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/k/anteen X - moe anthropomorphic guns Strelok 11/20/2023 (Mon) 14:53:31 No. 10847
Welcome to the /k/anteen! This thread is a catch-all for general discussion that doesn't really belong anywhere else or might be off-topic. Previous iteration: >>48689
>>10990 I'm in the process of asking /sp/ if they're up for it.
>>10990 There's a bunker on zzz. If not, then you better hope >>10991 happens.
>>10992 I'm not just worried about /k/ but all of the active boards here. Were does everyone even shelter when /shelter/ goes down?
>>10985 >It's not expansion when the president already has the authority to do almost all of those It literally is, because not only is he going to be spending more money he's proposing to create the case that the president can do these things. Are you retarded? >"Gut the federal government and restore power to the state governments" is literally the opposite of "give the federal government more authority" you stupid fucking lolbert Ah yes, gutting the federal government and restoring power to the state governments by giving federal agencies the power to subpoenea local authorities. Gutting the federal government by spending massively on new government employees including the largest ever signing bonuses. Gutting the federal government by seizing an untold amount of private property. Gutting the federal government by making citizenship a product of federal government employment. Literally worst korea tier at best. Changing the acronym of the federal agencies you're sending a larger than ever amount of money to while proscribing a larger than ever power over local authorities to them isn't reducing the size of government. >"I'm gonna make Milei look like a socialist by the time I'm done dismantling the US government." Milei already looks like a socialist but having a hortler wannabe shuffle some hats around and increase spending isn't really going to add to that. >>10993 This site has /k/ (which is basically just /int*/) and some discord offshoots. Literally nothing will be lost and none of the communities other than /k/ could even break apart since their discord/irc/whatever that they actually organize through will still be there.
>>10994 Your critique of Vivek seems disingenuous. What about reducing a given department by 3/4s suggests to you the spending more on things like salaries? His past contains some grey (gray* for you turdmerica)-hat shit that doesn't particularly matter to me, but the main thing that bothered me was he went on Timothy Pool's cast talking about raising the voting age to 25 and not one of the panel mentioned they should disenfranchise women instead of the young men group, because in terms of impact it would actually make a difference. It felt like they were all too pussy to even hypothetical it. Tell the women they'll live entirely tax-free lives if they don't vote - but he worries about things to get him elected or not. Then there's the other topic on the death of anon.cafe which to me is a shame since I *only* come here. I treated this place literally like an anonymous online cafe. I don't care for those other alternatives very much, I just wanted a virtual /int/ break room where I could chat with the unlikely travellers. I had my fun and by March it'll all be over apparently.
>>10992 zzz's captcha is terrible.
>>10993 Maybe the big three should have thought about that when Hanging_Flesh went on a witch hunt doxxing all the small websites on the webring for liking anime.
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>>10994 >No more money for Ukraine >No more foreign wars >Shut down these branches of government that spend out the ass >"This is going to cost him more money" lolwut? >by giving federal agencies the power to subpoenea local authorities. ICE already had that option. The Biden admin doesn't let them use it and Trump was too scared to do it. >Gutting the federal government by spending massively on new government employees including the largest ever signing bonuses. The military thing? It's the right thing to do. We should be doing the right thing as Americans. Not Republican right but morally/ethically good. >Gutting the federal government by seizing an untold amount of private property. Owned by foreign nationals who are squatting on the land to create an artificial housing crisis. >Gutting the federal government by making citizenship a product of federal government employment. He's willing to allow every exception under the sun. He's made it clear that the point is that anyone voting needs to have an investment into the country and that there are a million and one ways to do this. The military is just the lowest hanging fruit.
>>10998 >00:21 >Am I gonna play your silly game of gacha? Yes, I know that he said gotcha.
>>10996 Only subhuman can't do the sleepy captcha.
>>11000 Sleepy captcha is broken as all shit and only subhumans (and the site owner high on his own farts) don't realize this. The captcha verification doesn't track with the countdown, so there is no way of verifying that the captcha you are solving is the captcha that should be displayed. If you refresh the captcha it does not fix this unless you have full cookies and cross-site tracking enabled. If you post an image, sometimes sleepychan will reset the captcha and serve you two different captchas because the delay in your post was greater than the delay in the in-site tracking and you become trapped in an infinite captcha loop. The only two way to fix this bug is to refresh the page. The buggy captcha makes posting larger files or more meaningful posts near-impossible because the captcha will reset before you are finished typing/finished uploading the image. This results in a captcha system that appeals to and encourages the lowest common denominator in posting quality on the boards associated with the website. The site admin is too high on his own farts to realize that people with slower internet or who don't like being tracked across the internet can't use his site and assumes it's a user error. There are stupid people who can't solve the captcha, but I'd say 70% of people who "can't solve it" are actually running into backend errors given my own experience experimenting with it to discover the real cause of the problems. At least JSchan site owner made a modicum of effort to fix this problem when it was pointed out to him. Sleepychan can't even do that because it's full of lazy nigger sysadmins.
>>11001 The only way to fix this is to delete all sleepychan cookies, THEN refresh the page, and if you didn't copy your post on a different notepad or something or if you used clipboard to post images, then this will also delete anything you had prepared in the process so you have to race against the clock to re-attach it before the countdown becomes a schizoid again.
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>>10995 ><>The military thing? >What about reducing a given department by 3/4s suggests to you the spending more on things like salaries? That comment was directed specifically at rehiring the people who quit during the scamdemic. It's actually true in a general sense though since the mandatory service would mean literally hiring a single digit percentage of the population in government jobs. >What about reducing a given department by 3/4s suggests to you the spending more The fact that he's also stated plans to expand departments by much more than that? >Your critique of Vivek seems disingenuous. It is. I'm just basing this off your summary. It sounds like he's just larping as alternatively a fascist and a lolbert, with no connection between one statement and the next. >the main thing that bothered me was he went on Timothy Pool's cast talking about raising the voting age to 25 and not one of the panel mentioned they should disenfranchise women instead of the young men group, because in terms of impact it would actually make a difference. It felt like they were all too pussy to even hypothetical it. Tell the women they'll live entirely tax-free lives if they don't vote - but he worries about things to get him elected or not. This kind of gerrymandering* doesn't do anything other than impact elections, so of course it's just to get elected. The proposed voting changes are already a way to force a single party state, so either it's all an act to ride into office and do nothing or he's actually a wannabe caudillo and wants to create a supermassive police state. *this is a metaphor. I elaborate this only for the pakistan tier reading comprehension that seems to be the norm in recent posts. >I treated this place literally like an anonymous online cafe. I don't care for those other alternatives very much, I just wanted a virtual /int/ break room where I could chat with the unlikely travellers. I had my fun and by March it'll all be over apparently. If you don't mind jumping through a 300-400 hoops to post you can still use spee. /int/ is kind of spiritually dead, since /intl/ is dead and even if it wasn't really the same thing it was the only true inheritor. >>10998 >The military thing? It's the right thing to do. We should be doing the right thing as Americans. Not Republican right but morally/ethically good. Ah yes, spending taxpayer money on welfare queens is a moral imperative that should be forced at gunpoint You're a fucking subhuman. Buy a dictionary. >He's willing to allow every exception under the sun. He's made it clear that the point is that anyone voting needs to have an investment into the country and that there are a million and one ways to do this. The military is just the lowest hanging fruit. If by "investment into the country" you mean "employment in good standing in the federal government" then sure. Are you really so blinded by a dab of your favorite color onto the rhetoric that you're going to pretend that this doesn't A) require literally more new federal employees than exist right now in total and B) makes the ability to even vote against the massive expansion of government require the express permission of the present government? Just as a reminder, you should learn to read (and write) before next posting. >>11001 >The buggy captcha makes posting larger files or more meaningful posts near-impossible because the captcha will reset before you are finished typing/finished uploading the image. This results in a captcha system that appeals to and encourages the lowest common denominator in posting quality on the boards associated with the website. Last I used zzz any post longer than two lines would get deleted for not being a general or being offtopic in a general anyway, so this seems to be by design.
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Year is off to a shitty start all around.
>>11004 The fact he's still alive is kinda miraculous, he found out he had pancreatic cancer pretty late and usually by the time it's showing noticeable symptoms people typically only survive for a couple months.
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>>11001 >the captcha will reset before you are finished typing/finished uploading the image That happens with all the captchas, if you have a slow ass internet.
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>>11006 >>11008 What's wrong with that? It looks like the anons who want to talk guns can go to /h/ and the ones who want current events can go to those threads.
>>11006 >>11009 /h/? For wepon talk?
>>11010 It's a board for hobby discussion, guess it fits? https://sportschan.org/h/res/1681.html I'm checking this thread and it has one anon talking about his FAL. I suppose a new thread can be made for guns or use that thread (probably the former).
Have you considered trashchan?
>>11013 I have. They told me no political boards when BO and I introduced /finance/. They also made it basically impossible to use /finance/ because of filters and IP blacklisting which prevented the board from ever taking off despite /kohi/ and PLW coming together to use it (an impossible feat in its own right).
>>11014 I think he's fixed it now, at least from what I've read from the /shelter/ thread. Worst case scenario you can post over Tor.
>>10975 I don't trust Vivek. He's a pajeet, and his track record pre-campaign is left-leaning. His campaign is completely performative because he's aiming for a cabinet position to gain a voice in Trump's ear. The best way to remove older generations from the workforce is to reduce the age of retirement and send social security into freefall by making it elective at the taxpayer level. All of the policies you've listed can be summed up as "reduce bureaucracy but expand the military and executive branch." It's soft-dictatorship. >Department of Education? Gone. I'd only support this if he didn't ban the creation of departments of education at the state level. >Nuclear regulatory commission refusing to let new power plants be built? Gone. I don't support extreme regulations on the creation of nuclear power plants, but this is an easy way for foreign nationals to build giant grifts using poorly sourced material. >FBI and ATF? Neutered and stripped of power at anything above the agent level. What about the CIA and NSA? DARPA? The DOD? The FDA? Child Services? The IRS? >Voting to require mandatory service Would this only apply to newly born citizens? This is unconstitutional and negates the 14th amendment. I don't support the 14th amendment, but I'd rather bring back state-side literacy tests and/or allow the states to decide what's required to vote. Has he mentioned anything about revoking dual citizenship? >ICE can issue subpoenas to local law enforcement and local law enforcement will be tried for high crimes against the country if they refuse. If ICE can overrule the actions of local police forces, it may as well be a federal police force or like the ATF. >Sanctuary cities? Stripped of federal funding. Not a bad idea on principle, but why not remove every city's federal funding? A city is within a state. The federal government shouldn't be funding public utilities and programs unless more areas like the District of Columbia are created. >Foreign nationals holding land in America must sell or forfeit their holdings immediately or he will use eminent domain to strip it from them and auction it to people who can actually use it. >Bill Gates sorts may or may not get the same treatment but that's a secondary concern. On principle, I don't mind the use of eminent domain against foreign nationals as the majority of the wealth-creating property they own is for exporting it to their own nations, but the idea of using it against American citizens is absurd. Further, wealth seizure of foreign nationals will cause foreign companies to pull out their funding and partnerships. It'll send the economy into a panic if it goes too far. >he's open to allowing them to serve in the military as an alternative, basically expanding the already existing systems for foreigners to get US citizenship via military service Sending illegals into the military is a quick way to cause a gang problem. It's already a holding pen for America's lower IQ bands. The taxpayer would also have to pay their salaries and the now expanded salaries of the soldiers who would return to service.
>>11015 Cool. Only took him over a year and telling me to fuck off when I asked without an exodus-in-progress. Tr/a/shchan is nice for what it is, but I wouldn't so much stock in it the way some anons are.
>>11017 >and his track record pre-campaign is left-leaning He was a biotech CEO. That's pretty much mandatory and he's talked about this before and how he wants to smack his past self in more sit-down conversation spaces. That's what I like is he's the first president who can hold a casual conversation with a camera in front of him instead of pretending to be something he's not. He's sucking it up for the caucuses but he's very personable. >he's aiming for a cabinet position to gain a voice in Trump's ear He's stated on the record repeatedly that while he appreciates Trump, he is incompatible with him unless Trump is his subordinate and he'll go back to being a millionaire CEO if not chosen. >but expand the military and executive branch How is it expanding if he's only pledged to use the rules already on the book? >What about the CIA and NSA? DARPA? The DOD? The FDA? Child Services? The IRS? Yeah what about them? He's sympathetic to Snowden and hates the NSA after dealing with their shit through his biotech company so I don't see why not having explicitly said he hates every government agency is equivalent to saying they are good when he's pledging to axe all federal bureaucracies. He can't say anything about child services or the IRS outright because he has children and is running a campaign. That's a one-stop ticket to being ripped apart at the seams. >This is unconstitutional and negates the 14th amendment He's made it pretty clear that his interpretation of the 14th amendment is in the literal civil war usage of the amendment and that the states should pass a new one if they're upset about that. >Has he mentioned anything about revoking dual citizenship? Yes he believes it's an oxymoron. He's stated it will take congressional involvement but that ideally he would force all US citizens to abdicate their dual citizenship and choose one or the other by the age of adulthood/age of voting. That includes the Yids. >If ICE can overrule the actions of local police forces They already can. The ISS system has existed since 2002. ICE is a sub-division of DHS who has the legal authority to subpoena as granted by the secretary of commerce. Failure to submit to a federal subpoena is a federal offense for all citizens including local law enforcement. Always has been. If they want that changed congress can change the chain of command with a new law. >but why not remove every city's federal funding? I wish a nigga would, but let's start with realistic goals here, anon. >It'll send the economy into a panic if it goes too far. The housing economy is built on a pact of lies. >but the idea of using it against American citizens is absurd. SCOTUS gave this power to the feds, SCOTUS can take it away if they finally see reason after almost two decades is the way I see it. In the mean time it's insane that squatters can sit on your property and the police won't do anything, but if you squat on a millionaire's farmland he's refusing to use, suddenly you're being escorted out by a SWAT team. It's rules for thee but not for me cranked up to 11 and I have zero sympathy. >It's already a holding pen for America's lower IQ bands. You can't legally induct someone into the armed forces if they have an IQ of less than 83. >The taxpayer would also have to pay their salaries I'm sure he can scrounge it up with money saved. You're acting like it's a ludicrous amount. Based on the official discharge numbers only the upper estimate is $4bn based on the literal percentile of troops discharged converted directly into fraction of the total budget towards personnel wages. It's likely closer to a couple hundred million. Either way that's less than the total cost of the Department of Education in a given year, the DOE having one of the smallest budgets of all the departments to be axed. Faux had a decent interview with him covering some of this on Gutfeld: https://youtu.be/5HHIKExIjaw?t=115
>>11019 >That's pretty much mandatory and he's talked about this before and how he wants to smack his past self in more sit-down conversation spaces. I don't think anything but a severe trauma could cause such a sudden shift in politics. Even Trump maintains his 90s/00s liberal ideas such as the Civil War being for slavery rather than states rights and a softness on abortion, and he has had twenty-to-thirty years to change. I can't help but be distrusting of someone who makes such a sudden turn, especially if they're Indian since India has meddled in industries outside of its country to push Indians to the top. >when he's pledging to axe all federal bureaucracies Because if they aren't stated by name, semantics and levers of power may be used to memoryhole his statements or backpedal and say some are good. >He's stated on the record repeatedly that while he appreciates Trump, he is incompatible with him unless Trump is his subordinate I doubt he's being honest about this. Working under Trump would allow him to build more political connections and see how things work from the inside. As a CEO, he's a businessman. Saying he won't work for Trump is him playing tough guy. He'd be a fool not to take the deal if he wants any future in politics. >He's made it pretty clear that his interpretation of the 14th amendment is in the literal civil war usage of the amendment and that the states should pass a new one if they're upset about that. "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States" sounds pretty clear cut. There are decades of civil rights legislation to go against any attempt to make voting more difficult beyond voter ID. >They already can. What I meant to imply was that the use of ICE in such a flagrant fashion is equivalent to the use of the ATF or would be equivalent to the creation of a federal police force. If he wanted devolution of state agencies, it would be better for ICE to be used for large scale government projects and the coordination of local LEOs or contracting of private forces for the removal of illegal immigrants. >The housing economy is built on a pact of lies. The foreigners who purchase large swathes of land which are developed into ghost cities or apartments are typically from generational wealth in their own countries. This wealth usually has ties to legitimate businesses or party membership, and actions against the families associated with business or parties are typically seen as actions against businesses or parties. There's nothing stopping these people from putting an American patsy between them and their land other than a slight reduction in profits. The majority of the wealth from this land would still go overseas. >SCOTUS gave this power to the feds The availability of power shouldn't necessitate its use. >It's rules for thee but not for me cranked up to 11 and I have zero sympathy. It's socialistic. If I buy a vacation home and the land it's on but only go to it once every two years? What if I have a small home but own the acres of land around it and do nothing with that because I enjoy solitude or would rather not see the environment disrupted? In these cases, how would I be different from Bill Gates aside from scale? What happens to the land after it's taken? Is it redistributed to the community or sold to the highest bidder? I'd rather see an end to squatter's rights but the creation of protections for the rights of family members to stay on the property of their relatives and the application of anti-monopoly and anti-trust laws against charities and other secular non-profits. >You can't legally induct someone into the armed forces if they have an IQ of less than 83. Double digit IQs may as well be retarded. >I'm sure he can scrounge it up with money saved The money used for the DoE doesn't exist and shouldn't go anywhere. >You're acting like it's a ludicrous amount. It is and would be. Tons of illegal immigrants would clamor to join any expanded service-for-citizenship program, and the taxpayer would have to foot their wages. Even if his money no longer goes toward something that infringes upon his rights, the taxpayer must still pay for the wage of someone who is unlikely to do anything which directly affects him or sees combat. Unless the government puts the army's services up for sale, there's no point in expanding it by this method other than to posture on the world stage if we're leaving foreign conflicts. Illegal immigrants using service-for-citizenship are more likely to turncoat on the military for their race and relatives if his proposed special military operation in Mexico were to occur.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek_Ramaswamy >His parents are Tamil-speaking Brahmins from Kerala. >His parents immigrated from Palakkad district in Kerala,[14][15] where the family had an ancestral home in a traditional agraharam in the town of Vadakkencherry. >His father, V. Ganapathy Ramaswamy, a graduate of the National Institute of Technology Calicut, worked as an engineer and patent attorney for General Electric, while his mother, Geetha Ramaswamy, a graduate of the Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, worked as a geriatric psychiatrist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agraharam >An Agraharam (Sanskrit IAST: agrahāram) or Agrahara (Sanskrit IAST: agrahāra) was a grant of land and royal income from it, typically by a king or a noble family in India, for religious purposes, particularly to Brahmins to maintain temples in that land or a pilgrimage site and to sustain their families. If he was running in the early 2010s then he would be meme'd pretty hard. Alas, the glory days are gone.
Man retail shrinkage must be getting bad. >Walshart now has a crew receipt checking everyone at the exit >Regional grocery store has 3 associates birddogging the 6 self checkout lanes. There's been regular stories in the local news about retail theft teams from out of state hitting the several stores across multiple counties in a day - Also some are targeting vehicles in gym parking lots. The retail thefts are typically spics with a home address in Brooklyn. Blacks hit the vehicles, also from out of state, but they stay with family in the local section ape housing complexes, whereas the spics make it a day trip of crime, lol As an aside, I'm starting to see more items OOS like it was during the "supply chain disruptions" of recent years. I thought it may be related to the holidays, but it has persisted.
>>11022 I couldn't buy carrots the other day because of shortages. Carrots. You'd think that with drug and supplement shelves being stocked to the brim these stores could at least keep root vegetables in stock.
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https://thepostmillennial.com/space-force-commander-tells-house-he-was-fired-for-criticizing-dei >Former Space Force commander tells House he was fired for criticizing DEI >Lohmeier said he was fired "for writing a book trying to reverse the trend of the overt politicization of the uniformed services." https://thepostmillennial.com/president-trump-slams-judge-in-defamation-case-for-refusing-to-let-him-go-to-mother-in-laws-funeral >Judge wouldn't let Trump go to mother-in-law's funeral He also dared her to kick him out of the court room: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-trump-dares-judge-in-e-jean-carroll-defamation-case-to-kick-him-out-of-court >"Mr. Trump, I hope I don’t have to consider excluding you from the trial. I understand you are probably very eager for me to do that," Kaplan added. >"I would love it. I would love it," Trump responded, waving his hands. >Kaplan responded, "I know you would because you just can’t control yourself in this circumstance." >Trump said in response, "You can’t either."
>>11022 Is the beginnings of the fuckening finally upon us?

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