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UNCOMMON TIME 2024 CHRISTMAS THREAD! Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 23:54:39 Id: 77908c No. 1034849
CORRECT YEAR EDITION! IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! You are cordially invited to the UT Christmas Stream at https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime There will be some new Tactics and ReTuned content if Tactics and ReTuned devs remember to post a new link and I will DEFINITELY beat Arietta with only Teagan (probably not), but I will give it my all in the attempt. I don't know what else to say besides thank you for all the laughs, and I hope to see you there. [addendum] TEAGAN DID NOTHING WRONG! START TIME: DECEMBER 7TH AT 3pm CDT/1pm PST/9pm for Britbongs/10pm for the rest of Europe [Tentative Schedule subject to change if 8tv go's tits up] Dec 7th: Start Vanilla UT plus Nuclear if there's time for it. Dec 8th - 10th: Finish Vanilla UT content Dec 11th: CODA and Duet, Start Tactics Dec 12th - 13th: Finish Predecessors(Tactics) and move on to Retuned IF a new version is available Dec 14 - 15th: Finished ReTuned and may God have mercy upon my soul I'll stream Sullen Boku Girls Alliance if there's time. [As stated above this schedule is subject to change depending on several factors including] >8tv shits the bed, again. >My internet dies, again. >OBS is being a bitch, again. >I'm taken away by the jews for internet crimes! >How quickly I'm able to complete the content. [Questions you may have] >How long will you stream for? I'll stream 5-6 hours. This is a good time frame to complete UT in a timely manner but also give anons a chance to see the important stuff like Nuclear Teags! >Will the stream be recorded Yes I will record the stream. >Are you really half yid and half pizza? Definitely! >Will you stream a pre-stream I may stream a bit early to test everything and make sure it works. But that remains to be determined, if I do I will announce it in the threads. >Did Teagan really do nothing, or is Alto misunderstood? YES! >Is Teagan a nigger? Most certainly Probably not!
>>1050690 I didn't think Meirin could get anymore retarded but apparently now she's got the downs to boot.
I missed the last stream. Where can i watch the record of it?
>>1050762 Maybe change the names around and given them different costumes so you can put it on steam for shekels.
>>1050883 After I am done with Anon's Bizarre Advenbture and Predecessors(Tactics) I will upload it to archive.org and post a link in the various threads.
The muzakbox started up some time ago btw, guess someone forgot to place the lofi.
Reminder that (you) can make Anon's Bizarre Adventure better! >>1031572
>>1051074 Is this the last day?
>>1051209 It is for now. I'll stream again once Tactics dev drops a new version of his game.
>>1051210 Alright then, thank you very much
And with that the Uncommon Time 2024 Winter Stream is DEFINITELY I'm waiting for TacticsDev to Update! The game is different every year, and I am still finding new shit in the vanilla game like >>1048836 It's always a blast to shitpost with you anons and I hope you had as much fun as I did. I got to stream brand new content, and we saw Anon's Bizarre Adventure for the first and last time. I also want to thank all of the Uncommon Time anons who have participated in making mods, games, OC, and just hanging out. Without you this wouldn't have been possible. Thank you very much and MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Any further announcements will be made in the threads especially this one!
>>1051400 Hey, NAC, JimJam's getting a new version ready right now. Looks like Winter stream might not be over just yet.
>>1051440 I know I just saw his post on smug. Looks like I'll be steaming tomorrow anons!

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>>1051443 Feel like I should've done some more errands today had I known for sure. >>1048942 Nigger, that's Relena Peacecraft, one of the female leads of Gundam Wing. Second pic is her brother in disguise,The movie, Endless Waltz was streamed on /vhs/ years ago but I might air a couple episodes of the Operation Meteor OVA of the show at https://cytu.be/r/overlooktheater in a few hours.
>>1051457 Nah it's totally Alto, and the uncommon time anime is set to release summer of 2025 :^)
>>1051488 Well then you might see the original here, now: https://cytu.be/r/overlooktheater
I will be streaming the new version of Predecessors(Tactics) tomorrow on Dec 17th at the regular time! Don't miss it, and I hope to see you there.
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For those that were interested, I tried to grab the music playlist every day before the shuffles. There's probably things missing and there are duplicates, but you can yt-dl -x -a <filename> to grab it all. Some good finds in here.
STARTING TACTICS NOW! GET IN HERE! https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime
New version of Tactics. Now with even more Content Windows: https://mega.nz/file/OvZFURZQ#qSskUZB8_yKayFBzgMcq6UQi3SKcE5r1vpZA4gSV_5g
Just a reminder we'll be finishing Predecessors tomorrow on the 18th!
>>1051600 Here's an alternate text file including the ones that were left over from the muzak box, just in case.
Predecessors begins now! This will likely be the last stream for 2024! https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime
And with that, so ends another Uncommon Time Stream. Maybe one day we'll see FeralPhoenix join in on the fun, if only for a little while.
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Here's a link to my now completed unless I change something Chibi Alto mesh https://files.catbox.moe/37kylk.7z This model has mesh within the Alto's puffy pants and shoulders in the event they don't animate well so you can choose whatever parts work better. Texturing coming soon tm.
Does anyone have the archived threads from 2015?
>>1053059 Here's a bunch of links to some archives of the games and downloads. Some of them are now empty or have been taken down thanks to the jews. https://files.catbox.moe/31p2jq.txt
>>1053059 There's one here: >>1047938
For those interested the 2024 Winter Stream is ready for downloading at https://archive.org/details/UTW2024 I messed up the file formats while uploading but it's all there.
>>1060282 Danke!
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