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Battle of Dien Bien Phu /k/ommando 01/14/2022 (Fri) 09:11:55 No. 978
French empire VS Vietnamese independence fighters What went wrong /k/, what would you have done differently?
For starters, get competent commanders and adequate support for your units, not just dump a bunch of armed frenchmen and think that will just scare off the opossing force.
>>978 1. The French set up in a valley 2. They let the Viet Minh take the high ground. 3. They let themselves get surrounded 4. They had no air cover so when the Viet Minh set up artillery on said high ground, they had no choice but to eat constant shelling. The Americans had a similar scenario to Dien Bien Phu in the Battle of Khe Sahn, the Americans were surrounded and the NVA used similar tactics, I think they even had the same general commanding. The difference was that the Americans had coordinated air support, so they came out on top
>>994 Well thats what im saying, they had shit commanders and no support whatsoever, they just showed up thinking they would win just because "le etans".

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