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Offical /co/ Homecoming Thread Frank Board owner 04/26/2020 (Sun) 01:57:49 No. 18 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome Aboard If you're reading this now you've just survived the latest exodus in 8chan's ridiculous history. I'll be your Board Owner, if you haven't been following along I recently took over /co/ since the great Cripplegeddon. When 8ch came back as 8kun the previous guys were nowhere to be found so I took it upon myself to answer the call and moderate. Before moving here, I spent the time cleaning up /co/ and taking suggestions over how the board was run. If you're somehow someone that didn't know 8chan returned temporarily as a boomer zombie and only just came back; Believe me these people exist and I don't blame them then you haven't missed much other than the BO change. For more in depth details I recommend reading the archived meta threads below or any of the archived threads in the provided pastebin. But I'd be more than happy to answer whatever questions you have. >So what's the gameplan? Currently I plan on moving over some storytimes from 8kun to here, to help fill up the board and to avoid losing any of them if the pig farmer decides to pull the plug. Beyond that I'm still thinking of ways of how to grow /co/. If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to say them. >Why here and not one of the webring boards? Name recognition and user overlap. Lets be honest the comics industry is dead and western animation isn't any better, so a lot of interest has been lost. Boards like /v/, /delicious/, /tg/ and /m/ are the only Anons with any remote interest in anything /co/ related and most of the bunkers they're staying at are either dead, have little user overlap, are unwilling to host /co/ or just filled to the brim with autism. Fatchan looked nice but the software was too new/buggy, too few people and I rather gamble my chance on 8chan's name bringing people back than some bunker that has no real pull. >What of 8kun? I'll still "maintain" it just to make sure people find their way here. But once the administration finds out I'm sure to lose the board.

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Edited last time by Frank on 02/26/2021 (Fri) 05:01:13.
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>>44187 >Used Jon Aburckle as reference for their faces Real fucking sexist.

/co/ Pain Thread 9: Propaganda, Leaks, & an uncertain future for DC. Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 05:24:53 No. 42136 [Reply] [Last]
It's that time again for a new thread! Let's see what we got. Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur is only now catching people's attention, at the end of the cartoon's life, because of a withdrawn episode dealing with... transphobia. DEFINITELY NOT PULLED FROM AIRING BECAUSE OF TRUMP WINNING. Remember when capeshit cartoons were about superheroes instead of gender identity politics? Is Devil Dinosaur even IN this episode?! This is Jack Kirby's legacy, folks. Recently, Hazbin Hotel had a bunch of leaks with an entire episode, reference sheets, & songs all now out in the open. Said leaker shot himself in the foot trying to make people pay for more though. Which only pissed off the people interested & put a target on his back. Then in a positive note for once, The Penguin finished. It's actually a pretty good show BUT not without the typical flaws of these capeshit shows afraid of actually being comic booky. Oswald is nicknamed 'Oz' & he never dons a top hat, has a weaponized umbrella, nor wears a monocle. Other disappointments are Sofia Falcone & Magpie's looks just being completely different indistinct ladies. Sofia is easily the weakest part of the show. Especially when they try to write girl power moments for her. BUT if you enjoyed The Batman movie & or The Sopranos then you should enjoy The Penguin. But on that positive note, we have two uncertain features of James Gunns DCU. Creature Commandos & James Gunn's Superman. One a typical hyper violent totally NOT Suicide Squad derivative featuring vaguely recognizable comic characters.... & Weasel. Possibly taking a generic jab at MAGA voters with these red hat gun toting men getting torn apart. Totally won't instantly age like organic fruit the minute it drops if it's really a political commentary. Then of course Superman... well who knows what to really expect from Superman. It seems like it's going to be more heartfelt BUT also very bloated in a rush to build a universe. With bizarre decisions regarding characters working for Max Lord as corporate heroes & possibly a Bizarro named Ultraman dressed like Doomsday. We'll see more once that supposed finished trailer drops.
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>>44162 >everyone shits on warner for making IP wank crossovers >when jellystone does it, it's okay because muh Greenblatt Jellystone a shit and the special looked like an old CN flash game. Shamefru dispray.
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>>44157 >This whole show got canned because of Niggertonium wanting to rape the short tempered negress I guess the bigoted viewers weren't ready for such stunning and brave incest scenes, like in the movie Precious. >>44346 Same thing with Plastic Man? >>44347 Besides Greenblatt can't carry the whole thing on his own, Spongebob and Billy and Mandy worked because of the other funny guys while Greenblatt was just the icing. The only times this mediocre-fest of Jellystone got into the headlines was because of the crossovers, first one having the now late Space Ghost's 2nd voice actor.
>>44352 Plastic Man wasn't created by DC. They bought the whole company decades later. They also got The Freedom Fighters, but for some reason mostly kept Plastic Man separate from them.

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Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 16:41:09 No. 38663 [Reply] >>44339
lol comics
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>>44339 >Third vid <Melt the statue down and distribute the coins A few questions. First, who will the poor then immediately be giving those coins to? Second, what happens when those coins run out? Third, why are the people "poor" in the first place?
Despite Disenchanted aimed at tumblrinas who can't enough out of the Simpsons, the show never caught up with social media, they all still regurgitate the same Simpsons edits while Matt Groening's other creations are just there collecting dust.

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American Dad returning to Fox Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 20:08:19 No. 44283 [Reply] >>44350
https://archive.fo/n5ehz >American Dad! is coming home. According to sources, the comedy, created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman, would air on Fox starting with its upcoming 20th season, marking the second MacFarlane animated series to return to the network following a break after Family Guy did it two decades ago. >The move of American Dad!, which has been airing on TBS since 2014, had been in the works for months, allowing the 20th Television Animation-made series to remain in production, I hear. Like on TBS, where American Dad! is coming off a string of two-year renewals, the pickup by Fox now being finalized is expected to be for multiple seasons. >American Dad!‘s migration to Fox was fueled by the $1.5B deal extension Fox Entertainment and Hulu closed in November that keeps the broadcast network’s shows on the Disney streaming platform in-season. As Deadline reported at the time, the new pact means that Fox’s long-running animated series The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bob’s Burgers all produced by Hulu sibling 20th TV Animation likely will remain on the network. The trio would now be joined by American Dad! >American Dad!’s TBS run will come to an end with the upcoming Season 19 finale on March 24. The network and Warner Bros. Discovery sibling Adult Swim will continue to carry the series’ past episodes through 2030 as the exclusive linear home of the American Dad! library which currently is also available on WBD’s TruTV >The upcoming American Dad! finale officially closes a chapter for TBS as it is the network’s last remaining scripted original. The process kicked off after the Warner Bros.-Discovery merger which was completed a couple of months after American Dad!’s most recent two-season renewal.
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>>44323 there have been plenty of examples proving how correct you are. remember how excited everyone was for those AI Family Guy streams during the pandemic?
>>44283 American Dad is the best of MacFarlane's modern catalog, but that isn't a high bar to clear. Recent episodes have been especially bad. The latest episode had clearly cut portions where they would have referred to a Kamala lookalike as the president, and Steve pulls out his phone to show a years old Fortnite video. References to incels and 4um have found their way into the writers rooms of Family Guy and American Dad. The animation has seen a downgrade too. There's an obvious influence in character design from Big Mouth. The only interesting thing to come out of the show recently was a backdoor pilot for a Roger-centric spin-off about his time before the Smiths, and that was seasons ago. Given how the previous backdoor pilot was for a space-centric series and likely led to the Orville being made, I think a new MacFarlane cartoon may be on the horizon. Fox is hosting American Dad as a consolidation deal between WBD and Disney as WBD reorganizes itself to pull out of scripted television, if not television entirely, and expand its streaming business to compete with Disney+. I expect TBS to be shuttered soon enough. Without American Dad, its lineup is all old syndicated sitcoms and rare sports games. It's like an oldies channel for the 90s and 00s. The late-20s and early-30s may be the literal end of television as opposed to the virtual end of television that came a few years ago. >>44323 AI cartoon streams are part of what prompted the recent strikes. These shows are basically ghost work for writers and voice actors. By appearing in them, they can get guild credits. It's part of the bloat of Hollywood and copyright. If the average person can use a computer to generate their own episodes of these shows, these people will have to compete on the market again. That would probably be a good thing for MacFarlane, since his best writing, themes aside, has gone into Ted, and I suspect that Ted is what a Chris-centric Family Guy would be like. As he said at Family Guy's peak popularity, one of the best things about Family Guy was how it being pulled from the air so often meant a regular refresh of writers.
>>44348 There's a reason why the Seinfeld one got remembered over the other Ai slop streams. >>44350 Does that also mean that being an entertainer isn't that hard? Considering getting a degree in arts and crafts is the worst mistake you could think of.

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Looney Tunes: The Day Earth Blew Up Anonymous 03/14/2025 (Fri) 15:45:56 No. 44214 [Reply]
It's finally out, one of the first 2D animated movies in theatres in years. However it will probably flop due to Warner Bros acting like it doesn't exist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtHUWHXfDyU
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>>44314 Just from the trailers alone I could tell that would be the case. Pete Browngardt's stink is all over this film, and that was enough to turn me off. Everyone talka him up as the second coming of Bob Clampett but all his looney tunes work feels like a tryhard attempt at being Clampett with a huge dose of Spumco styled gross out humor added to the mix. I cant stand any of it.
>>44271 >implying it isnt true because its reposted often
>>44282 >popular in analytics that flop all the time Can't wait to see if the Minecrap movie shits the bed or becomes a box office hit because autists are something to be banked on. >>44344 >Pete Browngardt How the hell did he keep his job if his shtick is just regurgitating shit from Ren and Stimpy? Even Carbunkle Productions' scrapped pitch pilot of the Looney Tunes wasn't a piss poor attempt to reminisce their days during the 90s.

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Webm Thread Anonymous 05/26/2020 (Tue) 21:11:30 No. 1462 [Reply] [Last]
To celebrate the new 24mb limit, let's post some webms. The more the better.
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Matt's Monsters discussion thread MansonDavenport 02/24/2025 (Mon) 22:27:56 No. 43916 [Reply] >>44337
The French cartoon show Matt's Monsters Engilsh Dub On Kidoodle.TV in Winter 2023, Matt's Monsters has Been Removed on Kidoodle. Anyone have Downloading Engilsh Dub of Matt's Monsters in Mega or Torrents Link?
>>43916 Hey, do you think Manson would beat a monster in a fight? At least there isn’t any fernando’s in this drawthread in /co/!

Drawthread: New Beginnings Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 02:47:59 No. 23 [Reply] [Last]
Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ If you want something else to be added, post it in the thread Books and Tutorials Sometimes they get nuked but "we" try to keep them updated. https://zerobin.net/?c77aff93ea8cd611#dv10wGQfDTvmpECggSodqxgnQ2RqvcdS2oPi9eWndYs= PW hint: You always have to read more of it Helpful Resources 'Learn fundamentals with excercises' : drawabox.com '8Chan Art Wiki': infiniteart.wikia.com/wiki/InfiniteArt_Wiki 'Online poses with timer': quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed 'HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide': hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn 'Drawfag resources': mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources Helpful Video Resources, mostly YouTube 'ProkoTV': Good for basic anatomy needs

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>>25 Since im new to /co/ I’ll be Requesting Virginia (LyV) cosplaying as Zola from blue dragon

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Les Sisters discussion thread Anonymous 01/05/2025 (Sun) 05:07:37 No. 42967 [Reply] [Last]
The French cartoon show Les Sisters renewed to Season 3 last November 2024. People are less interesting in the show so, we'll do that anyway. New episodes aired weekly on Sunday mornings in France.
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>>44173 I am currently working on it, due to our storage limitation constraints. Give us a few weeks to prep, once needing to clear the archive upload of approval. I have safely stored which currently, I'm on vacay right now until Monday for personal reasons. Hope to understand well.
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>>44164 So as promised... Here is the last new episode for this season today. Thank you Crampon! x At Home with the Romance (FINALE) aHR0cHM6Ly9zZW5kZ2IuY29tL09jRm9hczVQdlkz NOTE: I simply reconstructed it before finalizing the episode between Gulli and RTBF, which due to mixed up aircheck. Season 3 Episodes of Les Sisters (to be gradually updated and slow server upload from Internet Archive): https://archive.org/details/les-sister-s3-fr What a great season everyone. Enjoy while it lasts...
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Avatar Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 21:41:01 No. 31664 [Reply] [Last]
Do you think they'll give us a spin off that doesn't suck? Next avatar is Earth so it should be good.
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>>42539 >About a century A century from when?
<<43773 >released 21.02.2025 >56 views >has nothing to do with the subject at hand I will report it for being a bot. And no, I did not give it a view.

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New Season of Totally Spies Anonymous 01/12/2022 (Wed) 08:46:53 No. 22041 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.ph/gaF0o Show was fun (despite having basicly no pantsu for all the fetish material it had), but I have no hope for this. I'm fine with shows getting a finale later to finish off all the orphened plotlines (Hey Arnold), but Totally Spies had virtually no running plot except maybe their relationship with Mandy (which underwent minor changes at various points) and lasted 6 seasons (so hardly cut short).
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>>44185 New episode this week for Totally Spies. Also, clocks changed for Spring time due to Daylight Savings in America. aHR0cHM6Ly9zZW5kZ2IuY29tL0R2QzU0bmhKQTc5
>>44227 Only two latest new episodes left (to give way for Iyanu), except if Alex requesting Afrojack's lasers, ended up being murd3r3d for Mandy. Here is the new episode. Referred Music: https://youtu.be/YPVOOEra-ys
NEW EP: aHR0cHM6Ly9zZW5kZ2IuY29tL0p3cFJ0Uzh5c1dj Image to follow, due to technical issue.
>>44307 Can't upload thumbnails. Here it is instead: https://files.catbox.moe/etgtnv.png

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General Toku/Kaiju thread Anonymous 05/26/2020 (Tue) 20:16:26 No. 1456 [Reply] [Last]
Is the MCU considered a Tokusatsu? Other shows/toons and comics that could be considered Toku? What happened to the Power Rangers BOOM! comic? I was posting the PR comic general a couple years back but since Kyle Higgins got replaced as a writer around the Shattered Grid event which seemed hurried as hell I lost interest and the previews just smelled like shark jumping, also the Go Go series, which started pretty weak but it git gud later only to be dragged into the Shattered Grid mess.
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>>44274 It is. Because the cast doesn't look anything like how Riordan described the characters.
>>44296 Man, Percy Jackson is cursed, between this and the movie so bad Riordan told people to not watch it. But the same thing could be said of all the YA books that got picked up in the "We want our own Harry Potter" wave. Just look at Eregon, they took something as simple as Fantasy Star Wars with dragons and still fucked it up.
>>44301 What's worse is Riordan approved it after getting a hefty check from Disney. They blacked the Spiderwick Chronicles adaptation on Disney+ too but it was completely buried in comparison.

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David Steven Cohen RIP Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 18:30:29 No. 44254 [Reply] >>44256
>Head writer of Courage passes
>>44254 Oh. That actually makes me a little sad.
>Thought it was Dilworth Steve was one if the head writers, though he did write the biggest chunk of the show, some of the best episodes come from him. RIP
Aw man...

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/co/ waifu thread "if /v/ can have it then why not /co/" edition Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 10:46:16 No. 41125 [Reply] [Last]
Post about your /co/ related waifus. Or just girls you like. I don't know and don't care
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Sucks to waifufag for a character who's show was killed before its time because it's creator was a creep
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>>44245 Oh yeah the creator was a pedo? I think? Am I right?
>>44255 Yes, she's the typical tumblrina dyke who lusts over children when she's not regurgitating faggotry, besides her cartoon had dogshit artstyle and played it safe just to appease her audience of overgrown adults.

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Webcomics Thread. Anonymous 01/03/2021 (Sun) 15:07:04 No. 8642 [Reply] [Last]
Any interesting webcomics you've been reading lately? Post them here.
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They're not long-running because they're complete, which is rare for webcomics, but here are two mildly interesting specimens to scrutinise: Serenity Rose by Aaron Alexovich, who is probably well known in /co/ for working on Invader Zim (or so his website says, I don't know anything about it). I picked up the archived comic some years ago, presumably because of the description implying a shortstack goth MC. It has remained, half-read, in my collection of links ever since. So maybe not that good? Last Blood by Bobby & Chris Crosby, who may or may not have some mild notoriety for being absolute hacks, serial idea guys and pathetic clout chasers, or something. It's been twelve years since the last update on the comic's site and all it was was cope about how the thing would soon be adapted into an epic movie. The comic itself is a fairly by-the-numbers vampires and zombie survival setup, complete with dastardly nazi zombie vampire supervillain evil scientists and so on. Engaging enough to kill time with. Zombies reminds me of one currently (glacially) updating and one abandoned undead nightmare; Dead Winter and The Zombie Hunters, both by female artists and started in the mid 00s. Was that when The Walking Dead got popular or something? Dead Winter got infected with lesbianitis and updates so slowly that although it's been running since 2007 it has less than 700 comic pages and pretty much no overarching plot. Nonetheless, a fun one to go through. The Zombie Hunters ran from 2006 to early 2018 and is similar to Dead Winter in that it's a mix of comedy and zombie survival. Despite a similarly sluggardly output to DW, the plot manages to go much further, but the whole comic was abruptly dropped when the highly-strung, presumably drugged up on anxiety medication white woman author had a mental breakdown over losing her pet bird (why did you take it outside then retard? Or out of it's cage if you had windows open?). Existing mental illness also ensured she caught the libtard disease and can currently be found on bluesky with pronouns and dyed hair. It was pretty good and did some zombie tropes well. Worth a read before the website dies completely- already a lot of the extra content is disappearing due to lack of maintenance. >>43958 I finished catching up after writing that post and it definitely still takes itself too seriously, the latest multi-year arc is doing the same thing as previous, all over-explained magical bullshit wordy lore (the main difference is now there are magic space whales and ascended ancients like from stargate but cringier, or something) culminating in "here's another character with a convoluted backstory who is basically the same as every other character and will just talk about feelings and relationships while doing magic sex changes" etcetera One doesn't really expect anything different of course but it's definitely not a series I'm invested in enough to check up on more than once every three years or so
Anons how do i get into creating comics and shit? My drawing is alright but i can improve, either way i'm more interested in the scriptwriting part of it and find an illustrator i can exploit
>>44215 > i'm more interested in the scriptwriting part of it How to do scriptwriting: 1. write a script Seriously. Write out a plan for your story, then divide it up into comics, then divide the comics up into panels. If a strip has too little content to carry it, merge it with a neighbor (even if you have to drop some content) or add a scenery panel to fill it out.

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Kiff Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 03:44:45 No. 34685 [Reply] [Last]
It just came out and it honestly needs TONS of love and support ASAP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiff_(TV_series) https://disneynow.com/shows/kiff https://t.me/s/kiffbarry https://kimcartoon.li/Cartoon/Kiff If we could all work together by making "Kiff" go uphill (in other words, prove that Kiff truly is King) by boosting "Kiff"'s steaming numbers over on Disney+ (Because there's absolutely no way in hell I'm letting "Kiff" lose to preschool-shit, star-shit, cape-shit, and that hideously ugly Oceanside human skank that is Hailey Banks), and get "Kiff" TRULY trending/sweeping over on Social Media by making "Kifftwt (Kiff Twitter)" a reality, and drawing tons of lewds of (or commission tons of R34 artists to draw lewds of) Kiff Chatterley, Beryl Chatterley, Terri Buns, Mary Buns, Candle Fox, Renée, Miss Deer Teacher, Miss Tulane, Miss Moufflé, Principal Swan, Kim Popularé, and Marlina Deena Turina, that would be hella great! Also, just a daily reminder: #KiffbrosRiseUp #KiffGang #KiffGangRiseUp
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>>37570 Archive in case anyone needs it: https://archive.vn/wxXDR
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>>38872 Someone actually gave a shit about Quiff and made a parody comic, now send it to annoying sperg at Inkbunny maybe he'll stfu about his forgotten slop filler cartoon.

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