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Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. https://archive.is/7ksT7 Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
I love Carol so much.
>>1060697 Cute face, weird teeth. Would still love.
>>1060697 To hold, to hug, and to kiss.
>>1060791 seeing as how she is french, it could've been much worse.
>>1060899 French kiss?
You disappointed Carol. How will you make it up to her?
>>1060940 By playing Onirism?
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>>1060940 Ask her what I did wrong. Since Carol is not a full blown woman yet, she probably still has the mental faculties to tell me what's on her mind.
>>1060940 Give her the Desert Eagle
>>1060940 With a bottle of 10mg melatonin pills. Her dreams would turn into Splatterhouse, which I am sure she would enjoy.
>>1061030 she would get angry at you because she can't sleep without her bunbun.
Just to be sure, the things they show in the trailer on the steam store, like the noir city, outer space, the castlevania esque place, those are not in the game right now, right? is there any side content aside from the keys in meadows and the ice staff on the boreal sea?
>>1060940 Headpat her
>>1061541 At least some are from arcade levels.
>>1061541 Aside from the bonus levels, the optional arenas, the little puzzles in the Great Library, those three towers to climb to open that silo door in that giant tree in the swamps, and the hidden objectives in some of the tales like >>1061650 said, that's about it.
>>1061650 that sucks, i wanted that on the main campaign, not in some horde mode that doesn't give me any reward for playing them. worse yet, arcade mode give you so many fun weapons, even more so the melee ones, and they are all confined to that mode and doesn't exist on the actual game.
>>1061948 >some horde mode that doesn't give me any reward for playing them. Yeah, they need to at least make it so you unlock the costumes for getting a high score.
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>>1060940 Give her the squatomatic-9000 so she can do her exercises.
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>>1061948 Some of the guns used to be tales only, but eventually added in the campaign, I predict the tommy gun will be among the guns added in the spooky level after Marshmallots.
>>1062070 Is the Super Dragon in campaign yet?
>>1062073 Not yet, but I'd be sad if it didn't. I'd suppose that if this is a corpo weapon, it'd drop at the Corpopolis update, so not before long.
>>1062074 Dragon is feeling like weak point of my arsenal. Any better ideas for a energy weapon that you can obtain by Al-whatever it is?
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>>1062075 >Dragon is feeling like weak point of my arsenal It's fine against most enemies and very good at mid-range fights. It fire precise and fast 8-10 DMG projectiles with a decent fire rate, which is great against any low or mid-tier enemy. It just falls short against high-tiers (think anything >=300HP or that fucking 150 HP jumping snake cunt) and bigger crowds because of the reload, otherwise it's supposed to be a "primary" weapon of sorts, a jack of all trades for anything that isn't too big or a Serious Sam wave. If you still have trouble against a Hellene with it though, I can't help you. The other energy ARs are the impulse rifle and the tacticooler. IR deals 10-12 DMG per shot, and the bullets bounce on walls, but the fire rate is lower, the projectiles are slower, and the accuracy is worse, so it's more of a sidegrade. Tacticooler feels more like an SMG. Very rapid fire, precise and its projectiles are fast, but the DMG per shot is low, so it's more like a direct upgrade to the UZB. For other efficient energy weapons, there is the BB-12 spreader shotgun. Fires BBs in a cone, around 60-70 DMG full blast, does the job of a pump shotty better than the boomstick. The crayon launcher and ZL9 lasergun are energy miniguns, made solely for crowds due to the windup. Good DPS at full speed otherwise, with extra aftershock DMG with the ZL9. They work also nicely against high-tiers. The frisbee cannon is a Gauss cannon that goes through anything in a straight line when charged, but it's 5 Energy ammo per charged shot, so lining up the enemies is necessary for ammo efficiency. Can hold its own against a high-tier, and you can effectively snipe with it thanks to its range. The gamma claw is a special laser gun. Fires 6 beams that lock into anything at its limited range. If locked into one guy, the DPS is consistent and usually higher than a Dragon, but the lasers can lock into several enemies, effectively damging them all at once, but technically reducing the DPS for each enemy. Due to the limited range, I don't recommend using it against anything that hits hard in CQB like a scorpion girl, and instead use something with more range. If there's another AR I'd recommend, it's the Jackhammer. This one is fireworks ammo, but it stunlocks almost anything, including the snake. It's shit against crowds due to it's low mag for an AR though, so keep it for 1v1s or or 1v2s.
>>1062080 I've found it's too low damage for the exposure time to use on mid-range enemies, and too low damage to really eat through crowds, and it's not even that good on evasive enemies. Didn't realize the Gamma Claw worked on multiple enemies. May try a minigun.
>>1061706 >>1061948 So does this game have an actually finished single player story mode? >>1062026 So... Besides this, the little witch game, and frog gun is there anything else out there?
>>1062100 No, but you can easily spend 3+ hours per dollar of the purchase price on it, and it's all handcrafted. Last major bugs just got fixed. >So... Besides this, the little witch game, and frog gun is there anything else out there? There's >>1049178 >>1058653
>>1062102 >There's Yeah but that game is not even close to being out yet, right?
>>1062106 >Yeah but that game is not even close to being out yet, right? New update is supposed to come out this month, and the full release is scheduled for Q3 2025.
>>1062075 For general purpose full auto I'm more likely to use the dart ammo HMG or the water ammo Buffalo XL, both of which do solid damage without being constrained by mag sizes. I do still bring the Dragon's scoped variant around, since it is great for weaker enemies, but I've been spending more energy ammo on the Meteor Strike bow. I ought to compare its effectiveness to the BB-12. My current loadout is scoped Dragon, the newly-added water ammo sniper rifle, a firework weapon, the XPML SonicBoom, the Buffalo-XL, the HMG, Jessie & James, and the Meteor Strike. And, of course, the hair dryer which gets very potent once it's got all the upgrades. I finally did the Meadows castle, and the dryer absolutely fucked shit up there, between the freezing, the shotgun spread, and the pass-through. I dislike how reliant that loadout is on dart ammo, and ideally I'd find an energy-ammo replacement for the XPML, in that role of a cheap AoE for swarms or shields I'm also not really satisfied with any firework weapons. The Grenade Launcher is good sometimes, but it's not always practical, and others tend to feel underwhelming for how scarce the ammo is.
>>1062192 my favorite high firerate weapon right now is the huntresses, it does aoe damage which mean it pass through shields, i doesn't have a lot of drop-off and it does enough damage per ammo that i barely can put anything in it's place on the loadout.
>>1062080 Thank you Paul Denton for helping us with armaments in the loli island
>>1062070 can you make something like pic related but with carol and the huge double barrel shotgun?
>>1062377 I'm not the one who drew it, but you can ask the draw thread.

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