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Vampire: the Masquerade Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 23:02:08 Id: fc700f No. 239
A quest thread for vamp da maskyfing. This is a world of darkness. It’s a world much like our own. It has the same streets and the same television programs. But in this world, the creepy house down the street really is haunted. The mysterious murders that look like an animal attack were actually done by werewolves. And there are vampires. You have been chosen to become one of the undead, to join one of their “clans” as a newly created (or Embraced) vampire. One clan is the Gangrel, bestial vampires that can turn into beasts. Another is the Malkavians, seers and madmen all. And there are the Toreador, artists and dilettantes who value their ties to humanity. Which kind of vampire will you be? >Choices <Gangrel <Malkavian <Toreador

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