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/b/'s Meta Thread Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:15:49 No. 410765 [Reply] [Last]
This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You will probably get banned for posting here.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 01:51:51.
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/monarchy/ established an embassy for /b/.
>>459317 Ooo! Why thank you my liege! All hail Queen Grace!

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crystal cafe Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 09:50:35 No. 457114 [Reply]
tell me about this place
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>>459161 >>459159 remember that all women, even "femcels" will get more action than you ever will in your life
>>457282 >femcels do exist but they are lame landwhales and whores/hookers. also feminists. so it's just a mockery of incels.
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>>459163 >even so-called femcels will spread their legs for anyone Is that supposed to be an insult to the femcels or to anon?

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Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 06:35:03 No. 457649 [Reply] [Last]
Had tea.
No you didn't
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I woke up. Having tea.
>>459160 Are you ready to talk?
>>459449 I'll talk if you want, anon

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Desire for information Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:19:46 No. 459003 [Reply]
I have a serious question for all the atheists here, and I'd like you to be honest with yourself before you answer. Do you never wonder if you might be wrong about the existence of a literal Satan when you see the evil his worshipers commit in the name of goodness?
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>>459003 I can't wait when people like you start to get persecuted for real
>>459003 Science proves to me God exists. Christians prove to me Satan exists.

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Taffer Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 02:15:09 No. 454347 [Reply]
Thief Game Series Thread
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Is there a AlauddinSlayer archive? AlauddinSlayer archive? 05/18/2024 (Sat) 07:48:26 No. 459434 [Reply]
Tf2 payday2 etc
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Artists rarely have archives unless they're famous, and I've never heard of alauddinslayer before nor have most other people from my brief searches. You might have to manually search through their art profiles and if they've wiped stuff, you'll have to go through archive.org and pray it scraped it. After looking at the artist, they remind me of another Payday artist from years ago. I can't remember their name, they were Korean or Japanese I think, and also drew the cutest bulldozer art. I remember seeing their work posted in old 8chan's Payday threads. They up and deleted everything a few years ago. Pic related isn't them, but it reminds me of what they drew.
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One last thing: you might have better luck asking /v/. They have a thread for these kinds of questions >>>/v/228459 Not saying you'll get an answer there either, but if anybody on this site knows they'd be on that board. Assuming what you're looking for even exists, anyway.

Drawthread/Art trade general Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 15:05:38 No. 434176 [Reply] [Last]
Can I take your order please? Edition The other thread died because I died with it, I'm back but I lack any ideas Don't let me be the only one doing "art", join me drawanons! Pic related is my OC Karen, a meme connoisseur :) Ask her anything
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Damn nobody here. (Pic related is some drawing I did for request a year ago..been wanting to get back in it again.)
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who up jorqin they slorje
>>459016 Reminds me of a Cookie Run animation with a similar concept, but the cookie is on her back so it's basically a mating press

Hunger Games thread Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 20:57:00 No. 458529 [Reply] [Last]
hunger games simulation: submit contestants!
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I was not ready for Bondrewd's Wild Ride >>459429 Of Hunger Games, something else or both?
>>459430 Anything. Likely something else? but maybe we can go back to Hunger Games again.
Oh damn, I just noticed FirePro being listed in there. It's good that I upgraded my computer since I wasn't able to participate much in prior games like that. I'll try to keep an eye out

Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 04:07:54 No. 458780 [Reply]
Which websites can I make money betting on troon athletes?
anything with a dot gov domain. lots of paperwork involved but the payout is huge.

Anyone wanna make a deepfake of my ex? Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 02:34:38 No. 459333 [Reply]
disc is h3sph for more of her/to send shit
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6' tall and a total slut

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Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:29:57 No. 456899 [Reply]
When I was an edgy dipshit teen I shitposted on religious dipshits about atheism, now that I'm much older I shitpost on atheist dipshits about spiritualism. Is this part of the human condition or am I an irredeemable dipshit? Also some autism balloon so your time isn't completely wasted.
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>>459171 Foreskin removal is submission to God in the fact that sex is about reproduction not delight >>459203 Im talking about a very long time scale, yes their civilization they copied from whites will least longer but they won't be able to advance it nor will they be able to biologically deal with the consequences of no selection pressure if it goes on enough Christianity is how whites evolved to make high civilization, you don't get high civilization without the biological Foundation
>>459316 Dude we have parts of our Brain that evolved to with religion and ethnocentrism that can be disabled or stimulated with magnets That infant may not have the lexicon to put into a hierarchy but it does have the in instinct to see a mind behind the universe and depending the the environmental susceptibility of its genome and the "culture" that it is in will determine if it is able to be adaptive Everything is biological (and subsequently physical) even culture
>>459323 I can tell that nigger was 100% serious (and the worst part his circlejerk immediately jumped to echo his stupid opinions), he has been talking like an mix between Ned Flanders and a e-girl from 2005 for years at this point, so if it's trolling then it's a really fucking high effort trolling. >>459326 Man, you don't understand the words you are using. There aren't parts of your brain that you can turn on or off with magnets, people trend to segregate around common themes, but that doesn't imply ethnocentrism, it could be language or nationality too. Also, people do a lot of dumb retarded shit out of religion and tradition, for instance Andine people burring llama fetuses to appease the pacha mama so the mine would give a lot of gold, silver and copper. There isn't any biological benefit from doing that, you are not going to give more and better offspring by burring death llama fetuses, therefore there's a distinction between inherited biological traits and inherited cultural traits, they are not the same shit.

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The “female version of Room N” controversy: Double standards and legal issues Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 08:17:22 No. 459310 [Reply]
South Korea’s largest women-only community, with 844,000 members, has been mired in controversy over the “female version of Room N. On May 15, 2024, Maeil Business reported the story, stating that community members shared details of men they met on dating apps that matched them with foreign men inside the cafe. Posts shared in this community included real-life photos of foreign men exchanging information with lewd comments about their appearance and genitals. Among them were minors. Members of the group even created a list called the “Big Data Who’s Who of U.S. Military Men,” which they claimed to be an encyclopedia of American military personnel. https://themindwords.com/en/the-female-version-of-room-n-controversy-double-standards-and-legal-issues/
Are you the weird dude behind our only Korean board? Making posts to an audience of nobody. >image Aren't all East Asian nations famously xenophobic, though? That's not something unique to Korea.

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Evilposting thread Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 02:23:32 No. 455608 [Reply]
Hi anons! It’s time for your annual evilposting thread! ^w^ >But anon, what is a evilposting thread? This is NOT a confesssion thread.. If you want to confess your evil deeds go right ahead, but this thread is to indulge and support other evildoers! Talk about how fun it is to steal the pen away from your waitress at the diner! Talk about how you kicked your friend’s dog for no reason! Talk about how being evil feels good and is fun! Talk about how you unplugged your father’s life support system!! Go crazy as long as you are always sweet to your fellow evil-doers! Smile and laugh at the un-“evil-pilled” creatures who don’t understand what they’re missing out! Share techniques with fellow evildoers for better ways to be evil, and embrace the quote on quote “worst” aspects of human nature! Go!! ^w^
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>>455670 lewd i always wanted to try it actually
>>455672 Getting fucked or rimming? Both are pretty excellent. If you're degen enough to think about it then you're degen enough to like it if you ever try
>>455608 I pissed in a soda bottle and my sister dranked it thinking it was lemonade.

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Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 03:30:20 No. 453045 [Reply]
Justice is a rare thing, and for once, a roastie got what she deserved.
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>Scrawny white boy gutter trash hands typed this post.
>>458524 Nice portrait, gayboy
>>453428 I blame their diets. Too much soy and plant "food" garbage. Probably some mercury overdose from eating too much fish.

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source Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 10:03:01 No. 458726 [Reply]
need help finding this video in full and uncensored thank you
no go away normalfag
>>458726 >In this thread OP shows how he can suck dick

the QRD in that Jin Saotome guy who makes shitty action figure "customs" Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 14:00:16 No. 458728 [Reply]
Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin tone. Calls itself a white man. Nashville TN resident John Mallamas, known usually as "Jin Saotome" but also by "Sergalicious" on Lulz for several years, until the 2 were outed as being used by the same person. He had his 15 minutes in the 90s in that garbage Toyfare magazine showing off repainted toys. He got his name from the C(r)apcom character playing it in MvC tournaments. He is married to a woman 20 years older than him who has family money, so he's never had employment(and may have a felony record anyway). He wore stolen valor medals in his wedding photos(pussies like him never serve or even care about the USA). From fucking FLORIDA, naturally. He spent the Obama years screaming "MUSLIM" but not getting anyone to sympathize with him. At some point during a toy convention(probably Botcon) he paid a teenage cosplayer known as "Sinno" to fuck him, trading off one of his mediocre custom toys. He likes to deny it claiming anything from "it was someone else" to "they deepfaked me" and "how could I? She lived in the UK" as if airplanes do not exist. He's awfully defensive about it yet was proud to do it. And he supported shitstorm Gamergate, like all good little Christian white supremacists. Yep, die-hard godboy. In 2012 he saw one of the furry fandom's most hated anti-pedos on 4chan /toy/ & flipped his shit. Jin already had a mentally ill beef as did all of the faggots from Lulz who lack morals. he used a custom toy the person posted as an excuse to chimp the fuck out, spending 3 years straight posting daily hate about the maker. Bit it eventually got back to Lulz, where they noted(jn a larger version of this selfie) that he has many spraypaint cans with the caps removed, indicating substance abuse. It was also noticed that Sergalicious & Jin had the same typing style, same beliefs, same pissy hatred of the same person & they were connected. Jin latched onto Trump, naturally. Racist pedophiles do. He was also connected to being related to Sonic fandom pedophile supersonic250, as they both have similar views & hate the same anti-pedo who told them to go fuck themselves. Being a small-dicked chomo who e-stalks anyone who makes them butthurt & rages about it for 10 years straight seems to run in the Mallamas family. Despite his /pol/ shittard mentally ill views he has a disturbing love of Hasbro, the most woke SJW toy company of all time. This despite Hasbro teams having an internal memo of "ignore this asshole". He also still latches onto Capcom who also has woke views. Pity Capcom never sent a C&D over the stolen name, but they're incompetent over there. However his deranged jeezus shit is why the character never shows up anymore. They don't want the association. His love of Hasbro & their garbage quality bootleg-tier overpriced toys also means he loathes 3rd party Transformers. He says dumb shit like "you can be arrested for owning them" & has even threatened to kill people who make them. He once tried to shoplift I MEAN "confiscate" a lot of 3rd party toys at a toy convention sales booth, pretending to be law enforcement(he also tells people on facebook he's a police officer because he's disconnected from the truth). He only stopped when a real security guard showed up & nearly arrested him for theft, but couldn't as he hadn't walked "far enough away" from the table.

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This Jin Saotome dude seems like a pretty cool guy.
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people into lolcow culture are usually just as autistic as they people they make fun of I hope this is a copypasta and you didn't write 10+ paragraphs dedicated to some obscure nobody on an obscure imageboard where nobody cares
>>458732 Autisception

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