/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Eva girls thread Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 18:35:15 Id: f058d9 No. 45733 [Reply]
You know the drill!
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Does anyone have this by Shadow-XCP
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Anyone got Misato Tickle Interrogation by KiimmoTK

Dirty Feet Tickling 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:11:45 Id: 80a190 No. 62244 [Reply]
Anyone else love seeing dirty feet getting tickled? Not stinky feet, dirty feet. Like the character has been walking around barefoot and got a bunch of dirt all over her (or his, this thread is not gender specific) feet. Post images of characters getting tickled on their big dirty stompers! Even if the tickling isn't on purpose, like if their feet are getting cleaned and the character is having a very ticklish reaction to the act of cleaning their feet. Or maybe the person or thing cleaning their feet is purposefully trying to make it tickle as much as possible? Whatever the case may be, if you have art depicting characters with dirty feet getting tickled on said dirty feet by whatever method, intentional or not, post it here! Real life pictures and videos of people with dirty feet getting tickled are also good, if you have that post it here as well!
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>>62299 Shut up and post dirty feet you faggot
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time to start up the art posts
>>62326 >>62327 In his defense, he's right that I didn't need to type a whole paragraph describing what people should post in this thread. A simple "post dirty (not stinky, dirty) soles getting tickled" probably would have sufficed. Also, the other guy is right that calling feet "stompers" is cringe and stupid. I've been spending too much time on Twitter... Anyways, here's some more art.

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Tickleporn reaction pics Anonymous 06/08/2022 (Wed) 01:30:55 Id: 7b6045 No. 22784 [Reply] [Last]
Got the idea in another thread, lets make a bunch of new reaction pics by cropping tickle fetish art it'll be fun
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>>62283 His reaction is hilarious but damn, the concept of an attractive chick lickle torturing some lucky guy's soles is hot
>>62288 oh yeah dont get me wrong. videos hot as fuck, the guy is just so cartoony

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icup 2024 Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 12:32:04 Id: 1f6a52 No. 62020 [Reply] >>62216
Alright, icup is happening soon and since this is the first year it’s been around since Lila was created, we’re taking part. This thread is for updates on events, schedules, and relevant links. Discussion, fanart, banter, et cetera too. What is this? ICUP is short for “Infinity Cup:” an inter-board activity where boards pit tans against one another for fun in video games. Usually just computer vs computer matches in sports or fighting games. The whole thing is typically streamed or recorded. What kinds of games? Right now the only thing that seems to be planned there is Soul Calibur, but some ideas like a Hunger Games Simulator or Pro Evolution Soccer have been brought up. The planning thread is at >>>/icup/5117 if anyone is interested.
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>>62139 You fool. I go outside. :P
>>62020 The problem with icup is it's very high maintenance. The people who would run /icup/ would constantly need volunteers and team work and getting people together as specific times and dates to run it. You also need anons to setup their teams and each of them particularly to setup a uniform and submit it to the hosts. It's a lot of work and maintenance. That is the reason why Soulcalibur6 tournament is a thing: it only took one person to setup and maintain the event. If /icup/ is going to be a thing, you need a group of dedicated people who will actually take the initiative and do the work.

Anonymous Teasing Anonymous 11/02/2023 (Thu) 15:40:54 Id: 593a2f No. 56377 [Reply] [Last]
https://storyzink.com/index.amp.o.html I just found this little site where you can make an inbox for anonymous messages, no social account linking needed. So if anyone is in the mood for tickle-related teases, make one and post your link here ig :)
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>>62140 >Trans girl You mean a man?
Is the site down for anyone else here?
>>62187 Dead for me

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Audio Media Thread Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 03:00:10 Id: c9848b No. 60404 [Reply] >>61807
For sound files. Thinking there should be a thread for it somewhere as I'm sure they have a lot of uses like in tickling games and all that.
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>>60404 Great thread. I've made some and denoised and enhanced them the best I could.
Found this in a forsaken corner of youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suyuywUtKA0
>>61837 Yeah looks like someone tried to do a video capture from a VR game without processing it as a 360 degree format.

Tickling Captions Thread: Gay Quarentine Edition Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 04:56:03 Id: d7107f No. 1628 [Reply]
Tickling Captions for those who like men, because nothing kills a boner or starts a flamewar faster than seeing a cock in your sea of thots. Furfags, humans, otherkin, whatever you got.
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>>61827 If it wasn't good enough two years ago... WHY BRING IT BACK NOW YOU MONGOLOID!?
>>61832 Cause we can
fuck it

Had to contribute with some pics of my favorite MILF
>>28856 >Non-Cringey Edition. >Shows Aurora and her alts which are in fact cringey. cmon now.

Electrical engineering thread 02/06/2024 (Tue) 00:58:26 Id: bc774f No. 61556 [Reply]
A couple of months ago I stumbled upon a clip from either TickleAbuse or TickleIntensive. Besides tickling it featured a picrelated item which has a very unassuming name - High Frequency Device. When operated normally it creates a bunch of small violet sparks which don't penetrate deep under the skin and are hardly felt. I got one for myself and those sparks are barely doing anything on the arch and are completely useless against the ball of the foot. The reason I got it is because as far as I remember in the clip itself this kind of device was creating powerful white discharge which was well felt on the feet. That clip is long gone from the YT and I didn't save it at the time so one could blame my memory being wrong but recently I got another confirmation that such spark is possible. Specifically at the end of a stupid ass WT short: https://youtube.com/shorts/6zjSFyKu62k?si=-R3Mx_mDgzZ4yBUV I tried a couple of things to recreate it: 1) Added salt water to the skin to decrease resistance. 2) Tried to hold it at max setting for some time to "accumulate the charge" and then bringing it to the skin. 3) Tried to touch the ground (heater in my case) while using it. 4) Tried to apply baby oil to the skin to increase resistance. Neither of all mentioned above has yielded any results. The thing steadily generates a bunch of weak violet sparks. I don't understand the working principle of the device very well but can give a short description. It consists of a handle with a power cord and intensity (voltage control?) dial. Into the handle an electrode is inserted in a form of a glass tube filled with noble gas. Sparks jump the gap between the endpoint of the tube and the skin. My questions to all of you is: 1) Do you know how to make it spark like at the end of that WT short without interfering with the inner workings of the device. 2) If not can you uncover the operational principles of that thing and what can be attempted to modify it for the desired result? 3) Do you have the mentioned clip so I could analyze the way the device is used and what possible modifications it has?

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>61562 I believe the spark in that video was added in post for comedic effect. If you look closely it doesn't even flow to his finger.
Also tracked down one of the TickleIntensive videos that uses it https://www.tnaflix.com/jp/amateur-porn/Tia39%3Bs-Attitude-Adjustment/video8086659 Those heads have very interesting designs, they're probably using a vintage model. Also doesn't have giant sparks, but the angle and quality of the video can make it look like the spark inside the head is arcing out more.
>>61565 Yes, that's the one. In my memory from a couple months ago the arcs were bigger. Probably because of the intimidating sound. Well, gonna start rejuvenating my face or something then. Sucks to suck XD

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Elf Girls Anonymous 03/07/2023 (Tue) 03:54:04 Id: ecb645 No. 42294 [Reply] [Last]
Elfs are basically just cute, hot, and smart all in one. Bonus if they're ticklish. https://2hentai.net/elf-oujo-kousoku-kusuguri-monzetsu-zecchou-goumon
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>>44640 Source?
>>60816 I find that this one is really good for reverse image searches on Twitter and only requires a free sign up: https://artist.ninja/reverse-image-search Also, artist in question is substantially GOATed with the sauce: https://twitter.com/rTjAHY5EYtofdgK/media https://twitter.com/rTjAHY5EYtofdgK/status/1531210886362562560/photo/1
>>60807 Of course my village was impoverished, it was an elvish village

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Cuckold tickling Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 23:51:33 Id: 1e88a6 No. 57235 [Reply]
Love this kind of scenario and wish there was more of it. Is there any more media(art, comics, etc) that feature cuck tickling? M/F & F/F to be specific.
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>>58355 That's hot! Anymore from that artist?
>>58360 There is a thread here with his works already. His name is ttxg
What are anons into more? Cuck tickling or Hotwifing plus tickling?

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Your sins Anonymous 01/03/2024 (Wed) 01:03:57 Id: ffee66 No. 59766 [Reply]
ITT: confess your tickle-related sins. I've got two. I've gone to the strip club quite a few times and gotten/given it there. Twice now I've gone to a Chinese massage parlor that gives happy endings and gotten/received it there. While being jacked off. It was rad.
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>>60447 Yeah, I've heard about those NYC foot fetish parties, so it's definitely a thing. And they look pretty fucking good too, tbh. How were they like anon? Quite frankly, what I'm picturing gives me a general sense of anxiety over privacy, hygiene and possibly being dissapointed in girls that aren't really all that ticklish or aren't comfortable with being tickled for real, as in, hard and for a few minutes at least, which is what I'd want to be there for really (not that I can say I'd blame them, really, I certainly understand how getting all sweaty and fucking up their make up because of this one tickle weirdo wouldn't fly in the middle of their gig). >>60550 Godspeed anon, I understand the temptation, but I can't say I recommend you go for it, kek. Do share if you do, of course.
>>60103 attractive college guy here. Closet autist megafootfag. Worshipped and tickled over a dozen cute girls feet since high school. Some were girlfriends, most not. Usually at a party they’re drunk enough to agree to try new kinks. Footjob>worship>tickling for me. Tickling feet just gets boring. Tickling armpits and stomach is more fun. Maybe its because I dont have stocks or tools or whatever but it’s just boring after like 5 minutes. It especially sucks if the girl isn’t into it which like 90% are not. Tickling is one of those things that is only super crazy hot on porn in my opinion. Footjobs and worshipping are top tier in real life. Perhaps you’ll find differently, but you may be dissapointed when tickling someone isn’t like the hundreds of thousands of hours of porn you’ve watched. Again this is all just my opinion.
>>60633 Sexually I prefer tickling feet But after getting a gf she’s absolutely more fun to tickle on her pits and sides than feet because it gages a better reaction so I understand

Tales of Tales of 01/17/2024 (Wed) 01:15:00 Id: 7eccf8 No. 60501 [Reply] >>60542 >>60543
Os course Tales of
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Do NOT buy Gargalesia from MTJPub - DOWNLOAD IT HERE FOR FREE Ibano 03/15/2023 (Wed) 04:54:12 Id: de9ddc No. 42792 [Reply]
Hi guys! I'm making a thread about this because the hate thread isn't enough to contain the amount of seethe this piece of shit is going to produce. Gargalesia is a marketing scheme employed by the old retards holding the reins of MTJ Publishing to keep puppeteering Scavenger's corpse beyond his internet grave. Although it's also possible he is back for the money, which would be all the sadder. The art is mostly, and almost entirely AI generated with various inconsistencies between the pics supposed to represent similar people. It also has a fair bit of photoshop and editing as well, but the heart of it is AI art with hints of what Scavenger used to do well, aka HR Giger stylized bondage. For the price of 16 USD, you get exactly 12 images, which equates to $1.3 Per AI generated image. The images go from uncanny to mediocre, and the stories are all hilarious from how bad they are. It wouldn't be as bad if MTJPub wrote loud and clear that its all AI generated, but they do not. Going as far as to use "The ghost of scavenger" as a loophole to use his name. Fuck every single artist that cries about AI art because they "take your job". This is one of the times where the use of AI is worth of being called out by how ugly, unethical and scammy it is. If you just want to read the comic yourself, I have it attached in the files.
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>>42804 Recently he came to TMF and at least claims to be the real Scavenger on a new account. https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?352155-The-Lost-and-Unseen-(-*-F-NUDITY!-)
Anyone have Ticklish Bombshells? Have a bunch i'll share in return
>>42812 Any chance the comics will be updated at some point, be it by you or someone else?

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Punk girl tickles Anonymous 09/22/2022 (Thu) 12:51:33 Id: 80aa98 No. 29648 [Reply] >>60445
Hello!~ Firstly, sorry for this shit-tier size image, but it's the only image I was able to find myself of her. The girl in the image, normally sporting multicolored hair and green cargo pants- was in a few tickling porn videos a while back. Maybe more clips than I'm aware of. I recall two videos myself: One depicted in the attached photo, and another where she's tickling others. Anyone got any videos featuring her? Seem's all her videos have disappeared from the face of the internet in the last few years. Thanks all.
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I came across this obscure video on youtube. . . https://youtu.be/4CPDWmIwb3I
Potentially the same girl in the post pic? What y'all think?
>>29648 > 29648

Oculus Rift/VR Tickling Anonymous 11/15/2023 (Wed) 19:50:11 Id: 2321de No. 57001 [Reply]
So last week I bought an oculus rift quest 2 off my friend; he was selling it cheap and I was always curious about that stuff. Plus of course I needed to know what all the fuss was about regarding VR porn…and holy crap this shit is crazy. Also being a footfag there’s plenty of content out there for me on the usual streaming porn sites but VR tickling is a bit harder to come by at least for free. However a quick search on clips4sale revealed a ton of pretty affordable clips; a lot by CzechTickling and then a handful of other clips by studios like UKTickling and Silvercherry. Plus they’re pretty affordable usually no more than $8-$12 a piece. This is probably also because a VR clip that length (usually around 10 minutes) easily exceeds 4gigs in size so they have to be short and VR clips are a niche within a niche so there’s probably low demand for them. I already bought and downloaded two clips but what I may end up doing is rather than maxing out the storage space on the rift, is uploading them to a streaming porn site (I fled to SpankBang after the mass PornHub exodus) and set it to private for my own use or perhaps others on here. Just waiting for SpankBang to finish system maintenance and re-enable uploading. Which brings me to my next topic; anyone else do the VR thing and maybe want to share content or have any recommendations of fetishy stuff I should check out? I’ve heard there’s a few VR tickling games out there but vary greatly in quality.
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>>60384 Another one
>>59444 I made a couple new ones based on some "tickling asmr" youtube videos. These incorporate some begging and talking, which I thought would be a nice change of pace from just straight laughter.
>>60412 Yeah those are way better than mine. Also I started an audio media thread for this stuff. https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/60404.html

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