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Game Phrases/Lines That Will Be Forever Stuck In Your Head Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 20:55:10 Id: e263e7 No. 941061
Post those bits of dialogue, quotes, or lines that you heard all the time in a game and are now perpetually playing at random in your head. These are lines that you can play back in your head at will and with complete accuracy, but bonus points if the way you remember it after all these years isn't exactly the correct quote. I'll start with some common ones and then get into the ones I am personally more familiar with >Something need doing? >EXCUSE ME, I'M IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION >My faith is my shield >I'll take a crack addict >Come on little one, time to die!
>I speel my drink! This line is used as the volume sound test in Deus Ex
>>941305 Every single line of dialogue from Deem Bristow's Eggman is permanently stuck in my head. I don't know what it was, but hearing a middle aged American voice actor perform Japanese sound bites without any real context or proper pronunciation made the game so much more interesting. YOSH in heaven, you son of a bitch.
So long, gay Bowser! dut-doo-dut-doo du doo du doo dudoooooo DAYTONAAAAA Hi there, would you like to sign my petition? Shazbot! Now I'm motivated! Needa dispensa here! Burn! Burn to the ground! 'Tis weak to fire! >>941305 OhNo. It's no use, give up!
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Wowie zowie. For a month or so before I ever saw the newest bing bing wahoo, Super Mario Wonder, say this phrase, I, out of autism, would sometimes say owie zowie in my head when I hurt myself accidentally as a temporary mental tic. When I saw Mario say it in one of the trailers, and later reinforced by playing the game, I felt a strange depressing feeling at the conscious realization that I was spiritually in sync with the bing bing wahoo.
>>941842 I say Wowie Zowie sometimes but it was an Egoraptor animation that made me start doing it.
>>941842 >>941885 You fuckers don't know who Zappa is?
Every line of dialogue from Crash Bandicoot 2 has been stuck in my head since the game came out. >Crystals. Of course! D'oh! >But Doctor Cortex, to reach full power, we need not only your... Master Crystal, but also the remaining twenty-five SLAVE Crystals! How do you expect to retrieve them when we don't have any earthbound operatives left? >Crash? Crash? My battery is fried. Make yourself useful, big brother, and get an extra battery for me! >So Cortex has you collecting the crystals, but it seems you have collected a gem. INTERESTING. I'm pretty sure I'm just autistic for this game, and it was one of the first games I got into that made significant use of voiceovers. Crash 1 only had one real cutscene with any dialogue, and barely any, at that. Crash 2 had actual good voice acting. Clancy Brown is funny. >>941305 >Get a load ofGet a load ofGet a load of this!
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>>942282 оружие убрал!
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>>942282 hello? hello
>>941423 > We are the mace men
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Boy,gimme some Meat!
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>You must gather your party before venturing forth. >You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself.
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>>944627 >Blasted beggar's immune! >I am become death, destroyer of worlds!
Oh no! It's no use! You're too slow!
>>941061 Can't place that there, m'lord
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Down you go!
>>941355 >Were it so easy
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>>969844 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC_iOYvTBYM Absolutely brilliant voice acting.
>>970172 Impressive autism, and impressive sounds. You should replace the original sounds with yours.
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Black has built a silly dice-maze! Go!
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>>970172 >he did them all 10/10 saved
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>Heya! >I care not. >YOU'VE GOT THIS COMING >MY SPLEEN Alas my life's blood seeps out >You have but to ask >What are we if not slaves to this torment? >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >I don't have a target >I can't do that yet >SO LONG GAY BOWSER >I've been waiting for this! >HOW QUICKLY THE TIDE TURNS >A DEVASTATING BLOW >A death by inches >In time, you will know the true extent of my failures >A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES! >SLOPPEH >THIS IS THANCRED I never played FFXIV on the English dub and I still can't get the meme quotes out of my head. >Many will not undastand for how fucking ridiculous it is in context of post-Legion story >A turtle has made it into the water! >I can't attack that target
>>970172 I don't know what's better, the fact that you did it or how accurate they are.
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>>970172 breddy gud
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>>970172 Shonkywonkydonkey, is that you?
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The one and only.
>>970172 Actually really fucking good
>>941061 one of the bosses from shadow the hedgehog where eggman says "you know what they say, the more the merrier"

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