/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Grace Thread Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 00:55:19 Id: 81772f No. 32374
This is the deal We have a new toy and we will torture her until /monarchy/ listen our requests So, let's start a Commission crusade and ask the tickle artists to take our new hostage and make her laugh the way they know AI images are also accepted
Who tf is this
Ayo /interracial/ asks where dat white woman at?
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>>32376 kys nigger
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>>32376 based, hot minorities making white girls beg and squeal is the finest wine.
>>32374 Who is this
>>32374 Wtf is going on. Did I miss something?
>>32385 The kidnapping of /monarchy/s board-tan Grace
>>32374 Do you have her character sheet?
>>32374 Wait is this jimbobadob? The artstyle looks familiar
>>32389 no it's me, Mr. RaspberryJose, everyones favorite character
>>32391 Damn I didn't know you frequented this board. Big fan of your work
>>32392 I'm lying, of course it was jimbob, look at it but thank you
>>32387 Like a reference sheet? I'm not sure one exists but this is a pretty good example picture
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Release her highness at once
>>32374 Bro wtf is /monarchy/? I'm only active on here and /delicious/ tbh
>>32403 Thank you might draw something
>>32386 Inter-board hijinx. /monarchy/ asked for a contribution on a project in the meta thread and used a pic of their board's -tan. Ticklefag artists did what they are want to do and now there's a silly pseudo-raid because we "kidnapped and are tickling her insane for ransom." We don't get many good lurking artists but hopefully there'll be a few more pics from drawfags.
Ok I need context :b what should I do?
>>32428 Go find some allies
We used to have our own mascot/tan back in original 8chan and 8kun. Maybe time to bring her back, or develop a new one? It'd be nice to have our own resident cute girl to tickle all the others that try to invade (even if she's characterized as mostly a lee).
>>32430 I think we need a new one. This "pet" is just a naked version of April O'neil. Can we create something more original next time?
>>32432 I can do that
>>32432 Hard agree that we need something more original. I think a good -tan should be representative of tickling, in design and characterization. Something that's more endearing than a joke character or a naked drawing. Where you can picture them outside of fetish situations and have the personality still come across. Just as long as the design is still cute and has something to do with tickling while not being super gaudy.
>>32432 >>32434 >>32436 I move we make her a monster girl. the softcore kind that still appeals to normies, but is still a little exotic. a tickle monster. pretty lady with pointy ears and little horns and a long tail with a feathery tip. maybe an exotic skin color, like blue or pink.
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/monarchy/ has requested aid with this vile attack upon their decency and as such /eris/, as representative of the largest gem in the crown is here to say: "lol", followed by a stern "lmao".
>>32436 >>32444 I'd suggest an Ojou-sama personality wise. Expects obedience of anyone around and inforces it by way of attitude adjustments in the familly's ancient tickle dungeon, is capricious and cheeky which lends itself to both the merciless tickle breakage of beings she considers lesser than herself (everyone) and a more seductive/playful tickle approach to anyone that's earned her favor, and, of course, is an absolute baby when it comes to taking it on the noble, spoiled, utterly soft and unbearably ticklish body she's so proud of, which makes it all the better when the tables get turned on her as she deserves. Also, drills, a feather fan, and an "OHOHOHOHOHOHO!" laugh. Oh, and she can be an entitled brat that tends to complain a lot, if we really want her to properly represent ticklefagkind :)
>>32446 my vote is for the ladder. a whiny brat/bitchy know-it-all who thinks so highly of herself. pretending to be a ler when she's an obvious lee deserving of absolute destruction via tickling.. really encapsulates ticklefags as a whole!
>>32444 >>32446 A literal tickle monster, what a great idea!
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I drew something really quick for this, i tried combining as much of the ideas i can but i wasnt able to do anything for monster stuff >>32432
>>32430 I’m fairly certain that this mascot was based off the gamer girl as from the comic Living with Hipstergirl and Gamer Girl was it not?
>>32374 Our tan needs to be a character that can easily and effortlessly be a convincing Lee and ler so I recommend a bratty character. Then she can be a rude/teasy let but also be in desperate need of getting wrecked herself
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>>32403 That is an outdated reference, foolish captors.
>>32430 Seconding everyone who suggested tkr's tan should be a know-it-all bratty lee in denial. Tiffany Lee is very cute but a bit generic.
>>32391 wait i thought you were monokron....
Okay who asked /abdl/ for support? Don't you know how dangerous that is? /abdl/ like /india/ is a Pooperpower. Although their influence has long since diminished their involvement would mark a dramatic escalation in the conflict!
Our new -tan needs to have long hair, and being capable of tickle the lees with it >>32446 I second the Ojou-sama personality, a femdom ler who loves to tickle others and is secretly a tickle monster under her dress
>>32446 My vote on this as well.
>>32477 Thirding (Fourthing?) the brat idea. She seems like she'd be super embarrassed about her interests regardless if anyone found out, and her brattiness is sort of an unconscious way of "asking to be punished" since she can't vocalize the desire to be tickled. Like how attractive people learn to internalize "acting cute" to get things from people. I'd also suggest making her a bit of a switch, to better illustrate some of the dynamics of tickling fetish stuff. If she actually somehow managed to get someone to tickle, say a captured foreign dignitary, she'd probably be elated to finally act on her impulses. I can't see her being totally cruel though. She definitely goes overboard and tickles people half-insane, but only because she loves doing it and because of any particularly sadistic impulse. Characterizing her outside of a fetish context, I can see her kind of being a tomboy or an "alt" girl.
i vote for a Loli :^)
>>32446 >>32461 I like the sinister, evil tickle monster girl idea too.
>>32531 Real question is can she hold her bladder?
So far we have pretty much equal votes for the Ojou-sama, the brat, and the tickle monster (plus 1 for a loli, kek), so it's looking like it's time for conciliatory measures. How's about this? A tickle succubus (feeds off tickle energy or whatever) and daughter of the Demon Queen. Normie enough monster girl so as to not alienate normalfags, but we can still work with specific details like her claws or her tail to make her a proper tickle monster, + we can play it fast and loose with her powers, so she can summon lesser tickle monsters or tentacles or conveniently-easy-to-draw magical hands and brushes and stuff. Still part of a royalty of sorts, so totally has a superiority complex that makes her perfect to bring down a peg, and that she shows through cold ticklish cruelty, but that's actually mostly for show because she's the daughter of the Demon Queen that needs to appear super evil and cool, when in reality she's a young (for demon standards), insecure, bratty ball of anxiety and repressed submissive 'lee lust, that gets super easily flustered when teased and gets off on taking it just as much as she does on dishing it out, even if she knows she really shouldn't, and tries really hard to hide how much being dominated turns her on cause mommy would punish her for it. Maybe she has a habit of taking a human-like appearance by becoming some unassuming hot stereotype (punk, emo, go crazy with it, that way everybody can have their particular taste pandered to) to come to our world to hound whoever she has the hots for currently, which also diminishes her powers so we can justify her sometimes being overpowered and tickled 'against her will' wink, comma, wink, while still having the possibility of dragging someone to actual tickle hell for a properly cruel treatment, as she's still a demon, and is capable of genuine cruelty even if her default mood is just 'too horny for the sanity of her 'lees'. We can even open the roster to her mother, for some MILT action, or her younger sister, because I do kinda want to see a loli version of her being tickled out of her mind, other hot monster girls, etc. All of them, including our miss -tan, supernaturally beautiful, ticklish and incredibly soft all over, of course. Whatcha think? Too Deviantart OC-ish? We can workshop it anon, hit me. >>32465 That's really cute anon, totally dig it.
>>32552 Anon it is a deviantart-tier fetish, lets be real, I think its ok for out -tan to be a little deviantart OC-ish
>>32552 If you want a monster girl how about a harpy girl? Feathers are good for tickling
>>32555 Fair, sure, I can certainly take this much cringe and then some. >>32556 I was definitely thinking feathery wings as opposed to the leathery ones succubus usually have.
>>32558 Ha well Meruccubus has no wings
So uh, dumb character design idea thingy because bored enough. No colors decided but I had the idea of her dress changing colors depending on mood, like being playful, going for torture, etc. From one of the anons above it came to mind that her dress and boots tickle her nonstop but she can keep a straight face about it cause she has endured it for way, way too long. Tentacles tickle her inside her dress, but she can command them to tickle someone else, you can usually see some coming from down on her dress but she can also make them come out from her arms. Also, her gloves end in claws, for tickling, of course. I tried to make her design detailed enough, but also simple enough to make her easy to draw. Also, too lazy to draw wings, but feather wings, they are not actually attached to her, they are magical feathers that form wings when on stand by and separate into tons of feathers when needed.
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>>32567 She needs to be long-haired, and control her hair to tickle her victims Also, please! Put the SCP-999 on her head (something like this, could be extremely cute and useful to have this little monster to torture her lees)
>>32556 Example of the harpy idea, feathers and claws all good for tickling
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>>32573 How can I tickle that ugly harpy feet? Maybe putting wings to our mascot could be a good idea, and control her feathers like Hawks from BNHA
Here, I turned the current inquiry into a poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYpNBYAye >>32561 Eh, it was just a random hot succubus. >>32567 Tres chic! Honestly, the tickle monster tentacles under the dress idea is hard to let go of. And her being able to control her feathers a la Hawks from MHA to form wings or to tickle her victims is quite inspired. >>32571 I'm behind the SCP-999 idea fully.
Nightgaunt's are Lovecraftian monsters that tickle their victims, perfect mascot for us I'd say.
>>32576 Well, if we could make 'em sexier... See, my belief has always been that the perfect tickle monster should ride the line between creepy enough to be slightly unnerving and unsettling and hot enough you'd still kinda really want to tickle it/be tickled by it. Nightgaunts are a good example of leaning too much into the former. All of these discussions have been had, btw, here's the tickle monsters thread in case anyone's interested: >>12183
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>>32593 /bane/ tier power move by Grace.
>>32593 Holy cow Guys... What about taking Grace, wash her mind with our technology and convert her in /tkr/ new Board Mascot and Tickle Queen?
>>32618 But wouldn't that still result in a victory for Grace and technically /monarchy/?
The poll is pretty tight! Our darling tickle-slut-wannabe succubus is ahead so far, but not by much, so don't forget to vote! https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYpNBYAye >>32618 That's some fire nation shit right there anon. What's next? Any board that doesn't submit art of their -tan being tickle tortured to us is going to have theirs taken and brainwashed to join the great /tkr/ harem? I'd still want our own -tan to keep them in line, honestly. >>32620 Calling having your waifu brainwashed into an undignified horny tickle slut for others to toy with 'a victory' would sound much more like giant cope to me. Unless you're into NTR, maybe.
>>32622 It wouldn't be a good victory but means they do not have to listen to /tkr/ demands. Only Grace would be the true victor here and would cuck this board out of having it's own board-tan.
>>32622 Hispanic anon here, i'm trying to stablish alliance with /arte/, maybe they could help us to draw our new /tkr/ muse? Also, Esther (/hispol/'s waifu) is helping us now. Please go to other boards and try to stablish diplomatic relations I will keep traveling to the Hispanic boards to gain more allies
>>32622 >Succubus in the lead because the other choices are so non-descriptive You fags are so basic holy fuck, there's already 20k succubus OCs in the community and you want to make a new one? Killing myself right now as we speak
The landscape is rapidly shifting, let your voice be heard now or forever remain silent! https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYpNBYAye >>32623 >you see, it is you who'd be cucked by forcibly kidnapping our board's waifu and torturing her so bad she turns into a tickle slut for all of you to have to have your way with This is what a coping mechanism looks like. >>32624 Ah, el embajador. Goodspeed to you anon. >>32626 >>32531 >>32446 >>32552 There's your description of the brat, there's your description of the Ojou-sama faggot, and a description of the succubus to boot, now exit yourself with extreme prejudice.
jesus christ you crybitches gimme til tonight, I'll draw a tickle monster woman, take her or leave her.
/monarchy/ fell victim to one of the classic blunders! They assumed we wanted to negotiate a release to get our gemstones on the regalia, and that the tickling was a means to an end. But failed to realize the endgame was always just keeping the girl locked up and tickled while bureaucratic inefficiency stalls her release indefinitely. It’s a win-win for both /tkr/ anons and Grace.
You all should go outside for a bit. Honestly.
>>32634 shut the FUCK up....NIGGA!
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>I AGREE AND WISH TO PROCEED do yuo srsly tolerate dis? lel
>>32641 my liege...
/hispol/ is now on side of /tkr/, we met the ambassador and we accord the alliance /tkr/, /adbl/ with conditions >Mutual agreement on the domains and compliance with the rules of the sites when touching foreign domain >Esther will participate in tickle other -tans and Esther will not be forced to be ticklish (she being a high-functioning autistic suffers too much sensitivity to touch and we protect her from much touch ) >if they manage to get /arte/ to join the alliance, Esther will be able to participate voluntarily but they will stop when she says, even 5 seconds of tickle session >to /adbl/: Esther will be able to wear diapers on /adbl/ domain (diaper must be kosher or 100% jewish) but the /abdl/ -tan must dress normally and formally according to /hispol/'s dress code which is Judeo-Christian and conservative. Esther will never be forced to act like a baby and wear diapers >no body modification or hypnosis on both sides
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>>32642 henlo budy be nice to da grace lady ok
>>32641 Holy fuck is this Wadina Davis, I haven't seen her in years
>>32643 >(she being a high-functioning autistic suffers too much sensitivity to touch and we protect her from much touch) >suffers too much sensitivity to touch >sensitivity to touch You shouldn't have say that
Guys, the /artists/ would like to join us if we release Grace, and they will help us to draw and create our new mascot But now /monarchy/ is taking pows, what should we do? If we release Grace: - Monarchs will release the hostages - Esther of /hispol/ will join us in tickle sesions as a lee - Artists of /arte/ will help us with our new -tan - All the benefits and conditions agreed in >>32649 I think we are in a win-win condition right now
>>32651 There is no need to free Grace for now, as I am working on a potential candidate for the role of new /tkr/ mascot, i have some very talented people helping me every step of the way. She should be ready to show in a couple hours
Ok, I came from /hisrol/ and get barely what's going on here, but... ¿What do I do exactly? Help, anons.
>>32653 Convencer a a los de tu board que se unan a nosotros para futuras acciones en caso que la guerra continúe (y establecer relaciones diplomáticas para mantener una relación a largo plazo)
>>32654 Got it. I will look out this place each hour to see how the war proceeds... You can use me as a mediator between boards. You already have the support of hisrol, even if is only for the lulz and to see a loli get torture kek. ... Entiendo, revisaré este lugar cada hora para ver cómo continúa la guerra... Puedes usarme como mediador entre ambos tablones. Ya tienen el apoyo de hisrol, incluso si es sólo por los loles y para ver a una loli siendo torturada kek.
>>32656 We're a pretty insular board, but I'm glad we seem to have found some friends. Thanks for the support, and we'll direct any spanish speaking anons to /hispol/ ¡Viva la alianza!
A couple of anons and myself got together to create a new mascot that would represent /tkr/ and show other boards who we are. Here’s Lila, she’s a mix of the recently proposed archetypes for a new candidate, a bratty ojou succubus, with certain traits borrowed from tickle monsters. Her name is a deformation of the lingo ´lee/ler ´ that we know all too well. Would this be a good tkr-tan in your eyes?
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>>32664 what other anons? why wasn't I invited?
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>>32664 >writes captions in secret A kindred spirit. Welcome aboard Lila. May we all bask in your ticklish glory.
>>32664 Literally the quintessential /tkr/ anon user Welcome aboard Lila
>>32664 as the anon who initially suggested the bratty archetype for our -tan, Lila knocks it out of the park. great job on her, anons! i welcome her with open arms. especially like how she hates being tickled but wears a... very exposed outfit...!
>>32666 holy tripseroni >>32664 holy mascoteroni
>>32664 This is really good! Encapsulates the whole vibe of the board's visitors without being overdesigned to reference every little board meme. The palette is also a little unconventional for a succubus, and it ends up reading more as "tickle monster" than "succubus" at a cursory glance, which is honestly kind of better for the board. Technically a succubus but our own unique flavor of one. Is there a reason for the crossed horns though? I'd suggest waiting for a couple other options to be drawn, then we could hold a vote.
>>32664 She needs tickle art ASAP
>>32674 There’s two main reasons for the horns being this way: 1) We wanted to avoid doing another devil girl that would have just been another Meru revisit or a bebob’s Isa ripoff 2)If you mirror the horns, you get 8chan’s 8, it’s pretty near I think If there are other contenders I’d be happy to see what they come up with!
>>32676 Very nice. I like the dedication to making something distinct in a category of OC that's usually pretty homogenous.
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halo budys i sed stop buly grace lady :) do that immediately or i will do naughty thangs to yor board :)
>>32664 I LOVE HER But.. c-can her be long-haired? Long hair (maybe with a Hime cut) was the essence of my Ojou-sama proposal
>>32680 I agree I love long hair I need it
>>32680 Idk, I think short hair's cuter
>>32682 Yes, but we can't waste the opportunity of giving her control of her hair to tickle her victims. Maybe a combination of hair and tentacles like Ina-chan Or giving her a veil like Rosaria from Genshin Impact
>>32656 Now we need convince /arte/ and we have many hispanic boards here. Long live the alliance! Falta convencer /arte/ y tenemos a muchos hispanos aquí ¡Viva la alianza!
>>32664 i like her bangs and horns and boots and 🥺
>>32664 OUR QUEEN!!!
>>32664 /abdl/ approves of her
>>32680 tbf if she can control her hair in that way, she could just grow it if she needs to. I think short hair works better with her looks but she could immediately grow it out to catch lees
>>32704 This alliance suddenly becomes uneasy
>>32706 If you think an alliance exists just because we like to diaper Grace you are mistaken, we do that normally. All board-tans will be diapered, no exceptions
>>32706 >>32707 Yes that's a given, just like how we would without a hint of a doubt tickle every-tan if we got the chance, it would be hypocritical to not let abdl do their thing.
>>32708 Tickle away, but we still support /monarchy/. Ours is a catch and release sport, Grace can't be held indefinately in a tickle dungeion. Unrelated, Lela is super cute, I especially like her little feather tail
/abdl/ is all about M.A.D. Mutually Assured Diapers
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>>32707 >forced abdl tickling kinda hot ngl
>>32712 Tickling a sub until they can't take it and absolutely floods their diaper does sounds hot
There is only one way to resolve the hair issue : http://poal.me/ge2b5s
>>32715 Keep her hair short but >>32705 Grow her hair for torture
>>32715 >the hair "issue" >it's literally just one fag Well I, for one, think she's perfect. Now we just need some art of her wrecking Grace before we release her, and in one swift stroke, we will have finished the /monarchy/ - /tkr/ conflict and resolved the internal turmoil regarding our very own board waifu.
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""""tickle"""" huh? ill do ya one better
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>>32707 do me next
>>32664 She looks childish and cringe, a fitting mascot
>>32664 Ok now give her outfit armpit windows.
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>>32664 No cock?
>>32721 >>32717 give her mom long hair
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Hello, annon from a/arte/ here. We want to negotiate the liberation of Grace. We are offering this laughing, sweet tan in her place Her name is "Hispita". >pic related This is also our tan, only she has been very misbehaving lately and has caused us some inconvenience, btw.. we are sure she will be willing to collaborate with you in your various tickling experiments and other fetishes. It's a win-win to win a lot more for you. You have until tomorrow to accept the deal or decline, in case of refusal, /arte/ will prepare for the war. >also we know you have a new tan, it would be a shame if her life is so short :/
>>32781 >an /arte/ anon Do art of our new tan >>32664 and we'll release grace, this was previously proposed and accepted in the sticky already. >>32718
>>32768 A mom character would actually be nice. A more seasoned tickle monster with loads more experience. Maybe a peppy soccer mom/rebellious daughter dynamic, just to explain a bit where Lila's compulsion to act like a brat comes from. She'd be the only one Lila behaves around, since she likely knows all her daughter's sensitive spots.
So how does she become the official tan exactly?
>>32819 People start using her to make art for the board, there isn't any official registration process or anything. Some boards make special art for their spoiler images or board banners featuring their b-tan like /monarchy/ but it isn't required
>>32819 But to start things off, here have a Lila edit for belated Halloween
>>32823 In retrospect the velvet there should be purple
>>32664 Is there a transparent full body version without the labels? and non-diapered >>32823 >>32826 Hecka cute.
>>32827 Here you are
>>32823 Super nice, I like that people understood the aura gimmick, both red and purple look great on her honestly. I know you're limited by the nature of it being an edit but it's great
>>32831 Thank you, just wanted to make sure she got some art even if its just an edit and doesn't feature any explicit tickling. One thing I wasn't sure on was her tongue, is it red or should it be darker blue?
>>32832 Your take on it in the edit is actually very nice, classic tongue color is pretty hot and cute and stands out very nicely I didn't think about it before but now I think red/pink is the best
>>32826 She's gorgeous, and I love how nonchalant she is about being bottomless. I'd watch the horns though, they look a little off model.
>>32835 lol the original had text that was basically "Nice costume, hey where are your pants?"
>>32823 >>32826 /abdl/ are going to have a field day with this.
Okay I just got here Can someone give me a tl;dr?
>>32864 The /monarchy/ board came over to ask for a jewel, /tkr/ kidnapped their mascot and is currently tickling her /monarchy/ accepted to proceed to negotiation to release their mascot, for free art of our mascot. /tkr/ realized their current mascot (Tiffany lee) is trash and decided to brainstorm for a new one. Lila is born, people seemingly like her, she just needs more content to be actually officialized
Kind of curious about this, but no one’s obligated to answer. We’ve gotten a lot of attention since the whole war thing started. Are there anons from other boards who found this place and realized they might have a bit of a kink for tickling? Anyone else particularly disgusted? I don’t see much negative reaction on other boards, so I can’t imagine the response on this carpet making forum would be more than “oh, it’s just another flavor of degeneracy.”
>>32866 Thank you, kind ser
>>32885 The cross board interaction is one of the best things about imageboards in my opinion, I commend /monarchy/ for trying to get some going with their crown jewels project. Tickling doesn't do anything for me but I don't find it disguisting or off putting either, its just kind of cute and amusing and it's interteresting to think if others have a similar opinion of the fetishes that I do have.
>>32905 dare you say its "childish and cringe"?
>>32664 Wow, she’s perfect! So much thought put into the design and personality! >>32761 Yes!
>>32664 Fair chance Lila dies with this thread lowkey
>>32921 Fair concern, actually. Might be in our best interests to start up a Lila thread and encourage artist contributions. Spoiler image art and banners would be the easiest way to give her a presence.
>>32921 Good. It looks like every mess of an "OC" ever that tries to be "different" by being wild and random in design terms.
>>32923 Additionally. The art is good. The OC is just not.
>>32922 That's right, these little bits of board props is what's gonna anchor her as a thing, hopefully the board owner still comes around here. >>32923 Make a better one
>>32927 Ya'll make a better one. It's only uphill from whatever the DA demiboss of bad OCs was here lol
>>32928 >>32924 I think her design is totally fine, her color palette is way too bright though.
Tbh, she wouldn't feel like an appropriate /tkr/ mascot if she didn't inspire an adequate amount of bitching. Viva la Lila!
>>32928 We have entire threads about deviantart OCs and how much people here want to fuck them, don't pretend like it's a bad thing if she's 'too quirky' on a deviantart board for a deviantart tier fetish
>>32929 Colour pallet I've no issue with. It's more the design choices that don't seem relevant to literally anything. Why a succubus? Why the weird horns? Why any of the design choices? Like a kid overdesigning and adding stuff "because it's cool" and edgy and ending up with a mash of an OC. Would have thought for a "mascot" it would have at least had *something* relevant with the board. Use it or don't, it doesn't ultimately matter. But it does fucking suck.
>>32932 And a lot of those too fall into the same trap of being over designed to the point where it's just another OC with a mash of randomness for no real reason.
>>32934 >>32935 > It's more the design choices that don't seem relevant to literally anything. she's a mascot for a tickle fetish board, anon. use your brain. >overdesigned she has horns and a tail. I don't think you know what that word means.
>>32923 >>32924 Why didn't you chime in earlier? It's too late now. Viva la Lila. >>32932 >that spoiler Grace's revenge?
>>32934 >Why a succubus? A tickle succubus: a tickle monster of sorts. >Why the weird horns? >>32676 >>32934 >Why any of the design choices? Claws and tail as built in tickle tools, exposed skin because of exposed tickle spots, feather earrings for obvious reasons, hairstyle because of Ojou personality... I didn't make her and all of these are obvious to me anon. >adding stuff "because it's cool" Yeah. So? >edgy Kek, what's so edgy about her? Horns? Senseless complaining at its finest. All in all, shit opinion, discarded, as stated before: Viva la Lila.
>>32937 Didn't even know this was a thing. First I knew about it was some random posting nazi shit asking for a random name for some buttfuck reason not clear at the time. Thought "nice. porn board is being raided." whatever. Thought nothing more of it until this thread popped up.
>>32929 I think the character's palette is alright, but the clothes colors are a little iffy. Maybe a gentle grey, like her hair, would work better than a stark white for the clothes. Could be other colors, just as long as they're not so saturated as to drown out the character itself. Also putting forth the suggestion that we give her a halloween costume every year. Based off a popular 'lee of some sort.
>>32939 >le nazis Why are Lila haters like this?
>>32936 > she has horns and a tail. I don't think you know what that word means. Horns that make the site's logo if mirrored ("I think") is pretty overdesigned. An effect that could have been done better with some form of body markings. Something subtle, but there. The colours are a step in the right direction, but thats all it really has going for it.
>>32940 > Also putting forth the suggestion that we give her a halloween costume every year. Based off a popular 'lee of some sort. Boom. There's the relevance a site mascot should have.
>>32932 This is good art. xD My only concern is which Grace pic is the reference. >>32472 These are more official. Old Grace >>32474 & >>32403 has straight hair, whereas New Grace has fluffy / puffy sidehairs that are shorter. New Grace: + Puffy, majestic hair, short side hairs. + Simplified to 2 button straps + Shiny belt buckle + Revamped crown badge like crown jewels Old Grace: x Straight hair x Long side hairs >>>/monarchy/5809 >>>/monarchy/5811 >>>/monarchy/5812 >>>/monarchy/5810
>>32944 Thank you for the correction! however the pic is near completion, sorry!!! (i'll see what can be done)
>>32932 This seals it. Viva la Lila! I wanna write a caption for this when you're done unless one of the regular caption-writers wanted to claim dibs.
>>32946 Tthe OP pic is also spot on for how Grace looks now. >(i'll see what can be done) Would be appreciated. A pic of Lila is also in the works.
>bitch about Lila >unintentionally make her more relevant by keeping the thread from sinking to the second page >she gets art to boot Our girl just can't stop winning. >>32947 Chiming in to say you should definitely do it, but I think a dibs arrangement is pretty bad because multiple captioners are bound to want to have a go at her when the pic's ready. Just let everybody that wants to do something with her do it, pics get multiple different captios sometimes. Whatever's best/most popular will organically rise to the top.
>>32950 he didn't even vote on the poll
>>32830 remove horns, remove shoes
>>32932 Holy fuck God bless Lila!!!
>>32939 Do you guys not realize how childish and cringe this is? How can you get turned on by tickling? This whole board is gathering, childish and cringe!
>>32950 Not to mention Lila is good. She was designed to compromise the tastes of multiple people. The problem is retards that came in late to the party are trying to get in on a ship thats sailed off with out them and are trying to overintellectualize the decision. She's a mascot for a tickling fetish image board, she is going to edgy, cringe and childish. VLL o7
>it's here it's here >it's here it's here
>>32983 Hey, that's great! Super cute! Good to see she's already getting what's coming to her.
>>32983 Wonderful details! Her tail is also within easy range if she wants to get revenge
>>32983 I'm so happy your artist was able to fix her side hairs. That was really my only grievance. >it's here It looks like Grace is in control of /tkr/. /monarchy/ will still do an art exchange for her release.
>>32987 Can't wait to see it, all the better if it can be used as a prop for our board!
>>32983 Amazing work goddamn Looks like Grace gas gotta the upperhand
>>32983 Great job! In true tickle degenerate fashion going straight for torturing her poor feet!
>>32994 It seems like Grace has learned a few tricks during her stay here!
>>32983 >No diaper Grace showing no mercy
>>32983 Oh no, Grace used /tkr/ abilities against theirs. /monarchy/ wins >also When tickling hispanic tan boards?
(367.98 KB Lila Lore.pdf)

I wrote up a mini character bible for Lila. It's absolutely not official, since she's a community-created character and this is only my personal interpretation. But as a writefag I figured I'd share, since the artists are doing their own thing.
>>32983 Such a cute scenario! Seems like it’s gonna last for quite some time as well, so they both better get comfortable.
>>32983 It's good to see /tkr/ and /monarchy/ sharing an interest and getting along with each other so well for a change. Glad to see a nice exchange of ideas.
>>33023 this is the only abdl pic i'll ever be grateful for, but thank you diaperbros >>33037 they unequivocally lost
(275.82 KB Lila X Grace.pdf)

Cringy, childish fetish caption ahoy!
Question for you tickle enthusiasts, does your fetish have a pointless schism that people love to argue about?
>>33041 The best spot to tickle (even though they’re all great), tickle fetish vs foot fetish, stocks that aren’t actually possible for people to be stuck in… there are too many to count really
>>33041 feet VS upper body is probably the most contentious one there also whether or not F/M tickling content is gay. (a female tickler torturing a male ticklee) which is frankly silly.
>>32983 Damn, you work fast man. The corruption of Grace is in full swing. >>33001 Ebic. All these neat little details show a lot of thought and effort. Saved. Thanks anon. >>33023 Hey, art is art. As mentioned probably the few times we'll thank diaperfags. >>33040 Also super useful. Love the vibes you gave the characters. Even a 'OHOHOHO' laugh for Lila. Grace now one of us.
>>33041 There’s lots of overlap between us and footfags. So much so people not into feet bemoan the amount of foot-tickling stuff when compared to upperbody or anywhere else. Or incorporating other foot stuff into tickling. The arguments got unreasonably edgy on either side for a while, but besides a couple anons no one seems to take it that seriously. Also there’s a lot of debate on if trannies/femboys/traps are gay, but I think every board does that.
>>33046 I should clarify, I think most people see the arguments as valid; no one wants porn with something you find off-putting forced into it. But the forum war got annoying.
>>33043 >>33046 Makes sense, I can see how for some people this would be a clear overlap with feet and how that might result in there being way more foot centric stuff than other areas.
>>33041 Whether or not tickling is actually childish and cringe.
>>33040 Holy shit dude this was really good! I guess the official ending to the war is that Lila is the royal torturer for Grace once she's finished getting revenge. A fitting fate.
>>33054 I'm sure we'll negotiate some kind of deal to get our lady monster back. After a few weeks in /monarchy/'s tower, as part of their terms of course. She'll have to repay the royal family this insult with interest. After that I'm sure she wouldn't mind contract work for dealing with their unruly peasantry, under threat of more tickling. From time to time at least. There was also an arrangement for her Grace to visit our dungeons once in a while, which will be met warmly if it's still on the table. And our reach into their domain extending to another kidnapping if need be ought to be sufficient deterrent for going back on the deal. Mutually assured tickling keeps us both in check. Now ends the war, and so begins the uneasy peace of antebellum.
>>33040 Are you going to write more Lila fanfic? It would be cool to see other tans included too. Or an 8chan series. >all this Shakespeare speak I have small constructive criticism. >Thou You use this properly, but know there are instances where >Thee Would be better, like I hit thee rather than I hit thou. >My & Mine Use Mine before a vowel, like mine eye or mine egg or at the end of the sentence. Use My for consonants and so on. >Thy & Thine Same principle. Use thine with vowels, like thine apple or thine ass. I think Grace speaking Shakespearean also works at rude interjects or exclamations, but the rest of her talk could be normal.
>>33067 I appreciate the feedback, will definitely tone it down if I write another. Would love to write more -tan captions although I'm not sure where I would start. If there's more inter-board stuff I might try to contribute but I think the /tkr/-/monarchy/ stuff is wrapping up.
>>33120 >Would love to write more I would read them. You should write more fanfic. >although I'm not sure where I would start You could try being episodic, diverse scenes and screenshots of each b-tan. Or continue to write a story. >but I think the /tkr/-/monarchy/ stuff is wrapping up Don't make us start a war to get more fanfic, lol.
Going to throw a suggestion into the ring to put Lila into the spoiler image. The first thing that came to mind was doing something like the first image, but with "spoiler" written on her feet. Maybe with the paintbrush in mid-stroke on the last letter, with her face laughing in the background, just to make sure it's completely tickle-themed and not just footfag. Alternatively we could do it on her stomach.
>>33156 But no one uses spoiler tags...
>>33160 Shit, I'll start using them if they got a cute succu-tease on em
>>33160 Well maybe they would if we stuck a cute character on them. In all seriousness it’s just a nice little thing to have, even if it doesn’t pop up often.
>>33040 Fantastic descriptions, tons of great references, I love it! 10/10 Especially the part where Grace talks about God shaping them to fit their destinies.
>>33040 Now I wish the second arc where Grace and Lila put diappers and Ticklish Hispanic tans to show supremacy
>>33156 You'll have to put "spoiler" on her feet yourself
>>33176 >The booty cheeks >The toes >The painted-on panties Absolute kino
>>33176 It’s perfect! The face brings up a question though. Did we ever decide on a blood color for when she blushes?
(184.62 KB 840x661 testexport.png)

>>33172 True we are yet to see art of Lila as a ler
>>33120 Grace’s dialogue might be better informed by some of the political theorists of the time period. Hobbes gets brought up a lot. There’s a /monarchy/ thread that describes her as personifying absolute monarchy popular around the mid-1500s to 1700. Works from around then might give you a good starting point as to how a sovereign might think and talk. Just interpreted through the mouth of a smug anime girl. Most of the “thee”s and “thou”s were falling out of language by the period. Even Shakespeare wasn’t slinging them around so much, really. It was mostly a stylistic choice when he used them, usually to denote that a character is close or intimate, personal terms with another.
>>33203 /abdl/ already answered that by showing her spanked.
(3.67 MB 4000x2739 Lila's Initiation 1.png)

(3.70 MB 4000x2739 Lila's Initiation 2.png)

It's been a week since I made that image of Grace's tickle torture and I never thought it would have spawned an actual board tan for us. I'm a little slow but I thought I would break her in with some kind of /tkr/ initiation. Hope you enjoy!
>>33209 where?
>>33214 >>33023 Right here, looks like she blushes dark blue as one would expect for someone with blue skin. Although honestly that's probably a detail that can be left up to artistic interpretation
>>33212 This is amazing bro You're the best <3
>>33212 Now these are fantastic
(520.64 KB 800x450 tkroc.png)

>>33212 >The /tkr/ posts in the background. >My sides Absolute perfection. Might have to make another one of those 10 page captions specifically cuz she told me not to.
>>33212 >Not gagging her You missed a trick there. Thankfully a certain greatest ally is willing to supply a mute button.
(249.47 KB 701x496 Spoi-Ler.png)

>>33176 I'm not an artist but here's an attempt.
(1.04 MB 2500x2000 tkr and monarchy1.png)

(899.59 KB 2500x2000 tkr and monarchy2.png)

Guess I'll join in too
You guys think her tail might be ticklish?
>>33266 coloring these tomorrow
>>33266 Holy fugg!! Good one!, I was wondering if uperbody/pitfags would accept her as well I love the result of how the horns look from the side
(16.33 KB 239x400 443.jpeg)

>>33266 >Prehensile tail bondage, blowing on sensitive ears, sharp toenails, smarmy ler face Glorious.
>>33206 >>33120 It's okay. I sort of think it's a cute characterization. Here are more quirks: - Grace likes to say "pre-eminence" more often than "divine right" (because that word triggers certain people, like saying happy holiday vs merry christmas). Divine right is ok to use too, but note this. Majesty / Sovereignty are other words. - Grace prefers the style "Your Grace" or "Her Grace" or "My Grace", even though Majesty is reputed to a better style; it's her personal preference. >>33266 >Grace being into ticklefagging this much
(36.03 KB 604x604 1641067496064.jpg)

>>33266 Fuck yes. We've officially corrupted a one board tan and created our own in one swoop.
anyone know if there are any board tans that happen to be cat girls (anime ones, not furfag ones) or have some other kind of animal ears at least? (fox, wolf, etc.) If yes I'll try to draw Lila tickling them next week
>>33280 You're too late, ADBL already corrupted her
>>33286 Technically it's from /leftypol/ which is off-site but /monarchy/ also likes to post Alunya the Commie Cat from time to time, hence the Grace art.
>>33264 Great job! Also nice pun >>33266 Wow can't wait to see these colored, Grace seems to be having a great time
(250.75 KB 701x496 Lila Spoiler Brush.png)

>>33264 Alternate version, with the brush. I thought it messed with the legibility a little bit but wanted to take a crack at it. Hope this gets noticed and picked up, but it was fun making Lila content anyway.
>>33326 More Lila content is always good, the current cheeky Lila spoiler image is pretty cute but I think it should actually say "spoiler" on it somewhere
>>33364 You can barely read the text though if it was actually used as a spoiler
Seems pretty official at this point
>>33370 Shocked that she didn't do this in honor of our lord and savior TKGeek
>>33369 What the fuck? Why is there a limit on the spoiler image size? That’s retarded
>>33370 >Literally goes 'OHOHOHOHO' like in the story caption >all the tkl effects >that adorable grumpiness Perfection
>>33370 >Damn incels better not caption this Bet.
(229.64 KB 701x486 lilaspoiler.png)

>>33326 I thought I'd help a bit with the face and other features, I like this though! Hopefully the spoiler banner can be made a tinsy bit bigger
>>33243 >>33375 Aaaaaaand it's done.
(293.44 KB 593x495 1664104696926953.png)

>>33381 >'It's not like you all suddenly found real Taiwanese wives' >tkr becoming Grace simps >'Money to afford TKGeek's Patreon' >coomer programmed foot following tickle hands Kek. Well done lol.
>>33376 Only for people using Default CSS. Maybe some people here really like teal or purple.
>>33381 I wouldn't say Shakespeare speak is inaccurate for the time period. It's just very vernacular / region-based & borderline for the time. It's complicated.
>>33376 Oh damn, that's nice! Love the subtle pale color on the soles and the nail polish. And great job with the face and horn extension too. Glad you got her looking on-model.
>>33370 >that Esther of /hispol/ post My sides...
(2.38 MB 2500x2000 Lila and Grace 1 Colour.png)

(2.01 MB 2500x2000 Lila and Grace 2 Colour.png)

>>33266 Added a bit of colour to these wonderful pieces. Hope variations from others are made too.
>>33751 I WAS DOING IT these are good tough, damn. should I finish anyway?
>>33752 Yes please. Never have too many cakes.
>>33751 So cute to see Grace blushing from the tickles
(1.27 MB 1434x2322 dfi0pxu.png)

Here is a Lila pic. I like the body, though I think the face could be improved
We gonna kidnap Grace again?
>>33778 nah its too soon. maybe in a month. we can have a christmas thing, wrap her up, it'll be fun.
Can someone explain me or give me a tl;dr about what is this Grace/Lila thing about? Like I'm retarded plz I've been trying to read but it's too long. Is it an OC? Official? From where?
>>33786 Ctrl+F tl;dr in this thread my guy, someone already gave an explanation
>>33774 Do you want me to try and go ahead and rework the face? I don't want the original artist to feel hurt by its work being revised especially when they were nice enough to do this
>>33816 You could try, but I don't think it would offend the artist.
(1.25 MB 1322x2357 dfi3s8g41917bdc.png)

Another version.

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