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Meta Anonymous Board owner 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:18:10 No. 14 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /zoo/ You're encouraged to engage in zoophilia safely and tell everyone about it, and post all the video, photos, and art of it you find on the internet. To become a boardvol, just participate in discussion about zoophilia and maybe post some content! Then state your account name in this thread. Banners are minimum 300x100, maximum 500x150. Please include /zoo/ on it. Cloaca is already a vol. I didn't ask, I just did it.
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>>13760 Do you have a link, or should it not be posted here? And do you know any good sites for scat, since zoovilleforums disallows it?

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Request thread Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 03:28:02 No. 3449 [Reply] [Last]
You ever misplace a herd of sheep? Can't find that horse? Well let anons know what you are looking for and maybe someone has seen it. Or knows where to find it. Try your luck today cowboy, and post a description of the video/picture you can no longer find. Or maybe never had to begin with.
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>>13739 >>13712 just found out its a forum, im going to need help navigating this too find what I want
Possible longshot but does anyone have links to decent 3d models/scans of dog or horse genitals, or vids that give a decent tour of the whole thing? I'm trying to get solid art references and I'm at a loss. I can find supbar medical diagrams, I can find videos of people handling cadaver cocks, I can find fuckloads of 2d tutorials, but I don't have any solid 3d refs the same way I have for human anatomy.

Best Dogs Blowjobs! Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 02:36:39 No. 1072 [Reply] [Last]
Let's share best videos about awesome zoo Blowjobs! (images can be too..)
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>>13764 here you go
>>13769 Fuck I discovered a new kink. (also near the start when the dog holds it there in its paws eagerly licking... jesus christ)

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Necro DD 05/07/2024 (Tue) 01:07:59 No. 13202 [Reply] [Last]
After some meta thread debate, necro will be in this separate thread with these rules: 1. NO ABUSE 2. SPOILER YOUR SHIT 3. NO EXCESSIVE BLOOD 4. NO ILLEGAL SHIT 5. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR UPLOAD IS APPRECIATED I am necro thread janny, I'll be on when I can to make this thread as clean as it can. TO ALL THE HATERS: Scat is plant necro, let us have our little thread too in peace. Much love to you all - DeadDog
Edited last time by DDBoy23 on 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:04:24.
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>>13770 Please share the roo video
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These one's are a classic, not sure if alive or not.
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Also this badger

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How to download ZooX18 videos and see private videos Anonymous 11/08/2021 (Mon) 00:19:20 No. 1127 [Reply] [Last]
I have a several videos in my mind that I would like to download....but it's practically impossible to get these videos. Someone knowns how to download them? please share something to do that, and if you know how to watch private videos without sending a friend request, please share how! ZOOX18 IS FINE NOW MAYBE?
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/26/2024 (Fri) 20:37:55.
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>>13729 yeah they're gone. just remember - everything on this earth is only temporary, and so are you. do something better with your life before it's too late to do it.
>>13586 Adding to my above post about _HD.mp4 files, there are also new urls generated as _720p.mp4 as a secondary option where ad works as well, so the _sd.mp4 should be set as a final option on your array loop.
>>13761 Again, why tf would they just delete so many videos for no reason?

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Men n dogs 07/19/2021 (Mon) 16:07:34 No. 457 [Reply] [Last]
We've got women getting fucked by dogs, how about men fucking dogs?
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>>13548 >>13548 >border collies are super underrated A friend of a friend who's a dog trainer was telling m the other day to get myself one, since I have a pretty big apartment now, and plenty of free time to go on walks and shit since I work from home. I'm definitely thinking about it.
>>13756 a Border Collie's gonna need more than just some walks unless you want to go insane might I recommend a Newfoundland dog or Saint Bernard?
>>13763 Big and lazy? That might be ideal to me. I think the dude was thinking that a dog that needs activity might force me to move around a little, since I'm sedentary as fuck, generally. Truth is, if I were to get a dog now I'd most likely adopt one (as risky as that is), so my choices would be restricted to what's available. Too many poor dogs out there that could use a good home.

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Sexsunitis content Sexsunitis thread 05/18/2024 (Sat) 16:35:12 No. 13779 [Reply]
Does anyone here remember this guy. He made a whole bunch of videos with dogs and cows involving scat. Thought I'd make a thread dedicated to him
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Urethral Penetration of all type. Human in animals. Animals in humans. Sounding rods... Whatever you like! Urethral Penetration (Any Way) 05/11/2024 (Sat) 07:53:19 No. 13477 [Reply]
I will kick this off with a video I found of what was said to be impossible... A small dog dick in a guy's urethra. And another found on Zoox. Enjoy and please do share!
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>>13703 If true man, please for the love of god get some pics or videos!!
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>>13627 sure thing
>>13771 Thanks, shame you can't see more though from the vid.

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Scat Anonymous 07/12/2021 (Mon) 17:24:41 No. 272 [Reply] [Last]
Alright, lads. Post some shit But also spoiler that shit bro. There was a vote, and it was unanimous
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/07/2022 (Thu) 19:20:56.
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>>13133 >zooville doesn't allow scat content So fucking cringe and gay. Most people there fuck their dogs. Scat is one of the most benign zoophilia fetishes, and it's something even normie owners have to deal with on a regular basis.
>>13116 There's a lot of scat content on YouTube. I wonder what you mean by good scat content. Like humans interacting with it, or is YouTube also cracking down on animals being animals and taking a dump without human involvement if the goyim determine it's a problematic angle?
>>13721 I mean, it kinda could be. Animals have a very strong sense of smell, and with cats especially, they likely wouldn't appreciate getting wet. Maybe if it was done right before a cleaning, but even that's a bit dubious. Not sure how to feel there, but at the same time, peeing on animal is technically not illegal under bestiality laws AFAIK. Which is weird because I think it would possibly be more cruel than humping their back with your cock, but THAT'S illegal.

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Anti-contact zoophilia thread Animal Enthusiast 05/15/2024 (Wed) 06:15:05 No. 13662 [Reply]
Discuss anti-contact and pro-recovery angles of zoophilia, and post some ethically-sourced zoophilic content if u want. What's considered ethical? No contact made with humans or sexual grooming by humans for the animals to behave a certain way, basically. If a dog gets a boner just being a normal dog and humping a pillow, that's ethical. If a dog gets a boner because a human stimulated their cock or they were trained to be hypersexual from previous human contact, that's unethical. If a dog fucks another dog, that's ethical. If a human fucks a dog, that's unethical. If a dog is shitting without special human provocation, that's ethical. If a dog is fed a laxative or forced to poop in a specific position or something, it's (probably) unethical. There are some gray areas (like eating dog poop or jerking off to ethical zoophilia), but if a human isn't making contact or altering an animal's behavior through sexual actions, it probably doesn't traumatize the animal. And honestly, we need to humanize animals less. They don't have the capacity to feel sexually assaulted for having their penis posted online involuntarily. It's just a record of something that could happen in public, and animals don't have the same right to privacy as humans. Saying you can't masturbate to ethical zoophilia porn is like you can't masturbate to the thought of animals. It would only make sense if they said not to masturbate in the presence of animals, as ChatGPT says that can trigger olfactory and trust issues, but it wasn't specific, so it's more of a gray area (leaning more towards wrong than, say, eating dog poop due to it being closer to direct contact) than a hard wrong. Dogs may or may not recognize being jerked off in front of as an offensive gesture. I want to talk anti-contact/pro-recovery zoophilia and anti-bestiality here instead due to more free speech and fewer Tumblr SJWs who get offended by Johnny Rebel shitposts.
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>>13747 >per se Sorry. Don't mean to be the Latin nazi but if you're going to use a Latin phrase, you have to spell it correctly to pull it off. The laws are complete stupidity, that has nothing to do with empathy. They're all based on antique religious doctrine, which is in and of itself a complete farce, and utterly fictional. Two millennia ago there was a decent reason to outlaw sheep and goat fucking, the nascent religions, and indeed our species was at significant risk for an extinction event. Now at 7.1 B and counting we are our own worst enemies, and the sheep fucking needs to resume at a 100% level. We are killing out planet. Amazes me that people still believe the brainwash they're fed since birth. Religion needs new y0ung minds that are malleable and lack critical thinking skills in order to corrupt them for life. Some are too clever and actually read the bible or the qur'an, or whatever fairy tale is being peddled, and think- "Wait, this is horseshit!" And thus we escape- and Leviticus can kiss my rosy red ass as I fuck whatever I please. As for content, I see plenty that is dubious, absolutely agree. But there is fuck-all I can do about it. Some people will abuse, and some others will like the material. And so on. Me sitting here banging on my keyboard isn't going to stop them from doing what they're doing any more than you will stop me from doing what I am doing. Tilting at windmills gets nobody anywhere. If you've perused this board, you may think I'm total scum, and that's fine with me. I'm not here, or anywhere, to argue with anyone's opinion. You do you, I'll do me. I agree to disagree. But I will say this, if you go into a biker bar and scream "Harleys SUCK!" I think you had better be prepared to endure a bout of spirited feedback. Including some that might rearrange your features. Be aware, people will react, and most times not politely. I say you do what pleases you. If you're a zoophile in the purest sense of the word, fine. Go love all the animals you want. Scratch them behind the ears, that's usually a good bet. But you have to accept that others, particularly in here, aren't going to agree 100% with your position. Adult animals aren't sexless, they have urges and nerve endings that make them feel funny too. And they like sex quite a lot. It's not about "hypersexualizing" them. A sexual urge is natural for all animals. The only difference is once they have knowledge that *this particular person* can scratch that itch that nobody else can, they will do their damndest to see how they can get you to do it again. And again, and again. In heat/estrus, or not. Spayed or not. Gelded/neutered or not. They all can experience pleasure, and can and will ask for a repeat performance. All I was doing was mucking out a stall, and out of the blue I'm being bulldozed by the sizable ass end of a tail-up, winking mare. Why? Because she wanted me to brush her? Nonsense. Because she wanted an orgasm and thought I might give her one again. They're not stupid, they connect the dots if one allows them to. And believe me, they never forget who allowed them to cum. I could go on with the anecdotes but will spare you. Do as you please, but also please respect other's rights to do as they will, and throw your hands up on the shit you will never be able to change, even as much as you'd like to.
>>13753 >>13752 in like a month my dogs gonna go into her 3rd heat and I'm gonna fuck her what're you gonna do?
>>13766 I can't really change that, but I can lay out the current research (as well as my speculation based off of different information I've heard [not just from 13 year olds on Twitter]) so that you can make an informed choice, or at least be self-aware that you may or may not have ASPD or other low-empathy disorder (diagnosis needed) and don't have a real justification for your behavior (or strong counterargument against anti-bestiality activism). >>13765 >religious doctrine That's a part of it for sure. I've questioned where comes social taboos and moral outrage versus hard logic and scientific evidence. >sheep fucking needs to resume Only a small and socially/economically insignificant portion of the population are zoophiles (unless you can prove otherwise). >writing words on a keyboard does nothing It's a step that may change some dogfuckers. It won't be super effective, like I'm not MLK Jr. levels of influential here, but I'm doing something on a small scale, or at least giving zoophiles brain food so that they can better justify or argue in favor of bestiality. >you may think I'm total scum I don't care about bestiality that much, as I lack the full knowledge of the situation, and am merely playing it safe myself. But I met a pro-contact zoophile who is a total sweetheart, as mentioned earlier, more than any (or at least most any) anti-contact zoophile I met. I wouldn't be so quick to give the same privilege to ex (or contemplating) posting on /leftypol/ offenders, but animals aren't on the same level as kids, and we know a lot less about them in that regard. >animals aren't sexless True. Mainstream media forgets that, and if you're not a zoophile, you better be prepared to look at bulging cat vaginas if you own a cat. The question lies in whether or not you should spay and neuter your pets and whether or not it's YOUR duty to satisfy them, as opposed to another member of their species. All-in-all, think what you will. With barn animals especially, the only difference in sex is whether you make meat (that most people don't need to survive and is excessively-consumed) or make love (which is viewed as less worthy for some reason [likely religion]).

AI generated porn Animal Enthusiast 08/26/2022 (Fri) 02:09:02 No. 4772 [Reply] [Last]
has anybody else tried out stable diffusion now that it's open and can be run locally? i managed to generate this pic. it looks off sure but it's surprisingly still good for how there must be nothing for the ai to go off of for this shit. there's potential!!
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>>13709 https://rentry.org/trashcollects ctrl+f for "anatomically correct canine pussy" it should work with EasyFluff and other Fluffyrock based finetunes
>>12197 thanks my beautiful babe. *smooch*
>>13759 show some results plz

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/Horse General/ Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 05:24:35 No. 18 [Reply] [Last]
There is always one and I was just here so here it is and there you go. All horses welcome.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/09/2021 (Fri) 20:56:52.
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>>13720 >>13718 if they're too lazy or stupid to fix the tags I might write a script to fix it myself probably the same way the tags were vandalized
>>7199 Song/artist name?
>>13476 That hole was made to accommodate human penis. >>13731 Certain admins Phillee there are not very bright.

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Caught thread Animal Enthusiast 05/17/2024 (Fri) 22:47:14 No. 13754 [Reply]
Post similar vids or stories of getting/almost getting caught or in some way interrupted while in the zoo situation. Vid related, found this gem in one of the groups
Granny's friend came to visit once to her house... She had this huge German shepherd bitch that was in heat, just imagine how's it like to have a FAT canine pussy settle atop of your crotch as she sits on your lap and grinds it on your crotch while shifting around in the couch. Dick was diamonds, embarrassment came when the bitch got up and I had an elephant bulge on my crotch, stayed silent and simply shifted my pants to hide the bulge... Fucking bitches I swear, she 100% knew what she was doing
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Telegram groups about zoo Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 03:37:22 No. 968 [Reply] [Last]
How about we make a group about Bestiality? everyone can talk and share anything about zoo...and if someone have anything good or rare can share to a lot of people. I think it's is a good idea!
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Feel free to add me, 050e938179ba28651700769b25394ebaf9a94871d5d09da08f17889db938b45f54
a group would be nice. 0510326a137e32a922580fcfaa05f5631722b2c0f785fdddff0d43cc076eaeb93a
any groups please :) 051f31abcebb754f5e31acae1c1793ec3491c67aba0e960159f1682a9298205479

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Rodents? Animal Enthusiast 04/17/2023 (Mon) 23:20:54 No. 6737 [Reply]
What do y’all think about fooling around with rodents and other small mammals?
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>>6737 I wonder is anyone has ever fucked a capybara
>>13675 I think in some places in South America, pretty much any female that stands still has a mancock put into her, so it's a pretty good bet overall. There's probably some potatocam video too, but I've never run across it. I think they're adorable. I've spent time at zoos watching them, they'd probably make a nice pet but you'd have to construct a lagoon in your yard, being semi-aquatic; as well as probably having a slew of permits and licenses. As for size, well, the best one can find is some research dissections and such, clear photos of a female's external genitals don't seem to exist. There's probably little to look at anyway, likely just a simple functional slit. Rodents tend to be pretty small diameter-wise, some photos and even videos of males getting frisky with people can be found; they're really long and pretty thin, probably no bigger than your thumb, so it's probably possible if the female was 100% willing, which is not a big ask if they act like other rodents when in heat and stimulated.
>>13677 Makes me wonder about wolverines...

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Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 17:03:16 No. 1764 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone got some birds?
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The seagull is pretty chill and clearly not dead. Would love to see the rest of it's body and see how it's willingly doing this.
>>13222 It's more likely just dead inside
There is a guy on ZV claiming his heron bird use to give him deepthroats as it was conditioned to do so. Not sharing pictures or videos tho.

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