R: 97 / I: 38 /
P: 1
Welcome to /k/! (Meta Thread)
This board is dedicated to the discussion of weapons and military equipment, tactics, vehicles, experiences, stories, and more.
All discussion related to this board ("meta") goes in this thread.
Please keep all coronavirus related discussion in the COVID-19 general.
Read the disclaimer at the bottom of this post before continuing.
Useful Resources
Database full of useful information relating to weapons, guerilla warfare, medicine, philosophy, and much, much more.
>Forgotten Weapons
A YouTube channel which regularly posts informative content about all sorts of guns.
>Paul Harrell
A Jewtube channel where a dude shoots shit. Pretty entertaining.
>Security Pro USA
Huge shop with plenty of merchandise; including body armor, holsters, lights, helmets, masks, and more.
Another YouTube channel, which focuses instead on military rations and emergency food.
(More links are always appreciated!)
Disclaimer: Some of the stuff posted here (certain infographics, instruction manuals, or links, for example) may not be legal to view or possess in all jurisdictions. The administration of this board and 8chan.moe take no responsibility, since this content is posted by users from all across the world. We will not censor or remove any content here unless explicitly told to by law enforcement, or if we know that it violates United States federal law. If you come across something that is illegal to view, we encourage you to simply use the "hide file" feature. To do this, click on the link that says (Hide File) located above the image in question.
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shoots 50.cal
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homemade gun
I want to make a gun. How do I get the design?
R: 400 / I: 0 /
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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Previous thread:
Old one is bump locked and dead.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 1
is this a Ruger?
I don't know any other black handguns with long double barrels.
I also don't know how to tell if this is real or an airsoft replica.
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 1
/arg/ AR15 Thread AR rifles Armalite Rifles
First /arg/ thread
R: 15 / I: 2 /
P: 1
Buying guns
This board should be thriving.
Everyone should own 3 guns minimum.
A glock brand glock.
A rifle
A shotgun
Whats your excuse anons?
Also if you have any interest in purchasing a firearm let me walk you through it. Easy peasy.
The catalogue looks like a holocaust is all im saying.
R: 46 / I: 1 /
P: 1
Russo-Ukrainian War #32 - Early Anniversary Edition - anon.cafe is kill
The site's going down but the war is still hot!
Recap for the mouth-breathers who can't read threads not on the first page:
>Ukraine has been getting their ass pounded in Avdiivka
>Russians are getting their ass spanked while doing the pounding and they don't like it
>Ukraine tried screamed "FUCK YOU" at Belgorod to make Russia stop fucking their ass
>Russia told Ukraine "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" and started lobbing North Korean ballistic missiles (dubbed "Kimskanders") at Ukraine's military bases near civilian centers in retaliation, fucking up the civilian centers in the process
>Ukraine screamed they were coming and forced conscription of women and children and started handing out papers to expats
>People are expecting Avdiivka to fall
>That turns on the Russians and they will either a massive push in Zaporizhia or re-invade Kharkiv while making Ukraine retreat back to their Kievan leather club two cities down
>You are here
Vid related. Thread theme.
R: 250 / I: 1 /
P: 1
Alternative history thread
This thread includes alternative history wars, conflicts, weapons, tactics and more.
For instance
>Axis victory proxy wars
>Their equipment
>East centered world, conflicts
And more
R: 6 / I: 6 /
P: 1
What is your most simple carry gun?
I'm tried of seeing the dudes who lug around entire glock 17s, extended mag, comped, new trigger, big red dots, and a light.
I enjoy simplicity.
R: 36 / I: 4 /
P: 1
Taiwan Tells China To Go Fuck Itself
The Republic of China has told West Taiwan to stop meddling in their elections and to eat shit. I'm curious what CCP-anon who insisted that Taiwan was becoming part of China and how everyone in Taiwan considers themselves Chinese has to say on this?
>Number of Taiwanese who identify as primarily Chinese has plummeted to below 3% (it was like 15% before Ukraine)
>KMT (historically Chinese-sympathetic party) has taken an anti-China stance after China was caught red-handed bribing and interfering in Taiwan's elections
>Young people in Taiwan hate China
>Jewkraine of all things is turning the Taiwanese boomers against China
>All three parties have distanced themselves from China
>KMT and TPP are taking a hardline stance of no negotiation until China stops fucking around in international waters
>DPP who is slated to win the elections goes much farther with a hardline "we were always independent, fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on" stance
>Foxconn on suicide watch
Just like in Argentina, just like in Eastern Europe, China seems to lose allies faster than they can make them.
FUCK China.
R: 23 / I: 11 /
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Race War General : Total /k/ike Death Edition
R: 21 / I: 5 /
P: 1
Rhodesia thread
The place for babypuke green FN fals, and slightly more rascism than every other thread.
R: 136 / I: 7 /
P: 1
/xk/ Thread
Wendigo, skinwalkers, squatches, and ayyliums of /k/ go her. Maybe other even stranger things as well.
Inspired by reading his post >>51511 and not wanting to derail that thread.
R: 27 / I: 2 /
P: 1
War Economy
How to make money off war as a poorfag?
Thread for discussing war economics, how countries don't go broke/starve in extended wars, and similar monetary policy fuckery related to wars and upcoming wars.
R: 265 / I: 5 /
P: 1
Webm & Video-sharing Thread
New webm/mp4 thread. Post 'em if you got 'em. Keep it loosely /k/-related.
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P: 2
Neo-Holocaust 2.0 - Anti-Yanny Revamp edition
The story so far...
>IDF at the gates of Gaza
>Allegedly, Israel has killed 6 times more children in Gaza in 3 weeks than both Russia and Ukraine in their spat
>Al Qassam is bombing Israeli cities again.Not looking good for folks in the inner city part of Gaza
>Support for Palestinians absolutely off the charts in Europe, South America, Australia, most authorities cracking down on stadiums and unorganized protests
>According to weeb Hamas has sacrificed Beit Hanoun
>Israel is trying to cut off Jabalia (refugee camp central) from Gaza City and is piecemeal going after both
>Israel's goal seems to be to pincer areas on three sides before moving in for the kill
>Lebanon ain't gonna do shit
>Biden is denying Israel funding unless he gets full unmoderated funding to hide his crimes against humanity in Ukraine
>Israel threatens to cease the existence of Hezbullah
>Israeli forces have stopped being able to advance and are calling for a reshuffle of strategy coincidentally at the exact same time that they hit the urban pockets in Jabalia/Gaza City where Hamas is putting up more than token resistance.
>Israel quite literally putting journalists on a hit list for spreading "hurtful recorded propaganda"
>Israel to use "sponge bombs" to defeat Hummus
R: 423 / I: 1 /
P: 2
Holocaust 2.0: Total Jewish Domination Edition
The story so far:
>IDF takes over Gaza City
>Israel now openly bombing agricultural areas in Khan Younis
>White house announced that they will accept Israel permanently occupying Gaza City
>Israeli defense minister responded that they will not only occupy Gaza City but they will make sure they have permanent free military movement through the entire strip
>Entirety of Israel seems to be on fire from militants in the North and East launching rockets, with Israel having little to no control over the situation
>Israel airdropped flares directly over Al-Shifa Hospital about a week ago and there's been few reports coming out of that area since then
>Israel detonates experimental, miniature nuclear warhead in North Gaza
>Anons argue whether or not new thread is worth making, answer still unknown, rumors of internal memo suggesting press conference to be held on Tuesday, noon BRT (UTC-3:00)
R: 265 / I: 3 /
P: 2
WW2 General
epic WW2 bread
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 2
Anon.cafe is being nuked.
Wish they moved their shit here, but it is what it is.
R: 70 / I: 1 /
P: 2
I'm making a news board.
I don't care if it's full of feds. I don't care if you are coming or not coming. I'm going to post news on 8moe and you can either come along kicking and screaming, or I'm leaving you behind when the bombs drop March 15th. I'm calling it a news board because that's all I really use /k/ for half the time anyways but you can post /k/ things there if you want to and I don't really care.
R: 227 / I: 4 /
P: 2
Naval Thread II
Last thread fell off the board. Discuss and debate naval topics here.
R: 6 / I: 1 /
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phosgene manufacture
Phosgene was discovered by reacting chlorine and carbon monoxide with sunlight in something like airtight glass containers. Phosgene was a very deadly WW! gas.
R: 103 / I: 5 /
P: 2
South America
Sleepy, mothballed militaries on this continent often only get to see action during civil unrest and the occasional coup d'état. Studying them is interesting if you want to see how Third World militaries cope with alienation from society and a lack of a clear enemy. And coping in general.
The Brazilian Army has large troop numbers compared to its neighbors, but not as much of a numerical advantage when counting military hardware. It has a gargantuan territory to cover with motorized, jungle, light, border, etc. infantry. Brigades have to spread out their battalions, but this isn't just by the length of the border and coastline, brigades deep into the heart of the country do it too. Conscripts have to serve close to where they live, and officers still believe in molding and educating the unwashed masses through conscription. The Army is the only service with a substantial number of conscripts. Some say there'd be enough volunteers to abolish conscription. For the past couple decades, Army strategists have devised several schemes splitting their force between mostly professional, high-readiness brigades and outdated brigades only meant to process conscripts. There's supposed to be a reserve, but nobody's sure if a true mobilization would work.
All motorized infantry is set to be mechanized with the locally-assembled Iveco Guarani, but that's gonna take many years. The cavalry's older Urutu APCs have already been replaced. Its Cascavels will be replaced by Centauro IIs by a contract signed last month. Some of them will also be locally assembled and there's a degree of parts commonality with the Guarani; furthermore, Argentina is now set to also use Guaranis, which might give the defense industry some economy of scale. Leopard 1s will serve as far as 2040 and I haven't heard of any replacement for the M-113s which are supposed to follow them.
The Air Force's Gripens are very early on in their replacement of earlier F-5s.
The Navy "has" an aircraft carrier because they designated their helicopter carrier (Atlântico, formerly the HMS Ocean) as a "multipurpose aircraft carrier". Which they only use for helicopters anyway. They still have about ~5 carrier-capable Skyhawks so they can take off from a nonexistant carrier and, aided by nonexistant AEW aircraft, dogfight at sea with their guns. I've read in some of their material that the Atlântico's Artisan system could still guide the Skyhawks, but how much would this be useful without AEW aircraft? Please tell me.
R: 23 / I: 2 /
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Military Degeneracy
R: 179 / I: 1 /
P: 2
/k/anteen X - moe anthropomorphic guns
Welcome to the /k/anteen! This thread is a catch-all for general discussion that doesn't really belong anywhere else or might be off-topic.
Previous iteration:
R: 259 / I: 5 /
P: 2
Myanmar/Burma Thread
We should have a Myanmar/Burma thread. I think it's a big enough topic to justify having it separate from the Chink/Pajeet thread.
>What happened?
Long story short the Myanmar military has guaranteed 1/3rd representation in their version of congress. Aung San Suu Kyi had introduced a bunch of progressive reforms over the last few years and had frequent visits with Chinese despite Myanmar and China being in a technically hostile relationship. This is a big deal because Chinese nationals have been actively waging a civil war in Northern Myanmar. Suu Kyi lost international support after she approved the Muslim genocides back in 2017 in order to avoid a death sentence by the Myanmar military. The Myanmar military claims there was election fraud, but the evidence is more that this was a move to ensure national sovereignty as the current leader of the military would have been forced to step down/retire following the elections due to anti-military legislation congress passed in recent years. The military is using the excuse of Wu Flu to keep Myanmar's congressional body from officially convening by claiming that public officials violated COVID restrictions and utilized communication means to contact foreign countries when they were under investigation (something that is extremely illegal in Myanmar). Currently civil servants are protesting by manipulating the markets to crash the Myanmar economy with no survivors in order to try to justify UN interference in the form of foreign aid. Health workers, education workers, transportation workers, and banks are refusing to operate and holding protests. Foreign interference is expected.
>Why does this matter?
The military coup is aiming to restore the balance of power between military and civilian offices in government. If this fails, you can expect a war between Myanmar and China before the end of Biden's presidency as a means of China acquiring more territory. Specifically gemstone/mineral-rich territory that Myanmar already heavily exploits. This could give China an unprecedented economic edge to manipulate the precious metals market. Despite the military crackdown on communications and being an active part of the government, it is likely that the international community will use the protests as an excuse to start civil war in Myanmar since it could give them an excuse to plant western government military bases near China.
>Who are the good guys?
There are none. Suu Kyi is a progressive bitch, but the military are equally power-hungry and mostly working to preserve power structures that they failed to keep over the 2000s/2010s.
Stop crashing and let me post the thread, damn it.
>Flood Detected
>When the thread didn't even fucking post
God damn it.
R: 3 / I: 5 /
P: 2
Post Weapons and Armor from the Aliens Franchise
R: 128 / I: 4 /
P: 2
GFS - Gardening, Food acquisition and Stock keeping thread
Greetings Streloks,
as anounced in
>>17677, this is the thread about gardening, acquiring food and keeping stocks for long(er) Term survival. the main topics for this thread are
-growing food for long term survival.
-harvesting wild food if gardening is not an option for whatever
-legal and illegal food acquisition in areas where gardening is
hard or undoable or in the case of insufficient skills.
-wild gardening/guerilla gardening as alternative ways of growing food without owning land.
>What is the purpose of the info ITT?
This thread is aimed at providing information to every Strelok, on how to provide his own food, wether it is only for himself, or for a large fighting force. This is not only important for Post-collapse scenarios, but also an important factor of gaining freedom by independence from the government and society.
>what does this have to do with /k/?
At the time of the thread creation, /k/ is the board for weapons, combat and outdoorsmanship. A part of every armed conflict is the provisioning of food for the combatants to upkeep morale and fighting ability. Knowing how to grow and how to acquire food in any conditions is an important part of sustaining a fighting force, as the past has shown that a hungry soldier cannot win a conflict, and looting, even if an option, is only a short term solution, that cannot fully replace a stable supply of fresh provisions. Therefore, i see this as a quite important, and unfortunately overlooked aspect of /k/.
>What goes in regards to posting.
I'm not playing janny, but i'd prefer to keep this thread focused on the 4 main topics at the beginning of the Post. Related questions and discussion are welcome, and as long as it stays roughly on topic, i see the threads purpose as fulfilled.
>Is there an end goal?
A possible end goal would be a summarised sheet of information, that could (after extensive QC) be added to the boo/k/ "a world turned upside down", and a separate, condensed copy collected in an lightweight pamphlet to help aspiring streloks and newfags in obtaining basic information about starting to gain independence.
>How often will Information be gathered into summary sheets?
no idea, depends on how much traction the thread gets. An estimate would be one sheet every 100 posts, but as i said, that depends on the amount of content, and on it's quality.
R: 873 / I: 1 /
P: 2
Holacaust 2.0 This time is for real
Israeli military announces ‘state of war alert’ as Palestinian militants enter Israel from Gaza after deadly rocket attack
>Israel’s military announced a “state of war alert” on Saturday after militants from Gaza fired a deadly barrage of rockets and sent gunmen into Israeli territory in a major escalation of the long running conflict between the two sides.
>The early morning rocket attack, which the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) described as “massive”, left at least one person dead and multiple wounded.
>Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement that runs Gaza, claimed responsibility for the rocket attack and called for a general uprising against Israel.
>“If you have a gun, get it out. This is the time to use it – get out with trucks, cars, axes, today the best and most honorable history starts,” Hamas military commander Muhammad Al-Deif said in a recorded message.
>Dubbing the operation “Al-Aqsa Storm” he said that the group had “targeted the enemy positions, airports and military positions with 5,000 rockets” and that the assault on Israel was a response to attacks on women, the desecration of the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and the ongoing siege of Gaza
R: 23 / I: 1 /
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Appeal to a free Japan!
Samurai, Kuril Islands are not a disputed territory - this is your land, the land of your fathers! We have been fighting our common enemy Russia for almost 2 years. Despite the fact that their forces are ten times greater than ours, we have learned to destroy them not with quantity, but with quality. And we are ready to teach you how to fight this enemy so that you can reclaim your lands. Contact us with email: john_chishima @ proton . me. We will reply you as soon as possible
R: 567 / I: 3 /
P: 2
Russo-Ukrainian War #31: Wagner strikes back !
Only thing we need now are nukes and smooth bore muskets and we've seen it all!
>Ukrainian spring summer counteroffensive has failed utterly, without achieving any of its goals.
Recommended watching:
>Russians are slowly chipping away at ukrainian push on Rabotine, at the moment without real results.
>Ukrainians are attempting a push in Kherson region
>through Dniepr
>so far they have captured two villages by the shore
>consensus is that it is a suicidal push
>Ukrainians have struck russian air base in Berdyansk with ATACMS
>lossess depend on who you ask, from 3 helicopters (initial russian claim) lost to 60 (ukrainian propaganda). Anywhere in the region of 9-30 seems reasonable for damaged craft (there is one word for destroyed and damaged in slavic languages)
>most likely this is the only time when we see ATACMS, at least unless more are provided.
>there were only 12 provided of the cluster munition variety, insufficent for destroying Kerch bridge, which is why Ukrainians wanted them for in the first place
>striking Berdyansk and other similiar airports are the only thing they are good for.
>6 (+3?) were already used and next time air defences will have easier time when shooting them down.
>Russians launch offensive along the entire frontline
>the most important of which is attack on Avdievka
>Avdievka is ukrainian fortress, fortified for 8th years
>its has been used during the war to shell Donetsk city, which makes it a very important target
>there is a huge industrial waste pile on the north-eastern edge, called Terrikon. It is the only elevated vintage point, 20 meter high stone outcrop from which you can see entire region
>aside from initial push, there have been hardly any other successess so far
>fighting is bloody, ukrainian MoD (so 0 credibility) reports almost 10 000 dead since the start of the offensive
R: 279 / I: 5 /
P: 3
A thread where we can sperg out share our thoughts about everything that goes into an industrialized war.
R: 483 / I: 1 /
P: 3
Starting properly
R: 142 / I: 4 /
P: 3
Military aviation general
Making a comparison list in my wiki sandbox based on old deleted lists. What did I forget?
Fourth-generation light combat aircraft compared
− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −
Alpha Jet
Hawk 200
BAC 167
Attack jet aircrafts compared
− − − − − − − − − − − − − − −
Harrier GR7
Étendard IV
Interdictors compared
− − − − - - -
Tornado IDS/ECR
Third-generation jet fighters compared
− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −
Mirage F1
Mirage III
Mirage 5
IAI Kfir
Atlas Cheetah
J 35
JA 37
Fourth-generation jet fighters compared
− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −
Tornado ADV
Mirage 2000
Mirage 4000
IAI Lavi
JAS 39C/D Gripen
JAS 39E/F Gripen NG
HAL Tejas
F-CK-1 Ching-kuo
CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder
Yak-141 Freestyle
Sea Harrier FA.2
AV-8B Harrier II Plus
F-14 Tomcat
F-15 Eagle
F-15E Strike Eagle
F-15 S/MTD
F-16 Fighting Falcon
F/A-18 Hornet
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
F-20 Tigershark
Fifth generation jet fighters compared
− - − − − − −
R: 17 / I: 2 /
P: 3
I have quit a good sum of money to spend purely on sports training( I wont give away info about which Country im from,but il say its enough to buy an old car..this is extra,expendable income,it wont damage me)
Im obsessed over cross-functionality and inter-style matches(not mma which has devolved into its own style..I mean each fighter sticking to his own style)
What do i DO? I want to do:
>track and field
>muay thai,pro wrestling, water polo
>climbing plus acrobatics
give me some advice,some direction, i dont want to get scammed or injured
R: 19 / I: 2 /
P: 3
Discussing of current events.
By spooky coincidence I discovered, while searching for Abe pics on my computer, that second pic's file name begins with "abe"
R: 16 / I: 1 /
P: 3
How to buy automatic weapon in Europe? Can be illegal way.
R: 298 / I: 3 /
P: 3
Canadian Related Things
Greetings and Salutations
I wish to make a thread for my syrupnigger brethren in regards to firearms and basic politics.
I intend this thread to help any leafanons looking to get their PAL and shooters.
While theres still a chance for you to own something
Vote O'Toole if you still want to keep your guns and have the OIC repealled
Important links that you should read
If you're from 4cuc/k/, kill yourself, we do not want you
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 3
.308 SBR Hand Loading
So recently I got a .308 bolt gun for my birthday and I want to SBR it to 12" and thread it for a suppressor, thinking about form 1'ing my own suppressor too since i've got the knowledge and tools to do that. Anyways, i know SBR .308s have a bad rap for being flashy and concussive and i'd like to minimize that as much as possible, especially if i go the route of a form 1'd suppressor, and since i'm getting into reloading i'd figure i'd try to cook up some handloads that are optimized for the shorter barrel length to reduce flash and the concussive force. Any suggestions on where i should start or personal experiences? Or should i just get rid of the gun and buy a 7.62x39?
R: 22 / I: 1 /
P: 3
is there any real chance ,possibility,of there-being a nuclear war within 20-40 years? Will biological/bacterial/nucelar war ever occur?what about balkanization of european countries,and more obviously african and M.E. ones(i think latam will,on the contrary,become bigger countries trough intestine civil wars and inter-statist wars)
how do I,myself,prepp for all this?
R: 67 / I: 5 /
P: 3
Automatic firepower
Machine guns, autocannons, automatic grenade launchers, early hand-cranked weapons, and everything else that's meant to shoot a lot.
R: 10 / I: 1 /
P: 3
He had an MP7.
R: 14 / I: 1 /
P: 3
Does this look like a real shooting to you?
Clouds of smoke *SPOOF* fat lady fall down.
This is fucking low effort lmao
>weapon related
R: 168 / I: 1 /
P: 3
a world turned upside-down (/wrol/ book thread)
Hello /k/, I'm the author of "a world turned upside-down", formerly titled "gear packing list file". Here's the newest version (1.9). If you wish to contribute to the contents, please download/read it and then post here with what you'd like to see added. Be sure to mention/explain where your contribution belongs in the book. Thanks.
You guys were surprisingly hard to find again.
R: 443 / I: 1 /
P: 3
/k/ video games
I just wanted to play video games and post loli!
Are there any shooters with cute animu girls that isn't lootershooter crap?
R: 74 / I: 5 /
P: 3
Artillery thread
A thread where we can went our pent up thoughts about the king/queen/god/aidoru (please underline your preference) of the battlefield.
R: 102 / I: 5 /
P: 3
Modern warfare: drones & trenches
In Ukraine, due to drones being so cheap and plentiful, by now it is possible to observe the enemy movements relatively deep behind enemy lines 24/7, therefore any large concentration of force can be subjected to bombardment well before it is ready to attack. Therefore the only way to mount an assault is to send forward small units, and at that scale even a few conscripts with machine guns and anti-tank missiles inside some foxholes can put up an admirable defence. And even if the attack is successful, the small units simply do not have the supplies and manpower to attack the next enemy position, and it takes time for their replacements to catch up, therefore all momentum is immediately lost. The end result is that everyone is back in the trenches, just like in the western front more than a century ago.
Is this really the state of warfare now, or is the situation in Ukraine is somehow exceptional, and we are unlikely to see it repeated elsewhere?
R: 44 / I: 1 /
P: 4
why aren't you reverse engineering firearms anons?
with free time and autism, you could be putting out open source technical data packages for firearms. hell you could even do it for cool stuff thats not available, like anything HOWA makes
heres a quick roadmap to get you started:
>reference picture collection
start by collecting as many good pictures as you can. preferable are pictures with a high resolution, ones that give a good profile of the gun (normal to the side or other features in question), have items of known size in them (something measureable), or that show the internal components of the firearm. patent drawings are often an excellent (and usually accurately drawn) resource.
next take your image editing software of choice and start taking pixel measurements. for each photo, put the measurements as a percentage of a common feature of the firearm, such as a proportion of the magazine, barrel length, or other known size feature. when you have enough measurement proportions (say, 5-10 per feature), input them in a spreadsheet and get the averages
get acquainted with a 3d software of your choice. start modelling out your major features. if you come across something that seems contradictory, make a decision that makes the most sense as to which you should keep. dont be afraid to round up or down to convienient numbers (or standard stock sizes) if they're close.
>part collection
the next stage, if its possible. try to get 'critical parts' that can be used to infer the dimensions of other parts. think: bolt carriers, bolts, barrels, sight blocks/gas system components, trunnions etc.. the same goes for parts that you're unsure of the features because they couldn't be tracked down in pictures. use these to revise your 3d model
>3d printing
make a 3d print of your model so far. does it work with the parts you have? does it fit together at all? compare it to your pictures. does it look right? are there obvious differences (in proportions or missing features?). use this as an iterative process to get your model closer to reality. your eye is a precision instrument.
this is where the cliff really comes in, but you'll find its very worth it if you make the jump. learn about metal working and making things in general. practice welding, machining, bending etc. buy tool and die books (you'll need them) and manufacturing process books to widen your knowledge. practice making things. get good at using a finger break. craft a plan of how to build the components of your firearm. make drawings of your custom tools, of your parts, and update them as you build them (make as built drawings). document EVERYTHING. when something works, record it for others. avoid making pressure bearing compnents (try to buy them) at first, but eventually with enough knowledge those will be game as well.
if you've made it this far, you'll have a good idea of how to safely test things. congratulations! even if you only make it part of the way through, your contributions can still be valuable. well, whats your excuse for not doing above? get at it!
R: 46 / I: 1 /
P: 4
Serious question, how close is America to collapse? I want to plan ahead accordingly. Not a fed/shill/demoralizer, etc, but it seems inevitable.
R: 280 / I: 2 /
P: 4
R: 24 / I: 18 /
P: 4
Jane Wick videos
R: 110 / I: 1 /
P: 4
A thread dedicated to camping, hiking, traveling, outdoor sports, and general outdoorsmanship. The fresh open air, clear blue skies, ice-cold white winters, and grey-black storms that threaten fire and flash floods are your domain Strelok. What will you make of it?
Have you done any camping in the last year? Are you making sure to get that D get sunlight for your eyes and general health? Even in a concrete jungle there's usually great secrets to be found with a little time, exploration, and innovation.
R: 77 / I: 2 /
P: 4
Camo and other clothing
Camo, jackets, hats, paint, shoes, and etc. go in this thread. The rule of thumb for camo is that if you don't know what to get, you want a general camo, your options are limited, or you're on a budget just get flecktarn. ATACS and SS-Leto are god-tier for lush environments, and alpenflage, strichtarn, and multicam are good for drier areas. M05 Winter for Winter.
R: 32 / I: 1 /
P: 4
If the A-10 was a woman She would be fat and ugly.
If the F-15E was a woman she would be an Onee-san type, tall, large breasts, muscular thighs, and have blue eyes.
If the F-5 were a woman she would be short, flat, skinny, and jealous of F-15E.
If the F-16 were a woman should be a fit tomboy.
If the F/A-18 were a woman she'd be a Watersport tomboy.
If the F-35 were a woman she'd be a muscle girl with nice abs.
If the F-14 were a woman she'd be a motherly Okaa-san type.
R: 521 / I: 2 /
P: 4
Generic News Thread - NTDDIOT #2:
News That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread
Generic news thread for things related to /k/ or global conflicts that doesn't deserve its own thread but is worth keeping an eye on in case it might be worth making a thread about later.
>previous threads
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 4
ITT it's 1918
R: 14 / I: 1 /
P: 4
Post revolvers
Just do it.
R: 28 / I: 34 /
P: 4
Famous guns
Guns that are infamous.
Such as this Charter Arms .38 undercover
Used to kill famous hippie John Lennon.
I call it the "imagine there's no oxygen" pistol.
R: 9 / I: 1 /
P: 4
bun GET
R: 141 / I: 1 /
P: 4
Will China persist much longer as a leading power? Why or why not?
R: 70 / I: 5 /
P: 4
/ak/ Thread - Anime & Animation /k/ulture
Expanded /ak/ thread. What're you watching? Even if it's not necessarily /k/ related I'm interested and I'm sure anons who haven't hid the thread would be interested in your thoughts too. Non-Japanese /k/-related animation is fine as well since it would be silly to have two threads. Posting cute girls doing operating things is also fine.
Right now I'm watching Macross 7 and Amanchu. The former is about humanity surviving in space against space Satan while the latter is a nice CGDCT SoL with some yuribait involving scuba diving. Both are a lot of fun.
R: 130 / I: 5 /
P: 4
Asian military history
A thread where we can discuss anything from horse archery to why the two Koreas should be reunified as part of the Great Japanese Empire.
R: 502 / I: 5 /
P: 4
Tank/afv thread
A discussion thread about the most powerfull land vehicles and it's derivatives.
Prototypes, historical, modern just needs to be an afv.
R: 21 / I: 1 /
P: 5
/mu/si/k/ thread?
Anthems, faggot cadences, marches, vivaldi, whatever bullshit you're currently cracked out on. tl;dr /k/pop thread.
R: 140 / I: 1 /
P: 5
Kusarigama and Other Ninja Gear
The kusarigama confuses me.
The design itself is perfectly reasonable: It's a flail with a short-range weapon attached for when you get a bit too intimate with your enemy. It leaves me wondering why European flails didn't have a spike on the handle just in case, but whatever.
No, the confusing thing about the kusarigama is why a sickle of all things? Why not use a kunai, a hatchet or a pick instead? They are typically seen as ninja weapons and in that regard the obvious answer is to use the sickle as a grappling hook. However, a Japanese sickle would be an absolutely shit grappling hook because the shaft is longer than the blade is wide and that's the opposite of what you want. And even if you do manage to catch something, you're going to be putting half your bodyweight directly onto your carefully sharpened blade so now all you've got is a shitty warpick. A normal pick would make an excellent hook, with the downside of losing your throat-slitting capability.
And as for skirting ATF-san? Do you really think your local glow-kokujin is going to believe you when you tell him that you thresh your grain with a meteor flail, and that you do it out in the rice paddy? It would be perfect if you could just stick the chain on with a bow shackle, but I don't know if the nips had anything quite that convenient back then.
R: 31 / I: 1 /
P: 5
whats the point of having "special forces" tests and recruitments focus on (((cardio))); rucking,running, etc. instead of athleticism and time-power based skills?
Instead of marching 40km a day for 2 weeks;why not test for sprint,put shot, boxing,etc? some real useful military-athletic shit.
are generals all retarded?
R: 8 / I: 1 /
P: 5
Civil war
What are the odds of a coming civil war or racewar in North America. Like soon.
High right?
And cityfags they are dead twenty ways to Sunday. So even ruralfags are probably mostly btfo.
So side question what can be done to prepare abd increase ones odds of survival.
R: 656 / I: 1 /
P: 5
Neo-Holocaust 2.0 - Gaza chambers edition
The story so far:
>Palestinian HAMAS fighters attack israel on 7.10.2023, 50 anniversary of yom kipur war
>The attack is incredibly well prepared and includes paragliders, coastline navy, raids into military bases and capturing of hostages, including one israeli general
>Israel Defense Force instantly mobilizes, plans to level Gaza to the ground
>get cold feet after the entire world accusses them of genocide
>israeli turn down power and water into Gaza
>then proceed to bomb indiscriminately pretty much everything
>including one hospital with mostly women and children
>arab world unites. Sauds drink tea with Iranians
>geopolitical map of the middle east is rewritten in a single day
>jews bomb airport in Syria on which leader of Iran was supposed to arrive for a meeting
>Hezbollah is attacking from the north after Israeli airstrikes into Lebanon
>america sends in THREE (3) aircraft carriers to israeli shores
>currently everyone is in a sort of mexican standoff, with everyone afraid to act while jews genocide palestinians with bombs and hunger
R: 69 / I: 4 /
P: 5
The 12 Guage Project
Hi, this is a documentation of my project revolving around the 12 guage shotgun shell and my aspirations to build a slug that will reach out to intermediate rifle ranges (preferably 300 yards), have large amounts of impact shock at those ranges, while still also being capable of creating good tissue damage.
To do this i have created a self stabilizing slug shape unintentionally based off the Minié Ball out of a CO2 cartridge that i used as a mold, i have made this "body" out of aluminum and have designed a steel weight/penetrator with similar proportions to a 5.56 M193 ( a little bit smaller so that itll fit in the shell).
My goal is to have the aluminum body impact the target, transferring a large amount of energy to the target via direct energy transfer, and then for the steel tip to come apart from the rest of the slug and tumble inside the target.
I have already made lead versions of these slugs without the steel weight and at roughly 100 yards they had great stability so im very hopeful for this shape. I have not yet shot the aluminum ones, primarily because i only have one as of right now and am awaiting a crucible to cast more.
I also plan on sending these to the youtube channel Taofledermaus so that they can test them at longer ranges and against ballistics gel with their high speed camera.
Questions welcome as long as they arent retarded.
R: 451 / I: 5 /
P: 5
Fantasy Weapons, Armor, and Armaments
A thread for all sort of all sorts of /k/ related things that range from cool to cursed.
R: 58 / I: 3 /
P: 5
Canadian and US forces intervening in Haiti
Exclusive: U.S. will support sending ‘multinational rapid action force’ to Haiti
The United States has drafted a United Nations Security Council resolution that will encourage the “immediate deployment of a multinational rapid action force” to Haiti to address the nation’s worst security and health crisis in decades, according to a copy of the resolution obtained by McClatchy and the Miami Herald. The draft resolution, confirmed by multiple U.S. and U.N. officials, comes in response to a call by U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres last week for the establishment of a rapid reaction force to assist the Haitian National Police. Over the past four weeks, powerful armed gangs have all but sent the country into anarchy, blockading the country’s largest fuel terminals and cutting off its critical roadways. It is the first public indication so far that the Biden administration is willing to participate in a military force in Haiti — although the resolution does not specify what role various nations would play.
R: 25 / I: 1 /
P: 5
Why does the 3d printed gun thread keep getting deleted?
If you can at least give me an answer, that would be so nice.
R: 20 / I: 1 /
P: 5
American Made Assault Vehicle.
R: 191 / I: 1 /
P: 5
US Air Force claims to have built a superplane in secret
Revealed: US Air Force Has Secretly Built and Flown a New Fighter Jet
The new digital tools that designed the full-scale flight demonstrator could herald a sea change in weapons acquisition.
>The U.S. Air Force’s disclosure that it has secretly built and flown a prototype fighter jet could signal a shift in how the military buys weapons and who builds them.
>Will Roper, the head of Air Force acquisition, revealed the existence of the new jet, which he said was part of the service’s Next Generation Air Dominance, or NGAD, project. “NGAD right now is designing, assembling, testing in the digital world, exploring things that would have cost time and money to wait for physical world results,” Roper said during a video presentation at the Air Force Association’s Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference on Tuesday. “NGAD has come so far that the full-scale flight demonstrator has already flown in the physical world. It’s broken a lot of records in the doing.”
>Roper provided no more details about the jet, which is presumed to be the Pentagon’s first attempt to build a “sixth-generation” tactical aircraft after the fifth-gen F-22 and F-35 jets. He even declined to name the company or companies that built the jet. But he said the digital design technology used to build the new plane could increase competition and increase the number of American military jet makers.
>“Digital engineering is lowering overhead for production and assembly [so] you do not have to have huge facilities, huge workforces [and] expensive tooling,” Roper said on a video conference call with reporters after his presentation. “It is letting us take aircraft assembly back to where we were in the [19]70s and prior to it — back when we had 10 or more companies who could build airplanes for the United States Air Force, because you could do it in hangar-like facilities with small, but very good teams, of engineers and mechanics. We're going back to that. It's super exciting.”
>Lockheed Martin and Boeing are the only two U.S. companies that currently build fighter jets.
>The Air Force in July revealed that it received 18 bids for a new drone that could fly in formation with manned fighter jets. While Boeing, Northrop Grumman and General Atomics won contracts, much smaller Kratos, which has been the subject of acquisition speculation, also received a contract. “We're...surprised there were 18 bidders,” Cowen & Company analyst Roman Schweizer, wrote in a July 24 note to investors. “Having five competitors for a decent-sized program is pretty solid, in our opinion, particularly when you consider three or fewer is the norm for most platforms, weapons or systems.”
>Another reason for disclosing the NGAD project: Roper wants companies to invest more in digital design technology. In recent years, the Pentagon writ large has been trying to tap into innovation, particularly commercial technology, that could be adopted for the military.
>Roper declined to give many additional details about the NGAD project because it is classified. But he said part of the reasoning for disclosing the existence of a test aircraft was to prove to naysayers that combat aircraft could be fully designed and tested on computers before they’re physically built, much like the way Boeing and Saab built the T-7 pilot training jet in recent years. “I've had many people in the Pentagon and elsewhere, say, ‘I see how you could apply that approach to a trainer like T-7, but you could not build a cutting-edge warfighting system that way,’” Roper said. “I've had to listen to that and just nod my head and say, ‘Well, you may be right,’ knowing in the back of my head that you're actually wrong because of what NGAD has done.”
>In addition to the NGAD and the T-7, Northrop Grumman is using digital design and testing in building new intercontinental ballistic missiles and it’s also being used on two new satellite projects, Roper said. “My hope is to create greater credibility and the process, at least within my my own team for many who are not read in to NGAD, so that they will know to get smart on this technology because we're going to train on it, we're going to drill on it until this is the way we do business,” he said.
>Digital design technology is already being used by the automotive industry and Formula One racing.
R: 22 / I: 5 /
P: 5
DIY Faraday Cages?
R: 101 / I: 3 /
P: 5
HR 1808
R: 56 / I: 1 /
P: 5
Leftists are hypocritical
I find the way history is written is very hypocritical.
When Westerners take control of a place or move to a new land, they are called "colonized" "colonizers" "plundering resources", "stealing land " etc.
When non-Western countries invade and colonize a place, they are called "migrants", "in-migrants", "expansion" and "redistributing land "
When the West renders insurgent forces harmless, the left usually calls it "massacre innocent people". When the same thing happens in a non-Western country, the way to describe the event becomes "conflict outbreak", "quelling the rebellion", "XX people were killed in the conflict"
R: 16 / I: 1 /
P: 5
Happy Birthday Hitler
I'd just like to say a happy birthday to the greatest leader to have ever existed. Sieg Heil.
R: 11 / I: 1 /
P: 5
RIP Marv
R: 7 / I: 1 /
P: 6
democrat-subverted legal system empowers democrat political terrorism
R: 44 / I: 5 /
P: 6
R: 62 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Wokeness in the gun industry
First time I saw this shit relating to guns at all:
I knew H&K was anti-gun and liberal since post-war Germans are the most cucked race in the history of time but goddamn. Strategizing your market around bikinis is not the point, you idiot ass moron. You dumb whores were the ones who advocated for bikinis and the rest of your sluttery in the first place, because it was "empowering."
Has this been going on for some time now or is guns finally catching up to the rest of this leftist gutter culture? Has Glock or Sig cucked like this? Sig has the big military contract so I suppose it is only a matter of time until they shove a rainbow dildo up their ass.
R: 14 / I: 1 /
P: 6
This is a response to this post
>The liberal threat wants to turn my theoretical son into a homo and daughter into a coalburning slut. The Chinese threat wants to kill my son, rape my daughter and/or use her for human experimentation, put me into a slave labor camp for not fellating the state, and eat my dog. Both are insidious but one has more real-world long-term ramifications for society than the other.
That's not true. Liberalism isn't as temporary as you think. The liberal threat gives an existential crisis, same as the Chinese. Your real opposition aren't retard libshits, but the focused, high-intelligence globalists, with trillions of dollars they can bankroll puppets with. Apparent liberalism in society is only apparent, and hasn't weakened for decades, but is rather increasing, and could devour our society before we get a real opportunity to recover. If they have control of the youth through shitty schools, and control of their lives through consumerist sterile hypersexuality ideology, they can effectively brainwash and get the kind of servile class they want.
And if they're able to eliminate all potential rebellion, by targeting even lukewarm reactionary groups into irrelevance or destitution, and control the flow of weapons distribution, which seems a serious probability with ever weakening gun ownership protection laws, Western society has a serious threat growing within it, that may permanently make the idea of it extinct.
R: 7 / I: 2 /
P: 6
How to make fun things
A thread about making fun things that make glowniggers sweat.
R: 13 / I: 1 /
P: 6
What are some /k/ dishes you would make for various scenarios (at home, camping, innawoods, bugout)? What are the essential ingredients and cookware you need to have? Do you have any recipes to share? What military has the best MRE? Hardmode: No France or Italy
R: 36 / I: 1 /
P: 6
What guns and calibres are popular in your country?
R: 10 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Innawoods Thread?
Innawoods thread.
>TFW no Nemo Omen
>no Mark 23
>no wakizashi
>no ranger roll
>only one handgun
>only one melee
I did the best I could
R: 17 / I: 1 /
P: 6
>no reloading thread on the board
Anyone tried buying primers lately? It's been a year since I bought some through Midway. Have they been showing back up in your local stores irl?
R: 22 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Homemade Meds for Bullet wounds
I made this celox b knock off using everything seen in pic + electrical tape. Havent tested it yet, what do you guys think the likelyhood of this working is? And how should i test it?
R: 28 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Shot Show 2023
a thread for all things related the big show starting tomorrow
R: 18 / I: 3 /
P: 6
Randy Weaver has passed away.
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 6
Watch out for ISIS-K
Now in control of Afghanistan.
R: 41 / I: 20 /
P: 6
The lounge /k/ relaxing, weapons, chitchat, ballistol plugs
The lounge /k/ relaxing, weapons, chitchat, ballistol plugs, and assorted chicanery.
This is place.
R: 10 / I: 4 /
P: 6
I cannot express how much i would love to have sex with the German super heavy tank the MAUS..
I want to stick my weewee in the gun barrel and shoot my funny juice inside it.
Please do not report me to the police i promise i am sane :)
Maus my beloved <3
R: 57 / I: 16 /
P: 6
I'm a professional gunsmith, ask me anything.
Thought this might be a good thread to liven things up. I have:
>No degree, because those schools are all DeVry-tier rackets
>5 years apprenticeship under a master gunsmith who was a retired millwright machinist
>3 years experience doing it solo as an actual, paid job
There are still a lot of guns I haven't personally worked on, but the list of guns I haven't at least touched, shot, or tinkered with is pretty short. I'll check back on this thread every so often and try to answer every question if I can.
if thred 2 ghey pls b&
R: 40 / I: 20 /
P: 7
The Taliban now owns Afghanistan
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 7
Tombstone 9mm lever action
The Tombstone 9MM is POF-USA’s take on a lever-action rifle. Tombstone is a modern-lever-action chambered in a pistol caliber, initially offered in 9MM. The rifle comes with the same proven 20-round standard magazine, or optional 10-round, that accompanies the POF-USA Phoenix. The Tombstone’s compact overall length is just 36” and comes in at an ultra-lightweight 5.75lbs (unloaded weight). The trigger is a proprietary non-adjustable design, featuring a smooth pull and crisp break of 3.5lbs. The 16.5” free-floating 4150 steel barrel is complimented by POF’s 10.5” Modular Receiver Rail (M.R.R.), with M-Lok slots at the 3, 6, 9 and a 2” picatinny rail at the 12 position. The integrated XS Ghost Ring sights allow for quick target acquisition and POF’s removable dual port muzzle break is ideal for fast follow-up shots. Its total length is 16 and a half inches. So a little over a foot.
R: 11 / I: 12 /
P: 7
How to Gun
Is it easier to make a gun out of a full metal airsoft or just print one yourself? (asking for a friend)
parts are available to buy online but that doesn't make a whole gun.
R: 4 / I: 2 /
P: 7
Recommendations for tools / complete tool kits?
Asking as a general question... Anyone have any recommendations on brands, kits, specific tools, etc. for the hobbyist and maybe even occasional pro?
For me, it is more to do with maintaining a few AR's, Glock 19 & 43, 1911's, old-time Western-style weapons (Colt SAA, Ruger Blackhawk, Winchester 1894, Springfield 1873 Trapdoor) and a few other pieces in the collection.
It is also about wanting to build more 80% lowers. Built an AR lower, and felt pretty comfortable doing so. Resulting rifle shoots as tight as my original Colt 6600 HBAR, but I built it.
And, if I get good enough, maybe make a few dollars on the side helping others.
So, any recommendations? The military small-arms armorers kits come to mind, but they're harder to find in complete / good condition or at a reasonable price (even beat up, they command high prices).
R: 13 / I: 7 /
P: 7
Reminder that a true Samurai can cut through machine gun bullets and European swords.
R: 22 / I: 9 /
P: 7
The White mans Handgun
Browning was a genius.
This is Gods Caliber.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Winchester 1897
How easy is it to get this gun in the US?
R: 8 / I: 2 /
P: 7
good blade
hollow ground blade with vine pattern filework on spine, 4 3/4" handle of Australian Sheoak with black G10 liners, nickel silver pins and lanyard hole.
what would be your favourite blades be for combat?
R: 57 / I: 87 /
P: 7
Post music, especially ones about war, rebellion, and weapons.
>Krigsgaldr by Heilung
Moved to war when words cannot protect the people you care about.
What if I want to tell you that the path you follow leads to downfall but you only understand the language of the sword?
>Re-Education (Through Labor) by Rise Against
The lower class, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden, fed up with a spot beneath the heel.
I won't crawl on my knees for you, I won't believe the lies that hide the truth, I won't sweat one more drop for you.
R: 7 / I: 5 /
P: 7
Weird guns
Post odd ducks.
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 7
Gauss rifle for sale
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 7
does this stuff actually help the defender get out of sticky situations? do you got experience from either end of it?
R: 16 / I: 2 /
P: 7
/GG/ Glock General
The one stop shop for all things plastic fantastic. The austrian super gun. The ceramic wonder the glock 7 is undetectable by xray and costs more than you make in a month.
R: 8 / I: 2 /
P: 7
Cannons were always illegal
1 May 2020:
>From the very beginning you weren't allowed to have certain weapons.
<You weren't allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual.
23 June 2021:
>The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own.
<You couldn’t buy a cannon.
Educate us more Joe
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 7
ITT: Boycott thread
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
rifle build
rate my build so far
a1 upper,solid aluminum C.A.R stock
R: 9 / I: 2 /
P: 8
/QTDDTOT/ Ask and ye shall recieve
Questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Like can I use ballistol to clean leather.
R: 24 / I: 12 /
P: 8
Ammo shortage
The great ammo shortage is finally starting to let up. I paid almost 50 bucks for a box of five hundred Remington thunderbolt .22lr
And that sucks, but at least its for sale. So lets a have a thread and mention the worst ripoff we paid over the ammo shortage. I bought a box of fifty 9x19luger and paid a twenty. It sucked ass anon. The worst part? It was tula steel case. That really sucked. And was embarassing. Your turn anons.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 8
General Coonsumerism general thread /GCG/
Ask for opinions, suggestions and what not or just call each other faggots and ignore good advice.
I'll start, so I've already gotten my Christmas shopping done early and wanna get something for myself with my remaining gift budget, been neglecting getting my Stoeger/knock off Turkish Benelli waterfowling shotgun a nice sling for a while and wanna change that. So long as said sling is made in America Taiwan or a gun friendly Euro country like the Czech Republic or Finland and has a good reputation for lasting I'm fine with it, I refuse to buy Chinisum though for several reasons.
Bin looking at blue force gear stuff, maybe I'll just get one of those even though they're expensive I dunno but I'm not in any hurry.
I was for a short time humoring the idea of putting a leather sling on it but decided that's dumb and more of a lever action thing.
Also I already have swing swivels picked, plan on ordering them after Christmas so I don't have to worry about congesting traffic even more than it already is this year.
R: 35 / I: 17 /
P: 8
/ZG/ Zombie general #1
Apparently all cv-19 threads and comments get deleted and get you banned.
EXCEPT if its here.
Problem here didn't previously exist so im making one.
► Detected: 182,177,211 (+310,354) ► Dead: 3,942,949 (+5,803) ► Day: 538 (-00:00:01)
ᐅ End of numbers for Day 537: 181,861,239 (+315,631) ᐅ Dead: 3,939,108 (+6,279)
ᐉ Weekly Stats: Cases 2%∆ ᐉ Deaths 5%ᐁ
VAERS vaccine deaths (see vacc rundown), estimate - 58,880-588,800 deaths in USA with vaxx as of 4th June 2021
— 209 countries & territories infected
— 107x more confirmed deaths than swine flu (2009-2010) in a year (2020-2021)
— 326 treatments, 257 vaccines announced
— 29903 base pairs, original strain sequencing complete
Q: "Cases/deaths (were) going down? wtf?"
>what's seasonality
Oh this is a zombie thread now also. I expect shitty dayglo green guns, and good ammo but painted green.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 8
MAK-G47 is a gun model made by me and also its combined with AK-47 M4A1 GLOCK18 and KNIFE BUTTER
R: 40 / I: 19 /
P: 8
Block 19
The latest one off design to butthurt mothers against drunk design.
R: 7 / I: 2 /
P: 8
How come side-feeding guns stopped being a thing?
They were everywhere since the inception of the SMG to somewhere after it, but what precisely phased them out?
R: 20 / I: 17 /
P: 8
ITT: Draw thread
Post request and perhaps maybe even receive art too.
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 8
Battle of Dien Bien Phu
French empire VS Vietnamese independence fighters
What went wrong /k/, what would you have done differently?
R: 140 / I: 336 /
P: 8
Biological, Chemical, and Psychological Warfare Thread
Here we go
R: 72 / I: 155 /
P: 8
/k/ humour thread brits edition
Post em lads
R: 6 / I: 4 /
P: 8
Biden stages another school shooting
Another school shooting. Prepare for photos of crying Joe and another round of gun grab legislation.
The weapon used? Semi-auto handgun.
Yeah. Looks they coming for the glocks finally.
Prepare for a law limiting magazines ala california.
R: 47 / I: 218 /
P: 8
Greentext: 1: the texting in the key of green.
Dumping green text and what looks like pdfs. Who knows whats in here. Probably on topic.
R: 7 / I: 1 /
P: 8
Glocks big announcement
They made a watch. Hand etched signature from Gaston Glock on the back, this pocket watch can fire a single .44 round. The ultimate backup piece.
Highest quality internal mechanics on the clock itself.
This is the coolest thing ever.
And only $50 a watch!
R: 38 / I: 30 /
P: 8
ITT - Cursed guns
Post either your own, or photos you've found (basically fucking everything)
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 8
Paul Harrell thanksgiving special
R: 6 / I: 3 /
P: 9
Boot Knife Thread
So you bought a pair of badass meme boots for when shit hits the fan, but what about a booy knife?
Yeah you need one. So lets talk about boot knives.
Oh and according to these dudes back of boot is best carry point.
R: 12 / I: 3 /
P: 9
3D Gun Legend, "JStark," Famous For "FGC-9," Dead At 28-Years Old
3D Gun Legend, "JStark," Famous For "FGC-9," Dead At 28-Years Old
>It's come to our attention that German magazine Der Spiegel reports the inventor of the rapid-fire 3D-printed gun that could be entirely printed at home has passed away.
>JStark, a 28-year-old German citizen, was one of the biggest innovators of this decade when printing weapons and gun parts at home. He helped create Deterrence Dispensed - an online group that promotes and distributes open-source 3D printed firearms, gun parts, and cartridges. The group strongly supports freedom of speech applied to computer code and blueprints.
>Der Spiegel says JStark passed away on Friday of an apparent heart attack. Foul play was ruled out, and it "appears" his death was natural without any involvement of a third party. Along with this, the German magazine also reported police raided his home days before.
>Another top 3D-printed gun designer that goes by the Twitter handle "CTRLPew," also confirmed the death of Stark.
>JStark's wasn't just an at-home gun hobbyist printing weapons. He promoted firearm ownership, freedom of speech and has been quoted in a documentary as saying, "We want everyone to have the freedom of speech, and the right to bear arms. If that's too politically extreme for you ... f**k yourself."
>JStark's 2020 release of the FGC-9. otherwise known as "f**k gun control 9 mm," was made widely available across the internet in late 2020. The publication of the gun's blueprints created an online sensation. It spurred freedom movements of millennial printers who have revolutionized the way firearms are produced and that government cannot and will not control them. FGC-9 emerged as a symbol of life and freedom rather than a deadly weapon as governments worldwide impose tyrannical measures that restrict freedoms in a post-COVID world.
>Some in the printing community have pointed out that a young man like himself shouldn't have had a heart attack at 28-years old and reeks of suspension.
>Keep in mind, governments around the world are freaking out about printed guns (because they're unserialized). The Biden administration has repeatedly warned he will "stop ghost guns."
>Here's a tribute to JStark.
Did he get killed by the clotshot, or did the glowniggers get him? Or maybe the glowniggers blowdarted him with the clotshot.
R: 11 / I: 10 /
P: 9
Banners. We have exactly one. In my opinion we require more.
So if anyone has banners plz upload.
R: 5 / I: 3 /
P: 9
Last american drone strike in Afghanistan
One last batch of muzzies killed before we leave apparently.
The US armed forces on the way out decided to strike and kill 10 civvies at kabul airport, including seven kids.
The only real way to explain this is something wasn't disabled that we abandoned and this was how we disabled it.
Alternatively, salty over getting their shit pushed in by goat herders some drone officer decided to kill some random afghanis.
Aljazeera link because lol
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Canada General - SKS edition
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David Chipman not be head of ATF
Biden withdrew his nomination for the head of ATF today.
After putting forth david "gungrabber" chipman as the man Biden trusted to round up Americans guns, Biden got hammered by congress basically.
A win for the second amendment today, but theres no guarantee that tomorrow wont have a worse man promoted to the position of gungrabber czar.
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What are people shooting off tonight? Celebrate your freedom boys.
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Gaston Glock's Birthday
It was Gaston Glock's birthday yesterday. Say something nice.
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P: 9
What is easier and more reliable to build in a cave?
So, I've got my list of different aircraft that I've tought about:
1.1 Petrol Jet
1.2 Electric Jet
1.3 Petrol Piston Propeller
1.4 Electric Engine Propeller
2.1 He 162
2.2 Me 262
2.3 Ta 183
2.4 Bf 109 (G6/K4/other improved variant)
2.5 Other Germany war emergency fighter
I just want a general opinion and a reason for your opinion. Thank you!
Just a quick note: I am a bit more inclined with He 162, with electric jet engine, as I have experience with it from games (using a stirling generator + car batteries for fuel on the real one) and maintenance after flight would be easier.
If you suggest something else please have something with the criteria: can hold minimum 4 pylons for SAAMS or bombs, can fly for over 4 hours and have spare fuel for another 30 minute of emergency flight back home, easy to build by untrained personel in cramped conditions, can get up to mach 0.8 without structural damage/failure.
Thank you, mein kameraden!
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USA's William Shaner wins 10m Air Rifle Men with new Olympic Record.
When it comes to blasting shit America will always be number one.
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kill the werewolves
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Here we talk about longslides. Because cool.
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ATF Running Background Checks Retroactively
>In the conference call, the ATF leadership asked its Industry Operations Inspectors (IOI) to collect information on the customers that used concealed carry permits instead of obtaining a background check through the NICS. The purpose of obtaining this information would be to run the customer’s data through the NICS to see if the customer would have received an approved or denied status. In addition, the IOI will pass on the names and information of customers denied by the NICS to the criminal branch for a special agent to follow up.
On a related note. Feds are convening grand juries to go after people charged/convicted on STATE level gun charges (prohibited possessor and whatnot). "Dual Supremacy" allows them to level practically identical charges as your state charges for the same incident.
Here's an example that caught my attention:
original state charges:
a year later the feds jump in:
Presumably, they're scouring the state records for easymode gun convictions (states already did the work for them). I can't think of any other reason why they'd bother to convene a GJ for a methbilly who's already being convicted.
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/k/ fantasy thread
Unknown forces have combined our reality with that of a random tv/vidya game.
How do you survive? Whats your loadout anons?
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Be honest. This was you before GRIP ZONE
Before Springfield this was a common mistake.
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P: 9
Lever gun general
The place for all things cowboy action.
And Rossi are majorly respected here.
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P: 10
Why doesn't the UK keep the HMS Victory sailing?
Like the American's with the USS Constitution?
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Howdy there frens
I need whitepills guys.
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P: 10
The Poor Mans James Bond Volume 2
Good explosives manufacture, Also "Chemicals In War" book excerpt section
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P: 10
Is there anywhere that has a repository of images of military gear and uniforms of most nations in the Cold War? Thanks.
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Meta thread for discussion of the board itself
Same as subject.
A thread where we talk about the board. Suggest changes, ideas, etc.
For starters IDs. Namefagging is rampant.
Flags are fun as well.
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P: 10
advice on buying armor (vests/bracers,etc)
what should you look for? what's the best long-term investment?
I was reading
https://canarmor.ca/how-to-buy-a-bulletproof-vest/ which mentions at end "Get a replacement vest every five years" because "After a couple of years, the material inside of the vest starts to break down"
complete ugh... these things cost anywhere from 300 to 1000 bucks, I was looking for bidecade not biannual investments.
Are there materials that don't degrade so fast?