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Anonymous 02/11/2020 (Tue) 13:09:48 Id: e882dc No. 1885 [Reply]

Automation and A.I. in the next 20-30 years is going to result in a massive radical transformation and many jobs will be lost but new ones will be created in other sectors. Massive reductions in the cost of products and services like food and transportation are going to occur.

After this transformation happens and prices for consumers comes down, living standards are going to increase, right? People would supposedly have much more disposable income, right?

We all know healthcare, college and housing are artificially expensive due to government intervention, and these costs will continue to rise.

My question is, are the increased costs of healthcare, tuition and housing going to keep increasing which will NEGATE any benefits of this automation?

In the future in America are healthcare/tuition costs in the typical american's budget going to be the largest expense people have to pay for because the costs have been so artificially inflated by government intervention?
Imagine if food and transportation is insanely cheap but health insurance costs a fortune for everybody.

I really hate that the government intervenes in these sectors, it makes it look like "the free market" is responsible for these high prices, this myth won't go away. We need to solve these problems before it's too late.
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>>1885 Healthcare will probably continue to rise in cost, but I have my doubts about tuition. It seems to me like more and more Americans are beginning to question whether college degrees are necessary for them or not. Corporations have started hiring without degrees, everyone seems to place hire value on experience rather than training or knowledge. My prediction is that save for people going into very specific fields, such as medical or engineering, there's going to be a slow but steady drop off in the number of people going to college in the coming years. Which in turn will force colleges to start cutting tuition if they wish to see them come back.
>>3086 Yeah that seems likely. I remember when I was a senior in college and a lot of businesses were saying that they would hire based on experience and talent. Not so much on whether they had a degree.
Our overlords don't even have a good reason for the nanny police state anymore. Toothpicks must be outlawed to protect the environment. Rope must be banned for safety. Baseball hats must be outlawed because they are ugly. Insurance must be mandatory to protect the insurance industry. Flagpoles must be banned to protect property values. Why not just put Americans in prison when they're born?

Hail Science Jabba 11/15/2021 (Mon) 14:11:01 Id: 000000 No. 4860 [Reply]
Its a cult.
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Didn't Rothbard literally say something about states replacing religion with science as the way to justify its actions?
Our overlords don't even have a good reason for the nanny police state anymore. Toothpicks must be outlawed to protect the environment. Rope must be banned for safety. Baseball hats must be outlawed because they are ugly. Insurance must be mandatory to protect the insurance industry. Flagpoles must be banned to protect property values. Why not just put Americans in prison when they're born?

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Anonymous 06/13/2020 (Sat) 23:38:55 Id: d8e61b No. 3088 [Reply]
>Wants to be president to small'th gov >Gov takes notice and recognizes her as a candidate >Vast majority of libertarians mindlessly support her instead of being productive >Gov selects trump again, since the elections are rigged. >Months of attaining liberty is wasted >Gov stays big Do you not see how the gov is just going to use JoJo as a psyop?
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I don't think voting for the presidential elections matter much. Agorism seems more promising in the current political climate. One thing I do wonder is voting on the local level. That has more of an impact on me and I do think it's ok to vote on the local level since you have more influence and also as a way to keep the government off your back to buy time to develop anarchism.
>>3212 >One thing I do wonder is voting on the local level. Yeah keep that up. Where I am at we have defeated numerous taxes they have tried to sneak in locally. Some of them were teeny tiny amounts yet the people aren't having it anymore.
If protesting must be outlawed to prevent broken windows, why not ban airplanes to prevent airplane crashes or ban knives to stop stabbings? If Americans don't defend free speech, religious freedom, gun rights, freedom from unconstitutional searches and seizures, the right to silence, and the freedom from torture and extrajudicial assassination, what part of the Bill of Rights do they support? What country is this?

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Anonymous 10/13/2020 (Tue) 21:07:13 Id: 000000 No. 3875 [Reply]
Yes, kill the kings, and the state. But also, kill the laws. We cannot call ourselves "free" when we literally have things that literally doesn't exist controlling our egos. You, ancaps, think that you're free, but you're a slave of the money, of the idea of being richer and richer. Sure you can be the boss of some workers, but you're an abstract idea's slave. We have to burn all the capitalist shit to be free? Yes. But communism is also not enough. You're the people's slave. You cannot think for yourself in communism, because, first, the community, then, you.
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Although I like Stirner I have no idea how free market stands against his ideas. What's so wrong with people voluntarily agreeing to work for one another in exchange for selfish goals?
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>>3875 Stirnerites are such obnoxious dunning kruger pedantic midwits fuckin' hell gtfo
Well said. Tyranny didn't work out too well for the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Cambodia so why are Americans embracing it?

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Epic Cash: The Future of Money Freeman 07/01/2020 (Wed) 21:14:11 Id: 44e5fb No. 3224 [Reply]
All right people, it's time to move up. Big Brother is watching you and will do anything to screw up your privacy and freedom rights together with the purchasing power of the Dollar. I'll get straight to the point, if you thought Bitcoin was the medium of exchange you would use to keep your transactions private then you are terribly wrong, its Blockchain is public and will not guarantee as much privacy as you would need to keep your info hidden and safe. You must protect your data and your identity if you consider to have ones, so how could someone send money to others in a really truly private way if they can't trust the financial system nor Bitcoin and its derivatives? The answer is Epic Cash, a scalable, fungible, and private medium of exchange. More info in the replies below.
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You are alive today. This is something. You may be able today to go to a cafe and eat outdoors, but don't let your guard down. Tomorrow will be worse. Americans must be totally obsessed with freedom now. Every conversation, thought, and action must be spent looking for loopholes, resisting, and prepping. The elites want to kill you. How could care you about anything else?

Constitutional Libertarian Monarchy Anonymous 10/21/2020 (Wed) 00:21:51 Id: dd597e No. 3907 [Reply]
What do you think of the concept of Constitutional Libertarian Monarchy? The King would be responsible for enforcing the NAP based libertarian constitution. Imagine, for example, if the British Empire had fully compromised with George Washington and adopted a libertarian constitution in order to keep the American colonies within the Empire. This is one historical way I think a Constitutional Libertarian Monarchy could have arisen nya~
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>>3912 >but the UK is a monarchy and they're not doing any better The UK is a nominal monarchy. The Queen has so little power over her subjects at this point that they might as well not have her at all. I really doubt she's happy about the state of her... well, state, but there isn't much she can do about it without risking imprisonment and/or civil war, or at least intense unrest.
>>3919 The British monarchy hasn't had any power over its wealthy elite since the English Civil War. The Magna Carta showed how the aristocrats could collude to threaten a weak monarch into following their every demand.
Americans voluntarily choose to work at a job for a wage and then turn around and scream that they are helpless and exploited victims because there is only one company in the world and you can't quit, start a business, or learn a new skill.

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Anonymous 01/28/2021 (Thu) 16:29:46 Id: 60ed75 No. 4274 [Reply]
Did... Did normies just get redpilled on the free market???
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>>4276 >I still think "regulatory capture" is far too complex an idea for the typical normie to stomach. Called this one too! https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=LVorHHw-ZOw "Rich people NEVER call for regulation!" Yup, thought so. Hook, line, and sinker. Yet another thing that's clearly not the market's fault has become the market's fault. EVERY FUCKING TIME.
>>4280 You have the OP using words like "normie redpill" and started off with a wojack,if you're just noticing cuckchan cancer now, you're slow as fuck
Living in a police state changes your views. Criminals who shot the Gestapo in the past were bad guys. Now American patriots who attack the Gestapo are heroes. Arresting someone for using drugs when the US was a free country used to be acceptable, but jailing someone for drugs today is tyranny. Since the US is not a democracy now, all laws and taxes are illegitimate. Everyone accused of any crime should be found not guilty.

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Anonymous 01/06/2021 (Wed) 20:24:37 Id: ce2b0a No. 4202 [Reply]
If Trump takes over what do we do?
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>>4206 The CIA puts the minimum percentage of the population needed to stage a civil war at 3%. If you have more than 10% of the population's support, you're doing damn good.
>>4219 If you have more than ten million people's support.*
No one cares when the NSA unconstitutionally wiretaps them, but Americans lose their minds if Google records their web searches. Americans don't mind if the Gestapo shoots unarmed Americans in the back, but Americans become batshit insane if Paypal is racist. Americans shrug if CNN lies, but Americans completely flip out Fox News doctors a photo. Americans scream that they are all victims. Americans lose their heads if Communists use teens to push an issue, but why can't Nazis use kids to promote an idea? Americans become rabid nutjobs when statues are torn down, but why don't Americans raise money to erect statues? Americans became crazy with anger when Obama was nominated for a peace prize, but why don't Americans create a peace prize for Assange? Americans foam at the mouth if there is an award show for homosexuals, but why don't Americans start an award show for teen entrepreneurs? Americans don't care when the CIA tortures, but Americans explode if anyone protests tyranny.

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Trump Appointing Supporter of Gold Standard to Fed Board Anonymous 11/12/2020 (Thu) 21:05:38 Id: bf7564 No. 4053 [Reply]
Judy Shelton may be confirmed to the Federal Reserve (vote Tues or Wed) >Trump has nominated Judy Shelton to a 10-year term as a Fed governor in July 2019 but it has languished, in part because she's a divisive figure. >Shelton is a long time critic of the Fed and once pushed for higher interest rates and a return to a gold standard. She later back tracked on those positions as she sought to secure President Trump's nomination to the Fed and congressional support. >It's not clear if she will have the votes to get the nomination. Republicans said she didn't as recently as September but now that they've lost the Presidency, they may want to hand Biden a hand grenade. >She will need to get 51 votes in the Senate to be confirmed. Mitch McConnell has set a procedural vote to advance her nomination, so we'll see where that goes. >Update: The vote will be next Tuesday or Wednesday. This is the most-interesting Fed confirmation vote I can remember. https://archive.is/NhVmX https://www.forexlive.com/centralbank/!/judy-shelton-may-be-confirmed-to-the-federal-reserve-in-the-lame-duck-20201112
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>>4053 Sadly just like with Greenspan and other people like that, to join the Fed,they must first publicly renounce their support for the Gold standard, and embrace Fiat money as their one true God.
didnt she already backpedal and say she didnt like the gold standard?
Some Americans may have thought that tyranny would never come to the US because the rich, celebrities, media, politicians, and American people would resist. Who would have thought that the rich would loot the country by getting bailouts and subsidies while being the ones conspiring and building the police state by paying actors, singers, and atheletes to distract Americans with bread and circuses, using reporters to push propaganda, real crises, and false flags, and buying off and corrupting politicians with campaign donations and cushy job promises to start wars, import refugees that weaken and divide the US, drive up the debt, make laws that enslave Americans, and throw crumbs to pacify the 99% in the form of food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and public housing? The destruction of the USA is nearly complete.

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Know of any Far right music that is not rock or extreme racist? natsoc-anprim 11/16/2021 (Tue) 08:54:46 Id: 000000 No. 4872 [Reply]
Know of any Far right music that is not rock or extreme racist? I am sick of all songs only being about love or some girl it is getting old. I want to hear a song about how bad the jews are or how evil women are or how evil the users of money are. Link me with some artists.

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Karens v. libertarianism Anonymous 08/31/2020 (Mon) 23:12:25 Id: 5e6d1b No. 3621 [Reply]
Who's the bigger threat to liberty? The millions of Karens in local city governments/HR departments/government agencies, or the federal government?
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>>3813 Yes but no, it's unclaimed territory between Croatia and Serbia but neither will let anyone visit it.
>>3621 It's Shaniquas in local government not Karens.
The government has ruined everything. Loud refugees live near you because the government has started wars. You can only have poor quality clothes because regulations have made US products too expensive. You can't move because the government has closed the borders and put everyone under house arrest.

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Anonymous 11/02/2020 (Mon) 19:09:44 Id: a77bac No. 3966 [Reply]
Give it to me straight /liberty/, do you care about who wins the US elections? American politics (and really just western politics in the last 100 years) all seem so trivial to me. It's like a way to distract people from actually getting shit done. Have them believe that their vote actually matters so that they don't try to do anything else. Have two political factions and make everyone fight against each other so they're too busy to think about who their real enemy is. That's all modern politics are to me, a distraction. Sure, you could go about who "the least of all evils" is, and try to make him win, but at the end of the day, you're still just surrendering to the state. At this rate, nothing will change.
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Americans used to hate criminals and the homeless, but now every American is a criminal and soon every American will be homeless.
Politics are power plays and smoke and mirrors. If you want to bring change to the world you need to do it in a practical, slow and methodical manner. The best thing that could happen is the return of the 2000's status quo with active libertarian scene that methodically tries to improve the world in little steps. We aren't going to have ancap anytime soon, but we can at least gut the government somewhat, so that people's lives are better. Revolution would be only good if things got like REALLY bad, otherwise it's going to end up the same way as it always does.
One way Americans are dealing with the US collapse is by being in a state of denial. Americans say that the USA doesn't have inflation, shortages, suicides, alcoholism, drugs, homelessness, illegal immigrants, immorality, Obamacare, wars, debt, mandatory vaccines, church closures, martial law, lockdowns, business shutdowns, nationalized companies, cancelled elections, closed borders, arrests of reporters/lawyers/priests, mandatory fingerprint collection, DUI laws, checkpoints, seatbelt laws, car liability insurance laws, neighborhood watch groups, "get tough on crime" politicians, laws allowing mandatory minimums, IMBRA, 3 strikes laws, curfews, police militarization, teen boot camps, school metal detectors, private prisons, chain gangs, nanny state laws, the Patriot Act, NSA wiretapping, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, Jade Helm, sneak and peek warrants, policing for profit, no refusal blood checkpoints, license plate readers, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, tattoo databases, gun bans, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, CISPA, SOPA, private prison quotas, supermax prisons, FOSTA, sex offender registration laws, and sex offender restriction laws. Americans scream everything is fine, but their eyes twitch and their hands shake. Disgusting.

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Resisting The Great Reset Anonymous 03/07/2021 (Sun) 00:16:12 Id: d6ad58 No. 4380 [Reply]
How do we resist this dystopian scheme the WEF is pushing? It seems to be the real agenda behind the scamdemic. Even though it seems to be unpopular right now, it doesn't change the fact that governments and their subsidized corporations/organizations are going to push this hard and if it succeeds, I don't know if we could ever escape it. I noticed that people even in non-libertarian circles have been suggesting what is essentially agorism. Saying that we should just create parallel societies through grassroots economics. Is this the proper way we fight this?
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>>4395 >the only government can effectively ban ANY decentralized cryptocurrency would be to just ban the whole internet They may not be able to ban it wholesale, but they can sure as hell kneecap it by scaring people away from it: https://archive.is/KJwGk
I'm all for agorism, but is secession still possible? Texas has always been the number one candidate, but they are increasingly being fed up with Biden's policies, and I bet this Great Reset could be the final nail in the coffin for them along with other states. >>4395 >the only government can effectively ban ANY decentralized cryptocurrency would be to just ban the whole internet They could just force ISPs to block cryptocurrency protocols along with protocols for VPNs and anonymizers like Tor and I2P. Maybe the agorists and crypto-anarchists could start creating their own underground ISPs or meshnets, but I'm not sure if enough have the capability to do so. I'm not saying you should avoid crypto entirely but it's good to diversify and have backups like precious medals or even just simple bartering. The latter of which is much easier to do with your normalfag neighbors than explaining and convincing them to use crypto and counter-economics.
Tyranny is not when a killer murders you. Tyranny is when the Gestapo murders you. Tyranny is not when a store kicks you out. Tyranny is when the government says that you cannot go to the store. Tyranny is not when Google records your web searches. Tyranny is when the NSA wiretaps you phone. Tyranny is not when you get paid $1 per hour. Tyranny is when the government says that you must be paid $1 an hour. Tyranny is not when cars are expensive. Tyranny is when government regulations make cars expensive.

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Panarchism Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 18:04:28 Id: 2dbfba No. 4476 [Reply]
What does /liberty/ think about Panarchy? Is it a good enough compromise between ancaps and left-anarchists or is it a scam for ancoms to get their way?
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>>4487 Excellent summary. I've personally taken to calling myself a voluntaryist, both because it sidesteps having to muddle through the three distinct definitions of anarchy, and because it reinforces the idea of not giving a fuck so long as nobody's messing with me or anyone/thing I care about. However, panarchy, if it managed to work, would be the ideal. Honestly, though, I expect that a voluntary society would take an even more meta-ideological form than that: panarchy implies that multiple competing legal providers coexist in the same space, sort of like the Icelandic Commonwealth; however, undoubtedly, some voluntary communities would reject such a notion, either out of ideological purity (ancoms, probably mutualists, too) or out of the concern that such a plurality would constitute a liability in some way. Thus, even the panarchist model would be mutable, based on which territory one found oneself in at the moment.
>>4487 The only problems is that when ancoms fail with their commune, there will be definitely someone who will want to use them and seize their property which would lead to the creation of slave labor of some kind, which would lead to the creation of the state. The problem is that not everyone will be adhering to libertarian principles even in a libertarian society which would mean eventual expansion to ancom lands after Africa 2.0 happens.
The world is an Orwellian nightmare now. The US is not a democracy. The government and illegal immigrants don't obey the law. You are on camera constantly, the Gestapo is everywhere, you must give your fingerprints to drive, you are being tracked by license plate readers, you'll be groped if you travel or go to a ball game, you must wear a microchip if you go to Disneyland, you cannot use the Internet if you don't have a phone and you can't get a phone without a facial scan, everything is illegal, the government is wiretapping you, you don't have free speech, you don't have religious rights, guns are banned, the government can steal your property, the government can extrajudicially assassinate you and torture you, cash is illegal, and you cannot escape because the border is closed.

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Making Money Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 04:55:53 Id: 0db06d No. 4242 [Reply]
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>>4350 BSV is based. RLC is based. PIVX is based. Anything ETH based with crash unless it can migrate. ETH can't scale. BSV can: https://coingeek.com/bitcoin-creating-tokens-but-not-tokenmania/
>>4352 ok thanks for the recommendations I always heard that BSV will flip BtC because it actually follows BTC’s original white paper
The collapse and insanity of the USA is really disgusting to see. Americans will make up any excuse to justify their slavery. Americans say coffins must be mandated or there will be cannibalism. Americans scream there must be zoning laws to prevent cheap housing. Americans insist trade deficits are good to stop China from buying US land. Americans will look you in the eye and say that the National Guard is the militia. Americans say that the Soviet Union still exists. Americans say debt made Zimbabwe rich. Americans think that the US debt doesn't need to be paid back.

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