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/vhs/ David Lynch Marathon

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(18.36 MB 640x360 Why can't we he friends.mp4)

(1.60 MB 640x360 priwiet andrzeju.webm)

(4.93 MB 1280x720 Abe is fucking DEAD.webm)

(11.13 MB 960x720 a toast to democracy.webm)

(3.77 MB 480x360 MONOLITH.webm)

Webm & Video-sharing Thread Strelok 07/17/2022 (Sun) 06:33:14 Id: 1b6d7b No. 11782
New webm/mp4 thread. Post 'em if you got 'em. Keep it loosely /k/-related.
(18.72 MB 656x352 operation vengence.webm)

(19.77 MB 1918x808 Practice Drill.webm)

(14.49 MB 1920x1080 Reichswave.webm)

(1.04 MB 500x281 salute.gif)

>>11782 >fourth webm
(7.29 MB 618x322 k mowes the lawn.webm)

(4.00 MB 532x300 craftmanship.webm)

>>11782 But that's not what democracy is, at all.
Second webm was an experiment to see if I could get a long video compressed to under the 20 MB limit. I think it turned out well.
(3.14 MB 640x360 Exploding Cows.mp4)

>>11789 Can you tell us your method for encoding?
>>11793 >Can you tell us your method for encoding? What I do is I use two programs called Handbreak and Xmedia Recode to make and edit videos. Making video clips is just something I dabble with and I was never good with using the command line, so I cannot tell you exactly command line parameters to use in something like ffmpeg. For the most part, I keep the default presets unless there is an option to increase quality, such as 2-pass Encoding or a filter option that reduces video artifacts and noise. The first video here was made by using Handbreak to isolate the clip I wanted and then using Xmedia to reduce the file size and convert to a .webm file. The second video was made using only Xmedia to reduce the file size and convert into a .webm file (55MB to 19.7MB). The third .webm is a video I saved from 8chan when I was curious on how to make .webms. It is most likely outdated, but might be a good starting point. This probably isn't the best way to convert and edit videos, but it has worked well enough for me so far.
(10.09 MB 1280x720 SOVL-dier-of-Fortune.webm)

(2.03 MB 1920x1080 SOVL-dier-of-Fortune.jpg)

Everyone remembers the track "Serbia Strong" (aka Remove Kebab song) that defined the Yugoslavian conflict. THE track for the Ukraine conflict just dropped... ##SOVL-dier of Fortune## >"Pure /k/ino!" - Anon >"SOVL!" - Anon >"This is the only metal I'd never steal" - Gypsy Anon >"Would launch Grad rockets while listening to this/10" - Conscript Anon
(15.37 MB 640x360 It Has A Flammenwerfer.mp4)

>Weighs several tons >Tall and big >Walks >Has a flammenwerfer >That werfs flammen >Made back when mecha was just emerging over in Japan I want one.
>>11786 Trash aside it would still be cool to come across that while wandering around.
(8.76 MB 640x480 1553225233670307840.mp4)

>>11797 I bet you those cops didn't even try to hinder or misdirect their investigation. Bunch of pension-seeking traitor niggerfaggots.
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>>11799 Fucking /k/ek, I've seen this before, but apparently not enough times. >>11796 That's pretty cool, but mecha dates back to the 50s dude. >>11792 "Boo, no explosion!" You had one job, moo-cow.
>>11789 Looks good anon >>11794 Thanks for sharing your methods. I usually just use FormatFactory but the results are mixed to say the least. What movie is the first clip from anyhow? >>11795 First song's riff giving me Command and Conquer vibes
>>11797 >politically motivated violence against the people that produce food Truly stupid. How can they beat the farmers up and protect their own home & family at the same time? I guess that's why politicians view cops as useful idiots. >>11799 >karma.mp4 Did that agent go to Afghanistan & inspect the fully automatic milspec ARs that Taliban terrorists were gifted by federal gov? ..and were paid for by US taxpayers?
(1.21 MB 1200x800 ClipboardImage.png)

Fucking based >Roger Waters, one of the founders of Pink Floyd, considers the U.S. president a "war criminal" who "fanned a fire" in Ukraine. >To the journalist's remark that Waters was blaming the wrong side for the military activities, he replied that Russia's actions in Ukraine were a response to NATO advancing to Russia's borders, and suggested that the journalist consider what "the United States would do if the Chinese had deployed nuclear missiles in Mexico or Canada." >"Why wouldn't the U.S. encourage Zelensky to negotiate to eliminate the need for this horrible war?" asked Waters in an interview. Earlier, Waters called what is happening in Ukraine a "criminal mistake" and called for an immediate cease-fire.
(17.71 MB 1920x1080 Roosevelt's speech.webm)

(6.80 MB 1280x720 Banzai!.mp4)

(16.99 MB 1280x720 北京の55日.mp4)

>>11802 Thanks. As I said earlier, my way is probably not the best way, but it works for most things I want to do. The movie the first clip is from is Isoroku Yamamoto the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet (2011). It is a decent movie even if some of it is not entirely accurate. There are some other clips from it that I have posted earlier in the thread.
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(73.28 KB 760x353 Wrong thread.png)

>>11806 Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. The Ukraine thread's almost two pages down.
(471.27 KB 540x480 ClipboardImage.png)

>>11807 >55 days at Peking Nice. Apparently the historic flag the Japanese used in that conflict was white with a red zig zag along the horizontal center (pic related). Do anons know if that flag has deeper meaning? Allegedly it was the Peking First Battalion flag but I can't find any more information about it.
>>11808 What a fucking retard. >imma exodus lolk please don't come back.
>No fucks given >Asks for the cup back though >Robbers get pissed off >Try to rob more stuff >Stabs the fucker >Still doesn't give a fuck and calmly calls the police Nice.
>>11809 Here is what i found doing a quick search. Japanese infantry regiments were three battalions strong and each battalion had a designating flag. They were of the typical pattern for flags of this kind, with horizontal zig-zag stripes. The Japanese called these stripes "mountain-shaped lines" and they were probably intended to represent the mountainous terrain characteristic of Japan, with three peaks representing the three regiments making up the battalion.
>>11812 Awesome, thanks anon I appreciate it.
>>11813 No problem, though I screwed up. I typed three regiments making up the battalion when it should be three battalions making up the regiment.
(8.84 MB 960x400 HoldTheDark2018.mp4)

Here's a /k/ino movie that has never been mentioned. Hold The Dark 2018. t. anon that told you about The Veteran, Wind River, Colt 45, and others.
>what's your problem with the IRS, anon? why are you afraid of paying your taxes? >you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide :^) >>11811 Damn, it's like watching a trapdoor spider catch its prey.
>>11816 >disable IRS agent What the fuck?
(7.23 MB 852x479 AvtomatKrampus.webm)

How poorly is rap received?
>>11817 They're supposed to be the harmless, smiling faces of government-sponsored robbery. They'll show up at your door and ask politely to search your home while a team of low-IQ jackboot-and-plate-carrier golems stand behind them. Things better get worse in a hurry, or States better push back or we'll all be Gulag Archipelago soon. God knows the boomers will just fold otherwise. >>11811 Most beta male robbers ever. It's like they were too socially awkward to shout "Give me your fucking money". They would be intimidated by a high school dance, no wonder the commission of a felony tripped them up.
>>11818 Did not watch, too much nigger trash.
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(176.63 KB 1062x1280 media_FafkAiYXwAAS6uN.jpg)

>>11819 >They'll show up at your door and ask politely to search your home while a team of low-IQ jackboot-and-plate-carrier golems stand behind them. https://archive.ph/toBHs
>>11816 >IRS jackets replace deer head wall art Can you imagine them trying to bust a drug dealer? Most of the women would be pimped out before the evening. >Fed gov buys billions of rounds of ammo >People that noticed called conspiracy theorists Fast forward to current year: >IRS now recruiting 87,000 agents >IRS recruits now pointing guns in videos Yet another 'conspiracy' that came true. >>11818 >If a glownigger made a video on what they thought 3d printing was Looks like the feds got the guy who made their atomwaffle videos to make it.
>>11822 >glownigger The fuck are you even talking about? What about the videos sound like "fed" to you?
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>>11816 >>11821 >>11822 My Japanese mangos did it better.
>>11816 USA police are literally rent a cops with barely any training. This isn't new
>>11819 >They'll show up at your door and ask politely to search your home while a team of low-IQ jackboot-and-plate-carrier golems stand behind them. Is it legal to shoot the IRS?
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>>11828 >does the government allow you to injure the government? Take a wild stab and let me know what's bleeding.
(10.59 MB 640x360 Alpine Travelling.mp4)

This is from a ~10min, 80mb webm I have called 'Alpine Fortitude', but I'm not even sure where or when I got that. If anyone knows the actual source, I'd appreciate it. >>11829 That image is rather jarring. What's her name again? It starts with P. I think I have a physical copy of the book she's from buried somewhere. Christ, just realized it's been over a decade. 12 fucking years, yeah? Seems /mlp/ still exists on 4cuck. /pone/ doesn't exist anymore though.
>>11787 whats the middle from?
(2.63 MB 640x360 HowS5_SHOULDhave.webm)

>>11830 >12 fucking years, yeah? Her name is Little Pip. Not to be confused with princess Pipp, whose world has basically the same premise of the pegasi hoarding all the high-tech and food supplies to themselves in the cloud after they felt slighted by the earth ponies who were better at war. Also, Pone needn't be dead, and certainly isn't "gone"; I should know since I'm the BO of what's left over there. Images are gone, maybe, yeah. But they're staying longer than a week sometimes now so ... come back and check it out? I even have a nearly topical .webm to post...
>>11831 Lupin III - Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone
>>11821 >Buying HK416's Yeah that's pretty eye opening buying an expensive rifle like that.
(3.72 MB 320x240 1646483443178.webm)

(3.54 MB 640x360 Vietnam.webm)

(3.78 MB 560x420 Vietnam_2.webm)

(3.89 MB 480x360 Vietnam_4.webm)

some Nam larp
(10.03 MB 1280x720 kerberT.mp4)

Crazy eye Russian ex-gf tells you why she has explosive residue on her hands and car.
>>11836 I remember reading that the Irish would use paint to make it indistinguishable if they fired a weapon or painted a house if they ever were caught after sniping someone and the police look for chemical residues.
(5.81 MB 1280x720 1570350819706281989.mp4)

(3.87 MB 1280x720 1570350819706282546.mp4)

>>11836 I want this to happen to me
none ya jk love it
(12.03 MB 1280x720 iraq-2003-shock-and-awe.webm)

>>11842 And Baghdad has continued to be a bombed out disaster to this very day. Streets soaked in American and Iraqi blood for absolutely nothing
>>11840 >gun ban Guns are NEVER "banned". The government never bans itself from owning the outlawed guns. So it is not a "gun ban" it is "an exclusive ownership right for the government". Historically, this is always used to enforce dictatorships.
(2.73 MB 830x488 UKIES AMBUSHED_1.webm)

(7.05 MB 320x240 Lucky Larry Silverstein.mp4)

>>11843 >for absolutely nothing -War economy -Training troops for guerrilla warfare in case a domestic conflict occurs -Oil -Defending Israel -Increasing surveillance and subjugating people at home with fear in name of national security -WMDs (lol)
(2.12 MB 640x480 Blood for the blood god.mp4)

I finally found it again. https://youtube.com/watch?v=tfL9RlVe-g4
>>11842 >levelling a modern city based on lies we really deserve all the crap we get, huh?
>>11848 It is genuinely hard not to hate the US for what it's been doing for nearly 2 centuries by now, regardless of what one might think about the American people or a singular burger. Displays of naked imperialism are clothed in ill-fitting slogans about freedom and democracy, and crowned with a collection of lies. And yet if you point this out some brainwashed idiot will inevitably bring up the wealth there as evidence of the superiority of globohomo, and says that the whole world should bend over backward to take your federal governments dick.
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>>11848 No, no we don't. People who try to tell you otherwise are just grifting on the American self-loathing boner spread in the 90s/00s. America deserves legitimate criticism for American Imperialism pre-WWII and McKarthyism post-Korea, but American Imperialism significantly improved the countries we were involved with since the European alternatives were treating the local populations 100x worse while Americans promised upward mobility at the cost of temporary serf status, and countries like >>11849 would still be absolute shit holes if not for the Internationalist American Agenda that propped up many of the business leaders and intellectuals around the world that are actively improving the lives of people in third world countries. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and the American petrodollar reached peak corruption in the 90s. It was supposed to collapse in 2008 and the current amalgamation of the defunct American Empire is a hideous abomination, but historical revisionists would have you believe that everything America did was aimed at benefitting the USA at the cost of everyone else which can't be further from the truth when compared to the other rising influences in the countries promoting that historical revisionist view. Be proud to be an American and recognize your sins, but don't let anyone promote that self-loathing that we were the white devils of the world. Even the bad things America has done were no worse than the shit those people were suffering under for generations. America's problem is we haven't had a major power capable of comparing ourselves to on the world stage so we've internalized our sins. A healthy dose of REAL economic competition will be the phoenix rising from the ashes moment for America because we do have the resources and the spirit to help the world when we aren't running it. Just gotta avoid this ESG great reset bullshit and fix our internal problems in a revitalization effort that's coming whether those in power like it or not.a
Basically learning American history over time looks like: >We're great! >No we aren't so great >Actually we're pretty terrible >Yeah we did fucked up shit >Actually these other countries did more fucked up shit >America isn't perfect but they actually treated their adversaries with respect and worked to improve everyone's lives >Yeah we aren't the good guys but we're pretty damn amazing
>>11850 >countries like >>11849 would still be absolute shit holes if not for the Internationalist American Agenda that propped up many of the business leaders and intellectuals around the world that are actively improving the lives of people in third world countries. Now listen up, nigger, Hungary from 1867 to 1914 was doing pretty great, we were in a process of rapid industrialization and economic development, and the USA wasn't even a player in Europe yet. Your involvement started when you decided to prop up the Entente because they had access to your markets, and it turned into an investment your government didn't want to lose. As a result, what should have been a major European war ending with some not-so-amicable-yet-sustainable peace completely fucked over Central and Eastern Europe, and Hungary was ripped to pieces in the process. And that was objectively detrimental to any and all improvements here. Even then, during the interwar period Hungary became a surprisingly big player in the consumer electronics market, and that was not due some American geniuses. We could have ended up with a very decent economy by now, if not for you deciding that you should meddle in European affairs during the 1940s, assisting the Anglos in giving this half of Europe to Stalin. And again, communist rule was detrimental to any and all improvements. Hungary is a shithole in no small part due to your ”help”, and we would be better off if you just learned not to take part in wars that are not yours.
>>11852 >He thinks French protectionism would have allowed Hungary to become an economic power Shiggy diggy my dude, but fair points. I know more about American involvement in Asia, Africa, and the far East than I do about American involvement in Central Europe outside of the 90s fuckups.
>>11853 >implying French protectionism would have been a thing in Central Europe if ww1 ends with a peace that allows the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy to reorganize itself into something sustainable, or at least break up in a manner that is not dictated by some frogs who can't even pronounce Gyöngyös Really, my beef is mostly with the French creating a bunch of weak client states at our expense, but it's hard for me not to get upset about this subject. But this is not the thread for these kind of discussions, so here is a random video.
(219.38 KB 900x1200 D0WLLUbXgAI4_v3.jpg)

>>11852 Realistically speaking, a Central Power victory would've seen Austria-Hungary and the Balkans becoming an economically German-dominated place. On the flipside though, we would've likely had much of the cultural degeneracy slowed down significantly.
(15.00 MB 328x242 chrissie-reidy-orgasm.mp4)

>>11854 I disagree with your Frog predictions but I will raise you an aeroplane orgasm.
(1.79 MB 640x360 how_to_annoy_a_sniper.webm)

(12.42 MB 1280x720 AH64_vs_Taliban.webm)

>>11861 I'm not one to give cops the benefit of the doubt since they should all be disarmed, however... >Feathernigger area >Guy came out of the house blustering and holding a gun-sized object Some idiot got trigger happy seeing what he thought was a gun, and the rest of the police probably assumed he was reaching for a weapon or something at that point. They had to call his "what's going on?" as a "verbal altercation" for legal reasons since the cops are probably gonna get sued. Key takeaways as a civilian is that you should just come out with your empty hands up and let them put the boot on your neck if you don't intend to turn cops into swiss cheese.
>>11862 >let them put the boot on your neck Sweden YES!
>>11861 >Throw robot at dude just before dawn >Shoot him for trying to give it back Ruby Ridge everyday until americans like it or so it seems Also that's a very white injun, i don't recall seeing skins like that at San Xavier >"FUCK there's cameras" lol
>>11864 Now imagine all the ones where there weren't cameras. Makes me wonder how many completely innocent people people not niggers are just rotting in jail because the cops shot them unjustifiably and then charged them with bogus shit to retroactively justify it to their superiors.
>>11861 >be mexican >get shot at by illiterate morons wearing tactical gear >be american >get shot at by illiterate morons wearing tactical gear and a badge
>>11861 I'm surprised the burgers haven't killed all the cops in country yet.
>>11869 We excuse our cuckoldry by saying that taking care of the problem is "glowniggery" and then go to a rally and yell a little bit, maybe set some shit on fire if we're anyifa or niggers, and then go back home and jerk off into our own mouths about how free we are. The disgust and hatred felt for America by the rest of the world is fully warranted.
(1.52 MB 352x640 Paddled.com.mp4)

>>11868 >get shot at by illiterate morons wearing tactical gear If you mess with them you are lucky if you only get shot, if you act like a dummy you get the paddle
>>11873 Didn't they executed the germans anyway?
>>11874 Germans in WWII were generally pleased to jump into American/British arms since it meant not dying to the Soviets to the point where they were overburdened with POWs and killed as many as they could before white flags could come up. As for WWI which this video is about, at that time period, America was considering German as a second language because roughly 55% of the American population spoke it. The Americans entered late and didn't have much inclination towards killing Germans any more than anyone else at the time, they were just reckless about taking territory and would kill a few commanders (on their own side as much as the enemy's) and violently dealt with "questionable situations" where Europeans would hold if it sped up that process. They just wanted to go home which is why the Europeans saw them as ruthless. Kinda like the Canadians, honestly. Besides, at that point in the war the shotgun complaint was just a stalling tactic anyways since it was clear the Americans had tilted the balance away from a truce.
>>11875 >America was considering German as a second language because roughly 55% of the American population spoke it. proofs?
>>11876 wym proof isnt that common knowledge? hell small parts of the US still speak German especially the Amish.
>>11875 >America was considering German as a second language because roughly 55% of the American population spoke it its really a shame what we have done in this country. We could have had it so nice but we ruined it with greed and ridiculous ambition at the cost of our people >>11876 my man, the Germans and later the Irish literally built the US to what it is today and still make up like the majority of the White population in the country. In fact one of the most common mixes(since we are talking about the glorious muttmerica) of White person is German/Irish mix. Hell, im German Irish mix. Anglo cucks literally can only barely say they were founding stock as any claim to fame, it was the Germanchads leading the charge and the Irish potatochads doing all of the work
>>11848 >we Death to Israel and death to the Military Industrial Complex.
>>11878 >>11870 >>11848 >We I've been minding my own business and giving almost the opposite advice that the feds have given since baby's first autodidactic history/economics book.
>>11862 You know what, I don't think I feel bad for all of the beheadings and rapes that go on in Sweden anymore. You retarded faggots have really, really earned it time and time again.
(65.08 KB 266x391 1668648008024.png)

>>11881 >>11863 >If you don't intend to shoot cops, then don't resist arrest because the cops will get violent with you >"lol fucking Swede thinks I should let the cops put a boot on my neck!" This is your brain on identity politics. I literally said "kill the police if you don't intend to get on your knees and fellate the state." Not sure how much clearer I can be there. The implication is fuck the police, not fellate the state.
>>11882 >posting a manga character who fantasizes about her crush turning into a nigger OK Sweden.
>>11882 cringe larp and I bet you don't even own a weapon
>>11864 no one said "FUCK there's cameras". cop #1 said "FUCK" (commenting on the situation) and cop #3 replied with "there's cameras" as in shut up because anything you say is being recorded. that's just common sense. don't comment on a possible future court case while being recorded. it's the same reason the right to remain silent is crucial to a working justice system. cops look bad enough on your own that you don't have to invent stuff
(20.78 KB 466x158 Kuchinashi doesn't get it.jpg)

>>11882 >Kuchinashi-san noice
>>11861 >>11868 Mexicans don't need no stinkin badges
>>11883 The fuck are you talking about?
(258.46 KB 1010x870 sophisticated computer user.png)

>>11883 >>11888 Allow me to interject as I happen to be reading that manga The protagonist, the huge boobied woman in the picture, has a tsundere relationship with a four-eyes who she imagines sexually assaulting her hard. However, while the love interest is light skinned, her mental image of him shows him darker. Now, since the user replying is a Canadian and is accustomed to BBC porn, he assumed that the delusions of the protagonist involve a nigger raping her. In reality it can be read in two different ways through the lenses of Asian culture: for one thing, her mental image of her would be boyfriend is extremely nasty, with darker skin representing "evil" or mischievous intentions. On the other hand, you tend to see brown looking characters in Japanese pornography a lot because a tanned skin is associated with the rowdy, rough working population. Pay note to the fact that despite hentai art having tons of (personally unsettling) black cock, none of the people in it are Africans.
(17.12 MB 854x480 1653077220597-3.webm)

>>11850 >Absolute power corrupts absolutely Absolute power reveals true character and human beings are self-serving, of low morality, short-sighted, sloven, and arrogant. Especially so when the human being comes from a country that epitomizes and celebrates this.
>>11878 >Germans and Irish >chads
(3.71 MB 852x480 ajdoom.webm)

(5.79 MB 480x270 great.webm)

(3.54 MB 480x480 yeoldassaultlever.webm)

>>11889 Manga title and if available whitewashed version?
(171.25 KB 1114x1600 6.jpg)

(22.97 KB 298x480 an affront to public morals.png)

>>11893 Here you go.
>>11893 Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru
>>11895 Gracias!
>>11896 Birşey değil
(954.38 KB 1370x831 ClipboardImage.png)

>>11899 I just don't understand what would possess a city nigger to go down to Wakayama prefecture of all places where he knows they hate his guts because of the increase in Yakuza-related crime while the government is going after old farmers for tax crimes.
(1.14 MB 1300x4200 Killdozer_CYOA.jpg)

(3.24 MB 427x240 Out of Context.webm)

(564.42 KB 480x380 Car.mp4)

(2.50 MB 320x240 Man's Emotional Limits.webm)

Does anyone have that killdozer lego city video?
>>11811 If he was white, he would've been brought up on some charge since that was excessive; which means he should've since only whites are ever held to the full extent of the law. He didn't show he was armed, he didn't try to avoid confrontation, he baited the guy over to take sucker stabs at him before he even knew what was hitting him, and he was still stabbing him in the neck when he was limp. Nigger behavior, but you praise it because he's a yellow nigger.
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>>11848 Not per se but you are in the belly of the beast and have done nothing against it. Make of that what you will through your own justifications. >>11850 >but American Imperialism significantly improved the countries we were involved with since the European alternatives were treating the local populations 100x worse while Americans promised upward mobility at the cost of temporary serf status >countries like Hungary would still be absolute shit holes if not for the Internationalist American Agenda that propped up many of the business leaders and intellectuals around the world that are actively improving the lives of people in third world countries. Is this fucking bait? Let's see how America has helped the world. >Central America, where banana republics get their name sake, are still banana republics and those spics and literal natives flood your border looking for a better life, one of many ethnic groups that have leached onto your country >Sudan, where a pharmaceutical plant was precision-striked by the Clinton administration for daring to produce their own medicine and not rely on handouts >same generally goes for the rest of Africa whenever they had a decent president that didn't bend their ass up to America and old European mining companies >Serbia/SFRJ, who still wasn't going to play ball with America and was a major manufacturer of goods (that probably scared Germany as well), got bombed to shit and designated an even terrorist country like Iraq and then was bombed by fucking NATO a few years after the threeway in Bosnia ended, Kosovo becomes a CIA heroin pipeline run by (((Madeleine Albright))), all telecommunications in Kosovo are owned by one Israeli company And imagine how fucking retarded Saddam must've felt for trusting America. >get into 8-year war with former US ally >former ally in fact hates the west >America gives you chemical airborne deployments like phosgene gas >country is thrown into the meatgrinder, your only port city is fucking destroyed >something something oil, Kuwait and debt >specifically ask permission from the US ambassador of Kuwait if Iraq can invade without interference, bitch says it's none of the US's business >"haha tricked you" >Iraq becomes the evil of the world, gets curbstomped (expectedly), no-fly zones are established, sanctions are established, what was once the fastest-developing country in the middle-east with the largest army plummets to poverty and tin, 500,000-600,000 children are malnourished or dead over the course of the 90s >get invaded again because oil, sectarianism and Turkish construction companies run rampant There was also the vulture-esque swoop of post-communism's corpse and how all the major industries in those countries was bought as public capital but that's more on corporations rather than government and military. >>11863 >>11881 On principal cops shouldn't be so fucking paranoid or cowardly but he's right, it should be crystal clear by now that the police are low-IQ trigger happy sociopaths and if you want to comply with whatever it is they want you better play Simon Says to a T and get your facts (or lies) in order.
>>11903 >be Nyguen >get store robbed multiple times, stab someone at least once for this >about to get robbed again >politely ask the two wiggers to leave >one, who is bundled in clothing meaning he could be hiding a weapon, defies you and jumps over the counter >rightfully stab him >"oh my poor fair play hoodlum, he's just like a nigger too for being so savage, even thieves deserve honor!" How long do you like your big black cocks, cuckservative?
(812.25 KB 640x360 Lego city KILLDOZER.mp4)

>>11905 >defend nigger behavior >immediately talk about nigger dicks How's the weather in TelAviv, kike?
>>11907 >no u
(725.83 KB 480x360 retarded.webm)

(14.41 MB 406x720 Lenovo Autism.webm)

(1.06 MB 480x480 jihad.mp4)

(156.78 KB 364x360 its joever im bidone.mp4)

>Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun — makes it more — you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun!
>>11917 God save the Queen man!
>>11916 This is why they are going to ban guns. Guns and niggers cannot coexist, and this society is incapable of restraining coons in any way.
>>11919 >Guns and niggers can't coexist On the contrary guns and niggers is natural selection. Unban Saturday Night Specials and pass national stand your ground laws so poor niggers can defend themselves from drug dealing niggers.
>>11920 >Unban Saturday Night Specials and pass national stand your ground laws so poor niggers can defend themselves from drug dealing niggers Unfathomably based, imagine killing gang members being a natural part of growing up in big cities, learning how to actually use guns to defend yourself in high risk environments without joining the (((army))), natural darwinism in wild west format just the way the founding fathers intended.
>>52279 Thanks now I have GAYDS.
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>>11924 topkek.
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>>11923 Why is that cop as fat as Dr. Robotnik?
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zogbot btfo
>>11929 >Flag is bomb Reminds me of that greentext about bombs in everything.
>>11931 Holy fuck, this can't be real!
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>>11931 Ryu's back.
>>11932 Sword-wielding ‘ninja’ attacks Army Special Ops Unit, injures two soldiers https://archive.ph/GbP2F >A sword wielding man in “full ninja garb” launched a surprise nighttime attack on an Army Special Operations unit in California — injuring two soldiers before he was finally arrested, officials said. >But the assailant began punching and kicking at the doors and windows and threw a large piece of asphalt through the window, hitting and injuring the captain, before fleeing. >Cops from the Ridgefield Police Department fired non-lethal rounds at Rivera, but proved ineffective as he continued to run. Officers caught up to Rivera and tased him, at which point he dropped the sword and was taken into custody.
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Just another day in San Fran.
>>11938 https://www.ktvu.com/video/1254543 Better uncensored video in case anon wants to see nigger titties.
What's wrong with all you filthy Nazis? Zelensky deserves your full obedience and ALL your sheqels!111 SEND MOAR GIBBS NAO
>>11938 >>11939 >>11940 dem dere REPAYASHUNS could've prevented all this. PAY UP NOW WHITEY There are literally niggers in Sacramentao screaming that not only do they deserve literally US$5Million in reparations apiece, but that they want before the meeting ends thank you very much.
>>11941 Do you have a link of that video source? I want to download a better version.
>>11943 Ask over on /ita/ strelok, I stole it from there.
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>>11945 That last one is really a stretch, all the details are different, and it just shows that a boring parade uniform with aiguillette is vaguely similar to an other boring parade uniform with aiguillette.
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>>11950 >pretending to be "gangsta" with a revolver Cannabis surely is waaaay safer than tobbaco guys!
>>11951 >Cannabis surely is waaaay safer than tobbaco guys! It's good for society because it will eventually lead to guys like this NDing into their own skulls and thereby improving the gene pool.
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>>11953 Women, am I right?
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>>11953 She's a cutie, too. Too bad she's working the wrong job as a cop instead of working as a grocery store clerk or a barista. https://web.archive.org/web/20230817061710/https://nypost.com/2023/08/16/connecticut-man-brutally-attacks-police-officer-with-hammer/ Police officer tackled, brutally attacked by hammer-wielding man: ‘Fighting for her life’ >A female Connecticut police officer was ferociously attacked by a hammer-wielding man, police said. >The Middletown Police Department said that on Saturday, August 12 at 6:33 p.m., authorities received a complaint about noise and breaking glass on a residential street. >Detective Karli Travis, who runs the Middletown Police Cadet Program and serves in the patrol division, was the first officer who responded to the call. >She approached the resident on foot and police said that she immediately noticed that the suspect, 52-year-old Winston Tate, was wielding a blunt object. >In a press conference on Tuesday, August 15, Chief Eric McCallister of the Middletown Police Department said that Travis calmly asked Tate to drop the object, a metal hammer, to the ground. >He refused, despite the officer repeatedly insisting that Tate does so. >“Can you put that down, please,” Travis is heard calmly saying in body camera footage, released by the Connecticut Office of Inspector General. >“No!” Tate is heard barking back. >As Travis radioed for backup from her colleagues, Tate is seen in body camera footage charging towards her, wielding a hammer. >Body camera footage shows violence immediately ensue as Tate tackles the police officer and the pair begins thrashing around. >Chief McCallister said that the detective attempted to distance herself from her attacker and continued telling the suspect to put the hammer down. >Travis eventually takes out her handgun and begins rapidly firing at Tate. >Police said that she was “fighting for her life,” while Tate repeatedly beat her with the hammer. >“Stop,” Travis is heard yelling as Tate continues to beat her with the metal weapon. >After firing additional rounds towards her attacker, Tate retreated back inside his residence, authorities said. >Backup officers arrived and swiftly surrounded the residence where Tate was immediately arrested. >He was taken to the hospital where he was treated. >Detective Travis was also injured from the hammer attack, and she was taken to the hospital, but later release that evening with minor injuries. >Chief McCallister called her actions an “extreme act of heroism.” >Police said Tate was charged with criminal attempt to commit first-degree assault, second-degree assault, assault on public safety personnel, and interfering with police. >He was held on a $500,000 bond. >Tate is due in court on October 3. >An investigation into the shooting is ongoing by the inspector general’s office.
>>11953 >>11955 Her biggest mistake was taking her eye off the nig when calling for backup. Once he had already closed the distance and she stood there dumbfounded at the man charging her there was no way she was getting out of that situation unscathed. 21 feet knife rules apply to blunt objects too. From the sounds of it she was lucky to make it out mostly unharmed since a hammer can easily split a head open and break bones in the right hands.
>>11955 >man > +1 for being a stronk, independynt > -1 for being Whitey Even odds whether she'd gotten away with killing a nigger who clearly, clearly deserved it and now will walk with a slap on the wrist and will soon be a sub-human psycho roaming the streets again b/c (((reasons))).
>>11958 Nowhere is really "safe" short of a doomsday bunker, but at home raising the children is a pretty close second place contender if her womb isn't dried up.
It's not fair she was in the kitchen Society owes her an apology
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>>11935 Topkek
>>11962 lol. no wonder i love these type shows.
Full video, Trump begins around 22 minutes: https://rumble.com/v3g3kk3-president-trump-at-the-south-dakota-gop-convention.html Clip from an hour and 58 minutes.
>>11962 Havent laughed that good in years, thanks man
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>Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It’s the beginning of a most wonderful day >However, there are blasphemers and silent by-standers, who would have it otherwise >We must not give into them, they are the ones that should be judged >With pure, unsullied body and soul, let us preach all that is true and right >’Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny >’Tis ordained, thou shall discard vulgarity >’Tis ordained, thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in >’Tis ordained, thou shall stay thine course, then perish >The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum who can’t be helped >That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, GUILTY >I disavow you, eyes corrupted must be crushed >So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too >After you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless “I’m sorry” >If you become a bad girl, monsters will come out >This is the magic that stops that from happening >’Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny >’Tis ordained, thou shall discard vulgarity ’>Tis ordained, thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in ’>Tis ordained, thou shall stay thine course, then perish >Despite this >The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum that can’t be helped >That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY >I disavow you, eyes corrupted must be crushed >So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too >I don’t need it any more, if you’re going to break your vow >Here and now, it’s my turn to tear you apart >So there is no second time, I’ll give back the judgment that you gave to me >After you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless “I’m sorry” >You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already >Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of “I’m sorry” that I said to you?
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>>11969 lol what the fuck did the taser ignite?
>>11971 Judging by the speed of the fire burning out, likely alcohol. Possibly cologne if he had enough of it on him but probably alcohol. If the guy had gasoline on his body that could also catch on fire.
>>11969 I bet that not even getting literally set on fire while being tased will teach him to not fucking resist.
>>11974 >no qt christmas cake that glows in the dark that stalks me
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Anyone have the full video and uncensored? >>11977 Jewtuber "it is a prank bro" bullies normalfags for likes and subscribes, gets shot. Last thing I heard is that the shooter is not going to jail, I think.
>>11978 The jury instructions were fucked up and failed to indicate that finding self defense for the shooting also means he's not guilty for discharging a firearm in public. The judge should set it aside, but who knows if he'll actually do it since he was given no bail despite immediately turning himself in.
>>11978 I couldn't upload the videos to here for some reason. https://files.catbox.moe/zovlg3.mp4 CBS News even blurred his face after they caught him: https://files.catbox.moe/6b751n.mp4
>>11977 What happened in that 3rd video? Is there a story to it? Because it looks like something you might find in a government evidence room when talking about how a virus that causes people to go mad started. The way the guy in the white shirt gets ominously dragged off is horror movie material.
>>11978 Catch & Release underway b/c crocodile tears.
>>11980 Thanks, anon, you are my greatest ally.
>>11984 Does the presenter just wear a really tiny yamaka or what? Couldn't really see it clearly from that angle I guess.
>>11985 At 00:43 you can see he does not
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>>11986 Ahh. So a little (((hasbara))) going on then? Well nothing unusual with these people.
>>11987 Can't wait until the lebbit brigrade decides they want to go fight & die in the ME this time.
>>11987 Whoever made this video should be flayed alive
>>11987 Why is there always some fag with knock knees in this kind of shit?
What's the name of this song?
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>>11990 Because he is also in the same sphere as those fags or because you saw your reflection?
>>11994 Damn I'm sure I know it but can't recall the name of the artist. Maybe Daniel Eggers or Frank Rennike.
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>>11811 It like a Shakespeare play: "Forsooth, I am slain!"
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>>11996 Go ask your discord boyfriends faggot perhaps they have a based gigachad wojak from twitter to make you understand just how much cancer and faggotry the editing style of that video exudes
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>>11999 >last video I promise to do this to every last Turk we capture, but I will not be kind enough to start from their carotid artery.
>>12001 Not much fond of that sort of barbarism tbh.
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Surreal protest from Galicia in Spain.
>>12002 Are you implying that Turks have the same rights as you do? A sewer rat is a higher life form than any Turk
>>12003 Kinda neat. Zogbots don't appear to be so high & mighty when faced with a determined & resourceful group of peaceful protesters. Obviously, if the protesters used the same tatics, the cops would be scattered in less than a minute. Ofc then they'd resort to live rounds instead of just batons, and then the resistence would -- in this case I believe -- up their game to lethal force as well before long. BTW, these appear to be Europeans, not Islamists protesting. Can you confirm their heritage for us, Strelok? TIA.
>>12005 They are Mexicans, you can read the Spanish in the firemen's suits.
>>12003 >firefighters shooting flames at pigs lol
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>>12005 All I know is they're firefighters. That probably means they're the whitest people in the region.
>>57781 No path will help a fool without empathy. Or a preacher without a heart.
And if somebody is both, well...
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Don't forget your booster shot, streloks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZcbT6GMX9I Channel that does Neutrino renditions (mostly in Japanese) of military and culture songs.
>>11995 >third webm Goddammit. Right in the nostalgia.
Huh, I guess axe throwing is actually useful.
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>>12014 That is a tactical bottle.
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>>12014 >>12016 FUCK, now everyone knows about the secret bottle technique to knock out rude wifes and girlfriends, the completely full 2lt plastic bottle, leaves no marks and it's dirt cheap to make. Bottle almost full leaves a bubble that makes the hit harder and it is more dangerous. Also has to be a full round bottle, not the Coke or Fanta ones but more like a Bepis.
>>12019 How does one obtain such arcane and esoteric wife beating knowledge?
>>12020 With practice.
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>>12020 Wife beating techniques are the same as thief and perv beating techniques but made safe as to not kill or impair her. You can knock a captured thief out with a slam of the bubble bottle and then cut his hands as to send a message, the slam is around the cerebellum aka lower back of the head/upper part of the back neck, kinda near the judo chop spot but entirely on the skull part. Some of these techniques appear in P*ladin Press books /k/ used to post back in the day
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>>12020 Convert to Islam
>>12026 I don't think I've ever heard of this case. I heard all about nigger floyd but this is the first I'm hearing of this. This guy literally dindu nuffin, was standing around with his friends and got shot at. he shot back and then those heroic zogfaggots got out and attacked him. I think this is further proof the riots were planned. And to think they did jack shit when niggers were burning down the city. They're all tough and strong when facing a single threat but when facing a hoard of niggers and criminals they'll let the city burn? What a bunch of ZOG faggots.
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>>12027 Nique la police.
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>>12032 So did they forget/were too retarded to bolt it to the truck bed or was the recoil just powerful enough to break the bolts?
>>12033 No bolts, notice the truck did not even move or jerk from the recoil.
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cool cobra car girl is detective in tv show and uses guns sometimes kek
>>12036 Looks neat.
>>12037 Yes.
>>12036 In what world would Texas and California secede from the union as a joint political entity?
>>12036 I have a distinct concern that this movie is going to be retarded.
>>12036 Looked gay the first time I saw it and it looks gay now. >>12039 >In what world would Texas and California secede from the union as a joint political entity? Literally zero to anyone politically aware. For civil war analogies, California is like an evil version of Mississippi before the war (the reason the Union raped and pillaged through the entire south because they couldn't win a resource war), and Texas is more akin to Kansas or Florida during the same time period. Not even a minuscule probability. They have to make it East vs West because that's the only socially acceptable social discourse that is allowed though, and the directors are too stupid to make it a three-party war between the North-Eastern states, the Southern/Central states, and the West Coast. If they made it North vs South then people would allude to the last civil war and the directors would have to choose a political slant. If they made it Red vs Blue then they would get in trouble with the feds and with the wokeshit corporate investors, but there's clearly money to be made so they came up with this cockaninny bullshit to be milquetoast and appeal to the lowest common denominator who will be stupid enough to think the movie is supposed to be about "their side." Alex Garland is a Britbong hack and he's still riding the coattails of the only two successful movies he ever worked on (Dredd where he was only a writer, and 28 Days Later) the way George Lucas rode the coattails of Star Wars.
>>12039 Maybe one where the San Andreas fault has sent LA, SF and a few other shitholes into the pacific. It would be a literally geographical level event.
>>12041 I will never not be sad Dredd didn't get a sequel.
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>>11782 TANK YOU for being a friend - Jay Leno And Arnold Schwarzenegger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWgqRGKxLbo
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>>11795 No human on this planet gives a fuck about Russia or Ukraine.
>>11811 What a worthless criminal. At least bring your own knife, fucking cowards.

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