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Strelok 10/07/2022 (Fri) 12:53:54 No. 3497
whats the point of having "special forces" tests and recruitments focus on (((cardio))); rucking,running, etc. instead of athleticism and time-power based skills? Instead of marching 40km a day for 2 weeks;why not test for sprint,put shot, boxing,etc? some real useful military-athletic shit. are generals all retarded?
>>3497 Because even special forces are spending more time in transit from and to the battlefield than they do actual fighting. Hence why they are trained more for endurance than strength and athleticism. Special forces are required to be able to traverse the most awful terrain to remain undetected and still deliver an above average battle performance, additionally they need to be able to out-march the common soldier to avoid being captured or killed once their mission was a success and there is no quick way home via aircraft or boat. There is no point in spending the money and time to create a special forces soldier only to have him drown in a cold driver or fall from cliff wall because he lacked the power to hold on.
>>3497 Because real warfare doesn't look like the Olympics or some gladiatorial combat like the UFC. Most special forces candidates can be plucked from qualified NCOs who would've otherwise been leading grunts on your average line units that are expected to do all the things >>3498 listed only with less skills training in specialty equipment and mission sets. And most of those skills you listed could be done in their spare time with no additional time or cost taken from training basic land nav or night shooting.
>>3497 >can't get away from retarded endurance hating /fit/ bo even on other sites. Fuck off back to zzzchan Grizzly.
>>3497 >are generals all retarded? Yes. However if you can't understand why SF troops need to be specialized in long-distance movements, then you should probably hit the books and polish up your understanding of the fundamental SF role. I had a more in-depth reply typed out, but before posting I realized your speculative question is ancillary to the series of excuses you've likely constructed for why you don't do cardio.
>>3497 >whats the point of having "special forces" anyone fighting with low enough iq to fight for zog is "special". It's an apt moniker. yes faggot, I intentionally 'misunderstood' the OP in that response. It would make more sense to improve infil and exfil transportation of robots, but a highly trained monkey is comparatively cheap since they grow all by themselves. >are generals all retarded? Yes all generals are retarded. All generals approach the current war like the one they have experience in - which isn't the current one. So in effect, every general is fighting the last war, not the current one. Be glad we don't have generals that served in the Roman legion, they would be adamant troops only need a gladius and scutum for battle.
>>3502 >low iq faggot throws stones from a glass house >>3497 >are generals all retarded nowadays becoming a general is more a test of your skill at political manuevers and ability to avoid scandal than any test of actual qualification. Robert E. Lee was the last great general. > (((cardio))); rucking,running, etc. instead of athleticism and time-power based skills? because they are meant to be easily accomplished but mentally strenuous. every body can be trained to be strong. not every soul can be strong. also >anti cardio fag >vikangs >rowed 21 miles to rape french women vikings were cardio guys with gaul wives.
>>3503 >becoming a general is more a test of your skill at political manuevers and ability to avoid scandal than any test of actual qualification. Becoming a general is also about being good at subjects completely fucking unrelated to war. The amount of actually good potential generals and officers that get filtered by the completely retarded academic system before they even get the chance to show their tactical and combat skills is just mind-boggling.
>>3504 There's some merit to it if they're learning military-adjacent subjects like history, engineering, mathematics, and science, as those are generally good things to know to help shape the understanding and practice of war. If it's gay liberal arts shit, then that should just be thrown out altogether.
>>3501 >implying needing justification for not doing cardio >implying cardio can be justified Do you also supplement your protein intake by sucking cock, skellington man?
>>3505 >If it's gay liberal arts shit, then that should just be thrown out altogether. This is one of those issues where "tradition no longer matches reality." Traditionally the liberal arts were about a cultural understanding of classical liberal ideas (whether through history as you mentioned, economics, philosophy, etc.) even a literal art degree was more about understanding how art shaped the Western world and how to improve on these techniques rather than subjective shite. It's only in the last 20-30 years that they were fully infiltrated by CRT and gay nigger bullshit. The military prides itself on tradition because the sanctimony of tradition is one of the guiding principles behind instilling loyalty to authority. Much like that sheboon recently twerking while playing that famous crystal flute, these principles have been turned on their head and bastardized by the modern world which is why the original concepts have lost meaning. tl;dr- I agree with you in practice, but not on paper.
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>>3497 You clearly don't understand the point special forces. They are expected to move great distances to wherever their objectives are and minimize the amount of proper combat since they are most likely to be outnumbered 9/10 times. Sprinting and boxing would make more sense for regular troops, which are expected to do actual fighting, and even then it's a stupid idea.
>>3506 i get all hot and sweaty and winded when i plow your mom. does that count as cardio?
>>3507 Twenty years? More like ninety. It got really, really noticeable in the 1960s and 1970s, but had been going on for a generation at this point.
>>3508 SF aren't supposed to be at the sharp end at all, except in the gravest extreme. They train the people who train local armies. Of course, maybe that was before 9/11 and the War on Terra. In the US military, the line infantry who are supposed to do the heavy lifting in "kinetic operations" are about three quarters IQ-55 niggers and spics. After "the surge" in Iraq the "riflemen" would rotate in by the thousands, never set foot off the FOB more than once or twice in a tour, and get out. They weren't competent and couldn't be trusted not to rape the local women and boys whenever a white officer wasn't looking over their shoulders, so SpecOps had to do all the door-kicking that was supposed to be the job of the 11Bs and 0311s who were all kicking back on the firebase rolling blunts. This is not the army that kicked Saddam Hussein's ass. It's adult day care for niggers and wetbacks who can't read, even in the combat arms now.
>>3497 average soldier is carrying a 80+ lb bag on their back plus rifle plus armor plus helmet plus whatever radios or other equipment they might be carrying. thats why cardio is important
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>>3512 How could they fuck the art up so bad?
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>>3514 Because you are comparing an original video animation from the era when every frame was drawn individually. CGI or not, modern anime is just not the same.
>>3515 One problem with many of the comparisons I see is cheaper older anime would often hold on still images for alot longer, or animate only the mouth. Alot of newer anime is drawn with less detail but more animated. This particular one isnt really a quality problem other than the over reliance on computer effects (like the lighting) and the lack of style and interesting angles and overall composition. I'd say the use of computer graphics and the lack of composition go hand-in hand because both stem from a lack of soul.
>>3516 >the era when every frame was drawn individually. That was a rarity reserved for select pieces of mega ultra hyper autism works, the majority of aesthetically pleasing OVA and movies had plenty of limited animation though in their case it wasn't nearly as egregious as it is today. What I find more notable in these comparisons is that the images showing superior cel frames display them at resolutions and clarity that no one outside of the staff in the studio mastering the film or cinema audiences in the case of a movie would ever get to see, from 1978-1993 the highest available image resolution for home video was 640x480 on LaserDisc whose market share was far outpaced by the 320x240 VHS and its assorted video degradation on repeat plays. The animators for OVAs and anime which never saw a cinematic release could've skimped out and omitted details that couldn't be seen on a LD, but for some mysterious reason scanning their frames at higher resolutions reveals additional details that certainly couldn't have been anything but intentional.
>>3517 >for some mysterious reason Cos japs are fucking spergs that still insist on drawing everything by hand. It's not about integrity because these are still also the same people that churn out lazy 3dcg and lazily slap toner sheets down just cos it's industry practice and the like and the number of autists that actually insist on doing something because they want it to look a certain way and use graphic design techniques aren't really any more than in the west. I mean we're talking about absolute fucking dogshit garbage shows atm anyway, the reason things look a certain way is just because they're from memory copies of other generic lowbrow warstories. >>3515 Anime was always bad and will always be bad, visually at least. That just comes with being multimedia (and low budget).
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>>3509 >implying a cardio insect can even withstand her weight
You don't need giant muscles to shoot guns like you did a sword or crossbow nor the amount of time it took to master those weapons, you just need to be fit and a cardio king. Technology makes things easier for humans and makes them use less of their bodies' potential to where warfare is a matter of stating a GPS coordinate for a tactical strike and having little green men mop up what wasn't killed.
>>3517 >That was a rarity reserved for select pieces of mega ultra hyper autism works Got you covered fam. REDLINE https://nyaa.si/view/927640
>>3518 Lol. You're clearly in the wrong neighborhood.
>>3522 Whoa you convinced me he's wrong and poopy.
>>3523 It's true, but you may be worse in fact? I'd check into that friend. :^)
>>3524 Whoah hes so wrong and poooopeeeee
Speshul Forces have to care about endurance not strength/accuracy. Plus it weeds out those without willpower.
They're special. That's the point. Be more inclusive, anon.
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>>3497 Special forces can do everything physically well....

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