit about Microprocessors when Quantumprocessors are going to take over all commercial functions by 2030. Or are you talking about the personal consumer market where Quantumprocessing will be universally banned as a dangerous technology?
>>31840 It can be inferred that quantum computing is hit or miss.
>>31841 i guess they never miss huh
>>31838 Its like that by design, since its a reduced instruction set. Risc-v offers some similar functionality but the core instruction set isn't proprietary, just the other 90% of the functionality.

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