/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Danganronpa Tickling Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 08:07:11 Id: e944b6 No. 9296 [Reply] [Last]
Surprised to see this thread doesn't exist yet, here are some of my favorites.
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>>11412 I swear this artist has drawn Maki in a gif with still images following each other. I think she was suspended from the ceiling and the tickling starts with her having her socks on. I cannot find it anymore though

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Any good arab girl tickling videos? anon hob 12/30/2024 (Mon) 22:13:46 Id: 57477b No. 77880 [Reply]
Above aside from Negar from TP and Prya from TA i dont know of any. Is there any good models out there?
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There is on by Stryker entertainment with a beautiful conservative Islamic girl, I believe she is Arab since she chose an Arabic nickname. https://www.strykerentertainment.com/index.php/shopping/?filterings=Jasmine%20Fahad Also tickle intensive dis some with two girls one is an Egyptian descent her name is Sonya, and the other one her name is Sania. French tickling did with some Moroccans and Algerian girls: Sarahni for example After all It really rare to find bunch clips with Arab girls whether they are Muslims or Christians from my experience as someone who lived in Lebanon and Syria for several years, it's not a popular thing there and it's really sad cause it would be fun to see them pleading in Arabic in different dialects..
Don't know why people mentioned pryia(Indian) and negar(Persian) Both of them are not arab as well as preeti and Priya from UK. Arab world is located in west Asia and north Africa They speak Arabic as an official language, but some of them also belong to previous civilizations such as: Kurds, Syriacs, Phoenicians, Amazighs...
>>77924 a lot of people just sort of assume "The Middle East" is just entirely Arabs. That Iranians/Persians aren't even the same race as Iraqis comes as a surprise to most people. OP likely just wanted "cute brown girls" and used Arab as a catch-all.

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Captions After Dark (aka the loli tickle caption containment thread) Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 00:35:01 Id: 8e4a19 No. 19983 [Reply] [Last]
Fun for all ages!~
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One of the best tickling scenes in anime.
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Merry late Christmas, boyos.
>>66447 what discord?

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Ass/Anal Tickling Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 05:25:29 Id: f4999c No. 41528 [Reply] [Last]
Post any and all tickle pics centered around the ass. That includes ass cheeks, anus, asshole/butthole, and even tickle toys entering the anal cavity.
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There needs to be a tickle thread of our favorite gals DDLC Tickling 10/08/2022 (Sat) 18:00:23 Id: dd3d45 No. 30716 [Reply] [Last] >>77625
Monika, Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, our girls need a touch of laughter as well
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Bleach Tickling Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 14:32:15 Id: 68badc No. 2116 [Reply] [Last]
A lot of hot girls
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Does anyone know when Pierrot published this? Or what title he gave it?

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Ribbotang Ribbotang 08/02/2022 (Tue) 00:12:35 Id: 16a35b No. 26116 [Reply] [Last]
Post any Ribbotang stuff
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>>77331 Nice, dude, this is awesome. How about the other episodes of the Misadventures of Thiefess? Does anyone happen to have them? I think it would be really cool to gather the whole series in one place, if possible. If it's still possible to find them all.
ribbo i love u dude, thanks for the early xmas gift ♥
>>77344 There's a drive link upthread, no? Just take that and everything new that follows it. But your suggestion of one place with all the theifess comics lead me down an idea to collect the comics in one file. So I made a pdf of all the comics and some pics that feature Ribb's theif character. Compiled and compressed though, so if you want the fullsized png pages, download them yourself. I took the liberty of assuming the title for 'Runner Up' and 'Audition' but 'Sole Survivor' was the title saved by DA's filename metadata. Unfortunately that's the comic that remains incomplete before Ribb's hiatus to current silent posting. Also please forgive the use of AI upscaling for the last page of Audition.

Twomario thread Anonymous 01/23/2022 (Sun) 12:18:25 Id: 902629 No. 12500 [Reply] [Last]
Twomario art specifically. Gimme all ya got
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>>72792 Actually the free ones include a lot of the lolis, so you can have that at least https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122685789
>>72792 Appreciate that, but can you at least tell us who the ticklees are?

Unique tickling challenges/exercises Anonymous 10/05/2021 (Tue) 21:43:05 Id: 73b2cc No. 2504 [Reply] [Last]
I love the idea of trying to accomplish some sort of task or endure some sort of challenge while being tickled. For example the first picture, she's trying to remain perfectly balanced on the fitness ball, but the sudden ticklish twitches are obviously making it harder. In the second one, she just has to do simple pullups. And in the third one, she must hang on for dear life while the vibrator between her legs drives her mad, and of course her predicament only gets 10 times worse if she falls.
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Tickling Content by people who aren't into the fetish Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 22:36:20 Id: cb9d8d No. 8685 [Reply] [Last]
I differentiate this from mainstream in that it's art or media involving tickling by artists or creators who clearly aren't known for having a tickling fetish but have indulged those who are. Could be commissions, or it could be random requests.
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Genshin Impact tickling Genshin Impact tickling 09/08/2021 (Wed) 22:36:55 Id: d54e95 No. 639 [Reply] [Last]
Teyvat with t of tickling
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/28/2021 (Tue) 02:26:07.
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Anyone got a full ENG version of this? Artist pixiv is here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125533313

Cringe General Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 16:52:29 Id: f11fe7 No. 48499 [Reply] [Last]
Cringe peeps in the tickling community doing autistic, creepy and/or cringy shit; not just artists. Share your stories, personal accounts, screenshots, etc. Yeah it may seem mean spirited but better to try to make a containment thread for it rather than having it sprout up randomly and derailing other threads.
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>>77725 cute and funny
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>>77724 >8chan is a hivemind Yes, the best kind of hivemind

🎄 Christmas themed tickling 🎄 Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 00:24:05 Id: 685c78 No. 8600 [Reply] [Last]
Tis the season my dudes
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>>77558 forgot the first one of these two from 2017
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Feeteraco just posted some sketches of a Mrs. Claus design on his Patreon. I think she looks cute as hell. He will very likely draw her getting tickle tortured some way or another in time for Christmas. If he does, I'll share it here.
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AviJustFeet Thread Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 19:29:22 Id: 740e8f No. 47594 [Reply] [Last] >>77708
First thread turned into a shitfest of people showcasing their dogshit opinions. Don't care. If you're not into piracy keep walking. If you're into piracy dive right in. With all this said, feel free to share any links/videos/GIFs on the matter.
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>>75225 I saw this video in a vk group called |Anime[Superhero, Comics, Games]Tickle|. The group is private though, you have to wait some time before they let you in. https://vk.com/club65345341
>>75249 Sweet! Thanks anon!
>>47594 Could anyone reupload the Leya videos please?

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MHA girl tickling Anonymous 01/09/2022 (Sun) 16:50:24 Id: 760cbb No. 11338 [Reply] [Last]
Heroes need to smile
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NylonTickling (the c4s studio) 12/22/2024 (Sun) 03:45:33 Id: 9b8cd0 No. 77518 [Reply]
I've always been pretty into these nylontickling videos that would get leaked everywhere. Some of them are really hard to find due to takedowns, so I'd figure lets post them here
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>>77540 I disagree. There’s some models he uses a bunch that are questionable but a lot of the one-off random college girls and milfs are really good.
On top of that I also think he's a great Ler. Like above average. I like when it's slower I prefer it over just spastic wiggling fingers the entire time. And the newer videos where he just, stops talking, and just tickles... So good.

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