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Appeal to a free Japan! Strelok 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:05:57 No. 9390
Samurai, Kuril Islands are not a disputed territory - this is your land, the land of your fathers! We have been fighting our common enemy Russia for almost 2 years. Despite the fact that their forces are ten times greater than ours, we have learned to destroy them not with quantity, but with quality. And we are ready to teach you how to fight this enemy so that you can reclaim your lands. Contact us with email: john_chishima @ proton . me. We will reply you as soon as possible
>>9390 >we >>9391 lmao even
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Street Fighter tournament to decide the winner.
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>>9393 Are you not entertained?
Misguided foolishness, attempting to wedge apart Japan & Russia. I'm all for the freedom of Japan, but that liberation shall be found in BRICS, the one force capable of standing against the tyranny of GAE. The Kuril Islands Dispute will be best resolved by diplomacy, once ZOG occupation ends.
>>9395 Fucking site keeps erasing my response to this so I'm going to make it short this time. Japan and Russia have had an antagonistic relationship since before WW1, so there is already a "wedge" between them tye size of the Grand Canyon and you're more likely to get the nips to play nice with the chinks long before vodkaniggers.
>>9396 (heil'd) Point taken, I'm well aware of the Russo-Japanese war, as well as shenanigans between then & now (eg a planned Soviet invasion that never materialized). However, I still believe the best path for Japan is joining BRICS once they win WWIII/Cold War II, or are at least closer to doing so.
>>9397 Wish the nips made their own nukes and kicked the burgers out of the islands.
>>9390 So, uh, how does this plan fare? Are there enough of fools in Japan to form a worthy replacement for the Reddit Interbrigade and go die for Washington? Yeah, did not think so. Not even the fursuit kind of Otaku are this easy. >>9396 >Japan and Russia have had an antagonistic relationship since before WW1, Thanks to failboat monarch and literally baka from Osaka, more or less. > so there is already a "wedge" between them tye size of the Grand Canyon and you're more likely to get the nips to play nice with the chinks An actual skin in the game issue vs. a dead-end shouting match?
>>9399 >had a response written to this >site randomly refreshes and eats my post before I can hit reply God fucking damn I'm not writing it up again, if it's not the piece of shit captcha being uncooperative it's whatever the hell is going on with the refreshing. Does anyone else have the same issue with random page reloading? It only started happening recently with me. Anyway I was just trying to say that even supposedly dead end shouting matches can escalate pretty quickly into skin in the game when you have multiple larger enemies that are allies with one another right on top of you.
>>9397 wasted
>>9395 >The Kuril Islands Dispute will be best resolved by diplomacy You mean the issue Russians have been using as a bargaining chip in diplomacy for decades to leech money off Japan? You "weebs" are retarded.
Why is this even an issue in current year + centuries of either side knowing about them? Is the idea supposed to be that undersea resource and fishing terms are worth more than the islands themselves? Because I'd offer the bears upto Simushir immediately and keep the rest for gooks to fish/drill off of. I don't see why an agreement like that should take longer than a week to settle.
>>9402 Don't worry, now that Japan has joined other USA lapdogs in imposing sanctions on Russia I'm pretty sure the issue is settled once and for all.
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>>9403 Japan didn't fully conquer the Ainu until the 1940s. Arguably the late 1800s. They had nominal access to the Sea of Okhotsk for ice-purposes but even then it was mostly Japan's "wild west" with Sapporo paying the Ainu (and Ainu-trusted work groups/foreigners married in) for ice blocks in order to prevent war. On Russia's end, depending on your definitions, Russia nominally controlled the area since the mid 1700s/early 1800s (with American assistance), but if you go by Soviet definitions, then technically America could sue to use all of Kamchatka for ~40 years if they wanted to raise a stink because the Soviets reneged their agreements under Lenin during WWII for America to have a 60-year lease of the islands. Even ignoring that, the land is leased to North Korea. So really, Russia can only really make a claim to the territory over Japan by restoring the monarchy and claiming their Imperial past once more. Which would trigger Japanese Imperial reform expected in a few years when the Shota prince Hisahito (1st in line) is an adult and takes the throne in about 8-15 years. He's required to graduate a university, and the royal family prefers him to have a masters or doctorate when he takes the throne. Well, technically it's a bit more complicated. Naruhito (the emperor) only took over because he fulfilled the emperor's duties for two weeks a decade ago and is doing a brotherly duty for his younger brother until Hisahito is old enough to take the throne. Naruhito will abdicate the throne to his younger brother, who will immediately abdicate to his son the day he is crowned Emperor. Fumihito does not want the throne and has already prepared his son to take it. Hisahito intends to restore the monarchy's power due to constant attempts on his life by the Chinese. His favorite genre to read is isekai, by the way. At this point, both sides could agree to the Treaty of Shimoda being restored as their respective monarchy-successions would have been restored. Technically without any of the above, Japan and Russia settled that dispute in 2018 but fucking America got in the way and told Japan no. As per your other question: >Why does it matter? Maritime law. The more islands Russia owns, the more they can use their military to force lengthy reroutes or extra money in bribes, and also obscure their international escapades via ghost ships and extra room to sneak them through. Same reason China wants to claim everything from Australia to India as their land.

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>>9396 >Fucking site keeps erasing my response to this so I'm going to make it short this time. Make a screenshot of it next time and plaster it all over the board if necessary. >>9403 > I don't see why an agreement like that should take longer than a week to settle. Because if the issue ever gets resolved in the way Japan likes, it will have no more reason to provide Russia with gibs regularly. Japan's habits up to late 2021, good or bad, was to avoid taking sides in many bilateral relations and just dump loads of money to parties involved, especially in situations where military action matters more. https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/167162 Looking at the allocated funds from last year alone made me raise an eyebrow; it rivals the amount of money that Japan gives to ODA recipients in South East Asia, those which actually help Japanese companies that expand overseas. It is shameful for a supposed superpower to be of equal position with literal backward countries in this matter. https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/oda/press/shiryo/page2w_000004.html >>9405 It's unbelievable how much drivel a man could write in less than in a post. Your flag does serve as a warning. >Hisahito intends to restore the monarchy's power due to constant attempts on his life by the Chinese. [Citation needed] Why would the Chinese kill a person who is nothing but a celebrity in the Japanese society? What they will gain from it but more infamy? Have you even read the constitution? The Imperial family budget is restricted by a government office, meaning it doesn't even give expensive gifts to foreign head of states to which they can sway their opinion. https://www.kunaicho.go.jp/about/seido/seido08.html Their actions don't hold much weight in national politics either. An easy example: the family have stopped visiting Yasukuni shrine since 1975 to but that's not stopping any prime ministers to do so. https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/569002 If the Chinese do want to kill the people in power, then they should have killed Abe way before an ex-soldier did so. He did his best to repeal Article 9 while still pursuing defense cooperation with the US, which means more US weapons on Japan's soil, ready to use anytime by the latter. Furthermore, they could've clearly done that with Taiwan presidents given its proximity and lack of power, but they just don't. The Chinese's favorite tactics is to force immigrants into being spies, have them work at sensitive positions and use bribes to gain access. That way they don't have to deal with too much bad press. When shit hits the fan, then they make noises, like sending ships to hostile waters, like they just did in Sea of Japan with Russian ships. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20230720/k10014136601000.html >At this point, both sides could agree to the Treaty of Shimoda being restored as their respective monarchy-successions would have been restored. You mean the treaty made by the shogunate, which the Imperial family did their best to eliminate? You mean the treaty that violates the very sovereignty of the Japanese government by giving extraterritoriality to Russians? You mean the treaty that goes requires Japan to revise its entire list of preferred trading partners? https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/anpo/anpo03.html >Technically without any of the above, Japan and Russia settled that dispute in 2018 but fucking America got in the way and told Japan no. [Citation needed] Ah yes, the same year where Japan under Abe bought missile defenses from the US purely for self-defense purposes because Commie Gorea has been flying missiles for too many times into the Sea of Japan and for some reason the Russians got mad. As if Japan has no right whatsoever to act or even think on its own feet. If anything it shows that to Russia, Gorea is a nation whose needs takes precedence over Japan, the statement China agrees with. To finalize my argument, Russia is not acting in good faith and it does not pursue mutual benefits with Japan. Given its circumstances, an alliance with Japan would just turn Japan into a host in to which the Russians can leech technology and money, even more so after the sanctions. Japan's latest dealings with TSMC and Samsung to open factories within its shores will make it even more tempting.
Soon Japan will be free like free sake.
Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.
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>>9403 >I don't see why an agreement like that should take longer than a week to settle. Obviously, because it’s not just between Russia and Japan. In the words of Vattel: > «But a people that has passed under the dominion of another is no longer a state, and can no longer avail itself directly of the law of nations. Such were the nations and kingdoms which the Romans rendered subject to their empire; the generality even of those whom they honoured with the name of friends and allies no longer formed real states. Within themselves they were governed by their own laws and magistrates; but without, they were in every thing obliged to follow the orders of Rome; they dared not of themselves either to make war or contract alliances; and could not treat with nations.» Naturally, whatever may be painted on the facade, the Classic International Law is law of nature, so can no longer avail itself directly of the law of nations is perfectly understood by anyone who gets Realpolitik. Since you don’t, it’s simple: Japan is a hapless puppet of USA. Any agreement with a puppet designed to mitigate its puppet-master’s influence is nonsensical. If a pupet could throw off its strings, it would not be a puppet. Duh. If that somehow was not obvious, the recent kerfluffle with Orange Revolution state demonstrated how this works. For that matter, any other agreements also stand only until the leash is pulled, too. So as long as this stands, the matter is very simple: no sober Kremlin will ever consider giving yet another USA proxy any foothold nearby. Again, duh. Should this situation be altered in such a way that Japan becomes de facto sovereign and Ceiling Big Brother is not a part of the picture anymore… It will indeed take longer than a week only because both sides will have far more urgent things to do when adjusting to such massive changes.
>>9409 >Japan is a hapless puppet of USA You're not going to convince anyone with half a wit by repeating the same dogma does not make it true. Go debunk >>60411 first.
The really clever realpoliticklelandeswehr that I don't get is ignoring the fact that no one stands to gain nor lose anything from fighting over the possession of a desolate rock. Draw a line through Shamshittershir and put an international prostitute exchange in the middle. Please pay any diplomat of the month awards in rubles, since I don't get realeconomickeys either.
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>>9410 > You're not going to convince anyone with half a wit by repeating the same dogma does not make it true. I am okay with that. The half-wits are not my intended audience. > debunk Debnuuuk. What in >>60411 ? It’s long. You cannot be arsed to quote or just trying to herd attention into that thread?
>>9411 It's not just about the rocks themselves, it's what can you put on top of them. Russia can easily attack Japan from its north because it has lots of weaponry on the islands, other benefits seem secondary to that. >>9412 >The half-wits are not my intended audience. Your intended audience instead are complete dimwits who just believe blabbering of a random weed consumer on a dying imageboard instead of doing their own research. Sure, entertain them I guess. I'm still waiting for a proof that the Chinese did try to murder a Japanese emperor, by the way. >It's long. You cannot be arsed to quote You can't be arsed to read the first 6 lines? Or maybe read at all?

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