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Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1060896 >I better start praying no furfag starts making ai-gens of my fetish Same. I must admit I willl be defeated if I ever see a very good AI generated image of my fetish, furry or not. I mean, it's not out there like backpacks and tiles and technically natural, so it's gonna be done eventually, I just didn't see an AI animated furry version of that yet.
>>1060896 >>1061080 I feel like my autistic fetish has only a 50/50 chance at best of having good animated AI content made of it, because most people who are into it have such godawful taste, at least half the man-made art of it just turns me off.
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>>1060858 Genuinely laughed out loud at the last one.

Amateur Game Development General: Prototype and Production Edition Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 06:58:05 Id: 1b5651 No. 1045009 [Reply] [Last]
Share progress, ask for feedback, argue about little things in game design. Resources: >#8/agdg/ via irc.rizon.net >https://app.element.io/#/room/#agdg:matrix.org via matrix programs >Dev resources: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/resources >Wiki: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/ >http://mu-sic-production.wikia.com >https://pastebin.com/qtDwktHP
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>>1060651 >>1060670 Originally I targeted the Pi5 for our future games. And I'm developing on my Pi5 as I type this. Godot 4.x itself is pretty capable (they started making pre-built ARM builds a while back). It's still pretty annoying that we can't distribute the unofficial SDL build, but it seems there's some interest other devs targeting devices like these to write a properly FOSS/MIT/Whatever runtime port so 4.x games can be put on PortMaster. Developing for ARM devices are pretty cool too because they tend to be lower specs, and a lot of creativity and scope-control for old games came from clever use of constrained technology. A lot of game devices are ARM-based since it's cheaper and easier on batteries, so it's a pretty nice way to try making games that can be played on all sorts of weird devices.
>>1060639 A Link's Awakening DX port to the NES would be really cool.
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How's this for a placeholder rotating aim? Instead of rotating the entire player sprite its a child sprite in the shape of pointer arc

webm thread - member movies edition Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:22:06 Id: f10463 No. 1047545 [Reply] [Last]
They no longer make movies out of games, this time you get to play the movie! You can be sure the second I find a nigger there will be a video of him getting whipped. Last thread >>1018065
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>>1060560 >>1060564 idk where to post this but I've been spending the past few days trying to play through Blue Protocol JP before it EOSes, have some clips of me being a degen running around in undies with a stock Gaia Online avatar. This would have been destroyed by Bezos bozos had it made it to global. Do you guys want a thread where the board tries to raid the game before it ends in 3 days? I need to do more testing because I'm not sure if Scamco detected my account or not.
>>1061052 >Do you guys want a thread where the board tries to raid the game before it ends in 3 days? If you want to make a thread, make a thread. Not like you have much time. That said, since you asked, I personally will not be participating on account of not giving a shit.

New Announcements for Game Anime/Cartoons/Movies Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 13:32:21 Id: 60ce3e No. 1058418 [Reply] [Last]
Talk about new announcements for game anime/cartoons/movies. Horizon Zero Dawn and Helldivers 2 are getting film adaptations. Sony made the announcement during CES this morning. Sony also announced a Ghost of Tsushima anime adaptation for Crunchyroll during CES.
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>>1061031 >CDPR is insanely lucky. Nah. They knew that they fucked up, they admitted that they fucked up and they then made a massive effort to fix and overhaul the entire game from top to bottom even for people not interested in giving them more money after the initial launch and this paid massive dividends. Even without the anime becoming a massive hit, TPL and the 2.0 patch would have gotten them out of the hole they dug themselves.. Also idk if I just missed it or what but in TPL I wish I had been able to fugg the president.
>>1061031 Your desperation is showing, shill. CDPR is dead.

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Stream Thread 14: Album Cover Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 13:30:06 Id: ea8d63 No. 1033161 [Reply] [Last]
https://8chan.tv/ Post link to your streams here. Any subject: Games, movies, anime, art, programming, politics... whatever you like! >How do I stream? ∙ Register an account at https://8chan.tv/. ∙ Go to My Channels under your avatar icon, top right. ∙ Create a channel, click on it and then the ⚙ icon (channel settings) to find your stream key. ∙ Install OBS Studio https://obsproject.com/ and paste your stream key to Settings/Stream, set Service to Custom and Server to rtmp://8chan.tv/stream/. Some emails may not work when registering. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo (and maybe others) have issues with Cockmail and won't receive the verification email. If you insist in using these emails or have already registered using one, email sudsshit@proton.me for help with your account. Max supported bitrate is 3500 Kbps. Set Keyframe Interval to 1 for lowest stream delay. Ask here if you have further questions and also on >>>/site/1519 Last thread >>990608

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VNS stream tomorrow at 1 PM Pacific/4 PM Eastern

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Vehicle simbiosis games Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 14:57:54 Id: b0d4ab No. 1060279 [Reply]
I'm looking for games were you have a simbiotic relationship with a vehicle as a gaming mechanic. So not simply a lore point, both in-vehicle and the on-foot parts of the game are dictated and done by the player, not something like Front Mission Evolved where you getting out of the mecha was a cutscene and you had no agency over it nor driver 2 where getting out of the car had no use aside from some small easter eggs. I'm talking about games where both are seamless and done at the player discretion and both are interesting, expected and important to the gameplay. I know these 6 games and i love each one of them (okay, maybe not RESQ, but it still has it's place in my heart) and i also played most of the Blaster Master series too. Is there any other game like that? exploration heavy games would be even better. Things like Subnautica and Outer Wilds might apply, but they are very combat averse, so i dunno if they should.
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>>1060983 I remember playing this some years ago, and i'm almost positive it's not what i was talking about, still a good game tho. >>1060978 i never played space engineers because it looked way too autistic for me, but i guess the gameplay is kinda like No Man's Sky but you build your own ship with the interior and such instead of the normal vechicle style of just jumping into one and piloting immediately right? I might look into it, i downloaded SandLand, probably gonna install it tomorrow and see how it is. >>1061001 man, how i wish that Titanfall campaign played like FrontMission Gunhazard.

#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Shit's on fire yo Edition Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 22:16:41 Id: cddb17 No. 1059224 [Reply] [Last]
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Alyssa Mercante, Other Staff, No Longer Working At Kotaku https://archive.ph/nekgy >HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ZOEPOST THAT STARTED IT ALL!: You did it Gaymergays! https://archive.is/5h44h >Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will not award “Erotica” points for taking cleavage and crotch photos like original https://archive.ph/4sTGR >Game Informer is DEAD https://archive.ph/jWMly >Sweet Baby Inc designer attempts to censor Steam Curator List highlighting which games the company were hired for- has now surpassed 400,000 subscribers https://archive.is/6BHuP https://archive.is/OSsi2 >IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more https://archive.ph/HNnJS >Nintendo Of America Appears To Turn ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’s Character Into Transgender https://archive.ph/4oNPC https://archive.ph/7ASdr >Kotaku Writer Targets YouTuber’s Wife, Game Dev Calls for More

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>>1061075 Fuck off. The left will be eradicated and nobody will stop it. All truths exposed and all lies destroyed regardless of any consequences.
>>1061068 >which leftists lack due to the "no bad tactics, only bad targets" credo Don't you have the same credo by proposing >we don't play fair.
>>1061082 I'll admit that - I'm not so stubborn to deny it's been unfortunately rather effective, since it exploits shortcuts in normalfag pavlovian conditioning (look at how many coup d'états companies have). That being said, I understand entirely that >we don't have the jewish sugar daddies that the leftists do to get away with as much as they do, but this is different than telling people to go out and risk their IRL necks in some easily crushed display like the Canada Truckers. I'm just saying objecting to turning down an opportunity to drag the leftists into the mess they brought on others (MeToo) on moral grounds or pretending like it'll blow over on its own if you keep up the stiff upper lip is the exact mentality that keeps getting peoples' trust taken advantage of and their lives ruined upon outliving their usefulness.

Marvel Rivals Thread Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 00:57:11 Id: 4a6ea5 No. 1058215 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure if you fags saw the news, but apparently Overwatch has got its ass handed to it by the Chinese in the Hero Shooter department. If you have been living under a rock there's a new hero shooter ///game\\\ called Marvel Rivals that has been doing extremely well on Steam and the dev team even supports Linux/Steam Deck which is a huge shock considering how many devs don't bother supporting Linux on the anti-cheat side of things. It also has around 30 playable characters available for free and might be getting more modes such as a PvE mode in addition to the existing PvP modes. I played the game for a bit, while I had some fun with the game, It's not something I can really put hours into. More like a short burst here and there, although that might be because I'm getting old. That being said I like blasting people around with The Punisher even if his logo is wrong. Although to be fair to this game, mostly everyone on the roster got a massive redesign specifically for the game. Honestly, I just like having a game where I can fuck around for an hour or two without having to boot into my Windows drive. Have you guys played this game? If so what do you think about it.
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>>1059970 good stuff
>>1060929 So you’ve played both then?
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>>1060809 Kamala doesn't even make any sense as a character. She's not Kree or Kree adjacent. She's not related to Carol or a former side kick or anything. Her powers aren't even anything like Mar-Vell or Carol's are, she's basically Plastic Man/Mr Fantastic with a bit of Antman thrown in. Also this pic is now even more funny since the last election.

Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565 [Reply] [Last]
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. https://archive.is/7ksT7 Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
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>>1060940 Give her the Desert Eagle
>>1060940 With a bottle of 10mg melatonin pills. Her dreams would turn into Splatterhouse, which I am sure she would enjoy.
>>1061030 she would get angry at you because she can't sleep without her bunbun.

Worst video game titles Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 00:06:43 Id: 09dc29 No. 1056183 [Reply] [Last]
We often hear about the worst video games of all time, but what about the worst video game titles of all time? Starting off with two of the most obvious ones >Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days That's pronounced "three hundred fifty eight over two". Yes, they want you to pronounce it "over" but didn't bother writing it as an over. It only "works" in Japanese because furigana can tell you its pronounced that way, but its dumb even there. >Infinite Undiscovery Either an "undiscovery" is "lost", which would mean total amnesia (even walking, potentially even breathing), or an "undiscovery" is "not a discovery", which means the name is saying everything within is nothing new. (dis)honorable mention >Idea no Hi This one tries to make a English pun that does not actually work. The official name in "Day of the Idea" and 1: While "idea" in standard romanization, "イデア" isn't pronounced anything like the English "Idea" (as in thought) 2: "イデア" is a person, so the definite article here is just Engrish.
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>>1061056 Yeah but the titles are also more directly related to the actual content of the game, that being a co-op focused multiplayer game. Any kid would just figure the title is referring to that, because it is.
>>1056213 >a copyright complaint was filed by Monster Energy 1. They had no legal standing because that's not how that works. 2. Run by jews, which tells you why it happened.

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The Elder Scrolls thread Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 11:59:18 Id: a3df2a No. 884310 [Reply] [Last]
We have furries and they're all addicted to crack. Covering the basic news. >The Elder Scrolls VI is officially in early development, all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics. >Daggerfall Unity is leaving Beta and considering a full 1.0 release, the in-dev 0.16 release being the earliest candidate. This would mark the completion of its 9-year development and the first major TES engine port to be finished. The project will enter a stage of "post-release support" likely involving bug fixes and further modding improvements. >Skyblivion posted a new status report, showing major progress. There's too much to cover, I recommend watching their 2023 roadmap if interested https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8
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>>1061017 Sometimes, but everybody besides ESO fans ignore ESO. I think Bethesda will probably retcon everything except the Khajiit additions because A: most of it is uninteresting "generic MMO" lore, and B: Bethesda has a long history of discarding lore whenever they feel like it, especially from side games. It's been so long since a major TES release that most TES fans have never personally experienced a lore retcon, so they think the lore as it is, is invincible. It will amusing when TES6 releases and they learn that's not true.
>>1061024 what makes you posit that only the Khajiit ESO lore will survive retcons?
>>1061034 Mostly because it's the only addition that's interesting. A lot of ESO's lore is shit like "Woah there was actually ANOTHER race of elves!!", totally uninspired wonk.

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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607 [Reply] [Last]
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED https://8chan.moe/v/rules.html Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
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>>1061044 >At minimum they should be hidden boards. Fair enough. I forgot about the overboard because I never use it. But I suppose if you want that feature, then yes, hiding boards like that makes sense.
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Shut the fuck up LCP
>>1061036 >>1061044 The roadkill fuckers and bull preppers leak into /v/ like a runny asshole and ruin shit. They're mentally fucked and get off on ruining shit, animals or white women or /v/. Airtight quarantine bullshit's wrong and its advocates are subversive. They wouldn't move into Africa or a roadkill fucking commune, they want /v/ fucked.

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AI General ( Stable Diffusion / DALL-E / Chatbot / Voice Cloning ) Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:15:47 Id: 2fee5a No. 1060375 [Reply] [Last]
Smug Spoiler Edition [Copied from previous thread] ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya & help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND OR CREATE ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Resources: https://pastebin.com/fLMeAMb1 Previous Thread: https://archive.fo/ZMDOK Previous threads are moved to >>>/ais/ [500 posts or Page 13 before next thread]
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>>1060812 >At the moment, the only "remaining" issues is that my system is declaring that avutil-58.dll, avutil-57.dll, and avutil-56.dll are all missing. So it looks like Comfy uses FFmpeg for whatever reason and that's where I'm experiencing the error: https://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-Loading-avutil-58-dll-failed-and-used-for https://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-avutil-56-dll However I cannot figure out how to solve the damn issues as I cannot find where to download, let alone place/install, the libraries. I figured I would try updating K-Lite and see if that fixes something but no cigar. >>1060842 >And I want to see if I can install a version of Torch actually compatible with my GPU so that I can offload much of the process. After updating my GPU with the drivers released on the manufacturer's website, my GPU's driver version is now 473.04 with a CUDA 11.4.189. Managed to finally find a version of Torch with a working URL, but it's for CUDA 11.3. Currently downloading it to see if it will work with my system.
>>1061039 >Managed to finally find a version of Torch with a working URL, but it's for CUDA 11.3. Currently downloading it to see if it will work with my system. It doesn't! This is the versions I was downloading: >pip install torch=/=1.12.1+cu113 torchvision=/=0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113 And while it did finally allow me run the GPU BAT, the problem was that I couldn't render a single damn thing (From either BAT) as it kept popping up with the error: <CLIPTextEncode "round" "_vml_cpu" not implemented for 'Long' And from what I can tell, only one other person has EVER had this issue: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI/issues/5444 And I cannot find anyone who's actually solved a similar issue beyond just waiting for their software to update. But this does make me wonder if I can use any of the older versions of the UIs. Because Cuda 11.3 was "standard" back in 2022: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/75992
Win7 sperg PLEASE

Sonic the Hedgehog Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 09:45:27 Id: 824c4a No. 1027938 [Reply] [Last]
With Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out in less than a week, now is a good time for a new Sonic thread. Personally I'm quite excited for the game, and am surprised it hasn't already leaked since it usually leaks around this time. Although I'm kinda disappointed we haven't seen a proper Adventure remake yet, hopefully this game will be good and will lead to good things as time goes on. Oh, and hopefully we'll get a Shadow remake that's actually good this time. I doubt SEGA has the balls to make that kinda game in the modern age though. Are you looking forward to Shadow Generations? Do you think we'll get more Sonic stages as DLC? Or will the game just be average and a waste of money and the cycle will repeat itself all over again, even though Frontiers as a modded game is solid. Still, this is the thread to discuss anything and everything Sonic the Hedgehog! please don't porn dump, I'm looking at you Bui
Edited last time by Mark on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 15:04:18.
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>>1061022 Well, now I know. That kitsune has human-like eyes for some raisin.
Though is it Final Fantasy 14 or 16? Making extra sure, since I do not want to play an MMO.
>>1061028 14, it was a PvP reward until the last major patch when it became unobtainable.

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Emulation Megathread Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 03:14:06 Id: c5f4ff No. 1028520 [Reply] [Last]
What games are you emulating? What do you need help emulating? Post screenshots of games you are emulating. Discuss games you are emulating. Discuss hacks of games you are emulating. ROMs https://r-roms.github.io Emulators Nintendo Entertainment System https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen2 Super Nintendo Entertainment System https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen2 https://nightly.link/bsnes-emu/bsnes/workflows/build/master

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>>1060309 What about all the time you're not using the shader?
>>1060304 I had an OLED smartphone for 6 years that never got burn-in.
>>1060304 Modern OLED seem to be quite a bit better about that than the earliest ones, or so I've heard. I still can't afford anything like that nonsense on any of my devices, so I wouldn't know. I do know that I never bought plasma displays because of burn-in and just waited with my CRTs until LCD became cheap enough instead.

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VIDYA NECROMANCY Anonymous 01/13/2025 (Mon) 01:54:46 Id: 08f189 No. 1060457 [Reply]
Not games where you play as a necromancer, but reviving dead or dying studios. Which studio would you restore to life to get their potential unlocked? For me it would have to be Black Isle. This would give us proper sequels to Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 2, and Dark Alliance 2, as well as everything they could have done with the Aurora engine after that.
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> Silicon & Synapse, Inc. Before they became Blizzard, they a few good games. And more importantly, they made new games instead of just new iterations of the same game.
>>1060524 I feel ya brattan. I want Troika back so bad. > "let them make Fallout 3 instead of Bethesda." 100% more fun and creativity. !00% more bugs. Worth it!
>>1060457 >sequels to Baldur's Gate 2 Does Throne of Bhaal not count? Cespinar is good butler. Oh yes!

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