/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Japan tickling clips that are actually good Anonymous 06/08/2022 (Wed) 04:47:27 Id: 12b8b6 No. 22795 [Reply] [Last]
They are rare and most of them are unfortunately previews only, meaning you have to buy them to watch the full video. Still, there are probably hidden gems and I feel like they warrant their own thread.
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I kinda regret getting into JAVs. I thought I was just dipping my toe in with the ADOA clips that are leaked on Chinese sites and accounts. And then I find I'm really into this one model Yukari Nonoka 有加里ののか as a ticklee. She's real screamy and a looney mad way, very much unlike other modestly ticklish JAV models I've seen. And now I'm trying to grab every clip I can. The problem with that is when I have to title the clips, I come across previews for other videos not leaked. I'm really vying for this one to be shared on pirating libraries: https://en.xcream.net/item/305839 SGTK-010 In truth, I'm just after the mummified tickle scene. If anyone finds it out there, please lemme know Also the first pic is this clip from ADOA, the first one I found of her https://en.xcream.net/item/306338 Found it on vk and went down the rabbit hole since. You can use novids for access some vk videos if you don't have an account like so https://novids.com/video/261077521_456239040
>>79631 https://novids.com/video/643161963_456239025 https://novids.com/video/829671081_456239026 Welp. I spoke too soon. Literally just searched her name on novids and found it. 480p but its better than nothing
>>77980 This one was crazy good man, thanks for sharing. Huge fan of the part on the second to last segment (before the 'tickle machine', about 32 minutes in) where the guy won't relent on tickling her armpits and she starts to really freak out, to the point she manages to free one of her hands and her only concern is trying to get him away from that spot. There's some genuine desperation in her expression and reactions, it was insanely hot.

Belly and Navel general 2 Belly and Navel general 2 02/05/2023 (Sun) 00:30:59 Id: 415c99 No. 40363 [Reply] [Last]
I like Belly Buttons
Edited last time by Flatty on 02/05/2023 (Sun) 01:36:08.
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e-celebs, STAs, etc Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 06:23:25 Id: fa281d No. 8466 [Reply] [Last]
what are the ethics around tickleporn of ecelebs/their avatars? is it much different than that of normal celebs or vtubers? and who would you wanna see get it?
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>>79606 lol ok but not putting in any effort
>>80185 >>75579 very nice, now do elyse next, please and thank you
>>80185 Rightfully so. You finished your part! Not your fault Kron couldn't finish his. On behalf of everyone waiting, we sincerely thank you for the effort you *did* put in!

Color/lineart/edit thread 3.0 Anonymous 06/03/2022 (Fri) 14:17:09 Id: 60fba4 No. 22499 [Reply] [Last]
New thread for color suggestions since the previous thread has hit bump limit. I’ll start off with my request from the previous thread, which is to have this pic by FireFox-SF (now calling himself JohnnyRespawn) to be colored. Considering the background I’m pretty sure the dojo from SFV is what’s being used in this pic, but just in case I attached a reference for the outside of the Rindoukan dojo as well.
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Kandenrem really looked at these amazing Imp Midna tickle sketches and (for now) didn't color them. Hope he does at some point, but I've posted his true form Midna picture for a color reference
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Found these colorations on a discord server

Nipple tease, tickle and rub Anonymous 06/23/2023 (Fri) 17:31:32 Id: cb666e No. 48442 [Reply] [Last]
so i recently found out that nipple tease is hot - it's kinda like tickling, but in another dimension, and you moan instead of laughing (tho it sometimes tickles too, making a great combo!), that's why i thought this place might be perfect ask a question: do you guys know any fine sites, pictures or artists with such content? but i don't mean doing any harm to nipples, like pulling or pinching, only light touch! so far, i found these: - BluishFeather: https://www.deviantart.com/bluishfeather - kinda obvious pick, focused on tickles; - White Stew: https://twintail.mhx.jp/ - focused on nipple tease, but made few tickle pics as well; - 39tei: https://nhentai.net/group/39tei/ - entirely nipples; - Parity Nyuu: https://e-hentai.org/tag/group:parity+nyuu - this one is gold, since he combines tickling in general, nipple tease AND tickle fights! ...but the more the merier, right? ;)
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Tickle Hell Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 16:54:41 Id: 79ae22 No. 31785 [Reply] [Last]
My favorite scenarios. Lees trapped in eternal (or lifetime) torture, maybe with a break now and again to give them hope, but otherwise they're trapped forever in ticklish agony they can't escape. Either stated outright, alluded to, or just possible because the lee's surrounded on all sides by some tickle monster. Stories work too.
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>>80196 > Do you want to end up in their places? Uhhhmnhmmmmmmmm no definitely not (yes)
>>80204 Go ahead, anon, do crime

Lila Appreciation Thread Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:54:36 Id: 574f53 No. 33384 [Reply] [Last]
Isn't it a bit strange that we share content of our mascot on a thread that isn't about her? Anyway, I'll concatenate what we got of her so far
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>>80121 >This is some bush league level of bandcamp fantasy. BillVicious is a must
>>80141 I don't think she's really meant to be a fap fantasy character, just there to give you a smile. She could probably stand to be drawn and written hotter I agree, but it seems like artists are more interested in using her to take shots at board culture and do occasional tickle art of other tans. >>80133 fucking hell, lostonezero would be wonderful. >>80121 Bebob used to lurk here and has just come out of another months-long hibernation for sketch commissions. I'd love to see his take if he's ever free.
>>80121 >Which artists do you want to see do Lila? I recommend the best bang for your buck. You could get a lot of Lila art for a lot less if you know the right artists. unless budget isn't a problem, then get the best artists, lmao

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Translation Thread Anonymous 09/24/2021 (Fri) 01:07:50 Id: 3cc0ca No. 1436 [Reply] [Last]
I'm probably not the one who should be making this thread since I don't speak Japanese, but I saw the idea pop up before and I think it'd be nice to have one. Anyway, I used the magic of google to translate this doujin into English. Enjoy.
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These were posted on another thread, can anyone translate what he's saying in japanese to these flight attendants?
Wouldn’t mind seeing a translation for this full comic: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/53910724/post/8739269
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Would appreciate anyone taking a crack at these.

OCs that you want to see fucking TICKLED Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 21:33:41 Id: c98bb0 No. 30861 [Reply] [Last]
post OCs that are going woefully untickled, either because their artists aren't ticklefags or maybe they are, but are lazy or not doing it for whatever reason
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>>79832 I WON Now it'd be awesome if someone here drew Tipsy getting tickled
>>75804 C’mon anon. You can’t just say you’ve gotten a plethora of your friends poor little darling ocs being tickled and then just hold out on us. Give us the goods
KrylonHeretic on twitter has a pretty cute cat character named Omen, and I'd love to see him get utterly wrecked with tickles. He's a silly hitman sort of character who shares a body Killer 7 style with another cat named Oscar, but I mostly just wanna see Omen tickled to the point of breaking, I just find him really cute for some reason.

Games Thread 3 Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 23:39:16 Id: 2caec4 No. 68463 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread >>27549 hit the bump limit.
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>>80125 Alright, this gave me the same error but I managed to figure it out, if anyone else finds the same issue this is what worked for me (basically changing how my computer interprets non-UTF-8 symbols) https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/file-explorer-not-displaying-japanese-characters/c6f8dbb6-bf89-4bc0-9c9e-ca7b4c3ef542 Oh and I did have to delete the files and unzip them again
>>80151 You could have probably managed by unzipping it with WinRAR, without having to change your locale. Just go to Options, Name Encoding and select Japanese Shift-JIS and it can usually unzip files with the correct Japanese names.

Shota Thread Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 09:28:23 Id: 2ff56c No. 71506 [Reply] [Last]
because fuck you
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>>79334 May I have the name of the work please?
>>79382 Shounen Tickle
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are there lewd hucks or is this a manip? found on an old gay tickle site

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Animal licking - Less cringey OP edition Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 20:48:48 Id: e14ea7 No. 1767 [Reply] [Last]
Post animals lapping ticklees into submission
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>>78392 Out of curiosity, what stories did you decide on?
>>79483 where did you get the second picture with the goblin lady watching that looks like cyriian chronicles pinup art

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Tickled in stocks Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 15:30:14 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Post the most rare and uncommon tickling scenario ever invented (Normal feet tickling is fine too)
Edited last time by Flatty on 10/17/2021 (Sun) 04:44:36.
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>>80154 Love that one, the expression is perfect. A few touches from those tentacles is enough to send her into helpless hysterics.

Tickling Captions 6: Gaelstorm Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 05:20:01 Id: 6e7a35 No. 49911 [Reply] [Last]
Let your cruelty shine.
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Taking advantage of the Christmas theme...
>>72272 source on 3rd?

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Writefag/Literature thread Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 11:00:27 Id: 7df0c7 No. 957 [Reply] [Last] >>79417
(Get it? It's a feather quill.) Use this thread to discuss fetish literature. Read something good? Post it. Write something you want to share? Post it. Looking for recommendations on what to read, or suggestions on your own writing? You've come to the right thread.
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>>957 Ticklefic author here, I go by ticklemang on the TMF and did on Reddit until I got banned lol
>>79352 Fuck, I've been searching for this story for ages, the scene with Sasuke tied to the tree is fuckin gold shit. I really wanna start writing shit like that but I just wanna write the horny parts and can't write the beginning of a story.
https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/1158314637 https://archiveofourown.org/works/62959144 Here's a story I just finished writing, set in the world of Coffin of Andy and Leyley and starring everyone's favorite psychotic goth bitch Ashley Graves. It's a pretty rough, cruel, horror-themed tickle session and I really wanted to go all out on this girl because of how terrible she is. Plus, here are some pics from Jimbo that I commissioned as companion pieces to the story. Hope y'all enjoy!

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ArisuYoku thread Anonymous 09/13/2021 (Mon) 16:29:31 Id: c8195b No. 904 [Reply] [Last]
post em if ya got em
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>>78285 It's bad, thankfully we at least get some reserved. Well, here's an old archive of the old artworks on pixiv: https://exhentai.org/g/1673170/ede44e3f4c/. So the only problem is, does anyone has the old works uploaded in 2017-2019 on Deviantart?

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