/vb/ - /b/ but with Video Games

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Boy pussy Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 14:52:36 No. 6004 [Reply]
What game has the best femboys? I nominate Genshin impact because I want to creampie Venti non-stop. Freminet and his brother are great too.
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The penis is NOT gone! I will NOT let it be gone!
>>7429 Faggot twinks doming women is cute, but I prefer them being domed

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Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 14:09:06 No. 663 [Reply] [Last]
Dead board.
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>>7943 Shes happy unlike you queermo
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>>7950 cope and seethe
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>>7951 no u

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pokegirl thread Anonymous 03/26/2025 (Wed) 09:15:10 No. 7952 [Reply]
dawn is a flat chested hoe and doesn't deserve her own thread
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dawn best pokegirl Anonymous 03/24/2025 (Mon) 19:01:49 No. 7926 [Reply]
dawn > hilda > rosa > may > misty >>>>>>> everyone else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the negress
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she ate it
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>>7942 I was looking forward to the burger, but at least she enjoyed it. >>7937 True but at least she has dragons

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Gaming Journals Anonymous 03/14/2025 (Fri) 17:26:55 No. 7851 [Reply]
Post about the game you're playing right now in this thread and post updates as you progress! I'm playing Sonic unleashed for the first time with the recompilation that came out recently. It works pretty well on Linux. https://github.com/hedge-dev/UnleashedRecomp There's already a Fitgirl Repacks version of this up. It's for windows but you can just make the linux version point to the data folders in it and it'll work just fine. I'm loving the atmosphere of the game. Makes me wish the game had a first person mode in it. I've just completed the tutorial stage and so far I don't really have complaints aside from the controls being a bit wonky, but that's true for every 3D sonic game. I guess the bad parts are gonna come up later. There's also two secret cats! let's hope I don't end up abandoning this thread
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>>7922 Do you play every Doom wad with Renamon?
>>7923 >doesn't look like hell It's a map made in the 90's, so the quality gonna suck. >There's a track that I like in unreal gold i don't have friends so I never played multiplayer hl and hl2 are better games tbh <HL <Better Half Life sucks man. >>7924 As long the doom map doesn't suck too hard. I am too lazy to find other doom weapon mods, pisses me off most doom weapon mods don't include a rocket launcher because reasons.
I played through about 20 maps of Hell in Hell and I'd say this map pack is pretty boring, the only good thing about it that it doesn't throw tons of monsters like Doomed Urbex does and Doomed Urbex was fucking terrible to play because of that. I didn't made more screenshots of my playthrough with this map because they are just the same boring looking doom maps, most of the time the maps are easily finished but there was like 2 maps that had some bugs so I had to cheat in order to progress. Man I may as play just continue playing Obsidian, at least the maps are random generated and I can fine tune the settings. I wish more FPS games had a random map generator because I like those. I wonder how many custom maps are available for Half Life, maybe I should give this one a shot too with some weapon mods, but I am not sure how modding Half Life works now since both of those games got a birthday update which sounds like to me it is breaking compatibility with old mods.

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Christmas Card Thread Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 11:35:56 No. 7176 [Reply]
That's right, we're preparing for Christmas right from January! Will add in stuff into the card as the year goes on, and finish it up by the end of the year. Post images and drawings, preferably without backgrounds and we'll add them into the card. You can also post an updated card if you want the picture placed somewhere specific.
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So, Skype is being discontinued this upcoming May, and since it was such a big part of many people's vidya experiences in the past, it would make for a good inclusion for the Christmas card. It isn't a person, but it's "death" is still significant. I put together a simple picture frame, like a memorial to it, that can go on the mantle. I also added a little flower in a vase to further emphasize the point of the photo. If some other anon wants to do it a bit differently or place it somewhere else, go right ahead.
Safe to say that AssCreed Shadows should be included somehow. Maybe a trash can outside with a whole stack of the game inside of it?
>>7935 We'd probably have to get rid of a section of the windows or redraw the windows slightly, otherwise no one's gonna see it. If I wasn't loaded with shit right now I'd contribute more but it'll have to wait.

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pov its 2012 or smth Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 07:14:15 No. 7876 [Reply]
sup n00b skrubs bet u b1tch3s can't do 360 noscopes yet
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>>7906 Nightcore certainly started in the early 2000's, but it was popular for a long time. The videos above were posted in the years 2011-2013 and have a significant number of views.
>>7907 ROFLMAO M8
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it's been 10 years and im yet to fuck anyone right in the pussy

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Actual pixel art thread. Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 21:31:28 No. 6619 [Reply] [Last]
Here's a proper pixel thread that isn't a crime against imageboards.
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>>7849 Reddit pls.
This no .gif thing is impacting my pixel art posting.
>>7899 >no gif >no png >lossy pixel art

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Vidya CLANG Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 18:11:34 No. 4166 [Reply] [Last]
Robutt edition It's been a very long time, hasn't it? I don't have the chart, sorry. What kind of robots you do like, anons? I fall almost everywhere on the spectrum except for androids.
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It's a real shame how one of the most popular artists people posted on /clang/, thiccrobots (pic not related), has taken a turn into drawing some really horrid vile shit. Don't get too heavily into porn, kids. It'll fry your brain.

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unofficial official /vb/ meta thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:52:36 No. 3709 [Reply] [Last]
This is where we discuss important things like >how /vb/ is kept up on life support >what did he mean by that >gacha >blogposting >ecelebs >oc >how to stop a meme board from dying >new banners prob >videogames maybe
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>>7782 >>7783 >>7808 post em in the bee thread
Too bad this board died
>>7893 would you shut up already

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Videogames Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 02:52:39 No. 5319 [Reply] [Last]
God, I fucking love videogames Post some videogames!
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Nortubel had an update Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 15:20:56 No. 3710 [Reply] [Last]
My game had an update. https://eyeballtank.itch.io/project-nortubel/devlog/758202/1jul2024-nortubel-part-5brinkaedea >What is Nortubel You play as the older siblings and command the younger ones, as the 2 go around in levels but you can also directly play as the little ones just in case. Whole game is an excuse for me to show off different kinds of characters and ideas. My first game and somehow, I managed to do a lot with it. You can play it on NG or itch, with the ladder having browser, Windows and Linux builds. Do give me feedback, because there's always going to be some issues (Whether or not I can fix them also depends).
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Felt like desiging some characters just because. But in the current game, they'll just be images and text, won't have a proper debut in this one. I just did these just in case.
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Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 15:46:14 No. 4816 [Reply] [Last]
>angry bird
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>>7662 ill suck your mom
>mecha break
>pixel dungeon

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Gaming Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 14:20:34 No. 964 [Reply] [Last]
Please talk about this Okekaki I made I spent a lot of time on it
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This one is a little squished into 16 x 16, but I think by far it is the best one. (I used a 3rd party site to make it 16 x 16)
>>7589 >>7592 >>7593 she kinda looks angry if you squint your eyes
Would be cool if we used one of these flags, it would give some more custom flair to the board. >>7593 >but I think by far it is the best one It does look pretty good despite being squished, but I also like being able to see more of Phoebe's hair, like the one here for example: >>7589 The small 16x16 one seems to cut it off.

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Sunny Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 12:01:03 No. 7525 [Reply]
You are instructed to post Sunny.
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>>7656 Oh these are nice ones that I've never seen before.
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>tfw no Sunny Snatcher Game.

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Brother to Brother Communication Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 17:01:08 No. 4060 [Reply] [Last]
>go to 4 chan /v/ (our brothers) >look at a thread >find good (epic) thing >post here
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>>4124 >>4127 Y'know this arthur smut is oddly competently drawn. A bit amateurish, but not bad.
>>7314 Literally me kek.

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