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Terry A. Davis Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 15:15:46 No. 454516 >>466920 >>469020
a Thread Dedicated to one of god's chosen the great Terry Davis
Its a novel idea but id rather slurp the secretion of a chupacabra than believe anyone except god would give a shit about Terry's" invention"
The fact he was able to make his own OS was impressive, but i don't think he made his own hardware to run it on
>>461458 You Tube has a video over an hour long detailing this remarkable and tormented man and his actually impressive DIY, homemade OS. And yes, the Internet did this man no favors.
>>454516 (OP) the man was a living legend
bump forever immortal terry
>>461459 there is an archive of all the videos he has recoreded. https://archive.org/details/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive its freakin' long. I don't know but lurk N' watch he basically has legacy.
U fags only worship him cuz he was a racist schizo He just a mid tier programmer tormented by internet trolls and shit
>>466967 This. The guy was very smart, compared to most, at least when it came to computing patterns. He was a very disturbed person though and that doesn't mean he was bad, if anything he was a victim of his circumstance. But I doubt if he would have been the next Einstein if given the resources like anons say he would.
>>466971 i would say if he wasnt a schizo he might have worked a regular ass developer working in some sillicon valley job everyone could do. And we would not have this wonderful piece of art called templeOS
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>>466971 geniuses are born from comfortity. people like him are beloved by God, if he wanted he would gone far in life. RIP Terry, Merry christmas and also its bith of jesus bitch!
>Soybooru. Gettaloada this nigger
>>466982 > everyone could do lmao right... everyone? if he waasnt schizo hed be pretty useful, but everyone? that's ridicilous.. I can't do half the shit Terry is doing, saying "everyone" is like asking proper question, but its christmas so merry christmas fuck!~
>>454516 (OP) I miss this guy he was a ray of light in a grey cloud
Love you terry I miss you
>>455280 one is fucking loser incel another is genius schizo i dont know man....
>>469023 syessss
>>469040 >>469041 Thoughts on the recent meta developments on /b/ as of late? Surely you have an opinion on the possible return of vamp.
>>469042 Possible return of vamp?
>>469046 The old BO, apparently he's back in the logs again.
Isis, fuck you.
>>469049 Yeah this is close enough to your usual thread.
>>469049 >>469050 I deleted it... You brought it back.
>>469055 Yep, and it took you three hours to notice.
>>469042 who? vamp? yes vampires like Remilia Scarlet and Vampire from Azur Lane? bro, what are you talking about. you need to get used to w00t. i dont care about poltiics at all
>>455276 This sums up him and his beautiful mind
Here is the sexual degenerate you worship.
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>>467083 ⚠ <>Soybooru. Gettaloada this nigg-ACK!
>>469326 Oh wow terry davis cummed
>>466948 I'm glad that archive exsists. I'm going to have to add it to my collection of hoarded data.
>>469462 Be glad you don't see the kid porn he screen shared. You are worshipping a mentally ill monster.
>>460783 >"Racism isn't born, folks- it's taught" - Denis Leary Not taught, learned, through exposure to niggers.
>>469584 It is also the disposition your genes set for you, if there is a religion that is dominant that says niggers are the superior, then that is what you'll believe if you have genes that make you liberal
>>469519 I don't worship him I'm not one of these losers I laugh at his foolishness. And the fact that he's a known sea pea consumer yet chuds still worship him proves chuds don't actually care about who is or who isn't a pea dough, they just want to target any victim they believe they can get away with targeting.
Miss him everyday
>>460783 >>469326 >>469519 >>469598 You suck at this dude. Up your trolling game, my nigga.

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