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Banners welcome! Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 00:34:53 No. 804 [Reply] [Last]
Hi, I asked Codexx to apply this CSS that you can see in effort to bring our /a/ back to life. However, this board also needs banners of which we don't have none yet, so if you got any post 'em here so the BO can see them (or I can inform him about them) and add them. thoughts on the new CSS? Please help me with some activity, anything ¬¬
Edited last time by pururin on 06/23/2022 (Thu) 04:43:04.
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>>4459 Thank you for your work anon anon, it looks great, I am now using it for the board's CSS. The only suggestion/request I might make is for the cloud speed to be slowed down to the earlier version you posted since the current one is moving very fast, the earlier version had a comfy speed to it that I liked.
>>4464 The earlier version of the cloud speed depended on one's browser and hardware as I previously used the animation code. This should hopefully be up to your liking. I have also tweaked the captcha loading animation to Nia since I posted it on /res/.

News Thread Anonymous 03/10/2023 (Fri) 15:07:36 No. 2863 [Reply]
Felt the thread needed one. Starting with some amusing news. No Game No Life Creator Fires Back At Western Reader Bitching About No Dark-Skinned Characters https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/03/09/no-game-no-life-creator-fires-back-after-western-reader-criticizes-series-lack-of-dark-skinned-characters/ >Yet, despite the game taking place in a fully fictional country, a Western reader unsurprisingly took issue with the fact that Disboard did not exactly parallel real-world history. >On March 2nd, Kamiya took to Twitter to reveal that they had recently “received a scolding DM from a foreign reader who said ‘There were brown-skinned people in medeival and early modern Europe, why don’t they appear in your work?'” >Responding directly to this accusation, the Brazillian-Japanese creator declared, “First of all Disboard is not in Europe.” >“Were there furry ears or elves in medieval Europe?,” he added before noting “Also, there are usually brown-skinned characters.” >It should be noted that one of the sixteen different sentient races who have a seat at the table of Disboard politics are the dwarves, all of whom are noticably more tan than their peers. >However, as they did not appear in the series’ anime adaptation nor have they made their debut in its manga version, it seems that this fan had not fully engaged with Kamiya’s work before attempting to rake him over the coals. >Ultimately, the entire interaction left Kamiya wondering if they would have a better understanding of the fan’s mentality if, instead of leaving for Japan with his parents at the age of 7, he had lived out his life in the United States. >“I wonder if I wouldn’t understand it because I am now completely close to the Japanese,” said the creator. Didn't realize the NGNL creator was half-brazilian, kek.
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>>4612 Texas's laws don't stand a chance if they ever make it to the Supreme Court. This kind of issue was already decided in the past and free speech has the highest level of scrutiny. Problem is it might take a while to reach it.
>>4613 >Problem is it might take a while to reach it. THIS. It's about creating a chilling effect. They want corporate and social attitudes to change, even if the law gets totally done away with, which could take years. And there simply isn't much that businesses can do in the meantime.
>Unification Church Ordered to Dissolve by Tokyo District Court; Religious Group Can File Appeal to High Court (Update 1) https://archive.ph/tO3n1 <The Tokyo District Court ordered the dissolution of the Unification Church, formerly called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, under the Religious Corporations Law on Tuesday. The Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry submitted a request for dissolution in October 2023 on the grounds that the Unification Church had repeatedly committed illegal acts under the Civil Code by illegally soliciting people to make large donations. >Japanese shrine rebuilt by Ghost of Tsushima fans bans tourists after “unforgivable” act https://archive.ph/ROinN <Watazumi Shrine is an iconic Shinto shrine that is located on the island of Tsushima, the main location of Sucker Punch Productions critically acclaimed Ghost of Tsushima video game. Although this exact shrine isn’t featured in the game, fans did famously help raise $260k in 2021 to help rebuild the shrine after a torii gate collapsed during a typhoon. <Since then, the Watazumi Shrine has been a popular place for domestic and international tourists to visit. However, visiting the religious grounds will now not be possible for anyone besides parishioners and worshippers. <According to an official announcement posted on Instagram, the decision to ban all tourists came after “a grave and unforgivable act of disrespect [was] committed by foreigner(s).” As for what the “unforgivable act” was remains uncertain, but we do know that it transpired on March 22, just days after the Japanese government had addressed concerns over the vandalism of places of worship. <As previously reported by Tokyo Weekender, priests have been dealing with tourists smoking, littering, using ethnic slurs, and singing and dancing. Back in June 2024, Watazumi Shrine caused a lot of controversy after it banned South Korean tourists from entering the shrine. <Well, starting from March 23, entry to the shrine grounds will be prohibited to all domestic and international tourists – besides parishioners and worshippers. <The official machine-translated post mentions that staff members of the shrine have had to put up with “unbearable mental anguish” caused by the sacred grounds being desecrated, which has led to them feeling that the shrine is in jeopardy. <“The way in which inbound tourism is destroying the places, things, and people that Japanese people hold dear is nothing less than the collapse of Japanese culture. We would like to express our regret here and will take action to protect the shrine and the hearts of the people.” Right now it appears that the culprits are Gooks: https://archive.ph/eU5TM Just as a side note, another shrine banned tourists this past week, however THAT was in response to AssCreed: >>>/v/1082612

New WebM Thread Anonymous 12/08/2022 (Thu) 11:01:04 No. 1436 [Reply] [Last]
Post webbums. Need help with making webms? Ask away
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Anonymous 05/22/2020 (Fri) 19:46:47 No. 95 [Reply] [Last]
Let's at least try to make this more active. Post an anime pic every time you visit!
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Not legal in texas.

Fanservice Anime and Manga with Nipples Anonymous 09/17/2023 (Sun) 23:00:34 No. 3664 [Reply] [Last]
I need recommendations for fanservice anime and manga that show nipples. Bonus if it has incest themes. Series I've watched/read off the top of my head: Yunna and the Haunted Hot Springs Seikon No Qwaser Sekirei Triage X Senran Kagura: Shinovi Master World's End Harem Freezing Kandagawa Jet Girls
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The Chocotto Sister anime is a fanservice anime with nipples.
>>4532 What series is this?
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>>4615 My gay academia: Ilegals

Digimon Anonymous 03/01/2025 (Sat) 22:23:39 No. 4569 [Reply] >>4572
Let's have a Digimon thread. Favorite anime? Favorite manga? Favorite game? Favorite Digimon?
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>>4569 >Favorite anime? Tamers (Though I haven't seen anything since Savers/Data Squad) >Favorite manga? Only read V-Tamer >Favorite game? Sadly, haven't played any of them >Favorite Digimon? Fox pussy
Intern-kun fucked up and leaked the new anime before Digimon Con.
Digimon Beatbreak coming in October

Visual Novels Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 02:45:29 No. 4573 [Reply]
A thread to finish the trifecta of the perfect 2D Japanese experience. Visual Novel Database/VNstat: https://vndb.org/ (https://vnstat.net/) Visual Novel Starter Kit: https://pst.moe/paste/ypmpss (Includes info for beginners, terminology, recommendations, sources, and downloads [nearly all are dead] for fonts and visual novels for beginners.) Visual novel recommendation charts: http://animu-mango.wikia.com/wiki/VN_Recommendations Nostalgic Visual Novels on-line: http://tss.asenheim.org/ Another online visual novel reading site: http://vnjs.thatplayer.com/ English VN DDL sites: https://www.craneanime.com/wp/tag/english/ - https://erogedownload.com/ English and raw VN downloads for PC and Console: http://www.vn-meido.com/k1/ Rockmandash's Guide to Tablets for VNs: http://archive.is/B3cv5 (outdated but still guides you in the right direction) Fuwanovel VNs on Android Guide: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/1323-android-visual-novel-lets-play-visual-novel-on-the-go/ Machine translation guides: https://amaenboda.wordpress.com/tag/how-to-use-agth/ & http://archive.is/5vgDa The Beginner’s Guide to Visual Novel Development: https://www.twoandahalfstudios.com/2020/02/the-beginners-guide-to-visual-novel-development PC VNs on DS/3DS Guide: https://pst.moe/paste/tediml Free resource for Japanese media (including VNs): https://www.tokyotosho.info/ Resource for eroge: https://ad-hentai.com/ Monster Girl Games collection: https://rentry.org/zb6zw

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Muv Luv Altered Fable made me cuckoo for Kashiwagi. Her banter with Tucker-kun was the cutest in the game, on par with Extra. And believable, too. My fake normie queen cannot be this cute! Not to mention their h-scenes being the hottest by a cunny mile

Resource Thread Anonymous (𝘠𝘰𝘶) 06/01/2022 (Wed) 11:59:16 No. 825 [Reply]
This thread is but a very humble effort to compile a list of the best resources for Japanese media consumption. Do read, best and not all. Since a list that includes every aggregator and ad-infested site would be worthless, still use ad-block at all times when visiting any of these sites. Any and all contributions are welcome, this post will be updated accordingly Anime Streaming Sites Anime Twist (usually highest quality available only+no ads) https://twist.moe/ GoGoAnime (variable quality) https://gogoanime.sk/ Tenshi https://tenshi.moe/ Nyan Anime https://nyananime.xyz/ Manga Reading Sites Bato.to https://bato.to/

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Edited last time by pururin on 06/01/2022 (Wed) 12:53:42.
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>>4353 HiAnime's been fucking with me. None of the episodes are loading. How is https://animekai.to as an alternative? Also, I'm gonna recommend https://animelon.com for those learning 日本語. Yeah, its selection of anime is limited, but I heard it's good to help learn. Though I haven't used it much, so I don't know how good it is.
Reading manga on a cracked Kindle with Koreader is ridiculously comfy, I torrent them off nyaa.si and convert them with this https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc Quality is good and eyes don't hurt, which is nice
>>4574 Sort of updating this. Here are some channels I found with anime available on them: >Atashin'chi Official Channel https://inv.nadeko.net/channel/UCkwJXqFl-9VVvK9udYCFjMw <Atashinchi >BEYBLADE Official (English/Spanish/Portuguese only) https://inv.nadeko.net/channel/UCDrqiuwNRbEahL1UEB0hkKQ <Beyblade <Beyblade V Force <Beyblade G Revolution >GundamInfo https://invidio.us/channel/UCejtUitnpnf8Be-v5NuDSLw <Gundam Build Metaverse <Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny <Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury >It's Anime powered by REMOW https://invidio.us/channel/UCsj_CYajUSQ2ca8bYCMan9g

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日本語学習スレッド (Japanese Learning Thread) Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 03:29:35 No. 2981 [Reply]
Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: http://ankisrs.net/ Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187 Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287 Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646 Other Resources RealKana: http://realkana.com/ (alternate version) https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear Kana Invaders: https://learnjapanesepod.com/kana-invaders/ Space Invaders/Galaga style clone. Type the romaji to shoot the kana alien

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Can you learn Japanese off watching anime? They say the language used in shows is too literary and old-fashioned, if you talked like that in Japan they'd laugh at your face
>>4590 I doubt that tbh unless the show is old or set in an old setting. No reason for stuff like modern high school settings to use archaic language for example.
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>>4590 >Can you learn Japanese off watching anime? Yes and no. Anime can be a great resources, but understand that anime tends to have a lot of "dead air" in it and that many of the expressions exist only for dramatic purposes. See primarily the first vid in this post: >>4456 The most benefit you'll really get from standard anime for "learning" purposes is vocabulary. Outside of that, it's probably better to be listening to audio dramas and radio shows for the benefit of auditory comprehension.

Anonymous 03/01/2025 (Sat) 05:07:04 No. 4564 [Reply]
The Dangers in My Heart Season 2 won Anime Corner's AOTY award, narrowly beating Frieren: Beyond Journey's End by just 0.18%
1st The Dangers in My Heart Season 2 10.55% 2nd Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End 10.37% 3rd Too Many Losing Heroines! 8.36% 4th Days with My Stepsister 8.15% 5th The Apothecary Diaries 7.19% 6th Wind Breaker 6.7% 7th Dan Da Dan 5.68% 8th Oshi no Ko Season 2 4.63% 9th Date A Live V 4.44% 10th Ragna Crimson 4.39% 11th KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! 3 4.15% 12th Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 – The Conflict 4.06% 13th Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- Season 3 3.77% 14th Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian 3.66% 15th Blue Box 3.48% 16th Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Season 2 Part 2 2.93% 17th Solo Leveling 2.76%

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What even is this?

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Mistakes in English Manga Releases Anonymous 04/22/2021 (Thu) 22:50:45 No. 392 [Reply] [Last]
This is mostly just for my own archival purposes but if anyone else has found mistakes in manga volumes they've bought, in english, then feel free to drop them. What I got range from typos to missing letters to printing errors. First two are from Demon Slayer. The third is from The Promised Neverland. The fourth is Levius/est & the fifth one is from Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying. Speaking of that last one, the error is that the woman they refer to is the boy's mother. Not his sister.
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>>4150 Making a new post so I can put these together. Fist of the North Star Volume 11 Ellipses are off the speech bubble. "I waited till a certain someone had handed their asses to them, them went and grabbed them myself." The second 'them' should be a 'then'.
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Should be updating this thread more. For the better the less mistakes I have to report. Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Volume 18 Should be a question mark. Helck Volumes 8 & 9 Harpii is misspelled Harpi. Zilch is misspelled "zlich". The baby says "Ma-man" which is apparently french but seeing as how it's not a french setting & no one else uses french sayings, I'm chocking it up to a mistake where they meant to put just "Mama". Then finally this is one where they misspelled the item Azudrucksack, a pun on Azudra's name & rucksack, to "Azdrarucksack". Even though they got it right the first times prior.
Macadate did the English version of Bloom Into You, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment. https://macadate.wordpress.com/2019/08/17/bloom-into-you-regarding-seven-seas-mistakes-1/ >Specifically, the translation/localization itself. There are multiple errors that made it into print. >Of course, to err is human. Even professionals make mistakes. >But as a result, the readers might be confused. >The highlights (a small sample) from each volume can be read here. >Issues in the Regarding Saeki Sayaka light novels can be read starting here. >Let’s begin the investigation on nuances lost or changed in volume 1. >I will also point out inconsistencies such as poor characterization, terminology, screentones, lettering, retouch, spelling, grammar, names, dates… >Basically, this is an errata webpage. (This is not a comprehensive list.) >Since everyone has different values, distinguishing which differences matter is left as an exercise for the reader. >Motivations for this project: >As a fan, I want English and Japanese readers to be able to relate to the story and its characters as similarly as possible. >As a translator of impressions and commentary, I want to quote from the licensed translation but some lines don’t fit. >As a scholar, I want to see which and how nuances translate across cultures, and whether I can convey the ones lost. >As a consumer, I want to let buyers decide for themselves if the publisher’s claim of “producing quality content” holds water.

Post about a series that you just finished Anonymous 07/29/2020 (Wed) 17:37:30 No. 181 [Reply] [Last]
Time to make this thread again. Here's an archive of the last thread on 8kunt: https://archive.vn/EAtrt So, I decided to drop UFO Senshi Dai Apolon after 17 episodes. It's not a bad series, it's okay, but I just grew bored with the show. The premise is that Takeshi is the prince of a planet that was conquered by the Dazaan Army, and was sent to Earth as a baby in order to ensure his survival. He then grows up in an orphanage, and gains a passion for American football while living there. Then, on his 16th birthday, he is struck by a meteor that imbues him with the Key Energy power that his planet's people had developed as their "ultimate weapon". Takeshi and his friends are then abducted by his guardian, Rabi, who informs him of his origin and gives him and his friends a giant robot, Dai Apolon, and several UFOs in order to fight off the Dazaan Army and protect the Key Energy that now reside within Takeshi. The rest of the series then details the Dazaan Army's various attempts to gain the Key Energy along with trying to figure out the true identity Dai Apolon's pilot. The series boils down to three different episode were something effects the "UFO Boy Scouts" on a personal level, some outsider gets involved in the fights, or the leaders of the Dazaan Army are trying out one of their various "just created" super-weapons to defeat Dai Apolon. It's pretty formulaic, and it just feels like an attempt to sell toys. There are some moments in the series were it does decide to get a little bit more "mature" with it's premise as innocent people are dying during some of the episodes, but it feels like it's there just to be there and show how "evil" the villains are (As if mass genocide and enslavement across the galaxy wasn't reason enough). And, the show never really moves beyond that. There are a few times were the Dazaans do some espionage and end up kidnapping the wrong people thinking they have times to Dai Apolon, along with some general rivalries and tensions taking place within the various generals of the Dazaan Army, but it never really moves beyond that or does anything unique with it. As for the animation, the art is fine but the show feels very stilted and limited in it's animation. And, with the audio, there really isn't much music to speak of, the sound effects are great, but all the voices sound like the characters are always shouting no matter what they say. Overall, I wasn't really that impressed with UFO Senshi Dai Apolon. Like I said, it isn't a bad series, but I just grew too bored with it to the point that I didn't care about finishing it off.
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Just watched Supernatural: The animation. As a fan of the original live action show (up until season 10 or so anyways), it was an interesting experience, I liked it a lot. Its got good Madhouse quality, you can tell they had some inspiration for Hellsing for some of the scenes. The sub is largely better than the dub, you can tell they didn't get much of a cast together for the dub besides Jared Padalecki (and eventually Jensen Ackles for the last 2 episodes) who were the protagonists in the live action. The sub, meanwhile, has a pretty great seiyuu cast all around who gave strong performances, it seems the 2 seiyuus who dubbed the protagonists reprise their roles here. Its interesting to see what aspects were changed for the animation and how the characters were changed. Dean was made to be a bit sillier/playful and more emotional, and Sam was made to feel more like a little brother than the original series had them as. Was a good change since it fits for animation, hard to have the same feelings like that when you see two adults in live action but in anime it just feels right for some reason. They handle some story aspects better than the actual show did, and I liked the way they handled certain scenes. Music was good too. Animation was generally solid, there were plenty of cool moments and enough badassery to satisfy. The monster of the week episodes could often have a surprising amount of emotional punch to them. Unfortunately the main story did feel a bit rushed towards the end, but it was pretty still well-handled all things considered. There was a chunk of stuff missing, but I liked it. I don't know if I would recommend it to someone who doesn't know what the show is, its hard for me to say if they explain the show well enough in context because it is a bit disjointed, but its not too hard a concept to understand imo, at least the first 5 seasons of the actual show anyways. That might be me talking in hindsight having watched a lot of it. It was also a bit enlightening to help me realize how edgy live-action often is compared to anime. In anime they usually don't explicitly show shit like beheadings and bloody throat-slittings, often cutting the "camera" away to the head rolling off or something, but in this one they directly try to show the bloody/gory stuff more than most anime, and the live-action show might be more violent than this. I'd recommend it, and would also recommend the live action of course if one happens to like the anime.
>>4541 Didn't know it had an animation.
>>4541 >>4554 Supernatural: The animation's made 6 years after Supernatural, Eric Kripke created both. It's 22 episodes, Supernatural's 327. 12 episodes adapted from the first 2 seasons of Supernatural, the other 10 were original.

Monstergirl Anime Anonymous 01/07/2023 (Sat) 00:02:39 No. 1860 [Reply]
What do you think of monstergirl anime and manga? Any favorites?
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>>2883 Indeed. >Ishuzoku My favorite was the jaded fairy manager. I didn't mind the lewds but the show was kinda weird, wish it was funnier.
>>2883 Oh fuck!
>>4396 The tightest.

Goy!!!!! W00t 12/04/2024 (Wed) 18:40:03 No. 4484 [Reply]
GOYS!!!!!! HI
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attempt 3
...that wasn't what I was trying to post. Anyway
Bad thread.

Screenshots Thread Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 10:28:54 No. 3961 [Reply] [Last]
When i watch an anime i like to take plenty of screenshots so i can look at them instead of rewatching episodes or clips online, so i'm making this thread for people who do the same to share their screenshots. I'll start with some i have from Cowboy Bebop.
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>>4537 Looked live action at first.

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