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Renfaire Tickling Thread RENFAIRE TICKLING THREAD 12/09/2022 (Fri) 10:40:48 Id: 2b055f No. 35511 [Reply] [Last]
Where the heck is renfaire thread? The only known events where random girls get tricked in stocks and tickled.
Edited last time by Flatty on 02/13/2023 (Mon) 21:59:28.
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These are the most recent pictures I know of, from the website of a Northern Italian festival in 2019.
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Is there a full video of this renfaire clip or at least the name or the source that it is from?

True Tickling Stories/Greentext Anonymous 12/01/2021 (Wed) 17:19:48 Id: f0376c No. 8262 [Reply] [Last]
Tell us your real tickle experiences, as ticklee or tickler, planned or otherwise! >Be 20, just moved into shared student housing >Floor had 10 separate rooms and a shared kitchen, so It was pretty common to see most other people living there every day, and we were all comfortable with each other >My room is next to a qt 10/10 goth girl who liked to watch anime >One day she invites me to go watch Kill la Kill in her room or some shit >I expect to be just one of at least 3 others, but it turns out I’m the only one >She’s laying on her bed on her front, while I’m sitting on a seat next to the bed, right by her bare feet >As she watches, I can’t help but stare at her soles the entire time >Finally can’t help myself and tickle her feet a bit with my fingers >She arches her back and screams “MOTHERFUCKER” within a fraction of a second after I make contact >That immediately switches on the sadist in my brain and I pin her ankle and keep tickling >She jerks a little bit but then stays completely still as she laughs, totally letting me do it >When I finally stop she just says something like “I can’t handle that” and laughs >I say some shit like “H-Haha that’s really funny” >Never bring it up again >Never saw her again after I left college

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>>78417 >implying the retarded tickle fetish is any less gay than actually taking dick in the ass
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>>78435 just because you want it to be, doesn't make it so
I have a few stories. Some from my SIL, some from my MIL, and then some random chicks. Here's one of my SIL >Hanging out with 21 year old SIL (lets call her ashley) >Looks like my wife so shes a stacy >Super bratty and bitchy unlike my wife, so i have an intense desire to tickle her into submission. I know shes subby from different conversations we've had, just gotta bring it out >She comes over to stay the weekend at my house, wife is out of town for work. >We spend the day flirting and cuddling a bit and watching tv (this is how we hang out more or less) >Ashley starts telling me some shit about her boyfriend. She makes it clear she doesn't even like him, and is just waiting to break up with him later. >Basically tells me about how she flirts with other guys all the time and is texting them and stuff. >Its ok when she does it with me, but not with other random guys >Ashley is wearing thin white socks, and as "punishment" for being a whore, I grab her legs and sit on them. She is face down at this point. >I start tickling her feet through the socks, and she immediately tries to pull her legs back, but I'm sitting on her thighs, so she can't do anything about it. >I start to peel her socks off and she screams "NO PLEASE" > Leave the sock half on because I like the buildup, and spider my fingers on the part of the foot where the heel meets the arch. She is laughing so hard and kind of trying to pull her feet away, but not struggling that hard, more so just laughing loudly and begging a ton >Decide I want more, and pull her socks off all the way >She's begging me to stop, not to tickle her any more. I grab one of her big toes and bend it back, so her toes are exposed. >"OH GOD NO PLEASE! NO PLEASE"

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Insane Asylum Tickling Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 11:00:35 Id: 74d968 No. 7394 [Reply] [Last]
I'm talkin leather straps, straight jackets, let's make some crazy bitches go even crazier
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Not sure if this thread is even alive anymore, But here's some of the stuff I got. BTW, I'm not sure if people are Familiar with The Taimanin series, But Feral/Felicia is pretty much a forgotten character if you ask me and if you like SJs you'll probably like this, due to it being her Default clothes!
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Unfinished or Abandoned Works Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 06:40:10 Id: 5be221 No. 69345 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for things that were a bit more ambitious than first draft WIPs. For one reason or another the artist decided to not complete. In Briel7's case, it coincided with them quitting fetish art entirely. I think they did so amicably, even so far as to lay bare future plans they had coming in pdfs. It's just a shame they had to leave in the middle of the Scarlett Witch comic. You could tell where it was going with the third page and the outline pdf all but confirms it but knowing with will never be finished just sucks. Like Thanos, I feel cursed with knowledge. Polarbearnsfw was working on Kim possible in their earlier years on patreon but it seemed to have been caught up in a multitude of complications back then. For one, it was to be a 13 page dialogued comic. But then came issues with justifying that amount of work in the tiers and pledges system. Lapses in motivation and financial burdens it seems. Favoring more reasonable formats like the 5 page silent velma comic, collaborative works like Delphi or just working on a singular animated vignette at a time per mouth. At one point they mentioned reworking it by adding animation to the "dreaded kim possible comic" as they put it. But last word of it was about 3 years ago, so one can only assume it has been abandoned. It's possible polarbearnsfw has shared other bits and bobs of the comic to certain pledgers throughout those years working on it but whose to say. Share other works like this and/or info, gossip and hearsay about this things
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>>77930 Bruh seeing old Pawfeather hurts my soul. So much stylisation traded for generic photoshopped anime loli sameface looking characters
>>77783 He said he will resume this project the next year
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>>69631 Okay so my own personal philosophy is that when an artist you really love suddenly announces they’re getting married, you get those last few commissions in as soon as possible but keep them succinct and manageable because of the inevitable outcome that will proceed… The second the artist announces they’re going to be a parent, they should immediately be stricken from everyone’s lists of potential commission artists. Having a kid apparently does stuff to these people, makes them feel dirty and perverted doing fetish art especially if they have a little girl at home (makes them imagine pedo tickle fans stalking them online). As soon as they have a kid it’s only a matter of time before they slowly fade away in the public eye of the fetish community and has happened frequently to numerous major content creators over the years. Misery and the need for validation fuels most fetish artists. Once they find love and validation, that motivation begins to waver and having a child makes it disappear entirely. It’s not about them anymore and their need for approval, it’s about other people…then they disappear. Words to live by.

Zenless Zone Zero 09/05/2024 (Thu) 01:32:55 Id: 3a2ea9 No. 71767 [Reply] [Last]
Honestly surprised a thread about this game hasn't popped up yet considering its been out for a few months. Regardless, send what ya got.
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Ahem Bump
>>78381 >Typical self-insert coomer footjob Literally "ZZZ"

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Tickle Tools General Anonymous 05/26/2022 (Thu) 21:32:34 Id: 114dd0 No. 22006 [Reply]
A thread for discussing tickle tools and weapons >What is the best/most effective tickle tool? >Do you have any original or lesser-known tickle tool ideas? >Which tools have you felt and what were they like? >Do you have any specific brands or tools you recommend? >What is the best way to use each tool?
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>>78268 Nice find on the controller, that looks to be the exact one. Bet he's found a supplier who will sell him just the controller without the other stuff. The battery box looks generic. It's got a barrel plug instead of USB on it but yeah, I think you could just pick up a random one. The attachments all look to be build around prongs from head massagers, not sure if he's disassembling cheap head massagers or making them himself with some stiff wire and epoxy or something. >>78265 On X he claims he put in an order for a large amount of vibration motors with a certain RPM, but I can't see that he said what that RPM is anywhere unfortunately.
>>78268 Ok, i'm tempted to buy it and try this out. I'm just wondering about two things: 1. What makes you think it's this kind of egg specifically? The vibrating unit inside is not shown in the offer. Or is your guess based on the little pilot? 2. How best to attach the head massager rod so the vibrations are well transmitted and it's durable? Glue? Soldering? I feel like all that is gonna break pretty easily. Is there some obvious way I'm missing feasible for diy?
>>78281 Hmm, after another look I'm pretty sure those barrel plugs are for the vibrators, not the battery, but, I'm not sure. >>78291 1. Honestly, I don't have a solid reason for this. I would assume he's working with the same supplier as he could get better rates and a better chance at custom parts, and as such I assumed that the custom parts he's getting are very similar to the model I linked, but that might be completely false. There's a chance he's just getting the controllers that have barrel plugs where the motors would be, and getting the motors and shells elsewhere to assemble his own attachments. There do seem to be some nice motors out there with barrel sockets (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256805921343250.html) but I can't find any that look like his attachments. 2. I'm not sure. Glue would probably work, but then you'd only get one shot at it. You could use small zip ties, but that's a bit janky.

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Tickled Beyond Limits Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 02:38:08 Id: 703735 No. 75996 [Reply]
Looking for anything depicting the lee being tickled to extreme levels that result in a mental break, insanity, exhaustion, passing out, etc. A small nuance from the Tickle Hell thread is looking for things with a bit more realism. In the other thread, lees are tickled forever which is unrealistic because of physical and mental limits. Here I would like to see those limits acknowledged in some way.
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Peak ending.

Sousou no (Frieren) Tickling Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 16:45:44 Id: f5e300 No. 63699 [Reply] [Last]
Given the fact it has been consistently on Top 1 on MyAnimeList, and I don't think it will change anytime soon, we could say it deserves it's own thread. Bring the Tickling Beyond Journey's End.
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pp tickling Anonymous 10/08/2023 (Sun) 23:26:42 Id: b2f0ed No. 54872 [Reply] [Last]
>obligatory "I'm not gay, I just fantasize about having this done to me by a female"
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>>76133 sauce?? couldnt find it on saucenao
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Trophy Wall Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 00:26:28 Id: bb51fd No. 15111 [Reply] [Last]
Give this stale shit a breath of fresh air. If its a unique spin on the scenario or a talented artist tackling it well I wanna see it.
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>>77050 thanks
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Trappeddreamer/Every Day Comix Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 00:27:27 Id: 9cf775 No. 75685 [Reply]
Post some of his great art here!
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>>76311 Are you able to give an exact link?
>>76313 It was in the sharing thread that had the most posts. https://m.vk.com/topic-42291453_39988064?offset=10800
Anyone have any of his newest stuff??

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Shameless Venting your Tickling Fantasies! Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 03:57:16 Id: 53cd5c No. 15941 [Reply] [Last]
Excuse the picture I think it's funny... This is a thread for venting your tickling fantasies, this started from talk in whyboners thread about our m/m fantasies involving tickling mafias and the like.
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>>78136 Oh, a stoner who's also into tickling, that's perfect. Have you ever had someone tickle you while you're under the influence? I've always been really interested in the idea of mixing weed and tickling, but I don't partake myself so I have no experience, and I would love some insight.
My idea is kind of silly but I would greatly enjoy it My fantasy is being able to travel inside of my favorite media(anime, video game etc) and with my knowledge of the series doom the heroes and villains to bad end tickle torture using their own weaknesses be it social or physical to help break them down and gaslight them into thinking they deserve it
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>>78141 Different anon, but weed makes me at least 10x hornier and more sensitive. Different strains have do different effects, so. THC overdosing or “greening out” isn't a serious issue it can't kill you, but it would end the session if the lee had too much since they would probably just pass out or be too dizzy. I don't have much experience being tickled IRL outside of some playful non-bondage tickles from girls I've dated, but the feeling is heavenly and sex is unreal. The key is to know your tolerances and limits and that goes for any substance. My dream session would include “forced” drugging to keep me horny and compliant as a tickle slave, or doing the same to a lee as I'm a switch. I imagine some perfecting a strain which induces extreme horniness, an extreme body high, along with leaving them relatively clear minded to appreciate every sensation. Add Maca, Tongkai Ali, and other cheap readily available aphrodisiacs to the mix and your victim would be ready for an extreme tickle torture and edging and denial session they'll never forget. Edibles are definitely my favorite by far as they last longer, get me higher, and are more consistently dosed. Unless you or your lee one of the unlucky people whose liver does not properly convert the THC, edibles are probably the way to go. 5-10 mg is the perfect starter dose. Protip: The best “body high” inducing cannabis I found are mix of technically legal hemp derivatives like D8, D10, HHC, THC-P all packaged in one. These tend to be extremely potent, so be sure to ready the recommended dosing carefully and start small if you go that route. They don' have an official name or brand since the “industrial hemp” market is constantly turning out new companies and changing product names and ingredients.

Tickle art of real people (not fakes) Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 17:56:15 Id: 5768c1 No. 29279 [Reply] [Last]
Degeneracy incoming. Tickle art of real people is so fucking hot to me. Tickle fakes are fine if done right and they get the job done and can actually be hot at times, but it’s just not enough. Seeing good tickle art of celebs (or even better, people you know, wives/friends etc) is so rare but it’s just the best. If I was any good at drawing I would genuinely make art of all my friend getting fuckin wrecked. I’m tempted to drop pics here to see if anyone will draw them but obviously that’s not a good idea so whatever but god dammit I wish I could draw well to do this shit salajxbdbajaghasv
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Whoops, doubled the Friends one. Meant to do this Heather Locklear one instead.
>>78124 There is also this one BAC made of Heather Locklear.
>>75330 bumpin once again

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FFXIV Tickling Anonymous 09/20/2021 (Mon) 21:47:43 Id: c11635 No. 1264 [Reply] [Last]
Both 3D and 2D XIV tickling pics.
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Amazing! Source?
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>>51968 https://twitter.com/BlueberryMeower She puts a lot of great stuff, and has done another of those "tickling-based duties". I really hope they become a regular fixture of her production cuz it's golden lmao

Fire Emblem Tickling: Engage CoFu 02/15/2023 (Wed) 04:49:05 Id: 74d697 No. 40972 [Reply] [Last]
The previous FE tickle thread got bumplocked, so here's the new one! A franchise with a ton of lees and lers, post pictures and discussions about your favorite FE girls (boys too) in ticklish scenarios!
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Star Wars - Better theen Ep. IX Star Wars Tickling 10/02/2021 (Sat) 12:34:58 Id: 72d12a No. 2201 [Reply] [Last]
Lets clean our minds from that terrible movie by puttinh here our favorite tickle pics from Star Wars caracteres! May the tickle be with you!
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>>77898 How anybody gets off to AI slop is beyond me
>>77945 Everyone has their thing.

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