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Race War General : Total /k/ike Death Edition Strelok 11/28/2023 (Tue) 10:54:16 No. 7621
This thread for the discussion of pro-white resistance, past or present, from an onlookers perspective, especially focused on people such as Anders Behring Breivik, Brenton Tarrant and the various copycats that we've seen since March 2019. Are they doing what has to be done? Is it more harmful than helpful? Are they all false flags? Discuss! Memes relating to TKD, TND and the upcoming ethnoglobe are welcomed as well >The Breivik Archive https://ia601002.us.archive.org/6/items/breivikarchive/ >Manifestos http://picochanwvqfa2xsrfzlul4x4aqtog2eljll5qnj5iagpbhx2vmfqnid.onion/fascist/4#823 Useful Threads https://archive.ph/XSaTn https://archive.ph/QlbZA https://archive.ph/oL6k6
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Well, OP should have taken the screenshot already. The objective of the thread is reached.
Is this kind of thread allowed here?
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Hi Ian. How's the weather down at the ASIO center?
>>7621 times have changed you retards WW3 will be chyna and mooooslimes vs everybody else everybody das it mane you will fighting with jews & negros against the chinks and goat fuckers
>>7628 >chinks allying with muslims >despite them trying to wipe out muslims in their cunt specifically because they're too uncooperative with CCP Lemme guess the joos are also omniscient god kings and you worship them?
>>7621 Something to consider before you go shoot up a border town Shartmart or whatever... I think the least bad choice is low-key piracy / burdenmaxxing. Keep it legal so they can't (easily) stick you in a cage with niggers and turdworlders. I was practically forced into it when covid policies fucked up my livelihood and now I've mastered it. Inflation doesn't exist for me and I don't really care what ruinous shit (((they))) do because I'm not paying for it with my time or money...I have no income to tax and I apply for every subsidy I can get - from property tax reduction to lowered utilities to EBT and Medicaid. Shit, I even have an Obama phone. I handle like $10k cash a year, but get close to 30k in gibs, which is perfectly adequate for the cheap rustbelt area I live in. unironically, plebbit is a great resource for navigating the gibs system; bleeding heart libs, slacktivist commies, and shitskins have been gaming this shit for decades. they're experts
>>7628 >WW3 will be chyna and mooooslimes allying How the fuck did you get the impression this is even remotely plausible?
>>7630 Do you have a plan for when your universal income is taken off you, or for if you're being fined for refusing to take the universal income in the correct way, or for if the infrastructure supporting the universal income collapses under the weight of being based on nothing while trying to float too many useless eaters? Because all of these things are occuring. Public infrastructure is crumbling. They will take your savings and when that isn't sufficient to pay debts they'll take your house. Besides that... you don't compliantly qualify for universal income, as you're an evil wrongthinker. I think it's gonna be take the universal income into your CBDC account "or else" fines/forfeit goods/services/private property I'll be doing the same as you soon I just want to make sure you know what it means to be taking the 15 phony silver pieces >>7631 Maybe it was when the Saudis said way back in 2005 or something they were gonna switch entirely away from selling hydrocarbons It was a massive global policy change at the time and went terribly underreported I don't know who's going to collaborate with whom but they have to be willing to take worthless CBDC payments for debt, which can only mean your assets divested from you
>>7632 Yes, I know it's all fake and unsustainable. >plans I'll give you observations instead: Greenhouses /nurseries take EBT for seeds, veg starts, and, most importantly, fruit trees. I remember when rice became more expensive than the food-safe buckets to store it in.
>>7633 I have a satchel with with my bloomed chocolate and my peanut protein bars, but I can't see how I'd survive past the critical 3 months of a famine/ports-blockade event, or more importantly *why* I'd want to survive if God's asking me to get past over a season with nothing. You can live in your own nuclear bunker if you want to but by the time it comes useful God's promise to preserve the faithful has been rescinded and I just don't want to extend life in that sort of a world. I've still prepped and I've got plenty of scavenging items for some future apocalypse or other, but once you're using them and not any outside infrastructure then the +3 months-in period is as rough for me as it is for the rest of the general population.
>>7632 It appears that austerity is coming. They're talking about US manufacturing slowing down and apparently now debt is a problem, lol. I heard it said that early 2024 was going to kick off the debt spiral, in part because of BRICS spooling up combined with nobody wanting our shitty IOU's at the auctions.
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>>7635 >forgot pic Haven't heard much from grandma Yellen lately
>>7635 >BRICS spooling up Russia and China (the only two cunts involved that are worth a shit) aren't exactly doing well either though. I wonder if the USA and BRICS might both shit the bed and return the globe to a truly multi-polar world order because these days it seems only the faggot towelheads sitting pretty on oil wells in the Middle East won't be having their economies commit die in the immediate future. Also makes me wonder if said towelheads might finally get off their asses and pop the pimple that is Israel if/when all of the West and Russia are too busy trying not to implode to stop them.
>>7621 I think a big part of any Direct Action is to have a backup plan to get away with it. Way too many make a one-off kamikaze run and get arrested. Sure, they did their part for the cause but now they're going to rot alive in a prison cell until they die and controbite nothing else. It's a waste, a terrible waste. It's noble to be willing to die for a cause, but I'd say it's much better to be shrewd enough to live another day and achieve more in the long run. Of course it's hard as hell, nobody said it would be easy to get away with anti-ZOG actions, but when you're outnumbered and outgunned you have to be sneaky and you have to be clever.
>>7621 Archive links don't work. Got any back-ups?
None of them target the lifeblood of the system.
>>12069 This is all from Redstone Killers by the way https://archive.org/details/redstone-killers
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>>7621 R E M O V E K E B A B
>board/site is so dead that off topic /pol/troon racewar faggotry is left up for almost a year

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