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Weapons, tactics, and more

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Welcome to /k/! (Meta Thread) Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 20:16:15 No. 2 [Reply] [Last] >>1387
This board is dedicated to the discussion of weapons and military equipment, tactics, vehicles, experiences, stories, and more. All discussion related to this board ("meta") goes in this thread. Please keep all coronavirus related discussion in the COVID-19 general. Read the disclaimer at the bottom of this post before continuing. Useful Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Murdercube https://the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/ Database full of useful information relating to weapons, guerilla warfare, medicine, philosophy, and much, much more. >Forgotten Weapons https://www.youtube.com/user/ForgottenWeapons

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Edited last time by Vampyr on 09/09/2021 (Thu) 18:09:34.
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>>2 >https://the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/ >Database full of useful information relating to weapons, guerilla warfare, medicine, philosophy, and much, much more. 404d does anyone have an archive? or an idea how to get one? web.archive.org is obviously incomplete
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I quit effective immediately. I did the best I could for as long as I could. It wasn't good enough as an old friend told me. Guess he was right. So. I guess this boards fucked. Thats sad. This was my first board. I claimed it my first 10 minutes on site. This is my biggest failure. I am so sorry. I tried. I really did. You need a new BO. I hope you find one. But you won't. Goodbye /k/. Sweet dreams. Forgive me. Goodbye 8moe. You were awesome, and awful.

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shoots 50.cal dog gun 03/06/2025 (Thu) 20:41:01 No. 12087 [Reply]

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homemade gun qwasedrf1324 01/19/2025 (Sun) 12:11:28 No. 12086 [Reply]
I want to make a gun. How do I get the design?

QTDDTOT Strelok 02/06/2023 (Mon) 06:32:04 No. 6843 [Reply] [Last]
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Previous thread: >>21645 Old one is bump locked and dead.
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I want to go hunting and do something similar in fishing where you use fresh caught smaller game to catch a bigger one. For fun. I rather not needlessly hunt it for it not to attract a bigger catch. How can I quickly put it asleep temporarily with some strong mixture to feed it or shoot it with like trank or dart? any tips or suggestions?
Is .22 caliber as useless as it is memed, or is it good for eliminating an immediate threat in a self-defense situation?
>>12083 Yes. Low power + inherently unreliable rimfire priming = better than harsh language, but only just. If some 300lb kaffir-in-America is sitting on your chest trying to twist your head off in a parking garage at 2am, useful tools start at 9mm.

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is this a Ruger? concerned e-girl orbiter 09/13/2024 (Fri) 20:13:19 No. 12079 [Reply]
I don't know any other black handguns with long double barrels. I also don't know how to tell if this is real or an airsoft replica.
Looks like some kind of pellet gun. It is hard to be 100% sure due to the poor quality of the image and so much of it being covered up but I do not think it is a firearm at all.

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/arg/ AR15 Thread AR rifles Armalite Rifles A2Grip 09/14/2024 (Sat) 00:50:18 No. 12080 [Reply]
First /arg/ thread
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Buying guns /k/ommando 06/28/2021 (Mon) 20:06:39 No. 34 [Reply]
This board should be thriving. Everyone should own 3 guns minimum. A glock brand glock. A rifle A shotgun Whats your excuse anons? Also if you have any interest in purchasing a firearm let me walk you through it. Easy peasy. The catalogue looks like a holocaust is all im saying.
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Step one. Finding a lgs. Anon do you have a phonebook? Or an internet connection? The answer is yes obviously how the hell else would you even read this otherwise? So duckduckgo your town/city and gun store Step one completed.
>>500 Step 2. Go to the gun store. Fingerfuck gats, ask lots of questions and generally annoying to the staff. Don't worry about it it's literally their fucking job. If you find a fun you like then inform the staff that you want to buy it. A background check will be required. Those used to take ten to thirty minutes. With all the Corona fuckery it might take ten days right now. Sorry. Anyway heres a 4473. This is how a background is checked. They hand you this paper and you fill it out. Pay for your gun then leave and wait for a phonecall saying you can buy a gun. Further tips. Ask of they have ammo for the gun you want. Odds are if theres nothing on the shelves in your caliber they have some in the back and will sell you a box or two with your shiny new gun.

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Russo-Ukrainian War #32 - Early Anniversary Edition - anon.cafe is kill Strelok 01/11/2024 (Thu) 22:16:29 No. 1473 [Reply] [Last]
The site's going down but the war is still hot! Recap for the mouth-breathers who can't read threads not on the first page: >Ukraine has been getting their ass pounded in Avdiivka >Russians are getting their ass spanked while doing the pounding and they don't like it >Ukraine tried screamed "FUCK YOU" at Belgorod to make Russia stop fucking their ass >Russia told Ukraine "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" and started lobbing North Korean ballistic missiles (dubbed "Kimskanders") at Ukraine's military bases near civilian centers in retaliation, fucking up the civilian centers in the process >Ukraine screamed they were coming and forced conscription of women and children and started handing out papers to expats >People are expecting Avdiivka to fall >That turns on the Russians and they will either a massive push in Zaporizhia or re-invade Kharkiv while making Ukraine retreat back to their Kievan leather club two cities down >You are here Vid related. Thread theme.
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>>1513 >Schumer will not act to secure US border until GOP funds Ukraine war Biden is starting to pay lip service to securing the border, but it's just election year bullshit- It would be funny if he fired that Sephardi "Cuban" guy to sell the lie. We've all seen how this shit typically plays out, I'd put money on Ukraine gibs going through and zero meaningful border security. The corporate class and the defense industry are going to get exactly what they want.
>>1517 Actually it gets even better. Mexico's president is demanding American citizenship for 10 million illegals, an end to the Cuban blockade, an end to Venezuelan sanctions, and a $20 billion dollar bribe in exchange for dealing with the illegal immigrant problem on their side of the border. The Biden admin's response was "sounds good!"
The OP is lowkey retarded, I see

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Race War General : Total /k/ike Death Edition Strelok 11/28/2023 (Tue) 10:54:16 No. 7621 [Reply] >>12072
This thread for the discussion of pro-white resistance, past or present, from an onlookers perspective, especially focused on people such as Anders Behring Breivik, Brenton Tarrant and the various copycats that we've seen since March 2019. Are they doing what has to be done? Is it more harmful than helpful? Are they all false flags? Discuss! Memes relating to TKD, TND and the upcoming ethnoglobe are welcomed as well >The Breivik Archive https://ia601002.us.archive.org/6/items/breivikarchive/ >Manifestos http://picochanwvqfa2xsrfzlul4x4aqtog2eljll5qnj5iagpbhx2vmfqnid.onion/fascist/4#823 Useful Threads https://archive.ph/XSaTn https://archive.ph/QlbZA https://archive.ph/oL6k6
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>>12069 This is all from Redstone Killers by the way https://archive.org/details/redstone-killers
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>>7621 R E M O V E K E B A B
>board/site is so dead that off topic /pol/troon racewar faggotry is left up for almost a year

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Alternative history thread Strelok 07/09/2021 (Fri) 15:42:02 No. 7665 [Reply] [Last]
This thread includes alternative history wars, conflicts, weapons, tactics and more. For instance >Axis victory proxy wars >Their equipment >East centered world, conflicts And more
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>>7912 The burgers were pretty close to launching their first dreadnought before the bongs, so it would have barely changed anything. The technologies were simply not there until the early 1900s, and launching the first dreadnought a few years earlier or later is not that much of a difference.
>>7913 >a few years earlier I was thinking more a timescale of a few months to 1-2 years at maximum, like what if the US big gun BB project hadn't encountered stalls, the Italian government hadn't declined to pursue big gun autism or if the Japs had enough guns to outfit the Satsuma as intended. If the Russians somehow had been the first to Dreadnought, could they have recovered some of their lost prestige from the Russo-Japanese war?
>>7898 Too little, too late. Changes nothing. In 1941 the Jappos started a war with a nation that had five times their population and twenty times their industrial base. Nothing short of aliens or time travelers landing in a flying saucer and handing them nuclear weapons and delivery systems for them keeps them from getting roflstomped in less than four years.

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What is your most simple carry gun? Strelok 11/19/2023 (Sun) 08:06:16 No. 3670 [Reply]
I'm tried of seeing the dudes who lug around entire glock 17s, extended mag, comped, new trigger, big red dots, and a light. I enjoy simplicity.
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>>3671 Speed strips are more easy to carry but speed loaders are much faster.
>>3674 Theoretically they're faster at reloading the entire cylinder, however speed strips are more versatile than speed loaders. They're light, flexible, and flat enough they wont create a conspicuous bulge while carrying it in your pocket, which means you can carry more. Speed strips are enherently easier to conceal, but more importantly can be loaded with a greater level of control. Although they're faster on all chambers you must drop the speed loader into all the chambers in order to make a reload, an issue a speed strip does not have.
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moar stuff

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Taiwan Tells China To Go Fuck Itself Strelok 01/04/2024 (Thu) 00:32:32 No. 9414 [Reply]
The Republic of China has told West Taiwan to stop meddling in their elections and to eat shit. I'm curious what CCP-anon who insisted that Taiwan was becoming part of China and how everyone in Taiwan considers themselves Chinese has to say on this? >Number of Taiwanese who identify as primarily Chinese has plummeted to below 3% (it was like 15% before Ukraine) >KMT (historically Chinese-sympathetic party) has taken an anti-China stance after China was caught red-handed bribing and interfering in Taiwan's elections >Young people in Taiwan hate China >Jewkraine of all things is turning the Taiwanese boomers against China >All three parties have distanced themselves from China >KMT and TPP are taking a hardline stance of no negotiation until China stops fucking around in international waters >DPP who is slated to win the elections goes much farther with a hardline "we were always independent, fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on" stance >Foxconn on suicide watch Just like in Argentina, just like in Eastern Europe, China seems to lose allies faster than they can make them. FUCK China.
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>>9447 I don't know what you expect from someone who shits his pants over meanie words.
Outer Mongolia annexing inner Mongolia when?
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fuck chyna fuck chinks

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Rhodesia thread /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 05:00:01 Id: c11d80 No. 159 [Reply]
The place for babypuke green FN fals, and slightly more rascism than every other thread.
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>>1369 >that was as bad as the Boomers at ARFCOM. Damn. Aren’t they are Biden loving Qboomers there.
>>1371 The original proprietors sold out to a gunsmithing tools company called Brownells. Brownells does NOT like controversy. They've been handing out bans for posting any kind of mildly spicy meme ever since. Mind you, it's a forum that's been there since the dialup days and has always had a loud minority of out-and-out Reds ("but your principles say gun rights are for ERRBODY!" I do not, in fact, want people who want to put me in a gulag, and say so, to have guns. If that makes me a Nazi, then Sieg Heil, motherfucker). Add in the Boomer civnats cuckservatives who think that if they can just VOOT a little harder, if they do the Ghost Dance for Muh Constitution a little harder, they can save Ameri-Kwa... well. It's the Internet. I try not to take any of it seriously. It's just words on a screen, right? I hate to see it. Arfcom used to be a fairly decent place for technical information.
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Anyone else feeling sad today? Just me?

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/xk/ Thread Strelok 06/07/2023 (Wed) 00:11:30 No. 10453 [Reply] [Last]
Wendigo, skinwalkers, squatches, and ayyliums of /k/ go her. Maybe other even stranger things as well. Inspired by reading his post >>51511 and not wanting to derail that thread.
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I prefer werewolves
>>10583 Reminds me of shub nigga roth or whatever that Lovecraft version of a wendigo is called.
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Hahahaha I saw you post what I posted in trash anon lol I know what you are

War Economy Strelok 12/09/2022 (Fri) 16:21:34 No. 7638 [Reply] >>12064
How to make money off war as a poorfag? Thread for discussing war economics, how countries don't go broke/starve in extended wars, and similar monetary policy fuckery related to wars and upcoming wars.
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>>7662 Ebay let's you sell weapons?
>>7663 You can't sell firearms or ammo there iirc, but you can sell magazines and firearm accessories.
>>7638 Depending on where you are and the state of your country salt is essential. Buy like 30 kilos, and you may as well have 30 kilos of gold in shtf. Gotta be smart

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Webm & Video-sharing Thread Strelok 07/17/2022 (Sun) 06:33:14 Id: 1b6d7b No. 11782 [Reply] [Last]
New webm/mp4 thread. Post 'em if you got 'em. Keep it loosely /k/-related.
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>>11795 No human on this planet gives a fuck about Russia or Ukraine.
>>11811 What a worthless criminal. At least bring your own knife, fucking cowards.

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