Gregorious Grand Assault
Ah... good old Greg, we had that raid introduced right about New Year's Eve, and now we fight him for a second time, 10 months later, now in 3 different colors.
>Red Team - HINA
Again, I have to apologize to D.Hina, she is a very well balanced AOE Striker student, that does decent damage to multiple enemies, please ignore the fact that she was designed more as a single target damage dealer. Like with the other raids, it's mostly the same, move Mine from left to right to debuff Greg and attract Agro, heal with Koharu while also damaging the Organ(hope you invested in her very useful and meta Passive Skill), and Hoshino to buff the damage dealer while also providing Cost Recovery. What sets apart this run, from the rabbit one, is that you can finish Greg before he enters in his final phase, hell you could even finish him, before he summons his right side choir. As I said, D.Hina is a perfectly balanced AOE damage dealer.
>Blue Team - S.Hanako
Replace one balanced Red Striker with one balanced purple Striker, and you get the Blue Team. The absolute state of Mystic students, that a purple student has to carry them. Sure, you can use NY.Mustuki with NY. Kayoko, but it's funnier like this, plus it's basically the same team as the Red one, still heal with Koharu while damaging the organ, still moving Mine from left to right, still using S. Hoshino. Only difference is that now I have to take into consideration S.Hanako's card stacks, so that she can use her EX up to 3 times. A perfectly balanced Blue AOE damage dealer.
>Yellow Team - Iori is still good you guys
Replace one balanced Purple Striker with one over-powered yellow Striker, yeah, we are bringing Iori now. The absolute state of Makoto, she thought she was hot shot in just because she could solo Chessed, but still got outclassed by one of the oldest 3* units in this raid. Same with the other raids, just use Iori until Greg dies. Now, I tried doing Torment for one hour, and while it's possible for me to do it with a borrowed Reisa, it's not worth it, as I am in the top 600 with this unoptimized setups and it's the, last day. It's almost impossible for me to not get Platinum.
All in all, this raid wasn't that bad, compared to when it first came out and required extremely niche students, the fact that it was almost the same team in all 3 battles made it somewhat free 2 play friendly, in that it only needed the students that everyone should have, as opposed to niche students. If you don't have Himari and Ako then you have bigger problems than not having Mine. As for which student I should applause for this victory? Obviously, Mine, it was her time to shine and her jumps really helped me. Imagine being Mineless, or even worse, six months from now, being Idol Mineless.
I admit the video is hilarious, though Mika hugging Hitler makes as much sense as her hugging Makoto, or Hitler hugging Churchill.
I could see Makoto hugging Kamala since they both have the same room temperature IQ as well as a stupid laugh.
In the end Gregorious is more F2P friendly than Kurokage, as Causew was able to do Insane with only F2P students on all 3 colors, while he was unable to do the same thing for Kurokage.
Yes 99% of people won't be able to replicate this, but first of all it was a challenge run, and second of all, everyone has a few gatcha students.