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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #10 - Escape from Julay Edition Anonymous 09/01/2020 (Tue) 23:41:56 No. 2203
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrtcp4QR http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018)
Posting this here for a few reasons >julay is nearly unusable now since Robi allowed his friends to have the run of the place >old thread is consumed by faggotry >gauging interest for proper bunker If I see enough activity here I will set-up a new bunker for the community. I'll try not to make the same mistakes Robi did. You don't have to worry about half the posts being deleted here. Have fun.
>eceleb gossip you have to go back
Who else just got banned for no reason?
>>2205 I advise you leave this thread before it sucks you in. This is the longest running anime on the internet. >>2206 I gave up on the thread weeks ago. Is the cytube channel still pretending like they're the real oldfags?
>>2207 >Is the cytube channel still pretending like they're the real oldfags? they have spent the last few hours deleting any complaints about themselves. they are using their janny positions to censor the thread of any negative mention of themselves after spending months self inserting into eceleb drama. they are hiding behind Robi claiming he set up this policy. go check the thread right now half the recent posts have been deleted. they are banning them for "child porn", claiming all the anons are the same person, and claiming they're all posting anti-guntstream stuff. most of the posts were just asking why half the posts are deleted. Guntopia has basically trained his own personal janny army and they're going to kill /cow/ like he killed julay/v/
>>2208 Fuck off koi. You're going to get it.
Just came in here to check it out, but looks like it's just one butthurt faggot who made this thread to try some kind of shitty d&c.
>>2209 >>2210 I find it strange that the Dolphin and this guy showed up as soon as the link was dropped. I guess it's confirmed Guntopia is using him as his personal attack dog. I've always suspected Guntopia was being retarded on purpose. Dolphin and Guntopia have done nothing for the last year but ruin every attempt to set up stable websites outside of 8kun. The only reason they didn't manage to take down smug was because they were prepared to deal with their tactics. Does anyone have the screenshots of anons on /cow/ sending emails to hosts? I'm pretty sure they were behind the attacks on all the webring boards.
>>2211 the "peace" between Dolphin and Julay is very suspect. you can try checking the archives for those posts. I remember them but I don't have screenshots. >>2209 I doubt you will do anything to koi considering you still haven't managed to dox him despite having his picture and knowing about a convention he attended.
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Has Ralph done anything interesting lately? I stopped watching his streams once the cytube got consumed by namefags. The thread hasn't talked about him in a long time.
>>2213 Nothing really interesting. He's having debates tonight but it'll be the usual boring stream I'm sure. Nothing can really happen on his stream anymore because he's afraid to say the word nigger and will kick any alog that manages to call in. The show is so boring now I'm not sure why anyone bothers to restream it.
>>2211 >I've always suspected Guntopia was being retarded on purpose. what is the lore on guntopia?
>>2215 that he's based
>>2216 >>2210 >>2209 Feels like a discord server found the link >>2215 He's an admin on julay and the one that runs the Guntstream server. For whatever reason Robi thinks he does nothing wrong. When julay/v/ got a new BO he spent two days going on a deletion spree. Demanded the new BO add vols he hand picked and censored anything he personally disliked (mostly loli). He would regularly delete things from the overboard that he didn't like (mostly BLACKED porn and loli). He managed to be the nail in the coffin for julay/v/ and eventually the entire imageboard. No one knows where he originally came from. It's known that he was a shitposter on /tv/ and had a weird fascination with its BO. He embarrassed himself in front of the /tv/ BO on stream one night. There was supposed to be a wrestling stream with Godwinson, PPP, the /tv/ BO, and Guntopia. Godwinson tried to move it to youtube where it would get more than 8 viewers. Guntopia threw a shit fit because he thought Godwinson was attempting to steal hit content. Godwinson and PPP ended up not going on stream that night so Guntopia spent hours crying about it. The /tv/ BO asked him to stop multiple times and said he was going to leave if he didn't stop sperging. Guntopia didn't know anything about wrestling so there was no reason for him to be there. No copies exist of that stream because Guntopia had them scrubbed from the internet. Guntopia has a beef with PPP over some drama that happened in Guntstream chat. Mods on cytube can see every username an IP address has used in the past. Guntopia outed PPP one night when he was using a different name. PPP wanted to have a private conversation with Guntopia which Guntopia leaked within minutes. PPP called him a Weasel and that's how he ended up with that nick name. Guntopia felt slighted and has waged a one man autism war against PPP for months. Since he's built a little fan club on discord he has a few namefags (probably all from /tv/) that help him shit up /cow/. That's why the PPP thread is such low quality and why you see so many anti-PPP posts. If you dare post anything positive about PPP or even link to one of his streams they'll come out of the wood work to call you a kiwifag. Guntopia was the one that directed all global vols not to answer reports from julay/v/ back during the loli raids. As soon as he gave the order real child porn started to get heavily spammed on julay/v/. Since Dolphin is a known consumer of CP and has been acting like Guntopia's attack dog for months now it's suspect he gave the order to post the CP. He was active on IRC the entire time it was getting spammed but left it up so he could use it as an excuse to get rid of the BO. The julay/v/ BO at the time was a guy named Koi who is a shit poster from /jp/ that is at war with all jannies. He spent hours that day deleting CP all by himself. When he went to sleep the board was spammed to death and that's the reason why he was removed as BO. Since then Guntopia's circle and Koi have been waging war with each other on /cow/. The /tv/ BO was/is Gahoole. Gahoole was recently raided for distro of child porn. The day that happened all logs were disabled on tvch. You can't talk about Gahoole on /tv/ or /cow/ anymore. Even mentioning him is an instant ban. No one knows the status of his case or if tvch is being monitored by glows. Guntopia is either really stupid or being retarded on purpose. He's the type of person that goes from community to community seeking power. When Gahoole got raided for CP Guntopia finally got a vol position on tvch which had probably been his wet dream for a long time. All that's really known about him outside of that is that he's an alcoholic living somewhere in Eastern Europe. You can find him in the Guntstream chat nearly everyday for 18+ hours out of the day. He spends his time streaming old TV shows, sliding in the DMs of everyone on discord, attempting to engage with e-celebs, and shilling his streams on /cow/ and /tv/. He's a huge attention whore and is most likely a NEET given the schedule he keeps. Every now and again he'll go missing for a weekend but he always comes back without fail. Usually he takes those breaks when he's caused some type of drama. No one knows why Robi gives him so much leeway but it's suspected the two know each other IRL.
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>canary update promised for over a month >/cow/ mods banning every VPN on the internet >/cow/ mods delete every post from torpedos they just want my real IP address don't they? Is it true Robi is running tvch?
>>2218 Robi does tech support for tvch and claims to have access to the server. >>2215 He's the worst janitor I've ever seen. >>2213 Do you know about the new girlfriend? He leaked a sex tape with her a couple of weeks ago. >>2209 Leave.
>>2219 >He's the worst janitor I've ever seen. No, Guntopia/weasel is based.
>>2220 Reminder not to respond to troon posters.
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Claiming quads for Surfer
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>>2221 I knew they'd follow >us here but it's still sad to see it. I don't understand how you can spend every day of quarantine attempting to insert yourself into eceleb drama, fail to do it, and manage to kill not one but three imageboards. I've given up on posting on /cow/ months ago. I even left the webring for some old imageboards. Next thing I know I see >>2223 all over kissu.moe. All someone had to do was link to it and claim /japan/ was there for it to get spammed and threatened like all the boards in the webring that nearly lost their domain name over false CP reports. I don't trust anyone that hangs around the 10 or so "anons" in that cytube channel. /cow/ has sent reports to youtube and elsewhere to fuck with ecelebs for years but never harmed their own.
>>2238 and the Dolphin spam bot shows up. Funny how any attempt to break away ends up like this isn't it?
>>2255 Dolphin only exists to destroy the webring and the /cow/ mods are happy to help him. They subverted /cow/ and /tv/, gained all the vol positions, and now they want to shut down any place they don't control. This spam will be used to justify kicked >us off this board and they will follow >us no matter where >we go. Luke better hope he isn't doxed. I will personally report him for posting CP. Same goes for Guntopia. If that faggot ever gets doxed I'll track him down and make it so he'll never be able to use a computer again. At least >we have places they don't know about. I'm pretty sure the webring is a lost cause at this point. It's nearly dead anyway. I just wish smug would leave it because he will attack it at some point over the loli that is posted there.
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>>2300 Interesting fact on dolphin is that he works at Sine Group as a PHP/Python developer.
Ban evasion. Original ban was for posting links to directory of child pornography.
>>2301 I'm sure that's totally legit and not a lie. >PHP developer Can I call myself a developer to if I take the Tinyboard source code and rename it after myself? KYS
>>2302 >Can I call myself a developer to if I take the Tinyboard source code and rename it after myself? Uh, BelugaChan isn't a fork. Kissu's shitty version is.
Ban evasion. Original ban was for posting links to directory of child pornography.
>>2303 >Uh, BelugaChan isn't a fork. Correct, it's someone else's work that was renamed. Since you're here would you mind explaining why you don't spam julay, tvch, or Mark's shit hole? I've noticed you've suddenly started working with julay's admins these last couple of months. What happened? Why did you suddenly stop spamming and ddosing julay when your thread still exists on /cow/? Don't tell me Robi managed to block your script kiddie ways. How does it feel being Guntopia's bitch?
>>2304 >script kiddie ways lol I had to write everything myself, retard I bet you can't even parse an INI file in C. >Correct, it's someone else's work that was renamed. No, retard, read through the source code then. I did it myself, you fucking retarded monkey.
Ban evasion. Original ban was for posting links to directory of child pornography.
>>2305 I like how you avoid talking about your relationship with Guntopia and the other julay admins. It must be true then. In addition to being a pedophile you're taking orders from Guntopia. Must be very very sad to be Dolphin these days. It doesn't get lower than taking orders from the Guntstream. I don't know what kind of dirt they have on you but I'm excited that they might share it the second you stop carrying water for them.
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>>2306 >In addition to being a pedophile you're taking orders from Guntopia. Got any real proof of that, retard?
Ban evasion. Original ban was for posting links to directory of child pornography.
>>2306 cope dilate
Ban evasion. Original ban was for posting links to directory of child pornography.
>>2307 >>2308 How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?
>>2309 cope
>>2310 Serious question; Why even come here and post this? You people claim you didn't want the anons here "shitting up your thread with off topic posts" but you choose to follow them where ever they go and spam the place. If that doesn't work you send reports to anyone that might be involved with hosting it. What is it that you want? You told them to leave and they left. Now you're mad they won't come back? Why would they come back when you're just going to ban them? I'm convinced you just want to censor any place you don't have janny positions on. When you got janny access to julay you censored everything. I've seen you deplatform multiple boards just in the last month. I've seen you use spam bots on multiple boards. I've seen you post blatant lies on every board in the webring. I've seen you lie to Robi and Gahoole. I've seen you delete any posts that called you out on boards you controlled. What is your end goal? If it isn't preventing legit discussion then wtf are you doing?
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>>2312 >>2307 >>2308 >>2305 >>2303 >>2301 Off topic, take it to the Guntstream thread :^)
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>>2204 >You don't have to worry about half the posts being deleted here. Actually, I wouldn't mind that at all. t. everyone who was on this site before this thread
>>2204 > If I see enough activity here I will set-up a new bunker for the community. I'll try not to make the same mistakes Robi did. > You don't have to worry about half the posts being deleted here. Have fun. B A S E D >>2208 It's sad that they are destroying the whole board because of their egos. Robi is faggot cuz he is allowing this, despite he could just tell hotpockets to either stop behaving like lolcows or to resign. But I guess the situation with julay is really highlighting why you shouldn't recruits newfags or your own friends as janitors. >>2209 > EVERYONE IS KOI It seems that someone is living rent free in your head. >>2217 > No one knows where he originally came from > It's known that he was a shitposter on /tv/ and had a weird fascination with its BO. > Since he's built a little fan club on discord he has a few namefags > Guntopia was the one that directed all global vols not to answer reports from julay/v/ back during the loli raids. > You can't talk about Gahoole on /tv/ or /cow/ anymore. Even mentioning him is an instant ban. These are huge red flags > Mods on cytube can see every username an IP address has used in the past. in other words cytube is botnet >>2251 > all over kissu.moe. All someone had to do was link to it and claim /japan/ was there for it to get spammed I hate it when discord trannies (and now jewlay /cow/) are trying to ruin other imageboards over their obsession with koi and drama shit that no one cares about. >>2300 > They subverted /cow/ and /tv/, gained all the vol positions, and now they want to shut down any place they don't control. Can someone post a proof? Dolphin is acting like triforce fags, if this is true.
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>>2315 >Can someone post a proof? Dolphin is acting like triforce fags, if this is true.
>>2217 >He spent hours that day deleting CP all by himself Lies, i believe everything except that part because i was there.
>>2317 Bullshit. The CP that still showed up was the result of constant spamming on Weasel's part. You're either a liar, an idiot, or a /cow/tist retard.
>>2318 You got any proof of that, because it just sounds like more of your schizo ramblings. I also love how this entire thread is you bitching and moaning about people from the guntstream with a bit of dolphinspam, you could've just posted all of this on the guntstream thread but you just had to try some d&c tactics like a true goon.
>>2319 So are you Dolphinigger or Weasel?
>>2318 >The CP that still showed up Which ones? the little girls in light clothes posing around were allowed by tengu because they technically didn't break any rules, hence why he fired the only jannie left on the spot for doing so.
>>2326 When did i imply that was a good thing?
>>2204 Thanks for the info. I've been out of the loop for the last week or longer.
>>2203 Is julay down? alogs.theguntretort.com seems to be offline...
>>2442 The issue is Stephen Lynx being an utter faggot. That, and MogoloidDB. Robi needs to move the platform beyond that sodomite, tbh. I hope he does and soon.
>>2576 Everyone left for the new bunker. It wasn't shared here because these retards will follow >us everywhere. It's on tor. Only hint I'm giving you.

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