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Hoppe-sama Anonymous 05/19/2020 (Tue) 18:06:05 No. 1130 [Reply] [Last]
>Tor down for days >repeated posting issues >/fascist/ BO saying his email wasn't answer to owner of site Is Hoppe dead already? Get in here /monarchy/, /liberty/ and /fascist/ bros.
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>>3402 The admin left the server unattended and the software shat itself
I only read rumors about whatever shitstorm happened to you guys, hopefully you get a stable place and hopefully I will be able to find it because I honestly lost track after the nth time /fascist/ got nuked.
>>1152 you are a faggot

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Cafe Bunker Anonymous 12/23/2021 (Thu) 23:22:47 No. 3429 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the café. This thread is for general discussion. Overall there should only ever be two café threads on the board, a locked old one for archival purposes, and one live thread. Once a café thread reaches 2000 replies it shall be locked and a new one created in it's place with this pasta.
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>>3729 The fuck are you talking about, schizo?
>>3730 >>3739 Kill yourself nigger
it seems smug is under heavy spam by bots

Anonymous 04/14/2020 (Tue) 15:41:44 No. 170 [Reply]
I just woke up and smug is down. If anyone survived the bombs falling, has it been down long?
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Are there any around? Do you ever wish you were born in another country or culture? Do you mind the country?
>>184 Every single poster isn't trying to harm you, you know.
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Anonymous 09/01/2021 (Wed) 18:20:08 No. 3388 [Reply]
I'm afraid christ crashed endchan so I'll post toast I don't feel too good about looking like the ONWO but these vaccine passports could be good, if and only if the policy was for all the smart countries to sand vaccine passports from all the countries citizens from countries that demand vaccine passports. If we could separate cool danger world from hot police state world then this world cold war wouldn't be good for nothing.
Yes, East/West Berlin passports are good thing. Welcome to Soviet Union comrade, enjoy your stay.
certificate of vaccination = certificate of retardation you have failed the citizenship test, you are evidently a danger to yourself and others around you your right to vote, among other rights, shall been rescinded as you are demonstrably without a sound state of mind, you and your genetic lineage shall be held as wards of the state, prohibited from making your own choices, your opinions, thoughts and desires are to be disregarded as the mumbling of an insane person the future is near thank god this injection leaves a permanent paper and genetic record, not one of you retards will worm your way out of due judgment

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Tengu Reich Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 04:20:52 No. 1097 [Reply]
that was fast heh
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>>2602 Hey Eden, still mad that ya got kicked off /dup/ ?Why copy a low-PPH tvch board on blacked.gov?
Tengu Reich What did he mean by that?
>>3315 Unwarranted self importance.

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/r9k/ camp Anonymous 04/29/2020 (Wed) 15:44:41 No. 102 [Reply] [Last]
Gather here.
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Hey whats up trannies jk??? lol??? sucks what happened tho
>>3150 Yes.
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Down again. Whoever is in charge of these things can you please at least give people notice prior to these things happening if you can?

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Is there somewhere /o/? Anonymous 01/28/2021 (Thu) 16:56:14 No. 3106 [Reply]
Is there somewhere /o/? Tell me please.
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There aren't any /o/ boards on the webring, sorry anon.
>>3106 >>3107 Would like an /o/ without the amerimutts
>>3120 >>3107 Then is there someone who could make it.

Julay banning tor? Anonymous 08/18/2020 (Tue) 21:21:00 No. 2182 [Reply]
Does anyone know if julay has a new tor node? I tried to access it from the new domain name and all the circuits I tried were banned.
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>>2201 Do it on a public board closed to posting for anyone that isn't logged in. There is no reason why coordination should be kept private. Anything you lose by taking it fully public is worth it to avoid cliques of namefags forming up. Look at every board that had private staff channels and you see the same problems.
>>2183 >>2182 I didn't even realize julay was still a thing and can't even find webrings most of the time. When I do I run into a dead site or a shit mod or both. Honestly outside of the surface internet this is a failing dog and pony show. 4chan range bans and everywhere else is dead or even moar dead with shit going down. I've not had a social life since like 5 years ago or so as there's nowhere to go. Even the captcha here doens't work right.

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Anonymous 12/30/2020 (Wed) 07:53:26 No. 3037 [Reply]
Smugloli is down. Anyone know why?
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>>3038 Actually kohlchan is still getting frequent 522 errors. Probably a coincident but still.
As far as I remember l this sometimes happens, but if it won't go online later then there is something wrong.
It has since been clarified the random smugloli downs are result of a denial of service attack.

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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #10 - Escape from Julay Edition Anonymous 09/01/2020 (Tue) 23:41:56 No. 2203 [Reply] [Last]
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrtcp4QR http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018)
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>>2442 The issue is Stephen Lynx being an utter faggot. That, and MogoloidDB. Robi needs to move the platform beyond that sodomite, tbh. I hope he does and soon.
>>2576 Everyone left for the new bunker. It wasn't shared here because these retards will follow >us everywhere. It's on tor. Only hint I'm giving you.

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What the fuck? Anonymous 12/17/2020 (Thu) 06:45:42 No. 3021 [Reply]
What the fuck is happening at /monster/? Why the fuck hasn't Aux done anything? Is there a posdibility to have an unlisted bunker like /kemono/?
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>Shelter thread because of shitposting on ONE thread OP why are you such a pussy?
>>3021 >Is there a posdibility to have an unlisted bunker like /kemono/? We'd happily host a /monster/ bunker, but we think it wise that it be under the control of smug/monster/'s owner. If they make a request at >>>/meta/3 and verify that it's them by posting with their capcode on smug/monster/ then we can proceed.
>>3027 Three and two shatted by niggercucks. But if something bad would have happened it would be nice to have somewhere to go when smug becomes unavebaible. I don't know hard words.

/shelter/ General #1: Digging In Edition Anonymous Board owner 05/04/2020 (Mon) 09:18:51 No. 5 [Reply] [Last]
This is /shelter/ General, a thread for all your general emergency sheltering needs. Use this thread for anything that you don’t feel needs a full thread, as a hub thread to direct incoming anons, and as a discussion thread for any matters affecting the webring as a whole. Please remain calm; keep panic and argument to a minimum here. If you want to yell at each other then do it in a site-specific, board-specific, or other specific thread. If you’re hitting this thread during an event then please be welcome. Everything will be all right.
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The absolute state of the webring.
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>>2620 >no anoncafe boards featured I think that might be a good thing.
New Shelter General thread up at >>2785

Pre-emptive /kemono/ thread Anonymous 11/04/2020 (Wed) 03:11:01 No. 2600 [Reply]
I'm making this for the kemono thread on /animu/, which may be caught in the wreckage when/if PLW/animu/ goes down due to its change in management and totally absent BO. >the fuck? The /animu/ kemono thread is one of the larger and more stable threads on the board, and most of the material is generally cheesecake at most. No porn here; I promise. The thread regulars have discussed the potential option of making a new thread/board somewherein the webring, but the fact is that there isn't a kemono board anywhere, nor a board that is feasibly close enough in subject matter for us to relocate. Thus, here we are. This thread may not be used for a little while until PLW actually implodes (and believe me, I hope it doesn't), but I wanted to have it here just in case.
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Pretty sure that BO said they would be willing to host /kemono/.
>>2603 Yes we are, but someone has to first step up as the Board Owner, make an account, and then post in the /meta/ thread for board creation so we know who to give it to. They can manage their own board vols and so on from there.
>>>/kemono/ exists. Bunker status for now. Main thread still on /animu/.

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The Time Capsule AKA /retro/ and /y2k/ shelter Anonymous 05/18/2020 (Mon) 02:52:02 No. 1110 [Reply]
Figured we could have a thread for /retro/ and the /y2k/ board that was its predecessor. Hopefully we can get a full board since Julay went under
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>>1145 >shitflinging between mods and anons No true Julay anon thought it was an administration thing only, /v/ was clearly infested by an outsider force
Where did /retro/friends go to? t. posted some anime and Tears For Fears music in the music thread
>>2604 The board still exists on the webring over at alogs place, I've only been there once or twice since the reboot though.

Julay downtime Robi 07/27/2020 (Mon) 00:13:33 No. 2101 [Reply]
Cogent is having an autism. https://ecogent.cogentco.com/network-status My hands are tied. Should be fixed in a few hours.
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>>2476 Is the alogspace just julay rebranded?
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>>2569 yes is it down?

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8chan Anonymous 09/14/2019 (Sat) 03:20:56 No. 47 [Reply] [Last]
Do you think 8chan is ever coming back?
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>>97 It died in 2015 when they started deleting legal child models and pedo threats, you hypocritical fuck. It's not coming back, and that's good. Other's will take its place.
Do you think 4chan is ever coming back?
Fuck no

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